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C++ and Assembly: Debugging
and Reverse Engineering
Mike Gelfand
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
About me
• Mike Gelfand
• Principal developer at SolarWinds MSP
• Used a handful of programming languages in the past 10+ years
• Love cats
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
• What is the assembly language and how does it compare to C++?
• How do we leverage assembly knowledge in everyday life?
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Assembly Language,
whatever that is
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Typical use in modern age
•Operating systems (bootloaders,
hardware setup)
•Compilers (intermediate language, inline
•Performance-critical code (encryption,
graphics, scientific simulations)
•Reverse engineering
leal -12(%ecx, %eax, 8), %edi
movzbl %ah, %ebp
fsub %st, %st(3)
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Just how bad could it be?
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Just how bad could it be?
leal -12(%ecx, %eax, 8), %edi
movzbl %ah, %ebp
fsub %st, %st(3)
lea edi, [ecx + eax * 8 - 12]
movzx ebp, ah
fsub st(3), st
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Switching between Intel and AT&T flavors
Switch to Intel:
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(lldb) settings set target.x86-disassembly-flavor intel
Switch to AT&T (but why?):
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor att
(lldb) settings set target.x86-disassembly-flavor att
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
x86 registers overview © Wikipedia
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
General-purpose registers in the wild
Register Name Meaning [Extra] Use
RAX, EAX, AX Accumulator Result of multiplication or division
RBX, EBX, BX Base index Array index
RCX, ECX, CX Counter Number of iterations left in the loop or string operation
RDX, EDX, DX Data Multiplication result or dividend upper bits
RSP, ESP, SP Stack pointer Address of the top of the stack
RBP, EBP, BP Stack base pointer Address of the current stack frame
RSI, ESI, SI Source index Address of the current source operand of string operations
RDI, EDI, DI Destination index Address of the current destination operand of string operations
RIP, EIP Instruction pointer Address of the current instruction being executed
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
C++ vs. Assembly: Basic stuff
int a = 5;
a += 7;
int b = a - 4;
a |= b;
bool c = a & 7;
a *= b;
b = *(int*)(a + b);
Assembly (AT&T)
mov $5, %eax
add $7, %eax
lea -4(%eax), %ebx
or %ebx, %eax
test $7, %eax
imul %ebx
mov (%eax, %ebx), %ebx
Assembly (Intel)
mov eax, 5
add eax, 7
lea ebx, [eax - 4]
or eax, ebx
test eax, 7
imul ebx
mov ebx, [eax + ebx]
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Flags register
Flag Meaning Category Use
CF Carry Status Carry or borrow indication (addition, subtraction, shift)
PF Parity Status Floating-point C2 flag check (e.g. FUCOM with NaN value)
AF Adjust Status Same as CF but just for the lower nibble (think BCD)
ZF Zero Status Result is zero/non-zero
SF Sign Status Result is negative/positive
OF Overflow Status Sign bit changed when adding two numbers of same sign, or subtracting two numbers of
different signs
DF Direction Control Specifies string processing direction
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C++ vs. Assembly: Branching
int a = 10;
while (a > 0)
if (a % 2 == 0)
a -= 3;
a /= 2;
Assembly (compiler)
[0x1f73] <+3>: mov ecx, 10
[0x1f76] <+6>: test ecx, ecx
[0x1f78] <+8>: jle 0x1f93 ; <+35>
[0x1f7a] <+10>: nop word ptr [eax + eax]
[0x1f80] <+16>: lea edx, [ecx - 0x3]
[0x1f83] <+19>: mov eax, ecx
[0x1f85] <+21>: shr eax
[0x1f87] <+23>: test cl, 0x1
[0x1f8a] <+26>: cmove eax, edx
[0x1f8d] <+29>: test eax, eax
[0x1f8f] <+31>: mov ecx, eax
[0x1f91] <+33>: jg 0x1f80 ; <+16>
[0x1f93] <+35>:
Assembly (human)
mov eax, 10
cmp eax, 0
jle finish
test eax, 1
jnz divide
sub eax, 3
jmp loop_start
sar eax, 1
jmp loop_start
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Calling conventions
• Where parameters and results reside
• In which order parameters are passed
• Who cleans up after the call
• What registers are preserved and who does it
• etc.
Currently in wide use:
• x86: cdecl, stdcall
• x64: MS, System V
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C++ vs. Assembly: Calling functions (non-virtual, cdecl)
int f(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int g()
return f(2, 3) + 4;
f(int, int):
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x8]
add eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x4]
push 0x3
push 0x2
call 0x8048520 <f(int, int)>
pop edx
add eax, 0x4
pop ecx
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
C++ vs. Assembly: Calling functions (virtual, cdecl)
struct I
virtual int f(int a, int b) = 0;
struct A : public I
int f(int a, int b) override
return a + b;
int g(I& x)
return x.f(2, 3) + 4;
A::f(int, int):
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0xc]
add eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x8]
sub esp, 0x10
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x14]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [eax]
push 0x3
push 0x2
push eax
call DWORD PTR [edx]
add esp, 0x1c
add eax, 0x4
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Assembly & Disassember
The Rescue Rangers
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #1: Waiting in kernel mode
// In a header far, far away
ULONG const TimeoutMs = 30000;
// Waiting up to 30 seconds for event to happen
timeout.QuadPart = -1 * TimeoutMs * 10 * 1000;
NTSTATUS const waitResult =
KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive,
KernelMode, FALSE, &timeout);
mov eax, dword ptr [TimeoutMs]
lea rcx, [rsp + 0x48] ; 1st arg
imul eax, eax, 0xFFFFD8F0
xor r9d, r9d ; 4th arg
xor r8d, r8d ; 3rd arg
xor edx, edx ; 2nd arg
mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x40], rax
lea rax, [rsp + 0x40]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x20], rax ; 5th arg
call qword ptr [_imp_KeWaitForSingleObject]
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #1: Waiting in kernel mode
// In a header far, far away
LONG const TimeoutMs = 30000;
// Waiting up to 30 seconds for event to happen
timeout.QuadPart = -1 * TimeoutMs * 10 * 1000;
NTSTATUS const waitResult =
KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive,
KernelMode, FALSE, &timeout);
mov eax, dword ptr [TimeoutMs]
lea rcx, [rsp + 0x48] ; 1st arg
imul eax, eax, 0xFFFFD8F0
xor r9d, r9d ; 4th arg
xor r8d, r8d ; 3rd arg
xor edx, edx ; 2nd arg
mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x40], rax
lea rax, [rsp + 0x40]
mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x20], rax ; 5th arg
call qword ptr [_imp_KeWaitForSingleObject]
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #2: Magic statics
struct Data
int x;
Data() : x(123) {}
Data& GetData()
static Data data;
return data;
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #2: Magic statics
GCC 4.2.1 (released 10 years ago)
0x08048560 <_Z7GetDatav+0>: push ebp
0x08048561 <_Z7GetDatav+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048563 <_Z7GetDatav+3>: sub esp,0x8
0x08048566 <_Z7GetDatav+6>: cmp BYTE PTR ds:0x8049790,0x0
0x0804856d <_Z7GetDatav+13>: je 0x8048576 <_Z7GetDatav+22>
0x0804856f <_Z7GetDatav+15>: leave
0x08048570 <_Z7GetDatav+16>: mov eax,0x8049798
0x08048575 <_Z7GetDatav+21>: ret
0x08048576 <_Z7GetDatav+22>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8049790
0x0804857d <_Z7GetDatav+29>: call 0x80483e4 <__cxa_guard_acquire@plt>
0x08048582 <_Z7GetDatav+34>: test eax,eax
0x08048584 <_Z7GetDatav+36>: je 0x804856f <_Z7GetDatav+15>
0x08048586 <_Z7GetDatav+38>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8049798
0x0804858d <_Z7GetDatav+45>: call 0x80485e0 <Data>
0x08048592 <_Z7GetDatav+50>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8049790
0x08048599 <_Z7GetDatav+57>: call 0x8048414 <__cxa_guard_release@plt>
0x0804859e <_Z7GetDatav+62>: mov eax,0x8049798
0x080485a3 <_Z7GetDatav+67>: leave
0x080485a4 <_Z7GetDatav+68>: ret
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #2: Magic statics
MSVC 12 (Visual Studio 2013)
example!GetData [example.cpp @ 14]:
14 00e61040 a14485e800 mov eax,dword ptr [example!$S1 (00e88544)]
15 00e61045 a801 test al,1
15 00e61047 7512 jne example!GetData+0x1b (00e6105b)
example!GetData+0x9 [example.cpp @ 15]:
15 00e61049 83c801 or eax,1
15 00e6104c b94085e800 mov ecx,offset example!data (00e88540)
15 00e61051 a34485e800 mov dword ptr [example!$S1 (00e88544)],eax
15 00e61056 e8aaffffff call example!ILT+0(??0DataQAEXZ) (00e61005)
example!GetData+0x1b [example.cpp @ 16]:
16 00e6105b b84085e800 mov eax,offset example!data (00e88540)
17 00e61060 c3 ret
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #2: Magic statics
MSVC 15 (Visual Studio 2017)
example!GetData [example.cpp @ 14]:
14 010765a0 64a12c000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0000002Ch]
15 010765a6 8b0d80fc0c01 mov ecx,dword ptr [example!_tls_index (010cfc80)]
15 010765ac 8b0c88 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4]
15 010765af a14cfc0c01 mov eax,dword ptr [example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c)]
15 010765b4 3b8104010000 cmp eax,dword ptr [ecx+104h]
15 010765ba 7f06 jg example!GetData+0x22 (010765c2)
example!GetData+0x1c [example.cpp @ 16]:
16 010765bc b848fc0c01 mov eax,offset example!data (010cfc48)
17 010765c1 c3 ret
example!GetData+0x22 [example.cpp @ 15]:
15 010765c2 684cfc0c01 push offset example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c)
15 010765c7 e8d9afffff call example!ILT+1440(__Init_thread_header) (010715a5)
15 010765cc 83c404 add esp,4
15 010765cf 833d4cfc0c01ff cmp dword ptr [example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c)],0FFFFFFFFh
15 010765d6 75e4 jne example!GetData+0x1c (010765bc)
example!GetData+0x38 [example.cpp @ 15]:
15 010765d8 b948fc0c01 mov ecx,offset example!data (010cfc48)
15 010765dd e857c1ffff call example!ILT+5940(??0DataQAEXZ) (01072739)
15 010765e2 684cfc0c01 push offset example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c)
15 010765e7 e89eb6ffff call example!ILT+3205(__Init_thread_footer) (01071c8a)
15 010765ec 83c404 add esp,4
15 010765ef ebcb jmp example!GetData+0x1c (010765bc)
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #3: Code obfuscation
push edx
push 0x4920
mov dword ptr [esp], ecx
mov dword ptr [esp], edi
mov edi, 0x16BC2A97
push eax
mov eax, 0x7C4B60CD
add dword ptr [esp + 8], eax
mov eax, dword ptr [esp]
add esp, 4
add dword ptr [esp + 4], edi
sub dword ptr [esp + 4], 0x7C4B60CD
pop edi
push dword ptr [esp]
pop eax
push esi
mov esi, esp
add esi, 4
add esi, 4
xchg dword ptr [esp], esi
pop esp
push ebp
mov ebp, 0x16BC2A97
sub eax, ebp
pop ebp
mov edx, dword ptr [esp]
add esp, 4
void f(x86_regs32_t& regs, std::vector<std::uint32_t>& stack)
stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0] = regs.ecx;
stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0] = regs.edi;
regs.edi = 0x16BC2A97;
regs.eax = 0x7C4B60CD;
stack[stack.size() - 1 - 2] += regs.eax;
regs.eax = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0];
stack[stack.size() - 1 - 1] += regs.edi;
stack[stack.size() - 1 - 1] -= 0x7C4B60CD;
regs.edi = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back();
stack.push_back(stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]);
regs.eax = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back();
regs.esi = 0;
regs.esi += 1;
regs.esi += 1;
std::swap(stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0], regs.esi);
stack.resize(stack.size() - stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0] + 1);
regs.ebp = 0x16BC2A97;
regs.eax -= regs.ebp;
regs.ebp = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back();
regs.edx = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0];
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Example #3: Code obfuscation
mov eax, edx
add edx, 0x16BC2A97
void f(std::uint32_t& eax, std::uint32_t& edx)
regs.eax = regs.edx;
regs.edx += 0x16BC2A97;
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Stuff
in case you’re interested
© 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Want to learn assembly and contribute at the same time?
• FASM — modern and fast assembler written in assembly
• Menuet OS, Kolibri OS, BareMetal, and whole lot more
• KOL & MCK by Vladimir Kladov (achtung: Delphi)
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C++ and Assembly: Debugging and Reverse Engineering

  • 1. C++ and Assembly: Debugging and Reverse Engineering Mike Gelfand
  • 2. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. About me • Mike Gelfand • Principal developer at SolarWinds MSP • Used a handful of programming languages in the past 10+ years • Love cats
  • 3. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Agenda • What is the assembly language and how does it compare to C++? • How do we leverage assembly knowledge in everyday life?
  • 4. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Assembly Language, whatever that is
  • 5. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Typical use in modern age •Operating systems (bootloaders, hardware setup) •Compilers (intermediate language, inline assembler) •Performance-critical code (encryption, graphics, scientific simulations) •Reverse engineering •Debugging
  • 6. leal -12(%ecx, %eax, 8), %edi movzbl %ah, %ebp fsub %st, %st(3) (AT&T) © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Just how bad could it be? CAN I HAZ CLARITY?!
  • 7. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Just how bad could it be? leal -12(%ecx, %eax, 8), %edi movzbl %ah, %ebp fsub %st, %st(3) (AT&T) lea edi, [ecx + eax * 8 - 12] movzx ebp, ah fsub st(3), st (Intel)
  • 8. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Switching between Intel and AT&T flavors Switch to Intel: (gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel (lldb) settings set target.x86-disassembly-flavor intel Switch to AT&T (but why?): (gdb) set disassembly-flavor att (lldb) settings set target.x86-disassembly-flavor att
  • 9. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. x86 registers overview © Wikipedia
  • 10. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. General-purpose registers in the wild Register Name Meaning [Extra] Use RAX, EAX, AX Accumulator Result of multiplication or division RBX, EBX, BX Base index Array index RCX, ECX, CX Counter Number of iterations left in the loop or string operation RDX, EDX, DX Data Multiplication result or dividend upper bits RSP, ESP, SP Stack pointer Address of the top of the stack RBP, EBP, BP Stack base pointer Address of the current stack frame RSI, ESI, SI Source index Address of the current source operand of string operations RDI, EDI, DI Destination index Address of the current destination operand of string operations RIP, EIP Instruction pointer Address of the current instruction being executed
  • 11. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. C++ vs. Assembly: Basic stuff C++ int a = 5; a += 7; int b = a - 4; a |= b; bool c = a & 7; a *= b; b = *(int*)(a + b); Assembly (AT&T) mov $5, %eax add $7, %eax lea -4(%eax), %ebx or %ebx, %eax test $7, %eax imul %ebx mov (%eax, %ebx), %ebx Assembly (Intel) mov eax, 5 add eax, 7 lea ebx, [eax - 4] or eax, ebx test eax, 7 imul ebx mov ebx, [eax + ebx]
  • 12. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Flags register Flag Meaning Category Use CF Carry Status Carry or borrow indication (addition, subtraction, shift) PF Parity Status Floating-point C2 flag check (e.g. FUCOM with NaN value) AF Adjust Status Same as CF but just for the lower nibble (think BCD) ZF Zero Status Result is zero/non-zero SF Sign Status Result is negative/positive OF Overflow Status Sign bit changed when adding two numbers of same sign, or subtracting two numbers of different signs DF Direction Control Specifies string processing direction
  • 13. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. C++ vs. Assembly: Branching C++ int a = 10; while (a > 0) { if (a % 2 == 0) a -= 3; else a /= 2; } Assembly (compiler) [0x1f73] <+3>: mov ecx, 10 [0x1f76] <+6>: test ecx, ecx [0x1f78] <+8>: jle 0x1f93 ; <+35> [0x1f7a] <+10>: nop word ptr [eax + eax] [0x1f80] <+16>: lea edx, [ecx - 0x3] [0x1f83] <+19>: mov eax, ecx [0x1f85] <+21>: shr eax [0x1f87] <+23>: test cl, 0x1 [0x1f8a] <+26>: cmove eax, edx [0x1f8d] <+29>: test eax, eax [0x1f8f] <+31>: mov ecx, eax [0x1f91] <+33>: jg 0x1f80 ; <+16> [0x1f93] <+35>: Assembly (human) mov eax, 10 loop_start: cmp eax, 0 jle finish test eax, 1 jnz divide sub eax, 3 jmp loop_start divide: sar eax, 1 jmp loop_start finish:
  • 14. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Calling conventions • Where parameters and results reside • In which order parameters are passed • Who cleans up after the call • What registers are preserved and who does it • etc. Currently in wide use: • x86: cdecl, stdcall • x64: MS, System V
  • 15. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. C++ vs. Assembly: Calling functions (non-virtual, cdecl) int f(int a, int b) { return a + b; } int g() { return f(2, 3) + 4; } f(int, int): mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x8] add eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x4] ret g(): push 0x3 push 0x2 call 0x8048520 <f(int, int)> pop edx add eax, 0x4 pop ecx ret
  • 16. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. C++ vs. Assembly: Calling functions (virtual, cdecl) struct I { virtual int f(int a, int b) = 0; }; struct A : public I { int f(int a, int b) override { return a + b; } }; int g(I& x) { return x.f(2, 3) + 4; } A::f(int, int): mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0xc] add eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x8] ret g(I&): sub esp, 0x10 mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp + 0x14] mov edx, DWORD PTR [eax] push 0x3 push 0x2 push eax call DWORD PTR [edx] add esp, 0x1c add eax, 0x4 ret
  • 17. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Assembly & Disassember The Rescue Rangers
  • 18. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #1: Waiting in kernel mode // In a header far, far away ULONG const TimeoutMs = 30000; // Waiting up to 30 seconds for event to happen LARGE_INTEGER timeout; timeout.QuadPart = -1 * TimeoutMs * 10 * 1000; NTSTATUS const waitResult = KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &timeout); mov eax, dword ptr [TimeoutMs] lea rcx, [rsp + 0x48] ; 1st arg imul eax, eax, 0xFFFFD8F0 xor r9d, r9d ; 4th arg xor r8d, r8d ; 3rd arg xor edx, edx ; 2nd arg mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x40], rax lea rax, [rsp + 0x40] mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x20], rax ; 5th arg call qword ptr [_imp_KeWaitForSingleObject]
  • 19. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #1: Waiting in kernel mode // In a header far, far away LONG const TimeoutMs = 30000; // Waiting up to 30 seconds for event to happen LARGE_INTEGER timeout; timeout.QuadPart = -1 * TimeoutMs * 10 * 1000; NTSTATUS const waitResult = KeWaitForSingleObject(&event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &timeout); mov eax, dword ptr [TimeoutMs] lea rcx, [rsp + 0x48] ; 1st arg imul eax, eax, 0xFFFFD8F0 xor r9d, r9d ; 4th arg xor r8d, r8d ; 3rd arg xor edx, edx ; 2nd arg cdqe mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x40], rax lea rax, [rsp + 0x40] mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x20], rax ; 5th arg call qword ptr [_imp_KeWaitForSingleObject]
  • 20. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #2: Magic statics struct Data { int x; Data() : x(123) {} }; Data& GetData() { static Data data; return data; }
  • 21. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #2: Magic statics GCC 4.2.1 (released 10 years ago) 0x08048560 <_Z7GetDatav+0>: push ebp 0x08048561 <_Z7GetDatav+1>: mov ebp,esp 0x08048563 <_Z7GetDatav+3>: sub esp,0x8 0x08048566 <_Z7GetDatav+6>: cmp BYTE PTR ds:0x8049790,0x0 0x0804856d <_Z7GetDatav+13>: je 0x8048576 <_Z7GetDatav+22> 0x0804856f <_Z7GetDatav+15>: leave 0x08048570 <_Z7GetDatav+16>: mov eax,0x8049798 0x08048575 <_Z7GetDatav+21>: ret 0x08048576 <_Z7GetDatav+22>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8049790 0x0804857d <_Z7GetDatav+29>: call 0x80483e4 <__cxa_guard_acquire@plt> 0x08048582 <_Z7GetDatav+34>: test eax,eax 0x08048584 <_Z7GetDatav+36>: je 0x804856f <_Z7GetDatav+15> 0x08048586 <_Z7GetDatav+38>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8049798 0x0804858d <_Z7GetDatav+45>: call 0x80485e0 <Data> 0x08048592 <_Z7GetDatav+50>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8049790 0x08048599 <_Z7GetDatav+57>: call 0x8048414 <__cxa_guard_release@plt> 0x0804859e <_Z7GetDatav+62>: mov eax,0x8049798 0x080485a3 <_Z7GetDatav+67>: leave 0x080485a4 <_Z7GetDatav+68>: ret
  • 22. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #2: Magic statics MSVC 12 (Visual Studio 2013) example!GetData [example.cpp @ 14]: 14 00e61040 a14485e800 mov eax,dword ptr [example!$S1 (00e88544)] 15 00e61045 a801 test al,1 15 00e61047 7512 jne example!GetData+0x1b (00e6105b) example!GetData+0x9 [example.cpp @ 15]: 15 00e61049 83c801 or eax,1 15 00e6104c b94085e800 mov ecx,offset example!data (00e88540) 15 00e61051 a34485e800 mov dword ptr [example!$S1 (00e88544)],eax 15 00e61056 e8aaffffff call example!ILT+0(??0DataQAEXZ) (00e61005) example!GetData+0x1b [example.cpp @ 16]: 16 00e6105b b84085e800 mov eax,offset example!data (00e88540) 17 00e61060 c3 ret
  • 23. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #2: Magic statics MSVC 15 (Visual Studio 2017) example!GetData [example.cpp @ 14]: 14 010765a0 64a12c000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0000002Ch] 15 010765a6 8b0d80fc0c01 mov ecx,dword ptr [example!_tls_index (010cfc80)] 15 010765ac 8b0c88 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] 15 010765af a14cfc0c01 mov eax,dword ptr [example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c)] 15 010765b4 3b8104010000 cmp eax,dword ptr [ecx+104h] 15 010765ba 7f06 jg example!GetData+0x22 (010765c2) example!GetData+0x1c [example.cpp @ 16]: 16 010765bc b848fc0c01 mov eax,offset example!data (010cfc48) 17 010765c1 c3 ret example!GetData+0x22 [example.cpp @ 15]: 15 010765c2 684cfc0c01 push offset example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c) 15 010765c7 e8d9afffff call example!ILT+1440(__Init_thread_header) (010715a5) 15 010765cc 83c404 add esp,4 15 010765cf 833d4cfc0c01ff cmp dword ptr [example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c)],0FFFFFFFFh 15 010765d6 75e4 jne example!GetData+0x1c (010765bc) example!GetData+0x38 [example.cpp @ 15]: 15 010765d8 b948fc0c01 mov ecx,offset example!data (010cfc48) 15 010765dd e857c1ffff call example!ILT+5940(??0DataQAEXZ) (01072739) 15 010765e2 684cfc0c01 push offset example!type_info `RTTI Type Descriptor'+0x128 (010cfc4c) 15 010765e7 e89eb6ffff call example!ILT+3205(__Init_thread_footer) (01071c8a) 15 010765ec 83c404 add esp,4 15 010765ef ebcb jmp example!GetData+0x1c (010765bc)
  • 24. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #3: Code obfuscation push edx push 0x4920 mov dword ptr [esp], ecx mov dword ptr [esp], edi mov edi, 0x16BC2A97 push eax mov eax, 0x7C4B60CD add dword ptr [esp + 8], eax mov eax, dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 add dword ptr [esp + 4], edi sub dword ptr [esp + 4], 0x7C4B60CD pop edi push dword ptr [esp] pop eax push esi mov esi, esp add esi, 4 add esi, 4 xchg dword ptr [esp], esi pop esp push ebp mov ebp, 0x16BC2A97 sub eax, ebp pop ebp mov edx, dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 void f(x86_regs32_t& regs, std::vector<std::uint32_t>& stack) { stack.push_back(regs.edx); stack.push_back(0x4920); stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0] = regs.ecx; stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0] = regs.edi; regs.edi = 0x16BC2A97; stack.push_back(regs.eax); regs.eax = 0x7C4B60CD; stack[stack.size() - 1 - 2] += regs.eax; regs.eax = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back(); stack[stack.size() - 1 - 1] += regs.edi; stack[stack.size() - 1 - 1] -= 0x7C4B60CD; regs.edi = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back(); stack.push_back(stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]); regs.eax = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back(); stack.push_back(regs.esi); regs.esi = 0; regs.esi += 1; regs.esi += 1; std::swap(stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0], regs.esi); stack.resize(stack.size() - stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0] + 1); stack.push_back(regs.ebp); regs.ebp = 0x16BC2A97; regs.eax -= regs.ebp; regs.ebp = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back(); regs.edx = stack[stack.size() - 1 - 0]; stack.pop_back(); }
  • 25. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Example #3: Code obfuscation mov eax, edx add edx, 0x16BC2A97 void f(std::uint32_t& eax, std::uint32_t& edx) { regs.eax = regs.edx; regs.edx += 0x16BC2A97; }
  • 26. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. The Stuff in case you’re interested
  • 27. © 2017 SolarWinds MSP UK Ltd. All rights reserved. Want to learn assembly and contribute at the same time? • FASM — modern and fast assembler written in assembly • Menuet OS, Kolibri OS, BareMetal, and whole lot more • KOL & MCK by Vladimir Kladov (achtung: Delphi)
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