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International Student Magazine

                        Dreams Of Olympic Success In London
                                     International Food Event
                           Publishing Success In South Africa
                             Delivering Accounting In Bahrain

NBS at University
Welcome from the
      E xecutive Dean
                                                                      to bring you news
                                     INESSWISE. We are delighted
     Welcome to this edition of BUS                               of their successes, as
                                       and share with you some
     from our international students
     well as informing you  of our work around the globe.
                                                                             nering three
                                          global developments; we are part
     This year has witnessed amazing               deliver our MBA. No other univ
      elite Vietnamese universities to                             ing economy. In April
                                         highly dynamic and grow
      has such an arrangement in this                         ated in the Knowledge
      2012, NBS joined forc es with Stafford Associates; situ                      bian Gulf
                                        ver our MBA in centres spanning the Ara
      Village Dubai to exclusively deli                       & Young, the prestigious
                                          working with Ernst
      to South East Europe.We are also                   accounting degree.
      global accounting  firm, in Bahrain to deliver our
                                    oduction, unique in Guangdong
      2011-12 has also seen the intr
                                      s Entrepreneurship degree on a
      (China), of a BA (Hons) Busines
      two-centre shared delivery bas
                                        Society continues to provide all
       The work of the Global Student
                                           ortunities to integrate with life
       students with many excellent opp
                                        to Bentley, a talent show and an
       in the UK, such as a recent trip                                events
       international food event. You  can view the pictures of these
                                       ok page, so take   a look and join
       and many more on our Facebo
       our online  community.

        Dr Ian Brooks
        Executive Dean, NBS

                    /nbsuninorthants                                @ianbrooks6

              Featured in
              this edition...
                                                                                                         Would you lik
                                                                                                                        e to commen
                                                                                                        on any of the                 t
                                                                                                        featured in th
                                                                                                                       is edition of
              Dreams Of Olympic Success                                                                                 ISE? Got an
                                                                                                       idea for the n
              In London P2                                                                                            ext issue? Let
                                                                                                       know –email                   us
                                                                                                       northampto                    e@
               International Food Event P.6                                                                
               Delivering Accounting In Bahrain
                                                                   ica P10
               Publishing Success In South Afr

Published by Northampton Business School. T. 0044 1604 892036 E.
Editors: Hayley Hunter and Michelle Smith. Design: Stamp
Every effort has been made to ensure that all of the information contained in this edition of Business Wise is correct a the time of going to press.
Please note that The University of Northampton accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements in this and other marketing publications.
BUSINESSWISE - International Edition                                                                                                         Page 2

John’s dream
of Olympic
success in
London                                               Look at him go

     BA Business and Marketing student from The
     University of Northampton’s Business School is
     eagerly awaiting the announcement of whether he                            to defer for two years and have been extremely helpful with this
                                                                                flexibility for my studies.
has made it onto the 2012 U.S. Olympic team.
                                                                                	 “You could be training for 6 – 7 hours a day, so I found my
	 John Gibbons, 22, is in Year 2 of his degree and has been                     textbooks a great help to focus on something else. I wanted to keep
studying part-time over the last four years whilst he trains with the           up with my course and the reading. I also know that eventually all
U.S. Pentathlon team in America.                                                this sport will end and I’ll be doing something after that – having a
	 John will find out in June whether he will be representing the                degree in Business and Marketing will be very valuable.”
U.S. at London 2012. He commented:                                              	 A pentathlon is a competition featuring five different events –
                                                                                typically shooting, swimming, fencing, equestrian and cross country
“I’ve been swimming competitively since I was eight years old and               running.
winning a few county championships. I then progressed to take part              	 “I enjoy swimming a lot,” John stated, “Pentathlons are a
in the U.S. Pentathlon national championships in New Mexico in                  real test of endurance as they last all day. I have a ‘psyched mix’
2007 and represented the U.S. in both the Youth and Junior World                on my iPod to get me ready, which gets the job done! Before a
championships when I was 18.                                                    competition, sleep is also vital, as is a lot of pasta.”
	 “I was asked to attend the U.S. Olympic Training Centre in                    	 John returned back to the UK and his studies at The University
Colorado Springs from September 2010 – July 2011. The top 5%                    of Northampton’s Business School in September 2011. He plans to
of athletes are invited to this facility for training at Olympic level, so it   go straight into Year 3 of his course in September - hopefully with
was a great honour for me to be selected. I had already started my              unforgettable experiences of competing for his country in London
studies at The University of Northampton but they allowed me                    2012.

Representing NBS at University Court
       tudents from Northampton Business              Northampton Business School as well               for members of the business community
       School were invited to represent the           as the many ways in which the Business            to support students by offering them these
       school at University Court on the 4th          School has helped them to develop their           valuable placement opportunities to help
May 2012.                                             employability skills through placements           them better prepare for the world of work.
	 The University Court is a very special              and workshops to improve interview
event held annually, guests include the local         techniques and CV writing. Dominyka
MP, the Mayor and distinguished members               told the audience of her experience
of the business community. As part of the                   with Nissan last year and her
event Dr. Ian Brooks, Executive Dean                              hopes of securing full time
introduced three of our students; Xihui                             employment with them
Chen, Tanish Thakker and Dominyka                                     when she graduates.
Zemaityte. The students talked                                         She also stressed
about their experience at                                              how important it was
Page 3                                                                                         BUSINESSWISE - International Edition

The Global Students’ Society arranged an educational visit
to the Bentley factory in Crewe. Students from across the
university took part and BUSINESSWISE caught up with three
students from Northampton Business School to see what they              “People spend a fortune to have the ‘Bentley Feel’ but we were
thought of the experience.                                              among the handful of lucky ones to experience it for free. After
	 “I had really looked forward to the trip to Bentley and               an early start we arrived in Crewe and met our guide for the
found the tour amazing and very informative. We saw how                 factory tour, Mr. Alan who has been with Bentley for the past
the factory equipment reduced production time and ensured               36 years, he was our ‘Pied Piper’ for the day. Every car that
the high quality Bentley is known for. It was interesting to see        goes out to the customer is passed through a process of quality
how Bentley is expanding their customer base by entering the            assurance that eliminates the probability of any error or damage
Chinese markets. As a management student, I found this trip to          to almost zero.
see such a successful brand very helpful”.                              	    The Bentley exhibition centre has on display their first ever
Yin Fang, MA Management (Tourism)                                       racing car which was able to accelerate up to 120 mph in 1920,
	 “I had heard about Bentley from my father who is a crazy              as well as another Bentley that was gifted back to the company
fan of cars. I have been interested in a variety of cars since I was    by an elderly couple, this car was a wedding gift to the bride
little so joining the trip was very interesting. I learned a lot from   from the groom.
the visit and can see how Bentley has become the most famous            	 We would like to thank the Global Student Society
car in the world, because of the rigorous tests, the constant           committee and the staff at Bentley for providing us with an
innovations and the belief of the brand in every employee”.             opportunity to have the ‘Bentley Feel’.
Song Yao, International Accounting                                      Rehman Aslam, MBA

The Global Students’ Society Talent Show
R   un by students, for the students, the Global Students’
    Society provides a common ground for home and
international students to interact through social activities
throughout the year.
	 The Society arranged a talent show and Gaurav Ravindra tells BUSINESSWISE
“I was given a chance to play the guitar and sing. Not only did I get a lot of exposure
from the event, but I also made a lot of new friends from different countries having similar
interests and had a phenomenal time with them! I am glad there is such a spectacular
society to bring us all together. No doubt there is a strong Unity in Diversity!”
	     Tanhe Yuan also took part in the talent show and said “As an international student
studying engineering at Avenue campus, I was happy to have an opportunity to play
harmonica at the talent show, the night was great because I met a wonderful singer
Gaurav who has an amazing singing voice.”
	     Students expressed gratitude to their President, Xihui Chen, who encourages
students to get involved in the activities of The Global Students’ Society. It is sometimes
difficult for international students to gain the confidence to socialise with people who
speak English. The Global Students’ Society provides a platform for students to familiarize
themselves in English life.
BUSINESSWISE - International Edition                                                                                                       Page 4

 International accountancy placement
Justina Petkeviciute is studying BA Accounting and Finance and we asked her about her
placement year with Faurecia, an International automotive parts manufacturer.
	    “When I first heard about work placements I thought what an amazing opportunity that
would be, but was it something I would be able to do? The NBS Centre for Employability held a
number of seminars where we could find out more about work placements, it was after attending
these that I set my mind to find a placement.
	    I realised a year’s work experience would have huge potential for me, from enhancing my
CV to giving me priceless hands on experience. It took a lot of effort and motivation to secure
myself a placement, I was unsuccessful on a couple of occasions but my determination paid off
and I secured a job at Faurecia, one of the largest international automotive parts manufacturer’s
in the world.
	    Employed as an Accounts Assistant at Faurecia, I get to experience every field of
accounting from inputting non-production and production invoices, month end, creating debit
and credit notes, helping with money recharge to other plants and lots more. During my time
here I have learnt to be more responsible, professional and manage my time better. As for
technical skills, I have mastered Excel and learnt how to work with two accounting systems and
I’m about to learn a third one!
	    This placement has given me an amazing opportunity and made me realise what I want to
do in the future. I believe this experience will help me to secure a job which I will really enjoy and I
can’t wait to start looking for one again. To sum it up, I am very happy that I took this opportunity
and the staff at Northampton Business School were so helpful with everything. Only one warning
to those who are thinking about doing a placement- be prepared to grow! A lot!”

          Lights!                             The spring term saw Pre-sessional English students using their Project
                                              to create personalised films on the student experience at The Universi
                                              Northampton. Students worked in small teams and were tasked to
                                                                                                                       ty of

                                                                                                                     show the quality
                                              of the student experience.
                                             	     To support the students in their task, they used the film editing suite
                                                                                                                            installed in
                                             NBS. They also received expert assistance from the Business School’s

                                             Multimedia Developer. Not only did the students have the hands on
                                             of directing, starring and filming their video, they were also taught how
                                                                                                                        to use the
                                             editing equipment properly. They had the chance to use up-to-date
                                                                                                                     software and
                                             further develop skills for their future study.
                                             	     The end result of the eight week project was a varied and enjoyable
                                                                                                                           set of
                                             videos. The films were judged on how well they met the assignment
                                                                                                                     brief, the use
                                             of language and the use of editing software. A prize of a day out paintbal
                                                                                                                          ling was
                                             awarded to the top two submissions. This prize was kindly donated
                                                                                                                      by NBS.
Page 5                                                                                         BUSINESSWISE - International Edition

    The MSc IT Service Management (ITSM) course helped me realise
    how service industries like IT in particular enables organisations to
    return real value. As a technology professional with over ten years
    experience working in the public sector, I now realised my views
    have always been isolated and focused on the technology rather
    than considering the whole picture. I am now exposed to frameworks
    such as ITIL that form the basis for continual service improvement
    (CSI) needed to monitor and report organisational value and benefit.
    	 I chose the University of Northampton, because I wanted a
    course that helps you align organisation’s needs and information
    systems as early as inception of the business case all the way to
    	 The environment in Northampton has been conducive and a
    great adventure for me. I am from the Gambia in West Africa and
    head the IT Department of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary    “
    Education. The Ministry sponsors my studies with The University of
    Alpha Bah


    Iveta Senkevicha is studying BA Fashion        has helped me to improve my English             to offer me so many different opportunities
    Marketing with Northampton Business            and be more confident when it comes to          and support during my studies;
    School and has just finished her second        talking in front of large groups of people. I   these have given me lots of different
    year. As an EU student from Lithuania          have also met many people while working         experiences and knowledge. For example
    she spoke to BUSINESSWISE about her            on the open days and it’s a big friendly        I have been working as an assistant stylist
    experience of combining work and study.        team who are always happy to help each          for the fashion graduates promotional
    	 “In the beginning I was very                 other. In addition I have been working          video, which helped me to get an insight
    concerned how I would manage to                as a Course Representative, which has           into the industry where I want to work,
    combine my studies and work as I wasn’t        given me a chance to actively participate       this is especially helpful as I can’t afford
    able to apply for the home student loan. I     in my course, address the issues or             to go on an unpaid placement. For these
    decided to look for job opportunities within
    the University and found out about the
    Student Ambassador role, which I’m doing
    at the moment, this has been a great
                                                   questions from my fellow students to
                                                   our tutor and it looks good on my CV,
                                                   combining these roles has enabled me to
                                                   become more organised and responsible.
                                                                                                   reasons I am very grateful that The
                                                                                                   University of Northampton could provide
                                                                                                   me all these amazing opportunities for
    experience for me. Being an ambassador         I am pleased that the University are able
BUSINESSWISE - International Edition                                                 Page 6

                                          Nor thampto
                                                      n     Business Sch
                                            Union and T                  ool, The Stu
                                                         he Global Stu                 dents
                                                                       dents’ Societ
                                           hosted an In                               y

                                                                     Food Evenin
                                          March 201                                g in
                                          	   This inaugu
                                                           ral event, w
                                         100 studen                     hich hosted
                                                      ts and staff,                   over

 Food Event
                                                                     was a celebr
                                         of food, mus                              ation
                                                       ic and cultur
                                                                     e from arou
                                        the world. T                               nd
                                                      hose in atte
                                                                   ndance sam
                                        the delights                            pled
                                                      of Indian, C
                                                                   hinese, Span
                                        Caribbean an                             ish,
                                                      d British fo
                                                                   od whilst w
                                       traditional                              atching
                                                    dances from
                                                                   around the
                                       To see more
                                                     images from
                                                                    this event vi
                                                                     suninor than
Page 7                                                                                         BUSINESSWISE - International Edition

Publishing success in                                                         Over the past few years Professor

South Africa
                                                                              Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn has
                                                                              contributed a number of practitioner
                                                                              articles to the South African web-based
                                                                              journal ‘Human Capital Review’.

                                                                              	       Late last year he was
                                                ver the past few              approached by an editor requesting that
                                                years Professor               two of these articles are reproduced
                                                                              as book chapters in a series of books
                                           Simon Burtonshaw-                   covering topics such as strategy,
                                           Gunn has contributed a              management, change, leadership and
                                           number of practitioner              	       In February this year Simon
                                           articles to the South               was pleased to report that his
                                                                               chapter ‘Performance Management:
                                           African web-based                   Processes AND People’ was
                                           journal ‘Human Capital              published in ‘Managing Performance
                                                                               in Organisations’ and his chapter, with
                                           Review’.                            his regular co-writer Dr Malik Salameh,
                                           Late last year he was                ‘Change management contributions
                                                                                to organisational performance’ was
                                            approached by an                    published in ‘Managing Change in
                  editor requesting that two of these articles                  Organisations’. Both titles are published
                                                                                by Knowles Publishing, Republic of
                  are reproduced as book chapters in a series                   South Africa.
                  of books covering topics such as strategy,
                                                                               Over the past few years Professor
                  management, change, leadership and HR.                       Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn has
                  	    In February this year Simon was pleased                 contributed a number of practitioner
                                                                               articles to the South African web-based
                  to report that his chapter ‘Performance                      journal ‘Human Capital Review’.
                  Management: Processes and People’ was                        	        Late last year he was
                                                                               approached by an editor requesting that
                  published in ‘Managing Performance in                        two   of these articles are reproduced
                  Organisations’ and his chapter, with his                     as book chapters in a series of books
                                                                                covering topics such as strategy,
                  regular co-writer Dr Malik Salameh, ‘Change                   management, change, leadership and

                  management contributions to organisational                    HR.
                                                                                        In February this year Simon
                   performance’ was published in ‘Managing                      was pleased to report that his chapter
                   Change in Organisations’. Both titles are                    ‘Performance Management: Processes
                                                                                AND People’ was published in
                   published by Knowles Publishing, Republic of

                                                                                                   in Brazil
                                                                                ‘Managing Performance nagement
                   South Africa.                                                contributions to organisational
                                                                                performance’ was published in titles

                                                                                                  Dr He Shaowei is busy
 IT Service Management                                                                            preparing for a trip to visit three
                                                                                                  of the largest universities in

 Conference 19th July 2012                                                                        Brazil; UNESP, Universidade
                                                                                                  de São Paulo, and University
                                                                                                  of Fortaleza to participate in
Over the last five years 100s of       exhibition and presentations from
                                                                                                  research seminars and attend
students from all over the world       students whose academic work has
have graduated with a MSc IT           challenged or reinforced current                           the Brazil-Africa international
Service Management or a Post           thinking in the service management                         forum. In addition Shaowei
Graduate Certificate in ITSM from      arena.                                                     will be visiting various inward
The University of Northampton.                                                                    investment agencies and
During this time the research          Susan Bailey, Principal Lecturer
carried out by these students,         and Course Leader says “We have
                                                                                                  Chinese companies investing
especially in their dissertations,     been delighted with the quality                            in Brazil including Huawei and
has been extensive, innovative and     of research that students have                             Sany and talking to colleagues
exciting. Now is the time to share     undertaken and much of the work is                         about potential collaborations.
this with the ITSM community.          now suitable for publication. We are
                                       encouraging the students to prepare
The University of Northampton is       posters and academic papers that
delighted to announce that it will     are dynamic and thought provoking.
stage its first ITSM conference, the   We would like to welcome visitors,
day before the current graduates’      students and alumni alike.”
award ceremony.
                                       To register go to
Keynote speakers, include Dr
Don Page and Ben Clacy from    
itSMF. There will also be a poster
BUSINESSWISE - International Edition                                                                            Page 8

   in Bahrain

                                                                               and has established itself as a
                                          accounting qualifications such as

         he University of Northampton                                          well known and respected training
          has agreed a joint degree       the AAT diploma to top up to UK
                                                                               centre, attracting a large number
          delivery with Ernst & Young     degree level. These students will
                                                                               of locals as well as an expat
                                          study modules for the award of BA
  Training Centre in Bahrain. Ernst                                            community in the island including a
                                          (Hons) International Accounting.
  & Young is one of the ‘big four’                                             considerable number of overseas
                                          The tuition will be provided by
  accounting services firms in the                                             candidates for its varied training
                                           the BCT team and supported by
  world and are the most distinct and                                          course offerings.
                                           University staff in Bahrain.
  widely recognised brand, operating                                            	 The University has developed
                                           	 It is expected that the degree
  in over 140 countries with global                                             a number of partnerships with UK
                                           will attract a significant number
  clients.                                                                      Accounting professional bodies
                                           of local and other Middle Eastern
   	 Ernst & Young, Bahrain employs                                             to enable the enhancement of
                                            students. The degree will have
   470 staff and provides its clients                                            professional body qualifications
                                            two intakes, September and
   with a broad array of services                                                to degree level. One such
                                            February and is due to commence
   relating to audit and risk, business                                          arrangement is with the Association
                                            September 2012. It has also been
    community training (BCT), tax,                                               of Accounting Technicians where
                                            agreed that some students may
    technology and IT security and                                               holders of the AAT diploma can
                                            wish to complete their degree
    transaction advisory services.                                               study for a UK Honours degree.
                                             studies in Northampton.
    	 The partnership will enable E&Y
                                             	 BCT is situated on the
    through the BCT centre to provide
                                             prestigious Al Moayyed Tower
    tuition to students with existing
Page 9                                                                                           BUSINESSWISE - International Edition

         Cross cultural teaching
         in Vietnam and Pakistan
                 r. Holger Siemons, who teaches Cross-Cultural            contributing to the open discussion that Holger initiated
                 Management with us has just returned from a              in the class. Through him giving us the challenge
                 month long teaching trip to Pakistan and Vietnam.        to gradually increase our contributions we built the
         In Lahore Holger taught “Critical Thinking and Reflection        confidence that was needed to finally reduce our
         Skills” to a group of activists and university lecturers for a   inhibitions to share our opinion.”
         political foundation that supports public democratization        	 While the exposure to different learning styles may
         processes in different countries. In Hanoi, where Holger         be challenging, over time such interventions support
         is a visiting professor with the National Economics              the multi-level ability of the student to participate
         University, he taught International Business Strategy in         and contribute to cross-cultural work environments.
         the Advanced Educational Program, which exposes its              Therefore increasing the global employability of these
         students to an international faculty and works toward a          students.
         high degree of praxis orientation. Holger implemented            	 Holger paired this learning approach by involving
         an interactive teaching methodology that encouraged all          students in real life business scenarios in which students
         students to actively contribute to collective learning.          share their understanding. This format of teaching was
         	 During the module, students increased the                      well received among students and faculty of NEU, as
         frequency and complexity of their oral and written               well as by the delegation of the Vietnamese Ministry of
         contributions to the group. One student in the cohort            Education that attended Holger’s class.
         expressed: “In the beginning I was reserved in

Da Nang University
delegation visit
                                                                                     A      high level delegation from Da
                                                                                            Nang University, led by the
                                                                                     University President, visited on Sunday
                                                                                     11 March to discuss opportunities to
                                                                                     form a partnership between our two
                                                                                     universities. The delegation enjoyed the
                                                                                    experience, including lunch in an old
                                                                                    Northamptonshire village pub and a drive
                                                                                    around Althorp. Both institutions signed
                                                                                    a Memorandum of Association the next
                                                                                    day in London which set out the scope
                                                                                    for a partnership and we will shortly
                                                                                    commence the implementation phase of
                                                                                    that arrangement. The exact nature of
                                                                                    the development remains a commercial
                                                                                    secret but watch this space for further
                                                                                    developments with Da Nang and other
                                                                                    elite Vietnamese universities.
BUSINESSWISE - International Edition                                                                                    Page 10

Agreements made with Kazakhstan University
    Dr Chris Andrew, International            School of Economics and Business.     universities from Russia, Lithuania
    Development Manager for                   Agreements were made for students     and Hungary) in a European
    Northampton Business School spent         to progress from AL Farabi National   Tempus bid to deliver a Masters
    a week as the guest of Al Farabi          University to a number of courses     programme in International Business
    Kazakh National University in Almaty,     at Northampton Business School,       Entrepreneurship. Northampton
    Kazakhstan. Al Farabi National            including the MBA, MSc Accounting     Business School hopes to host a
    University is widely regarded as the      and Finance, MA Management and a      return visit by the Vice Dean for
    No 1 University in Kazakhstan.            number of BA (Hons) top up courses.   International Relations at AL Farabi
    	   Chris met with the First Vice         	    Al Farabi Kazakh National        Kazakh National University later in the
    Rector of Al Farabi National University   University will also be partnering    year.
    and members of staff from the High        Northampton Business School (and

Malaysian                                       Recruiting
MSc Corporate                                   in Southern
Governance &                                    Africa
                                                Dr Tambu Mangezi (pictured),
In a recent visit to Kuala Lumpar,              organised a series of student
Dr. Ian Brooks, Executive Dean of               recruitment events and
                                                partnership meetings with
NBS negotiated provisional approval
                                                education institutions in Botswana,
of The University of Northampton                South Africa and Zimbabwe.              from the University of
MSc Corporate Governance &                      The events held at the British          Zimbabwe (formerly a college
Leadership by the Malaysian                     Council offices in Gaborone             of the University of London
Institute of Company Secretaries                and Harare, welcomed over 400           and University of Birmingham,
and Administrators to provide                   prospective students and received       Trust Academy), and Zimbabwe
                                                60 completed applications on the        Council of Higher Education
qualified company secretaries. When
                                                day and more since the event. Dr.       (ZIMCHE) had positive outcomes.
ratified, Northampton will be the               Mangezi met with the Director of        In Gaborone meetings with the
first University to gain dual approval          the British Council - South Africa      Ministry of Higher Education
both by ICSA (London) and MAICSA                to discuss promoting the schools        (Tertiary Education Financing),
(Malaysia) and students will study              activities to prospective students.     University of Botswana and AMB
for this qualification in Kuala Lumpur,         	 In addition, meetings were            University were held and follow
                                                organised with local accrediting        up is currently underway. The
progressing to Northampton for the
                                                councils and prospective partners,      prospects for delivering supported
second and third semesters of the               in the region. In Zimbabwe              distance learning and developing
Masters degree.                                 meetings with representatives           long-term partnerships are great.
Page 11                                                                                     BUSINESSWISE - International Edition

      Study Skills Preparation Course
      Helping you to become a successful student
      As an international student, studying at university in the UK will be very different from your previous experiences.

      This innovative, interactive four week course helps international students understand the differences between how they
      studied in their home country and what is expected of them at a British university.

      “The strengths of the course are quality tutoring, clear and concise course materials and the provision of the
      Directed Self Study to assist students in studying on their own”.
      Desmond (Nigeria)

      For more information or visit
      or email:

   Northampton Business School, The University of Northampton’s albums

    International Welcome Week                     Masters Dinner May 12                          Dr Ian Brooks, Executive Dean
    Feb 3rd 2012                                   44 photos                                      - Trip to Dubai and China
    24 photos                                                                                     16 photos

    International Food Event                       Chinese New Year                               Accounting & Finance Awards
    145 photos                                     Celebrations 10 Feb 12                         22 photos
                                                   12 photos

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BusinessWise International 06/12

  • 1. International Student Magazine Dreams Of Olympic Success In London International Food Event Publishing Success In South Africa Delivering Accounting In Bahrain Representing NBS at University Court
  • 2. Welcome from the E xecutive Dean to bring you news INESSWISE. We are delighted Welcome to this edition of BUS of their successes, as and share with you some from our international students well as informing you of our work around the globe. nering three global developments; we are part This year has witnessed amazing deliver our MBA. No other univ ersity exclusively elite Vietnamese universities to ing economy. In April highly dynamic and grow has such an arrangement in this ated in the Knowledge 2012, NBS joined forc es with Stafford Associates; situ bian Gulf ver our MBA in centres spanning the Ara Village Dubai to exclusively deli & Young, the prestigious working with Ernst to South East Europe.We are also accounting degree. global accounting firm, in Bahrain to deliver our Province oduction, unique in Guangdong 2011-12 has also seen the intr s Entrepreneurship degree on a (China), of a BA (Hons) Busines is. two-centre shared delivery bas Society continues to provide all The work of the Global Student ortunities to integrate with life students with many excellent opp to Bentley, a talent show and an in the UK, such as a recent trip events international food event. You can view the pictures of these ok page, so take a look and join and many more on our Facebo our online community. Dr Ian Brooks Executive Dean, NBS /nbsuninorthants @ianbrooks6 Comments Featured in this edition... Would you lik e to commen on any of the t stories featured in th is edition of BUSINESSW Dreams Of Olympic Success ISE? Got an idea for the n In London P2 ext issue? Let know –email us businesswis northampto e@ International Food Event P.6 P8 Delivering Accounting In Bahrain ica P10 Publishing Success In South Afr Published by Northampton Business School. T. 0044 1604 892036 E. Editors: Hayley Hunter and Michelle Smith. Design: Stamp Every effort has been made to ensure that all of the information contained in this edition of Business Wise is correct a the time of going to press. Please note that The University of Northampton accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements in this and other marketing publications.
  • 3. BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Page 2 John’s dream of Olympic success in London Look at him go A BA Business and Marketing student from The University of Northampton’s Business School is eagerly awaiting the announcement of whether he to defer for two years and have been extremely helpful with this flexibility for my studies. has made it onto the 2012 U.S. Olympic team. “You could be training for 6 – 7 hours a day, so I found my John Gibbons, 22, is in Year 2 of his degree and has been textbooks a great help to focus on something else. I wanted to keep studying part-time over the last four years whilst he trains with the up with my course and the reading. I also know that eventually all U.S. Pentathlon team in America. this sport will end and I’ll be doing something after that – having a John will find out in June whether he will be representing the degree in Business and Marketing will be very valuable.” U.S. at London 2012. He commented: A pentathlon is a competition featuring five different events – typically shooting, swimming, fencing, equestrian and cross country “I’ve been swimming competitively since I was eight years old and running. winning a few county championships. I then progressed to take part “I enjoy swimming a lot,” John stated, “Pentathlons are a in the U.S. Pentathlon national championships in New Mexico in real test of endurance as they last all day. I have a ‘psyched mix’ 2007 and represented the U.S. in both the Youth and Junior World on my iPod to get me ready, which gets the job done! Before a championships when I was 18. competition, sleep is also vital, as is a lot of pasta.” “I was asked to attend the U.S. Olympic Training Centre in John returned back to the UK and his studies at The University Colorado Springs from September 2010 – July 2011. The top 5% of Northampton’s Business School in September 2011. He plans to of athletes are invited to this facility for training at Olympic level, so it go straight into Year 3 of his course in September - hopefully with was a great honour for me to be selected. I had already started my unforgettable experiences of competing for his country in London studies at The University of Northampton but they allowed me 2012. Representing NBS at University Court S tudents from Northampton Business Northampton Business School as well for members of the business community School were invited to represent the as the many ways in which the Business to support students by offering them these school at University Court on the 4th School has helped them to develop their valuable placement opportunities to help May 2012. employability skills through placements them better prepare for the world of work. The University Court is a very special and workshops to improve interview event held annually, guests include the local techniques and CV writing. Dominyka MP, the Mayor and distinguished members told the audience of her experience of the business community. As part of the with Nissan last year and her event Dr. Ian Brooks, Executive Dean hopes of securing full time introduced three of our students; Xihui employment with them Chen, Tanish Thakker and Dominyka when she graduates. Zemaityte. The students talked She also stressed about their experience at how important it was
  • 4. Page 3 BUSINESSWISE - International Edition THE BENTLEY FACTORY TOUR The Global Students’ Society arranged an educational visit to the Bentley factory in Crewe. Students from across the university took part and BUSINESSWISE caught up with three students from Northampton Business School to see what they “People spend a fortune to have the ‘Bentley Feel’ but we were thought of the experience. among the handful of lucky ones to experience it for free. After “I had really looked forward to the trip to Bentley and an early start we arrived in Crewe and met our guide for the found the tour amazing and very informative. We saw how factory tour, Mr. Alan who has been with Bentley for the past the factory equipment reduced production time and ensured 36 years, he was our ‘Pied Piper’ for the day. Every car that the high quality Bentley is known for. It was interesting to see goes out to the customer is passed through a process of quality how Bentley is expanding their customer base by entering the assurance that eliminates the probability of any error or damage Chinese markets. As a management student, I found this trip to to almost zero. see such a successful brand very helpful”. The Bentley exhibition centre has on display their first ever Yin Fang, MA Management (Tourism) racing car which was able to accelerate up to 120 mph in 1920, “I had heard about Bentley from my father who is a crazy as well as another Bentley that was gifted back to the company fan of cars. I have been interested in a variety of cars since I was by an elderly couple, this car was a wedding gift to the bride little so joining the trip was very interesting. I learned a lot from from the groom. the visit and can see how Bentley has become the most famous We would like to thank the Global Student Society car in the world, because of the rigorous tests, the constant committee and the staff at Bentley for providing us with an innovations and the belief of the brand in every employee”. opportunity to have the ‘Bentley Feel’. Song Yao, International Accounting Rehman Aslam, MBA The Global Students’ Society Talent Show R un by students, for the students, the Global Students’ Society provides a common ground for home and international students to interact through social activities throughout the year. The Society arranged a talent show and Gaurav Ravindra tells BUSINESSWISE “I was given a chance to play the guitar and sing. Not only did I get a lot of exposure from the event, but I also made a lot of new friends from different countries having similar interests and had a phenomenal time with them! I am glad there is such a spectacular society to bring us all together. No doubt there is a strong Unity in Diversity!” Tanhe Yuan also took part in the talent show and said “As an international student studying engineering at Avenue campus, I was happy to have an opportunity to play harmonica at the talent show, the night was great because I met a wonderful singer Gaurav who has an amazing singing voice.” Students expressed gratitude to their President, Xihui Chen, who encourages students to get involved in the activities of The Global Students’ Society. It is sometimes difficult for international students to gain the confidence to socialise with people who speak English. The Global Students’ Society provides a platform for students to familiarize themselves in English life.
  • 5. BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Page 4 International accountancy placement Justina Petkeviciute is studying BA Accounting and Finance and we asked her about her placement year with Faurecia, an International automotive parts manufacturer. “When I first heard about work placements I thought what an amazing opportunity that would be, but was it something I would be able to do? The NBS Centre for Employability held a number of seminars where we could find out more about work placements, it was after attending these that I set my mind to find a placement. I realised a year’s work experience would have huge potential for me, from enhancing my CV to giving me priceless hands on experience. It took a lot of effort and motivation to secure myself a placement, I was unsuccessful on a couple of occasions but my determination paid off and I secured a job at Faurecia, one of the largest international automotive parts manufacturer’s in the world. Employed as an Accounts Assistant at Faurecia, I get to experience every field of accounting from inputting non-production and production invoices, month end, creating debit and credit notes, helping with money recharge to other plants and lots more. During my time here I have learnt to be more responsible, professional and manage my time better. As for technical skills, I have mastered Excel and learnt how to work with two accounting systems and I’m about to learn a third one! This placement has given me an amazing opportunity and made me realise what I want to do in the future. I believe this experience will help me to secure a job which I will really enjoy and I can’t wait to start looking for one again. To sum it up, I am very happy that I took this opportunity and the staff at Northampton Business School were so helpful with everything. Only one warning to those who are thinking about doing a placement- be prepared to grow! A lot!” Lights! The spring term saw Pre-sessional English students using their Project to create personalised films on the student experience at The Universi Northampton. Students worked in small teams and were tasked to module ty of Camera! show the quality of the student experience. To support the students in their task, they used the film editing suite installed in NBS. They also received expert assistance from the Business School’s Action! E-Learning Multimedia Developer. Not only did the students have the hands on experience of directing, starring and filming their video, they were also taught how to use the editing equipment properly. They had the chance to use up-to-date software and further develop skills for their future study. The end result of the eight week project was a varied and enjoyable set of videos. The films were judged on how well they met the assignment brief, the use of language and the use of editing software. A prize of a day out paintbal ling was awarded to the top two submissions. This prize was kindly donated by NBS.
  • 6. Page 5 BUSINESSWISE - International Edition A GREAT ADVENTURE “ The MSc IT Service Management (ITSM) course helped me realise how service industries like IT in particular enables organisations to return real value. As a technology professional with over ten years experience working in the public sector, I now realised my views have always been isolated and focused on the technology rather than considering the whole picture. I am now exposed to frameworks such as ITIL that form the basis for continual service improvement (CSI) needed to monitor and report organisational value and benefit. I chose the University of Northampton, because I wanted a course that helps you align organisation’s needs and information systems as early as inception of the business case all the way to implementation. The environment in Northampton has been conducive and a great adventure for me. I am from the Gambia in West Africa and head the IT Department of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary “ Education. The Ministry sponsors my studies with The University of Northampton. Alpha Bah Working opportunities “ Iveta Senkevicha is studying BA Fashion has helped me to improve my English to offer me so many different opportunities Marketing with Northampton Business and be more confident when it comes to and support during my studies; School and has just finished her second talking in front of large groups of people. I these have given me lots of different year. As an EU student from Lithuania have also met many people while working experiences and knowledge. For example she spoke to BUSINESSWISE about her on the open days and it’s a big friendly I have been working as an assistant stylist experience of combining work and study. team who are always happy to help each for the fashion graduates promotional “In the beginning I was very other. In addition I have been working video, which helped me to get an insight concerned how I would manage to as a Course Representative, which has into the industry where I want to work, combine my studies and work as I wasn’t given me a chance to actively participate this is especially helpful as I can’t afford able to apply for the home student loan. I in my course, address the issues or to go on an unpaid placement. For these decided to look for job opportunities within the University and found out about the Student Ambassador role, which I’m doing at the moment, this has been a great questions from my fellow students to our tutor and it looks good on my CV, combining these roles has enabled me to become more organised and responsible. reasons I am very grateful that The University of Northampton could provide me all these amazing opportunities for self-development. “ experience for me. Being an ambassador I am pleased that the University are able
  • 7. BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Page 6 Nor thampto n Business Sch Union and T ool, The Stu he Global Stu dents dents’ Societ hosted an In y International ternational Food Evenin March 201 g in 2. This inaugu ral event, w 100 studen hich hosted ts and staff, over Food Event was a celebr of food, mus ation ic and cultur e from arou the world. T nd hose in atte ndance sam the delights pled of Indian, C hinese, Span Caribbean an ish, d British fo od whilst w traditional atching dances from around the world. To see more images from this event vi www.faceb sit suninor than ts
  • 8. Page 7 BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Publishing success in Over the past few years Professor South Africa Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn has contributed a number of practitioner articles to the South African web-based journal ‘Human Capital Review’. O Late last year he was ver the past few approached by an editor requesting that years Professor two of these articles are reproduced as book chapters in a series of books Simon Burtonshaw- covering topics such as strategy, Gunn has contributed a management, change, leadership and HR. number of practitioner In February this year Simon articles to the South was pleased to report that his chapter ‘Performance Management: African web-based Processes AND People’ was journal ‘Human Capital published in ‘Managing Performance in Organisations’ and his chapter, with Review’. his regular co-writer Dr Malik Salameh, Late last year he was ‘Change management contributions to organisational performance’ was approached by an published in ‘Managing Change in editor requesting that two of these articles Organisations’. Both titles are published by Knowles Publishing, Republic of are reproduced as book chapters in a series South Africa. of books covering topics such as strategy, Over the past few years Professor management, change, leadership and HR. Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn has In February this year Simon was pleased contributed a number of practitioner articles to the South African web-based to report that his chapter ‘Performance journal ‘Human Capital Review’. Management: Processes and People’ was Late last year he was approached by an editor requesting that published in ‘Managing Performance in two of these articles are reproduced Organisations’ and his chapter, with his as book chapters in a series of books covering topics such as strategy, regular co-writer Dr Malik Salameh, ‘Change management, change, leadership and Research management contributions to organisational HR. In February this year Simon performance’ was published in ‘Managing was pleased to report that his chapter Change in Organisations’. Both titles are ‘Performance Management: Processes AND People’ was published in published by Knowles Publishing, Republic of in Brazil ‘Managing Performance nagement South Africa. contributions to organisational performance’ was published in titles Dr He Shaowei is busy IT Service Management preparing for a trip to visit three of the largest universities in Conference 19th July 2012 Brazil; UNESP, Universidade de São Paulo, and University of Fortaleza to participate in Over the last five years 100s of exhibition and presentations from research seminars and attend students from all over the world students whose academic work has have graduated with a MSc IT challenged or reinforced current the Brazil-Africa international Service Management or a Post thinking in the service management forum. In addition Shaowei Graduate Certificate in ITSM from arena. will be visiting various inward The University of Northampton. investment agencies and During this time the research Susan Bailey, Principal Lecturer carried out by these students, and Course Leader says “We have Chinese companies investing especially in their dissertations, been delighted with the quality in Brazil including Huawei and has been extensive, innovative and of research that students have Sany and talking to colleagues exciting. Now is the time to share undertaken and much of the work is about potential collaborations. this with the ITSM community. now suitable for publication. We are encouraging the students to prepare The University of Northampton is posters and academic papers that delighted to announce that it will are dynamic and thought provoking. stage its first ITSM conference, the We would like to welcome visitors, day before the current graduates’ students and alumni alike.” award ceremony. To register go to Keynote speakers, include Dr Don Page and Ben Clacy from itSMF. There will also be a poster
  • 9. BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Page 8 Delivering Accounting in Bahrain and has established itself as a accounting qualifications such as T he University of Northampton well known and respected training has agreed a joint degree the AAT diploma to top up to UK centre, attracting a large number delivery with Ernst & Young degree level. These students will of locals as well as an expat study modules for the award of BA Training Centre in Bahrain. Ernst community in the island including a (Hons) International Accounting. & Young is one of the ‘big four’ considerable number of overseas The tuition will be provided by accounting services firms in the candidates for its varied training the BCT team and supported by world and are the most distinct and course offerings. University staff in Bahrain. widely recognised brand, operating The University has developed It is expected that the degree in over 140 countries with global a number of partnerships with UK will attract a significant number clients. Accounting professional bodies of local and other Middle Eastern Ernst & Young, Bahrain employs to enable the enhancement of students. The degree will have 470 staff and provides its clients professional body qualifications two intakes, September and with a broad array of services to degree level. One such February and is due to commence relating to audit and risk, business arrangement is with the Association September 2012. It has also been community training (BCT), tax, of Accounting Technicians where agreed that some students may technology and IT security and holders of the AAT diploma can wish to complete their degree transaction advisory services. study for a UK Honours degree. studies in Northampton. The partnership will enable E&Y BCT is situated on the through the BCT centre to provide prestigious Al Moayyed Tower tuition to students with existing
  • 10. Page 9 BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Cross cultural teaching in Vietnam and Pakistan D r. Holger Siemons, who teaches Cross-Cultural contributing to the open discussion that Holger initiated Management with us has just returned from a in the class. Through him giving us the challenge month long teaching trip to Pakistan and Vietnam. to gradually increase our contributions we built the In Lahore Holger taught “Critical Thinking and Reflection confidence that was needed to finally reduce our Skills” to a group of activists and university lecturers for a inhibitions to share our opinion.” political foundation that supports public democratization While the exposure to different learning styles may processes in different countries. In Hanoi, where Holger be challenging, over time such interventions support is a visiting professor with the National Economics the multi-level ability of the student to participate University, he taught International Business Strategy in and contribute to cross-cultural work environments. the Advanced Educational Program, which exposes its Therefore increasing the global employability of these students to an international faculty and works toward a students. high degree of praxis orientation. Holger implemented Holger paired this learning approach by involving an interactive teaching methodology that encouraged all students in real life business scenarios in which students students to actively contribute to collective learning. share their understanding. This format of teaching was During the module, students increased the well received among students and faculty of NEU, as frequency and complexity of their oral and written well as by the delegation of the Vietnamese Ministry of contributions to the group. One student in the cohort Education that attended Holger’s class. expressed: “In the beginning I was reserved in Da Nang University delegation visit A high level delegation from Da Nang University, led by the University President, visited on Sunday 11 March to discuss opportunities to form a partnership between our two universities. The delegation enjoyed the experience, including lunch in an old Northamptonshire village pub and a drive around Althorp. Both institutions signed a Memorandum of Association the next day in London which set out the scope for a partnership and we will shortly commence the implementation phase of that arrangement. The exact nature of the development remains a commercial secret but watch this space for further developments with Da Nang and other elite Vietnamese universities.
  • 11. BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Page 10 Agreements made with Kazakhstan University Dr Chris Andrew, International School of Economics and Business. universities from Russia, Lithuania Development Manager for Agreements were made for students and Hungary) in a European Northampton Business School spent to progress from AL Farabi National Tempus bid to deliver a Masters a week as the guest of Al Farabi University to a number of courses programme in International Business Kazakh National University in Almaty, at Northampton Business School, Entrepreneurship. Northampton Kazakhstan. Al Farabi National including the MBA, MSc Accounting Business School hopes to host a University is widely regarded as the and Finance, MA Management and a return visit by the Vice Dean for No 1 University in Kazakhstan. number of BA (Hons) top up courses. International Relations at AL Farabi Chris met with the First Vice Al Farabi Kazakh National Kazakh National University later in the Rector of Al Farabi National University University will also be partnering year. and members of staff from the High Northampton Business School (and Malaysian Recruiting MSc Corporate in Southern Governance & Africa Leadership Dr Tambu Mangezi (pictured), In a recent visit to Kuala Lumpar, organised a series of student Dr. Ian Brooks, Executive Dean of recruitment events and partnership meetings with NBS negotiated provisional approval education institutions in Botswana, of The University of Northampton South Africa and Zimbabwe. from the University of MSc Corporate Governance & The events held at the British Zimbabwe (formerly a college Leadership by the Malaysian Council offices in Gaborone of the University of London Institute of Company Secretaries and Harare, welcomed over 400 and University of Birmingham, and Administrators to provide prospective students and received Trust Academy), and Zimbabwe 60 completed applications on the Council of Higher Education qualified company secretaries. When day and more since the event. Dr. (ZIMCHE) had positive outcomes. ratified, Northampton will be the Mangezi met with the Director of In Gaborone meetings with the first University to gain dual approval the British Council - South Africa Ministry of Higher Education both by ICSA (London) and MAICSA to discuss promoting the schools (Tertiary Education Financing), (Malaysia) and students will study activities to prospective students. University of Botswana and AMB for this qualification in Kuala Lumpur, In addition, meetings were University were held and follow organised with local accrediting up is currently underway. The progressing to Northampton for the councils and prospective partners, prospects for delivering supported second and third semesters of the in the region. In Zimbabwe distance learning and developing Masters degree. meetings with representatives long-term partnerships are great.
  • 12. Page 11 BUSINESSWISE - International Edition Study Skills Preparation Course Helping you to become a successful student As an international student, studying at university in the UK will be very different from your previous experiences. This innovative, interactive four week course helps international students understand the differences between how they studied in their home country and what is expected of them at a British university. “The strengths of the course are quality tutoring, clear and concise course materials and the provision of the Directed Self Study to assist students in studying on their own”. Desmond (Nigeria) For more information or visit or email: Northampton Business School, The University of Northampton’s albums International Welcome Week Masters Dinner May 12 Dr Ian Brooks, Executive Dean Feb 3rd 2012 44 photos - Trip to Dubai and China 24 photos 16 photos International Food Event Chinese New Year Accounting & Finance Awards 145 photos Celebrations 10 Feb 12 22 photos 12 photos Join our online community now Get connected! If you would like to see what our students have been up to, hear about forthcoming events or get the latest news from Northampton Business School join us at: thants