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Seattle Area Foursquare
  Summer Kids’ Camp

Staff and Cabin Leader
Kids’ Camp 2010
                                 August 22-28, 2010

What is Foursquare Kids’ Camp?
Foursquare Kids’ Camp is a summer camp for kids who will enter grades four, five or six this fall.
The kids will arrive at camp on Monday, August 22 and go home the morning of Saturday, August
28, 2010. This camp is being planned and promoted by a variety of Seattle Area Foursquare
churches within the Northwest District. We are joining together to continue the tradition of the
Foursquare summer camps.

Kids’ Camp will have a Christ-centered focus that allows kids to enjoy the outdoors and meet new
friends, while receiving a greater appreciation for God’s love and His purpose for their lives.

Our mission is to give each student the opportunity to…

·   DISCOVER more of who God is
·   Make DECISIONS about their pursuit of Him
·   Engage in DISCIPLESHIP learning
·   Catch at least a glimpse of God’s DESTINY, plan and purpose for their life

...through fun activities and workshops, exciting times of worship, and inspiring special guests.
A Cabin Leader is...
  Each year volunteers serve kids through Foursquare Camps. These vol-
unteers are parents, pastors, students, youth workers, church members
and leaders from all walks of life. Whether a full-time mom, student,
doctor, grocery clerk or contractor, these volunteer cabin leaders are
very important players in the overall ministry to students at summer
camp. We look for leaders who have a love for God and a love for kids.
  Cabin leaders have the unique opportunity to spend six days sharing
their life with a group of campers. In that week, a cabin leader and
camper will likely learn more about each other than in a year of youth
meetings or Sunday School classes. God is so faithful to open doors for
relationship mentoring that has a lifetime of impact. And though the fi-
nancial obligation for a cabin leader is low (no cost and food & lodging
are provided), we understand that the time commitment is significant
(but well worth it!). It is our prayer that God will richly reward every
volunteer with His blessing for ministering to the life of a child.

 Each church is responsible to send one adult cabin leader for every
                    1-8 campers of each gender.

We find that if cabin leaders come from the participating churches, they
are able to start relationships and ministry that can be followed up on
and continued at a home church.

        On behalf of our camp staff, your church, and the camp:
                    WELCOME TO THE TEAM!

 Build relationships with assigned campers.

 Pray for campers before, during and after camp.

 Be onsite at camp from Sunday 6 PM through Saturday until you have

  been dismissed.

 Provide a positive, safe, healthy and loving environment, while main-

  taining order and discipline.

 Be available to serve and assist other Camp Staff in any way possible.

 Actively participate in all camp activities (lead by example).

 Attend all scheduled staff/counselor meetings.

 Be available for ministry times as directed by Camp Staff or Guest


 Facilitate clean up of cabin and assigned areas.
Where Do I Fit and What Is My Role?


                                     Cabin Leaders


                                    Camp Directors

Campers: As cabin leaders and staff, we are here to lift up these campers in prayer, with
our words and by our actions. The campers are the reason why this camp exists and we want
them to leave camp knowing that they are anointed children of the living God.

Cabin Leaders: The front lines of ministry. Cabin leaders will have more interaction with the
students than anyone else at camp. They exist to shepherd the students in their cabin and
nurture spiritual growth as well as meet what ever needs the students may have.

Deans: Exist to assist the cabin leaders and allow them to focus on the students. If problems
should arise within a cabin with a student and the problem persists, the Deans will assist by
taking that student aside and dealing with the issue so the cabin leader is free to serve the
rest of their students.

                         THE ATTENTION OF THE DEANS.

Co-Directors: Exists to encourage and support all students, cabin leaders, and camp staff as
needs arise. Please feel free to consult with the Directors at anytime if you need prayer or
encouragement. They will also be on the constant lookout for those in need.
The Co-Directors also oversee all camp activities. THE BUCK STOPS HERE!! If problems
persist with students the camp directors will be consulted by the Deans. The Camp Directors
exist to serve everyone in the camp and oversee spiritual growth for all who are
in L ders
                      Fruitful Cabess an ea tude of service.
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           Fruitful Cabin Lead

Cabin Leaders are...
Alert! - Know where your kids are. If they are on the field, playing a game, or
drinking a coke, then that’s where you need to be.
If they are scattered in ten directions, then be in ten different places (not all at the
same time). (Colossians 3:15)

Responsive!       - If you see a potentially unhealthy or disruptive situation arising,
deal with it appropriately. Reacting emotionally will escalate the problem. Count to
ten and let your response to the kids be birthed out of love and respect, and the
leading of the Holy Spirit. (Jude 22,23) – RESPOND don’t REACT

Unified in Leadership -          If the need for discussion, or even confrontation,
with another leader is necessary, let it be out of love and respect, and do it in
We want to model healthy relationships and communication. (Colossians 3: 12-14)

Positive -     If you complain, grimace, whine, moan, or drag your feet you will have
a whole cabin of kids following your example. On the contrary, positive enthusiasm
inspires, energizes, and motivates people. For a cabin leader who is motivated by
sincere love, one response is acceptable in all situations, “That’s great, I love
it!” (Psalm 19:14) POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE!! The response and attitude of
students are contingent our your attitude in a given situation!

Role Models -        For many of the kids, their only example of what God is like
could be your life. This doesn’t require that you’re perfect, know everything, or put
on some false spirituality.
But strive in humility to put on the character of Christ and relate to the kids like
Jesus would. Even ask yourself quietly, “Is this the highest and best for this person?”
or “Is this the highest and best for this situation?” (I John 2:5,6)
              Fruitful Cabin Leaders (co service.
                             ssess an attitude
                              ers po
          Fruitful Cabin Lead

Cabin Leaders are...
Faithful –    Fulfills what they have committed themselves to with excellence. 1
Thessalonians 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”
Faithful leaders do what they have been asked to do.

Teachable –     Willing to learn from others and follow the leadership of the Camp
Director, Deans/Camp Pastors, Cabin Leaders and other staff.

Committed to God’s Word –              A fruitful leader is always following after the
Lord and seeking to look more like Him. Your passion and desire to grow closer to
Jesus is the most important thing that you can impart to the students in your cabin.

Loving -    As a cabin leader, your role from the time you arrive until you leave for
home is to love kids 24 hours a day. Kids won’t care how much you know until they
know how much you care. Your unconditional love can impact their lives and make
an eternal difference. (I Timothy 1:5)

Present -     The planned activities, meals and meetings are for you and the
campers. Be there on time or early. A shepherd doesn’t tell the sheep where to go
and then stay behind, a shepherd goes and the sheep follow his example.
(John 10: 3, 4)

Giving -      Present your needs to the Lord and then ask for His strength and help in
serving the kids. A cabin leader who approaches kids with needs of their own, is like
an empty sponge that soaks up all of the life from everything it touches. Instead, be
like a full sponge that drenches everything it touches with love and strength. (I Peter
5: 2,3) REMEMBER!!! You are there for the campers and you exist for them, they DO
NOT exist for you!!!
Ministry Tool Box

The Lord is placing a group of young people into your care for a week this
summer to lead and to guide them in their walk with Jesus. It is your job
 to build students up and to help affirm their identity in Christ. They will
   remember you and the relationship with Jesus that you modeled for
                   them. How will they remember you?

Building Team Unity:        Creating an environment where students are excited
about team unity and growing together in their relationships with the Lord is vital at

Set the Pace      - At the beginning of camp, meet with your students and express
your heart and your excitement for the things that the Lord is going to do. Encourage
them to decide up front what they want to get out of the week and also what they
want to give. Make a note of the goals that each one of your campers is seeking after
to help them to reach those goals during the week.

Decorations and Theme – Deciding upon a theme for your cabin and
decorating it will help convey to your student that you care about them and that you
are invested in the week. Girl campers enjoy helping the cabin leaders to decorate
the cabin as they arrive. Having lots of supplies, inspiring creativity can be a great
way to get acquainted. *see next page for helpful suggestions from past years.

Words of Encouragement             – Coming to camp prepared with note cards,
postcards or stationary on which you can write words of encouragement to your
students will be a good way to connect with your student throughout the week.

Post Camp Follow-up          – Be sure to get the contact information for your
students and check up on them periodically. If your campers are from your church,
you may even want to arrange a cabin reunion in the weeks following camp. Once the
students have returned to the classrooms, it may be a great time to help them to
reestablish some of the commitments to the Lord that they made at camp.
There are daily themes given to cabins to compete in decorating as well as daily
clean cabin awards. Bring extra colored paper, markers. The following list are items
that some Cabin Leaders have found helpful to have:

          A case of water w/a marker pen for campers to put their names on a
             bottle or a water cooler

          Popcorn (microwave) or snacks of some sort that campers can eat late
             at night when hungry (no sugar or caffeine). Cash for snack/coffee shop
             and vending machines.

          Pillow, sheets and blankets (for a twin) instead of a sleeping bag

          Digital camera

          Extra coat or sweatshirt to loan to a camper

          Tape (scotch, duct, or masking) and/or thumb tacks

          Assorted decorations/craft materials (ribbon, yarn, scissors, colored
             markers, pens, construction paper, play dough, container to keep it in)

          Extension cord

          Fan

          Cards, envelopes to write/send notes to your kids for mail call or for
             the kids to send letters home.

          Earplugs

          Alarm clock and watch

          Enough pens and pencils for your cabin.

          Bible, 4x6 cards for kids to write verses on and prayer needs, etc.

          Medium size plastic bags for kids to put dirty clothes in

          Room Freshener

          CD player or IPOD docking station for playing music in the cabin that
             you select

          Something special to send home with your kids (journal, special card)
             or a themed costume item that is special to your cabin (bandanas, hats,
             funny ears or teeth).
Relationship Building Tips

 Learn your campers’ names.
 Understand your campers. What is important to them?
 Be mindful of doing little things: (i.e. eye contact, pats on the back, timely words of
   encouragement, noting positive points you view in their life, etc.)

 Be clear and explicit about what you expect. Set clear limits!
 Be a listener, not a lecturer.
 Allow the campers to be the “experts.” Draw them out with questions that begin
   with “How…” “Why…” “What…” “Where…”, etc.—questions that require more than a
   “yes” or “no” answer.
 Be positive in attitude and action. Practice what you preach. Let your actions equal
   your words. Demonstrate Christ-like servant-hood.
 Allow campers to “save-face.” Be alert to potentially embarrassing situations and
   look for a way to resolve and address them, with a minimum of embarrassment to the
 Ask God for help, insight, discernment and wisdom in relating to each of your camp-
   ers. Pray daily for each of them.
 Know how to lead someone in the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
Relationship Building Tips…(cont.)

                             HOW DO I LEAD SPIRITUALLY?

 The key to confidence in spiritual leadership is preparation. If you have thought
 through the way you’ll respond to basic situations (such as leading a child to
 Christ), you’ll be much more comfortable in the actual situation. Trust God to
 guide you in your leading.

 Preparation in the following areas will help build your confidence:
 1. Know how to lead people to Jesus.
 2. Know how to answer hard questions. Don’t be afraid of tough issues. If you don’t
    know an answer admit it. Not knowing the answer immediately doesn’t mean
    there is no answer. Say instead, “I don’t know, but let’s see if we can work to-
    gether to find out.”
 3. Know how to apply God’s principles to real issues.
 4. Know how to discuss spiritual issues naturally. Kids need to see God as One who
    is interested in their baseball game, their skits and fun times, and their interper-
    sonal relationships. Be creative in your approach and allow the conversation to
    be as natural as it would be with any other subject.

                              Verses for Ministering

       SALVATION:                    HOLY SPIRIT:                      HEALING:

 Romans 3:23 (Problem)            Romans 8:9 (Saved)                  John 8:36
 Romans 6:23 (Penalty)              Luke 11:13 (Ask)                  Luke 4:18
 I Peter 3:18 (Provision)       Romans 12:1 (Surrender)              Isaiah 53:5
   John 3:16 (Provision)            Acts 5:32 (Obey)                 Mark 16:18
     Romans 10:9-10              Galatians 3:5 (Believe)           James 5:14-15
         (Process)                 Acts 2:4 (Exercise)            Matthew 18:19-20
Im port ant In
Rules regarding touching campers are:
 Touch ONLY on the hand, (especially with younger campers) shoulder and upper
 Touch ONLY in the company of other adults.
 NEVER touch a camper against their will (except in case of immediate danger to
 NEVER touch a camper against their verbal or nonverbal expressed discomfort.
 NEVER touch a camper when it would have the effect of over stimulating a child.
 NEVER touch a camper in a place on their body that is normally covered by a
   bathing suit (unless for a clear medical necessity and then only with supervision
   of another adult).

The following behaviors might be construed as intrusive or invasive and should be
completely avoided:

 Embarrassing a child about his or her body.
 Drawing undue attention to a child while he or she is changing clothes/showering.
 Tickling, wrestling with or otherwise touching a camper in a way that is over
   stimulating or invasive of his or her privacy.
 A cabin leader sharing personal information about his or her romantic or sexual
 Sitting on a cabin leader’s lap.
 Getting into the same bed or sleeping bag with a camper or inviting a camper into
   a cabin leader’s bed or sleeping bag.
 Telling stories or engaging in conversation that is lurid, over stimulating or down-

Your understanding and cooperation within these guidelines will provide a safe
and comfortable environment in which every camper can have the best possible
experience at camp.
   Please get all the campers to the Dining Hall for all meals.
   You may leave the Dining Hall when everyone in your group has finished eating
      and your table area is clean. Exit in an orderly manner.
   Refrain from playing with the food.
   Please keep campers from removing food from the Dining Hall (Unless you are
      eating outside). Improperly storing food poses a health risk for our campers and
     Set a good example.
     Be a positive influence.
     Make sure the campers are served before you serve yourself.
     Always treat kitchen staff with respect & show your appreciation.
     Use common sense.


   Please wear modest swim wear (no 2-piece suits).
   Follow the instructions of the Lifeguard.
   Be safe!

   This building should only be occupied during classes or supervised activities.
   Courtesy and respect for all speakers, leaders, and equipment is expected.

For the security of our campers, Foursquare Kids’ Camp is CLOSED to visitors that are
not registered campers or approved camp staff. This includes family members,
relatives, and friends. In emergency situations please contact the campus office.
 No Phone use without permission.
 Shoes must be worn at all times, except in the swimming area.
 Do not swing or climb in the trees.
 No personal electronic devices (walk-mans, TV’s, video games, DVD players, etc.).
 No chewing gum.
 Staff living/meeting areas are off limits for all campers.
 Camp equipment and tools are for the day-to-day operation of the camp. Use of these items,
    must be authorized by the On-site Coordinator.
 Park vehicles in designated areas only.
 Hooks, nails, lag screws, etc. must be approved by the On-site Coordinator before installation.
 No animals or pets allowed.
 Electronic sound equipment must be reduced to an acceptable sound level after 10:00 PM.
 No furniture, beds, or equipment should be moved from its original location. No items, such as
    mattresses, should be used in sports or outside activities.
 Report any damage immediately to your camp staff.
 No Alcohol or Smoking is permitted during the week of camp..

   Girls’ and boys’ dorm rooms are off limits to members of the opposite sex .
   Windows are not to be used as exits. Please make sure campers do not hang out of windows.
   Dorm rooms should not be occupied without cabin leader or staff member in attendance.
   Damage should be reported immediately.

Lost Camper
If a cabin leader cannot locate one of their campers or knows a camper has run off,
the cabin leader will see to the continued supervision of the other campers while
seeking assistance for the search from the Deans. If the camper is not found quickly,
have someone contact the Camp Directors to supervise a systematic search.
Daily Cleaning...
Cabin/Dorm Rooms
   Sleeping bags and pillows neatly arranged
   Personal things put away and orderly.
   Trash cans emptied, liners tied off and transported to dumpster. New liners
     put into trash can.
   Whatever else is needed to present a fresh, clean, neat, and cheerful atmos-

Bathrooms & Other Assigned Areas
   Pick up all trash.
   Empty garbage cans and replace can liners.
   Transport tied garbage bags to the dumpsters located in the fenced area by
     the upper parking lot.
   Transport any lost and found items to the Lost and Found table.

   Patrol grounds around building, dumpsters, playing fields and pool area for
   Empty all outside garbage cans and replace with liners.
   Tie bags closed and take to the dumpster.
CABIN LEADER: _________________________________________________________________________

CABIN: ________________________________________________________________________________
The campers listed below have medicines that require them to frequent the Nurse’s Station during this
session of camp. Unless their medicine requires a particular schedule, please help them to remember to
check in before meals and before bedtime.
The following campers have special needs:

                                                             BEFORE      BEFORE
        CAMPER                MEDICATION         BREAK-
                                                             LUNCH       DINNER
C      rveys…
 amp Su ink?
  What did you
Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10
                                         Cabin Summary
                         Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin
                                   and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp.

Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________

 * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
 * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
 * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                         Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                    Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
 Additional comments about camper:

 * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
 * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
 * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                         Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                    Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
 Additional comments about camper:

 * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
 * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
 * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                         Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                    Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
 Additional comments about camper:

 * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
 * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
 * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                         Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                    Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
 Additional comments about camper:
Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10
                                           Cabin Summary
                           Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin
                                     and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp

 Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:
Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10
                                           Cabin Summary
                           Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin
                                     and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp

 Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:
Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10
                                        Cabin Summary
                        Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin
                                  and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp.

Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

* Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________
* Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply)
* Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper:
                        Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator –
                                   Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic
Additional comments about camper:

                                             Cabin Summary Totals

             Spiritual results from your cabin:
                                Total saved (first time)

                                Rededication (taking new stand for God)

                                Baptized with or in the Holy Spirit

                                Healed (a physical miracle at camp)

                                Called to full-time ministry

                                Water Baptized

                                Came good - went home better
             Comments/Quotes/Highlights from your campers:

             ____________________________________________________                   ______
Seattle Area Foursquare Church’s Summer Camp 2010
                                Staff & Cabin Leader Evaluation
        Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please return it to the Camp Director by Saturday morning.
                                  We value your contribution to the ministry of summer camping.

Name (optional):                  _______                    Church (optional):

Camp: (circle one)       High School Summer Camp      Junior High Summer Camp           Kids’ Camp Summer Camp

Your Role:       Cabin Leader        Staff         Other:

                                ……………….……………Please Use The Following Scale ………………………..
              (Needs improvement)        1            2            3                4          5      (Over the top)

ADMINISTRATION:                              Rating                FACILITY:                                     Rating
    Communication & Service                                            Hospitality
    Promotion & Coordination Tools                                     Cleanliness
    Organization & Structure                                           Food
    Guidelines & Safety                                                Activities

What did you like?                                                 What did you like?

What can we do better?
                                                                   What can we do better?

CAMP DIRECTOR:                               Rating
                                                                   OTHER FEEDBACK…
    Communication                                                  From your perspective, what did campers value most
                                                                   about their experience at camp?
    Team Building/Equipping

What did you like?

What can we do better?

PROGRAM/SCHEDULE:                            Rating
                                                                   If you were a camp director, what would you do differently?
What did you like?

What can we do better?

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Cabin Leader Handbook

  • 1. Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp Staff and Cabin Leader Handbook
  • 2. Kids’ Camp 2010 August 22-28, 2010 What is Foursquare Kids’ Camp? Foursquare Kids’ Camp is a summer camp for kids who will enter grades four, five or six this fall. The kids will arrive at camp on Monday, August 22 and go home the morning of Saturday, August 28, 2010. This camp is being planned and promoted by a variety of Seattle Area Foursquare churches within the Northwest District. We are joining together to continue the tradition of the Foursquare summer camps. Kids’ Camp will have a Christ-centered focus that allows kids to enjoy the outdoors and meet new friends, while receiving a greater appreciation for God’s love and His purpose for their lives. Our mission is to give each student the opportunity to… · DISCOVER more of who God is · Make DECISIONS about their pursuit of Him · Engage in DISCIPLESHIP learning · Catch at least a glimpse of God’s DESTINY, plan and purpose for their life ...through fun activities and workshops, exciting times of worship, and inspiring special guests.
  • 3. A Cabin Leader is... Each year volunteers serve kids through Foursquare Camps. These vol- unteers are parents, pastors, students, youth workers, church members and leaders from all walks of life. Whether a full-time mom, student, doctor, grocery clerk or contractor, these volunteer cabin leaders are very important players in the overall ministry to students at summer camp. We look for leaders who have a love for God and a love for kids. Cabin leaders have the unique opportunity to spend six days sharing their life with a group of campers. In that week, a cabin leader and camper will likely learn more about each other than in a year of youth meetings or Sunday School classes. God is so faithful to open doors for relationship mentoring that has a lifetime of impact. And though the fi- nancial obligation for a cabin leader is low (no cost and food & lodging are provided), we understand that the time commitment is significant (but well worth it!). It is our prayer that God will richly reward every volunteer with His blessing for ministering to the life of a child. Each church is responsible to send one adult cabin leader for every 1-8 campers of each gender. We find that if cabin leaders come from the participating churches, they are able to start relationships and ministry that can be followed up on and continued at a home church. On behalf of our camp staff, your church, and the camp: WELCOME TO THE TEAM!
  • 4. CABIN LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES . . .  Build relationships with assigned campers.  Pray for campers before, during and after camp.  Be onsite at camp from Sunday 6 PM through Saturday until you have been dismissed.  Provide a positive, safe, healthy and loving environment, while main- taining order and discipline.  Be available to serve and assist other Camp Staff in any way possible.  Actively participate in all camp activities (lead by example).  Attend all scheduled staff/counselor meetings.  Be available for ministry times as directed by Camp Staff or Guest Speaker.  Facilitate clean up of cabin and assigned areas.
  • 5. Where Do I Fit and What Is My Role? Campers Cabin Leaders Deans Camp Directors Campers: As cabin leaders and staff, we are here to lift up these campers in prayer, with our words and by our actions. The campers are the reason why this camp exists and we want them to leave camp knowing that they are anointed children of the living God. Cabin Leaders: The front lines of ministry. Cabin leaders will have more interaction with the students than anyone else at camp. They exist to shepherd the students in their cabin and nurture spiritual growth as well as meet what ever needs the students may have. Deans: Exist to assist the cabin leaders and allow them to focus on the students. If problems should arise within a cabin with a student and the problem persists, the Deans will assist by taking that student aside and dealing with the issue so the cabin leader is free to serve the rest of their students. ALL POTENTIAL ISSUES OR PROBLEMS THAT ARISE SHOULD BE DIRECTLY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DEANS. Co-Directors: Exists to encourage and support all students, cabin leaders, and camp staff as needs arise. Please feel free to consult with the Directors at anytime if you need prayer or encouragement. They will also be on the constant lookout for those in need. The Co-Directors also oversee all camp activities. THE BUCK STOPS HERE!! If problems persist with students the camp directors will be consulted by the Deans. The Camp Directors exist to serve everyone in the camp and oversee spiritual growth for all who are participating.
  • 6. in L ders Fruitful Cabess an ea tude of service. ers poss atti Fruitful Cabin Lead Cabin Leaders are... Alert! - Know where your kids are. If they are on the field, playing a game, or drinking a coke, then that’s where you need to be. If they are scattered in ten directions, then be in ten different places (not all at the same time). (Colossians 3:15) Responsive! - If you see a potentially unhealthy or disruptive situation arising, deal with it appropriately. Reacting emotionally will escalate the problem. Count to ten and let your response to the kids be birthed out of love and respect, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. (Jude 22,23) – RESPOND don’t REACT Unified in Leadership - If the need for discussion, or even confrontation, with another leader is necessary, let it be out of love and respect, and do it in private. We want to model healthy relationships and communication. (Colossians 3: 12-14) Positive - If you complain, grimace, whine, moan, or drag your feet you will have a whole cabin of kids following your example. On the contrary, positive enthusiasm inspires, energizes, and motivates people. For a cabin leader who is motivated by sincere love, one response is acceptable in all situations, “That’s great, I love it!” (Psalm 19:14) POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE!! The response and attitude of students are contingent our your attitude in a given situation! Role Models - For many of the kids, their only example of what God is like could be your life. This doesn’t require that you’re perfect, know everything, or put on some false spirituality. But strive in humility to put on the character of Christ and relate to the kids like Jesus would. Even ask yourself quietly, “Is this the highest and best for this person?” or “Is this the highest and best for this situation?” (I John 2:5,6)
  • 7. nt.) Fruitful Cabin Leaders (co service. of ssess an attitude ers po Fruitful Cabin Lead Cabin Leaders are... Faithful – Fulfills what they have committed themselves to with excellence. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” Faithful leaders do what they have been asked to do. Teachable – Willing to learn from others and follow the leadership of the Camp Director, Deans/Camp Pastors, Cabin Leaders and other staff. Committed to God’s Word – A fruitful leader is always following after the Lord and seeking to look more like Him. Your passion and desire to grow closer to Jesus is the most important thing that you can impart to the students in your cabin. Loving - As a cabin leader, your role from the time you arrive until you leave for home is to love kids 24 hours a day. Kids won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Your unconditional love can impact their lives and make an eternal difference. (I Timothy 1:5) Present - The planned activities, meals and meetings are for you and the campers. Be there on time or early. A shepherd doesn’t tell the sheep where to go and then stay behind, a shepherd goes and the sheep follow his example. (John 10: 3, 4) Giving - Present your needs to the Lord and then ask for His strength and help in serving the kids. A cabin leader who approaches kids with needs of their own, is like an empty sponge that soaks up all of the life from everything it touches. Instead, be like a full sponge that drenches everything it touches with love and strength. (I Peter 5: 2,3) REMEMBER!!! You are there for the campers and you exist for them, they DO NOT exist for you!!!
  • 8. Ministry Tool Box The Lord is placing a group of young people into your care for a week this summer to lead and to guide them in their walk with Jesus. It is your job to build students up and to help affirm their identity in Christ. They will remember you and the relationship with Jesus that you modeled for them. How will they remember you? Building Team Unity: Creating an environment where students are excited about team unity and growing together in their relationships with the Lord is vital at camp! Set the Pace - At the beginning of camp, meet with your students and express your heart and your excitement for the things that the Lord is going to do. Encourage them to decide up front what they want to get out of the week and also what they want to give. Make a note of the goals that each one of your campers is seeking after to help them to reach those goals during the week. Decorations and Theme – Deciding upon a theme for your cabin and decorating it will help convey to your student that you care about them and that you are invested in the week. Girl campers enjoy helping the cabin leaders to decorate the cabin as they arrive. Having lots of supplies, inspiring creativity can be a great way to get acquainted. *see next page for helpful suggestions from past years. Words of Encouragement – Coming to camp prepared with note cards, postcards or stationary on which you can write words of encouragement to your students will be a good way to connect with your student throughout the week. Post Camp Follow-up – Be sure to get the contact information for your students and check up on them periodically. If your campers are from your church, you may even want to arrange a cabin reunion in the weeks following camp. Once the students have returned to the classrooms, it may be a great time to help them to reestablish some of the commitments to the Lord that they made at camp.
  • 9. There are daily themes given to cabins to compete in decorating as well as daily clean cabin awards. Bring extra colored paper, markers. The following list are items that some Cabin Leaders have found helpful to have:  A case of water w/a marker pen for campers to put their names on a bottle or a water cooler  Popcorn (microwave) or snacks of some sort that campers can eat late at night when hungry (no sugar or caffeine). Cash for snack/coffee shop and vending machines.  Pillow, sheets and blankets (for a twin) instead of a sleeping bag  Digital camera  Extra coat or sweatshirt to loan to a camper  Tape (scotch, duct, or masking) and/or thumb tacks  Assorted decorations/craft materials (ribbon, yarn, scissors, colored markers, pens, construction paper, play dough, container to keep it in)  Extension cord  Fan  Cards, envelopes to write/send notes to your kids for mail call or for the kids to send letters home.  Earplugs  Alarm clock and watch  Enough pens and pencils for your cabin.  Bible, 4x6 cards for kids to write verses on and prayer needs, etc.  Medium size plastic bags for kids to put dirty clothes in  Room Freshener  CD player or IPOD docking station for playing music in the cabin that you select  Something special to send home with your kids (journal, special card) or a themed costume item that is special to your cabin (bandanas, hats, funny ears or teeth).
  • 10. Relationship Building Tips  Learn your campers’ names.  Understand your campers. What is important to them?  Be mindful of doing little things: (i.e. eye contact, pats on the back, timely words of encouragement, noting positive points you view in their life, etc.)  Be clear and explicit about what you expect. Set clear limits!  Be a listener, not a lecturer.  Allow the campers to be the “experts.” Draw them out with questions that begin with “How…” “Why…” “What…” “Where…”, etc.—questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” answer.  Be positive in attitude and action. Practice what you preach. Let your actions equal your words. Demonstrate Christ-like servant-hood.  Allow campers to “save-face.” Be alert to potentially embarrassing situations and look for a way to resolve and address them, with a minimum of embarrassment to the camper.  Ask God for help, insight, discernment and wisdom in relating to each of your camp- ers. Pray daily for each of them.  Know how to lead someone in the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
  • 11. Relationship Building Tips…(cont.) HOW DO I LEAD SPIRITUALLY? The key to confidence in spiritual leadership is preparation. If you have thought through the way you’ll respond to basic situations (such as leading a child to Christ), you’ll be much more comfortable in the actual situation. Trust God to guide you in your leading. Preparation in the following areas will help build your confidence: 1. Know how to lead people to Jesus. 2. Know how to answer hard questions. Don’t be afraid of tough issues. If you don’t know an answer admit it. Not knowing the answer immediately doesn’t mean there is no answer. Say instead, “I don’t know, but let’s see if we can work to- gether to find out.” 3. Know how to apply God’s principles to real issues. 4. Know how to discuss spiritual issues naturally. Kids need to see God as One who is interested in their baseball game, their skits and fun times, and their interper- sonal relationships. Be creative in your approach and allow the conversation to be as natural as it would be with any other subject. Verses for Ministering SALVATION: HOLY SPIRIT: HEALING: Romans 3:23 (Problem) Romans 8:9 (Saved) John 8:36 Romans 6:23 (Penalty) Luke 11:13 (Ask) Luke 4:18 I Peter 3:18 (Provision) Romans 12:1 (Surrender) Isaiah 53:5 John 3:16 (Provision) Acts 5:32 (Obey) Mark 16:18 Romans 10:9-10 Galatians 3:5 (Believe) James 5:14-15 (Process) Acts 2:4 (Exercise) Matthew 18:19-20
  • 12. CAMP RULES and formation! Im port ant In
  • 13. PHYSICAL GUIDELINES Rules regarding touching campers are:  Touch ONLY on the hand, (especially with younger campers) shoulder and upper back.  Touch ONLY in the company of other adults.  NEVER touch a camper against their will (except in case of immediate danger to them).  NEVER touch a camper against their verbal or nonverbal expressed discomfort.  NEVER touch a camper when it would have the effect of over stimulating a child.  NEVER touch a camper in a place on their body that is normally covered by a bathing suit (unless for a clear medical necessity and then only with supervision of another adult). PRIVACY ISSUES The following behaviors might be construed as intrusive or invasive and should be completely avoided:  Embarrassing a child about his or her body.  Drawing undue attention to a child while he or she is changing clothes/showering.  Tickling, wrestling with or otherwise touching a camper in a way that is over stimulating or invasive of his or her privacy.  A cabin leader sharing personal information about his or her romantic or sexual life.  Sitting on a cabin leader’s lap.  Getting into the same bed or sleeping bag with a camper or inviting a camper into a cabin leader’s bed or sleeping bag.  Telling stories or engaging in conversation that is lurid, over stimulating or down- grading. Your understanding and cooperation within these guidelines will provide a safe and comfortable environment in which every camper can have the best possible experience at camp.
  • 14. CAMPUS RULES DINING HALL  Please get all the campers to the Dining Hall for all meals.  You may leave the Dining Hall when everyone in your group has finished eating and your table area is clean. Exit in an orderly manner.  Refrain from playing with the food.  Please keep campers from removing food from the Dining Hall (Unless you are eating outside). Improperly storing food poses a health risk for our campers and staff.  Set a good example.  Be a positive influence.  Make sure the campers are served before you serve yourself.  Always treat kitchen staff with respect & show your appreciation.  Use common sense. SWIMMING IN THE LAKE  Please wear modest swim wear (no 2-piece suits).  Follow the instructions of the Lifeguard.  Be safe! CHAPEL  This building should only be occupied during classes or supervised activities.  Courtesy and respect for all speakers, leaders, and equipment is expected. FOURSQUARE KIDS’ CAMP’S VISITOR POLICY: For the security of our campers, Foursquare Kids’ Camp is CLOSED to visitors that are not registered campers or approved camp staff. This includes family members, relatives, and friends. In emergency situations please contact the campus office.
  • 15. CAMPUS RULES…(cont.)  No Phone use without permission.  Shoes must be worn at all times, except in the swimming area.  Do not swing or climb in the trees.  No personal electronic devices (walk-mans, TV’s, video games, DVD players, etc.).  No chewing gum.  Staff living/meeting areas are off limits for all campers.  Camp equipment and tools are for the day-to-day operation of the camp. Use of these items, must be authorized by the On-site Coordinator.  Park vehicles in designated areas only.  Hooks, nails, lag screws, etc. must be approved by the On-site Coordinator before installation.  No animals or pets allowed.  Electronic sound equipment must be reduced to an acceptable sound level after 10:00 PM.  No furniture, beds, or equipment should be moved from its original location. No items, such as mattresses, should be used in sports or outside activities.  Report any damage immediately to your camp staff.  No Alcohol or Smoking is permitted during the week of camp.. DORMS AND CABINS  Girls’ and boys’ dorm rooms are off limits to members of the opposite sex .  Windows are not to be used as exits. Please make sure campers do not hang out of windows.  Dorm rooms should not be occupied without cabin leader or staff member in attendance.  Damage should be reported immediately. Lost Camper If a cabin leader cannot locate one of their campers or knows a camper has run off, the cabin leader will see to the continued supervision of the other campers while seeking assistance for the search from the Deans. If the camper is not found quickly, have someone contact the Camp Directors to supervise a systematic search.
  • 16. Daily Cleaning... Cabin/Dorm Rooms  Sleeping bags and pillows neatly arranged  Personal things put away and orderly.  Trash cans emptied, liners tied off and transported to dumpster. New liners put into trash can.  Whatever else is needed to present a fresh, clean, neat, and cheerful atmos- phere. Bathrooms & Other Assigned Areas  Pick up all trash.  Empty garbage cans and replace can liners.  Transport tied garbage bags to the dumpsters located in the fenced area by the upper parking lot.  Transport any lost and found items to the Lost and Found table. Grounds  Patrol grounds around building, dumpsters, playing fields and pool area for garbage.  Empty all outside garbage cans and replace with liners.  Tie bags closed and take to the dumpster.
  • 17. CABIN HEALTH SUMMARY CABIN LEADER: _________________________________________________________________________ CABIN: ________________________________________________________________________________ The campers listed below have medicines that require them to frequent the Nurse’s Station during this session of camp. Unless their medicine requires a particular schedule, please help them to remember to check in before meals and before bedtime. The following campers have special needs: BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE CAMPER MEDICATION BREAK- LUNCH DINNER OTHER FAST
  • 18. C rveys… amp Su ink? th What did you
  • 19. Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10 Cabin Summary Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp. Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 20. Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10 Cabin Summary Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 21. Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10 Cabin Summary Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 22. Seattle Area Foursquare Summer Kids’ Camp ‘10 Cabin Summary Cabin Leader: Please discretely complete an evaluation for each camper in your cabin and return it to the Camp Administrator before you leave camp. Cabin Leader Name: _____________________________ Church: ___________________________ Cabin #: _________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Camper’s Name: _____________________________________ Camper’s Home Church: _______________________________________ * Did the camper make a decision regarding: (Circle all that apply) SALVATION – REDEDICATION – BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – CALL TO MINISTRY * Please look over the following words and circle all that you feel best describes the camper: Courteous – Rude – Leader – Follower – Aggressive – Obedient - Participator – Reclusive – Encouraging – Confident – Timid – Enthusiastic Additional comments about camper: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Cabin Summary Totals Spiritual results from your cabin: Total saved (first time) Rededication (taking new stand for God) Baptized with or in the Holy Spirit Healed (a physical miracle at camp) Called to full-time ministry Water Baptized Came good - went home better Comments/Quotes/Highlights from your campers: ____________________________________________________ ______ _____________________________________________________________________
  • 23. Seattle Area Foursquare Church’s Summer Camp 2010 Staff & Cabin Leader Evaluation Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please return it to the Camp Director by Saturday morning. We value your contribution to the ministry of summer camping. Name (optional): _______ Church (optional): _______________________________________ Camp: (circle one) High School Summer Camp Junior High Summer Camp Kids’ Camp Summer Camp Your Role: Cabin Leader Staff Other: ……………….……………Please Use The Following Scale ……………………….. (Needs improvement) 1 2 3 4 5 (Over the top) ADMINISTRATION: Rating FACILITY: Rating Communication & Service Hospitality Promotion & Coordination Tools Cleanliness Organization & Structure Food Guidelines & Safety Activities What did you like? What did you like? What can we do better? What can we do better? CAMP DIRECTOR: Rating OTHER FEEDBACK… Leadership Communication From your perspective, what did campers value most about their experience at camp? Team Building/Equipping Preparation/Organization What did you like? What can we do better? PROGRAM/SCHEDULE: Rating If you were a camp director, what would you do differently? Worship Presenters Activities Theme/Schedule What did you like? What can we do better?