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Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder From New Jersey Reveals
Amazing Fat Burning System So Powerful, It’s Guaranteed To
Transform Your Body (Forever) In 49 Days Flat!
If you want to lose fat permanently without losing muscle, and you want to do it naturally – without drugs, pills, gimmicks or fad
diets – then this will be the most important message you will ever read.
Here’s why: By the end of the short message, you are going to know what has been called the most powerful fat loss system
ever developed. It’s the same diet program used by fitness models, bodybuilders and celebrities to reach single digit body fat
levels and achieve rock-hard muscle definition that makes them look like walking anatomy charts. In fact, …
What Makes This Fat Burning Breakthrough So Exciting Is
That It Gives You The Power To…
 Lose fat permanently. It’s a fact – 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and
sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. Now you can learn how to be among the successful 5% group
who keep the fat off forever.
 Lose fat without wrecking your metabolism. If you’ve ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded “plateau,”
it’s probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism. Not only will this system
teach you the only way to prevent your metabolism from crashing, you will also learn more than a dozen ways to fire up
your “metabolic engine” and accelerate your body’s natural rate of calorie-burning.
 Lose fat without drugs. Mention bodybuilders, and some people think of steroids or fat burning drugs. It’s sad but true
– most pro bodybuilders take them. But the joke’s on them. Drugs work, but the results are temporary and the side effects
are nasty. The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who use training and nutrition science to improve body
composition without chemicals are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently.
You will learn these fat burning secrets from a natural bodybuilding champion who knows from real-world experience
exactly how it’s done and has been teaching “regular people” how to do it for more than 17 years.
 Lose fat without starving yourself. Very low calorie or low carb diets can produce rapid weight loss in the beginning.
What the diet “gurus” never tell you is that most of that loss is water weight and lean body mass! Plus, the weight comes
flying back the minute you go off the diet. The truth is, starvation diets backfire. If you’re feeding your body right, you
should never feel deprived. Some guys say they eat more on this program than they’ve ever eaten before!
 Lose fat without supplements. 97% of all supplements are a total waste of money! You are being lied to and ripped off
by crooked companies that don’t give a rat’s ass about your health and well-being. To them, you’re just a blip on a sales
chart. If you want to learn the ugly truth about the $20 billion a year supplement industry, and the $58 billion a year
weight loss industry, then read every word on this page because this could save you thousands of your hard-earned
And get this: the fat-torching system you’re about to discover is so powerful, it works whether you need to lose 100 pounds
or that stubborn last 10. You can start your transformation immediately and change your body in just 7 weeks… even if you
struggled with fat your entire life.
But I have to warn you: what you’ll read on this web page below is the total opposite of what you’ve been hearing from the diet
industry. The simple truth is: They do not want you to achieve permanent weight loss, because when you succeed – they lose a
customer. And that’s why this…
Outlaw Bodybuilder Thumbs Nose At Weight Loss
“Experts” Who Earn Fortunes On The Sweat And Dreams Of Young
Men, And Finally Reveals The Simple Proven Science Of
Fat Loss No One Else Will Tell You About…
Here’s what this is all about: I’ve teamed up with Tom Venuto - who is the author of the best selling fat loss program “Burn The
Fat” as well as the national hard cover bestseller “The Body Fat Solution”… and who is also a 7-time Mr. Natural (steroid-free)
Bodybuilding Champion.
Tom Venuto, Bestselling Author, 7-time Mr. Natural, here at 4.7% body fat
You have to understand that although Tom is a bodybuilder, he does recommend strength training to lose fat and build muscle,
including every single exercise of StrongLifts 5×5 – the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Overhead Press and Barbell Row.
And, guess what? Tom is a lifetime, drug-free lifter like me. In fact, he rarely goes to the ”silicone, steroids and synthol”
bodybuilding shows and expos, where all the supplement salesmen prowl, because he never fit in with the greedy, immoral
attitudes perverting the marketplace today. That’s why he’s been called an “outlaw bodybuilder”.
Look, Tom Venuto never used steroids and he wasn’t born with amazing genetics either. Quite the opposite, Tom used to have
man boobs and belly fat in college. And his bestseller “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle“ will show you the secrets he used to
lose fat permanently, quickly and naturally… and becoming a 7x Mr Natural.
Here’s just a Small Sample of What You’ll Learn When You Download
Your Copy of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Today:
 Fat burning nutrition secrets to break through any fat loss plateau – even if you have bad genetics, a slow metabolism or
you’ve been stuck at the same weight for years!
 The top twelve worst foods you should almost NEVER eat
 The top twelve best foods you should eat all the time
 How to crank up your metabolism and turn your body into a food-incinerating, fat-melting human blast
furnace! Easy metabolism-boosting techniques revealed!
 The #1 reason why most people can’t drop the last 10 -20 lbs of ab flab and how you can lose it with ease…and (if you
want to), go even further and get hyper-ripped and rock-hard like a bodybuilder or fitness model
 Which body type you are and how to eat right for your body type (if you’re eating wrong for your body type
you can forget about losing any body fat no matter how hard you train or how strictly you diet)
 How to boost your energy levels higher than you ever thought possible – almost instantly! (you’ll notice the difference the
very first day)
 The #1 most effective way to burn body fat ever (If you could only make one change to your current diet
program, this would be it!)
 Dozens of the best-kept fat loss secrets of bodybuilders and fitness models that almost NOBODY knows about…compiled
by a 14-year, rare study of the most “ripped”athletes on earth
 The three critical factors that determine if you’ll lose muscle while dieting… and how the slightest nutritional
“tweak” can guarantee you keep every ounce of precious lean body mass while you’re dieting
 7 strategies to make sure your body never goes into “starvation mode” and the one thing you must do immediately if you
suspect it’s already happened to you
 What to do when you’ve tried everything and the stubborn fat still won’t come off (this is one of the
little-known tactics bodybuilders and fitness models use in the final weeks before competitions)
 Why you don’t need supplements (they’re optional), and why you’ll never get the truth about “fat burner” supplements
from any magazine (Even if they wanted to tell you, there’s a reason why they CAN’T!)
 Why you will almost ALWAYS fail to keep the fat off permanently if you use a conventional low carbohydrate
diet – If you’ve failed on low carb diets before (especially diets that put you in ketosis), this is the reason
 How a “unique new spin” on the old low carb diet can increase your rate of fat loss to the maximum without muscle loss
or metabolic downgrade
 Fat-slashing cardio routines and the truth about how much cardio you REALLY need to lose body fat and
when you should do it for maximum impact
 The psychology of permanent fat loss…Goal setting and motivation tactics that program your subconscious mind for
massive success…Follow this “secret mental training formula” and you’ll be practically “hypnotized” into eating properly
and working out consistently!
And more… so much more, you’ll be a certified expert on fat loss almost overnight (even though it’s the easiest book you’ve ever
In fact, Burn The Fat is the only fat loss system I know of that gives you the exact steps to lose fat quickly, naturally and
permanently… and that covers fat burning nutrition, fat burning cardio training and fat burning weight training, as well as the fat
burning psychology and motivation techniques.
Best part is, you can get get started today, immediately – literally just minutes from now, because everything you need is
delivered in INSTANT access download (e-book) format!…
This is Not A “Diet” – It’s A Lifestyle Change
There are NO gimmicks inside this Burn The Fat Program – there are no supplements or pills to buy and no hidden agendas –
just the FACTS you need to know to get a lean body now.
Listen, this fat burning program is based on the truth and that’s why it’s NOT for everybody. NOT for guys unwilling to exercise
and work hard. NOT for guys unwilling to be disciplined about what they eat. NOT for guys looking for a quick fix solution to fat
loss. Also NOT for guys wanting “overnight results”. And DEFINITELY NOT for guys looking for a “magic bullet” offered by the likes
of fat burning pills, diet shakes, or “fat-burning” creams and gels.
But if you’re sick of the B.S. and gimmicks in the weight loss industry, if you’re willing to work at it and make a lifestyle change
and you know you could be doing a whole lot better with your fat loss results, then Burn The Fat will be the most honest and
effective fat loss solution you’ve been searching for.
Why Am I Recommending The Burn The Fat Program?
Obviously for the money. I’m an affiliate for Tom, meaning I get a commission for each sale. I don’t apologize for that at all
because although the 5×5 report and the 450 articles on the blog are free, the world is NOT – I have bills and taxes to pay just
like everyone else. You know StrongLifts is my full time job since I quit my IT job at Corporate Belgium. Well if I don’t make
money through affiliate deals like this one, then this business goes bankrupt, I need to find a job again and then I’d no longer
have time to create more free content. I don’t want StrongLifts to end, you don’t want that… no one with any sense wants that.
But there’s a second, more important reason why I’m recommending Tom’s program. Chances are that your biggest frustration
at this moment is fat loss… because all surveys I’ve done have revealed, and continue to reveal, that most StrongLifters want to
lose fat while gaining muscle and strength…
Look, I started lifting weights because I was frustrated by man boobs and belly fat. Every day I get a stack of emails from guys
puzzled by how I did it. And although everybody’s case looks unique and they ask it differently, my answer to “how do I lose fat”
is always the same: gain strength, eat mostly whole foods, be consistent. But since most guys also want to know what to eat,
when and how much, I’ve decided to recommend Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat system because it’s quite simply the most
effective fat burning system on the Internet.
So those are the two reasons why I’m recommending Tom’s program: one, to help you achieve your fat loss goal. Two, so I can
keep doing StrongLifts full time and continue giving you more free content. If that doesn’t sound like a win/win deal for you and
me, then StrongLifts is probably not for you either.
So How Much Does This Burn The
Fat Program Cost, Mehdi?
The money will be a stopper for some guys even though the cost is less than what most guys waste on supplements in a month!
The price of the complete Burn The Fat system is only $39,95. Your tiny investment will take you so far it isn’t funny. If you used
that money for a few doses of whatever supplement is now making the rounds, your cash would be gone as soon as you’ll
digested the goop. Instead, by getting your copy of Tom’s Burn The Fat System, you are arming yourself with the know-how
and secrets of achieving fat loss for the rest of your days. You’ll be on a different level than everyone else you know… they’ll be
coming to you for advice (and turning their heads in the gym)!
Frankly, if you are unwilling to make this modest investment in yourself, your body and your future, I suppose that tells us both
a lot, doesn’t it? The unwillingness to invest in acquiring information and search for resources to support your efforts and
accelerate your progress – you’d better have very modest ambitions. Actions speak loudly, to your own subconscious, to those
around you, to the world at large. The individual who is intellectually lazy or, bluntly cheap about self-investment sends a
If you are unable - really unable – to make this investment, that’s the best argument to be made for doing so, even if you must
give up Starbucks, cable TV and, heck, put everything you own plus a few things borrowed from your neighbor up for sale on eBay.
Just stop wasting your money on those bogus supplements, cancel your expensive gym membership where they don’t let you
train how you want anyway, and build a power rack from scaffold so you can Squat at home and save hundreds of dollars each
Listen, I guarantee you that if you use the “I can’t afford it”-EXCUSE, you’ll make excuses for a lot of other things in your life. It’s
time to man up – you need Tom’s Burn The Fat system to lose fat… and you can’t let silly excuses stop you.
Guaranteed Results Or Your Money Back!
How can I do that?
Easy – you see, you can have your own download of Tom’s “Burn The Fat” all to yourself for 2 entire months (8 weeks)… and
if by that time you aren’t consistently and easily melting fat like butter in a microwave… then I insistyou simply email the
program back to Tom. And he’ll refund every cent of your purchase price! Just shoot an email to Tom saying “Thanks for
letting me try “Burn The Fat“, but I want a refund” and you will be credited with a prompt refund so you will have paid nothing,
lost nothing, incurred no cost. We’ll still be friends, and no hard feelings.
But I seriously doubt you’ll be sending Tom’s program back. Almost everyone I know who has come on board has seen exactly
the kind of body transformation I’ve just described to you… week after week, month after month.
So here’s what you need to do now: click on the button below to go to Tom’s site right now…
… then scroll down the page of Tom’s site, click on the link “Click Here To Download The Complete Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
System”, and once you placed your order on his secure server, you will be instantly directed to the download page, where you
can download your fat burning manual and get started just minutes from now. The program is in PDF format, which can be viewed
on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it right on your computer screen, or you can even print out your own hard-copy and
put in a 3 ring binder.
Mehdi Hadim
P.S. One important thing – please be sure to read all the testimonials on Tom Venuto’s site.
P.P.S. If you’re serious about losing fat permanently, you should claim your copy of Tom’s Burn The Fat system today. And
remember, with Tom’s 100% Risk-Free, Unconditional, Money-back Guarantee, we’re giving you 60 full days to discover what
countless others already have – this is the most strategic, honest and fastest “burn fat naturally and permanently”-program on
the planet.

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Burn the fat feed the muscle pdf ebook

  • 1. Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder From New Jersey Reveals Amazing Fat Burning System So Powerful, It’s Guaranteed To Transform Your Body (Forever) In 49 Days Flat! If you want to lose fat permanently without losing muscle, and you want to do it naturally – without drugs, pills, gimmicks or fad diets – then this will be the most important message you will ever read. Here’s why: By the end of the short message, you are going to know what has been called the most powerful fat loss system ever developed. It’s the same diet program used by fitness models, bodybuilders and celebrities to reach single digit body fat levels and achieve rock-hard muscle definition that makes them look like walking anatomy charts. In fact, … What Makes This Fat Burning Breakthrough So Exciting Is That It Gives You The Power To…  Lose fat permanently. It’s a fact – 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. Now you can learn how to be among the successful 5% group who keep the fat off forever.  Lose fat without wrecking your metabolism. If you’ve ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded “plateau,” it’s probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism. Not only will this system teach you the only way to prevent your metabolism from crashing, you will also learn more than a dozen ways to fire up your “metabolic engine” and accelerate your body’s natural rate of calorie-burning.  Lose fat without drugs. Mention bodybuilders, and some people think of steroids or fat burning drugs. It’s sad but true – most pro bodybuilders take them. But the joke’s on them. Drugs work, but the results are temporary and the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who use training and nutrition science to improve body composition without chemicals are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently. You will learn these fat burning secrets from a natural bodybuilding champion who knows from real-world experience exactly how it’s done and has been teaching “regular people” how to do it for more than 17 years.  Lose fat without starving yourself. Very low calorie or low carb diets can produce rapid weight loss in the beginning. What the diet “gurus” never tell you is that most of that loss is water weight and lean body mass! Plus, the weight comes flying back the minute you go off the diet. The truth is, starvation diets backfire. If you’re feeding your body right, you should never feel deprived. Some guys say they eat more on this program than they’ve ever eaten before!  Lose fat without supplements. 97% of all supplements are a total waste of money! You are being lied to and ripped off by crooked companies that don’t give a rat’s ass about your health and well-being. To them, you’re just a blip on a sales chart. If you want to learn the ugly truth about the $20 billion a year supplement industry, and the $58 billion a year weight loss industry, then read every word on this page because this could save you thousands of your hard-earned dollars!
  • 2. And get this: the fat-torching system you’re about to discover is so powerful, it works whether you need to lose 100 pounds or that stubborn last 10. You can start your transformation immediately and change your body in just 7 weeks… even if you struggled with fat your entire life. But I have to warn you: what you’ll read on this web page below is the total opposite of what you’ve been hearing from the diet industry. The simple truth is: They do not want you to achieve permanent weight loss, because when you succeed – they lose a customer. And that’s why this… Outlaw Bodybuilder Thumbs Nose At Weight Loss “Experts” Who Earn Fortunes On The Sweat And Dreams Of Young Men, And Finally Reveals The Simple Proven Science Of Fat Loss No One Else Will Tell You About… Here’s what this is all about: I’ve teamed up with Tom Venuto - who is the author of the best selling fat loss program “Burn The Fat” as well as the national hard cover bestseller “The Body Fat Solution”… and who is also a 7-time Mr. Natural (steroid-free) Bodybuilding Champion. Tom Venuto, Bestselling Author, 7-time Mr. Natural, here at 4.7% body fat You have to understand that although Tom is a bodybuilder, he does recommend strength training to lose fat and build muscle, including every single exercise of StrongLifts 5×5 – the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Overhead Press and Barbell Row. And, guess what? Tom is a lifetime, drug-free lifter like me. In fact, he rarely goes to the ”silicone, steroids and synthol” bodybuilding shows and expos, where all the supplement salesmen prowl, because he never fit in with the greedy, immoral attitudes perverting the marketplace today. That’s why he’s been called an “outlaw bodybuilder”. Look, Tom Venuto never used steroids and he wasn’t born with amazing genetics either. Quite the opposite, Tom used to have man boobs and belly fat in college. And his bestseller “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle“ will show you the secrets he used to lose fat permanently, quickly and naturally… and becoming a 7x Mr Natural.
  • 3. Here’s just a Small Sample of What You’ll Learn When You Download Your Copy of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Today:  Fat burning nutrition secrets to break through any fat loss plateau – even if you have bad genetics, a slow metabolism or you’ve been stuck at the same weight for years!  The top twelve worst foods you should almost NEVER eat  The top twelve best foods you should eat all the time  How to crank up your metabolism and turn your body into a food-incinerating, fat-melting human blast furnace! Easy metabolism-boosting techniques revealed!  The #1 reason why most people can’t drop the last 10 -20 lbs of ab flab and how you can lose it with ease…and (if you want to), go even further and get hyper-ripped and rock-hard like a bodybuilder or fitness model  Which body type you are and how to eat right for your body type (if you’re eating wrong for your body type you can forget about losing any body fat no matter how hard you train or how strictly you diet)  How to boost your energy levels higher than you ever thought possible – almost instantly! (you’ll notice the difference the very first day)  The #1 most effective way to burn body fat ever (If you could only make one change to your current diet program, this would be it!)  Dozens of the best-kept fat loss secrets of bodybuilders and fitness models that almost NOBODY knows about…compiled by a 14-year, rare study of the most “ripped”athletes on earth  The three critical factors that determine if you’ll lose muscle while dieting… and how the slightest nutritional “tweak” can guarantee you keep every ounce of precious lean body mass while you’re dieting  7 strategies to make sure your body never goes into “starvation mode” and the one thing you must do immediately if you suspect it’s already happened to you  What to do when you’ve tried everything and the stubborn fat still won’t come off (this is one of the little-known tactics bodybuilders and fitness models use in the final weeks before competitions)  Why you don’t need supplements (they’re optional), and why you’ll never get the truth about “fat burner” supplements from any magazine (Even if they wanted to tell you, there’s a reason why they CAN’T!)  Why you will almost ALWAYS fail to keep the fat off permanently if you use a conventional low carbohydrate diet – If you’ve failed on low carb diets before (especially diets that put you in ketosis), this is the reason why!  How a “unique new spin” on the old low carb diet can increase your rate of fat loss to the maximum without muscle loss or metabolic downgrade  Fat-slashing cardio routines and the truth about how much cardio you REALLY need to lose body fat and when you should do it for maximum impact
  • 4.  The psychology of permanent fat loss…Goal setting and motivation tactics that program your subconscious mind for massive success…Follow this “secret mental training formula” and you’ll be practically “hypnotized” into eating properly and working out consistently! And more… so much more, you’ll be a certified expert on fat loss almost overnight (even though it’s the easiest book you’ve ever read!). In fact, Burn The Fat is the only fat loss system I know of that gives you the exact steps to lose fat quickly, naturally and permanently… and that covers fat burning nutrition, fat burning cardio training and fat burning weight training, as well as the fat burning psychology and motivation techniques. Best part is, you can get get started today, immediately – literally just minutes from now, because everything you need is delivered in INSTANT access download (e-book) format!… This is Not A “Diet” – It’s A Lifestyle Change There are NO gimmicks inside this Burn The Fat Program – there are no supplements or pills to buy and no hidden agendas – just the FACTS you need to know to get a lean body now. Listen, this fat burning program is based on the truth and that’s why it’s NOT for everybody. NOT for guys unwilling to exercise and work hard. NOT for guys unwilling to be disciplined about what they eat. NOT for guys looking for a quick fix solution to fat loss. Also NOT for guys wanting “overnight results”. And DEFINITELY NOT for guys looking for a “magic bullet” offered by the likes of fat burning pills, diet shakes, or “fat-burning” creams and gels. But if you’re sick of the B.S. and gimmicks in the weight loss industry, if you’re willing to work at it and make a lifestyle change and you know you could be doing a whole lot better with your fat loss results, then Burn The Fat will be the most honest and effective fat loss solution you’ve been searching for.
  • 5. Why Am I Recommending The Burn The Fat Program? Obviously for the money. I’m an affiliate for Tom, meaning I get a commission for each sale. I don’t apologize for that at all because although the 5×5 report and the 450 articles on the blog are free, the world is NOT – I have bills and taxes to pay just like everyone else. You know StrongLifts is my full time job since I quit my IT job at Corporate Belgium. Well if I don’t make money through affiliate deals like this one, then this business goes bankrupt, I need to find a job again and then I’d no longer have time to create more free content. I don’t want StrongLifts to end, you don’t want that… no one with any sense wants that. But there’s a second, more important reason why I’m recommending Tom’s program. Chances are that your biggest frustration at this moment is fat loss… because all surveys I’ve done have revealed, and continue to reveal, that most StrongLifters want to lose fat while gaining muscle and strength… Look, I started lifting weights because I was frustrated by man boobs and belly fat. Every day I get a stack of emails from guys puzzled by how I did it. And although everybody’s case looks unique and they ask it differently, my answer to “how do I lose fat” is always the same: gain strength, eat mostly whole foods, be consistent. But since most guys also want to know what to eat, when and how much, I’ve decided to recommend Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat system because it’s quite simply the most effective fat burning system on the Internet. So those are the two reasons why I’m recommending Tom’s program: one, to help you achieve your fat loss goal. Two, so I can keep doing StrongLifts full time and continue giving you more free content. If that doesn’t sound like a win/win deal for you and me, then StrongLifts is probably not for you either. So How Much Does This Burn The Fat Program Cost, Mehdi? The money will be a stopper for some guys even though the cost is less than what most guys waste on supplements in a month! The price of the complete Burn The Fat system is only $39,95. Your tiny investment will take you so far it isn’t funny. If you used that money for a few doses of whatever supplement is now making the rounds, your cash would be gone as soon as you’ll digested the goop. Instead, by getting your copy of Tom’s Burn The Fat System, you are arming yourself with the know-how and secrets of achieving fat loss for the rest of your days. You’ll be on a different level than everyone else you know… they’ll be coming to you for advice (and turning their heads in the gym)!
  • 6. Frankly, if you are unwilling to make this modest investment in yourself, your body and your future, I suppose that tells us both a lot, doesn’t it? The unwillingness to invest in acquiring information and search for resources to support your efforts and accelerate your progress – you’d better have very modest ambitions. Actions speak loudly, to your own subconscious, to those around you, to the world at large. The individual who is intellectually lazy or, bluntly cheap about self-investment sends a message. If you are unable - really unable – to make this investment, that’s the best argument to be made for doing so, even if you must give up Starbucks, cable TV and, heck, put everything you own plus a few things borrowed from your neighbor up for sale on eBay. Just stop wasting your money on those bogus supplements, cancel your expensive gym membership where they don’t let you train how you want anyway, and build a power rack from scaffold so you can Squat at home and save hundreds of dollars each year. Listen, I guarantee you that if you use the “I can’t afford it”-EXCUSE, you’ll make excuses for a lot of other things in your life. It’s time to man up – you need Tom’s Burn The Fat system to lose fat… and you can’t let silly excuses stop you. Guaranteed Results Or Your Money Back! How can I do that? Easy – you see, you can have your own download of Tom’s “Burn The Fat” all to yourself for 2 entire months (8 weeks)… and if by that time you aren’t consistently and easily melting fat like butter in a microwave… then I insistyou simply email the program back to Tom. And he’ll refund every cent of your purchase price! Just shoot an email to Tom saying “Thanks for letting me try “Burn The Fat“, but I want a refund” and you will be credited with a prompt refund so you will have paid nothing, lost nothing, incurred no cost. We’ll still be friends, and no hard feelings. But I seriously doubt you’ll be sending Tom’s program back. Almost everyone I know who has come on board has seen exactly the kind of body transformation I’ve just described to you… week after week, month after month. So here’s what you need to do now: click on the button below to go to Tom’s site right now…
  • 7. … then scroll down the page of Tom’s site, click on the link “Click Here To Download The Complete Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle System”, and once you placed your order on his secure server, you will be instantly directed to the download page, where you can download your fat burning manual and get started just minutes from now. The program is in PDF format, which can be viewed on any computer (PC or MAC). You can read it right on your computer screen, or you can even print out your own hard-copy and put in a 3 ring binder. Sincerely, Mehdi Hadim P.S. One important thing – please be sure to read all the testimonials on Tom Venuto’s site. P.P.S. If you’re serious about losing fat permanently, you should claim your copy of Tom’s Burn The Fat system today. And remember, with Tom’s 100% Risk-Free, Unconditional, Money-back Guarantee, we’re giving you 60 full days to discover what countless others already have – this is the most strategic, honest and fastest “burn fat naturally and permanently”-program on the planet.