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I feel great pleasure that i got an opportunity to present our business plan.
Firstly, I am thanking to my course teacher. He has tried very hard & put lots of
effort to guide me I am also thankful to him because he had put their valuable
time to me.
And finally I also very much thankful to my almighty, my friends & my parents
who guide me during preparation of business plan.
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Name of the business
Friends Dairy & Fishing Firm
Address of the business
Khatelal, Joypurhat, Rajshahi.
Nature of business
Friends Dairy & Fishing Firm provide preservative free fish with online delivery,
fresh milk, meat.
Statement of financing needed
As we are new in the market 50% of our own capital rest of 50% is our debt
capital. Total capital of our business is 20 lack.
Statement of confidentiality of report
The report is confidential and is the property of owner and all the content of plan
should be used with permission.
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Executive summary
Friends firm is a start-up preservative free fish, milk & meat located in joypurhat.
Friends firm expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its
products. The firm plans to build a strong market position in the town, due to the
partners' industry experience and mild competitive climate in the area.
Friends firm aims to offer its products at a competitive price to meet the demand
of the middle-to higher-income local market area residents.
The company
Mr. Biswas has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and management. Mr.
Robaead Fields brings experience in the area of finance and administration.
Products and Services
Friends Firm offers a broad range of products, all from high quality. Firm caters
to all of its customers by providing each customer products made to suit the
customer, down to the smallest detail.
The firm provides freshly prepared products at all times during business
operations. Six to eight moderate batches of products are prepared during the day
to assure fresh goods are always available.
The Market
Friends Firm wants to establish a large regular customer base, and will therefore
concentrate its business and marketing on local residents, which will be the
dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to
ensure stability of the business. High visibility and competitive products and
service are critical to capture this segment of the market.
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Friends firm expects to raise TK10 lack of its own capital, and to borrow TK10
lack. This provides the local bank.
Friends Firm aims to offer high quality products at a competitive price to meet
the demand of the middle- to higher-income local market area residents and
Keys to Success
Keys to success forFriends Firm will include:
1. Providing the highest quality productwith personal customer service.
2. Competitive pricing.
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Table of Contents
Mission................................................................................................................................ 4
Keys to Success.................................................................................................................... 4
Industry analysis ................................................................................................................................ 7
Future outlook and trends ..........................................................................................................7
Analysis of competitor .............................................................................................................. 7
Market segmentation................................................................................................................. 7
Technology .............................................................................................................................. 7
Business operation .................................................................................................................... 7
Customer profile ....................................................................................................................... 8
Product ....................................................................................................................................8
Size of business ........................................................................................................................ 8
Mission ....................................................................................................................................8
Legal from business .................................................................................................................. 9
Operations plan ............................................................................................................................... 10
What Role Will Operations Play in Your Company? ................................................................. 10
This will depend on the nature of your business. If you’re selling a consumer good, it will be
important to make sure you can get your products to your clients at the time you promise............ 10
Where Will You Get Your Sourcing Materials? ........................................................................ 10
This mostly applies for startups selling goods, rather than services............................................. 10
Strategic plans identify:........................................................................................................... 11
Operational plans are used to identify:...................................................................................... 11
Production plan ............................................................................................................................... 12
Determination of Requirements ............................................................................................... 13
Marketing plan................................................................................................................................ 14
Organization plan............................................................................................................................. 16
Ownership Information / Management Team............................................................................ 16
This section highlights what you and the others involved in the running of your business brings to
the table. ................................................................................................................................ 16
Assessment of risk............................................................................................................................. 17
Evaluate weakness of business................................................................................................. 17
Technology ............................................................................................................................ 17
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Contingency Plan.................................................................................................................... 17
A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan........ 17
It is often used for risk management......................................................................................... 17
Financial plan ................................................................................................................................. 18
Three Key Financial Statements............................................................................................... 19
Income Statement/Profit and Loss Statement ............................................................................ 19
Balance Sheet......................................................................................................................... 19
Cash Flow Statement/Cash Budget........................................................................................... 19
Breakeven point...................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 20
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Industry analysis
Future outlook and trends
In this business purpose the future outlook is the stay in the marketplace, to bit
another competitor of my business. Overall to earn profit, delivery the good
quantity of products that the user of the product or food use this next time. To
fulfill the demand of the customer. What they need, like or dislike? All are must
be needed to know.
Analysis of competitor
Around the business lots of competitor, without competitor each and every one
cannot do well becausewhen the two products are bit any other the customer can
know which is good for them. As our business is almost related with online and
delivery on online with few day at any place of Bangladesh. The competitor of
our business they all are not use the online facility it is the great strong point of
our business to others. When analysis the competitor, all things must be analysis
because of price difference, risk taking, product & service different and many
other must be analysis.
It means divided the customer many parts rich & poor, current user & first time
user, male & female, high & low income and many ways. It main purpose to
know the need and demand the customers. What they need? In which price, that
meet the customer demand? For this reason, we all divided market different part.
After segment the group of people, need to fulfill the demand & needs.
As our business run by the online and when the customer order the products in
the online ways different categories, price, online chat & oral communicate with
the customers. This are the indicator of technology based firm.
Business operation
Our business operation is best than other because of we used to delivery
preservative free fish, meat, good quality of milk. The business operation system
is very much technological and by hand production.
8 | P a g e
Customer profile[
As in this present time the customer wants to save time and wants to get the good
quantity of products. All are not able to purchase our product because some of
people are not know how to use technology. For this purpose we operate two
types of facility. Online and direct marketing. Some orderover the online & some
buys product or goods in markets. Depends on customer to create the profile of
customers. It can be differ from my competitor. If us made the successful
segmentation we must be different the current customer of our firms and the
competitor firm.
A product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or
need. In our business products will be very much quality full. Our products are
preservative free fish, milk & meat, chocklet. Thoseare our current products and
we all try to launch this, in future our product cycle will be increased depend on
Our service will be online service. For this reason the customer are satisfied to
gate this services. Our service main strategy is to reduce the time of customers.
Services is intangible but create too much value for the customers. We think this
is the first time to satisfy the customer through online. In online service customer
can order their demand.
Size of business[
The size of our business is not too long, because we start it first time and lack of
capital and experience both are existing in our business. In future plan we will
enhanced our business. When our business will profitable and the demand of our
products will be increased, after that we will enhanced our business size.
The mission of ourbusiness to be profitable and satisfied to the customerdemand.
A mission statement is a key tool that can be as important as your business plan.
It captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of your business's goals and
the philosophies underlying them.
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There are many reasons to start this business:
 Online services is increased, as we are student we have knowledge about
this we can easily do it.
 This business is much profitable.
 It can be identified the customer need, after that we can provide services.
 We have lots of energy.
 Communicate the customer easily in any time.
 We have team building ability.
 Risk taking ability.
Lots of reasons we have to start this business.
[ [
[ [ [
Legalfrom business[
We must have known the legal from of business, the legal from of business are
patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, product safety and ability. Patent is
design and invention. A government license that give the holder exclusive right
to a process, design or new invention for a period of time. Trademark include
marketing symbol, logo specific product or services are legally differentiates it
from all other products. Copyright law gives creators of original ideas, art, and
the exclusive right to future development. Productsafety and ability included the
strong and weak point of products. Both are the intellectual property of our
business. It must be keep in mind and try to functional work.
As the business is new and lots of equipment needed in this business. Some
equipment purchased and some are leased, because we have not enough capital
to purchase all equipment.
Every ounce of work at the planning stage equals pounds of success at the
execution stage. For a new business, it all comes together in a business plan.
Successful entrepreneurs define specific goals in writing. They devote
considerable effort to key tasks, such as studying their target market, defining
marketing strategies and compiling cash-flow forecasts. They also build industry
contacts to help them along the way.
Provincial and municipal governments and agencies offer a range of assistance to
budding entrepreneurs.
There is also a growing number of business incubators and accelerators that
specialize in getting businesses off the ground. These organizations are great
10 | P a g e
resources for entrepreneurs looking to build their business network and work in
a collaborative space.
It is also a good idea to look at your local chamber of commerce, local economic
development center or business leaders’ association. Many of these organizations
have mentorship programs pairing new business owners with established business
Sometimes, focusing on your strengths rather than trying to improve your
weaknesses can help you establish growth strategies. Reorient the playing field
to suit your strengths, and build upon them to grow your business.
Operations plan
An Operational Plan is a detailed plan used to provide a clear picture of how a
team, section or department will contribute to the achievement of the
organization’s strategic goals. Some question comes in case of operations plan.
What Role Will Operations Play in Your Company?[
This will depend on the nature of your business. If you’re selling a consumer
good, it will be important to make sure you can get your products to your clients
at the time you promise.
A service company relies on an operational plan to make sure customers are seen
in an efficient manner. When writing your business plan, focus on where
production and operational efficiencies are needed to help the company succeed,
including buying power and economies of scale.
Where Will You Get Your Sourcing Materials?
This mostly applies for startups selling goods, rather than services. In this section
ofthe business plan, spell outwhat raw materials are needed to make your product
and from where you plan to get them. Sourcing can offer a huge cost advantage
(or disadvantage) in the productionstage, so it is important to do research onthis.
The price on commoditized products such as wood and plastic will likely be
similar regardless of where you get them, but there could be a lot of variability if
you require specialized materials.
11 | P a g e
Strategic plans identify:[ [ [ [ [
 The organization’s strengths and weaknesses
 The organization’s position in the marketplace
 Potential growth areas
 Areas of vulnerability
The Operational Plan should align with the organization’s overall objectives as
detailed in the Strategic Plan. This alignment can be achieved by ensuring that
the team, section ordepartment purposealigns with the objectives ofthe Strategic
Plan. In turn, the Operating Plan of the team, section or department should align
with the purpose.
Operationalplans are used to identify:
 The goals of the team, section or department
 How the goals will be achieved
 What resources are required to meet the goals
Although there are no strict rules as to the format of an Operational Plan they
normally contain the following information:
 Specific goals
 Actions required to achieve goals
 Human resources required
 Physical resources required
 Budget required
 An indication of how long goals will take to achieve
Operational plans should be prepared by the people who will be involved in
implementation. There is often a need for significant cross-departmental dialogue
as plans created by one part of the organization inevitably have implications for
other parts.
Operational plans should contain:
 clear objectives
 activities to be delivered
 quality standards
 desired outcomes
 staffing and resource requirements
 implementation timetables
 a process for monitoring progress
12 | P a g e
Production plan
Manufacturing process
Production plan is a plan that describe the complete manufacturing process. If
some or all of the manufacturing process is to be subcontracted, the pan should
describe the subcontractors.
As we are new entrepreneur, there are lots of things we must be needed in time
of production. Our firm based on fish and dairy included milk, meat for this
reason we are the responsible for all of the manufacturing operation. Preparing
this we need the help of technology for the good quality of products.
If our product touch the customer mind and need the large product of our firms,
instantly we are totally unable to fill the need, if we are unable to meet the need
customer are dissatisfied about the our firms, so we must be needed
subcontractors. In time of emergency, this firm supply raw material and help the
production. In our area someare reputed and local companyor firms are existing.
We can contract with them. One is Mondol firm, Brothers dairy & fishing firm.
Both are located around our business.
Subcontractors is selected based on demand of the market condition, based on
quality, based onas soonas possible supply, help the production line. Sometimes
our firm is insufficient to fill the demand of customer and the customer
satisfaction we must be needed the subcontractors.
Raw material are the essential part of the manufacturing firm. With it production
is totally impossible. As it is the firm of fish and dairy so we need to fish, cow
both are essential needed in the production. Dairy purpose raw material will be
color of chock let and many other is needed in the manufacturing.
Cost of manufacturing the product are the machine, labor, electricity, operation,
manufacturing overhead, work in process, all factory related cost are
manufacturing cost of our firm to produce the product.
Forthe manufacturing purposethere are someequipment needed. The process of
fish, packaging, producethe chock let we need the equipment. Other wish we are
totally unable to bit the competitor. If we have no equipment, for the purpose of
producing this the cost will be very high.
13 | P a g e
Why is it important to have a carefully developed production plan?
Productionplanning is one of the planning functions that a firm needs to perform
to meet the needs of its customers. It is a medium-range planning activity that
follows long-range planning in P/OM such as process planning and strategic
capacity planning. Firms need to have an aggregate planning or production
planning strategy to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to meet the demand
forecast and to determine the best plan to meet this demand.
A carefully developed production plan will allow your company to meet the
following objectives:
• Minimize costs / maximize profits
• Maximize customer service
• Minimize inventory investment
• Minimize changes in production rates
• Minimize changes in work-force levels
• Maximize the utilization of plant and equipment
Determination of Requirements
Production Planning is the determination of the requirements for the planning
horizon. Demand forecasting plays an important role in the conductofthese three
tasks. Managers thus need to be aware of the various factors that would affect the
accuracy of the demand and sales forecast.
There are company factors that could influence the level of demand for the firm's
products. These internal factors include the company's marketing effort; the
productdesign itself; the strategies to improve customer service; and the quality
and price of the product.
There are also external factors or marketplace factors that significantly affect
demand such as the level of competition or possible reaction by competitors to a
firm's business strategy; the perception of consumers about the products and the
consumer behavior as affected by their socio-demographic profile. Lastly, there
are random factors that could affect the accuracy of demand forecasts suchas the
overall condition of the economy and the occurrence of business cycle.
14 | P a g e
What are the inputs to the production planning process?
To be able to perform the aggregate planning process, the following information
should be available to this production planning team. These data include the
• Materials / purchasing Information
• Operations / manufacturing Information
• Engineering / process Designs
• Sales, marketing and distribution Information
• Financial and accounting information
• Human resources information
Marketing plan
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Organization plan
Process ofidentifying an organization's immediate and long-term objectives, and
formulating and monitoring specific strategies to achieve them. It also entails
staffing and resource allocation, and is one of the most important responsibilities
of a management team.
Ownership Information / ManagementTeam
This section highlights what you and the others involved in the running of your
business brings to the table.
Start by indicating your business structure (i.e. partnership). Next you'll want to
provide the following information on each owner/manager/member:
 Name: Robaead, Estiak, Muwas, Naziur
 Percentage of ownership (25%)
 Extent of involvement (All are active)
 Type of ownership (partnership)
 Position in the business (Introduction in market)
 Duties and responsibilities:
Strategic Planning, Decision-Making, Informational Role, Interpersonal Role, Business
Planner, Human Resources, Customer Service, Marketing, Technology Expert
 Educational background(All are current student, undergraduate)
 Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties. (less
experience & skill)
 Skills will benefit the business
 Compensation (Percentage of profit & investment)
Customer service
17 | P a g e
Assessment of risk
Evaluate weaknessofbusiness
Each and every business have some strong and weak point. The weak point is
known as risk of our business because the competitor try to find out our business
weakness. Forthis reason, they try to hit this point. When this situation is created
lots of problems comes in front of the business. This can be identified by SWOT
analysis. Our weak point can be: Lack of experiences in selling the product on
the market, difference in physical types to consumer, high competition.
As our business is run by technology based, lots of lacking in our business. When
we required anyone if he/she is totally unable to use the technology. It’s created
many problems. For this reason, the employees need to training and some
expenditure will be increased for our business. Like as insufficient hardware,
outdated software, inadequate database capacity, insufficient telecommunication
capacity, rapid technology change. This can be created problems in the
technology. But if the technology is properly used our business must be
A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual
(expected) plan.
It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though
unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences. Contingency plans are often
devised by governments or businesses. Forexample, supposemany employees of
a company are traveling together on an aircraft which crashes, killing all aboard.
The company could be severely strained or even ruined by such a loss.
Accordingly, many companies have procedures to follow in the event of such a
disaster. The plan may also include standing policies to mitigate a disaster's
potential impact, such as requiring employees to travel separately or limiting the
number of employees on any one aircraft.
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Contingency plan maintenance process:
 Communicate the plan to everyone in the organization.
 Inform people of their roles and responsibilities related to the plan.
 Provide necessary training for people to fulfill these roles and
 Conduct disaster drills where practical.
 Assess the results of training and drills, and make any necessary changes.
 Review the plan on a regular basis, especially if there are relevant
technological, operational, and personnel changes.
 Distribute revised plans throughout the company, and make sure that the
old plan is discarded.
 Keep copies of the plan off-site, and in a place where they can be accessed
quickly when needed.
 Audit the plan periodically:
 Reassess the risks to the business.
 Analyze efforts to control risk by comparing actual performance with the
performance levels described in the contingency plan.
 Recommend and make changes, if necessary.
This plan must be successfully implied.
Financial plan
This type of plan included
 Start with a sales forecast. Set up a spreadsheet projecting your sales over
the course of three years.
 Create an expenses budget.
 Develop a cash-flow statement.
 Income projections.
 Deal with assets and liabilities.
 Breakeven analysis.
A financial plan is a comprehensive evaluation of an investor's current and future
financial state by using currently known variables to predict future cash flows,
asset values and withdrawal plans. A cash flow forecast is an estimate of the
amount of money you expect to flow in and out of your business and includes all
your projected income and expenses. A forecast usually covers the next 12
months, however it can also cover a short-term period such as a week or month.
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The financial part of a business plan includes various financial statements that
show where your company currently stands and where it expects to be in the near
future. This information helps you determine how much financing your business
needs and helps outsiders determine whether lending you money or investing in
your business is a wise use of their funds.
Three Key Financial Statements
Your financial plan should include three key financial statements: the income
statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.
Income Statement/Profitand Loss Statement
{ { { {
The income statement, also called the profit and loss statement or P&L,
summarizes your company's revenue and expenses. Revenues are your company's
sales and/or other sources of income (for example, a cleaning business earns
revenues from the hourly or per-room or per-home fee that it charges its clients;
a grocery store earns revenue from the foods and other products and services it
sells. Expenses include items suchas the costofgoods sold (themoney you spend
buying produce, meat and dairy from local farmers, for example) payroll for
employees, payroll, sales and income taxes, business insurance and loan interest.
The bottom line of the income statement shows the company's net income, or its
revenue minus expenses. Lenders and investors want to know what kind of
numbers your company is working with and whether your company is profitable
or expects to be soon.
Balance Sheet
The balance sheet shows your company's assets and liabilities. It's called a
balance sheet because the assets must perfectly balance the liabilities. Within
each category are numerous subcategories. Forexample, your assets will include
cash, accounts receivable, inventory and equipment. Your liabilities will include
accounts payable, wages and salaries, taxes, rent and utilities, and loan balances.
CashFlow Statement/CashBudget
The cashflow statement shows the sums you expect to be coming into and going
out of your business in a given time frame. Topics you'll need to examine to
predict cash flow include sales forecasts, cashreceipts vs. credit receipts and the
time frame for collecting accounts receivable. Cash flow statements not only
show potential investors that you know what you're doing, they also help you to
make sure your business model is financially viable and to establish goals that
you want to achieve.
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Break-even (or break even) is the point of balance making neither a profit nor a
In economics and business, specifically cost accounting, the break-even point
(BEP) is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no
net loss or gain, and one has "broken even." A profit or a loss has not been made,
although opportunity costs have been "paid," and capital has received the risk-
adjusted, expected return. It is shown graphically as the point where the total
revenue and total costcurves meet. In the linear casethe break-even point is equal
to the fixed costs divided by the contribution margin per unit.
The break-even point is achieved when the generated profits match the total costs
accumulated till the date of profit generation. Establishing the break-even point
helps businesses in setting plans for the levels of production which it needs to
maintain be profitable.
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Business plan

  • 1. 1 | P a g e Acknowledgement I feel great pleasure that i got an opportunity to present our business plan. Firstly, I am thanking to my course teacher. He has tried very hard & put lots of effort to guide me I am also thankful to him because he had put their valuable time to me. And finally I also very much thankful to my almighty, my friends & my parents who guide me during preparation of business plan. Signature
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Introduction Name of the business Friends Dairy & Fishing Firm Address of the business Khatelal, Joypurhat, Rajshahi. Nature of business Friends Dairy & Fishing Firm provide preservative free fish with online delivery, fresh milk, meat. Statement of financing needed As we are new in the market 50% of our own capital rest of 50% is our debt capital. Total capital of our business is 20 lack. Statement of confidentiality of report The report is confidential and is the property of owner and all the content of plan should be used with permission.
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Executive summary Introduction Friends firm is a start-up preservative free fish, milk & meat located in joypurhat. Friends firm expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its products. The firm plans to build a strong market position in the town, due to the partners' industry experience and mild competitive climate in the area. Friends firm aims to offer its products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle-to higher-income local market area residents. The company Mr. Biswas has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and management. Mr. Robaead Fields brings experience in the area of finance and administration. Products and Services Friends Firm offers a broad range of products, all from high quality. Firm caters to all of its customers by providing each customer products made to suit the customer, down to the smallest detail. The firm provides freshly prepared products at all times during business operations. Six to eight moderate batches of products are prepared during the day to assure fresh goods are always available. The Market Friends Firm wants to establish a large regular customer base, and will therefore concentrate its business and marketing on local residents, which will be the dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business. High visibility and competitive products and service are critical to capture this segment of the market.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e FinancialConsiderations Friends firm expects to raise TK10 lack of its own capital, and to borrow TK10 lack. This provides the local bank. Mission Friends Firm aims to offer high quality products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle- to higher-income local market area residents and tourists. Keys to Success Keys to success forFriends Firm will include: 1. Providing the highest quality productwith personal customer service. 2. Competitive pricing.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Table of Contents Mission................................................................................................................................ 4 Keys to Success.................................................................................................................... 4 Industry analysis ................................................................................................................................ 7 Future outlook and trends ..........................................................................................................7 Analysis of competitor .............................................................................................................. 7 Market segmentation................................................................................................................. 7 Technology .............................................................................................................................. 7 Business operation .................................................................................................................... 7 Customer profile ....................................................................................................................... 8 Venture...........................................................................................................................................8 Product ....................................................................................................................................8 Service.....................................................................................................................................8 Size of business ........................................................................................................................ 8 Mission ....................................................................................................................................8 Legal from business .................................................................................................................. 9 Operations plan ............................................................................................................................... 10 What Role Will Operations Play in Your Company? ................................................................. 10 This will depend on the nature of your business. If you’re selling a consumer good, it will be important to make sure you can get your products to your clients at the time you promise............ 10 Where Will You Get Your Sourcing Materials? ........................................................................ 10 This mostly applies for startups selling goods, rather than services............................................. 10 Strategic plans identify:........................................................................................................... 11 Operational plans are used to identify:...................................................................................... 11 Production plan ............................................................................................................................... 12 Determination of Requirements ............................................................................................... 13 Marketing plan................................................................................................................................ 14 Organization plan............................................................................................................................. 16 Ownership Information / Management Team............................................................................ 16 This section highlights what you and the others involved in the running of your business brings to the table. ................................................................................................................................ 16 Assessment of risk............................................................................................................................. 17 Evaluate weakness of business................................................................................................. 17 Technology ............................................................................................................................ 17
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Contingency Plan.................................................................................................................... 17 A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan........ 17 It is often used for risk management......................................................................................... 17 Financial plan ................................................................................................................................. 18 Three Key Financial Statements............................................................................................... 19 Income Statement/Profit and Loss Statement ............................................................................ 19 Balance Sheet......................................................................................................................... 19 Cash Flow Statement/Cash Budget........................................................................................... 19 Breakeven point...................................................................................................................... 20 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 20
  • 7. 7 | P a g e Industry analysis Future outlook and trends In this business purpose the future outlook is the stay in the marketplace, to bit another competitor of my business. Overall to earn profit, delivery the good quantity of products that the user of the product or food use this next time. To fulfill the demand of the customer. What they need, like or dislike? All are must be needed to know. Analysis of competitor Around the business lots of competitor, without competitor each and every one cannot do well becausewhen the two products are bit any other the customer can know which is good for them. As our business is almost related with online and delivery on online with few day at any place of Bangladesh. The competitor of our business they all are not use the online facility it is the great strong point of our business to others. When analysis the competitor, all things must be analysis because of price difference, risk taking, product & service different and many other must be analysis. Marketsegmentation It means divided the customer many parts rich & poor, current user & first time user, male & female, high & low income and many ways. It main purpose to know the need and demand the customers. What they need? In which price, that meet the customer demand? For this reason, we all divided market different part. After segment the group of people, need to fulfill the demand & needs. Technology As our business run by the online and when the customer order the products in the online ways different categories, price, online chat & oral communicate with the customers. This are the indicator of technology based firm. Business operation Our business operation is best than other because of we used to delivery preservative free fish, meat, good quality of milk. The business operation system is very much technological and by hand production.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e Customer profile[ As in this present time the customer wants to save time and wants to get the good quantity of products. All are not able to purchase our product because some of people are not know how to use technology. For this purpose we operate two types of facility. Online and direct marketing. Some orderover the online & some buys product or goods in markets. Depends on customer to create the profile of customers. It can be differ from my competitor. If us made the successful segmentation we must be different the current customer of our firms and the competitor firm. Venture Product[ A product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In our business products will be very much quality full. Our products are preservative free fish, milk & meat, chocklet. Thoseare our current products and we all try to launch this, in future our product cycle will be increased depend on market. Service[ Our service will be online service. For this reason the customer are satisfied to gate this services. Our service main strategy is to reduce the time of customers. Services is intangible but create too much value for the customers. We think this is the first time to satisfy the customer through online. In online service customer can order their demand. Size of business[ The size of our business is not too long, because we start it first time and lack of capital and experience both are existing in our business. In future plan we will enhanced our business. When our business will profitable and the demand of our products will be increased, after that we will enhanced our business size. Mission The mission of ourbusiness to be profitable and satisfied to the customerdemand. A mission statement is a key tool that can be as important as your business plan. It captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of your business's goals and the philosophies underlying them.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e There are many reasons to start this business:  Online services is increased, as we are student we have knowledge about this we can easily do it.  This business is much profitable.  It can be identified the customer need, after that we can provide services.  We have lots of energy.  Communicate the customer easily in any time.  We have team building ability.  Risk taking ability. Lots of reasons we have to start this business. [ [ [ [ [ Legalfrom business[ We must have known the legal from of business, the legal from of business are patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, product safety and ability. Patent is design and invention. A government license that give the holder exclusive right to a process, design or new invention for a period of time. Trademark include marketing symbol, logo specific product or services are legally differentiates it from all other products. Copyright law gives creators of original ideas, art, and the exclusive right to future development. Productsafety and ability included the strong and weak point of products. Both are the intellectual property of our business. It must be keep in mind and try to functional work. As the business is new and lots of equipment needed in this business. Some equipment purchased and some are leased, because we have not enough capital to purchase all equipment. Every ounce of work at the planning stage equals pounds of success at the execution stage. For a new business, it all comes together in a business plan. Successful entrepreneurs define specific goals in writing. They devote considerable effort to key tasks, such as studying their target market, defining marketing strategies and compiling cash-flow forecasts. They also build industry contacts to help them along the way. Provincial and municipal governments and agencies offer a range of assistance to budding entrepreneurs. There is also a growing number of business incubators and accelerators that specialize in getting businesses off the ground. These organizations are great
  • 10. 10 | P a g e resources for entrepreneurs looking to build their business network and work in a collaborative space. It is also a good idea to look at your local chamber of commerce, local economic development center or business leaders’ association. Many of these organizations have mentorship programs pairing new business owners with established business leaders. Sometimes, focusing on your strengths rather than trying to improve your weaknesses can help you establish growth strategies. Reorient the playing field to suit your strengths, and build upon them to grow your business. [ Operations plan An Operational Plan is a detailed plan used to provide a clear picture of how a team, section or department will contribute to the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals. Some question comes in case of operations plan. What Role Will Operations Play in Your Company?[ This will depend on the nature of your business. If you’re selling a consumer good, it will be important to make sure you can get your products to your clients at the time you promise. A service company relies on an operational plan to make sure customers are seen in an efficient manner. When writing your business plan, focus on where production and operational efficiencies are needed to help the company succeed, including buying power and economies of scale. Where Will You Get Your Sourcing Materials? This mostly applies for startups selling goods, rather than services. In this section ofthe business plan, spell outwhat raw materials are needed to make your product and from where you plan to get them. Sourcing can offer a huge cost advantage (or disadvantage) in the productionstage, so it is important to do research onthis. The price on commoditized products such as wood and plastic will likely be similar regardless of where you get them, but there could be a lot of variability if you require specialized materials.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e Strategic plans identify:[ [ [ [ [  The organization’s strengths and weaknesses  The organization’s position in the marketplace  Potential growth areas  Areas of vulnerability The Operational Plan should align with the organization’s overall objectives as detailed in the Strategic Plan. This alignment can be achieved by ensuring that the team, section ordepartment purposealigns with the objectives ofthe Strategic Plan. In turn, the Operating Plan of the team, section or department should align with the purpose. Operationalplans are used to identify:  The goals of the team, section or department  How the goals will be achieved  What resources are required to meet the goals Although there are no strict rules as to the format of an Operational Plan they normally contain the following information:  Specific goals  Actions required to achieve goals  Human resources required  Physical resources required  Budget required  An indication of how long goals will take to achieve Operational plans should be prepared by the people who will be involved in implementation. There is often a need for significant cross-departmental dialogue as plans created by one part of the organization inevitably have implications for other parts. Operational plans should contain:  clear objectives  activities to be delivered  quality standards  desired outcomes  staffing and resource requirements  implementation timetables  a process for monitoring progress
  • 12. 12 | P a g e Production plan Manufacturing process Production plan is a plan that describe the complete manufacturing process. If some or all of the manufacturing process is to be subcontracted, the pan should describe the subcontractors. As we are new entrepreneur, there are lots of things we must be needed in time of production. Our firm based on fish and dairy included milk, meat for this reason we are the responsible for all of the manufacturing operation. Preparing this we need the help of technology for the good quality of products. If our product touch the customer mind and need the large product of our firms, instantly we are totally unable to fill the need, if we are unable to meet the need customer are dissatisfied about the our firms, so we must be needed subcontractors. In time of emergency, this firm supply raw material and help the production. In our area someare reputed and local companyor firms are existing. We can contract with them. One is Mondol firm, Brothers dairy & fishing firm. Both are located around our business. Subcontractors is selected based on demand of the market condition, based on quality, based onas soonas possible supply, help the production line. Sometimes our firm is insufficient to fill the demand of customer and the customer satisfaction we must be needed the subcontractors. Raw material are the essential part of the manufacturing firm. With it production is totally impossible. As it is the firm of fish and dairy so we need to fish, cow both are essential needed in the production. Dairy purpose raw material will be color of chock let and many other is needed in the manufacturing. Cost of manufacturing the product are the machine, labor, electricity, operation, manufacturing overhead, work in process, all factory related cost are manufacturing cost of our firm to produce the product. Forthe manufacturing purposethere are someequipment needed. The process of fish, packaging, producethe chock let we need the equipment. Other wish we are totally unable to bit the competitor. If we have no equipment, for the purpose of producing this the cost will be very high.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e Why is it important to have a carefully developed production plan? Productionplanning is one of the planning functions that a firm needs to perform to meet the needs of its customers. It is a medium-range planning activity that follows long-range planning in P/OM such as process planning and strategic capacity planning. Firms need to have an aggregate planning or production planning strategy to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to meet the demand forecast and to determine the best plan to meet this demand. A carefully developed production plan will allow your company to meet the following objectives: • Minimize costs / maximize profits • Maximize customer service • Minimize inventory investment • Minimize changes in production rates • Minimize changes in work-force levels • Maximize the utilization of plant and equipment Determination of Requirements Production Planning is the determination of the requirements for the planning horizon. Demand forecasting plays an important role in the conductofthese three tasks. Managers thus need to be aware of the various factors that would affect the accuracy of the demand and sales forecast. There are company factors that could influence the level of demand for the firm's products. These internal factors include the company's marketing effort; the productdesign itself; the strategies to improve customer service; and the quality and price of the product. There are also external factors or marketplace factors that significantly affect demand such as the level of competition or possible reaction by competitors to a firm's business strategy; the perception of consumers about the products and the consumer behavior as affected by their socio-demographic profile. Lastly, there are random factors that could affect the accuracy of demand forecasts suchas the overall condition of the economy and the occurrence of business cycle.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e What are the inputs to the production planning process? To be able to perform the aggregate planning process, the following information should be available to this production planning team. These data include the following: • Materials / purchasing Information • Operations / manufacturing Information • Engineering / process Designs • Sales, marketing and distribution Information • Financial and accounting information • Human resources information Marketing plan
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  • 16. 16 | P a g e Organization plan Process ofidentifying an organization's immediate and long-term objectives, and formulating and monitoring specific strategies to achieve them. It also entails staffing and resource allocation, and is one of the most important responsibilities of a management team. Ownership Information / ManagementTeam This section highlights what you and the others involved in the running of your business brings to the table. Start by indicating your business structure (i.e. partnership). Next you'll want to provide the following information on each owner/manager/member:  Name: Robaead, Estiak, Muwas, Naziur  Percentage of ownership (25%)  Extent of involvement (All are active)  Type of ownership (partnership)  Position in the business (Introduction in market)  Duties and responsibilities: Strategic Planning, Decision-Making, Informational Role, Interpersonal Role, Business Planner, Human Resources, Customer Service, Marketing, Technology Expert  Educational background(All are current student, undergraduate)  Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties. (less experience & skill)  Skills will benefit the business  Compensation (Percentage of profit & investment) Management Operation Customer service Accounting Administrative Facilities Management Marketing Administrative
  • 17. 17 | P a g e Assessment of risk Evaluate weaknessofbusiness Each and every business have some strong and weak point. The weak point is known as risk of our business because the competitor try to find out our business weakness. Forthis reason, they try to hit this point. When this situation is created lots of problems comes in front of the business. This can be identified by SWOT analysis. Our weak point can be: Lack of experiences in selling the product on the market, difference in physical types to consumer, high competition. Technology As our business is run by technology based, lots of lacking in our business. When we required anyone if he/she is totally unable to use the technology. It’s created many problems. For this reason, the employees need to training and some expenditure will be increased for our business. Like as insufficient hardware, outdated software, inadequate database capacity, insufficient telecommunication capacity, rapid technology change. This can be created problems in the technology. But if the technology is properly used our business must be profitable. ContingencyPlan A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences. Contingency plans are often devised by governments or businesses. Forexample, supposemany employees of a company are traveling together on an aircraft which crashes, killing all aboard. The company could be severely strained or even ruined by such a loss. Accordingly, many companies have procedures to follow in the event of such a disaster. The plan may also include standing policies to mitigate a disaster's potential impact, such as requiring employees to travel separately or limiting the number of employees on any one aircraft.
  • 18. 18 | P a g e Contingency plan maintenance process:  Communicate the plan to everyone in the organization.  Inform people of their roles and responsibilities related to the plan.  Provide necessary training for people to fulfill these roles and responsibilities.  Conduct disaster drills where practical.  Assess the results of training and drills, and make any necessary changes.  Review the plan on a regular basis, especially if there are relevant technological, operational, and personnel changes.  Distribute revised plans throughout the company, and make sure that the old plan is discarded.  Keep copies of the plan off-site, and in a place where they can be accessed quickly when needed.  Audit the plan periodically:  Reassess the risks to the business.  Analyze efforts to control risk by comparing actual performance with the performance levels described in the contingency plan.  Recommend and make changes, if necessary. This plan must be successfully implied. Financial plan This type of plan included  Start with a sales forecast. Set up a spreadsheet projecting your sales over the course of three years.  Create an expenses budget.  Develop a cash-flow statement.  Income projections.  Deal with assets and liabilities.  Breakeven analysis. A financial plan is a comprehensive evaluation of an investor's current and future financial state by using currently known variables to predict future cash flows, asset values and withdrawal plans. A cash flow forecast is an estimate of the amount of money you expect to flow in and out of your business and includes all your projected income and expenses. A forecast usually covers the next 12 months, however it can also cover a short-term period such as a week or month.
  • 19. 19 | P a g e The financial part of a business plan includes various financial statements that show where your company currently stands and where it expects to be in the near future. This information helps you determine how much financing your business needs and helps outsiders determine whether lending you money or investing in your business is a wise use of their funds. Three Key Financial Statements Your financial plan should include three key financial statements: the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. Income Statement/Profitand Loss Statement { { { { The income statement, also called the profit and loss statement or P&L, summarizes your company's revenue and expenses. Revenues are your company's sales and/or other sources of income (for example, a cleaning business earns revenues from the hourly or per-room or per-home fee that it charges its clients; a grocery store earns revenue from the foods and other products and services it sells. Expenses include items suchas the costofgoods sold (themoney you spend buying produce, meat and dairy from local farmers, for example) payroll for employees, payroll, sales and income taxes, business insurance and loan interest. The bottom line of the income statement shows the company's net income, or its revenue minus expenses. Lenders and investors want to know what kind of numbers your company is working with and whether your company is profitable or expects to be soon. Balance Sheet {{{ The balance sheet shows your company's assets and liabilities. It's called a balance sheet because the assets must perfectly balance the liabilities. Within each category are numerous subcategories. Forexample, your assets will include cash, accounts receivable, inventory and equipment. Your liabilities will include accounts payable, wages and salaries, taxes, rent and utilities, and loan balances. CashFlow Statement/CashBudget The cashflow statement shows the sums you expect to be coming into and going out of your business in a given time frame. Topics you'll need to examine to predict cash flow include sales forecasts, cashreceipts vs. credit receipts and the time frame for collecting accounts receivable. Cash flow statements not only show potential investors that you know what you're doing, they also help you to make sure your business model is financially viable and to establish goals that you want to achieve.
  • 20. 20 | P a g e Breakevenpoint Break-even (or break even) is the point of balance making neither a profit nor a loss. In economics and business, specifically cost accounting, the break-even point (BEP) is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no net loss or gain, and one has "broken even." A profit or a loss has not been made, although opportunity costs have been "paid," and capital has received the risk- adjusted, expected return. It is shown graphically as the point where the total revenue and total costcurves meet. In the linear casethe break-even point is equal to the fixed costs divided by the contribution margin per unit. The break-even point is achieved when the generated profits match the total costs accumulated till the date of profit generation. Establishing the break-even point helps businesses in setting plans for the levels of production which it needs to maintain be profitable. Appendix
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