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Key Considerations for
What is Collaborative
The Challenge:
Organizations have always tried to tap into the collective knowledge of their employees. Suggestion boxes have been
used for many years, inviting employees to drop in their ideas for review by management. These ideas may not be
aligned with business goals and are often underdeveloped; therefore these initiatives rarely provide breakthrough re-
sults. How can we do it better?
HYPE is an innovation management platform that combines
the best of social software with a business process workflow.
The platform allows companies to quickly and easily launch
campaigns to thousands of users, asking them to innovate
around a defined opportunity or problem.
Ideas are improved, promoted, combined, and eventually
assessed against their potential. Successful ideas are
developed into concepts, where a business case can be formed,
then finally into innovation projects where implementation
The platform allows you to structure your campaigns around
strategic innovation areas – hunting grounds for new ideas -
which then can be measured and tracked at every stage.
This also helps to ensure that each initiative is tied to business
Collaborative innovation allows large organizations to innovate
faster and across a wider range of subjects, yet ensuring
existing processes are embedded into the tool for structure
and rigor.
HYPE's Recommendation:
•	 Evolve from suggestion box, to spreadsheets,
to collaborative, social innovation
•	 Engage your employees in your biggest
•	 Leverage diverse opinions to drive better results
•	 Increase visibility of the innovation pipeline
•	 Embed innovation everywhere irrespective of
location, function or language
•	 Combine top down needs with a bottom up
•	 Give a voice to the organization, at all levels
•	 Drive higher quality results by increasing
diversity of opinion
•	 Allow employees to be recognized and to
communicate freely, creating a sustainable
culture of innovation
Build vs. Buy
The Challenge:
When it comes to investing in online innovation management, should you buy a product off the shelf or have your in-
house developers build a system? One option may seem cheaper than the other, one may seem quicker to deliver, but
what are the key considerations when it comes to this decision?
Key Considerations:
The first thing to bear in mind is that there are many
different facets to this decision, it isn’t as simple as which
is fastest or cheapest. You have to consider what will
deliver the outcomes you want and in most cases, that’s
greater levels of innovation.
•	 Alignment with best practices: People don’t engage
with business software as they do with social software
in their personal lives, so you need to align to good
online innovation principles.
•	 Total cost of ownership: Look at how long it will take
your own developers and what the (albeit) embedded
cost is. In-house software needs maintaining just as
off the shelf software does, so consider the full cost
over time.
•	 End-to-end functionality is important: Innovation
software is far beyond crowdsourcing ideas. There’s no
innovation without execution, so you need to ensure
the software will support you to build up ideas into
concepts and projects while maintaining the security of
all your content.
HYPE’s Recommendation:
•	 Business value should always be your primary focus;
any costs will be dwarfed by the benefits of a successful
implementation. Nokia Siemens Networks generated
$1Bn additional revenue and DHL saved over $250m,
both in just one year.
•	 You need people to engage to drive great innovations,
so do consider the user interface, usability, and
accessibility to which employees have become
accustomed. When participation is voluntary,
engagement becomes even more important. Add-ons
like a mobile app can also spur engagement.
•	 Manage your risk and consider renting a ‘Best of Breed’
application first. This will enable you to get started
quickly and learn how your organization reacts to
enterprise innovation.
•	 Get advice by engaging enterprise innovation
consultants to advise you on other key considerations
to help promote participation and business value
beyond the software, such as communications and
governance of the process.
HYPE's Recommendation:
•	 Make use of your existing social business platform
for your innovation management to facilitate
innovation activities for your users
•	 Drive real return on engagement with innovation
•	 Lower access barriers by offering a common
•	 Social platforms do not manage innovation, they
gather input and attention
•	 Managing ideas is the hard part, you need structure
and process which is where HYPE can help
		 HYPE for IBM Connections
		 HYPE for Yammer
		 HYPE for SharePoint
Social Business
The Challenge:
Your goal as an innovation manager is to engage as many employees as you can in innovation. Social business platforms
are already an integral part of corporate IT systems today, offering a single location for employees to find and share
information with colleagues. Instead of convincing employees to log on to another tool, why not bring innovation to the
social platform itself?
On your enterprise social business platform employees
post their skills and interests, discuss challenges and
opportunities, and share information on best practices,
competitors, and recent projects. With HYPE you can
launch innovation campaigns inside your social platform.
Collect ideas, and allow users to collaborate, building on
and improving the ideas of others. When the best ideas
emerge, transfer them directly to HYPE, and manage
them through to implementation. HYPE will synchronize
the idea status and updates back to their original location,
so users know what’s happening at all times. In HYPE
you have all of the tools you need to track, measure, and
implement ideas while you can make use of the platform
where the users spend their time.
In addition, the integration of your innovation system into
your organization's social business platform enhances the
visibility of your innovation program, making it an integral
part of the company culture.
HYPE for Jive
How to Handle
Distributed Teams
The Challenge:
Your company works across different time zones, processes and cultures with different business divisions spread all
over the globe. Each division is well connected internally, yet there is little information exchanged between them. Ex-
pert knowledge and best practices are not communicated throughout the company. And while each division may have
their own innovation program, harvesting cross-divisional ideas and insights seems to be impossible.
•	 Connect your teams through a company-wide
innovation platform to enable the central and
distributed collection and processing of ideas.
•	 A common platform offers a central overview helping
identify innovation white space areas; direct your
innovation initiatives towards neglected areas of your
•	 Use campaigns to share best practice solutions to
common problems throughout the organization.
•	 Use local innovation representatives in each division
to spread news, keep the motivation high and identify
local opportunities for innovation activities.
•	 Use independent evaluation teams. Each evaluator
can be selected according to their specialization,
participate online helping to reduce the impact of
different locations and time zones.
•	 Give a voice to distant teams. Motivation is increased
by the opportunity to be heard in the headquarters and
by top-level management.
•	 Make use of mobile idea submission. With a tool
like HYPE's mobile app, everyone can participate, no
matter where they are located.
Business Case:
•	 Bombardier Transportation, a leading company in
the rail industry, facing fast growing, low-priced
•	 Several thousand employees, globally distributed
among six divisions
•	 A need for growth and protection of market share
•	 A focus on being smarter and more innovative than the
•	 Implementation of a corporate-wide innovation
platform to collect ideas from all six divisions using idea
•	 Participation increased by 2.5 times within the first
seven months
•	 Employees had the chance to collaborate with
colleagues from all over the world on key innovation
targets, contributing their individual expert knowledge
•	 A 30% improvement in the flow of information and
sharing of ideas within a year
Handling Large
Volumes of Ideas
The Challenge:
It can be hard to predict how many ideas you’ll receive when you launch an online idea campaign. Sometimes the flood-
gates open, and the topic engages a much larger group than you’d expected. If the quality is high, this can be a good pro-
blem to have; software tools must be ready to support you in processing greater levels of diverse opinion. It’s important
to consider how to design your process in a scalable fashion before you launch.
A carefully worded question will help you control the volume of ideas
you receive. Broad questions are likely to engage more people and
therefore you can expect a lot of diverse ideas that need improvement
before they become something useful. If the question is precise and
narrowly focused, you can expect fewer submissions, and a higher
quality set of ideas.
From the outset, share high level review criteria to all invitees. If the
audience understands how ideas will be judged, submissions will be
more closely aligned to business goals.
HYPE supports an automated community graduation filter, where the
most interesting and engaging ideas within a given community are
promoted to management, and invitees are asked to spread the word
about their own ideas with colleagues.
When reviewing, use a two-step approach: firstly, filter the submissions
with a simple go/no-go decision. Look to remove 50-80% of the content
in this phase. Follow up with a qualitative assessment of the remaining
and most promising ideas. Provide feedback at both stages to all idea
authors. Finally, consider turning new submissions off for the final
phase of the campaign, and ask for commenting and voting instead.
Communicate to the audience that they now have the opportunity to
build on the best ideas and push them closer to selection.
Business Case:
•	 PSA Peugeot Citroen launched a campaign
and received over 1,300 ideas in less than
8 weeks, with over 7,000 employees
participating. Community graduation was
used, allowing the audience to bubble up
the top 200 ideas to the evaluation team,
enabling a faster evaluation process.
•	 An oil and gas company from the Middle
East receives 12,000 ideas per year, from
39,000 participating users. A decentralized
organizational structure is used to route
ideas via the HYPE platform to the most
appropriate person, ensuring ideas are
dealt with quickly, and progressed through
the innovation pipeline.
Higher Quality Ideas
The Challenge:
Most innovation managers look for high quality ideas as opposed to high numbers of ideas. Some programs find ideas
from employees don’t fit the company's innovation strategy. Other ideas may not be sufficiently detailed for imple-
mentation or did not consider important aspects, such as technical feasibility, market constraints or resource availabili-
ty. And sometimes, the innovators contribute their own ideas, but do not engage to improve the ideas of others.
•	 Run online idea campaigns that look for
ideas to solve specific problems or generate
•	 Raise awareness through workshops, videos or
brochures on how to support good ideas using
your online platform
•	 Invite cross-functional teams to improve the
diversity of submissions
•	 Request idea submitters to develop their
ideas further as others submit comments and
•	 Encourage participants to get engaged in
developing existing ideas further by raising
questions, making suggestions on how to
improve an idea, pointing out existing solutions
and experts on the topic
•	 Have sponsors or dedicated users to fuel the
discussion by leaving comments on ideas
•	 Allow the community to promote the ideas of
greatest interest by using HYPE’s community
graduation feature to encourage users to engage
their peers for commenting and voting
•	 Incentivize good comments by recognizing the
vital role a team plays in developing a good idea,
not just the initial idea submitter
HYPE's Recommendation:
•	 Focus your audience using questions: Write engaging
questions to develop more focused ideas.
•	 Diversity breeds greater levels of innovation: Well-
developed ideas are usually the result of different
perspectives and opinions from across the organization. The
most interesting ideas will engage the crowd most readily. So
invite a wide range of different participants.
•	 Collaboration between invitees improves quality: Within
any invitee group, some will be more creative, others focused
on implementation or perhaps risk. It’s by bringing these
different personality types together, in addition to diversity of
skills and location, that you can create higher quality ideas at
an earlier stage.
•	 Recognize those that improve ideas, not just submitters. An
idea may not be implementable until a range of other invitees
have improved the initial submission. Recognize and publicize
the value of the whole team.
Beyond RD
The Challenge:
There are a range of reasons why organizations expand the scope of their collaborative innovation programs to inclu-
de areas of business improvement. Most companies target efficiency and effectiveness and ask for ideas regarding
cost reduction and process improvements in parallel to innovation campaigns. Many organizations would like to share
knowledge, information, and expertise on a company-wide basis to build up a corporate knowledge base 'on the fly’. In
addition, there’s often a need to connect experts across silos on a range of topics, not just innovation.
•	 Foster collaboration among employees from different
regions and departments, provide a corporate-wide
platform that is open to everyone for campaigns and
idea sharing on any subject
•	 Reduce costs, improve processes, share best practices,
and knowledge according to the corporate needs on
•	 Innovate everything: Business value doesn’t derive
from new products and services only; consider using
innovation tools to innovate processes and business
models as well
•	 Crowd consulting: before hiring external consultants
to identify cost-saving potentials and options to raise
efficiency, make use of the inside knowledge of your
•	 Engage non-innovation professionals in discussions to
improve and develop the business
•	 Engage diverse groups of people to consider ideas from
different perspectives
•	 Engage sales and marketing professionals to
understand customer needs and vision more closely
Business Case:
•	 Casa Pellas is a diverse automotive conglomerate from
Nicaragua which oversees a wide range of service-
focused companies
•	 They established an enterprise innovation and
continuous improvement program where invitees could
share their ideas on any subject, to help improve and
grow the business
•	 A major goal of the program was to find breakthrough
ideas that lead to sustainable corporate growth
•	 The innovation department provides help for teams to
create a formal business plan
•	 Main evaluation criteria are the idea’s impact on
the campaign’s objective and the effort required to
implement it
•	 Quality and elaboration of ideas is very high, so that
50-60% of ideas are selected for implementation
•	 Within 1.5 years, 1,011 ideas were approved and 868 of
these were implemented
•	 This included 25 radical ideas, of which three alone
have generated over $1m in additional revenue
First Steps towards
Open Innovation
The Challenge:
Opening up elements of your innovation program and capturing a greater diversity of ideas from outside of your organ-
isation is a natural progression for established enterprise programs. Given the vast opportunities for innovating beyond
your normal boundaries, how can you make the first pragmatic steps with customers, partners  suppliers?
Key Considerations:
Any open innovation program requires the innovation
team to think about a similar set of considerations:
•	 Focus areas – What areas of innovation require
external support? It’s important to have complete
clarity of purpose for all parties.
•	 Internal support – Which internal stakeholders need to
be considered and part of the discussion? Include legal
counsel as early as you can, their guidance can save
time later on.
•	 Target selection – Which third party groups or
communities are best placed to help? Consider your
relationship and the level of vested interest.
•	 Method of engagement – How will you reach out to
the right people? Do you know who they are, how to
contact them and how to engage them?
•	 Tactics – How will you market and promote the
program? Consider which groups can share what
information and with whom.
HYPE's Recommendation:
•	 Start simple – Look for third parties that have a vested
interest in your success and where a good relationship
exists. They’re the most likely to engage.
•	 Manage your expectations – There are many variables
in Open Innovation, and many will exist outside of
your control, so start on a modest scale and test your
•	 Check your existing contracts – Some third parties
(such as suppliers) will have existing contracts with you
that may cover or limit the exchange of information,
confirm what’s in place before looking to draft new
•	 Make sure you manage ‘the back end’ – As per your
internal program, participants can become disengaged,
if you don’t communicate next steps and progress.
Consider what you’re prepared to share to keep
enthusiasm for the process high
HYPE support open innovation programs for some of
the world’s most innovative organizations, including:
Deutsche Telekom, Hershey’s, Mattel, Nokia Siemens
Networks, and The Maids.
HYPE Standard Process – End to
End Social Process for Innovation
HYPE helps organizations to change how
they innovate by providing software to
support the social process of innovation:
from generating, ranking, and selecting
ideas, to refining them into concepts, and
finally tracking execution and monetization
as innovation projects. HYPE’s widely
implemented innovation process is the result
of over a decade of experience working with
customers around the globe, including some
of the world’s most admired innovation
leaders such as General Electric, Daimler,
Procter  Gamble, Airbus, and General Mills.
HYPE Standard Software –
End-to-End Innovation Platform
Our approach to innovation management
is simple: we provide built-in innovation
software features which are flexible enough
to map to your company’s innovation
strategy. Our customer-centric software is
designed so innovation managers can easily
and quickly create and manage campaigns.
The innovation portal is engaging, easy for
users, and design-friendly.
And best of all, our platform is built to scale
across your company and integrate with
back-office applications and social enterprise
software like Microsoft SharePoint™,
Yammer, and Jive. The result? An end-to-
end innovation platform which powers all
of your innovation and reaches all of your
HYPE Professional Services Team
HYPE’s professional services experience
is second to none: we understand how
to help you get off to a quick start with
your innovation programs, how to extend
innovation best practices to other areas
of your business, and how to evolve your
innovation program as business changes
over time. Our consultants have worked
for over eleven years across the globe
implementing innovation software and
advising on processes. We advise you on
best practices and share success stories from
across our customer community. We bring
customers together to learn from each other.
We give you tools to monitor and measure
your campaigns. We help you celebrate your
	 How does HYPE
	 measure success?
•	Amount of new revenue
generated from customers’
innovation programs
•	ROI – including both hard
and soft-dollar savings
•	Client relationships which
last for years
Ninetta Kosswig,
Director Consulting Americas
HYPE Professional Services Team
Colin Nelson,
Director of Strategic Consulting
Frank Henningsen,
Executive VP Professional Services
About HYPE
Afton Chemical • Airbus • Al Rahji Bank • Amway • Areva • Akzo Nobel • Atlas Copco • BAC • Ball Packaging • BASF • Bayer •
Becton Dickenson  Company • Bernina • BGL Group • Bombardier • Borbet • BorgWarner • Bosch • Brose • Cargotec • Casa Pellas •
Cassidian • Clorox • Continental • Daimler • Dakota Gas • Deutsche Post/DHL • Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems • DLR • EagleBurgmann •
Edenred • Festo • Grünenthal • Freudenberg • Fujitsu-Siemens • General Electric • General Mills • General Motors • Getzner • GIRA • Head •
Hormel • Hosokawa • Infineum • IT Ergo • Kanzan • KCI Medical • Kimberley-Clark • Knorr-Bremse • Koehler • Kolbenschmidt Pierburg
• Kromberg  Schubert • LanXess • Mann + Hummel • Mercedes-Benz • Merck • MM Karton • Mobiliare • NASA • Nokia Siemens Networks
• NRO • Olympus • OSRAM • Otto • Procter  Gamble • Parker Hannifin • PSA Peugeot Citroën • PricewaterhouseCoopers • Qiagen •
RAFI • Raiffeisenlandesbank • Reckitt Benckiser • Renolit • Rheinkalk • RKW • Roche • Rohde  Schwarz • RWE • Saudi Aramco • SCA •
Schott • Siemens • SIKA • Sipchem • STO • StoraEnso • Swisswcom • Techniker Krankenkasse • Tesa • The Hershey’s Company • The Maids •
Thomas Cook • Vestas • Viessmann • Volkswagen • Wacker Chemie • Wafios • WD-40 • Wieland • Witt-Gruppe • Witzenmann • Zehnder • Zeiss
Global Clients
“It’s not only about innovation but also about directing, motivating, and
measuring these efforts. The number of approved ideas in our HYPE platform
has increased because people propose better ideas every day. When people
see their ideas working and functioning and becoming the new norm, then
they and others around them become motivated to innovate more.”
	 Rebeca Rivera, Innovation  Kaizen Manager, Casa Pellas
Hear from our Customers
“Our partner, HYPE, has given us the ability to engage innovation
professionals on all levels of innovation quickly; ensuring that the highest
quality ideas make it into our innovation programs, no matter where in
the world or which division they come from.”
	 Martin Ertl, Chief Innovation Officer, Bombardier Transportation
“Nokia Siemens Networks’ innovation programs have gene­rated to date
over $1.7 Billion in new revenue – all managed through the HYPE platform.
NSN has over 18,000 users in its community, has launched more than
67 campaigns, and has created over 4300 ideas since they implemented
HYPE’s innovation software.”
	 Fabian Schlage, Head of Idea and Innovation Management, Nokia Siemens Networks
HYPE Innovation, a trusted expert for over a decade, delivers enterprise innovation software
in 17 languages to companies around the globe. HYPE’s proven innovation process and award-
winning software provides our customers with a powerful engine for end-to-end innovation,
from open innovation campaigns and crowd-generated ideation to concept evaluation and
value-creating innovation projects. Companies select HYPE for our flexible, standard software,
our client-centric team of experts, and our experience in successfully delivering results to
customers in every industry. Our global customer community includes leading innovators
such as Mattel, General Electric, Procter  Gamble, Bombardier, DHL, Roche, Nokia Siemens
Networks, Daimler, Airbus, General Mills, Saudi Aramco, Clorox, Deutsche Telekom, and many
Visit our website at to learn how HYPE enables companies to
transform their best assets – employees, customers, partners, and suppliers – into dynamic
and engaged innovation communities.
HYPE and Your Company – How to get started?
Contact HYPE Innovation today at to schedule a live
demo and learn more about our award-winning software.
HYPE – End to End Innovation Software from Idea to Market
European Headquaters
HYPE Softwaretechnik GmbH
Trierer Straße 70-72
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228-2276 0
US Headquarters
HYPE Innovation, Inc.
485 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4018
Tel.: 1-855-GET-HYPE

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  • 2. What is Collaborative Innovation? The Challenge: Organizations have always tried to tap into the collective knowledge of their employees. Suggestion boxes have been used for many years, inviting employees to drop in their ideas for review by management. These ideas may not be aligned with business goals and are often underdeveloped; therefore these initiatives rarely provide breakthrough re- sults. How can we do it better? Opportunities: HYPE is an innovation management platform that combines the best of social software with a business process workflow. The platform allows companies to quickly and easily launch campaigns to thousands of users, asking them to innovate around a defined opportunity or problem. Ideas are improved, promoted, combined, and eventually assessed against their potential. Successful ideas are developed into concepts, where a business case can be formed, then finally into innovation projects where implementation begins. The platform allows you to structure your campaigns around strategic innovation areas – hunting grounds for new ideas - which then can be measured and tracked at every stage. This also helps to ensure that each initiative is tied to business needs. Collaborative innovation allows large organizations to innovate faster and across a wider range of subjects, yet ensuring existing processes are embedded into the tool for structure and rigor. HYPE's Recommendation: • Evolve from suggestion box, to spreadsheets, to collaborative, social innovation • Engage your employees in your biggest opportunities • Leverage diverse opinions to drive better results • Increase visibility of the innovation pipeline • Embed innovation everywhere irrespective of location, function or language • Combine top down needs with a bottom up approach • Give a voice to the organization, at all levels • Drive higher quality results by increasing diversity of opinion • Allow employees to be recognized and to communicate freely, creating a sustainable culture of innovation
  • 3. Build vs. Buy The Challenge: When it comes to investing in online innovation management, should you buy a product off the shelf or have your in- house developers build a system? One option may seem cheaper than the other, one may seem quicker to deliver, but what are the key considerations when it comes to this decision? Key Considerations: The first thing to bear in mind is that there are many different facets to this decision, it isn’t as simple as which is fastest or cheapest. You have to consider what will deliver the outcomes you want and in most cases, that’s greater levels of innovation. • Alignment with best practices: People don’t engage with business software as they do with social software in their personal lives, so you need to align to good online innovation principles. • Total cost of ownership: Look at how long it will take your own developers and what the (albeit) embedded cost is. In-house software needs maintaining just as off the shelf software does, so consider the full cost over time. • End-to-end functionality is important: Innovation software is far beyond crowdsourcing ideas. There’s no innovation without execution, so you need to ensure the software will support you to build up ideas into concepts and projects while maintaining the security of all your content. HYPE’s Recommendation: • Business value should always be your primary focus; any costs will be dwarfed by the benefits of a successful implementation. Nokia Siemens Networks generated $1Bn additional revenue and DHL saved over $250m, both in just one year. • You need people to engage to drive great innovations, so do consider the user interface, usability, and accessibility to which employees have become accustomed. When participation is voluntary, engagement becomes even more important. Add-ons like a mobile app can also spur engagement. • Manage your risk and consider renting a ‘Best of Breed’ application first. This will enable you to get started quickly and learn how your organization reacts to enterprise innovation. • Get advice by engaging enterprise innovation consultants to advise you on other key considerations to help promote participation and business value beyond the software, such as communications and governance of the process.
  • 4. HYPE's Recommendation: • Make use of your existing social business platform for your innovation management to facilitate innovation activities for your users • Drive real return on engagement with innovation campaigns • Lower access barriers by offering a common platform • Social platforms do not manage innovation, they gather input and attention • Managing ideas is the hard part, you need structure and process which is where HYPE can help HYPE for IBM Connections HYPE for Yammer HYPE for SharePoint Integrating Social Business The Challenge: Your goal as an innovation manager is to engage as many employees as you can in innovation. Social business platforms are already an integral part of corporate IT systems today, offering a single location for employees to find and share information with colleagues. Instead of convincing employees to log on to another tool, why not bring innovation to the social platform itself? Opportunities: On your enterprise social business platform employees post their skills and interests, discuss challenges and opportunities, and share information on best practices, competitors, and recent projects. With HYPE you can launch innovation campaigns inside your social platform. Collect ideas, and allow users to collaborate, building on and improving the ideas of others. When the best ideas emerge, transfer them directly to HYPE, and manage them through to implementation. HYPE will synchronize the idea status and updates back to their original location, so users know what’s happening at all times. In HYPE you have all of the tools you need to track, measure, and implement ideas while you can make use of the platform where the users spend their time. In addition, the integration of your innovation system into your organization's social business platform enhances the visibility of your innovation program, making it an integral part of the company culture. HYPE for Jive
  • 5. How to Handle Distributed Teams The Challenge: Your company works across different time zones, processes and cultures with different business divisions spread all over the globe. Each division is well connected internally, yet there is little information exchanged between them. Ex- pert knowledge and best practices are not communicated throughout the company. And while each division may have their own innovation program, harvesting cross-divisional ideas and insights seems to be impossible. Opportunities: • Connect your teams through a company-wide innovation platform to enable the central and distributed collection and processing of ideas. • A common platform offers a central overview helping identify innovation white space areas; direct your innovation initiatives towards neglected areas of your business. • Use campaigns to share best practice solutions to common problems throughout the organization. • Use local innovation representatives in each division to spread news, keep the motivation high and identify local opportunities for innovation activities. • Use independent evaluation teams. Each evaluator can be selected according to their specialization, participate online helping to reduce the impact of different locations and time zones. • Give a voice to distant teams. Motivation is increased by the opportunity to be heard in the headquarters and by top-level management. • Make use of mobile idea submission. With a tool like HYPE's mobile app, everyone can participate, no matter where they are located. Business Case: Challenge: • Bombardier Transportation, a leading company in the rail industry, facing fast growing, low-priced competition • Several thousand employees, globally distributed among six divisions • A need for growth and protection of market share • A focus on being smarter and more innovative than the competition Outcome: • Implementation of a corporate-wide innovation platform to collect ideas from all six divisions using idea campaigns • Participation increased by 2.5 times within the first seven months • Employees had the chance to collaborate with colleagues from all over the world on key innovation targets, contributing their individual expert knowledge • A 30% improvement in the flow of information and sharing of ideas within a year
  • 6. Handling Large Volumes of Ideas The Challenge: It can be hard to predict how many ideas you’ll receive when you launch an online idea campaign. Sometimes the flood- gates open, and the topic engages a much larger group than you’d expected. If the quality is high, this can be a good pro- blem to have; software tools must be ready to support you in processing greater levels of diverse opinion. It’s important to consider how to design your process in a scalable fashion before you launch. Opportunities: A carefully worded question will help you control the volume of ideas you receive. Broad questions are likely to engage more people and therefore you can expect a lot of diverse ideas that need improvement before they become something useful. If the question is precise and narrowly focused, you can expect fewer submissions, and a higher quality set of ideas. From the outset, share high level review criteria to all invitees. If the audience understands how ideas will be judged, submissions will be more closely aligned to business goals. HYPE supports an automated community graduation filter, where the most interesting and engaging ideas within a given community are promoted to management, and invitees are asked to spread the word about their own ideas with colleagues. When reviewing, use a two-step approach: firstly, filter the submissions with a simple go/no-go decision. Look to remove 50-80% of the content in this phase. Follow up with a qualitative assessment of the remaining and most promising ideas. Provide feedback at both stages to all idea authors. Finally, consider turning new submissions off for the final phase of the campaign, and ask for commenting and voting instead. Communicate to the audience that they now have the opportunity to build on the best ideas and push them closer to selection. Business Case: • PSA Peugeot Citroen launched a campaign and received over 1,300 ideas in less than 8 weeks, with over 7,000 employees participating. Community graduation was used, allowing the audience to bubble up the top 200 ideas to the evaluation team, enabling a faster evaluation process. • An oil and gas company from the Middle East receives 12,000 ideas per year, from 39,000 participating users. A decentralized organizational structure is used to route ideas via the HYPE platform to the most appropriate person, ensuring ideas are dealt with quickly, and progressed through the innovation pipeline.
  • 7. Driving Higher Quality Ideas The Challenge: Most innovation managers look for high quality ideas as opposed to high numbers of ideas. Some programs find ideas from employees don’t fit the company's innovation strategy. Other ideas may not be sufficiently detailed for imple- mentation or did not consider important aspects, such as technical feasibility, market constraints or resource availabili- ty. And sometimes, the innovators contribute their own ideas, but do not engage to improve the ideas of others. Opportunities: • Run online idea campaigns that look for ideas to solve specific problems or generate opportunities • Raise awareness through workshops, videos or brochures on how to support good ideas using your online platform • Invite cross-functional teams to improve the diversity of submissions • Request idea submitters to develop their ideas further as others submit comments and improvements • Encourage participants to get engaged in developing existing ideas further by raising questions, making suggestions on how to improve an idea, pointing out existing solutions and experts on the topic • Have sponsors or dedicated users to fuel the discussion by leaving comments on ideas • Allow the community to promote the ideas of greatest interest by using HYPE’s community graduation feature to encourage users to engage their peers for commenting and voting • Incentivize good comments by recognizing the vital role a team plays in developing a good idea, not just the initial idea submitter HYPE's Recommendation: • Focus your audience using questions: Write engaging questions to develop more focused ideas. • Diversity breeds greater levels of innovation: Well- developed ideas are usually the result of different perspectives and opinions from across the organization. The most interesting ideas will engage the crowd most readily. So invite a wide range of different participants. • Collaboration between invitees improves quality: Within any invitee group, some will be more creative, others focused on implementation or perhaps risk. It’s by bringing these different personality types together, in addition to diversity of skills and location, that you can create higher quality ideas at an earlier stage. • Recognize those that improve ideas, not just submitters. An idea may not be implementable until a range of other invitees have improved the initial submission. Recognize and publicize the value of the whole team.
  • 8. Innovation Beyond RD The Challenge: There are a range of reasons why organizations expand the scope of their collaborative innovation programs to inclu- de areas of business improvement. Most companies target efficiency and effectiveness and ask for ideas regarding cost reduction and process improvements in parallel to innovation campaigns. Many organizations would like to share knowledge, information, and expertise on a company-wide basis to build up a corporate knowledge base 'on the fly’. In addition, there’s often a need to connect experts across silos on a range of topics, not just innovation. Opportunities: • Foster collaboration among employees from different regions and departments, provide a corporate-wide platform that is open to everyone for campaigns and idea sharing on any subject • Reduce costs, improve processes, share best practices, and knowledge according to the corporate needs on demand • Innovate everything: Business value doesn’t derive from new products and services only; consider using innovation tools to innovate processes and business models as well • Crowd consulting: before hiring external consultants to identify cost-saving potentials and options to raise efficiency, make use of the inside knowledge of your workforce • Engage non-innovation professionals in discussions to improve and develop the business • Engage diverse groups of people to consider ideas from different perspectives • Engage sales and marketing professionals to understand customer needs and vision more closely Business Case: • Casa Pellas is a diverse automotive conglomerate from Nicaragua which oversees a wide range of service- focused companies • They established an enterprise innovation and continuous improvement program where invitees could share their ideas on any subject, to help improve and grow the business • A major goal of the program was to find breakthrough ideas that lead to sustainable corporate growth • The innovation department provides help for teams to create a formal business plan • Main evaluation criteria are the idea’s impact on the campaign’s objective and the effort required to implement it • Quality and elaboration of ideas is very high, so that 50-60% of ideas are selected for implementation • Within 1.5 years, 1,011 ideas were approved and 868 of these were implemented • This included 25 radical ideas, of which three alone have generated over $1m in additional revenue
  • 9. First Steps towards Open Innovation The Challenge: Opening up elements of your innovation program and capturing a greater diversity of ideas from outside of your organ- isation is a natural progression for established enterprise programs. Given the vast opportunities for innovating beyond your normal boundaries, how can you make the first pragmatic steps with customers, partners suppliers? Key Considerations: Any open innovation program requires the innovation team to think about a similar set of considerations: • Focus areas – What areas of innovation require external support? It’s important to have complete clarity of purpose for all parties. • Internal support – Which internal stakeholders need to be considered and part of the discussion? Include legal counsel as early as you can, their guidance can save time later on. • Target selection – Which third party groups or communities are best placed to help? Consider your relationship and the level of vested interest. • Method of engagement – How will you reach out to the right people? Do you know who they are, how to contact them and how to engage them? • Tactics – How will you market and promote the program? Consider which groups can share what information and with whom. HYPE's Recommendation: • Start simple – Look for third parties that have a vested interest in your success and where a good relationship exists. They’re the most likely to engage. • Manage your expectations – There are many variables in Open Innovation, and many will exist outside of your control, so start on a modest scale and test your approach. • Check your existing contracts – Some third parties (such as suppliers) will have existing contracts with you that may cover or limit the exchange of information, confirm what’s in place before looking to draft new contracts. • Make sure you manage ‘the back end’ – As per your internal program, participants can become disengaged, if you don’t communicate next steps and progress. Consider what you’re prepared to share to keep enthusiasm for the process high HYPE support open innovation programs for some of the world’s most innovative organizations, including: Deutsche Telekom, Hershey’s, Mattel, Nokia Siemens Networks, and The Maids.
  • 10. HYPE Standard Process – End to End Social Process for Innovation HYPE helps organizations to change how they innovate by providing software to support the social process of innovation: from generating, ranking, and selecting ideas, to refining them into concepts, and finally tracking execution and monetization as innovation projects. HYPE’s widely implemented innovation process is the result of over a decade of experience working with customers around the globe, including some of the world’s most admired innovation leaders such as General Electric, Daimler, Procter Gamble, Airbus, and General Mills. HYPE Standard Software – End-to-End Innovation Platform Our approach to innovation management is simple: we provide built-in innovation software features which are flexible enough to map to your company’s innovation strategy. Our customer-centric software is designed so innovation managers can easily and quickly create and manage campaigns. The innovation portal is engaging, easy for users, and design-friendly. And best of all, our platform is built to scale across your company and integrate with back-office applications and social enterprise software like Microsoft SharePoint™, Yammer, and Jive. The result? An end-to- end innovation platform which powers all of your innovation and reaches all of your communities. HYPE Professional Services Team HYPE’s professional services experience is second to none: we understand how to help you get off to a quick start with your innovation programs, how to extend innovation best practices to other areas of your business, and how to evolve your innovation program as business changes over time. Our consultants have worked for over eleven years across the globe implementing innovation software and advising on processes. We advise you on best practices and share success stories from across our customer community. We bring customers together to learn from each other. We give you tools to monitor and measure your campaigns. We help you celebrate your successes. How does HYPE measure success? • Amount of new revenue generated from customers’ innovation programs • ROI – including both hard and soft-dollar savings • Client relationships which last for years Ninetta Kosswig, Director Consulting Americas HYPE Professional Services Team Colin Nelson, Director of Strategic Consulting Frank Henningsen, Executive VP Professional Services About HYPE
  • 11. Afton Chemical • Airbus • Al Rahji Bank • Amway • Areva • Akzo Nobel • Atlas Copco • BAC • Ball Packaging • BASF • Bayer • Becton Dickenson Company • Bernina • BGL Group • Bombardier • Borbet • BorgWarner • Bosch • Brose • Cargotec • Casa Pellas • Cassidian • Clorox • Continental • Daimler • Dakota Gas • Deutsche Post/DHL • Deutsche Telekom/T-Systems • DLR • EagleBurgmann • Edenred • Festo • Grünenthal • Freudenberg • Fujitsu-Siemens • General Electric • General Mills • General Motors • Getzner • GIRA • Head • Hormel • Hosokawa • Infineum • IT Ergo • Kanzan • KCI Medical • Kimberley-Clark • Knorr-Bremse • Koehler • Kolbenschmidt Pierburg • Kromberg Schubert • LanXess • Mann + Hummel • Mercedes-Benz • Merck • MM Karton • Mobiliare • NASA • Nokia Siemens Networks • NRO • Olympus • OSRAM • Otto • Procter Gamble • Parker Hannifin • PSA Peugeot Citroën • PricewaterhouseCoopers • Qiagen • RAFI • Raiffeisenlandesbank • Reckitt Benckiser • Renolit • Rheinkalk • RKW • Roche • Rohde Schwarz • RWE • Saudi Aramco • SCA • Schott • Siemens • SIKA • Sipchem • STO • StoraEnso • Swisswcom • Techniker Krankenkasse • Tesa • The Hershey’s Company • The Maids • Thomas Cook • Vestas • Viessmann • Volkswagen • Wacker Chemie • Wafios • WD-40 • Wieland • Witt-Gruppe • Witzenmann • Zehnder • Zeiss Global Clients “It’s not only about innovation but also about directing, motivating, and measuring these efforts. The number of approved ideas in our HYPE platform has increased because people propose better ideas every day. When people see their ideas working and functioning and becoming the new norm, then they and others around them become motivated to innovate more.” Rebeca Rivera, Innovation Kaizen Manager, Casa Pellas Hear from our Customers “Our partner, HYPE, has given us the ability to engage innovation professionals on all levels of innovation quickly; ensuring that the highest quality ideas make it into our innovation programs, no matter where in the world or which division they come from.” Martin Ertl, Chief Innovation Officer, Bombardier Transportation “Nokia Siemens Networks’ innovation programs have gene­rated to date over $1.7 Billion in new revenue – all managed through the HYPE platform. NSN has over 18,000 users in its community, has launched more than 67 campaigns, and has created over 4300 ideas since they implemented HYPE’s innovation software.” Fabian Schlage, Head of Idea and Innovation Management, Nokia Siemens Networks Customers
  • 12. HYPE Innovation, a trusted expert for over a decade, delivers enterprise innovation software in 17 languages to companies around the globe. HYPE’s proven innovation process and award- winning software provides our customers with a powerful engine for end-to-end innovation, from open innovation campaigns and crowd-generated ideation to concept evaluation and value-creating innovation projects. Companies select HYPE for our flexible, standard software, our client-centric team of experts, and our experience in successfully delivering results to customers in every industry. Our global customer community includes leading innovators such as Mattel, General Electric, Procter Gamble, Bombardier, DHL, Roche, Nokia Siemens Networks, Daimler, Airbus, General Mills, Saudi Aramco, Clorox, Deutsche Telekom, and many others. Visit our website at to learn how HYPE enables companies to transform their best assets – employees, customers, partners, and suppliers – into dynamic and engaged innovation communities. HYPE and Your Company – How to get started? Contact HYPE Innovation today at to schedule a live demo and learn more about our award-winning software. HYPE – End to End Innovation Software from Idea to Market 2012 EUROPEAN ENDTO END INNOVATION MANAGEMENT SOLUTION NEW PRODUCT INNOVATION AWARD European Headquaters HYPE Softwaretechnik GmbH Trierer Straße 70-72 53115 Bonn Germany Tel.: +49 228-2276 0 US Headquarters HYPE Innovation, Inc. 485 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139-4018 USA Tel.: 1-855-GET-HYPE