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Adoption in Agri-Food
May 2019
Adoption of BC in
Agri-Food Industry
How BC will Transform
Agri-Food Industry
Key Enablers & Challenges
• Agri-Food industry is changing around the globe
and has witnessed significant changes with the
aid of regulations, laws, demand, technology,
etc. to enhance food safety and encourage food
trade. However, despite these changes, ……………
………. remains a major concern across the globe.
• Beyond the basic blockchain concepts
developments ……………………..
• Advancement of BC over these years,
encouraged enterprises to look for solutions in
this sector. UK’s FSA, XXXX’s XXXX and XX’ XXXX
have begun or have raised the pitch for using BC
technology in the Agri-Food industry.
• BC technology has proliferated and positively
impacted the Agri-Food industry and is expected
to grow in influence. BC solutions for the Agri-
Food Industry range from ……… to …….
• BC has infiltrated the Agri-Food and has led to
the overhaul of different challenges
handicapping the industry. These challenges
include food fraud, ………………...
• Agri-Food companies have already initiated the
use of blockchain to …………………………………….
These companies have even started to rely on
these platforms to investigate the origin of
contamination, certify organic provenance of
products, increase shelf life and lessen spoilage
• The industry faces challenges such as
• The key enablers driving the upward trajectory
in growth of this space include strong
government initiatives for food safety and
transparency, ………………………………………………...
Venturing of BC in
the Agri-Food Industry
Front Runners
Key Segment/Region/Player
• Enterprise firms have paved the way for BC
solutions in supply chain management to
……………………. throughout the supply chain and
find a measure to ……………………………...
• The solutions have demonstrated permissioned
access to the supply chain’s participants existing
systems and how to leverage IoT/XX/XX
capabilities to develop BC enriched solutions for
• BC thus enables producers (farmers, fishermen,
etc.) to create their digital identity on the BC
network, which could be further used for easing
processes such as payments or record keeping
and other transactions. It enables producers to
obtain a fair price for their produce while
• The early challenges including the lack of
technology maturity, insufficient skill sets,
regulatory constraints, uncertain return on
investments, etc., have restricted participation
in ongoing BC developments. However, eying
the untapped opportunities, many players have
started taking an active role in strategic
alliances, pilot project runs, and live projects.
• Majority of BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry pilot
projects are targeting ……………………...
• Most notable global startups have entered or
plan to enter the BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
through pilot projects to offer disruptive
solutions to all stakeholders while also building a
strong ecosystem simultaneously.
• The most prominent focus areas include track
and trace (………………………….) across the supply
chain and logistics and, BC-compatible
marketplaces. There is expected to be
significant development centered on XX, XX that
offer ease of access, universal identities to
producers and increase participation of
consumers and each entity in between.
• XXXXX and XX lead the way with use cases
permeating across industry and also because
major downstream players with potential to
effect the BC landscape are based here.
• Etherisc, XXXXX and XXXX are notable,
innovative and promising start-ups attempting
to bridge XXXX and XXXX, XXXX, XXXXX
Chapter 1:
Agri-Food Industry – An Overview
• Food & Agriculture - Global Growth
• Agri-Food Industry - Agri-Food Segment Analysis
• Agri-Food Industry - Value Chain Analysis
Chapter 2:
• Blockchain (BC) and how it works: Agri-Food Industry
- Adoption
• Blockchain (BC) and how it works: Agri-Food Industry
- Impact
Chapter 3:
BC Impact
• Stimulating the Agri-Food Industry - Building the
'Blocks' with BC
• How BC will Transform the Agri-Food Industry?
Chapter 4:
BC-Agri-Food Industry: Key enablers and challenges
• Challenges: BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
• Enablers: BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
– Supply side (Government Traction and Regulatory
Push for Food Safety and Transparency)
– Supply side (Innovation and Differentiation - Track
& Traceability)
– Supply side (Rising Uncertainty)
– Demand Side (Changing Consumer Preferences)
– Demand Side (Digitization and IT Penetration)
Chapter 5:
Adoption of BC in Agri-Food industry
• BC-enabled Agri-Food: Value Chain Analysis
• BC-enabled Agri-Food: Value Chain Key Stakeholders
• BC Use Case: Use Case & Open Cloud Models, Global
Use Cases
• BC-enabled Agri-Food - Adoption across Value Chain
• How is BC being Accepted in the Industry?
– Overview of Business Models and Ecosystems that
are Emerging
– Agriculture/Primary Producer
– Manufacturing/Processing
– Traders/Distributor/Retailers
• BC Impact: Agri-Food Industry Segment-wise
(Technology Adoption Roadmap & Projections)
Chapter 6:
Agri-Food industry - Front runners’ strategy
• How the Industry Is Adopting BC through Front
• Phase-wise BC Adoption in the Agri-Food Industry
• Front Runner’s Success Story
Table of Contents
Chapter 7:
Startups Story – Regional Adoption & Investment
• Startups to Write Regional Stories in BC Adoption
• How BC Startups are Venturing into the Industry?
– Startups Investment Routes: ICO
– Startups Investment Routes: Non-ICO
Chapter 8:
Start-ups’ ecosystem
• BC start-ups expected to
disrupt Agri-Food
• Agridigital
• FoodLogiQ
• Indigo Agriculture
• Provenance
• Viant
• TE-Food
• Bext360
• WorldCover
• Sofocle Technologies
• ChainTrade
• BlockSyte
• Komgo
• Ambrosus
• Etherisc
• OriginTrail
Chapter 9:
Key Innovators
• Microsoft
• Accenture
• Intel
• Alibaba
Chapter 10:
Conclusion and Future Roadmap
• Conclusion: An Overview of Current Scenario
• BC-enabled Agri-Food - The future lies here: BC
Stake Holder Value Creation
• BC-enabled Agri-Food - The future lies here: BC
Stake Holder Value Creation - Stakeholder
empowerment & industry consolidation
• IP Approach
Table of Contents
BC and How it Works?
Agri-Food Industry - Adoption
Beyond the basic blockchain concepts, the following developments have aided the adoption of the
technology in the Agri-Food Industry
Smart Contracts
• Beyond the capabilities of the Bitcoin
network, the rise of complete BC networks
has impacted the adoption of BC in various
industries including Agri-Food.
• Smart contracts have opened numerous
possibilities and applications related to XX, XX,
XX, and others that have prioritized inclusive
technology development of the Agri-Food
value chain.
• This is expected to have a positive impact on
among others.
• Ability to embed value added data from
XXXXX, mobile or other sources has been
accelerated by the dApps feature of cutting-
edge BC tech in the Agri-Food Industry.
• dApps provide the structure for the
implementation of BC-based solutions, and
are a boon for various stakeholders from the
Agri-Food industry including farmers, XXXXX
and XXXXX, and those involved with XXXXX
and XXXXX (primary actors) among others.
• dApps have helped accelerated the adoption
of BC technology at each level of the value
chain including growers, XXXXX, XXXXX,
XXXXX, and even XXXXX.
Protocols &
• The ability to create innovative business
models that are XXXXX based or otherwise
has led to a higher adoption of the BC
technology especially among the XXXXX
segments of the Agri-Food value chain. This
specifically highlights BC technology’s ability
to address untapped markets such as XXXXX,
farmer financing, etc.
• However, the impact of these on the
organized Agri-Food industry segments is also
commendable and led to process
improvements across the supply chain,
XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, etc. to name a few.
After proving its mettle in the cryptocurrency world, Blockchain, a distributed
open ledger technology, has started disrupting other industries such as XX,
XX, XX, etc. Over the years, Blockchain has also proliferated and positively
impacted the Agri-Food industry and is expected to grow in influence. BC
solutions for the Agri-Food Industry range from XXXXX to XXXXX. This section
explains how blockchain is impacting and addressing different issues of the
Agri-Food Industry and its various segments.
In fact, Walmart, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX and some others have already begun
to use blockchain to ……………………………………………………………………………………..
than ever possible before. Companies have even started to rely on these
platforms to …………………………………………………………... Although, other
software applications had dominated tracking of their food ………………….
Blockchain Impact “Stimulating the Agri-Food Industry - Building the 'Blocks' with BC”
Traditional method to
trace sourced food
6Days 18Hrs 26Mins
BC-enabled method to
trace sourced food
• BC platforms aim to help companies and government officials track food frauds and also locate food originating farms in case of foodborne
illnesses. BC allows real time tracking of origin of a cause, and enables correction or prevention directly compared to just tracking of individual
databases of each stakeholder to generate insights and recommendations around efficiency, increase revenue or productivity, etc.
• BC will help companies and government officials to find XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX. In the case of a food recalls, operations can be
…………………... The track and trace feature and autonomy that BC provides ………………………………………………...
Key Enablers &
BC-Agri-Food Industry
BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
Does the BC Development Roadmap have the Necessary Solutions to Fuel it?
System Interoperability
The Agri-Food Industry faces
challenges in sharing, collecting,
and analysing information
• Enables authenticity (system authentication)
• Business beyond regulatory, economic
boundaries powered by decentralized
networks will eventually be interoperable
• Integration through APIs & Interoperability
Protocols under development address this
Data Standardization and
The Agri-food industry is highly
fragmented due to the large
number of stakeholders and
there is a need for organizing
• XX
How to establish trust in
trust-less system?
Data fraud and establishing
trust among stakeholders are
the major issue for the industry
• XX
Highly Complex Process
The process of implementation
of BC in Agri-Food industry is
highly complex due to the large
number of unorganized
• XX
Investment Trust
Lack of investor confidence due
to high risk in implementation,
infrastructure opacity, and
questionable long-term future
• XX
Enablers BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
BC Venturing into
Initiatives for
Food Safety and
Rising Vale
Uncertainty of
Revenue &
Innovation and
(Track &
Digitization and
IT Penetration
BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
Supply Side
Government Traction and
Regulatory Push for Food Safety
and Transparency
The regional governments may not be keen on the adoption or promotion of cryptocurrencies such as
Bitcoin, but Blockchain is another story. Most notably, regulatory authorities and global agencies (e.g.,
“one step forward, one step back” EU regulation) across the board have started encouraging BC by
partnering with technology suppliers, XXXXXXXXX, or XXXXXXXXX. Most governments or agencies would
likely adopt BC for ensuring compliance, XXXXX, XXXXX, etc.
• In 2018, the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) successfully completed a BC-based a pilot project in a
cattle slaughterhouse to ensure compliance in the food sector. In the same year, Australian
government agency NTI partnership with BeefLedger on a pilot project to monitor the production of
Australian beef and its export to Shanghai, China………………..
• The Standards Agency GS1 aims to foster aspects such as governance, XXXXX and XXXXX by
recommending open EPICs standards in XXXXXXXXXX. The open CBV standards defined by ISO is also
recommended to structure data and avoid XXXXX and XXXXX.
The growing interest on BC technology for Agri-Food applications among government agencies/authorities
is not a passing trend. The adoption is expected to increase in the coming years and is likely to fuel the
BC Adoption
Agri-Food Industry
BC-enabled Agri-Food
Value Chain Analysis
BC Fabric
Providers (BC-FP)
Providers (PP)
Service (BaaS)
Service (SaaS)
Business Activity
• Code
• Development
• Primitives
• Storage
• Computing
• Networking
Business Activity
• Software Templates
and Building Blocks
Business Activity
• Software Development
Business Activity
• Architecture
Business Activity
• Business Rules and
Methods Definition
Possible Business Models
for BC-enabled Agri-Food
S. No. Target Business Model Value Chain Involvement
1 Flexible as per use case – Customized Product/Specific Product or Tools BC-FP + PP + BaaS + XXXX + XXX
2 Industry level products XX
3 Customized for Enterprise XX
4 Consortium or Industry Ecosystem XX
5 Set of apps for an Industry XX
6 Consumer apps for a specific Industry XX
7 Customized for Industry XX
The BC technology adoption changes stakeholder’s role drastically to shift from reactive to proactive. Currently, they need to upload every activity, process on the
database, and include BC technology experts to provide seamless transactions across the value chain
The BC technology involves and connects all major stakeholders across the value chain. It helps to increase value
preposition of the products and services.
Food Processing/
• Upload data on raw
materials, fertilizers,
process on database
• Use RFID chips proving
• Track weather and
other important
• Get information from
farmers and process
• Receive info. about
products (passbook)
• Run ML forecasting
Stakeholders –
Impacted due
to BC
• Farmers
• Manufacturers
• Logistics Providers
• Traders
Adoption Stage High XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX
BC-enabled Agri-Food
Adoption across Value
• Scan QR code via app
Front Runner’s
Agri-Food Industry
How the Industry Is Adopting BC
through Front Runners?
Combining the Organized and Unorganized Bits of the Agri-Food Industry
Target of BC Solutions for the Unorganized Industry
• Promoting farmer equity (…………………………………)
• Supply chain integration (……………………………………)
• Addressing the XXXXX market needs of sectors like banking,
insurance, etc.
• Development of token economies, XXXXX and XXXXX for
• Ecosystem creation for promoting use of …………….. infusing
multiple stakeholder participation
• Track and trace, ………….. & other needs of end
consumers/retailers etc. that are niche use cases
• Innovate by integrating emerging tech.- IoT, XXXXX, XXXXX,
Target of BC Solutions for the Organized Industry
• Consortium development
• Improving XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX and processes
• In-house process improvement or problem area
• Ensuring competitiveness in industry & securing existing
business models or revenue
• Industry specific solutions that have huge opportunity like
• Solutions or technology stack that will drive BC adoptionFront Runners
Running the show
BC Integration
Agri-Food Industry
How are Businesses Adopting BC Through Front Runners?
IT Players
Create consortium or join established network for
track & trace, supply chain apps, sustainability etc.
Collaborate or partner with XXXXX (for custom
sales) incase widespread XXXXX or XXXXX
Retailers, food processing players wanting to focus on
XXXXX or XXXXX may look for providers that integrate
these in products and services.
Front Runner’s Success Story
Compatible with Produce Traceability
Initiative GS1 (128-PTI)
Solution-as-a-Service (BaaS)
Built on Hyperledger Fabric
Food Trust Platform Details
• Tracing module: Tracks food products
• Certification module: Verifies
provenance of products that are
certified (as non-GMO or organic)
• Data entry and access module:
Upload, manage and access data
IBM Food Trust Details
Trace time
~X.X sec
traces till
• Increase supply chain efficiencies with real-
time shared and immutable digital ledger
• Decrease food fraud due to data sharing
• Reduce waste by identifying causes
• Build brand trust by warranting the quality
of food
• Ensure food freshness, sustainability and
safety due to data-visibility
• Dole Food – Connects audit data to BC
with Centricity as a grower partner.
• Golden state foods
• Emerson – incorporating
cold chain technology across transport
• Tyson Foods
• Dennick Fruit Source
• Nestle
• Unilever
• Smithfield
• Carrefour - tracks and traces chicken,
eggs and tomatoes from farm to store.
This technology allows Carrefour’s
alignment with its CSR – Act for Food.
• Albertsons Companies - tracks and
traces romaine lettuce
• Walmart
• Kroger
• Topco Associates
• Wakefern
• 3M – Connects food safety diagnostic
equipment to BC
• BeefChain
Startups Story
Regional Adoption &
Investment Scenario
Startups to Write Regional Stories in
BC Adoption
Adoption Rate
Adoption Rate
Adoption Rate
North America
• Active BC Start-ups : XX
• Ongoing: Solutions in track and
trace across supply chain,
followed by trading and
commodity marketplace
• Start-up Funding: Mostly via the
XXXX route
• Maximum BC related initiatives
through investments, and start-
ups accelerating BC adoption
• Key Hotspot Areas: XX
• BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry
Focus: XX, XX and XX
• Active BC Start-ups : XX
• Ongoing: Solutions in track and trace
across supply chain
• Start-up Funding: XX
• Maximum BC related initiatives
through investments, and start-ups
accelerating BC adoption
• Key Hotspot Areas: XX,XX
• BC-enabled Food Industry Focus: XX
• Active BC Start-ups : XX
• Ongoing: Solutions in track and trace
across supply chain, followed by
trading and solutions for
• Start-up Funding: XXXX and XXXX
• Start-ups and usage by food industry
enterprises accelerating BC adoption
• Key Hotspot Areas: XX
• BC-enabled Food Industry Focus: XX
• BC start-ups across the world are focusing on providing solutions to developing or farming dominant
countries such as XXXXX. As a result, XXXXX shows good adoption rates in regions of XXXXX and XXXXX.
Similarly, XXXXX also uses a lot of BC solutions for…………………………….
• Many start-ups are also focusing on XXXXX and XXXXX for XXXXX.
BC Startups to Disrupt Agri-Food
BC-enabled Food
Crop Insurance
Commodity Trading
Track & Trace
• The company has worked on a pilot project in collaboration with TraSeable Solutions, a Fijian ICT provider adept at BC implementations at the ground level. It has conducted a pilot project for WWF
for track and trace across tuna fish supply chain.
• Application programming interface (API) approach provides customization and integration to legacy ERP systems, which makes it a ready to deploy platform.
• The company plans to price the Viant (variable as per use case) and TraSeable (fixed cost) software platforms on a per month basis and has provided basic cost estimates for stakeholders that plan to
leverage their platform.
• The company has evidently not opted for the ICO route as they have defined specific applications such as in the food supply chain and also identified stakeholders that would invest in the launching
of such products.
• Viant is not specific to any industry and hence its Tracker component can be applied to provide asset tracking solutions in many industries such as healthcare, oil and gas, real estate, etc.
Major Insights
• Viant’s platform uses three main components:
• Modeler – It models a business process, asset attributes, and set permissions
• Smart Builder – It auto-generates the smart contract and user interface at the end application
• Tracker – It is used to track assets along the supply chain and move them at the desired location
• Viant uses RFID technologies to track commodities by its geo-location.
• It uses Proof of Authority (PoA) instead of other consensus mechanisms such as PoW to achieve greater
performance and energy efficiency.
• Viant uses InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to store large data sets which are distributed technology for storing
files like documents and images.
• The company is also exploring fintech in supply chain, and has plans to incorporate technologies like Near Field
Communication(NFC) to gather more data and payments.
BC Solutions BC Backbone BC Type
Track and Trace Ethereum Public Platform
Technology Details
Lead Investors
Funding Raised
Funding Type
Investment Details
Traseable Solutions
World Wide Fund of Nature
Sea Quest Fiji Ltd
Viant is a Consensys-incubated company that has built an asset and domain agnostic BC-based supply chain
platform. It provides BC-based platform for tracking assets using real time data, modelling business processes
and building future supply chains.
Founded: 2017
Headquarter: New York, USA
Total Employees: 11 – 50
Conclusion &
Future Roadmap
New Business
Role of
• BC technology although is in infancy, the
possible use cases developed around the Agri-
Food industry has garnered significant attention.
A new generation of startups are out to leverage
BC in the Agri-Food industry and capture value
of all the stakeholders, attention of developers
and trying to …………………………………………...
• Startups that have projected the development
of protocols and platforms at best are yet to
…………………………………... However, startups that
have targeted development of specific
applications for farmer support, XXXX, XXXX and
XXXX are expected to hit success earlier. The
token economics of XXXX have not taken off or
shown sufficient …………………………...
• The players other than startups active in the
Agri-Food domain include Fabric Providers,
XXXXXX and XXXXXX, XXXX from the tradition IT-
industry as well as certain strong parties in the
value chain like retailers, XXXX or XXXX, XXXX,
XXXX, XXXX as well as XXXX. However, this
segment has depended
…………………………………………. that they are rather
successful at rather than startups that have
BC-enabled Agri-Food
The Future Lies Here
BC Stake Holder Value Creation - Stakeholder empowerment & industry consolidation
Venturing Towards
Creating Value
Digital Inclusion
Agri-Food Industry
Provenance & Data Integrity
Protocol or
Solutions +
Solutions +
Consortiums +
Food Supply
Chain + IT
& Service
• “Home”, Agridigital, Accessed May 2019,
• “Revenue”, “Employee number”, “Funding Details”, Crunchbase database:
• “News Blog”, Agridigital, Accessed May 2019,
• René Groeneveld, “Agridigital to create ‘digital trust’ in supply chains”, Future Farming, May 7, 2019,
• Dominic Powell, “Agriculture blockchain startup AgriDigital closes $5.5 million raise with plans for integrated digital currency”, Smart Company, February 28, 2018,
• Jake Bright, “WorldCover Raises $6m Round for Emerging Markets’ Climate Insurance”, Next Billion, May 6, 2019,
• Liam Weld, “Can Blockchain Improve Worldcover’s Crop Insurance Platform?”, March 30, 2018, WordCover Website:
• “Solutiions”, WorldCover, Accessed May 2019,
• “About US”, WorldCover, Accessed May 2019,
• Steve Evans, “Nephila assists insurtech WorldCover with reinsurance via Lloyd’s syndicate”, Artemis, May 8, 2019,
• Unkown, “Unlock Capital and Knowledge in the Ecosystem”, Catalyst Fund,
• WorldCover Company Information, Catalyst Fund,
• “Partnerships”, FoodLogiQ, Accessed May 2019,
• “About”, FoodLogiQ, Accessed May 2019,
• “Blockchain”, FoodLogiQ, Accessed May 2019,
• Unknown, “FoodLogiQ and Testo Partner to Revolutionize Global Food Supply Chain”, PR News Wire, February 26, 2018 ,
• Katy Jones, “Food Safety, Traceability And Sustainability Blog”, FoodLogiq Blog, May 17, 2018,
• Nicky Morris, “IBM’s Food Trust blockchain goes live with Carrefour”, Ledger Insight,
Research Methodology
Netscribes follows a structured project management approach to deliver deep-dive research analysis. A comprehensive approach is administered to assess
innovative technologies and develop insights related to technology and business.
Patent Analysis Report FormatTechnology ResearchMarket Research
The research is focused on key technical
trends, solutions, and adoption of the
subject technology across sectors.
Segregation of the technology focus areas
and identification of emerging technology
trends and opportunities gives a detailed
overview of the technology.
The analysis also includes technical approach
taken by the companies to overcome the
limitations and assessment of the R&D
strategy and future plans.
Patent study is conducted to provide an
overall landscape of the patenting activities
in the subject technology. The key trends in
the patent filing are identified including
assignees, technology focus areas,
geographical distribution, and emerging
Critical insights related to the patent analysis
are incorporated to highlight future product
development pointers.
Report is prepared at the end of the
research and is aligned as per expectations
and quality check. An in-house editorial
team conducts the final level QC.
The research is preliminary concentrated on
identifying key application
areas/geographies, driving factors &
inhibitors, regulatory environment across
key geographies, tests, trials & demos,
expert opinion/ interviews, and products
The research also includes products
development analysis, market positioning
collaborations/partnerships, success stories
solutions & services, technology adoption,
and customer segment-based trends.
About Netscribes
Netscribes is a global market intelligence and content services provider that helps corporations achieve strategic objectives through a wide range of
offerings. Our solutions rely on a unique combination of qualitative and quantitative primary research, secondary/desk research, social media analytics, and
IP research. For more than 15 years, we have helped our clients across a range of industries, including technology, financial services, healthcare, retail, and
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Blockchain in Agri-Food – Industry Adoption Analysis

  • 1. Proprietary and Confidential, Copyright © 2018, Netscribes, Inc. All Rights Reserved The content of this document is confidential and meant for the review of the recipient. Disclaimer: The names or logos of other companies and products mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners BLOCKCHAIN Adoption in Agri-Food Industry May 2019 SAMPLE REPORT
  • 2. Executive Summary Adoption of BC in Agri-Food Industry How BC will Transform Agri-Food Industry Key Enablers & Challenges • Agri-Food industry is changing around the globe and has witnessed significant changes with the aid of regulations, laws, demand, technology, etc. to enhance food safety and encourage food trade. However, despite these changes, …………… ………. remains a major concern across the globe. • Beyond the basic blockchain concepts developments …………………….. • Advancement of BC over these years, encouraged enterprises to look for solutions in this sector. UK’s FSA, XXXX’s XXXX and XX’ XXXX have begun or have raised the pitch for using BC technology in the Agri-Food industry. • BC technology has proliferated and positively impacted the Agri-Food industry and is expected to grow in influence. BC solutions for the Agri- Food Industry range from ……… to ……. reduction. • BC has infiltrated the Agri-Food and has led to the overhaul of different challenges handicapping the industry. These challenges include food fraud, ………………... • Agri-Food companies have already initiated the use of blockchain to ……………………………………. These companies have even started to rely on these platforms to investigate the origin of contamination, certify organic provenance of products, increase shelf life and lessen spoilage loss. • The industry faces challenges such as ………….................................. • The key enablers driving the upward trajectory in growth of this space include strong government initiatives for food safety and transparency, ………………………………………………... SAMPLE REPORT
  • 3. Venturing of BC in the Agri-Food Industry Front Runners Strategy Key Segment/Region/Player • Enterprise firms have paved the way for BC solutions in supply chain management to ……………………. throughout the supply chain and find a measure to ……………………………... • The solutions have demonstrated permissioned access to the supply chain’s participants existing systems and how to leverage IoT/XX/XX capabilities to develop BC enriched solutions for ……………………………. • BC thus enables producers (farmers, fishermen, etc.) to create their digital identity on the BC network, which could be further used for easing processes such as payments or record keeping and other transactions. It enables producers to obtain a fair price for their produce while …………………………………….. • The early challenges including the lack of technology maturity, insufficient skill sets, regulatory constraints, uncertain return on investments, etc., have restricted participation in ongoing BC developments. However, eying the untapped opportunities, many players have started taking an active role in strategic alliances, pilot project runs, and live projects. • Majority of BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry pilot projects are targeting ……………………... • Most notable global startups have entered or plan to enter the BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry through pilot projects to offer disruptive solutions to all stakeholders while also building a strong ecosystem simultaneously. • The most prominent focus areas include track and trace (………………………….) across the supply chain and logistics and, BC-compatible marketplaces. There is expected to be significant development centered on XX, XX that offer ease of access, universal identities to producers and increase participation of consumers and each entity in between. • XXXXX and XX lead the way with use cases permeating across industry and also because major downstream players with potential to effect the BC landscape are based here. • Etherisc, XXXXX and XXXX are notable, innovative and promising start-ups attempting to bridge XXXX and XXXX, XXXX, XXXXX respectively Executive Summary SAMPLE REPORT
  • 4. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 4 Chapter 1: Agri-Food Industry – An Overview • Food & Agriculture - Global Growth • Agri-Food Industry - Agri-Food Segment Analysis • Agri-Food Industry - Value Chain Analysis Chapter 2: Introduction • Blockchain (BC) and how it works: Agri-Food Industry - Adoption • Blockchain (BC) and how it works: Agri-Food Industry - Impact Chapter 3: BC Impact • Stimulating the Agri-Food Industry - Building the 'Blocks' with BC • How BC will Transform the Agri-Food Industry? Chapter 4: BC-Agri-Food Industry: Key enablers and challenges • Challenges: BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry • Enablers: BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry – Supply side (Government Traction and Regulatory Push for Food Safety and Transparency) – Supply side (Innovation and Differentiation - Track & Traceability) – Supply side (Rising Uncertainty) – Demand Side (Changing Consumer Preferences) – Demand Side (Digitization and IT Penetration) Chapter 5: Adoption of BC in Agri-Food industry • BC-enabled Agri-Food: Value Chain Analysis • BC-enabled Agri-Food: Value Chain Key Stakeholders • BC Use Case: Use Case & Open Cloud Models, Global Use Cases • BC-enabled Agri-Food - Adoption across Value Chain • How is BC being Accepted in the Industry? – Overview of Business Models and Ecosystems that are Emerging – Agriculture/Primary Producer – Manufacturing/Processing – Traders/Distributor/Retailers • BC Impact: Agri-Food Industry Segment-wise (Technology Adoption Roadmap & Projections) Chapter 6: Agri-Food industry - Front runners’ strategy • How the Industry Is Adopting BC through Front Runners? • Phase-wise BC Adoption in the Agri-Food Industry • Front Runner’s Success Story Table of Contents SAMPLE REPORT
  • 5. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 5 Chapter 7: Startups Story – Regional Adoption & Investment Scenario • Startups to Write Regional Stories in BC Adoption • How BC Startups are Venturing into the Industry? – Startups Investment Routes: ICO – Startups Investment Routes: Non-ICO Chapter 8: Start-ups’ ecosystem • BC start-ups expected to disrupt Agri-Food industry • Agridigital • FoodLogiQ • Indigo Agriculture • Provenance • Viant • TE-Food • • Bext360 • WorldCover • Sofocle Technologies • ChainTrade • BlockSyte • Komgo • Ambrosus • Etherisc • OriginTrail Chapter 9: Key Innovators • IBM • AWS • SAP • Microsoft • Accenture • Intel • Alibaba Chapter 10: Conclusion and Future Roadmap • Conclusion: An Overview of Current Scenario • BC-enabled Agri-Food - The future lies here: BC Stake Holder Value Creation • BC-enabled Agri-Food - The future lies here: BC Stake Holder Value Creation - Stakeholder empowerment & industry consolidation • IP Approach Table of Contents SAMPLE REPORT
  • 7. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 7 BC and How it Works? Agri-Food Industry - Adoption Beyond the basic blockchain concepts, the following developments have aided the adoption of the technology in the Agri-Food Industry Smart Contracts • Beyond the capabilities of the Bitcoin network, the rise of complete BC networks has impacted the adoption of BC in various industries including Agri-Food. • Smart contracts have opened numerous possibilities and applications related to XX, XX, XX, and others that have prioritized inclusive technology development of the Agri-Food value chain. • This is expected to have a positive impact on farmers, XXXXX, XXXX, XXXXXX, and XXXXX among others. dApps • Ability to embed value added data from XXXXX, mobile or other sources has been accelerated by the dApps feature of cutting- edge BC tech in the Agri-Food Industry. • dApps provide the structure for the implementation of BC-based solutions, and are a boon for various stakeholders from the Agri-Food industry including farmers, XXXXX and XXXXX, and those involved with XXXXX and XXXXX (primary actors) among others. • dApps have helped accelerated the adoption of BC technology at each level of the value chain including growers, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, and even XXXXX. Protocols & Platforms • The ability to create innovative business models that are XXXXX based or otherwise has led to a higher adoption of the BC technology especially among the XXXXX segments of the Agri-Food value chain. This specifically highlights BC technology’s ability to address untapped markets such as XXXXX, farmer financing, etc. • However, the impact of these on the organized Agri-Food industry segments is also commendable and led to process improvements across the supply chain, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, etc. to name a few. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 9. After proving its mettle in the cryptocurrency world, Blockchain, a distributed open ledger technology, has started disrupting other industries such as XX, XX, XX, etc. Over the years, Blockchain has also proliferated and positively impacted the Agri-Food industry and is expected to grow in influence. BC solutions for the Agri-Food Industry range from XXXXX to XXXXX. This section explains how blockchain is impacting and addressing different issues of the Agri-Food Industry and its various segments. In fact, Walmart, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX and some others have already begun to use blockchain to …………………………………………………………………………………….. than ever possible before. Companies have even started to rely on these platforms to …………………………………………………………... Although, other software applications had dominated tracking of their food …………………. Messages Key SAMPLE REPORT
  • 10. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 10 Blockchain Impact “Stimulating the Agri-Food Industry - Building the 'Blocks' with BC” Traditional method to trace sourced food 6Days 18Hrs 26Mins BC-enabled method to trace sourced food 2.2 Seconds • BC platforms aim to help companies and government officials track food frauds and also locate food originating farms in case of foodborne illnesses. BC allows real time tracking of origin of a cause, and enables correction or prevention directly compared to just tracking of individual databases of each stakeholder to generate insights and recommendations around efficiency, increase revenue or productivity, etc. • BC will help companies and government officials to find XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX. In the case of a food recalls, operations can be …………………... The track and trace feature and autonomy that BC provides ………………………………………………... SAMPLE REPORT
  • 11. Key Enablers & Challenges BC-Agri-Food Industry SAMPLE REPORT
  • 12. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 12 Challenges BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry Does the BC Development Roadmap have the Necessary Solutions to Fuel it? System Interoperability The Agri-Food Industry faces challenges in sharing, collecting, and analysing information • Enables authenticity (system authentication) • Business beyond regulatory, economic boundaries powered by decentralized networks will eventually be interoperable • Integration through APIs & Interoperability Protocols under development address this Data Standardization and Harmonization The Agri-food industry is highly fragmented due to the large number of stakeholders and there is a need for organizing data • XX How to establish trust in trust-less system? Data fraud and establishing trust among stakeholders are the major issue for the industry • XX Highly Complex Process The process of implementation of BC in Agri-Food industry is highly complex due to the large number of unorganized stakeholders • XX Investment Trust Lack of investor confidence due to high risk in implementation, infrastructure opacity, and questionable long-term future • XX Challenges Solutions SAMPLE REPORT
  • 13. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 13 Enablers BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry BC Venturing into Agri-Food Industry Strong Government Initiatives for Food Safety and Transparency Rising Vale Chain Uncertainty of Revenue & Businesses Innovation and Differentiation (Track & Traceability) Digitization and IT Penetration Changing Consumer Preferences BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry SAMPLE REPORT
  • 14. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 14 Enablers BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry Supply Side Government Traction and Regulatory Push for Food Safety and Transparency The regional governments may not be keen on the adoption or promotion of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but Blockchain is another story. Most notably, regulatory authorities and global agencies (e.g., “one step forward, one step back” EU regulation) across the board have started encouraging BC by partnering with technology suppliers, XXXXXXXXX, or XXXXXXXXX. Most governments or agencies would likely adopt BC for ensuring compliance, XXXXX, XXXXX, etc. • In 2018, the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) successfully completed a BC-based a pilot project in a cattle slaughterhouse to ensure compliance in the food sector. In the same year, Australian government agency NTI partnership with BeefLedger on a pilot project to monitor the production of Australian beef and its export to Shanghai, China……………….. • The Standards Agency GS1 aims to foster aspects such as governance, XXXXX and XXXXX by recommending open EPICs standards in XXXXXXXXXX. The open CBV standards defined by ISO is also recommended to structure data and avoid XXXXX and XXXXX. The growing interest on BC technology for Agri-Food applications among government agencies/authorities is not a passing trend. The adoption is expected to increase in the coming years and is likely to fuel the ……………………………………………………………. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 16. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 16 BC-enabled Agri-Food Value Chain Analysis BC Fabric Providers (BC-FP) Protocol Providers (PP) Blockchain-as-a- Service (BaaS) Software-as-a- Service (SaaS) Agri-Food Stakeholders (AFS) Business Activity • Code • Development Framework • Primitives • Storage • Computing • Networking Business Activity • Software Templates and Building Blocks • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX Business Activity • Software Development • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX Business Activity • Architecture • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX Business Activity • Business Rules and Methods Definition • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX • XXXXXXX Possible Business Models for BC-enabled Agri-Food S. No. Target Business Model Value Chain Involvement 1 Flexible as per use case – Customized Product/Specific Product or Tools BC-FP + PP + BaaS + XXXX + XXX 2 Industry level products XX 3 Customized for Enterprise XX 4 Consortium or Industry Ecosystem XX 5 Set of apps for an Industry XX 6 Consumer apps for a specific Industry XX 7 Customized for Industry XX SAMPLE REPORT
  • 17. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 17 Agriculture The BC technology adoption changes stakeholder’s role drastically to shift from reactive to proactive. Currently, they need to upload every activity, process on the database, and include BC technology experts to provide seamless transactions across the value chain The BC technology involves and connects all major stakeholders across the value chain. It helps to increase value preposition of the products and services. Process Food Processing/ Manufacturing Transportation Traders/Distributors/ Retailers Customers Activity • Upload data on raw materials, fertilizers, process on database • Use RFID chips proving XXXXX • Track weather and other important elements • Get information from farmers and process accordingly • XXXXX • Receive info. about products (passbook) • XXXXX • Run ML forecasting • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX Stakeholders – Impacted due to BC technology • Farmers • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX • Manufacturers • XXXXX • XXXXX • Logistics Providers • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX • Traders • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX Adoption Stage High XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX BC-enabled Agri-Food Adoption across Value Chain • Scan QR code via app • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX • XXXXX SAMPLE REPORT
  • 19. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 19 How the Industry Is Adopting BC through Front Runners? Combining the Organized and Unorganized Bits of the Agri-Food Industry Target of BC Solutions for the Unorganized Industry • Promoting farmer equity (…………………………………) • Supply chain integration (……………………………………) • Addressing the XXXXX market needs of sectors like banking, insurance, etc. • Development of token economies, XXXXX and XXXXX for …………………………. • Ecosystem creation for promoting use of …………….. infusing multiple stakeholder participation • Track and trace, ………….. & other needs of end consumers/retailers etc. that are niche use cases • Innovate by integrating emerging tech.- IoT, XXXXX, XXXXX, etc. Target of BC Solutions for the Organized Industry • Consortium development • Improving XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX and processes • In-house process improvement or problem area identification • Ensuring competitiveness in industry & securing existing business models or revenue • Industry specific solutions that have huge opportunity like XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX,, etc. • Solutions or technology stack that will drive BC adoptionFront Runners Running the show BC Integration Agri-Food Industry How are Businesses Adopting BC Through Front Runners? IT Players Create consortium or join established network for track & trace, supply chain apps, sustainability etc. Startups Collaborate or partner with XXXXX (for custom sales) incase widespread XXXXX or XXXXX Enterprises Retailers, food processing players wanting to focus on XXXXX or XXXXX may look for providers that integrate these in products and services. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 20. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 20 Front Runner’s Success Story Compatible with Produce Traceability Initiative GS1 (128-PTI) Solution-as-a-Service (BaaS) Permissioned Built on Hyperledger Fabric Food Trust Platform Details • Tracing module: Tracks food products • Certification module: Verifies provenance of products that are certified (as non-GMO or organic) • Data entry and access module: Upload, manage and access data IBM Food Trust Details Trace time ~X.X sec Live since XXXX 2018 >XXX,XXX traces till date Benefits • Increase supply chain efficiencies with real- time shared and immutable digital ledger • Decrease food fraud due to data sharing • Reduce waste by identifying causes • Build brand trust by warranting the quality of food • Ensure food freshness, sustainability and safety due to data-visibility Participants Growers Processors Distributors Retailers Technology Suppliers Certification Providers Consumers Transporters TransportersTransportersTransporters TransportersTransporters • Dole Food – Connects audit data to BC with Centricity as a grower partner. • Golden state foods • Emerson – incorporating cold chain technology across transport • Tyson Foods • Dennick Fruit Source • Nestle • Unilever • Smithfield • Carrefour - tracks and traces chicken, eggs and tomatoes from farm to store. This technology allows Carrefour’s alignment with its CSR – Act for Food. • Albertsons Companies - tracks and traces romaine lettuce • Walmart • Kroger • Topco Associates • Wakefern • 3M – Connects food safety diagnostic equipment to BC • BeefChain SAMPLE REPORT
  • 21. Startups Story Regional Adoption & Investment Scenario SAMPLE REPORT
  • 22. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 22 Startups to Write Regional Stories in BC Adoption XXXX Adoption Rate XXXX Adoption Rate XXXX Adoption Rate North America • Active BC Start-ups : XX • Ongoing: Solutions in track and trace across supply chain, followed by trading and commodity marketplace • Start-up Funding: Mostly via the XXXX route • Maximum BC related initiatives through investments, and start- ups accelerating BC adoption • Key Hotspot Areas: XX • BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry Focus: XX, XX and XX APAC • Active BC Start-ups : XX • Ongoing: Solutions in track and trace across supply chain • Start-up Funding: XX • Maximum BC related initiatives through investments, and start-ups accelerating BC adoption • Key Hotspot Areas: XX,XX • BC-enabled Food Industry Focus: XX Europe • Active BC Start-ups : XX • Ongoing: Solutions in track and trace across supply chain, followed by trading and solutions for interoperability • Start-up Funding: XXXX and XXXX • Start-ups and usage by food industry enterprises accelerating BC adoption • Key Hotspot Areas: XX • BC-enabled Food Industry Focus: XX • BC start-ups across the world are focusing on providing solutions to developing or farming dominant countries such as XXXXX. As a result, XXXXX shows good adoption rates in regions of XXXXX and XXXXX. Similarly, XXXXX also uses a lot of BC solutions for……………………………. • Many start-ups are also focusing on XXXXX and XXXXX for XXXXX. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 24. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 24 BC Startups to Disrupt Agri-Food Industry BC-enabled Food Start-ups Ecosystem Crop Insurance Commodity Trading Marketplace Track & Trace SAMPLE REPORT
  • 25. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 25 • The company has worked on a pilot project in collaboration with TraSeable Solutions, a Fijian ICT provider adept at BC implementations at the ground level. It has conducted a pilot project for WWF for track and trace across tuna fish supply chain. • Application programming interface (API) approach provides customization and integration to legacy ERP systems, which makes it a ready to deploy platform. • The company plans to price the Viant (variable as per use case) and TraSeable (fixed cost) software platforms on a per month basis and has provided basic cost estimates for stakeholders that plan to leverage their platform. • The company has evidently not opted for the ICO route as they have defined specific applications such as in the food supply chain and also identified stakeholders that would invest in the launching of such products. • Viant is not specific to any industry and hence its Tracker component can be applied to provide asset tracking solutions in many industries such as healthcare, oil and gas, real estate, etc. Major Insights • Viant’s platform uses three main components: • Modeler – It models a business process, asset attributes, and set permissions • Smart Builder – It auto-generates the smart contract and user interface at the end application • Tracker – It is used to track assets along the supply chain and move them at the desired location • Viant uses RFID technologies to track commodities by its geo-location. • It uses Proof of Authority (PoA) instead of other consensus mechanisms such as PoW to achieve greater performance and energy efficiency. • Viant uses InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to store large data sets which are distributed technology for storing files like documents and images. • The company is also exploring fintech in supply chain, and has plans to incorporate technologies like Near Field Communication(NFC) to gather more data and payments. BC Solutions BC Backbone BC Type Track and Trace Ethereum Public Platform Technology Details Lead Investors XX Funding Raised XX Funding Type XX Investment Details GlaxoSmithKline Microsoft Traseable Solutions World Wide Fund of Nature Imaginea Sea Quest Fiji Ltd Clients/Partners Viant is a Consensys-incubated company that has built an asset and domain agnostic BC-based supply chain platform. It provides BC-based platform for tracking assets using real time data, modelling business processes and building future supply chains. Founded: 2017 Headquarter: New York, USA Total Employees: 11 – 50 SAMPLE REPORT
  • 27. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 27 Conclusion High Investment New Business Model Role of Consortium • BC technology although is in infancy, the possible use cases developed around the Agri- Food industry has garnered significant attention. A new generation of startups are out to leverage BC in the Agri-Food industry and capture value of all the stakeholders, attention of developers and trying to …………………………………………... • Startups that have projected the development of protocols and platforms at best are yet to …………………………………... However, startups that have targeted development of specific applications for farmer support, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX are expected to hit success earlier. The token economics of XXXX have not taken off or shown sufficient …………………………... • The players other than startups active in the Agri-Food domain include Fabric Providers, XXXXXX and XXXXXX, XXXX from the tradition IT- industry as well as certain strong parties in the value chain like retailers, XXXX or XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX as well as XXXX. However, this segment has depended …………………………………………. that they are rather successful at rather than startups that have emerged. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 28. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 28 BC-enabled Agri-Food The Future Lies Here BC Stake Holder Value Creation - Stakeholder empowerment & industry consolidation Venturing Towards Creating Value for Digital Inclusion Stakeholder Empowerment BC-enabled Agri-Food Industry Provenance & Data Integrity XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Start-ups' Protocol or Platform Solutions + XXXX Start-ups' Solutions + XXXX Industry- Specific Consortiums + XXXX Food Supply Chain + IT Infrastructure & Service Providers SAMPLE REPORT
  • 30. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 30 References • “Home”, Agridigital, Accessed May 2019, • “Revenue”, “Employee number”, “Funding Details”, Crunchbase database: • “News Blog”, Agridigital, Accessed May 2019, • René Groeneveld, “Agridigital to create ‘digital trust’ in supply chains”, Future Farming, May 7, 2019, create-digital-trust-in-supply-chains-424208E/ • Dominic Powell, “Agriculture blockchain startup AgriDigital closes $5.5 million raise with plans for integrated digital currency”, Smart Company, February 28, 2018, • Jake Bright, “WorldCover Raises $6m Round for Emerging Markets’ Climate Insurance”, Next Billion, May 6, 2019, emerging-markets-climate-insurance/ • Liam Weld, “Can Blockchain Improve Worldcover’s Crop Insurance Platform?”, March 30, 2018, WordCover Website: worldcovers-crop-insurance-platform • “Solutiions”, WorldCover, Accessed May 2019, • “About US”, WorldCover, Accessed May 2019, • Steve Evans, “Nephila assists insurtech WorldCover with reinsurance via Lloyd’s syndicate”, Artemis, May 8, 2019, worldcover-with-reinsurance-via-lloyds-syndicate/ • Unkown, “Unlock Capital and Knowledge in the Ecosystem”, Catalyst Fund, • WorldCover Company Information, Catalyst Fund, • “Partnerships”, FoodLogiQ, Accessed May 2019, • “About”, FoodLogiQ, Accessed May 2019, • “Blockchain”, FoodLogiQ, Accessed May 2019, • Unknown, “FoodLogiQ and Testo Partner to Revolutionize Global Food Supply Chain”, PR News Wire, February 26, 2018 , and-testo-partner-to-revolutionize-global-food-supply-chain-300604435.html • Katy Jones, “Food Safety, Traceability And Sustainability Blog”, FoodLogiq Blog, May 17, 2018, • Nicky Morris, “IBM’s Food Trust blockchain goes live with Carrefour”, Ledger Insight, SAMPLE REPORT
  • 31. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 31 Research Methodology Netscribes follows a structured project management approach to deliver deep-dive research analysis. A comprehensive approach is administered to assess innovative technologies and develop insights related to technology and business. Patent Analysis Report FormatTechnology ResearchMarket Research The research is focused on key technical trends, solutions, and adoption of the subject technology across sectors. Segregation of the technology focus areas and identification of emerging technology trends and opportunities gives a detailed overview of the technology. The analysis also includes technical approach taken by the companies to overcome the limitations and assessment of the R&D strategy and future plans. Patent study is conducted to provide an overall landscape of the patenting activities in the subject technology. The key trends in the patent filing are identified including assignees, technology focus areas, geographical distribution, and emerging entities. Critical insights related to the patent analysis are incorporated to highlight future product development pointers. Report is prepared at the end of the research and is aligned as per expectations and quality check. An in-house editorial team conducts the final level QC. The research is preliminary concentrated on identifying key application areas/geographies, driving factors & inhibitors, regulatory environment across key geographies, tests, trials & demos, expert opinion/ interviews, and products assessments. The research also includes products development analysis, market positioning collaborations/partnerships, success stories solutions & services, technology adoption, and customer segment-based trends. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 32. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 32 About Netscribes Netscribes is a global market intelligence and content services provider that helps corporations achieve strategic objectives through a wide range of offerings. Our solutions rely on a unique combination of qualitative and quantitative primary research, secondary/desk research, social media analytics, and IP research. For more than 15 years, we have helped our clients across a range of industries, including technology, financial services, healthcare, retail, and CPG. Fortune 500 companies, as well as small- to mid-size firms, have benefited from our partnership with relevant market and competitive insights to drive higher growth, faster customer acquisition, and a sustainable edge in their business. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 33. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 33 Disclaimer This report is prepared by Netscribes (India) Private Limited (“Netscribes”), a market intelligence and content service provider The content of this report is developed in accordance with Netscribes’s professional standards. Accordingly, the information provided herein has been obtained from sources which are reasonably believed to be reliable. All information provided in this report is on an “as-is" and an "as-available” basis, and no representations are made about the completeness, veracity, reliability, accuracy, or suitability of its content for any purpose whatsoever. All statements of opinion and all projections, forecasts, or statements relating to expectations regarding future events represent Netscribes’s own assessment and interpretation of information available to it. All liabilities, however arising, in each of the foregoing respects are expressly disclaimed. This report is intended for general information purposes only. This report does not constitute an offer to sell or issue securities, an invitation to purchase or subscribe for securities, or a recommendation to purchase, hold, sell, or abstain from purchasing, any securities. This report is not intended to be used as a basis for making an investment in securities. This report does not form a fiduciary relationship or constitute investment advice. Nothing in this report constitutes legal advice. The information and opinions contained in this report are provided as of the date of the report and are subject to change. Reports may or may not be revised in the future. Any liability to revise any out-of-date report, or to inform recipients about an updated version of such report, is expressly disclaimed A bonafide recipient is hereby granted a worldwide, royalty-free, enterprise-wide limited license to use the content of this report, subject to the condition that any citation from this report is properly referenced and credited to Netscribes. Nothing herein conveys to the recipients, by implication or by way of estoppel, any intellectual property rights in the report (other than the foregoing limited license) or impairs Netscribes’ intellectual property rights, including but not limited to any rights available to Netscribes under any law or contract. To the maximum extent permitted by law, all liability in respect of this report and any related material is expressly disclaimed. Netscribes does not assume any liability or duty of care for any consequences of any person acting, or refraining to act, by placing reliance on the basis of information contained in this report. All disputes and claims arising in relation to this report will be submitted to arbitration, which shall be held in Mumbai, India under the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act. The exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai, India applies to all disputes concerning this report and the interpretation of these terms, and the same shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law without reference to the principles of conflict of laws. SAMPLE REPORT
  • 34. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 34 Office Locations & Geographical Coverage Office locations Geographical Coverage Mumbai Office No. 504, 5th Floor, Lodha Supremus, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013, Maharashtra, India Phone: +91‐22‐4098-7600 USA 41 East, 11th Street, New York NY10003, USA Phone: +1-917-885-5983 Kolkata 3rd Floor, Saberwal House 55B Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata - 700 016 West Bengal, India Phone: +91-33-4027-6200 Gurgaon Sector 44, Plot No 130, 2nd Floor Gurgaon - 122 003 Haryana, India Phone: +91-124-491-4800 Singapore Netscribes Global PTE. Ltd. 10 Dover Rise, #20-11, Heritage View, Singapore (138680) Get in touch with us: New York Gurgaon Kolkata Mumbai Singapore SAMPLE REPORT
  • 35. BLOCKCHAIN – ADOPTION IN AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY 35 US : 1 888 448 4309/ 1 877 777 6569 India: +91 22 4098 7600 For further assistance or to request customizations please contact: Proprietary and Confidential, Copyright © 2019, Netscribes, Inc. All Rights Reserved The content of this document is confidential and meant for the review of the recipient. Disclaimer: The names or logos of other companies and products mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners SAMPLE REPORT