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Little Flock Baptist Church, (502)955-8760 A letter from Taylor and Brian, Student Pastors at Little Flock
Wait…Why Student Ministry?
Our Pillars
We want to begin by
asking a question: “What
are my motives for wanting
my child in student
ministry?” We’re glad you
want your student in
ministry but we believe the
motive you have may
determine whether or not
you will agree with our
vision. Here are a few
common motives that are
not inherently wrong, but
they are not the priority for
biblical student ministry:
-I’m looking for a place
that will make my child
want to come to church
-I’m looking for a place
where trained ministers will
teach my child the Gospel
because I don’t have time
or I don’t know how
-I’m looking for a place
where my child can hang
out with people his age
-I’m looking for a place
where my child can invite
his friends and have fun
These are not bad desires
but they are near-sighted
and fall short of the biblical
scope of student ministry.
Our vision is much bigger
than this and we hope to
show you why. Our passion
is that your student’s hope
in American pseudo-
prosperity will be shattered.
We hope to restore them to
what they were made for:
to be sobered by the glory
of God, wrecked by the
filth of their sin, and filled
with hope in the mercy of
Christ. The Bible gives us
several pillars for building
this kind of student ministry.
These pillars are:
Parental Priority
Multi-generational Church
1. Parental Priority means
that what happens in the
home is more important
than what happens at
church. We want to help
parents follow God’s
command to disciple their
students (Deuteronomy 6:6-
7; Ephesians 6:4)
2. Multi-generational
Church means that youth
and children are not a
segment of the church but
a necessary part of the
church that only functions
rightly when they
experience church side by
side with the older
generations. (Psalm 78:2-8;
Entire letter to the
3. Word-Centered means
that the Bible is not only our
message but also our
method. Scripture teaches
that fun events and
charismatic teachers are
NOT what win people to
Christ and are not
necessary to do so (though
they can be used to). All
that is needed to give a
person the desire for Christ
and his church is the Word
of God…it’s that effective.
(Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy
3:15-17; John 17:17; Isaiah
55:11; Hebrews 4:12)
4. Discipleship means that
we believe the method for
equipping students is an
intentional life-on-life
model. Our goal isn’t to
attract students to Christ
but to equip parents and
leaders to imitate Christ
alongside the lives of
students when they are
outside the walls of the
church. We see this to be
the strategy Christ used
and commanded .
(Matthew 10:18)
Xinect Student Ministry
exists to…
See all through Christ…
Disciple all to Christ…
Connect all in Christ.
“And He is before all things
and in him all things hold
together” –Colossians 1:17
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More About Us 2
Our Strategy 3
Activities & Contact Info 4
Our Responsibility 5
Come Join Us 6
Policies & Procedures 7
Application 8
Get Plugged In!
We are not a YMCA…
Our Target for Students and Parents
Common Struggles
Bible-saturated view of life
– We believe the current
understanding of
adolescents is contrary to a
biblical view of youth. It is
imperative that our church,
parents, and youth see
their identities through the
timeline of Scripture
Getting alone – We believe
parents and students
cannot have a relationship
with God without
personally meeting with
The trivial – We desire for
everyone to see every
activity of life, big or small,
as an opportunity to
worship Christ and to
disciple another to do so
Body of dissimilar believers
– We strive for our
programming to be a
picture of dissimilar people
living a life of worship and
mission together,
specifically the young and
old together.
Time – Our greatest
resource is time. We will
grow in the relationships we
spend time in. We long to
see parents set apart time
together to invest in their
students spiritually.
Meals – We believe parents
can take strategic
advantage of the fact that
students need to eat daily
and use that time as a
spiritual discussion rhythm
of daily life.
Mission awareness– Our
desire is that families
become aware of the
mission opportunities that
already exist in their
schools, activities, and
-My child doesn’t want to
come – This is common and
sometimes it is our fault. But
we want to encourage
parents to consider the root
of disinterest in spiritual
things: your student may
not be saved. It’s important
that we are aware that
students not wanting to
come is often rooted in that
studying the Bible is boring
to them. And that shouldn’t
surprise us if they’re not
-Need more trips – Getting
away is a good thing but it
isn’t what leads to
salvation. A student that
needs to get away to meet
with God doesn’t have the
heart to put down idols in
real life nor on trips. We
want to help them fight
idolatry in real life, not
Disney World-like scenarios.
-Nothing fun for lost kids –
We’re not trying to attract
the lost. We’re trying to get
students to see their homes,
schools, and activities as
contexts for missions.
The biggest implication
from all of this is that we are
not a spiritual YMCA for
students, rather, we are a
training ground for
equipping parents to
prepare their students to
wage spiritual warfare in
their homes and lives. The
best thing we can do for
students is to prioritize
parents first. The most
active student in church will
spend about 2% of their
week in church activities.
There is no way we can
compete with the influence
that parents have nor do
we want to. We are
convinced that the most
effective student ministry is
one that recognizes God’s
design in giving parents the
greatest spiritual influence
over a student’s life.
We believe this to be the
strategy of Scripture
(Ephesians 4:12-16,
Deuteronomy 6:6-7) as well
as the most effective
approach seen in the
conclusions of major
sociological studies. Some
great books on this topic
Hold On To Your Kids,
Gordon Neufeld
Family-Driven Faith,
Voddie Baucham
Visionary Parenting,
Rob Rienow
Age of Opportunity,
Paul David Tripp
Souls in Transition,
Christian Smith
Almost Christian,
Kenda Creasy
“The disorder affecting the
generations of young
children and adolescents
now heading toward
adulthood is rooted in the
lost orientation of children
toward the nurturing
adults in their lives.”
-Dr. Gordon Neufeld
Our Strategy
In order to help build rhythms of faith into students that
will carry into adulthood, we cannot build a ministry
strategy that revolves around their temporary lifestyle.
In other words, we aren’t training them for high school
ministry, we’re training them for life. In less than 8 years,
every one of our current students will be a legal adult
dealing with adult problems in an adult schedule
(hence, if trips sustain their faith, adulthood will
devastate them when they get a full-time job). Here’s
what that means: Our strategy must intentionally place
adults in the lives of the students who are daily battling
to serve Christ in their neighborhoods, jobs, and other
activities. We can’t plan an event to do this. We can
only be a bridge to connect lives. We hope that our
ministry will build a vehicle for accomplishing this.
and intentionally build the
vehicle that God has
commanded us to use for
accomplishing this growth.
Chart B is a picture of the
vehicle we believe God
calls us to use to seek the
lost and raise disciples. This
vehicle is a picture of the
relationships used to
interact with the Gospel
truth that produces faith
and growth in people.
Our desire is that every
student would experience
this vehicle by being
surrounded by believing
parents and a leader who
partner together with God
to disciple the student.
The above charts will be
used to illustrate how we
plan to accomplish our
ministry vision. Every student
that we encounter in our
ministry will land in one of
the five stages represented
by Chart A.
Our end goal is to see all of
our students move to a
“growing, serving believer”
from whatever stage they
are currently in. In order to
do this, we must recognize
This vehicle, Chart B, serves
as the foundation to Chart
A that we strive to build
around every student to be
present throughout their
entire time in our church.
This vehicle should exist
prior to and after the
student’s time in our
ministry. We do not want
our ministry strategy to
reflect a temporary time in
their life or else it is not
helping them prepare for
adult church involvement.
We build the vehicle of
parents, leaders, and
students around the work
of God through the
activities listed on the next
Activities for Vehicle
Other Activities
Annual Activities Content
Spring Retreat, Summer
Camp – These activities will
offer intentional
relationship-building times
that focus on the
relationships, God/believer
relationships, and living
missionally in the local
Our retreats do not
substitute the work to be
done in the day-to-day life
of a disciple.
The Gospel will be the
primary reason for meeting
in all of our activities. We
will pass it to one another
daily through
Our church activities will
involve training in the
biblical storyline,
competing worldviews, and
practical discipleship for all
Our push will be that these
activities are the support to
the real work of the church:
faith at home and in the
local community.
Men’s Events – All men,
beginning at the age of 11,
are encouraged to take
advantage of activities put
on by our men’s ministry.
This is a great opportunity
for Fathers and Sons to
connect. Info at
Women’s Events – All
women, beginning at the
age of 11, are encouraged
to take advantage of
activities put on by our
women’s ministry. This is a
great opportunity for
Mothers and Daughters to
connect. Info at
Leadership Meetings – This
time will focus specifically
on training leaders to
understand our context,
discuss our needs, and pray
for the ministry. Parents are
welcome to attend as well.
There are four levels of
activities designed to build
our vehicle
1. Equipping Parents –
Parents, we mail you
discussion guides to use
weekly during meal times
to help you begin gospel
conversations at home. Try
one question a day at
meal time. Also, sign up for
our Taking Back The Home
7-week small group to help
you build a discipleship
context in your home.
2. Building Relationships–
We encourage all students
to attend Sunday morning
Xinect Groups to meet
adults who want to invest in
them as well as to connect
with peers by discussing the
Word of God. We are
always looking for more
Xinect Group Adult Leaders
3. Life-On-Life – We intend
to help build the vehicle
spoken about previously
through Dgroups: one adult
takes on 3 students to
invest their lives into them.
We can’t offer this to every
student because we don’t
have enough laborers. If
you want your student in
one, we encourage you to
join us!
4. Connecting Students –
Many students connect by
attending our Wednesday
night worship every week.
Our Organizational Responsibility
Join Our Ministry
Church Safety – We believe
it is the responsibility of the
Church to teach our youth
spiritual truths based on
Scripture while providing a
safe environment for youth
who are in attendance at
the Church’s facilities or
who participate in Church
sanctioned activities or
programs wherever they
may be carried out.
Responsibility of the Church
We recognize that we are
a reflection of God’s love
to those in our care and we
take our responsibility
seriously. Micah 6:8 presents
this challenge: “He has told
you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD
require of you but to do
justice, and to love
kindness, and to walk
humbly with your God?”
Micah suggests that the
Lord requires three things of
1. To act justly
2. To love mercy
3. To walk humbly
with God
Responsibility to Youth –
-Matthew 18:6 & Mark 10:13
state that we should do all
that we can to clear a
path for youth to pursue
Personal Holiness -
-1 Thessalonians 5:22 says
that we must run from any
and all forms of evil.
-Ephesians 5:3 expects that
we run from covetousness
and sexual immorality.
-2 Corinthians 8:21 reminds
us to set our sights on what
is honorable before the
Lord but also among men,
granted that it does not
lead us to immorality.
If you’re a parent, you’re
already involved in student
ministry. Let us help you
form a D-group to raise up
your student and their
friends to follow Christ. If
you’re an adult wanting to
get involved, here’s the
Selection – Our Student
Pastors determine if an
individual is a suitable or
potential candidate for
youth ministry.
Expectations – Leaders are
to submit to the recruitment
and screening process.
Individuals will submit and
complete the following:
-Be members of the church
or have regularly attended
worship services and/or
participated in a Small
Group for at least six
-Ministry Personnel
Application Form
(Appendix 1)
- Coffee with Student
- Background check
- Training
Qualifications for Ministry –
Individuals wanting to work
with children or youth must
be members of the church
or have regularly attended
the church (worship
services and/or
participated in a Small
Group for at least six
months. Exceptions can be
made where perspective
Ministry Personnel have
moved from another
church with whom we are
affiliated in which they
have been in attendance
for six months and
children’s and/or youth
ministry workers in good
standing. Reference
checks must be received
from at least three
“Events do not create
community. Community
happens when we do life
Organization Cont’d…
Application Process
Ministry Application Form
-Prospective leaders are to
complete a Ministry
Personnel Application
Form. (A verifiable
witnessed signature is
required for the
participation of all parties)
- Leadership Application
Forms are to be kept
confidential and available
only to the Student Pastors.
-Completed Leadership
Application Forms are to be
kept on file permanently
and in a secure location.
Coffee with Student Pastor
-We want to get to know
you first. Contact our
Student Pastors and let us
know you want to join so
we can schedule a time to
hang out with you.
Background Checks
-Background checks must
be conducted on all
ministry personnel serving
youth. (Background checks
are to be renewed every
three (3) years).
-All leaders are to attend
our monthly meetings and
affirm that they have read
the volunteer manual, that
they understand it and the
procedures that pertain to
their area of ministry.
-All leaders are required to
sign that they have
read/reviewed the
volunteer manual each
-All leaders are to be
approved by a Student
Pastor upon completion of
the recruitment and
screening process.
-The recruitment and
screening process must be
completed within a three
month period of time.
-Applicants who have not
fully completed the
recruitment and screening
process will not be placed
in a position of trust.
-Ministry Personnel serving in
children’s and youth
ministries are members or
adherents in good standing
who support the doctrine,
vision, values, of the
church. They also support
or are submissive to the
leadership and elders of
the church.
- Individuals who have
been accused, or
convicted, or are under the
suspicion of crimes against
children and/or youth, or
who have been convicted
of violent crimes or other
relevant crimes will not
have any involvement in
children and youth
““If we do not give our
children a biblical
worldview, they will simply
follow our rules while they
are under our watchful
eye, but as soon as they
gain independence, they
will begin to make
decisions based upon their
-Voddie Baucham
Policies and Procedures
Youth Ministry Programming
Youth Protection
Procedures – Youth Ministry
Personnel Standards
-For the protection of our
youth, leaders are to be
committed to growing in
every area of their lives
through engaging in
various practices and
experiences that keep
them connected to God
and becoming more like
-Leaders are to be role
models of integrity at all
times. They are to refrain
from activities that are
illegal or could be
considered morally and
biblically questionable.
Contacting Opportunities
-Leaders are encouraged
to meet with youth in small
group settings and in
-The Student Pastor must
pre-approve the
conducting of one-on-one
discipling with information
being documented and
-One-on-one discilping
must be done in public
settings and only under the
following conditions:
(1) The Student Pastor is
informed of the time and
place of the meeting prior
to the meeting, and, (2)
Parental permission is
granted, and, (3)
transportation has been
approved by the parents.
Open Door Policy
-Leaders working with youth
must not have one-on-one
or small group meetings
behind closed doors. It is
required that the door
remain open or that the
meeting take place in a
room with an unobstructed
window in the door.
Physical Contact
-Leaders must be made
aware of what constitutes
appropriate touch: (1)one-
arm hugs, (2) shoulder to
shoulder hugs, (3) touch on
back or shoulder
-Leaders must refrain from
inappropriate touch at all
times: (1) chest-to-chest
hugging, (2) extended
hugging , (3) lap sitting, (4)
kissing, (5) touching of
thighs, knees, back or
inappropriate spots of the
-Leaders must be cognizant
of conduct that could be
misinterpreted: (1)
horseplay, (2) tickling.
-Leaders working with
youth may not pursue a
dating relationship with a
Leader / Student Ratios
-There must be at least two
(2) unrelated leaders at all
events. Events with mixed
genders must be supervised
by both male and female
-It is recommended that
there be at least a five (5)
year age difference
between leaders and the
youth they supervise.
Supervision of Leaders-The
supervision of leaders will
be intentional and will take
place through visits to
rooms and programs by the
Student Pastors.
“The evangelistic nature of
a church is not found in a
church’s structure; it’s
found in whether the
people are obedient to
the Great Commission.”
-Paul Renfro
Leadership Application Form (Adults)
For Youth Ministries
In our desire to reduce the risk of abuse within our church ministries, we believe this information is necessary
to protect our children, youth and our volunteers and to effectively place our volunteers in ministry positions.
Thank you in advance for your partnership.
Personal Information
 Male  Female
Full Name
Postal Code Date of Birth
Phone Number (H) (W)
List Dates and Times that are best for you to meet with one of our Student Pastors:
Hobbies, Interests or Skills
Spiritual History
How long have you attended Little Flock?
Do you regularly attend (2 or more services a month)?  Yes  No
Have you been baptized?  Yes  No
Are you a member of the Church?  Yes  No
In a brief paragraph, please outline your spiritual journey (how you came to know Christ as Saviour and what
you are currently doing to grow in your relationship with Him).
Confidential Information
In order to provide a safe and secure environment for our children and youth, we believe it is necessary to
include the following questions as part of our application process. All information will be kept confidential by
church leadership. (Police may access this information, under warrant, if requested.) Answering yes to any of
the questions may not necessarily preclude your involvement in ministry. Thank you in advance for your
1. Are there any circumstances involving your lifestyle or background that  Yes  No
would call into question your ability to work with children or youth?
(e.g. pornography, use of illegal substances, etc.)
2. Have you ever been accused of impropriety with children and youth?  Yes  No
3. Have you ever been convicted for the use or sale of illegal drugs?  Yes  No
4. Have you ever been through treatment for alcohol or substance abuse?  Yes  No
5. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (excluding minor  Yes  No
traffic violations)?
6. Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any abuse related crimes?  Yes  No
7. Have you been investigated by the Child Welfare Agency for suspected  Yes  No
child abuse?
8. Have you ever been the subject of a civil lawsuit involving sexual  Yes  No
harassment or other immoral behaviour or conduct involving children,
youth or adults?
9. Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action, transfer or  Yes  No
dismissal, or been named as a defendant in a civil or criminal lawsuit
as a result of an accident or mishap involving children or youth?
10. Have you ever been subjected to expulsion, reprimand, or other  Yes  No
discipline by a church, denomination or other religious organization?
11. Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action  Yes  No
(including discharge) or investigation by a church, religious or other
organization, or by an employer?
12. Do you have any health concerns of which we should be aware?  Yes  No
(e.g. medical, psychiatric)
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please explain.
Name of Applicant Date
E-mail to or Mail to: Little Flock Student Ministry 5500 N Preston Hwy, Shepherdsville, KY 40165

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Student Ministry Identity Letter

  • 1. Little Flock Baptist Church, (502)955-8760 A letter from Taylor and Brian, Student Pastors at Little Flock Wait…Why Student Ministry? Our Pillars We want to begin by asking a question: “What are my motives for wanting my child in student ministry?” We’re glad you want your student in ministry but we believe the motive you have may determine whether or not you will agree with our vision. Here are a few common motives that are not inherently wrong, but they are not the priority for biblical student ministry: -I’m looking for a place that will make my child want to come to church -I’m looking for a place where trained ministers will teach my child the Gospel because I don’t have time or I don’t know how -I’m looking for a place where my child can hang out with people his age -I’m looking for a place where my child can invite his friends and have fun These are not bad desires but they are near-sighted and fall short of the biblical scope of student ministry. Our vision is much bigger than this and we hope to show you why. Our passion is that your student’s hope in American pseudo- prosperity will be shattered. We hope to restore them to what they were made for: to be sobered by the glory of God, wrecked by the filth of their sin, and filled with hope in the mercy of Christ. The Bible gives us several pillars for building this kind of student ministry. These pillars are: Parental Priority Multi-generational Church Word-Centered Discipleship-Driven 1. Parental Priority means that what happens in the home is more important than what happens at church. We want to help parents follow God’s command to disciple their students (Deuteronomy 6:6- 7; Ephesians 6:4) 2. Multi-generational Church means that youth and children are not a segment of the church but a necessary part of the church that only functions rightly when they experience church side by side with the older generations. (Psalm 78:2-8; Entire letter to the Ephesians) 3. Word-Centered means that the Bible is not only our message but also our method. Scripture teaches that fun events and charismatic teachers are NOT what win people to Christ and are not necessary to do so (though they can be used to). All that is needed to give a person the desire for Christ and his church is the Word of God…it’s that effective. (Romans 10:17; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; John 17:17; Isaiah 55:11; Hebrews 4:12) 4. Discipleship means that we believe the method for equipping students is an intentional life-on-life model. Our goal isn’t to attract students to Christ but to equip parents and leaders to imitate Christ alongside the lives of students when they are outside the walls of the church. We see this to be the strategy Christ used and commanded . (Matthew 10:18) Xinect Student Ministry exists to… See all through Christ… Disciple all to Christ… Connect all in Christ. “And He is before all things and in him all things hold together” –Colossians 1:17 Need help leading faith discussions at home? Have you tried Right Now Media? It’s like a Christian Netflix loaded with lessons for families to discuss at home. Get your FREE login here: ces/rightnow-media Contents: More About Us 2 Our Strategy 3 Activities & Contact Info 4 Our Responsibility 5 Come Join Us 6 Policies & Procedures 7 Application 8 Get Plugged In! GETTING INVOLVED
  • 2. 2 We are not a YMCA… Our Target for Students and Parents Common Struggles Bible-saturated view of life – We believe the current understanding of adolescents is contrary to a biblical view of youth. It is imperative that our church, parents, and youth see their identities through the timeline of Scripture Getting alone – We believe parents and students cannot have a relationship with God without personally meeting with Him The trivial – We desire for everyone to see every activity of life, big or small, as an opportunity to worship Christ and to disciple another to do so Body of dissimilar believers – We strive for our programming to be a picture of dissimilar people living a life of worship and mission together, specifically the young and old together. Time – Our greatest resource is time. We will grow in the relationships we spend time in. We long to see parents set apart time together to invest in their students spiritually. Meals – We believe parents can take strategic advantage of the fact that students need to eat daily and use that time as a spiritual discussion rhythm of daily life. Mission awareness– Our desire is that families become aware of the mission opportunities that already exist in their schools, activities, and workplaces. -My child doesn’t want to come – This is common and sometimes it is our fault. But we want to encourage parents to consider the root of disinterest in spiritual things: your student may not be saved. It’s important that we are aware that students not wanting to come is often rooted in that studying the Bible is boring to them. And that shouldn’t surprise us if they’re not saved! -Need more trips – Getting away is a good thing but it isn’t what leads to salvation. A student that needs to get away to meet with God doesn’t have the heart to put down idols in real life nor on trips. We want to help them fight idolatry in real life, not Disney World-like scenarios. -Nothing fun for lost kids – We’re not trying to attract the lost. We’re trying to get students to see their homes, schools, and activities as contexts for missions. The biggest implication from all of this is that we are not a spiritual YMCA for students, rather, we are a training ground for equipping parents to prepare their students to wage spiritual warfare in their homes and lives. The best thing we can do for students is to prioritize parents first. The most active student in church will spend about 2% of their week in church activities. There is no way we can compete with the influence that parents have nor do we want to. We are convinced that the most effective student ministry is one that recognizes God’s design in giving parents the greatest spiritual influence over a student’s life. We believe this to be the strategy of Scripture (Ephesians 4:12-16, Deuteronomy 6:6-7) as well as the most effective approach seen in the conclusions of major sociological studies. Some great books on this topic are: Hold On To Your Kids, Gordon Neufeld Family-Driven Faith, Voddie Baucham Visionary Parenting, Rob Rienow Age of Opportunity, Paul David Tripp Souls in Transition, Christian Smith Almost Christian, Kenda Creasy Dean “The disorder affecting the generations of young children and adolescents now heading toward adulthood is rooted in the lost orientation of children toward the nurturing adults in their lives.” -Dr. Gordon Neufeld
  • 3. 3 Our Strategy Building Our Vehicle In order to help build rhythms of faith into students that will carry into adulthood, we cannot build a ministry strategy that revolves around their temporary lifestyle. In other words, we aren’t training them for high school ministry, we’re training them for life. In less than 8 years, every one of our current students will be a legal adult dealing with adult problems in an adult schedule (hence, if trips sustain their faith, adulthood will devastate them when they get a full-time job). Here’s what that means: Our strategy must intentionally place adults in the lives of the students who are daily battling to serve Christ in their neighborhoods, jobs, and other activities. We can’t plan an event to do this. We can only be a bridge to connect lives. We hope that our ministry will build a vehicle for accomplishing this. and intentionally build the vehicle that God has commanded us to use for accomplishing this growth. Chart B is a picture of the vehicle we believe God calls us to use to seek the lost and raise disciples. This vehicle is a picture of the relationships used to interact with the Gospel truth that produces faith and growth in people. Our desire is that every student would experience this vehicle by being surrounded by believing parents and a leader who partner together with God to disciple the student. The above charts will be used to illustrate how we plan to accomplish our ministry vision. Every student that we encounter in our ministry will land in one of the five stages represented by Chart A. Our end goal is to see all of our students move to a “growing, serving believer” from whatever stage they are currently in. In order to do this, we must recognize This vehicle, Chart B, serves as the foundation to Chart A that we strive to build around every student to be present throughout their entire time in our church. This vehicle should exist prior to and after the student’s time in our ministry. We do not want our ministry strategy to reflect a temporary time in their life or else it is not helping them prepare for adult church involvement. We build the vehicle of parents, leaders, and students around the work of God through the activities listed on the next page. CHART A CHART B
  • 4. 4 Activities for Vehicle Other Activities Annual Activities Content Spring Retreat, Summer Camp – These activities will offer intentional relationship-building times that focus on the parent/student, relationships, God/believer relationships, and living missionally in the local community. Our retreats do not substitute the work to be done in the day-to-day life of a disciple. The Gospel will be the primary reason for meeting in all of our activities. We will pass it to one another daily through conversations. Our church activities will involve training in the biblical storyline, competing worldviews, and practical discipleship for all ages. Our push will be that these activities are the support to the real work of the church: faith at home and in the local community. Men’s Events – All men, beginning at the age of 11, are encouraged to take advantage of activities put on by our men’s ministry. This is a great opportunity for Fathers and Sons to connect. Info at Women’s Events – All women, beginning at the age of 11, are encouraged to take advantage of activities put on by our women’s ministry. This is a great opportunity for Mothers and Daughters to connect. Info at Leadership Meetings – This time will focus specifically on training leaders to understand our context, discuss our needs, and pray for the ministry. Parents are welcome to attend as well. There are four levels of activities designed to build our vehicle 1. Equipping Parents – Parents, we mail you discussion guides to use weekly during meal times to help you begin gospel conversations at home. Try one question a day at meal time. Also, sign up for our Taking Back The Home 7-week small group to help you build a discipleship context in your home. 2. Building Relationships– We encourage all students to attend Sunday morning Xinect Groups to meet adults who want to invest in them as well as to connect with peers by discussing the Word of God. We are always looking for more Xinect Group Adult Leaders 3. Life-On-Life – We intend to help build the vehicle spoken about previously through Dgroups: one adult takes on 3 students to invest their lives into them. We can’t offer this to every student because we don’t have enough laborers. If you want your student in one, we encourage you to join us! 4. Connecting Students – Many students connect by attending our Wednesday night worship every week.
  • 5. 5 Our Organizational Responsibility Join Our Ministry Church Safety – We believe it is the responsibility of the Church to teach our youth spiritual truths based on Scripture while providing a safe environment for youth who are in attendance at the Church’s facilities or who participate in Church sanctioned activities or programs wherever they may be carried out. Spiritual/Moral Responsibility of the Church We recognize that we are a reflection of God’s love to those in our care and we take our responsibility seriously. Micah 6:8 presents this challenge: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah suggests that the Lord requires three things of us: 1. To act justly 2. To love mercy 3. To walk humbly with God Responsibility to Youth – -Matthew 18:6 & Mark 10:13 state that we should do all that we can to clear a path for youth to pursue Jesus. Personal Holiness - -1 Thessalonians 5:22 says that we must run from any and all forms of evil. -Ephesians 5:3 expects that we run from covetousness and sexual immorality. -2 Corinthians 8:21 reminds us to set our sights on what is honorable before the Lord but also among men, granted that it does not lead us to immorality. If you’re a parent, you’re already involved in student ministry. Let us help you form a D-group to raise up your student and their friends to follow Christ. If you’re an adult wanting to get involved, here’s the process: Selection – Our Student Pastors determine if an individual is a suitable or potential candidate for youth ministry. Expectations – Leaders are to submit to the recruitment and screening process. Individuals will submit and complete the following: -Be members of the church or have regularly attended worship services and/or participated in a Small Group for at least six months -Ministry Personnel Application Form (Appendix 1) - Coffee with Student Pastor - Background check - Training Qualifications for Ministry – Individuals wanting to work with children or youth must be members of the church or have regularly attended the church (worship services and/or participated in a Small Group for at least six months. Exceptions can be made where perspective Ministry Personnel have moved from another church with whom we are affiliated in which they have been in attendance for six months and children’s and/or youth ministry workers in good standing. Reference checks must be received from at least three individuals. QUALIFICATIONS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE… “Events do not create community. Community happens when we do life together.”
  • 6. 6 Organization Cont’d… Application Process Ministry Application Form -Prospective leaders are to complete a Ministry Personnel Application Form. (A verifiable witnessed signature is required for the participation of all parties) - Leadership Application Forms are to be kept confidential and available only to the Student Pastors. -Completed Leadership Application Forms are to be kept on file permanently and in a secure location. Coffee with Student Pastor -We want to get to know you first. Contact our Student Pastors and let us know you want to join so we can schedule a time to hang out with you. Background Checks -Background checks must be conducted on all ministry personnel serving youth. (Background checks are to be renewed every three (3) years). Training -All leaders are to attend our monthly meetings and affirm that they have read the volunteer manual, that they understand it and the procedures that pertain to their area of ministry. -All leaders are required to sign that they have read/reviewed the volunteer manual each year. Approval -All leaders are to be approved by a Student Pastor upon completion of the recruitment and screening process. -The recruitment and screening process must be completed within a three month period of time. -Applicants who have not fully completed the recruitment and screening process will not be placed in a position of trust. -Ministry Personnel serving in children’s and youth ministries are members or adherents in good standing who support the doctrine, vision, values, of the church. They also support or are submissive to the leadership and elders of the church. - Individuals who have been accused, or convicted, or are under the suspicion of crimes against children and/or youth, or who have been convicted of violent crimes or other relevant crimes will not have any involvement in children and youth ministries. ““If we do not give our children a biblical worldview, they will simply follow our rules while they are under our watchful eye, but as soon as they gain independence, they will begin to make decisions based upon their worldview.” -Voddie Baucham
  • 7. 7 Policies and Procedures Youth Ministry Programming Youth Protection Procedures – Youth Ministry Personnel Standards -For the protection of our youth, leaders are to be committed to growing in every area of their lives through engaging in various practices and experiences that keep them connected to God and becoming more like Christ. -Leaders are to be role models of integrity at all times. They are to refrain from activities that are illegal or could be considered morally and biblically questionable. Contacting Opportunities -Leaders are encouraged to meet with youth in small group settings and in teams. -The Student Pastor must pre-approve the conducting of one-on-one discipling with information being documented and filed. -One-on-one discilping must be done in public settings and only under the following conditions: (1) The Student Pastor is informed of the time and place of the meeting prior to the meeting, and, (2) Parental permission is granted, and, (3) transportation has been approved by the parents. Open Door Policy -Leaders working with youth must not have one-on-one or small group meetings behind closed doors. It is required that the door remain open or that the meeting take place in a room with an unobstructed window in the door. Physical Contact -Leaders must be made aware of what constitutes appropriate touch: (1)one- arm hugs, (2) shoulder to shoulder hugs, (3) touch on back or shoulder -Leaders must refrain from inappropriate touch at all times: (1) chest-to-chest hugging, (2) extended hugging , (3) lap sitting, (4) kissing, (5) touching of thighs, knees, back or inappropriate spots of the body -Leaders must be cognizant of conduct that could be misinterpreted: (1) horseplay, (2) tickling. Dating -Leaders working with youth may not pursue a dating relationship with a student. Leader / Student Ratios -There must be at least two (2) unrelated leaders at all events. Events with mixed genders must be supervised by both male and female leaders. -It is recommended that there be at least a five (5) year age difference between leaders and the youth they supervise. Supervision of Leaders-The supervision of leaders will be intentional and will take place through visits to rooms and programs by the Student Pastors. “The evangelistic nature of a church is not found in a church’s structure; it’s found in whether the people are obedient to the Great Commission.” -Paul Renfro
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9 Leadership Application Form (Adults) For Youth Ministries In our desire to reduce the risk of abuse within our church ministries, we believe this information is necessary to protect our children, youth and our volunteers and to effectively place our volunteers in ministry positions. Thank you in advance for your partnership. Personal Information  Male  Female Full Name Address Postal Code Date of Birth Phone Number (H) (W) List Dates and Times that are best for you to meet with one of our Student Pastors: Hobbies, Interests or Skills Spiritual History How long have you attended Little Flock? Do you regularly attend (2 or more services a month)?  Yes  No Have you been baptized?  Yes  No Are you a member of the Church?  Yes  No In a brief paragraph, please outline your spiritual journey (how you came to know Christ as Saviour and what you are currently doing to grow in your relationship with Him).
  • 10. 10 Confidential Information In order to provide a safe and secure environment for our children and youth, we believe it is necessary to include the following questions as part of our application process. All information will be kept confidential by church leadership. (Police may access this information, under warrant, if requested.) Answering yes to any of the questions may not necessarily preclude your involvement in ministry. Thank you in advance for your understanding. 1. Are there any circumstances involving your lifestyle or background that  Yes  No would call into question your ability to work with children or youth? (e.g. pornography, use of illegal substances, etc.) 2. Have you ever been accused of impropriety with children and youth?  Yes  No 3. Have you ever been convicted for the use or sale of illegal drugs?  Yes  No 4. Have you ever been through treatment for alcohol or substance abuse?  Yes  No 5. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (excluding minor  Yes  No traffic violations)? 6. Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any abuse related crimes?  Yes  No 7. Have you been investigated by the Child Welfare Agency for suspected  Yes  No child abuse? 8. Have you ever been the subject of a civil lawsuit involving sexual  Yes  No harassment or other immoral behaviour or conduct involving children, youth or adults? 9. Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action, transfer or  Yes  No dismissal, or been named as a defendant in a civil or criminal lawsuit as a result of an accident or mishap involving children or youth? 10. Have you ever been subjected to expulsion, reprimand, or other  Yes  No discipline by a church, denomination or other religious organization? 11. Have you ever been the subject of any disciplinary action  Yes  No (including discharge) or investigation by a church, religious or other organization, or by an employer? 12. Do you have any health concerns of which we should be aware?  Yes  No (e.g. medical, psychiatric) If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please explain. Name of Applicant Date E-mail to or Mail to: Little Flock Student Ministry 5500 N Preston Hwy, Shepherdsville, KY 40165