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Leader in continuing Dental Education
• Introduction
• Various Prescriptions
• Conclusion
• References
“ All you can do is to push or pull or turn a
tooth. I have given you an appliance. Now
for God’s sake use it!” – Angle.
“There is only one disease – malocclusion. The
medicine is force, and there are a number of
ways to apply that force” - Weinstein
Handles of force delivery
Strive for simpler and yet efficient
Basis of most prescriptions - Andrews
keys of occlusion.
Various prescriptions
• Andrew’s straight wire appliance (SWA).
• Roth prescription.
• The level anchorage system
• Alexander’s The Vari Simplex discipline.
• Hilgers – linear dynamic system.
• MBT system.
• Viazis – The bioefficient therapy.
• Bowman and Aldo Carano: The Butterfly
Andrew’s SWA
5 studies:
1960 – examination of post treatment
dental casts to assess static occlusion.
No intent to develop new appliance.
1964 – 120 naturally and good to excellent
occlusion casts collection,
discovery of 6 characteristics,
thousands of measurements made of the
crowns of the 120 casts,
evaluation of occlusal characteristics of
the post treatment dental casts of 1150
Andrews 6 keys to normal
Key I:- Inter arch relationships.
7 parts:
1 2
Key II: Crown Angulation (tip)
The angle formed by the FACC and a line
perpendicular to the occlusal plane.
+ve - occlusal portion of FACC is mesial to the
gingival portion -ve when distal.
Key III: Crown Inclinations (labiolingual
or buccolingual)
Angle formed between a line perpendicular to the
occlusal plane and a line that is parallel and
tangent to the FACC at its mid point.
Positive if FACC is facial to its gingival portion
negative if lingual.
Key IV: Rotations
Absences of any rotations.
Key V: Tight contacts
Abutting contact points unless discrepancy
exists in mesiodistal crown diameter.
Key VI: Curve of spee
A, A deep curve of Spee
results in a more confined
area for the upper teeth,
creating spillage of the
upper teeth progressively
mesially and distally.
B, A flat plane of occlusion
is most receptive to normal
C, A reverse curve of Spee
results in excessive room
for the upper
Andrews plane’s:
The surface or plane on which the mid
transverse plane of every crown in an arch will
fall when the teeth are optimally positioned.
Clinical crown:
Means the amount visible in late mixed
dentitions and adult dentitions with gingivae
that is healthy and not recessed.
Anatomical crown height minus 1.8mm -
Facial axis of clinical crown:
For all teeth except molars, the most prominent
portion of the central lobe on which each
crown’s facial surface, for molars the buccal
grooves separates the 2 large facial cusps.
Facial axis point:
the point on the facial axis that separates the
gingival half of the clinical crown from the
occlusal surface.
Crown Angulations:
The angle formed by the FACC and a line
perpendicular to the occlusal plane.
+ve - occlusal portion of FACC is mesial to
the gingival portion -ve when distal.
Crown inclinations:
Angle formed between a line perpendicular to
the occlusal plane and a line that is parallel
and tangent to the FACC at its mid point.
Positive if the occlusal portion of crown,
tangent line, FACC is facial to its gingival
portion negative if lingual.
Research values from Andrew’s study
Measurements made in:
1. Bracket area of each tooth type,
2. Vertical crown contour,
3. Crown angulation,
4. Crown inclination,
5. Maxillary molar offset,
6. Horizontal crown contour,
7. Facial prominence of each crown and
8. Depth of the curve of spee.
Upper 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s
Tip 50
Torque 70
Lower 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s
Tip 20
Torque -10
Curve of spee ranged from flat to 2.5mm.
Edge-wise Appliance
3 categories:
• Non-programmed
• Partly-programmed
• Fully-programmed
Non-programmed appliance
A set of bracket designed the same for all
tooth types, relying totally on wire bending
(except possibly for angulations if the
bracket is angulated) to achieve the optimal
position for each individual tooth.
Partly programmed appliance
A set of brackets designed with some
built in features but that always requires
some wire bending (though less than in
required by non programmed appliance).
Fully programmed appliance
A set of brackets designed to guide teeth
to their goal position with unbent archwires.
The appliances consist of 2 series of bracket
a. Standard bracket that do not require
b. Translational brackets.
Design features of a standard
• Slot siting features,
• Convenience features, do not play role
• Auxillary features. in slot.
Slot siting features
Explained in 3 planes:
Mid transverse,
Mid sagittal plane and
Mid frontal plane.
Mid transverse plane
Mid transverse plane and facial extension of the
crowns - coincide.
3 siting features.
1. The mid transverse plane of the slot, stem,
and crown must be the same.
2. Inclination of the base of the bracket.
3. Bracket base curvature of the crown.
Eliminates several kinds of bends:
order bends to deal with occlusogingival
3rd order bends
for inclinations
and other bends
to deal with
inherent side
effects of wire
Mid Sagittal Plane
Mid sagittal plane of each slot must super impose on a
facial extension of the crowns mid sagittal plane.
4 features
1. The mid sagittal plane of the slot, stem and crown
must be the same.
2. The plane of the bracket must be identical to the
facial plane of the crown at the FA plane.
maxillary molars – 1000
and other crowns – 900
3. Contouring of the base of each bracket to the
mesiodistal contour.
Prevents any play between the base and the
4. In each fully programmed bracket,
The vertical and horizontal components are
designed parallel to one another.
The vertical landmark parallels to the crown’s FACC.
The horizontal components makes the base point of
the bracket to mate with the crown FA point.
Mid frontal plane
The mid frontal plane of each slot must super
impose on its crown’s prominence plane.
Within an arch, all slot points must have the same
distance between them and the crowns
embrasure line.
This eliminates 1st order wire bends to
accommodate for varying crown prominence.
Incisor Brackets
3 standard brackets:
Class II, I & III
Lateral Incisors
• 40
less than the Centrals
Class II, I & III
Lower Incisors
Class II, I & III
Posterior Teeth
Except for upper molars.
2 standard brackets: one for class I and for class II
Additional slot features incorporated into the
standard brackets done by Andrews in 1972.
Bodily tooth movements esp. in extraction spaces
All qualities of standard along with a power arm
and 2 additional slot siting features:
1. Counter rotations,
2. Counter mesiodistal tip.
Maxillary molars 3rd
feature counter buccolingual
Different translational bracket required depending
on the ranges 
Minimum translation bracket:
Tooth has to be translated < 2mm.
Medium translation bracket:
Tooth has to be translated
2 - 4mm.
Maximum translation bracket:
Tooth has to be translated >
Counter Buccolingual tip:
Slots siting feature for maxillary molars that
counter acts buccolingual tip during translation
and then over corrects.
Counter Mesiodistal tip:
The slot siting feature that counters acts mesial
or distal tipping during translation and then
over corrects.
Counter Rotation:
A slot sitting feature that counters acts rotation
during translation and then over corrects.
Power Arm:
A lever arm extending gingivally from the
bracket used for delivering forces forward the
crowns center of resistance.
Translation bracket:
A fully programmed bracket for teeth that
require translation. It is designed to promote
bodily movement during mesial or distil
movement and to over correct in proportion to
the distance moved.
Translations defined as uniform motion of a
body in a straight line.
Force on center of resistance i.e., center of
resistance is in the root.
From the stand point of physics, a bracket
located on a crowns place is a wrong place in
two ways.
Translation problems
1. Bracket is occlusal to the center of resistance
of the tooth and when a mesial or distal force
is applied, the tooth instead of translating will
tend to tip around its horizontal center of
2. The bracket is also located laterally to the
tooth center of resistance, so instead of
translating when a mesial or distal force is
applied, the tooth will tend to rotate at it’s
center of rotation.
Translation solutions
2 fundamental methods – involve different
amount of force, bone and efficiency.
Translation and
Tipping – angulating, compels a portion of
root to go through the bone twice.
Slot sitting feature
Counter rotation and counter mesio distal tip are
two slot sitting features common to all
translation brackets. In addition, maxillary
molar translation brackets have counter
buccolingual tip.
The farther the tooth needs to be translated
greater the rebound potential.
Used SWA and reported its experience in 1976.
Discussed his experience, the disadvantages of
non angulated brackets, torque in the base.
Original SWA used for treating only non
extraction cases with ANB of 50
Later reintroduced many series include
extraction series, ANB differentials and
anchorage requirements.
Roth’s Philosophy and Rationale
Need for inventory, for application in most
After trail and error ROTH set up was
To provide over corrected tooth position prior to
appliance removal which would allow the teeth
in most instances to settle.
Roth’s Philosophy and Rationale
1. Impossible to attain precision.
2. After appliance removal teeth shifted slightly
from their position attained – overcorrection.
3. Non-orthodontic models had curve of spee –
alter brackets placements for complete leveling
of spee.
Compensating and reverse curve of spee to
achieve desired tooth positions.
Anterior brackets placed more incisally.
Anchorage control in extraction cases.
• Double and triple tubes.
• Additional
Not expressed intraorally in extraction cases as:
1. There is an angle of deflection between the
bracket slot and the archwire.
2. Ultimately, the force values drop so low that
they are below the values needed to move the
teeth, even though full bracket expression has
not been obtained.
3. The teeth tend to relapse back to their
original positions.
4. We need to build in offsets for the undesirable
side effects of tooth-moving mechanics
Twin bracket on all the teeth with tip, torque and
rotation built into the brackets.
0.018” - pure Tweed or Bioprogressive
0.022” – more wire selection,
proper torque control in posteriors,
stabilizing arches as anchor units and
orthognathic surgery.
Bracket type
Extra torque in the maxillary incisors (5° more
than normal).
Less -ve torque in the upper canines to offset the
reciprocal effect of building more +ve torque
into the incisors.
Canines have 20
more distal tip and 20
rotation, because they are being retracted in
most treatment.
Maxillary Prescription
"Super Torque":
Set of maxillary anteriors for cases like Class
II, div 2, where an extreme amount of torque
may be needed.
Mesial rotation of the upper first molars, due
to the 0° rotation brackets on those teeth.
Minimizes the tooth-size discrepancy created by
taking out only two bicuspid.
Maxillary Prescription
The buccal segments are distally uprighted to 00
The bicuspids are rotated 20
mesially to offset the
rotation that accompanies distal traction.
The molars have 140
distal rotation (twice the
amount found on the non-orthodontic normals)
and 140
buccal root torque (50
more than
Maxillary Prescription
Mandibular Prescription
Incisor brackets are the same as the non-
orthodontic normals.
The canines have 70
mesial tip and 20
The entire buccal segment has a 30
distal tip from
normal and a 40
distal rotation – settle more
mesially than the uppers and simultaneously
rotate mesially, thus necessitating extra distal
Mandibular Prescription
The torque in the buccal segments remains
normal, as overcorrection in this plane leads
The two molars have exactly the same degree of
root torque since the appliance rests on the
mesiobuccal cusp (the torque measurement
for the non-orthodontic normals was taken
from the buccal groove).
Upper 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s
Tip 50
Torque 120
Lower 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s
Tip 20
Torque 70
Bracket height
  Upper Lower
Central 3.5 3.5
Lateral 3.5 3.5
Canine 4.0 4.0
premolar 3.5 3.5
premolar 3.5 3.5
molar 3.0 3.0
molar 2.5 3.0
Over corrects
overbite and
improves anterior
contact during
Levels marginal
ridges quite well
In open bite cases, anterior brackets may be
placed further gingivally.
In case of long clinical crowns, all brackets may
be placed farther gingivally with use of a
uniform increase for each that is consistent
with the bracket heights listed.
Accurate placement of bracket is very important
with any type of fixed appliances.
One of the unique advantages of Roth set up is
the inbuilt tip, torque, and rotation and in-out
Not only corrected but also over corrected and to
do so with few or no bends in archwire.
The level anchorage system (LAS)
This system was given by Terel L Root in 1981.
It’s a system designed for those goal
oriented orthodontists, who would like to
treat efficiently to a predetermined goal.
This system quantifies the anchorage
requirements of the orthodontist problem
and thus clarify the necessary treatment step
needed to reach the goal
Appliance proper
Banded or bonded edgewise appliance with built-
in tip, torque and offset and an analysis and
treatment planning chart with a step by step
treatment procedure.
Charles Tweed (1st
person) anchorage preparation
by placing tip back bends in the lower posterior
Appliance proper
Variation of tip – severity of the malocclusion.
When this anchorage preparation was used with
the standard edgewise appliance, the tip, torque
and offset bends are placed in each edgewise
Here bends were to be duplicated or increased in
succeeding arches as the case progressed.
Reed Holdaway described pre-angulation,
With variation in the angulations in the Tweed
course in Tuscon.
To reduce the wire bending requirement for
anchorage preparation.
Hence, LAS could be described as utilizing a
SWA preparation as described by Holdaway.
Bracket type
The level anchorage system utilizes twin
brackets for upper centrals and single
bracket (Lewis rotation brackets) for the
other teeth.
Level anchorage pre adjustments
All the maxillary anterior teeth have mesial
crown tip, centrals 40
laterals 70
canines 60
There is no tip in the maxillary premolars of 1st
molars, but the maxillary 2nd molars have 150
of distal crown tip.
All the mandibular anterior teeth have mesial
crown tip.
Centrals 20
laterals 20
canine 60
The mandibular 1st premolar has 40
of distal
crown tip.
2 choices of distal crown tip for the mandibular
buccal teeth Regular and Major. The choice
depends on the severity of malocclusion and is
determined by the use of the analysis chart.
Anchorage Values:
Lower bicuspids 40
1st molar 60
2d molars 100
Bracket height
Upper Lower
1. 4.5mm 4mm
2. 4mm 4mm
3. 5mm 4.5mm
4. 4mm 4.5mm
5. 4mm 5mm
6. 3.5mm 4mm
7. 3mm 3mm
Based on edgewise philosophy – developed and
introduced by Dr. RJ Wick Alexander.
“Vari” variety of brackets types used. (Twin,
Lewis and Lang).
“Simplex” KISS principle.
• Archwire fabrication is simplified, with 1st,
2nd and 3rd order effects in the brackets than
into archwire.
• Archwires are simple - pure archwire
changes, easier ligation and activation.
• Multiloop arches rarely employed.
“Discipline” rather than “appliance”
the orthodontist must be knowledgeable in
edgewise mechanics and must play an active
role in the application of the appliance to the
individual patient in order that the treatment
must be successful.
Retains 3 fundamentals of the Tweed
1. Anchorage preparation (uprighting
mandibular first molars)
2. Positioning of mandibular incisors over
basal bone
3. Orthopedic alteration with
Key Objective
Treat the case so that the patient ends up with
the face proportionately balanced, consistent
with his skeletal pattern.
Specified bracket system,
Pre torqued, pre angulated and specified
bracket base thickness to reflect in/out
5 factors related to brackets:
1. Selection,
2. Height,
3. Angulation,
4. Torque, and
5. In-out.
Bracket types used
Twin brackets:
Maxillary Centrals and Laterals
Advantage – permit full archwire engagement.
Additional tie wings for easy initial archwire
placement placed on lateral incisors.
Additional handles for placing power chains and
for ligating another teeth together.
Patient comfort.
Bracket types used
Lang brackets (Dr. Howard Lang):
Used on cuspids.
Single bracket – flat rotational control wings, with
circular hole – for ligation.
Bracket types used
When a Lewis or Steiner bracket
is completely tied into a
cuspid, there is a tendency to
flatten the curvature of the
A Lang bracket avoids this effect,
while retaining the rotation
wing capability.
Alexander changed the design of the long wing –
used a stiff metal for the wings, hole is smaller
and close to the base of the bracket.
Wedge shaped in profile.
When the bracket is seated properly on the
tooth, the distance between the tooth and the
gingival edge of the bracket tie wing is greater
than the distance from the tooth and the
occlusal edge of the bracket tie wing.
Ligation made simple and patient comfort is
Bracket types used
Lewis bracket:
Are selected for large,
round surfaced teeth that
are not in the curve of the
arch, the bicuspids.
Also chosen for small flat
surfaced teeth
mandibular incisors.
Bracket types used
Fixed-wing single bracket – sufficient
interbracket width.
Steiner wing not used instead of the fixed Lewis
1. The fixed wing exerts additional force,
especially on a rectangular wire.
2. The fixed wing saves adjustment time.
3. The Lewis brackets are less sharp.
4. Less concerned with breakage.
Additional benefit:
Tooth that is badly rotated, the wing in the
direction of the rotation can be removed. The
bracket can then be positioned properly, with
the remaining wing serving to rotate the tooth
into proper position.
Other attachment:
Twin brackets with a convertible sheath are used
on maxillary and mandibular 1st molars.
The convertible sheath is easily removed when
2nd molars are banded thus the attachments is
converted into a bracket.
Bracket types used
Bracket position
On flat surfaced teeth in the mesiodistal centers.
On bicuspids and cuspids at the crest of the
contour for the rotating wings to function
Bracket Height
Basis for all other bracket height – Bicuspids
bracket height as the clinical crown height of
that tooth is so variable. Normal height is
In an open bite case, deviation from the heights
of that tooth from the heights would be to
intruded the posteriors and extrude the
anterior teeth. Thus the bracket height would
be increased by 0.5 mm for anteriors and
decreased by 0.5mm for
Bracket in/out (1st order bends):
A system of interrelated, compensating bracket
base thickness to replace 1st order bends or
Maxillary 1st molar brackets have 150
offsets built
into the tube that will rotate the tooth
mesiobuccally and a similar 50
offsets in the
mandibular 1st molar brackets.
Bracket angulation (tip or 2nd order bends):
Place the roots parallel to each other and the
crowns in their most esthetic and functional
The brackets with angulations are measured to
the long axis of the crown.
The mandibular 1st molar have a -60
tip built into
promote leveling and to gain arch length as
2mm of arch length was gained by molar
The torque values from about 50 finishing
rectangular arch wire.
This system is designed such that the results are
achieved when a 0.017 x 0.025 inch archwire is
used to fill the 0.018 inch bracket slots.
Allowing enough play permit
The rule of thumb is that 0.001 inch of play
equals about 40
of torque which can be reduced
or added.
Bracket torque
3 measurements differ in 3 major aspects.
1. The -30
on cuspids compared to the -70
to 70
eliminates the need for adjustment of the
torque during treatment.
2. No torque in the mandibular 2nd molar tubes
as omega loops are placed. When this is bent
buccally, the appropriate torque’s
automatically placed.
3. -50
of lingual crown torque in the mandibular
An evolution from the edge wise technique
introduced by Robert M Ricketts.
Development of bioprogressive set ups:
3 combinations to choose:
1. The standard progressive set up
2. Full torque bioprogressive set up
3. Triple control bioprogressive.
The standard progressive set up
Torque was built into the upper incisors and all 4
Torquing of the lower buccal segment and step
bends in the arch are regulated into the
A series of preformed arches were designed
which when placed into inventory, could be
applied in the individual situation.
In effect, the preformed pre fabricated band,
bracket and archwire inventory are designed
into a complete organized
Full torque bioprogressive set up
Along with the incorporated torque to the upper
anterior teeth, torque was incorporated into the
lower buccal segments.
In other words, all torque requirements had been
eliminated in the wire except for the variations
This is the edgewise appliance in its purest form.
Triple control bioprogressive
Considerations for Design
1. Type and severity of malocclusion:
Class II cases medially rotated upper molar,
medially tipped lower molar, forward buccal
segments and tapered upper arch – rebound –
2. General approach to mechanics:
Contracted arches in extraction cases –
Expanded arches in non extraction cases –
3. Sizes of final arches:
For each .001 " tolerance between archwire
and slot, as much as 4° of torquing effectiveness
is lost.
Torquing - full-size continuous archwire.
4. Timing of torque control:
Torque control from the start as efficient to
bring the tooth directly to its over treated goal.
Early set-up of the posterior occlusion provides
the framework for proper buccal and anterior
tooth positions.
5. Need for overcorrection:
Each tooth has an overcorrected position
that best allows for final settling. Some of these
positions relate to mechanics, others to
6. Bracket placement:
The accuracy of bracket placement, the
compensations for occlusal interferences, and
the adaptability of the bracket bases all affect
final tooth positions, especially with direct
Area to observation – upper cuspid fit with the
lower cuspid-bicuspid embrasure.
Achieved by first setting up the posterior
occlusion by rotating the upper first molar.
But it is difficult to rotate the upper first molar
without first rotating and uprighting the lower
first molar.
Therefore, the key to a Class I buccal
segment is the proper positioning of the
lower first molars.
So allow the dentition to move directly toward
final positions by establishing a mandibular
occlusal table as early in treatment as possible.
The ability of certain teeth to drift into desired
locations and inability of other teeth to drift
into desired locations.
Understanding of the physiologic rebound allows
to make decisions about tooth locations when
detailing a case.
Criteria for each Tooth
• Ideal orthodontic tooth position.
• Anticipated rebound and required
• Appliance design features that contribute to
patient comfort, clinical simplicity, and
optimum utility.
Mandibular First Molars:
Torque Tip Rotation Thickness
Main slot – 27° – 5° 12° distal Thinnest
Auxiliary slot 0° – 5° 0°
Upper first molar - into a slight mesial tip with
the distobuccal cusp slightly past the plane of
occlusion as distal marginal ridge on the upper
first molar is shallower than the mesial
For distal rotation of the upper first molar – the
lower first molar must be rotated distally more
than one would expect.
The contact between the lower first and second
molars is unique. Because of the settling of the
upper first molar to the mesial, there should be
a slight opening in the contact point between
the lower first and second molars to allow the
distobuccual cusp of the upper first molar to
2 mechanical factors for mesial rotation:
1. the pull of Class II elastics and
2. the forces used to retract anterior teeth.
Counterbalance these factors by slight over-
Ideal distal rotation, distobuccal cusp of first
molar is rotated 1/3rd
of distance through mesial
marginal ridge of second molar.
Normally, the lower first molar will rotate slightly back
to the mesial and tip mesially, depending on upper
molar position and the muscle and inclined plane
A slight distal crown tip uprights the lower molars to
allow distal seating of the upper first molar and
counteract the forces of retraction mechanics and
The 12° distal rotation coordinates with a 15° maxillary
molar rotation to avoid conflicting inclined planes and
eliminate the need for bicuspid and molar offsets.
Maxillary First Molars
Torque Tip Rotation Thickness
Main slot -10° 0° 15° distal Thinnest
Auxiliary slot 0° 0° 0°
A line drawn through
distobuccal cusp points at the
distal of the opposite cuspid.
This rotation uses the shortest
distance across the
trapezoidal molar, with
shortest arch length in the
upper buccal segment, and
allows seating of the upper
15° distal offset:
First, the tooth morphology requires some offset
for a linear archwire.
Second, the archwire leads away from the tooth
mesiodistally, and the tube's built-in rotation
must be neutral to allow proper rotation.
Third, most Class II cases have mesially rotated
upper first molars that require compensation
with an overcorrected distal rotation.
Fourth, mechanics in Class II and III cases often
involve forces that rotate the upper molar
Fifth, a few degrees of offset is lost because of
archwire/slot differential.
The roots be inclined slightly to the
lingual, for occlusal forces.
There is a slight distal root tip as
the upper first molars settle into a
normal Class I occlusion.
The entire upper buccal segment
should have 10° of buccal root
torque to compensate for the
occlusogingival curvature of the
crowns of these teeth.
The Auxiliary Tube:
Is offset to the buccal to avoid tissue
impingement. This allows for selective torque
and rotation of the upper first molar with initial
utility arches, and it helps in placement of
auxiliary arches.
The auxiliary tube can be used as the main arch
slot in upper first bicuspid extraction cases
where mesial rotation of the molar is desired.
Second Molars
Torque Tip Rotation Thickness
Main slot -10° 0° 12° distal Thinnest
Mandibular -27° -5° 12° distal Thinnest
In Class II cases, erupts mesially – areas of
occlusal interference, often causing
disarticulation of the condyle.
Lower second molar:
Tipped distally during treatment because it
will settle mesially as the distobuccal cusp of
the upper first molar settles into the lower first
and second molar embrasure.
Upper second molar:
When tipped back slightly and
overcorrected in its Class I position, will settle
in much the same way as the upper first molar.
The same cast tube is used for both maxillary and
mandibular second molars. Difference in
torque, correspond with that of the first molars
to allow proper positioning.
Mandibular Second Bicuspids
Torque Tip Thickness
– 17° 0° Thin
Buccal root torque symmetrical with the lower
first and second molars, because their main
cortical bone support is through the external
oblique ridge.
Bracket base be thin to accentuate the buccal
offset of the lower first molar. In extraction
cases it is helpful to have a 5° mesial tip for root
Mandibular First Bicuspids
Torque Tip Thickness
– 11° 0° Thin
Transition tooth of the lower arch functions as
both an anterior and a posterior tooth.
The buccal cusp seats in the distal fossa of the
upper first bicuspid.
The upper cuspid occludes with the lower first
bicuspid, the lower cuspid, and often the distal
aspect of the lower lateral incisor.
Root support of the lower first bicuspid is mainly
from the lingual.
Buccal root torque in the bracket to passively
accommodate the greater buccal crown
Mandibular Cuspids
Torque Tip Thickness
7° 5° Thin
Cuspid's distobuccal incline articulates with the
mesiolingual incline of the upper cuspid to
create the primary guidance for disarticulation
of the balancing side occlusion.
Therefore, the labial surface would ideally be
angled slightly outward— implying a lingual
root torque.
Also advantageous mechanically as the lower
cuspid is moved mesially or distally – especially
in extraction cases, as a tendency to detorque
both arches.
In the vertical plane, the lower cuspid should be
bracketed slightly gingivally to keep it in
contact with the upper cuspid.
Mandibular Incisors
Torque Tip Thickness
– 1° 0° Thin
Plays a role in cuspid guidance. The incisal edge
has a short mesial incline and a long, sloping
distal incline.
Allowing for a slight distal root tip of the lower
lateral incisor –
Bracket Height
Incisal in deep bite cases to assist in bite
opening and intrusion.
Gingival bracket placement in the buccal
segments, this helps level a deep curve of Spee.
Maxillary Bicuspids
Torque Tip Thickness
– 7° 0° Thin
If the distal marginal ridge of the upper second
bicuspid is not seated against the
mesiobuccal cusp of the lower first molar, it
is difficult to establish an anterior Class I
As with the maxillary first molar, buccal root
torque assures that the roots can be slightly
to the lingual and supported by the dense
cortical bone of the palate particularly when
expansion is part of the treatment mechanics.
A mesial root tip of -5° in extraction cases
facilitates root paralleling.
Maxillary Cuspids
Torque Tip Thickness
7° 10° Thin
With a 134° intercanine angle, the upper cuspid
should be torqued slightly to the lingual.
The labial inclination is important in supporting
the corners of the mouth and the caninus
The relationship between the upper lateral
incisor and the upper cuspid is influenced by
Torque differential to maintain integrity of the
labial surface contours.
Maxillary Incisors
Torque Tip Thickness
Lateral 14° 8° Standard
Central 22° 5° Standard
Brachyfacial – more torque is needed.
Dolichofacial need the torque to prevent
dumping during space closure.
Standard thickness:
To keep the upper lateral incisor flush with the
central incisor during the overcorrection process
and then tuck in the lateral incisor during the
retention phase.
To maintain a good contact point with the upper
cuspid, the upper lateral incisor bracket should
be slightly thicker than the upper cuspid
In this bracket system, the slot dimensions are
0.018x0.030inch compared with the standard
0.018x0.025 inch edge wise slot. This was an
evolution from the original Steiner design.
Upper 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s
Tip 50
Torque 220
Lower 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s
Tip 00
Torque -10
Richard P McLaughlin and John Bennett in
Third generation of brackets.
Basis – mechanics and force levels should
determine the design of the bracket system
and not vice versa.
Range of Brackets
1. Standard size metal brackets – control
main requirement.
2. Midsize metal brackets – less control, cases
with poor oral hygiene average to small
3. Esthetic brackets – older patients.
Shape of Bracket
Rhomboid shape:
Reduces bulk,
allows reference lines in both horizontal
and vertical planes – assists accuracy.
Torque in Base
CAD factor:
Problem with earlier generation – torque in
base was not possible.
In-out specification
Upper 2nd
premolars – small crowns in 20% of
cases. 0.5mm thicker brackets for such tooth.
Earlier torque expression:
1. Area of torque was small.
2. While using 0.19/0.025 Steel wires there is
slop of 100

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Bracket prescriptions part 1

  • 1. INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing Dental Education
  • 2. Contents • Introduction • Various Prescriptions • Conclusion • References
  • 3. Introduction “ All you can do is to push or pull or turn a tooth. I have given you an appliance. Now for God’s sake use it!” – Angle. “There is only one disease – malocclusion. The medicine is force, and there are a number of ways to apply that force” - Weinstein Handles of force delivery
  • 4. Strive for simpler and yet efficient Basis of most prescriptions - Andrews keys of occlusion.
  • 5. Various prescriptions • Andrew’s straight wire appliance (SWA). • Roth prescription. • The level anchorage system • Alexander’s The Vari Simplex discipline. • Hilgers – linear dynamic system. • MBT system. • Viazis – The bioefficient therapy. • Bowman and Aldo Carano: The Butterfly system.
  • 7. Andrew’s SWA 5 studies: 1st 1960 – examination of post treatment dental casts to assess static occlusion. No intent to develop new appliance. 2nd 1964 – 120 naturally and good to excellent occlusion casts collection, 3rd discovery of 6 characteristics, 4th thousands of measurements made of the crowns of the 120 casts, 5th evaluation of occlusal characteristics of the post treatment dental casts of 1150
  • 8. Andrews 6 keys to normal occlusion Key I:- Inter arch relationships. 7 parts: 1 2 3 4
  • 10. Key II: Crown Angulation (tip) The angle formed by the FACC and a line perpendicular to the occlusal plane. +ve - occlusal portion of FACC is mesial to the gingival portion -ve when distal.
  • 11. Key III: Crown Inclinations (labiolingual or buccolingual) Angle formed between a line perpendicular to the occlusal plane and a line that is parallel and tangent to the FACC at its mid point. Positive if FACC is facial to its gingival portion negative if lingual.
  • 12. Key IV: Rotations Absences of any rotations.
  • 13. Key V: Tight contacts Abutting contact points unless discrepancy exists in mesiodistal crown diameter.
  • 14. Key VI: Curve of spee A, A deep curve of Spee results in a more confined area for the upper teeth, creating spillage of the upper teeth progressively mesially and distally. B, A flat plane of occlusion is most receptive to normal occlusion. C, A reverse curve of Spee results in excessive room for the upper
  • 15. Terminologies Andrews plane’s: The surface or plane on which the mid transverse plane of every crown in an arch will fall when the teeth are optimally positioned.
  • 16. Clinical crown: Means the amount visible in late mixed dentitions and adult dentitions with gingivae that is healthy and not recessed. Anatomical crown height minus 1.8mm - Orban.
  • 17. Facial axis of clinical crown: For all teeth except molars, the most prominent portion of the central lobe on which each crown’s facial surface, for molars the buccal grooves separates the 2 large facial cusps.
  • 18. Facial axis point: the point on the facial axis that separates the gingival half of the clinical crown from the occlusal surface.
  • 19. Crown Angulations: The angle formed by the FACC and a line perpendicular to the occlusal plane. +ve - occlusal portion of FACC is mesial to the gingival portion -ve when distal.
  • 20. Crown inclinations: Angle formed between a line perpendicular to the occlusal plane and a line that is parallel and tangent to the FACC at its mid point. Positive if the occlusal portion of crown, tangent line, FACC is facial to its gingival portion negative if lingual.
  • 21. Research values from Andrew’s study Measurements made in: 1. Bracket area of each tooth type, 2. Vertical crown contour, 3. Crown angulation, 4. Crown inclination, 5. Maxillary molar offset, 6. Horizontal crown contour, 7. Facial prominence of each crown and 8. Depth of the curve of spee.
  • 23. Upper 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s Tip 50 90 110 20 20 50 50 Torque 70 30 -70 -70 -70 -90 -90
  • 24. Lower 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s Tip 20 20 50 20 20 20 20 Torque -10 -10 -110 -170 -220 -300 -350
  • 26. Curve of spee ranged from flat to 2.5mm.
  • 27. Edge-wise Appliance Classification 3 categories: • Non-programmed • Partly-programmed • Fully-programmed
  • 28. Non-programmed appliance Definition A set of bracket designed the same for all tooth types, relying totally on wire bending (except possibly for angulations if the bracket is angulated) to achieve the optimal position for each individual tooth.
  • 29. Partly programmed appliance Definition A set of brackets designed with some built in features but that always requires some wire bending (though less than in required by non programmed appliance).
  • 30. Fully programmed appliance Definition A set of brackets designed to guide teeth to their goal position with unbent archwires.
  • 31. The appliances consist of 2 series of bracket system. a. Standard bracket that do not require translation. b. Translational brackets.
  • 32. Design features of a standard bracket • Slot siting features, • Convenience features, do not play role • Auxillary features. in slot.
  • 33. Slot siting features Explained in 3 planes: Mid transverse, Mid sagittal plane and Mid frontal plane.
  • 34. Mid transverse plane Mid transverse plane and facial extension of the crowns - coincide. 3 siting features. 1. The mid transverse plane of the slot, stem, and crown must be the same. 2. Inclination of the base of the bracket.
  • 35. 3. Bracket base curvature of the crown.
  • 36. Advantages Eliminates several kinds of bends: 2nd order bends to deal with occlusogingival disharmony, 3rd order bends for inclinations and other bends to deal with inherent side effects of wire bending.
  • 37. Mid Sagittal Plane Mid sagittal plane of each slot must super impose on a facial extension of the crowns mid sagittal plane. 4 features 1. The mid sagittal plane of the slot, stem and crown must be the same. 2. The plane of the bracket must be identical to the facial plane of the crown at the FA plane. maxillary molars – 1000 and other crowns – 900 .
  • 38. 3. Contouring of the base of each bracket to the mesiodistal contour. Prevents any play between the base and the crown.
  • 39. 4. In each fully programmed bracket, The vertical and horizontal components are designed parallel to one another. The vertical landmark parallels to the crown’s FACC. The horizontal components makes the base point of the bracket to mate with the crown FA point.
  • 40. Mid frontal plane The mid frontal plane of each slot must super impose on its crown’s prominence plane. Within an arch, all slot points must have the same distance between them and the crowns embrasure line. This eliminates 1st order wire bends to accommodate for varying crown prominence.
  • 43. 3 standard brackets: Class II, I & III
  • 44. Lateral Incisors • 40 less than the Centrals Class II, I & III
  • 45. Lower Incisors Class II, I & III
  • 46. Posterior Teeth Except for upper molars. 2 standard brackets: one for class I and for class II
  • 48. Additional slot features incorporated into the standard brackets done by Andrews in 1972. Bodily tooth movements esp. in extraction spaces All qualities of standard along with a power arm and 2 additional slot siting features: 1. Counter rotations, 2. Counter mesiodistal tip. Maxillary molars 3rd feature counter buccolingual tip.
  • 49. Categories Different translational bracket required depending on the ranges  Minimum translation bracket: Tooth has to be translated < 2mm.   Medium translation bracket: Tooth has to be translated 2 - 4mm.   Maximum translation bracket: Tooth has to be translated >
  • 50. Terminologies Counter Buccolingual tip: Slots siting feature for maxillary molars that counter acts buccolingual tip during translation and then over corrects.   Counter Mesiodistal tip: The slot siting feature that counters acts mesial or distal tipping during translation and then over corrects.
  • 51. Counter Rotation: A slot sitting feature that counters acts rotation during translation and then over corrects.   Power Arm: A lever arm extending gingivally from the bracket used for delivering forces forward the crowns center of resistance.
  • 52. Translation bracket: A fully programmed bracket for teeth that require translation. It is designed to promote bodily movement during mesial or distil movement and to over correct in proportion to the distance moved.
  • 53. Translations defined as uniform motion of a body in a straight line. Force on center of resistance i.e., center of resistance is in the root. From the stand point of physics, a bracket located on a crowns place is a wrong place in two ways. Translation problems
  • 54. 1. Bracket is occlusal to the center of resistance of the tooth and when a mesial or distal force is applied, the tooth instead of translating will tend to tip around its horizontal center of rotation. 2. The bracket is also located laterally to the tooth center of resistance, so instead of translating when a mesial or distal force is applied, the tooth will tend to rotate at it’s center of rotation.
  • 55. Translation solutions 2 fundamental methods – involve different amount of force, bone and efficiency. Translation and Tipping – angulating, compels a portion of root to go through the bone twice.
  • 56. Slot sitting feature Counter rotation and counter mesio distal tip are two slot sitting features common to all translation brackets. In addition, maxillary molar translation brackets have counter buccolingual tip. Criteria: The farther the tooth needs to be translated greater the rebound potential.
  • 58. Used SWA and reported its experience in 1976. Discussed his experience, the disadvantages of non angulated brackets, torque in the base. Original SWA used for treating only non extraction cases with ANB of 50 Later reintroduced many series include extraction series, ANB differentials and anchorage requirements.
  • 59. Roth’s Philosophy and Rationale Need for inventory, for application in most cases. After trail and error ROTH set up was developed. To provide over corrected tooth position prior to appliance removal which would allow the teeth in most instances to settle.
  • 60. Roth’s Philosophy and Rationale Reasons: 1. Impossible to attain precision. 2. After appliance removal teeth shifted slightly from their position attained – overcorrection. 3. Non-orthodontic models had curve of spee – alter brackets placements for complete leveling of spee.
  • 61. Compensating and reverse curve of spee to achieve desired tooth positions. Anterior brackets placed more incisally. Anchorage control in extraction cases. Auxillaries: • Double and triple tubes. • Additional
  • 62. Overcorrection Not expressed intraorally in extraction cases as: 1. There is an angle of deflection between the bracket slot and the archwire. 2. Ultimately, the force values drop so low that they are below the values needed to move the teeth, even though full bracket expression has not been obtained.
  • 63. Overcorrection 3. The teeth tend to relapse back to their original positions. 4. We need to build in offsets for the undesirable side effects of tooth-moving mechanics
  • 64. Twin bracket on all the teeth with tip, torque and rotation built into the brackets. 0.018” - pure Tweed or Bioprogressive technique 0.022” – more wire selection, proper torque control in posteriors, stabilizing arches as anchor units and orthognathic surgery. Bracket type
  • 65. Extra torque in the maxillary incisors (5° more than normal). Less -ve torque in the upper canines to offset the reciprocal effect of building more +ve torque into the incisors. Canines have 20 more distal tip and 20 mesial rotation, because they are being retracted in most treatment. Maxillary Prescription
  • 66. "Super Torque": Set of maxillary anteriors for cases like Class II, div 2, where an extreme amount of torque may be needed. Mesial rotation of the upper first molars, due to the 0° rotation brackets on those teeth. Minimizes the tooth-size discrepancy created by taking out only two bicuspid. Maxillary Prescription
  • 67. The buccal segments are distally uprighted to 00 . The bicuspids are rotated 20 mesially to offset the rotation that accompanies distal traction. The molars have 140 distal rotation (twice the amount found on the non-orthodontic normals) and 140 buccal root torque (50 more than normal). Maxillary Prescription
  • 68. Mandibular Prescription Incisor brackets are the same as the non- orthodontic normals. The canines have 70 mesial tip and 20 distal rotation. The entire buccal segment has a 30 distal tip from normal and a 40 distal rotation – settle more mesially than the uppers and simultaneously rotate mesially, thus necessitating extra distal rotation.
  • 69. Mandibular Prescription The torque in the buccal segments remains normal, as overcorrection in this plane leads interferences. The two molars have exactly the same degree of root torque since the appliance rests on the mesiobuccal cusp (the torque measurement for the non-orthodontic normals was taken from the buccal groove).
  • 70. Upper 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s Tip 50 90 130 00 00 00 00 Torque 120 80 -20 -70 -70 -140 -140 Lower 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s Tip 20 20 70 -10 -10 -10 -10 Torque 70 30 -70 -70 -70 -90 -90
  • 71. Bracket height   Upper Lower Central 3.5 3.5 Lateral 3.5 3.5 Canine 4.0 4.0 1st premolar 3.5 3.5 2nd premolar 3.5 3.5 1st molar 3.0 3.0 2nd molar 2.5 3.0 Over corrects overbite and improves anterior contact during function Levels marginal ridges quite well
  • 72. In open bite cases, anterior brackets may be placed further gingivally. In case of long clinical crowns, all brackets may be placed farther gingivally with use of a uniform increase for each that is consistent with the bracket heights listed.
  • 73. Accurate placement of bracket is very important with any type of fixed appliances. One of the unique advantages of Roth set up is the inbuilt tip, torque, and rotation and in-out movements. Not only corrected but also over corrected and to do so with few or no bends in archwire.
  • 75. The level anchorage system (LAS) This system was given by Terel L Root in 1981. It’s a system designed for those goal oriented orthodontists, who would like to treat efficiently to a predetermined goal. This system quantifies the anchorage requirements of the orthodontist problem and thus clarify the necessary treatment step needed to reach the goal
  • 76. Appliance proper Banded or bonded edgewise appliance with built- in tip, torque and offset and an analysis and treatment planning chart with a step by step treatment procedure. Charles Tweed (1st person) anchorage preparation by placing tip back bends in the lower posterior teeth.
  • 77. Appliance proper Variation of tip – severity of the malocclusion. When this anchorage preparation was used with the standard edgewise appliance, the tip, torque and offset bends are placed in each edgewise arch. Here bends were to be duplicated or increased in succeeding arches as the case progressed.
  • 78. Reed Holdaway described pre-angulation, With variation in the angulations in the Tweed course in Tuscon. To reduce the wire bending requirement for anchorage preparation. Hence, LAS could be described as utilizing a SWA preparation as described by Holdaway.
  • 79. Bracket type The level anchorage system utilizes twin brackets for upper centrals and single bracket (Lewis rotation brackets) for the other teeth.
  • 80. Level anchorage pre adjustments Tip: All the maxillary anterior teeth have mesial crown tip, centrals 40 laterals 70 canines 60 . There is no tip in the maxillary premolars of 1st molars, but the maxillary 2nd molars have 150 of distal crown tip. All the mandibular anterior teeth have mesial crown tip. Centrals 20 laterals 20 canine 60 . The mandibular 1st premolar has 40 of distal crown tip.
  • 81. 2 choices of distal crown tip for the mandibular buccal teeth Regular and Major. The choice depends on the severity of malocclusion and is determined by the use of the analysis chart. Anchorage Values: REGULAR MAJOR Lower bicuspids 40 60 1st molar 60 100 2d molars 100 150
  • 82. Bracket height Upper Lower 1. 4.5mm 4mm 2. 4mm 4mm 3. 5mm 4.5mm 4. 4mm 4.5mm 5. 4mm 5mm 6. 3.5mm 4mm 7. 3mm 3mm
  • 84. Based on edgewise philosophy – developed and introduced by Dr. RJ Wick Alexander. “Vari” variety of brackets types used. (Twin, Lewis and Lang). “Simplex” KISS principle. • Archwire fabrication is simplified, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd order effects in the brackets than into archwire. • Archwires are simple - pure archwire changes, easier ligation and activation. • Multiloop arches rarely employed.
  • 85. “Discipline” rather than “appliance” the orthodontist must be knowledgeable in edgewise mechanics and must play an active role in the application of the appliance to the individual patient in order that the treatment must be successful.
  • 86. Philosophy Retains 3 fundamentals of the Tweed technique: 1. Anchorage preparation (uprighting mandibular first molars) 2. Positioning of mandibular incisors over basal bone 3. Orthopedic alteration with
  • 87. Key Objective Treat the case so that the patient ends up with the face proportionately balanced, consistent with his skeletal pattern.
  • 88. Concepts Specified bracket system, Pre torqued, pre angulated and specified bracket base thickness to reflect in/out considerations. 5 factors related to brackets: 1. Selection, 2. Height, 3. Angulation, 4. Torque, and 5. In-out.
  • 89. Bracket types used Twin brackets: Maxillary Centrals and Laterals Advantage – permit full archwire engagement.
  • 90. Additional tie wings for easy initial archwire placement placed on lateral incisors. Additional handles for placing power chains and for ligating another teeth together. Patient comfort. Bracket types used
  • 91. Lang brackets (Dr. Howard Lang): Used on cuspids. Single bracket – flat rotational control wings, with circular hole – for ligation. Bracket types used
  • 92. When a Lewis or Steiner bracket is completely tied into a cuspid, there is a tendency to flatten the curvature of the archwire. A Lang bracket avoids this effect, while retaining the rotation wing capability.
  • 93. Alexander changed the design of the long wing – used a stiff metal for the wings, hole is smaller and close to the base of the bracket. Wedge shaped in profile. When the bracket is seated properly on the tooth, the distance between the tooth and the gingival edge of the bracket tie wing is greater than the distance from the tooth and the occlusal edge of the bracket tie wing. Ligation made simple and patient comfort is improved. Bracket types used
  • 94. Lewis bracket: Are selected for large, round surfaced teeth that are not in the curve of the arch, the bicuspids. Also chosen for small flat surfaced teeth mandibular incisors. Bracket types used
  • 95. Fixed-wing single bracket – sufficient interbracket width. Steiner wing not used instead of the fixed Lewis wing 1. The fixed wing exerts additional force, especially on a rectangular wire. 2. The fixed wing saves adjustment time. 3. The Lewis brackets are less sharp. 4. Less concerned with breakage.
  • 96. Additional benefit: Tooth that is badly rotated, the wing in the direction of the rotation can be removed. The bracket can then be positioned properly, with the remaining wing serving to rotate the tooth into proper position.
  • 97. Other attachment: Twin brackets with a convertible sheath are used on maxillary and mandibular 1st molars. The convertible sheath is easily removed when 2nd molars are banded thus the attachments is converted into a bracket. Bracket types used
  • 98. Bracket position On flat surfaced teeth in the mesiodistal centers. On bicuspids and cuspids at the crest of the contour for the rotating wings to function optimally.
  • 99. Bracket Height Basis for all other bracket height – Bicuspids bracket height as the clinical crown height of that tooth is so variable. Normal height is 4.5mm. In an open bite case, deviation from the heights of that tooth from the heights would be to intruded the posteriors and extrude the anterior teeth. Thus the bracket height would be increased by 0.5 mm for anteriors and decreased by 0.5mm for
  • 100. Prescriptions Bracket in/out (1st order bends): A system of interrelated, compensating bracket base thickness to replace 1st order bends or offsets. Maxillary 1st molar brackets have 150 offsets built into the tube that will rotate the tooth mesiobuccally and a similar 50 offsets in the mandibular 1st molar brackets.
  • 101. Prescriptions Bracket angulation (tip or 2nd order bends): Place the roots parallel to each other and the crowns in their most esthetic and functional position. The brackets with angulations are measured to the long axis of the crown. The mandibular 1st molar have a -60 tip built into promote leveling and to gain arch length as 2mm of arch length was gained by molar uprighting.
  • 102. The torque values from about 50 finishing rectangular arch wire. This system is designed such that the results are achieved when a 0.017 x 0.025 inch archwire is used to fill the 0.018 inch bracket slots. Allowing enough play permit The rule of thumb is that 0.001 inch of play equals about 40 of torque which can be reduced or added. Bracket torque
  • 103. 3 measurements differ in 3 major aspects. 1. The -30 on cuspids compared to the -70 to 70 eliminates the need for adjustment of the torque during treatment. 2. No torque in the mandibular 2nd molar tubes as omega loops are placed. When this is bent buccally, the appropriate torque’s automatically placed. 3. -50 of lingual crown torque in the mandibular incisors.
  • 105. An evolution from the edge wise technique introduced by Robert M Ricketts. Development of bioprogressive set ups: 3 combinations to choose: 1. The standard progressive set up 2. Full torque bioprogressive set up 3. Triple control bioprogressive.
  • 106. The standard progressive set up Torque was built into the upper incisors and all 4 canines. Torquing of the lower buccal segment and step bends in the arch are regulated into the archwires. A series of preformed arches were designed which when placed into inventory, could be applied in the individual situation. In effect, the preformed pre fabricated band, bracket and archwire inventory are designed into a complete organized
  • 107. Full torque bioprogressive set up Along with the incorporated torque to the upper anterior teeth, torque was incorporated into the lower buccal segments. In other words, all torque requirements had been eliminated in the wire except for the variations needed. This is the edgewise appliance in its purest form. Triple control bioprogressive
  • 108. Considerations for Design 1. Type and severity of malocclusion: Class II cases medially rotated upper molar, medially tipped lower molar, forward buccal segments and tapered upper arch – rebound – Overcorrection. 2. General approach to mechanics: Contracted arches in extraction cases – detorque. Expanded arches in non extraction cases – torque.
  • 109. 3. Sizes of final arches: For each .001 " tolerance between archwire and slot, as much as 4° of torquing effectiveness is lost. Torquing - full-size continuous archwire. 4. Timing of torque control: Torque control from the start as efficient to bring the tooth directly to its over treated goal. Early set-up of the posterior occlusion provides the framework for proper buccal and anterior tooth positions.
  • 110. 5. Need for overcorrection: Each tooth has an overcorrected position that best allows for final settling. Some of these positions relate to mechanics, others to rebound. 6. Bracket placement: The accuracy of bracket placement, the compensations for occlusal interferences, and the adaptability of the bracket bases all affect final tooth positions, especially with direct bonding.
  • 111. Area to observation – upper cuspid fit with the lower cuspid-bicuspid embrasure. Achieved by first setting up the posterior occlusion by rotating the upper first molar. But it is difficult to rotate the upper first molar without first rotating and uprighting the lower first molar. Therefore, the key to a Class I buccal segment is the proper positioning of the lower first molars.
  • 112. So allow the dentition to move directly toward final positions by establishing a mandibular occlusal table as early in treatment as possible. The ability of certain teeth to drift into desired locations and inability of other teeth to drift into desired locations. Understanding of the physiologic rebound allows to make decisions about tooth locations when detailing a case.
  • 113. Criteria for each Tooth • Ideal orthodontic tooth position. • Anticipated rebound and required overcorrection. • Appliance design features that contribute to patient comfort, clinical simplicity, and optimum utility.
  • 114. Prescription Mandibular First Molars: Torque Tip Rotation Thickness Main slot – 27° – 5° 12° distal Thinnest Auxiliary slot 0° – 5° 0° Upper first molar - into a slight mesial tip with the distobuccal cusp slightly past the plane of occlusion as distal marginal ridge on the upper first molar is shallower than the mesial marginal
  • 115. For distal rotation of the upper first molar – the lower first molar must be rotated distally more than one would expect. The contact between the lower first and second molars is unique. Because of the settling of the upper first molar to the mesial, there should be a slight opening in the contact point between the lower first and second molars to allow the distobuccual cusp of the upper first molar to seat. Prescription
  • 116. 2 mechanical factors for mesial rotation: 1. the pull of Class II elastics and 2. the forces used to retract anterior teeth. Counterbalance these factors by slight over- rotation. Ideal distal rotation, distobuccal cusp of first molar is rotated 1/3rd of distance through mesial marginal ridge of second molar. Prescription
  • 117. Normally, the lower first molar will rotate slightly back to the mesial and tip mesially, depending on upper molar position and the muscle and inclined plane function. A slight distal crown tip uprights the lower molars to allow distal seating of the upper first molar and counteract the forces of retraction mechanics and elastics. The 12° distal rotation coordinates with a 15° maxillary molar rotation to avoid conflicting inclined planes and eliminate the need for bicuspid and molar offsets. Prescription
  • 118. Maxillary First Molars Torque Tip Rotation Thickness Main slot -10° 0° 15° distal Thinnest Auxiliary slot 0° 0° 0° Prescription
  • 119. A line drawn through distobuccal cusp points at the distal of the opposite cuspid. This rotation uses the shortest distance across the trapezoidal molar, with shortest arch length in the upper buccal segment, and allows seating of the upper cuspids. Prescription
  • 120. 15° distal offset: First, the tooth morphology requires some offset for a linear archwire. Second, the archwire leads away from the tooth mesiodistally, and the tube's built-in rotation must be neutral to allow proper rotation.
  • 121. Third, most Class II cases have mesially rotated upper first molars that require compensation with an overcorrected distal rotation. Fourth, mechanics in Class II and III cases often involve forces that rotate the upper molar mesiolingually. Fifth, a few degrees of offset is lost because of archwire/slot differential.
  • 122. The roots be inclined slightly to the lingual, for occlusal forces. There is a slight distal root tip as the upper first molars settle into a normal Class I occlusion. The entire upper buccal segment should have 10° of buccal root torque to compensate for the occlusogingival curvature of the crowns of these teeth. Prescription
  • 123. The Auxiliary Tube: Is offset to the buccal to avoid tissue impingement. This allows for selective torque and rotation of the upper first molar with initial utility arches, and it helps in placement of auxiliary arches. The auxiliary tube can be used as the main arch slot in upper first bicuspid extraction cases where mesial rotation of the molar is desired. Prescription
  • 124. Second Molars Torque Tip Rotation Thickness Main slot -10° 0° 12° distal Thinnest Mandibular -27° -5° 12° distal Thinnest Prescription
  • 125. In Class II cases, erupts mesially – areas of occlusal interference, often causing disarticulation of the condyle. Lower second molar: Tipped distally during treatment because it will settle mesially as the distobuccal cusp of the upper first molar settles into the lower first and second molar embrasure. Prescription
  • 126. Upper second molar: When tipped back slightly and overcorrected in its Class I position, will settle in much the same way as the upper first molar. The same cast tube is used for both maxillary and mandibular second molars. Difference in torque, correspond with that of the first molars to allow proper positioning. Prescription
  • 127. Mandibular Second Bicuspids Torque Tip Thickness – 17° 0° Thin Buccal root torque symmetrical with the lower first and second molars, because their main cortical bone support is through the external oblique ridge. Bracket base be thin to accentuate the buccal offset of the lower first molar. In extraction cases it is helpful to have a 5° mesial tip for root paralleling. Prescription
  • 128. Mandibular First Bicuspids Torque Tip Thickness – 11° 0° Thin Transition tooth of the lower arch functions as both an anterior and a posterior tooth. The buccal cusp seats in the distal fossa of the upper first bicuspid. Prescription
  • 129. The upper cuspid occludes with the lower first bicuspid, the lower cuspid, and often the distal aspect of the lower lateral incisor. Root support of the lower first bicuspid is mainly from the lingual. Buccal root torque in the bracket to passively accommodate the greater buccal crown curvature. Prescription
  • 130. Prescription Mandibular Cuspids Torque Tip Thickness 7° 5° Thin Cuspid's distobuccal incline articulates with the mesiolingual incline of the upper cuspid to create the primary guidance for disarticulation of the balancing side occlusion. Therefore, the labial surface would ideally be angled slightly outward— implying a lingual root torque.
  • 131. Prescription Also advantageous mechanically as the lower cuspid is moved mesially or distally – especially in extraction cases, as a tendency to detorque both arches. In the vertical plane, the lower cuspid should be bracketed slightly gingivally to keep it in contact with the upper cuspid.
  • 132. Prescription Mandibular Incisors Torque Tip Thickness – 1° 0° Thin Plays a role in cuspid guidance. The incisal edge has a short mesial incline and a long, sloping distal incline. Allowing for a slight distal root tip of the lower lateral incisor –
  • 133. Prescription Bracket Height Incisal in deep bite cases to assist in bite opening and intrusion. Gingival bracket placement in the buccal segments, this helps level a deep curve of Spee.
  • 134. Prescription Maxillary Bicuspids Torque Tip Thickness – 7° 0° Thin If the distal marginal ridge of the upper second bicuspid is not seated against the mesiobuccal cusp of the lower first molar, it is difficult to establish an anterior Class I relationship.
  • 135. Prescription As with the maxillary first molar, buccal root torque assures that the roots can be slightly to the lingual and supported by the dense cortical bone of the palate particularly when expansion is part of the treatment mechanics. A mesial root tip of -5° in extraction cases facilitates root paralleling.
  • 136. Prescription Maxillary Cuspids Torque Tip Thickness 7° 10° Thin With a 134° intercanine angle, the upper cuspid should be torqued slightly to the lingual. The labial inclination is important in supporting the corners of the mouth and the caninus complex.
  • 137. Prescription The relationship between the upper lateral incisor and the upper cuspid is influenced by torque. Torque differential to maintain integrity of the labial surface contours.
  • 138. Prescription Maxillary Incisors Torque Tip Thickness Lateral 14° 8° Standard Central 22° 5° Standard Brachyfacial – more torque is needed. Dolichofacial need the torque to prevent dumping during space closure.
  • 139. Prescription Standard thickness: To keep the upper lateral incisor flush with the central incisor during the overcorrection process and then tuck in the lateral incisor during the retention phase. To maintain a good contact point with the upper cuspid, the upper lateral incisor bracket should be slightly thicker than the upper cuspid bracket.
  • 140. In this bracket system, the slot dimensions are 0.018x0.030inch compared with the standard 0.018x0.025 inch edge wise slot. This was an evolution from the original Steiner design.
  • 141. Upper 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s Tip 50 80 100 00 00 00 00 Torque 220 140 70 -70 -70 -100 -70 Lower 1’s 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s 6’s 7’s Tip 00 00 50 00 00 -50 -50 Torque -10 -10 70 -110 -220 -270 -270
  • 143. Richard P McLaughlin and John Bennett in 1993. Third generation of brackets. Basis – mechanics and force levels should determine the design of the bracket system and not vice versa.
  • 144. Range of Brackets 1. Standard size metal brackets – control main requirement. 2. Midsize metal brackets – less control, cases with poor oral hygiene average to small teeth. 3. Esthetic brackets – older patients.
  • 145. Shape of Bracket Rhomboid shape: Reduces bulk, allows reference lines in both horizontal and vertical planes – assists accuracy.
  • 146. Torque in Base CAD factor: Problem with earlier generation – torque in base was not possible.
  • 147. In-out specification Upper 2nd premolars – small crowns in 20% of cases. 0.5mm thicker brackets for such tooth.
  • 149. Torque Earlier torque expression: 1. Area of torque was small. 2. While using 0.19/0.025 Steel wires there is slop of 100
  • 152. ANTHONY D. VIAZIS in 1995.