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BNZ Weekly Overview                                                                          10 March 2011

Mission Statement
To help Kiwi businesspeople and householders make informed financial decisions by discussing the
economy and its implications in a language they can understand.

In this week’s issue….

Monetary Policy Eased                          1           Housing Market Update              12

Is Our Economy Getting Better?                 5           Major Offshore Issues              14

Interest Rates                                 9           Foreign Exchange                   15

The Weekly Overview is written by Tony Alexander. The views expressed are my own and do not purport to
represent the views of the BNZ. To receive the Weekly Overview each Thursday night email me at with ‘Subscribe” in the Subject line.

Monetary Policy Eased
The Reserve Bank this morning cut its official cash rate as we expected by 0.5% back to the record low of
2.5% reached in April 2009 as they were responding to the global financial crisis. They logically have cited
the weakness in economic activity produced by the February 22 earthquake as prime reason for the cut
but also note as we have been noting that even before that terrible event the economy was proving to be
weaker than hoped for just three months ago. Consumers have cut spending on housing and retailing
while rising farm incomes are predominantly leading to debt reduction rather than increasing spending.

The Reserve Bank note that future monetary policy decisions will be guided by the data (as opposed to a
particularly strong view regarding what happens 12-18 months down the track) but that they anticipate
removing “current monetary policy accommodation” once the post-earthquake rebuilding phase
materialises. Normally one would be able to interpret what this means for monetary policy by looking at the
usually detailed RB economic forecasts. But this time around in light of the massive uncertainty regarding
the impact of the earthquake on economic activity they have cut back their presentation and note the
numbers they provide should not really be thought of this time as forecasts but the scenario underpinning
the decision to cut the cash rate. But for the record they appear to have pencilled in cash rate increases of
about 1.25% over 2012 then another 0.5% over 2013.

But we repeat our very long running warning. One would be extremely unwise to develop an interest rate
risk management strategy in the current and prospective economic environment on the basis of any
particular set of interest rate forecasts. These forecasts have changed substantially over the past three
years and will almost certainly continue to do so over the coming three.

The rate cut and the words were almost exactly as we and the markets were expecting so the impact today
on interest rates and the exchange rate has been limited. But now that a rate cut is confirmed it is fairly
clear that recent cuts in fixed home loan rates will be followed by a sizeable cut in floating rates and that
will be of benefit to many people with some 50% of mortgage volume now sitting at a floating rate.

                                                                                                        Page 1

Outflows To Australia – Away They Go

One of the key points we are hammering is that courtesy of the large unemployment rate and exchange rate
gap plus a few other factors thrown in there will be a very very large surge in net migration outflows to
Australia over the coming month. (Email me at if you want a copy of our paper
examining this issue.) In January this year the net outflow was a whopping 3,518 which is the biggest one
month loss since January 2009 – meaning that January usually produces a big number.
                                                   NET MIGRATION FLOWS NZ vs. AUSTRALIA

                                                                                    12 month total


                                                                                                       Net loss

                                           Source : Statistics NZ
                                      79     81   83   85    87     89   91   93   95   97   99   1     3    5    7   9        11

But the annual net outflow now stands at 22,378 from 16,019 a year ago. We are headed probably quickly
back to then beyond the net loss of 35,000 seen in late – 2008 and if employers have not given thought to
this factor and instead just focus on the high NZ unemployment rate of 6.8% they are going to find
themselves badly positioned about 12-18 months from now – especially once Christchurch rebuilding starts
sucking up anyone who can hold a hammer.

Irish Eyes Not Looking This Way

Just for your guide and because this issue crops up in a positive sense in the Australian media now and
then, there is zero evidence that the Irish fleeing their country are heading our way. Over the year to January
the gross inflow of Irish here was only 1,295. This was down from 1,628 a year earlier and in the January
quarter gross inflows were 11.3% lower than a year earlier. How bad does one’s country have to be for
fleeing Irish not to want to come here!
                                                                  MIGRATION TO NZ FROM IRELAND
                       1800                                                                                                     70
                                                                                                                          %     60
                                                       Annual total
                       1400                               lhs
                       1000                                                                                                     20

                       800                                                                                                      10

                                                                               3 month change
                                                                                 vs year ago
                                                                                     rhs                                        -20
                       200                                                                                                      -30

                         0                                                                                                      -40
                              7                          8                     9                  10                      11

The Petrol Burden

For your guide, in the year to June 2010 the average NZ family spent $40.90 a week on petrol. Over the
year petrol prices averaged $1.70 for 91 octane fuel. If prices soon settle at $2.20 then average weekly
expenditure in the absence of any behavioural change will be almost $53. Average weekly household
income over the year to June 2010 was $935. The trouble with these numbers however is that they cover
every single household in the country whereas we all have specific household characteristics. Families will
                                                                                                                                      Page 2

have extra petrol costs due to taking the children to and from school, sports events, weekend birthday
parties and so on. Realistically then all one can say without getting into the deep household sub-group
categories contained in the Statistics NZ Household Economic Survey is to note that on average our petrol
costs are ahead about 30% from where they were last June year and because changing behaviour is difficult
(witness Lindsay Lohen and Charlie Sheen), we will pay for the extra petrol by cutting spending elsewhere.
We have had a very subdued outlook for retailing over 2011 for some time now and can only reinforce our
comments that retailers should not think in terms of managing their businesses in a growing environment but
in terms of emphasising most profitable products, those with pricing power and so on. Only believe that
customers are flocking back once you have seen the whites of their eyes for perhaps three solid months in a

Having said that there will be boosts for many in Christchurch once people start using insurance payouts to
refurnish their houses – if they are habitable.
                                                 NZ PETROL PRICES
                                                                     91 octane per liter




                                     2006       2007      2008      2009         2010      2011
If you want historic petrol price data including importer margins etc download the Excel file from here.

Damage Guesses

NZ Treasury this week released their regular monthly overview of the NZ economy and like ourselves noted
that even before the earthquake the domestic part of the economy was turning out to be weaker than they
had been thinking back when they compiled their previous set of economic forecasts in December. They
note that farmers are paying down debt rather than spending their rising incomes, that consumers generally
are doing the same, and that demand for labour is weak though income growth is picking up.

Treasury make two cost estimates of the earthquake. The first relates to the damage caused by the two
earthquakes They estimate that together the two Christchurch earthquakes have caused $15bn worth of
damage give or take $5bn made up as residential $9bn, commercial $3bn, and infrastructure $3bn.
Rebuilding damaged structures is expected to commence in 2012 and occur over a number of years.

Second they estimate that the latest earthquake by itself will cause the economy to grow by 1.5
percentage points less than otherwise. That is, before the earthquake they expected the economy in the
December quarter of this year to be 3.5% bigger than the December quarter of last year. Now they estimate
that the rise will be only 2.0%.

Both of these estimates are just that – estimates – and there are plenty of others which need to be made.
For instance the government’s revenue will suffer because of the weakening of economic activity. The
current account will shift into surplus for the first time since 1973 because of the money flowing in from
offshore reinsurance (some $6bn). Unemployment will be higher than otherwise this year. Government
spending will clearly be higher but at this stage an estimate of the rebuilding cost to the government has yet

                                                                                                           Page 3

to be made. One could say the same for the Christchurch City Council, for Christchurch businesses, and for
Christchurch homeowners.

Rebuilding from the September 4 event was taking longer than anticipated to start and Treasury, like the
Reserve Bank, estimate that during the December quarter the economy recorded no growth rather than the
0.9% growth they were forecasting just three months ago. They also reckon we will record shrinkage for the
March quarter.

Tractor Regos A Good Proxy

Don’t laugh. About once a year we get contacted by someone criticising our use of registration data to
describe what is happening with tractor purchases. It is true that sales and registrations are different things
but despite many requests no-one has been able to supply us with a regular timely series of tractor sales.
This week someone did so we now have monthly sales data from January 2004. That means we can have a
proper look at whether it is valid to look at short term changes in tractor registrations and imply tractor sales
are probably doing the same thing. The answer is yes.

This first graph shows three month totals for regos and sales. The series move together over a strong
seasonal pattern but with the gap between sales and registrations all but gone now. If a farmer can tell us
why tractors they buy nowadays are usually registered whereas they were not in the past that would be
                                                                  TRACTOR SALES AND REGISTRATIONS
                                          3 month





                          100                                                          Registration
                                     Sources:NZTA, TAMA

                                04                  05           06           07             8                9               10         11

This second graph consists of our roughly estimated seasonally adjusted rate of change in three month
tractor sales. We have already reported our estimate of a 20% rise in tractor regos over the three months to
January. For sales we estimate a 15% rise. The numbers three months earlier were -4% and +5%
respectively, and three months before that +4% and +8%. So broadly speaking the series move together
give or take 5% - 10% differences which given the high volatility in these monthly numbers and the fact we
only tend to highlight the numbers when the changes are large is not a big deal.
                                          ESTIMATED THREE MONTH SEASONALLY ADJUSTED CHANGES

                                                                                                 Tractor registrations


                                                                                                                         Tractor sales




                                     Sources:NZTA, TAMA
                                     10        F         M   A        M   J        J     A         S      O       N       D        11

So now we can all get some sleep. One point though, for want of anywhere else to put it – how many
Australian farmers are going to be looking ahead for the next couple of decades and thinking about the
difficulty of running a profitable export-focussed business in Australia when the AUD will be kept high by
                                                                                                                                              Page 4

mineral resource prices? Will we see a flow of farmers back to New Zealand on top of the general investor
interest in securing agricultural assets caused by expectations of rising world food demand?

In fact there is also another factor in play here which those involved in NZ’s farming sector may want to keep
an eye on. In Australia the large supermarket chains have slashed their milk prices to $1 a litre. This is great
for consumers but the dairy industry is up in arms because in spite of the protestations from the
supermarkets that they are merely loss-leading the expectation is that such terrible discounting of a basic
food item vital to household health will lead to lower prices being paid to Australian dairy farmers. Unlike NZ
where some 90-95% of milk is exported in Australia only 45% is sent offshore.

Is Our Economy Getting Better or Worse?
In this simple summary section we look only at what the data are actually telling us and pay no attention to forecasts or
intentions measures.

This section is proving very useful in picking what is happening out there and it is noteworthy that for the
next wee while the Reserve Bank intend basing their monetary policy decisions on what the data are saying
rather than what may necessarily lie down the track. This week we have learnt that earlier growth in car
registrations has faded so if car registrations are a guide to consumer spending (dubious) then they are
saying new restraint has crept in. We have also seen only a small recovery in dwelling consents issuance in
January of just half December’s big 18% seasonally adjusted fall. So house building remains in recession
and the trend is still down. But businesses do appear to be increasing their spending on commercial vehicles
though earlier growth in tractor registrations has faded away. And though we caution that these data are
volatile, the value of retail Electronic Card Transactions fell only 0.2% in February whereas the earthquake
would have stripped at least 1% off. So lets call retail spending growth flat for now rather than falling.

Are householders opening their wallets more?

In February there were 11,371 cars registered around New Zealand. And so it starts. We need to where
possible try and make some adjustment to the data for the February 22 earthquake. Over the previous five
years between January and February in Christchurch car registrations have fallen by between 68 and 192
averaging 151. This year the decline was 482. That sounds unusually large so there may be a particular
regular weekly pattern to regos which we are not aware of. So lets add not 331 back in (482 less 151) but
just 200 and see what the data now say.

At 11,571 nationwide car registrations in February were up almost 5% from a year ago and in the three
months to February compared with the three months to November there was a roughly calculated 1%
seasonally adjusted fall in car registrations. Therefore, with the three month number of regos 11% below
average for the past six years and a small fall in the past three months whereas the three month change to
January was +5% s.a., we can reasonably say that if this statistic reflects what consumers are doing with
their money it shows easing spending on cars.

But just to perhaps make things clearer, if we look only at the North Island then seasonally adjusted car
regos were ahead 3.7% from the three months to November whereas the same calculation ending in
January showed growth of 6.6%. The recent weakness therefore is largely in the South Island and the
conclusion we draw is this. There is mild improvement underway in car registrations but we cannot know to
what extent this is driven by consumers and to what extent by businesses. At least there is growth. For your
guide the South Island rough s.a. change for the past three months was a fall of 11% even with 200 added
back in to the Christchurch total.

                                                                                                                 Page 5

                                        CAR REGISTRATIONS                                                                                                      CAR REGISTRATIONS
                                  % change in three month
 10                               sum seasonally adjusted                                                    240000          12 month total

  -5                                                                                                         160000
              Source:NZTA                                                                                    100000                                        Source:NZTA
 -20                                                                                                          80000
       3        4             5         6       7              8              9           10        11                     91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0                  1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9 10 11

With regard to house construction the news remains bad. Although in seasonally adjusted terms the number
of consents issued for the construction of new dwellings improved 9.6% in January this followed an 18.2%
fall in December and means that in the three months to January consents were down 2.9% seasonally
adjusted from the three months to October and 14.5% down unadjusted from a year ago. For houses only
(no apartments) the three month fall was a large 9.6%.

                                   DWELLING CONSENTS ISSUED                                                                                         DWELLING CONSENTS ISSUED
 43000                                                                                                       30
               Source: Statistics NZ

 38000                                              12 month total                                           20


                                                                                                                                                           3 mths on previous 3 mths using
                                                                                                                            Source: Statistics NZ           seasonally adjusted numbers
 13000                                                                                                       -40
           74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98                         0       2   4     6   8   10             8                                   9                             10                      11

The trend in dwelling consent issuance is decidedly downward so one can comfortably say that the sector
remains in recession with the annual number of consents at 15,427 now the lowest since March last year
and not much above the four decade low of 13,616 reached in September 2009. It will be touch and go
whether the annual total hits that level again.

This morning we learnt that the value of Electronic Card Transactions in February in seasonally adjusted
terms was down only 0.2% from January – or by 0.6% excluding cars and petrol. The 0.2% fall followed a
2.4% rise in January and means over the past three months retail spending growth has been a reasonable
6.4% annualised. But there is an upward distortion from rising petrol prices and the core measure has grown
at an annualised pace of only 0.5% the past three months.
                                                                                          ELECTRONIC CARD TRANSACTIONS


                                                     10                                                                                               ECT Core


                                                      2            % s.a. 3 month changes
                                                                   Source : Statistics NZ
                                                           4               5                6            7             8               9              10          11

We think it is reasonable to look at the numbers and conclude that February’s fall was less than it could have
been given the earthquake, but underlying it all the trend is for flat retail spending growth.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 6

Is business output rising?

We have not received any data apart from inward visitors this week but I’m working on a model for
estimating spending of tourists so will wait until that is completed before adding tourism again.

Are businesses hiring more people?

No new evidence this week.

Are businesses boosting their capital spending?

One piece of information we use to try and answer this question is registrations of commercial vehicles. In
February such registrations were 14% ahead of a year ago at 1,737 units. In the three months to February
regos were ahead 13.3% from a year ago and seasonally adjusted they were ahead 11% from the three
months to November. There is underlying growth occurring in this measure of business activity and that is

                          COMMERCIAL VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS                                                     COMMERCIAL VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS
 20                                                                                  40000

 10                                                                                                     12 month total


          % 3 months change                                                          25000
-20       seasonally adjusted

                                                                                     20000                                          Source:NZTA

-40                                                                                  15000
      3           4        5        6        7        8       9       10        11           98   99      0     1       2       3     4    5      6   7   8   9   10   11

In addition, in February there were 137 tractors registered around the country which was a rise of 9% from a
year ago and a seasonally adjusted gain of about 3% in the past three months. We would call that a flat
result. This means that although the sector is coming off its lows the recovery is as we noted last week for
wider rises in farmer spending, very mild. There is no justification at this stage for saying farmers are
spending up large – not when farm debt between September and January fell by $459mn. Last year over the
same time it fell $162mn, the year before it rose $1.8bn and the year before that in 2007-08 it rose $1.3bn.

                                TRACTOR REGISTRATIONS
                      % change in three months                                                                              TRACTOR REGISTRATIONS
 30                     seasonally adjusted
                                                                                                       12 month total
 20                                                                                  3000


-10                                                                                  2000

-30                                                                                                                          Source:NZTA

-40                                                                                  1000
      1       2       3         4       5    6    7       8       9        10   11          98    99      0    1        2      3     4     5      6   7   8   9   10   11

This week we learnt that the value of consents issued for the construction of non-residential buildings was
$228mn in January. This was practically the same as a year earlier and meant for the year to January
consent values were 14% down from the year to January 2010.

                                                                                                                                                                   Page 7

                            NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS                                                                                     ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS
 60                                                                                                 5000
 50                                               % change in three month                                       $m annual total value of
 40                                                value of building permits                        4500        building consents issued
 30                                              compared with a year earlier
 -30                                                                                                2500
 -40       Source: Statistics NZ                                                                                                                                             Source: Statistics NZ

 -50                                                                                                2000
       2   3          4            5     6            7         8          9         10        11          97       98       99       0       1         2       3       4     5       6       7      8   9   10     11

Our interpretation of these numbers is that they show the value of non-residential building consents
flattening out after a period of decline, but that there is no upturn in place. However we have a problem.
Other data released during the week in the form of the Building Work Put in Place release show that the
seasonally adjusted volume of non-residential construction actually jumped by an unexpectedly large 10.6%
in the December quarter. This is the fourth quarterly rise in a row and means activity was 18.8% ahead of
the December quarter 2009. So should we in fact be writing that this sector is experiencing strong growth?
                                                                         NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION GROWTH

                                                                                                                                                       % quarterly




                                                                                                                                      % annual
                                                 7                             8                         9                                        10

Actually it has been strong recently, but there is a strange inconsistency at the very right hand side of the
following graph between the annual average change in consent values and the same change in actual
construction. What that says to us is that a lot of work has just been done on something perhaps consented
some time ago. All we can identify as being unusually strong during the December quarter was construction
of hospitals and nursing homes (ahead 94% from December quarter 2009), and factories and industrial
buildings ahead 49%.
                                                                              BUILDING WORK PUT IN PLACE
                                                           % annual average

                                                                                                        Consent values



                                        -20                                                                                       Non-residential
                                                             Source: Statistics NZ                                                   nominal
                                                 92   93   94       95   96    97    98   99    0   1    2      3        4        5       6       7         8       9   10

We are going to run for now with the theory that some lumpy stuff was caught up on and one must say that
recently the non-residential construction sector has seen a strong lift in activity from and still to below trend
levels. You can form your own judgement from the above graph as to whether this will continue. We think

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 8

Growth vs. Economic Slack
In a nutshell this is what drives inflation along with institutional arrangements, imported inflation, and exchange rate changes. If
you want to forecast monetary policy you need to monitor these things. So we will, adding stuff here when we learn it. The
current common view is rate tightening from September. Have we learnt anything this week which alters this outlook?

The growth indicators remain weak and unemployment will rise because of the earthquake and because
some employers will act on their dented confidence by putting hiring plans on hold. Thus the interaction of
demand and supply factors says inflation risks have dissipated and hence cutting interest rates this morning
was probably a very easy decision for the Reserve Bank to make. In essence the earthquake has allowed
them to reset monetary policy back at accommodative levels achieved during the global financial crisis and
they now start afresh in their consideration of when to take away the stimulus.

Other Inflation Influencers

Courtesy of the troubles in Libya oil prices have risen strongly in recent weeks and NZ petrol prices have hit
their highest levels since late-2008. In some countries such as France they have already reached record
levels – it al depends upon tax changes (we have extra GST and the Emissions Trading Scheme in place)
and exchange rate levels. The Kiwi dollar is above average against the greenback and that is restraining the
feed-through of higher oil prices.

High fuel prices will drive extra headline inflation but this is the sort of thing the Reserve Bank will look
through and only act on if they see large second-round effects. That is, prices and wages being raised to
compensate for this higher input costs. With the labour market still loose we think the ability of wage earners
to gain such compensation will be limited therefore do not believe the Reserve Bank will for now be all that
worried about the inflationary impact of the oil price rises. But they will monitor the situation closely and in
particular keep a close eye on inflation expectation measures.

Rate Movements This Week

Confirmation by the Reserve Bank of a 0.5% cut in the official in the official cash rate to 2.5% has seen 90-
day bank bill yields fall to 2.67% from 2.89% last week and 3.22% three weeks ago. One year swap rates
have fallen to near 2.77% from 2.91% last week and 3.38% three weeks ago. The five year swap rate has
fallen to 4.4% from 4.45% last week and 4.77% three weeks ago. These rate declines may be just about it
for this rally as we feel the Reserve Bank would be very reluctant to cut the cash rate again, especially as
figuring out what is really happening in the economy over the next few months will be quite difficult.
                                                                             90 DAY BANK BILL YIELDS                                                                                                                                                                ONE YEAR SWAP RATE
  6            %                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4.3

 5.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.1

 4.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3.5

  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3.3

 3.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3.1

  3                                                                                                                          2010
               2009                                                                                                                                                                                                            2011                       2.7
 2.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2.5














                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15 /9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           12 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7/ 12


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14 /9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6/ 12










                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 9

                                                   FIVE YEAR SWAP RATE





                                        2009            2010



                                   15 /9
                                   12 0
                                   10 1
                                  7/ 12


                                   14 /9
                                   11 0
                                  6/ 12








                        This                    Week           4 wks            3 months   Yr          10 yr
                        week                    ago            ago              ago        ago         average
    Official Cash Rate  2.50%                   3.00           3.00             3.00       2.50          5.9
    90-day bank bill    2.67%                   2.89           3.21             3.20       2.70          6.2
    1 year swap         2.77%                   2.91           3.43             3.47       3.48          6.3
    5 year swap         4.40%                   4.45           4.76             4.79       5.24          6.6
    180-day term depo   3.85%*                  3.85           4.10             4.10       4.90           6.0
    Five year term depo 6.00%                   6.00           6.50             6.50       6.75           6.5
    * 160 days = 5.2%

If I Were a Borrower What Would I Do?

Stay floating BUT. There is a level of fixed interest rates at which I would sacrifice a four decade low floating
rate in order to lock in rate certainty. In addition there is a point when if fixing was my goal I would jump from
floating into fixed because fixed rates were about to rise. With regard to this latter point the following factors
are in play.

•    Global inflation is rising with increasing concerns that the US Federal Reserve is risking too much
     inflation next year in order to try and underpin economic growth this year and the outcome will be a
     1994-like selloff in medium to long term interest rate products in expectation of something approaching
     the 3% rise in the Federal funds rate which happened back then.
•    The cut we have just seen here in New Zealand may mean extra rapid tightening next year once the
     rebuilding of Christchurch hits full speed.
•    Global commodity prices are rising on the back not just of loose monetary policies but structurally higher
     demand out of emerging economies. This means rapidly rising input costs in NZ with timber prices for
     instance just increasing 25%.

I would float now and only fix two years at a rate 6.0% or better or three years at a rate 6.25% or better.

                             Columns = Forecast           Current fixed rates
                              floating rate cost




                                        1                      2   Years             3

                                                                                                          Page 10

              CURRENT VERSUS AVERAGE MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES                                                                                               HOUSING TOTAL MONEY FLOATING RATE
 8.5                                                                                                                    11.5
                  %                                      8.1
              8.0                         7.9     8.0                                                                               %
 8.0                                                           7.8                                                                           Interpolated pre-2007
                              7.6           7.6                                                                         10.5
 7.0              Current interest
                       rates                                                                                             8.5

 6.0                                                                                                                     7.5
                                                                Average rates past eight years.
 5.0                                                                                                                                1998        2000         2002              2004           2006                 2008
             Total           1 year        2 year         3 year             4 year           5 year        7 years      5.5
             Money                                                                                                             98       12/2 27/4 11/5 10/5             8/5    6/5    2/5    4/5        3/5        1/5       30/4 29/4

                                      HOUSING 2 YEAR FIXED MORTGAGE RATE                                                                                   HOUSING 5 YEAR FIXED MORTGAGE RATE
   10.5                                                                                                                    10
              %                                                                                                                      %
       10                                                                                                                 9.5
       9.5                                                                                                                     9
       6.5                                                                                                                6.5

        6                                                                                                                      6
              1998           2000          2002           2004                   2006           2008                                1998            2000         2002          2004               2006                   2008
       5.5                                                                                                                5.5
             98       12/2 27/4 11/5 10/5           8/5    6/5        2/5        4/5    3/5    1/5     30/4 29/4                   98       12/2 27/4 11/5 10/5          8/5    6/5    2/5        4/5    3/5         1/5      30/4 29/4

If I Were a Term Deposit Investor What Would I Do?

Make the best of the situation given that low interest rates will be here for at least all of this year and
possibly well into 2012. Then if they do jump up at some point in 2012 it will be because inflation is
accelerating and that means in real terms I may not be better off. The inflation element globally is very
uncertain at the moment with plenty of analysts predicting a major surge from a combination of continued
money printing n the United States, money printing in emerging countries to stop their currencies
appreciating against the USD, weather events pushing up food prices, underlying structural growth in
demand as well as speculative pressures plus events such as what is happening in Libya.

Still, with so much uncertainty around the world having a good stack of funds in what appear to be quite safe
term deposits feels good.

                                             180 DAY TERM DEPOSIT                                                                                          FIVE YEAR TERM DEPOSIT RATE
10.00                                                                                                                   9.00
 9.00                                                                                                                   8.50

 8.00                                                                                                                   8.00

 7.00                                                                                                                   7.50

 6.00                                                                                                                   7.00

 5.00                                                                                                                   6.50

 4.00             %                                                                                                     6.00            %
 3.00                                                                                                                   5.50

 2.00                                                                                                                   5.00

 1.00                  Source:BNZ                                                                                       4.50                 Source:BNZ
 0.00                                                                                                                   4.00
        96        97    98     99     00    01      02    03         04     05     06    07     8       9    10    11          96       97     98     99    00    01     02    03     04     05     06        07         8      9   10    11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 11

Turnover is weak, construction falling, and prices essentially flat on average.

Housing Shortage

A few weeks ago we discussed research by the Department of Building and Housing into the number of
dwellings needing to be built each year to handle population growth and we concluded that at the start of this
year there was a fundamental shortage of about 28,000 dwellings. Now we have an estimate that 10,000
houses in Christchurch may be torn down as a result of the latest earthquake. That means our starting point
now is a shortage of 38,000 dwellings. Actually it will be more than that because of the estimated 100,000
houses in Christchurch needing repairs many will be uninhabitable for quite some time.

This does not of course mean that all of a sudden house prices are going to surge as people will clearly
double up for a while, holiday homes and motels will be occupied and so on. But over the longer term as
reconstruction of houses is constrained by a shortage of resources there will be a price impact regardless of
what the various housing affordability measures are showing.

It pays to remember that affordability measures give no insight into where prices for houses are likely to go
on average. If they did then we would not see average prices deviate from what some measure deems to be
an affordable level. If deviation occurs and the extent of over or under valuation reaches for instance 10%
that does not imply prices will fall 10% or hold still while incomes change. It could be that the valuation
measure is on its way to being 20% away from trend, or 40%. So be careful when looking at any fair value
measures for not just houses but shares, exchange rates and so on. If they worked as it were in predicting
price movements deviations from mean would not occur in the first place.

Or looked at another way, have any of these valuation measures yielded useful forecasts of prices moving
further away from fair value in the first place? Anyway, at least they do allow international comparisons to be
made which are actually quite important for us Kiwis because we are so internationally mobile. On average
over the past ten years we have had 1.7% of our population leave the country per annum and a flow
equivalent to 2.1% arrive. Our population churns rapidly and that creates a housing market dynamic we must
always keep near the front of our minds. If net migration flows turn quickly to the downside because of the
earthquake then housing market pressure will be quickly relieved to some extent. We will get a feel for this
effect in coming months and the risk is the net inflow becomes very low especially because of the increasing
attractiveness of shifting to Australia.

This is an email we received this week relevant to building costs.

“You may want to factor this into your inflation/housing calculations. As a timber manufacturer who exports
95% of production we are now facing a 25% increase in the price we pay for logs from 1/4/11.(54% increase
on a year ago). The excuse given is that this is what China will pay. When the building industry does restart
again the cost of lumber may be a shock to many. This is of course if there are any timber manufacturers
left. We could however import the timber.”

Just for your guide, there is as yet no evidence that spiralling timber prices are causing a fall-off in timber
exports. Export receipts from timber exports were 7% higher in the three months to January compared with a
year earlier. The first graph shows the 12 month running total of timber exports. The second graph shows
that there is evidence of rising imports but this comes after an unusually weak period and the long term trend
is upward anyway. So one cannot yet run an argument that sharply rising log prices are causing a shift in NZ
timber movements from exports to imports. The thing to remember is that log input prices to the timber
process will be rising offshore as well as here, so substitution from domestic timber to imported timber is
unlikely to happen to any major degree.

                                                                                                       Page 12

                                            SAWN WOOD EXPORTS                                                                                   SAWN WOOD IMPORTS
 1,000,000,000.00                                                                                      70,000,000.00

  900,000,000.00      $ 12 months                                                                                          $ 12 months

  700,000,000.00                                                                                       50,000,000.00


  300,000,000.00                                                                                       20,000,000.00

                        Source:Statistics                                                                                   Source:Statistics
                              NZ                                                                                                  NZ
              -                                                                                                  -
                    89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11                   89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11

Are You Seeing Something We Are Not?

If so, email us at with Housing Comment in the Subject line and let us know.

Key Forecasts
• Dwelling consent numbers to improve further out. House prices edging higher from second half of 2011.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 13

There are many important things happening offshore not easily covered in the one country commentaries we have traditionally
included when time permitted in the FX section below. So this new section will concentrate solely on developments in the
areas occupying the minds of the markets, policy makers and politicians around the world. In some weeks certain sections will
be empty because nothing new will have occurred.

European Debt
Southern Euro-zone governments have soaring debts and/or deficits due to taking on their private sector’s debts, or simply
their own fiscal incompetence. Concerned by these developments and the lack of suitable EU-wide institutions for handling
crises investors are demanding higher and higher interest rates before investing in more debt, causing debt servicing budget
blowouts for the recalcitrant borrowers. To try and keep investor confidence some governments are radically slashing
spending, raising taxes and restructuring but still borrowing costs climb and the citizenry grow increasingly restless. The logical
route is they restructure their debt but that can’t happen yet because the bulk of such debt is held by French and German
banks and the capital losses could send them bankrupt thus crushing their own economies. What happens then? Lots more
investor worries, more official bailout packages as already done for Ireland and Greece, more fiscal austerity and rioting, then
when bank capital bases are secure enough debt restructuring will almost certainly come for Ireland, Greece, Portugal and
maybe Italy and Spain.

What’s new?

Last week the ECB President Mr. Trichet said “An increase of interest rates in the next meeting is possible.”
Meaning that in April it is likely the ECB cash rate will be increased 0.25% to 1%, the first increase since July
2008 when the rate eventually peaked at 4.25%. The rate rise will prove problematic for highly indebted
countries like Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain which are struggling to manage their debt burdens while
enacting reforms aimed at getting (some) inefficiencies out of their economies – and at the same time trying
to badger the Germans into artificially lowering the interest rates they are being charged for their bailout
funds (Ireland and Greece only).

Speaking of Greece, this week the largely inevitable happened with Moody’s cutting their credit rating by
three notches to B1 from Ba1 citing default risk because of lax tax collection, the risk that reforms are not
implemented, and rising risk of losses to private investors because of German demands for such. The
premium investors now demand for holding Greek bonds has jumped to over 9% above German bond yields
which is the highest such spread since the second week of January.

Portugal is also having to pay more for its funds with a bond auction overnight poorly bid and yields at record

The prize for disappointing news of the week must surely go to European bank regulators who have decided
that the next round of bank stress tests will still not include a default event. That is they are not going to
require banks to model the impact on their balance sheets of the likes of Greece, Ireland, Portugal or Spain
defaulting on their debt. Their concern is that modeling a default will imply they expect one to happen.

Worse than that, regulators in individual countries will be able to use their own particular definitions for the
stress tests. The last time these stress tests were run all banks got pass marks and some then went on to
require bailouts. The results come out in June and it seems unlikely given the weak nature of the tests that
concerns about the financial soundness of banks in Europe will finally be laid to rest.

Still, in Germany economic growth prospects remain firm with industrial output rising by a strong 1.8% in

                                                                                                                         Page 14

Chinese Inflation
In China high inflation tends to spur non-one party thoughts from the populace à la Tiananmen Square 1989 therefore the
leaders will do all they can to get food price rises in particular down. So is inflation easing, what measures will be added to get
inflation down? The big global worry is that these measures could produce a sharp slowing in growth which slams
sharemarkets, Chinese raw material demand and therefore commodity prices relevant especially for Australia and via them to
us, plus our own large dairy and forest product exports to China.

What’s new?

No time to fill this section this week.

US Growth Momentum
The US economy has grown 2.2% over the past year but the upturn is not yet “self-sustaining” or reducing unemployment
stuck near 9% at 14mn - worse than Germany, Japan, Britain and Russia. Manufacturing is firm but retailing, housing and
business investment remain weak while few moves have yet been started to rein in an unsustainable Federal Budget deficit
above 11% of GDP and concerns are growing about state and local budgets. What we’re looking for are signs that the
economy is firing on more cylinders than just those caused by a low USD, restocking, and fiscal stimuli. I.E. consumption,
housing, and business capital spending.

What’s new?

The monthly non-farm payrolls report came in about at expectations. There were 192,000 net new jobs
created in February and previous months’ gains were revised slightly higher to reach 63,000 from the
previous 32,000. The result is largely being interpreted in a positive light but realistically it still shows a
labour market only just getting onto its feet. Given that January was affected by snow storms which impacted
hiring and February recorded a bounce back from that effect it is best to average the two months to get a
feel for what is happening. Doing that one gets growth averaging 128,000 which is better than the average
for all of 2010 of 78,000 a month and in particular is better than the average for the last six months of 2010
which was just 47,000. So the result looks okay but is still well below the 300,000 level generally accepted
as needed in order to stop the stock of unemployed from rising.
                                                        US - NON-FARM PAYROLLS
                            600000                                                                     12
                                                                        Unemployment rate
                            400000                                           RHS                       10

                            -200000                                                                    6

                            -800000                                     Monthly jobs growth LHS
                                           Source: US Dept. of Labour
                           -1000000                                                                    0
                                      06           07            8         9         10           11

The unemployment rate actually fell to 8.9% from 9% in January and a peak of 10.1% in October 2009. But
this fall reflects people leaving the workforce probably disappointed at their prospects of finding a job.

Still overall the result is okay and allows one to hope that hits which will come this year from states and local
authorities struggling to manage their finances and oil prices rising will by offset enough to allow consumer
spending to record improving growth.

                                                                                                                         Page 15

Global Currency Conflict
Asian economies have driven growth for many years by keeping their currencies low against the greenback (thus hurting the
purchasing power of their consumers). But their model of growth relying on excess spending by US households is shattered
yet they either don’t realize it or can’t face the adjustment pain. Natural pressures on the greenback are now downward
(budget and current account deficits, debt risk, relative interest rates and share of world economic activity and growth) but to
stop their currencies appreciating versus the USD Asian economies are keeping their interest rates low and printing more
money thus running rising inflation risks. Recent and planned extra US bond buying is adding to rising economic/political/trade
tensions. We are watching for either Asian currency capitulation (most closely watched are the Chinese), further capital inflow
restrictions, deployment of trade weapons, etc. The big risk is a global currency/trade war.

What’s new?

This issue is off the radar now for now because emerging economies which were taking steps to keep their
currencies low can now more obviously see the benefits of letting them rise as a means of suppressing
inflation and food price inflation in particular.

Commodity Prices
Prices of commodities are soaring on the back of currently firm Asian growth, expected rising structural demand related to
infrastructure and rising incomes, and surging speculative investor buying driven by US money printing, inflation fears, ultra-
low interest rates, and wariness of alternative investments. Bubbles are undoubtedly developing but history shows we have
zero chance of picking when they peak and where.

The main commodity price news for the week came in the oil market with the price in USDs per barrel for
West Texas Intermediate rising to almost $105 from $98 just over a week ago and $85 three weeks ago.
While there are promises by OPEC members to boost production in order to offset the loss of Libya’s output
(about 2% of all oil produced) the sheer uncertainty about how long Libya will be out of the market and what
happens in other Middle East oil producing countries suggests oil prices will remain elevated for some time
                                                                                                                                   OIL - West texas Intermediate






                                          2009                                                                                                                     2010                                                                                                    2011















Australian Growth
Australia delivers 24% of our merchandise export receipts, 45% of our tourists, owns almost all our banking sector and 51% of
FDI, contains over 500,000 Kiwis and acts as a back-up labour market for most of us. What happens there matters to us so we
shall monitor their growth here. The Aussie economy is growing strongly on a mining and infrastructure boom bringing us
competitiveness advantages in tourism and manufacturing as the AUD soars but will drain our skilled labour base. There is an
opportunity to entice manufacturers here. Jobs growth is averaging over 30,000 a month and at what point does this do four
things – spur currently weak retail spending, spur appallingly low house construction, drive wage inflation, and spur higher
non-mining business investment to boost productivity. The first three feed-throughs will accelerate monetary policy tightening
and lower the NZD/AUD exchange rate further. If job growth accelerates migration outflows from NZ to Australia will soar even
more than seems certain over 2011-12.

What’s new?

The NAB monthly business sentiment survey recorded a rise in February to a net 14% of respondents
feeling positive from 5% in January. This is the highest confidence level since March last year but a key
difference is that business feelings about current trading conditions remain weak at a net 3% pessimistic
from 15% optimistic in March last year. Effectively what this comparison of numbers shows is what our own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 16
BNZ Weekly Overview March 10 2011
BNZ Weekly Overview March 10 2011
BNZ Weekly Overview March 10 2011

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BNZ Weekly Overview March 10 2011

  • 1. BNZ Weekly Overview 10 March 2011 Mission Statement To help Kiwi businesspeople and householders make informed financial decisions by discussing the economy and its implications in a language they can understand. In this week’s issue…. Monetary Policy Eased 1 Housing Market Update 12 Is Our Economy Getting Better? 5 Major Offshore Issues 14 Interest Rates 9 Foreign Exchange 15 The Weekly Overview is written by Tony Alexander. The views expressed are my own and do not purport to represent the views of the BNZ. To receive the Weekly Overview each Thursday night email me at with ‘Subscribe” in the Subject line. Monetary Policy Eased The Reserve Bank this morning cut its official cash rate as we expected by 0.5% back to the record low of 2.5% reached in April 2009 as they were responding to the global financial crisis. They logically have cited the weakness in economic activity produced by the February 22 earthquake as prime reason for the cut but also note as we have been noting that even before that terrible event the economy was proving to be weaker than hoped for just three months ago. Consumers have cut spending on housing and retailing while rising farm incomes are predominantly leading to debt reduction rather than increasing spending. The Reserve Bank note that future monetary policy decisions will be guided by the data (as opposed to a particularly strong view regarding what happens 12-18 months down the track) but that they anticipate removing “current monetary policy accommodation” once the post-earthquake rebuilding phase materialises. Normally one would be able to interpret what this means for monetary policy by looking at the usually detailed RB economic forecasts. But this time around in light of the massive uncertainty regarding the impact of the earthquake on economic activity they have cut back their presentation and note the numbers they provide should not really be thought of this time as forecasts but the scenario underpinning the decision to cut the cash rate. But for the record they appear to have pencilled in cash rate increases of about 1.25% over 2012 then another 0.5% over 2013. But we repeat our very long running warning. One would be extremely unwise to develop an interest rate risk management strategy in the current and prospective economic environment on the basis of any particular set of interest rate forecasts. These forecasts have changed substantially over the past three years and will almost certainly continue to do so over the coming three. The rate cut and the words were almost exactly as we and the markets were expecting so the impact today on interest rates and the exchange rate has been limited. But now that a rate cut is confirmed it is fairly clear that recent cuts in fixed home loan rates will be followed by a sizeable cut in floating rates and that will be of benefit to many people with some 50% of mortgage volume now sitting at a floating rate. Page 1
  • 2. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW Outflows To Australia – Away They Go One of the key points we are hammering is that courtesy of the large unemployment rate and exchange rate gap plus a few other factors thrown in there will be a very very large surge in net migration outflows to Australia over the coming month. (Email me at if you want a copy of our paper examining this issue.) In January this year the net outflow was a whopping 3,518 which is the biggest one month loss since January 2009 – meaning that January usually produces a big number. NET MIGRATION FLOWS NZ vs. AUSTRALIA 15000 12 month total 0 -15000 -30000 Net loss Source : Statistics NZ -45000 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 1 3 5 7 9 11 But the annual net outflow now stands at 22,378 from 16,019 a year ago. We are headed probably quickly back to then beyond the net loss of 35,000 seen in late – 2008 and if employers have not given thought to this factor and instead just focus on the high NZ unemployment rate of 6.8% they are going to find themselves badly positioned about 12-18 months from now – especially once Christchurch rebuilding starts sucking up anyone who can hold a hammer. Irish Eyes Not Looking This Way Just for your guide and because this issue crops up in a positive sense in the Australian media now and then, there is zero evidence that the Irish fleeing their country are heading our way. Over the year to January the gross inflow of Irish here was only 1,295. This was down from 1,628 a year earlier and in the January quarter gross inflows were 11.3% lower than a year earlier. How bad does one’s country have to be for fleeing Irish not to want to come here! MIGRATION TO NZ FROM IRELAND 1800 70 % 60 1600 Annual total 50 1400 lhs 40 1200 30 1000 20 800 10 0 600 3 month change -10 400 vs year ago rhs -20 200 -30 0 -40 7 8 9 10 11 The Petrol Burden For your guide, in the year to June 2010 the average NZ family spent $40.90 a week on petrol. Over the year petrol prices averaged $1.70 for 91 octane fuel. If prices soon settle at $2.20 then average weekly expenditure in the absence of any behavioural change will be almost $53. Average weekly household income over the year to June 2010 was $935. The trouble with these numbers however is that they cover every single household in the country whereas we all have specific household characteristics. Families will Page 2
  • 3. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW have extra petrol costs due to taking the children to and from school, sports events, weekend birthday parties and so on. Realistically then all one can say without getting into the deep household sub-group categories contained in the Statistics NZ Household Economic Survey is to note that on average our petrol costs are ahead about 30% from where they were last June year and because changing behaviour is difficult (witness Lindsay Lohen and Charlie Sheen), we will pay for the extra petrol by cutting spending elsewhere. We have had a very subdued outlook for retailing over 2011 for some time now and can only reinforce our comments that retailers should not think in terms of managing their businesses in a growing environment but in terms of emphasising most profitable products, those with pricing power and so on. Only believe that customers are flocking back once you have seen the whites of their eyes for perhaps three solid months in a row. Having said that there will be boosts for many in Christchurch once people start using insurance payouts to refurnish their houses – if they are habitable. NZ PETROL PRICES 240.0 cents 220.0 91 octane per liter 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 100.0 25/6 3/6 29/7 23/9 18/11 13/1 10/3 2/5 30/6 25/8 20/10 15/12 9/2 6/4 1/6 27/7 21/9 16/11 11/1 8/3 3/5 28/6 23/8 18/10 13/12 7/2 3/4 29/5 24/7 18/9 13/11 8/1/0 5/3 30/4 20/8 15/10 10/12 4/2 31/3 27/5 22/7 16/9 11/11 6/1/1 3/3 If you want historic petrol price data including importer margins etc download the Excel file from here. Damage Guesses NZ Treasury this week released their regular monthly overview of the NZ economy and like ourselves noted that even before the earthquake the domestic part of the economy was turning out to be weaker than they had been thinking back when they compiled their previous set of economic forecasts in December. They note that farmers are paying down debt rather than spending their rising incomes, that consumers generally are doing the same, and that demand for labour is weak though income growth is picking up. Treasury make two cost estimates of the earthquake. The first relates to the damage caused by the two earthquakes They estimate that together the two Christchurch earthquakes have caused $15bn worth of damage give or take $5bn made up as residential $9bn, commercial $3bn, and infrastructure $3bn. Rebuilding damaged structures is expected to commence in 2012 and occur over a number of years. Second they estimate that the latest earthquake by itself will cause the economy to grow by 1.5 percentage points less than otherwise. That is, before the earthquake they expected the economy in the December quarter of this year to be 3.5% bigger than the December quarter of last year. Now they estimate that the rise will be only 2.0%. Both of these estimates are just that – estimates – and there are plenty of others which need to be made. For instance the government’s revenue will suffer because of the weakening of economic activity. The current account will shift into surplus for the first time since 1973 because of the money flowing in from offshore reinsurance (some $6bn). Unemployment will be higher than otherwise this year. Government spending will clearly be higher but at this stage an estimate of the rebuilding cost to the government has yet Page 3
  • 4. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW to be made. One could say the same for the Christchurch City Council, for Christchurch businesses, and for Christchurch homeowners. Rebuilding from the September 4 event was taking longer than anticipated to start and Treasury, like the Reserve Bank, estimate that during the December quarter the economy recorded no growth rather than the 0.9% growth they were forecasting just three months ago. They also reckon we will record shrinkage for the March quarter. Tractor Regos A Good Proxy Don’t laugh. About once a year we get contacted by someone criticising our use of registration data to describe what is happening with tractor purchases. It is true that sales and registrations are different things but despite many requests no-one has been able to supply us with a regular timely series of tractor sales. This week someone did so we now have monthly sales data from January 2004. That means we can have a proper look at whether it is valid to look at short term changes in tractor registrations and imply tractor sales are probably doing the same thing. The answer is yes. This first graph shows three month totals for regos and sales. The series move together over a strong seasonal pattern but with the gap between sales and registrations all but gone now. If a farmer can tell us why tractors they buy nowadays are usually registered whereas they were not in the past that would be handy. TRACTOR SALES AND REGISTRATIONS 600 3 month 500 Sales 400 300 200 100 Registration s Sources:NZTA, TAMA 0 04 05 06 07 8 9 10 11 This second graph consists of our roughly estimated seasonally adjusted rate of change in three month tractor sales. We have already reported our estimate of a 20% rise in tractor regos over the three months to January. For sales we estimate a 15% rise. The numbers three months earlier were -4% and +5% respectively, and three months before that +4% and +8%. So broadly speaking the series move together give or take 5% - 10% differences which given the high volatility in these monthly numbers and the fact we only tend to highlight the numbers when the changes are large is not a big deal. ESTIMATED THREE MONTH SEASONALLY ADJUSTED CHANGES 30 25 % Tractor registrations 20 15 10 Tractor sales 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Sources:NZTA, TAMA -20 10 F M A M J J A S O N D 11 So now we can all get some sleep. One point though, for want of anywhere else to put it – how many Australian farmers are going to be looking ahead for the next couple of decades and thinking about the difficulty of running a profitable export-focussed business in Australia when the AUD will be kept high by Page 4
  • 5. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW mineral resource prices? Will we see a flow of farmers back to New Zealand on top of the general investor interest in securing agricultural assets caused by expectations of rising world food demand? In fact there is also another factor in play here which those involved in NZ’s farming sector may want to keep an eye on. In Australia the large supermarket chains have slashed their milk prices to $1 a litre. This is great for consumers but the dairy industry is up in arms because in spite of the protestations from the supermarkets that they are merely loss-leading the expectation is that such terrible discounting of a basic food item vital to household health will lead to lower prices being paid to Australian dairy farmers. Unlike NZ where some 90-95% of milk is exported in Australia only 45% is sent offshore. Is Our Economy Getting Better or Worse? In this simple summary section we look only at what the data are actually telling us and pay no attention to forecasts or intentions measures. This section is proving very useful in picking what is happening out there and it is noteworthy that for the next wee while the Reserve Bank intend basing their monetary policy decisions on what the data are saying rather than what may necessarily lie down the track. This week we have learnt that earlier growth in car registrations has faded so if car registrations are a guide to consumer spending (dubious) then they are saying new restraint has crept in. We have also seen only a small recovery in dwelling consents issuance in January of just half December’s big 18% seasonally adjusted fall. So house building remains in recession and the trend is still down. But businesses do appear to be increasing their spending on commercial vehicles though earlier growth in tractor registrations has faded away. And though we caution that these data are volatile, the value of retail Electronic Card Transactions fell only 0.2% in February whereas the earthquake would have stripped at least 1% off. So lets call retail spending growth flat for now rather than falling. Are householders opening their wallets more? In February there were 11,371 cars registered around New Zealand. And so it starts. We need to where possible try and make some adjustment to the data for the February 22 earthquake. Over the previous five years between January and February in Christchurch car registrations have fallen by between 68 and 192 averaging 151. This year the decline was 482. That sounds unusually large so there may be a particular regular weekly pattern to regos which we are not aware of. So lets add not 331 back in (482 less 151) but just 200 and see what the data now say. At 11,571 nationwide car registrations in February were up almost 5% from a year ago and in the three months to February compared with the three months to November there was a roughly calculated 1% seasonally adjusted fall in car registrations. Therefore, with the three month number of regos 11% below average for the past six years and a small fall in the past three months whereas the three month change to January was +5% s.a., we can reasonably say that if this statistic reflects what consumers are doing with their money it shows easing spending on cars. But just to perhaps make things clearer, if we look only at the North Island then seasonally adjusted car regos were ahead 3.7% from the three months to November whereas the same calculation ending in January showed growth of 6.6%. The recent weakness therefore is largely in the South Island and the conclusion we draw is this. There is mild improvement underway in car registrations but we cannot know to what extent this is driven by consumers and to what extent by businesses. At least there is growth. For your guide the South Island rough s.a. change for the past three months was a fall of 11% even with 200 added back in to the Christchurch total. Page 5
  • 6. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW CAR REGISTRATIONS CAR REGISTRATIONS 15 260000 % change in three month 10 sum seasonally adjusted 240000 12 month total 220000 5 200000 0 180000 -5 160000 140000 -10 120000 -15 Source:NZTA 100000 Source:NZTA -20 80000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 With regard to house construction the news remains bad. Although in seasonally adjusted terms the number of consents issued for the construction of new dwellings improved 9.6% in January this followed an 18.2% fall in December and means that in the three months to January consents were down 2.9% seasonally adjusted from the three months to October and 14.5% down unadjusted from a year ago. For houses only (no apartments) the three month fall was a large 9.6%. DWELLING CONSENTS ISSUED DWELLING CONSENTS ISSUED 43000 30 Source: Statistics NZ 38000 12 month total 20 10 33000 0 28000 -10 23000 -20 18000 -30 3 mths on previous 3 mths using Source: Statistics NZ seasonally adjusted numbers 13000 -40 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 0 2 4 6 8 10 8 9 10 11 The trend in dwelling consent issuance is decidedly downward so one can comfortably say that the sector remains in recession with the annual number of consents at 15,427 now the lowest since March last year and not much above the four decade low of 13,616 reached in September 2009. It will be touch and go whether the annual total hits that level again. This morning we learnt that the value of Electronic Card Transactions in February in seasonally adjusted terms was down only 0.2% from January – or by 0.6% excluding cars and petrol. The 0.2% fall followed a 2.4% rise in January and means over the past three months retail spending growth has been a reasonable 6.4% annualised. But there is an upward distortion from rising petrol prices and the core measure has grown at an annualised pace of only 0.5% the past three months. ELECTRONIC CARD TRANSACTIONS 14 12 10 ECT Core Retail 8 Average 6 4 2 % s.a. 3 month changes annualised 0 Source : Statistics NZ -2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 We think it is reasonable to look at the numbers and conclude that February’s fall was less than it could have been given the earthquake, but underlying it all the trend is for flat retail spending growth. Page 6
  • 7. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW Is business output rising? We have not received any data apart from inward visitors this week but I’m working on a model for estimating spending of tourists so will wait until that is completed before adding tourism again. Are businesses hiring more people? No new evidence this week. Are businesses boosting their capital spending? One piece of information we use to try and answer this question is registrations of commercial vehicles. In February such registrations were 14% ahead of a year ago at 1,737 units. In the three months to February regos were ahead 13.3% from a year ago and seasonally adjusted they were ahead 11% from the three months to November. There is underlying growth occurring in this measure of business activity and that is good. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS COMMERCIAL VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS 20 40000 10 12 month total 35000 0 30000 -10 % 3 months change 25000 -20 seasonally adjusted 20000 Source:NZTA -30 Source:NZTA -40 15000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In addition, in February there were 137 tractors registered around the country which was a rise of 9% from a year ago and a seasonally adjusted gain of about 3% in the past three months. We would call that a flat result. This means that although the sector is coming off its lows the recovery is as we noted last week for wider rises in farmer spending, very mild. There is no justification at this stage for saying farmers are spending up large – not when farm debt between September and January fell by $459mn. Last year over the same time it fell $162mn, the year before it rose $1.8bn and the year before that in 2007-08 it rose $1.3bn. TRACTOR REGISTRATIONS 40 % change in three months TRACTOR REGISTRATIONS 3500 30 seasonally adjusted 12 month total 20 3000 10 2500 0 -10 2000 -20 1500 -30 Source:NZTA Source:NZTA -40 1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 This week we learnt that the value of consents issued for the construction of non-residential buildings was $228mn in January. This was practically the same as a year earlier and meant for the year to January consent values were 14% down from the year to January 2010. Page 7
  • 8. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 60 5000 50 % change in three month $m annual total value of 40 value of building permits 4500 building consents issued 30 compared with a year earlier 4000 20 10 3500 0 -10 3000 -20 -30 2500 -40 Source: Statistics NZ Source: Statistics NZ -50 2000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Our interpretation of these numbers is that they show the value of non-residential building consents flattening out after a period of decline, but that there is no upturn in place. However we have a problem. Other data released during the week in the form of the Building Work Put in Place release show that the seasonally adjusted volume of non-residential construction actually jumped by an unexpectedly large 10.6% in the December quarter. This is the fourth quarterly rise in a row and means activity was 18.8% ahead of the December quarter 2009. So should we in fact be writing that this sector is experiencing strong growth? NON-RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION GROWTH 15 10 % quarterly 5 0 -5 -10 % annual average -15 7 8 9 10 Actually it has been strong recently, but there is a strange inconsistency at the very right hand side of the following graph between the annual average change in consent values and the same change in actual construction. What that says to us is that a lot of work has just been done on something perhaps consented some time ago. All we can identify as being unusually strong during the December quarter was construction of hospitals and nursing homes (ahead 94% from December quarter 2009), and factories and industrial buildings ahead 49%. 80 BUILDING WORK PUT IN PLACE % annual average growth 60 40 Consent values 20 0 -20 Non-residential Source: Statistics NZ nominal -40 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 We are going to run for now with the theory that some lumpy stuff was caught up on and one must say that recently the non-residential construction sector has seen a strong lift in activity from and still to below trend levels. You can form your own judgement from the above graph as to whether this will continue. We think not. Page 8
  • 9. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW INTEREST RATES Growth vs. Economic Slack In a nutshell this is what drives inflation along with institutional arrangements, imported inflation, and exchange rate changes. If you want to forecast monetary policy you need to monitor these things. So we will, adding stuff here when we learn it. The current common view is rate tightening from September. Have we learnt anything this week which alters this outlook? The growth indicators remain weak and unemployment will rise because of the earthquake and because some employers will act on their dented confidence by putting hiring plans on hold. Thus the interaction of demand and supply factors says inflation risks have dissipated and hence cutting interest rates this morning was probably a very easy decision for the Reserve Bank to make. In essence the earthquake has allowed them to reset monetary policy back at accommodative levels achieved during the global financial crisis and they now start afresh in their consideration of when to take away the stimulus. Other Inflation Influencers Courtesy of the troubles in Libya oil prices have risen strongly in recent weeks and NZ petrol prices have hit their highest levels since late-2008. In some countries such as France they have already reached record levels – it al depends upon tax changes (we have extra GST and the Emissions Trading Scheme in place) and exchange rate levels. The Kiwi dollar is above average against the greenback and that is restraining the feed-through of higher oil prices. High fuel prices will drive extra headline inflation but this is the sort of thing the Reserve Bank will look through and only act on if they see large second-round effects. That is, prices and wages being raised to compensate for this higher input costs. With the labour market still loose we think the ability of wage earners to gain such compensation will be limited therefore do not believe the Reserve Bank will for now be all that worried about the inflationary impact of the oil price rises. But they will monitor the situation closely and in particular keep a close eye on inflation expectation measures. Rate Movements This Week Confirmation by the Reserve Bank of a 0.5% cut in the official in the official cash rate to 2.5% has seen 90- day bank bill yields fall to 2.67% from 2.89% last week and 3.22% three weeks ago. One year swap rates have fallen to near 2.77% from 2.91% last week and 3.38% three weeks ago. The five year swap rate has fallen to 4.4% from 4.45% last week and 4.77% three weeks ago. These rate declines may be just about it for this rally as we feel the Reserve Bank would be very reluctant to cut the cash rate again, especially as figuring out what is really happening in the economy over the next few months will be quite difficult. 90 DAY BANK BILL YIELDS ONE YEAR SWAP RATE 6.5 4.5 % 6 % 4.3 5.5 4.1 3.9 5 3.7 4.5 3.5 4 3.3 3.5 3.1 2.9 3 2010 2009 2011 2.7 2.5 2.5 2-Jan 30-Jan 2-Mar 30-Mar 29-Apr 24-Jun 19-Aug 16-Sep 12-Jan 9-Feb 9-Mar 3-Jun 26-Aug 23-Sep 17-Jan 14-Feb 27-May 22-Jul 11-Nov 1-Jul 29-Jul 14-Oct 9-Dec 6-May 18-Nov 16-Dec 21-Oct 8-Apr 2 3 4 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 15 /9 12 0 10 1 7/ 12 2 3 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 14 /9 11 0 1 6/ 12 2 3 09 10 11 5/ 5/ 2/ 4/ 4/ 3/ 3/ /1 /1 /1 /1 30 28 25 23 20 17 31 29 27 24 22 19 16 1/ / 1/ 9/ 1/ 8/ Page 9
  • 10. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW FIVE YEAR SWAP RATE 6 % 5.5 5 4.5 4 2009 2010 3.5 2 3 /3 09 2 3 4 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 15 /9 12 0 10 1 7/ 12 10 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 14 /9 11 0 1 6/ 12 11 2 3 /1 /1 4/ 4/ 5/ 5/ 2/ /1 /1 3/ 3/ 30 28 25 23 20 17 31 29 27 24 22 19 16 / 1/ 1/ 9/ 1/ 8/ FINANCIAL MARKETS DATA This Week 4 wks 3 months Yr 10 yr week ago ago ago ago average Official Cash Rate 2.50% 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 5.9 90-day bank bill 2.67% 2.89 3.21 3.20 2.70 6.2 1 year swap 2.77% 2.91 3.43 3.47 3.48 6.3 5 year swap 4.40% 4.45 4.76 4.79 5.24 6.6 180-day term depo 3.85%* 3.85 4.10 4.10 4.90 6.0 Five year term depo 6.00% 6.00 6.50 6.50 6.75 6.5 * 160 days = 5.2% If I Were a Borrower What Would I Do? Stay floating BUT. There is a level of fixed interest rates at which I would sacrifice a four decade low floating rate in order to lock in rate certainty. In addition there is a point when if fixing was my goal I would jump from floating into fixed because fixed rates were about to rise. With regard to this latter point the following factors are in play. • Global inflation is rising with increasing concerns that the US Federal Reserve is risking too much inflation next year in order to try and underpin economic growth this year and the outcome will be a 1994-like selloff in medium to long term interest rate products in expectation of something approaching the 3% rise in the Federal funds rate which happened back then. • The cut we have just seen here in New Zealand may mean extra rapid tightening next year once the rebuilding of Christchurch hits full speed. • Global commodity prices are rising on the back not just of loose monetary policies but structurally higher demand out of emerging economies. This means rapidly rising input costs in NZ with timber prices for instance just increasing 25%. I would float now and only fix two years at a rate 6.0% or better or three years at a rate 6.25% or better. 7.5 Columns = Forecast Current fixed rates average 7 floating rate cost 6.5 6 5.5 % 5 1 2 Years 3 Page 10
  • 11. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW CURRENT VERSUS AVERAGE MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES HOUSING TOTAL MONEY FLOATING RATE 8.5 11.5 % 8.1 8.0 7.9 8.0 % 8.0 7.8 Interpolated pre-2007 7.6 7.6 10.5 7.5 9.5 7.0 Current interest rates 8.5 6.5 6.0 7.5 Average rates past eight years. 5.5 6.5 5.0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Total 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 7 years 5.5 Money 98 12/2 27/4 11/5 10/5 8/5 6/5 2/5 4/5 3/5 1/5 30/4 29/4 HOUSING 2 YEAR FIXED MORTGAGE RATE HOUSING 5 YEAR FIXED MORTGAGE RATE 10.5 10 % % 10 9.5 9.5 9 9 8.5 8.5 8 8 7.5 7.5 7 7 6.5 6.5 6 6 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 5.5 5.5 98 12/2 27/4 11/5 10/5 8/5 6/5 2/5 4/5 3/5 1/5 30/4 29/4 98 12/2 27/4 11/5 10/5 8/5 6/5 2/5 4/5 3/5 1/5 30/4 29/4 If I Were a Term Deposit Investor What Would I Do? Make the best of the situation given that low interest rates will be here for at least all of this year and possibly well into 2012. Then if they do jump up at some point in 2012 it will be because inflation is accelerating and that means in real terms I may not be better off. The inflation element globally is very uncertain at the moment with plenty of analysts predicting a major surge from a combination of continued money printing n the United States, money printing in emerging countries to stop their currencies appreciating against the USD, weather events pushing up food prices, underlying structural growth in demand as well as speculative pressures plus events such as what is happening in Libya. Still, with so much uncertainty around the world having a good stack of funds in what appear to be quite safe term deposits feels good. 180 DAY TERM DEPOSIT FIVE YEAR TERM DEPOSIT RATE 10.00 9.00 RATE 9.00 8.50 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.50 6.00 7.00 5.00 6.50 4.00 % 6.00 % 3.00 5.50 2.00 5.00 1.00 Source:BNZ 4.50 Source:BNZ 0.00 4.00 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 8 9 10 11 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 8 9 10 11 Page 11
  • 12. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW HOUSING MARKET UPDATE Turnover is weak, construction falling, and prices essentially flat on average. Housing Shortage A few weeks ago we discussed research by the Department of Building and Housing into the number of dwellings needing to be built each year to handle population growth and we concluded that at the start of this year there was a fundamental shortage of about 28,000 dwellings. Now we have an estimate that 10,000 houses in Christchurch may be torn down as a result of the latest earthquake. That means our starting point now is a shortage of 38,000 dwellings. Actually it will be more than that because of the estimated 100,000 houses in Christchurch needing repairs many will be uninhabitable for quite some time. This does not of course mean that all of a sudden house prices are going to surge as people will clearly double up for a while, holiday homes and motels will be occupied and so on. But over the longer term as reconstruction of houses is constrained by a shortage of resources there will be a price impact regardless of what the various housing affordability measures are showing. It pays to remember that affordability measures give no insight into where prices for houses are likely to go on average. If they did then we would not see average prices deviate from what some measure deems to be an affordable level. If deviation occurs and the extent of over or under valuation reaches for instance 10% that does not imply prices will fall 10% or hold still while incomes change. It could be that the valuation measure is on its way to being 20% away from trend, or 40%. So be careful when looking at any fair value measures for not just houses but shares, exchange rates and so on. If they worked as it were in predicting price movements deviations from mean would not occur in the first place. Or looked at another way, have any of these valuation measures yielded useful forecasts of prices moving further away from fair value in the first place? Anyway, at least they do allow international comparisons to be made which are actually quite important for us Kiwis because we are so internationally mobile. On average over the past ten years we have had 1.7% of our population leave the country per annum and a flow equivalent to 2.1% arrive. Our population churns rapidly and that creates a housing market dynamic we must always keep near the front of our minds. If net migration flows turn quickly to the downside because of the earthquake then housing market pressure will be quickly relieved to some extent. We will get a feel for this effect in coming months and the risk is the net inflow becomes very low especially because of the increasing attractiveness of shifting to Australia. This is an email we received this week relevant to building costs. “You may want to factor this into your inflation/housing calculations. As a timber manufacturer who exports 95% of production we are now facing a 25% increase in the price we pay for logs from 1/4/11.(54% increase on a year ago). The excuse given is that this is what China will pay. When the building industry does restart again the cost of lumber may be a shock to many. This is of course if there are any timber manufacturers left. We could however import the timber.” Just for your guide, there is as yet no evidence that spiralling timber prices are causing a fall-off in timber exports. Export receipts from timber exports were 7% higher in the three months to January compared with a year earlier. The first graph shows the 12 month running total of timber exports. The second graph shows that there is evidence of rising imports but this comes after an unusually weak period and the long term trend is upward anyway. So one cannot yet run an argument that sharply rising log prices are causing a shift in NZ timber movements from exports to imports. The thing to remember is that log input prices to the timber process will be rising offshore as well as here, so substitution from domestic timber to imported timber is unlikely to happen to any major degree. Page 12
  • 13. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW SAWN WOOD EXPORTS SAWN WOOD IMPORTS 1,000,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 900,000,000.00 $ 12 months $ 12 months 60,000,000.00 800,000,000.00 700,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 Source:Statistics Source:Statistics NZ NZ - - 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Are You Seeing Something We Are Not? If so, email us at with Housing Comment in the Subject line and let us know. Key Forecasts • Dwelling consent numbers to improve further out. House prices edging higher from second half of 2011. Page 13
  • 14. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW MAJOR OFFSHORE ISSUES There are many important things happening offshore not easily covered in the one country commentaries we have traditionally included when time permitted in the FX section below. So this new section will concentrate solely on developments in the areas occupying the minds of the markets, policy makers and politicians around the world. In some weeks certain sections will be empty because nothing new will have occurred. European Debt Southern Euro-zone governments have soaring debts and/or deficits due to taking on their private sector’s debts, or simply their own fiscal incompetence. Concerned by these developments and the lack of suitable EU-wide institutions for handling crises investors are demanding higher and higher interest rates before investing in more debt, causing debt servicing budget blowouts for the recalcitrant borrowers. To try and keep investor confidence some governments are radically slashing spending, raising taxes and restructuring but still borrowing costs climb and the citizenry grow increasingly restless. The logical route is they restructure their debt but that can’t happen yet because the bulk of such debt is held by French and German banks and the capital losses could send them bankrupt thus crushing their own economies. What happens then? Lots more investor worries, more official bailout packages as already done for Ireland and Greece, more fiscal austerity and rioting, then when bank capital bases are secure enough debt restructuring will almost certainly come for Ireland, Greece, Portugal and maybe Italy and Spain. What’s new? Last week the ECB President Mr. Trichet said “An increase of interest rates in the next meeting is possible.” Meaning that in April it is likely the ECB cash rate will be increased 0.25% to 1%, the first increase since July 2008 when the rate eventually peaked at 4.25%. The rate rise will prove problematic for highly indebted countries like Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain which are struggling to manage their debt burdens while enacting reforms aimed at getting (some) inefficiencies out of their economies – and at the same time trying to badger the Germans into artificially lowering the interest rates they are being charged for their bailout funds (Ireland and Greece only). Speaking of Greece, this week the largely inevitable happened with Moody’s cutting their credit rating by three notches to B1 from Ba1 citing default risk because of lax tax collection, the risk that reforms are not implemented, and rising risk of losses to private investors because of German demands for such. The premium investors now demand for holding Greek bonds has jumped to over 9% above German bond yields which is the highest such spread since the second week of January. Portugal is also having to pay more for its funds with a bond auction overnight poorly bid and yields at record highs. The prize for disappointing news of the week must surely go to European bank regulators who have decided that the next round of bank stress tests will still not include a default event. That is they are not going to require banks to model the impact on their balance sheets of the likes of Greece, Ireland, Portugal or Spain defaulting on their debt. Their concern is that modeling a default will imply they expect one to happen. Worse than that, regulators in individual countries will be able to use their own particular definitions for the stress tests. The last time these stress tests were run all banks got pass marks and some then went on to require bailouts. The results come out in June and it seems unlikely given the weak nature of the tests that concerns about the financial soundness of banks in Europe will finally be laid to rest. Still, in Germany economic growth prospects remain firm with industrial output rising by a strong 1.8% in January. Page 14
  • 15. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW Chinese Inflation In China high inflation tends to spur non-one party thoughts from the populace à la Tiananmen Square 1989 therefore the leaders will do all they can to get food price rises in particular down. So is inflation easing, what measures will be added to get inflation down? The big global worry is that these measures could produce a sharp slowing in growth which slams sharemarkets, Chinese raw material demand and therefore commodity prices relevant especially for Australia and via them to us, plus our own large dairy and forest product exports to China. What’s new? No time to fill this section this week. US Growth Momentum The US economy has grown 2.2% over the past year but the upturn is not yet “self-sustaining” or reducing unemployment stuck near 9% at 14mn - worse than Germany, Japan, Britain and Russia. Manufacturing is firm but retailing, housing and business investment remain weak while few moves have yet been started to rein in an unsustainable Federal Budget deficit above 11% of GDP and concerns are growing about state and local budgets. What we’re looking for are signs that the economy is firing on more cylinders than just those caused by a low USD, restocking, and fiscal stimuli. I.E. consumption, housing, and business capital spending. What’s new? The monthly non-farm payrolls report came in about at expectations. There were 192,000 net new jobs created in February and previous months’ gains were revised slightly higher to reach 63,000 from the previous 32,000. The result is largely being interpreted in a positive light but realistically it still shows a labour market only just getting onto its feet. Given that January was affected by snow storms which impacted hiring and February recorded a bounce back from that effect it is best to average the two months to get a feel for what is happening. Doing that one gets growth averaging 128,000 which is better than the average for all of 2010 of 78,000 a month and in particular is better than the average for the last six months of 2010 which was just 47,000. So the result looks okay but is still well below the 300,000 level generally accepted as needed in order to stop the stock of unemployed from rising. US - NON-FARM PAYROLLS 600000 12 Unemployment rate 400000 RHS 10 200000 8 0 -200000 6 -400000 4 -600000 2 -800000 Monthly jobs growth LHS Source: US Dept. of Labour -1000000 0 06 07 8 9 10 11 The unemployment rate actually fell to 8.9% from 9% in January and a peak of 10.1% in October 2009. But this fall reflects people leaving the workforce probably disappointed at their prospects of finding a job. Still overall the result is okay and allows one to hope that hits which will come this year from states and local authorities struggling to manage their finances and oil prices rising will by offset enough to allow consumer spending to record improving growth. Page 15
  • 16. BNZ WEEKLY OVERVIEW Global Currency Conflict Asian economies have driven growth for many years by keeping their currencies low against the greenback (thus hurting the purchasing power of their consumers). But their model of growth relying on excess spending by US households is shattered yet they either don’t realize it or can’t face the adjustment pain. Natural pressures on the greenback are now downward (budget and current account deficits, debt risk, relative interest rates and share of world economic activity and growth) but to stop their currencies appreciating versus the USD Asian economies are keeping their interest rates low and printing more money thus running rising inflation risks. Recent and planned extra US bond buying is adding to rising economic/political/trade tensions. We are watching for either Asian currency capitulation (most closely watched are the Chinese), further capital inflow restrictions, deployment of trade weapons, etc. The big risk is a global currency/trade war. What’s new? This issue is off the radar now for now because emerging economies which were taking steps to keep their currencies low can now more obviously see the benefits of letting them rise as a means of suppressing inflation and food price inflation in particular. Commodity Prices Prices of commodities are soaring on the back of currently firm Asian growth, expected rising structural demand related to infrastructure and rising incomes, and surging speculative investor buying driven by US money printing, inflation fears, ultra- low interest rates, and wariness of alternative investments. Bubbles are undoubtedly developing but history shows we have zero chance of picking when they peak and where. The main commodity price news for the week came in the oil market with the price in USDs per barrel for West Texas Intermediate rising to almost $105 from $98 just over a week ago and $85 three weeks ago. While there are promises by OPEC members to boost production in order to offset the loss of Libya’s output (about 2% of all oil produced) the sheer uncertainty about how long Libya will be out of the market and what happens in other Middle East oil producing countries suggests oil prices will remain elevated for some time yet. OIL - West texas Intermediate 110 US$ 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 2009 2010 2011 30 2-Jan 30-Jan 29-Apr 3-Jun 30-Mar 24-Jun 19-Aug 16-Sep 12-Jan 9-Feb 26-Aug 23-Sep 17-Jan 14-Feb 22-Jul 1-Jul 29-Jul 14-Oct 9-Dec 6-May 21-Oct 18-Nov 16-Dec 2-Mar 27-May 11-Nov 9-Mar 8-Apr Australian Growth Australia delivers 24% of our merchandise export receipts, 45% of our tourists, owns almost all our banking sector and 51% of FDI, contains over 500,000 Kiwis and acts as a back-up labour market for most of us. What happens there matters to us so we shall monitor their growth here. The Aussie economy is growing strongly on a mining and infrastructure boom bringing us competitiveness advantages in tourism and manufacturing as the AUD soars but will drain our skilled labour base. There is an opportunity to entice manufacturers here. Jobs growth is averaging over 30,000 a month and at what point does this do four things – spur currently weak retail spending, spur appallingly low house construction, drive wage inflation, and spur higher non-mining business investment to boost productivity. The first three feed-throughs will accelerate monetary policy tightening and lower the NZD/AUD exchange rate further. If job growth accelerates migration outflows from NZ to Australia will soar even more than seems certain over 2011-12. What’s new? The NAB monthly business sentiment survey recorded a rise in February to a net 14% of respondents feeling positive from 5% in January. This is the highest confidence level since March last year but a key difference is that business feelings about current trading conditions remain weak at a net 3% pessimistic from 15% optimistic in March last year. Effectively what this comparison of numbers shows is what our own Page 16