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   Volume XXVII, Number 1                                                                               January, 2011

Creating a High-Performance                  High-growth agencies have decided         from within the industry. The current
New Sales Growth Engine                      to focus and take control of their        line of thinking centers on the follow-
                                             future by jumping into the driver’s       ing question, “Why inherit problems
Many insurance agencies have                 seat. This type of take charge men-       from other agencies?”.
struggled in this turbulent economic en-     tality requires agencies to build out a
vironment for far too long. It is time for   successful sales culture that includes    Many agencies are finding success-
agencies to take control of their destiny    having a well oiled high-performance      ful, proven sales professionals from
and not allow external, non-controllable     sales engine.                             industries like information technology,
factors to decide annual profitability.                                                pharmaceuticals, commercial real
The soft market for property and casu-       Following is a list of eight proven       estate, mortgage brokerage, banking
alty insurance has become the norm           methods high-growth agencies use to       (lending officers) and prior business
and is expected to continue well into        drive sales:                              owners. The key is to find individuals
the future. Unfortunately, this is the                                                 who have historically been in client
current world in which we live.              1.	 Producer	Recruiting	Model             facing positions.
                                             2.	 Sophisticated	Service	Staff
Recent health care legislation has                                                     Given the large pool of available
created tremendous concerns regard-          3.	 Defined	Agency	Value	Proposition      talent and high unemployment rate,
ing future group health commission           4.	 Clearly	Defined	and	                  many agencies are finding that now
income. The big fear in all of this, of          Communicated	Producer	                is the time to make investments
course, is the unknown impact on the             Expectations	                         in quality individuals. Remember,
financials of insurance agencies. Will                                                 many high-quality individuals are
accounts with less than 50 lives go to       5.	 Pipeline	Management	System            unemployed because of the global
insurance exchanges and dry up from          6.	 Continued	Selling	Skills	Training     economic crisis. It is by no fault of
the incumbent’s income statement?                                                      their own that they are unemployed.
                                             7.	 Measuring	and	Displaying	Sales	       Now is the time to find these high-
Overall, agencies have let uncontrol-            Results	                              quality people and make them part of
lable factors like premium rates, politics   8.	 Compensation	Model	Driving	           your organization. This opportunity
and market fluctuations define their             Sales	Results/	Accountability	        may never present itself again in your
institution’s financial outcome. While           Metrics		                             lifetime.
there are still many unknowns, some
agencies have succumbed, while oth-                                                    A solid recruiting model uses a
                                             Producer Recruiting Model                 relevant job description of the traits
ers refuse to give up the fight. Those
of you who have the resolve to con-          To build your recruiting model, you       of a successful producer. Utilization
tinue to persevere, drive growth and         need top-notch sales people. How-         of personality testing tools are critical
improve shareholder value, we salute         ever, one of the obstacles is finding     to identify if the individual has the
you. This article is for you.                the right talent. So where do you find    proper characteristics for the position.
                                             high-quality sales talent? Read on
                                             for the answer.                           Other key steps for a thriving recruit-
                                                                                       ing model are identifying non-pro-
                                             Over 80% of high-growth agen-             ducers masquerading as producers.
                                             cies (top quartile from Marsh, Berry      Once identified, changes need to be
                                             & Company, Inc.’s benchmarking            made whether it is rehabilitation or
                                             statistics) currently use outside firms   termination. This requires hands-on
                                             to find producer talent. A new trend      accountability tracking. If hires are
                                             has developed where agencies are          made and successfully managed,
                                             not very interested in hiring producers   the overall cost can actually be lower
                                                                                       than that of an agency acquisition.

 The MarshBerry Letter                                      Page 1                                          January, 2011
Sophisticated Service Staff                                                   A strong service staff allows produc-           cally their top revenue customers. In
                                                                              ers to target larger accounts and sell          the past, agency value propositions
Having a sophisticated service staff                                          higher volumes of new business. In              were demonstrated by listing mun-
lays the groundwork for keeping                                               addition, the agency‘s close rate is            dane agency characteristics such as
sales and service running smoothly.                                           increased with a client-focused team            “local presence“ or “being in business
Over 60% of high-growth agencies                                              approach. Most importantly, this type           for 50 years”. Now producers are
have a sophisticated service staff                                            of selling creates a “testimonial client”       using agency value propositions as
in place (see Figure	1 below). With                                           for the agency, not just the producer.          a selling point as well as a point of
this, producers feel they are able to                                         The end result is improved reten-               differentiation. Furthermore, agency
spend less time coddling their exist-                                         tion ratios along with institutionalized        value propositions enable produc-
ing accounts and are thus free to                                             business.                                       ers to refine their prospecting focus
concentrate on new business sales.                                                                                            and help identify as well as prequalify
This confidence is a product of the                                           Defined Agency Value Proposition                prospects.
sophisticated service staff.
                                                                              A well defined agency value proposi-            Your agency value proposition should
Many high-growth operations run                                               tion plan is an element that has a              capture the essence of your organiza-
a four tier production model with                                             huge impact on winning new busi-                tion and entice prospective clients to
producers as the principal drivers.                                           ness, not to mention retaining current          want to do business with you. Think
An example of a four tier produc-                                             business. National brokers have long            about what makes your organization
tion system would be as follows: (1)                                          used defined agency value proposi-              different and how that trait can be
producer; (2) account executive; (3)                                          tions as a tool for producing key               used to leverage interest in your firm
customer service representatives; (4)                                         accounts. As noted in Figure	2	(page            with prospects.
assistant.                                                                    3), 70% of high-growth agencies
                                                                              provide a well defined agency value             Clearly Defined and Communicated
The key is to have all levels of the                                          proposition plan for producers to use.          Producer Expectations
four tiers working in perfect har-
mony, complementing each other’s                                              Notably, the agency value proposi-              Clearly defined producer roles and re-
strengths and mitigating each other’s                                         tion message is created from the                sponsibilities are absolutely necessary
weaknesses.                                                                   client’s perception of value, specifi-          for ensuring high agency commission
                                                                                                                              growth. As mentioned before, this
                                                                                                                              ties in directly with the four tier model.
                                       Figure 1 - Producer Tools and Resources                                                Building a descriptive level of duties
                                                                                                                              for different roles promotes holistic
                                                                                                                              work flow. With this, holding people
                                                                                                                              accountable becomes much more
                                                                                                                              apparent and manageable. The result
                                                       87.5%                                                                  is that all tiers will know exactly what
                                                                                                                              their daily activities should be - every-
                              70.0%                                                                                           one will have a set job and expectation
                                                                                                                              with each role.
    % of Agencies Providing

                                                                                                                60.4%         The next step is clearly communicat-
                              50.0%                                                                                           ing the position expectations to stop
                                                                                                                              any confusion or blame games. This
                              40.0%       45.5%                                                                               keeps everyone engaged and directs
                                                                                                                              attention to new business and client
                              30.0%                                                                                           retention.
                                                                                                                              Pipeline Management System
                              10.0%                                                                                           Pipeline management systems are
                                                                                                                              essential for driving new business
                               0.0%                                                                                           production. According to our statis-
                                        Differentiation Platform   Pipeline Management System   Sophisticated Service Staff
                                                                                                                              tics, 67% of high-growth agencies are
                                                             Average Agency         High-Growth Agency
                                                                                                                              using pipeline management systems

 The MarshBerry Letter                                                                             Page 2                                           January, 2011
(see Figure	1 on page 2). There             techniques and sales processes in          Measuring and Displaying Sales
are many different pipeline manage-         the marketplace.                           Results
ment tools available. The type of
                                            Most often, successful programs con-       Measuring sales results and displaying
pipeline system is not necessarily
                                            centrate on reminding producers of         them in a public forum will engender a
the important factor, but rather hav-
                                            the basic steps to prospect and close      healthy level of competition. It rein-
ing a system is what’s important.
                                            new business. Understanding and            forces the importance of new business
                                            executing successful sales methods         production to everyone in the agency.
A pipeline management system’s
goal is to engage the producer              develops a consistent new business
                                            model that should be modified to           Publically showing results helps
at each step of the sales process
                                            meet new objections or obstacles.          engage people to work as a team for
and allow for leadership to project
                                            Currently, over 60% of high-growth         a common goal. Additionally, this com-
expected new business genera-
                                            agencies use an external, formal well      municates to the staff the importance
tion. There is also an element of
                                            designed training program.                 of new business to the growth and
accountability for producers to
                                                                                       longevity of the agency. Ninety-four
make sure they take the next step,
                                            Successful producers need to be            percent of high-growth agencies use
increasing the probability of closing
                                            challenged constantly - it is in their     some method to display goals and
an account.
                                            blood to win. Remember though,             sales results. Some examples of meth-
                                            there has to be a sales culture or         ods are postings near the water cooler,
Finally, many lessons can be
                                            infrastructure for training to be worth-   on screen savers or on flat screens
learned for what “to do” and “not to
                                            while. Sending producers into a one        throughout the office.
do” when it comes to pipeline man-
agement. These instances should             day or even a week long program
                                            only holds their attention for a month     It is imperative to include new business
be tracked on critical paths and
                                            or two if they return back into a world    goals and sales results for cross-sell
identified for coachable moments.
                                            without an existing sales driven focus.    percentages, average account size
                                            This is clearly one of the biggest         based on minimums and anything else
Continued Selling Skills Training
                                            drawbacks for funding allocated to         essential you determine is important to
Sales training creates more con-            sales training - you must build the        be recognized in driving revenue. The
sistency within the team and is             sales infrastructure to get value from     goal is to create a sales culture from
what ultimately wins the race. No           sales training.                            the aspect of every person in the firm,
question, there are many new sales                                                     no matter what their role.

                                                                                       Compensation Model Driving Sales
                                                                                       Results/ Accountability Metrics
  Figure 2 - Currently have a Defined Agency Value Proposition
                                                                                       Compensation models are the main
                                                                                       driving force for producers. Production
                                                                                       goals of the agency should be outlined
                                                                                       and broken down for each producer.
                                                            70%                        Compensation should drive behav-
     60%                                                                               ior to reach individual goals within
                                                                                       the producer’s control. A producer’s
     50%                                                                               goal should be very specific and easy
                                                                                       to measure. A basic compensation
     40%                                                                               plan should have both an upside and
                                                                                       downside related to compensation,
     30%                                                                               based on production. Measurements
                                                                                       should include minimum new business,
     20%                                                                               average account size and cross-sell
                                                                                       High-growth agencies are using about
      0%                                                                               a 15 point differential between the
                                    % Answering “YES”                                  new and renewal commission percent-
                                                                                       ages. A lower renewal commission
                         Average Agency           High-Growth Agency
                                                                                       percentage relative to new commission

 The MarshBerry Letter                                          Page 3                                       January, 2011
percentage is accepted because of        On the flip side, Figure 4 shows that if   Insurance agencies must be run like
the investments made by the agency       a producer does not meet or exceed         any other business with the CEO mak-
in the sophisticated service staff and   their new business target of 15% of        ing decisions that build shareholder
sales training.                          their prior year’s book, their renewal     equity. Producers, account executives
                                         commission is decreased 5 percent-         or anyone else in the agency must
Many high-growth agencies have           age points for the coming year. If a       be held accountable with enforceable
added thresholds to their model          producer misses the minimum new            metrics. All of the pieces to build a
that provide an increased first dol-     business target consecutive years,         successful sales engine rely on the
lar commission based on reaching         their renewal commission percentage        enforcement of holding individuals ac-
higher than expected goals. Addi-        continues to decline.                      countable for their defined roles.
tionally, negative consequences are
used when minimum goals are not          Producers need to be held account-         As the sales culture is being estab-
met. Figures	3	and	4 (below) are         able for their actions to produce and      lished, do not forget to celebrate
examples of a high-growth compen-        retain business. There needs to be         successes. By this, take a victory lap.
sation model.                            enforcement upon every position            Celebrations will forge strong bonds
                                         based on clearly defined roles and re-     with every member of the agency. To
This compensation model includes         sponsibilities. Imagine if your car only   achieve victory, there must be dis-
both an incentive when producers         started half of the time. The first few    cipline, training and ruthlessly high
exceed their new business goal as        times you would invest to fix it and try   standards.
well as a consequence if they do not     to keep it running. If it kept breaking
meet their minimum new business          down, any reasonable person would          Justin	Berry	is	a	Vice	President	at	
target. Figure 3 shows that each         get a different car. This is simply        MarshBerry	and	can	be	contacted	at	
producer’s new business goal is          because the car was not serving its	or		
20% of their prior year’s book. When     purpose. The same should hold true         440-220-5431.
a producer exceeds their new busi-       for a producer. They are hired to pro-
ness goal by 20%, 30% or 40% they        duce and produce is what they should       Albert	Lloyd	is	an	Executive	Vice	
receive 45%, 50% or 55% respec-          do – settle for nothing less.              President	at	MarshBerry	and	can	be	
tively on all new business sold since                                               reached	at	or	
the beginning of the year.                                                          440-392-6562.

                                  Figure 3 - Producer Accountability
                     Compensation Model Based on Exceeding Specified Thresholds
                            New Business Goal = 20% Prior Year’s Book
                                                                              Exceed Target By:
                                         Current Split:           20%               30%                  40%
    New Business Percentage                  40%                  45%                50%                 55%

    Renewal Percentage                       25%                  25%                25%                 25%

                               Figure 4 - Producer Accountability
          Negative Compensation Consequences Based on Meeting Minimum New Business
                            Minimum Target = 15% Prior Year’s Book
                                                                                Miss Minimum:
                                         Current Split:          Year 1             Year 2              Year 3
    New Business Percentage                  40%                  40%                40%                 0%

    Following Year Renewal Percentage        25%                  20%                15%                 10%

                                                 The MarshBerry Letter © 2011
                                                 Marsh, Berry & Company, Inc.
                                                 (440) 354-3230 / (800) 426-2774
                                                 4420 Sherwin Road / Willoughby, OH 44094

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Sales Growth Engine

  • 1. THE MARSHBERRY LETTER Volume XXVII, Number 1 January, 2011 Creating a High-Performance High-growth agencies have decided from within the industry. The current New Sales Growth Engine to focus and take control of their line of thinking centers on the follow- future by jumping into the driver’s ing question, “Why inherit problems Many insurance agencies have seat. This type of take charge men- from other agencies?”. struggled in this turbulent economic en- tality requires agencies to build out a vironment for far too long. It is time for successful sales culture that includes Many agencies are finding success- agencies to take control of their destiny having a well oiled high-performance ful, proven sales professionals from and not allow external, non-controllable sales engine. industries like information technology, factors to decide annual profitability. pharmaceuticals, commercial real The soft market for property and casu- Following is a list of eight proven estate, mortgage brokerage, banking alty insurance has become the norm methods high-growth agencies use to (lending officers) and prior business and is expected to continue well into drive sales: owners. The key is to find individuals the future. Unfortunately, this is the who have historically been in client current world in which we live. 1. Producer Recruiting Model facing positions. 2. Sophisticated Service Staff Recent health care legislation has Given the large pool of available created tremendous concerns regard- 3. Defined Agency Value Proposition talent and high unemployment rate, ing future group health commission 4. Clearly Defined and many agencies are finding that now income. The big fear in all of this, of Communicated Producer is the time to make investments course, is the unknown impact on the Expectations in quality individuals. Remember, financials of insurance agencies. Will many high-quality individuals are accounts with less than 50 lives go to 5. Pipeline Management System unemployed because of the global insurance exchanges and dry up from 6. Continued Selling Skills Training economic crisis. It is by no fault of the incumbent’s income statement? their own that they are unemployed. 7. Measuring and Displaying Sales Now is the time to find these high- Overall, agencies have let uncontrol- Results quality people and make them part of lable factors like premium rates, politics 8. Compensation Model Driving your organization. This opportunity and market fluctuations define their Sales Results/ Accountability may never present itself again in your institution’s financial outcome. While Metrics lifetime. there are still many unknowns, some agencies have succumbed, while oth- A solid recruiting model uses a Producer Recruiting Model relevant job description of the traits ers refuse to give up the fight. Those of you who have the resolve to con- To build your recruiting model, you of a successful producer. Utilization tinue to persevere, drive growth and need top-notch sales people. How- of personality testing tools are critical improve shareholder value, we salute ever, one of the obstacles is finding to identify if the individual has the you. This article is for you. the right talent. So where do you find proper characteristics for the position. high-quality sales talent? Read on for the answer. Other key steps for a thriving recruit- ing model are identifying non-pro- Over 80% of high-growth agen- ducers masquerading as producers. cies (top quartile from Marsh, Berry Once identified, changes need to be & Company, Inc.’s benchmarking made whether it is rehabilitation or statistics) currently use outside firms termination. This requires hands-on to find producer talent. A new trend accountability tracking. If hires are has developed where agencies are made and successfully managed, not very interested in hiring producers the overall cost can actually be lower than that of an agency acquisition. The MarshBerry Letter Page 1 January, 2011
  • 2. Sophisticated Service Staff A strong service staff allows produc- cally their top revenue customers. In ers to target larger accounts and sell the past, agency value propositions Having a sophisticated service staff higher volumes of new business. In were demonstrated by listing mun- lays the groundwork for keeping addition, the agency‘s close rate is dane agency characteristics such as sales and service running smoothly. increased with a client-focused team “local presence“ or “being in business Over 60% of high-growth agencies approach. Most importantly, this type for 50 years”. Now producers are have a sophisticated service staff of selling creates a “testimonial client” using agency value propositions as in place (see Figure 1 below). With for the agency, not just the producer. a selling point as well as a point of this, producers feel they are able to The end result is improved reten- differentiation. Furthermore, agency spend less time coddling their exist- tion ratios along with institutionalized value propositions enable produc- ing accounts and are thus free to business. ers to refine their prospecting focus concentrate on new business sales. and help identify as well as prequalify This confidence is a product of the Defined Agency Value Proposition prospects. sophisticated service staff. A well defined agency value proposi- Your agency value proposition should Many high-growth operations run tion plan is an element that has a capture the essence of your organiza- a four tier production model with huge impact on winning new busi- tion and entice prospective clients to producers as the principal drivers. ness, not to mention retaining current want to do business with you. Think An example of a four tier produc- business. National brokers have long about what makes your organization tion system would be as follows: (1) used defined agency value proposi- different and how that trait can be producer; (2) account executive; (3) tions as a tool for producing key used to leverage interest in your firm customer service representatives; (4) accounts. As noted in Figure 2 (page with prospects. assistant. 3), 70% of high-growth agencies provide a well defined agency value Clearly Defined and Communicated The key is to have all levels of the proposition plan for producers to use. Producer Expectations four tiers working in perfect har- mony, complementing each other’s Notably, the agency value proposi- Clearly defined producer roles and re- strengths and mitigating each other’s tion message is created from the sponsibilities are absolutely necessary weaknesses. client’s perception of value, specifi- for ensuring high agency commission growth. As mentioned before, this ties in directly with the four tier model. Figure 1 - Producer Tools and Resources Building a descriptive level of duties 100.0% for different roles promotes holistic work flow. With this, holding people 90.0% accountable becomes much more apparent and manageable. The result 80.0% 87.5% is that all tiers will know exactly what their daily activities should be - every- 70.0% one will have a set job and expectation with each role. 67.0% 60.0% % of Agencies Providing 60.4% The next step is clearly communicat- 50.0% ing the position expectations to stop any confusion or blame games. This 46.3% 40.0% 45.5% keeps everyone engaged and directs attention to new business and client 36.2% 30.0% retention. 20.0% Pipeline Management System 10.0% Pipeline management systems are essential for driving new business 0.0% production. According to our statis- Differentiation Platform Pipeline Management System Sophisticated Service Staff tics, 67% of high-growth agencies are Average Agency High-Growth Agency using pipeline management systems The MarshBerry Letter Page 2 January, 2011
  • 3. (see Figure 1 on page 2). There techniques and sales processes in Measuring and Displaying Sales are many different pipeline manage- the marketplace. Results ment tools available. The type of Most often, successful programs con- Measuring sales results and displaying pipeline system is not necessarily centrate on reminding producers of them in a public forum will engender a the important factor, but rather hav- the basic steps to prospect and close healthy level of competition. It rein- ing a system is what’s important. new business. Understanding and forces the importance of new business executing successful sales methods production to everyone in the agency. A pipeline management system’s goal is to engage the producer develops a consistent new business model that should be modified to Publically showing results helps at each step of the sales process meet new objections or obstacles. engage people to work as a team for and allow for leadership to project Currently, over 60% of high-growth a common goal. Additionally, this com- expected new business genera- agencies use an external, formal well municates to the staff the importance tion. There is also an element of designed training program. of new business to the growth and accountability for producers to longevity of the agency. Ninety-four make sure they take the next step, Successful producers need to be percent of high-growth agencies use increasing the probability of closing challenged constantly - it is in their some method to display goals and an account. blood to win. Remember though, sales results. Some examples of meth- there has to be a sales culture or ods are postings near the water cooler, Finally, many lessons can be infrastructure for training to be worth- on screen savers or on flat screens learned for what “to do” and “not to while. Sending producers into a one throughout the office. do” when it comes to pipeline man- agement. These instances should day or even a week long program only holds their attention for a month It is imperative to include new business be tracked on critical paths and or two if they return back into a world goals and sales results for cross-sell identified for coachable moments. without an existing sales driven focus. percentages, average account size This is clearly one of the biggest based on minimums and anything else Continued Selling Skills Training drawbacks for funding allocated to essential you determine is important to Sales training creates more con- sales training - you must build the be recognized in driving revenue. The sistency within the team and is sales infrastructure to get value from goal is to create a sales culture from what ultimately wins the race. No sales training. the aspect of every person in the firm, question, there are many new sales no matter what their role. Compensation Model Driving Sales Results/ Accountability Metrics Figure 2 - Currently have a Defined Agency Value Proposition Compensation models are the main 80% driving force for producers. Production goals of the agency should be outlined 70% and broken down for each producer. 70% Compensation should drive behav- 60% ior to reach individual goals within the producer’s control. A producer’s 50% goal should be very specific and easy 54% to measure. A basic compensation 40% plan should have both an upside and downside related to compensation, 30% based on production. Measurements should include minimum new business, 20% average account size and cross-sell requirements. 10% High-growth agencies are using about 0% a 15 point differential between the % Answering “YES” new and renewal commission percent- ages. A lower renewal commission Average Agency High-Growth Agency percentage relative to new commission The MarshBerry Letter Page 3 January, 2011
  • 4. percentage is accepted because of On the flip side, Figure 4 shows that if Insurance agencies must be run like the investments made by the agency a producer does not meet or exceed any other business with the CEO mak- in the sophisticated service staff and their new business target of 15% of ing decisions that build shareholder sales training. their prior year’s book, their renewal equity. Producers, account executives commission is decreased 5 percent- or anyone else in the agency must Many high-growth agencies have age points for the coming year. If a be held accountable with enforceable added thresholds to their model producer misses the minimum new metrics. All of the pieces to build a that provide an increased first dol- business target consecutive years, successful sales engine rely on the lar commission based on reaching their renewal commission percentage enforcement of holding individuals ac- higher than expected goals. Addi- continues to decline. countable for their defined roles. tionally, negative consequences are used when minimum goals are not Producers need to be held account- As the sales culture is being estab- met. Figures 3 and 4 (below) are able for their actions to produce and lished, do not forget to celebrate examples of a high-growth compen- retain business. There needs to be successes. By this, take a victory lap. sation model. enforcement upon every position Celebrations will forge strong bonds based on clearly defined roles and re- with every member of the agency. To This compensation model includes sponsibilities. Imagine if your car only achieve victory, there must be dis- both an incentive when producers started half of the time. The first few cipline, training and ruthlessly high exceed their new business goal as times you would invest to fix it and try standards. well as a consequence if they do not to keep it running. If it kept breaking meet their minimum new business down, any reasonable person would Justin Berry is a Vice President at target. Figure 3 shows that each get a different car. This is simply MarshBerry and can be contacted at producer’s new business goal is because the car was not serving its or 20% of their prior year’s book. When purpose. The same should hold true 440-220-5431. a producer exceeds their new busi- for a producer. They are hired to pro- ness goal by 20%, 30% or 40% they duce and produce is what they should Albert Lloyd is an Executive Vice receive 45%, 50% or 55% respec- do – settle for nothing less. President at MarshBerry and can be tively on all new business sold since reached at or the beginning of the year. 440-392-6562. Figure 3 - Producer Accountability Compensation Model Based on Exceeding Specified Thresholds New Business Goal = 20% Prior Year’s Book Exceed Target By: Current Split: 20% 30% 40% New Business Percentage 40% 45% 50% 55% Renewal Percentage 25% 25% 25% 25% Figure 4 - Producer Accountability Negative Compensation Consequences Based on Meeting Minimum New Business Minimum Target = 15% Prior Year’s Book Miss Minimum: Current Split: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 New Business Percentage 40% 40% 40% 0% Following Year Renewal Percentage 25% 20% 15% 10% The MarshBerry Letter © 2011 Marsh, Berry & Company, Inc. (440) 354-3230 / (800) 426-2774 4420 Sherwin Road / Willoughby, OH 44094