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grace family church
Building a relevant 21st Century Church that is passionate
about God and reaches into peoples lives with His love,
transforming and empowering them to become leaders in
their generation, impacting and changing the world.
Our Vision
02 Church Life
03 Squad Goals
05 Living life together
07 Pastor di’s blog
09 Serving in the Source
11 GFC Football team
13 Whats going on in the community
14 Reflections: Cathedral Heights
C o n t e n t s
The Regulars
SUNDAY 10:30am Sunday Morning Service & Kids Rock Sunday
LIFE GROUPS - Tuesdays & Thursdays - 7:30 - 9pm
FRIDAY 7:30 - 9:30pm FUELED (12-17 years old)
Special Events
2nd - Men’s Breakfast with special Guest Dr Howard Morgan, 9am - 11am
3rd - Guest Minister Dr Howard Morgan - 10:30am
5th - All Church Prayer Event - 7:30pm
17th - Guest Minister Paul Briers - 10:30am
13th - Acoustic Night social at Free State Kitchen, 1 Maryland, Street, L1 9DE
27th - Community Outreach/Farmers Market
6th - All Church Prayer Event - 7:30pm
11th - Experience Jesus - 7:30pm
Church Life
irst off, have a little think of who your friends are. How did they
become your friends and what is it that makes them a good
friend in your books? Tough question isn’t it?
We all have friends who have become our friends through different
things. Some from working together, from being in school together
and others from the gym or hobbies we do.
But, sometimes making and keeping friends seems more complicat-
ed as an adult than as a child. As a child, we’re all in the same boat.
We spend 7 or 8 hours together, 5 days a week whether we like it
or not. As adults, that is less true. Some are married, some working,
some training, some travelling and so on. Nevertheless, there are
still ways to make and keep building good friendships.
Here are some tips:
*Love unconditionally. Simplest and yet most profound message in
the Bible. Give freely because it was given to you freely. The more
you learn to love people expecting nothing back, the easier it is on
your heart. It’s how God loves us and how we should love each
Cathy Johnson
I don’t know the answer but I think it
is a combination of all of those.
I do believe though, that if you make
yourself a good friend, you’re bound
to get a good friend.
So perhaps there are few things you
can work on.
Are you trustworthy – can people
come to you and talk to you in
Relentless – do you give up easily
when storms hit a friendship?
Integrity - Are you a people pleaser
or can you empathise and then also
point out where your friend could be
wrong and offer a solution?
Is your advice just your opinion or is
it based on a higher standard – like
the Bible? Are you just a taker or do
you give as well?
Give it a go!
*Be generous (within the boundaries of wisdom) with your time,
money, encouragement, personality.
*New experiences = New friends. As adults, we have to make
time to do things together and get to know one another. So join
the gym, or get a new hobbie, join a life group in church and
open yourself to a new arena of friendships.
Then there is also the question about who do you consider a
close friend? Well, the first question is what do you define as a
close friend? Someone you can trust in a crisis perhaps. Maybe
someone you can be free around. Someone who trusts you on
the same level. We all have different definitions.
“The more you learn to
love people expecting
nothing back, the
easier it is on your
LIVING LIFE TOGETHERIt is so encouraging to see how much people are
enjoying Life Groups, with closer friendships developing
and opportunities to support and encourage one another.
Remember that Life Groups are available to everybody;
if you are not yet part of a Life Group, please see Bukky or
Suzanne and they will give you more information on your
nearest group.
Kwesi P Ackah
“Life Groups are a great opportunity to build relationships
with our church community. This develops an environment
where we can be open and share with each other and
really do life together. It’s been great, I would recommend
anyone hasn’t already joined a life group get involved as
soon as possible. Ps. Our life group is by far the best!”
Linda Goulding
Being part of a lifegroup has helped me to connect with people on a
deeper level than I would normally have time to do on a Sunday. It’s
really helping me to grow in my faith and would highly recommend
anyone thinking of joining a lifegroup to go along and join in.
Yemi Ajayeyi
For me, life groups have presented an opportunity to challenge each
other to grow, have open discussions and encourage each other’s
faith. I’ve particularly enjoyed the intimate setting of our life group
which has allowed each of us to share openly in a safe environment.
I would encourage anyone not in a life group to get involved.
Paul Polhill
“Life Groups are appropriately named because they have the potential
to save lives! Learning life skills; i.e. trusting other people, sharing
problems and not feeling isolated. Once you get to know people more
love grows between the group and unity begins to happen....amazing!”
Katy Read
Life group is a place of encouragement, love and support, a
place where I can share my views and ask questions without
being judged, a place where others are going through similar
things and we can be honest and real with each other, a place
where together we learn more about God and how to best live for
Cynthia Bosafola
Being part of a life group has made such an impact on
my weekly life and my faith. It is a place I can share my
thoughts, concerns and fears, knowing that it is met by
genuine concern and love. My spirit is always lifted in the
presence of my life group family.
7:30 pm
Pastor Di’s blog
Our world is filled with people without Hope; many just taking one day
at a time but not able to see beyond, even next year!
But we are called to carry hope for people and to help create a God
honouring future for the world, and as people of faith we actually have
a mandate to create the future because of our hope in God. Statistics
tell us that an increasing number of people have little understanding
of who Jesus is; with 4 in 10 not even being sure that Jesus was a real
person who lived on earth. God said (Jeremiah 29:11) He wants to give
us a future and a hope and we know that nobody ever realises a dream
without hope.
If you carefully observe what God
is doing and wanting to do; He is
wanting to shape us and change
us to become all He has called us
to be, to reach the people in our
As people of faith we believe in
things we hope for, yet have not
seen (Heb 11:1) Our belief is in the
power of God to change things – a
heart, a home, an organisation, but
it is going to take a ‘can do’ mind
It is too easy to be ruled by what can’t be done, what we can’t afford,
don’t have time for – there is always a reason why not! But they are
the people ruled by experience not HOPE.
No creation or new thing is ever born out of experience because ex-
perience only tells us what has been done. But when you live with a
‘can do’ mindset it is amazing how you can find a way.
So when we are faced with a
task or situation that seems
impossible or hopeless,
discouragement usually isn’t
usually too far behind and
giving up can look like the
best thing to do. But God can
overcome any obstacle. When
you put your trust in God and
ask for His help, you can hope
for impossible things in those
times when hope seems far
Even if you’ve not got much
confidence or hope in yourself
and your own abilities you can
always have confidence in God.
When there was no reason for
hope, Abraham kept hoping....
in fact, his faith grew stronger
and in this He brought Glory to
God. He was fully convinced
that God is able to whatever He
promises! Romans 4:18
As people of faith we
believe in things we hope for,
yet have not seen (Heb 11:1)
But we are called to carry
hope for people and to help
create a God honouring future
for the world, and as people of
faith we actually have a
mandate to create the future
because of our hope in God
Welcome Team
Our welcome team ensure that our church building is always ready for
visitors. It is a great way to get to know people.
Contact: Paul Polhill
serving in the house
Job Profile
Name: Nkechi
Team: The Souce Book Shop
Profession: Mother, Writer, Lawyer
How have I found my experience in the book shop?
It’s been great being involved with the running of the Source bookshop.
There are lots of inspiring reads for adults and children alike, as well as
audio books, CD’s and greeting cards and if there’s something you’re
after that’s not on our shelves, we can look into ordering it for you.
What’s a highlight of being in the bookshop?
As an avid reader, it’s an opportunity to browse through a wide selec-
tion of books in between serving customers. The Source is also a great
conversation spot!
Who would I like to join the bookshop team?
If you can give an hour of your time on a regular basis, once or twice a
month, we’d love to hear from you.
Please pop into the Source to speak to anyone behind the counter.
Kids Church
Whether it is in our Jellytots (3-6yrs) or at Kidsrock (7-11 yrs), Kid’s
church is a fun-filled environment where children are taught the Word
and how to apply it to their lives through fun activities.
Contact: Beki Broad
FUELED aims to help the young people of this generation play their
part, to be connected to something bigger and better than them-
selves, giving them an opportunity to change the world they live in.
FUELED runs 7:30-10pm and is for ages 12-17.
Contact: Jamie or Cathy or pop down on a Friday night
Grace Lounge
The Grace Lounge is always buzzing with activity. The team that help
to bring this great family atmosphere do a fantastic job running it,
keeping it fresh and are a lot of fun to work with.
Contact: Alan Harbottle
Have a flare for fixing things or would like to learn? There’s nothing
that would make you feel more at home at GFC than getting some
overalls on and getting your hands dirty.
Contact: Church Office / Suzanne Williamson
Cleaning Team
Help keep the church clean and tidy, it’s always glitz and glamour in
the cleaning team, you would be mad to miss out.
Contact: Linda Goulding
Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our
God’ - Psalms 92:13
grace family church
The team was formed around 9 years ago as part of the church and
began competing in the merseyside Christian league. The goal of the
league and each individual team is to involve as many non Christians as
possible. As a ministry I think it is a unique means of evangelism.
We can engage, socialise and develop relationships with team mates on a
weekly basis.
Our first season was 2007 and that year we won the 3rd division and
were promoted to the 2nd division. We came within a couple of points
of being promoted a few times but never quite made it and in 2012
the team disbanded. There were many reasons for it but the main one
being that we felt God wanted us to stop for the time being. Last year
some of the lads who weren’t from the church approached us about
starting the team again.
The fact that the lads had missed it showed the impact the team had
on their lives and in our first season back we added to some new
faces and reunited with some of same lads we’d had before.
We finished second in the league, winning promotion and reached our
first cup final, a pretty successful first season back!
Even though we lost the cup final 4-3 we showed great character
as a team, 2-0 down with minutes to go we managed to get 2 goals
to equalise and get extra time. We just couldn’t quite get ahead and
ended up losing but we can take great pride in our performance.
We had a large number of church members at the final to show their
support and it was great for the lads to see the face of the church in
each and every member who turned up.
Next season we go into the second division and I’m already looking
forward to it. We have a team of good footballers who also happen
to be genuinely nice people. We appreciate all the support of church
and ask that you continue to pray for the team and its players and we
hope to see some of you at matches in the future.
written by Jamie Broad
“We’d love for next season
to see even more people
turn to to the matches to
get to know the lads and
support the team.”
what’s going on in
our comMunity!
As a church it is important for us to be part of the community and
reach out to them, there is so much you can get involved within the
chuch to do that. However there are also different organisations and
activities which you as the church (not just the building) can get
involved and meet the people in our community.
Here are a few local things you could get involved in:
Parent and Toddler group - Monday, Thursday, 9:30 am -11:30-
Community Stained Glass workshops - Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday 10am.
Pottery Classess - Tuesday, Wedneday, Thursday, 7-9pm - £7.00
We have over 25 different volunteering opportunities open to all
• Office work, driving minibuses and fundraising.
• Preparing parcels of bedding and crockery for homeless people
and families on low incomes.
• Support and leisure groups with people with learning disabilities.
• Community befriending schemes for isolated older people.
• One to one friendship schemes with adults with learning
If you would like to volunteer, go on to their website and download
an application form:
The past few months have been a real transitioning season for me, but its taken me to
new levels and heights including Liverpool Cathedral!
Since joining Tuesday Life Groups in January, I am receiving so much strength and
support from attending it every week. I feel I am ready to move on to the next season
whatever that may be, it’s up to the Big fella upstairs when He wants it happens
For the past 10 weeks I have been workiing at Liverpool Cathedral as a volunteer
through the Job Centre and it’s been fantastic. I get along really well with the staff and
hope that I will be able to get a permanant job there.
Before working at the Cathedral I was doing a course in Aintree, where most of the
time I was walking around with pieces of wood moving it from A to B and not really
learning much. There where many times I had to hold my anger.
I used to be a fighter in my younger years, I was bullied alot growing up so I grew a
hard shell so I could defend myself. After that I saw myself as I fighter so I joined the
Army, was able to travel to different places such as Germany and Cyprus.
And in those years I have seen some amazing places, however walking into liverpool
Cathedral takes my breath away, its stunning! It reminds me of how bleesed I am and
how far God has brought me.
I also love that I get to do various work related activities in the church, garden, help
with odd jobs its has really helped me in my confidence and I can look into the future
with hope.
Prayer pointes for me, would
be pray for good health and
strength so I can continue to do
the things I do.
grace family church
216-218 Aigburth Road
L17 9PE
Tel: +44 (0) 151 728 9870

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  • 2. Building a relevant 21st Century Church that is passionate about God and reaches into peoples lives with His love, transforming and empowering them to become leaders in their generation, impacting and changing the world. Our Vision 02 Church Life 03 Squad Goals 05 Living life together 07 Pastor di’s blog 09 Serving in the Source 11 GFC Football team 13 Whats going on in the community 14 Reflections: Cathedral Heights C o n t e n t s
  • 3. 01 The Regulars SUNDAY 10:30am Sunday Morning Service & Kids Rock Sunday LIFE GROUPS - Tuesdays & Thursdays - 7:30 - 9pm FRIDAY 7:30 - 9:30pm FUELED (12-17 years old) Special Events July 2nd - Men’s Breakfast with special Guest Dr Howard Morgan, 9am - 11am 3rd - Guest Minister Dr Howard Morgan - 10:30am 5th - All Church Prayer Event - 7:30pm 17th - Guest Minister Paul Briers - 10:30am August 13th - Acoustic Night social at Free State Kitchen, 1 Maryland, Street, L1 9DE 6:30pm 27th - Community Outreach/Farmers Market September 6th - All Church Prayer Event - 7:30pm 11th - Experience Jesus - 7:30pm Church Life
  • 4. irst off, have a little think of who your friends are. How did they become your friends and what is it that makes them a good friend in your books? Tough question isn’t it? We all have friends who have become our friends through different things. Some from working together, from being in school together and others from the gym or hobbies we do. But, sometimes making and keeping friends seems more complicat- ed as an adult than as a child. As a child, we’re all in the same boat. We spend 7 or 8 hours together, 5 days a week whether we like it or not. As adults, that is less true. Some are married, some working, some training, some travelling and so on. Nevertheless, there are still ways to make and keep building good friendships. Here are some tips: *Love unconditionally. Simplest and yet most profound message in the Bible. Give freely because it was given to you freely. The more you learn to love people expecting nothing back, the easier it is on your heart. It’s how God loves us and how we should love each other. Cathy Johnson F
  • 5. I don’t know the answer but I think it is a combination of all of those. I do believe though, that if you make yourself a good friend, you’re bound to get a good friend. So perhaps there are few things you can work on. Are you trustworthy – can people come to you and talk to you in confidence? Relentless – do you give up easily when storms hit a friendship? Integrity - Are you a people pleaser or can you empathise and then also point out where your friend could be wrong and offer a solution? Is your advice just your opinion or is it based on a higher standard – like the Bible? Are you just a taker or do you give as well? Give it a go! *Be generous (within the boundaries of wisdom) with your time, money, encouragement, personality. *New experiences = New friends. As adults, we have to make time to do things together and get to know one another. So join the gym, or get a new hobbie, join a life group in church and open yourself to a new arena of friendships. Then there is also the question about who do you consider a close friend? Well, the first question is what do you define as a close friend? Someone you can trust in a crisis perhaps. Maybe someone you can be free around. Someone who trusts you on the same level. We all have different definitions. “The more you learn to love people expecting nothing back, the easier it is on your heart.”
  • 6. LIVING LIFE TOGETHERIt is so encouraging to see how much people are enjoying Life Groups, with closer friendships developing and opportunities to support and encourage one another. Remember that Life Groups are available to everybody; if you are not yet part of a Life Group, please see Bukky or Suzanne and they will give you more information on your nearest group. Kwesi P Ackah “Life Groups are a great opportunity to build relationships with our church community. This develops an environment where we can be open and share with each other and really do life together. It’s been great, I would recommend anyone hasn’t already joined a life group get involved as soon as possible. Ps. Our life group is by far the best!” Linda Goulding Being part of a lifegroup has helped me to connect with people on a deeper level than I would normally have time to do on a Sunday. It’s really helping me to grow in my faith and would highly recommend anyone thinking of joining a lifegroup to go along and join in. Yemi Ajayeyi For me, life groups have presented an opportunity to challenge each other to grow, have open discussions and encourage each other’s faith. I’ve particularly enjoyed the intimate setting of our life group which has allowed each of us to share openly in a safe environment. I would encourage anyone not in a life group to get involved. Paul Polhill “Life Groups are appropriately named because they have the potential to save lives! Learning life skills; i.e. trusting other people, sharing problems and not feeling isolated. Once you get to know people more love grows between the group and unity begins to happen....amazing!”
  • 7. 01 Katy Read Life group is a place of encouragement, love and support, a place where I can share my views and ask questions without being judged, a place where others are going through similar things and we can be honest and real with each other, a place where together we learn more about God and how to best live for Him. Cynthia Bosafola Being part of a life group has made such an impact on my weekly life and my faith. It is a place I can share my thoughts, concerns and fears, knowing that it is met by genuine concern and love. My spirit is always lifted in the presence of my life group family. LIFE GROUPS TUESDAY’S & THURSDAY’S 7:30 pm
  • 8. Pastor Di’s blog Our world is filled with people without Hope; many just taking one day at a time but not able to see beyond, even next year! But we are called to carry hope for people and to help create a God honouring future for the world, and as people of faith we actually have a mandate to create the future because of our hope in God. Statistics tell us that an increasing number of people have little understanding of who Jesus is; with 4 in 10 not even being sure that Jesus was a real person who lived on earth. God said (Jeremiah 29:11) He wants to give us a future and a hope and we know that nobody ever realises a dream without hope. If you carefully observe what God is doing and wanting to do; He is wanting to shape us and change us to become all He has called us to be, to reach the people in our community. As people of faith we believe in things we hope for, yet have not seen (Heb 11:1) Our belief is in the power of God to change things – a heart, a home, an organisation, but it is going to take a ‘can do’ mind set.
  • 9. 01 It is too easy to be ruled by what can’t be done, what we can’t afford, don’t have time for – there is always a reason why not! But they are the people ruled by experience not HOPE. No creation or new thing is ever born out of experience because ex- perience only tells us what has been done. But when you live with a ‘can do’ mindset it is amazing how you can find a way. So when we are faced with a task or situation that seems impossible or hopeless, discouragement usually isn’t usually too far behind and giving up can look like the best thing to do. But God can overcome any obstacle. When you put your trust in God and ask for His help, you can hope for impossible things in those times when hope seems far away. Even if you’ve not got much confidence or hope in yourself and your own abilities you can always have confidence in God. When there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping.... in fact, his faith grew stronger and in this He brought Glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to whatever He promises! Romans 4:18 As people of faith we believe in things we hope for, yet have not seen (Heb 11:1) But we are called to carry hope for people and to help create a God honouring future for the world, and as people of faith we actually have a mandate to create the future because of our hope in God
  • 10. Welcome Team Our welcome team ensure that our church building is always ready for visitors. It is a great way to get to know people. Contact: Paul Polhill serving in the house Job Profile Name: Nkechi Team: The Souce Book Shop Profession: Mother, Writer, Lawyer How have I found my experience in the book shop? It’s been great being involved with the running of the Source bookshop. There are lots of inspiring reads for adults and children alike, as well as audio books, CD’s and greeting cards and if there’s something you’re after that’s not on our shelves, we can look into ordering it for you. What’s a highlight of being in the bookshop? As an avid reader, it’s an opportunity to browse through a wide selec- tion of books in between serving customers. The Source is also a great conversation spot! Who would I like to join the bookshop team? If you can give an hour of your time on a regular basis, once or twice a month, we’d love to hear from you. Please pop into the Source to speak to anyone behind the counter.
  • 11. 01 Kids Church Whether it is in our Jellytots (3-6yrs) or at Kidsrock (7-11 yrs), Kid’s church is a fun-filled environment where children are taught the Word and how to apply it to their lives through fun activities. Contact: Beki Broad FUELED FUELED aims to help the young people of this generation play their part, to be connected to something bigger and better than them- selves, giving them an opportunity to change the world they live in. FUELED runs 7:30-10pm and is for ages 12-17. Contact: Jamie or Cathy or pop down on a Friday night Grace Lounge The Grace Lounge is always buzzing with activity. The team that help to bring this great family atmosphere do a fantastic job running it, keeping it fresh and are a lot of fun to work with. Contact: Alan Harbottle Maintenance Have a flare for fixing things or would like to learn? There’s nothing that would make you feel more at home at GFC than getting some overalls on and getting your hands dirty. Contact: Church Office / Suzanne Williamson Cleaning Team Help keep the church clean and tidy, it’s always glitz and glamour in the cleaning team, you would be mad to miss out. Contact: Linda Goulding Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God’ - Psalms 92:13
  • 12. FOOTBALL TEAM grace family church The team was formed around 9 years ago as part of the church and began competing in the merseyside Christian league. The goal of the league and each individual team is to involve as many non Christians as possible. As a ministry I think it is a unique means of evangelism. We can engage, socialise and develop relationships with team mates on a weekly basis.
  • 13. 01 Our first season was 2007 and that year we won the 3rd division and were promoted to the 2nd division. We came within a couple of points of being promoted a few times but never quite made it and in 2012 the team disbanded. There were many reasons for it but the main one being that we felt God wanted us to stop for the time being. Last year some of the lads who weren’t from the church approached us about starting the team again. The fact that the lads had missed it showed the impact the team had on their lives and in our first season back we added to some new faces and reunited with some of same lads we’d had before. We finished second in the league, winning promotion and reached our first cup final, a pretty successful first season back! Even though we lost the cup final 4-3 we showed great character as a team, 2-0 down with minutes to go we managed to get 2 goals to equalise and get extra time. We just couldn’t quite get ahead and ended up losing but we can take great pride in our performance. We had a large number of church members at the final to show their support and it was great for the lads to see the face of the church in each and every member who turned up. Next season we go into the second division and I’m already looking forward to it. We have a team of good footballers who also happen to be genuinely nice people. We appreciate all the support of church and ask that you continue to pray for the team and its players and we hope to see some of you at matches in the future. written by Jamie Broad “We’d love for next season to see even more people turn to to the matches to get to know the lads and support the team.”
  • 14. what’s going on in our comMunity! As a church it is important for us to be part of the community and reach out to them, there is so much you can get involved within the chuch to do that. However there are also different organisations and activities which you as the church (not just the building) can get involved and meet the people in our community. Here are a few local things you could get involved in: LARK LANE COMMUNITY CENTRE: Parent and Toddler group - Monday, Thursday, 9:30 am -11:30- £2.50 Community Stained Glass workshops - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am. Pottery Classess - Tuesday, Wedneday, Thursday, 7-9pm - £7.00 NUGENTCARE- VOLUNTEER We have over 25 different volunteering opportunities open to all including: • Office work, driving minibuses and fundraising. • Preparing parcels of bedding and crockery for homeless people and families on low incomes. • Support and leisure groups with people with learning disabilities. • Community befriending schemes for isolated older people. • One to one friendship schemes with adults with learning disabilities. If you would like to volunteer, go on to their website and download an application form:
  • 15. 01 REflections: cATHEDRAL HEIGHTSWith nEIL WILLIAM GillAsby (AKA BILL) The past few months have been a real transitioning season for me, but its taken me to new levels and heights including Liverpool Cathedral! Since joining Tuesday Life Groups in January, I am receiving so much strength and support from attending it every week. I feel I am ready to move on to the next season whatever that may be, it’s up to the Big fella upstairs when He wants it happens For the past 10 weeks I have been workiing at Liverpool Cathedral as a volunteer through the Job Centre and it’s been fantastic. I get along really well with the staff and hope that I will be able to get a permanant job there. Before working at the Cathedral I was doing a course in Aintree, where most of the time I was walking around with pieces of wood moving it from A to B and not really learning much. There where many times I had to hold my anger. I used to be a fighter in my younger years, I was bullied alot growing up so I grew a hard shell so I could defend myself. After that I saw myself as I fighter so I joined the Army, was able to travel to different places such as Germany and Cyprus. And in those years I have seen some amazing places, however walking into liverpool Cathedral takes my breath away, its stunning! It reminds me of how bleesed I am and how far God has brought me. I also love that I get to do various work related activities in the church, garden, help with odd jobs its has really helped me in my confidence and I can look into the future with hope. Prayer pointes for me, would be pray for good health and strength so I can continue to do the things I do.
  • 16. grace family church 216-218 Aigburth Road Liverpool L17 9PE England Tel: +44 (0) 151 728 9870