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Alba Iulia 2021
Coord. Vol. Paraschivescu Alina
Riddles and jokes , Short Stories
and some ”on line teaching” resources
Coord. volum : prof. Paraschivescu Alina
DESEN COPERTA 1 : BUCUR IOANA, cls. a VI-a , Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Riddles and jokes , Short Stories and
some ”on line teaching” resources
ISBN 978-973-0-35631-1
At the beginning of this book, you can enjoy some very popular riddles and jokes gathered
by some of the students, and later one you are challenged to unpuzzle new and original ones
- this time, created by the students. There are also selected and included some of the
drawings/paintings of our students to beautifuly adorn the pages of the book.
Anesia Denis, cls. a V - a
Școala gimnazială nr. 1 Săcădat
Q: Why did the baby strawberries cry?
A: Because his parents were in a jam.
Bucur Ioana , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
What month of the year has 28 days?
Answer : all of them.
What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
Answer : the future.
What can you break even if you don’t pick it up or touch it?
Answer : a promise.
Ioica Lavinia, clasa a VI-a
Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj
Why is the Maths textbook so unhappy?
Because it is full of problems.
Where do pencils go for holiday?
What word is the longest word in the dictionary?
Smiles, because it has a mile between the first and the last letter.
Boruah Marasim, cls.a VI-a
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir
I have not got any mouths or ears. I have no body.
But I come alive with wind. What am I?
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
We are twins,
We walk together,
We never part,
We make a pair forever!
What do you call a bee that comes from America?
Buș Ionuț Rareș, cls. a VI -a
Școala gimnazială nr. 1 Săcădat
Q: What kind of key opens the door on Thanksgiving?
A: A turkey!
Doda Andrei
Clasa a V a
Prof. Coord.: Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. „Al. I. Cuza” Braila
„What did one traffic light say to the other?
Stop looking, I ‘m changing!”
“ Why did the hipster burn his mouth?”
“He drank the coffe before it was cool.”
“Why did the gym close down?”
“It just didn’t work out.”
|”Why did a nurse use a red pen at work?”
“In case she needed to draw blood.”
”What’s a really sad strawberry called?”
“A blueberry.”
“What did an elf learn at school?”
“The elf-abet.”
“How do poets say ‘’Hello?”
“Hey, haven’t we metaphor?”
Neculiță Robert, cls. a V-a
Prof. coord. Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. „AL.I. Cuza” Braila
Jokes >
Did you hear about that snail that took off his shell believing that is going to make faster, but instead it made
him more sluggish.
“How do you make an apple turn over?” You push it down the hill.
“What did the sweet potato said to the tomato?” I yam what I yam.
“What do you call a dog on a beach in the sun?” A hot dog.
“What does a sweater say to a shirt?” You are my brother but we are so different, I’m used to keep the heat
and you are used to not keep the heat.
“What’s the king of all the school supplies?”
“I don’t know…”
“Why was the school easier by the people from the cave?”
“I don’t know.Why?”
“Because there wasn’t history to study.”
“What does a snowman that was made on Christmas orders at McDonalds?”
An iceberg-er and fries.
Mihăilă Angela, cls. a V-a
Prof.coord.: Mătușoiu Nicoleta
Șc.Gimn.,,Prof.Ilie Popescu’’, Sotânga
Q:Where do you find a no legged dog?
A:Right there where you left it.
Moian Ioana, clasa a V-a,
prof.coord.Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator.
Neicu Luana
Clasa a V a
Prof. coord.: Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila
What man cannot live inside the house?
Neicu Luana
Clasa a V a
Prof. coord.: Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila
“What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between us something smells.”
“Why did the student eat his homework?
Because the teacher told him, it was a piece of cake!”
“Would February March?
No , but April, May!”
‘’What kind of Valentine’s Day candy is never on time?
“Why did the elephant fall out of a tree?”
“Because it was dead.”
“Why did the second elephant fall out of a tree?”
“Because it was glued to the first one.”
“Why did the third elephant fall out of a tree?”
“It thought it was a game.”
Păun Livia, Clasa a V a
Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești
Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana
I am big and white, I can fly, but I don’t have wings, I can cry but I don’t have eyes. What am I?
Pîrșă Ionuț, cls.a VI-a
Prof. coord. : Mătușoiu Nicoleta
Șc.Gimn.,,Prof.Ilie Popescu'’, Șotânga
”Waiter, this soup tastes funny!”
”Then,why you aren’t laughing?”
”What did the policeman say when a spider ran down his back?”
”You’re under a vest.”
Prodan Cristian, Clasa:a V-a
Prof.coord. : Memet Nurten
Scoala Gimnaziala Spiru Haret,
A guest is ordering at a restaurant:
”Do you think you could bring me what that gentleman over there is having?”
The waiter looks at him sternly:
”No, sir, I am very sure he intends to eat it himself.”
Raucescu Andrei, cls. a V-a
Prof. coord. : Memet Nurten
Scoala Gimnaziala,,Spiru Haret” Medgidia
”Why did the chicken’s family cross the road?”
”They thought it was an egg-cellent idea!”
Rușița Denis, Clasa a V a
Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești
Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana
Why did the farmer get a brown cow?
Because he wanted to get chocolate milk!
Why are cats good at video games?
Because they have nine lives!
Voj Ioana , clasa a VI-a,Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
What is red and smells like blue paint?
Adam Ioana, Clasa a V- a
Prof. coordonator: Vasilie Anamaria Andreea
Scoala de provenienta: Liceul cu Program Sportiv Alba Iulia
“What does an eel buy with one pence?”
“What should you wear while drinking ice tea on a hot day?”
It makes us travel world wide
Even if we stay inside;
We learn about weather
Snowflakes lighter than a feather,
It teaches us orientation
With each new destination;
We look at maps
And learn new facts;
The seas we shall name
‘cause they aren’t all the same;
But still on maps I rely,
Guess who am I?
You may see me in the sky,
But that’s more of a lie;
I live underwater,
I’m thicker than a fly swatter
I sit on sand,
But not on land,
I may be orange, yellow or white
And don’t forget I have no sight
I have a very special shape,
You may think I’m a fake;
I did not tell a single lie,
So guess who am I?
I’m nice and round
I don’t make a sound,
I’m a healthy fruit
One, on the table you could put,
I can be yellow, green or red,
Eat me before you go to bed;
I grow in a tree
You can bite or slice me
Now guess who am I?
Afloarei Corina-Madalina, cls.a VI-a
Prof.coord.: Cristudor Andreea
Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera,
Structura Vulcaneasa
I have a book with animated characters
A prince, a fox and a rose
Lots of beautiful illustrated pages
About a child travelling round the world.
For this game you need a ball
There are rules to follow such as
Not kicking the ball.
It's sunny and it's hot
Everyone goes to the Sea to the pool
Everyone is taking a vacantion
During this season.
I have many problems to solve,
Additions, subtractions, multipications,
Divisions and many fractions
Guess who I am!
Bajan Nicoleta, Cls.a V-a
Prof. coord. : Memet Nurten
Scoala Gimnaziala,,Spiru Haret”Medgidia
One day an alcoholic’s daughter asks her father:
”Dad, what does it mean to be an alcoholic?”
And her father answered her:
”Do you see those two birds?”
”You see, an alcoholic would see four instead of two.”
”Daddy,but there is only one bird!”
Berceanu Andreea, cls. a V-a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
It's a proud, sown garden
With poems, jokes and stories,
But it is not easily visited
Unless you know, baby, to read.
Bonta Maria, cls. a V-a
Prof.coord.: Luminita Cebotari
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir
My Teacher’s Repeated Warnings
Thanks to my master class I have become thoroughly sensitive to environmental issues. Recently I bought
a greetings card, and when the cashier put it in a plastic bag I remembered my master class’ repeated warnings.
“I will be posting the card right away.” I told the assistant. “You can take the bag back”.
“OK”, she said with a smile. Then I watched as she scrunched the bag into a ball and tossed it into the bin.
Nights and Knights
Teacher: “Why do students sleep during the classes?”
Pupil: “Because they cannot fight knights.”
A Large Poster
Travelling to school I noticed a large poster at Doinei Station. It depicted Henry VIII standing at a ticket
office, saying: “Tower Hill, please!”
Some guys had written underneath: “And the single for the wife”
A Selective Girl
Tanya, my little cousin, likes eating gumdrops at the cinema.
But she does not like the black one, so she holds each sweet up to the light to check the colour before popping
it into her mouth.
During a particularly dark part of one film Tanya had been holding up a sweet for nearly a minute when
she heard a voice behind her say, “It is green. EAT IT!”
Chips and fish
Just chips and fish
Only chips and fish
I like the flowers
I enjoy the trees
I love the rolling hills.
What am I?
They serve only one interest and have only one aim to fulfill the needs of the youngest learners.
Who are they?
Boruah Marasim, cls.a VI-a
Prof. coord. Luminita Cebotari
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3, Cugir
On the Right Terms
When my neighbour’s teenaged son was interviewed for a job at a local shop, he was asked, “How would
you treat an irate customer?”
The boy thought for a moment. “I would treat him the same as the customer before and the one after.” He
was hired on the spot.
Later, his mother asked about the interview. “I suppose it went well because I got the job”, the son replied.
“By the way, Mum, what does ‘irate’ mean?”
State of the Art
Preparing for a car-boot sale, I came across some of my paintings
And decided to put them on display. One of my florals was bought by an old man who seemed pleased when
I told him I was the artist. I was thrilled that my work sold.
Later a women selected two others, I was about to tell her that they were my works, when I asked “What
made you choose those two?”
“Oh,” she replied, “I am only buying them for the frames”.
Splash It All Over
Sitting next to my elder cousin, I noticed that he smelt rather nice.
“What is your aftershave called?”, I asked him.
“Tester,” he replied.
Blooming Sow-And-Sow
One of the worst mistakes you can make as a gardener is to think you are in charge.
Weed: a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.
Time Signals
Elderly man to his neighbour: “I have reached the age where the happy hour is a nap.”
An old age pensioner to his friend: “I do not miss the good old days as much as I miss the good old nights”.
I like sunny skies and warm sea water.
What am I?
It has three corners and covers all your head. What is it?
BROK KARLA, clasa a VI-a
Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
RIDDLE - Books
Who is the character who deviated from the path?
JOKE - Holidays
A: Why are you crying, little child?
B: My brother has a big vacation and I do not.
A: Why don’t you have a vacation too?
Bucur Ioana , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
What can you sing with, without touching it?
What can you hear but it doesn’t make any sound?
What can’t a mirror show?
Căciulă Narcis Florin, cls. a V-a C
Coordonator: prof. Ianoși Cristina Laura
Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Lupeni
I’m a fruit
Big, green and round
Incredibly sweet, tasty and delicious
But also very healthy.
I’m great in summer
And if you eat me,
You won’t be thirsty.
Cicalău Rebeca, clasa a V-a,
prof.coord. : Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
As few as possible, to be well, you always wear them and it's not hard for you.
Stay up late at night, play more and more, and don't get bored.
If it weren't, you wouldn't be able to do it.
You use it in summer to cool off
You wait for it to come, it comes, and passes quickly.
It is always buzzing and it is in one season.
Chișcociu Bogdan, clasa a V-a,
prof.coord.Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
What plant likes the sun most?
”Why is it so hot in summer?”
”Because the sun also likes summer and it comes closer.”
What animal likes going outside and playing every day?
What vegetable helps your eyesight?
What school subject makes you go outside and do activities?
How do you call an apple having a bad day?
What do you call a tiny shirt?
”Why did the chicken cross the road? ”
”Because there was a party on the other side.”
”Why did the hot pepper jump off the roof ?”
|”So the roof wouldn’t catch fire.”
What sport makes you hold something very heavy and throw it very far?
What fruit has a shield that protects it?
Cojocaru Selena, cls. a V-a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
It's a precious thing
At school is inseparable
From his painted wooden coat
Take out your blackened nose.
Answer : PENCIL
Comandașu-Soare Elena, clasa a VI-a
Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj
Prof. coord. Ciolan Lenuța
Joke: What holiday is more acknowledged in the Eastern Hemisphere than anywhere else?
Joke: What does an ant do when it wants to assist surgeries? It becomes a medical assist-ant.
Joke: What does a deer who likes operating engines become? An engin-eer.
Joke: What did the cake who tried doing math exercises become? A Pi.
Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes,
Cranberry sauce, corn and beans,
Gather with your family yearly,
‘Cause that’s where all the fun begins.
Which holiday is it?
Lord has come into the world,
Bringing faith and joy and cheer.
Presents waiting to be opened,
Santa’s almost gotten here.
Which holiday is it?
by Popa Diana
Comșa Andrei
Clasa a V-a C
Profesor coordonator: Adriana Anușcă
Colegiul Național „Inochentie Micu Clain”, Blaj
Who is eaten by the kids and loved by the parents for keeping the doctor away?
I drink a lot of water and I feed on the sunlight. What am I?
When do three seasons become one?
What contains both tears and smiles?
Who can sing during class and never gets punished?
1. A man goes to the vet. He tells the vet “Doc, help me! I’ve swallowed a cat!”
The vet asks the man to open his mouth and says “Please, meow to me so I know that you are still alive …”
2. What is your favorite type of fish?
Fish and chips.
3. When does your face always light up?
When I open the laptop.
4. Why don’t you study chemistry?
Because I can’t feel it.
5. What’s your favorite school day?
Cornea Andrei , clasa a V-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
Her tail is bushy
And it keeps chickens.
Like a float boat,
On the sand it travels.
Coloured like a flower, small body it has
And it flies all summer above the plain
Say what it might be.
Costache Amalia Mihaela, clasa a V-a
prof.coord.: Corina Dan
Sc. "Al.I.Cuza" Brăila
Who is fluffy, cute and adorable,
With a pink and wet nose,
Bright yellow eyes,
Small ears
And a fluffy tail?
Who is always hungry
And sleeps all day?
Who is always lovely?
Curea Eva Anastasia Maria, cls. A V-a
Prof. coord. Cebotari Luminita
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir
As the inspection by the Air Force ended, I watched my officer take off, piloting his own aircraft. But
instead of accelerating, he slowed to a stop. I waited anxiously, convinced he would return and catch me off
Through binoculars, I saw him clamber down from the plane in full dress uniform, then kneel in the
grass by the side of the runway. He removed his cap, resplendent with gold braid and proceeded to fill it-
with mushrooms.
I really want to know the day when Mathematics is going to solve its own problems…
After all, I have my own problems…
The teacher announced that to practise spelling, each student would say what his father did for a living
and then spell the occupation. Diana went first. “My daddy is a baker, b-a-k-e-r, and if he were here, he
would give everyone a cake.”
Next came Robert. “My dad is a banker, b-a-n-k-e-r, and if he were here, he would give each of you 10
Third came Jimmy. “My dad is an electrician”. But after struggling through a number of attempts to
spell the word, the teacher asked him to sit and think about it for a moment while she called on someone
else. She then turned to little Johnny.
“My dad is a bookmaker, b-o-o-k-m-a-k-e-r, Johnny said: “ And if he were here, he would lay you
odds of eight-to five that Jimmy cannot spell electrician.
Find someone who
Loves to play tennis,
Has a little brother,
Has an elder sister,
Has a pet and is
Left handed.
We have got snowdrops in spring,
We have got cherries in summer,
We have got hazelnuts in autumn,
We have got snow in winter.
What does a potato become if it wears a long red dress?
Dehelean Aida Sara
CLASA: a V-a
Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă
Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj
My aunt went out to buy clothes for me. She hasn’t come back yet and I haven’t got my Kimono
since. Where is she now?
They have a lot of vitamins and most of them are ready to be eaten in summer.
It’s a sport where you can use no hands while playing.
It’s sultry, you usually go for a swim during this period.
It’s a school subject some people hate.
So, we were in the sports class and my friend said he didn’t want to play. He got hit by a ball and now hates
everything about it.
Well, you know what they say, the things you hate will forever come after you. He’s a sports teacher now!
What’s red and not good for your teeth? ... A brick
Dragomir Răzvan
Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă, Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj
Friendly with people and bones are his favourite.
Buthan is small, Russia is big. So, how is Germany?
He’s big and grey, he lives in Africa.
After you crash it, you can make ketchup out of it.
It’s warm, it’s next to spring – What is it?
Durlă Valentin, cls. a V-a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina
A goose in a bar:
„Do you have polenta?”
The goose asks.
„No, the bartender answers”.
„No, we don't, don't you hear…?!?”
„Sure, sure?”
"If you ask again, I'll take a nail and a hammer and grab your beak at the counter!"
„Do you have nails?”
„What about polenta?”
Fogarași Trisha Andra
Clasa a VI-a
Prof. coord. : Seicean Daiana Maria
Colegiul Național I.M.Clain Blaj
This is something that people do in their free time,
It’s something they enjoy doing
It can be drawing, reading or anything else
and it’s called a …..?
It can be a library, a park or a restaurant
Maybe a school, a hospital or a store
They might seem different,
But they all have something in common.
They’re fun to play
Some with your friends or some alone
With a ball or a rocket
and they’re called….
If you do it you earn money
You can be a nurse, a cashier or a postman
It doesn’t really matter
as long as you love your….
The times of the year when people are happy,
when the air is filled with joy
These happen on Christmas and Easter or on any
Whenever I read its pages
I am drifting away from this reality,
only to find myself in other worlds where demigods
and fairies exist
but I need to come back eventually when the pages
end and I close the…
Ghiţă Denis, Clasa a V- a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina
My body, my head is the same,
I am always on one leg,
I have countless shirts.
And I wear them all-dressed.
Guică Andra Gabriela, cls. a V-a
Prof.coord. : Ianoși Cristina Laura
Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Lupeni
We are purple and sweet
Especially for a kid
We are oval and small
And good for you all.
We grow in trees
And we are also good in cakes.
Ioica Lavinia, clasa a VI-a
Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj
Prof. coord. Ciolan Lenuța
“Dad, do you remember, you promised me your fountain-pen if I got a good mark?
Well, you’re lucky. You’ll keep your pen!”
Teacher: “Billy, can you tell me what a hypocrite is?”
Billy: “ I think it’s a boy who comes to school with a smile on his face.”
Mother: “Who is the laziest fellow in your class? Who never does a task, homework and never learns a
Mike: “It is our teacher.”
Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
1. There are people in a country who never fail to complete a marathon.
Who are they?
2. Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?
Because she’s always running away from the BALL.
Kalanyos Ioana Alexandra, Clasa a V-a
prof.coord. Ianoși Cristina Laura
Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Lupeni
I am big and brown,
And sometimes scary,
But I love honey and berries,
And I take a long nap in winter.
Krisan Ioana , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
There is a place where you can go on holiday. It is hot and usaually sunny. You can stay on sand or in water.
What is it ?
CLASA: a V-a
Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă
Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj
It is white and little and if you confuse it with salt you won't like it.
It is a animal, it is gray and big.
You can play it with with a lot of colorful little balls and other two or three players.
It is a fruit, it is brown but you don’t want your brain to be like it.
In this season in Burkina Faso it’s 36C°.
MARIȚ YONEKO, clasa a VI-a
Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
I’m not a book, but I have pages.
I’m always ready for you,
With lines or squares
So that you are able to write on them at any time.
Who can understand me, wisdom acquires!
Matei Vlad, cls.a V-a
Prof.coord. Luminita Cebotari
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir
Geography Lesson
Sitting in his bedroom one evening, my 12-year-old brother Robert had his illuminated globe switched on
and was poring over it intently with the aid of a small electric lamp.
Thinking he was doing his Geography homework, I mentioned what I had seen to my dad, who replied:
“Perhaps he is studying global warming.
Mystery Writers
Teacher: “How many mystery writers does it take to change a light bulb?”
Pupil: “Only one, but it needs a spectacular twist at the end.”
From Generation to Generation
Little boy: “Mummy, you know that saucer you said had been handed down from generation to generation?”
Mother: “Yessss.”
Little boy: “Well, this generation just dropped it”.
Why are you flying?
I was sitting next to a chap in the departure lounge. Turning to me he said, “God, I hate flying. Hate it! I
cannot think of single reason why the plane should stay up in the air. I mean, if something goes wrong, that is
it – you have had it. If God had wanted us to fly He would have given us wings.”
I said, “So, why are you flying then?”
“I have got to,” he replied, “I am the pilot”.
I am a long word with
Three consecutive double letters.
What am I?
Mărginean Eliza Elena
CLASA: a V-a
Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă
Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj
It lives in the jungle but no one knows it’s colour. What could it be?
It’s the rabbit’s favourite food.
It’s long ang and yellow. It lives in tropical countries. What is it?
They are four sisters. They are always running in circles but never get tired or dizzy. Who are
They walk around like a couple. If they weren’t together anymore, you couldn’t go out in the
Mărginean Evelina Alexia
CLASA: a V-a
Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă
Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj
❖ Riddle: She can run up to 50 km/h.
✓ Answer : The cat
❖ Riddle : It has fluffy black or white fur, it nibbles all the time something orange. What is this ?
✓ Answer : Rabbit
❖ Jokes > It’s very simple, but it’s also very HARD. You have to think about it. Then it is simple.
What is this ?
✓ Answer : Maths
❖ Riddle > What are beautigul colors, fly and I like them to draw.
✓ Answer : Butterflies
❖ Riddle > Here are many children, teachers, boards, chairs and pieces of chalk.
✓ Answer : School
❖ Riddle : They are red, are very delicious, and we can eat them in May or June.
Answer : Cherries
Meclea Denis, cls. a V -a
Școala gimnazială Conţești,
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
We will assemble a team at school,
And we will find a large field.
We break through our corner -
We bang our heads.
And the fifth goal is at goal!
We really like ...
Mihai Jose
Clasa a V - a
Școala gimnazială Conţești,
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
Boxers have a shell - a punching bag.
And in this sport the "fruit" is better.
An athlete scores the ball there
Gate in the form of the letter H,
The ball is very similar to a plum.
What kind of sport can you name?
Mihăilă Angela, cls. a V-a
Prof.coord.: Mătușoiu Nicoleta
Șc.Gimn.,,Prof.Ilie Popescu’’, Sotânga
Q:Where do you find a no legged dog?
A:Right there where you left it.
Moian Ioana, clasa a V-a,
prof.coord.Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
”I have an extraordinary dog! It smells you from one km.”
”How about this?”
It means you have to shower more often.
”I have four balls in my right pocket and five in my left one. What does it mean?”
That you have large pockets.
If you were a multiplication, I would put you in brackets.
Neagu Rafael Ioan, clasa a V-a,
prof.coord.Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
I am the most popular vegetable,
I am long and thin,
Bunnies like me very much.
2.Red beads in the bushes,
Loved by children and bears.
I am an exotic animal,
I eat everything I can,
But I love bananas.
She gives us milk and says two words.
Loves milk and she doesn't sleep at night
Because she protects us from mice.
I fly from hand to hand and I don't get tired.
Has no tongue but if you follow it you will find a lot of information.
It flies fast and no one catches him.
Every day at 7 o'clock I tell you ”wake-up”.
What is prepared but didn't eat?
Follows us all the day.
Winged mouse,
In caves you meet him.
He has no fear of anyone,
He is the King on the glaciers.
He is a faithful friend and I always give him a bone.
I go with the student
And I keep his books.
Who knows everything that happens in the world?
The playground is divided in two
And each other has a hanging purse.
Neicu Luana
Clasa a V-a
Prof. coord.: Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila
I’m the most dangerous animal in the world, I can kill you in many ways. What am I ?
Answer : mosquito
I’m only used by women in the summer. What am I ?
I change my colour when I touch an object. What am I?
Neculiță Robert, cls. a V-a
Prof. coord. Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. „AL.I. Cuza” Braila
Which animal has 4 legs, can run very fast and it is human’s best friend?
What is round, it tastes good and sweet, and it’s orange?
What is green, it’s in different sizes and we use it when we make a Greek salad?
What season is hot, it’s almost on the end of the year and the temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius?
What has big sleevs and it is worn in the autumn?
What writes with blue or black, has a cover and it is the pencil’s brother?
What is the most important subject in the school,it’s your native language and it teaches you how to speak
better in the society?
What is the sport that includes a ball and 2 teams and it’s very appreciated by boys and men?
“What do you call the sport football but you play it with the hands instead of the foot?”
“I don’t know. How?|”
What is the holiday that it’s in winter,it represents a big part of the orthodox religion, and it’s 25th
of December?
Odoleanu Andreea – Ioana, CLS.A VI-A
Prof. coord. : Cristudor Andreea
Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa
A girl in a red hood
Went to her grandma
And she made a big mess
Did you guess?
All you need is a palette
And a little talent
A green ball
And a field small
It's a place with fresh air
You can have a picnic there
Did you guess it?
You can draw better
It doesn't matter
With crayons or pencil
This school subject is merry.
You have to be brave
If you want to save...
People who are in danger
Need you be braver.
In winter it's celebrated
The house smells like gingerbread
It's a lot of fun
The snow began.
Olteanu Denis, cls. a V a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
Orange, long and mustachioed
Thinner or thicker,
Sweet, vitaminized
The king over the vegetables.
Strong, yellow, sharp
He is stuck in the ground,
Who is? Did you guess?
Pascalinoiu Felicia, cls.a VI-a
Prof.coord.: Cristudor Andreea
Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa
Has colored pages
Subscribe to it all
And how much you love her
You use it more and more
Answer :P.E.
It has many exercises
But it is not a manual.
They are many and beautiful
If you want to visit them
You must have a GPS.
There are desks,
Classes to,
We are glad to learn
To read and write.
She is long but also short
But we take another break
From our work.
Pascu Lucas, cls. a V- a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
It is not a mouse, it's not blind,
Fruit stains from notebooks,
It would be good and beautiful.
Let us not chew anything.
Păun Livia, Clasa a V-a
Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești
Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana
It is a loyal friend for you, it stays next to you when you are sad, it can jump, but it can’t talk.
I have long ears, I hop every day, and I love carrots. What am I ?
You can read me, I am very rich because I have many words, and you can live an imaginary world due to me.
Petrinca Alexia , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
On the music you move and feel the beat. There are lots of songs and you can do a lot of steps with your
partner or alone and it makes you forget all your worries.
Answer : THE DANCE
When you are sad and feel so bad, he/she helps you with a piece of advice or a word and suddenly you feel
better. Who is it?
Ploscaru Andreea
Prof. coord. Cristudor Andreea
Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa
You need a rocket
A ball or a racket
Simona Halep is the champion of this game.
It is a place in the city
There are children playing
Swings and slides
There's a lot of fun.
You need tools
To repair cars.
It's the last day of the week
No one works that day
Students don't go to school either.
Popa Alina, Clasa a VI -a
Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești
Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana
I am small, I love the smell of flowers, I can fly. What am I?
I love eating meat, I can run very fast, I live in the jungle, it is my kingdom. I am ….
You can use me to make a delicious spaghetti sauce. People consider me a vegetable, but I am fruit. What am
I can help you if you are not feeling well, I have an office, I am a person. Who am I?
Radu Irina , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
It’s a show about music. It was aired on May 19th. One of its actors’ name is Lea and I am talking about
............................... .
Answer : GLEE
Răboj Andreea, cls. a V- a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
It looks like petals,
Or dancing stars
The clouds sprinkle them in the winter
And put them on your eyelashes.
ROȘIU DARIA, clasa a VI-a
Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
1. What match can’t be put in a match box?
2.Why did the football quit the team?
Rușanu Costinel, cls. a V-a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina
Dad wears a white robe.
At the hospital when he comes,
You can tell him what hurts,
And he makes you well.
Rușița Denis, Clasa a V- a
Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești
Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana
When are you allowed to cross on red and stop on green?
When you are eating watermelon!
I am cold, I bring you ice flowers on your window and icicles on your house. Who am I?
I love numbers, I am with you at school every day, you may not like me, thanks to me you know multiplication
and division. MATHEMATICS
By Sabo Ioana ,
Sabo Ioana clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
You use a colourful stick to get a paper dirty, but the result looks really pretty, sometimes becomes a
masterpiece. What is it?
Answer : A DRAWING
Săbăduș Amira Ana Maria
Clasa a VI-a
Prof. Seicean Daiana Maria
Colegiul Național I.M.Clain Blaj
I have many pages of exercises
with multiplication and division
Children avoid opening me.
If you want to pay taxes
You pay them to me.
If you need money
Look for me.
Every year
I'm dressed in red
Dear children, I am waiting for the gifts to put under the tree
When I come.
We learn about colours
We learn to draw
What school subject is it?
I work in the hospital
I treat you, children and adults,
when you are ill
What job do I have?
Trif Dalia , clasa a V-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
Long, big ears
Long, big nose,
I am gray and I’ve got toes
To my lovely huge four legs.
In the jungle I have fun
Once there was a sibling cute one, Dumbo.
What animal am I?
Fluffy tails and emerald eyes,
Hide and seek I play with mice
Heal the wounds that are inside
And I live nine lives.
What animal am I?
Coloured leaves fall on the ground,
Baskets full of lovely harvest
It is chilly, cold, and rainy
It is time for new school beginnings.
What season am I?
Urucu Luiza, cls. a VI-a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina
You can ask them to help you,
It gives you a lot of advice,
And he speaks for you,
He knows the laws well.
Vartoc Darian , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
Who flies without flying and takes us over the sea, over the mountains across the oceans? Who would it be?
Answer : A PILOT
She works with the little ones, a group of „dwarfs”. She is a good story teller. Her job is ..........
Vasiliu Adrian, cls. A V-a
Școala gimnazială Conţești
Judeţul Teleorman
Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina
It has no wheels, no legs
He takes me quickly to the valley.
But to climb the hill
I have to take it.
Voj Ioana , clasa a VI-a
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
It’s like a guineea pig, only it has longer ears and a smaller tail.
by Bucur Ioana
Bejenaru Bianca, cls. a VII-a
Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina
Sc.Gimn. ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia
Olivia is a volunteer at the animal shelter and her best friend is a fish, Barry.
One day she thought of taking Barry with her, so she put it into a bag on a plate and then she left. A parrot
walking around the room saw it and pounced on it. He grabbed the bag with his claws, lifting it and flying
with it through the building. At one point, the bag broke and the fish landed somewhere on the ground. When
Olivia saw that Barry was no longer in his place she started to be worried about and she was searching for it.
After a while she began to give up and accepted that she had lost Barry, but right then, at that moment she
saw it swimming in a bowl of water. The bad luck was that a dog wanted to drink water and, not seeing the
fish, he swallowed it. Olivia ran to him and began to put her hands in his mouth to get Barry out. Luckily for
her, Barry was stuck on the dog's neck so after a minute the dog coughed and the fish managed to come out.
After that incident, Olivia never took Barry to the shelter again. All is well when it ends well!
Bura Andrei, cls. a VII-a
Scoala Gimn. “Vasile Goldis “
Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina
This is John’s first time in a big city. He always gets laughed at for having such a red nose and
colorful hair. Wait - but that’s his job! John is a clown working at one of the most prestigious circuses in the
whole of New York, and not any clown, an aquatic clown! His partner, Nemo is a grey bass, one of the biggest
in the Atlantic Ocean, his intelligence exceeds what the scientists think.
John is late for the show and here he is rushing on stage with Nemo in his small aquarium. BANG! The
aquarium smashes on the hard floor. In a moment of desperation John takes the fish and places him in his
The vanishing of Nemo upsets the public who’ve grown quite fond of the little fish. The public loves Nemo
so much that the whole show went on without any applauses. The final stunt is a jump through three rings into
a small pool filled with water, and the worst part is that John is the one that has to perform it. John starts
running and leaps through the first ring, but before he knows it, the fish manages to escape John through his
nose, going through the last two rings, the fish drops in the pool. This amazes the people who start clapping
minutes in a row. Everybody is happy in the end!
The Funny Story of a Fish
Cănănău Paula, clasa a VII-a,
Prof .coord.: Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr. 7 Petroșani
It was a normal day in the Blue Kingdom, one of the most beautiful under water kingdoms, where a
lot of animals lived. Jack and Ariel were two fish that were always looking for new friends and loved to play.
They were thinking of a good plan to defeat Nemo and Dory in the prank war between the four of them.
This time Jack and Ariel decided to make a prank on a teacher. They thought this was the perfect way
to win this competition. Everything was prepared; they were going to make a prank on Miss Coral, one of their
mermaid teachers.
Once they arrived at school and the teacher entered the classroom they offered her a cookie. But Miss
Carol didn’t know it was made from food for octopus so when she tasted it, her body color instantly changed.
From a bright yellow she had turned into dark red, everyone started laughing. Jack and Ariel were scolded by
the teacher and their parents and they understood that it is not good to do such a thing and that respect is
essential in our life, but they won the prank war.
The Story of a Fish
Cîmpean Vlad, clasa a VII-a
Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj
Prof. Coordonator: Ciolan Lenuța
Once upon a time, there was a little boy, Jack, who lived with his mum and grandma in an old, small
house. Jack was very sad because his mum was very sick and he didn’t know how to help her. One morning
he decided to go fishing by the river. He was waiting for several hours when suddenly he caught a small fish.
He was so happy for a moment, but then he realised that the fish had his fin broken and was in great pains.
Jack put the fish in his bucket and took him home. He filled his large fish tank with fresh water and let the
fish swim slowly there. Jack took good care of the fish and soon they became friends. He shared with the
fish all his sorrows and joys.
Day by day the fish became more and more energetic and his fin was gradually healing up. By the
time the fish was better, as a miracle, Jack’s mother’s health improved. One day, the fish told Jack that he
missed his family and he would love to go back to the river. Jack was very sad because the fish has become a
real friend and he didn’t want the fish to move apart.
However, he realised that the fish could not be happy in a fish tank and he brought the fish back to
the river. The fish promised Jack that he would come to the bank of the river every morning to meet the boy
and talk as they used to do.
Jack and the fish have been inseparable since then and they still meet by the river every morning.
The Funny Story of a Fish
Corlan Ionuț Gabriel, clasa a VII-a,
prof.coord. : Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
Once upon a time, there was a happy family made from three people.
One day the boy said he wanted a pet. His parents decided to buy him a fish, so they went to the pet
shop where they found a little yellow fish. They bought it with love, but what they didn't know was that the
fish was a magical one. One morning, the family wanted to take a picture of the new member in the bathroom.
Suddenly the fish jumped on the edge of the aquarium and talked. Scared, the father threw the aquarium, and
the fish ended up in the toilet. A few minutes later the fish woke up on land, but one thing was strange. The
fish could breathe on land and in a few minutes it grew hands and feet. It's been a difficult journey, having no
food and being a strange creature. Through his affair he encountered many troubles for example: He fell with
his face down in the dung.
Eventually the journey is over, finding the adoptive family. They accepted him fondly even though it
was no longer what they had bought.
The funny story of a fish
Ferțu Paula Marissa, clasa a VII-a,
prof.coord.Stan Gabriela
Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
Once upon a time, in the wonderful deep blue sea, Figo the Symphysodon lived peacefully with his
family, running between colorful corals and stones with his siblings, making the best of life!
But one time, when Figo was supposed to visit his grandma, on the other side of the coral reef, disaster
struck…his grandma, was kidnapped! There was a bunch of clownfish police officers and lionfish detectives,
but nobody knew what happened. She was loved by the entire community, children were obsessed with her
coral cookies and loved to see her knit lively scarfs. Figo knew something was wrong, but he was too young
to be heard, so he did the inexplicable, he started to look for evidence, began to analyse every move and
location where she was last seen, and places she often visited.
Around midnight, he found a lead! He quickly got into his dad’s car and drove there as fast as possible.
There was an abandoned house, and he heard cries, so he thought that the best move is to call the police and
enter with caution. He got down to the basement and there she was, Scarlett the Symphysodon, alive and safe.
The police finally came and rescued them, and found the culprit, William the Hammer Shark. Now, that Figo
is old and has a family of his own, he tells this funny story to his children, Figo the Hero! It sounds fitting.
Ghiojdoiu Felicia, cls. a VII- a
Prof. coord. : Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila
This is the story of an unusual fish named Pingo. Pingo lived under the sea in the Pacific Ocean
surrounded by his friends and family. But he was known as the bad guy of the group. He never listened to
anyone and did only the things that made him happy or gave him pleasure, not thinking about other fish.
Despite that, he had a lot of friends who were kind and good, the total opposite of him. Pingo was
also very smart, but he never showed that because he thought that his friends will think that he is a nerd because
they weren’t the smartest fish in the sea. Pingo liked to think about ingenious pranks and prank other fish. He
liked seeing them struggling to find who fooled them.
One day, something terrible happened to Pingo. He was hanging out with some of his friends,
when his dad called him.
“Pingo, come here immediately!“ He already knew that something bad happened and he was going to have
another fight with his father. Pingo was a little bit embarrassed because the argument he had with his dad was
going to take place in front of his friends.
“What’s up, dad?” Pingo asked.
“Don’t act like you don’t know why I came here. Don’t you think that the way you pranked your sister was
too much?”
“But how did you know it was me?”
“Oh, come on, no fish could possibly come up with that idea. You made her go crazy and she’s only half your
“I’m sorry, okay? It’s not going to happen again.” Pingo said to his father, but we all know that he didn’t
mean that.
“You know what? I’m sick of your little pranks and all the evil of yours and I’m sure that I’m not the only
one who is tired of your ideas. Pingo, you’re grounded, you’re no longer allowed to go out and you’re no
longer allowed to prank anyone ever”
“But dad, this isn’t fair. Just because of one innocent prank I’m no longer allowed to do anything else? Why
do you think I prank you? This is the only fun I have because no fish from this group is smart enough to
understand me.”
After this, Pingo started to swim very fast, far away from the other fish. He could hear his father
calling him, but it was not helping, Pingo was already gone. Pingo went and hid in a small cave only knew by
him. He never brought any of his friends here. This was his private place. He was going there when he needed
some time for himself to relax when he couldn’t stand his friends or his father anymore. Suddenly he heard a
voice, so he went to check where the voice came from. At the bottom of the cave stood a very old fish.
“Hello!” Pingo said. He was a little bit scared because no one usually comes there.
“I can see that you’re upset young man. What happened to you my dear?” the other fish asked.
“It’s none of your business. I just had an argument with my father and I came here to clear my thoughts. What
are you doing here anyway?”
“I usually come here when I want to be alone just like you. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you?
You can tell me all your problems if you want, but after all, I’m just a stranger who doesn’t know you”
“I guess you’re right. Well, I like to prank other fish. This is the only thing that brings me joy. I pranked my
sister and she couldn’t keep her filthy little mouth shut, so she told my father. Then, my dad came to me while
I was hanging out with my friends and started an argument and now I’m grounded.”
“You know, you can go to the surface of the ocean if you want, just go and swim a bit, and then you can come
home and figure things out with your father, but be careful. I guess this is your first time going up there and
it’s very dangerous,” the old fish said.
“That’s actually a good idea and I’ll keep in mind what you said, thank you!” Pingo said and left.
He swam and swam till he arrived the destination. On his way there, Pingo was fascinated by the views and
by the other creatures that he never seen before.
At some point, something shiny caught his attention. Pingo has always been very curious, so he went to that
thing and tried to catch it, but little did he know that this was actually a fishing hook.
He heard about fishman many times from other fish who were caught by them, but somehow they escaped.
Pingo knew that the only way to escape was to prank the fishman. This was the only thing that he was good
at. Despite that his dad told him to not prank anyone ever again, this was an exception.
When he was pulled to the surface Pingo had his plan in mind.
The fishman was old and he couldn’t see very well. At that moment, the old man believed that he wasn’t
hearing well when Pingo spoke to him.
“Good afternoon good sir!” Pingo said. “It seems like you’re enjoying your time fishing”
The fisherman could not belive what he just heard. Finally he understood that the one who was talking was
the fish.
“I’m not the goldfish as you can see, but I am a magical fish and I can make all of your desires come true.”
“This is not possible, no fish can talk and more than that, no fish can make any desire come true. And if it is
the way you say, I do not have any desires.”
“Oh, for God’ sake, from all of the fishman I got this one. Perfect! How can I escape now?” Pingo thought.
“You don’t want anything at all? I can offer you money, gold, youth and much more.”
“I don’t need any of that. I’m very pleased with my life. If I think about it, you need something. Freedom, am
I right?
Pingo thought that it was no use to prank the fishman and decided to talk to him honestly.
“Look, I am not a magic fish and I can’t make your wishes come true. I am just a normal fish.”
“Since when did normal fish talk, may I ask?”
“Okay, not that normal, but you got the idea. All I want now is to go back to my family and apologize to
“What did you do to them?”
Pingo started to tell the fishman his story.
“Okay. Let me see if I understand. So you think that you’re smarter than other fish so you prank them, am I
“Yes” Pingo said.
“If you think you’re so smart and you want me to let you go, you have to answer to three riddles.”
Pingo accepted the challenge.
“The first riddle for you is: what goes through water without getting wet?”
Pingo had no idea.
“This is not possible. Nothing can go through water without getting wet.” Pingo said.
“Look carefully around you.” The old man said.
The fish looked around him but nothing seemed to be the answer to the man’s question. Suddenly he saw the
moon shining in the water. That’s when he realized that the answer was the moon. The reflection of it shows
up on the water, but it’s not getting wet.
“The moon, the answer is the moon” Pingo said proud of himself. “I’m sure I can respond to the last two
riddles too.”
“That is correct” the fishman said. “The second riddle is: they show up at night, without you calling them, they
go away when it’s light without you stealing them.”
“Oh, this is actually an easy riddle” Pingo thought. “The first riddle was about the moon, I think the second
one has something to do with the space too. So the moon shows up at night and disappears when it’s light, but
then the night comes, the stars show up too and they also disappear when it’s light, so the answer has to be the
stars.” Pingo said.
Because the first two riddles seemed easy for the fish, the man thought that the last one should be harder.
“This is also correct. The last riddle is: what can you keep after giving to someone?”
“This one is very hard. “ Pingo said.
“Think about it, it’s not that hard. It’s something that I gave you, that’s all I can tell you.” The fishman said
to Pingo giving him a clue to the last and the hardest riddle.
“You didn’t give me anything, you just promised me that you will let me go if I answer to your riddles.” and
that’s when Pingo got the idea.
“I know! The answer is your word. You promised me that you will let me go and that means that you gave me
your word, am I right?”
“Yes, you’re right. Your answer is correct. You are indeed very smart and as I told you, I’m going to let you
go since you answered all the riddles correctly. You can go.”
“Thank you, sir! I’m very grateful for that. I hope you have a great life because you are a good man.” And
after that, Pingo jumped in the ocean.
He swam as fast as he could to get back home faster.
When he arrived home, his father was waiting for him.
“Pingo, where were you? We’ve been looking for you all day. We were so worried”
“Please don’t be upset, I will tell you everything that happened in the last few hours, but first I need to
apologize to you. I shouldn’t have been acting that way, I’m sorry for the things I’ve said and for the trouble
that I’d caused. I promised that I will not fool anyone else from now on.”
After this incident, Pingo used his intelligence to always do good things. He never pranked anyone again and
became a better fish.
Gligor Amalia, Cls. a VII-a,
Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina
Sc.Gimn. ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia
It was a rainy summer day. The beautiful smell of summer was everywhere, but I was bored. I had
nothing to do ... my friends were gone to their grandparents or to the sea, so I came up with a great idea. I went
to the pet store with my parents to get a small animal.
Arriving there I noticed a lot of types of animals: small, large, medium. I was looking at the sea
animals when suddenly I saw a golden fish with light pink details, and the wings were large but wavy. I loved
it at once. My parents agreed, so I bought her a fish house and named her Emily.
While I was in the car, I looked at her and saw that she was no longer breathing and that she
looked dead. I was scared and showed this to my parents. Then I stopped the car and took the fish in my hand,
and what did I see ?! SHE WAS ALIVE. Emily is a trained fish, and this "death" game is her favorite. Ohhh,
what a charlatan fish!!!
The funny story of a fish
Irimia Maria-Emilia, Cls. A VII-A
Prof.Coord. Cambera Tereza
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Putineiu
Swimming is therapeutic, scientifically. Erik agrees with this assertion, leastways. That's why, on a
Sabbath (ironically overlapping with some holiday he's indifferent when he comes to visit the Kozhanovskoe
Lake, decision his CCTV-like neighbours label oversight. He's Russian, he knows what he's doing.
Shortly after, Erik's straddling the pond, already short-winded from dodging multifarious trespasser
traps, forever the daredevil. Keen to dangerously descending, an unfamiliar shiver encapsulates him,
challenging his confidence, though he'd never concede to that jiff of fear. Yet. He touches the cold bayou
headfirst, that previous moment becoming victorious before the newborn never-ending, out-of-body terror.
Erik feels his lungs wane, and he blames it on the laps he had to run to reach the lake, but only for a nanosecond
before he recognizes none but the scarcity of vapors afore his mouth, until he cannot breathe or think.
Had he believed that momentary insecurity, or had he gained consideration, he wouldn't have
to feel himself be swallowed. Literally. He wouldn't be lured in with a frequency so low, nobody could've
handled, then achieve suicide through the teeth of some mischievous bycatch. Had it been a human, or a
risorius beholder, the fish would be smirking. Well, it's Russian too.
Moga Stefan, cls. a VII -a
Prof.coord.: Dan Corina
Scoala Gimn. “Al.I Cuza” Braila
We are in the year 2020, the year in which the pandemic started. We can only go outside to do
important stuff, like going shopping, taking the trash out, walking our pets etc. I haven’t left the house in
almost a month and I felt horrible.
I have a goldfish as a pet. His name is Bob. I have had Bob as a pet for about four months and from
the moment I got him, he did not leave the house. Goldfish don’t need to be taken outside and they probably
don’t want to do it either.
One day, I had an idea. We were allowed to go outside to walk our pets, so why don’t I just take my
fish out for a walk? It was a weird idea, but desperate people do desperate things, so I got Bob, I put him in a
small bowl and I fixed the bowl to my old remote controlled car with tape.
I walked around for a few seconds and everyone started laughing at me and Bob, so I decided to go
back home and never do this again.
Oros Raluca
Clasa a VII a
Prof. coord. Țîrțiu Gabriela
Școala gimnazială nr. 1 Săcădat
I was swimming happily in the sea, searching for food and looking for my friends when, suddenly
I got stuck in something. I wasn `t scared at first because somehow I was carried by something. It was full of
water but I couldn`t get out of it. That thing I was in began to move very fast and I found myself floating on
the surface of the sea. Wow! I could see humans splashing in the water, throwing balls and bottles and not
noticing me.
It was a great adventure on my own, because I had to meet these humans and tell them to be
more careful with plastic in general, because it hurts us. While speaking to myself someone grabbed me and
threw me away and I landed on the beach in front of a little boy. He started laughing and took me to water
immediately, telling me that we were going to be best friends from now on and help one another. We played
together for a while because I was willing to be more friendly to this boy since he was such a caring young
fellow and that made me think positive of our future.
The funny story of a fish
Popa Carmen, cls.a VII-a
prof. coord. Aldea Rocsana Maria
Scoala Gimnaziala Sona-jud.Alba
Could you imagine someone living in an Aqua Park ? Yeah, me neither.
Jim is an interesting fish, he travels a lot, but his home is Ocean Expo Park from Okinawa, Japan. He adores
his place, his neighbours are polite and funny so they usually have a good time together. There are also a lot
of people who appreciate and respect his work.
He feels really thankful for everything he gets. Many people watch him perform and reward the moves
he makes by giving him food and gifts but one day, during a performance , he met a naughty boy who tried to
kidnapp him. He struggled to escape and made fast moves in the water, but the boy did not quit his actions so
Jim decided to act immediately and made a fantastic jump splashing water around him so everybody turned to
see what was happening while the boy quickly dissapeared.
He likes living in the water because... that's the life of a fish!
Puscau Maria
Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia
Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina
Hi! My name is Zoe and I'm a circus acrobat. I don't think you expect this but I'm also a fish. If you
are wondering how I became an acrobat, I'm going to tell you.
It was a lovely day under the sea. I was going to meet my friend Goldie when someone cought me. If you ask
me why I was cought in the fishing rod, the thruth is I was hungry (by the way, I'm always hungry). Then I
saw a big creature with something weird on his face. No one was there to save me.
After the man got me out of water he put me in something simillar to a box.The strange thing was
that I could understand him, but he didn't understand me, and this was very annoying. Anyway, he took me to
a place named circus and a man with a big red nose and crazy hair took me.
”Jump!" said the man with the red nose, showing me a circle. I jumped and I really liked it.Then I strated
doing circles in the air and then ... the big day came, when I had to do this in front of hundreds of people.They
enjoyed it and clapped thier hands for me.
I like being an acrobat but I really miss my undewater life and I hope I’ll return to my family soon.
Seician Darius, cls. a VII-a
Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina
Sc.Gimn. ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia
One fine day, Jack's parents thought of surprising him by buying him a goldfish. He gladly
immediately gave her a name, Flappy. Because the boy was a bit careless and restless, unfortunately the fish
died. His parents knowing that if the boy found out would be devastated, they decided to buy him another one
as if nothing had happened. This procedure was repeated several times until there were no more fish in the
store. The boy's father was sad because he could not find a fish until he found a street shop that apparently had
a more special fish. You stopped thinking about it and bought it, put it in the aquarium at home as if nothing
had happened, and the boy started playing with it, but this fish was special, it memorized various tricks and
could make the dead.
One day the boy decided to get Flappy to do the dead to fool his parents, but the plan did not go well,
the boy's father finding him too early thought he was dead and threw him in the toilet. Then the boy noticed
that Flappy had disappeared and his parents told him everything, and he was very sad. But it so happened that
the fish reached the ocean where a skilled fisherman caught him and this fisherman also owned the street shop.
Acknowledging the fisherman, he immediately returned it to the boy and his smile returned to him, seeing that
he was with his good friend Flappy again.
Elev: Udrea Larisa
Prof. Gîlă Catrinela Felicia
Școala gimnazială nr 1 Malu Spart, Giurgiu
The story of a fish
Ben was an orange fish, that lived in the aquarium of a British family. Although he was always alone,
every time Emy, the youngest in the family, came from the school the aquarium was exploding with Ben’s
happiness of seeing her.
Emy and Ben, were best friends for over ten years, since the girl’s 6th birthday, when Ben was her gift.
Although Emy didn’t have much time to play with him, because she was busy with plenty of homework, she
made time to spend with him. Over the time, Ben, it wasn’t the same as it used to be, it was getting older,
which saddened Emy more and more.
One day when Ben was feeling worse and worse, Emy and her family have decided to go to the sea
to let Ben go in the water along with hundreds and thousands of fish. When they reached the water’s edge,
they let go of Ben, who to their surprise was happier than ever.
So Emy and little Ben, even though they couldn’t see each other anymore, remained best friends
Cherish your friend and enjoy every moment, because time passes very fast!!!
Vesa Mihai Dragoș, clasa a 7-a B,
Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina
Școala Gimnazială:,,Vasile Goldiș”
The funny story of a fish
In the Black Sea, there was living a fish that liked to make fun of fishermen, destroying their traps in some
funny ways. One day, the best fisherman in the country heard about the fish, so he went to the sea for catching
it, or if he was unlucky, just the other fish.
In the morning, the fish broke all the nets where were caught fish and replaced them with rocks. When
the fisherman found, it was angry. At noon, the fish replaced all the baits from the hooks with some old shoes
and the fisherman became even angrier.But in the evening, the fisherman used a trap that was attracting all the
fish from the ocean and the fish couldn't do anything to stop it. The fisherman finnally caught the fish, so he
was putting happy the fish in the bucket, when suddenly... from the sea... just jumped an electric eel, that was
saved a long time ago by the fish when it was captured in a nest. The electric eel jumped into the fisherman,
electrocuting him and it let all the fish to swim away.
From that day, no one fished in that region of the sea!
Calița Liliana Andreea, cls a-VIII-a
Prof. Gîlă Catrinela Felicia
Școala gimnazială nr 1 Malu Spart, Giurgiu
This is a well known proverb in all the world and it is like a principle of life that everyone should use
as a guidance. In my opinion this reffers to the fact that not everyting that is beautiful, that glitters it is valuable
or has a major importance in life. We should not guide our life in search of ”gold” we must be content and
satisfied with what we receive from our work.
It is not wrong to have big dreams, and do it all in pursuit of them but when we get there we must
see the real value of things and their impact on our lives. Having ambitions in life means being a strong person
because in the fight to reach them you get strong but on this way you must not forget to be focused and not
get distracted by glittering things that shine beautifully and just that.
When we are little our parents teach us that we must not judge a person by his appearance or a thing
by its packaging. I think that this is similar to the saying above, a person value does not stand in his appearance
or a thing is valuable not by its package but by its use in our life.
This is a lesson that we also receive in school when we see examples of children that chase big marks but
when they have an important exam they get poor grades. This happens because they forget the essence of
learning, that of understanding information not just memorizing it. Thus they just take as gold all that glitters.
Not All that Glitters is Gold
Dragomir Cristina, cls. a VIII-a
Prof.coord. : Memet Nurten
Scoala:Gimnaziala,, Spiru Haret” Medgidia
The way I see life
Gold is a precious metal, often symbolized by sparkling because it is expensive. It is also very often
mistaken with non-precious metals, such as pyrite, often referred to as fool’s gold. Being fairly similar, the
shiny rock can be mistaken with the shiny precious metal.
People can be an exemple, too. Some of them try to impress by beautiful words, which prove in time
to be lies, only pretty lies.Words without solid foundation, told to a kid, for example, could change his way of
thinking. He can understand that he is very good for example, at music. But he does not have talent, voice or
something in common with music.What I want to say is that being honest is the best choice in life. Why do we
have to pretend sometimes that we are different? To prove what? This is my inevitable question for everyone.
Lies can lead to chain reactions, often ending not only badly, but also tragic. As the saying goes: ”So come
my soul to bliss as I speak true.”
Not All That Glitters Is Gold
Muntean Adelina, clasa a VIII-a
Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj
Prof. Coordonator: Ciolan Lenuța
I believe that not all that glitters is gold. This aphorism means that some things or people or places are
not as good or precious or true as they appear to be. Some things seem to be valuable on the surface, but when
you look at them closely, you realize they are not.
Last summer my family and I went to the Italian seaside for the first time. I searched for information
on the Internet and I could read some very nice reviews. I thought it would be such a beautiful place, just
perfect for us, but when we arrived there things did not look so bright. There were too many people, loud
music, unpleasant smells, dirty hotel rooms and, on top of that, it was extremely hot. We didn’t enjoy our
holiday there and we could hardly wait to come back. We expected to have a nice time in Italy, but it was
exactly the other way round. We were very excited to go there, but we came back home disappointed.
One thing I have learnt is that we must be happy with the things we have and that many attractive
or alluring things have no value. Not everything that seems good is actually good. All that glitters is definitely
not gold.
Teacher: Aldea Rocsana Maria
School: Scoala Gimnaziala Sona
Type of lesson: Lesson of systematization and revision of knowledge
Title: Conditional Structures (Zero,First,Second and Third Conditional))
Skills: Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading
Method of teaching: Communicative method
Teaching technique: Check-in/Check-out Dialogues, Brainstorming, Exercise
Materials: Meet, laptop, Wordwall game , slideshare presentation,song, esl/isl worksheets(online),notebooks
Lesson Aims :-to check the knowledge on Conditional Structures
- to activate previously acquired vocabulary and grammar structures;
A.Cognitive Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will(prove that they know how to):
O1- talk about conditions (past and present)
O2- use their imagination and vocabulary to express their own conditions/feelings;
O3- activate previously acquired grammar structures ;
B.Affective objectives:
a) To create a warm atmosphere for learning,
b) To make students enjoy using English language
c) To enjoy using online applications/games
Specific Competences
1.1 Înțelegerea unor instrucţiuni detaliate prin executarea lor
1.2 Identificarea elementelor cheie / informaţiilor esenţiale dintr-un mesaj rostit în limbaj
standard, cu viteză normal
2.3 Participarea semnificativă la interacţiuni verbale în contexte familiar
3.2. Selectarea, din mai multe texte citite, a unor informaţii relevante, necesare pentru realizarea
unei sarcini de lucru
Interaction: T-SS; Ss -T
Class management: individual work
Anticipated problems: I anticipate that the following may cause problems: poor internet connection and the
microphones, the web-cams may not work properly or lack of time.
➢ some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also
need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
Aspects I particularly need to be aware of: the students to understand everything the teacher says and asks;
T checks if there are any students missing and homework
Check-in(one word feeling)-Each student says one word (adjective) to describe his/her current state,
adding the “check in” expression in the end.
T starts the activity by giving an example:
“Motivated-check in”
Checking Previous Knowledge
T announces the topic of the lesson < Conditional Structures< and asks Ss to listen to a song and recognize
conditional structures .This song also provides vocabulary practice.
”I would have had more friends if……………..
Oral Practice - T asks Ss if they are willing to experience a new game in order to practice conditionals,and
she tells them that the game is Spinning Wheel(wordwall game)
Reading/writing PRACTICE
T gives Ss a reading comprehension worksheet ”THE MISTERY OF THE RED TRUCK”(appendix 1).
Ss are asked to read the text aloud and identify conditional structures,then to mark ”true or false” the given
Feedback(free speaking activity
T asks Ss if they are willing to experience a
new game in order to practice conditionals,and
she tells them that the game is Spinning
Wheel(wordwall game)
The Ss will watch a short movie scene from
„Friends” series and are demanded to imagine
/find possible solutions for the following
To set up a framework of the lesson and activate schemata, T begins by asking Ss to continue the following
sentences as they wish, as long as they use conditional structures in the right form. Ss will take turns
answering the task:
”If someone lies to me about something, I……………”
”If I were a the Prime Minister of Romania, I……………….”
» Then T asks the Ss to remember the use of FIRST,SECOND and THIRD CONDITIONAL using a
slideshare presentation
What would you do if a 500-dollar deposit was
made by mistake in your account? Would you
keep it?How would you react?
LEAD OUT- The T congratulates the class and asks them to say one word to describe how they feel at the
end of this activity (check-out)
The Secrets of FICTION – Collaboration, Grit and Resilience in Online Projects
Prof. Apostol Nicoleta
Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia
The online classes have altered, to a smaller or higher degree, the educators’ approach to the teaching
and learning process. Whether we like it or not, online learning has become a common educational tool during
this pandemic period and both teachers and students have had to find ways of coping with this less familiar
teaching-learning environment.
There have been several challenges regarding the materials used during the online classes and the main
difficulty, from our point of view, has been the search of materials accompanied by their adjustments to the
students’ age, interests, level of competence and learning needs. The next step in using the materials in the
online classes meant combining various teaching methods or revising traditional methods of learning so that
the materials are integrated in the most effective way during the lessons. The selection of materials and the
method analysis requires time and close attention to the links between the competences to be developed and
the paths chosen to reach the established goals. Looking back on the online lessons, it seems as if we have
been doing experiments from one week to another or from one lesson to another, considering that small
alterations have occurred throughout the whole year process of teaching and learning online.
One of the methods that appear to have been the most fruitful for the high school students has been the
group projects. Despite the wonderful results gained at the end of the projects, students have encountered a
wide range of obstacles and the presentation of the project has also become an opportunity to reflect on the
entire working process.
Students from the eleventh grade had to create a project with the title The Secrets of Fiction as part of
the cross-curricular sphere of study. The core material for this project has been an article from the coursebook
Gateway B2+, which discusses some key elements involved in reading fiction. Students were given the article
and the key points that had to be included in their Power Point presentation. Students were divided into groups
of four. They were also given the scheme and the deadline for their presentation. They had two weeks to finish
their projects.
The project scheme included the following:
PROJECT TITLE: The Secrets of Fiction
DISPLAY: Power Point Presentation
BIBLIOGRAPHY: an article from Gateway B2+ about the secrets of fiction, online dictionaries and resources
on the given topic
1. School name, project title, a favourite quote from a book
2. Group name, members’ names accompanied by an adjective describing each one
3. Selection and order of the ideas regarding the topic given
4. Selection of representative images for the ideas chosen at the previous stage
5. Presentation of interesting/unknown words/expressions encountered while writing the ideas above
– the words/ expressions could be explain through a synonym, a definition or a picture
6. Conclusion to the ideas included in the project
7. Feedback regarding your group work – How did you work? What did each member do? What was
the most interesting/ difficult part of the project? What can you still remember after the end of the project?
1. Starting slide – school name, project title, quote 10 points
2. Next slide - Group members, adjectives for each member, group name 10 points
3. Making use of the article given – ideas accompanied by images 10 points
4. Explanation of words/ expressions 10 points
5. Mention how the group worked during the completion of the project 10 points
6. Mention each group member’s project tasks 10 points
7. Include the interesting/ difficult part of the project 10 points
8. Project originality – style, approach to the topic, arguments, examples 10 points
9. Language accuracy, grammar and vocabulary 10 points
10. The manner of presenting the project 10 points
TOTAL: 100 points
There were eight groups and each one had a completely different approach to the same project, which
was amazing and surprising for the students themselves. All of them started from a core theme – The Secrets
of Fiction – they consulted the article given, but from that point forward each group took another research
path. The ideas were displayed in various styles, the selected images reflecting the particular understanding of
the topic. What is more, the words and expressions explained depended on their vocabulary level, while the
manner of explaining them highlighted their creativity and way of learning. Perhaps, one of the most
challenging parts of the project was the discussion of their group work. In this section, students could compare
their work approach with the others’. They could also notice similarities and differences and distinguish
features regarding their own working strategy.
There were three main elements that had been developed through this project work and they were
closely connected to students’ motivation to learn. Firstly, students had to collaborate in order to complete the
project and this had not been an easy task. Collaboration involved discussing the division of responsibilities,
finding arguments for their views, listening to the others and finding solutions to their opposing views.
Secondly, the project involved having some grit because during the organization process they noticed several
divergent opinions and unforeseen obstacles which held them back from their goal. Determination played an
important role in leading the project to its destination. Finally, students proved to be resilient in spite of all the
drawbacks and the level of dissatisfaction they may have felt regarding the final product. Their project
presentation had been done in an optimistic way, thus revealing their confidence in the results of their work,
despite having worked online and having communicated through social media channels. Collaboration, grit
and resilience had the force to increase students’ motivation in finishing the project. Thus, while working
together, they were actually acquiring new information on the topic, as well as, developing social skills.
During the presentations students had the chance to reflect upon their personal involvement in the
project and their teamwork and their achievements in comparison with the other products displayed. The whole
class discussions were meant to point out the role played by each group member and the value of making use
of each peer’s specific skills and experience. Each project revealed the level of involvement of the group
members, their particular personality traits and the way they employed them and, above all, their previous
experience in this type of effort. Furthermore, students’ creativity and ICT skills had also become noticeable
in the process. Besides learning new vocabulary and ways of expressing themselves on the topic of fiction,
students had also learnt how to interact and collaborate, how to persevere in order to achieve a goal and how
to adapt to novel working conditions if they wanted to succeed. Cognitive learning had merged with emotional
and social practice in a challenging, but also rewarding journey showing that the virtual environment may also
bring them together when there is a clear-cut goal to attain.
Spencer, David, Holley, Gill, Student’s Book Pack Gateway B2+, Macmillan Education.
Prof. înv. primar Balea Delia Elena
Școala Gimnazială ,,Vasile Goldiș” Alba Iulia
Abordări ale activităților de învățare în ,,perioada online”
Meseria de profesor este una dintre cele mai complexe din lume. Este solicitantă emoțional și
cognitiv. Un profesor ia zeci de decizii importante zilnic, de la designul unei lecții la răspunsurile pe care
le dă unui elev sau părinte. Pentru asta are nevoie de susținere și de încredere în forțele proprii. Dar, mai
ales, are nevoie să colaboreze într-un spațiu deschis, onest și inclusiv cu alți practicieni, de la care să
învețe practici validate pentru învățare eficientă și relevantă pentru viitor.
Pe fundalul pandemiei de coronavirus, profesorii sunt acum provocați să se adapteze rapid și să
transmită un mesaj important elevilor: învățarea continuă dincolo de școală și cu instrumente online
accesibile tuturor și multă determinare, putem face progrese împreună și, mai mult decât oricând, putem
încuraja elevii să învețe și să lucreze independent.
Voi prezenta câteva aplicații și platforme care mi-au schimbat orele online – din unele banale, în unele
în care elevii erau concentrați pe tot parcursul lecțiilor. Nu de alta, dar a devenit un laitmotiv expresia „Oare
ce surprize ne-a pregătit doamna pentru ora aceasta?”.
La primul contact online cu elevii mei, am folosit aplicația Zoom pentru întâlniri sincron și platforma
Adservio pentru postarea temelor și a sarcinilor de lucru realizate asincron.
Inconvenientul aplicației Zoom este timpul limitat pentru o întâlnire (condiție pentru folosirea gratuită), iar ca
și beneficii evidențiez partajarea ecranului, număr mare de participanți, ușor de instalat și folosit pe orice
Platforma Adservio este de un real ajutor tuturor beneficiarilor, elevii și părinții fiind notificați pentru
orice calificativ, absență, adnotări asupra temelor postate, iar profesorii asupra materialelor postate de către
Google Classroom este o aplicație, un instrument al platformei Google Workspace în care mi-am creat
și mi-am organizat temele pe discipline, am comunicat ușor cu elevii, le-am oferit feedback. Ce mi se pare
absolut interesat este faptul că poți salva teme sau materiale în Drive, alegând ora la care acestea să fie postate
pe pagina clasei. Astfel, în timp ce discuți cu elevii despre un anumit subiect, materialul demonstrativ poate
apărea chiar în acel moment și pe pagina clasei.
Google Meet este aplicația folosită pentru întâlnirile sincron, fiind un serviciu de comunicare video în
siguranță, fără timp limită, cu nenumărate funcții: distribuirea ecranului, a unei ferestre, sau a unei file,
modificarea fundalului și a numărului de participanți vizibili pe ecran în același timp etc. Interesant este faptul
că poți alege să începi o întâlnire instantanee, să programezi una pentru mai târziu cu ajutorul instrumentului
Google Calendar, sau să accesezi link-ul direct din pagina Google Classroom, eliminând problema generării
link-ului pentru fiecare întâlnire, iar cu ajutorul extensiei Dualless, nu îți faci probleme asupra materialului
prezentat pentru că poți vedea atât materialul, cât și elevii, în ecrane divizate.
Jamboard este o tablă interactivă ce poate fi accesată direct în cadrul aplicației Google Meet, sau
separat, dacă este distribuită ca o filă nouă. Am folosit această aplicație atât în exemplificarea unor exerciții,
prin adăugarea fundalului potrivit (liniatură dictando/ pătrățele), cât și în lucrul în echipe aflate la distanță,
prin schițarea ideilor și salvarea acestora în cloud, astfel încât să le putem accesa de pe orice dispozitiv.
Office 365 (sau, mai nou, Microsoft 365) cuprinde multe aplicații Office inovatoare (Documente, Foi
de calcul, Prezentări), cu servicii inteligente din cloud și securitate avansată. Ce mi se pare inovator cu adevărat
este faptul că în cadrul Prezentărilor Google prin nenumăratele funcții, poți crea un portal pentru întreaga lecție
pe un singur slide, iar cu ajutorul unor extensii precum Bitmoji, elevii se simt efectiv în sala de clasă, în fața
doamnei învățătoare.
Google Forms este un instrument folosit des în crearea de fișe și teste cu diverse tipuri de itemi, sau a
unor chestionare de satisfacție. Te ajută foarte mult în colectarea și centralizarea rezultatelor în timp real, iar
pentru o clasă numeroasă este de un real folos.
Wordwall, este o aplicație ce a schimbat cu totul formatul orelor online. Când simțeam că cei mici
obosesc, încep să piardă din concentrarea atenției sau pur și simplu voiam să aduc un element-surpriză, un joc
creat în wordwall îmi era de ajutor. Chiar dacă ai posibilitatea de a crea doar 5 exerciții gratuit, apoi ai nevoie
de un upgrade, poți folosi gratuit și milioanele de resurse educaționale create de alte cadre didactice.
Learningapps este o aplicație cu totul și cu totul deosebită în activitatea online. Aici găsești multe
șabloane de realizare a exercițiilor, șabloane care acoperă întreaga categorie de itemi de lucru. Ca și în cazul
aplicației wordwall, și acesta pune la dispoziție o mulțime de exerciții create de alte cadre didactice care oferă
elevilor feedback în timp real și oportunitatea de a primi sarcini de lucru propuse de alte cadre didactice decât
cele de la clasă.
Kahoot este o aplicație interactivă prin faptul că elevii pot concura unii cu ceilalți în realizarea unor
exerciții create de cadrul didactic de la clasă, la final acesta putând genera și un clasament, sau pot lucra
exerciții create de alte cadre didactice, concurând cu un calculator sau cu alți elevi necunoscuți, fiind și mai
Liveworksheets este un alt instrument de lucru descoperit în timpul orelor online și care oferă
posibilitatea realizării unor fișe/teste, de această dată formatul documentelor fiind pdf, cu posibilitate de
completare digitală. Dacă dau răspunsurile prestabilite, elevii primesc feedback pozitiv.
Acestea sunt doar câteva dintre aplicațiile utilizate în activitatea online la clasa la care mi-am desfășurat
activitatea în anul școlar anterior. În situația în care vom fi nevoiți să desfășurăm și în acest an școlar ore
online, am de gând să folosesc și alte resurse digitale, fiind mereu deschisă la nou, dar sper totuși că vom
depăși această perioadă de nesiguranță căci indiferent de câte instrumente digitale folosești în cadrul orelor
online, nu se compară cu un feedback oferit față în față.
Activități specifice bibliotecii școlare în perioada pandemiei
bibliotecar Școala Gimnazială „Vasile Goldiș” ,
Alba Iulia
bibliotecar Colegiul Național “Lucian Blaga”,
“Cand întemeiezi biblioteci, pregătești hambare publice, strange reserve menite să preîntâmpine o iarnă
a spiritului.”
(Marguerite Yourcenar)
În perioada martie – iunie 2020 atât cadrele didactice, didactic auxiliare și elevii s-au confruntat cu o
perioadă inedită în viața școlii românești. Școlile au fost închise din cauza unui puternic virus, care a afectat
întreaga omenire. Astfel că, predarea materiei precum și alte activități specifice cu elevii au trecut în mediul
Bibliotecare de profesie, ne-am readaptat într-un timp relativ scurt cerințelor actuale, încercând să
venim în sprijinul cadrelor didactice și mai ales al elevilor. În primă fază am întocmit liste bibliografice pentru
clasele I-VIII din școlile unde ne desfășurăm activitatea. Apoi am trecut la descărcarea cărților din format pdf
de pe anumite site-uri care permiteau acest lucru. Am rămas alături de elevi și profesori descărcând filmulețe
pentru copii, tururi virtuale ale muzeelor lumii, gradini botanice și zoologice, legende ale florei și faunei
precum și alte materiale cu caracter informațional, necesare altor discipline. Am participat la întâlniri online
alături de colegi bibliotecari din universități, care ne-au pus la dispoziție link-uri utile cu bibliografia digitizată
pentru examenele de evaluare națională și bacalaureat, pe care le-am distribuit ulterior pe grupul de whatts app
al școlii și ale claselor.
Prin natura frumoasei profesii pe care o practicăm de mai multi ani, aceea de bibliotecar, putem afirma
că nu cunoaștem sentimentul de plictiseală. Cărțile ne inspiră și ne dau idei în realizarea proiectelor cu elevii,
alături de colegele profesoare. Suntem o adevărată echipă și împreună am avut parte de evenimente minunate
realizate în biblioteca școlii. În această perioadă în care nu ne-am întâlnit, am menținut aceeași strânsă
colaborare, ne-au venit idei noi de a valorifica într-un volum toate activitățile și proiectele derulate înainte de
închiderea școlilor, tot ceea ce am realizat împreună, volum de care ne ocupăm personal.
Școala de acasă în mediul online își are plusurile și minusurile sale. Partea pozitivă a fost ca s-a putut
continua procesul de învățare, deși au fost și elevi care nu au avut echipamentele necesare în dotare și prin
aceasta au fost marginalizați de restul. Prin faptul ca toată lumea a fost activă pe tot parcurul săptămânii a fost
evitat sedentarismul, cu toții ne-am imbogațit cunoștințele digitale, având parte de confort în propria casă.
Ca argumente contra putem spune că a lipsit interacțiunea socială pe care o aveam zilnic cu colegii,
scăderea calității actului didactic, lipsa interesului acordat orelor, activităților și proiectelor pe care ne-am
propus să le desfășurăm împreună.
Cu siguranță această perioadă a fost una inedită, o experiență nouă care a venit cu multe lecții de viață,
am descoperit faptul că ne putem adapta foarte repede într-un mediu nou, am învățat să apreciem lucrurile
mărunte pe care nu le apreciam înainte și de care acum ne este dor.
În această perioadă am profitat de cărțile cumpărate cu ceva timp în urmă, dar pe care nu am reușit să
le citim și venim cu un sfat pentru elevi, să nu uite că cititul este mai mult decât o îndeletnicire sau pasiune,
cititul cărților crează caractere, mintea devine un laborator de idei și soluții, de imagini care vor fi de folos în
construirea viitorului sau când ești în impas, încrederea în tine va crește, stima de sine se va îmbogăți, vei fi
apreciat de cei care iubesc cărțile și lectura, îți vei face mulți prieteni care au aceeași pasiune și preocupare.
Lectura este prietenul de nădejde mereu prezent, indiferent de oră, vreme și stare emoțională.
De ce citesc?
- Pentru a fi mai bun decât ieri;
- Pentru a înțelege viața și oamenii;
- Pentru a forma oameni;
- Pentru a mă relaxa;
- Pentru a mă exprima rapid, clar și frumos;
- Pentru a socializa.
De ce scriu?
- Pentru a ajunge la sufletele celor pentru scriu;
- Pentru a le oferi încredere, soluții, informații;
- Pentru o educație interdisciplinară bazată pe voie bună, descoperire și pasiune;
- Pentru a crea imagini în care cititorii să se regăsească și să își imagineze o viață mai bună pe care
o vor obține;
- Pentru creativitatea din spatele poveștii;
- Pentru călătorii în locuri unde poate nu vom ajunge;
- Pentru a oferi dragoste, mângâieri, pilde și curaj cititorilor.
Prof. psiholog Belașcu Alexandra-Roxana,
Centrul Județean de Resurse
și Asistență Educațională Alba
Prof. Lupșan Laurenția,
Școala Gimnazială ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia
Dezvoltarea social-economică a cunoscut o serie de etape corespunzătoare atâtor revoluții tehnologice,
culminând în pragul mileniului trei cu societatea preponderent digitală. Evoluția economiei și a societății, în
general, are ca principal motor educația. Îmbogățirea tezaurului de cunoștințe al individului conduce la
dezvoltarea și maturizarea sistemelor complementare acestuia: familie, colectivitate, regiune, societate. Toate
acestea sunt posibile în era informațională prin educație permanent, educație la distanță, educație online sau
e-learning. În zilele noastre, când timpul este din ce în ce mai limitat, iar volumul de informaţie foarte mare,
platformele e-learning îşi fac destul de repede loc în sistemul de învăţământ deoarece permit utilizarea mai
eficientă a resurselor materiale cât şi umane. Educația online reprezintă o modalitate nouă de a privi procesul
de învățare, în care elementele de fond rămân aceleași, doar mijlocul de schimb și însușire a cunoștințelor se
modifică. Utilizarea sistemului informatic pentru educație înseamnă însă aducerea unor noi elemente, legate
de libertatea de a învăța în locul și la momentul dorit. Rădăcinile acestui sistem educațional se găsesc în
învățământul la distanță, practicat în anumite regiuni ale globului. Distanțele mari sau alte obstacole despărțeau
instructorii de cursanți. Deși apariția calculatoarelor a fost destul de timpurie, costurile ridicate ale tehnologiei
au împiedicat dezvoltarea în această direcție. Însă, producerea în cantități semnificative și scăderea prețurilor
pe piața tehnicii de calcul au determinat ca promotorii educației permanente online să-și pună proiectele în
practică. Astfel, mijloacele de stocare a informațiilor pe suport magnetic sau digital fiind disponibile,
universitățile au fost primele care au adoptat noua metodologie. Soluțiile de e-learning existente în momentul
de față sunt rezultatul evoluției tehnologiilor care suportă aceste facilități. Ulterior, tehnologiile de comunicare
interactive au devenit elementele centrale ale noilor modele de desfășurare a învățământului pe suport
electronic. Astăzi există trei modele general acceptate în lumea educației online, fiecare ocupând o cota
aproximativ egală pe această piață: Educația online independentă reprezintă modelul prin care utilizatorul
individual preia materialul de curs de pe Internet sau de pe CD, parcurgându-l de unul singur. Modelul
reprezintă avantajul unei cantități de informație foarte mare care poate fi accesată într-un timp scurt, precum
și facilități multimedia extinse, fiind însă foarte rigid în ceea ce privește comunicare profesor-elev.
Educația online asincronă permite transmiterea de informație la un moment dat doar unui singur
partener al relației instructor-student. Instructorul poate să furnizeze informația elevilor, dar aceștia nu pot
interacționa în timp ce o primesc. Avantajul major în acest caz este acela că elevul își păstrează facilitatea de
a lucra după ritmul propriu, putând însă obține și răspunsul la cererile sale într-un interval de timp acceptabil.
Educația online sincronă permite transferul interactiv de informație cu orice alt utilizator în orice
moment. De exemplu, profesorul și elevii transferă informațiile în timpul desfășurării cursului, de regulă în
timp real. Acest model este cel mai performant în ceea ce privește gradul de facilitare a comunicării,
modalitățile audio-video integrate, creând conceptul de “teleclasă”. Platformele de învăţare online, sau așa-
numitele platforme e-learning, sprijină procesul de învăţare individuală şi permit utilizatorilor să acceseze o
serie de surse de informare sau de medii online de dezbatere, pe teme diverse.
Platformele de instruire e-learning: E-learning-ul nu doreşte să înlocuiască sistemele educaţionale
tradiţionale ci, să întărească procesul de învăţare. A fost adoptat de unităţile de învăţământ ca o alternativă la
educaţia tradiţională, ea poate completa activitatea didactică din şcoală, dar nu o poate înlocui. Acest tip de
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Carte best 2021

  • 1. 1 Alba Iulia 2021 Coord. Vol. Paraschivescu Alina Riddles and jokes , Short Stories and some ”on line teaching” resources
  • 2. 2 Coord. volum : prof. Paraschivescu Alina DESEN COPERTA 1 : BUCUR IOANA, cls. a VI-a , Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Riddles and jokes , Short Stories and some ”on line teaching” resources ISBN 978-973-0-35631-1
  • 3. 3 At the beginning of this book, you can enjoy some very popular riddles and jokes gathered by some of the students, and later one you are challenged to unpuzzle new and original ones - this time, created by the students. There are also selected and included some of the drawings/paintings of our students to beautifuly adorn the pages of the book. Anesia Denis, cls. a V - a Școala gimnazială nr. 1 Săcădat Q: Why did the baby strawberries cry? A: Because his parents were in a jam. Bucur Ioana , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia What month of the year has 28 days? Answer : all of them. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer : the future. What can you break even if you don’t pick it up or touch it? Answer : a promise. Ioica Lavinia, clasa a VI-a Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj Why is the Maths textbook so unhappy? Because it is full of problems. Where do pencils go for holiday? Pencil-vania. What word is the longest word in the dictionary? Smiles, because it has a mile between the first and the last letter. Boruah Marasim, cls.a VI-a Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir I have not got any mouths or ears. I have no body. But I come alive with wind. What am I? ANSWER: AN ECHO BOTARIU DENISA, clasa a VI-a
  • 4. 4 Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia RIDDLE – HOBBIES We are twins, We walk together, We never part, We make a pair forever! ANSWEREY: THE LEGS JOKE - HOBBIES What do you call a bee that comes from America? ANSWER: A USB! Buș Ionuț Rareș, cls. a VI -a Școala gimnazială nr. 1 Săcădat Q: What kind of key opens the door on Thanksgiving? A: A turkey! Doda Andrei Clasa a V a Prof. Coord.: Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. „Al. I. Cuza” Braila „What did one traffic light say to the other? Stop looking, I ‘m changing!” “ Why did the hipster burn his mouth?” “He drank the coffe before it was cool.” “Why did the gym close down?” “It just didn’t work out.” |”Why did a nurse use a red pen at work?” “In case she needed to draw blood.” ”What’s a really sad strawberry called?” “A blueberry.” “What did an elf learn at school?” “The elf-abet.” “How do poets say ‘’Hello?”
  • 5. 5 “Hey, haven’t we metaphor?” Neculiță Robert, cls. a V-a Prof. coord. Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. „AL.I. Cuza” Braila Jokes > Did you hear about that snail that took off his shell believing that is going to make faster, but instead it made him more sluggish. “How do you make an apple turn over?” You push it down the hill. “What did the sweet potato said to the tomato?” I yam what I yam. “What do you call a dog on a beach in the sun?” A hot dog. “What does a sweater say to a shirt?” You are my brother but we are so different, I’m used to keep the heat and you are used to not keep the heat. “What’s the king of all the school supplies?” “I don’t know…” “THE RULER.” “Why was the school easier by the people from the cave?” “I don’t know.Why?” “Because there wasn’t history to study.” “What does a snowman that was made on Christmas orders at McDonalds?” An iceberg-er and fries. Mihăilă Angela, cls. a V-a Prof.coord.: Mătușoiu Nicoleta Șc.Gimn.,,Prof.Ilie Popescu’’, Sotânga Q:Where do you find a no legged dog? A:Right there where you left it. Moian Ioana, clasa a V-a, prof.coord.Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator.
  • 6. 6 Neicu Luana Clasa a V a Prof. coord.: Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila What man cannot live inside the house? ANSWER : SNOWMAN Neicu Luana Clasa a V a Prof. coord.: Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila “What did the left eye say to the right eye? Between us something smells.” “Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher told him, it was a piece of cake!” “Would February March? No , but April, May!” ‘’What kind of Valentine’s Day candy is never on time? Choco-late.’’ “Why did the elephant fall out of a tree?” “Because it was dead.” “Why did the second elephant fall out of a tree?” “Because it was glued to the first one.” “Why did the third elephant fall out of a tree?” “It thought it was a game.” Păun Livia, Clasa a V a Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana I am big and white, I can fly, but I don’t have wings, I can cry but I don’t have eyes. What am I? ANSWER : A CLOUD Pîrșă Ionuț, cls.a VI-a Prof. coord. : Mătușoiu Nicoleta Șc.Gimn.,,Prof.Ilie Popescu'’, Șotânga
  • 7. 7 ”Waiter, this soup tastes funny!” ”Then,why you aren’t laughing?” ”What did the policeman say when a spider ran down his back?” ”You’re under a vest.” Prodan Cristian, Clasa:a V-a Prof.coord. : Memet Nurten Scoala Gimnaziala Spiru Haret, Medgidia JOKE A guest is ordering at a restaurant: ”Do you think you could bring me what that gentleman over there is having?” The waiter looks at him sternly: ”No, sir, I am very sure he intends to eat it himself.” Raucescu Andrei, cls. a V-a Prof. coord. : Memet Nurten Scoala Gimnaziala,,Spiru Haret” Medgidia JOKE ”Why did the chicken’s family cross the road?” ”They thought it was an egg-cellent idea!” Rușița Denis, Clasa a V a Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana Why did the farmer get a brown cow? Because he wanted to get chocolate milk! Why are cats good at video games? Because they have nine lives! Voj Ioana , clasa a VI-a,Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina What is red and smells like blue paint? ANSWER : RED PAINT.
  • 9. 9 Adam Ioana, Clasa a V- a Prof. coordonator: Vasilie Anamaria Andreea Scoala de provenienta: Liceul cu Program Sportiv Alba Iulia “What does an eel buy with one pence?” ANSWER : A PENCIL “What should you wear while drinking ice tea on a hot day?” ANSWER : A TEA – SHIRT It makes us travel world wide Even if we stay inside; We learn about weather Snowflakes lighter than a feather, It teaches us orientation With each new destination; We look at maps And learn new facts; The seas we shall name ‘cause they aren’t all the same; But still on maps I rely, Guess who am I? ANSWER : GEOGRAPHY You may see me in the sky, But that’s more of a lie; I live underwater, I’m thicker than a fly swatter I sit on sand, But not on land, I may be orange, yellow or white And don’t forget I have no sight I have a very special shape, You may think I’m a fake; I did not tell a single lie, So guess who am I?
  • 10. 10 ANSWER : SEASTAR I’m nice and round I don’t make a sound, I’m a healthy fruit One, on the table you could put, I can be yellow, green or red, Eat me before you go to bed; I grow in a tree You can bite or slice me Now guess who am I? ANSWER : APPLE Afloarei Corina-Madalina, cls.a VI-a Prof.coord.: Cristudor Andreea Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa I have a book with animated characters A prince, a fox and a rose Lots of beautiful illustrated pages About a child travelling round the world. ANSWER : MICUL PRINT – THE LITTLE PRINCE For this game you need a ball There are rules to follow such as Not kicking the ball. ANSWER : HANDBALL It's sunny and it's hot Everyone goes to the Sea to the pool Everyone is taking a vacantion During this season.
  • 11. 11 ANSWER : HOLIDAY SUMMER I have many problems to solve, Additions, subtractions, multipications, Divisions and many fractions Guess who I am! ANSWER : MATHS Bajan Nicoleta, Cls.a V-a Prof. coord. : Memet Nurten Scoala Gimnaziala,,Spiru Haret”Medgidia JOKE One day an alcoholic’s daughter asks her father: ”Dad, what does it mean to be an alcoholic?” And her father answered her: ”Do you see those two birds?” ”Yes.” ”You see, an alcoholic would see four instead of two.” ”Daddy,but there is only one bird!” Berceanu Andreea, cls. a V-a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina It's a proud, sown garden With poems, jokes and stories, But it is not easily visited Unless you know, baby, to read. ANSWER : THE BOOK Bonta Maria, cls. a V-a Prof.coord.: Luminita Cebotari Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir
  • 12. 12 My Teacher’s Repeated Warnings Thanks to my master class I have become thoroughly sensitive to environmental issues. Recently I bought a greetings card, and when the cashier put it in a plastic bag I remembered my master class’ repeated warnings. “I will be posting the card right away.” I told the assistant. “You can take the bag back”. “OK”, she said with a smile. Then I watched as she scrunched the bag into a ball and tossed it into the bin. Nights and Knights Teacher: “Why do students sleep during the classes?” Pupil: “Because they cannot fight knights.” A Large Poster Travelling to school I noticed a large poster at Doinei Station. It depicted Henry VIII standing at a ticket office, saying: “Tower Hill, please!” Some guys had written underneath: “And the single for the wife” A Selective Girl Tanya, my little cousin, likes eating gumdrops at the cinema. But she does not like the black one, so she holds each sweet up to the light to check the colour before popping it into her mouth. During a particularly dark part of one film Tanya had been holding up a sweet for nearly a minute when she heard a voice behind her say, “It is green. EAT IT!” Chips and fish Just chips and fish Only chips and fish ANSWER : AN ENGLISH SEAFOOD RESTAURANT I like the flowers I enjoy the trees I love the rolling hills. What am I? ANSWER : A BEE They serve only one interest and have only one aim to fulfill the needs of the youngest learners. Who are they? ANSWER : YOUR TEACHERS
  • 13. 13 Boruah Marasim, cls.a VI-a Prof. coord. Luminita Cebotari Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3, Cugir On the Right Terms When my neighbour’s teenaged son was interviewed for a job at a local shop, he was asked, “How would you treat an irate customer?” The boy thought for a moment. “I would treat him the same as the customer before and the one after.” He was hired on the spot. Later, his mother asked about the interview. “I suppose it went well because I got the job”, the son replied. “By the way, Mum, what does ‘irate’ mean?” State of the Art Preparing for a car-boot sale, I came across some of my paintings And decided to put them on display. One of my florals was bought by an old man who seemed pleased when I told him I was the artist. I was thrilled that my work sold. Later a women selected two others, I was about to tell her that they were my works, when I asked “What made you choose those two?” “Oh,” she replied, “I am only buying them for the frames”. Splash It All Over Sitting next to my elder cousin, I noticed that he smelt rather nice. “What is your aftershave called?”, I asked him. “Tester,” he replied. Blooming Sow-And-Sow One of the worst mistakes you can make as a gardener is to think you are in charge. Weed: a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. Time Signals Elderly man to his neighbour: “I have reached the age where the happy hour is a nap.” An old age pensioner to his friend: “I do not miss the good old days as much as I miss the good old nights”. I like sunny skies and warm sea water. What am I? ANSWER : A LOVER OF GREEK BEACHES
  • 14. 14 It has three corners and covers all your head. What is it? ANSWER : YOUR BIRTHDAY HAT BROK KARLA, clasa a VI-a Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia RIDDLE - Books Who is the character who deviated from the path? ANSWER: LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD JOKE - Holidays A: Why are you crying, little child? B: My brother has a big vacation and I do not. A: Why don’t you have a vacation too? B: I’M NOT A STUDENT YET. Bucur Ioana , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina What can you sing with, without touching it? ANSWER : YOUR VOICE What can you hear but it doesn’t make any sound? ANSWER : YOUR THOUGHTS What can’t a mirror show? ANSWER : YOUR PERSONALITY Căciulă Narcis Florin, cls. a V-a C Coordonator: prof. Ianoși Cristina Laura Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Lupeni I’m a fruit Big, green and round Incredibly sweet, tasty and delicious
  • 15. 15 But also very healthy. I’m great in summer And if you eat me, You won’t be thirsty. ANSWER : WATERMELON Cicalău Rebeca, clasa a V-a, prof.coord. : Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani As few as possible, to be well, you always wear them and it's not hard for you. ANSWER : T-SHIRTS. Stay up late at night, play more and more, and don't get bored. ANSWER : SUMMER. If it weren't, you wouldn't be able to do it. ANSWER : RUBBER. You use it in summer to cool off ANSWER : LEMONADE. You wait for it to come, it comes, and passes quickly. ANSWER : HOLIDAY. It is always buzzing and it is in one season. ANSWER : MOSQUITO. Chișcociu Bogdan, clasa a V-a, prof.coord.Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani What plant likes the sun most? ANSWER : SUNFLOWER ”Why is it so hot in summer?” ”Because the sun also likes summer and it comes closer.”
  • 16. 16 What animal likes going outside and playing every day? ANSWER : DOG What vegetable helps your eyesight? ANSWER : CARROT What school subject makes you go outside and do activities? ANSWER : SPORTS/P.E. How do you call an apple having a bad day? ANSWER : A ROTTEN APPLE What do you call a tiny shirt? ANSWER : A T-SHIRT ”Why did the chicken cross the road? ” ”Because there was a party on the other side.” ”Why did the hot pepper jump off the roof ?” |”So the roof wouldn’t catch fire.” What sport makes you hold something very heavy and throw it very far? ANSWER : CABER TOSS What fruit has a shield that protects it? ANSWER : BANANA Cojocaru Selena, cls. a V-a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina It's a precious thing At school is inseparable From his painted wooden coat Take out your blackened nose. Answer : PENCIL
  • 17. 17 Comandașu-Soare Elena, clasa a VI-a Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj Prof. coord. Ciolan Lenuța Joke: What holiday is more acknowledged in the Eastern Hemisphere than anywhere else? East-er. Joke: What does an ant do when it wants to assist surgeries? It becomes a medical assist-ant. Joke: What does a deer who likes operating engines become? An engin-eer. Joke: What did the cake who tried doing math exercises become? A Pi. Riddle: Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, Cranberry sauce, corn and beans, Gather with your family yearly, ‘Cause that’s where all the fun begins. Which holiday is it? ANSWER : THANKSGIVING DAY Riddle: Lord has come into the world, Bringing faith and joy and cheer. Presents waiting to be opened, Santa’s almost gotten here. Which holiday is it? ANSWER : CHRISTMAS
  • 19. 19 Comșa Andrei Clasa a V-a C Profesor coordonator: Adriana Anușcă Colegiul Național „Inochentie Micu Clain”, Blaj RIDDLES Who is eaten by the kids and loved by the parents for keeping the doctor away? ANWER : THE APPLE I drink a lot of water and I feed on the sunlight. What am I? ANWER : THE PLANT When do three seasons become one? ANWER : IN ROMANIAN SUMMERTIME What contains both tears and smiles? ANWER : THE STUDENT CARD Who can sing during class and never gets punished? ANWER : THE MUSIC TEACHER JOKES 1. A man goes to the vet. He tells the vet “Doc, help me! I’ve swallowed a cat!” The vet asks the man to open his mouth and says “Please, meow to me so I know that you are still alive …” 2. What is your favorite type of fish? Fish and chips. 3. When does your face always light up? When I open the laptop. 4. Why don’t you study chemistry? Because I can’t feel it. 5. What’s your favorite school day? Holiday. Cornea Andrei , clasa a V-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina Her tail is bushy And it keeps chickens. ANSWER : HEN
  • 20. 20 Like a float boat, On the sand it travels. ANSWER : CAMEL Coloured like a flower, small body it has And it flies all summer above the plain Say what it might be. ANSWER : A BUTTERFLY. Costache Amalia Mihaela, clasa a V-a prof.coord.: Corina Dan Sc. "Al.I.Cuza" Brăila Who is fluffy, cute and adorable, With a pink and wet nose, Bright yellow eyes, Small ears And a fluffy tail? Who is always hungry And sleeps all day? Who is always lovely? ANSWER: IT'S A CAT! Curea Eva Anastasia Maria, cls. A V-a Prof. coord. Cebotari Luminita Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir JUST WITH MUSHROOMS As the inspection by the Air Force ended, I watched my officer take off, piloting his own aircraft. But instead of accelerating, he slowed to a stop. I waited anxiously, convinced he would return and catch me off guard. Through binoculars, I saw him clamber down from the plane in full dress uniform, then kneel in the grass by the side of the runway. He removed his cap, resplendent with gold braid and proceeded to fill it- with mushrooms.
  • 21. 21 JUST PROBLEMS I really want to know the day when Mathematics is going to solve its own problems… After all, I have my own problems… JUST A JOB The teacher announced that to practise spelling, each student would say what his father did for a living and then spell the occupation. Diana went first. “My daddy is a baker, b-a-k-e-r, and if he were here, he would give everyone a cake.” Next came Robert. “My dad is a banker, b-a-n-k-e-r, and if he were here, he would give each of you 10 pounds.” Third came Jimmy. “My dad is an electrician”. But after struggling through a number of attempts to spell the word, the teacher asked him to sit and think about it for a moment while she called on someone else. She then turned to little Johnny. “My dad is a bookmaker, b-o-o-k-m-a-k-e-r, Johnny said: “ And if he were here, he would lay you odds of eight-to five that Jimmy cannot spell electrician. Find someone who Loves to play tennis, Has a little brother, Has an elder sister, Has a pet and is Left handed. ANSWER : CLASSROOM SCAVENGER HUNT We have got snowdrops in spring, We have got cherries in summer, We have got hazelnuts in autumn, We have got snow in winter. ANSWER : SEASONS What does a potato become if it wears a long red dress? ANSWER : A SUPERTOMATO
  • 22. 22 Dehelean Aida Sara CLASA: a V-a Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj RIDDLES My aunt went out to buy clothes for me. She hasn’t come back yet and I haven’t got my Kimono since. Where is she now? ANSWER : JAPAN They have a lot of vitamins and most of them are ready to be eaten in summer. ANSWER : APPLES It’s a sport where you can use no hands while playing. ANSWER : FOOTBALL MATCH It’s sultry, you usually go for a swim during this period. ANSWER : SUMMER It’s a school subject some people hate. ANSWER : MATHS JOKES So, we were in the sports class and my friend said he didn’t want to play. He got hit by a ball and now hates everything about it. Well, you know what they say, the things you hate will forever come after you. He’s a sports teacher now! What’s red and not good for your teeth? ... A brick Dragomir Răzvan Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă, Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj Friendly with people and bones are his favourite.
  • 23. 23 ANSWER : DOG Buthan is small, Russia is big. So, how is Germany? ANSWER : MEDIUM He’s big and grey, he lives in Africa. ANSWER : ELEPHANT After you crash it, you can make ketchup out of it. ANSWER : TOMATO It’s warm, it’s next to spring – What is it? ANSWER : SUMMER Durlă Valentin, cls. a V-a Școala gimnazială Conţești Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina A goose in a bar: „Do you have polenta?” The goose asks. „No, the bartender answers”. „Sure?” „No, we don't, don't you hear…?!?” „Sure, sure?” "If you ask again, I'll take a nail and a hammer and grab your beak at the counter!" „Do you have nails?” „No!” „What about polenta?” Fogarași Trisha Andra Clasa a VI-a Prof. coord. : Seicean Daiana Maria Colegiul Național I.M.Clain Blaj
  • 24. 24 This is something that people do in their free time, It’s something they enjoy doing It can be drawing, reading or anything else and it’s called a …..? ANSWER : HOBBY It can be a library, a park or a restaurant Maybe a school, a hospital or a store They might seem different, But they all have something in common. ANSWER : PLACES IN A TOWN They’re fun to play Some with your friends or some alone With a ball or a rocket and they’re called…. ANSWER : SPORTS If you do it you earn money You can be a nurse, a cashier or a postman It doesn’t really matter as long as you love your…. ANSWER : JOB The times of the year when people are happy, when the air is filled with joy These happen on Christmas and Easter or on any other… ANSWER : HOLIDAY Whenever I read its pages I am drifting away from this reality, only to find myself in other worlds where demigods and fairies exist but I need to come back eventually when the pages end and I close the… ANSWER : BOOK
  • 25. 25 Ghiţă Denis, Clasa a V- a Școala gimnazială Conţești Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina My body, my head is the same, I am always on one leg, I have countless shirts. And I wear them all-dressed. ANSWER : CABBAGE Guică Andra Gabriela, cls. a V-a Prof.coord. : Ianoși Cristina Laura Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Lupeni We are purple and sweet Especially for a kid We are oval and small And good for you all. We grow in trees And we are also good in cakes. ANSWER : PLUMS Ioica Lavinia, clasa a VI-a Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj Prof. coord. Ciolan Lenuța “Dad, do you remember, you promised me your fountain-pen if I got a good mark? Well, you’re lucky. You’ll keep your pen!” Teacher: “Billy, can you tell me what a hypocrite is?” Billy: “ I think it’s a boy who comes to school with a smile on his face.” Mother: “Who is the laziest fellow in your class? Who never does a task, homework and never learns a lesson?” Mike: “It is our teacher.” IONAȘ PATRICIA, clasa a VI-a Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta
  • 26. 26 Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia RIDDLE – SPORTS 1. There are people in a country who never fail to complete a marathon. Who are they? KEY: THE FINNISH (FINNS) JOKE - SPORTS 2. Why can’t Cinderella play soccer? Because she’s always running away from the BALL. Kalanyos Ioana Alexandra, Clasa a V-a prof.coord. Ianoși Cristina Laura Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Lupeni I am big and brown, And sometimes scary, But I love honey and berries, And I take a long nap in winter. ANSWER : THE BEAR Krisan Ioana , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina There is a place where you can go on holiday. It is hot and usaually sunny. You can stay on sand or in water. What is it ? ANSWER : A BEACH MARCU TEODOR MATTEO CLASA: a V-a Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj
  • 27. 27 It is white and little and if you confuse it with salt you won't like it. ANSWER : SUGAR It is a animal, it is gray and big. ANSWER :HIPOPOTAMUS You can play it with with a lot of colorful little balls and other two or three players. ANSWER : SNOOKER It is a fruit, it is brown but you don’t want your brain to be like it. ANSWER : BRAIN In this season in Burkina Faso it’s 36C°. ANSWER : SPRING MARIȚ YONEKO, clasa a VI-a Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia RIDDLE – BOOKS I’m not a book, but I have pages. I’m always ready for you, With lines or squares So that you are able to write on them at any time. ANSWER : THE NOTEBOOK Who can understand me, wisdom acquires! ANSWER: THE BOOK Matei Vlad, cls.a V-a Prof.coord. Luminita Cebotari Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 3 Cugir Geography Lesson
  • 28. 28 Sitting in his bedroom one evening, my 12-year-old brother Robert had his illuminated globe switched on and was poring over it intently with the aid of a small electric lamp. Thinking he was doing his Geography homework, I mentioned what I had seen to my dad, who replied: “Perhaps he is studying global warming. Mystery Writers Teacher: “How many mystery writers does it take to change a light bulb?” Pupil: “Only one, but it needs a spectacular twist at the end.” From Generation to Generation Little boy: “Mummy, you know that saucer you said had been handed down from generation to generation?” Mother: “Yessss.” Little boy: “Well, this generation just dropped it”. Why are you flying? I was sitting next to a chap in the departure lounge. Turning to me he said, “God, I hate flying. Hate it! I cannot think of single reason why the plane should stay up in the air. I mean, if something goes wrong, that is it – you have had it. If God had wanted us to fly He would have given us wings.” I said, “So, why are you flying then?” “I have got to,” he replied, “I am the pilot”. I am a long word with Three consecutive double letters. What am I? ANSWER : A BOOKKEEPER
  • 29. 29 Mărginean Eliza Elena CLASA: a V-a Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj Riddles: It lives in the jungle but no one knows it’s colour. What could it be? ANSWER : CAMELEON It’s the rabbit’s favourite food. ANSWER : CARROT It’s long ang and yellow. It lives in tropical countries. What is it? ANSWER : BANANA They are four sisters. They are always running in circles but never get tired or dizzy. Who are they? ANSWER : SEASONS They walk around like a couple. If they weren’t together anymore, you couldn’t go out in the city. ANSWER : SOCKS OR/AND SHOES Mărginean Evelina Alexia CLASA: a V-a Coordonator: prof. Adriana Anușcă Colegiul Național I.M.Clain, Blaj ❖ Riddle: She can run up to 50 km/h. ✓ Answer : The cat ❖ Riddle : It has fluffy black or white fur, it nibbles all the time something orange. What is this ? ✓ Answer : Rabbit ❖ Jokes > It’s very simple, but it’s also very HARD. You have to think about it. Then it is simple. What is this ? ✓ Answer : Maths ❖ Riddle > What are beautigul colors, fly and I like them to draw. ✓ Answer : Butterflies
  • 30. 30 ❖ Riddle > Here are many children, teachers, boards, chairs and pieces of chalk. ✓ Answer : School ❖ Riddle : They are red, are very delicious, and we can eat them in May or June. Answer : Cherries Meclea Denis, cls. a V -a Școala gimnazială Conţești, Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina We will assemble a team at school, And we will find a large field. We break through our corner - We bang our heads. And the fifth goal is at goal! We really like ... ANSWER : FOOTBALL Mihai Jose Clasa a V - a Școala gimnazială Conţești, Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina Boxers have a shell - a punching bag. And in this sport the "fruit" is better. An athlete scores the ball there Gate in the form of the letter H, The ball is very similar to a plum. What kind of sport can you name? ANSWER : RUGBY Mihăilă Angela, cls. a V-a Prof.coord.: Mătușoiu Nicoleta Șc.Gimn.,,Prof.Ilie Popescu’’, Sotânga
  • 31. 31 Q:Where do you find a no legged dog? A:Right there where you left it. Moian Ioana, clasa a V-a, prof.coord.Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani ”I have an extraordinary dog! It smells you from one km.” ”How about this?” It means you have to shower more often. ”I have four balls in my right pocket and five in my left one. What does it mean?” That you have large pockets. If you were a multiplication, I would put you in brackets. Neagu Rafael Ioan, clasa a V-a, prof.coord.Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani I am the most popular vegetable, I am long and thin, Bunnies like me very much. ANSWER : CARROT 2.Red beads in the bushes, Loved by children and bears. ANSWER : RASPBERRY I am an exotic animal, I eat everything I can, But I love bananas. ANSWER : MONKEY
  • 32. 32 She gives us milk and says two words. ANSWER : COW Loves milk and she doesn't sleep at night Because she protects us from mice. ANSWER : CAT I fly from hand to hand and I don't get tired. ANSWER : BALL Has no tongue but if you follow it you will find a lot of information. ANSWER : THE BOOK It flies fast and no one catches him. ANSWER : TIME Every day at 7 o'clock I tell you ”wake-up”. ANSWER : THE CLOCK What is prepared but didn't eat? ANSWER : HOMEWORK. Follows us all the day. ANSWER : SUN. Winged mouse, In caves you meet him. ANSWER : THE BAT. He has no fear of anyone, He is the King on the glaciers. ANSWER : POLAR BEAR
  • 33. 33 He is a faithful friend and I always give him a bone. ANSWER : THE DOG I go with the student And I keep his books. ANSWER : SCHOOL BAG. Who knows everything that happens in the world? ANSWER : THE NEWSPAPER. The playground is divided in two And each other has a hanging purse. ANSWER : BASKET. Neicu Luana Clasa a V-a Prof. coord.: Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila I’m the most dangerous animal in the world, I can kill you in many ways. What am I ? Answer : mosquito I’m only used by women in the summer. What am I ? ANSWER : SWIMSUIT I change my colour when I touch an object. What am I? ANSWER : CHAMELEON Neculiță Robert, cls. a V-a Prof. coord. Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. „AL.I. Cuza” Braila Which animal has 4 legs, can run very fast and it is human’s best friend? ANSWER : THE DOG What is round, it tastes good and sweet, and it’s orange? ANSWER : THE ORANGE
  • 34. 34 What is green, it’s in different sizes and we use it when we make a Greek salad? ANSWER : THE CUCUMBER What season is hot, it’s almost on the end of the year and the temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius? ANSWER : THE SUMMER What has big sleevs and it is worn in the autumn? ANSWER : THE SWEATER What writes with blue or black, has a cover and it is the pencil’s brother? ANSWER : THE PEN What is the most important subject in the school,it’s your native language and it teaches you how to speak better in the society? ANSWER : ROMANIAN(IN MY CASE) What is the sport that includes a ball and 2 teams and it’s very appreciated by boys and men? ANSWER : FOOTBALL “What do you call the sport football but you play it with the hands instead of the foot?” “I don’t know. How?|” ANSWER : HANDBALL. What is the holiday that it’s in winter,it represents a big part of the orthodox religion, and it’s 25th of December? ANSWER: THE CHRISTMAS. Odoleanu Andreea – Ioana, CLS.A VI-A Prof. coord. : Cristudor Andreea Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa A girl in a red hood Went to her grandma And she made a big mess Did you guess? ANSWER : LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD
  • 35. 35 All you need is a palette And a little talent A green ball And a field small ANSWER : TENNIS It's a place with fresh air You can have a picnic there Did you guess it? ANSWER : PARK You can draw better It doesn't matter With crayons or pencil This school subject is merry. ANSWER : ART You have to be brave If you want to save... People who are in danger Need you be braver. ANSWER : POLICEMAN In winter it's celebrated The house smells like gingerbread It's a lot of fun The snow began. ANSWER : CHRISTMAS Olteanu Denis, cls. a V a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina Orange, long and mustachioed Thinner or thicker, Sweet, vitaminized The king over the vegetables. Strong, yellow, sharp He is stuck in the ground,
  • 36. 36 Who is? Did you guess? ANSWER : CARROT Pascalinoiu Felicia, cls.a VI-a Prof.coord.: Cristudor Andreea Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa Book Has colored pages Subscribe to it all And how much you love her You use it more and more Answer :P.E. It has many exercises But it is not a manual. They are many and beautiful If you want to visit them You must have a GPS. ANSWER : MUSEUMS There are desks, Classes to, We are glad to learn To read and write. ANSWER : SCHOOL She is long but also short But we take another break From our work. ANSWER : SUMMER HOLIDAY Pascu Lucas, cls. a V- a
  • 37. 37 Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina It is not a mouse, it's not blind, Fruit stains from notebooks, It would be good and beautiful. Let us not chew anything. ANSWER : RUBBER Păun Livia, Clasa a V-a Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana It is a loyal friend for you, it stays next to you when you are sad, it can jump, but it can’t talk. ANSWER : A DOG I have long ears, I hop every day, and I love carrots. What am I ? ANSWER : A RABBIT You can read me, I am very rich because I have many words, and you can live an imaginary world due to me. ANSWER : A BOOK Petrinca Alexia , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina On the music you move and feel the beat. There are lots of songs and you can do a lot of steps with your partner or alone and it makes you forget all your worries. Answer : THE DANCE When you are sad and feel so bad, he/she helps you with a piece of advice or a word and suddenly you feel better. Who is it? Answer : A PSYCHOLOGIST Ploscaru Andreea Prof. coord. Cristudor Andreea
  • 38. 38 Scoala Gimnaziala Petre Mironescu – Mera, Structura Vulcaneasa You need a rocket A ball or a racket Simona Halep is the champion of this game. ANSWER : TENNIS It is a place in the city There are children playing Swings and slides There's a lot of fun. ANSWER : PARK You need tools To repair cars. ANSWER : MECHANIC It's the last day of the week No one works that day Students don't go to school either. ANSWER : SUNDAY Popa Alina, Clasa a VI -a Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana I am small, I love the smell of flowers, I can fly. What am I? ANSWER : A BEE I love eating meat, I can run very fast, I live in the jungle, it is my kingdom. I am …. ANSWER : A LION You can use me to make a delicious spaghetti sauce. People consider me a vegetable, but I am fruit. What am I? ANSWER : A TOMATO I can help you if you are not feeling well, I have an office, I am a person. Who am I? ANSWER : A DOCTOR
  • 39. 39 Radu Irina , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina It’s a show about music. It was aired on May 19th. One of its actors’ name is Lea and I am talking about ............................... . Answer : GLEE Răboj Andreea, cls. a V- a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina It looks like petals, Or dancing stars The clouds sprinkle them in the winter And put them on your eyelashes. ANSWER : SNOWFLAKES ROȘIU DARIA, clasa a VI-a
  • 40. 40 Coord. prof. Apostol Nicoleta Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia RIDDLE – SPORTS 1. What match can’t be put in a match box? KEY: FOOTBALL MATCH, VOLLEYBALL MATCH JOKE - SPORTS 2.Why did the football quit the team? IT WAS TIRED OF BEING KICKED AROUND. :) Rușanu Costinel, cls. a V-a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina Dad wears a white robe. At the hospital when he comes, You can tell him what hurts, And he makes you well. ANSWER : DOCTOR Rușița Denis, Clasa a V- a Scoala Gimnaziala Mănești Porf. coord.Prof. Peptea Ileana When are you allowed to cross on red and stop on green? When you are eating watermelon! I am cold, I bring you ice flowers on your window and icicles on your house. Who am I? WINTER I love numbers, I am with you at school every day, you may not like me, thanks to me you know multiplication and division. MATHEMATICS
  • 41. 41 By Sabo Ioana , Sabo Ioana clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina You use a colourful stick to get a paper dirty, but the result looks really pretty, sometimes becomes a masterpiece. What is it? Answer : A DRAWING Săbăduș Amira Ana Maria Clasa a VI-a Prof. Seicean Daiana Maria Colegiul Național I.M.Clain Blaj I have many pages of exercises with multiplication and division Children avoid opening me. ANSWER : MATHS BOOK
  • 42. 42 If you want to pay taxes You pay them to me. ANSWER : CITY HALL If you need money Look for me. ANSWER : BANK Every year I'm dressed in red Dear children, I am waiting for the gifts to put under the tree When I come. ANSWER : CHRISTMAS We learn about colours We learn to draw What school subject is it? ANSWER : ART I work in the hospital I treat you, children and adults, when you are ill What job do I have? ANSWER : DOCTOR Trif Dalia , clasa a V-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina Long, big ears Long, big nose, I am gray and I’ve got toes To my lovely huge four legs. In the jungle I have fun Once there was a sibling cute one, Dumbo. What animal am I? ANSWER : ELEPHANT
  • 43. 43 Fluffy tails and emerald eyes, Hide and seek I play with mice Heal the wounds that are inside And I live nine lives. What animal am I? ANSWER : THE CAT Coloured leaves fall on the ground, Baskets full of lovely harvest It is chilly, cold, and rainy It is time for new school beginnings. What season am I? ANSWER : AUTUMN Urucu Luiza, cls. a VI-a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coord.: Ţele Lavinia Florina You can ask them to help you, It gives you a lot of advice, And he speaks for you, He knows the laws well. ANSWER : LAWYER Vartoc Darian , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina Who flies without flying and takes us over the sea, over the mountains across the oceans? Who would it be? Answer : A PILOT She works with the little ones, a group of „dwarfs”. She is a good story teller. Her job is .......... Answer : KINDERGARTEN TEACHER
  • 44. 44 Vasiliu Adrian, cls. A V-a Școala gimnazială Conţești Judeţul Teleorman Prof. coordinator: Ţele Lavinia Florina It has no wheels, no legs He takes me quickly to the valley. But to climb the hill I have to take it. ANSWER : SLEIGH Voj Ioana , clasa a VI-a Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina It’s like a guineea pig, only it has longer ears and a smaller tail. ANSWER : A BUNNY
  • 46. 46 THE FUNNYSTORYOFAFISH Bejenaru Bianca, cls. a VII-a Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina Sc.Gimn. ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia Olivia is a volunteer at the animal shelter and her best friend is a fish, Barry. One day she thought of taking Barry with her, so she put it into a bag on a plate and then she left. A parrot walking around the room saw it and pounced on it. He grabbed the bag with his claws, lifting it and flying with it through the building. At one point, the bag broke and the fish landed somewhere on the ground. When Olivia saw that Barry was no longer in his place she started to be worried about and she was searching for it. After a while she began to give up and accepted that she had lost Barry, but right then, at that moment she saw it swimming in a bowl of water. The bad luck was that a dog wanted to drink water and, not seeing the fish, he swallowed it. Olivia ran to him and began to put her hands in his mouth to get Barry out. Luckily for her, Barry was stuck on the dog's neck so after a minute the dog coughed and the fish managed to come out. After that incident, Olivia never took Barry to the shelter again. All is well when it ends well! Bura Andrei, cls. a VII-a Scoala Gimn. “Vasile Goldis “ Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina This is John’s first time in a big city. He always gets laughed at for having such a red nose and colorful hair. Wait - but that’s his job! John is a clown working at one of the most prestigious circuses in the whole of New York, and not any clown, an aquatic clown! His partner, Nemo is a grey bass, one of the biggest in the Atlantic Ocean, his intelligence exceeds what the scientists think. John is late for the show and here he is rushing on stage with Nemo in his small aquarium. BANG! The aquarium smashes on the hard floor. In a moment of desperation John takes the fish and places him in his mouth. The vanishing of Nemo upsets the public who’ve grown quite fond of the little fish. The public loves Nemo so much that the whole show went on without any applauses. The final stunt is a jump through three rings into a small pool filled with water, and the worst part is that John is the one that has to perform it. John starts running and leaps through the first ring, but before he knows it, the fish manages to escape John through his nose, going through the last two rings, the fish drops in the pool. This amazes the people who start clapping minutes in a row. Everybody is happy in the end!
  • 47. 47 The Funny Story of a Fish Cănănău Paula, clasa a VII-a, Prof .coord.: Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr. 7 Petroșani It was a normal day in the Blue Kingdom, one of the most beautiful under water kingdoms, where a lot of animals lived. Jack and Ariel were two fish that were always looking for new friends and loved to play. They were thinking of a good plan to defeat Nemo and Dory in the prank war between the four of them. This time Jack and Ariel decided to make a prank on a teacher. They thought this was the perfect way to win this competition. Everything was prepared; they were going to make a prank on Miss Coral, one of their mermaid teachers. Once they arrived at school and the teacher entered the classroom they offered her a cookie. But Miss Carol didn’t know it was made from food for octopus so when she tasted it, her body color instantly changed. From a bright yellow she had turned into dark red, everyone started laughing. Jack and Ariel were scolded by the teacher and their parents and they understood that it is not good to do such a thing and that respect is essential in our life, but they won the prank war. The Story of a Fish Cîmpean Vlad, clasa a VII-a Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj Prof. Coordonator: Ciolan Lenuța Once upon a time, there was a little boy, Jack, who lived with his mum and grandma in an old, small house. Jack was very sad because his mum was very sick and he didn’t know how to help her. One morning he decided to go fishing by the river. He was waiting for several hours when suddenly he caught a small fish. He was so happy for a moment, but then he realised that the fish had his fin broken and was in great pains. Jack put the fish in his bucket and took him home. He filled his large fish tank with fresh water and let the fish swim slowly there. Jack took good care of the fish and soon they became friends. He shared with the fish all his sorrows and joys. Day by day the fish became more and more energetic and his fin was gradually healing up. By the time the fish was better, as a miracle, Jack’s mother’s health improved. One day, the fish told Jack that he
  • 48. 48 missed his family and he would love to go back to the river. Jack was very sad because the fish has become a real friend and he didn’t want the fish to move apart. However, he realised that the fish could not be happy in a fish tank and he brought the fish back to the river. The fish promised Jack that he would come to the bank of the river every morning to meet the boy and talk as they used to do. Jack and the fish have been inseparable since then and they still meet by the river every morning. The Funny Story of a Fish Corlan Ionuț Gabriel, clasa a VII-a, prof.coord. : Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani Once upon a time, there was a happy family made from three people. One day the boy said he wanted a pet. His parents decided to buy him a fish, so they went to the pet shop where they found a little yellow fish. They bought it with love, but what they didn't know was that the fish was a magical one. One morning, the family wanted to take a picture of the new member in the bathroom. Suddenly the fish jumped on the edge of the aquarium and talked. Scared, the father threw the aquarium, and the fish ended up in the toilet. A few minutes later the fish woke up on land, but one thing was strange. The fish could breathe on land and in a few minutes it grew hands and feet. It's been a difficult journey, having no food and being a strange creature. Through his affair he encountered many troubles for example: He fell with his face down in the dung. Eventually the journey is over, finding the adoptive family. They accepted him fondly even though it was no longer what they had bought. The funny story of a fish Ferțu Paula Marissa, clasa a VII-a, prof.coord.Stan Gabriela Școala Gimnazială Nr.7 Petroșani
  • 49. 49 Once upon a time, in the wonderful deep blue sea, Figo the Symphysodon lived peacefully with his family, running between colorful corals and stones with his siblings, making the best of life! But one time, when Figo was supposed to visit his grandma, on the other side of the coral reef, disaster struck…his grandma, was kidnapped! There was a bunch of clownfish police officers and lionfish detectives, but nobody knew what happened. She was loved by the entire community, children were obsessed with her coral cookies and loved to see her knit lively scarfs. Figo knew something was wrong, but he was too young to be heard, so he did the inexplicable, he started to look for evidence, began to analyse every move and location where she was last seen, and places she often visited. Around midnight, he found a lead! He quickly got into his dad’s car and drove there as fast as possible. There was an abandoned house, and he heard cries, so he thought that the best move is to call the police and enter with caution. He got down to the basement and there she was, Scarlett the Symphysodon, alive and safe. The police finally came and rescued them, and found the culprit, William the Hammer Shark. Now, that Figo is old and has a family of his own, he tells this funny story to his children, Figo the Hero! It sounds fitting. PINGO, A FUNNY FISH Ghiojdoiu Felicia, cls. a VII- a Prof. coord. : Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. “Al. I. Cuza” Braila This is the story of an unusual fish named Pingo. Pingo lived under the sea in the Pacific Ocean surrounded by his friends and family. But he was known as the bad guy of the group. He never listened to anyone and did only the things that made him happy or gave him pleasure, not thinking about other fish. Despite that, he had a lot of friends who were kind and good, the total opposite of him. Pingo was also very smart, but he never showed that because he thought that his friends will think that he is a nerd because they weren’t the smartest fish in the sea. Pingo liked to think about ingenious pranks and prank other fish. He liked seeing them struggling to find who fooled them. One day, something terrible happened to Pingo. He was hanging out with some of his friends, when his dad called him. “Pingo, come here immediately!“ He already knew that something bad happened and he was going to have another fight with his father. Pingo was a little bit embarrassed because the argument he had with his dad was going to take place in front of his friends. “What’s up, dad?” Pingo asked. “Don’t act like you don’t know why I came here. Don’t you think that the way you pranked your sister was too much?” “But how did you know it was me?”
  • 50. 50 “Oh, come on, no fish could possibly come up with that idea. You made her go crazy and she’s only half your age.” “I’m sorry, okay? It’s not going to happen again.” Pingo said to his father, but we all know that he didn’t mean that. “You know what? I’m sick of your little pranks and all the evil of yours and I’m sure that I’m not the only one who is tired of your ideas. Pingo, you’re grounded, you’re no longer allowed to go out and you’re no longer allowed to prank anyone ever” “But dad, this isn’t fair. Just because of one innocent prank I’m no longer allowed to do anything else? Why do you think I prank you? This is the only fun I have because no fish from this group is smart enough to understand me.” After this, Pingo started to swim very fast, far away from the other fish. He could hear his father calling him, but it was not helping, Pingo was already gone. Pingo went and hid in a small cave only knew by him. He never brought any of his friends here. This was his private place. He was going there when he needed some time for himself to relax when he couldn’t stand his friends or his father anymore. Suddenly he heard a voice, so he went to check where the voice came from. At the bottom of the cave stood a very old fish. “Hello!” Pingo said. He was a little bit scared because no one usually comes there. “I can see that you’re upset young man. What happened to you my dear?” the other fish asked. “It’s none of your business. I just had an argument with my father and I came here to clear my thoughts. What are you doing here anyway?” “I usually come here when I want to be alone just like you. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you? You can tell me all your problems if you want, but after all, I’m just a stranger who doesn’t know you” “I guess you’re right. Well, I like to prank other fish. This is the only thing that brings me joy. I pranked my sister and she couldn’t keep her filthy little mouth shut, so she told my father. Then, my dad came to me while I was hanging out with my friends and started an argument and now I’m grounded.” “You know, you can go to the surface of the ocean if you want, just go and swim a bit, and then you can come home and figure things out with your father, but be careful. I guess this is your first time going up there and it’s very dangerous,” the old fish said. “That’s actually a good idea and I’ll keep in mind what you said, thank you!” Pingo said and left. He swam and swam till he arrived the destination. On his way there, Pingo was fascinated by the views and by the other creatures that he never seen before. At some point, something shiny caught his attention. Pingo has always been very curious, so he went to that thing and tried to catch it, but little did he know that this was actually a fishing hook. He heard about fishman many times from other fish who were caught by them, but somehow they escaped. Pingo knew that the only way to escape was to prank the fishman. This was the only thing that he was good at. Despite that his dad told him to not prank anyone ever again, this was an exception. When he was pulled to the surface Pingo had his plan in mind.
  • 51. 51 The fishman was old and he couldn’t see very well. At that moment, the old man believed that he wasn’t hearing well when Pingo spoke to him. “Good afternoon good sir!” Pingo said. “It seems like you’re enjoying your time fishing” The fisherman could not belive what he just heard. Finally he understood that the one who was talking was the fish. “I’m not the goldfish as you can see, but I am a magical fish and I can make all of your desires come true.” “This is not possible, no fish can talk and more than that, no fish can make any desire come true. And if it is the way you say, I do not have any desires.” “Oh, for God’ sake, from all of the fishman I got this one. Perfect! How can I escape now?” Pingo thought. “You don’t want anything at all? I can offer you money, gold, youth and much more.” “I don’t need any of that. I’m very pleased with my life. If I think about it, you need something. Freedom, am I right? Pingo thought that it was no use to prank the fishman and decided to talk to him honestly. “Look, I am not a magic fish and I can’t make your wishes come true. I am just a normal fish.” “Since when did normal fish talk, may I ask?” “Okay, not that normal, but you got the idea. All I want now is to go back to my family and apologize to them.” “What did you do to them?” Pingo started to tell the fishman his story. “Okay. Let me see if I understand. So you think that you’re smarter than other fish so you prank them, am I right?” “Yes” Pingo said. “If you think you’re so smart and you want me to let you go, you have to answer to three riddles.” Pingo accepted the challenge. “The first riddle for you is: what goes through water without getting wet?” Pingo had no idea. “This is not possible. Nothing can go through water without getting wet.” Pingo said. “Look carefully around you.” The old man said. The fish looked around him but nothing seemed to be the answer to the man’s question. Suddenly he saw the moon shining in the water. That’s when he realized that the answer was the moon. The reflection of it shows up on the water, but it’s not getting wet. “The moon, the answer is the moon” Pingo said proud of himself. “I’m sure I can respond to the last two riddles too.” “That is correct” the fishman said. “The second riddle is: they show up at night, without you calling them, they go away when it’s light without you stealing them.” “Oh, this is actually an easy riddle” Pingo thought. “The first riddle was about the moon, I think the second one has something to do with the space too. So the moon shows up at night and disappears when it’s light, but
  • 52. 52 then the night comes, the stars show up too and they also disappear when it’s light, so the answer has to be the stars.” Pingo said. Because the first two riddles seemed easy for the fish, the man thought that the last one should be harder. “This is also correct. The last riddle is: what can you keep after giving to someone?” “This one is very hard. “ Pingo said. “Think about it, it’s not that hard. It’s something that I gave you, that’s all I can tell you.” The fishman said to Pingo giving him a clue to the last and the hardest riddle. “You didn’t give me anything, you just promised me that you will let me go if I answer to your riddles.” and that’s when Pingo got the idea. “I know! The answer is your word. You promised me that you will let me go and that means that you gave me your word, am I right?” “Yes, you’re right. Your answer is correct. You are indeed very smart and as I told you, I’m going to let you go since you answered all the riddles correctly. You can go.” “Thank you, sir! I’m very grateful for that. I hope you have a great life because you are a good man.” And after that, Pingo jumped in the ocean. He swam as fast as he could to get back home faster. When he arrived home, his father was waiting for him. “Pingo, where were you? We’ve been looking for you all day. We were so worried” “Please don’t be upset, I will tell you everything that happened in the last few hours, but first I need to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have been acting that way, I’m sorry for the things I’ve said and for the trouble that I’d caused. I promised that I will not fool anyone else from now on.” After this incident, Pingo used his intelligence to always do good things. He never pranked anyone again and became a better fish. THE FUNNY STORY OF A FISH Gligor Amalia, Cls. a VII-a, Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina Sc.Gimn. ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia It was a rainy summer day. The beautiful smell of summer was everywhere, but I was bored. I had nothing to do ... my friends were gone to their grandparents or to the sea, so I came up with a great idea. I went to the pet store with my parents to get a small animal. Arriving there I noticed a lot of types of animals: small, large, medium. I was looking at the sea animals when suddenly I saw a golden fish with light pink details, and the wings were large but wavy. I loved it at once. My parents agreed, so I bought her a fish house and named her Emily.
  • 53. 53 While I was in the car, I looked at her and saw that she was no longer breathing and that she looked dead. I was scared and showed this to my parents. Then I stopped the car and took the fish in my hand, and what did I see ?! SHE WAS ALIVE. Emily is a trained fish, and this "death" game is her favorite. Ohhh, what a charlatan fish!!! The funny story of a fish Irimia Maria-Emilia, Cls. A VII-A Prof.Coord. Cambera Tereza Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.1 Putineiu Swimming is therapeutic, scientifically. Erik agrees with this assertion, leastways. That's why, on a Sabbath (ironically overlapping with some holiday he's indifferent when he comes to visit the Kozhanovskoe Lake, decision his CCTV-like neighbours label oversight. He's Russian, he knows what he's doing. Shortly after, Erik's straddling the pond, already short-winded from dodging multifarious trespasser traps, forever the daredevil. Keen to dangerously descending, an unfamiliar shiver encapsulates him, challenging his confidence, though he'd never concede to that jiff of fear. Yet. He touches the cold bayou headfirst, that previous moment becoming victorious before the newborn never-ending, out-of-body terror. Erik feels his lungs wane, and he blames it on the laps he had to run to reach the lake, but only for a nanosecond before he recognizes none but the scarcity of vapors afore his mouth, until he cannot breathe or think. Had he believed that momentary insecurity, or had he gained consideration, he wouldn't have to feel himself be swallowed. Literally. He wouldn't be lured in with a frequency so low, nobody could've handled, then achieve suicide through the teeth of some mischievous bycatch. Had it been a human, or a risorius beholder, the fish would be smirking. Well, it's Russian too. MY BOB, PANDEMIC FISH Moga Stefan, cls. a VII -a Prof.coord.: Dan Corina Scoala Gimn. “Al.I Cuza” Braila We are in the year 2020, the year in which the pandemic started. We can only go outside to do important stuff, like going shopping, taking the trash out, walking our pets etc. I haven’t left the house in almost a month and I felt horrible. I have a goldfish as a pet. His name is Bob. I have had Bob as a pet for about four months and from the moment I got him, he did not leave the house. Goldfish don’t need to be taken outside and they probably don’t want to do it either.
  • 54. 54 One day, I had an idea. We were allowed to go outside to walk our pets, so why don’t I just take my fish out for a walk? It was a weird idea, but desperate people do desperate things, so I got Bob, I put him in a small bowl and I fixed the bowl to my old remote controlled car with tape. I walked around for a few seconds and everyone started laughing at me and Bob, so I decided to go back home and never do this again. Oros Raluca Clasa a VII a Prof. coord. Țîrțiu Gabriela Școala gimnazială nr. 1 Săcădat I was swimming happily in the sea, searching for food and looking for my friends when, suddenly I got stuck in something. I wasn `t scared at first because somehow I was carried by something. It was full of water but I couldn`t get out of it. That thing I was in began to move very fast and I found myself floating on the surface of the sea. Wow! I could see humans splashing in the water, throwing balls and bottles and not noticing me. It was a great adventure on my own, because I had to meet these humans and tell them to be more careful with plastic in general, because it hurts us. While speaking to myself someone grabbed me and threw me away and I landed on the beach in front of a little boy. He started laughing and took me to water immediately, telling me that we were going to be best friends from now on and help one another. We played together for a while because I was willing to be more friendly to this boy since he was such a caring young fellow and that made me think positive of our future. The funny story of a fish Popa Carmen, cls.a VII-a prof. coord. Aldea Rocsana Maria Scoala Gimnaziala Sona-jud.Alba Could you imagine someone living in an Aqua Park ? Yeah, me neither. Jim is an interesting fish, he travels a lot, but his home is Ocean Expo Park from Okinawa, Japan. He adores his place, his neighbours are polite and funny so they usually have a good time together. There are also a lot of people who appreciate and respect his work. He feels really thankful for everything he gets. Many people watch him perform and reward the moves he makes by giving him food and gifts but one day, during a performance , he met a naughty boy who tried to kidnapp him. He struggled to escape and made fast moves in the water, but the boy did not quit his actions so
  • 55. 55 Jim decided to act immediately and made a fantastic jump splashing water around him so everybody turned to see what was happening while the boy quickly dissapeared. He likes living in the water because... that's the life of a fish! ZOE - A CIRCUS ACROBAT Puscau Maria Scoala Gimnaziala”Vasile Goldis”, Alba Iulia Coord. Prof. Paraschivescu Alina Hi! My name is Zoe and I'm a circus acrobat. I don't think you expect this but I'm also a fish. If you are wondering how I became an acrobat, I'm going to tell you. It was a lovely day under the sea. I was going to meet my friend Goldie when someone cought me. If you ask me why I was cought in the fishing rod, the thruth is I was hungry (by the way, I'm always hungry). Then I saw a big creature with something weird on his face. No one was there to save me. After the man got me out of water he put me in something simillar to a box.The strange thing was that I could understand him, but he didn't understand me, and this was very annoying. Anyway, he took me to a place named circus and a man with a big red nose and crazy hair took me. ”Jump!" said the man with the red nose, showing me a circle. I jumped and I really liked it.Then I strated doing circles in the air and then ... the big day came, when I had to do this in front of hundreds of people.They enjoyed it and clapped thier hands for me. I like being an acrobat but I really miss my undewater life and I hope I’ll return to my family soon. A FUNNY STORY WITH A FISH Seician Darius, cls. a VII-a Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina Sc.Gimn. ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia One fine day, Jack's parents thought of surprising him by buying him a goldfish. He gladly immediately gave her a name, Flappy. Because the boy was a bit careless and restless, unfortunately the fish died. His parents knowing that if the boy found out would be devastated, they decided to buy him another one as if nothing had happened. This procedure was repeated several times until there were no more fish in the store. The boy's father was sad because he could not find a fish until he found a street shop that apparently had
  • 56. 56 a more special fish. You stopped thinking about it and bought it, put it in the aquarium at home as if nothing had happened, and the boy started playing with it, but this fish was special, it memorized various tricks and could make the dead. One day the boy decided to get Flappy to do the dead to fool his parents, but the plan did not go well, the boy's father finding him too early thought he was dead and threw him in the toilet. Then the boy noticed that Flappy had disappeared and his parents told him everything, and he was very sad. But it so happened that the fish reached the ocean where a skilled fisherman caught him and this fisherman also owned the street shop. Acknowledging the fisherman, he immediately returned it to the boy and his smile returned to him, seeing that he was with his good friend Flappy again. Elev: Udrea Larisa Prof. Gîlă Catrinela Felicia Școala gimnazială nr 1 Malu Spart, Giurgiu The story of a fish Ben was an orange fish, that lived in the aquarium of a British family. Although he was always alone, every time Emy, the youngest in the family, came from the school the aquarium was exploding with Ben’s happiness of seeing her. Emy and Ben, were best friends for over ten years, since the girl’s 6th birthday, when Ben was her gift. Although Emy didn’t have much time to play with him, because she was busy with plenty of homework, she made time to spend with him. Over the time, Ben, it wasn’t the same as it used to be, it was getting older, which saddened Emy more and more. One day when Ben was feeling worse and worse, Emy and her family have decided to go to the sea to let Ben go in the water along with hundreds and thousands of fish. When they reached the water’s edge, they let go of Ben, who to their surprise was happier than ever. So Emy and little Ben, even though they couldn’t see each other anymore, remained best friends forever. Cherish your friend and enjoy every moment, because time passes very fast!!! Vesa Mihai Dragoș, clasa a 7-a B, Prof.coord. Paraschivescu Alina Școala Gimnazială:,,Vasile Goldiș” The funny story of a fish In the Black Sea, there was living a fish that liked to make fun of fishermen, destroying their traps in some funny ways. One day, the best fisherman in the country heard about the fish, so he went to the sea for catching it, or if he was unlucky, just the other fish.
  • 57. 57 In the morning, the fish broke all the nets where were caught fish and replaced them with rocks. When the fisherman found, it was angry. At noon, the fish replaced all the baits from the hooks with some old shoes and the fisherman became even angrier.But in the evening, the fisherman used a trap that was attracting all the fish from the ocean and the fish couldn't do anything to stop it. The fisherman finnally caught the fish, so he was putting happy the fish in the bucket, when suddenly... from the sea... just jumped an electric eel, that was saved a long time ago by the fish when it was captured in a nest. The electric eel jumped into the fisherman, electrocuting him and it let all the fish to swim away. From that day, no one fished in that region of the sea!
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  • 59. 59 Calița Liliana Andreea, cls a-VIII-a Prof. Gîlă Catrinela Felicia Școala gimnazială nr 1 Malu Spart, Giurgiu NOT ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD This is a well known proverb in all the world and it is like a principle of life that everyone should use as a guidance. In my opinion this reffers to the fact that not everyting that is beautiful, that glitters it is valuable or has a major importance in life. We should not guide our life in search of ”gold” we must be content and satisfied with what we receive from our work. It is not wrong to have big dreams, and do it all in pursuit of them but when we get there we must see the real value of things and their impact on our lives. Having ambitions in life means being a strong person because in the fight to reach them you get strong but on this way you must not forget to be focused and not get distracted by glittering things that shine beautifully and just that. When we are little our parents teach us that we must not judge a person by his appearance or a thing by its packaging. I think that this is similar to the saying above, a person value does not stand in his appearance or a thing is valuable not by its package but by its use in our life. This is a lesson that we also receive in school when we see examples of children that chase big marks but when they have an important exam they get poor grades. This happens because they forget the essence of learning, that of understanding information not just memorizing it. Thus they just take as gold all that glitters. Not All that Glitters is Gold Dragomir Cristina, cls. a VIII-a Prof.coord. : Memet Nurten Scoala:Gimnaziala,, Spiru Haret” Medgidia The way I see life Gold is a precious metal, often symbolized by sparkling because it is expensive. It is also very often mistaken with non-precious metals, such as pyrite, often referred to as fool’s gold. Being fairly similar, the shiny rock can be mistaken with the shiny precious metal. People can be an exemple, too. Some of them try to impress by beautiful words, which prove in time to be lies, only pretty lies.Words without solid foundation, told to a kid, for example, could change his way of thinking. He can understand that he is very good for example, at music. But he does not have talent, voice or something in common with music.What I want to say is that being honest is the best choice in life. Why do we
  • 60. 60 have to pretend sometimes that we are different? To prove what? This is my inevitable question for everyone. Lies can lead to chain reactions, often ending not only badly, but also tragic. As the saying goes: ”So come my soul to bliss as I speak true.” Not All That Glitters Is Gold Muntean Adelina, clasa a VIII-a Școala Gimnazială Toma Cocișiu Blaj Prof. Coordonator: Ciolan Lenuța I believe that not all that glitters is gold. This aphorism means that some things or people or places are not as good or precious or true as they appear to be. Some things seem to be valuable on the surface, but when you look at them closely, you realize they are not. Last summer my family and I went to the Italian seaside for the first time. I searched for information on the Internet and I could read some very nice reviews. I thought it would be such a beautiful place, just perfect for us, but when we arrived there things did not look so bright. There were too many people, loud music, unpleasant smells, dirty hotel rooms and, on top of that, it was extremely hot. We didn’t enjoy our holiday there and we could hardly wait to come back. We expected to have a nice time in Italy, but it was exactly the other way round. We were very excited to go there, but we came back home disappointed. One thing I have learnt is that we must be happy with the things we have and that many attractive or alluring things have no value. Not everything that seems good is actually good. All that glitters is definitely not gold.
  • 61. 61 EXEMPLE DE BUNA PRACTICA USING CHALLENGING MATERIALS AND METHODS IN THE ONLINE CLASSES Teacher: Aldea Rocsana Maria School: Scoala Gimnaziala Sona LESSON PLAN Type of lesson: Lesson of systematization and revision of knowledge Title: Conditional Structures (Zero,First,Second and Third Conditional)) Skills: Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading Method of teaching: Communicative method Teaching technique: Check-in/Check-out Dialogues, Brainstorming, Exercise Materials: Meet, laptop, Wordwall game , slideshare presentation,song, esl/isl worksheets(online),notebooks Lesson Aims :-to check the knowledge on Conditional Structures - to activate previously acquired vocabulary and grammar structures; A.Cognitive Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will(prove that they know how to): O1- talk about conditions (past and present) O2- use their imagination and vocabulary to express their own conditions/feelings; O3- activate previously acquired grammar structures ; B.Affective objectives: a) To create a warm atmosphere for learning, b) To make students enjoy using English language c) To enjoy using online applications/games Specific Competences 1.1 Înțelegerea unor instrucţiuni detaliate prin executarea lor
  • 62. 62 1.2 Identificarea elementelor cheie / informaţiilor esenţiale dintr-un mesaj rostit în limbaj standard, cu viteză normal 2.3 Participarea semnificativă la interacţiuni verbale în contexte familiar 3.2. Selectarea, din mai multe texte citite, a unor informaţii relevante, necesare pentru realizarea unei sarcini de lucru Interaction: T-SS; Ss -T Class management: individual work Anticipated problems: I anticipate that the following may cause problems: poor internet connection and the microphones, the web-cams may not work properly or lack of time. ➢ some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian; Aspects I particularly need to be aware of: the students to understand everything the teacher says and asks; STAGES- Warm-up T checks if there are any students missing and homework Check-in(one word feeling)-Each student says one word (adjective) to describe his/her current state, adding the “check in” expression in the end. T starts the activity by giving an example: “Motivated-check in” Checking Previous Knowledge T announces the topic of the lesson < Conditional Structures< and asks Ss to listen to a song and recognize conditional structures .This song also provides vocabulary practice. LEAD IN
  • 63. 63 ”I would have had more friends if…………….. PRESENTATION PRODUCTION Oral Practice - T asks Ss if they are willing to experience a new game in order to practice conditionals,and she tells them that the game is Spinning Wheel(wordwall game) Reading/writing PRACTICE T gives Ss a reading comprehension worksheet ”THE MISTERY OF THE RED TRUCK”(appendix 1). Ss are asked to read the text aloud and identify conditional structures,then to mark ”true or false” the given sentences. Feedback(free speaking activity T asks Ss if they are willing to experience a new game in order to practice conditionals,and she tells them that the game is Spinning Wheel(wordwall game) ls The Ss will watch a short movie scene from „Friends” series and are demanded to imagine /find possible solutions for the following situation: To set up a framework of the lesson and activate schemata, T begins by asking Ss to continue the following sentences as they wish, as long as they use conditional structures in the right form. Ss will take turns answering the task: ”If someone lies to me about something, I……………” ”If I were a the Prime Minister of Romania, I……………….” » Then T asks the Ss to remember the use of FIRST,SECOND and THIRD CONDITIONAL using a slideshare presentation
  • 64. 64 What would you do if a 500-dollar deposit was made by mistake in your account? Would you keep it?How would you react? LEAD OUT- The T congratulates the class and asks them to say one word to describe how they feel at the end of this activity (check-out) The Secrets of FICTION – Collaboration, Grit and Resilience in Online Projects Prof. Apostol Nicoleta Liceul de Arte “Regina Maria”, Alba Iulia The online classes have altered, to a smaller or higher degree, the educators’ approach to the teaching and learning process. Whether we like it or not, online learning has become a common educational tool during this pandemic period and both teachers and students have had to find ways of coping with this less familiar teaching-learning environment. There have been several challenges regarding the materials used during the online classes and the main difficulty, from our point of view, has been the search of materials accompanied by their adjustments to the students’ age, interests, level of competence and learning needs. The next step in using the materials in the online classes meant combining various teaching methods or revising traditional methods of learning so that the materials are integrated in the most effective way during the lessons. The selection of materials and the method analysis requires time and close attention to the links between the competences to be developed and the paths chosen to reach the established goals. Looking back on the online lessons, it seems as if we have been doing experiments from one week to another or from one lesson to another, considering that small alterations have occurred throughout the whole year process of teaching and learning online. One of the methods that appear to have been the most fruitful for the high school students has been the group projects. Despite the wonderful results gained at the end of the projects, students have encountered a wide range of obstacles and the presentation of the project has also become an opportunity to reflect on the entire working process. Students from the eleventh grade had to create a project with the title The Secrets of Fiction as part of the cross-curricular sphere of study. The core material for this project has been an article from the coursebook
  • 65. 65 Gateway B2+, which discusses some key elements involved in reading fiction. Students were given the article and the key points that had to be included in their Power Point presentation. Students were divided into groups of four. They were also given the scheme and the deadline for their presentation. They had two weeks to finish their projects. The project scheme included the following: PROJECT TITLE: The Secrets of Fiction DISPLAY: Power Point Presentation BIBLIOGRAPHY: an article from Gateway B2+ about the secrets of fiction, online dictionaries and resources on the given topic PROJECT STRUCTURE: 1. School name, project title, a favourite quote from a book 2. Group name, members’ names accompanied by an adjective describing each one 3. Selection and order of the ideas regarding the topic given 4. Selection of representative images for the ideas chosen at the previous stage 5. Presentation of interesting/unknown words/expressions encountered while writing the ideas above – the words/ expressions could be explain through a synonym, a definition or a picture 6. Conclusion to the ideas included in the project 7. Feedback regarding your group work – How did you work? What did each member do? What was the most interesting/ difficult part of the project? What can you still remember after the end of the project? EVALUATION GRID 1. Starting slide – school name, project title, quote 10 points 2. Next slide - Group members, adjectives for each member, group name 10 points 3. Making use of the article given – ideas accompanied by images 10 points 4. Explanation of words/ expressions 10 points 5. Mention how the group worked during the completion of the project 10 points 6. Mention each group member’s project tasks 10 points 7. Include the interesting/ difficult part of the project 10 points 8. Project originality – style, approach to the topic, arguments, examples 10 points 9. Language accuracy, grammar and vocabulary 10 points 10. The manner of presenting the project 10 points TOTAL: 100 points There were eight groups and each one had a completely different approach to the same project, which was amazing and surprising for the students themselves. All of them started from a core theme – The Secrets of Fiction – they consulted the article given, but from that point forward each group took another research path. The ideas were displayed in various styles, the selected images reflecting the particular understanding of the topic. What is more, the words and expressions explained depended on their vocabulary level, while the manner of explaining them highlighted their creativity and way of learning. Perhaps, one of the most
  • 66. 66 challenging parts of the project was the discussion of their group work. In this section, students could compare their work approach with the others’. They could also notice similarities and differences and distinguish features regarding their own working strategy. There were three main elements that had been developed through this project work and they were closely connected to students’ motivation to learn. Firstly, students had to collaborate in order to complete the project and this had not been an easy task. Collaboration involved discussing the division of responsibilities, finding arguments for their views, listening to the others and finding solutions to their opposing views. Secondly, the project involved having some grit because during the organization process they noticed several divergent opinions and unforeseen obstacles which held them back from their goal. Determination played an important role in leading the project to its destination. Finally, students proved to be resilient in spite of all the drawbacks and the level of dissatisfaction they may have felt regarding the final product. Their project presentation had been done in an optimistic way, thus revealing their confidence in the results of their work, despite having worked online and having communicated through social media channels. Collaboration, grit and resilience had the force to increase students’ motivation in finishing the project. Thus, while working together, they were actually acquiring new information on the topic, as well as, developing social skills. During the presentations students had the chance to reflect upon their personal involvement in the project and their teamwork and their achievements in comparison with the other products displayed. The whole class discussions were meant to point out the role played by each group member and the value of making use of each peer’s specific skills and experience. Each project revealed the level of involvement of the group members, their particular personality traits and the way they employed them and, above all, their previous experience in this type of effort. Furthermore, students’ creativity and ICT skills had also become noticeable in the process. Besides learning new vocabulary and ways of expressing themselves on the topic of fiction, students had also learnt how to interact and collaborate, how to persevere in order to achieve a goal and how to adapt to novel working conditions if they wanted to succeed. Cognitive learning had merged with emotional and social practice in a challenging, but also rewarding journey showing that the virtual environment may also bring them together when there is a clear-cut goal to attain. Bibliography Spencer, David, Holley, Gill, Student’s Book Pack Gateway B2+, Macmillan Education.
  • 67. 67 Prof. înv. primar Balea Delia Elena Școala Gimnazială ,,Vasile Goldiș” Alba Iulia Abordări ale activităților de învățare în ,,perioada online” Meseria de profesor este una dintre cele mai complexe din lume. Este solicitantă emoțional și cognitiv. Un profesor ia zeci de decizii importante zilnic, de la designul unei lecții la răspunsurile pe care le dă unui elev sau părinte. Pentru asta are nevoie de susținere și de încredere în forțele proprii. Dar, mai ales, are nevoie să colaboreze într-un spațiu deschis, onest și inclusiv cu alți practicieni, de la care să învețe practici validate pentru învățare eficientă și relevantă pentru viitor. Pe fundalul pandemiei de coronavirus, profesorii sunt acum provocați să se adapteze rapid și să transmită un mesaj important elevilor: învățarea continuă dincolo de școală și cu instrumente online accesibile tuturor și multă determinare, putem face progrese împreună și, mai mult decât oricând, putem încuraja elevii să învețe și să lucreze independent. Voi prezenta câteva aplicații și platforme care mi-au schimbat orele online – din unele banale, în unele în care elevii erau concentrați pe tot parcursul lecțiilor. Nu de alta, dar a devenit un laitmotiv expresia „Oare ce surprize ne-a pregătit doamna pentru ora aceasta?”. La primul contact online cu elevii mei, am folosit aplicația Zoom pentru întâlniri sincron și platforma Adservio pentru postarea temelor și a sarcinilor de lucru realizate asincron. Inconvenientul aplicației Zoom este timpul limitat pentru o întâlnire (condiție pentru folosirea gratuită), iar ca și beneficii evidențiez partajarea ecranului, număr mare de participanți, ușor de instalat și folosit pe orice dispozitiv. Platforma Adservio este de un real ajutor tuturor beneficiarilor, elevii și părinții fiind notificați pentru orice calificativ, absență, adnotări asupra temelor postate, iar profesorii asupra materialelor postate de către elevi. Google Classroom este o aplicație, un instrument al platformei Google Workspace în care mi-am creat și mi-am organizat temele pe discipline, am comunicat ușor cu elevii, le-am oferit feedback. Ce mi se pare absolut interesat este faptul că poți salva teme sau materiale în Drive, alegând ora la care acestea să fie postate pe pagina clasei. Astfel, în timp ce discuți cu elevii despre un anumit subiect, materialul demonstrativ poate apărea chiar în acel moment și pe pagina clasei. Google Meet este aplicația folosită pentru întâlnirile sincron, fiind un serviciu de comunicare video în siguranță, fără timp limită, cu nenumărate funcții: distribuirea ecranului, a unei ferestre, sau a unei file, modificarea fundalului și a numărului de participanți vizibili pe ecran în același timp etc. Interesant este faptul că poți alege să începi o întâlnire instantanee, să programezi una pentru mai târziu cu ajutorul instrumentului Google Calendar, sau să accesezi link-ul direct din pagina Google Classroom, eliminând problema generării
  • 68. 68 link-ului pentru fiecare întâlnire, iar cu ajutorul extensiei Dualless, nu îți faci probleme asupra materialului prezentat pentru că poți vedea atât materialul, cât și elevii, în ecrane divizate. Jamboard este o tablă interactivă ce poate fi accesată direct în cadrul aplicației Google Meet, sau separat, dacă este distribuită ca o filă nouă. Am folosit această aplicație atât în exemplificarea unor exerciții, prin adăugarea fundalului potrivit (liniatură dictando/ pătrățele), cât și în lucrul în echipe aflate la distanță, prin schițarea ideilor și salvarea acestora în cloud, astfel încât să le putem accesa de pe orice dispozitiv. Office 365 (sau, mai nou, Microsoft 365) cuprinde multe aplicații Office inovatoare (Documente, Foi de calcul, Prezentări), cu servicii inteligente din cloud și securitate avansată. Ce mi se pare inovator cu adevărat este faptul că în cadrul Prezentărilor Google prin nenumăratele funcții, poți crea un portal pentru întreaga lecție pe un singur slide, iar cu ajutorul unor extensii precum Bitmoji, elevii se simt efectiv în sala de clasă, în fața doamnei învățătoare. Google Forms este un instrument folosit des în crearea de fișe și teste cu diverse tipuri de itemi, sau a unor chestionare de satisfacție. Te ajută foarte mult în colectarea și centralizarea rezultatelor în timp real, iar pentru o clasă numeroasă este de un real folos. Wordwall, este o aplicație ce a schimbat cu totul formatul orelor online. Când simțeam că cei mici obosesc, încep să piardă din concentrarea atenției sau pur și simplu voiam să aduc un element-surpriză, un joc creat în wordwall îmi era de ajutor. Chiar dacă ai posibilitatea de a crea doar 5 exerciții gratuit, apoi ai nevoie de un upgrade, poți folosi gratuit și milioanele de resurse educaționale create de alte cadre didactice. Learningapps este o aplicație cu totul și cu totul deosebită în activitatea online. Aici găsești multe șabloane de realizare a exercițiilor, șabloane care acoperă întreaga categorie de itemi de lucru. Ca și în cazul aplicației wordwall, și acesta pune la dispoziție o mulțime de exerciții create de alte cadre didactice care oferă elevilor feedback în timp real și oportunitatea de a primi sarcini de lucru propuse de alte cadre didactice decât cele de la clasă. Kahoot este o aplicație interactivă prin faptul că elevii pot concura unii cu ceilalți în realizarea unor exerciții create de cadrul didactic de la clasă, la final acesta putând genera și un clasament, sau pot lucra exerciții create de alte cadre didactice, concurând cu un calculator sau cu alți elevi necunoscuți, fiind și mai interesant. Liveworksheets este un alt instrument de lucru descoperit în timpul orelor online și care oferă posibilitatea realizării unor fișe/teste, de această dată formatul documentelor fiind pdf, cu posibilitate de completare digitală. Dacă dau răspunsurile prestabilite, elevii primesc feedback pozitiv. Acestea sunt doar câteva dintre aplicațiile utilizate în activitatea online la clasa la care mi-am desfășurat activitatea în anul școlar anterior. În situația în care vom fi nevoiți să desfășurăm și în acest an școlar ore online, am de gând să folosesc și alte resurse digitale, fiind mereu deschisă la nou, dar sper totuși că vom depăși această perioadă de nesiguranță căci indiferent de câte instrumente digitale folosești în cadrul orelor online, nu se compară cu un feedback oferit față în față.
  • 69. 69 Activități specifice bibliotecii școlare în perioada pandemiei BARB GIANINA bibliotecar Școala Gimnazială „Vasile Goldiș” , Alba Iulia BARB MIRELA bibliotecar Colegiul Național “Lucian Blaga”, Sebeș “Cand întemeiezi biblioteci, pregătești hambare publice, strange reserve menite să preîntâmpine o iarnă a spiritului.” (Marguerite Yourcenar) În perioada martie – iunie 2020 atât cadrele didactice, didactic auxiliare și elevii s-au confruntat cu o perioadă inedită în viața școlii românești. Școlile au fost închise din cauza unui puternic virus, care a afectat întreaga omenire. Astfel că, predarea materiei precum și alte activități specifice cu elevii au trecut în mediul online. Bibliotecare de profesie, ne-am readaptat într-un timp relativ scurt cerințelor actuale, încercând să venim în sprijinul cadrelor didactice și mai ales al elevilor. În primă fază am întocmit liste bibliografice pentru clasele I-VIII din școlile unde ne desfășurăm activitatea. Apoi am trecut la descărcarea cărților din format pdf de pe anumite site-uri care permiteau acest lucru. Am rămas alături de elevi și profesori descărcând filmulețe pentru copii, tururi virtuale ale muzeelor lumii, gradini botanice și zoologice, legende ale florei și faunei precum și alte materiale cu caracter informațional, necesare altor discipline. Am participat la întâlniri online alături de colegi bibliotecari din universități, care ne-au pus la dispoziție link-uri utile cu bibliografia digitizată pentru examenele de evaluare națională și bacalaureat, pe care le-am distribuit ulterior pe grupul de whatts app al școlii și ale claselor. Prin natura frumoasei profesii pe care o practicăm de mai multi ani, aceea de bibliotecar, putem afirma că nu cunoaștem sentimentul de plictiseală. Cărțile ne inspiră și ne dau idei în realizarea proiectelor cu elevii, alături de colegele profesoare. Suntem o adevărată echipă și împreună am avut parte de evenimente minunate realizate în biblioteca școlii. În această perioadă în care nu ne-am întâlnit, am menținut aceeași strânsă colaborare, ne-au venit idei noi de a valorifica într-un volum toate activitățile și proiectele derulate înainte de închiderea școlilor, tot ceea ce am realizat împreună, volum de care ne ocupăm personal. Școala de acasă în mediul online își are plusurile și minusurile sale. Partea pozitivă a fost ca s-a putut continua procesul de învățare, deși au fost și elevi care nu au avut echipamentele necesare în dotare și prin aceasta au fost marginalizați de restul. Prin faptul ca toată lumea a fost activă pe tot parcurul săptămânii a fost evitat sedentarismul, cu toții ne-am imbogațit cunoștințele digitale, având parte de confort în propria casă. Ca argumente contra putem spune că a lipsit interacțiunea socială pe care o aveam zilnic cu colegii, scăderea calității actului didactic, lipsa interesului acordat orelor, activităților și proiectelor pe care ne-am propus să le desfășurăm împreună.
  • 70. 70 Cu siguranță această perioadă a fost una inedită, o experiență nouă care a venit cu multe lecții de viață, am descoperit faptul că ne putem adapta foarte repede într-un mediu nou, am învățat să apreciem lucrurile mărunte pe care nu le apreciam înainte și de care acum ne este dor. În această perioadă am profitat de cărțile cumpărate cu ceva timp în urmă, dar pe care nu am reușit să le citim și venim cu un sfat pentru elevi, să nu uite că cititul este mai mult decât o îndeletnicire sau pasiune, cititul cărților crează caractere, mintea devine un laborator de idei și soluții, de imagini care vor fi de folos în construirea viitorului sau când ești în impas, încrederea în tine va crește, stima de sine se va îmbogăți, vei fi apreciat de cei care iubesc cărțile și lectura, îți vei face mulți prieteni care au aceeași pasiune și preocupare. Lectura este prietenul de nădejde mereu prezent, indiferent de oră, vreme și stare emoțională. De ce citesc? - Pentru a fi mai bun decât ieri; - Pentru a înțelege viața și oamenii; - Pentru a forma oameni; - Pentru a mă relaxa; - Pentru a mă exprima rapid, clar și frumos; - Pentru a socializa. De ce scriu? - Pentru a ajunge la sufletele celor pentru scriu; - Pentru a le oferi încredere, soluții, informații; - Pentru o educație interdisciplinară bazată pe voie bună, descoperire și pasiune; - Pentru a crea imagini în care cititorii să se regăsească și să își imagineze o viață mai bună pe care o vor obține; - Pentru creativitatea din spatele poveștii; - Pentru călătorii în locuri unde poate nu vom ajunge; - Pentru a oferi dragoste, mângâieri, pilde și curaj cititorilor. Prof. psiholog Belașcu Alexandra-Roxana, Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Alba Prof. Lupșan Laurenția, Școala Gimnazială ”Vasile Goldiș”, Alba Iulia PLATFORMELE E-LEARNING ȘI MODUL LOR DE FACILITARE A PROCESULUI DE PREDARE-ÎNVAȚARE-EVALUARE ÎN SISTEM ONLINE
  • 71. 71 Dezvoltarea social-economică a cunoscut o serie de etape corespunzătoare atâtor revoluții tehnologice, culminând în pragul mileniului trei cu societatea preponderent digitală. Evoluția economiei și a societății, în general, are ca principal motor educația. Îmbogățirea tezaurului de cunoștințe al individului conduce la dezvoltarea și maturizarea sistemelor complementare acestuia: familie, colectivitate, regiune, societate. Toate acestea sunt posibile în era informațională prin educație permanent, educație la distanță, educație online sau e-learning. În zilele noastre, când timpul este din ce în ce mai limitat, iar volumul de informaţie foarte mare, platformele e-learning îşi fac destul de repede loc în sistemul de învăţământ deoarece permit utilizarea mai eficientă a resurselor materiale cât şi umane. Educația online reprezintă o modalitate nouă de a privi procesul de învățare, în care elementele de fond rămân aceleași, doar mijlocul de schimb și însușire a cunoștințelor se modifică. Utilizarea sistemului informatic pentru educație înseamnă însă aducerea unor noi elemente, legate de libertatea de a învăța în locul și la momentul dorit. Rădăcinile acestui sistem educațional se găsesc în învățământul la distanță, practicat în anumite regiuni ale globului. Distanțele mari sau alte obstacole despărțeau instructorii de cursanți. Deși apariția calculatoarelor a fost destul de timpurie, costurile ridicate ale tehnologiei au împiedicat dezvoltarea în această direcție. Însă, producerea în cantități semnificative și scăderea prețurilor pe piața tehnicii de calcul au determinat ca promotorii educației permanente online să-și pună proiectele în practică. Astfel, mijloacele de stocare a informațiilor pe suport magnetic sau digital fiind disponibile, universitățile au fost primele care au adoptat noua metodologie. Soluțiile de e-learning existente în momentul de față sunt rezultatul evoluției tehnologiilor care suportă aceste facilități. Ulterior, tehnologiile de comunicare interactive au devenit elementele centrale ale noilor modele de desfășurare a învățământului pe suport electronic. Astăzi există trei modele general acceptate în lumea educației online, fiecare ocupând o cota aproximativ egală pe această piață: Educația online independentă reprezintă modelul prin care utilizatorul individual preia materialul de curs de pe Internet sau de pe CD, parcurgându-l de unul singur. Modelul reprezintă avantajul unei cantități de informație foarte mare care poate fi accesată într-un timp scurt, precum și facilități multimedia extinse, fiind însă foarte rigid în ceea ce privește comunicare profesor-elev. Educația online asincronă permite transmiterea de informație la un moment dat doar unui singur partener al relației instructor-student. Instructorul poate să furnizeze informația elevilor, dar aceștia nu pot interacționa în timp ce o primesc. Avantajul major în acest caz este acela că elevul își păstrează facilitatea de a lucra după ritmul propriu, putând însă obține și răspunsul la cererile sale într-un interval de timp acceptabil. Educația online sincronă permite transferul interactiv de informație cu orice alt utilizator în orice moment. De exemplu, profesorul și elevii transferă informațiile în timpul desfășurării cursului, de regulă în timp real. Acest model este cel mai performant în ceea ce privește gradul de facilitare a comunicării, modalitățile audio-video integrate, creând conceptul de “teleclasă”. Platformele de învăţare online, sau așa- numitele platforme e-learning, sprijină procesul de învăţare individuală şi permit utilizatorilor să acceseze o serie de surse de informare sau de medii online de dezbatere, pe teme diverse. Platformele de instruire e-learning: E-learning-ul nu doreşte să înlocuiască sistemele educaţionale tradiţionale ci, să întărească procesul de învăţare. A fost adoptat de unităţile de învăţământ ca o alternativă la educaţia tradiţională, ea poate completa activitatea didactică din şcoală, dar nu o poate înlocui. Acest tip de