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The stomach and belly are a soft, sensitive, muscle-covered area of
the body, unprotected by encircling bones (though the lower
abdomen is in pari protected by the bowl of the pelvis). Long aga,
when we tirst became upright, we exposed aur tender bellies to the
world. This made us mare vulnerable, but also able to relate mare
sensitively to one another. The stomach is also linked to the Solar
Plexus chakra (see p.12), which is the seat of raw emotional energy,
often of fear, but also of change and transmutation. AIso on this
level is the diaphragm, which separates chest from abdomen. Our
breathing pattern is a vital gauge of aur physical and emotional
health. Stomach problems, such as indigestion, are often linked to
anxiety and emotional causes; a surge of adrenalin can provoke a
sudden sick feeling in the stomach. The belly houses the gut and
also aur "gut feelings". The Hara chakra, just below the naveI, is
Our centre of gravity, strength and vitality. This is the centre from
which we "ground" ourselves through aur legs (see p.19). It is also
closely linked with aur sexuality. Tension and congestion here may
cause constipation, flatulence or menstrual pain. Both massage and
Shiatsu can help to ease complaints in the abdominal area.
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Indigestion and nausea
Indigestion can be the result of acid
over-production due to stress, or
eating too much, or foods that
don 'tagree with us. The following
strokes and techniques can help to
soothe the dl5comfort. The
vulnerable stomach must be
worked on slowly, with great
sensitivitj. Camomile or
cardamom essences (see p.21 ) can
be helpful. Step 5 works by
increasing the energy fIow by
linking the stomach with the
stomach meridian. Step 6 15
specificatiI for nausea and releases
tlghtness in the area caused by
2 Gentlestroking down from ribs
Startat one side of faur partner's
ribcageand begln to glide faur hands
smoothlydownward, one after the
other. Move over the lower ribs, the
baseof the nbs, and on to the
abdomen,wlth very light, slow
strokes.Work right across the lower
ribcageand repeat several times.
3 Holding stomach and circling back
With faur partner IYlngon one side
kneel by her back and rest one hand
on her stomach just below her
breast bone. With faur other hand
circle the mid back opposite faur
holding hand, In a counterclockwlse
direction. As you circle, relax faur
hand and stay present Move faur
hand slowly, flowing over the forms.
I Light circling on sides and stomach
Kneel beside faur partner's hip,
faCing her head, and rest faur hands
gently just inside her two hip bones.
Now very lightly stroke up the sides
of her torso, then across the lower
ribs under her breasts. Stroke
especially lightly down the centre,
ending at the hip bones. Repeat the
circling several tlmes.
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4 Working under ribs
Kneel at your partner's right side and
begin to press gently, but also fairly
deeply, under her ribs on the Iert
side, Keep the whole of your hands
In gentle contact, and use your
thumbs and the flats of your fingers
to circle and press along under the
bani ridge from Iert to nght across
the body, Keep faur massage slow,
smooth, and veri sensltive here,
remaining always withln the
threshold of pain.
5 Shiatsu pressing down stomach
Kneel by your partner and turn her
leg inward by holding her foot with
your foot. With your "mother hand"
placed over the stomach area above
the navei, palm down the front of
her thigh with your active hand by
leanlng in with your body weight.
Move slowly and repeat three times,
6 Shiatsu stroking along base of ribs
Wlth your partner standlng up stand
behlnd her and bring your arms
around her sides, letting your
flngertlps meet at the solar plexus,
Now veri Ilghtly sweep both hands
slowly out and away below the ribs
and off the sides of the body, Repeat
the technlque several times,
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Constipation and flatulence
Constipat/an can be caused by lack
of fibre In the diet, byemotlonal
factors or by an Inadequate fluid
Intake. Flatulence ISa buildup of
gases resultlng In dlstention and
dlscomfort. The first stroke (Step
1).works specifically with the calon
and follows the direction of ItS
wavelike muscular movements,
which help to pass dlgested food
along inslde in a c/ockwlse
direction. With aii these strokes on
the belly area you should start
Ilghtly and gradually work In mare
deeply. with care and sensitlvlty.
Always move slowly and stay
aware of what your hands are
sensing. Mar;oram or fennel
essences are suggested (see p.21).
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I Warking araund cal an
Kneel at your partner's right side arid
rest both your hands on the right of
her lower abdomen. Start to work
slowly upward with small flrm
circling strokes. Follow the direction
of the calari, up to the nght lower
nbs, across to the left arid then down
to the Inslde of the left hip bone.
Slide Ilghtlyacross to the right side
again arid repeat.

3 "Wavekneading"of belly
Lightlyrest your hands on the centre
of your partner's belly, one on tap of
the other. Using the heels of your
hands push away across the belly arid
then let your hands curve over like a
wave, so that your flngers carne irita
contact arid begin to puii back
toward rau. Continue to rock slowly
back and forth rhythmically Inthis
way for a short tlme.
2 Pullingupsides
Reaclr across to your partner's far
side arid begin to puii up the slde
wlth slow generous strokes, your
hands alternating arid overlapplng as
they cover the area between ribs
arid hips. The movement should
slightlyliftarid rock your partner. Let
the stroke carne from your pelvls.
Repeat on the other slde.
Menstrual pain
Painfulperiods usually resu/t from
hormonal imbalances in the body,
and you might find it helpful to use
some of these techniques ta
relieve tension in the area. 8egin
with slow circ/ing on the sacrum, as
this is very soothing. The sacral
tone contains several pairs of holes
(rom which nerves issue, and
pressing these will help to relieve
congestion. Rocking the pelvis
relaxes the whole body and
loosens the pelvic area. Massaging
the legs can also help to relieve
menstrual pain. Try using either
camomile or jasmine essence (see
p.21) for this problem.
Caution.. Seek medical advice if
menstrual pain is persistent and/or
2 Pressing into sacrum
With faur partner Iyingan her front,
kneel an ane side of her thighs and
place faur thumbs at the tap of her
sacrum, keeping faur tingers in
contact with the bady. Lacate the
two upper Indentatians and, caming
farward from faur hara,leaninwith
faur thumbs. Hald for a moment
and mave an dawn the sacrum ta
the base, pressing inthe same way.

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I Holding belly andcircling sacrum
With faur partner Iyingcurled on
her side, kneel behind her and rest
one hand gently an her lawer
abdamen, belaw the naveI. With
faur ather hand circle slawly,
caunterclackwise, over the sacrum
and lawer back area. Keep faur
hands and shaulders relaxed and
stai centred and aware.
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3 Rocking pelvis
Ask faur partner ta fiean her back
and stand with one faat either side
of her legs. Bend faur knees and
drap farward fram faur hara. Using
faur palms, start ta rock her hips
. rhythmicallyfromsideta side.Once
" yau have faund a comfartable
rhythm the racking matian needs
anlya lighttauch ta maintain it.
The back is fie strength area of the body. Yet despite its strength
mare people have a back problem at some time in their lives than
any other ailment. Lack of regular exercise, poor posture, tension
and stress aH contribute to aur backs' proneness to aches and
strains, and sometimes to mare serious problems. Oile of these, fie
"slipped disc" occurs when the pad of cartilage between two
vertebrae ruptures and some of the gel-like nucleus protrudes and
presses against a nerve. Ye't this is not always the cause of back
pain. The large muscles of the back can suffer from strains that
massage can often ease. The mid-back area relates to the Solar
Plexus chakra, which is linked with emotion and change, and the
lower back connects with both the Hara (strength, vitality and
sexuality) and the Root chakra (our work, grounding and basic life
situation - see p.12). Many back problems, and particularly those
located in the lower back area, seem to have emotional causes,
often linked to energy blocks and withheld mobility in the pelvic
area. Since it is so vital to your back's health to have sufficient
flexibility in the joints and muscles, we have included exercises to
help your back to regain or retain its suppleness.
Mid backache
Aching in the mid back isaften
caused by tightness in the vertical
bands af muscle an either side af
the spine, Begin with slaw gliding
strakes and then mave an ta Sters
I and 2, which wark directly an the
spinal muscles, Step I pushes up
alang the grain af the muscle and
Step 2 warks aut across the fibres
with the heels af faur hands.Step
3 isperfarmed with the saft inner
parts af faur farearms, and
stretches the whale area with
broad comfarting mavements, Try
marjaram essencehere (see p.21).
I Pushing along spinal muscles
Kneel beside your partner's hips and
'rest one hand on his sacrum, Using
the heel of your other hand, begin to
push up verI slowly along the ridge
of muscle on one side of the spine,
covering the whole mid-back area,
Repeat several times along both
sides of the spine, using your body
weight to push up along the muscles,
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2 Pushing across spinal muscles
Kneeling at your partner's side, knees
apart, rest the heels of both your
hands on the muscles at the far side
of his spine, just below his shoulder
blades, Lifting your hips up and
forward, use some of your weight to
push slowly out acrass the ridge of
muscle, Move down the mid back in
this way, then change sides and
repeat the strake,
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3Forearm stretch
Kneelingby your partner, rest the
insidesof your forearms on his mid
back.Then glide them apart, one to
thetap of the neck and the other to
the bottom of the sacrum. Start
againat the mid back, but now glide
faur arms apart diagonally, 50 that
anegoesover one shoulder, the
ather over the opposite buttock,
Repeatthe stroke over the other
buttockand shoulder,
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Lower backache
Lower back pain 15one of the
commonest of aii the ailments
treated in this book. As well as
these massage strokes, which can
be done In combination wlth
lumbar circ/ing (see Step 2, p.34)
we show some useful stretchlng
techmques. In Step 3 the receiver
curis up in the yoga "child's pose"-
if this 15net comfortable you can
achleve a similar effect by pressing
down on faur partner's knees (see
Step 2, opposite page). Try
rosemary essence (see p.2 1) for
pain in th,s area.
Caution: If back pain 15severe and
acute or If there are ani other
medical symptoms, consult a
doctor, osteopath or chiropractor.
2 Kneadinglower back
Now, using large, rhythmical rocking
movements, knead the whole of
faur partner's lower back area on
the opposite side, from work surface
to spine. Use generous grasplng and
squeezing movements, with the
whole of faur hands, to work Into
the muscles slowly and thoroughly.
Repeat on the other side.
3 "Child's pose" and back stretch
Ask faur partner to kneel down
with hls forehead on the floor in the
yoga "child's pose". If this is diffîcult
place a cushlon between his buttocks
and heels. Kneel by hls side and rest
one hand on the upper splne and the
other on the base. Now press down
so faur hands push in oppOSlte
directions, stretching the spine.
I Circlingsacrum
Kneel by faur partner and rest both
hands, one on tor of the other, on
his sacrum, as shown above. Now,
transferring some of faur weight
forward on to faur hands, start slow
counterclockwise circles on the
sacrum. Gradually extend them
upward on to hls lower back area,
returnlng each time to the sacrum.
Check how much pressure faur
partner prefers.
- ..
I Shiatsubackswing
With faur partner Iyingan his back,
stand astride his legs and raise his
knees. Yaur feet shauld be shaulder-
width apart and faur knees bent.
Now, using faur farearms, lift his
lower legs belaw the knees, resting
faur elbaws an faur awn bent
knees. Feel yaurself firmly raated an
both legs, and sit back slawly an ta
faur partner's feet. This wililift his
pelvisan inch ar twa aff the flaar.
Now swing his whole lawer bady
gentlyfram side ta side.
2 Shiatsu pressing knees to chest
8egin as abave, but thls time rest
faur hands an the fronts af bath
faur partner's knees, keeping faur
awn knees bent and faur shaulders
relaxed. Use same af faur weight ta
le!ingently dawn, pressing his knees
slowly taward his chest. Da nat
farce past the paint af resistance.
Hold far a moment ar twa then
release slawly.
Lower backache: Shiatsu
Shiatsu of the /ower back aims to
re/ax distorted musc/es and 50
a//ow rea/ignment of vertebrae.
Pain in the /umbar area can be the
effect of imba/ance in the
functioning of the kidneys, sma//
intestines and the organs in the
pe/vis. Tight hamstnngs a/sa put
extra stress on /ower back musc/es
and techniques that stretch and
/oosen the back and /egs as we// as
strengthening the hara wi// be
beneflcial. The /ower back is an
area that is weak in many peop/e,
50 work s/ow/y, with care,
synchronizing taur breath with
taur partner's and with taur own
movements, exha/ing as you app/y
3 Shiatsu holding hara and lower
Kneeling beside faur partner, slide
ane hand beneath his lawer back,
palm upward, and rest the ather an
his lawer abdamen, ar hara, just
belaw the naveI. Relax and tune in ta
faur partner's breath. Imagine faur
hands are channels far healing
energy that flaws effartlessly
thraugh them. Hald far up ta three
SciatlcaISa sharp shooting pain felt
inthe legsand/or buttocks and
back (usuallyon one side only),
sometimes accompamed bya
tinglmginthe corresponding leg or
foot. ItIScaused when a disc bulges
out between the vertebrae and
presses againstthe sciaticnerve.
Most discprotrusions heal
themselves, given enough time and
rest and some ofthe strokes
shown here mal help to asslstthe
healingprocess. Try the different
movements and focus on those
that afford most relief Work
slowly and be guided by faur
partner for the amount of pressure
to use. Camomile or lavender
essences (see p.2 I)may be helpful.
Caution.. Ifsciaticpain ISpersistent
and severe and/or on both sldes
seek help from faur doctor or an
2 Kneadingbuttocks
Facingfaur partner's side at hip
level, reach aver ta hls appasite
buttack and start ta knead it with
slaw, firm circling mavements, as
shawn abave, using faur whale
hand. Facus wlth faur fingers and
thumbs, searching inta the saft tissue
between banes. Avaid areas af
sharp pain- warkaroundthem,nat
dIrectiI an them, and always staI
withln the threshald af pain. Mave
around and repeat an the ather side.
I Stretching to sides of sacrum
With faur partner Iyingface dawn
kneel by ane thigh, facing hls head.
Place the heels af bath faur hands
an his sacrum, with faur fingers
paintlng autward. Naw raise faur
pelvis and lean slawly farward an ta
faur hands. Then gradually slide
faur hands away fram his sacrum,
aut across the sides af hls buttacks
and aH. Return ta the sacrum and
repeat a few times.
3 Circlingdown back of leg
With the fingers af ane hand and the
thumb af the ather, trace small
averlapping Clrclesdawn the back af
ane thigh. Ease the pressure at the
back af the knee, then pause ta
press gently an the Shiatsu tsubo
(marked) with faur thumb. Then
continue ta circle dawn ta the lawer
calf.Repeat an the ather leg.
5 Pressingsacrumholesandunder
Kneeling by your partner's thigh,
facing his head, rest your thumbs on
either side of the tap of his sacrum.
Feel for the small hollows, then
slowly lean on to your thumbs. Hold,
release, then move down the
sacrum, pressing the pairs of holes.
Now press carefully outward along
under the rims of the pelvic bone, as
shown right.
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4 Heel-of-handpressureon
Facingtoward your partner's head,
place the heels of both your hands
on the hollows at the sides of his
buttocks, as shown left. Slowly press
your hands intoward each other.
Try gently rocking the pelvis from
side to side, or use alternating or
synchronized circling movements to
work into the soft tissue. Go gently if
there is any tenderness.
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6 Stretching legs
Kneel at your partner's feet and take
hold of one foot, one hand cupped
around his heel and the other
supporting the front of his ankle
joint. Now lean back from your
pelvis and let your arms go taut like
ropes. Let your body take the
weight and stretch the leg steadily
and flrmly. Release, then repeat on
the other foot.
Aching hips
The hips act as the body's fulcrum,
joining legswith torso. Many
people hold tension here, due to
1.'1ckof exercise, structural
imbalance in the legsand
suppression of sexuality and anger
(both basicdrives centred in the
hara). Thiscreates stagnation in the
pelvis and increasingly limited and
painful movement of the hlp jolnts.
Pressingin the buttocks around the
hip jolnts and rotating them by
moving the legs willincrease
circulation and mobility and help to
relieve discomfort. The whole of
the sequence for sCfatica(see
pp.78-9) willalso be useful for
warming and loosening the musc/es
around the hip jolnt. Try marjoram
essence for massaginghips (see
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I Pressingwith thumbs around joint
Kneelingbesidefaur partner, feel
for the hollow just above his hip
bone (see diagram). Rest the balls of
faur thumbs together at this point.
Now lean forward from faur hara
and let faur body push faur thumbs
into the hollow. Hold, release, then
continue on around the joint in a
semicircle. Repeat on other side.
3 Shiatsu pressing knee to chest
Begln as above, but this time transfer
faur body weight forward, pressing
hls knee slowly toward his chest.
Stop at the point of resistance and
hold for a few seconds. Release
gently and repeat on the other leg.
2 Shiatsu rotating hip joint
With faur partner on his back, kneel
on one knee by his thigh, facing his
head. Raise his leg, as shown left,
using one hand on his knee and the
other on his ankle. Start slowly to
rotate the hip joint by describing
small circles with his knee. Gradually
extend the circles to the point of
resistance, then reverse the direction
of rotation. Repeat on the other hip.
I Breathingintopain
Lieon your backwithyour knees up,
feet hip-width apart, and your arms
and shoulders relaxed. Locate an
area of pain or tension in your body,
and as you inhale, imagine your
breath bringing healing energy and
nourishment to this area. As you
exhale imagine breathing out the
tension or soreness with your
breath, Breathe slowly and deeply in
this way for severa! minutes.
3 Bringingkneesto chest
Lie on your back with your knees up,
and hold them with your hands. As
you' exhale, bring them gradually
toward your chest to the point of
resistance. You can bounce them
very slightlyinthis position ifit feels
comfortable, As you inhale, gently
lower them again until your feet
touch the floor. Repeat
., ,
Exercises for mid or /ower
back pain
If we kept aur backs healthy and
supple with regular exercise and if
we were aware of aur posture,
many back problems would be
avoided. Here isa series of
exercises to do daily.Never
overstrain when exercising and
move smoothly and slowly. Do
each exercise only for as long as
feels comfortable. Breathing
properly (i.e. inhalingas you spread
out faur body and exhaling as you
curl in) willaid circulationand help
to heal strained musc/es. Work up
graduallyto the halfsit-ups and
take pain as a warning to go mare
easily.A pillow under the pelvis
mar help to ease the lower back.
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2 Pelviclift
Lyingasbefore, with your feet flat
on the floor, lift the baseof your
spineand pelvisslightlyby tightening
the rTlusciesof your abdomen and
squeezingyour buttocks together,
As you do this, ma~esure your neck
and shoulders remain relaxed. Hold
for a count of five andthen relax aII
the musclesand beginagain.Repeat
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4 Letting one knee fali out to side
Liean faur backas befare, with
faur knees up and feet apart. As yau
inhale.let ane af faur knees flap aut
ta the side. Keepfaur neckand
shaulders relaxed. Liftfaur legagain
as yau exhale and an the next
" o' .._' , ~' inhalatianlet faur ather legflap aut
".1 o,:l!~~" ceo'' ,"::""" ta the ather side. Repeat.
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---t" 5 Gentle twist
Start as befare and, as yau inhale.let
bath faur knees flap ta ane side sa
that faur pelvisrollsfram the hips.
Keepfaur shaulders an the flaar as
yau do thisand for extra twist gently
raii faur head ta the appasite side.
As yau exhale, bringfaur knees
back up ta centre againand, an the
next inhalatian,let faur pelvisraIIta
the ather side. Repeat.
6 Partial sit-ups
Lyinganfaur backwithfaur knees
slightlybent, gentlyraise faur neck
and upper backaff the flaar as yau
exhale,stretchingfaur arms farward
atthe same time. Hald for a caunt of
flveandthen veri slawlyuncurl
backwardsa that faur back,then
faur neck,faur head, and flnally
faur arms are relaxingagainan the
flaar. Repeat.
aur legs and feet support us, transport us, and connect us with the
ground beneath. They link with aur sense of security and stability
- or lack of il. Many expressions in aur language reflect the legs'
connection with security: "to stand on aur own two feet"; "ta
stand aur ground"; "to be a person of standing" and "having aur
feet firmly on the ground". Locking aur knees and bracing aur legs
can give us a false sense of security, but in fact this increases aur
susceptibility to shock or injury as it makes aur joints less flexible.
The legs link with the hara (our centre of gravity) and the Root
chakra (our grounding and root situation in lire, see p.12). The
Root chakra is at the base of the spine and it is from here that the
nerves emerge ta supply the legs and feet, which are indeed aur
"mobile roots". aur feet are complex structures, each having 26
bones and an arch, which have to support the weight of the whole
body ab6ve, and act as shock absorbers. Massage brings awareness
to aur legs and feet, helps to improve aur circulation, clears waste
and toxins and generally increases aur sense of connection with the
Cramp 15a painful, sharp and
sudden contraction of muscles. It
occurs most frequently in the legs
or feet, but can happen in other
parts of the body as well. Cramp is
sometimes caused by salt 1055after
very excessive sweating, or by
poor circulation. It can be violent
and come on suddenly m the mght.
In this sequence we show some
alternating kneadmg and stretchmg
movements for the calf musc/e. As
well as massaging the leg it ISof ten
helpful to get up and walk about in
order to stretch the tlghtening
musc/es. Marjoram essence mar be
helpful (see p.21 ).
I Stretchingbackof leg
Kneelat faur partner's foot and,
cupping one hand under his heel, lift
his leg slowly to stretch the muscles
at the back of the leg. To emphasize
the stretch you can use faur other
hand to press his foot back toward
hls head. Hold the stretch for a few
seconds, then release. Then repeat
as many times as are necessary.
2 Massagingcalfwith knee up
With faur partner's knee bent, kneel
on elther slde of his foot and begin
to work, with both hands, Into his
calf muscle using slow, rhythmical
kneading and wringing strokes.
Squeeze, press and liftthe muscles,
using one hand after the other. You
can alternate thls muscle massage
with stretches of the back of hls leg,
as shown in Step 1.
3 Kneadingthe calf
Wlth faur partner Iyingon his front,
kneel at his side and begin firmly to
knead the calf muscle. Rock faur
body from faur pelvis as you lift,
circle, and squeeze with alternate
hands. Cover the whole calf area
Knee ache, arthritis, sprains
As they are large weight-bearing
jaints. the knees are subiect ta
pawerful farces. making them
susceptible ta physical stress. This
happens particularly if they are
usually held braced ar lacked. The
massage sequence shawn here will
help the healing process after any
structural damage from injury has
been repaired (see p. 90). The
strakes will alsa ease tired. aching
knee jaints and help arthritic knees
(see p. 92). The receiver can sir in a
chair. if Iying an the fIaar 15nor
comfartable. Try using lavender ar
rosemary essence (see p.21 ).
Caution: Ifthe jaint 15inflamed ar
swollen, do notmassage it. but
work the musc/es abave and away
from the swelling ta disperse fluid.
3 Massagingmuscles above knee
Rest your hands on either side of
your partner's leg, just above his
knee, and use your thumbs to make
slow, firm sweeping movements,
upward and outward, over the
muscles above the knee. Par special
attention to this area and then work
gradually up the front of the thigh in
the same way.
-- --
I Broad circling of knee joint
Start by cupping your hands under
your partner's knee and then begin
to describe broad circlingand
overlapping movements right
around the front of his knee with
your thumbs. Move rhythmically in
alternating circles. As your thumbs
work over the front of his knee joint
your fingers and palms are sliding
under and massaging both the sides
and the back of the joint.
2 Deep tissue work
Kneeling between or beside your
partner's legs, start to work slowly
and sensitively around the knee using
both your fingers and thumbs to
press into the soft tissue between
the bones. You can use small rotating
movements, without sliding on the
skin, as you press in.Stay present
and work right around t~e knee,
keeping within the threshold of pain.

Leg ache: Shiatsu
Energy can easily stagnate and
toxins can build up in the feet and
legs due to lack of exercise and
movement. This causes the
circulation of blood returning to
the heart to become sluggish under
the puii of gravity. Many major
meridian$, and nerves run to and
from the feet and legs, connecting
them to vital organs and glands,
and when a buildup ofimpurities
continues the legs ache and the
whole of the body isadversely
affected. Pressingdown on the legs
and walkingon the receivers feet
activates the movement of energy
and encourages the dlspersal of
I Shiatsupalmingdown backof
With your partner Iyingon hisfront,
kneel on one knee and support his
bent leg on your other knee, Rest
one hand on his sacrum and, with
your other hand, palm slowly down
the back of histhigh. Build up and
release each pressure by moving
your body weight on to and off your
activehand, Repeat on the other leg.
2 Shiatsukneelingon feet and
Carefully kneel on the soles of your
partner's feet and place the palms of
your hands on his calves. Incr~ase
your pressure by slowly moving
your body weig~t on to your knees
and hands, and begin to massage his
calves. You can also work on your
partner's thighs from this position.
3 Shiatsu treading on feet
For this technique, your partner's
feet should lie flat, with the heels
fallingout to the sides. Using your
heels, walk on the soles of his feet.
Put pressure anii on the insteps and
balls of his feet, and take care not to
step on his heels. Ifthere isspace
between his ankles and the floor,
insert a rolled towel to fiIIthe gap.
Footache, sprains and strains,
Foot massage is wonderfully
refreshingand relaxingand,
because of the hundreds of nerve
endings on the sale of the foot that
have reflex connections with aii
parts of the body, it can relax the
whole body as well. The sequence
here canbe used incombination
with the foot strokes shown for
the whole body(see p.36), and will
help in the recovery stage of strains
or sprains(see p.90). Try rosemary
or bergamot essences (see p.21).
Caution.. Do not massage swollen
or inflamedJoints.Before treating
arthritlssee p.92.
"" -
2 Pushingfrontof foot back
Kneel beside faur partner and with
one hand press down on his heel and
use the other to push the front of his
foot back toward his head. Press to
the point of resistance, then hold,
and release.
I Rotatinganklejoint
With faur partner Iyingon hisfront,
lift his lower leg. Now clasp the side
of the big toe joint and let faur inner
forearm rest on his heel. Using faur
forearm like a lever rotate the whole
foot in a slow, wide circle, first in one
direction and then inthe other.
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3 Pressing down on baII of foot
Kneel up, and with one hand, hold
either side of the Achilles tendon,
just below faur partner's heel. With
faur other hand, press down on the
baii of hisfoot (not on the toes
alone), while pushing the heel up.
Lean firmly in to this stretch, but
check the limit with faur partner.
4 Twisting front of foot to sides
Stillkneeling,face down toward faur
partner's toes. Claspeachsideof the
front of hisfoot. Now slowly twist it
sideways,first to one side andlhen
the other. Repeat severaltimes.
5 RollingbaIIof foot between heels
of hands
Sandwichthe baiiof faur partner's
foot (backand front) between the
heels of faur hands. Now rollthe
baiiof hisfoot between them and,
with afirm rotating pressure, move
from side to side, coveringthe whole
of the area just behind the toes.
6 Stretching toes apart
Hold two adJacent toes between the
thumbs and flngers of faur hands
and slowly puii them apart from each
other, stretching the web of skln. Let
faur partner tell you when the
stretch is enough. Stretch aiithe toes
in this way.
7 Pullingtoes
Facingup toward faur partner's
head, hold his foot with one hand.
With faur other hand, take hold of a
toe between faur thumb and flnger
and gently but flrmly rotate it a few
times. Then stretch itwith a steady
puii before slidingfaur flngers to the
tip and off. Repeat on every toe.
8 Holdingtoes ina bunchand
Face toward faur partner's head
and, with one hand, grasp his toes in
a bunch between the heel of faur
hand and the flatsof faur flngers
(avoid "clawing" in under the toes).
With faur other hand, take hold of
the big toe and joint and then with
both hands, liftthe leg slightlyand
shake it a little, thereby stretching aII
the toes at once. Repeat from Step I
on the other foot.
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Sprains and strains
A strain is an injury to muscle fibres or ligaments that have been
forcibly stretched beyond their proper length. This can result in
some local pain and perhaps swelling. A sprain is mare severe and
is caused by a violent wrench or twist, causing tearing of the
muscle fibres or the ligaments of a joint, resulting in pain, swelling
and bruising. The most common areas to be affected are wrists,
ankles and backs. These are both common injuries that can be
helped by massage in the recovery stages, but you will need to
follow the process outlined below. Having ascertained from a
doctor that no bones are broken, the best initial treatment for
sprains and strains is an ice pack or a cold-water compress if no ice
is available. Then you should apply a bandage and support the
jQint, elevating it if possible. Rest for between 24 and 48 hours, or
until tenderness has subsided. Remedial massage treatment can
then begin.
Don't work directly on swollen areas, but start with gentle
gliding strokes that push up toward the heart, above the injury. In
the case of a sprained ankle, for example, work first from knee to
thigh, and then from ankle to knee, to help disperse the fluid (see
below). As the injury heals you can begin to work all aratind the
area with careful kneading and friction strokes. Finally, where
possible, you can work with passive movements to help restore
mobility. Always keep within the threshold of pain. You could use
a mixture of lavender and rosemary essences (see p.21).
Drainingabove swellinginsprained ankle
With faur partner Iyingdown, his ankleand up toward the knee. Use
knee supported with a cushion, alternatinghand movements, gently
beginto stroke slowlyupward, first squeezingand pushinginthe
on the thighfrom knee to tor of leg, directionof the heart to aidthe
After several minutesdo the same dispersalof fluidfrom the jointalong
on the lower leg,working above the the blood and Iymphvessels,
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/ce and water compresses
For sprains and strains ice is useful
for reducing infernal bleeding, but
you should never apply ice directly
to the skin. Always wrap it in a
cloth. ar use a bag of frozen peas.
Apply ice for five minutes in every
hour, for several hours, during the
first dar or two. Ifyou do nor have
any ice, a cloth wrung out in cald
water is a/sa effective. Where
there is persistent aching from
strained muscles, alternating hot
and cald campresses can bring
Applyinghot andcoldcompresses
You need two bowls, one containing
iced water and the other veri hot
(not boiling) water, and two cotton
cloths or small towels. It is usefulto
start with the hot compress, 50
wring out one cloth inthe hot water,
then fold it to shape and apply itto
the area of pain for three minutes.
Next wring out the cald cloth and
apply it for one minute. Continue
alternating these compresses for
between ten and fifteen minutes.
---- 9/
There are many different kinds of arthritis, all of them involving
the joints. The most common are rheumatoid arthritis and
osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a generalized disease that
caD start in childhood, usually in the small bones of the hands or
feet. Joints become very painful, swollen and infiamed, and the
condition caD spread throughout the body. Osteoarthritis is a
disease of later lire, linked with wear and tear and mechanical
deterioration of joints, bones and discs. It is often rotind first in the
lower neck and lower back, and caD occur in joints where there
have been previous injuries. Massage caD help to reduce pain in
both these ailments. However, if a joint is swollen or infiamed do
nor work on il. You may give it hand healing by just resting your
hands' lightly on the painful area for several minutes while
remaining centred. Then work with light gliding strokes above the
swelling, in the direction of the heart. Where there is no swelling
you caDuse whatever strokes feel good to your partner, from the
section of the book that deals with that part of the body.
Before doing passive movements on arthritic joints check with a
doctor to see if this is alright and then always go very sensitively
and keep within the pain threshold. Never force movements
beyond their range. General soothing, slow stroking and gentle
kneading and thumb circling aratind the affected areas caD be
comforting and relaxing. Rosemary and lavender essences dis-
solved in oiI will also help to alleviate pain (see p.21).
Supporting the limb
As people with arthritis may feel too
stiffto climb on to a table or get
down on to the floor you can
improvise in a variety of ways with
chairs of different kinds, and stools
or footstools to support the legs.
Watch faur own posture and avoid
bending too much. Sit on the floor
or on a stool or chair as you work.
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Anxlety 33
Arms and hands 64-7
Aromatherapy essences 20, 21
of arms and hands64
of knee 86
of neck 53-55
Asthma 60, 63
and chest congestlon 6 1
and upper back and shoulder 56
Aura 13
exercises for 82- 3
mld 75
upper 56-9
Basic massage strokes 22-7
Bergamot 21 , 33, 56, 61, 88
Bronchial infections
and chest congestion 61
and upper back and shoulder 56
Bronchitis 63
Camomile 21, 33, 45, 69, 73, 78
Cardomom 21, 69
Centnng 19, 23
Shiatsu technique 63
Chakras !3
Brow 44
Crown 44
Hara 68,74,84
Heart 52, 60, 64
Plneal see Brow
Root 74, 84
Solar plexus 68, 74
Throat 52, 64
Chest 60-3
congestion 61-2
"Child's pose" 76
Circling 23
Colds 60
for headaches 46
for migraine 45
for neckache 53
for upper back, shoulder paln 56-8
for sprains and strains 90-1
stiffness or paln 56
Connectlng 23, 43
Constipation 72
Contralndlcatlons 93
arm 64,65
leg and foot 85
~. 94
Deep tissue strokes 23, 25
Depression 33
"Dragon's mouth" technique 27
"Draining" 35,39,42
Enfolding 23
see Aromatherapy essences
Eucalyptus 21, SI, 61
Featherrng strokes 23
Fennel 21 , 72
Flatulence 72
Footache 88
Frrction strokes
see Deep tissue strokes
Glidlng strokes 23
"Grounding" 16, 68
medltation for 19
Hand healing 93
for arthritis 92
Hand problems 66-7
Hara 16, 19, 22. 27, 32, 59, 73, 77, 80
Head 44-51
Headache 44-9
Heel-of-hand pressure 27
Heel-of-the-hand stroke 25
Indian heallng massage 47
Indigestion 69-70
In-do pornI 60
Insomnia 33
Kneading 24
Knee ache 86
Lavender 21, 33, 45, 59, 78, 86, 90, 92
Legache 87
Legs and feet 84-9
Lower back 74-83
Marjoram 21 , 59, 72, 75, 80, 85
baslc strokes 22-7
beginning 16-21
contraindications 93
making contact 20
tables 18
value of 10, 12, 15
Medium-depth strokes 23, 24
Melissa 21 , 45
Menstrual pain 73
Meridians 13, 14,48
stomach meridian 69
upper back meridians 59
Mid back 74-83
Migraine 44-5
Nausea 69-70
Neck 52-9
ache 55
stiffness 53-5
strain 53-5
Oii 23
carrier oils 21
mineral-based 20
vegetable 20, 21
Oiling 20, 23
arm 39
back 33, 75
backs of legs 35
buttocks 34
legs 42
nose and sinuses 60
torso 41
Osteoarthritls 92
self-help for 55
Palm pressure 27
Percussion strokes 23, 26, 61
Plneal chakra
see Chakra. Brow 44
Plucking 26
Rheumatoid arthrrtis 92
Rosemary 21, 51, 53, 55, 56, 65, 76, 86, 88,
Sciatica 78-80
as a healing IDol 13,23, 27
basic techniques 27
beglnning 16-19
connectlng points 49
"dragon's mouth" technique 27
for achlnghips 80
for asthma63
for bronchitis 63
for colds 60
for congestlon 60
for coughs63
for headaches48-9
for indigestion 69-70
for legache87
for lower backache77
for menstrual pain 73
for nausea69-70
for sinusproblems 60
for upper back stiffnessand pain 59
Shoulders 52-9
stiffnessor paln 56-8
Sinuscongestlon 59
"Slipped disc"74
Sprainsand strains90
arm 65
foot 88
knee 86
neck 53-5
Stomach and belly 68-73
Publisher's acknowledgements
Gaiawould like to extend special thanks to the following:
SaraThomas, Jane Downer, Chris Jarmey, Sheilagh Noble,
Fausto Dorelli, Lesley Gilbert, Peter Sperryn, Sara
Mathews, all the photographic models, aRd the staff at
Marlin Graphics Ltd aRd F. E. Burman.
Author's acknowledgements
.First of all 1want to thank Chris Sturgess-Lief, who
encouraged me to write the book when it was still only an
idea. 1also would like to thank Jane Downer for her
contribution on Shiatsu aRd her invaluable help aRd support
(and wonderful Shiatsu treatments). Thanks also to Chris
Jarmey for his advice. 1want to thank Lucy Lidell for her
Recommended reading
Brooks,Charles,SensoryAwareness,VikingPress, 1974
Downing, George, The Massage Book, Wi1dwood House,
LideU, Lucinda, The Book of Massage, Ebury Press, 1984
Masunaga, Shizuto, Zen Shiatsu, JapaR Pub1ications, 1977
Montague, Ash1ey, Touching, Harper aRd Row, 1971
Ohashi, Wataru, Do-it-yourselfShiatsu, Unwin Paperbacks,
Tanner, John, Beating Back Pain, Dorling Kindersley, 1987
Van Durkheim, Eraf Karlfried, Hara: the Vital Centre of
Man, Unwin Paperbacks, 1977
Sources of quotes on p. 7
Gunter, Bernard,Massage, Academy Editions, 1973
Liss, Jerome, In the Wake ofReich, Coventure Ltd, 1976
Brooks, Charles, SensoryAwareness, Viking ~ress, 1974
T ennis elbow 64. 65
Tsubos 13,48, 51
Upper back 52-9
Whiplash InJury44
Whole body massage32-43
Wringing 24
Wrist problems 66-7
Wnter's cramp 66
work on the book, aRd all her support aRddarity. Many
thanks to Joanna Godfrey Wood for aUher bard work,
co-operation aRd patience in editing, a1soto Susan
McKeever, aRd to Lynn Hector for her design aRdpatience.
Thanks to Fausto Dorelli for his beautifu1 photographs aRd
to Sheilagh Noble for her sensitive drawings. Thanks, too,
to Peter Sperryn as my medical advisor, aRdto Mary-Jane
Anderton aRdAnita Sullivan. Gratitude also to those who
modelled for the photographs aRddrawings: Jane Downer,
Terry Williams, Karen Drury, Parti Money-Coutts, Jerry
Gloag, Otter Baker, Michael TirreU, David Kayla-Joseph
aRd friend Mike, Danny Paradise aRdMargareeta Saari.
Finally, special thanks ro Bob Moore for his healing aRd
Useful addresses
Sara Thomas
l5A Biidge Avenue
London W6 9JA
Jane Downer
92 Chesson Rd
London W14 9QU
Chris Jarmey
(Shiatsu School of Natural
Churchfield Cottage
East Kennet
Nr Marlborough
Wiltshire SN8 4EY
tel. 0672 86459
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Photography by Fausto por-eUi
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Carte de masaj (spate,picioare)

  • 1. 68 STOMACH AND BELLY The stomach and belly are a soft, sensitive, muscle-covered area of the body, unprotected by encircling bones (though the lower abdomen is in pari protected by the bowl of the pelvis). Long aga, when we tirst became upright, we exposed aur tender bellies to the world. This made us mare vulnerable, but also able to relate mare sensitively to one another. The stomach is also linked to the Solar Plexus chakra (see p.12), which is the seat of raw emotional energy, often of fear, but also of change and transmutation. AIso on this level is the diaphragm, which separates chest from abdomen. Our breathing pattern is a vital gauge of aur physical and emotional health. Stomach problems, such as indigestion, are often linked to anxiety and emotional causes; a surge of adrenalin can provoke a sudden sick feeling in the stomach. The belly houses the gut and also aur "gut feelings". The Hara chakra, just below the naveI, is Our centre of gravity, strength and vitality. This is the centre from which we "ground" ourselves through aur legs (see p.19). It is also closely linked with aur sexuality. Tension and congestion here may cause constipation, flatulence or menstrual pain. Both massage and Shiatsu can help to ease complaints in the abdominal area. '~1iIIII;;; ~';~~;;-" "~k;<~/" " .' I f 1 j .
  • 2. Indigestion and nausea Indigestion can be the result of acid over-production due to stress, or eating too much, or foods that don 'tagree with us. The following strokes and techniques can help to soothe the dl5comfort. The vulnerable stomach must be worked on slowly, with great sensitivitj. Camomile or cardamom essences (see p.21 ) can be helpful. Step 5 works by increasing the energy fIow by linking the stomach with the stomach meridian. Step 6 15 specificatiI for nausea and releases tlghtness in the area caused by stress. 2 Gentlestroking down from ribs Startat one side of faur partner's ribcageand begln to glide faur hands smoothlydownward, one after the other. Move over the lower ribs, the baseof the nbs, and on to the abdomen,wlth very light, slow strokes.Work right across the lower ribcageand repeat several times. 3 Holding stomach and circling back With faur partner IYlngon one side kneel by her back and rest one hand on her stomach just below her breast bone. With faur other hand circle the mid back opposite faur holding hand, In a counterclockwlse direction. As you circle, relax faur hand and stay present Move faur hand slowly, flowing over the forms. . STOMACH AND BELL Y ~ ., ,., r) v I Light circling on sides and stomach Kneel beside faur partner's hip, faCing her head, and rest faur hands gently just inside her two hip bones. Now very lightly stroke up the sides of her torso, then across the lower ribs under her breasts. Stroke especially lightly down the centre, ending at the hip bones. Repeat the circling several tlmes. "'1"" r v ! / " ~*!O .~ ~.r' ...0"" iI2
  • 3. 4 Working under ribs Kneel at your partner's right side and begin to press gently, but also fairly deeply, under her ribs on the Iert side, Keep the whole of your hands In gentle contact, and use your thumbs and the flats of your fingers to circle and press along under the bani ridge from Iert to nght across the body, Keep faur massage slow, smooth, and veri sensltive here, remaining always withln the threshold of pain. COMMON AILMENTS ~Iit, 5 Shiatsu pressing down stomach meridian Kneel by your partner and turn her leg inward by holding her foot with your foot. With your "mother hand" placed over the stomach area above the navei, palm down the front of her thigh with your active hand by leanlng in with your body weight. Move slowly and repeat three times, 6 Shiatsu stroking along base of ribs Wlth your partner standlng up stand behlnd her and bring your arms around her sides, letting your flngertlps meet at the solar plexus, Now veri Ilghtly sweep both hands slowly out and away below the ribs and off the sides of the body, Repeat the technlque several times, 70 ) . ,<" .
  • 5. ", COMMON AILMENTS Constipation and flatulence Constipat/an can be caused by lack of fibre In the diet, byemotlonal factors or by an Inadequate fluid Intake. Flatulence ISa buildup of gases resultlng In dlstention and dlscomfort. The first stroke (Step 1).works specifically with the calon and follows the direction of ItS wavelike muscular movements, which help to pass dlgested food along inslde in a c/ockwlse direction. With aii these strokes on the belly area you should start Ilghtly and gradually work In mare deeply. with care and sensitlvlty. Always move slowly and stay aware of what your hands are sensing. Mar;oram or fennel essences are suggested (see p.21). "" f( "'" ,; AI' ,; .../ I Warking araund cal an Kneel at your partner's right side arid rest both your hands on the right of her lower abdomen. Start to work slowly upward with small flrm circling strokes. Follow the direction of the calari, up to the nght lower nbs, across to the left arid then down to the Inslde of the left hip bone. Slide Ilghtlyacross to the right side again arid repeat. , 3 "Wavekneading"of belly Lightlyrest your hands on the centre of your partner's belly, one on tap of the other. Using the heels of your hands push away across the belly arid then let your hands curve over like a wave, so that your flngers carne irita contact arid begin to puii back toward rau. Continue to rock slowly back and forth rhythmically Inthis way for a short tlme. 72 2 Pullingupsides Reaclr across to your partner's far side arid begin to puii up the slde wlth slow generous strokes, your hands alternating arid overlapplng as they cover the area between ribs arid hips. The movement should slightlyliftarid rock your partner. Let the stroke carne from your pelvls. Repeat on the other slde.
  • 6. Menstrual pain Painfulperiods usually resu/t from hormonal imbalances in the body, and you might find it helpful to use some of these techniques ta relieve tension in the area. 8egin with slow circ/ing on the sacrum, as this is very soothing. The sacral tone contains several pairs of holes (rom which nerves issue, and pressing these will help to relieve congestion. Rocking the pelvis relaxes the whole body and loosens the pelvic area. Massaging the legs can also help to relieve menstrual pain. Try using either camomile or jasmine essence (see p.21) for this problem. Caution.. Seek medical advice if menstrual pain is persistent and/or severe. 2 Pressing into sacrum With faur partner Iyingan her front, kneel an ane side of her thighs and place faur thumbs at the tap of her sacrum, keeping faur tingers in contact with the bady. Lacate the two upper Indentatians and, caming farward from faur hara,leaninwith faur thumbs. Hald for a moment and mave an dawn the sacrum ta the base, pressing inthe same way. '~-'! ' '~ , -, .w ,"' STOMACH AND BELLY I Holding belly andcircling sacrum With faur partner Iyingcurled on her side, kneel behind her and rest one hand gently an her lawer abdamen, belaw the naveI. With faur ather hand circle slawly, caunterclackwise, over the sacrum and lawer back area. Keep faur hands and shaulders relaxed and stai centred and aware. l' i I.~ ~ )<", J "~ il ~ s}, '~ ",," 3 Rocking pelvis Ask faur partner ta fiean her back and stand with one faat either side of her legs. Bend faur knees and drap farward fram faur hara. Using faur palms, start ta rock her hips . rhythmicallyfromsideta side.Once " yau have faund a comfartable rhythm the racking matian needs anlya lighttauch ta maintain it. 73
  • 7. MIDAND LOWER BACK The back is fie strength area of the body. Yet despite its strength mare people have a back problem at some time in their lives than any other ailment. Lack of regular exercise, poor posture, tension and stress aH contribute to aur backs' proneness to aches and strains, and sometimes to mare serious problems. Oile of these, fie "slipped disc" occurs when the pad of cartilage between two vertebrae ruptures and some of the gel-like nucleus protrudes and presses against a nerve. Ye't this is not always the cause of back pain. The large muscles of the back can suffer from strains that massage can often ease. The mid-back area relates to the Solar Plexus chakra, which is linked with emotion and change, and the lower back connects with both the Hara (strength, vitality and sexuality) and the Root chakra (our work, grounding and basic life situation - see p.12). Many back problems, and particularly those located in the lower back area, seem to have emotional causes, often linked to energy blocks and withheld mobility in the pelvic area. Since it is so vital to your back's health to have sufficient flexibility in the joints and muscles, we have included exercises to help your back to regain or retain its suppleness. 74 ..-
  • 8. MID AND LOWER BACK ,);, t Mid backache Aching in the mid back isaften caused by tightness in the vertical bands af muscle an either side af the spine, Begin with slaw gliding strakes and then mave an ta Sters I and 2, which wark directly an the spinal muscles, Step I pushes up alang the grain af the muscle and Step 2 warks aut across the fibres with the heels af faur hands.Step 3 isperfarmed with the saft inner parts af faur farearms, and stretches the whale area with broad comfarting mavements, Try marjaram essencehere (see p.21). , (;7 I Pushing along spinal muscles Kneel beside your partner's hips and 'rest one hand on his sacrum, Using the heel of your other hand, begin to push up verI slowly along the ridge of muscle on one side of the spine, covering the whole mid-back area, Repeat several times along both sides of the spine, using your body weight to push up along the muscles, F ~ / ," 2 Pushing across spinal muscles Kneeling at your partner's side, knees apart, rest the heels of both your hands on the muscles at the far side of his spine, just below his shoulder blades, Lifting your hips up and forward, use some of your weight to push slowly out acrass the ridge of muscle, Move down the mid back in this way, then change sides and repeat the strake, ;; r~: "~'"""W ",'." .""" " "" " ' ",."" }r,," " " c'e't~"". " X'-c.>' : ' "~ " ;J, jl ~ ~ ,, '~ " ""' t~' t r, ." f 1 / " , ;""", ~~".(~ '" " ~ ~'" .. ~p,:, " 3Forearm stretch Kneelingby your partner, rest the insidesof your forearms on his mid back.Then glide them apart, one to thetap of the neck and the other to the bottom of the sacrum. Start againat the mid back, but now glide faur arms apart diagonally, 50 that anegoesover one shoulder, the ather over the opposite buttock, Repeatthe stroke over the other buttockand shoulder, l' k""",."., ,'-'" ./ ."'i,.."" l' i!' r '~J; 'Î " . , 1 " " ,. , ,"" , ':1 , ' f ".,~ t!." , < l' / j /'" ".,~ . . .'J/ ~ . ,~ ~,~.'" ,.. .,. '..' ,," ,""'-~,~_.- " ")- 75 .JI
  • 9. COMMON AILMENTS Lower backache Lower back pain 15one of the commonest of aii the ailments treated in this book. As well as these massage strokes, which can be done In combination wlth lumbar circ/ing (see Step 2, p.34) we show some useful stretchlng techmques. In Step 3 the receiver curis up in the yoga "child's pose"- if this 15net comfortable you can achleve a similar effect by pressing down on faur partner's knees (see Step 2, opposite page). Try rosemary essence (see p.2 1) for pain in th,s area. Caution: If back pain 15severe and acute or If there are ani other medical symptoms, consult a doctor, osteopath or chiropractor. 2 Kneadinglower back Now, using large, rhythmical rocking movements, knead the whole of faur partner's lower back area on the opposite side, from work surface to spine. Use generous grasplng and squeezing movements, with the whole of faur hands, to work Into the muscles slowly and thoroughly. Repeat on the other side. 3 "Child's pose" and back stretch Ask faur partner to kneel down with hls forehead on the floor in the yoga "child's pose". If this is diffîcult place a cushlon between his buttocks and heels. Kneel by hls side and rest one hand on the upper splne and the other on the base. Now press down so faur hands push in oppOSlte directions, stretching the spine. 76 ) I Circlingsacrum Kneel by faur partner and rest both hands, one on tor of the other, on his sacrum, as shown above. Now, transferring some of faur weight forward on to faur hands, start slow counterclockwise circles on the sacrum. Gradually extend them upward on to hls lower back area, returnlng each time to the sacrum. Check how much pressure faur partner prefers.
  • 10. - .. I Shiatsubackswing With faur partner Iyingan his back, stand astride his legs and raise his knees. Yaur feet shauld be shaulder- width apart and faur knees bent. Now, using faur farearms, lift his lower legs belaw the knees, resting faur elbaws an faur awn bent knees. Feel yaurself firmly raated an both legs, and sit back slawly an ta faur partner's feet. This wililift his pelvisan inch ar twa aff the flaar. Now swing his whole lawer bady gentlyfram side ta side. 2 Shiatsu pressing knees to chest 8egin as abave, but thls time rest faur hands an the fronts af bath faur partner's knees, keeping faur awn knees bent and faur shaulders relaxed. Use same af faur weight ta le!ingently dawn, pressing his knees slowly taward his chest. Da nat farce past the paint af resistance. Hold far a moment ar twa then release slawly. l MID AND LOWER BACK Lower backache: Shiatsu Shiatsu of the /ower back aims to re/ax distorted musc/es and 50 a//ow rea/ignment of vertebrae. Pain in the /umbar area can be the effect of imba/ance in the functioning of the kidneys, sma// intestines and the organs in the pe/vis. Tight hamstnngs a/sa put extra stress on /ower back musc/es and techniques that stretch and /oosen the back and /egs as we// as strengthening the hara wi// be beneflcial. The /ower back is an area that is weak in many peop/e, 50 work s/ow/y, with care, synchronizing taur breath with taur partner's and with taur own movements, exha/ing as you app/y pressure. ) 3 Shiatsu holding hara and lower back Kneeling beside faur partner, slide ane hand beneath his lawer back, palm upward, and rest the ather an his lawer abdamen, ar hara, just belaw the naveI. Relax and tune in ta faur partner's breath. Imagine faur hands are channels far healing energy that flaws effartlessly thraugh them. Hald far up ta three minutes. 77
  • 11. COMMON AILMENTS Sciatica SciatlcaISa sharp shooting pain felt inthe legsand/or buttocks and back (usuallyon one side only), sometimes accompamed bya tinglmginthe corresponding leg or foot. ItIScaused when a disc bulges out between the vertebrae and presses againstthe sciaticnerve. Most discprotrusions heal themselves, given enough time and rest and some ofthe strokes shown here mal help to asslstthe healingprocess. Try the different movements and focus on those that afford most relief Work slowly and be guided by faur partner for the amount of pressure to use. Camomile or lavender essences (see p.2 I)may be helpful. Caution.. Ifsciaticpain ISpersistent and severe and/or on both sldes seek help from faur doctor or an osteopath. 2 Kneadingbuttocks Facingfaur partner's side at hip level, reach aver ta hls appasite buttack and start ta knead it with slaw, firm circling mavements, as shawn abave, using faur whale hand. Facus wlth faur fingers and thumbs, searching inta the saft tissue between banes. Avaid areas af sharp pain- warkaroundthem,nat dIrectiI an them, and always staI withln the threshald af pain. Mave around and repeat an the ather side. 78 I Stretching to sides of sacrum With faur partner Iyingface dawn kneel by ane thigh, facing hls head. Place the heels af bath faur hands an his sacrum, with faur fingers paintlng autward. Naw raise faur pelvis and lean slawly farward an ta faur hands. Then gradually slide faur hands away fram his sacrum, aut across the sides af hls buttacks and aH. Return ta the sacrum and repeat a few times. 3 Circlingdown back of leg With the fingers af ane hand and the thumb af the ather, trace small averlapping Clrclesdawn the back af ane thigh. Ease the pressure at the back af the knee, then pause ta press gently an the Shiatsu tsubo (marked) with faur thumb. Then continue ta circle dawn ta the lawer calf.Repeat an the ather leg.
  • 12. 5 Pressingsacrumholesandunder iliaccrests Kneeling by your partner's thigh, facing his head, rest your thumbs on either side of the tap of his sacrum. Feel for the small hollows, then slowly lean on to your thumbs. Hold, release, then move down the sacrum, pressing the pairs of holes. Now press carefully outward along under the rims of the pelvic bone, as shown right. ~ .:;,.F .i. ~j .. .-,,"""~ . . ...~---~ -","'" . ~ ('".". /;' ...,. """"' .. ' . ""' .. . . "'~""""'" ,~ ' . ~.~("'f~ MID AND LOWER BACK 4 Heel-of-handpressureon buttocks Facingtoward your partner's head, place the heels of both your hands on the hollows at the sides of his buttocks, as shown left. Slowly press your hands intoward each other. Try gently rocking the pelvis from side to side, or use alternating or synchronized circling movements to work into the soft tissue. Go gently if there is any tenderness. , Iji.~ ., '. ti t ';: .<~ " { tfP:l" l' " "&~ 6 Stretching legs Kneel at your partner's feet and take hold of one foot, one hand cupped around his heel and the other supporting the front of his ankle joint. Now lean back from your pelvis and let your arms go taut like ropes. Let your body take the weight and stretch the leg steadily and flrmly. Release, then repeat on the other foot. 79
  • 13. COMMON AILMENTS Aching hips The hips act as the body's fulcrum, joining legswith torso. Many people hold tension here, due to 1.'1ckof exercise, structural imbalance in the legsand suppression of sexuality and anger (both basicdrives centred in the hara). Thiscreates stagnation in the pelvis and increasingly limited and painful movement of the hlp jolnts. Pressingin the buttocks around the hip jolnts and rotating them by moving the legs willincrease circulation and mobility and help to relieve discomfort. The whole of the sequence for sCfatica(see pp.78-9) willalso be useful for warming and loosening the musc/es around the hip jolnt. Try marjoram essence for massaginghips (see p.21). ,.,~r.~ "" >'J,., j~ T .,,~ ,V ~ .' .""~'~ ' c~ . --_o ."~, I Pressingwith thumbs around joint Kneelingbesidefaur partner, feel for the hollow just above his hip bone (see diagram). Rest the balls of faur thumbs together at this point. Now lean forward from faur hara and let faur body push faur thumbs into the hollow. Hold, release, then continue on around the joint in a semicircle. Repeat on other side. [. 80 3 Shiatsu pressing knee to chest Begln as above, but this time transfer faur body weight forward, pressing hls knee slowly toward his chest. Stop at the point of resistance and hold for a few seconds. Release gently and repeat on the other leg. 2 Shiatsu rotating hip joint With faur partner on his back, kneel on one knee by his thigh, facing his head. Raise his leg, as shown left, using one hand on his knee and the other on his ankle. Start slowly to rotate the hip joint by describing small circles with his knee. Gradually extend the circles to the point of resistance, then reverse the direction of rotation. Repeat on the other hip. " C'i,~~""'~
  • 15. COMMON AILMENTS I Breathingintopain Lieon your backwithyour knees up, feet hip-width apart, and your arms and shoulders relaxed. Locate an area of pain or tension in your body, and as you inhale, imagine your breath bringing healing energy and nourishment to this area. As you exhale imagine breathing out the tension or soreness with your breath, Breathe slowly and deeply in this way for severa! minutes. ~ "-"--""'""'~"" ~.. '" -. 3 Bringingkneesto chest Lie on your back with your knees up, and hold them with your hands. As you' exhale, bring them gradually toward your chest to the point of resistance. You can bounce them very slightlyinthis position ifit feels comfortable, As you inhale, gently lower them again until your feet touch the floor. Repeat ., , 82 Exercises for mid or /ower back pain If we kept aur backs healthy and supple with regular exercise and if we were aware of aur posture, many back problems would be avoided. Here isa series of exercises to do daily.Never overstrain when exercising and move smoothly and slowly. Do each exercise only for as long as feels comfortable. Breathing properly (i.e. inhalingas you spread out faur body and exhaling as you curl in) willaid circulationand help to heal strained musc/es. Work up graduallyto the halfsit-ups and take pain as a warning to go mare easily.A pillow under the pelvis mar help to ease the lower back. ~~,. >:"" ~""" ' , s ",""" ~ 2 Pelviclift Lyingasbefore, with your feet flat on the floor, lift the baseof your spineand pelvisslightlyby tightening the rTlusciesof your abdomen and squeezingyour buttocks together, As you do this, ma~esure your neck and shoulders remain relaxed. Hold for a count of five andthen relax aII the musclesand beginagain.Repeat ~" )~ ~.". 1/" "~~"~~
  • 16. MID AND LOWER BACK O', -'O 4 Letting one knee fali out to side Liean faur backas befare, with faur knees up and feet apart. As yau inhale.let ane af faur knees flap aut ta the side. Keepfaur neckand shaulders relaxed. Liftfaur legagain as yau exhale and an the next " o' .._' , ~' inhalatianlet faur ather legflap aut ".1 o,:l!~~" ceo'' ,"::""" ta the ather side. Repeat. '7r;1~'lJ<' ' ~ ,~~ ';j /rffif o, ,:~A: ,,' ,/ 1~ ~#~"~:"'1, /"" ..~ ~ "" ,)'":' , !,,,~j'~""! '. v", c'/ " ,,' "" , ' , ' " ' " ' , , , ' , ,, "' , "~ , .G , ' , '- ,/~ "' :;;&>~~ '" !~,~ ~", ', , 'o' "" , 0 "",.." ' ,,,, " ' . = o' ,; ~;:-~ o '1;;., ,/'11Jo -",," ,II ,II," '!-~~4'11, ~~. o "#.'" ~o:o.o "0', ------ ,;,~ .- ~, .. ~" '~- ! "Oi"'" r"~' / ) """ ,.'7"~ ,,- ---t" 5 Gentle twist Start as befare and, as yau inhale.let bath faur knees flap ta ane side sa that faur pelvisrollsfram the hips. Keepfaur shaulders an the flaar as yau do thisand for extra twist gently raii faur head ta the appasite side. As yau exhale, bringfaur knees back up ta centre againand, an the next inhalatian,let faur pelvisraIIta the ather side. Repeat. """"""-0",,;- 6 Partial sit-ups Lyinganfaur backwithfaur knees slightlybent, gentlyraise faur neck and upper backaff the flaar as yau exhale,stretchingfaur arms farward atthe same time. Hald for a caunt of flveandthen veri slawlyuncurl backwardsa that faur back,then faur neck,faur head, and flnally faur arms are relaxingagainan the flaar. Repeat. 83
  • 17. LEGSAND FEET aur legs and feet support us, transport us, and connect us with the ground beneath. They link with aur sense of security and stability - or lack of il. Many expressions in aur language reflect the legs' connection with security: "to stand on aur own two feet"; "ta stand aur ground"; "to be a person of standing" and "having aur feet firmly on the ground". Locking aur knees and bracing aur legs can give us a false sense of security, but in fact this increases aur susceptibility to shock or injury as it makes aur joints less flexible. The legs link with the hara (our centre of gravity) and the Root chakra (our grounding and root situation in lire, see p.12). The Root chakra is at the base of the spine and it is from here that the nerves emerge ta supply the legs and feet, which are indeed aur "mobile roots". aur feet are complex structures, each having 26 bones and an arch, which have to support the weight of the whole body ab6ve, and act as shock absorbers. Massage brings awareness to aur legs and feet, helps to improve aur circulation, clears waste and toxins and generally increases aur sense of connection with the ground. 84
  • 18. Cramp Cramp 15a painful, sharp and sudden contraction of muscles. It occurs most frequently in the legs or feet, but can happen in other parts of the body as well. Cramp is sometimes caused by salt 1055after very excessive sweating, or by poor circulation. It can be violent and come on suddenly m the mght. In this sequence we show some alternating kneadmg and stretchmg movements for the calf musc/e. As well as massaging the leg it ISof ten helpful to get up and walk about in order to stretch the tlghtening musc/es. Marjoram essence mar be helpful (see p.21 ). LEGSAND FEET ~, I Stretchingbackof leg Kneelat faur partner's foot and, cupping one hand under his heel, lift his leg slowly to stretch the muscles at the back of the leg. To emphasize the stretch you can use faur other hand to press his foot back toward hls head. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, then release. Then repeat as many times as are necessary. 2 Massagingcalfwith knee up With faur partner's knee bent, kneel on elther slde of his foot and begin to work, with both hands, Into his calf muscle using slow, rhythmical kneading and wringing strokes. Squeeze, press and liftthe muscles, using one hand after the other. You can alternate thls muscle massage with stretches of the back of hls leg, as shown in Step 1. 3 Kneadingthe calf Wlth faur partner Iyingon his front, kneel at his side and begin firmly to knead the calf muscle. Rock faur body from faur pelvis as you lift, circle, and squeeze with alternate hands. Cover the whole calf area thoroughly. / 85
  • 19. '1 COMMON AILMENTS '!'lli I~ III] 1:lm I lil~~ H 1I~~i Knee ache, arthritis, sprains andstrains As they are large weight-bearing jaints. the knees are subiect ta pawerful farces. making them susceptible ta physical stress. This happens particularly if they are usually held braced ar lacked. The massage sequence shawn here will help the healing process after any structural damage from injury has been repaired (see p. 90). The strakes will alsa ease tired. aching knee jaints and help arthritic knees (see p. 92). The receiver can sir in a chair. if Iying an the fIaar 15nor comfartable. Try using lavender ar rosemary essence (see p.21 ). Caution: Ifthe jaint 15inflamed ar swollen, do notmassage it. but work the musc/es abave and away from the swelling ta disperse fluid. I . I~'I!I. I~I~I 3 Massagingmuscles above knee Rest your hands on either side of your partner's leg, just above his knee, and use your thumbs to make slow, firm sweeping movements, upward and outward, over the muscles above the knee. Par special attention to this area and then work gradually up the front of the thigh in the same way. -- -- ,. '" ' " "- I Broad circling of knee joint Start by cupping your hands under your partner's knee and then begin to describe broad circlingand overlapping movements right around the front of his knee with your thumbs. Move rhythmically in alternating circles. As your thumbs work over the front of his knee joint your fingers and palms are sliding under and massaging both the sides and the back of the joint. "" ...... ' '" 2 Deep tissue work Kneeling between or beside your partner's legs, start to work slowly and sensitively around the knee using both your fingers and thumbs to press into the soft tissue between the bones. You can use small rotating movements, without sliding on the skin, as you press in.Stay present and work right around t~e knee, keeping within the threshold of pain. Ii I 'Iilil IIII Iii 86 'i11
  • 20. LEGSAND FEET Leg ache: Shiatsu Energy can easily stagnate and toxins can build up in the feet and legs due to lack of exercise and movement. This causes the circulation of blood returning to the heart to become sluggish under the puii of gravity. Many major meridian$, and nerves run to and from the feet and legs, connecting them to vital organs and glands, and when a buildup ofimpurities continues the legs ache and the whole of the body isadversely affected. Pressingdown on the legs and walkingon the receivers feet activates the movement of energy and encourages the dlspersal of toxins. I Shiatsupalmingdown backof thigh With your partner Iyingon hisfront, kneel on one knee and support his bent leg on your other knee, Rest one hand on his sacrum and, with your other hand, palm slowly down the back of histhigh. Build up and release each pressure by moving your body weight on to and off your activehand, Repeat on the other leg. 2 Shiatsukneelingon feet and pressingcalves Carefully kneel on the soles of your partner's feet and place the palms of your hands on his calves. Incr~ase your pressure by slowly moving your body weig~t on to your knees and hands, and begin to massage his calves. You can also work on your partner's thighs from this position. 3 Shiatsu treading on feet For this technique, your partner's feet should lie flat, with the heels fallingout to the sides. Using your heels, walk on the soles of his feet. Put pressure anii on the insteps and balls of his feet, and take care not to step on his heels. Ifthere isspace between his ankles and the floor, insert a rolled towel to fiIIthe gap. 87
  • 21. COMMON AILMENTS Footache, sprains and strains, arthritis Foot massage is wonderfully refreshingand relaxingand, because of the hundreds of nerve endings on the sale of the foot that have reflex connections with aii parts of the body, it can relax the whole body as well. The sequence here canbe used incombination with the foot strokes shown for the whole body(see p.36), and will help in the recovery stage of strains or sprains(see p.90). Try rosemary or bergamot essences (see p.21). Caution.. Do not massage swollen or inflamedJoints.Before treating arthritlssee p.92. Iif " ,""re w "" - 2 Pushingfrontof foot back Kneel beside faur partner and with one hand press down on his heel and use the other to push the front of his foot back toward his head. Press to the point of resistance, then hold, and release. " 1, ; & / I Rotatinganklejoint With faur partner Iyingon hisfront, lift his lower leg. Now clasp the side of the big toe joint and let faur inner forearm rest on his heel. Using faur forearm like a lever rotate the whole foot in a slow, wide circle, first in one direction and then inthe other. / I " ~, '. !Ii " ""', ~ , -~ '.-r yl"" II,:" '<1(1 - 3 Pressing down on baII of foot Kneel up, and with one hand, hold either side of the Achilles tendon, just below faur partner's heel. With faur other hand, press down on the baii of hisfoot (not on the toes alone), while pushing the heel up. Lean firmly in to this stretch, but check the limit with faur partner. " ~<;' / I i i 4 Twisting front of foot to sides Stillkneeling,face down toward faur partner's toes. Claspeachsideof the front of hisfoot. Now slowly twist it sideways,first to one side andlhen the other. Repeat severaltimes.
  • 22. LEGSAND FEET 5 RollingbaIIof foot between heels of hands Sandwichthe baiiof faur partner's foot (backand front) between the heels of faur hands. Now rollthe baiiof hisfoot between them and, with afirm rotating pressure, move from side to side, coveringthe whole of the area just behind the toes. 6 Stretching toes apart Hold two adJacent toes between the thumbs and flngers of faur hands and slowly puii them apart from each other, stretching the web of skln. Let faur partner tell you when the stretch is enough. Stretch aiithe toes in this way. 7 Pullingtoes Facingup toward faur partner's head, hold his foot with one hand. With faur other hand, take hold of a toe between faur thumb and flnger and gently but flrmly rotate it a few times. Then stretch itwith a steady puii before slidingfaur flngers to the tip and off. Repeat on every toe. I I 8 Holdingtoes ina bunchand shakingleg Face toward faur partner's head and, with one hand, grasp his toes in a bunch between the heel of faur hand and the flatsof faur flngers (avoid "clawing" in under the toes). With faur other hand, take hold of the big toe and joint and then with both hands, liftthe leg slightlyand shake it a little, thereby stretching aII the toes at once. Repeat from Step I on the other foot. I 89
  • 23. ,},~1,, ;;~, LJ, )~t~, "J~ ,::;,, ~~,/ ";, , /i"A , ""~ , ' , ' , ' " ~, , ~" .r..tI , 'i , t , , ,, 'J{" '..A~V' ..:Kr~ ,/~j{ ,,"y ,o..y' ",".' , Oi,f.<GOY:; 0,...,;/,;<0",,<',,'. , "~~ , ',', ,'.,"'., " , ', ,t'." , ' "O' , ':, "i'" , ..7..;::~./.:/;t1/:/' 90 Sprains and strains A strain is an injury to muscle fibres or ligaments that have been forcibly stretched beyond their proper length. This can result in some local pain and perhaps swelling. A sprain is mare severe and is caused by a violent wrench or twist, causing tearing of the muscle fibres or the ligaments of a joint, resulting in pain, swelling and bruising. The most common areas to be affected are wrists, ankles and backs. These are both common injuries that can be helped by massage in the recovery stages, but you will need to follow the process outlined below. Having ascertained from a doctor that no bones are broken, the best initial treatment for sprains and strains is an ice pack or a cold-water compress if no ice is available. Then you should apply a bandage and support the jQint, elevating it if possible. Rest for between 24 and 48 hours, or until tenderness has subsided. Remedial massage treatment can then begin. Don't work directly on swollen areas, but start with gentle gliding strokes that push up toward the heart, above the injury. In the case of a sprained ankle, for example, work first from knee to thigh, and then from ankle to knee, to help disperse the fluid (see below). As the injury heals you can begin to work all aratind the area with careful kneading and friction strokes. Finally, where possible, you can work with passive movements to help restore mobility. Always keep within the threshold of pain. You could use a mixture of lavender and rosemary essences (see p.21). Drainingabove swellinginsprained ankle With faur partner Iyingdown, his ankleand up toward the knee. Use knee supported with a cushion, alternatinghand movements, gently beginto stroke slowlyupward, first squeezingand pushinginthe on the thighfrom knee to tor of leg, directionof the heart to aidthe After several minutesdo the same dispersalof fluidfrom the jointalong on the lower leg,working above the the blood and Iymphvessels, i .l..--- A "' ~ -I/' ',"',' ~ / """ "~ , "' , ' "",,, " " "" ' 0:/' :..,." " ""/ . " ."" ,." , ,. ,' ,, ' . . ,., ': ,,.,:' , ' , ' /' ",_""'4;,,/ ,,' ~:"", 7: /~" / V' :- ,< ,"" , fiii' -"""---' Z y,, "'",-'" , ' " ' ,',' " ...t ,.<""! ,..
  • 24. /ce and water compresses For sprains and strains ice is useful for reducing infernal bleeding, but you should never apply ice directly to the skin. Always wrap it in a cloth. ar use a bag of frozen peas. Apply ice for five minutes in every hour, for several hours, during the first dar or two. Ifyou do nor have any ice, a cloth wrung out in cald water is a/sa effective. Where there is persistent aching from strained muscles, alternating hot and cald campresses can bring relief. Applyinghot andcoldcompresses You need two bowls, one containing iced water and the other veri hot (not boiling) water, and two cotton cloths or small towels. It is usefulto start with the hot compress, 50 wring out one cloth inthe hot water, then fold it to shape and apply itto the area of pain for three minutes. Next wring out the cald cloth and apply it for one minute. Continue alternating these compresses for between ten and fifteen minutes. ~>o ---- 9/
  • 25. Arthritis There are many different kinds of arthritis, all of them involving the joints. The most common are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a generalized disease that caD start in childhood, usually in the small bones of the hands or feet. Joints become very painful, swollen and infiamed, and the condition caD spread throughout the body. Osteoarthritis is a disease of later lire, linked with wear and tear and mechanical deterioration of joints, bones and discs. It is often rotind first in the lower neck and lower back, and caD occur in joints where there have been previous injuries. Massage caD help to reduce pain in both these ailments. However, if a joint is swollen or infiamed do nor work on il. You may give it hand healing by just resting your hands' lightly on the painful area for several minutes while remaining centred. Then work with light gliding strokes above the swelling, in the direction of the heart. Where there is no swelling you caDuse whatever strokes feel good to your partner, from the section of the book that deals with that part of the body. Before doing passive movements on arthritic joints check with a doctor to see if this is alright and then always go very sensitively and keep within the pain threshold. Never force movements beyond their range. General soothing, slow stroking and gentle kneading and thumb circling aratind the affected areas caD be comforting and relaxing. Rosemary and lavender essences dis- solved in oiI will also help to alleviate pain (see p.21). Supporting the limb As people with arthritis may feel too stiffto climb on to a table or get down on to the floor you can improvise in a variety of ways with chairs of different kinds, and stools or footstools to support the legs. Watch faur own posture and avoid bending too much. Sit on the floor or on a stool or chair as you work. 92.
  • 26. ~ ~,oo ~O1'~;;~/ /o~ ',) ,. )'" , ' " '.:' '. ~. ", ., ;: .," ",V'" " '. 'I! i' ".
  • 27. INDEX A Anxlety 33 Arms and hands 64-7 Aromatherapy essences 20, 21 Arthritis92 of arms and hands64 offoot88-9 of knee 86 of neck 53-55 Asthma 60, 63 and chest congestlon 6 1 and upper back and shoulder 56 Aura 13 B Backache exercises for 82- 3 low76-7 mld 75 upper 56-9 Basic massage strokes 22-7 Bergamot 21 , 33, 56, 61, 88 Bronchial infections and chest congestion 61 and upper back and shoulder 56 Bronchitis 63 c Camomile 21, 33, 45, 69, 73, 78 Cardomom 21, 69 Centnng 19, 23 Shiatsu technique 63 Chakras !3 Brow 44 Crown 44 Hara 68,74,84 Heart 52, 60, 64 Plneal see Brow Root 74, 84 Solar plexus 68, 74 Throat 52, 64 Chest 60-3 congestion 61-2 "Child's pose" 76 Circling 23 Colds 60 Compress for headaches 46 for migraine 45 for neckache 53 for upper back, shoulder paln 56-8 for sprains and strains 90-1 stiffness or paln 56 Connectlng 23, 43 Constipation 72 Contralndlcatlons 93 Coughs63 Cramp arm 64,65 leg and foot 85 Cupping26III ~. 94 D Deep tissue strokes 23, 25 Depression 33 "Dragon's mouth" technique 27 "Draining" 35,39,42 E Enfolding 23 Essentialoils see Aromatherapy essences Eucalyptus 21, SI, 61 F Fatlgue33 Featherrng strokes 23 Fennel 21 , 72 Flatulence 72 Footache 88 Frrction strokes see Deep tissue strokes G Glidlng strokes 23 "Grounding" 16, 68 medltation for 19 H Hacking26 Hand healing 93 for arthritis 92 Hand problems 66-7 Hara 16, 19, 22. 27, 32, 59, 73, 77, 80 Head 44-51 Headache 44-9 Heel-of-hand pressure 27 Heel-of-the-hand stroke 25 Hlps achlng80 IJ Indian heallng massage 47 Indigestion 69-70 In-do pornI 60 Insomnia 33 jasmine73 K Ki13 Kneading 24 Knee ache 86 L Lavender 21, 33, 45, 59, 78, 86, 90, 92 Legache 87 Legs and feet 84-9 Lower back 74-83 1 M Marjoram 21 , 59, 72, 75, 80, 85 Massage baslc strokes 22-7 beginning 16-21 contraindications 93 making contact 20 tables 18 value of 10, 12, 15 Medium-depth strokes 23, 24 Melissa 21 , 45 Menstrual pain 73 Meridians 13, 14,48 stomach meridian 69 upper back meridians 59 Mid back 74-83 Migraine 44-5 ... N Nausea 69-70 Neck 52-9 ache 55 stiffness 53-5 strain 53-5 o Oii 23 carrier oils 21 mineral-based 20 vegetable 20, 21 Oiling 20, 23 arm 39 back 33, 75 backs of legs 35 buttocks 34 legs 42 nose and sinuses 60 torso 41 Osteoarthritls 92 self-help for 55 PQR Palm pressure 27 Percussion strokes 23, 26, 61 Plneal chakra see Chakra. Brow 44 Plucking 26 Rheumatoid arthrrtis 92 Rosemary 21, 51, 53, 55, 56, 65, 76, 86, 88, 90,92 s Sciatica 78-80 Shiatsu as a healing IDol 13,23, 27 basic techniques 27 beglnning 16-19 connectlng points 49 "dragon's mouth" technique 27
  • 28. for achlnghips 80 for asthma63 for bronchitis 63 for colds 60 for congestlon 60 for coughs63 for headaches48-9 for indigestion 69-70 for legache87 for lower backache77 for menstrual pain 73 for nausea69-70 for sinusproblems 60 for upper back stiffnessand pain 59 Shoulders 52-9 stiffnessor paln 56-8 Sinuscongestlon 59 "Slipped disc"74 Sprainsand strains90 arm 65 foot 88 knee 86 neck 53-5 Stomach and belly 68-73 Publisher's acknowledgements Gaiawould like to extend special thanks to the following: SaraThomas, Jane Downer, Chris Jarmey, Sheilagh Noble, Fausto Dorelli, Lesley Gilbert, Peter Sperryn, Sara Mathews, all the photographic models, aRd the staff at Marlin Graphics Ltd aRd F. E. Burman. Author's acknowledgements .First of all 1want to thank Chris Sturgess-Lief, who encouraged me to write the book when it was still only an idea. 1also would like to thank Jane Downer for her contribution on Shiatsu aRd her invaluable help aRd support (and wonderful Shiatsu treatments). Thanks also to Chris Jarmey for his advice. 1want to thank Lucy Lidell for her Recommended reading Brooks,Charles,SensoryAwareness,VikingPress, 1974 Downing, George, The Massage Book, Wi1dwood House, 1973 LideU, Lucinda, The Book of Massage, Ebury Press, 1984 Masunaga, Shizuto, Zen Shiatsu, JapaR Pub1ications, 1977 Montague, Ash1ey, Touching, Harper aRd Row, 1971 Ohashi, Wataru, Do-it-yourselfShiatsu, Unwin Paperbacks, 1976 Tanner, John, Beating Back Pain, Dorling Kindersley, 1987 Van Durkheim, Eraf Karlfried, Hara: the Vital Centre of Man, Unwin Paperbacks, 1977 Sources of quotes on p. 7 Gunter, Bernard,Massage, Academy Editions, 1973 Liss, Jerome, In the Wake ofReich, Coventure Ltd, 1976 Brooks, Charles, SensoryAwareness, Viking ~ress, 1974 INDEX/ A CKNOWLEDG EMENTS T T ennis elbow 64. 65 Tsubos 13,48, 51 uw Upper back 52-9 Whiplash InJury44 Whole body massage32-43 Wringing 24 Wrist problems 66-7 Wnter's cramp 66 work on the book, aRd all her support aRddarity. Many thanks to Joanna Godfrey Wood for aUher bard work, co-operation aRd patience in editing, a1soto Susan McKeever, aRd to Lynn Hector for her design aRdpatience. Thanks to Fausto Dorelli for his beautifu1 photographs aRd to Sheilagh Noble for her sensitive drawings. Thanks, too, to Peter Sperryn as my medical advisor, aRdto Mary-Jane Anderton aRdAnita Sullivan. Gratitude also to those who modelled for the photographs aRddrawings: Jane Downer, Terry Williams, Karen Drury, Parti Money-Coutts, Jerry Gloag, Otter Baker, Michael TirreU, David Kayla-Joseph aRd friend Mike, Danny Paradise aRdMargareeta Saari. Finally, special thanks ro Bob Moore for his healing aRd inspiration. Useful addresses Sara Thomas l5A Biidge Avenue London W6 9JA Jane Downer 92 Chesson Rd London W14 9QU Chris Jarmey (Shiatsu School of Natural Therapy) Churchfield Cottage East Kennet Nr Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 4EY tel. 0672 86459 95
  • 29. 1.., - ALso PUBLISHED BY GAlA BOOKS IN THE SAME SERIES: YOGA FOR COMMON AILMENTS Dr Nagarathna, Dr Nagendra, Dr Robin Momo /:,6.99 ISBN 1 856750108 Based on new research from India, this clear and simple-to-use handbook presents a comprehensive system of yoga thcrapy. 1t dcals with morc than 35 colllmon aill1lcnts inc1l1ding strcss, dcprcssion, insomnia, and hcart disease. The therapeutic postures can be easily added to your own system of yoga. Beginners can follow the step-by-step illustrations for a basic yoga session, then incorporate the healing poses. AROMATHERAPY FOR COMMON AILMENTS Shirley Price /:,6.99 ISBN 1 85675 005 1 This is a practical guide to using the ancient system of aromatherapy for the maintenance of good health, and for healing common ailments. Written by the author of the bestselling PracticalAromatherapy, its beautiful photography and clear, informative text provide an invaluable reference for home use as well as for practising teachers and therapists. ACUPRESSURE FOR COMMON AILMENTS ChrisJarmey andJohn Tindall /:,6.99 ISBN 1 85675 015 9 AROMATHERAPY WR COMMON AltMHNTS Smrl<JPrM This self-help guide brings the remarkable healing power of acupressure to your fingertips. By the simple application of pressure to specific points on the body you can stimula te subtle energy to boost the immunc system and alleviate many common ailments - and this book shows you how.
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