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Career Aspiration Sample Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Career Aspiration" can be both a challenging and rewarding
endeavor. On one hand, delving into one's aspirations requires introspection, thoughtful
consideration of future goals, and the ability to articulate these aspirations coherently. It demands
a blend of personal reflection and a keen awareness of the professional landscape.
The complexity of the task lies in the need to strike a balance between being specific about one's
career goals and remaining open to growth and adaptation. It's not just about listing aspirations;
rather, it involves constructing a narrative that convincingly communicates why those particular
career paths are chosen and how they align with personal values, skills, and passions.
Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements. An effective essay
should steer clear of common phrases and instead provide a unique perspective that captures the
reader's attention. This requires a deep understanding of oneself and the ability to express it in a
compelling manner.
Additionally, the task involves researching the chosen career paths to showcase a genuine
understanding of the industries, their challenges, and potential contributions. This element adds
an extra layer of complexity as it necessitates staying informed about current trends and future
projections in the chosen field.
In essence, writing a compelling essay on career aspirations is not just about showcasing
ambition; it's about constructing a narrative that resonates with the reader, demonstrates a clear
understanding of the chosen path, and highlights the unique qualities that make the individual a
suitable candidate for those aspirations.
For those seeking assistance or looking for examples to guide their own writing journey, there
are resources available. Platforms like offer a variety of essay samples and
additional support to aid in the creation of personalized and impactful essays. Whether it's
refining the structure, enhancing language, or gaining inspiration from well-crafted examples,
these services can be valuable in the pursuit of creating a standout essay on career aspirations.
Career Aspiration Sample EssayCareer Aspiration Sample Essay
Beep Test Score Essay
The purpose of this lab was to determine if the subject s beep test score will be
altered after changing their diet. The subject is put on an increased protein diet for
three weeks, while playing competitive hockey (see table 1). It was hypothesized
that an increase in protein intake will have no effect on performance during the beep
test and therefore the subject will have no change in their final beep test score. Three
weeks after the increased protein diet the subject performed another beep test to see
any changes in the beep test score. The results indicated minimal change in the
beep test score from an initial score of 7 to a final score of 6.5 (see tables 2 3). This
showed that increasing protein did not affect the subject s ... Show more content on ...
In relation to perceived exertion the subjects breathing rate stayed constant (see
figure 2) because protein intake did not affect the subject s performance and
output. In other words, the hypothesis was proven to be true because protein intake
did not affect the subject s ability to perform in the final beep test, which is why
the score obtained only had minimal changes from the beep test before the protein
intake. Even though increased protein did not affect the subject s performance, it
was still used during recovery, which is why the subject could recover from dry
land training the night before and still fill good to perform the beep test the next
day. According to Cordain and Friel (2012) protein intake throughout the day, helps
repair damaged muscle tissue. Therefore, over the three weeks the subject s body
was utilizing the protein intake as source to repair any tears in the muscle tissue,
which lead to a better recovery. Given the following information the hypothesis was
proved to be accurate because protein intake did not affect the subject s performance
during the beep test. However, to get a better understanding of increased protein
intake, there should be a study performed to estimate how much time and protein the
body requires to repair damaged muscle tissue after
Game Theory and Profit
Chapter 11 Consider two firms facing the demand curve P = 50 5Q, where Q = Q1
+ Q2. The firms cost functions are C1(Q1) = 20 + 10Q1 and C2(Q2) = 10 + 12Q2.
a.Suppose both firms have entered the industry. What is the joint profit maximizing
level of output? How much will each firm produce? How would your answer change
if the firms have not yet entered the industry? If both firms enter the market, and they
collude, they will face a marginal revenue curve with twice the slope of the demand
curve: MR = 50 10Q. Setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost(the marginal
cost of Firm 1, since it is lower than that of Firm 2) to determine the profit
maximizing quantity, Q: 50 10Q = 10, or Q = 4. Substituting Q =... Show more
content on ...
Also calculate its profits. The monopolist wants to choose quantity to maximize its
profits: max = PQ C(Q), = (53 Q)(Q) 5Q, or = 48Q Q2. To determine the profit
maximizing quantity, set the change in with respect to the change in Q equal to
zero and solve for Q: Substitute the profit maximizing quantity, Q = 24, into the
demand function to find price: 24 = 53 P, or P = $29. Profits are equal to = TR TC
= (29)(24) (5)(24) = $576. b.Suppose a second firm enters the market. Let Q1 be the
output of the first firm and Q2 be the output of the second. Market demand is now
given by Q1 + Q2 = 53 P. Assuming that this second firm has the same costs as the
first, write the profits of each firm as functions of Q1 and Q2. When the second
firm enters, price can be written as a function of the output of two firms: P = 53 Q1
Q2. We may write the profit functions for the two firms: or and or c.Suppose (as in
the Cournot model) that each firm chooses its profit maximizing level of output on
the assumption that its competitor s output is fixed. Find each firm s reaction curve
(i.e., the rule that gives its desired output in terms of its competitor s output). Under
the Cournot assumption, Firm 1 treats the output of Firm 2 as a constant in its
maximization of profits. Therefore, Firm 1 chooses Q1 to maximize 1 in b with Q2
being treated as a constant.
Benefits Of Airline And Airport Privatization
The airline industry is governed by a rapidly evolving framework of economic
regulation by which many factors, significantly continued liberalisation and open
skies, have caused much turbulence and uncertainty in this increasingly low margin
Although separate entities, airlines and airports are interdependent and could not
operate without the other. A major consequence of deregulation is airline
concentration and strong economic drivers are pushing towards even further
concentration and consolidation (Doganis, 2006). UK airport regulation was
reformed with airport privatisation, enabling a long term focus to meet international
demand and to maintain a customer focused business plan, allowing management to
monitor and adjust costs and boost income.
The aim of this report is to examine these consequences, and the benefits of airline
and airport mergers and acquisitions, and will look specifically at the acquisition of
Monarch Airlines by (known as Jet2(b) later in this report). It will also
look at similar acquisition benefits of Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) by Heathrow
Airport Holdings Ltd (HAH).
2.Overview of Airlines
Founded in 2003, Ltd is part of the Dart Group Plc and is the fourth largest
leisure airline in the UK, serving the North and is based at Leeds Bradford
International Airport. Flying to over fifty sun, sea and ski destinations across Europe
and beyond, passenger numbers have rapidly increased to 5.9m in
Genius In Badlands
Perhaps the best thing about Badlands is the way the music itself is creatively put
together and produced. For example, through the use of sound effects in her music,
Halsey makes the songs come to life in a way that completely immerses the reader
in her world. In the song Drive, she uses the sound of a car s engine starting, a
seatbelt alarm, and tires revving on a road to add dimension. In Castle, the
crashing noise of metal on metal can be heard, giving the song an urban feeling,
and in Young God, she records herself saying: Forever cursed in love are the
observant. Forever a slave to the detail, and plays it backwards, giving the beginning
of the song a very ethereal feeling. Another example of genius music is in the use of
Odysseus As A Hero In The Odyssey By Homer
He charged into battle on the front line, he swung the sword and sliced off the
enemy soldiers head clean off. There were only ten soldiers on the front line. The
Odyssey is a series of books about a man named Odysseus, he went to war and got
captured, it took him ten years of fighting and traveling to get home. Odysseusis
considered a hero to the ancient Greeks because they wanted a hero to be intelligent,
brave, and relatable and Odysseus fit that criteria. The ancient Greeks valued
intelligence in a hero; Odysseus had that trait. When Odysseus was being held by the
cyclops, he used his intelligence to then get the cyclops drunk and then stab him in
the eye to escape. According to Adele J Half, Odysseus used his... brilliancy against
the... Show more content on ...
When Odysseus took a chance by getting the cyclops drunk and then stabbed him,
that is bravery. Drunk, hiccuping,/ he dribbled streams of liquor (Homer. 370).
Odysseus plan was to get the cyclops drunk so he could retrieve his makeshift spear
and stab the cyclops in the eye. This is an example of Odysseus being brave
because there was a big change that the cyclops could ve killed him in the process.
Odysseus is Sailing past the sirens, creatures that pull you to your death with their
voices. Odysseus bravely sails past the sirens (Homer. 700). Sailing past the sirens
was brave of Odysseus to do because nobody has ever passed them and live, he
knew this but still went. Also, the ancient Greeks wanted a hero to be brave
because if they are shy or cowardly, they would not be able to do what they are
supported to do(Haft. 55). Odysseus is relatable, that is one of the reasons why he is
such a hero, people were able to make connections with him. In the beginning of the
Odyssey, Odysseus goes into a town pretending to be a stranger. He asked them to
play a song about him, that was his self centered side. Play a song about that hero
named Odysseus (Homer. 355). This situation makes Odysseus relatable because he s
being self centered, wanting to hear things about himself, people are able to make
connections to him. Many people are like this today making him relatable. Once
How Did Alexander Kerensky s Fall To The Fall Of The...
After overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, Russian people were optimistic for change. The
Provisional Government inherited authority after the removal of Tsar Nicholas II. A
better life was promised and optimism spread across the country as the Provisional
Government took control. Eventually the Provisional Government was confronted by
the same issues Tsarism faced. The majority of the people felt the abdication of the
Tsar was positive, but now the main issue became Russias involvement in World War
1. Alexander Kerensky, was appointed Minister of War and rose to a higher rank on
July 1917, when he became Prime Minister. Kerensky was initially praised for his
role in the Duma and was favourite to become Russia s saviour. Despite his best
efforts to unite all political parties, he soon alienated himself by not bettering the
lives of the Russian people. He also lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing
to apply their radical social and economic program. Kerensky failed to control
certain aspects such as; Russia s involvement in World War 1, Land rights and the
Kornilov Affair . Due to these failures Kerensky and the Provisional Government
During World War 1 Russia faced difficulties constantly. Russia suffered food,
transport, men and weapon shortages regularly. After the failures of the June
Offensive, Kerensky took charge. The Russian army s strength had been eroding
for months. The Radical Left political group, the Bolsheviks, called for peace, land,
and bread. . Kerensky had planned an offensive, known as the June Offensive. The
June Offensive failed and this impacted negatively on the Russian army. Morale was
dangerously low, whilst desertion and indiscipline began to grow. Weary soldiers
terrorised the civilian population on their way home, and violence became a common
daily condition in Russia. Whilst Kerensky was trying to inspire soldiers, Lenin was
actively convincing people to stop fighting. General Brusilov said
In a year of war the regular army had vanished. It was replaced by an army of
ignoramuses. From July onwards it became increasingly evident that the majority of
support for the soldiers lay with Lenin and the Bolsheviks, instead of Kerensky.
Kerensky claimed propaganda had
Henry Ford Assembly Line
Henry Ford s Assembly Line:
More than Just Changes to Automobile Production In the late 1800 s and early
1900 s the automobile was considered an expensive, custom made, consumer
product that only the wealthy could afford to dazzle themselves with. In fact, in
1895 there was a report of only 300 cars in the United States, but that number grew
dramatically in the years to come to nearly 1.7 million by 1914 (Car History, n.d.).
This increase was due in part by two major shifts in the American society; the new
consumer economy and the ideas that every family in America should be able to
afford an automobile. Henry Ford was a large contributor to this massive increase in
the United States and would make changes to the automobile industry that ... Show
more content on ...
Ford hired Fredrick Taylor, a motion study expert, to evaluate and refine the
efficiency of his factories after years of trying to find ways himself (,
2009). Taylor took what he saw in the factories to make a more efficient workforce
while Henry Ford developed tools and equipment to help with a better flow of the
workforce. Together, they realized four distinct things from other smaller businesses
that they wanted to immolate and bring to the big stage. These four principles were
the use of interchangeable parts, division of labor, continuous flow, and reduced
wasted effort (Science Odyssey, 1998). With these four principles in mind and the
dream to produce a more cost efficient vehicle, Henry Ford and Fredrick Taylor
created the first large scale assembly line in 1913 (Goss, 2014). This assembly line
was able to transfer the time it took to build a single Model T from twelve hours to
a mere two hours and thirty minutes (, 2009). With its eighty four
distinct steps in the flow of the assembly line, a division of labor was created
where a worker could be trained to do one specific task making him more efficient at
that task and able to do a much better job (, 2009). Secondly, having
interchangeable parts that would could be used between any model of Ford allowed
Henry to focus on machinery that would produce these
Global Warming On Polar Bears Research Paper
Brenda Ceja
Block G: Biology
May 24, 2015
The Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears
Global warming is the recent and ongoing rise of temperature on a global scale.
Over the past century, the Earth s average temperature has risen 1.4В°F (Carlowicz,
2010). Global warming is the effect of an excessive amount of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses trap heat from escaping back into space to keep
the Earth from freezing, this is called the Greenhouse Effect. An excessive amount of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap too much heat, thus, causing Earth s
temperature to rise. The Earth s rise in temperature is melting ice in its colder
regions. Many animals who live in the Arctic Circle, the lands surrounding ... Show
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The melting sea ice is also affecting the polar bear s main prey, seals, forcing the
bears to turn to alternate, less nutritious food sources. Once sea ice forms in the
winter, seals use the ice to create dens to give birth to their pups. In these months,
polar bears use sea ice as their hunting grounds to find seal dens. Now that Seasonal
Ice is forming later and melting earlier (IPCC, 2013), seals have less time to build
dens and give birth. Consequently, polar bears have less time to hunt their
preferred prey of seal pups. They must spend more time on land hunting other
animals of less nutritional value. Organizations like Sea World Parks have
reported male polar bears occasionally eating newly born polar bear cubs because
they cannot find other food to eat. Lack of nutritional food leads to a reduced body
size. Polar bears are becoming thinner and weaker from not eating enough (Rode,
Amstrup, Regehr 2010). They have to swim longer distances to find ice to hunt
upon, causing many cubs to die because they are not yet strong enough. In the
Hudson Bay, the average polar bear weight has decreased by 15% and the
population has decreased by 20% (National Wildlife Federation). In the summer
when there is no ice, polar bears in the Hudson Bay go onto land to fast until the ice
reforms. Now that ice is
My Work Based Learning Is The Popular Gourmet
Hamburger Chain
The Company Overview
Company Creation
My workplace and subsequently where I undertook my work based learning is the
popular gourmet hamburger chain Byron Hamburgers , the company was founded in
2007 by Tom Byng and currently has 82 restaurants in the UK with 54 of them
located in London. The inspiration that prompted Byron s creation occurred to Tom
Byng during a trip to America, he ate at many diners during this trip sampling some
of the best hamburgers that the nation has to offer. Upon his return to the U.K he
realised that there were no restaurants that served hamburgers the proper American
way and Byron was created.
Food and Beverage
The menu at Byron consists of hamburgers, salads and sides along with an extensive
selection of craft beers. Due to the nature of the food served, such as the burgers
being cooked medium and the different components of each burger, it is necessary
that staff are sufficiently trained on all aspects of the menu.
Service Style
The service style in Byron, as with many casual dining restaurants is very laid back
with staff members encouraged to talk to and build rapport with customers. The
feeling throughout all Byron restaurants is modern, casual, artistic and humorous,
this is communicated through all aspects of the company such as interior dГ©cor of
the restaurants, the menus, the training and the marketing.
The Bury St Edmunds Restaurant
The Bury based restaurant where I work opened in September 2015 and can hold 130
Bartocelli Art Analysis
The characters above are all of mythological ideas, some possessing some biblical
traits such as Venus with the halo created by the reflection of the orange grove.
The red lines drawn on the image show the commonly used technique of perspective
leading to the vanishing point which is the centre of the image. This is where Venus
stands, which is a technical element conveying her importance within the painting.
The impeccable attention and detail on Flora s face indicates that he was of the High
Renaissance movement.
Bartocelli used Egg tempera to create this painting. He has connected the colours of
the paint with the message behind each part and being of the image. With the use of
egg tempera, he had to work fast aw well as with this technique there must be an
under colour and the darker colour over it. The under colour will therefore shine
through, giving a stronger and clear final product.
Symbols in the artwork include: o Fruit This including the orange which is the
fruit of free will. There are no oranges only after the incident of Zephyr and
Chloris, showing after trials will there only be fertilisation and produce o Colour
The use or oranges and Red indicates the long for materialism, indulgence, carnal
desire and a desire for worldly goods.
Multiple Choice Answers 1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
Question two (Naming Paintings)
A. The Last Supper , Leonardo da Vinci
B. The Birth of Venus , Sornado Bartocelli
C. The meeting of
The Five Dilemmas Of Social Norms
Norms are prescriptions for accepted or expected behaviors. This week s
assignment was to violate one of the five norms listed, or to choose your own as
long as it did not cause harm to you or others. Below I will be describing my
journey of trying to violate a social norm in a public setting, how I felt, the reactions
people had towards me, and the barriers that kept me from choosing different
options. Since I did not want to have to create my own social normto violate, I had
five options to pick from. The social norm I chose to try to violate this week was
number two: position yourself six inches from an acquaintance s nose during a
conversation. The reason I chose this social norm to violate was because I thought
it sounded like the easiest or least embarrassing choice. Other options required me
to stand up in front of many people which is not enjoyable. Another reason I chose
this one was because some of the options could not really be applied to my life. For
example, I do not use public transportation nor do I use any elevators on campus.
So, one night I was eating dinner with my roommate and cousin in the dinner center.
My cousin usually sits next to me and my roommate usually sits across from me
when we are eating. I thought to myself this would be a perfect situation for me to
try to violate my social norm. Now, my cousin and I have not been super close in the
past. We recently have become better acquainted since he also attends UNI. Even
though we have not
Harley Davidson Case Study Essay
Strategic Brand Management
Case study: Harley Davidson
Question 13 Question 25 1.Brand elements5 2.Criteria6 Question 38 1.Custom
Vehicle Operations program (CVO)8 2.Harley Owners Group (HOG)8 3.Bar cafГ©8
4.Exchange of motorcycle9 5.Companies can learn from H D9 Question 410
1.Definitions10 2.Equally successful10 3.Non equally successful10 4.Co branding or
Question 1
Make a detailed SWOT Analysis of the Harley Davidson Company, paying particular
attention to the marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution, Personnel)
STRENGTHS| WEAKNESSES| * Net income of 2003 was $760mn, ... Show more
content on ...
( more than 70 )
Name of motorcycles:
The first letter reveals the engine series, the second one the front head , the third one
the frame style and the last one the frame family.
/hdbikemodels.html Characters:
The Harley Davidson brand characterizes the mid forties American willing freedom
by riding wildly without any constraints. Slogan: Ride free , The Wild Ones , Easy
2. Criteria
The names, the symbol and the logo of H D are known by everyone.
In fact, the logo is easily recognized by customers.
American flag and the eagle allow the association between the brand and its country
of origin. IN fact this symbol recalls the customers that Harley Davidson is the best
American motorcycle producer.
The name can also give historical references to customers. Harley and Davidson are
the co founders names.
The name of the motorcycle helps the customer to recognize the products.
Likeability: This brand has this image of free riding ride wildly without any
constraints. Many people and customers look for that freedom .
Moreover, American customers like the fact that the American flag because they are a
very patriotic country.
H D is a unique product and lifestyle which represent the same symbol all around the
The ride free slogan and the easy rider one can be easily transfer to other market
segments such as Europe
Analysis Of Strictly Ballroom
Strictly Ballroom employs the dance medium to effectively create characterisation,
the plot and a clash of cultures. Dance is used to explore character s feelings and
struggles at a point in time to further enhance the plot. It is used to show attributes
and emotions of characters and provides examples of clashing cultures though dance.
Dance is the focus of Strictly Ballroom as the film follows young ballroom dancer
Scott Hastings who is going through a personal struggle to stick to regulation steps,
and therefore dance is integral to the plot. Dance is the focus of the film it
explores the characters, for instance Scott uses dance to advance as a character. In
the beginning, he tries to break free through dance, then as he dances on the rooftop
with Fran he breaks free to an extent. Dance is used to as a device for characters to
use to help set them free form their troubles as this is used the plot is advanced.
Dance is the characters lives the different styles in the movie represent different
emotional states they are in and this further continues the plot as they face their
personal struggles.
The film strictly ballroom encourages the viewer to relate to the journey experienced
by Scott and Fran in the film. The viewer relates to the non conformity, self
expression and individuality that dance creates which enhances characterisation.
Scott is short tempered and stubborn and this shown in his dancing at the beginning
of the film. His dance sticks to regulation steps
Jade Stadium Redevelopment (project management) Essay
Jade Stadium Redevelopment (project management)
The redevelopment of Jade Stadium, formally Lancaster Park, has been a project in
development for a number of years. It is interesting to view the processes and
changes in approaches to reach compromises, that have occurred in the lead up to this
project especially with the stage the redevelopment is at now, (near completion). The
emphasis placed upon planning and funding has had a huge impact to not only the
time frame for completion of project but at a more basic stage of whether the
redevelopment would even go ahead. The information used for this review dates
back only as far as January 99, but even by that stage several years work had gone
into pushing and ... Show more content on ...
The funding of the redevelopment of jade stadium has played one of the most
contentious roles in the planning of the entire project. The sticking point for many
was the level of input by the city council, of tax payers money into the Jade Stadium
project. This process is shown to have been very political and taken more time than
any other part of the planning chain.
$43 million was needed to fund the redevelopment of Jade Stadium. $4 million of
this was provided by the Christchurch city council, which was also responsible for
underwriting the loan for the rest of the project. This loan has been planned to be
fully repaid in 16 years, according to the business plan.
Other major sources of revenue for the Jade Stadium redevelopment have been,
Canterbury Rugby, Canterbury and New Zealand Cricket and the catering licensee,
Spotless Services Limited.
All were involved in providing a business plan, which proved the viability of the
project and the capability of Jade Stadium Limited to repay the loan in the prescribed
time frame.
Grants were also received for the project from other sources, including The
Community Trust, The Canterbury Foundation and the
Lotteries Grants Board. The business plan also explored other avenues for gaining
additional revenue; these included the possibility of naming rights, and by way of
rental and the use of the corporate facilities. With
Suicide Prevention And Intervention For Ptsd
Effective Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Over the course of a lifetime, people experience both triumphs and trials. Accepting
a new job, starting a family, or buying a new home are all exciting triumphs, while
the loss of a loved one to illness or the endurance of domestic violence are
overwhelming trials. In response to trauma and various difficult life situations,
people often contemplate suicide. Existing literature on suicide, prevention, and
intervention suggests an incredibly alarming number of people struggle with suicide
ideation and behaviors. In the last decade, research evidence has been used to propose
and implement prevention and intervention strategies in an effort to decrease the
national suicide rate. For those who have experienced trauma, posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) is often an outcome. Because the national suicide rate remains
high, and with an increase in traumatic events in the United States, there is likely a
need for new and improved, empirically based prevention and intervention plans for
supporting people with PTSD who are at risk of suicide. Thus, the following review
outlines research exploring the relationship between PTSD and suicide, and more
specifically, the prevention and intervention methods used in supporting people who
have PTSD and are at higher risk of suicide.
Relationship Between Suicide and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Nearly 800,000 people across the world are lost to suicide
Bilingual Education In Australia
Australia is a Multicultural country and as such, many students come to school
speaking languages other than Standard Australian English (SAE). They must
develop proficiency in SAE to obtain equal access to classroom learning across the
curriculum. Educating these students relies heavily on teachers having the
knowledge and ability to teach English as an Additional Languageor Dialect (EAL/D)
Throughout the course of this semester I have used the discussion board to reflect on
my knowledge and attitudes towards people who come from different linguistic and
cultural backgrounds. I have discussed the difficulties involved with EAL/D students,
particularly focussing on Indigenous education. My discussion board posts have
provided many opportunities ... Show more content on ...
One reason for this is because it has less status in education than written language. In
my learning activity (Appendix C) the assessment strategy used was to focus on
students clarity, expression and tone. Derewianka (1992) acknowledges that while
these features are important up to a point, they should not become the focus of the
assessment. A better approach would be to incorporate eye contact, body language
and gestures while at the same time being aware of culture specific behaviours. For
example, maintaining eye contact may be considered impolite in some
Essay On Aztecs
World history has featured the rise and fall of numerous civilizations. Few have
been as unique as the Aztecs. They quickly grew in the heartlands of Mexico from
their conquering lifestyle. The Aztecs developed a style of living different from
much of the other civilized world, partly due to the lack of cross cultural contact due
to the Americas relative isolation from the rest of the world in the pre Columbian era.
Nevertheless, the Aztecs created a society that was deeply cultural, and hugely
The Aztecs originated as a result of the several city states left after the fall of the
Toltecs in Tula. As the rival regions vied for power in the region, a new tribe arrived
in the Anahuac valley region and began to gain influence. Known as the Mexica, the
group began to draw on the ... Show more content on ...
The Ollama was an integral part of the Aztec lifestyle. The object of the game was
to get a rubber ball about the size of a human head through a stone hoop at the
sides of the court. The athletes had to keep the ball off the ground using only their
hips, head, knees, and elbows (Encyclopedia Britannica). The outcomes were
frequently bet on by people of all wealth. The more money you had, the more you
bet. Nobles would bet their concubines, money, or even cities, whereas the poor
would bet their freedom for risk of becoming a slave (New World Encyclopedia).
Other cultural events included the ceremonial human sacrifices. The sacred rituals
were in honor of the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli (Aztec History). The subjects were
first painted with blue chalk, and taken to the top of the sacred pyramid in
TenochtitlГЎn. The person laid on a stone slab, and their stomach would be cut
open with a ceremonial obsidian knife. Each body part had a different purpose after
being torn from the body: the heart was held up to the sun, the head was put on
display, and the organs in the abdomen were fed to the zoo animals (New World
The A 40 Year Old Woman Presents With Fatigue
A 40 year old woman presents with fatigue. She has felt very run down for the past
3 months and has had no interest in participating in her usual activities and sporting
events. She has had sleeping problems and low appetite. She is constantly feeling
low and has frequent crying spells. Her physical examination is normal and thyroid
function is normal. She is diagnosed with major depression and is referred for
counseling and started on fluoxetine.
What is the mechanism of action of fluoxetine? Fluoxetine is an antidepressant
belonging to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class of drugs used
mainly for the treatment of major depression, obsessive compulsive, disorder, and
panic disorder (Nordqvist, 2014, p. 1). SSRI work by increasing the levels of
serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter
that regulates several aspects of brain function such as mood, sleep, and emotion
(Mandal, 2014, p. 1). Fluoxetine works by blocking the absorption (reuptake) of
serotonin, which helps to regulate and stabilize mood. Since uptake is an important
mechanism for removing released neurotransmitters and terminating their actions on
adjacent nerves, the reduced uptake caused by fluoxetine increased the free serotonin
that stimulates nerve cells in the brain (Ogbru, 2014, p. 1).
Why is fluoxetine the drug of choice? This medication is the drug of choice for this
patient since the use in treating depression is well established.
Angola Conflict, Social And Political Conflict In The...
The Angola conflict was a civil war that was located in the South African state of
Angola. This 27 year long civil war, that killed an estimated 800,000 people and
displace 4 million people, broke out on 11 November 1975, right after the Portuguese
colonial rule, and ended in 2002. Similar to many other post colonial states, Angola
suffered both social and economical struggles which lead to a power struggle
between three predominant liberation movements. It is important for us to study this
civil war as we can learn many lessons from this major event in history, and make
use of the information gathered from this to help us understand how these similar
conflicts have started off and have developed to this state. Hence I would be analysing
... Show more content on ...
Angola state had many different ethnic groups varying in their economic status, size
and the amount of focus on the politics entities. With the three major ethnic groups:
With Ovimbundu being the largest in dominating the area, it constitutes to about 37%
of the Angola population. Second being the Kimbundu, making up about 25% of the
Angola population and third being Bakongo, making up 13% of the Angola
population. ( Malaquais, N.D) To liberalise Angola, the three movements formed. The
three movements are: Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) which started
in 1956 to lead against the colonialism, it consisted mostly of Mbundu. National
Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) restricting to the the Bacongo and
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unita) consisting mostly
Ovimbundu. (BBC,1999) These three movements which were suppose to help
improve the lives of the Angola people, not only did not make their lives better, but
resulted to a greater distinct between the three major ethnicity. The groups were more
clearly separated, with the formation of the movements. Thus making it even harder
for the Ethnic groups to bond, and improve their relation ship. Although there were
many other factors that could have cause the division between the ethnic groups, I
think that
Therapist Case Report
Case report is a detailed narrative description of a real life problem or situation as
well as a way to apply theoretical knowledge gained from the academic literature to
real life situations that may serve as basis for future research. Case report can be
done on any subject or topic. It is designed to analyze and understand the factors
important to the etiology, care and outcome of the subject s problems, through a
detailed description of a patient s background, present status and response to
treatment. In my case report from JSPTR Undetected Pectoralis Major Tendon
Rupture in a Patient Referred to a Physical Therapist in a Combat Environment
include the following 4 sections:
1) Background Purpose: It introduces the main purpose or aim of the case study as
well as a summary of a subject or a patient to indicate why the study ... Show more
content on ...
patient history, system reviews, physical examination, evaluation, diagnosis,
prognosis, psychosocial aspects, intervention, follow up and the patient s progress). It
is a part of the paper where in first explains why the patient was selected for the case
report, provides it s relevant history including demographic characteristics and
pertinent psychological, social and environmental factors, and includes relevant
medical diagnoses . It also explains the examination procedures clearly, addresses the
reliability and validity of the measurements i.e. cites published reliability studies,
provides the results of your own mini reliability study, or makes a presumptive
argument, explains all examination data as well as decision making process that led
from examination through the evaluation, diagnosis, clinical impression and
prognosis to the plan of care and the selection of intervention. In intervention it
explains the chronology and amount of interventions as well as changes in treatment
and rationale for changes made in interventions over
MTT Project 1 Graphs With Application
MTT Project 1 (Graphs with application) Name: Mohamed Alzbeidi ID: 1054072
Section: 1 Function: Quadratic Function Instructor: Jaya Kumar A. Introduction:
Quadratic is the function that is used for a squared degree. In this function its
graph is called a parabola. The graph of all quadratic function is called a parabola
its shape is basically a U shape it might be transformed or reflected or inversed witch
might change the shape in some cases The simplest quadratic function is: y(x)=X^2
Furthermore, the general form to the quadratic function is y=гЂ–axгЂ—^2+bx+c=0
In any case where a quadratic function cannot be solved the quadratic formula is used
x=( bВ±в€
љ(b^2 4ac))/2a The Quadratic Inverse: y(x)=в€
љx... Show more content on ...
The equation of the reflected graph is y=гЂ– (x)гЂ—^2 Example: y(x)=гЂ– (2x
3)гЂ—^2+1 C. Combination of all transformations with its inverse: Basic Function:
y= 1/2 (2x 4)^2+2 Inverse Function: y(x)=2В±в€
љ(2 x)/в€
љ2 Full Graph including
basic function its inverse and y = x D. Real life situation Quadratic Function A ball
shot can be made using the equation y= 0.гЂ–0281xгЂ—^2+2x+10 , Where x is
distance traveled (in feet) and y is the height (also in feet). How long was the throw?
First we apply the quadratic formula x=( 2В±в€
љ(2^2 ) 4( 0.281Г—10))/(2( 0.0281))
x=75.9 ft x= 4.7 y=10 E. Summary Although quadratic functions do not seem difficult
but it is related to most fields in science and examples can be made by any shape or
act that might represent the form of a parabola. Including, there are more complex
polynomials than the quadratic but it seems that this function is the best introduction
to functions and there graphs. Recourses
Surrealism And Surrealism
Impressionism is an art movement originating in France which ran between the
1860s until the 1890s. Famous artists of the genre include Claude Monet and
Gustave Caillebotte. The movement is typically characterized by its sketch like
techniques and its use of bright vivid colors, giving the painting a bright look.
Impressionism s sketch like appearance allowed artists to paint the world
imperfectly as to demonstrate an impression of what it looks like, which is where
the name comes from. The tendency of impressionist artists was also to paint
shadows with a more colorful appeal by replacing the blacks and greys by colors.
As the form did not represent the reality of a landscape, it allowed artists to also
represent the optical effects of light and diverge from the mainstream norm of the
realism movement. Surrealism is an art movement which ran between the 1920s until
World War 2. Major artists of the movement include AndrГ© Breton, Salvador DalГ
RenГ© Magritte and Sigmund Freud whose work on human psychology has served
as major inspiration for the movement. Surrealism can be recognized by its attempt
to create an extremely fictional world and does not portray ours. Subjects in
surrealist paintings seem very out of place and would not appear in that landscape in
the real world. The practice of this movement draws heavily from Freud s research on
the nature of the human subconscious and attempts to draw a painting of the
surrealistic nature of dreams and human fantasy. The Pop
The Pros And Cons Of Group Health And Kaiser
Founded in 1946, Seattle s Group Health Cooperative was created by doctors and
community members who believed that there needed to be a health care program
that was affordable, member centered, and held principles of social justice. This
cooperative was one that had been successful for many years, but just recently was
acquired by the not for profit Kaiser Permanentehealthcare company on February 1,
2017 for 1.8 billion dollars. Although Group Health is a cooperativeand Kaiser
Permanente is a nonprofit healthcare company, they have similar views on how they
run their companies because both have missions to put their members and employees
first. This is something that the articles stressed because this merge is going to affect
thousands of members and employees. I plan on focusing on the process Kaiser
Permanente had when wanting to take over Group Health Cooperative, the pros and
cons of the final decision to merge the two healthcare programs, and ultimately how
Group Health s marketing and management strategies will be implemented in the
merge. (12)
Back in December of 2015, Kaiser Permanente planned to acquire Group Health
Cooperative for 1.8 billion dollars with a proposition to invest $1 billion in new
equipment, staff, facilities and research in hope to improve health in Washington
state. In the Advisory Board s article Eyeing growth, Kaiser announces first major
acquisition in over a decade it says, these deals are focused on delivering a better
product to
Stephen King s Shawshank Redemption Essays
Stephen King s Rita Haywort and the Shawshank Redemption
Rita Haywort and the Shawshank Redemption was first presented in 1982, by
Stephen King and hooked the hearts of the world s readers. Literature reviews were
immediately written about the book and quickly recognized as one of the years best.
Rek Rehn, a book reviewer for Mouth Wrote: This book is the jewel of the
crown, a tender tale of hope, friendship and retribution. Years later in 1994,
Shawshank Redemption was again recognized by a wider audience. It was released
as a major motion picture directed by Frank Darabont. The film presented very
respectable actors, such as Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. The Shawshank
Redemption creates a warm hold on our feelings ... Show more content on ...
This does not make a very good point. Clancy Brown played Byron Hadley, captain
of the guard, who was a nasty and brutal man that had the position of the warden?s
right hand man. A guy who gives beatings left and right each time showing the
audience a little more about whom his character really is. There?s no way he would
have done one extra thing than the minimum his deal with Andy required. This might
be a small thing to point out, but it shows the director?s desire to smooth over and
gloss up the story.
Red?s search for the tree in the film makes it seem like he finds the fence and the
tree almost immediately. He was only dropped off and just looked around for a
while and there it was. ?A rock with no earthly business in a Maine hayfield? (99).
There is a paragraph of description in the book that could have been used as a good
voice over for the film. Therefore, not adding on more second to the running time,
but really improving the moment in the story. In the book, Red talks about looking
every weekend for weeks, walking around not knowing if the spot he is looking for
had turned into a shopping center or a housing project. Why cut this part out of the
movie? For all the viewer knows, the director may not of had enough time to fit in
such a small yet important part to the film.
The last scene of the film is just like the beer subject mentioned earlier. The director
continues to make his so called improvements. The book ends
12th Century Mesoamerica
After Two centuries of migration and warfare between the 12th century they had
been searching for a place to settle mainly in the northern parts of mesoamerica.
Finally in 1325 or 1345 they settled in called Tenochtitlan or mexico city today. They
consider themselves as mexica people and were always rulers of mesoamerica.
Mesoamerica was all of mexicoand parts of central america. They also settled in an
island in a lake Texcoco.
gods 15th 16th century The patron deity of the aztecs is huitzilopochtli. god of war
and symbol of the sun.Every day the young warrior uses the power of sunlight to
drive from the sky the darkness away.Every evening he dies and the darkness returns.
for the next days fight he needs strength. He diets on human
The Hollow Men Analysis
Literary texts use various elements and methods to convey particular messages,
positioning readers to take on the views of the author. The poem The Hollow Men
by T.S Eliot addresses the failures of human courage and faith and his modernist
style like most poets after him is an extremely expressive one, one with much of his
poetry reflecting his own attitudes and beliefs about the importance of religious faith.
Eliot s manipulation of various literary conventions invites the readers to adopt his
own attitudes and beliefs towards matters of religionand the meaning of life. Through
intertextual referencing and allusions, to relevant historic events, paradoxes and
symbolism, Eliot positions readers to perceive religion as valuable, and... Show more
content on ...
The broken column and fading star allows readers to view salvation as a dreamlike
vision of the futility and confusion of modern society if they abandon their religious
commitment in short, it will come back to haunt them.
In addition to the warnings of the epigraph, the desolation of the surrounding
environment which is a prevalent feature Eliot s use of the desolation of the
surrounding environment which is a prevalent feature in The Hollow Men,
complements his use of paradoxes and symbolism allowing him to draw attention to
the emptiness of the hollow men . Elliot removes himself from the collective
narration for two verses to give four examples of other things that have missing
essentials . For example, shape without form, shade without colour, paralysed force,
gesture without motion is paradoxical as you cannot have shape without form or
shade without colour. These incomplete contractions symbolise just like the hollow
men they are half real, missing something else that will make them real. The concept
of a shapeless form reiterates the theme of emptiness, as a shape becomes a form
only when it has substance otherwise it s just an empty idea. The poet provides
contradictory examples, perhaps to represent the confusion surrounding the hollow
men inviting the reader to view the world as if lacking
Personal Response on the On the Rainy River
ELA 30 1: Personal Essay
October 16, 2012
Gaddiel O. Matira
Is it fair to hold individuals responsible for a choice society pressured them to make?
Canada might have been one of the best places in the world but for me and Tim,
Canada is a lot more than that. For Tim O Brien s On the Rainy River , Canada is
freedom: freedom from the draft letter that pressures him to go to war, freedom from
the war that he never understood and always hated, freedom from the dirt, tent, and
mosquitoes, freedom from that dense greasy pig stink and blood clots in the
slaughterhouse, freedom from his country, and freedom from his conscience... or is
it? On the other hand, for me, Canada is separation: separation from the friends and
family who I most ... Show more content on ...
The same society that built the morals and beliefs and principles he has in him had
then become the same society that crippled him to make the choice of leaving all
those behind as he stated, And what was so sad, I realized, was that Canada had
become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a possibility. Right
then, with the shore so close, I understood that I would not do what I should do. (55)
In the stories Tim O Brien and I shared, there is this one little detail in common, we
both made a choice. At first, the decision of moving to Canada felt like a selfish
decision I was forced to make only for the family s sake. Actually, I even held them
responsible for my misery for a couple of weeks. But as those weeks and months
pass by, I came to realize that such choice was actually one of the greatest things that
can happen to me, for it was more than just an opportunity for our family to be whole
but a breakthrough to endless possibilities towards reaching my dreams. However,
for Tim, without any further details after he went to the war, we are
Living in a World with Danger and Killing
We live in a world, where war is a constant danger and is a recurring issue in our
lives. Death and violence are constant topics of discussion throughout the media
and most Americans have grown accustomed to hearing about these issues on a
daily basis. It seems that the reaching ideal of global peace is an impossible feat
and that justice will never be reached. Nations throughout the world have made the
promise We will never fight again on numerous occasions, yet the world is still
afflicted with wars, mass killings and political turmoil. As citizens of a world
population we have become too consumed with the pursuit of wealth and power and
the lofty ideals of world unity have fallen by the wayside.
Globally, almost everyone would prefer to live in a world of peace. Peace may
seem to be a simple world, but in reality it is a difficult concept to comprehend and
has proven to be an insurmountable problem. Historically, there have been several
attempts at creating international bodies to promote peace, but none have been
effective. In many instances throughout history disastrous calamities could have been
avoided, but for a lack of a competent international lawmaking body. The mass
killings that occurred in Rwanda are a perfect example of a failure of an international
lawmaking body. In this case, the United Nations had extremely accurate information
about what was occurring in Rwanda, but they stood by and let the killings of
hundreds of thousands of people take place
Neil Postman Amusing Ourselves To Death Analysis
Let s Play Peek A Boo
Today, when almost everyone carries a smartphone, information about everything is
instantly right at our fingertips. In today s society that may seem like a significant
advantage over the past, however, in Neil Postman s book, Amusing Ourselves to
Death, he presents a different view. Written some twenty years before widespread use
of the internet, Postman builds a case for the liabilities of the endless amounts of
information. In the fifth chapter, The Peek A Boo World. He explores the impact on
the public discourse of two mid nineteenth century inventions, the telegraph, and the
photograph. The author views the telegraph changed the public discourse by making
information and news irrelevant, impotent and incoherent. ... Show more content on ...
While Postman points out the literal meaning of photography is writing with light ;
the two are from completely different universes when it comes to public discourse
(p. 71). Unlike typography, photography cannot offer assertions, make propositions
and offers no commentary. As long as it is not an altered photograph, it has no
choice but to be true (p. 73). Thus, the photograph is only able to capture a moment
in time and does not have the ability to comment on that moment. Our author
contends, where language presents the world as an idea, the photographs only
option is to show the world as an object (p. 72). Whereas in language, the correct
context requires consideration of what is said before and after, in photography there
is no before and after, only the snapshot of time. Therefore, by its very nature
photography is context free (p. 73). As photography immersed itself in the American
culture author, Daniel Boorstin called this the graphic revolution. Postman is
unequivocal on the point that the traditional forms of information, news, and even
reality itself received an impairment by this new focus on images. For examples, he
cites billboards, posters and advertisements. He points to magazines Life, Look and
several newspapers. The picture was the focal point, and the writing was forced to
take a less dominate roll and sometimes done away with altogether (p.
Egyptian Religion And Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Religion
Jose Saucedo
English II Honors
November 20, 2014
Egyptian Religion
Egypt was a very powerful empire lasting more than 3000 years, which is divided
into 8 or 9 periods, sometimes called kingdoms. But what made their empire, so
powerful, what made it last more than 3 millennia. Egyptologist believes that it was
due to Egypt s strong bond with their gods and goddesses and their mythological
beliefs. The gods and goddesses and the myths were the foundations of Egypt s
cultural structure. The Egyptian gods were vital in the religion and culture of Egypt.
The gods were the explanation for life, death, basically everything about on earth and
in our universe. The most popular gods were Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Seth, and
Anubis. Ra was the god of the sun and creation. He was often depicted as a hawk
headed man with a sun disk; he may also be depicted as a scarab beetle. Osiris is
the god of life, death, and the afterlife. Osiris has the appearance of a mummified
Pharaoh; he wore an Atef crown with feathers on the sides, and held a crook and
flail, the tools of a Pharaoh. He had green skin, with meaning rebirth to the
Egyptians. Isis was the wife of Osiris, and the mother of Horus. She was also the
goddess of magic, marriage, and healing. She is depicted as a queen with a sun disk.
Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. Horus is the Egyptian god of the sky. He
became the king of Egypt after fighting his uncle Seth. He is usually depicted as
Muuskets During The American Civil War
During the American Civil War there were many advancements in firearm
technology. However many older stratagems and weapons were still being used by
both the Union and Confederate forces. The improvements of military and civilian
technology also aided both sides of the war.
The most widely used personal firearm of the American Civil Warwere rifled
muskets. However many Revolutionary period muskets were still in use, these
muskets were very inaccurate and had an effective range of about 80 yards. Most
soldiers carried muzzleloading rifles, rifles while slower to reload were much more
accurate than the musket. The rifling in the barrels, increased the accuracy of these
weapons to nearly 400 yards. The most widely used rifle of the Union
John Deere Tractors
I researched a John Deere. A John Deere helps farmers to plow up the land easier
than doing it by hand or horses. John Deere tractors can help with just about
anything on the farm, such as planting,harvesting, and mowing. It s not as back
breaking as it would be by doing it by hand. John Deere has technology that can help
plowing be more efficient and straighter rows then doing it with animals are yourself.
The plow was invented in 1837 by John Deere. He knew how excruciating the pain
was by doing it by hand and the toll it took on the animals. So one day he envisioned
the soil sliding easier and more efficient. So he took one of his broken steel saw
blades and started making the first plow invented.
In 1837 the first plow was made by John Deere it was pulled by animals. In 1892 in
Northeast Iowa, John Froelich invented the first ever gas powered tractor. It was the
first tractor that could backup and go forward. He used this tractor to separate the
wheat from the plant easier then by hand.
In 1954 the first combine was made it was a 2 row corn head that could do 20
acres of corn in a single operation. In 1957 the first baler was invented the 14T baler
produced good shaped bales that it could then transfer the bales onto the hay rack
without them getting off the rack to pick them up. The baler took less ... Show more
content on ...
It was used for cutting yards,Golf courses, baseball fields, football fields, and other
different sporting events. Thanks to its variable speed drive it was a big seller all
across the world. Fast forward to know lawn mowers these days are far better than
they were back then, they can do more things now then they could back then because
today s mowers are more efficient at cutting the grass. There are different
attachments to the mowers now then there was back then like a handle to move the
deck up and down, and adjusting the deck to a certain height for the right cut of what
you want your grass to
AREA PROFILE Country| India| State| Tamilnadu| District| Tirnelveli| Subdistict(s)|
Tirunelveli,Palayam kottai,Sankaran kovil, Ambasamudram, Nanguneri,
Kadayanallur, Radhapuram, Tenkasi, Shenkottai, Alangulam, Veerakeralmpudur,
Sivagiri.| District formed on | September 01,1790| Headquarters| Tirunelveli| Largest
city| Tirunelveli| Legislature(seats)| elected(11)| Sex ratio| Male 49% / Female 51%|
Governement:Body| Tirunelveli city Municipal corporation| Collector| Thiru C.
Samayamoorthy IAS| Sub Collector| Tmt Bhajibhakare Rohini Ramdas IAS| Mayor|
Vijila Sathyanand| Area| | City | 108.65 km2 ( sq mi)| Elevation| 47 m ( ft)|
Population (2011)| | City| 4,78,838|... Show more content on ...
There are 19 Panchayat Unions (Blocks) in this district. 1. Palayamkottai 2. Manur
3. Melaneelithanallur 4. Sankarankovil 5. Kuruvikulam 6. Cheranmahadevi 7.
Ambasamudram 8. Pappakudi 9. Kadayam 10. Kalakadu 11. Nanguneri 12.
Vallioor 13. Radhapuram 14. Alangulam 15. Keelapavoor 16. Tenkasi 17.
Shencottai 18. Kadayanallur 19. Vasudevanallur Taluk Administration: Tahsildars
are in charge of Revenue administration at taluk level. He is assisted by Head
Quarters Deputy Tahsildar, Taluk Supply Officer and Zonal Deputy Tahsildars.
Each taluk is divided into a number of firkas which comprises a number of Revenue
villages. Revenue Inspector at firka level and Village Administrative Officer at
Village level assist the Tahsildar. List of Firkas / Villages in each Taluk is as
follows S.No.| Name of Taluk| No.of Firkas| No.of Revenue Villages| 1| Tirunelveli|
6| 81| 2| Palayamcottai| 4| 58| 3| Sankarankoil| 9| 87| 4| Ambasamudram| 8| 90| 5|
Nanguneri| 6| 70| 6| Radhapuram| 7| 41| 7| Tenkasi| 4| 36| 8| Shencottai| 3| 18| 9|
Sivagiri| 4| 25| 10| Alangulam| 5| 30| 11| Veerakeralampudur| 4| 23| | Total| 60| 559|
Tirunelveli District Population 2011:
Film Analysis Of Christian Symbolism In The Last Supper
This film begins in a remote 19th century Danish village where a Lutheran minister
and his two daughters reside. Early in the movie, both daughters have the option to
leave their home and venture off into different parts of the world: one with a young
Swedish military man named Lorens and the other with a French operasinger who
attempts to take one of the sisters as his protГ©gГ©. Both politely reject the offers
to escape their pious village, choosing to stay with their father instead. Years later,
after the father s passing, a young French woman by the name of Babette arrives at
their door with a note. The note is addressed to the sisters from the Frenchman,
begging them to provide refuge for Babette as she just escaped the French Civil
War. The sisters take her in and put her to work as their servant. Soon after, the
sisters want to host a celebration for what would have been their father s 100th
birthday. Babette, who recently won the French lottery offers to cook a full French
meal for the celebration. The sisters reluctantly accept her offer and she prepares a
meal that would change the lives of her and those enjoying her meal. Upon analysis
of the film, it is obvious that Christian symbolism in laced throughout. From the
opening scene of the hanging cod to the feast that could be compared to portrayals of
The Last Supper, the film has obvious ties to Christianity, but these ties may go
further than the common viewer might see. One tie that correlates directly with a
Surveillance Of U.s. Citizens
Ameer Lee 4/30/2015 1108 ENGL In this day and age it is very hard to be secretive
or private about affair, whether it be business or the other sense of the word when
two people come together as forbidden lovers, ask Bill Clinton. One often acquires
a feeling of eeriness while alone or when the phone rings and no one is there. And
that individual labels these incidents as paranoia or thinks nothing of it. But what if
this isn t coincidence? What if someone has tapped lines and to ensure it is working
the phone rings. Remember that Collect call from , the government you received
yesterday? Wake up people. Surveillance of U.S. Citizens is real. The NSA is
videotaping, tapping the phone lines and watching us watching them. That... Show
more content on ...
This company is the juiciest part of the peach because everyone depends on them
not only for valid information but proof, pictures, recordings you name it. As the
website say Our customers know they can count on us to provide what they need,
when they need it, wherever they need it. But what is that suppose to mean and
why did they decide to use the word customers? Who are the industry partners and
allies? Is the NSA only keeping surveillance on possible threats in the USA or are
they watching U.S. citizens for entertainment or bigger purposes. If one was to
really think about it it takes time to observe the environment to know for sure that
something is wrong with it. It is just like looking into a camera and saying there s
the bad guy . Innocent U.S. citizens are being stoke and having their right for
privacy violated. These are peoples lives. NSA was established on November 4,
1952, by President Harry Truman. At the time Truman was sworn in as the 33rd
president of the U.S. after Roosevelt s unforeseen death. In hopes to end WWII the
NSA was established and helped win the war by breaking German and Japanese
codes and encrypted messages. Ironically Truman died in 1972 when the CSS and
NSA joined forces. Seemed to be all fine and well using surveillance for good and
winning the war. The people were happy when their troops came home. Where the
NSA systems down when Bush became president? 9/11 did happen but no one could
predict or find information on this
Why Do Circuses Survive If Animals Should Be Banned
VII.Will Circuses Survive If Elephants Are Banned?
A. The Show Will Go On
Many circuses have dropped animal shows from circus programs, to model
choreographed shows such as Cirque de Soleil. But, some companies as Ringling,
Universoul and Carson Barnes continue to use elephants. Ballet and live theatre is
another phenomenal that circuses are changing to retain diversity in the
entertainment market. The most popular of these shows, Cirque du Soleil, describes
itself as based on a totally new concept: a striking, dramatic mix of the circus arts,
street entertainment, featuring wild, outrageous costumes, staged under magical
lights and set to original music. With not a single animal in the ring . . . . Several
traditional circuses are ... Show more content on ...
Some have already taken the step of dropping elephants from their show, while
others, have changed their strategies to focus less on animals but humans. In 2004,
the Cole Bros. circus, a one hundred twenty one year traveling show, eliminated the
use of elephants and other wild animals, during performances. The show focuses on
acrobats, a high wire motorcycle team and performers dressed as comic book movie
heroes. The Cole Bros. believed that without wild animals they could put on a better
In 2005, the Moscow State Circus purchased the rights to the name of Circus Vargas.
Circus Vargas is an animal free circus. Circus Vargas first performed in San Diego,
California in 2005. The performers delivered a show entirely in Spanish featuring an
aerial motorcycle act, acrobats, trapeze artists, contortionists, daredevil stunt
performers, aerialists and clowns. The Big Apple Circus, established in 1977, has
not gotten rid of animals, but it is only partnering with animals that have a traditional
working relationship with man . The Big Apple Circus continues to explore and
address the needs of performing animals and insist upon sensitivity to quality of life,
both in and out the ring for all performers. In July 2000, the Big Apple Circus
stopped touring with
The Classical Utilitarianism Line Combined With Rational...
There are some questions in this life we will ask and never receive an answer to.
Not because the questioned simply does not want to answer but perhaps because
they cannot answer. This theory falls into the classical utilitarianism line combined
with rational choice theory (Barkan p. 93). In researching Edward Theodore Gein,
I discovered this is one of those cases where Why never came to pass and he took to
his own grave those unanswered questions. Did these acts of crime and necrophilia
arise from the clear dysfunctional home life and upbringing or was Ed Geinsimply a
How he came to be. Born on August 27, 1906 in La Crosse, Wisconsinto George
Philip and Augusta Gein; Ed was the second of two sons. Gein was raised in ... Show
more content on ...
One must ask how much hereditary influence from his mother was a factor in Geins
rational choice theory. Nature versus the lack of nurture in the upbringing of Ed Gein
and his brother. Nonetheless, offenders still make decisions that appear rational to
them at the time they make them (Barkan, p. 96).
Theory Analysis
Ed Gein deeply desired to please his mother above all else. Augusta Gein an
archaic Lutheran controlled her sons to the extreme. Ed did attend public school
however he was an outcast and often bullied by other students. Despite the
mistreatment, he managed to do well in and enjoyed school. When Ed tried to
socialize at school this did not please his mother and anytime Ed tried to make
friends, his mother scolded him. The isolation from any other outside influences
could not have been healthy and added to his insecurities in an everyday social
lifestyle. Gein was often described as a loner, awkward and aloof. Augusta read to
both her sons daily from the Old Testament Bible from scripture usually graphic in
nature with versus dealing with death, murder and divine retribution. Gein tried to
make his mother happy but his efforts were usually met with harsh criticism and she
was rarely pleased with her sons. She often scolded them and verbally abused them
by telling them they were going to end up disappointments like their father (Woods,
As Sigmund Freud believed that some people with unresolved deep seated problems
are psychopaths. Potentially the
Impact Of Globalization On The World Of The Neoliberal
The world is a far more connected place today than 150 years ago. The rapid rate of
technological advancement which in turn accelerated international trade has led us
to an age where states are politically, economically and culturally interconnected.
Now, to many, this seems like a good thing, and in many cases it is: the ability to
talk to someone instantaneously from the other corner of the planet, to buy
something from china and for it to arrive within a week... are all positive things
that stem from globalization, but underneath these superficial changes the world
has seen a pretty big economic shift since the dawn of the neoliberal era and the
rebirth of globalization. To be able to properly analyze the effect globalization has
had on inequality we have to look at how we define it: Most neoliberalists tend to
look exclusively at extreme poverty as the reference point for inequality and therefore
the only objective to eliminate, in fact the World Banks online entries about poverty
(,2016) talk only about the
extreme type of poverty, whereas most critics of neoliberalismunderline the need for
economists and politicians to also focus on relative poverty and the fast growing
gap between the rich and the poor. There is also the question of who we are referring
to when talking about inequality; inequality can be discussed both at state level and
at an individual level.
In theory the answer should be simple; according to David
Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory
The movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was made in 1971 and is based
off Roald Dahl s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It tells the story of a
young boy named Charlie Bucket who is one of five children who wins a golden
ticket to a tour of Willy Wonka s mysterious chocolate factory. The movie shows
many themes of good versus evil, giving in to temptations and redemption which are
also themes shown throughout the Bible.
The first biblical worldview that Willy Wonkaand the Chocolate Factory explores is
good versus evil. In the movie there are two characters that can easily identifiable as
good and evil. Willy Wonka represents good as he often brings happiness and joy to
his surroundings and is the one who gives out the golden ... Show more content on ...
This is done through the character of Charlie Bucket. Charlie is the protagonist in the
story, but he is not perfect as, like the other children, he also gives into temptation.
This happens when Charlie and his Grandpa decide to try a drink that will make
you fly, although by doing this they nearly get killed, they eventually return safely
back to the group, believing that no one had found out about what they did. This
has many connections to the story of Adam and Eve, who eat a forbidden fruit but
believe that God will not be able to catch them. However, God knew what they had
done and in result they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Charlie, like Adam
and Eve, also pays the consequences of this actions when Wonka denies him the
prize of a lifetime supply of chocolate. Unlike the story of Adam and Eve however,
when Charlie shows remorse for his actions Wonka reveals to him that he was only
testing him and declares that he wants Charlie to take over the factory. This relates
to the bible in John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness . This idea also touches on the
biblical worldview that no human is perfect and it is impossible for someone not to
sin, however it is to ask for forgiveness which is most
The Social Climate Of White And Blue Collar
College is one of the most beneficial gifts a parent can give to their child, an
opportunity to give their children a higher education than what they received. College
tuition has more than double when compared to the last generation, making
unpayable debts increasingly higher on graduates. At the same time college
admission rates have also increased, creating a factory with a high surplus of college
graduates looking for a jobs that there is not enough demand for. Universityin the past
was considered a privilege but now it has become a cultural standard in the U.S.
and the rest of developed nations. The social climate of white and blue collar
classes, the idea of working hard vs. the idea of working smart, may have created
the social climate that looks down on blue collar workers. Even though Hacker and
Dreifus, and Murray take two different approaches to the purpose of universities, they
actually agree on the important idea that colleges are not for everyone, contrary to
popular belief, this common ground becomes clear through the price of admission,
the stigma of a college education, and the original purpose of going to college.
Colleges are taking on too many roles and doing none well (Hacker and Dreifus).
As stated, the price of admission has clearly augmented in the last decades. What is
to gain from paying ludicrous amounts to a PhD factories? Universities have also
grown to become a $420 billion dollar conglomerate in the last decades that is
immune to

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  • 1. Career Aspiration Sample Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Career Aspiration" can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. On one hand, delving into one's aspirations requires introspection, thoughtful consideration of future goals, and the ability to articulate these aspirations coherently. It demands a blend of personal reflection and a keen awareness of the professional landscape. The complexity of the task lies in the need to strike a balance between being specific about one's career goals and remaining open to growth and adaptation. It's not just about listing aspirations; rather, it involves constructing a narrative that convincingly communicates why those particular career paths are chosen and how they align with personal values, skills, and passions. Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements. An effective essay should steer clear of common phrases and instead provide a unique perspective that captures the reader's attention. This requires a deep understanding of oneself and the ability to express it in a compelling manner. Additionally, the task involves researching the chosen career paths to showcase a genuine understanding of the industries, their challenges, and potential contributions. This element adds an extra layer of complexity as it necessitates staying informed about current trends and future projections in the chosen field. In essence, writing a compelling essay on career aspirations is not just about showcasing ambition; it's about constructing a narrative that resonates with the reader, demonstrates a clear understanding of the chosen path, and highlights the unique qualities that make the individual a suitable candidate for those aspirations. For those seeking assistance or looking for examples to guide their own writing journey, there are resources available. Platforms like offer a variety of essay samples and additional support to aid in the creation of personalized and impactful essays. Whether it's refining the structure, enhancing language, or gaining inspiration from well-crafted examples, these services can be valuable in the pursuit of creating a standout essay on career aspirations. Career Aspiration Sample EssayCareer Aspiration Sample Essay
  • 2. Beep Test Score Essay Discussion The purpose of this lab was to determine if the subject s beep test score will be altered after changing their diet. The subject is put on an increased protein diet for three weeks, while playing competitive hockey (see table 1). It was hypothesized that an increase in protein intake will have no effect on performance during the beep test and therefore the subject will have no change in their final beep test score. Three weeks after the increased protein diet the subject performed another beep test to see any changes in the beep test score. The results indicated minimal change in the beep test score from an initial score of 7 to a final score of 6.5 (see tables 2 3). This showed that increasing protein did not affect the subject s ... Show more content on ... In relation to perceived exertion the subjects breathing rate stayed constant (see figure 2) because protein intake did not affect the subject s performance and output. In other words, the hypothesis was proven to be true because protein intake did not affect the subject s ability to perform in the final beep test, which is why the score obtained only had minimal changes from the beep test before the protein intake. Even though increased protein did not affect the subject s performance, it was still used during recovery, which is why the subject could recover from dry land training the night before and still fill good to perform the beep test the next day. According to Cordain and Friel (2012) protein intake throughout the day, helps repair damaged muscle tissue. Therefore, over the three weeks the subject s body was utilizing the protein intake as source to repair any tears in the muscle tissue, which lead to a better recovery. Given the following information the hypothesis was proved to be accurate because protein intake did not affect the subject s performance during the beep test. However, to get a better understanding of increased protein intake, there should be a study performed to estimate how much time and protein the body requires to repair damaged muscle tissue after
  • 3. Game Theory and Profit Chapter 11 Consider two firms facing the demand curve P = 50 5Q, where Q = Q1 + Q2. The firms cost functions are C1(Q1) = 20 + 10Q1 and C2(Q2) = 10 + 12Q2. a.Suppose both firms have entered the industry. What is the joint profit maximizing level of output? How much will each firm produce? How would your answer change if the firms have not yet entered the industry? If both firms enter the market, and they collude, they will face a marginal revenue curve with twice the slope of the demand curve: MR = 50 10Q. Setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost(the marginal cost of Firm 1, since it is lower than that of Firm 2) to determine the profit maximizing quantity, Q: 50 10Q = 10, or Q = 4. Substituting Q =... Show more content on ... Also calculate its profits. The monopolist wants to choose quantity to maximize its profits: max = PQ C(Q), = (53 Q)(Q) 5Q, or = 48Q Q2. To determine the profit maximizing quantity, set the change in with respect to the change in Q equal to zero and solve for Q: Substitute the profit maximizing quantity, Q = 24, into the demand function to find price: 24 = 53 P, or P = $29. Profits are equal to = TR TC = (29)(24) (5)(24) = $576. b.Suppose a second firm enters the market. Let Q1 be the output of the first firm and Q2 be the output of the second. Market demand is now given by Q1 + Q2 = 53 P. Assuming that this second firm has the same costs as the first, write the profits of each firm as functions of Q1 and Q2. When the second firm enters, price can be written as a function of the output of two firms: P = 53 Q1 Q2. We may write the profit functions for the two firms: or and or c.Suppose (as in the Cournot model) that each firm chooses its profit maximizing level of output on the assumption that its competitor s output is fixed. Find each firm s reaction curve (i.e., the rule that gives its desired output in terms of its competitor s output). Under the Cournot assumption, Firm 1 treats the output of Firm 2 as a constant in its maximization of profits. Therefore, Firm 1 chooses Q1 to maximize 1 in b with Q2 being treated as a constant.
  • 4. Benefits Of Airline And Airport Privatization 1.Introduction The airline industry is governed by a rapidly evolving framework of economic regulation by which many factors, significantly continued liberalisation and open skies, have caused much turbulence and uncertainty in this increasingly low margin market. Although separate entities, airlines and airports are interdependent and could not operate without the other. A major consequence of deregulation is airline concentration and strong economic drivers are pushing towards even further concentration and consolidation (Doganis, 2006). UK airport regulation was reformed with airport privatisation, enabling a long term focus to meet international demand and to maintain a customer focused business plan, allowing management to monitor and adjust costs and boost income. The aim of this report is to examine these consequences, and the benefits of airline and airport mergers and acquisitions, and will look specifically at the acquisition of Monarch Airlines by (known as Jet2(b) later in this report). It will also look at similar acquisition benefits of Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) by Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd (HAH). 2.Overview of Airlines Founded in 2003, Ltd is part of the Dart Group Plc and is the fourth largest leisure airline in the UK, serving the North and is based at Leeds Bradford International Airport. Flying to over fifty sun, sea and ski destinations across Europe and beyond, passenger numbers have rapidly increased to 5.9m in
  • 5. Genius In Badlands Perhaps the best thing about Badlands is the way the music itself is creatively put together and produced. For example, through the use of sound effects in her music, Halsey makes the songs come to life in a way that completely immerses the reader in her world. In the song Drive, she uses the sound of a car s engine starting, a seatbelt alarm, and tires revving on a road to add dimension. In Castle, the crashing noise of metal on metal can be heard, giving the song an urban feeling, and in Young God, she records herself saying: Forever cursed in love are the observant. Forever a slave to the detail, and plays it backwards, giving the beginning of the song a very ethereal feeling. Another example of genius music is in the use of musical
  • 6. Odysseus As A Hero In The Odyssey By Homer He charged into battle on the front line, he swung the sword and sliced off the enemy soldiers head clean off. There were only ten soldiers on the front line. The Odyssey is a series of books about a man named Odysseus, he went to war and got captured, it took him ten years of fighting and traveling to get home. Odysseusis considered a hero to the ancient Greeks because they wanted a hero to be intelligent, brave, and relatable and Odysseus fit that criteria. The ancient Greeks valued intelligence in a hero; Odysseus had that trait. When Odysseus was being held by the cyclops, he used his intelligence to then get the cyclops drunk and then stab him in the eye to escape. According to Adele J Half, Odysseus used his... brilliancy against the... Show more content on ... When Odysseus took a chance by getting the cyclops drunk and then stabbed him, that is bravery. Drunk, hiccuping,/ he dribbled streams of liquor (Homer. 370). Odysseus plan was to get the cyclops drunk so he could retrieve his makeshift spear and stab the cyclops in the eye. This is an example of Odysseus being brave because there was a big change that the cyclops could ve killed him in the process. Odysseus is Sailing past the sirens, creatures that pull you to your death with their voices. Odysseus bravely sails past the sirens (Homer. 700). Sailing past the sirens was brave of Odysseus to do because nobody has ever passed them and live, he knew this but still went. Also, the ancient Greeks wanted a hero to be brave because if they are shy or cowardly, they would not be able to do what they are supported to do(Haft. 55). Odysseus is relatable, that is one of the reasons why he is such a hero, people were able to make connections with him. In the beginning of the Odyssey, Odysseus goes into a town pretending to be a stranger. He asked them to play a song about him, that was his self centered side. Play a song about that hero named Odysseus (Homer. 355). This situation makes Odysseus relatable because he s being self centered, wanting to hear things about himself, people are able to make connections to him. Many people are like this today making him relatable. Once
  • 7. How Did Alexander Kerensky s Fall To The Fall Of The... After overthrowing Tsar Nicholas II, Russian people were optimistic for change. The Provisional Government inherited authority after the removal of Tsar Nicholas II. A better life was promised and optimism spread across the country as the Provisional Government took control. Eventually the Provisional Government was confronted by the same issues Tsarism faced. The majority of the people felt the abdication of the Tsar was positive, but now the main issue became Russias involvement in World War 1. Alexander Kerensky, was appointed Minister of War and rose to a higher rank on July 1917, when he became Prime Minister. Kerensky was initially praised for his role in the Duma and was favourite to become Russia s saviour. Despite his best efforts to unite all political parties, he soon alienated himself by not bettering the lives of the Russian people. He also lost the confidence of the left wing by refusing to apply their radical social and economic program. Kerensky failed to control certain aspects such as; Russia s involvement in World War 1, Land rights and the Kornilov Affair . Due to these failures Kerensky and the Provisional Government collapsed. During World War 1 Russia faced difficulties constantly. Russia suffered food, transport, men and weapon shortages regularly. After the failures of the June Offensive, Kerensky took charge. The Russian army s strength had been eroding for months. The Radical Left political group, the Bolsheviks, called for peace, land, and bread. . Kerensky had planned an offensive, known as the June Offensive. The June Offensive failed and this impacted negatively on the Russian army. Morale was dangerously low, whilst desertion and indiscipline began to grow. Weary soldiers terrorised the civilian population on their way home, and violence became a common daily condition in Russia. Whilst Kerensky was trying to inspire soldiers, Lenin was actively convincing people to stop fighting. General Brusilov said In a year of war the regular army had vanished. It was replaced by an army of ignoramuses. From July onwards it became increasingly evident that the majority of support for the soldiers lay with Lenin and the Bolsheviks, instead of Kerensky. Kerensky claimed propaganda had
  • 8. Henry Ford Assembly Line Henry Ford s Assembly Line: More than Just Changes to Automobile Production In the late 1800 s and early 1900 s the automobile was considered an expensive, custom made, consumer product that only the wealthy could afford to dazzle themselves with. In fact, in 1895 there was a report of only 300 cars in the United States, but that number grew dramatically in the years to come to nearly 1.7 million by 1914 (Car History, n.d.). This increase was due in part by two major shifts in the American society; the new consumer economy and the ideas that every family in America should be able to afford an automobile. Henry Ford was a large contributor to this massive increase in the United States and would make changes to the automobile industry that ... Show more content on ... Ford hired Fredrick Taylor, a motion study expert, to evaluate and refine the efficiency of his factories after years of trying to find ways himself (, 2009). Taylor took what he saw in the factories to make a more efficient workforce while Henry Ford developed tools and equipment to help with a better flow of the workforce. Together, they realized four distinct things from other smaller businesses that they wanted to immolate and bring to the big stage. These four principles were the use of interchangeable parts, division of labor, continuous flow, and reduced wasted effort (Science Odyssey, 1998). With these four principles in mind and the dream to produce a more cost efficient vehicle, Henry Ford and Fredrick Taylor created the first large scale assembly line in 1913 (Goss, 2014). This assembly line was able to transfer the time it took to build a single Model T from twelve hours to a mere two hours and thirty minutes (, 2009). With its eighty four distinct steps in the flow of the assembly line, a division of labor was created where a worker could be trained to do one specific task making him more efficient at that task and able to do a much better job (, 2009). Secondly, having interchangeable parts that would could be used between any model of Ford allowed Henry to focus on machinery that would produce these
  • 9. Global Warming On Polar Bears Research Paper Brenda Ceja Block G: Biology May 24, 2015 The Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears Introduction Global warming is the recent and ongoing rise of temperature on a global scale. Over the past century, the Earth s average temperature has risen 1.4В°F (Carlowicz, 2010). Global warming is the effect of an excessive amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses trap heat from escaping back into space to keep the Earth from freezing, this is called the Greenhouse Effect. An excessive amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap too much heat, thus, causing Earth s temperature to rise. The Earth s rise in temperature is melting ice in its colder regions. Many animals who live in the Arctic Circle, the lands surrounding ... Show more content on ... The melting sea ice is also affecting the polar bear s main prey, seals, forcing the bears to turn to alternate, less nutritious food sources. Once sea ice forms in the winter, seals use the ice to create dens to give birth to their pups. In these months, polar bears use sea ice as their hunting grounds to find seal dens. Now that Seasonal Ice is forming later and melting earlier (IPCC, 2013), seals have less time to build dens and give birth. Consequently, polar bears have less time to hunt their preferred prey of seal pups. They must spend more time on land hunting other animals of less nutritional value. Organizations like Sea World Parks have reported male polar bears occasionally eating newly born polar bear cubs because they cannot find other food to eat. Lack of nutritional food leads to a reduced body size. Polar bears are becoming thinner and weaker from not eating enough (Rode, Amstrup, Regehr 2010). They have to swim longer distances to find ice to hunt upon, causing many cubs to die because they are not yet strong enough. In the Hudson Bay, the average polar bear weight has decreased by 15% and the population has decreased by 20% (National Wildlife Federation). In the summer when there is no ice, polar bears in the Hudson Bay go onto land to fast until the ice reforms. Now that ice is
  • 10. My Work Based Learning Is The Popular Gourmet Hamburger Chain The Company Overview Company Creation My workplace and subsequently where I undertook my work based learning is the popular gourmet hamburger chain Byron Hamburgers , the company was founded in 2007 by Tom Byng and currently has 82 restaurants in the UK with 54 of them located in London. The inspiration that prompted Byron s creation occurred to Tom Byng during a trip to America, he ate at many diners during this trip sampling some of the best hamburgers that the nation has to offer. Upon his return to the U.K he realised that there were no restaurants that served hamburgers the proper American way and Byron was created. Food and Beverage The menu at Byron consists of hamburgers, salads and sides along with an extensive selection of craft beers. Due to the nature of the food served, such as the burgers being cooked medium and the different components of each burger, it is necessary that staff are sufficiently trained on all aspects of the menu. Service Style The service style in Byron, as with many casual dining restaurants is very laid back with staff members encouraged to talk to and build rapport with customers. The feeling throughout all Byron restaurants is modern, casual, artistic and humorous, this is communicated through all aspects of the company such as interior dГ©cor of the restaurants, the menus, the training and the marketing. The Bury St Edmunds Restaurant The Bury based restaurant where I work opened in September 2015 and can hold 130 guests,
  • 11. Bartocelli Art Analysis The characters above are all of mythological ideas, some possessing some biblical traits such as Venus with the halo created by the reflection of the orange grove. The red lines drawn on the image show the commonly used technique of perspective leading to the vanishing point which is the centre of the image. This is where Venus stands, which is a technical element conveying her importance within the painting. The impeccable attention and detail on Flora s face indicates that he was of the High Renaissance movement. Bartocelli used Egg tempera to create this painting. He has connected the colours of the paint with the message behind each part and being of the image. With the use of egg tempera, he had to work fast aw well as with this technique there must be an under colour and the darker colour over it. The under colour will therefore shine through, giving a stronger and clear final product. Symbols in the artwork include: o Fruit This including the orange which is the fruit of free will. There are no oranges only after the incident of Zephyr and Chloris, showing after trials will there only be fertilisation and produce o Colour The use or oranges and Red indicates the long for materialism, indulgence, carnal desire and a desire for worldly goods. Multiple Choice Answers 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A Question two (Naming Paintings) A. The Last Supper , Leonardo da Vinci B. The Birth of Venus , Sornado Bartocelli C. The meeting of
  • 12. The Five Dilemmas Of Social Norms Norms are prescriptions for accepted or expected behaviors. This week s assignment was to violate one of the five norms listed, or to choose your own as long as it did not cause harm to you or others. Below I will be describing my journey of trying to violate a social norm in a public setting, how I felt, the reactions people had towards me, and the barriers that kept me from choosing different options. Since I did not want to have to create my own social normto violate, I had five options to pick from. The social norm I chose to try to violate this week was number two: position yourself six inches from an acquaintance s nose during a conversation. The reason I chose this social norm to violate was because I thought it sounded like the easiest or least embarrassing choice. Other options required me to stand up in front of many people which is not enjoyable. Another reason I chose this one was because some of the options could not really be applied to my life. For example, I do not use public transportation nor do I use any elevators on campus. So, one night I was eating dinner with my roommate and cousin in the dinner center. My cousin usually sits next to me and my roommate usually sits across from me when we are eating. I thought to myself this would be a perfect situation for me to try to violate my social norm. Now, my cousin and I have not been super close in the past. We recently have become better acquainted since he also attends UNI. Even though we have not
  • 13. Harley Davidson Case Study Essay Strategic Brand Management Case study: Harley Davidson Contents Question 13 Question 25 1.Brand elements5 2.Criteria6 Question 38 1.Custom Vehicle Operations program (CVO)8 2.Harley Owners Group (HOG)8 3.Bar cafГ©8 4.Exchange of motorcycle9 5.Companies can learn from H D9 Question 410 1.Definitions10 2.Equally successful10 3.Non equally successful10 4.Co branding or not?11 Question 1 Make a detailed SWOT Analysis of the Harley Davidson Company, paying particular attention to the marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution, Personnel) STRENGTHS| WEAKNESSES| * Net income of 2003 was $760mn, ... Show more content on ... ( more than 70 ) Name of motorcycles: The first letter reveals the engine series, the second one the front head , the third one the frame style and the last one the frame family. /hdbikemodels.html Characters: The Harley Davidson brand characterizes the mid forties American willing freedom by riding wildly without any constraints. Slogan: Ride free , The Wild Ones , Easy Rider 2. Criteria Memorability: The names, the symbol and the logo of H D are known by everyone. In fact, the logo is easily recognized by customers. Meaningfulness: American flag and the eagle allow the association between the brand and its country of origin. IN fact this symbol recalls the customers that Harley Davidson is the best American motorcycle producer. The name can also give historical references to customers. Harley and Davidson are the co founders names. The name of the motorcycle helps the customer to recognize the products.
  • 14. Likeability: This brand has this image of free riding ride wildly without any constraints. Many people and customers look for that freedom . Moreover, American customers like the fact that the American flag because they are a very patriotic country. Transferability: H D is a unique product and lifestyle which represent the same symbol all around the world. The ride free slogan and the easy rider one can be easily transfer to other market segments such as Europe
  • 15. Analysis Of Strictly Ballroom Strictly Ballroom employs the dance medium to effectively create characterisation, the plot and a clash of cultures. Dance is used to explore character s feelings and struggles at a point in time to further enhance the plot. It is used to show attributes and emotions of characters and provides examples of clashing cultures though dance. Dance is the focus of Strictly Ballroom as the film follows young ballroom dancer Scott Hastings who is going through a personal struggle to stick to regulation steps, and therefore dance is integral to the plot. Dance is the focus of the film it explores the characters, for instance Scott uses dance to advance as a character. In the beginning, he tries to break free through dance, then as he dances on the rooftop with Fran he breaks free to an extent. Dance is used to as a device for characters to use to help set them free form their troubles as this is used the plot is advanced. Dance is the characters lives the different styles in the movie represent different emotional states they are in and this further continues the plot as they face their personal struggles. The film strictly ballroom encourages the viewer to relate to the journey experienced by Scott and Fran in the film. The viewer relates to the non conformity, self expression and individuality that dance creates which enhances characterisation. Scott is short tempered and stubborn and this shown in his dancing at the beginning of the film. His dance sticks to regulation steps
  • 16. Jade Stadium Redevelopment (project management) Essay Jade Stadium Redevelopment (project management) Introduction The redevelopment of Jade Stadium, formally Lancaster Park, has been a project in development for a number of years. It is interesting to view the processes and changes in approaches to reach compromises, that have occurred in the lead up to this project especially with the stage the redevelopment is at now, (near completion). The emphasis placed upon planning and funding has had a huge impact to not only the time frame for completion of project but at a more basic stage of whether the redevelopment would even go ahead. The information used for this review dates back only as far as January 99, but even by that stage several years work had gone into pushing and ... Show more content on ... Revenue The funding of the redevelopment of jade stadium has played one of the most contentious roles in the planning of the entire project. The sticking point for many was the level of input by the city council, of tax payers money into the Jade Stadium project. This process is shown to have been very political and taken more time than any other part of the planning chain. $43 million was needed to fund the redevelopment of Jade Stadium. $4 million of this was provided by the Christchurch city council, which was also responsible for underwriting the loan for the rest of the project. This loan has been planned to be fully repaid in 16 years, according to the business plan. Other major sources of revenue for the Jade Stadium redevelopment have been, Canterbury Rugby, Canterbury and New Zealand Cricket and the catering licensee, Spotless Services Limited. All were involved in providing a business plan, which proved the viability of the project and the capability of Jade Stadium Limited to repay the loan in the prescribed time frame. Grants were also received for the project from other sources, including The Community Trust, The Canterbury Foundation and the Lotteries Grants Board. The business plan also explored other avenues for gaining additional revenue; these included the possibility of naming rights, and by way of rental and the use of the corporate facilities. With
  • 17. Suicide Prevention And Intervention For Ptsd Effective Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Over the course of a lifetime, people experience both triumphs and trials. Accepting a new job, starting a family, or buying a new home are all exciting triumphs, while the loss of a loved one to illness or the endurance of domestic violence are overwhelming trials. In response to trauma and various difficult life situations, people often contemplate suicide. Existing literature on suicide, prevention, and intervention suggests an incredibly alarming number of people struggle with suicide ideation and behaviors. In the last decade, research evidence has been used to propose and implement prevention and intervention strategies in an effort to decrease the national suicide rate. For those who have experienced trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often an outcome. Because the national suicide rate remains high, and with an increase in traumatic events in the United States, there is likely a need for new and improved, empirically based prevention and intervention plans for supporting people with PTSD who are at risk of suicide. Thus, the following review outlines research exploring the relationship between PTSD and suicide, and more specifically, the prevention and intervention methods used in supporting people who have PTSD and are at higher risk of suicide. Relationship Between Suicide and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Nearly 800,000 people across the world are lost to suicide
  • 18. Bilingual Education In Australia Australia is a Multicultural country and as such, many students come to school speaking languages other than Standard Australian English (SAE). They must develop proficiency in SAE to obtain equal access to classroom learning across the curriculum. Educating these students relies heavily on teachers having the knowledge and ability to teach English as an Additional Languageor Dialect (EAL/D) Throughout the course of this semester I have used the discussion board to reflect on my knowledge and attitudes towards people who come from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. I have discussed the difficulties involved with EAL/D students, particularly focussing on Indigenous education. My discussion board posts have provided many opportunities ... Show more content on ... One reason for this is because it has less status in education than written language. In my learning activity (Appendix C) the assessment strategy used was to focus on students clarity, expression and tone. Derewianka (1992) acknowledges that while these features are important up to a point, they should not become the focus of the assessment. A better approach would be to incorporate eye contact, body language and gestures while at the same time being aware of culture specific behaviours. For example, maintaining eye contact may be considered impolite in some
  • 19. Essay On Aztecs World history has featured the rise and fall of numerous civilizations. Few have been as unique as the Aztecs. They quickly grew in the heartlands of Mexico from their conquering lifestyle. The Aztecs developed a style of living different from much of the other civilized world, partly due to the lack of cross cultural contact due to the Americas relative isolation from the rest of the world in the pre Columbian era. Nevertheless, the Aztecs created a society that was deeply cultural, and hugely successful. The Aztecs originated as a result of the several city states left after the fall of the Toltecs in Tula. As the rival regions vied for power in the region, a new tribe arrived in the Anahuac valley region and began to gain influence. Known as the Mexica, the group began to draw on the ... Show more content on ... The Ollama was an integral part of the Aztec lifestyle. The object of the game was to get a rubber ball about the size of a human head through a stone hoop at the sides of the court. The athletes had to keep the ball off the ground using only their hips, head, knees, and elbows (Encyclopedia Britannica). The outcomes were frequently bet on by people of all wealth. The more money you had, the more you bet. Nobles would bet their concubines, money, or even cities, whereas the poor would bet their freedom for risk of becoming a slave (New World Encyclopedia). Other cultural events included the ceremonial human sacrifices. The sacred rituals were in honor of the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli (Aztec History). The subjects were first painted with blue chalk, and taken to the top of the sacred pyramid in TenochtitlГЎn. The person laid on a stone slab, and their stomach would be cut open with a ceremonial obsidian knife. Each body part had a different purpose after being torn from the body: the heart was held up to the sun, the head was put on display, and the organs in the abdomen were fed to the zoo animals (New World
  • 20. The A 40 Year Old Woman Presents With Fatigue A 40 year old woman presents with fatigue. She has felt very run down for the past 3 months and has had no interest in participating in her usual activities and sporting events. She has had sleeping problems and low appetite. She is constantly feeling low and has frequent crying spells. Her physical examination is normal and thyroid function is normal. She is diagnosed with major depression and is referred for counseling and started on fluoxetine. What is the mechanism of action of fluoxetine? Fluoxetine is an antidepressant belonging to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class of drugs used mainly for the treatment of major depression, obsessive compulsive, disorder, and panic disorder (Nordqvist, 2014, p. 1). SSRI work by increasing the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates several aspects of brain function such as mood, sleep, and emotion (Mandal, 2014, p. 1). Fluoxetine works by blocking the absorption (reuptake) of serotonin, which helps to regulate and stabilize mood. Since uptake is an important mechanism for removing released neurotransmitters and terminating their actions on adjacent nerves, the reduced uptake caused by fluoxetine increased the free serotonin that stimulates nerve cells in the brain (Ogbru, 2014, p. 1). Why is fluoxetine the drug of choice? This medication is the drug of choice for this patient since the use in treating depression is well established.
  • 21. Angola Conflict, Social And Political Conflict In The... The Angola conflict was a civil war that was located in the South African state of Angola. This 27 year long civil war, that killed an estimated 800,000 people and displace 4 million people, broke out on 11 November 1975, right after the Portuguese colonial rule, and ended in 2002. Similar to many other post colonial states, Angola suffered both social and economical struggles which lead to a power struggle between three predominant liberation movements. It is important for us to study this civil war as we can learn many lessons from this major event in history, and make use of the information gathered from this to help us understand how these similar conflicts have started off and have developed to this state. Hence I would be analysing ... Show more content on ... Angola state had many different ethnic groups varying in their economic status, size and the amount of focus on the politics entities. With the three major ethnic groups: With Ovimbundu being the largest in dominating the area, it constitutes to about 37% of the Angola population. Second being the Kimbundu, making up about 25% of the Angola population and third being Bakongo, making up 13% of the Angola population. ( Malaquais, N.D) To liberalise Angola, the three movements formed. The three movements are: Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) which started in 1956 to lead against the colonialism, it consisted mostly of Mbundu. National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) restricting to the the Bacongo and National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unita) consisting mostly Ovimbundu. (BBC,1999) These three movements which were suppose to help improve the lives of the Angola people, not only did not make their lives better, but resulted to a greater distinct between the three major ethnicity. The groups were more clearly separated, with the formation of the movements. Thus making it even harder for the Ethnic groups to bond, and improve their relation ship. Although there were many other factors that could have cause the division between the ethnic groups, I think that
  • 22. Therapist Case Report Case report is a detailed narrative description of a real life problem or situation as well as a way to apply theoretical knowledge gained from the academic literature to real life situations that may serve as basis for future research. Case report can be done on any subject or topic. It is designed to analyze and understand the factors important to the etiology, care and outcome of the subject s problems, through a detailed description of a patient s background, present status and response to treatment. In my case report from JSPTR Undetected Pectoralis Major Tendon Rupture in a Patient Referred to a Physical Therapist in a Combat Environment include the following 4 sections: 1) Background Purpose: It introduces the main purpose or aim of the case study as well as a summary of a subject or a patient to indicate why the study ... Show more content on ... patient history, system reviews, physical examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, psychosocial aspects, intervention, follow up and the patient s progress). It is a part of the paper where in first explains why the patient was selected for the case report, provides it s relevant history including demographic characteristics and pertinent psychological, social and environmental factors, and includes relevant medical diagnoses . It also explains the examination procedures clearly, addresses the reliability and validity of the measurements i.e. cites published reliability studies, provides the results of your own mini reliability study, or makes a presumptive argument, explains all examination data as well as decision making process that led from examination through the evaluation, diagnosis, clinical impression and prognosis to the plan of care and the selection of intervention. In intervention it explains the chronology and amount of interventions as well as changes in treatment and rationale for changes made in interventions over
  • 23. MTT Project 1 Graphs With Application MTT Project 1 (Graphs with application) Name: Mohamed Alzbeidi ID: 1054072 Section: 1 Function: Quadratic Function Instructor: Jaya Kumar A. Introduction: Quadratic is the function that is used for a squared degree. In this function its graph is called a parabola. The graph of all quadratic function is called a parabola its shape is basically a U shape it might be transformed or reflected or inversed witch might change the shape in some cases The simplest quadratic function is: y(x)=X^2 Furthermore, the general form to the quadratic function is y=гЂ–axгЂ—^2+bx+c=0 In any case where a quadratic function cannot be solved the quadratic formula is used x=( bВ±в€ љ(b^2 4ac))/2a The Quadratic Inverse: y(x)=в€ љx... Show more content on ... The equation of the reflected graph is y=гЂ– (x)гЂ—^2 Example: y(x)=гЂ– (2x 3)гЂ—^2+1 C. Combination of all transformations with its inverse: Basic Function: y= 1/2 (2x 4)^2+2 Inverse Function: y(x)=2В±в€ љ(2 x)/в€ љ2 Full Graph including basic function its inverse and y = x D. Real life situation Quadratic Function A ball shot can be made using the equation y= 0.гЂ–0281xгЂ—^2+2x+10 , Where x is distance traveled (in feet) and y is the height (also in feet). How long was the throw? First we apply the quadratic formula x=( 2В±в€ љ(2^2 ) 4( 0.281Г—10))/(2( 0.0281)) x=75.9 ft x= 4.7 y=10 E. Summary Although quadratic functions do not seem difficult but it is related to most fields in science and examples can be made by any shape or act that might represent the form of a parabola. Including, there are more complex polynomials than the quadratic but it seems that this function is the best introduction to functions and there graphs. Recourses
  • 24. Surrealism And Surrealism Impressionism is an art movement originating in France which ran between the 1860s until the 1890s. Famous artists of the genre include Claude Monet and Gustave Caillebotte. The movement is typically characterized by its sketch like techniques and its use of bright vivid colors, giving the painting a bright look. Impressionism s sketch like appearance allowed artists to paint the world imperfectly as to demonstrate an impression of what it looks like, which is where the name comes from. The tendency of impressionist artists was also to paint shadows with a more colorful appeal by replacing the blacks and greys by colors. As the form did not represent the reality of a landscape, it allowed artists to also represent the optical effects of light and diverge from the mainstream norm of the realism movement. Surrealism is an art movement which ran between the 1920s until World War 2. Major artists of the movement include AndrГ© Breton, Salvador DalГ , RenГ© Magritte and Sigmund Freud whose work on human psychology has served as major inspiration for the movement. Surrealism can be recognized by its attempt to create an extremely fictional world and does not portray ours. Subjects in surrealist paintings seem very out of place and would not appear in that landscape in the real world. The practice of this movement draws heavily from Freud s research on the nature of the human subconscious and attempts to draw a painting of the surrealistic nature of dreams and human fantasy. The Pop
  • 25. The Pros And Cons Of Group Health And Kaiser Permanente Founded in 1946, Seattle s Group Health Cooperative was created by doctors and community members who believed that there needed to be a health care program that was affordable, member centered, and held principles of social justice. This cooperative was one that had been successful for many years, but just recently was acquired by the not for profit Kaiser Permanentehealthcare company on February 1, 2017 for 1.8 billion dollars. Although Group Health is a cooperativeand Kaiser Permanente is a nonprofit healthcare company, they have similar views on how they run their companies because both have missions to put their members and employees first. This is something that the articles stressed because this merge is going to affect thousands of members and employees. I plan on focusing on the process Kaiser Permanente had when wanting to take over Group Health Cooperative, the pros and cons of the final decision to merge the two healthcare programs, and ultimately how Group Health s marketing and management strategies will be implemented in the merge. (12) Back in December of 2015, Kaiser Permanente planned to acquire Group Health Cooperative for 1.8 billion dollars with a proposition to invest $1 billion in new equipment, staff, facilities and research in hope to improve health in Washington state. In the Advisory Board s article Eyeing growth, Kaiser announces first major acquisition in over a decade it says, these deals are focused on delivering a better product to
  • 26. Stephen King s Shawshank Redemption Essays Stephen King s Rita Haywort and the Shawshank Redemption Rita Haywort and the Shawshank Redemption was first presented in 1982, by Stephen King and hooked the hearts of the world s readers. Literature reviews were immediately written about the book and quickly recognized as one of the years best. Rek Rehn, a book reviewer for Mouth Wrote: This book is the jewel of the crown, a tender tale of hope, friendship and retribution. Years later in 1994, Shawshank Redemption was again recognized by a wider audience. It was released as a major motion picture directed by Frank Darabont. The film presented very respectable actors, such as Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. The Shawshank Redemption creates a warm hold on our feelings ... Show more content on ... This does not make a very good point. Clancy Brown played Byron Hadley, captain of the guard, who was a nasty and brutal man that had the position of the warden?s right hand man. A guy who gives beatings left and right each time showing the audience a little more about whom his character really is. There?s no way he would have done one extra thing than the minimum his deal with Andy required. This might be a small thing to point out, but it shows the director?s desire to smooth over and gloss up the story. Red?s search for the tree in the film makes it seem like he finds the fence and the tree almost immediately. He was only dropped off and just looked around for a while and there it was. ?A rock with no earthly business in a Maine hayfield? (99). There is a paragraph of description in the book that could have been used as a good voice over for the film. Therefore, not adding on more second to the running time, but really improving the moment in the story. In the book, Red talks about looking every weekend for weeks, walking around not knowing if the spot he is looking for had turned into a shopping center or a housing project. Why cut this part out of the movie? For all the viewer knows, the director may not of had enough time to fit in such a small yet important part to the film. The last scene of the film is just like the beer subject mentioned earlier. The director continues to make his so called improvements. The book ends
  • 27. 12th Century Mesoamerica After Two centuries of migration and warfare between the 12th century they had been searching for a place to settle mainly in the northern parts of mesoamerica. Finally in 1325 or 1345 they settled in called Tenochtitlan or mexico city today. They consider themselves as mexica people and were always rulers of mesoamerica. Mesoamerica was all of mexicoand parts of central america. They also settled in an island in a lake Texcoco. gods 15th 16th century The patron deity of the aztecs is huitzilopochtli. god of war and symbol of the sun.Every day the young warrior uses the power of sunlight to drive from the sky the darkness away.Every evening he dies and the darkness returns. for the next days fight he needs strength. He diets on human
  • 28. The Hollow Men Analysis Literary texts use various elements and methods to convey particular messages, positioning readers to take on the views of the author. The poem The Hollow Men by T.S Eliot addresses the failures of human courage and faith and his modernist style like most poets after him is an extremely expressive one, one with much of his poetry reflecting his own attitudes and beliefs about the importance of religious faith. Eliot s manipulation of various literary conventions invites the readers to adopt his own attitudes and beliefs towards matters of religionand the meaning of life. Through intertextual referencing and allusions, to relevant historic events, paradoxes and symbolism, Eliot positions readers to perceive religion as valuable, and... Show more content on ... The broken column and fading star allows readers to view salvation as a dreamlike vision of the futility and confusion of modern society if they abandon their religious commitment in short, it will come back to haunt them. In addition to the warnings of the epigraph, the desolation of the surrounding environment which is a prevalent feature Eliot s use of the desolation of the surrounding environment which is a prevalent feature in The Hollow Men, complements his use of paradoxes and symbolism allowing him to draw attention to the emptiness of the hollow men . Elliot removes himself from the collective narration for two verses to give four examples of other things that have missing essentials . For example, shape without form, shade without colour, paralysed force, gesture without motion is paradoxical as you cannot have shape without form or shade without colour. These incomplete contractions symbolise just like the hollow men they are half real, missing something else that will make them real. The concept of a shapeless form reiterates the theme of emptiness, as a shape becomes a form only when it has substance otherwise it s just an empty idea. The poet provides contradictory examples, perhaps to represent the confusion surrounding the hollow men inviting the reader to view the world as if lacking
  • 29. Personal Response on the On the Rainy River ELA 30 1: Personal Essay October 16, 2012 Gaddiel O. Matira Is it fair to hold individuals responsible for a choice society pressured them to make? Canada might have been one of the best places in the world but for me and Tim, Canada is a lot more than that. For Tim O Brien s On the Rainy River , Canada is freedom: freedom from the draft letter that pressures him to go to war, freedom from the war that he never understood and always hated, freedom from the dirt, tent, and mosquitoes, freedom from that dense greasy pig stink and blood clots in the slaughterhouse, freedom from his country, and freedom from his conscience... or is it? On the other hand, for me, Canada is separation: separation from the friends and family who I most ... Show more content on ... The same society that built the morals and beliefs and principles he has in him had then become the same society that crippled him to make the choice of leaving all those behind as he stated, And what was so sad, I realized, was that Canada had become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a possibility. Right then, with the shore so close, I understood that I would not do what I should do. (55) In the stories Tim O Brien and I shared, there is this one little detail in common, we both made a choice. At first, the decision of moving to Canada felt like a selfish decision I was forced to make only for the family s sake. Actually, I even held them responsible for my misery for a couple of weeks. But as those weeks and months pass by, I came to realize that such choice was actually one of the greatest things that can happen to me, for it was more than just an opportunity for our family to be whole but a breakthrough to endless possibilities towards reaching my dreams. However, for Tim, without any further details after he went to the war, we are
  • 30. Living in a World with Danger and Killing We live in a world, where war is a constant danger and is a recurring issue in our lives. Death and violence are constant topics of discussion throughout the media and most Americans have grown accustomed to hearing about these issues on a daily basis. It seems that the reaching ideal of global peace is an impossible feat and that justice will never be reached. Nations throughout the world have made the promise We will never fight again on numerous occasions, yet the world is still afflicted with wars, mass killings and political turmoil. As citizens of a world population we have become too consumed with the pursuit of wealth and power and the lofty ideals of world unity have fallen by the wayside. Globally, almost everyone would prefer to live in a world of peace. Peace may seem to be a simple world, but in reality it is a difficult concept to comprehend and has proven to be an insurmountable problem. Historically, there have been several attempts at creating international bodies to promote peace, but none have been effective. In many instances throughout history disastrous calamities could have been avoided, but for a lack of a competent international lawmaking body. The mass killings that occurred in Rwanda are a perfect example of a failure of an international lawmaking body. In this case, the United Nations had extremely accurate information about what was occurring in Rwanda, but they stood by and let the killings of hundreds of thousands of people take place
  • 31. Neil Postman Amusing Ourselves To Death Analysis Let s Play Peek A Boo Today, when almost everyone carries a smartphone, information about everything is instantly right at our fingertips. In today s society that may seem like a significant advantage over the past, however, in Neil Postman s book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, he presents a different view. Written some twenty years before widespread use of the internet, Postman builds a case for the liabilities of the endless amounts of information. In the fifth chapter, The Peek A Boo World. He explores the impact on the public discourse of two mid nineteenth century inventions, the telegraph, and the photograph. The author views the telegraph changed the public discourse by making information and news irrelevant, impotent and incoherent. ... Show more content on ... While Postman points out the literal meaning of photography is writing with light ; the two are from completely different universes when it comes to public discourse (p. 71). Unlike typography, photography cannot offer assertions, make propositions and offers no commentary. As long as it is not an altered photograph, it has no choice but to be true (p. 73). Thus, the photograph is only able to capture a moment in time and does not have the ability to comment on that moment. Our author contends, where language presents the world as an idea, the photographs only option is to show the world as an object (p. 72). Whereas in language, the correct context requires consideration of what is said before and after, in photography there is no before and after, only the snapshot of time. Therefore, by its very nature photography is context free (p. 73). As photography immersed itself in the American culture author, Daniel Boorstin called this the graphic revolution. Postman is unequivocal on the point that the traditional forms of information, news, and even reality itself received an impairment by this new focus on images. For examples, he cites billboards, posters and advertisements. He points to magazines Life, Look and several newspapers. The picture was the focal point, and the writing was forced to take a less dominate roll and sometimes done away with altogether (p.
  • 32. Egyptian Religion And Ancient Egypt Egyptian Religion Jose Saucedo English II Honors November 20, 2014 Egyptian Religion Egypt was a very powerful empire lasting more than 3000 years, which is divided into 8 or 9 periods, sometimes called kingdoms. But what made their empire, so powerful, what made it last more than 3 millennia. Egyptologist believes that it was due to Egypt s strong bond with their gods and goddesses and their mythological beliefs. The gods and goddesses and the myths were the foundations of Egypt s cultural structure. The Egyptian gods were vital in the religion and culture of Egypt. The gods were the explanation for life, death, basically everything about on earth and in our universe. The most popular gods were Ra, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Seth, and Anubis. Ra was the god of the sun and creation. He was often depicted as a hawk headed man with a sun disk; he may also be depicted as a scarab beetle. Osiris is the god of life, death, and the afterlife. Osiris has the appearance of a mummified Pharaoh; he wore an Atef crown with feathers on the sides, and held a crook and flail, the tools of a Pharaoh. He had green skin, with meaning rebirth to the Egyptians. Isis was the wife of Osiris, and the mother of Horus. She was also the goddess of magic, marriage, and healing. She is depicted as a queen with a sun disk. Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. Horus is the Egyptian god of the sky. He became the king of Egypt after fighting his uncle Seth. He is usually depicted as
  • 33. Muuskets During The American Civil War During the American Civil War there were many advancements in firearm technology. However many older stratagems and weapons were still being used by both the Union and Confederate forces. The improvements of military and civilian technology also aided both sides of the war. The most widely used personal firearm of the American Civil Warwere rifled muskets. However many Revolutionary period muskets were still in use, these muskets were very inaccurate and had an effective range of about 80 yards. Most soldiers carried muzzleloading rifles, rifles while slower to reload were much more accurate than the musket. The rifling in the barrels, increased the accuracy of these weapons to nearly 400 yards. The most widely used rifle of the Union
  • 34. John Deere Tractors I researched a John Deere. A John Deere helps farmers to plow up the land easier than doing it by hand or horses. John Deere tractors can help with just about anything on the farm, such as planting,harvesting, and mowing. It s not as back breaking as it would be by doing it by hand. John Deere has technology that can help plowing be more efficient and straighter rows then doing it with animals are yourself. The plow was invented in 1837 by John Deere. He knew how excruciating the pain was by doing it by hand and the toll it took on the animals. So one day he envisioned the soil sliding easier and more efficient. So he took one of his broken steel saw blades and started making the first plow invented. In 1837 the first plow was made by John Deere it was pulled by animals. In 1892 in Northeast Iowa, John Froelich invented the first ever gas powered tractor. It was the first tractor that could backup and go forward. He used this tractor to separate the wheat from the plant easier then by hand. In 1954 the first combine was made it was a 2 row corn head that could do 20 acres of corn in a single operation. In 1957 the first baler was invented the 14T baler produced good shaped bales that it could then transfer the bales onto the hay rack without them getting off the rack to pick them up. The baler took less ... Show more content on ... It was used for cutting yards,Golf courses, baseball fields, football fields, and other different sporting events. Thanks to its variable speed drive it was a big seller all across the world. Fast forward to know lawn mowers these days are far better than they were back then, they can do more things now then they could back then because today s mowers are more efficient at cutting the grass. There are different attachments to the mowers now then there was back then like a handle to move the deck up and down, and adjusting the deck to a certain height for the right cut of what you want your grass to
  • 35. Aavin AREA PROFILE Country| India| State| Tamilnadu| District| Tirnelveli| Subdistict(s)| Tirunelveli,Palayam kottai,Sankaran kovil, Ambasamudram, Nanguneri, Kadayanallur, Radhapuram, Tenkasi, Shenkottai, Alangulam, Veerakeralmpudur, Sivagiri.| District formed on | September 01,1790| Headquarters| Tirunelveli| Largest city| Tirunelveli| Legislature(seats)| elected(11)| Sex ratio| Male 49% / Female 51%| Governement:Body| Tirunelveli city Municipal corporation| Collector| Thiru C. Samayamoorthy IAS| Sub Collector| Tmt Bhajibhakare Rohini Ramdas IAS| Mayor| Vijila Sathyanand| Area| | City | 108.65 km2 ( sq mi)| Elevation| 47 m ( ft)| Population (2011)| | City| 4,78,838|... Show more content on ... There are 19 Panchayat Unions (Blocks) in this district. 1. Palayamkottai 2. Manur 3. Melaneelithanallur 4. Sankarankovil 5. Kuruvikulam 6. Cheranmahadevi 7. Ambasamudram 8. Pappakudi 9. Kadayam 10. Kalakadu 11. Nanguneri 12. Vallioor 13. Radhapuram 14. Alangulam 15. Keelapavoor 16. Tenkasi 17. Shencottai 18. Kadayanallur 19. Vasudevanallur Taluk Administration: Tahsildars are in charge of Revenue administration at taluk level. He is assisted by Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar, Taluk Supply Officer and Zonal Deputy Tahsildars. Each taluk is divided into a number of firkas which comprises a number of Revenue villages. Revenue Inspector at firka level and Village Administrative Officer at Village level assist the Tahsildar. List of Firkas / Villages in each Taluk is as follows S.No.| Name of Taluk| No.of Firkas| No.of Revenue Villages| 1| Tirunelveli| 6| 81| 2| Palayamcottai| 4| 58| 3| Sankarankoil| 9| 87| 4| Ambasamudram| 8| 90| 5| Nanguneri| 6| 70| 6| Radhapuram| 7| 41| 7| Tenkasi| 4| 36| 8| Shencottai| 3| 18| 9| Sivagiri| 4| 25| 10| Alangulam| 5| 30| 11| Veerakeralampudur| 4| 23| | Total| 60| 559| Tirunelveli District Population 2011:
  • 36. Film Analysis Of Christian Symbolism In The Last Supper This film begins in a remote 19th century Danish village where a Lutheran minister and his two daughters reside. Early in the movie, both daughters have the option to leave their home and venture off into different parts of the world: one with a young Swedish military man named Lorens and the other with a French operasinger who attempts to take one of the sisters as his protГ©gГ©. Both politely reject the offers to escape their pious village, choosing to stay with their father instead. Years later, after the father s passing, a young French woman by the name of Babette arrives at their door with a note. The note is addressed to the sisters from the Frenchman, begging them to provide refuge for Babette as she just escaped the French Civil War. The sisters take her in and put her to work as their servant. Soon after, the sisters want to host a celebration for what would have been their father s 100th birthday. Babette, who recently won the French lottery offers to cook a full French meal for the celebration. The sisters reluctantly accept her offer and she prepares a meal that would change the lives of her and those enjoying her meal. Upon analysis of the film, it is obvious that Christian symbolism in laced throughout. From the opening scene of the hanging cod to the feast that could be compared to portrayals of The Last Supper, the film has obvious ties to Christianity, but these ties may go further than the common viewer might see. One tie that correlates directly with a
  • 37. Surveillance Of U.s. Citizens Ameer Lee 4/30/2015 1108 ENGL In this day and age it is very hard to be secretive or private about affair, whether it be business or the other sense of the word when two people come together as forbidden lovers, ask Bill Clinton. One often acquires a feeling of eeriness while alone or when the phone rings and no one is there. And that individual labels these incidents as paranoia or thinks nothing of it. But what if this isn t coincidence? What if someone has tapped lines and to ensure it is working the phone rings. Remember that Collect call from , the government you received yesterday? Wake up people. Surveillance of U.S. Citizens is real. The NSA is videotaping, tapping the phone lines and watching us watching them. That... Show more content on ... This company is the juiciest part of the peach because everyone depends on them not only for valid information but proof, pictures, recordings you name it. As the website say Our customers know they can count on us to provide what they need, when they need it, wherever they need it. But what is that suppose to mean and why did they decide to use the word customers? Who are the industry partners and allies? Is the NSA only keeping surveillance on possible threats in the USA or are they watching U.S. citizens for entertainment or bigger purposes. If one was to really think about it it takes time to observe the environment to know for sure that something is wrong with it. It is just like looking into a camera and saying there s the bad guy . Innocent U.S. citizens are being stoke and having their right for privacy violated. These are peoples lives. NSA was established on November 4, 1952, by President Harry Truman. At the time Truman was sworn in as the 33rd president of the U.S. after Roosevelt s unforeseen death. In hopes to end WWII the NSA was established and helped win the war by breaking German and Japanese codes and encrypted messages. Ironically Truman died in 1972 when the CSS and NSA joined forces. Seemed to be all fine and well using surveillance for good and winning the war. The people were happy when their troops came home. Where the NSA systems down when Bush became president? 9/11 did happen but no one could predict or find information on this
  • 38. Why Do Circuses Survive If Animals Should Be Banned VII.Will Circuses Survive If Elephants Are Banned? A. The Show Will Go On Many circuses have dropped animal shows from circus programs, to model choreographed shows such as Cirque de Soleil. But, some companies as Ringling, Universoul and Carson Barnes continue to use elephants. Ballet and live theatre is another phenomenal that circuses are changing to retain diversity in the entertainment market. The most popular of these shows, Cirque du Soleil, describes itself as based on a totally new concept: a striking, dramatic mix of the circus arts, street entertainment, featuring wild, outrageous costumes, staged under magical lights and set to original music. With not a single animal in the ring . . . . Several traditional circuses are ... Show more content on ... Some have already taken the step of dropping elephants from their show, while others, have changed their strategies to focus less on animals but humans. In 2004, the Cole Bros. circus, a one hundred twenty one year traveling show, eliminated the use of elephants and other wild animals, during performances. The show focuses on acrobats, a high wire motorcycle team and performers dressed as comic book movie heroes. The Cole Bros. believed that without wild animals they could put on a better show. In 2005, the Moscow State Circus purchased the rights to the name of Circus Vargas. Circus Vargas is an animal free circus. Circus Vargas first performed in San Diego, California in 2005. The performers delivered a show entirely in Spanish featuring an aerial motorcycle act, acrobats, trapeze artists, contortionists, daredevil stunt performers, aerialists and clowns. The Big Apple Circus, established in 1977, has not gotten rid of animals, but it is only partnering with animals that have a traditional working relationship with man . The Big Apple Circus continues to explore and address the needs of performing animals and insist upon sensitivity to quality of life, both in and out the ring for all performers. In July 2000, the Big Apple Circus stopped touring with
  • 39. The Classical Utilitarianism Line Combined With Rational... There are some questions in this life we will ask and never receive an answer to. Not because the questioned simply does not want to answer but perhaps because they cannot answer. This theory falls into the classical utilitarianism line combined with rational choice theory (Barkan p. 93). In researching Edward Theodore Gein, I discovered this is one of those cases where Why never came to pass and he took to his own grave those unanswered questions. Did these acts of crime and necrophilia arise from the clear dysfunctional home life and upbringing or was Ed Geinsimply a psychopath? How he came to be. Born on August 27, 1906 in La Crosse, Wisconsinto George Philip and Augusta Gein; Ed was the second of two sons. Gein was raised in ... Show more content on ... One must ask how much hereditary influence from his mother was a factor in Geins rational choice theory. Nature versus the lack of nurture in the upbringing of Ed Gein and his brother. Nonetheless, offenders still make decisions that appear rational to them at the time they make them (Barkan, p. 96). Theory Analysis Ed Gein deeply desired to please his mother above all else. Augusta Gein an archaic Lutheran controlled her sons to the extreme. Ed did attend public school however he was an outcast and often bullied by other students. Despite the mistreatment, he managed to do well in and enjoyed school. When Ed tried to socialize at school this did not please his mother and anytime Ed tried to make friends, his mother scolded him. The isolation from any other outside influences could not have been healthy and added to his insecurities in an everyday social lifestyle. Gein was often described as a loner, awkward and aloof. Augusta read to both her sons daily from the Old Testament Bible from scripture usually graphic in nature with versus dealing with death, murder and divine retribution. Gein tried to make his mother happy but his efforts were usually met with harsh criticism and she was rarely pleased with her sons. She often scolded them and verbally abused them by telling them they were going to end up disappointments like their father (Woods, 1995). As Sigmund Freud believed that some people with unresolved deep seated problems are psychopaths. Potentially the
  • 40. Impact Of Globalization On The World Of The Neoliberal Era... The world is a far more connected place today than 150 years ago. The rapid rate of technological advancement which in turn accelerated international trade has led us to an age where states are politically, economically and culturally interconnected. Now, to many, this seems like a good thing, and in many cases it is: the ability to talk to someone instantaneously from the other corner of the planet, to buy something from china and for it to arrive within a week... are all positive things that stem from globalization, but underneath these superficial changes the world has seen a pretty big economic shift since the dawn of the neoliberal era and the rebirth of globalization. To be able to properly analyze the effect globalization has had on inequality we have to look at how we define it: Most neoliberalists tend to look exclusively at extreme poverty as the reference point for inequality and therefore the only objective to eliminate, in fact the World Banks online entries about poverty (,2016) talk only about the extreme type of poverty, whereas most critics of neoliberalismunderline the need for economists and politicians to also focus on relative poverty and the fast growing gap between the rich and the poor. There is also the question of who we are referring to when talking about inequality; inequality can be discussed both at state level and at an individual level. In theory the answer should be simple; according to David
  • 41. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory The movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was made in 1971 and is based off Roald Dahl s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It tells the story of a young boy named Charlie Bucket who is one of five children who wins a golden ticket to a tour of Willy Wonka s mysterious chocolate factory. The movie shows many themes of good versus evil, giving in to temptations and redemption which are also themes shown throughout the Bible. The first biblical worldview that Willy Wonkaand the Chocolate Factory explores is good versus evil. In the movie there are two characters that can easily identifiable as good and evil. Willy Wonka represents good as he often brings happiness and joy to his surroundings and is the one who gives out the golden ... Show more content on ... This is done through the character of Charlie Bucket. Charlie is the protagonist in the story, but he is not perfect as, like the other children, he also gives into temptation. This happens when Charlie and his Grandpa decide to try a drink that will make you fly, although by doing this they nearly get killed, they eventually return safely back to the group, believing that no one had found out about what they did. This has many connections to the story of Adam and Eve, who eat a forbidden fruit but believe that God will not be able to catch them. However, God knew what they had done and in result they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Charlie, like Adam and Eve, also pays the consequences of this actions when Wonka denies him the prize of a lifetime supply of chocolate. Unlike the story of Adam and Eve however, when Charlie shows remorse for his actions Wonka reveals to him that he was only testing him and declares that he wants Charlie to take over the factory. This relates to the bible in John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness . This idea also touches on the biblical worldview that no human is perfect and it is impossible for someone not to sin, however it is to ask for forgiveness which is most
  • 42. The Social Climate Of White And Blue Collar College is one of the most beneficial gifts a parent can give to their child, an opportunity to give their children a higher education than what they received. College tuition has more than double when compared to the last generation, making unpayable debts increasingly higher on graduates. At the same time college admission rates have also increased, creating a factory with a high surplus of college graduates looking for a jobs that there is not enough demand for. Universityin the past was considered a privilege but now it has become a cultural standard in the U.S. and the rest of developed nations. The social climate of white and blue collar classes, the idea of working hard vs. the idea of working smart, may have created the social climate that looks down on blue collar workers. Even though Hacker and Dreifus, and Murray take two different approaches to the purpose of universities, they actually agree on the important idea that colleges are not for everyone, contrary to popular belief, this common ground becomes clear through the price of admission, the stigma of a college education, and the original purpose of going to college. Colleges are taking on too many roles and doing none well (Hacker and Dreifus). As stated, the price of admission has clearly augmented in the last decades. What is to gain from paying ludicrous amounts to a PhD factories? Universities have also grown to become a $420 billion dollar conglomerate in the last decades that is immune to