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Dreams – what do you want to have and
           achieve in your life?

  i. Financial
 ii. Social
 iii. Emotional

 iv. Health
 v. Time freedom
Who are living life with these dreams?

i. Employees (without prejudice)
ii. Businessmen

Stable Job
Fixed Income
Limited Income
No time freedom
Unlimited Income
Financial Freedom
Time freedom
Are we ready to do business?

 i. Capital
 ii. Expertise
 iii. Product
 iv. Manpower
 v. Time
Types Of Business
                          Traditional    Franchise
                           Business      Business

Capital                    INTENSIVE    MORE INTENSIVE

Expertise                   Needed       Badly Needed
Manpower                    Needed       Badly Needed
Overhead                      BIG          VERY BIG
ROI                       LONG TERM       LONG TERM
Income Potential            LIMITED        LIMITED
Success Rate                40%-60%        80%-90%
Territorial Restriction     Limited         Limited
RISK                          BIG            BIG
Types Of Business
                          Traditional   Franchise
                                        Franchise           MLM
                           Business     Business
                                        Business          Business

Capital                    INTENSIVE     INTENSIVE
                                          INTENSIVE      VERY SMALL
Expertise                   Needed      Badly Needed
                                        Badly Needed   Learn as You Earn
Manpower                    Needed      Badly Needed
                                        Badly Needed        NONE
Overhead                      BIG        VERY BIG
                                         VERY BIG           NONE
ROI                       LONG TERM     LONG TERM
                                        LONG TERM         IMMEDIATE
Income Potential            LIMITED       LIMITED
                                          LIMITED         UNLIMITED
Success Rate                40%-60%      80%-90%
                                         80%-90%             100%
Territorial Restriction     Limited       Limited
                                          Limited           NONE
RISK                          BIG           BIG
                                            BIG             NONE
(Multi-Level Marketing)
Let’s do MLM
i. Small start up capital
ii. Opportunity for all
iii. Residual income
iv. Attractive home based business
v. 100 billion dollar industry
vi. Time freedom
v. Great potential to be millionaire
• Power of Multiplication
•   Power of Multiplication


   YOU                            BOSS

8hrs/day                  320,000hrs/day
•   Power of Multiplication

 Mr. Boss
 40,000 Emp X 8hrs         X Pph10 = Pph3.2M
             1 Day            1 Hr    1 Day
10,000 x 10x 30Yrs     = Pph3M … 1 Day of MB
20,000 x 10x 30Yrs     = Pph6M … 2 Days of MB
50,000 x 10 x 30Yrs    = Pph15M … 5 Days of MB
100,000 x 10 x 30Yrs   = Pph30M …10 Days of MB
Partner yourself with a COMPANY
that has proven its SUCCESS for a
long period of time.

• Undisputed Integrity & Stability
• Best Products
• Proven System
• Trainings & Support
• International & Local
DXN came from the word DAXEN which means…

  • Integrity
  • Trustworthiness
      People with above qualities will manifest

  •    Cheerfulness
  Red               – Rising sun, positive thinking
  Green             – Vitality and growth
  Blue              – Water, the Company as the basis of growth
            154 Countries
 18   Years In Operation Since 1993
              DEBT-FREE

                     • Ranks TOP 40
                   Direct Selling Company
Public Listed in Kuala Lumpur’s Stock
       Exchange (KLSE) Market:

                   • Financially stable
                   • Bonus payment
One Total Company

Cultivates       Manufactures   Distributes
 •12 Years Since 1999

•“Almost 300 Service
 Centers Nationwide.”
DXN is consistently among the Top 1,000 corporations in the Philippines

           Year 2002                               Year 2003

           Year 2004                               Year 2005
DXN Awards & Affiliations
•DSAP and HADSAP Member
•BIR’s List Of TOP-PAYING Corporations
•2006 Top Family Product and Service Award
•The Global Brands Award
•Global Recognition For Excellence
•BIR’s Top Taxpayer Awards
•Outstanding MLM Company
•Year-end Excellence Award
•Asia Pacific Int’l Honesty Enterprise
•Best Global MLM Company
•Most Outstanding MLM Company
•Health Care (ARAP) Awards
•2005 People”s Choice Awardee
Doctor of Science (Alternative
Conferred by the Indian Board of
Alternative Medicines
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
in Holistic Medicine
Conferred by the Indian Board of
Alternative Medicine                DATO’ DR. LIM SIOW JIN
                                   Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Vision Statement

 “To Promote Health,
Wealth and Happiness"

                         DATO’ DR. LIM SIOW JIN
                        Founder & Chief Executive Officer
The Company Of The Future

The World Health Organization (WHO)
estimates the size of the global market
for herbal products at
  (USD 80 billion) 2000 to grow to
  (USD 200 billion) 2008,
  (USD 1 trillion) 2010 and
  (USD 50 trillion) 2050.

                Food Supplements


Personal Care                      Household
 Other Popular Names: REISHI / LINGZHI
 Commercial Cultivation in Asia:
           1975 – Japan
           1980 – Taiwan
           1983 – Malaysia

 Ranking in the Oldest
 Chinese Pharmacopeia:
RED MUSHROOM – Miraculous King of Herbs   NO. 1
The red mushroom is
associated with the ancient
goddess Reishi Senshi who
was a deity of health, life
and eternal youth.

“Soup of the Emperor
with a Thousand Mistresses”
it is also called
“Divine Herb that energizes the
“Chi or Life Force”
Heart Gano         Lucidum            Ruyi Gano

 Kimshen Gano       Reishi         Brain Gano


     Liver Gano               Peacock Gano

   RED MUSHROOM – Miraculous King of Herbs
Ganoderma Lucidum
VITAMINS (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium)
STEROLS (lanosterol, ergosterol)
1.    Anti-Cancer Activity
2.    Immune System Enhancement / Strengthening
3.    Anti-Oxidant Effect
4.    Colon-Cleansing
5.    Anti-Hypertensive
6.    Lowering of Cholesterol Levels
7.    Lowering of High Blood Pressure
8.    Acts like Steroids / Energizes the Body
9.    Insulin-like Action
10.   Anti-Allergy
11.   Anti-Hepatotoxic Action
12.   Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation
13.   Improves Blood Flow and Circulation
14.   Improves Oxygenation of Cells
15.   Strengthening Nerve and Brain Functions
16.   Promotes Healing in the Body
17.   Analgesic Effect
18.   Serves as Building Blocks
REISHI GANO (RG)                    GANOCELIUM (GL)
90 day old Fruit Body               18 day old Mycelium

DETOXIFIER                          BALANCER
Supports the body to cleanse        Supports the body to regulate,
the water soluble and non water     build and regenerate cells and
soluble toxins out of its system.   tissues.
Reishi Gano (RG)
•Reishi Gano (RG) is a kind of mushroom essence formulated
from Ganoderma Lucidum.
•It is harvested from a 90-day old red
•It contains a wide variety of nutrients such
 as polysaccharides, adenosine, triterpenoids
 protein and fibre.

Daily intake of Reishi Gano (RG) helps in normalizing the entire
body functions and maintains the healthy well being.
Ganocelium (GL)
•Ganocelium (GL) is produced from a 18-day old mycelium of
 Ganoderma Lucidum.
•The mycelium is rich in polysaccharides,
 adenosine, organic germanium, triterpenes,
 vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

GL is effective in improving the general
health our body.
•   Spirulina is 100% alkaline food that helps regulate the acid-alkaline
    balance (pH) of the body.

•   Source of green food

•   Contains all major nutrients for performance.
    It contains chlorophyll for better performance.

•   High concentration of vegetable protein

•   Cellulose-free cell wall makes it highly

•   Rich in natural nutrients which are readily

•   Ideal health food
1. Amino acids
2. Beta carotene
3. Chlorophyll A
4. Phycocyanin
5. Gamma linolenic acid
6. Superoxide dismutase

              Vitamin A      225 Apples
             (Beta-Carotene) 14 Bottles of Milk

                            4 Bowls of Rice
                            8 Sardines
12 TABLETS     Vitamin      2 Potatoes
                            210 Grapes
SPIRULINA     B-Complex     5 Oranges
                            120 grams Cheese

                            7 Glasses of Milk
              Vitamin E
                            2 Chickens
DXN Spirulina Cereal

•Spirulina is well-known as a balanced
nutritious food while the high fiber
cereals are usually recommended by
the nutritionists.
• DXN Spirulina Cereal is made from
high quality cereals and spirulina
powder and one of the best nutritional sources.
•Cocozhi is formulated from the finest
 cocoa with Ganoderma extract.
• It is in a ready to drink powdered
 form, which gives you a chocolate
•Aside from the fine cocoa aroma,
you can also enjoy the benefits of Ganoderma.
Lingzhi Coffee 3 In 1
•DXN Lingzhi Coffee is specially
 blended with finest quality coffee
 beans, sugar, non-dairy creamer
 and 100% Ganoderma extract.

•It has no artificial coloring,
  flavoring, or preservative thus the
  aroma and taste of the finest coffee
  beans is retained while the efficacy of the Ganoderma
  in regulating body system is maintained.
Lingzhi Black Coffee
•A unique formula, Lingzhi Black Coffee finest quality
instant coffee and Ganoderma
extract, thus a perfect beverage
for the health-conscious
•It is sugar-free, suitable for those
who want to limit their sugar intake.
With Ganoderma as one of its
major ingredients, this variant is a great choice to
perk up your day.
Spica Tea
•Spica Tea is specially blended from natural
Chinese herbs including Ganoderma
Lucidum and Radix Glycyrrhizae and other
natural elements.
•It does not contain
preservatives,                              artificial coloring, or
•Best during uncertain weather, when people
would feel their body heat increase, lack of
appetite and feel sleepy from time to time.
Spica Tea is an ideal drink for all ages.
DXN Morinzyme is a concentrated
botanical beverage juice that contains
all the natural enzymes produced from
the fermentation process of noni fruits.
The primary important component
in noni is a large molecule called
proxerine, a precursor to xeronine
- an essential alkaloid which
activates enzymes.
Enzymes are important for metabolism thus enhancing digestion,
nutrient absorption and promoting efficient cellular function.
•Morinzhi is a nutritious botanical beverage specially
formulated from Morinda Citrifolia and
is enriched with Roselle.
•Morinda citrifolia has been traditionally
used as health drink among the folks in
South Pacific region.
•Morinzhi juice is rich in
vitamins,                  minerals and antioxidants.
•It enhances digestion and nutrient
absorption, and assist in cellular regulations.
Roselle Tablet
•Roselle or its scientific name Hibiscus
Sabdariffa is a flowering plant used to grow
in both tropical and subtropic regions.
•The swollen red calyces of the plant
contain rich amount of Vitamin C and
Minerals such as zinc, calcium and
•The exclusive DXN Roselle tablet provides
sufficient Vitamins C, D, B1 and B2.

Vitamin C is necessary to keep your immune system strong,
promote healthy gum and beautify your skin complexion.
Roselle Juice
•Roselle Juice is specially made from the
extract of Roselle calyces.
•It is rich in Vitamin C a potent
antioxidant, which aids in healing wounds
and in maintaining stronger bones and teeth.
•It contains Beta Carotene, Vitamins B1, B2
and B6 (essential co-enzymes in metabolic
•It is an all-natural juice drink for a healthy
immune system.
•DXN Cordyceps is made of 100%
Cordyceps Sinensis. It contains No Artificial
Flavorings and Colorings.
•It contains various nutrients and active
ingredients, which include cordycepic acid,
cordycepin, amino acids, glutamic acid,
polysaccharides, vitamin B12 among others.

It has been long-treasured as essential tonic
to enhance blood circulation, and maintain
healthy kidney function and respiratory system.
It helps revitalize the body by promoting blood circulation and increasing
•DXN Cordypine blends quality
cordyceps and naturally fermented
pineapple juice.

Cordypine is a potent formula as the
pineapple enzymes produced from
fermentation are capable of working
actively with cordyceps giving better
result and excellent performance.

DXN Cordypine is the best health food suitable for people from
all walks of life. Regular consumption of DXN Cordypine helps
in maintaining and improving our body system.
Lion´s Mane
•Lion´s Mane contains bioactive
substances such as polysaccharides,
adenosine, hericenones and
•Helps to support a healthy digestive
•It improves indigestion, relieves
stomach and duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis.
•Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system.
Bee Pollen
•Bee Pollen is an excellent source of Vitamin B
complex, beta carotene, minerals, amino acids,
lecithin and enzymes.
•An effective supplement for those who are
on diet or fasting.
•Helps to break fats in body. Helps to
increase cellular calories burning capacity.
•An instant energy booster that enhances alertness,
relieves brain fatigue and improves physical performance.
•No chemical additives and preservatives.
•Assists in the maintenance and improvement of your general well-being.
•Potenzhi is a powerful male tonic supplement to revive
your passion and vitality.

•It contains power-packed, highest potency and quality
of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) and Butea
Superba extracts, which are well known to boost up
male physical strength.

•Reinforced with seven precious herb extracts which
include Ganoderma, Cordyceps, black pepper, celery,
green tea, root of lalang and stem of kayu secang.
These herbs have been long treasured as an essential tonic to invigorate male
performance and regain virility.

Overcomes mental fatigue and exhaustion,strengthen physical performance.
Daily consumption of DXN Potenzhi helps to improve blood circulation, boost up
energy level and endurance.
•Andrographis Paniculata is a traditional herb
recognized by herbalists for centuries as a
natural remedy for upper respiratory infections,
fever, sore throat and flu.
•It contains andrographolide, a bitter compound
that contributes therapeutic effects of this herb.

•Used for detoxification.

•Helps to reduce excessive body heat due to its cooling and
soothing effect .
Ganozhi Toothpaste
•DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste contains no
saccharin and coloring but with high
quality of Ganoderma extract, food gel,
menthol and food flavouring.
•It effectively cleanses and whitens
your teeth while leaving a pleasant
taste in your mouth.
•It also makes your teeth healthier
and brighter.
Ganozhi Body Foam
Enriched with Ganoderma
extracts,                                DXN Ganozhi
Body Foam gently                              cleanses
your skin without removing the
skin’s natural oils thus, leaving your
skin soft and smooth.
Ganozhi Soap
•Ganozhi Soap is specially formulated and
enriched with Ganoderma extract and palm oil.
•It gently cleanses the skin while preserving
its natural oils without damaging skin structure.
•The use of palm oil enriched with vitamin E
and anti-oxidant agents helps to revitalize
your skin and delays the aging.
    Ganozhi Soap leaves your skin feeling smoother and softer.
Ganozhi Shampoo

•DXN Ganozh Shampoo with pH
balance is suitable for all hair types.
•Enriched with Ganoderma extract
and Vitamin B5, DXN Ganozhi
Shampoo is mild and it makes your
hair healthier, softer, and shinier.
Gano Massage Oil
•Gano Massage Oil contains the finest
Palm Oil and Ganoderma extract suitable
for every massage need.
•It is all-natural and rich in antioxidant.
•Best for all skin types and ages.
       For a surefire way to a satisfying massage
         encounter, use Ganozhi Massage Oil.
Aloe – V Facial Cleansing Foam

 A mild yet effective facial cleanser
that cleanses away impurities and
oil, leaving your skin stay fresh,
smooth and more translucent.
Ganozhi Complete Skin Care Series
Simple steps to endless beauty …
Skin is the largest organ in our body. It
acts as a barrier that surrounds and
protects our body from various harmful
elements in the environment. Truly
beautiful skin starts from deep within
you and has a great deal to do with
balanced diet, good digestion, sound
hormone level and choosing the right
skin care for your skin.
DXN proudly introduces Ganozhi Complete Skin Care Series, a botanical
skin care formulation, to fulfill your daily basic skin care needs. It is suitable
for all skin types.

Ganozhi Liquid Cleanser
A gentle yet effective cleanser for a
swift cleansing action.
•It is formulated with precious
Ganoderma extract, Fagus Sylvatica
extract, Yeast and Panthenol.
•It cleanses your skin deep into the
pores, leaving your skin clean and
Ganozhi Toner
•An effective toner formulated to
minimize skin pores while leaving
your skin soft and hydrated.
•Formulated with premium quality
Ganoderma extract, Fagus
Sylvatica extract, Allantoin and
Propolis Cera.
•Balances your skin pH and
prepares your skin for the following
essential step- moisturize your skin.
Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro
•A renovated moisturizer designed to hydrate and
nourish your skin.
• It is empowered by the latest technology
(nanotechnology), which helps to maximize the
absorption of ingredients of Ganozhi
Moisturizing Micro Emulsion.
•Designed with nano-sized molecules, it penetrates
into your skin faster and effectively.
•Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emulsion gathers the goodness of the
Ganoderma extract, Fagus Sylvatica extract, Ginseng extract, Arnica
extract and Vitamin E, leaving your skin smooth and radiant all day long.
Chubby Baby Oil
•Fortified with Pure Oil, Rosemarie
and Wheatgerm extracts to cleanse baby’s
•It is a skin conditioner that moisturizes
baby's delicate skin and helps protect
skin from dryness, chapping and flaking.
•It helps to seal in moisture so skin
feels baby soft, smooth and silky all day
•It is also effective for adults to remove eye make-up, softening
rough elbows and heels.
Talcum Powder

•DXN Talcum Powder gives you a
smooth and comfortable feeling all
day long, relieves discomfort from
prickly heat and minor skin irritation.
•It is also luxuriously scented to give
you a pleasant smell and confidence
wherever you are.
   Enjoy the benefits of DXN products and
   discover their strength and efficacy.

   Share your experience to others and
   encourage them to use DXN products, too.

   Sponsor and register others into the business;
   motivate and guide them to be successful
   through DXN.
= 118 PTS. = 6%-37%
           UP to 71%
   Cash & Travel



                 YOUR BONUSES

 (Tie-Up With Other Business Partners)

                 YOUR BONUSES

                         Move 1 Product a day

1st Month = P297       (US$6.9)        7th Month =P749,479.50 (US$17,429)
2nd Month = P2,673      (US$62.2)      8th Month =P1,954,969.90 (US$45,464)
3rd Month = P8,613      (US$200)       9th Month =P4,954,969.90 (US$115,231)
4th Month = P28,215     (US$656)       10th Month =P9,020,810.70 (US$209,786)
5th Month = P108,213 (US$2,516)        11th Month =P16,665,694.70 (US$387,574)
6th Month = P364,567.50 (US$8,478)     12th Month =P28,792,100.70 (US$669,583)

                  Total = Pph62,284,313.70

           Move 1 Product a day

 •1st Month =        Pph373         (US$87)
 •2nd Month =        Pph4,212       (US$98)
 •3rd Month =        Pph25,524      (US$638) (SA)
 •4th Month =        Pph123,444     (US$2,871) (SR)
 •5th Month =        Pph542,772     (US$12,623) (SD)

*Figures do not include Profit Sharing and Leadership Bonus.
Purchase your
Start-up Business Kit!

                     The New Package will be
                   offered starting June 1, 2011
                          fon only P2,500!
                 1)New Leatherette Starter Kit
                 2) 1Pair RG-GL90s
                  A great way to jumpstart your
                           DXN Business!
• is the prize of a decisive action

          ACT NOW!
For more information contact us:

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  • 2. Dreams – what do you want to have and achieve in your life?
  • 3. Dreams i. Financial ii. Social iii. Emotional iv. Health v. Time freedom
  • 4. Who are living life with these dreams? i. Employees (without prejudice) ii. Businessmen
  • 5. Employment Stable Job Fixed Income Limited Income Boss No time freedom
  • 7. Are we ready to do business? i. Capital ii. Expertise iii. Product iv. Manpower v. Time
  • 8. Types Of Business Traditional Franchise Business Business Capital INTENSIVE MORE INTENSIVE Expertise Needed Badly Needed Manpower Needed Badly Needed Overhead BIG VERY BIG ROI LONG TERM LONG TERM Income Potential LIMITED LIMITED Success Rate 40%-60% 80%-90% Territorial Restriction Limited Limited RISK BIG BIG
  • 9. Types Of Business Traditional Franchise Franchise MLM Business Business Business Business Capital INTENSIVE INTENSIVE INTENSIVE VERY SMALL Expertise Needed Badly Needed Badly Needed Learn as You Earn Manpower Needed Badly Needed Badly Needed NONE Overhead BIG VERY BIG VERY BIG NONE ROI LONG TERM LONG TERM LONG TERM IMMEDIATE Income Potential LIMITED LIMITED LIMITED UNLIMITED Success Rate 40%-60% 80%-90% 80%-90% 100% Territorial Restriction Limited Limited Limited NONE RISK BIG BIG BIG NONE
  • 11. Let’s do MLM i. Small start up capital ii. Opportunity for all iii. Residual income iv. Attractive home based business v. 100 billion dollar industry vi. Time freedom v. Great potential to be millionaire
  • 12. • Power of Multiplication
  • 13. Power of Multiplication 24HRS/DAY MR. YOU BOSS 8hrs/day 320,000hrs/day
  • 14. Power of Multiplication Mr. Boss 40,000 Emp X 8hrs X Pph10 = Pph3.2M 1 Day 1 Hr 1 Day You 10,000 x 10x 30Yrs = Pph3M … 1 Day of MB 20,000 x 10x 30Yrs = Pph6M … 2 Days of MB 50,000 x 10 x 30Yrs = Pph15M … 5 Days of MB 100,000 x 10 x 30Yrs = Pph30M …10 Days of MB
  • 15.
  • 17. Partner yourself with a COMPANY that has proven its SUCCESS for a long period of time.
  • 18. A COMPANY THAT HAS: • Undisputed Integrity & Stability • Best Products • Proven System • Trainings & Support • International & Local Representations
  • 19.
  • 20. DXN came from the word DAXEN which means… • Integrity • Trustworthiness People with above qualities will manifest • Cheerfulness Red – Rising sun, positive thinking Green – Vitality and growth Blue – Water, the Company as the basis of growth
  • 22.  18 Years In Operation Since 1993  DEBT-FREE • Ranks TOP 40 Direct Selling Company (Worldwide)
  • 23. Public Listed in Kuala Lumpur’s Stock Exchange (KLSE) Market: • Financially stable • Bonus payment guaranteed
  • 24. One Total Company Cultivates Manufactures Distributes
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
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  • 30.
  • 31. DXN PHILIPPINES •12 Years Since 1999 •“Almost 300 Service Centers Nationwide.”
  • 32. DXN is consistently among the Top 1,000 corporations in the Philippines Year 2002 Year 2003 Year 2004 Year 2005
  • 33. DXN Awards & Affiliations •DSAP and HADSAP Member •BIR’s List Of TOP-PAYING Corporations •2006 Top Family Product and Service Award •The Global Brands Award •Global Recognition For Excellence •BIR’s Top Taxpayer Awards •Outstanding MLM Company •Year-end Excellence Award •Asia Pacific Int’l Honesty Enterprise •Best Global MLM Company •Most Outstanding MLM Company •Health Care (ARAP) Awards •2005 People”s Choice Awardee
  • 34. ACHIEVEMENTS: Doctor of Science (Alternative Medicine) Conferred by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Holistic Medicine Conferred by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicine DATO’ DR. LIM SIOW JIN Founder & Chief Executive Officer
  • 35. Vision Statement “To Promote Health, Wealth and Happiness" DATO’ DR. LIM SIOW JIN Founder & Chief Executive Officer
  • 36.
  • 37. The Company Of The Future The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the size of the global market for herbal products at (USD 80 billion) 2000 to grow to (USD 200 billion) 2008, (USD 1 trillion) 2010 and (USD 50 trillion) 2050.
  • 38. DXN PRODUCTS Food Supplements Beverages Personal Care Household
  • 39. Scientific Name: GANODERMA LUCIDUM Other Popular Names: REISHI / LINGZHI Commercial Cultivation in Asia:  1975 – Japan  1980 – Taiwan  1983 – Malaysia Ranking in the Oldest Chinese Pharmacopeia: RED MUSHROOM – Miraculous King of Herbs NO. 1
  • 40.
  • 41. The red mushroom is associated with the ancient goddess Reishi Senshi who was a deity of health, life and eternal youth. “Soup of the Emperor with a Thousand Mistresses” it is also called “Divine Herb that energizes the “Chi or Life Force”
  • 42. Ganoderma Heart Gano Lucidum Ruyi Gano Lingzhi Kimshen Gano Reishi Brain Gano Kabute Liver Gano Peacock Gano RED MUSHROOM – Miraculous King of Herbs
  • 43. Ganoderma Lucidum POLYSACCHARIDES ADENOSINE TRITERPENOIDS ORGANIC GERMANIUM UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS VITAMINS (calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium) STEROLS (lanosterol, ergosterol)
  • 44. 1. Anti-Cancer Activity 2. Immune System Enhancement / Strengthening 3. Anti-Oxidant Effect 4. Colon-Cleansing 5. Anti-Hypertensive 6. Lowering of Cholesterol Levels 7. Lowering of High Blood Pressure 8. Acts like Steroids / Energizes the Body 9. Insulin-like Action 10. Anti-Allergy 11. Anti-Hepatotoxic Action 12. Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation 13. Improves Blood Flow and Circulation 14. Improves Oxygenation of Cells 15. Strengthening Nerve and Brain Functions 16. Promotes Healing in the Body 17. Analgesic Effect 18. Serves as Building Blocks
  • 45.
  • 46. BANNER PRODUCTS REISHI GANO (RG) GANOCELIUM (GL) 90 day old Fruit Body 18 day old Mycelium DETOXIFIER BALANCER Supports the body to cleanse Supports the body to regulate, the water soluble and non water build and regenerate cells and soluble toxins out of its system. tissues.
  • 47.
  • 48. Reishi Gano (RG) •Reishi Gano (RG) is a kind of mushroom essence formulated from Ganoderma Lucidum. •It is harvested from a 90-day old red mushroom. •It contains a wide variety of nutrients such as polysaccharides, adenosine, triterpenoids protein and fibre. Daily intake of Reishi Gano (RG) helps in normalizing the entire body functions and maintains the healthy well being.
  • 49. Ganocelium (GL) •Ganocelium (GL) is produced from a 18-day old mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum. •The mycelium is rich in polysaccharides, adenosine, organic germanium, triterpenes, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. GL is effective in improving the general health our body.
  • 50. Spirulina is 100% alkaline food that helps regulate the acid-alkaline balance (pH) of the body. • Source of green food • Contains all major nutrients for performance. It contains chlorophyll for better performance. • High concentration of vegetable protein • Cellulose-free cell wall makes it highly digestible. • Rich in natural nutrients which are readily absorbed • Ideal health food
  • 51. 1. Amino acids 2. Beta carotene 3. Chlorophyll A 4. Phycocyanin 5. Gamma linolenic acid 6. Superoxide dismutase
  • 52. SPIRULINA FOOD EXCHANGE VALUE Vitamin A 225 Apples (Beta-Carotene) 14 Bottles of Milk 4 Bowls of Rice 8 Sardines 12 TABLETS Vitamin 2 Potatoes 210 Grapes SPIRULINA B-Complex 5 Oranges 120 grams Cheese 7 Glasses of Milk Vitamin E 2 Chickens
  • 53. DXN Spirulina Cereal •Spirulina is well-known as a balanced nutritious food while the high fiber cereals are usually recommended by the nutritionists. • DXN Spirulina Cereal is made from high quality cereals and spirulina powder and one of the best nutritional sources.
  • 54. COCOZHI •Cocozhi is formulated from the finest cocoa with Ganoderma extract. • It is in a ready to drink powdered form, which gives you a chocolate taste. •Aside from the fine cocoa aroma, you can also enjoy the benefits of Ganoderma.
  • 55. Lingzhi Coffee 3 In 1 •DXN Lingzhi Coffee is specially blended with finest quality coffee beans, sugar, non-dairy creamer and 100% Ganoderma extract. •It has no artificial coloring, flavoring, or preservative thus the aroma and taste of the finest coffee beans is retained while the efficacy of the Ganoderma in regulating body system is maintained.
  • 56. Lingzhi Black Coffee •A unique formula, Lingzhi Black Coffee finest quality instant coffee and Ganoderma extract, thus a perfect beverage for the health-conscious consumers. •It is sugar-free, suitable for those who want to limit their sugar intake. With Ganoderma as one of its major ingredients, this variant is a great choice to perk up your day.
  • 57. Spica Tea •Spica Tea is specially blended from natural Chinese herbs including Ganoderma Lucidum and Radix Glycyrrhizae and other natural elements. •It does not contain preservatives, artificial coloring, or flavoring. •Best during uncertain weather, when people would feel their body heat increase, lack of appetite and feel sleepy from time to time. Spica Tea is an ideal drink for all ages.
  • 58. Morinzyme DXN Morinzyme is a concentrated botanical beverage juice that contains all the natural enzymes produced from the fermentation process of noni fruits. The primary important component in noni is a large molecule called proxerine, a precursor to xeronine - an essential alkaloid which activates enzymes. Enzymes are important for metabolism thus enhancing digestion, nutrient absorption and promoting efficient cellular function.
  • 59. Morinzhi •Morinzhi is a nutritious botanical beverage specially formulated from Morinda Citrifolia and is enriched with Roselle. •Morinda citrifolia has been traditionally used as health drink among the folks in South Pacific region. •Morinzhi juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. •It enhances digestion and nutrient absorption, and assist in cellular regulations.
  • 60. Roselle Tablet •Roselle or its scientific name Hibiscus Sabdariffa is a flowering plant used to grow in both tropical and subtropic regions. •The swollen red calyces of the plant contain rich amount of Vitamin C and Minerals such as zinc, calcium and magnesium. •The exclusive DXN Roselle tablet provides sufficient Vitamins C, D, B1 and B2. Vitamin C is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promote healthy gum and beautify your skin complexion.
  • 61. Roselle Juice •Roselle Juice is specially made from the extract of Roselle calyces. •It is rich in Vitamin C a potent antioxidant, which aids in healing wounds and in maintaining stronger bones and teeth. •It contains Beta Carotene, Vitamins B1, B2 and B6 (essential co-enzymes in metabolic process). •It is an all-natural juice drink for a healthy immune system.
  • 62. Cordyceps •DXN Cordyceps is made of 100% Cordyceps Sinensis. It contains No Artificial Flavorings and Colorings. •It contains various nutrients and active ingredients, which include cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acids, glutamic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 among others. It has been long-treasured as essential tonic to enhance blood circulation, and maintain healthy kidney function and respiratory system. It helps revitalize the body by promoting blood circulation and increasing strength.
  • 63. Cordypine •DXN Cordypine blends quality cordyceps and naturally fermented pineapple juice. Cordypine is a potent formula as the pineapple enzymes produced from fermentation are capable of working actively with cordyceps giving better result and excellent performance. DXN Cordypine is the best health food suitable for people from all walks of life. Regular consumption of DXN Cordypine helps in maintaining and improving our body system.
  • 64. Lion´s Mane •Lion´s Mane contains bioactive substances such as polysaccharides, adenosine, hericenones and erinacines. •Helps to support a healthy digestive system. •It improves indigestion, relieves stomach and duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis. •Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system.
  • 65. Bee Pollen •Bee Pollen is an excellent source of Vitamin B complex, beta carotene, minerals, amino acids, lecithin and enzymes. •An effective supplement for those who are on diet or fasting. •Helps to break fats in body. Helps to increase cellular calories burning capacity. •An instant energy booster that enhances alertness, relieves brain fatigue and improves physical performance. •No chemical additives and preservatives. •Assists in the maintenance and improvement of your general well-being.
  • 66. Potenzhi •Potenzhi is a powerful male tonic supplement to revive your passion and vitality. •It contains power-packed, highest potency and quality of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) and Butea Superba extracts, which are well known to boost up male physical strength. •Reinforced with seven precious herb extracts which include Ganoderma, Cordyceps, black pepper, celery, green tea, root of lalang and stem of kayu secang. These herbs have been long treasured as an essential tonic to invigorate male performance and regain virility. Overcomes mental fatigue and exhaustion,strengthen physical performance. Daily consumption of DXN Potenzhi helps to improve blood circulation, boost up energy level and endurance.
  • 67. Andro-G •Andrographis Paniculata is a traditional herb recognized by herbalists for centuries as a natural remedy for upper respiratory infections, fever, sore throat and flu. •It contains andrographolide, a bitter compound that contributes therapeutic effects of this herb. •Used for detoxification. •Helps to reduce excessive body heat due to its cooling and soothing effect .
  • 68. Ganozhi Toothpaste •DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste contains no saccharin and coloring but with high quality of Ganoderma extract, food gel, menthol and food flavouring. •It effectively cleanses and whitens your teeth while leaving a pleasant taste in your mouth. •It also makes your teeth healthier and brighter. .
  • 69. Ganozhi Body Foam Enriched with Ganoderma extracts, DXN Ganozhi Body Foam gently cleanses your skin without removing the skin’s natural oils thus, leaving your skin soft and smooth.
  • 70. Ganozhi Soap •Ganozhi Soap is specially formulated and enriched with Ganoderma extract and palm oil. •It gently cleanses the skin while preserving its natural oils without damaging skin structure. •The use of palm oil enriched with vitamin E and anti-oxidant agents helps to revitalize your skin and delays the aging. Ganozhi Soap leaves your skin feeling smoother and softer.
  • 71. Ganozhi Shampoo •DXN Ganozh Shampoo with pH balance is suitable for all hair types. •Enriched with Ganoderma extract and Vitamin B5, DXN Ganozhi Shampoo is mild and it makes your hair healthier, softer, and shinier.
  • 72. Gano Massage Oil •Gano Massage Oil contains the finest Palm Oil and Ganoderma extract suitable for every massage need. •It is all-natural and rich in antioxidant. •Best for all skin types and ages. For a surefire way to a satisfying massage encounter, use Ganozhi Massage Oil.
  • 73. Aloe – V Facial Cleansing Foam A mild yet effective facial cleanser that cleanses away impurities and oil, leaving your skin stay fresh, smooth and more translucent.
  • 74. Ganozhi Complete Skin Care Series Simple steps to endless beauty … Skin is the largest organ in our body. It acts as a barrier that surrounds and protects our body from various harmful elements in the environment. Truly beautiful skin starts from deep within you and has a great deal to do with balanced diet, good digestion, sound hormone level and choosing the right skin care for your skin.
  • 75. DXN proudly introduces Ganozhi Complete Skin Care Series, a botanical skin care formulation, to fulfill your daily basic skin care needs. It is suitable for all skin types. Ganozhi Liquid Cleanser A gentle yet effective cleanser for a swift cleansing action. •It is formulated with precious Ganoderma extract, Fagus Sylvatica extract, Yeast and Panthenol. •It cleanses your skin deep into the pores, leaving your skin clean and refreshed.
  • 76. Ganozhi Toner •An effective toner formulated to minimize skin pores while leaving your skin soft and hydrated. •Formulated with premium quality Ganoderma extract, Fagus Sylvatica extract, Allantoin and Propolis Cera. •Balances your skin pH and prepares your skin for the following essential step- moisturize your skin.
  • 77. Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emulsion •A renovated moisturizer designed to hydrate and nourish your skin. • It is empowered by the latest technology (nanotechnology), which helps to maximize the absorption of ingredients of Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emulsion. •Designed with nano-sized molecules, it penetrates into your skin faster and effectively. •Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emulsion gathers the goodness of the Ganoderma extract, Fagus Sylvatica extract, Ginseng extract, Arnica extract and Vitamin E, leaving your skin smooth and radiant all day long.
  • 78. Chubby Baby Oil •Fortified with Pure Oil, Rosemarie and Wheatgerm extracts to cleanse baby’s skin. •It is a skin conditioner that moisturizes baby's delicate skin and helps protect skin from dryness, chapping and flaking. •It helps to seal in moisture so skin feels baby soft, smooth and silky all day long. •It is also effective for adults to remove eye make-up, softening rough elbows and heels.
  • 79. Talcum Powder •DXN Talcum Powder gives you a smooth and comfortable feeling all day long, relieves discomfort from prickly heat and minor skin irritation. •It is also luxuriously scented to give you a pleasant smell and confidence wherever you are.
  • 80.
  • 81. KEYS TO DXN SUCCESS USE Enjoy the benefits of DXN products and discover their strength and efficacy. SHARE Share your experience to others and encourage them to use DXN products, too. BUILD Sponsor and register others into the business; motivate and guide them to be successful through DXN.
  • 82.
  • 83. = 118 PTS. = 6%-37% UP to 71% Monthly REBATES & BONUSES Plus Cash & Travel INCENTIVES!
  • 85.
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  • 87.
  • 88. YOU Move 1 Product a day 1st Month = P297 (US$6.9) 7th Month =P749,479.50 (US$17,429) 2nd Month = P2,673 (US$62.2) 8th Month =P1,954,969.90 (US$45,464) 3rd Month = P8,613 (US$200) 9th Month =P4,954,969.90 (US$115,231) 4th Month = P28,215 (US$656) 10th Month =P9,020,810.70 (US$209,786) 5th Month = P108,213 (US$2,516) 11th Month =P16,665,694.70 (US$387,574) 6th Month = P364,567.50 (US$8,478) 12th Month =P28,792,100.70 (US$669,583) Total = Pph62,284,313.70 US$1,448,472.41
  • 89. YOU Move 1 Product a day •1st Month = Pph373 (US$87) •2nd Month = Pph4,212 (US$98) •3rd Month = Pph25,524 (US$638) (SA) •4th Month = Pph123,444 (US$2,871) (SR) •5th Month = Pph542,772 (US$12,623) (SD) *Figures do not include Profit Sharing and Leadership Bonus.
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