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Cal Essay
In SQL, a join is used to take a gander at and solidify – genuinely join – and return specific lines of
data from no less than two tables in a database. An inward join finds and returns planning data from
tables, while an outer join finds and returns organizing data and some different data from tables.
Them has been cxtensivc work in inquiry improvement since the enrly '70s. It is hardto capturethe
breadthanddepth of this vast assemblage of work in a short article. Therefore,I havedecidedto center
fundamentally on the enhancement of SQL inquiries in social dntnbascsystemsand presentmy
biasedand inadequate perspective of this licld, The objective of this article isn't to be
comprehensive,but ratbcr to clarify the establishments and ... Show more content on
Select all records from Table An, alongside records from Table B for which the join condition is met
(if by any stretch of the imagination).
Select all records from Table B, alongside records from Table A for which the join condition is met
(if by any stretch of the imagination).
Select all records from Table An and Table B, paying little mind to whether the join condition is met
or not.
Cases of SQL Join Types
We should utilize the tables we presented in the "What is a SQL join?" area to indicate cases of these
participates in real life. The connection between the two tables is determined by the customer_id
key, which is the "essential key" in clients table and an "outside key" in the requests table:
customer_id first_name last_name email address city state zipcode
1 George Washington 3200 Mt Vernon Hwy Mount Vernon VA 22121
2 John Adams 1250 Hancock St Quincy MA 02169
3 Thomas Jefferson 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy Charlottesville VA 22902
4 James Madison 11350 Constitution Hwy Orange VA 22960
5 James Monroe 2050 James Monroe Parkway Charlottesville VA 22902
order_id order_date amount customer_id
1 07/04/1776 $234.56 1
2 03/14/1760 $78.50 3
3 05/23/1784 $124.00 2
4 09/03/1790 $65.50 3
Note that (1) few out of every odd client in our clients table has put in a request and (2) there are a
couple of requests for which no client record exists in our
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Database Security
– 1 –
Database Security *)
Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme
Abteilung für Information Engineering
Universität Wien
Vienna, Austria
1. Introduction
1.1 The Relational Data Model Revisited
1.2 The Vocabulary of Security and Major DB Security Threats
2. Database Security Models
2.1 Discretionary Security Models
2.2 Mandatory Security Models
2.3 Adapted Mandatory Access Control Model
2.4 Personal Knowledge Approach
2.5 Clark and Wilson Model
2.6 A Final Note on Database Security Models
3. Multilevel Secure Prototypes and Systems
3.1 SeaView
3.2 Lock Data Views
3.3 ASD_Views
4. Conceptual Data Model for Multilevel Security
4.1 Concepts of Security Semantics
4.2 Classification ... Show more content on ...
· Authorization, Access Controls
Authorization is the specification of a set of rules that specify who has which type of access to what
information. Authorization policies therefore govern the disclosure and modification of information.
Access controls are
– 3 – procedures that are designed to control authorizations. They are responsible to limit access to
stored data to authorized users only.
· Integrity, Consistency
An integrity policy states a set of rules (i. e. semantic integrity constraints) that define the correct
states of the database during database operation and therefore can protect against malicious or
accidental modification of information. Closely related issues to integrity and consistency are
concurrency control and recovery. Concurrency control policies protect the integrity of the database
in the presence of concurrent transactions. If these transactions do not terminate normally due to
system crashes or security violations recovery techniques are used to reconstruct correct or valid
database states.
· Auditing
The requirement to keep records of all security relevant actions issued by a user is called auditing.
Resulting audit records are the basis for further reviews and examinations in order to test the
adequacy of system controls and to recommend any changes in the security policy.
In this Chapter such a broad perspective of database security is not taken.
Instead, main focus is directed towards aspects related to
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Advantages Of Simulation In Healthcare Systems
Simulation has been used to analyze many issues in the healthcare sector for over 40 years [1]. Such
issues that have been addressed by simulation include, but not limited to; improving patients'
workflows and throughput time, reducing waiting times, resources allocation and optimization, staff
scheduling and development of decision support systems (DSS). Discrete Event Simulation (DES),
Agent Based Simulation (ABS) and System Dynamics are the main simulation methods that have
been used for healthcare systems' modelling and analysis [2]. Although each of these methods has
its own capabilities, they exhibit some limitations [3]. Table 1 summaries some of the capabilities
and limitations of DES and ABS methods in healthcare applications.
Recently, several hybrid/integrated simulation models have been introduced. In such approach,
multiple simulation methods are combined in one model. This combination/ integration of
individual methods enables the symbiotic realization of the strengths of individual methods, while
reducing their limitations [4].
Chahal and Eldabi [5], [6] identified three different formats for the integration between DES and
SD: Hierarchical format (data passes between two distinct paradigms), Process–environment format
(two distinct paradigms, ... Show more content on ...
From the comparison provided in Table 1, neither the DES method nor the ABS method is capable
to capture such details and complexity in healthcare systems on its own. However, both methods
together may be capable of capturing these details. In this paper, a framework for a novel DES–ABS
hybrid approach for modeling healthcare systems is proposed with the aim to enable modeling of the
complexity of healthcare systems considering the concepts of flows and queues, and also humans'
decisions and interactions. Then, a case study for one of the famous radiology centers in Alexandria,
Egypt is
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A Note On Mondrian Architecture
Mondrain is a Relational Online Analytical Processing server. It is written in Java and used for
reporting and data warehousing. It supports Mulidimensional expression query language i.e, MDX,
OLAP4J for interface specification and XML for analysis. It is an open source OLAP server and
more useful for analysis that involves drilling down data. The Mondrian schema is supported by
almost any OLAP client tool.
Connecting to Mondrian Engine
Mondrian maintains data in MDX fashion. For us to access any existing cube, we need some
reporting tool. We can use Pentaho Report designer for writing the query to fetch data from data
warehouse and publish it on the report using MDX. One of the ways we can connect to Mondrian is
by using its rich ... Show more content on ...
Three kinds of data need to be stored: fact table data (the transactional records), aggregates, and
dimensions. The multidimensional format does not perform well when there are more than few
dimensions which will lead to sparse data. A HOLAP , a hybrid OLAP system solves this problem
by only storing the aggregates in multidimensional format.
Mondrian's primary API is proprietary. Mondrian provides API for client applications to executing
queries. It uses a language called MDX which is used for querying multidimentional databases.
Mondrian is used for:
1. It gives high performace and provided interactive analysis of large or small data.
2. It provides dimensional exploration of data
3. We can parse MDX into SQL to retrieve answers to dimensional queries.
4. High speed queries
5. Advanced calculations using calculation expression of MDX language
Druid is open source distributed data store written in java . It allows fast access to large sets of
seldom changing data. It is commonly used in Business intelligence applications to analyze high
volumes of real time and historical data. Druid allows for single table queries. It provides:
Partially nested data structures use columnar storage format.
For quick filtering, can use indexing.
hierarchical query distribution with intermediate pruning
realtime ingestion
fault tolerant distributed architecture
The name druid comes from role playing games as it is capable of
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Relational Database Design
PhyloInformatics 7: 1–66 – 2005
Relational Database Design and Implementation for Biodiversity Informatics
Paul J. Morris
The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Ben Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA
Received: 28 October 2004 – Accepted: 19 January 2005
The complexity of natural history collection information and similar information within the scope of
biodiversity informatics poses significant challenges for effective long term stewardship of that
information in electronic form. This paper discusses the principles of good relational database
design, how to apply those principles in the practical implementation of databases, and examines
how good database design is essential for long term stewardship of ... Show more content on ...
This is not to say that database design is not important. Good database design is vitally important for
stewardship of biodiversity information. In the context of limited resources, good design includes a
careful focus on what information is most important, allowing programming and database
administration to best support that information. Database Life Cycle As natural history collections
data have been captured from paper sources (such as century old handwritten ledgers) and have
accumulated in electronic databases, the natural history museum community has observed that
electronic data need much more upkeep than paper records (e.g. National Research Council, 2002
p.62–63). Every few years we find that we need to move our electronic data to some new database
system. These migrations are
usually driven by changes imposed upon us by the rapidly changing landscape of operating systems
and software. Maintaining a long obsolete computer running a long unsupported operating system as
the only means we have to work with data that reside in a long unsupported database program with a
custom front end written in a language that nobody writes code for anymore is not a desirable
situation. Rewriting an entire collections database system from scratch every few years is also not a
desirable situation. The computer science folks who think about databases have developed a
conceptual approach to avoiding getting stuck in such unpleasant situations – the database life cycle
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Fashion Modeling Career
The career I would like to learn in my future is being in the fashion model industry. Choosing this
career took place when I walked in the "Victoria Secret" underwear store I would spot the wide
screens and the fashion models wearing all the clothes and underwear on. In my point of view, this
would be a great future for myself since I'm confident and I have those great personalities I am great
with people and I can put myself into character in the show and I believe I have an attractive shaped
for the clothes. I ask myself if I were able to make it, I would literally be great full and will retain
me from bad people and food for my health. In my perspective, this would be a surprising career for
me and my family. They pay very well and I would like to make my dreams come true and be proud
receiving my own money. General description of duties and responsibilities First of all, a modeling
career is all about representing famous new clothes and traveling the world. Choosing this career
was unbelievable because I walked through the store ¨Victoria Secret¨ and I would look at the
models, modeling clothes and underwear and in that moment I thought about that career. Some
duties I would need to accomplish are dedicating time and keeping a nice body shape to fit the
clothes without any problem. Another two are having confidence and keeping a strong mind. One
responsibility is being able to travel because that´s very important to visit different places and being
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Different Data Models And Schemas
n of different data models and schemas
a) Critically compare the following database types (schemas)
Hierarchical Database
Kind of database model which is designed in a hierarchy completely access to data beginning at the
highest of hierarchical then changes to down such as customer to order.
Also this system relation records together same a family tree that each record has just one owner.
The hierarchical typical structure has levels which shows one –to – many also relationship between
a parent and children divisions. The main key this models which following by each parent can have
many children as well each child has simply one parent.
This models most common if you compared with network and relational database because can be
manage by huge amounts of data for difficult projects.
Speed very efficiency
Data independence
Database integrity which link between child and parent
Data is simplicity
Very easy to add and delete record
Database pretend a different form environment
Easy to create a large installed
Implement very complex
Implementation limitations
Lack of standards
Program design complexity
Difficult to manage insert, delete and update
Practical access language
Create record must user start at the root
Data redundancy
Create database before the programs must be define
Network Database
A kind of database organisation system that every record style can have many owner .As well as this
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Managing And Securing Unstructured Data
With a massive growth in Internet, there has been an enormous increase in the amount of
information generated and shared in social networking sites and across various industries. This has
led to storing and access issues with regards to unstructured data.
Firstly understanding what unstructured data is of primary importance before trying to handle it. In
simple terms unstructured data can be understood as data that can't be stored in the form of rows and
columns. It can be anything including email files, text documents, presentations, image and video
Studies carried out by IDC and EMC forecasts that data will grow to 40 zettabyes (1 ZB = 1 billion
TB). As of now more than 80% of all stored data in organizations is unstructured and ... Show more
content on ...
Also backup and restore will take a lesser time
Major disadvantage is that storing unstructured data will significantly increase the size of databases
which will lead to more time for backup and restore of these databases and can cause performance
issues with I/O subsystems
The big disadvantage of this approach is that we have to create and maintain manual links between
database and external file system files which can potentially go out of sync. Also since data is stored
outside the system the backups are not consistent and unstructured data is not a part of the
Hybrid Approach: To overcome the disadvantages of the methods discussed above, another method
was the Hybrid Approach, which proposes Database engine to support a new data type "filestream".
Filestram help consolidates the profit of getting to BLOBs specifically from the NTFS document
framework with the referential integrity and simple entry offered by the conventional social database
engine. In SQL Server, BLOBs can be standard varbinary (max) information that stores the
information in tables, or filestream varbinary (max) protests that store the information in the
document framework. The major advantage of this approach is BLOB's are under database
transactional consistency. By carrying out research with different datasets, it was clearly observed
that hybrid and filestream data type approach is faster
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Online Reservation System and Booking
Chapter I
Rationale of the Study
Every problem has a solution. In order to come up with a good
solution, the root of the problem has to be determined. The scope of
the problem must be established well before making the first few steps
of the study. One has to get a hold of the basic theories and principles
regarding the problem, justify the impact of the problem to the
society, and consider the future customers of that "would–be "solution.
Before designing solutions, related literature must be examined first.
This may ease off confusion as to where and how to start. Lastly, a
standard and appropriate methodology must guide everything until the
solution is achieved.
Technology has gone a long way, improving ... Show more content on ...
The proponents make use of some tools
and techniques to build the project. The system uses Graphical User
Interface(GUI) to help the user give instruction to the computer. The
system once implemented it will solve the most common problems
that the Hotels encounter.
– online reservation
– add/edit/delete guest reservation information
– prepaid card
– reloadable
– guest account numbers
– generate monthly sales income(reports)
Objectives of the project
The goal of the study is to analyze, design, develop and implement a online reservation system for
Sogo Hotel that will help improve the current system. This study aims to solve the problem with low
guest occupancy of the hotel by offering affordable and accessible online reservation prepaid
Specifically, this study aims to create a reservation system that offers the following:
1. to increase the number of hotel guests;
2. to lessen the time consumed during reservation.
3. to highly integrate data.
4. to spend less time in searching and retrieving of files.
5. to create monthly sales report; and
6. to keep up with competitors by cater wider markets.
Scope and limitation of the project
The study focuses only on the hotel reservation system area, both the server and the client. For the
server, it tries to eliminate booking complexities through the use of an internet in doing a reservation
request, since
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Database Management Systems ( Dbms )
Data is at the centre of most today's businesses and businesses must pay close attention to how they
access, store and use data. One of the systems at the heart of current data management is different
database management system.
But as with most technology product out there, people have a wide range of database technologies
and systems to choose from. Picking out the most convenient for your business can be difficult.
This guide will hope to explain what database management systems are and what are the benefits for
using one. We'll also explain some of the most common distinctions between these technologies and
provide you a few tips on how to select the best system for your business.
Introduction to database management systems
What are database management systems (DBMS)? First, it's good to understand the different
components of DBMS. At the core of DBMS is database, which is essentially an organised
collection of data. The data in database is modelled in reality in a manner, which helps supports
processes that seek information.
Creating a database is simple, but you also need to be able to use the database for different
functions. This is where database management systems come to the rescue.
A DBMS is a computer software application, which helps to interact with the user of the database,
different applications, as well the database itself in order to gather and analyse data. A DBMS allows
interaction with the data, whether it is to create, analyse, delete or change
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Design Process And Generating Model Of A Knuckle Joint
This papers shows the methodology of developing an integrated application of a design process and
generating model of a knuckle joint using a Visual Basic and the SolidWorks. The methodology
concentrates on the making a Knowledge Base Engineering. Where KBE helps with the storing and
reusing the data by the user and it shows developing Graphic User Interface (GUI) as a KBE tool for
the standard design for developing the design process and modelling of a 3D model of a knuckle
joint by standard empirical relations using SolidWorks. From that interaction the user can decreasing
the developing time along with the modifications of reusing same data with other parameters and
generating a 3D model with the resultant parameters. There by the designer can decrease the
designing time. This paper mainly concentrates on integration of two software's Visual Basic and
SolidWorks that could process could design and develop an accurate design of a knuckle joint. Index
Terms – Computer Aided Design, KBE, Standard Design process of knuckle joint, Parametric
Modeling, Visual Basic, Solid Works API. I. INTRODUCTION The main purpose of the 'Design' is
to create things which will satisfy certain requirements of a user in an innovative way. Designer
spends most of their time in understanding the existing designs and dealing with the challenges
associated with the modifications and the improvements in the designs. Lots of engineering man
hours is consumed by doing repetitive tasks of
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Three Techniques To Integrate Database To The Web Analysis
InfoHarness Repository Language, has the capability to generate simple metadata. It provides
automation for generation of metadata; InfoHarness is often used to encapsulate raw data
(heterogenous), and used as a runtime entity to search that encapsulated data.
In this technique, when the data item arrives for archiving, information is automatically extracted
and sent to a catalog named summary. Simultaneously, more information is gathered and sent to
catalog named program. Now, the users have the ability to locate data from the summary, using
which they analyze the data retrieved through program catalog.
4.3 Techniques to Integrate Database to the Web.
The process integrating database to the WWW (web) is done with adoption of various ... Show more
content on ...
The idea is to rebuild parts of the UI on web before executing/displaying them on the user's
machine. Hence, improving the scalability issues that the web currently faces. Although it reduces
the load of the server, this approach is largely platform dependent. For example, web programs
written in java improves interaction with the database. i.e., it will limit the disadvantage of the
stateless protocol (HTTP).
Middle–Layer approach, this technique mainly concentrates on the heterogenous form of the data
and how to improve its integration to the web. CORBA, is an existing technique in this area that can
be used to solve this issue. It supports interoperability between the objects. It is capable of handling
different machines written in different languages, considering that these systems work mostly on a
distributed/heterogenous environment.
4.4 Techniques to improve scalability factor for Web–Based Databases
Especially with the growth of web usage, there has come a time to relook into the design of both
web based applications and traditional DB techniques that are currently in place to counter
scalability issues. Below are some of the suggestions to improve the database techniques,
In order to achieve a cut–edge database application, there should be freedom for the web–clients to
update DB. Example, an accepted order should trigger the update of available quantity. The current
and traditional DBs use conventional models for transaction purpose,
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Evaluation Of User Requirement Analysis Of Data Warehouse...
Evaluation of User Requirement Analysis in Data Warehouse Design
1.0 Introduction
A data warehouse (DW) can be acknowledged as one of the most complex information system
modules available and it is a system that periodically retrieves and consolidates data from the
sources into a dimensional or normalized data store. It is an integrated, subject–oriented, nonvolatile
and a time–variant collection of data in support of management's decisions (Inmon, 1993).
1.1 Data Warehouse Design Process
When considering the suggestions of various authors who are well known in the field, such as
William Inmon and Ralph Kimball the DW design process can be divided into three main stages
(Figure 1).
The first phase which is DW planning is aimed at determining the scope and the objectives of the
DW. The second phase will be concentrating on individual data marts (DM) and will be repeated for
each DM to be implemented. And according to the Figure 1, the second phase can be further divided
into five distinct main phases. The final phase will focus on performance optimization and keeping
the DW schema up–to–date. This paper will be focusing only on the requirement analysis phase.
In DW lifecycle, one of the most crucial phases that might affect all other phases of DW
development is the Requirement Analysis phase. It is a process of collecting requirements from end
user. The goal of this phase is to identify organizational objectives and elaborate requirements that
could measure
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Database Processing, 13e (Kroenke/Auer) Chapter 8: Database Redesign 1) Database redesign is
rarely needed because databases are usually built correctly the first time. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1
Page Ref: 367 2) In a real sense, information systems and organizations do not just influence each
other, but rather they create each other. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 3) A continuous
circular process of changes in user behaviors and change in the information systems they use is a
natural outcome of information system use. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 4) The continuous
circular process of changes is known as the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Answer:
TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 5) Database redesign is ... Show more content on ...
Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 27) The process of reading an actual database schema and
producing a data model from that schema is called reverse engineering. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page
Ref: 373 28) The data model produced by reverse engineering is a true conceptual schema. Answer:
FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 373 29) The data model produced by reverse engineering may include
some entities that should not appear in the data model. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 373 30)
The design produced by reverse engineering may be described as a table–relationship diagram.
Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 373 31) The authors refer to the data model produced by reverse
engineering as the RE data model. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 373 32) Because of the need to
know the functional dependencies in a database, it is a good idea to create a dependency graph.
Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 374–375 33) Dependency graphs are graphical displays like bar
charts. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 374–375 34) Typically, there are at least four different
copies of the database schema used in the redesign process. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 375
35) A means must be created to recover all test databases to their original state during the redesign
testing process. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 375 36) Even if an organization
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The Four Elements Of My Teaching Philosophy And Philosophy...
I believe that ``A tax on gained knowledge is to disseminate it by teaching," which leads to the
unlimited expansion of knowledge. My principle philosophy about teaching is that it is a holy
message to deliver knowledge to anyone who seeks it, and this concept should make learning an
enjoyable experience. My practical teaching philosophy mainly depends on four elements: {bf
knowledge}, {bf encouragement}, {bf contemplation}, and {bf excellence}. The acquisition and
ongoing quest for and to share {bf knowledge} is key for any successful teacher. The {bf
encouragement} of student interaction is necessary for success in learning, especially the
encouragement of a student's {bf contemplation} on how to expand their knowledge based on the
material and always be thinking about new ways to solve problems. This process and involvement
can only lead to academic {bf excellence}. I can contribute to the success and happiness of students
through the practical implication of the four elements of my teaching philosophy. My ongoing quest
for knowledge will allow me to deeply interact with the class materials and student, and
communicate with them on their level of understanding. This balance between the knowledge of the
instructor and knowing the students' needs will allow for the appropriate level of challenge to
maintain interest in the class. When first approaching a topic to teach, I keep the students aware of
the big picture or overall purpose of what they will be studying.
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nx
Formerly known as UNIGRAPHICS, NX is an advanced high end CAD/CAM/CAE software
package. Owned by Siemens PLM Software, it is used for parametric design, direct solid and
surface modeling and simulation with respect to static, thermal, dynamic and manufacturing aspects.
NX design tools are superior in power, versatility, flexibility and productivity. Fast and intuitive
editing of the profiles has been enabled by incorporating the synchronous technology, thereby
making the job of the designer easy. It ensures improvement in efficiency by implementing tools
which facilitates easy–to–understand design changes. 2.1.1 FEATURES OF NXCAD: Some of the
important features of NX are as follows: 1. Feature–based modeling: The smallest building block in
a part model is known as a feature. A feature based approach for product design is being followed by
NX. It allows building a model incrementally, adding individual ... Show more content on ...
Unequalled depth: Ansys provides an unequalled technical depth in any simulation domain whether
it is structural, analysis, fluids, thermal, electromagnetics, meshing or processing and data
management. It provides consistent technology solutions irrespective of being a casual user or an
experienced analyst. 2. Unequalled breadth: Ansys provides functionality across a diverse range of
disciplines ranging from structural analysis right up to electromagnetic, including fluid and thermal
domains. All these are efficiently supported by a complete set of analysis types and backed up by a
powerful set of meshing tools. 3. Adaptive architecture: In today's world of engineering, for the
overall design and development process, a software must have the ability to adapt to a variety of
CAD and PLM solutions. The software must have the ability to be customized to provide for the
inter–operability with other software's. These are the characteristics provided in the Ansys
simulation architecture, making it feasible to be used under any
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Tour Operator Agency Database. Essay
A multinational tour operator agency has gained new business growth in the North American market
through the use of social media. Its operation has expanded by 50% within six months and the
agency requires an enhanced data management strategy to sustain their business operations. Their
existing data repository for its reservation processing system is limited in business intelligence and
reporting functionalities. The tour operator seeks a database management specialist to assist them in
leveraging their data sources to enable them to forecast and project tour sales appropriately.
Imagine that you have been hired to fulfill their need of enhancing the data repository for their
current reservation processing system. Upon reviewing the ... Show more content on ...
You may make use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such
as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Construct a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer's
invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Provide a copy of your working
code as part of the paper. Using the salesperson table described in the summary above, complete the
following: Construct a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per
salesperson by an increment of one (1). Create a query that can produce results that show the
quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. Support the reasoning behind using stored
procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one–inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school–specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,
the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the
reference page are not included in the
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The Grace–Chain–Analysis–Ba/689012–Chain–Analysis–Ba/689012
Problem A
Use the database shown in Figure P3.1 to work Problems 1–7. Note that the database is composed of
four tables that reflect these relationships:
An EMPLOYEE has only one JOB_CODE, but a JOB_CODE can be held by many EMPLOYEEs.
An EMPLOYEE can participate in many PLANs, and any PLAN can be assigned to many
Note also that the *:* relationship has been broken down into two 1:* relationships for which the
BENEFIT table serves as the composite or bridge entity.
Database name: Ch03_BeneCo Table name: EMPLOYEE
14 Rudell 2
15 McDade 1
16 Ruellardo 1
17 ... Show more content on ...
(Hint: Each store employs many employees, one of whom manages the store.)
12. Draw the ERD to show the relationships among EMPLOYEE, STORE, and REGION.
Problem C
Use the database Ch03_TransCo to answer Problems 19–24
Database name: Ch03_TransCo
Table name: TRUCK
1001 501 1 32,123.50 23–Sep–03 AA–322–12212–W11
1002 502 1 76,984.30 05–Feb–02 AC–342–22134–Q23
1003 501 2 12,346.60 11–Nov–03 AC–445–78656–Z99
1004 1 2,894.30 06–Jan–04 WQ–112–23144–T34
1005 503 2 45,673.10 01–Mar–03 FR–998–32245–W12
1006 501 2 193,245.70 15–Jul–00 AD–456–00845–R45
1007 502 3 32,012.30 17–Oct–01 AA–341–96573–Z84
1008 502 3 44,213.60 07–Aug–02 DR–559–22189–D33
1009 503 2 10,932.90 12–Feb–04 DE–887–98456–E94
Table name: BASE
501 London Buckinghamshire 0181 123–4567 Andrea D. Gallager
502 Edingburgh Edingburgh City 0117 234–5678 George H. Delarosa
503 Best North Brabant 4567 345–6789 Maria J. Talindo
504 Blackrock Cork 3531 456–7890 Peter F. McAvee
Table name: TYPE
1 Single box, double–axle
2 Single box, single–axle
3 Tandem trailer, single–axle
13. For each table, identify the primary key and the foreign key(s). If a table does not have a foreign
key, write None in the space provided.
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CS320 Lab1
CS320 – Database Administration
Lab #1
Download Oracle 11g Express Edition either 64bit or 32bit version that the
Instructor has provided. Load and run the CS320.sql script and you then should be able to answer
this lab. Please submit queries as download the results in a CSV file format and submit it to the
course canvas. This covers SQL Part A (Chapters 2,8&
9 from the text Oracle 11g Sql by Joan Casteel
1. Create a list containing the publisher's name, the person usually contacted, and the publisher's
telephone number. Rename the contact column "Contact Person" in the displayed results.
2. Determine which categories are represented in the current book inventory. List each category only
3. Create a list of authors that displays the ... Show more content on ...
Sort the results by the date on which the order was placed.
19. Produce a list of all customers who live in the state of Florida and have ordered books about
20. Determine which books customer Jake Lucas has purchased. Perform the search using the
customer name, mot the customer number. If he has purchased multiple copies of the same book,
unduplicate the results.
21. Determine the profit of each book sold to Jake Lucas, using the actual price the customer paid
(not the book's regular retail price). Sort the results by order date. If more than one book was
ordered, sort the results by profit amount in descending order. Perform the search using the customer
name, not the customer number.
22. Which books were written by an author with the last name Adams? Perform the search using the
author name.
23. Display a list of all books in the BOOKS table. If a book has been ordered by a customer, also
list the corresponding order number and the state in which the customer resides. 24. What gift will a
customer who orders the book Shortest Poems receive? Use the actual book retail value to determine
the gift.
25. Identify the authors of the books Becca Nelson ordered. Perform the search using the
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Data Modeling For A Relational Database Management System
The need to store and evaluate data is a perpetually growing field in the world of information
systems. From the days of using flat files to very large database management systems that store
petabytes of data in real time, the practice of building information from data continues to evolve.
Today, the relational data model is quite ubiquitous and is used in a plethora of information systems
ranging from accounting systems, banks, retail business, and scientific usage. It is important to
understand the concepts involved in data modeling for a relational database management system in
order to build an effective and efficient system.
Data models weren't as sophisticated in the early days as they are today. In the 1960's and 70's the
first generation data models were comprised of an ad hoc file system with no concept of
relationships between the files (Coronel & Morris, 2015). For instance, one file might contain rows
of customer records while another would house invoices. For simple data, file systems worked, but
for large sets of interconnecting data, a data processing specialist was needed to create a program
that fetched the proper data, analyze it, formatted it, and presented it in a report that made sense to
the end user. For every new query, the data processing specialist needed to create a separate
application. Files became increasingly cumbersome the more that were added and they duplicated
quite a bit of data since there were no relationships between files. The time
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Relational Database System ( Rdbms ) Essay
A relational database is a collection of data which organized into a set of tables that can be accessed
in multiple ways without having to reorganize the tables' oftenly.Relational Database was proposed
by Edgar Codd around the time 1969.It has become prevalent for commercial applications. In the
20th century there were countless Relational Database System (RDBMS) take for instance:
IBM.DB2 and Oracle. Glossary The following are the main terms and concepts related to the named
model: 1. Attributes –they describe the facts, details or characteristics of an entity. The attributes that
maybe contained in an invoice might be name, number and paid/unpaid. 2. Table –this is where data
is stored for processing and output .The table is defined as a collection of correlating data consisting
of rows and columns. For example, the CUSTOMER or PURCHASES table may entail the
customer first name, last name, address and the product that the customer purchased or wishes to
purchase. 3. Field–this is a column in a table that is constructed to save and maintain particular
information about records that are stored in the table. They can include name, age and salary fields.
4. Record– commonly called a record, usually referred to as a 'slot' or space that resides in a table, it
is most commonly recognized as a horizontal entity. For instance, the CUSTOMER's table will
consists of numerous related records. Cust_Fname Cust_Age Cust_Address Stacy 20 Clarkia Drive
5. Reports–this is an overview of
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Women 's Exploitation Of Women
The exploitation of women in production, and the exclusion of women from consumption is not the
only ways in which the female body is harmed as a result of the globalization of the fashion
industry. Perhaps the most obvious occurrence of female body harm in the fashion industry is a
result of fashion modeling. An up–close look into the modeling industry as a microcosm of the
fashion industry reveals the severe objectification and commodification of fashion models for the
sake of consumption.
The modeling industry has created a culture of exclusion across genders and races. Author Ashley
Mears (2010) critically analyses the fashion industry, and how it influences production of culture
and beauty ideals around the world. The modeling world is extremely female dominated, and the
women who participate are continually commodified as they are used as a means to "promote and
disseminate ideas of how women should look," (p. 23). Because consumption is valued so in today's
society, the model is employed based on her perceived ability to sell a product. The clothes she is
hired to wear and the beauty ideal that she is helping sell are more important than her humanity, and
she becomes dehumanized. "Clothes take on such utmost importance that models are and should be
mere clothes hangers, with perfectly discrete bodies that will display the clothes but not detract from
them," (Mears, 2010, p. 35). Models are blatantly objectified as they are forced be invisible for the
sake of
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Annotated Bibliography On Hierarchical Database
Hierarchical Database
Kind of database model which is designed in a hierarchy completely access to data beginning at the
highest of hierarchical then changes to down such as customer to order.
Also this system relation records together same a family tree that each record has just one owner.
The hierarchical typical structure has levels which shows one –to – many also relationship between
a parent and children divisions. The main key this models which following by each parent can have
many children as well each child has simply one parent.
This models most common if you compared with network and relational database because can be
manage by huge amounts of data for difficult projects.
Speed very efficiency
Data independence
Database integrity which link between child and parent
Data is simplicity
Very easy to add and delete record
Database pretend a different form environment
Easy to create a large installed
Implement very complex
Implementation limitations
Lack of standards
Program design complexity
Difficult to manage insert, delete and update
Practical access language
Create record must user start at the root
Data redundancy
Create database before the programs must be define
Network Database
A kind of database organisation system that every record style can have many owner .As well as this
model allows for data relationships many way, for instance order are owned by customers and
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Companies Are Adopting Business Intelligence System Within...
Companies are adopting business intelligence system within their organizations because by using
the system reports they can gain the advantages of understanding their internal strength and
weaknesses to face external competitors and challenges to increase profits and reduce cost on their
everyday operations and processes.
(b) One quoted advantage of implementing a Business Intelligence systems is the concept of a
'single version of the truth' Explain what this refers to?
'Single version of Truth" quoted in advantage of implementing Business Intelligence Systems means
be referring to how accurate the information being pull out from the system as reports. As long as
the reports are from one source, and retrieved by a defined time, ... Show more content on ...
Implementation with low granularity is having a large data which is difficult to re–use in another
So, whether the implementation of high or low granularity, it usually depends on the nature of the
organization and the organization management level decision, whichever suite them best.
(c) What are the perceived limitation of the star schema model? How did SAP's extended star
schema model address these issues?
The perceived limitations of the star schema model are as below: 1. No structured drill–downs can
be created 2. Only characteristics of the dimension tables can be used to access tables 3. Support for
many languages is difficults 4. There is no link to languages description for attributes of dimensions
tables 5. Secondary indexes to the data are stored as alphanumeric fields in large table making data
access more difficult. 6. If attributes of the dimensionschange over time, there is no way to maintain
both the old abd the new values for the attribute. 7. Master data common across business processes
must be duplicated in each star schema. 8. Hierarchy relationship of the data must be modeled as
attributes of a dimension.
SAP extended star schema model
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Web Api Using The Entity Framework
Chapter 5: "Creating Applications using AngularJS, Entity Frameworks, and ASP.Net MVC",
focuses on how to connect to database using Entity Framework. In this chapter we will discuss how
to create Web API using ASP.Net MVC and how to consume these Web API with AngularJS. This
chapter organized as follows.
Using Entity Framework o Creating a data model from existing database
Creating Web API using Visual Studio o Working with JSON Object in ASP.NET MVC using
Using Angular JS with ASP.NET MVC o Sending and Receiving JSON Object to Angular JS
Using Entity Framework
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), in .Net framework ADO.Net is a set of classes to expose the data
access services for .Net framework developer. ADO.Net contains the set of components to create
distribution and data–sharing applications. Using ADO.Net we can create front–end database clients
and data access layer to use by the application. ADO.Net frequently used the application developer
to access database in relational database systems such as SQL, Oracle and so on.
ADO.Net is very powerful framework to use for accessing data. It has been in the market since
many years. ADO.Net Entity Framework is an enhancement to traditional ADO.Net, which enable
developer to develop data access application by using a conceptual data model instead of directly
connecting to the relational database. With Entity Frameworks, the amount of code and the
maintenance required for data oriented application significantly will be
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Data Model : An Abstract Model
What is data model:
Data model is defined in different ways; Here I discuss couple of definitions.
A Data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate
to one another and to properties of the real world. (wekipedia,2016)
A Data model says what information is to be contained in a database, how the information will be
used, and how the items in the database will be related to each other. (
Data modeling is the process of documenting a complex software system design as an easily
understood diagram, using text and symbols to represent the way data needs to flow. (Margaret
Data model is managing a large quantity of organized or unorganized data. Data model identify
clearly in data modeling.
Types of Data model:
The conceptual Model
The Logical Model
The physical Model
How are data models layered and why?
In database management layers of data is most important, With the help of layers of data we design
External layer or External level:
External layer is prior planning level, in external layer we gathered views from users. External
provides strong and well maintained security mechanism by hiding parts of the database from
certain users. External layer allows users to access data, which design according to their needs, in
this way different users access the same data at same time in different way.
Logical layer:
The logical layer is the planning part of the database. In this logical layer we write
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Conceptual Model Of Conceptual Data Model Essay
Conceptual data model Conceptual data model to build the conceptual representation of the
database, which includes identification of the important entities, relationships and attributes. A
conceptual data models identifies the highest level relationships between the different entities.
Features of conceptual data model include:–  No attribute is specified  No primary key is
specified  Includes the important entities and the relationships among them. At this level the data
model attempts to identify the highest– level relationship among the different entities. But attributes
with highlighted foreign keys and primary keys which is not included in the conceptual data model.
The data model showing the least amount of details is known as conceptual, Logical data model A
logical data model describes the data in as much detail as possible without concern how they will be
physical implemented in the data warehousing it is common for conceptual data model
and the logical data model to be combined into a single step . Also translating conceptual data
models into a format consistent with the architure used by the data management software to be used
with the application. Logical data a model is the same for all data management technologies, while
logical data model for one real–life scenario in generic, physical data model will depend upon a
particular implementation. The main features of this model include Include are entities and
relationships between
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Database Management System ( Dbms )
2. What is a DBMS? Briefly describe the components of a DBMS.
Database Management System(DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data (database) and set of
programs to access and modify those data.
DBMS has several components. Each component has some specific task to perform. The Major
components DBMS are as follows,
Without hardware it is not possible to implement DBMS. The main hardware is the computer used
for storing and accessing the data in database. Other hardware components used in DBMS are
Storage devices, I/O devices, and electromechanical devices which makes interface between user
and the database.
This is main component of the DBMS. Software is the set of programs to access and control the data
in the ... Show more content on ...
Granting of authorization for data access iv. Routine maintenance
End Users
The real users who the application programs to interact with the database to perform different
operations stored in the database. Some of the operations are insertion, deletion, updating data in the
database, etc.
Query processor
It converts the user queries into series of low level instructions. The query processor has the
following components,
i. DDL interpreter:
It interprets DDL statements and records definitions in the data dictionary. ii. DML compiler:
It translates DML statements in the query language into an evaluation plan consisting of low level
instructions. iii. Query evaluation engine:
It executes low level instructions (query evaluation plan).
Data is the most important component of the DBMS. The main purpose of DBMS is to process the
data in efficient and convenient way for the users. In DBMS, databases are defined, constructed,
modified , inserted and accessed from the database. There are two types of data in the DBMS. They
i. Meta data:
It is the data about data or description about data stored in the database. Data definition
language(DDL) is used to manipulate this type of data. ii. Actual data:
This is data actually stored in the database by the users. Data manipulation language(DML) is used
to manipulate this type of data.
3. Describe a primary key, candidate key, secondary key, foreign key, and a combination
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Erp System for Riordan Manufacturing
ERP System for Riordan Manufacturing Team A University of Phoenix Riordan Manufacturing is
the leading global industry manufacturing company of plastic injection molding. With over 550
employees and their overall annual projected earnings of $46 million dollars, Riordan
Manufacturing accredits their success to their focus on sales and marketing to gain additional
business and maintain a good relationship with existing clientele. Although the company has been
successful thus far, it is always important and essential to continually improve and take the business
to the next level in order to stay competitive in today 's world. Who doesn 't want to be the best at
what they do, and especially within the industry they represent? In ... Show more content on ...
Once all of the options and methods have been identified, researched and evaluated, the team will
have to collectively decide on the best solutions and vendors that will provide the best return on
investment. The Vice President of International Operations, Charles Williamson, will be in charge of
overseeing the entire project. With the support of the Vice Presidents from each department, Charles
Lacy – Sales and Marketing, Bob Havings – Product Support, Mark Neitzel – Operations, and
Clyde Cousins – Transportation, Charles and his team will have to carry and delegate
responsibilities to other team members within their departments to make this project successful. Of
course extensive input from the Chief Information Officer, Maria Trinh and her team will be
extremely important, along with the Director of Human Resources, Yvonne McMillan and Chief
Legal Council, Lowell Bradford. Once the plan is laid out, each department will be responsible for
acknowledging how the changes could cause a negative impact and what could be done to prevent
an excessive amount of downtime. Each department should elicit input from their employees to get
the broadest range of opinions and ideas. It will then be up to the department lead to collaborate
those ideas into a common consensus and present to the team for review. Each goal should be
assigned to the respective department and a time line should then
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Research A Local Business ( Universities )
CMP 350
DATABASE CONCPETS (onl2) Prof: Toni Clements RESEAECH PAPER Sushank vallepalli
"Research a local business (universities) to find out how the business uses a database."
1. Introduction ... Show more content on ...
The main aim is to research on the internship tracking system as perfectly as possible. This system
should store the information in order to complete that entire internship process. This research paper
consists of system architecture and gives a good description on the system with the support of ER
diagram. 2.THEORY
Student internship tracking system is a system which is used to co ordinate the student's internship
programs. It will be the following things in track or list they are.
Announcements and quotas.
Where students and secretaries are the user types. Mainly the secretary places a main role in opening
the quotas for the companies and then she will give the announcements to students about the
deadline. Moreover, all events will be logged keeping in mind the prevention of data loss and keep
the system safe. Additionally the system must be effectively backed up. The system can be
implementing with utilizing data structures, for example, files, however by utilizing database for
managing data; it will be substantially more sensible and effective. It is clear that the preferences of
relational database idea have demonstrated, so we chose to plan our system by utilizing a relational
database. As opposed to implement our own database, utilizing a well known database server
application is more
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Tradeoffs Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database...
Discuss the tradeoffs between relational and object–oriented database management systems
1) Stating Position
The object oriented DBMS is superior to the relational database on some specific counts, primarily
because it can satisfy the complex demands of the market today better than the any other. Secondly
while the relational data base stores data as tables, the object model stores data as objects and
creates associations. This can create a multiple set of attributes for each object such that the data
base is more flexible to the requirements that may be housed for different sets of data having both
similar and dissimilar characteristics. The paradigms then are developed for each set of common
characteristics and unique characteristics of the objects which is not possible in a relational database
that has a very rigid structure. (Bruegge, 2004)
Earlier the heterogeneous systems integration is a major issue. Therefore it has to be considered if
the system proposed is amenable to multiple platforms and will give the same results. There are
many applications available to enforce this, but it is to be borne in mind that in a data management
system many components have to be integrated with the system and the layering of these
components becomes critical. (Thuraisingham, 2001) But the requirements today have gone beyond
the traditional DBMS and the system is expected too seamlessly perform varied functions like
tracking functions, data analysis and reporting, vendor
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Database Development Process
Database Development Process
1. Define business processes Many database development efforts begin by defining the key business
and/or operational processes within the organization Developers first create high–level models
showing the major activity steps associated with marketing, sales, production, human resource
management, public relations, research and development, and so on Taken together, these process
maps represent an enterprise–wide model of the organization and its core
2. Determine scope of database development effort The next step in the database development effort
is to select one process or a set of related processes for further analysis and improvement
3. Define the information needs
Once a business process ... Show more content on ...
In DBMS, a repository is consists of database tables that store metadata which by default consists of
247 objects (183 tables and 64 views). It saves the mapping information and notations.
In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, there is a Repository Component, and this Repository
Component has a Repository Engine, a service that provides basic functions for storing and
retrieving objects and maintaining the relationships among them,
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The 's Secret Model By Cameron Russell
Victoria 's Secret Model, Cameron Russell, delivered one of the most profound TED Talks delivered
on the Mid Atlantic stage, according to TED writer Cameron Gallo. The model explains that though
the modeling industry considered her a perfect, she does not believe her appearance defines her.
Thus she came up with the title for her speech, "Looks Aren 't Everything... Believe Me, I 'm a
Model.". She specifically addresses that children need to understand that modeling does not
constitute a glamorous career. The industry drowns out personal values, views, and appearances to
warp these characteristics into a general image accepted by the masses, according to Russell. She
describes her view on modeling, and how it essentially made her feel like a hard shell of a person
with no inner value. She ended by encouraging people to find a balance between outward
appearance and inner beauty.
"Looks Aren 't Everything.... Believe Me, I 'm a Model" is categorized as TED talk. These "talks"
are powered by nonprofit organizations dedicated to spreading ideas, in the form of speeches,
demonstrations, and videos. Richard Saul Wormac, describes the talks as "observations and
recognition of a powerful convergence among three fields: technology, entertainment and design"
(Gallo 3). World class speakers perform 18–20 minute presentations, within the three fields.
Cameron Russell addresses each individual field in her speech, not limiting herself to one specific
category. Modeling developed a
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Applying Normalized Tables And The Model Of The Entity...
then be able to identify the dependencies between the attributes, and then create normalized tables
directly based on those dependencies. More often than not this can be done mentally or on paper
before the tables are even added to the actual design.
Normalization appropriates the affiliation amongst all of the attributes within the entity table to
achieve its goal. Since the Entity Relationship Diagram will also contain the appropriations amongst
the attributes, as a common base to identify the entity type structure, than it is possible to then apply
the normalization principles, all during the conceptual data modeling phase. Enacting Normalization
during the Entity Relationship Diagram can then improve the conceptual model, and therefore ...
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The relationship are then indicated by the common columns, or the domains, in the data tables are
related. The Transitive Dependency within an entity type takes place of the non entity attributive
attributes have dependency amongst there selves. Multi – Valued dependency likeness in the Entity
Relationship Diagram can take place when the attributes within the entity example have more than
one value. This is a potential instance when some attributes within an entity examples have the
maximum cardinality of n, or more than 1. When the attribute has lots of values in an entity
example, this can be setup either as the composite key modifier of the entity type, or then split into
the weak entity type.
Normalized Entity Relationship represents the dependency approach in Entity Relationship Diagram
toward the intended use in the application of normal form. Normalization is a many step occurrence
that begins with "unnormalized" relations.The first set up in normalization is to appropriate the data
into a two dimensional table. In an unnormalized relation the data can repeat within the columns. To
be able to move to a first normal form a relation must also contain only the atomic values at each of
the rows and columns. So this means no repeating groups, and a set of columns will be named the
Candidate key when its value can
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Concept Of Value Creation : The Npv Of A Dswh For East...
has been made to generalize the NPV of a DSWH for east coastal region of India. Traditionally NPV
has been location specific but in this study, effort has been made to generalize NPV for east coastal
region of India. A dedicated risk model for Monte Carlo simulation of a DSWH has been developed
using Microsoft excel 2013 and validated using @Risk7,a commercial software for risk modeling
and simulation.
2. Concept of value Creation:
2.1 Various schools of thought of value: Value creation is a very crucial concept in business.
Entrepreneurs are continuously putting a lot of effort to create sustainable value. Business is all
about creating sustainable value. Different subjects: marketing management, operation management,
finance and economics aim at creating value in their respective domain. These subjects look at value
from their own school of thought but more or less when it is to be quantified for decision making,
we talk about net present value. Few ways to define value are as below [22–24]
Strategy: (1)
Operation: (2)
Economics: (3)
Finance: (4)
Using logic and from the first principle following formula has been formulated exclusively for a
DSWH in general
NPV : (5)
This Eq. No. 5 can be used for a simple domestic water heater. For simplicity and without
sacrificing much accuracy, salvage value (s) can be taken as zero. In case NPV is greater than zero,
project can be accepted and if it is negative it has to be
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Electronic Healthcare Information Systems Analysis
Databases, Electronic Healthcare Information Systems, Data Sets and Data Standards Patient data is
crucial to healthcare practice. Having the ability to create, modify, delete, and view patient data is
the most important aspect of healthcare. A vital storage mechanism to perform the above functions is
a database. A database is essential in development of Electronic Health Record system A database is
an organized collection of data saved as a binary–type file on a computer (Sayles, 2013). Binary–
type files only contains ones and zeros so it is unreadable to end users. A database management
system provides the ability to perform the functions mentioned above. Many vendors are available
in the marketplace for different kinds of database ... Show more content on ...
Data objects can model relational data or advanced data types such as graphics, movies, and audio.
Smalltalk, C++, Java, and others are objects used in object–oriented data. The object–relational is a
combination of relational and object–oriented databases. Traditional and advanced data types can be
used to construct database management systems. These systems can connect to a company's website
and update records as needed. Database Approach The main purpose of a database is data storage
that can be stored and retrieved when needed. A popular common language called structured query
language (SQL) is used to store and retrieve data in relational database. This language enables the
systems to run a report or modify data or remove the data from the database. A database
management system (DBMS) controls all aspects of a database, this is not limited to the creation,
maintenance, and use of database. The DBMS ensures proper applications are able to access the
database. An important purpose of a DBMS is to maintain the data definitions (data dictionary) for
all the data elements in the database. It also enforces data integrity and security measures. Data
Models Data models provide a contextual framework and graphical representation that aid in the
definition of data elements. In a relational database, the data model lays the foundation for the
database and identifies important entities,
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Annotated Bibliography On Hierarchical Database
Hierarchical Database It is a kind of database model which is designed in a hierarchy completely
access to data beginning at the highest of hierarchical then changes to down such as customer to
order. The hierarchical typical structure has levels which shows one –to – many also relationship
between a parent and children divisions. The main key this models which following by each parent
can have many children as well each child has simply one parent. This model is most common if it
is compared with network and relational database because it can be manage by huge amounts of data
for difficult projects. Advantages Speed very efficiency Data independence Database integrity which
link between child and parent Data is simplicity ... Show more content on ...
it is a collection of data items organised as a set of formally described tables from what data can be
accessed. The application standard to use this kind of database is the structured query language
(SQL).This statements are used for both communication with queries for information from a
relational database this schema set of tables contain data built into predefined categories. Each table
contains one or more data categories in columns, each row contains a unique instance of data for the
categories defined by the columns. A relational database Management system (RDBMS) is the
physical and logical implementation of a relational
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Relational Data Models Versus No Sql Data Model
Relational Data Model Versus No SQL Data Model
Rutu Patel
CSIT 555 Database Systems
Midterm Research Paper
The term database can be defined as the collection of systematic, well–ordered and structured data
that can be easily and efficiently handled, retrieved and upgraded on a periodic basis depending on
its requirements. The structure and organization of any database is based upon its respective
database model.
A unique database model is implemented by each database depending upon the logical structure of
the data that is being handled by that database. There are numerous distinct database models out in
the market at present that allow the application developers to effectively manage the data. The most
widely welcomed ... Show more content on ...
The fundamental theory of logical relations among the grouped data is incorporated in the relational
database model. This method offers numerous advantages such as keeping the structured data in an
organized and logically related manner, ease of data handling in case of related data or information,
simplicity of data management and many more. In general, it can be stated that those database
systems that assimilate the technique of relational SQL data model can execute in a productive and
precise method.
The term "No SQL" is considered in a much wider vision which means "Not Only SQL". This can
be elaborated in the sense that the concept of No SQL does not consider the complete elimination of
SQL language, rather it focuses on supporting other SQL like queries. The No SQL Database
basically follows a model–free approach. The leading advantage of implementing the No SQL
database is eliminating all the restrictions of the rigorously followed structured model in the
relational database system. In No SQL approach, there are many flexibilities of choosing eligible
data structure according to the information or data that has to be handled. Some of the widely
followed data models of the No SQL database are key value stores, column family stores, document
database, graph database, etc. The fundamental concept behind the development of the key–value
store data model is to create a data model that
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Cal Essay

  • 1. Cal Essay In SQL, a join is used to take a gander at and solidify – genuinely join – and return specific lines of data from no less than two tables in a database. An inward join finds and returns planning data from tables, while an outer join finds and returns organizing data and some different data from tables. Them has been cxtensivc work in inquiry improvement since the enrly '70s. It is hardto capturethe breadthanddepth of this vast assemblage of work in a short article. Therefore,I havedecidedto center fundamentally on the enhancement of SQL inquiries in social dntnbascsystemsand presentmy biasedand inadequate perspective of this licld, The objective of this article isn't to be comprehensive,but ratbcr to clarify the establishments and ... Show more content on ... Select all records from Table An, alongside records from Table B for which the join condition is met (if by any stretch of the imagination). Select all records from Table B, alongside records from Table A for which the join condition is met (if by any stretch of the imagination). Select all records from Table An and Table B, paying little mind to whether the join condition is met or not. Cases of SQL Join Types We should utilize the tables we presented in the "What is a SQL join?" area to indicate cases of these participates in real life. The connection between the two tables is determined by the customer_id key, which is the "essential key" in clients table and an "outside key" in the requests table: customer_id first_name last_name email address city state zipcode 1 George Washington 3200 Mt Vernon Hwy Mount Vernon VA 22121 2 John Adams 1250 Hancock St Quincy MA 02169 3 Thomas Jefferson 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy Charlottesville VA 22902 4 James Madison 11350 Constitution Hwy Orange VA 22960
  • 2. 5 James Monroe 2050 James Monroe Parkway Charlottesville VA 22902 order_id order_date amount customer_id 1 07/04/1776 $234.56 1 2 03/14/1760 $78.50 3 3 05/23/1784 $124.00 2 4 09/03/1790 $65.50 3 Note that (1) few out of every odd client in our clients table has put in a request and (2) there are a couple of requests for which no client record exists in our ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. Database Security – 1 – Database Security *) GÜNTHER PERNUL Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme Abteilung für Information Engineering Universität Wien Vienna, Austria 1. Introduction 1.1 The Relational Data Model Revisited 1.2 The Vocabulary of Security and Major DB Security Threats 2. Database Security Models 2.1 Discretionary Security Models 2.2 Mandatory Security Models 2.3 Adapted Mandatory Access Control Model 2.4 Personal Knowledge Approach 2.5 Clark and Wilson Model 2.6 A Final Note on Database Security Models 3. Multilevel Secure Prototypes and Systems 3.1 SeaView 3.2 Lock Data Views 3.3 ASD_Views 4. Conceptual Data Model for Multilevel Security 4.1 Concepts of Security Semantics 4.2 Classification ... Show more content on ... · Authorization, Access Controls Authorization is the specification of a set of rules that specify who has which type of access to what information. Authorization policies therefore govern the disclosure and modification of information. Access controls are – 3 – procedures that are designed to control authorizations. They are responsible to limit access to stored data to authorized users only. · Integrity, Consistency An integrity policy states a set of rules (i. e. semantic integrity constraints) that define the correct states of the database during database operation and therefore can protect against malicious or accidental modification of information. Closely related issues to integrity and consistency are concurrency control and recovery. Concurrency control policies protect the integrity of the database
  • 5. in the presence of concurrent transactions. If these transactions do not terminate normally due to system crashes or security violations recovery techniques are used to reconstruct correct or valid database states. · Auditing The requirement to keep records of all security relevant actions issued by a user is called auditing. Resulting audit records are the basis for further reviews and examinations in order to test the adequacy of system controls and to recommend any changes in the security policy. In this Chapter such a broad perspective of database security is not taken. Instead, main focus is directed towards aspects related to ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Advantages Of Simulation In Healthcare Systems Simulation has been used to analyze many issues in the healthcare sector for over 40 years [1]. Such issues that have been addressed by simulation include, but not limited to; improving patients' workflows and throughput time, reducing waiting times, resources allocation and optimization, staff scheduling and development of decision support systems (DSS). Discrete Event Simulation (DES), Agent Based Simulation (ABS) and System Dynamics are the main simulation methods that have been used for healthcare systems' modelling and analysis [2]. Although each of these methods has its own capabilities, they exhibit some limitations [3]. Table 1 summaries some of the capabilities and limitations of DES and ABS methods in healthcare applications. Recently, several hybrid/integrated simulation models have been introduced. In such approach, multiple simulation methods are combined in one model. This combination/ integration of individual methods enables the symbiotic realization of the strengths of individual methods, while reducing their limitations [4]. Chahal and Eldabi [5], [6] identified three different formats for the integration between DES and SD: Hierarchical format (data passes between two distinct paradigms), Process–environment format (two distinct paradigms, ... Show more content on ... From the comparison provided in Table 1, neither the DES method nor the ABS method is capable to capture such details and complexity in healthcare systems on its own. However, both methods together may be capable of capturing these details. In this paper, a framework for a novel DES–ABS hybrid approach for modeling healthcare systems is proposed with the aim to enable modeling of the complexity of healthcare systems considering the concepts of flows and queues, and also humans' decisions and interactions. Then, a case study for one of the famous radiology centers in Alexandria, Egypt is ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. A Note On Mondrian Architecture MONDRAIN Mondrain is a Relational Online Analytical Processing server. It is written in Java and used for reporting and data warehousing. It supports Mulidimensional expression query language i.e, MDX, OLAP4J for interface specification and XML for analysis. It is an open source OLAP server and more useful for analysis that involves drilling down data. The Mondrian schema is supported by almost any OLAP client tool. Connecting to Mondrian Engine Mondrian maintains data in MDX fashion. For us to access any existing cube, we need some reporting tool. We can use Pentaho Report designer for writing the query to fetch data from data warehouse and publish it on the report using MDX. One of the ways we can connect to Mondrian is by using its rich ... Show more content on ... Three kinds of data need to be stored: fact table data (the transactional records), aggregates, and dimensions. The multidimensional format does not perform well when there are more than few dimensions which will lead to sparse data. A HOLAP , a hybrid OLAP system solves this problem by only storing the aggregates in multidimensional format. Mondrian's primary API is proprietary. Mondrian provides API for client applications to executing queries. It uses a language called MDX which is used for querying multidimentional databases. Mondrian is used for: 1. It gives high performace and provided interactive analysis of large or small data. 2. It provides dimensional exploration of data 3. We can parse MDX into SQL to retrieve answers to dimensional queries. 4. High speed queries 5. Advanced calculations using calculation expression of MDX language DRUID Druid is open source distributed data store written in java . It allows fast access to large sets of seldom changing data. It is commonly used in Business intelligence applications to analyze high volumes of real time and historical data. Druid allows for single table queries. It provides: Partially nested data structures use columnar storage format. For quick filtering, can use indexing. hierarchical query distribution with intermediate pruning realtime ingestion fault tolerant distributed architecture
  • 10. Architecture: The name druid comes from role playing games as it is capable of ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Relational Database Design PhyloInformatics 7: 1–66 – 2005 Relational Database Design and Implementation for Biodiversity Informatics Paul J. Morris The Academy of Natural Sciences 1900 Ben Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA Received: 28 October 2004 – Accepted: 19 January 2005 Abstract The complexity of natural history collection information and similar information within the scope of biodiversity informatics poses significant challenges for effective long term stewardship of that information in electronic form. This paper discusses the principles of good relational database design, how to apply those principles in the practical implementation of databases, and examines how good database design is essential for long term stewardship of ... Show more content on ... This is not to say that database design is not important. Good database design is vitally important for stewardship of biodiversity information. In the context of limited resources, good design includes a careful focus on what information is most important, allowing programming and database administration to best support that information. Database Life Cycle As natural history collections data have been captured from paper sources (such as century old handwritten ledgers) and have accumulated in electronic databases, the natural history museum community has observed that electronic data need much more upkeep than paper records (e.g. National Research Council, 2002 p.62–63). Every few years we find that we need to move our electronic data to some new database system. These migrations are usually driven by changes imposed upon us by the rapidly changing landscape of operating systems and software. Maintaining a long obsolete computer running a long unsupported operating system as the only means we have to work with data that reside in a long unsupported database program with a custom front end written in a language that nobody writes code for anymore is not a desirable situation. Rewriting an entire collections database system from scratch every few years is also not a desirable situation. The computer science folks who think about databases have developed a conceptual approach to avoiding getting stuck in such unpleasant situations – the database life cycle ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Fashion Modeling Career The career I would like to learn in my future is being in the fashion model industry. Choosing this career took place when I walked in the "Victoria Secret" underwear store I would spot the wide screens and the fashion models wearing all the clothes and underwear on. In my point of view, this would be a great future for myself since I'm confident and I have those great personalities I am great with people and I can put myself into character in the show and I believe I have an attractive shaped for the clothes. I ask myself if I were able to make it, I would literally be great full and will retain me from bad people and food for my health. In my perspective, this would be a surprising career for me and my family. They pay very well and I would like to make my dreams come true and be proud receiving my own money. General description of duties and responsibilities First of all, a modeling career is all about representing famous new clothes and traveling the world. Choosing this career was unbelievable because I walked through the store ¨Victoria Secret¨ and I would look at the models, modeling clothes and underwear and in that moment I thought about that career. Some duties I would need to accomplish are dedicating time and keeping a nice body shape to fit the clothes without any problem. Another two are having confidence and keeping a strong mind. One responsibility is being able to travel because that´s very important to visit different places and being ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Different Data Models And Schemas n of different data models and schemas a) Critically compare the following database types (schemas) Hierarchical Database Kind of database model which is designed in a hierarchy completely access to data beginning at the highest of hierarchical then changes to down such as customer to order. Also this system relation records together same a family tree that each record has just one owner. The hierarchical typical structure has levels which shows one –to – many also relationship between a parent and children divisions. The main key this models which following by each parent can have many children as well each child has simply one parent. This models most common if you compared with network and relational database because can be manage by huge amounts of data for difficult projects. Advantages Speed very efficiency Data independence Database integrity which link between child and parent Data is simplicity Very easy to add and delete record Database pretend a different form environment Easy to create a large installed Disadvantages Implement very complex Implementation limitations Lack of standards Program design complexity Difficult to manage insert, delete and update Practical access language Create record must user start at the root
  • 17. Data redundancy Create database before the programs must be define Network Database A kind of database organisation system that every record style can have many owner .As well as this model ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Managing And Securing Unstructured Data With a massive growth in Internet, there has been an enormous increase in the amount of information generated and shared in social networking sites and across various industries. This has led to storing and access issues with regards to unstructured data. Firstly understanding what unstructured data is of primary importance before trying to handle it. In simple terms unstructured data can be understood as data that can't be stored in the form of rows and columns. It can be anything including email files, text documents, presentations, image and video files. Studies carried out by IDC and EMC forecasts that data will grow to 40 zettabyes (1 ZB = 1 billion TB). As of now more than 80% of all stored data in organizations is unstructured and ... Show more content on ... Also backup and restore will take a lesser time Major disadvantage is that storing unstructured data will significantly increase the size of databases which will lead to more time for backup and restore of these databases and can cause performance issues with I/O subsystems The big disadvantage of this approach is that we have to create and maintain manual links between database and external file system files which can potentially go out of sync. Also since data is stored outside the system the backups are not consistent and unstructured data is not a part of the transaction. Hybrid Approach: To overcome the disadvantages of the methods discussed above, another method was the Hybrid Approach, which proposes Database engine to support a new data type "filestream". Filestram help consolidates the profit of getting to BLOBs specifically from the NTFS document framework with the referential integrity and simple entry offered by the conventional social database engine. In SQL Server, BLOBs can be standard varbinary (max) information that stores the information in tables, or filestream varbinary (max) protests that store the information in the document framework. The major advantage of this approach is BLOB's are under database transactional consistency. By carrying out research with different datasets, it was clearly observed that hybrid and filestream data type approach is faster ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Online Reservation System and Booking Chapter I Introduction Rationale of the Study Every problem has a solution. In order to come up with a good solution, the root of the problem has to be determined. The scope of the problem must be established well before making the first few steps of the study. One has to get a hold of the basic theories and principles regarding the problem, justify the impact of the problem to the society, and consider the future customers of that "would–be "solution. Before designing solutions, related literature must be examined first. This may ease off confusion as to where and how to start. Lastly, a standard and appropriate methodology must guide everything until the solution is achieved. Technology has gone a long way, improving ... Show more content on ... The proponents make use of some tools and techniques to build the project. The system uses Graphical User Interface(GUI) to help the user give instruction to the computer. The system once implemented it will solve the most common problems
  • 22. that the Hotels encounter. Features: – online reservation – add/edit/delete guest reservation information – prepaid card – reloadable – guest account numbers – generate monthly sales income(reports) Objectives of the project The goal of the study is to analyze, design, develop and implement a online reservation system for Sogo Hotel that will help improve the current system. This study aims to solve the problem with low guest occupancy of the hotel by offering affordable and accessible online reservation prepaid system. Specifically, this study aims to create a reservation system that offers the following: 1. to increase the number of hotel guests; 2. to lessen the time consumed during reservation. 3. to highly integrate data. 4. to spend less time in searching and retrieving of files. 5. to create monthly sales report; and 6. to keep up with competitors by cater wider markets. Scope and limitation of the project The study focuses only on the hotel reservation system area, both the server and the client. For the server, it tries to eliminate booking complexities through the use of an internet in doing a reservation request, since ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Database Management Systems ( Dbms ) Data is at the centre of most today's businesses and businesses must pay close attention to how they access, store and use data. One of the systems at the heart of current data management is different database management system. But as with most technology product out there, people have a wide range of database technologies and systems to choose from. Picking out the most convenient for your business can be difficult. This guide will hope to explain what database management systems are and what are the benefits for using one. We'll also explain some of the most common distinctions between these technologies and provide you a few tips on how to select the best system for your business. Introduction to database management systems What are database management systems (DBMS)? First, it's good to understand the different components of DBMS. At the core of DBMS is database, which is essentially an organised collection of data. The data in database is modelled in reality in a manner, which helps supports processes that seek information. Creating a database is simple, but you also need to be able to use the database for different functions. This is where database management systems come to the rescue. A DBMS is a computer software application, which helps to interact with the user of the database, different applications, as well the database itself in order to gather and analyse data. A DBMS allows interaction with the data, whether it is to create, analyse, delete or change ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Design Process And Generating Model Of A Knuckle Joint This papers shows the methodology of developing an integrated application of a design process and generating model of a knuckle joint using a Visual Basic and the SolidWorks. The methodology concentrates on the making a Knowledge Base Engineering. Where KBE helps with the storing and reusing the data by the user and it shows developing Graphic User Interface (GUI) as a KBE tool for the standard design for developing the design process and modelling of a 3D model of a knuckle joint by standard empirical relations using SolidWorks. From that interaction the user can decreasing the developing time along with the modifications of reusing same data with other parameters and generating a 3D model with the resultant parameters. There by the designer can decrease the designing time. This paper mainly concentrates on integration of two software's Visual Basic and SolidWorks that could process could design and develop an accurate design of a knuckle joint. Index Terms – Computer Aided Design, KBE, Standard Design process of knuckle joint, Parametric Modeling, Visual Basic, Solid Works API. I. INTRODUCTION The main purpose of the 'Design' is to create things which will satisfy certain requirements of a user in an innovative way. Designer spends most of their time in understanding the existing designs and dealing with the challenges associated with the modifications and the improvements in the designs. Lots of engineering man hours is consumed by doing repetitive tasks of ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Three Techniques To Integrate Database To The Web Analysis InfoHarness Repository Language, has the capability to generate simple metadata. It provides automation for generation of metadata; InfoHarness is often used to encapsulate raw data (heterogenous), and used as a runtime entity to search that encapsulated data. In this technique, when the data item arrives for archiving, information is automatically extracted and sent to a catalog named summary. Simultaneously, more information is gathered and sent to catalog named program. Now, the users have the ability to locate data from the summary, using which they analyze the data retrieved through program catalog. 4.3 Techniques to Integrate Database to the Web. The process integrating database to the WWW (web) is done with adoption of various ... Show more content on ... The idea is to rebuild parts of the UI on web before executing/displaying them on the user's machine. Hence, improving the scalability issues that the web currently faces. Although it reduces the load of the server, this approach is largely platform dependent. For example, web programs written in java improves interaction with the database. i.e., it will limit the disadvantage of the stateless protocol (HTTP). Middle–Layer approach, this technique mainly concentrates on the heterogenous form of the data and how to improve its integration to the web. CORBA, is an existing technique in this area that can be used to solve this issue. It supports interoperability between the objects. It is capable of handling different machines written in different languages, considering that these systems work mostly on a distributed/heterogenous environment. 4.4 Techniques to improve scalability factor for Web–Based Databases Especially with the growth of web usage, there has come a time to relook into the design of both web based applications and traditional DB techniques that are currently in place to counter scalability issues. Below are some of the suggestions to improve the database techniques, In order to achieve a cut–edge database application, there should be freedom for the web–clients to update DB. Example, an accepted order should trigger the update of available quantity. The current and traditional DBs use conventional models for transaction purpose, ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Evaluation Of User Requirement Analysis Of Data Warehouse... Evaluation of User Requirement Analysis in Data Warehouse Design 1.0 Introduction A data warehouse (DW) can be acknowledged as one of the most complex information system modules available and it is a system that periodically retrieves and consolidates data from the sources into a dimensional or normalized data store. It is an integrated, subject–oriented, nonvolatile and a time–variant collection of data in support of management's decisions (Inmon, 1993). 1.1 Data Warehouse Design Process When considering the suggestions of various authors who are well known in the field, such as William Inmon and Ralph Kimball the DW design process can be divided into three main stages (Figure 1). The first phase which is DW planning is aimed at determining the scope and the objectives of the DW. The second phase will be concentrating on individual data marts (DM) and will be repeated for each DM to be implemented. And according to the Figure 1, the second phase can be further divided into five distinct main phases. The final phase will focus on performance optimization and keeping the DW schema up–to–date. This paper will be focusing only on the requirement analysis phase. In DW lifecycle, one of the most crucial phases that might affect all other phases of DW development is the Requirement Analysis phase. It is a process of collecting requirements from end user. The goal of this phase is to identify organizational objectives and elaborate requirements that could measure ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. 08 Database Processing, 13e (Kroenke/Auer) Chapter 8: Database Redesign 1) Database redesign is rarely needed because databases are usually built correctly the first time. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 2) In a real sense, information systems and organizations do not just influence each other, but rather they create each other. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 3) A continuous circular process of changes in user behaviors and change in the information systems they use is a natural outcome of information system use. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 4) The continuous circular process of changes is known as the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 367 5) Database redesign is ... Show more content on ... Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 376 27) The process of reading an actual database schema and producing a data model from that schema is called reverse engineering. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 373 28) The data model produced by reverse engineering is a true conceptual schema. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 373 29) The data model produced by reverse engineering may include some entities that should not appear in the data model. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 373 30) The design produced by reverse engineering may be described as a table–relationship diagram. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 373 31) The authors refer to the data model produced by reverse engineering as the RE data model. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 373 32) Because of the need to know the functional dependencies in a database, it is a good idea to create a dependency graph. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Page Ref: 374–375 33) Dependency graphs are graphical displays like bar charts. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 374–375 34) Typically, there are at least four different copies of the database schema used in the redesign process. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 375 35) A means must be created to recover all test databases to their original state during the redesign testing process. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Page Ref: 375 36) Even if an organization ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Four Elements Of My Teaching Philosophy And Philosophy... I believe that ``A tax on gained knowledge is to disseminate it by teaching," which leads to the unlimited expansion of knowledge. My principle philosophy about teaching is that it is a holy message to deliver knowledge to anyone who seeks it, and this concept should make learning an enjoyable experience. My practical teaching philosophy mainly depends on four elements: {bf knowledge}, {bf encouragement}, {bf contemplation}, and {bf excellence}. The acquisition and ongoing quest for and to share {bf knowledge} is key for any successful teacher. The {bf encouragement} of student interaction is necessary for success in learning, especially the encouragement of a student's {bf contemplation} on how to expand their knowledge based on the material and always be thinking about new ways to solve problems. This process and involvement can only lead to academic {bf excellence}. I can contribute to the success and happiness of students through the practical implication of the four elements of my teaching philosophy. My ongoing quest for knowledge will allow me to deeply interact with the class materials and student, and communicate with them on their level of understanding. This balance between the knowledge of the instructor and knowing the students' needs will allow for the appropriate level of challenge to maintain interest in the class. When first approaching a topic to teach, I keep the students aware of the big picture or overall purpose of what they will be studying. ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Nx Formerly known as UNIGRAPHICS, NX is an advanced high end CAD/CAM/CAE software package. Owned by Siemens PLM Software, it is used for parametric design, direct solid and surface modeling and simulation with respect to static, thermal, dynamic and manufacturing aspects. NX design tools are superior in power, versatility, flexibility and productivity. Fast and intuitive editing of the profiles has been enabled by incorporating the synchronous technology, thereby making the job of the designer easy. It ensures improvement in efficiency by implementing tools which facilitates easy–to–understand design changes. 2.1.1 FEATURES OF NXCAD: Some of the important features of NX are as follows: 1. Feature–based modeling: The smallest building block in a part model is known as a feature. A feature based approach for product design is being followed by NX. It allows building a model incrementally, adding individual ... Show more content on ... Unequalled depth: Ansys provides an unequalled technical depth in any simulation domain whether it is structural, analysis, fluids, thermal, electromagnetics, meshing or processing and data management. It provides consistent technology solutions irrespective of being a casual user or an experienced analyst. 2. Unequalled breadth: Ansys provides functionality across a diverse range of disciplines ranging from structural analysis right up to electromagnetic, including fluid and thermal domains. All these are efficiently supported by a complete set of analysis types and backed up by a powerful set of meshing tools. 3. Adaptive architecture: In today's world of engineering, for the overall design and development process, a software must have the ability to adapt to a variety of CAD and PLM solutions. The software must have the ability to be customized to provide for the inter–operability with other software's. These are the characteristics provided in the Ansys simulation architecture, making it feasible to be used under any ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Tour Operator Agency Database. Essay A multinational tour operator agency has gained new business growth in the North American market through the use of social media. Its operation has expanded by 50% within six months and the agency requires an enhanced data management strategy to sustain their business operations. Their existing data repository for its reservation processing system is limited in business intelligence and reporting functionalities. The tour operator seeks a database management specialist to assist them in leveraging their data sources to enable them to forecast and project tour sales appropriately. Imagine that you have been hired to fulfill their need of enhancing the data repository for their current reservation processing system. Upon reviewing the ... Show more content on ... You may make use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length. Construct a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer's invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Provide a copy of your working code as part of the paper. Using the salesperson table described in the summary above, complete the following: Construct a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1). Create a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. Support the reasoning behind using stored procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one–inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school–specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Grace–Chain–Analysis–Ba/689012–Chain–Analysis–Ba/689012 Problem A Use the database shown in Figure P3.1 to work Problems 1–7. Note that the database is composed of four tables that reflect these relationships: An EMPLOYEE has only one JOB_CODE, but a JOB_CODE can be held by many EMPLOYEEs. An EMPLOYEE can participate in many PLANs, and any PLAN can be assigned to many EMPLOYEEs. Note also that the *:* relationship has been broken down into two 1:* relationships for which the BENEFIT table serves as the composite or bridge entity. Database name: Ch03_BeneCo Table name: EMPLOYEE EMP_CODE EMP_LNAME JOB_CODE 14 Rudell 2 15 McDade 1 16 Ruellardo 1 17 ... Show more content on ... (Hint: Each store employs many employees, one of whom manages the store.) 12. Draw the ERD to show the relationships among EMPLOYEE, STORE, and REGION. Problem C Use the database Ch03_TransCo to answer Problems 19–24 Database name: Ch03_TransCo Table name: TRUCK TRUCK_NUM BASE_CODE TYPE_CODE TRUCK_MILES TRUCK_BUY_DATE TRUCK_SERIAL_NUM 1001 501 1 32,123.50 23–Sep–03 AA–322–12212–W11 1002 502 1 76,984.30 05–Feb–02 AC–342–22134–Q23 1003 501 2 12,346.60 11–Nov–03 AC–445–78656–Z99 1004 1 2,894.30 06–Jan–04 WQ–112–23144–T34 1005 503 2 45,673.10 01–Mar–03 FR–998–32245–W12
  • 41. 1006 501 2 193,245.70 15–Jul–00 AD–456–00845–R45 1007 502 3 32,012.30 17–Oct–01 AA–341–96573–Z84 1008 502 3 44,213.60 07–Aug–02 DR–559–22189–D33 1009 503 2 10,932.90 12–Feb–04 DE–887–98456–E94 Table name: BASE BASE_CODE BASE_CITY BASE_COUNTY BASE_AREA_CODE BASE_PHONE BASE_MANAGER 501 London Buckinghamshire 0181 123–4567 Andrea D. Gallager 502 Edingburgh Edingburgh City 0117 234–5678 George H. Delarosa 503 Best North Brabant 4567 345–6789 Maria J. Talindo 504 Blackrock Cork 3531 456–7890 Peter F. McAvee Table name: TYPE TYPE_CODE TYPE_DESCRIPTION 1 Single box, double–axle 2 Single box, single–axle 3 Tandem trailer, single–axle 13. For each table, identify the primary key and the foreign key(s). If a table does not have a foreign key, write None in the space provided. TABLE PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY(S) TRUCK TRUCK_NUM BASE_CODE,TYPE_CODE ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. CS320 Lab1 CS320 – Database Administration Lab #1 Download Oracle 11g Express Edition either 64bit or 32bit version that the Instructor has provided. Load and run the CS320.sql script and you then should be able to answer this lab. Please submit queries as download the results in a CSV file format and submit it to the course canvas. This covers SQL Part A (Chapters 2,8& 9 from the text Oracle 11g Sql by Joan Casteel 1. Create a list containing the publisher's name, the person usually contacted, and the publisher's telephone number. Rename the contact column "Contact Person" in the displayed results. 2. Determine which categories are represented in the current book inventory. List each category only once. 3. Create a list of authors that displays the ... Show more content on ... Sort the results by the date on which the order was placed. 19. Produce a list of all customers who live in the state of Florida and have ordered books about computers. 20. Determine which books customer Jake Lucas has purchased. Perform the search using the customer name, mot the customer number. If he has purchased multiple copies of the same book, unduplicate the results. 21. Determine the profit of each book sold to Jake Lucas, using the actual price the customer paid (not the book's regular retail price). Sort the results by order date. If more than one book was ordered, sort the results by profit amount in descending order. Perform the search using the customer name, not the customer number. 22. Which books were written by an author with the last name Adams? Perform the search using the author name. 23. Display a list of all books in the BOOKS table. If a book has been ordered by a customer, also list the corresponding order number and the state in which the customer resides. 24. What gift will a customer who orders the book Shortest Poems receive? Use the actual book retail value to determine the gift. 25. Identify the authors of the books Becca Nelson ordered. Perform the search using the customer ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Data Modeling For A Relational Database Management System The need to store and evaluate data is a perpetually growing field in the world of information systems. From the days of using flat files to very large database management systems that store petabytes of data in real time, the practice of building information from data continues to evolve. Today, the relational data model is quite ubiquitous and is used in a plethora of information systems ranging from accounting systems, banks, retail business, and scientific usage. It is important to understand the concepts involved in data modeling for a relational database management system in order to build an effective and efficient system. Data models weren't as sophisticated in the early days as they are today. In the 1960's and 70's the first generation data models were comprised of an ad hoc file system with no concept of relationships between the files (Coronel & Morris, 2015). For instance, one file might contain rows of customer records while another would house invoices. For simple data, file systems worked, but for large sets of interconnecting data, a data processing specialist was needed to create a program that fetched the proper data, analyze it, formatted it, and presented it in a report that made sense to the end user. For every new query, the data processing specialist needed to create a separate application. Files became increasingly cumbersome the more that were added and they duplicated quite a bit of data since there were no relationships between files. The time ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Relational Database System ( Rdbms ) Essay A relational database is a collection of data which organized into a set of tables that can be accessed in multiple ways without having to reorganize the tables' oftenly.Relational Database was proposed by Edgar Codd around the time 1969.It has become prevalent for commercial applications. In the 20th century there were countless Relational Database System (RDBMS) take for instance: IBM.DB2 and Oracle. Glossary The following are the main terms and concepts related to the named model: 1. Attributes –they describe the facts, details or characteristics of an entity. The attributes that maybe contained in an invoice might be name, number and paid/unpaid. 2. Table –this is where data is stored for processing and output .The table is defined as a collection of correlating data consisting of rows and columns. For example, the CUSTOMER or PURCHASES table may entail the customer first name, last name, address and the product that the customer purchased or wishes to purchase. 3. Field–this is a column in a table that is constructed to save and maintain particular information about records that are stored in the table. They can include name, age and salary fields. 4. Record– commonly called a record, usually referred to as a 'slot' or space that resides in a table, it is most commonly recognized as a horizontal entity. For instance, the CUSTOMER's table will consists of numerous related records. Cust_Fname Cust_Age Cust_Address Stacy 20 Clarkia Drive 5. Reports–this is an overview of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Women 's Exploitation Of Women The exploitation of women in production, and the exclusion of women from consumption is not the only ways in which the female body is harmed as a result of the globalization of the fashion industry. Perhaps the most obvious occurrence of female body harm in the fashion industry is a result of fashion modeling. An up–close look into the modeling industry as a microcosm of the fashion industry reveals the severe objectification and commodification of fashion models for the sake of consumption. The modeling industry has created a culture of exclusion across genders and races. Author Ashley Mears (2010) critically analyses the fashion industry, and how it influences production of culture and beauty ideals around the world. The modeling world is extremely female dominated, and the women who participate are continually commodified as they are used as a means to "promote and disseminate ideas of how women should look," (p. 23). Because consumption is valued so in today's society, the model is employed based on her perceived ability to sell a product. The clothes she is hired to wear and the beauty ideal that she is helping sell are more important than her humanity, and she becomes dehumanized. "Clothes take on such utmost importance that models are and should be mere clothes hangers, with perfectly discrete bodies that will display the clothes but not detract from them," (Mears, 2010, p. 35). Models are blatantly objectified as they are forced be invisible for the sake of ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Annotated Bibliography On Hierarchical Database Hierarchical Database Kind of database model which is designed in a hierarchy completely access to data beginning at the highest of hierarchical then changes to down such as customer to order. Also this system relation records together same a family tree that each record has just one owner. The hierarchical typical structure has levels which shows one –to – many also relationship between a parent and children divisions. The main key this models which following by each parent can have many children as well each child has simply one parent. This models most common if you compared with network and relational database because can be manage by huge amounts of data for difficult projects. Advantages Speed very efficiency Data independence Database integrity which link between child and parent Data is simplicity Very easy to add and delete record Database pretend a different form environment Easy to create a large installed Disadvantages Implement very complex Implementation limitations Lack of standards Program design complexity Difficult to manage insert, delete and update Practical access language Create record must user start at the root Data redundancy Create database before the programs must be define
  • 52. Network Database A kind of database organisation system that every record style can have many owner .As well as this model allows for data relationships many way, for instance order are owned by customers and goods. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Companies Are Adopting Business Intelligence System Within... Companies are adopting business intelligence system within their organizations because by using the system reports they can gain the advantages of understanding their internal strength and weaknesses to face external competitors and challenges to increase profits and reduce cost on their everyday operations and processes. (b) One quoted advantage of implementing a Business Intelligence systems is the concept of a 'single version of the truth' Explain what this refers to? 'Single version of Truth" quoted in advantage of implementing Business Intelligence Systems means be referring to how accurate the information being pull out from the system as reports. As long as the reports are from one source, and retrieved by a defined time, ... Show more content on ... Implementation with low granularity is having a large data which is difficult to re–use in another context. So, whether the implementation of high or low granularity, it usually depends on the nature of the organization and the organization management level decision, whichever suite them best. (c) What are the perceived limitation of the star schema model? How did SAP's extended star schema model address these issues? The perceived limitations of the star schema model are as below: 1. No structured drill–downs can be created 2. Only characteristics of the dimension tables can be used to access tables 3. Support for many languages is difficults 4. There is no link to languages description for attributes of dimensions tables 5. Secondary indexes to the data are stored as alphanumeric fields in large table making data access more difficult. 6. If attributes of the dimensionschange over time, there is no way to maintain both the old abd the new values for the attribute. 7. Master data common across business processes must be duplicated in each star schema. 8. Hierarchy relationship of the data must be modeled as attributes of a dimension. SAP extended star schema model ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Web Api Using The Entity Framework Chapter 5: "Creating Applications using AngularJS, Entity Frameworks, and ASP.Net MVC", focuses on how to connect to database using Entity Framework. In this chapter we will discuss how to create Web API using ASP.Net MVC and how to consume these Web API with AngularJS. This chapter organized as follows. Using Entity Framework o Creating a data model from existing database Creating Web API using Visual Studio o Working with JSON Object in ASP.NET MVC using Angular Using Angular JS with ASP.NET MVC o Sending and Receiving JSON Object to Angular JS Using Entity Framework ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), in .Net framework ADO.Net is a set of classes to expose the data access services for .Net framework developer. ADO.Net contains the set of components to create distribution and data–sharing applications. Using ADO.Net we can create front–end database clients and data access layer to use by the application. ADO.Net frequently used the application developer to access database in relational database systems such as SQL, Oracle and so on. ADO.Net is very powerful framework to use for accessing data. It has been in the market since many years. ADO.Net Entity Framework is an enhancement to traditional ADO.Net, which enable developer to develop data access application by using a conceptual data model instead of directly connecting to the relational database. With Entity Frameworks, the amount of code and the maintenance required for data oriented application significantly will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Data Model : An Abstract Model What is data model: Data model is defined in different ways; Here I discuss couple of definitions. A Data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to properties of the real world. (wekipedia,2016) A Data model says what information is to be contained in a database, how the information will be used, and how the items in the database will be related to each other. ( Data modeling is the process of documenting a complex software system design as an easily understood diagram, using text and symbols to represent the way data needs to flow. (Margaret Rouse) Data model is managing a large quantity of organized or unorganized data. Data model identify clearly in data modeling. Types of Data model: The conceptual Model The Logical Model The physical Model How are data models layered and why? In database management layers of data is most important, With the help of layers of data we design database. External layer or External level: External layer is prior planning level, in external layer we gathered views from users. External provides strong and well maintained security mechanism by hiding parts of the database from certain users. External layer allows users to access data, which design according to their needs, in this way different users access the same data at same time in different way. Logical layer: The logical layer is the planning part of the database. In this logical layer we write ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Conceptual Model Of Conceptual Data Model Essay Conceptual data model Conceptual data model to build the conceptual representation of the database, which includes identification of the important entities, relationships and attributes. A conceptual data models identifies the highest level relationships between the different entities. Features of conceptual data model include:–  No attribute is specified  No primary key is specified  Includes the important entities and the relationships among them. At this level the data model attempts to identify the highest– level relationship among the different entities. But attributes with highlighted foreign keys and primary keys which is not included in the conceptual data model. The data model showing the least amount of details is known as conceptual, Logical data model A logical data model describes the data in as much detail as possible without concern how they will be physical implemented in the data warehousing it is common for conceptual data model and the logical data model to be combined into a single step . Also translating conceptual data models into a format consistent with the architure used by the data management software to be used with the application. Logical data a model is the same for all data management technologies, while logical data model for one real–life scenario in generic, physical data model will depend upon a particular implementation. The main features of this model include Include are entities and relationships between ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Database Management System ( Dbms ) 2. What is a DBMS? Briefly describe the components of a DBMS. Database Management System(DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data (database) and set of programs to access and modify those data. DBMS has several components. Each component has some specific task to perform. The Major components DBMS are as follows, Hardware Without hardware it is not possible to implement DBMS. The main hardware is the computer used for storing and accessing the data in database. Other hardware components used in DBMS are Storage devices, I/O devices, and electromechanical devices which makes interface between user and the database. Software This is main component of the DBMS. Software is the set of programs to access and control the data in the ... Show more content on ... Granting of authorization for data access iv. Routine maintenance End Users The real users who the application programs to interact with the database to perform different operations stored in the database. Some of the operations are insertion, deletion, updating data in the database, etc. Query processor It converts the user queries into series of low level instructions. The query processor has the following components, i. DDL interpreter: It interprets DDL statements and records definitions in the data dictionary. ii. DML compiler: It translates DML statements in the query language into an evaluation plan consisting of low level instructions. iii. Query evaluation engine: It executes low level instructions (query evaluation plan). Data Data is the most important component of the DBMS. The main purpose of DBMS is to process the data in efficient and convenient way for the users. In DBMS, databases are defined, constructed, modified , inserted and accessed from the database. There are two types of data in the DBMS. They are i. Meta data: It is the data about data or description about data stored in the database. Data definition language(DDL) is used to manipulate this type of data. ii. Actual data:
  • 63. This is data actually stored in the database by the users. Data manipulation language(DML) is used to manipulate this type of data. 3. Describe a primary key, candidate key, secondary key, foreign key, and a combination ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Erp System for Riordan Manufacturing ERP System for Riordan Manufacturing Team A University of Phoenix Riordan Manufacturing is the leading global industry manufacturing company of plastic injection molding. With over 550 employees and their overall annual projected earnings of $46 million dollars, Riordan Manufacturing accredits their success to their focus on sales and marketing to gain additional business and maintain a good relationship with existing clientele. Although the company has been successful thus far, it is always important and essential to continually improve and take the business to the next level in order to stay competitive in today 's world. Who doesn 't want to be the best at what they do, and especially within the industry they represent? In ... Show more content on ... Once all of the options and methods have been identified, researched and evaluated, the team will have to collectively decide on the best solutions and vendors that will provide the best return on investment. The Vice President of International Operations, Charles Williamson, will be in charge of overseeing the entire project. With the support of the Vice Presidents from each department, Charles Lacy – Sales and Marketing, Bob Havings – Product Support, Mark Neitzel – Operations, and Clyde Cousins – Transportation, Charles and his team will have to carry and delegate responsibilities to other team members within their departments to make this project successful. Of course extensive input from the Chief Information Officer, Maria Trinh and her team will be extremely important, along with the Director of Human Resources, Yvonne McMillan and Chief Legal Council, Lowell Bradford. Once the plan is laid out, each department will be responsible for acknowledging how the changes could cause a negative impact and what could be done to prevent an excessive amount of downtime. Each department should elicit input from their employees to get the broadest range of opinions and ideas. It will then be up to the department lead to collaborate those ideas into a common consensus and present to the team for review. Each goal should be assigned to the respective department and a time line should then ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Research A Local Business ( Universities ) VIRGINA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY MASTERS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CMP 350 DATABASE CONCPETS (onl2) Prof: Toni Clements RESEAECH PAPER Sushank vallepalli ID#10000127296 "Research a local business (universities) to find out how the business uses a database." CONTEXT 1. Introduction ... Show more content on ... The main aim is to research on the internship tracking system as perfectly as possible. This system should store the information in order to complete that entire internship process. This research paper consists of system architecture and gives a good description on the system with the support of ER diagram. 2.THEORY Student internship tracking system is a system which is used to co ordinate the student's internship programs. It will be the following things in track or list they are. Staffs, Departments, secretaries, Students, Organizations, Announcements and quotas. Where students and secretaries are the user types. Mainly the secretary places a main role in opening the quotas for the companies and then she will give the announcements to students about the deadline. Moreover, all events will be logged keeping in mind the prevention of data loss and keep the system safe. Additionally the system must be effectively backed up. The system can be implementing with utilizing data structures, for example, files, however by utilizing database for managing data; it will be substantially more sensible and effective. It is clear that the preferences of relational database idea have demonstrated, so we chose to plan our system by utilizing a relational
  • 68. database. As opposed to implement our own database, utilizing a well known database server application is more ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Tradeoffs Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database... Discuss the tradeoffs between relational and object–oriented database management systems 1) Stating Position The object oriented DBMS is superior to the relational database on some specific counts, primarily because it can satisfy the complex demands of the market today better than the any other. Secondly while the relational data base stores data as tables, the object model stores data as objects and creates associations. This can create a multiple set of attributes for each object such that the data base is more flexible to the requirements that may be housed for different sets of data having both similar and dissimilar characteristics. The paradigms then are developed for each set of common characteristics and unique characteristics of the objects which is not possible in a relational database that has a very rigid structure. (Bruegge, 2004) Earlier the heterogeneous systems integration is a major issue. Therefore it has to be considered if the system proposed is amenable to multiple platforms and will give the same results. There are many applications available to enforce this, but it is to be borne in mind that in a data management system many components have to be integrated with the system and the layering of these components becomes critical. (Thuraisingham, 2001) But the requirements today have gone beyond the traditional DBMS and the system is expected too seamlessly perform varied functions like tracking functions, data analysis and reporting, vendor ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Database Development Process Database Development Process 1. Define business processes Many database development efforts begin by defining the key business and/or operational processes within the organization Developers first create high–level models showing the major activity steps associated with marketing, sales, production, human resource management, public relations, research and development, and so on Taken together, these process maps represent an enterprise–wide model of the organization and its core 2. Determine scope of database development effort The next step in the database development effort is to select one process or a set of related processes for further analysis and improvement 3. Define the information needs Once a business process ... Show more content on ... In DBMS, a repository is consists of database tables that store metadata which by default consists of 247 objects (183 tables and 64 views). It saves the mapping information and notations. In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, there is a Repository Component, and this Repository Component has a Repository Engine, a service that provides basic functions for storing and retrieving objects and maintaining the relationships among them, ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The 's Secret Model By Cameron Russell Victoria 's Secret Model, Cameron Russell, delivered one of the most profound TED Talks delivered on the Mid Atlantic stage, according to TED writer Cameron Gallo. The model explains that though the modeling industry considered her a perfect, she does not believe her appearance defines her. Thus she came up with the title for her speech, "Looks Aren 't Everything... Believe Me, I 'm a Model.". She specifically addresses that children need to understand that modeling does not constitute a glamorous career. The industry drowns out personal values, views, and appearances to warp these characteristics into a general image accepted by the masses, according to Russell. She describes her view on modeling, and how it essentially made her feel like a hard shell of a person with no inner value. She ended by encouraging people to find a balance between outward appearance and inner beauty. "Looks Aren 't Everything.... Believe Me, I 'm a Model" is categorized as TED talk. These "talks" are powered by nonprofit organizations dedicated to spreading ideas, in the form of speeches, demonstrations, and videos. Richard Saul Wormac, describes the talks as "observations and recognition of a powerful convergence among three fields: technology, entertainment and design" (Gallo 3). World class speakers perform 18–20 minute presentations, within the three fields. Cameron Russell addresses each individual field in her speech, not limiting herself to one specific category. Modeling developed a ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Applying Normalized Tables And The Model Of The Entity... then be able to identify the dependencies between the attributes, and then create normalized tables directly based on those dependencies. More often than not this can be done mentally or on paper before the tables are even added to the actual design. Normalization appropriates the affiliation amongst all of the attributes within the entity table to achieve its goal. Since the Entity Relationship Diagram will also contain the appropriations amongst the attributes, as a common base to identify the entity type structure, than it is possible to then apply the normalization principles, all during the conceptual data modeling phase. Enacting Normalization during the Entity Relationship Diagram can then improve the conceptual model, and therefore ... Show more content on ... The relationship are then indicated by the common columns, or the domains, in the data tables are related. The Transitive Dependency within an entity type takes place of the non entity attributive attributes have dependency amongst there selves. Multi – Valued dependency likeness in the Entity Relationship Diagram can take place when the attributes within the entity example have more than one value. This is a potential instance when some attributes within an entity examples have the maximum cardinality of n, or more than 1. When the attribute has lots of values in an entity example, this can be setup either as the composite key modifier of the entity type, or then split into the weak entity type. Normalized Entity Relationship represents the dependency approach in Entity Relationship Diagram toward the intended use in the application of normal form. Normalization is a many step occurrence that begins with "unnormalized" relations.The first set up in normalization is to appropriate the data into a two dimensional table. In an unnormalized relation the data can repeat within the columns. To be able to move to a first normal form a relation must also contain only the atomic values at each of the rows and columns. So this means no repeating groups, and a set of columns will be named the Candidate key when its value can ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Concept Of Value Creation : The Npv Of A Dswh For East... has been made to generalize the NPV of a DSWH for east coastal region of India. Traditionally NPV has been location specific but in this study, effort has been made to generalize NPV for east coastal region of India. A dedicated risk model for Monte Carlo simulation of a DSWH has been developed using Microsoft excel 2013 and validated using @Risk7,a commercial software for risk modeling and simulation. 2. Concept of value Creation: 2.1 Various schools of thought of value: Value creation is a very crucial concept in business. Entrepreneurs are continuously putting a lot of effort to create sustainable value. Business is all about creating sustainable value. Different subjects: marketing management, operation management, finance and economics aim at creating value in their respective domain. These subjects look at value from their own school of thought but more or less when it is to be quantified for decision making, we talk about net present value. Few ways to define value are as below [22–24] Strategy: (1) Operation: (2) Economics: (3) Finance: (4) Using logic and from the first principle following formula has been formulated exclusively for a DSWH in general NPV : (5) This Eq. No. 5 can be used for a simple domestic water heater. For simplicity and without sacrificing much accuracy, salvage value (s) can be taken as zero. In case NPV is greater than zero, project can be accepted and if it is negative it has to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Electronic Healthcare Information Systems Analysis Databases, Electronic Healthcare Information Systems, Data Sets and Data Standards Patient data is crucial to healthcare practice. Having the ability to create, modify, delete, and view patient data is the most important aspect of healthcare. A vital storage mechanism to perform the above functions is a database. A database is essential in development of Electronic Health Record system A database is an organized collection of data saved as a binary–type file on a computer (Sayles, 2013). Binary– type files only contains ones and zeros so it is unreadable to end users. A database management system provides the ability to perform the functions mentioned above. Many vendors are available in the marketplace for different kinds of database ... Show more content on ... Data objects can model relational data or advanced data types such as graphics, movies, and audio. Smalltalk, C++, Java, and others are objects used in object–oriented data. The object–relational is a combination of relational and object–oriented databases. Traditional and advanced data types can be used to construct database management systems. These systems can connect to a company's website and update records as needed. Database Approach The main purpose of a database is data storage that can be stored and retrieved when needed. A popular common language called structured query language (SQL) is used to store and retrieve data in relational database. This language enables the systems to run a report or modify data or remove the data from the database. A database management system (DBMS) controls all aspects of a database, this is not limited to the creation, maintenance, and use of database. The DBMS ensures proper applications are able to access the database. An important purpose of a DBMS is to maintain the data definitions (data dictionary) for all the data elements in the database. It also enforces data integrity and security measures. Data Models Data models provide a contextual framework and graphical representation that aid in the definition of data elements. In a relational database, the data model lays the foundation for the database and identifies important entities, ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Annotated Bibliography On Hierarchical Database Hierarchical Database It is a kind of database model which is designed in a hierarchy completely access to data beginning at the highest of hierarchical then changes to down such as customer to order. The hierarchical typical structure has levels which shows one –to – many also relationship between a parent and children divisions. The main key this models which following by each parent can have many children as well each child has simply one parent. This model is most common if it is compared with network and relational database because it can be manage by huge amounts of data for difficult projects. Advantages Speed very efficiency Data independence Database integrity which link between child and parent Data is simplicity ... Show more content on ... it is a collection of data items organised as a set of formally described tables from what data can be accessed. The application standard to use this kind of database is the structured query language (SQL).This statements are used for both communication with queries for information from a relational database this schema set of tables contain data built into predefined categories. Each table contains one or more data categories in columns, each row contains a unique instance of data for the categories defined by the columns. A relational database Management system (RDBMS) is the physical and logical implementation of a relational ... Get more on ...
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  • 84. Relational Data Models Versus No Sql Data Model Relational Data Model Versus No SQL Data Model Rutu Patel CSIT 555 Database Systems Midterm Research Paper [1] INTRODUCTION: The term database can be defined as the collection of systematic, well–ordered and structured data that can be easily and efficiently handled, retrieved and upgraded on a periodic basis depending on its requirements. The structure and organization of any database is based upon its respective database model. A unique database model is implemented by each database depending upon the logical structure of the data that is being handled by that database. There are numerous distinct database models out in the market at present that allow the application developers to effectively manage the data. The most widely welcomed ... Show more content on ... The fundamental theory of logical relations among the grouped data is incorporated in the relational database model. This method offers numerous advantages such as keeping the structured data in an organized and logically related manner, ease of data handling in case of related data or information, simplicity of data management and many more. In general, it can be stated that those database systems that assimilate the technique of relational SQL data model can execute in a productive and precise method. [3] THE NO SQL DATABASE SYSTEM AND KEY–VALUE STORE DATA MODEL: The term "No SQL" is considered in a much wider vision which means "Not Only SQL". This can be elaborated in the sense that the concept of No SQL does not consider the complete elimination of SQL language, rather it focuses on supporting other SQL like queries. The No SQL Database basically follows a model–free approach. The leading advantage of implementing the No SQL database is eliminating all the restrictions of the rigorously followed structured model in the relational database system. In No SQL approach, there are many flexibilities of choosing eligible data structure according to the information or data that has to be handled. Some of the widely followed data models of the No SQL database are key value stores, column family stores, document database, graph database, etc. The fundamental concept behind the development of the key–value store data model is to create a data model that ... Get more on ...