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Case Study: International Student Retention Problem Proposal
Michael Whitener
Step One:
McGregory educational agency helps students, both local and
international secure placements in community colleges and
universities. We guide students to identify a course of their
choice and make necessary arrangements to facilitate placement.
We offer professional guidance according to students'
specifications. For example, a student identifies the path they
want to do. We provide a range of colleges and universities
offering the came, including cost and accommodation facilities
for international students (Sá & Sabzalieva, 2018). Once a
student identifies their college or university of choice, we take
them through all the processes to ensure they get a placement.
Student retention has, however, been a recurring problem with
international students.
During my tenure in the educational agency administration for
various community colleges, we encountered international
student retention problems. Most international students apply to
a college and get admitted, but they get a cheaper course in
another college and transfer to that particular college once they
are placed. A transfer would mean the process has to be started
worldwide, a major international student recruitment challenge.
Low retention rates could hurt the agency's reputation.
Step 2
The agency is divided into two departments, one that deals with
local students and another that deals with international students.
The international student's department has over ten staff, and
we specifically handle students from selected countries in
Africa, Australia, and other non-American students in eligible
countries. In the last ten years, we have managed to facilitate
the transition of 5,987 local students to universities and
colleges and 2,341 international students to get placements in
colleges and universities around the US.
During the last two years, student retention has been dropping
significantly. The previous year was the worst, with the agency
recording a 35% drop from the previous year. The problem had
escalated to the point that authorities were concerned about our
student retention rate, which would cause dire consequences if
not addressed on time. Therefore, a team was selected to
identify the cause of low retention rates and find possible
solutions to the problem. The group, thus, embarked on
extensive student analysis and identified some loopholes that
needed to be filled immediately to avoid escalation of the
We identified that our application process was not thorough in
identifying students who can complete a course of choice since
course selection was not fully informed. Additionally,
international students had no idea of America's education
structure, and once admitted, they experienced a challenge in
coping with the learning mode(Ammigan & Perez-Encinas,
2018). Students' financial ability was not identified as this was
a significant challenge that made students switch to a new
course amid admission in a class. Assessing student's financial
ability was also suggested to be thorough and comprehensive.
Finally, we identified behavioral variation among students.
The team formulated various solutions to handle the case of
retention in McGregory Educational agency. Student assessment
had to be thorough to source students who have the potential to
complete the selected course. When students choose a course, a
team in our institution would be tasked with taking the student
through that particular course's requirements to gauge if they
could handle the learning requirement. Students from countries
that use a different education system besides American would
also be with the system t ensure they do not get culture shocks
restoring to seeking the other course elsewhere.
In conclusion, problem-solving is essential for educational
agencies, especially when dealing with students from different
backgrounds. It is crucial to assess the problem before they get
out of hand. Student retention risk is one problem I was
involved in problem identification to finding a workable
Ammigan, R., & Perez-Encinas, A. (2018). International student
services. Encyclopedia of international higher education
systems and institutions, 1-4.
Sá, C. M., & Sabzalieva, E. (2018). The politics of the great
brain race: Public policy and international student recruitment
in Australia, Canada, England and the USA. Higher
Education, 75(2), 231-253
Reconciliation Plan
Michael Whitener
Reconciliation Plan
1. Describe the material issues in this conflict.
The cause of conflict is the sexual aggression that Tim had
against Laura on their happy hour excursion. Tim’s sexual
advances to Laura made her apprehensive and aggressive
towards Tim. Tim’s worry that Laura would expose him for
what he did made him act aggressively towards Laura.
2. Describe the personal issues or offenses in this conflict.
Laura felt offended by Tim's sexual advance. She felt very
disrespected and was further annoyed by the behavior Tim
showed in the workplace. She felt that he had no right to act in
such a way after his behavior in the cab. Tim felt embarrassed
when Laura rejected his sexual advances and was worried that
she would expose him at the workplace, which would taint his
reputation in the firm or, worse, get him fired. He, therefore,
resulted in mistreating Laura in a bid to scare her from
revealing what happened.
3. Write down everything you can think of that is noble, right,
or admirable about the other person in this dispute, including
good memories or ways God has blessed you through that
Both Laura and Tim are very talented employees. Laura may be
new to the firm, but her work has been exceptional. She has
managed to reach her targets on time, and her inputs to the team
have been commendable. Tim, on the other hand, is an excellent
team leader. The teams he has supervised have always been
4. What rights, legally or morally, do you have in this situation?
Since I am in the senior management of this firm, I am tasked
with overseeing employee performance and resolving conflicts.
The conflict between Tim and Laura has affected their
performance and made the work environment uncomfortable for
other employees. As such, I must intervene and resolve this
5. Which of the personal issues or offenses described can you
overlook? Which of the material issues described can you give
in on?
I cannot overlook any personal issues in this situation. The
conflict is based on a sexual offense which is very sensitive
since the company has a no-tolerance policy for sexual
harassment among staff. The case is also very complicated since
the conflict occurred in the social setting. I will have to address
all the personal issues and ensure that each party is satisfied
with the decision.
6. Which listening skills do you have a hard time with waiting,
attending, clarifying, reflecting, or agreeing? Write down some
things you will do or say to overcome these weaknesses.
I have a hard time reflecting. I find it hard to listen and feel
empathetic with the other party during the conversation. I often
prefer reflecting once we have completed the interaction. I will
improve on this weakness by ensuring that as I talk to either
Laura or Tim, I focus on the emotional aspect of the message. I
will try to understand what emotions were evoked by the other's
actions. By understanding their emotions, I will be able to
decide on the best way to resolve the conflict that all parties
will accept.
7. How can you show that you are trying to believe the best
about the other person (i.e.,making charitable judgments)?
I can do so by listening to what they say and not criticizing
their actions. Actively listening to them will show them that I
want to understand where they come from and I am on their
side. I can also do so by using positive and encouraging
language while communicating with them. Using words of
affirmation such as I understand you while talking to Laura or
Tim will show them that I do not judge them and I am trying to
believe in them.
8. Which worldly weapons have you been using, or are you
tempted to use, in this situation?
I am tempted to use my authority as their supervisor to get them
to end this conflict. I could use my authority to force them to
hash out their disagreement and stop their aggressive behavior
against each other.
9. Have you been using your tongue to bless your opponents or
to speak critically of them? How could you breathe grace to
them in the days ahead?
I have used my tongue to speak critically of the two. When I
first saw that their performance was dropping due to the
conflict, I was critical and wondered why they couldn’t talk
over their issues like adults instead of being petty and being
passive-aggressive towards each other. I was also very annoyed
when their disagreement affected everyone in the workplace. I
will breathe grace to them by being more understanding of their
situation and less judgmental.
10. To whom can you turn for godly advice and encouragement?
My pastor has always been my source of godly advice. He is my
spiritual mentor and has always guided me into making
Christian decisions. I intend to ask for his guidance on how to
handle this situation in a godly way.
11. What can you keep on doing in this situation that is right?
I can try to get the two parties to communicate with each other
and hash out their differences. I can use reflective listening to
understand their situation and try to get them to resolve their
conflict. Resolving this conflict will ensure that both parties
feel relieved of their hurt feelings and will boost their
productivity and the productivity of their teams in general.
12. Would it be wiser to communicate in person, on the phone,
or through a letter? Why?
Communicating in person will be the best for this situation. It
will allow both parties to come to terms with their hurt feelings
and understand the hurt that each has been going through. They
will also express themselves more openly and find the cause of
the disagreement, which is a crucial first step in the conflict
resolution process.
13. Clearly articulate your plan for resolving this dispute over
the next two weeks.
I will set up a meeting between Laura, Tim, and I to discuss
their current conflict. I will act as the arbitrator in this conflict
resolution. I will get them to express their hurt feelings towards
each other in stages actively. Afterward, I will get them to
apologize to each other and state what penance they believe the
other party should conduct. I will then find the middle ground
between their suggestions and go over their satisfaction with the
decision, after which I will get them to reconcile by shaking
hands and being cordial with each other. I believe two weeks
will be enough to go through all these stages of confli ct
Davis, K. (2013). Conflict communication. San Diego, CA:
Sande, K. (2004). The peacemaker : a biblical guide to
resolving personal conflict. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Michael Whitener
1. Briefly summarize your dispute as you perceive it, placing
events in chronological order. Include what you have done to
resolve the dispute.
A young woman, Laura, was hired as a copy editor for one of
the many journals produced by the company. Seven other
employees worked on this team editing this Journal, including a
senior editor named Tim. Laura had worked there for about a
month when she and her co-workers went for a happy-hour after
work. Everybody had a great time and had consumed a fair
amount of alcohol. When everybody left the bar to head home,
Tim, who had been secretly attracted to Laura since she started
work at the Journal, hailed a cab and offered to share the ride
with Laura. Laura accepted the offer. Once she was inside the
cab, Tim then suddenly made an aggressive sexual advance
toward her. Horrified, Laura pushed him away and told him to
get out of the cab. Mortified, Tim slinked out of the cab. The
next day, Laura came to work with some apprehension. How
would she deal with Tim? Would the cab incident affect her
job? Although Tim did not supervise her, would he try to get
her fired? Since this day, Tim and Laura have all been showing
aggressive behavior at work. Laura does not want to work with
On the other hand, Tim has constantly mistreated Laura
since he is afraid that Laura might open up to her fellow
employees or even superiors which would get him fired. The
two have been continuously arguing, and they rarely want to see
each other in the office. However, most office people do not
know why there is a conflict between the two since they did not
witness the incident (Luria, 1932).
2. Have you been striving earnestly to resolve this dispute or
giving only partial efforts to reconcile?
I have put all my efforts into trying to resolve the conflict
between this two. This is because, since their conflict began, the
two employees' work productivity has been very low, and, in
most cases, their duties even end up not being well performed.
For this reason, it was essential to find a solution that will
resolve the conflict as much as possible to avoid further
deterioration in employee performance.
3. What questions, doubts, or fears do you have because of this
The question that I have in this dispute is what happened
between the two employees, and the doubt I have is that both of
them will be able to work in the same team even after resolving
the conflict. The one fear that I have is that if the case is not
solved as soon as possible, one of the employees might resign
from their job.
4. Have you been looking at this dispute as something that
happened by chance, as something done to you by someone else,
or as something that God allowed in your life for a specific
In my perspective, the conflict just happened by chance.
This is because if the bar's meeting had not taken place, there
would be no conflict to resolve. The conflict was not helping,
and for this reason, I would not classify it as God sent. Maybe
the only way to identify if it was God sent would be later after
the conflict had been resolved.
5. Using what you currently know about conflict resolution,
which response to the conflict have you been using to resolve
the dispute?
There are various ways through which a conflict can be
solved, and one of them is arbitration. In the simplest terms,
possible arbitration can be defined as the private process where
parties in dispute will agree a third party helps them come to a
solution for their conflict. This is the most effective method to
use in this case (Sadat-Akhavi, 2003).
Luria, A. R. (1932). The nature of human conflicts.
Sadat-Akhavi, A. (2003). Methods of resolving conflicts
between treaties (Vol. 3). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
EDUC 746
Personal Conflict Project: Part 3 – Reflections Grading Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Not Present
Reconciliation Reflection
18 to 20 points
Candidate provides a full, clear section detailing the following:
1. The reconciliation meeting
2. Strategies employed
3. Outcome of the meeting
17 points
Candidate provides adequate section detailing the following:
1. The reconciliation meeting
2. Strategies employed
3. Outcome of the meeting
1 to 16 points
Candidate provides decent section detailing the following:
1. The reconciliation meeting
2. Strategies employed
3. Outcome of the meeting
0 points
Not present
Project Reflection
18 to 20 points
Candidate provides a full, clear section detailing a reflection on
the project and lessons learn throughout this project.
17 points
Candidate provides adequate section detailing a reflection on
the project and lessons learn throughout this project.
1 to 16 points
Candidate provides decent section detailing a reflection on the
project and lessons learn throughout this project.
0 points
Not present
Not Present
Paragraph Length, Sentence Structure and Mechanics
10 points
Sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and structure.
Writing displays introductory and concluding sentences that are
concise, interesting and focused. Each paragraph is at least five
sentences. The writing is free of errors.
9 points
Sentences are well-phrased and there is some variety in length
and structure. Writing displays clear introductor y and
concluding sentences. Each paragraph is at least five sentences.
There are 1–3 errors, but they do not represent a major
distraction or obscure meaning.
1 to 8 points
Some sentences are awkwardly constructed so that the reader is
occasionally distracted. Writing displays vague introductory and
concluding sentences. The writing includes many errors. Each
paragraph is less than five sentences.
0 points
Not present
EDUC 746
Personal Conflict Project: Part 3 – Reflections Assignment
Throughout this course you will be introduced to different
theories, strategies, and skills necessary for conflict resolution.
This theoretical underpinning is necessary before you can
practically apply any of the concepts you learn in this course.
This project will allow you to start to identify a current
personal conflict and attempt conflict resolution strategies and
reconciliation based on the theories, strategies and skills you
encounter. This project has three parts: Part 1 – Identifying the
Dispute, Part 2 – Reconciliation Plan, and Part 3 – Reflections.
In order to finalize this project, you must reflect on your
reconciliation meeting. Due to the sensitive nature of this
assignment, full confidentiality will be maintained.
This assignment has two different reflections require. First,
you must reflect on your reconciliation meeting. You must fully
describe your meeting, strategies you employed, and the
outcome of the meeting. Secondly, you must reflect on this
assignment as a whole and fully explain what you have learned
through this project.
This assignment should be between 2 – 4 pages in length and
each paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences. No title
page, abstract, or reference section is necessary unless you use
citations. If you use any citations, you must properly cite
according to current APA standards and include a reference
Please note that your final grade on this project is not
contingent upon successful reconciliation, but the process you
go through during this project.
School of , Liberty University
Author Note
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
EDUC 745
Case Study: Developing an Action Plan Grading Rubric
Levels of Achievement
Content 70%
Not present
Structural Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan
19 to 20 points
Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Full application of the structural lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan.
17 to 18 points
Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Application of the structural lens has been incorporated into the
multi-dimensional action plan.
1 to 16 points
Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi -
dimensional action plan.
Some application of the structural lens has been incorporated
into the multi-dimensional action plan
0 points
Not present
Systems Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan
19 to 20 points
Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Full application of the systems lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan
17 to 18 points
Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Application of the systems lens has been incorporated into the
multi-dimensional action plan.
1 to 16 points
Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Some application of the systems lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan
0 points
Not present
Cultural Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan
14 to 15 points
Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Full application of the cultural lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan
13 points
Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Application of the cultural lens has been incorporated into the
multi-dimensional action plan.
1 to 12 points
Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi -
dimensional action plan.
Some application of the cultural lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan
0 points
Not present
Political Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan
14 to 15 points
Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Full application of the political lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan
13 points
Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Application of the political lens has been incorporated into the
multi-dimensional action plan.
1 to 12 points
Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi-
dimensional action plan.
Some application of the political lens has been incorporated into
the multi-dimensional action plan
0 points
Not present
Structure 30%
Not present
14 to 15 points
A title and reference page is included. Paper, citations,
reference pages, and sources are formatted in current APA style
(0-1 errors).
Body of paper is 3-5 pages.
13 points
A title and reference page is included. Paper, citations,
reference pages, and sources are formatted in current APA style
(2-3 errors).
Body of paper is 3-5 pages.
1 to 12 points
A title page or reference page is not included.
Paper, citations, reference pages, and sources are not formatted
in current APA style (4 or more errors).
Body of paper is less than 3 pages.
0 points
Not present
Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics
14 to 15 points
Correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics are used throughout
the assignment. There are 0-1 errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content.
13 points
There are occasional errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics.
There are 2-3 errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics that
distract the reader from the content.
1 to 12 points
There are 4 or more errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics
that distract the reader from the content.
0 points
Not present
EDUC 745
Case Study: Developing an Action Plan Assignment Instructions
Develop an Action Plan for Addressing the Problem
(Intervention). This assignment requires more than just some
suggestions or ideas. Include pertinent information such as
who, when, what, where.
1. Create a multi-dimensional action plan of intervention.
a. What can—or should—you do structurally to address this
b. What can—or should—you do systemically to address this
c. What can—or should—you do culturally to address this
d. What can—or should—you do relating to power and influence
to address this problem?
2. Your action plan of intervention should be balanced
according to “weight” given to the various theories.
3. Guidelines for this assignment include:
a. 3–5 pages
b. Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
c. Title page
d. No references required
e. Current APA format (avoid first person)
Case Study International Student Retention Prob

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Case Study International Student Retention Prob

  • 1. Case Study: International Student Retention Problem Proposal Michael Whitener Step One: McGregory educational agency helps students, both local and international secure placements in community colleges and universities. We guide students to identify a course of their choice and make necessary arrangements to facilitate placement. We offer professional guidance according to students' specifications. For example, a student identifies the path they want to do. We provide a range of colleges and universities offering the came, including cost and accommodation facilities for international students (Sá & Sabzalieva, 2018). Once a student identifies their college or university of choice, we take them through all the processes to ensure they get a placement.
  • 2. Student retention has, however, been a recurring problem with international students. During my tenure in the educational agency administration for various community colleges, we encountered international student retention problems. Most international students apply to a college and get admitted, but they get a cheaper course in another college and transfer to that particular college once they are placed. A transfer would mean the process has to be started worldwide, a major international student recruitment challenge. Low retention rates could hurt the agency's reputation. Step 2 The agency is divided into two departments, one that deals with local students and another that deals with international students. The international student's department has over ten staff, and we specifically handle students from selected countries in Africa, Australia, and other non-American students in eligible countries. In the last ten years, we have managed to facilitate the transition of 5,987 local students to universities and colleges and 2,341 international students to get placements in colleges and universities around the US. During the last two years, student retention has been dropping significantly. The previous year was the worst, with the agency recording a 35% drop from the previous year. The problem had escalated to the point that authorities were concerned about our student retention rate, which would cause dire consequences if not addressed on time. Therefore, a team was selected to identify the cause of low retention rates and find possible solutions to the problem. The group, thus, embarked on extensive student analysis and identified some loopholes that needed to be filled immediately to avoid escalation of the situation. We identified that our application process was not thorough in identifying students who can complete a course of choice since course selection was not fully informed. Additionally, international students had no idea of America's education structure, and once admitted, they experienced a challenge in
  • 3. coping with the learning mode(Ammigan & Perez-Encinas, 2018). Students' financial ability was not identified as this was a significant challenge that made students switch to a new course amid admission in a class. Assessing student's financial ability was also suggested to be thorough and comprehensive. Finally, we identified behavioral variation among students. The team formulated various solutions to handle the case of retention in McGregory Educational agency. Student assessment had to be thorough to source students who have the potential to complete the selected course. When students choose a course, a team in our institution would be tasked with taking the student through that particular course's requirements to gauge if they could handle the learning requirement. Students from countries that use a different education system besides American would also be with the system t ensure they do not get culture shocks restoring to seeking the other course elsewhere. In conclusion, problem-solving is essential for educational agencies, especially when dealing with students from different backgrounds. It is crucial to assess the problem before they get out of hand. Student retention risk is one problem I was involved in problem identification to finding a workable solution.
  • 4. References Ammigan, R., & Perez-Encinas, A. (2018). International student services. Encyclopedia of international higher education systems and institutions, 1-4. Sá, C. M., & Sabzalieva, E. (2018). The politics of the great brain race: Public policy and international student recruitment in Australia, Canada, England and the USA. Higher Education, 75(2), 231-253 Running head: RECONCILIATION PLAN 1 RECONCILIATION PLAN 2 Reconciliation Plan Michael Whitener
  • 5. Reconciliation Plan 1. Describe the material issues in this conflict. The cause of conflict is the sexual aggression that Tim had against Laura on their happy hour excursion. Tim’s sexual advances to Laura made her apprehensive and aggressive towards Tim. Tim’s worry that Laura would expose him for what he did made him act aggressively towards Laura. 2. Describe the personal issues or offenses in this conflict. Laura felt offended by Tim's sexual advance. She felt very disrespected and was further annoyed by the behavior Tim showed in the workplace. She felt that he had no right to act in such a way after his behavior in the cab. Tim felt embarrassed when Laura rejected his sexual advances and was worried that she would expose him at the workplace, which would taint his reputation in the firm or, worse, get him fired. He, therefore, resulted in mistreating Laura in a bid to scare her from revealing what happened. 3. Write down everything you can think of that is noble, right, or admirable about the other person in this dispute, including good memories or ways God has blessed you through that person. Both Laura and Tim are very talented employees. Laura may be new to the firm, but her work has been exceptional. She has managed to reach her targets on time, and her inputs to the team have been commendable. Tim, on the other hand, is an excellent team leader. The teams he has supervised have always been productive. 4. What rights, legally or morally, do you have in this situation? Since I am in the senior management of this firm, I am tasked with overseeing employee performance and resolving conflicts. The conflict between Tim and Laura has affected their performance and made the work environment uncomfortable for other employees. As such, I must intervene and resolve this issue. 5. Which of the personal issues or offenses described can you
  • 6. overlook? Which of the material issues described can you give in on? I cannot overlook any personal issues in this situation. The conflict is based on a sexual offense which is very sensitive since the company has a no-tolerance policy for sexual harassment among staff. The case is also very complicated since the conflict occurred in the social setting. I will have to address all the personal issues and ensure that each party is satisfied with the decision. 6. Which listening skills do you have a hard time with waiting, attending, clarifying, reflecting, or agreeing? Write down some things you will do or say to overcome these weaknesses. I have a hard time reflecting. I find it hard to listen and feel empathetic with the other party during the conversation. I often prefer reflecting once we have completed the interaction. I will improve on this weakness by ensuring that as I talk to either Laura or Tim, I focus on the emotional aspect of the message. I will try to understand what emotions were evoked by the other's actions. By understanding their emotions, I will be able to decide on the best way to resolve the conflict that all parties will accept. 7. How can you show that you are trying to believe the best about the other person (i.e.,making charitable judgments)? I can do so by listening to what they say and not criticizing their actions. Actively listening to them will show them that I want to understand where they come from and I am on their side. I can also do so by using positive and encouraging language while communicating with them. Using words of affirmation such as I understand you while talking to Laura or Tim will show them that I do not judge them and I am trying to believe in them. 8. Which worldly weapons have you been using, or are you tempted to use, in this situation? I am tempted to use my authority as their supervisor to get them to end this conflict. I could use my authority to force them to hash out their disagreement and stop their aggressive behavior
  • 7. against each other. 9. Have you been using your tongue to bless your opponents or to speak critically of them? How could you breathe grace to them in the days ahead? I have used my tongue to speak critically of the two. When I first saw that their performance was dropping due to the conflict, I was critical and wondered why they couldn’t talk over their issues like adults instead of being petty and being passive-aggressive towards each other. I was also very annoyed when their disagreement affected everyone in the workplace. I will breathe grace to them by being more understanding of their situation and less judgmental. 10. To whom can you turn for godly advice and encouragement? My pastor has always been my source of godly advice. He is my spiritual mentor and has always guided me into making Christian decisions. I intend to ask for his guidance on how to handle this situation in a godly way. 11. What can you keep on doing in this situation that is right? I can try to get the two parties to communicate with each other and hash out their differences. I can use reflective listening to understand their situation and try to get them to resolve their conflict. Resolving this conflict will ensure that both parties feel relieved of their hurt feelings and will boost their productivity and the productivity of their teams in general. 12. Would it be wiser to communicate in person, on the phone, or through a letter? Why? Communicating in person will be the best for this situation. It will allow both parties to come to terms with their hurt feelings and understand the hurt that each has been going through. They will also express themselves more openly and find the cause of the disagreement, which is a crucial first step in the conflict resolution process. 13. Clearly articulate your plan for resolving this dispute over the next two weeks. I will set up a meeting between Laura, Tim, and I to discuss their current conflict. I will act as the arbitrator in this conflict
  • 8. resolution. I will get them to express their hurt feelings towards each other in stages actively. Afterward, I will get them to apologize to each other and state what penance they believe the other party should conduct. I will then find the middle ground between their suggestions and go over their satisfaction with the decision, after which I will get them to reconcile by shaking hands and being cordial with each other. I believe two weeks will be enough to go through all these stages of confli ct resolution. References Davis, K. (2013). Conflict communication. San Diego, CA: Cognella. Sande, K. (2004). The peacemaker : a biblical guide to resolving personal conflict. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. CONFLICT 5 Conflict
  • 9. Michael Whitener CONFLICT 1 1. Briefly summarize your dispute as you perceive it, placing events in chronological order. Include what you have done to resolve the dispute. A young woman, Laura, was hired as a copy editor for one of the many journals produced by the company. Seven other employees worked on this team editing this Journal, including a senior editor named Tim. Laura had worked there for about a month when she and her co-workers went for a happy-hour after work. Everybody had a great time and had consumed a fair amount of alcohol. When everybody left the bar to head home, Tim, who had been secretly attracted to Laura since she started work at the Journal, hailed a cab and offered to share the ride with Laura. Laura accepted the offer. Once she was inside the cab, Tim then suddenly made an aggressive sexual advance toward her. Horrified, Laura pushed him away and told him to get out of the cab. Mortified, Tim slinked out of the cab. The next day, Laura came to work with some apprehension. How would she deal with Tim? Would the cab incident affect her job? Although Tim did not supervise her, would he try to get her fired? Since this day, Tim and Laura have all been showing aggressive behavior at work. Laura does not want to work with Tim. On the other hand, Tim has constantly mistreated Laura since he is afraid that Laura might open up to her fellow employees or even superiors which would get him fired. The two have been continuously arguing, and they rarely want to see each other in the office. However, most office people do not know why there is a conflict between the two since they did not witness the incident (Luria, 1932). 2. Have you been striving earnestly to resolve this dispute or giving only partial efforts to reconcile?
  • 10. I have put all my efforts into trying to resolve the conflict between this two. This is because, since their conflict began, the two employees' work productivity has been very low, and, in most cases, their duties even end up not being well performed. For this reason, it was essential to find a solution that will resolve the conflict as much as possible to avoid further deterioration in employee performance. 3. What questions, doubts, or fears do you have because of this dispute? The question that I have in this dispute is what happened between the two employees, and the doubt I have is that both of them will be able to work in the same team even after resolving the conflict. The one fear that I have is that if the case is not solved as soon as possible, one of the employees might resign from their job. 4. Have you been looking at this dispute as something that happened by chance, as something done to you by someone else, or as something that God allowed in your life for a specific purpose? In my perspective, the conflict just happened by chance. This is because if the bar's meeting had not taken place, there would be no conflict to resolve. The conflict was not helping, and for this reason, I would not classify it as God sent. Maybe the only way to identify if it was God sent would be later after the conflict had been resolved. 5. Using what you currently know about conflict resolution, which response to the conflict have you been using to resolve the dispute? There are various ways through which a conflict can be solved, and one of them is arbitration. In the simplest terms, possible arbitration can be defined as the private process where parties in dispute will agree a third party helps them come to a solution for their conflict. This is the most effective method to use in this case (Sadat-Akhavi, 2003).
  • 11. References Luria, A. R. (1932). The nature of human conflicts. Sadat-Akhavi, A. (2003). Methods of resolving conflicts between treaties (Vol. 3). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. EDUC 746 Personal Conflict Project: Part 3 – Reflections Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Reconciliation Reflection 18 to 20 points
  • 12. Candidate provides a full, clear section detailing the following: 1. The reconciliation meeting 2. Strategies employed 3. Outcome of the meeting 17 points Candidate provides adequate section detailing the following: 1. The reconciliation meeting 2. Strategies employed 3. Outcome of the meeting 1 to 16 points Candidate provides decent section detailing the following: 1. The reconciliation meeting 2. Strategies employed 3. Outcome of the meeting 0 points Not present Project Reflection 18 to 20 points Candidate provides a full, clear section detailing a reflection on the project and lessons learn throughout this project. 17 points Candidate provides adequate section detailing a reflection on the project and lessons learn throughout this project. 1 to 16 points Candidate provides decent section detailing a reflection on the project and lessons learn throughout this project. 0 points Not present Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present Paragraph Length, Sentence Structure and Mechanics 10 points
  • 13. Sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and structure. Writing displays introductory and concluding sentences that are concise, interesting and focused. Each paragraph is at least five sentences. The writing is free of errors. 9 points Sentences are well-phrased and there is some variety in length and structure. Writing displays clear introductor y and concluding sentences. Each paragraph is at least five sentences. There are 1–3 errors, but they do not represent a major distraction or obscure meaning. 1 to 8 points Some sentences are awkwardly constructed so that the reader is occasionally distracted. Writing displays vague introductory and concluding sentences. The writing includes many errors. Each paragraph is less than five sentences. 0 points Not present EDUC 746 Personal Conflict Project: Part 3 – Reflections Assignment Instructions Overview Throughout this course you will be introduced to different theories, strategies, and skills necessary for conflict resolution. This theoretical underpinning is necessary before you can practically apply any of the concepts you learn in this course. This project will allow you to start to identify a current personal conflict and attempt conflict resolution strategies and reconciliation based on the theories, strategies and skills you encounter. This project has three parts: Part 1 – Identifying the Dispute, Part 2 – Reconciliation Plan, and Part 3 – Reflections. Instructions In order to finalize this project, you must reflect on your reconciliation meeting. Due to the sensitive nature of this
  • 14. assignment, full confidentiality will be maintained. This assignment has two different reflections require. First, you must reflect on your reconciliation meeting. You must fully describe your meeting, strategies you employed, and the outcome of the meeting. Secondly, you must reflect on this assignment as a whole and fully explain what you have learned through this project. This assignment should be between 2 – 4 pages in length and each paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences. No title page, abstract, or reference section is necessary unless you use citations. If you use any citations, you must properly cite according to current APA standards and include a reference section. Please note that your final grade on this project is not contingent upon successful reconciliation, but the process you go through during this project. School of , Liberty University Author Note I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
  • 15. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Email: Abstract Keywords: 2 1 References EDUC 745 Case Study: Developing an Action Plan Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present
  • 16. Structural Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan 19 to 20 points Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Full application of the structural lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan. 17 to 18 points Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Application of the structural lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan. 1 to 16 points Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi - dimensional action plan. Some application of the structural lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 0 points Not present Systems Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan 19 to 20 points Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Full application of the systems lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 17 to 18 points Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Application of the systems lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan. 1 to 16 points Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Some application of the systems lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 0 points Not present
  • 17. Cultural Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan 14 to 15 points Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Full application of the cultural lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 13 points Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Application of the cultural lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan. 1 to 12 points Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi - dimensional action plan. Some application of the cultural lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 0 points Not present Political Lens Multi-Dimensional Action Plan 14 to 15 points Candidate includes an extensive description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Full application of the political lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 13 points Candidate includes an adequate description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Application of the political lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan. 1 to 12 points Candidate includes a minimal mention/description of a multi- dimensional action plan. Some application of the political lens has been incorporated into the multi-dimensional action plan 0 points Not present
  • 18. Structure 30% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present APA 14 to 15 points A title and reference page is included. Paper, citations, reference pages, and sources are formatted in current APA style (0-1 errors). Body of paper is 3-5 pages. 13 points A title and reference page is included. Paper, citations, reference pages, and sources are formatted in current APA style (2-3 errors). Body of paper is 3-5 pages. 1 to 12 points A title page or reference page is not included. Paper, citations, reference pages, and sources are not formatted in current APA style (4 or more errors). Body of paper is less than 3 pages. 0 points Not present Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics 14 to 15 points Correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics are used throughout the assignment. There are 0-1 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 13 points There are occasional errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics. There are 2-3 errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics that distract the reader from the content.
  • 19. 1 to 12 points There are 4 or more errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics that distract the reader from the content. 0 points Not present EDUC 745 Case Study: Developing an Action Plan Assignment Instructions Develop an Action Plan for Addressing the Problem (Intervention). This assignment requires more than just some suggestions or ideas. Include pertinent information such as who, when, what, where. 1. Create a multi-dimensional action plan of intervention. a. What can—or should—you do structurally to address this problem? b. What can—or should—you do systemically to address this problem? c. What can—or should—you do culturally to address this problem? d. What can—or should—you do relating to power and influence to address this problem? 2. Your action plan of intervention should be balanced according to “weight” given to the various theories. 3. Guidelines for this assignment include: a. 3–5 pages b. Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font c. Title page d. No references required e. Current APA format (avoid first person)