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Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Blockchain Can Not Be Used To Verify
Replayed Archived Web Pages
Michael L. Nelson
Old Dominion University
Web Science & Digital Libraries Research Group
@WebSciDL, @phonedude_mln
ODU: Michele C. Weigle, Mohamed Aturban
Los Alamos National Laboratory: Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein
Supported in part by The Andrew Mellon Foundation
and the National Science Foundation
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
This is not what you think it is…
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
This is not what you think it is…
“…right now you can get timestamps for every book,
movie, song, computer program, legal document,
etc. in the thousands of collections in the archive.
In the future we hope to be able to work with the
Internet Archive to extend this to timestamping
website snapshots…”
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Web archiving is not file backup.
Backup = prevent, detect, repair changes
Web archiving = continuous changes to replicate the past
Naïve fixity techniques are
not applicable for web archiving.
Since 3rd
party audits are not feasible, as web archives proliferate
verifying web archives will centralize / federate.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
A simplified workflow of web archiving
$ wget
WARC-Type: warcinfo
Content-Type: application/warc-fields
WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z
WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-
WARC-Filename: foo.warc.warc.gz
Content-Length: 257
software: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)
format: WARC File Format 1.0
[much deletia]
1) live web site
2) Crawled by any of
several archival crawlers 3) Result stored in a WARC File
(like tar or zip, but for Web archives)
4) WARC files are indexed,
served by replay software
(there are several variations of
Wayback Machine)
5) User chooses date of
capture (Memento-Datetime)
6) Page replayed with banner,
rewritten links, etc.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
(apologies to Peter Arnett)
“In order to save the page,
we had to completely change it”
Yes, some archives (including most versions of Wayback) provide “raw” access,
but modifications can still happen (how/why is beyond the scope of this presentation).
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
I’ve got mad HTML skillz
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Same page, archived at IA
Archival Metadata
The banner tells the user the original URL,
which archive the page resides in,
when it was archived, how many copies, etc.
Links are rewritten to point back
into the archive, not the live web.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Same page, archived at IA
$ curl -s | head -5
<body bgcolor=white>
-January 31-February 1, 2019, NYC, ACM Publications Board Meeting
$ curl -s | wc
585 2361 26471
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Same page, archived at IA
$ curl -s | head -5
<body bgcolor=white>
-January 31-February 1, 2019, NYC, ACM Publications Board Meeting
$ curl -s | wc
585 2361 26471
$ curl -s | head -5
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){var
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/ait-client-rewrite.js?v=1538596186.0" charset="utf-
<script type="text/javascript">
WB_wombat_Init('', '20181104174441', '');
$ curl -s | wc
618 2472 33787
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Same page, archived at
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Same page, archived at
$ curl -s | head -5
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html style="background-
color:#EEEEEE" prefix="og: article:" itemscope
itemtype=""><!--><!--curl/7.30.0--><head><meta http-
equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/><meta name="robots"
content="index,noarchive"/><meta name="viewport" content="device-width=300, initial-scale=1"/><meta
property="twitter:card" content="summary"/><meta property="twitter:site" content="@archiveis"/><meta
property="og:type" content="article"/><meta property="og:site_name" content=""/><meta
property="og:url" content="" itemprop="url"/><meta property="og:title"
content=""/><meta property="twitter:title"
content=""/><meta property="twitter:description"
content="archived 4 Nov 2018 17:46:33 UTC" itemprop="description"/><meta
property="article:published_time" content="2018-11-04T17:46:33Z" itemprop="dateCreated"/><meta
property="article:modified_time" content="2018-11-04T17:46:33Z" itemprop="dateModified"/><link
itemprop="image"/><meta property="twitter:image"
property="twitter:image:width" content="1024"/><meta property="twitter:image:height"
content="768"/><link rel="icon" href="//"/><link
rel="canonical" href=""/><link rel="bookmark"
/head><body style="margin:0;background-color:#EEEEEE"><center><div id="HEADER" style="font-
[much deletia – you get the point]
$ curl -s | wc
730 3640 62392
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
If we just had isolated, static pages
(e.g., individual jpegs, pdfs, mp3s)
then there’d be no problem.
But HTML has:
1) links,
2) embedded resources (including iframes), and
3) Javascript, which can modify the HTML.
And HTTP has no “bulk download”,
so you can’t grab an entire site instantaneously.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
WARC-Type: warcinfo
Content-Type: application/warc-fields
WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z
WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb>
Content-Length: 257
software: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)
format: WARC File Format 1.0
robots: classic
wget-arguments: "" ""
WARC-Type: request
Content-Type: application/http;msgtype=request
WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z
WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:e44bc1ea-61a1-4200-b94f-60042456f638>
WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb>
Content-Length: 141
GET /vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
WARC-Type: response
WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:5d8861ef-93c5-4d9c-87b8-4f427f963f7c>
WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb>
WARC-Concurrent-To: <urn:uuid:e44bc1ea-61a1-4200-b94f-60042456f638>
WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z
We could hash the
WARC file
$ md5sum
But this page contains:
•201 images
•19 Javascript files
•3 CSS files
At a large archive like IA they
could be in multiple WARC files;
worst case is 224 WARC files.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
We can detect changes in the root HTML
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
But what if the change is in
an embedded resource?
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Clearly we need to render the entire page,
then compute the hash.
Unfortunately, that’s not easy.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Load the archived page, get an eagle
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Hit “reload”, get a tiger
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Hit “reload” again, get a mountain
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
“Look on my Javascript, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Actually, the example was super easy;
most changes are much harder to trace.
Mohamed Aturban, unpublished, memento:
Animated GIF:
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Temporal violations:
reconstructing pages that never existed on the live web
(examples below are transient; sometimes you get the 1st
image, sometimes the 2nd
embedded in memento, archived in
image is compressed (12209 vs. 19448 bytes); 2nd
image modified in 2017-03, but replayed in a 2017-01 page
embedded in memento, archived in
image modified in 2017-12, but replayed in a 2017-11 page; blackout for privacy
Temporal violations:
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
1 WARC file, 2 Wayback Machines, 3 Browsers
= 6 different replays
see also.
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Archive URIMs With at least two hashes
---------------------------------------------------------------- 712 712 (100%) 1396 1364 (97.70%) 1589 739 (46.50%) 1383 815 (58.92%) 1222 831 (68.00%) 979 979 (100%) 994 972 (97.78%) 199 177 (88.94%) 351 351 (100%) 469 129 (27.50%) 349 329 (94.26%) 1585 828 (52.23%) 488 308 (63.11%) 1594 526 (32.99%) 1569 1563 (99.61%) 1566 1334 (85.18%) 182 180 (98.90%)
16627 12137 (72.99%)
Data from 35 downloads over an 11 month period (2017-11 – 2018-10), Mohamed Aturban (in preparation)
(apologies to Heraclitus)
You cannot replay twice the same archived page
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
A metaphor for replaying archived web pages
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
King of Swamp Castle: live web/ground truth
Guard: archival replay
$ echo "Make sure the prince doesn't leave this room until I come and get him." | md5
$ echo "Not to leave the room even if you come and get him." | md5
$ echo "Until you come and get him, we're not to enter the room." | md5
$ echo "We don't need to do anything apart from just stop him entering the room." | md5
$ echo "Oh yes, we'll keep him in here, obviously. But if he had to leave, and we went with him..." | md5
$ echo "Oh, yes of course. I thought you meant him! You know it seemed a bit daft me having to guard him
when he's a guard." | md5
Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05,
@phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL
Archival replay & blockchain:
building a castle in a swamp
• Fixity checks only work when it’s clear what to hash
– Hash only the root HTML and modifications are possible via embedded
resources (false negatives)
– Recursively hash all embedded resources and you’ll rarely get the
same hash (false positives)
• There is increasing incentive to attack existing archives and
create networks of fake archives
• We are investigating archive-aware hashing functions
– Vagaries of replay won’t be “fixed”; we need to adapt our hashing
• Central vs. distributed?
– Ask yourself: “is this a winner-take-all market?” (hello, FANG)

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Blockchain Can Not Be Used To Verify Replayed Archived Web Pages

  • 1. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Blockchain Can Not Be Used To Verify Replayed Archived Web Pages Michael L. Nelson Old Dominion University Web Science & Digital Libraries Research Group @WebSciDL, @phonedude_mln With: ODU: Michele C. Weigle, Mohamed Aturban Los Alamos National Laboratory: Herbert Van de Sompel, Martin Klein Supported in part by The Andrew Mellon Foundation and the National Science Foundation
  • 2. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL This is not what you think it is…
  • 3. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL This is not what you think it is… “…right now you can get timestamps for every book, movie, song, computer program, legal document, etc. in the thousands of collections in the archive. In the future we hope to be able to work with the Internet Archive to extend this to timestamping website snapshots…”
  • 4. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL TL;DR Web archiving is not file backup. Backup = prevent, detect, repair changes Web archiving = continuous changes to replicate the past Naïve fixity techniques are not applicable for web archiving. Since 3rd party audits are not feasible, as web archives proliferate verifying web archives will centralize / federate.
  • 5. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL A simplified workflow of web archiving $ wget WARC/1.0 WARC-Type: warcinfo Content-Type: application/warc-fields WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7- 4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb> WARC-Filename: foo.warc.warc.gz WARC-Block-Digest: sha1:WWSSYDYY7HTP4JTVOZANSIFPFHUJU64E Content-Length: 257 software: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu) format: WARC File Format 1.0 [much deletia] 1) live web site 2) Crawled by any of several archival crawlers 3) Result stored in a WARC File (like tar or zip, but for Web archives) 4) WARC files are indexed, served by replay software (there are several variations of Wayback Machine) 5) User chooses date of capture (Memento-Datetime) 6) Page replayed with banner, rewritten links, etc.
  • 6. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL (apologies to Peter Arnett) “In order to save the page, we had to completely change it” Yes, some archives (including most versions of Wayback) provide “raw” access, but modifications can still happen (how/why is beyond the scope of this presentation).
  • 7. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL I’ve got mad HTML skillz
  • 8. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Same page, archived at IA Archival Metadata The banner tells the user the original URL, which archive the page resides in, when it was archived, how many copies, etc. Links are rewritten to point back into the archive, not the live web.
  • 9. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Same page, archived at IA $ curl -s | head -5 <body bgcolor=white> <pre> -January 31-February 1, 2019, NYC, ACM Publications Board Meeting $ curl -s | wc 585 2361 26471
  • 10. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Same page, archived at IA $ curl -s | head -5 <body bgcolor=white> <pre> -January 31-February 1, 2019, NYC, ACM Publications Board Meeting $ curl -s | wc 585 2361 26471 $ curl -s | head -5 <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){var v=archive_analytics.values;v.service='wb';v.server_name='wwwb-’;v.server_ms=208;archive_analytics.send_pageview({});});</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/ait-client-rewrite.js?v=1538596186.0" charset="utf- 8"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> WB_wombat_Init('', '20181104174441', ''); $ curl -s | wc 618 2472 33787
  • 11. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Same page, archived at
  • 12. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Same page, archived at $ curl -s | head -5 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html style="background- color:#EEEEEE" prefix="og: article:" itemscope itemtype=""><!--><!--curl/7.30.0--><head><meta http- equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/><meta name="robots" content="index,noarchive"/><meta name="viewport" content="device-width=300, initial-scale=1"/><meta property="twitter:card" content="summary"/><meta property="twitter:site" content="@archiveis"/><meta property="og:type" content="article"/><meta property="og:site_name" content=""/><meta property="og:url" content="" itemprop="url"/><meta property="og:title" content=""/><meta property="twitter:title" content=""/><meta property="twitter:description" content="archived 4 Nov 2018 17:46:33 UTC" itemprop="description"/><meta property="article:published_time" content="2018-11-04T17:46:33Z" itemprop="dateCreated"/><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2018-11-04T17:46:33Z" itemprop="dateModified"/><link rel="image_src" href=""/><meta property="og:image" content="" itemprop="image"/><meta property="twitter:image" content=""/><meta property="twitter:image:src" content=""/><meta property="twitter:image:width" content="1024"/><meta property="twitter:image:height" content="768"/><link rel="icon" href="//"/><link rel="canonical" href=""/><link rel="bookmark" href=""/><title></title>< /head><body style="margin:0;background-color:#EEEEEE"><center><div id="HEADER" style="font- family:sans-serif;background [much deletia – you get the point] $ curl -s | wc 730 3640 62392
  • 13. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL If we just had isolated, static pages (e.g., individual jpegs, pdfs, mp3s) then there’d be no problem. But HTML has: 1) links, 2) embedded resources (including iframes), and 3) Javascript, which can modify the HTML. And HTTP has no “bulk download”, so you can’t grab an entire site instantaneously.
  • 14. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL WARC/1.0 WARC-Type: warcinfo Content-Type: application/warc-fields WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb> WARC-Filename: WARC-Block-Digest: sha1:WWSSYDYY7HTP4JTVOZANSIFPFHUJU64E Content-Length: 257 software: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu) format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo: robots: classic wget-arguments: "" "" WARC/1.0 WARC-Type: request WARC-Target-URI: Content-Type: application/http;msgtype=request WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:e44bc1ea-61a1-4200-b94f-60042456f638> WARC-IP-Address: WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb> WARC-Block-Digest: sha1:CLODKYDXCHPVOJMJWHJVT3EJJDKI2RTQ Content-Length: 141 GET /vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/ HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu) Accept: */* Host: Connection: Keep-Alive WARC/1.0 WARC-Type: response WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:5d8861ef-93c5-4d9c-87b8-4f427f963f7c> WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:6d14bf1d-0ef7-4f03-9de2-e578d105d3cb> WARC-Concurrent-To: <urn:uuid:e44bc1ea-61a1-4200-b94f-60042456f638> WARC-Target-URI: WARC-Date: 2018-11-03T17:20:02Z We could hash the WARC file $ md5sum 652853fe1bc8cb273cdf73aad8a489ca But this page contains: •201 images •19 Javascript files •3 CSS files At a large archive like IA they could be in multiple WARC files; worst case is 224 WARC files.
  • 15. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL We can detect changes in the root HTML
  • 16. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL But what if the change is in an embedded resource?
  • 17. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Clearly we need to render the entire page, then compute the hash. Unfortunately, that’s not easy.
  • 18. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Load the archived page, get an eagle
  • 19. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Hit “reload”, get a tiger
  • 20. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Hit “reload” again, get a mountain
  • 21. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL “Look on my Javascript, ye Mighty, and despair!”
  • 22. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Actually, the example was super easy; most changes are much harder to trace. Mohamed Aturban, unpublished, memento: Animated GIF:
  • 23. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Temporal violations: reconstructing pages that never existed on the live web (examples below are transient; sometimes you get the 1st image, sometimes the 2nd image) embedded in memento, archived in 2nd image is compressed (12209 vs. 19448 bytes); 2nd image modified in 2017-03, but replayed in a 2017-01 page embedded in memento, archived in 2nd image modified in 2017-12, but replayed in a 2017-11 page; blackout for privacy Temporal violations:
  • 24. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL 1 WARC file, 2 Wayback Machines, 3 Browsers = 6 different replays see also.
  • 25. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Archive URIMs With at least two hashes ---------------------------------------------------------------- 712 712 (100%) 1396 1364 (97.70%) 1589 739 (46.50%) 1383 815 (58.92%) 1222 831 (68.00%) 979 979 (100%) 994 972 (97.78%) 199 177 (88.94%) 351 351 (100%) 469 129 (27.50%) 349 329 (94.26%) 1585 828 (52.23%) 488 308 (63.11%) 1594 526 (32.99%) 1569 1563 (99.61%) 1566 1334 (85.18%) 182 180 (98.90%) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 16627 12137 (72.99%) Data from 35 downloads over an 11 month period (2017-11 – 2018-10), Mohamed Aturban (in preparation) (apologies to Heraclitus) You cannot replay twice the same archived page
  • 26. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL A metaphor for replaying archived web pages
  • 27. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL King of Swamp Castle: live web/ground truth Guard: archival replay $ echo "Make sure the prince doesn't leave this room until I come and get him." | md5 57facbb2734d36cb823f4230cc07b888 $ echo "Not to leave the room even if you come and get him." | md5 3ba0a2359d63f43cbe9e11fb5a179b8d $ echo "Until you come and get him, we're not to enter the room." | md5 ade3539aaa8a6d8724193e9a37f3ca6d $ echo "We don't need to do anything apart from just stop him entering the room." | md5 ea812f5b997aa42a8f293bd1ee536fd0 $ echo "Oh yes, we'll keep him in here, obviously. But if he had to leave, and we went with him..." | md5 55d184b77d99eed6367535ef3c05d7aa $ echo "Oh, yes of course. I thought you meant him! You know it seemed a bit daft me having to guard him when he's a guard." | md5
  • 28. Symposium on Blockchain and Trusted Repositories, 2018-11-05, @phonedude_mln, @WebSciDL Archival replay & blockchain: building a castle in a swamp • Fixity checks only work when it’s clear what to hash – Hash only the root HTML and modifications are possible via embedded resources (false negatives) – Recursively hash all embedded resources and you’ll rarely get the same hash (false positives) • There is increasing incentive to attack existing archives and create networks of fake archives – • We are investigating archive-aware hashing functions – Vagaries of replay won’t be “fixed”; we need to adapt our hashing • Central vs. distributed? – Ask yourself: “is this a winner-take-all market?” (hello, FANG) –