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Consumer Products and Retail   the way we see it

All-Channel Experience:
Digital Product Data
How to Enhance the Online Shopper Experience with
Improved Digital Product Data
New channels, social networking                       digital channels. At the minimum,
                                                                    and technological developments                        consumers should be able to get
                                                                    have fundamentally changed the way                    information about a product that is
                                                                    consumers interact with retailers                     similar to what they can find on the
                                                                    and consumer products companies.                      product packaging.
                                                                    The consumer is in the driver’s seat,
                                                                    and the challenge for companies is                    Digital channels have created a need
                                                                    to maintain a true two-way dialogue.                  for rich consumer-oriented product
                                                                    This requires businesses to interact                  data, but in many cases, the digital
                                                                    with shoppers in new ways, with more                  product information provided to
                                                                    personalized and relevant content,                    shoppers is inaccurate, incomplete
                                                                    and to offer a seamless customer                      or missing entirely. For example, in
                                                                    experience across all channels.                       research conducted by GS1 UK and
                                                                                                                          the Cranfield School of Management,
                                                                    The rapidly evolving communication                    91% of mobile barcode scans returned
                                                                    landscape enables shoppers to decide                  incorrect product descriptions and
                                                                    themselves when, where and how to                     75% returned no data at all.1 A key
                                                                    interact with a retailer or consumer                  step to provide better information and
                                                                    products company. A key driver for                    enhance the dialogue with shoppers
                                                                    those decisions is the relevancy of                   is to improve the visibility of product
                                                                    the product information that is made                  data in digital channels.
                                                                    available for consumers through

Figure 1: Product Data Visibility Analyzed Across 13 Product Data Attributes

                                                                                             PRODUCT DATA
                              1                            2                             3                   4                      5
                                     PRODUCT                                                  INGREDIENTS/        MANUFACTURER
                                                               SPECIFICATIONS                                                            PACKAGING
                                    NAME/BRAND                                                  FEATURES

                              6                            7                             8                   9                      10
                                                                    SEARCH                        USAGE           CERTIFICATIONS/
                                       VISUAL                                                                                            LANGUAGE
                                                                  ATTRIBUTES                  INSTRUCTIONS          STANDARDS

                                                          11                           12      PRODUCT
                                                                                                             13    CUSTOMER
                                                                                             AVAILABILITY*          RATINGS*

                                                           * These are functional aspects that may not be under Product Data
                                                             Management (PDM) but are relevant for product data visibility and
                                                             have been considered for this framework.
Source: Capgemini

1	   “Beyond the Label: Providing Digital Information Consumers Can Trust,” GS1 and Capgemini, 2011.

Consumer Products and Retail                  the way we see it

Taking a Close-Up Look at
                                                Maturity Levels for Digital Product Data
Digital Product Data Visibility
To evaluate the visibility of digital           Three maturity levels were defined for each data attribute examined in the study.
product data, Capgemini conducted
                                                Level 1, Basic: Companies at this level provide the “bare minimum” of product data
a global research study involving 62
                                                visibility in their digital channels. This represents the “must-have” level of product data
leading retail and consumer products
                                                visibility to start online or digital store operations.
(CP) companies in the grocery
category. The companies analyzed                Level 2, Advanced: Companies at this stage have an advanced level of product data
are based in the U.S., Canada, UK,              visibility in their digital channels. They provide a better-than-average shopper experience
Netherlands, France, Germany,                   across the different product data visibility attributes.
Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and
                                                Level 3, Leader: Companies at the highest level have a leading-edge product data
Australia. All selected companies
                                                proposition and are considered best-in-class in their category.
are considered leading online
grocery retailers in their market. The          Each level was defined in more detail for each product attribute, which then formed the
companies’ online sites were assessed           framework for this study through which both retailers and manufacturers were analyzed.
across 13 product data attributes               Examples of the framework attributes and the corresponding levels of maturity are
(Figure 1, previous page), and three            shown in Table 1.
maturity levels were defined for each
                                                For example, in the case of certifications and standards, the Advanced level would
attribute (Basic, Advanced, Leader; see
                                                include some certificates or standards with text or symbols. These could be retailer
                                                specific or brand specific. At the Leader level, the information would be more detailed
                                                and might include most locally used public certifications and standards. The information
The objective of the research was to
                                                could be available either on the product page or through a link.
evaluate how visible and consumer
driven the product data is in retailers’        The complete framework is available in the full study. Please contact your Capgemini
and CP companies’ digital channels.             representative for more information and possible benchmarking of your company.
Following is an overview of the
analysis for each attribute.

Table 1:	 Digital Product Data Maturity Levels by Product Information Dimension (Examples)

                         Product Name/Brand                    Ingredients/Features                      Certifications/Standards

     Description        Representation of the product        Ingredients and nutritional                Information on product safety
                        and brand - optimized for            information, also icons for easy           standards, accreditation,
                        customer search and                  identification of product features          environmental standards, energy
                        search engines                                                                  certifications, etc.

                        Name/brand in simple text            No information or only                     None
      Level 1:                                               ingredients presented

                        Name/brand with logo.                Ingredients and nutritional                Some certificates or standards/
      Level 2:          Product description                  information available                      text or symbols. Can be retailer
      Advanced          enhanced for shopper                                                            specific, brand specific, etc.

                        Optimized for customer               Detailed information on product            Detailed information - includes
                        search and link to                   page and icons for easy                    most locally used public
      Level 3:
                        manufacturer's website.              identification                              certifications and standards.
                        Great value-adding                                                              Either on the product page or
                        storytelling about the product                                                  available through link

Source: Capgemini

Digital Product Data	                                                                                                                         3
Product Name/Brand Best Practice:                 Figure 2: Product Name/Brand Results (%)

 Value-adding product descriptions
 and brand visuals offer potential for
 manufacturers to improve product
 visibility in digital channels. French retailer
 Intermarché provides the brand name                           80
 and logo on its product pages as well as
 enhanced product descriptions to add
 value and differentiate products.                             60



                                                                              Basic                 Advanced              Leader

                                                                                      Retailers   Consumer Products

                                                   Source: Capgemini


                                                   1 Product Name/Brand                              2 Specifications
                                                   Representation of the product and
                                                                                                     Information on product size,
                                                   brand, optimized for customer                     weight and dimensions, ideally
                                                   search and search engines. The                    illustrated with an image. The
                                                   majority 60 retailers studied are at
                                                              of                                     majority of both retailers and CP
                                                   the Basic level, providing only the               companies provide only minimum
                                                   product name, typically in plain text.
                                                                           43.9                      information on product specifications.
                                                   CP companies are more advanced
                                                              40                                     Nearly half of retailers and 38% of
                                                   in presenting logos and product                   CP companies can be classified as
                                                   descriptions next to the product                  Advanced, but none are in the Leader
                                                   names on their websites than
                                                                                  14.3               segment. Typically both retailers and
                                                   retailers: 81% of consumer products               manufacturers only report the product
                                                   companies are in the Advanced                     weight on their websites, even though
                                                   segment, compared with only 7% of                 product dimensions might also be
                                                                              Basic                 Advanced                 Leader
                                                   retailers (Figure 2). Leading retailers           of particular interest to customers
                                                   also provide compelling descriptions
                                                                                    Retailers        shopping online.
                                                                                                  Consumer Products
                                                   of the products and their usage.
                                                   Storytelling is a great way to create
                                                   shopper relevancy and differentiate
                                                   products in customers’ minds. Some
                                                   retailers provide better storytelling
                                                   for their own-label items than for the
                                                   manufacturer counterparts.


                                                           40                Consumer Products and Retail           the way we see it


                                                                         Basic                 Advanced               Leader

                                                                                 Retailers   Consumer Products

 Ingredients/Features Best Practice:          Figure 3: Ingredients/Features Results (%)

 As consumers become increasingly
 interested in the nutritional value of
 products, expanded information on
 ingredients and features can enhance
 the shopping experience. U.S. online                      80
 grocery retailer Peapod provides
 detailed information on product features,
 ingredients, nutritional and storage                      60                                        57.1
 information, as well as quick-view icons
 like “gluten-free,” “freezable,” “low-fat”                           43.9                    41.5
 and “vegetarian” to help facilitate the                   40

 shopping process.                                                                                                         28.6

                                                                              14.3                                  14.6

                                                                         Basic                 Advanced               Leader

                                                                                 Retailers   Consumer Products

                                              Source: Capgemini

                                              3 Ingredients/Features                            Leading companies also display their
                                              Information on ingredients and
                                                                                                own icons to facilitate the shopping
                                              nutritional information, as well                  process to indicate, for example, light,
                                              as icons for easy identification of               non-lactose or low-sodium products.
                                              product 80 features. The companies                Some of the retailers studied use
                                              studied were split among the three                pictures of actual product packages to
                                              maturity levels (Figure 3). With                  provide Gross Daily Allowance (GDA)
                                              stricter regulatory development,
                                                                                                values, as good quality information
                                              companies will be increasingly obliged            might not exist yet in their Product
                                              to provide shoppers with detailed                 Data Management (PDM) tools.
                                              information on the ingredients and

                                              the nutritional value of the products.            4 Manufacturer
                                              In addition, consumers in many                    Key information about the
                                              markets are increasingly interested               manufacturer with contact
                                              in the ingredients and nutritional                                        7.3
                                                                                                information and a link to
                                              value of groceries and demand more
                                                          0                                     manufacturer’s website. More
                                              accurate and comprehensive data. A
                                                                         Basic                  than 80% of the retailers studied
                                                                                               Advanced                   Leader
                                              recent study by GS1 and Capgemini                 are still at the Basic level, providing
                                                                               Retailers     Consumer Products
                                              noted that two-thirds of consumers             Companies information about the product
                                              want to examine information on the                manufacturer but few further details
                                              nutritional value of food products                such as the product’s country of origin.
                                              (e.g., energy/calories, saturated fats            There is clear room – and justification
                                              and sugar).2                                      – for improvement: In many cases

                                              2	   Ibid

Digital Product Data	                                     100                                                                          5

information and compelling stories       A product visual is particularly critical
 Search Attributes Best Practice:
                                            about the manufacturer can be the        in digital shopping channels as it is
                                            deciding factor when choosing among      the only view customers have of an
 A good search functionality can            different products. CP companies do a    item. Leading players are bringing
 considerably improve the browsing          better job, with 33% of them ranking     in more advanced techniques such
 experience and help shoppers find the      in the Leader category.                  as 360-degree views of the product.
 niche products they are looking for.                                                Some retailers allow customers an
 Australian retailer Woolworths provides    5 Packaging                              option to post their own pictures of
 advanced search options, including         Information on packaging, such           the product. CP companies especially
 search by alternatives and by category.    as size, weight and delivery             also often offer videos of their
 For example, in the case of “organic,”     temperature; also including eco-         products, although typical 15-second
 a search results in a wide range of        friendly and green packaging             TV spots might not fit the needs of a
 categories – from “Baby” to “Pasta, Rice   options. Packaging information           consumer in a purchasing situation.
 & Noodles.”                                is still in an emerging stage, with      Grocery retailers can learn much from
                                            59% of retailers and 57% of CP           other retail segments, such as fashion,
                                            companies providing no information       in the area of product visuals.
                                            on packaging. A handful of retailers
                                            and CP companies in the Leader           7 Search Attributes
                                            category include information about       Provide simple product search,
                                            sustainable packaging and recycling      advanced search (multiple product
                                            options. The importance of packaging     attributes) and intelligent search
                                            information will only grow as more       (suggestive, related) options. More
                                            consumers look for ways to diminish      than two-thirds of retailers and 55%
                                            their packaging waste, including using   of CP companies offer only a simple
                                            more eco-friendly products to support    search option where shoppers can
                                            a more sustainable way of living.        search by product, brand name and
                                                                                     category. However, 29% of retailers
                                            6 Visual                                 and 40% of CP companies help
                                            Visual representation of the             customers find the exact products
                                            product, including product image,        to fit their needs by offering specific
                                            zoom, 360-degree view, video and         search attributes such as non-lactose
                                            augmented reality. The majority of       or organic. Advanced search options
                                            retailers and CP companies rely on       improve and facilitate the shopping
                                            static product images, sometimes         experience by helping customers find
                                            enhanced with zoom functionality.        what they want and also get to know
                                                                                     new products that meet their specific
                                                                                     needs. However, only a small number
                                                                                     of companies were found to provide
                                                                                     an upgraded search functionality,
                                                                                     which lists synonyms, understands
                                                                                     typical misspellings, and suggests
                                                                                     related products to increase cross-
                                                                                     selling and impulse purchases.

                                                                43.9                    41.5
                                                    40                                                             28.6

                                                                           Consumer Products and Retail    14.6
                                                                                                                 the way we see it

                                                                       14.3                                14.6

                                                                   Basic                 Advanced            Leader
                                                                   Basic Retailers       Advanced
                                                                                       Consumer Products     Leader
                                                                           Retailers   Consumer Products

8 Usage Instructions
                                            Figure 4: Usage Instructions Results (%)
Information on how to use                          100
products, usage/buyer guides,
how to’s, do’s and don’ts, links to
social media, etc. Many consumer                    80
products companies provide shoppers                 80
with high-quality usage instructions,
including how-to videos that often are              60
                                                                53.7                                               52.4
not available on retailer websites. More            60
                                                                53.7                                               52.4
than half of CP companies rank in the                                                   39.0
Leader category, compared with only                                    33.3
7% of retailers (Figure 4). Some CP                 40
companies have brand-specific shop-
in-shops inside online stores where                                                            14.3

products are presented with recipes,                20

videos and seasonal tips. Leading                    0                                                     7.3
retailers link products to recipes, how-                           Basic                 Advanced            Leader
to videos and serving suggestions.
                                                                   Basic Retailers       Advanced            Leader
The best-practice retailers also have a                                                Consumer Products
good library of product usage videos,                                      Retailers   Consumer Products
typically also available on YouTube.                                                   Companies

Customers may also be provided              Source: Capgemini
with a community where ideas, usage
instructions, and questions and
answers can be exchanged.

9 Certifications/Standards                  Figure 5: Certifications and Standards Results (%)

Information on product safety
standards, accreditation,                          100

environmental standards, energy                    100                 85.7
certifications, etc. Interestingly, many
                                                    80                 85.7
retailers do not provide shoppers
with relevant information about key                 80          68.3

product standards and certifications,                           68.3
and CP companies score even lower
on this attribute. Yet certifications and           60

standards are important in creating                 40
consumer trust and helping shoppers                                                     29.3
buy more ethical products, which
are often more profitable. Thirty                   20
percent of retailers and 15% of CP                                                              9.5
companies display at least some kind                                                                       2.4
of certifications and standards (such as             0
organic or fair trade) on the product                0
                                                                   Basic                 Advanced            Leader

page (Figure 5). Leading players also                              Basic Retailers       Advanced            Leader
                                                                                       Consumer Products
include integrated certifications in                                                   Companies
search functionality and provide easily                                    Retailers   Consumer Products
                                            Source: Capgemini
recognizable icons for consumers.

Digital Product Data	                                                                                                            7
Language Best Practice: H&M                 10 Language                            11 Price
                                             Availability of product information    Information on product price,
 Multiple language functionality offers an                                          including breakouts such as by
                                             in multiple languages. Even
 opportunity for retailers to potentially                                           weight, and information in multiple
                                             though packages may show product
 reach a larger number of customers.                                                currencies. More than half of the
                                             information in several languages,
 Grocery retailers can learn from                                                   retailers analyzed rank in the Basic
                                             93% of retailers provide information
 apparel retailers like H&M, which offers                                           category, while about one-third
                                             in only one language on their online
 customers the ability to select from                                               provide more detailed price breakouts.
                                             product pages. Multinational CP
 a wide number of languages across                                                  Retailers in the Leader category
                                             companies typically have country-
 multiple regions.                                                                  include special campaign prices, such
                                             specific product/brand pages, which
                                             are in the local language. Retailers   as a volume discount, and may offer
                                             need to broaden their approach in      free shipping for purchasing a certain
                                             most markets to include two or three   number of products.
                                             key languages, which will require
                                             new capabilities. Often retailers’     12 Product Availability
                                             merchandising/category management      Information on product availability
                                             organizations do not have good         in real-time, ideally across channels;
                                             storytelling capabilities in several   includes stock count, updates on
                                             languages and might appreciate         in-stock/out-of-stock status. Product
                                             manufacturers’ support in this area.   availability is applicable mainly to
                                                                                    retailers, but nine out of 10 do not
                                                                                    currently provide this feature. Those
                                                                                    few that are in the Leader category
                                                                                    typically list product availability
                                                                                    by store as well as stating stock
                                                                                    availability at the warehouse, and in
                                                                                    some cases they indicate approximate
                                                                                    delivery times for out-of-stock
                                                                                    products. Some CP companies that
                                                                                    sell products online also provide
                                                                                    information on stock availability.

Consumer Products and Retail                     the way we see it

 Customer Rating Best Practice:                                                    13 Customer Ratings                                                specific products and also post their
 Walmart                                                                           Allow shoppers and experts to rate                                 own product pictures on the product
                                                                                   products on a single criterion or                                  site.
 Ratings and reviews can help build
                                                                                   multiple criteria and also write/
 shopper confidence in products and                                                                                                                   This is the attribute that differentiates
                                                                                   share comments and expert
 encourage customers to try new items                                                                                                                 retailers most: How open are they
                                                                                   opinions. Shopper ratings and
 and new categories. On its product                                                                                                                   to customer discussions? Customer
                                                                                   recommendations are a key enabler
 pages, U.S.-based Walmart provides                                                                                                                   reviews might accelerate sales for
                                                                                   to introduce new products and drive
 customer rating totals, the number                                                                                                                   many products, but also possess risks
                                                                                   sales of existing items. However,
 of customers who recommend the                                                                                                                       especially for own-label products.
                                                                                   only 20% of retailers and 10% of CP
 product and ratings on individual                                                                                                                    Typically the leading players in this
                                                                                   companies provide shoppers with the
 attributes. In addition, a customer-to-                                                                                                              field also operate in other retail
                                                                                   possibility to rate and review products
 customer section enables customers                                                                                                                   sectors, where customer reviews have
                                                                                   on the product page. Leading players
 to connect to discuss product features,                                                                                                              already become an industry way of
                                                                                   also offer customers the possibility to
 ask questions, and offer opinions and                                                                                                                working.
                                                                                   ask and answer questions related to
 suggestions about products.

Figure 6: Biggest Differences in Average Scores for Retailers and CP Companies





      Average Score























































                                                                                                                                                        Retailers            Consumer Products

Source: Capgemini

Digital Product Data	                                                                                                                                                                                   9
Key Conclusions to Improve                      •	Easy   product searches, including       significant business in online
Product Data Visibility                            product substitute names and            grocery operations.
The insights derived from the                      common misspellings
research highlight a number of key               •	Simple icons to provide more
                                                                                         It was clear from the research that
conclusions, including:                            information about product             many retailers have already developed
                                                   specifications, standards and         basic digital product data capabilities
•	 Only a few leading retailers and                certifications                        but need to advance quickly to the
   consumer products companies                                                           next levels to remain relevant to
                                                 •	Device-optimized multimedia
   score well in many different areas                                                    shoppers (Figure 7). This requires
                                                   about products and their use          taking steps such as enhancing
   of product data visibility. All
   companies have opportunities for              •	Linkage to product recipes and        product information beyond the basic
   improvement.                                    vice versa                            data on the product package; using
•	 The most significant differences           •	 Manufacturers can help retailers        storytelling to create a compelling
   between retailers’ and CP                     in providing shoppers with              shopping experience; and adding
   companies’ scores are found in                compelling, interactive multimedia      higher-value features such as shopper
   presenting: 1) the product name/              and visuals about products; most of     ratings and multimedia capabilities.
   brand, 2) usage instructions, 3)              this already exists.
                                                                                         To implement these features,
   manufacturer, and 4) ingredients/          •	 Storytelling about products and
                                                                                         retailers must invest in efficient
   features (Figure 6, previous page).           their usage is a key capability that
                                                                                         PDM processes, flexible Master
•	 The best retailers enhance the                retailers need to enhance, in many
                                                                                         Data Management (MDM) tools
   shopping experience in many ways,             markets and in multiple languages.
                                                                                         and new competencies in product
   for example:                               •	 Most markets are still in an early      marketing organizations. Integrating
   •	Enhanced    storytelling about              maturity stage and can learn from       customer ratings, recipes and search
      products, with content not                 the UK, which has best-practice         engine optimization will increase
      available in common data pools             retailers in terms of digital product   the complexity for digital Product
                                                 data, and is already driving            Data Management. Easily integrated
                                                                                         solutions are a must in order to gain

Figure 7: Building a Leading Online Shopping Experience

                        Basic in Place               Enhanced Shopper Experience                     Leading Edge

                PRODUCT NAME/BRAND                    STORYTELLING                          VIDEOS

                    SEARCH ATTRIBUTES                 VISUAL AND MULTIMEDIA                 MULTI-LANGUAGE

                    SPECIFICATIONS                    MANUFACTURER                          PRODUCT AVAILABILITY

                PRICE                                CERTIFICATIONS/STANDARDS               RATINGS

                INGREDIENTS/FEATURES                  PACKAGING                             USAGE INSTRUCTIONS

Source: Capgemini

Consumer Products and Retail       the way we see it

                                           support from manufacturers and data       and enhance product data, providing
Quick Wins to Improve Product Data
                                           pools.                                    an opportunity for CP companies to
                                                                                     step in. This may include establishing
 Small things can make a big difference    Integrating the operations of the 50      a digital team to support retailers and
 in the digital shopping experience.       largest manufacturers to retailers is     developing integrated platforms for
 Following are examples of quick wins      relatively straightforward, but small     Product Data Management.
 that both retailers and consumer          and local manufacturers also need
 products companies can benefit from.      simple tools and an easy interface        Retailers will face a challenge, as most
                                           to maintain information about their       need to gain new product data and
   •	 Display the brand logo and           products. This group represents           new attributes that do not exist in
      manufacturer information on the      the long tail, which is becoming          traditional product data pools, and
      product page.                        increasingly important in today’s         they will need to get this data directly
   •	 Let shoppers search products by      competitive landscape.                    from manufacturers. Because some
      brands, alternatives, allergens,                                               retailers see product information
      special diets, etc.                  Consumer products companies               as a competitive advantage and an
   •	 Add existing multimedia from CP      should focus on producing                 entry barrier to the local market, all
      companies to retailer product        compelling storytelling, innovative       players will not require data pool
      pages.                               usage instructions and multimedia         development. Across the industry this
   •	 Add storytelling for key products    to gain competitive advantage and         will mean a number of direct point-
      to create excitement and enhance     better visibility in retailer digital     to-point system integrations, unless
      shopper relevancy.                   channels. CP companies should act         industry standard data for digital
   •	 Use informative icons to help        as content creators to provide value      channels can be agreed upon. In this
      shoppers find products (organic,     for shoppers, while also driving the      environment, PDM will be critical for
      gluten-free, etc.).                  content into retailer digital channels.   both retailers and manufacturers in
   •	 Include product ingredients and      With the rapid pace of development,       the near future.
      nutritional value on the product     retailers may not have sufficient
      page.                                resources or capabilities to update
   •	 Let shoppers rate products, share
      opinions and “Like” products with,
      for example, a Facebook button.
   •	 Deploy flexible Product Data
      Management solutions to enable
      “outsourcing” the work to

Digital Product Data	                                                                                                      11

                      About Capgemini and the
                      Collaborative Business Experience™

                With around 120,000                multicultural organization, Capgemini
              people in 40 countries,              has developed its own way of working,
 Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost          the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM,
 providers of consulting, technology and           and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide
 outsourcing services. The Group reported          delivery model.
 2011 global revenues of EUR 9.7 billion.
 Together with its clients, Capgemini              Learn more about us at
 creates and delivers business and       
 technology solutions that fit their needs
 and drive the results they want. A deeply         Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini

To request more detailed information about
our findings, please contact:

Sami Finne

Brian Girouard

Kees Jacobs

This executive summary provides an
overview of our “Digital Product Data”
study. This report is meant to be the first in a
series; additional studies will focus on topics
such as mobile use of product data and the
quality of digital product data.

The “Digital Product Data” study was
conducted by Capgemini’s Consumer
Products & Retail Strategy Lab, led by
Manvendra Khati.

Rightshore® is a registered trademark belonging to Capgemini. The information contained in
this document is proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

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Capgemini Digital Product Data Study

  • 1. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it All-Channel Experience: Digital Product Data How to Enhance the Online Shopper Experience with Improved Digital Product Data
  • 2. New channels, social networking digital channels. At the minimum, and technological developments consumers should be able to get have fundamentally changed the way information about a product that is consumers interact with retailers similar to what they can find on the and consumer products companies. product packaging. The consumer is in the driver’s seat, and the challenge for companies is Digital channels have created a need to maintain a true two-way dialogue. for rich consumer-oriented product This requires businesses to interact data, but in many cases, the digital with shoppers in new ways, with more product information provided to personalized and relevant content, shoppers is inaccurate, incomplete and to offer a seamless customer or missing entirely. For example, in experience across all channels. research conducted by GS1 UK and the Cranfield School of Management, The rapidly evolving communication 91% of mobile barcode scans returned landscape enables shoppers to decide incorrect product descriptions and themselves when, where and how to 75% returned no data at all.1 A key interact with a retailer or consumer step to provide better information and products company. A key driver for enhance the dialogue with shoppers those decisions is the relevancy of is to improve the visibility of product the product information that is made data in digital channels. available for consumers through Figure 1: Product Data Visibility Analyzed Across 13 Product Data Attributes PRODUCT DATA ATTRIBUTES 1 2 3 4 5 PRODUCT INGREDIENTS/ MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS PACKAGING NAME/BRAND FEATURES 6 7 8 9 10 SEARCH USAGE CERTIFICATIONS/ VISUAL LANGUAGE ATTRIBUTES INSTRUCTIONS STANDARDS 11 12 PRODUCT 13 CUSTOMER PRICE* AVAILABILITY* RATINGS* * These are functional aspects that may not be under Product Data Management (PDM) but are relevant for product data visibility and have been considered for this framework. Source: Capgemini 1 “Beyond the Label: Providing Digital Information Consumers Can Trust,” GS1 and Capgemini, 2011. 2
  • 3. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Taking a Close-Up Look at Maturity Levels for Digital Product Data Digital Product Data Visibility To evaluate the visibility of digital Three maturity levels were defined for each data attribute examined in the study. product data, Capgemini conducted Level 1, Basic: Companies at this level provide the “bare minimum” of product data a global research study involving 62 visibility in their digital channels. This represents the “must-have” level of product data leading retail and consumer products visibility to start online or digital store operations. (CP) companies in the grocery category. The companies analyzed Level 2, Advanced: Companies at this stage have an advanced level of product data are based in the U.S., Canada, UK, visibility in their digital channels. They provide a better-than-average shopper experience Netherlands, France, Germany, across the different product data visibility attributes. Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and Level 3, Leader: Companies at the highest level have a leading-edge product data Australia. All selected companies proposition and are considered best-in-class in their category. are considered leading online grocery retailers in their market. The Each level was defined in more detail for each product attribute, which then formed the companies’ online sites were assessed framework for this study through which both retailers and manufacturers were analyzed. across 13 product data attributes Examples of the framework attributes and the corresponding levels of maturity are (Figure 1, previous page), and three shown in Table 1. maturity levels were defined for each For example, in the case of certifications and standards, the Advanced level would attribute (Basic, Advanced, Leader; see include some certificates or standards with text or symbols. These could be retailer sidebar). specific or brand specific. At the Leader level, the information would be more detailed and might include most locally used public certifications and standards. The information The objective of the research was to could be available either on the product page or through a link. evaluate how visible and consumer driven the product data is in retailers’ The complete framework is available in the full study. Please contact your Capgemini and CP companies’ digital channels. representative for more information and possible benchmarking of your company. Following is an overview of the analysis for each attribute. Table 1: Digital Product Data Maturity Levels by Product Information Dimension (Examples) Product Name/Brand Ingredients/Features Certifications/Standards Description Representation of the product Ingredients and nutritional Information on product safety and brand - optimized for information, also icons for easy standards, accreditation, customer search and identification of product features environmental standards, energy search engines certifications, etc. Name/brand in simple text No information or only None Level 1: ingredients presented Basic Name/brand with logo. Ingredients and nutritional Some certificates or standards/ Level 2: Product description information available text or symbols. Can be retailer Advanced enhanced for shopper specific, brand specific, etc. relevancy Optimized for customer Detailed information on product Detailed information - includes search and link to page and icons for easy most locally used public Level 3: manufacturer's website. identification certifications and standards. Leader Great value-adding Either on the product page or storytelling about the product available through link Source: Capgemini Digital Product Data 3
  • 4. Product Name/Brand Best Practice: Figure 2: Product Name/Brand Results (%) Intermarché Value-adding product descriptions and brand visuals offer potential for 100 manufacturers to improve product 87.8 visibility in digital channels. French retailer 81.0 Intermarché provides the brand name 80 and logo on its product pages as well as enhanced product descriptions to add value and differentiate products. 60 40 19.0 20 7.3 4.9 0.0 0 Basic Advanced Leader Retailers Consumer Products Companies Source: Capgemini 100 1 Product Name/Brand 2 Specifications Representation of the product and 80 Information on product size, brand, optimized for customer weight and dimensions, ideally search and search engines. The illustrated with an image. The majority 60 retailers studied are at of majority of both retailers and CP 57.1 the Basic level, providing only the companies provide only minimum product name, typically in plain text. 43.9 information on product specifications. 41.5 CP companies are more advanced 40 Nearly half of retailers and 38% of in presenting logos and product CP companies can be classified as 28.6 descriptions next to the product Advanced, but none are in the Leader names on their websites than 20 14.3 segment. Typically both retailers and 14.6 retailers: 81% of consumer products manufacturers only report the product companies are in the Advanced weight on their websites, even though 0 segment, compared with only 7% of product dimensions might also be Basic Advanced Leader retailers (Figure 2). Leading retailers of particular interest to customers also provide compelling descriptions Retailers shopping online. Consumer Products Companies of the products and their usage. Storytelling is a great way to create shopper relevancy and differentiate products in customers’ minds. Some retailers provide better storytelling for their own-label items than for the manufacturer counterparts. 100 80 4
  • 5. 60 40 Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it 19.0 20 7.3 4.9 0.0 0 Basic Advanced Leader Retailers Consumer Products Companies Ingredients/Features Best Practice: Figure 3: Ingredients/Features Results (%) As consumers become increasingly interested in the nutritional value of 100 products, expanded information on ingredients and features can enhance the shopping experience. U.S. online 80 grocery retailer Peapod provides detailed information on product features, ingredients, nutritional and storage 60 57.1 information, as well as quick-view icons like “gluten-free,” “freezable,” “low-fat” 43.9 41.5 and “vegetarian” to help facilitate the 40 shopping process. 28.6 20 14.3 14.6 0 Basic Advanced Leader Retailers Consumer Products Companies Source: Capgemini 3 Ingredients/Features Leading companies also display their Information on ingredients and 100 own icons to facilitate the shopping nutritional information, as well process to indicate, for example, light, as icons for easy identification of non-lactose or low-sodium products. product 80 features. The companies Some of the retailers studied use studied were split among the three pictures of actual product packages to maturity levels (Figure 3). With provide Gross Daily Allowance (GDA) 60 stricter regulatory development, 53.7 values, as good quality information 52.4 companies will be increasingly obliged might not exist yet in their Product to provide shoppers with detailed Data Management (PDM) tools. 39.0 40 information on the ingredients and 33.3 the nutritional value of the products. 4 Manufacturer In addition, consumers in many Key information about the 20 14.3 markets are increasingly interested manufacturer with contact in the ingredients and nutritional 7.3 information and a link to value of groceries and demand more 0 manufacturer’s website. More accurate and comprehensive data. A Basic than 80% of the retailers studied Advanced Leader recent study by GS1 and Capgemini are still at the Basic level, providing Retailers Consumer Products noted that two-thirds of consumers Companies information about the product some want to examine information on the manufacturer but few further details nutritional value of food products such as the product’s country of origin. (e.g., energy/calories, saturated fats There is clear room – and justification and sugar).2 – for improvement: In many cases 2 Ibid Digital Product Data 100 5 85.7
  • 6. information and compelling stories A product visual is particularly critical Search Attributes Best Practice: about the manufacturer can be the in digital shopping channels as it is Woolworths deciding factor when choosing among the only view customers have of an A good search functionality can different products. CP companies do a item. Leading players are bringing considerably improve the browsing better job, with 33% of them ranking in more advanced techniques such experience and help shoppers find the in the Leader category. as 360-degree views of the product. niche products they are looking for. Some retailers allow customers an Australian retailer Woolworths provides 5 Packaging option to post their own pictures of advanced search options, including Information on packaging, such the product. CP companies especially search by alternatives and by category. as size, weight and delivery also often offer videos of their For example, in the case of “organic,” temperature; also including eco- products, although typical 15-second a search results in a wide range of friendly and green packaging TV spots might not fit the needs of a categories – from “Baby” to “Pasta, Rice options. Packaging information consumer in a purchasing situation. & Noodles.” is still in an emerging stage, with Grocery retailers can learn much from 59% of retailers and 57% of CP other retail segments, such as fashion, companies providing no information in the area of product visuals. on packaging. A handful of retailers and CP companies in the Leader 7 Search Attributes category include information about Provide simple product search, sustainable packaging and recycling advanced search (multiple product options. The importance of packaging attributes) and intelligent search information will only grow as more (suggestive, related) options. More consumers look for ways to diminish than two-thirds of retailers and 55% their packaging waste, including using of CP companies offer only a simple more eco-friendly products to support search option where shoppers can a more sustainable way of living. search by product, brand name and category. However, 29% of retailers 6 Visual and 40% of CP companies help Visual representation of the customers find the exact products product, including product image, to fit their needs by offering specific zoom, 360-degree view, video and search attributes such as non-lactose augmented reality. The majority of or organic. Advanced search options retailers and CP companies rely on improve and facilitate the shopping static product images, sometimes experience by helping customers find enhanced with zoom functionality. what they want and also get to know new products that meet their specific needs. However, only a small number of companies were found to provide an upgraded search functionality, which lists synonyms, understands typical misspellings, and suggests related products to increase cross- selling and impulse purchases. 6
  • 7. 40 43.9 41.5 40 28.6 20 14.3 Consumer Products and Retail 14.6 the way we see it 28.6 20 14.3 14.6 0 Basic Advanced Leader 0 Basic Retailers Advanced Consumer Products Leader Companies Retailers Consumer Products Companies 8 Usage Instructions Figure 4: Usage Instructions Results (%) Information on how to use 100 products, usage/buyer guides, 100 how to’s, do’s and don’ts, links to social media, etc. Many consumer 80 products companies provide shoppers 80 with high-quality usage instructions, including how-to videos that often are 60 53.7 52.4 not available on retailer websites. More 60 53.7 52.4 than half of CP companies rank in the 39.0 40 Leader category, compared with only 33.3 39.0 7% of retailers (Figure 4). Some CP 40 33.3 companies have brand-specific shop- 20 in-shops inside online stores where 14.3 products are presented with recipes, 20 14.3 7.3 videos and seasonal tips. Leading 0 7.3 retailers link products to recipes, how- Basic Advanced Leader 0 to videos and serving suggestions. Basic Retailers Advanced Leader The best-practice retailers also have a Consumer Products Companies good library of product usage videos, Retailers Consumer Products typically also available on YouTube. Companies Customers may also be provided Source: Capgemini with a community where ideas, usage instructions, and questions and answers can be exchanged. 9 Certifications/Standards Figure 5: Certifications and Standards Results (%) Information on product safety standards, accreditation, 100 environmental standards, energy 100 85.7 certifications, etc. Interestingly, many 80 85.7 retailers do not provide shoppers with relevant information about key 80 68.3 product standards and certifications, 68.3 60 and CP companies score even lower on this attribute. Yet certifications and 60 standards are important in creating 40 consumer trust and helping shoppers 29.3 40 buy more ethical products, which 29.3 are often more profitable. Thirty 20 percent of retailers and 15% of CP 9.5 20 companies display at least some kind 2.4 4.8 9.5 of certifications and standards (such as 0 4.8 2.4 organic or fair trade) on the product 0 Basic Advanced Leader page (Figure 5). Leading players also Basic Retailers Advanced Leader Consumer Products include integrated certifications in Companies search functionality and provide easily Retailers Consumer Products Companies Source: Capgemini recognizable icons for consumers. Digital Product Data 7
  • 8. Language Best Practice: H&M 10 Language 11 Price Availability of product information Information on product price, Multiple language functionality offers an including breakouts such as by in multiple languages. Even opportunity for retailers to potentially weight, and information in multiple though packages may show product reach a larger number of customers. currencies. More than half of the information in several languages, Grocery retailers can learn from retailers analyzed rank in the Basic 93% of retailers provide information apparel retailers like H&M, which offers category, while about one-third in only one language on their online customers the ability to select from provide more detailed price breakouts. product pages. Multinational CP a wide number of languages across Retailers in the Leader category companies typically have country- multiple regions. include special campaign prices, such specific product/brand pages, which are in the local language. Retailers as a volume discount, and may offer need to broaden their approach in free shipping for purchasing a certain most markets to include two or three number of products. key languages, which will require new capabilities. Often retailers’ 12 Product Availability merchandising/category management Information on product availability organizations do not have good in real-time, ideally across channels; storytelling capabilities in several includes stock count, updates on languages and might appreciate in-stock/out-of-stock status. Product manufacturers’ support in this area. availability is applicable mainly to retailers, but nine out of 10 do not currently provide this feature. Those few that are in the Leader category typically list product availability by store as well as stating stock availability at the warehouse, and in some cases they indicate approximate delivery times for out-of-stock products. Some CP companies that sell products online also provide information on stock availability. 8
  • 9. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it Customer Rating Best Practice: 13 Customer Ratings specific products and also post their Walmart Allow shoppers and experts to rate own product pictures on the product products on a single criterion or site. Ratings and reviews can help build multiple criteria and also write/ shopper confidence in products and This is the attribute that differentiates share comments and expert encourage customers to try new items retailers most: How open are they opinions. Shopper ratings and and new categories. On its product to customer discussions? Customer recommendations are a key enabler pages, U.S.-based Walmart provides reviews might accelerate sales for to introduce new products and drive customer rating totals, the number many products, but also possess risks sales of existing items. However, of customers who recommend the especially for own-label products. only 20% of retailers and 10% of CP product and ratings on individual Typically the leading players in this companies provide shoppers with the attributes. In addition, a customer-to- field also operate in other retail possibility to rate and review products customer section enables customers sectors, where customer reviews have on the product page. Leading players to connect to discuss product features, already become an industry way of also offer customers the possibility to ask questions, and offer opinions and working. ask and answer questions related to suggestions about products. Figure 6: Biggest Differences in Average Scores for Retailers and CP Companies 3.00 2.80 2.50 2.40 2.20 Average Score 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 d ns es ge s s ns gs al g e y r re te rd lit ic in an su ur io tio tin ua tu bi Pr bu ag da br Vi ct at la ac ca Ra ng ck tri an e/ ru fe ai uf ifi La at am Pa st av s/ st ec an in nt n/ ch N ct Sp M ie tio ge ar u ed od Se ca sa gr Pr tifi U In er C Retailers Consumer Products Companies Source: Capgemini Digital Product Data 9
  • 10. Key Conclusions to Improve • Easy product searches, including significant business in online Product Data Visibility product substitute names and grocery operations. The insights derived from the common misspellings research highlight a number of key • Simple icons to provide more It was clear from the research that conclusions, including: information about product many retailers have already developed specifications, standards and basic digital product data capabilities • Only a few leading retailers and certifications but need to advance quickly to the consumer products companies next levels to remain relevant to • Device-optimized multimedia score well in many different areas shoppers (Figure 7). This requires about products and their use taking steps such as enhancing of product data visibility. All companies have opportunities for • Linkage to product recipes and product information beyond the basic improvement. vice versa data on the product package; using • The most significant differences • Manufacturers can help retailers storytelling to create a compelling between retailers’ and CP in providing shoppers with shopping experience; and adding companies’ scores are found in compelling, interactive multimedia higher-value features such as shopper presenting: 1) the product name/ and visuals about products; most of ratings and multimedia capabilities. brand, 2) usage instructions, 3) this already exists. To implement these features, manufacturer, and 4) ingredients/ • Storytelling about products and retailers must invest in efficient features (Figure 6, previous page). their usage is a key capability that PDM processes, flexible Master • The best retailers enhance the retailers need to enhance, in many Data Management (MDM) tools shopping experience in many ways, markets and in multiple languages. and new competencies in product for example: • Most markets are still in an early marketing organizations. Integrating • Enhanced storytelling about maturity stage and can learn from customer ratings, recipes and search products, with content not the UK, which has best-practice engine optimization will increase available in common data pools retailers in terms of digital product the complexity for digital Product data, and is already driving Data Management. Easily integrated solutions are a must in order to gain Figure 7: Building a Leading Online Shopping Experience Basic in Place Enhanced Shopper Experience Leading Edge PRODUCT NAME/BRAND STORYTELLING VIDEOS SEARCH ATTRIBUTES VISUAL AND MULTIMEDIA MULTI-LANGUAGE SPECIFICATIONS MANUFACTURER PRODUCT AVAILABILITY PRICE CERTIFICATIONS/STANDARDS RATINGS INGREDIENTS/FEATURES PACKAGING USAGE INSTRUCTIONS Source: Capgemini 10
  • 11. Consumer Products and Retail the way we see it support from manufacturers and data and enhance product data, providing Quick Wins to Improve Product Data Visibility pools. an opportunity for CP companies to step in. This may include establishing Small things can make a big difference Integrating the operations of the 50 a digital team to support retailers and in the digital shopping experience. largest manufacturers to retailers is developing integrated platforms for Following are examples of quick wins relatively straightforward, but small Product Data Management. that both retailers and consumer and local manufacturers also need products companies can benefit from. simple tools and an easy interface Retailers will face a challenge, as most to maintain information about their need to gain new product data and • Display the brand logo and products. This group represents new attributes that do not exist in manufacturer information on the the long tail, which is becoming traditional product data pools, and product page. increasingly important in today’s they will need to get this data directly • Let shoppers search products by competitive landscape. from manufacturers. Because some brands, alternatives, allergens, retailers see product information special diets, etc. Consumer products companies as a competitive advantage and an • Add existing multimedia from CP should focus on producing entry barrier to the local market, all companies to retailer product compelling storytelling, innovative players will not require data pool pages. usage instructions and multimedia development. Across the industry this • Add storytelling for key products to gain competitive advantage and will mean a number of direct point- to create excitement and enhance better visibility in retailer digital to-point system integrations, unless shopper relevancy. channels. CP companies should act industry standard data for digital • Use informative icons to help as content creators to provide value channels can be agreed upon. In this shoppers find products (organic, for shoppers, while also driving the environment, PDM will be critical for gluten-free, etc.). content into retailer digital channels. both retailers and manufacturers in • Include product ingredients and With the rapid pace of development, the near future. nutritional value on the product retailers may not have sufficient page. resources or capabilities to update • Let shoppers rate products, share opinions and “Like” products with, for example, a Facebook button. • Deploy flexible Product Data Management solutions to enable “outsourcing” the work to manufacturers. Digital Product Data 11
  • 12. About Capgemini and the Collaborative Business Experience™ ® With around 120,000 multicultural organization, Capgemini people in 40 countries, has developed its own way of working, Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, providers of consulting, technology and and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide outsourcing services. The Group reported delivery model. 2011 global revenues of EUR 9.7 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini Learn more about us at creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini To request more detailed information about our findings, please contact: Sami Finne Brian Girouard Kees Jacobs This executive summary provides an overview of our “Digital Product Data” study. This report is meant to be the first in a series; additional studies will focus on topics such as mobile use of product data and the quality of digital product data. The “Digital Product Data” study was conducted by Capgemini’s Consumer Products & Retail Strategy Lab, led by Manvendra Khati. ET-04/12 Rightshore® is a registered trademark belonging to Capgemini. The information contained in this document is proprietary. Copyright © 2012 Capgemini. All rights reserved.