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     S       T        R     A   T   E   G    I      E              S

CONSIDER                                    RETIREMENT CHECK-UP
THE FULL                                        FOR THE NEW YEAR

PACKAGE:                                                BUILDING
THE IMPORTANCE                                   CREDIBILITY WITH
                                                   SOCIAL MEDIA
MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS:                              TO YOUR
A MATTER OF ATTRACTION                            EMPLOYEES’

       is growing   yours
In This Issue…                                    Human Resources
Human Resources.......................2
 Consider the Full Package:
 The Importance of Benefits
 in Total Compensation
Employee Benefits.......................4
 Committing to Wellness
Expanding Your Personal Wealth.... 5
 Retirement Check-Up
 for the New Year
 How to Build Credibility
 Using Social Media
Mergers & Acquisitions...............6
 It’s Really Just a
 Matter of Attraction
Tax & Accounting........................7
 Court of Appeals Agrees

                                                    Consider the
 that Severance Payments
 Are Not Subject to FICA

 @cbz          CBIZ          BIZ Tips
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of current and past issues of
BIZGrowth Strategies, visit
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                                                Full                               Package:
                                                The Importance of Benefits in Total Compensation

visit                         iven the relative dominance of cash compensation, compensation
You can also call us at                                professionals occasionally neglect to consider the other key
1-800-ASK-CBIZ (1- 800 -275 -2249).                    component in the total compensation package – benefits. Yet,
                                                benefits are critically linked to compensation in providing total
                                                rewards to employees due to the significant ways in which benefits
CBIZ in the News                                impact employers’ costs as well as employees’ perceived value of
                                                total compensation.
Why dividends, capital gains                         With employee benefits typically equal to 20 to 40 percent of
are big part of fiscal cliff talks              payroll expenses, they are a prominent part of total compensation. As
November 29, 2012
                                                a result, benefits can offset or amplify cash compensation issues. For
US News & World Report                          example, total compensation analyses for public sector clients often
The myth of the permanent                       show that employees’ salaries are below median salaries in relevant
working class                                   labor markets. However, a review of benefits reveals that public
October 30, 2012                                sector employees frequently receive above average benefits. This is
                                                largely attributable to richer retirement plans and a greater portion of                                        employer-paid, health-related benefits premiums. In this case, the sum
What disruptors need
to attract capital                              of below market salaries and above market benefits is relatively in line
October 18, 2012                                with the competitive total compensation level. An illustration indicative
                                                of the market comparisons regularly observed in the public and private
                                                sectors appears on the adjacent page. (For simplicity’s sake, variable
For complete articles:                          cash pay has been ignored so that salary plus benefits equals total                        compensation.)

2 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013	                                                                         CBIZ, INC.
Average Salary                   Average Benefits               Average Total Compensation
                            (Actual as a % of Market)         (Actual as a % of Market)           (Actual as a % of Market)
 Public Sector
                                        88%                               123%                                 100%
 Private Sector
                                        105%                               92%                                 100%

     The example scenarios above show employers’                     organization want to position itself against competitors?
ability to balance salaries and benefits to achieve                  How should salaries, variable/incentive pay and benefits
overall competitiveness. Conversely, there are                       (both tangible and intangible) compare to other
also cases where deviations from market can be                       organizations? After such philosophies are established,
compounded by the inclusion of benefits in the                       an organization can utilize total rewards statements as
analysis. In peak recession years, for instance,                     well as salary increase, incentive plan and benefits
some organizations froze salaries, reduced their                     program updates to explain its compensation goals
share of health insurance premium payments                           and the efforts taken to align each employee’s total
and suspended retirement plan contributions;                         compensation package with these goals. 	
thus, both salary and benefits (and, thereby,
total compensation) fell behind market levels.
     Employers must first determine their total
                                                                                   PRIYA J. KAPILA
compensation philosophy and that of each component                                 CBIZ Human Capital Services • St. Louis, MO
in order to effectively communicate the value of the                               314.995.5558 •
total compensation package. That is, how does the

DISCLAIMER: This publication is distributed with the understanding that CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional
advice. To the extent anything herein could be construed as tax advice, such advice is not intended to be used and cannot be used
to avoid penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or to promote, market, or recommend to another person any tax related matter.
This information is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or in the interpretation of such laws. The reader is
advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. CBIZ assumes no liability whatsoever in
connection with the use of this information and assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in laws or other factors
that could affect the information contained herein.

CBIZ, INC.	                                                                          BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 | 3
Employee Benefits

Committing to
     here have been an increasing number of articles,
     news stories, presentations, webinars and
     the like on the benefits of having an employer-
sponsored health and wellness program. The case
studies have been reviewed and the ROIs have been
proven: an employer-sponsored health and wellness
program has the ability to positively impact an
organization’s bottom line.
    The most important element of a successful             provided with quarterly communications and talking
wellness plan is to understand that wellness is a          points that they can share with their teams.
major, economic business strategy – one that requires
                                                               Establish a wellness committee. An effective
a high level of organizational commitment and change.
                                                           wellness committee can provide opportunities for
Like all corporate strategies, the wellness plan needs
                                                           both management and employee involvement in the
to align with the organization’s values and goals.
                                                           development and promotion of the program. A well-
   The following are strategies to ensure organizational   formulated wellness committee serves many important
commitment and wellness program success:                   functions, including developing and promoting the
                                                           organization’s health and wellness brands and
     Conduct key interviews to determine
                                                           themes; creating a sense of employee ownership in
organizational readiness. Interview employees from a
                                                           the program; ensuring input from a broad range of
good cross-section of the organization to ensure that      company stakeholders and perspectives; providing
all levels, departments and locations are represented.     a source of internal support and advocacy for the
Ask key questions regarding current work conditions,       program; and helping to drive employee enthusiasm
attitudes, senior leadership support and the feasibility   and participation.
that health and wellness initiatives will be adapted and
supported by all facets of the organization.                   Obtain operational commitment to the strategic
                                                           wellness plan. It is important to ensure that the work
     Develop a senior leadership business case.            environment, policies and procedures are in line
Management needs to understand how supporting              with the company wellness mission. From looking
employee health supports the business strategy,            at policies such as smoking, leave of absence and
mission and vision. Gain the acceptance and approval       sick days to evaluating vending machine and meeting
of senior leaders so they are aware of the goals and       food service options to assessing on-site exercise
initiatives of the wellness strategy and understand        opportunities like gyms, walking paths and stairwells,
that they will be accountable for ensuring success.        these items must be considered in determining
Develop mechanisms of accountability so leaders            operational support of the wellness objectives.
understand what is expected of them.
                                                                Develop an annual wellness budget. The
    Provide coaching and develop a change                  organization needs to account for wellness activities,
management and communication plan. The                     incentives and events that will incur costs. Having
organization needs to be prepared to make cultural         a pre-approved budget will ensure programs are
and behavioral changes that support employee health        funded and any incentive dollars are pre-approved.
and wellbeing. Employees often require coaching to         Communicating a wellness budget also shows
help prepare for change, manage change and reinforce       organizational commitment to the wellness initiatives
the change. Also, each employee needs to be aware of       in anticipation that a return on the investment made
his/her responsibility to support a culture of health.     will be achieved.
     Prepare a senior leadership communication tool
kit. Senior managers need to understand the best way
                                                                       JENNIFER GRAY
to communicate with their employees regarding health                   CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services, Inc.
and wellness initiatives. To ensure a clear, concise                   Dublin, OH • 614.793.2453 •
and consistent message, senior leaders should be

4 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013	                                                                      CBIZ, INC.
Expanding Your Personal Wealth                                    Marketing

Retirement                                                        How to Build Credibility Using
                                                                  Social Media
                for the New Year

      he beginning of a new year is a good time to
      revisit your retirement planning strategies.
      To start, consider all of your
retirement savings, such as 401(k)                                Have you Googled yourself recently?
                                                                  Are you happy with the results?
and 403(b), and obtain the total

amount you have saved thus                                                  hether you are trying to generate business,
far. A more sobering picture                                                get a new job or expand your professional
of your retirement readiness                                                network, social media is one of the most
emerges when you take                                             efficient tools to accomplish these goals. While
that total and execute a                                          almost anyone can build an online presence, the key
simple calculation: take                                          is to build an effective profile across multiple social
4% to 5% of the total                                             channels that showcases your true expertise.
savings and the result                                                 Many people believe you have to spend a ton of
approximates the annual                                           money to have your website featured on the first page
income your retirement funds                                      of search engine results, when in fact, you can do this
will generate. Industry experts                                   for free. There are four key social media channels you
say that one should expect to yield                               can use to build credibility online and enhance search
about 85% of the income from one’s last working                   engine results, all at no cost:
year. This number is a generalization; therefore, you
should evaluate what you might want to do after                   1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is purely a professional
retirement and also consider your spending habits.                   networking site. The first thing you should do is
                                                                     create an effective profile by following ten key steps.
     After getting a snapshot of your retirement                     These steps can be viewed in the Summer 2011
preparation, you may want to increase the rate at                    issue located at
which you are saving. Be sure to take full advantage                 Once you have built a dynamic profile you can begin
of any corporate matching program where the                          to post status updates with articles and resources
company will contribute a certain percentage of your                 that showcase you as an expert in your field.
own contribution to your retirement account for up                2. Twitter: No, Twitter isn’t all about following
to a certain portion of your pay. In addition, evaluate               celebrities. As a business professional, you can use
if your budget will allow a total contribution of 10%                 Twitter to share important, time-relevant news,
to 15% of your annual income for your 401(k). This                    updates, events, etc. Plus, search engines love
is the percentage range suggested by many experts.                    Twitter! This is also a great avenue to reach out to
For 2013 the IRS allows up to $17,500 per year per                    media outlets. Tip: Everyone loves the kudos when
401(k) account.                                                       you retweet one of their tweets. This is a great way
    Also, establishing an IRA is a great way to save up               to recognize others in your industry who are also
to $5,000 per year (and $6,000 per year for those ages                sharing relevant content. Spend the time to build
50 and older) even if it is with after-tax dollars.                   your Twitter profile, including carefully crafting your
                                                                      bio and using hashtags.
     Annuities can be a good option to supplement your
retirement income (after tax). Some annuities guarantee           3. YouTube: What? There is more to YouTube than cute
a certain return for life, which is a good way to protect             cat videos? Yes, YouTube is a great tool for you to
yourself against the risk of exhausting your resources                showcase “how-to” or other informative videos that
during retirement.                                                    highlight you as a credible resource. Don’t worry
                                                                      about the fancy equipment or setup. Studies show
    Even if you are satisfied with your financial progress            that more natural, raw-looking videos have better
toward retirement, there are still a few maintenance                  traction. Another idea is to create a “behind the
issues to consider. Depending on how the markets                      scenes” video of your business or career. YouTube
                                          (Continued on page 8)                                              (Continued on page 8)

CBIZ, INC.	                                                                      BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 | 5
Mergers  Acquisitions                                         With a substantial number of Baby Boomers
                                                           nearing retirement age, acquirers have trained a keen
It’s Really Just a                                         eye on companies that will help serve the health care

Matter of Attraction
                                                           needs of this aging segment of the population.
                                                               Software companies: Darlings of the deal
                                                           community, companies with few employees or assets
                                                           other than intellectual property are always attractive.

  f you happened upon a sophomore class in college         A number of small software companies with minimal
  physics, you might catch the students being tested       revenue recently have sold for substantial multiples.
  on the basic principles of physics, electronics and
                                                                Bolting a new software application onto a large
magnetism. The magnetic state of an object refers to
                                                           customer base allows for revenue expansion that
how that object reacts (degree of attraction) within a
                                                           simply isn’t available in many other fields. Further,
magnetic field.
                                                           the area of intellectual property surrounding a lot of
    If you timed things right, you might actually see      new applications has become an area of focus for
the students with their right fist thrust in the air and   acquirers in recent years. The value of intellectual
their thumb extended (toward them). No, they aren’t        property can’t be underestimated, as evidenced by
hitching a ride; they’re using their hands as a visual     the infringement case won by Apple Incorporated in
representation of the direction a magnetic field           its suit against Samsung Group.
rotates around the flow of an electrical current.
                                                                          Homeland security-related companies:
    You’re wondering where I’m                                             Any sector where the government
going with this?                                                              is able to throw around mass
     In the field of MA                                                         quantities of money in the name
transactions, there is no right                                                    of protecting the homeland
hand rule, but from time                                                             draws a lot of attention
to time certain types of                                                               from potential acquirers.
acquirers exhibit strong                                                                 Companies that develop
attractions (work with                                                                   technologies to help
me – almost magnetic)                                                                     ensure national security
to certain types of                                                                       will continue to draw
companies from an                                                                         substantial attraction
investment standpoint.                                                                    from the investment
The following are sectors                                                                 community.
attracting interest in the                                                                       Energy sector
market today:                                                                               companies: The investment
     Health care-related                                                                   community is a little
businesses: Health care                                                                  schizophrenic when it comes
isn’t getting any cheaper. As of                                                       to energy plays. On one hand,
the last statistical year available                                                 they like energy companies as
(2008), health care spending                                                    they realize that conventional energy
represented over 15 percent of our Gross                                   is derived from dwindling resources.
Domestic Product, which places us at the top of                     On the other hand, they are concerned about
the list of nations. There is no doubt that our health     the cyclical nature of the commodities consumed
care is excellent when compared to most nations, but       by conventional energy sector companies and the
any sector that represents such a substantial amount       wild swings in resource values driven by Wall Street
of a nation’s GDP is bound to be fertile ground for        speculators. When it comes to renewable energy, again,
innovative and growing companies.                          there is a lot of initial interest, but also a fair degree
                                                           of concern over businesses whose profitability is often
                                                           predicated by the existence of government support.
                                                           What the government giveth, the government can also
    In the field of MA transactions,                      take away.
certain types of acquirers exhibit strong
    attractions (almost magnetic) to
                                                                       LUKE SAGE is registered with CBIZ Financial
  certain types of companies from an                                   Solutions, Inc. member FINRA, SIPC and
         investment standpoint.                                        Registered Investment Adviser.
                                                                       858.795.2088 •

6 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013	                                                                         CBIZ, INC.
Tax  Accounting

  Court of Appeals Agrees
  that Severance Payments Are
  Not Subject

       he Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a    which, if the case is accepted, will drag out the issue’s
       district court decision that severance payments     ultimate resolution for a number of years.
       made to employees pursuant to an involuntary
                                                                In the meantime, employers that paid FICA
separation from employment due to a reduction in
                                                           taxes on severance payments due to a reduction in
workforce are not subject to FICA taxes. Employers that
                                                           workforce should file protective refund claims before
have been forced to downsize their workforce in the        the three-year statute of limitations expires on those
current economy should consider filing protective refund   tax liabilities. Therefore, if an employer paid FICA on
claims to recover these taxes. As the IRS likely will      qualifying severance payments to employees in 2009,
appeal the decision to the Supreme Court, employers        the employer generally has until April 15, 2013 to file a
should continue to subject severance payments to FICA      refund claim.
taxes (and subsequently file protective refund claims)
until the issue is ultimately resolved.                        The claims must be filed using Form 941-X or
                                                           945-X to correct errors previously made on the Form
    The Sixth Circuit’s decision in U.S. v. Quality        941 (Employer’s Federal Quarterly Tax Return) or Form
Stores, Inc., CA-6, 2012-2 USTC ¶50,551 (Sept. 7,          945 (Employer’s Federal Annual Tax Return). To file for
2012) reinforces the district court’s conclusion that      both the employer and employee portions of the FICA
supplemental unemployment compensation benefits            you must certify that you reimbursed your employee or
(SUBs) are merely treated as if they were wages for        secured his consent to allow the claim for refund or,
income tax withholding purposes under IRC Section          after reasonable efforts, have been unable to do so.
3402(o) and are not actually wages, and thus, are not
                                                                The IRS will not grant any refund claims until the
subject to FICA taxes. In reaching its conclusion, the
                                                           issue has been resolved, but filing the refund claim
Court looked to the legislative history of §3402(o), as    within the statute of limitations will protect your rights
well as to its very title – “Extension of withholding to   to the refund should the issue ultimately be decided in
certain payments other than wages.”                        the taxpayer’s favor. The potential refunds, which would
     Resolution of this issue is far from complete.        include interest on the taxes paid, could be significant.
The Sixth Circuit’s opinion is in direct contrast to the       To determine whether you qualify for this refund
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision in CSX Corp.    opportunity or for assistance with filing the necessary
v. U.S., 518 F.2d 318 (Fed. Cir. 2008). The IRS has        claims for refund, contact the author or your local
also issued several rulings wherein only certain types     CBIZ MHM tax professional.
of SUBs were exempt from FICA taxation, such as
those that are conditional on the employee’s receipt
                                                                        MARC MINKER
of unemployment compensation benefits. Given the                        CBIZ MHM, LLC • New York, NY
large amount of taxes at stake, the IRS likely will file                212.790.5826 •
an appeal of this decision to the U.S. Supreme Court

CBIZ, INC.	                                                               BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 | 7
our      business
                                                                                                           is growing    yours

                                                                                          Expanding Your Personal Wealth                                   Marketing
                                                                                          (Continued from page 5)                                          (Continued from page 5)

                                                                                                                    move, the percentages of your             also makes it very easy for you to embed videos
                                                                                                                     asset allocation will shift and          directly into your website, blog or other social
                                                                                                                     may no longer reflect your               channels.
                                                                                                                     initial goals. Your investment
                                                                                                                      goals also may have changed          4. SlideShare: SlideShare is a public sharing site that
                                                                                                                     over time. Whatever the case,             allows you to upload presentations, whitepapers,
                                                                                                                     it is crucial to rebalance your           brochures and videos to “share” with the world. By
                                                                                                                    portfolio regularly so that it             doing so, you can expand your sphere of influence.
                                                                                          reflects your initial or most up-to-date target allocation.          With detailed analytics, you can track how many
                                                                                          Some retirement plan vendors offer automatic                         people have viewed or downloaded your documents.
© Copyright 2013. CBIZ, Inc. NYSE Listed: CBZ. All rights reserved. • CBIZ-020, Rev. 54

                                                                                          rebalancing features where participants may set their                There is even a built-in lead system that will collect
                                                                                          accounts to be periodically evaluated and rebalanced.                contact details for those who would like more
                                                                                          Finally, remember to revisit and update the beneficiary              information about your services.
                                                                                          of your retirement funds, following any important                     Take the time to develop effective profiles for each
                                                                                          changes in your life.                                            of these four sites. Be strategic with the keywords that
                                                                                              Sufficient cognizance and active planning are                you use on each site, as this will help improve your
                                                                                          paramount in successfully achieving your retirement              rankings. Finally, remember to periodically monitor your
                                                                                          goals. The beginning of a new year is a great time to            search engine rankings to be better informed about
                                                                                          keep these objectives in check among other ambitions             what the online world says about you.
                                                                                          you might have for 2013.

                                                                                                           JUNG EUN OH                                                      AMANDA MARKOS
                                                                                                           CBIZ Retirement Plan Services • Cleveland, OH                    CBIZ, Inc. • San Diego, CA
                                                                                                           216.520.6622 •                                  858.795.2253 •

                                                                                          8 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013	                                                                             CBIZ, INC.

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BIZGrowth Strategies - Winter 2013

  • 2. In This Issue… Human Resources Human Resources.......................2 Consider the Full Package: The Importance of Benefits in Total Compensation Employee Benefits.......................4 Committing to Wellness Expanding Your Personal Wealth.... 5 Retirement Check-Up for the New Year Marketing...................................5 How to Build Credibility Using Social Media Mergers & Acquisitions...............6 It’s Really Just a Matter of Attraction Tax & Accounting........................7 Court of Appeals Agrees Consider the that Severance Payments Are Not Subject to FICA @cbz CBIZ BIZ Tips Videos To view the electronic versions of current and past issues of BIZGrowth Strategies, visit To register for our online version, Full Package: The Importance of Benefits in Total Compensation G visit iven the relative dominance of cash compensation, compensation You can also call us at professionals occasionally neglect to consider the other key 1-800-ASK-CBIZ (1- 800 -275 -2249). component in the total compensation package – benefits. Yet, benefits are critically linked to compensation in providing total rewards to employees due to the significant ways in which benefits CBIZ in the News impact employers’ costs as well as employees’ perceived value of total compensation. NPR Why dividends, capital gains With employee benefits typically equal to 20 to 40 percent of are big part of fiscal cliff talks payroll expenses, they are a prominent part of total compensation. As November 29, 2012 a result, benefits can offset or amplify cash compensation issues. For US News & World Report example, total compensation analyses for public sector clients often The myth of the permanent show that employees’ salaries are below median salaries in relevant working class labor markets. However, a review of benefits reveals that public October 30, 2012 sector employees frequently receive above average benefits. This is largely attributable to richer retirement plans and a greater portion of employer-paid, health-related benefits premiums. In this case, the sum What disruptors need to attract capital of below market salaries and above market benefits is relatively in line October 18, 2012 with the competitive total compensation level. An illustration indicative of the market comparisons regularly observed in the public and private sectors appears on the adjacent page. (For simplicity’s sake, variable For complete articles: cash pay has been ignored so that salary plus benefits equals total compensation.) 2 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 CBIZ, INC.
  • 3. Average Salary Average Benefits Average Total Compensation (Actual as a % of Market) (Actual as a % of Market) (Actual as a % of Market) Public Sector 88% 123% 100% Organization Private Sector 105% 92% 100% Organization The example scenarios above show employers’ organization want to position itself against competitors? ability to balance salaries and benefits to achieve How should salaries, variable/incentive pay and benefits overall competitiveness. Conversely, there are (both tangible and intangible) compare to other also cases where deviations from market can be organizations? After such philosophies are established, compounded by the inclusion of benefits in the an organization can utilize total rewards statements as analysis. In peak recession years, for instance, well as salary increase, incentive plan and benefits some organizations froze salaries, reduced their program updates to explain its compensation goals share of health insurance premium payments and the efforts taken to align each employee’s total and suspended retirement plan contributions; compensation package with these goals. thus, both salary and benefits (and, thereby, total compensation) fell behind market levels. Employers must first determine their total PRIYA J. KAPILA compensation philosophy and that of each component CBIZ Human Capital Services • St. Louis, MO in order to effectively communicate the value of the 314.995.5558 • total compensation package. That is, how does the DISCLAIMER: This publication is distributed with the understanding that CBIZ is not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. To the extent anything herein could be construed as tax advice, such advice is not intended to be used and cannot be used to avoid penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or to promote, market, or recommend to another person any tax related matter. This information is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or in the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information. CBIZ assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with the use of this information and assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in laws or other factors that could affect the information contained herein. CBIZ, INC. BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 | 3
  • 4. Employee Benefits Committing to Wellness T here have been an increasing number of articles, news stories, presentations, webinars and the like on the benefits of having an employer- sponsored health and wellness program. The case studies have been reviewed and the ROIs have been proven: an employer-sponsored health and wellness program has the ability to positively impact an organization’s bottom line. The most important element of a successful provided with quarterly communications and talking wellness plan is to understand that wellness is a points that they can share with their teams. major, economic business strategy – one that requires Establish a wellness committee. An effective a high level of organizational commitment and change. wellness committee can provide opportunities for Like all corporate strategies, the wellness plan needs both management and employee involvement in the to align with the organization’s values and goals. development and promotion of the program. A well- The following are strategies to ensure organizational formulated wellness committee serves many important commitment and wellness program success: functions, including developing and promoting the organization’s health and wellness brands and Conduct key interviews to determine themes; creating a sense of employee ownership in organizational readiness. Interview employees from a the program; ensuring input from a broad range of good cross-section of the organization to ensure that company stakeholders and perspectives; providing all levels, departments and locations are represented. a source of internal support and advocacy for the Ask key questions regarding current work conditions, program; and helping to drive employee enthusiasm attitudes, senior leadership support and the feasibility and participation. that health and wellness initiatives will be adapted and supported by all facets of the organization. Obtain operational commitment to the strategic wellness plan. It is important to ensure that the work Develop a senior leadership business case. environment, policies and procedures are in line Management needs to understand how supporting with the company wellness mission. From looking employee health supports the business strategy, at policies such as smoking, leave of absence and mission and vision. Gain the acceptance and approval sick days to evaluating vending machine and meeting of senior leaders so they are aware of the goals and food service options to assessing on-site exercise initiatives of the wellness strategy and understand opportunities like gyms, walking paths and stairwells, that they will be accountable for ensuring success. these items must be considered in determining Develop mechanisms of accountability so leaders operational support of the wellness objectives. understand what is expected of them. Develop an annual wellness budget. The Provide coaching and develop a change organization needs to account for wellness activities, management and communication plan. The incentives and events that will incur costs. Having organization needs to be prepared to make cultural a pre-approved budget will ensure programs are and behavioral changes that support employee health funded and any incentive dollars are pre-approved. and wellbeing. Employees often require coaching to Communicating a wellness budget also shows help prepare for change, manage change and reinforce organizational commitment to the wellness initiatives the change. Also, each employee needs to be aware of in anticipation that a return on the investment made his/her responsibility to support a culture of health. will be achieved. Prepare a senior leadership communication tool kit. Senior managers need to understand the best way JENNIFER GRAY to communicate with their employees regarding health CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services, Inc. and wellness initiatives. To ensure a clear, concise Dublin, OH • 614.793.2453 • and consistent message, senior leaders should be 4 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 CBIZ, INC.
  • 5. Expanding Your Personal Wealth Marketing Retirement How to Build Credibility Using Social Media for the New Year T he beginning of a new year is a good time to revisit your retirement planning strategies. To start, consider all of your retirement savings, such as 401(k) Have you Googled yourself recently? Are you happy with the results? and 403(b), and obtain the total W amount you have saved thus hether you are trying to generate business, far. A more sobering picture get a new job or expand your professional of your retirement readiness network, social media is one of the most emerges when you take efficient tools to accomplish these goals. While that total and execute a almost anyone can build an online presence, the key simple calculation: take is to build an effective profile across multiple social 4% to 5% of the total channels that showcases your true expertise. savings and the result Many people believe you have to spend a ton of approximates the annual money to have your website featured on the first page income your retirement funds of search engine results, when in fact, you can do this will generate. Industry experts for free. There are four key social media channels you say that one should expect to yield can use to build credibility online and enhance search about 85% of the income from one’s last working engine results, all at no cost: year. This number is a generalization; therefore, you should evaluate what you might want to do after 1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is purely a professional retirement and also consider your spending habits. networking site. The first thing you should do is create an effective profile by following ten key steps. After getting a snapshot of your retirement These steps can be viewed in the Summer 2011 preparation, you may want to increase the rate at issue located at which you are saving. Be sure to take full advantage Once you have built a dynamic profile you can begin of any corporate matching program where the to post status updates with articles and resources company will contribute a certain percentage of your that showcase you as an expert in your field. own contribution to your retirement account for up 2. Twitter: No, Twitter isn’t all about following to a certain portion of your pay. In addition, evaluate celebrities. As a business professional, you can use if your budget will allow a total contribution of 10% Twitter to share important, time-relevant news, to 15% of your annual income for your 401(k). This updates, events, etc. Plus, search engines love is the percentage range suggested by many experts. Twitter! This is also a great avenue to reach out to For 2013 the IRS allows up to $17,500 per year per media outlets. Tip: Everyone loves the kudos when 401(k) account. you retweet one of their tweets. This is a great way Also, establishing an IRA is a great way to save up to recognize others in your industry who are also to $5,000 per year (and $6,000 per year for those ages sharing relevant content. Spend the time to build 50 and older) even if it is with after-tax dollars. your Twitter profile, including carefully crafting your bio and using hashtags. Annuities can be a good option to supplement your retirement income (after tax). Some annuities guarantee 3. YouTube: What? There is more to YouTube than cute a certain return for life, which is a good way to protect cat videos? Yes, YouTube is a great tool for you to yourself against the risk of exhausting your resources showcase “how-to” or other informative videos that during retirement. highlight you as a credible resource. Don’t worry about the fancy equipment or setup. Studies show Even if you are satisfied with your financial progress that more natural, raw-looking videos have better toward retirement, there are still a few maintenance traction. Another idea is to create a “behind the issues to consider. Depending on how the markets scenes” video of your business or career. YouTube (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) CBIZ, INC. BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 | 5
  • 6. Mergers Acquisitions With a substantial number of Baby Boomers nearing retirement age, acquirers have trained a keen It’s Really Just a eye on companies that will help serve the health care Matter of Attraction needs of this aging segment of the population. Software companies: Darlings of the deal community, companies with few employees or assets other than intellectual property are always attractive. I f you happened upon a sophomore class in college A number of small software companies with minimal physics, you might catch the students being tested revenue recently have sold for substantial multiples. on the basic principles of physics, electronics and Bolting a new software application onto a large magnetism. The magnetic state of an object refers to customer base allows for revenue expansion that how that object reacts (degree of attraction) within a simply isn’t available in many other fields. Further, magnetic field. the area of intellectual property surrounding a lot of If you timed things right, you might actually see new applications has become an area of focus for the students with their right fist thrust in the air and acquirers in recent years. The value of intellectual their thumb extended (toward them). No, they aren’t property can’t be underestimated, as evidenced by hitching a ride; they’re using their hands as a visual the infringement case won by Apple Incorporated in representation of the direction a magnetic field its suit against Samsung Group. rotates around the flow of an electrical current. Homeland security-related companies: You’re wondering where I’m Any sector where the government going with this? is able to throw around mass In the field of MA quantities of money in the name transactions, there is no right of protecting the homeland hand rule, but from time draws a lot of attention to time certain types of from potential acquirers. acquirers exhibit strong Companies that develop attractions (work with technologies to help me – almost magnetic) ensure national security to certain types of will continue to draw companies from an substantial attraction investment standpoint. from the investment The following are sectors community. attracting interest in the Energy sector market today: companies: The investment Health care-related community is a little businesses: Health care schizophrenic when it comes isn’t getting any cheaper. As of to energy plays. On one hand, the last statistical year available they like energy companies as (2008), health care spending they realize that conventional energy represented over 15 percent of our Gross is derived from dwindling resources. Domestic Product, which places us at the top of On the other hand, they are concerned about the list of nations. There is no doubt that our health the cyclical nature of the commodities consumed care is excellent when compared to most nations, but by conventional energy sector companies and the any sector that represents such a substantial amount wild swings in resource values driven by Wall Street of a nation’s GDP is bound to be fertile ground for speculators. When it comes to renewable energy, again, innovative and growing companies. there is a lot of initial interest, but also a fair degree of concern over businesses whose profitability is often predicated by the existence of government support. What the government giveth, the government can also In the field of MA transactions, take away. certain types of acquirers exhibit strong attractions (almost magnetic) to LUKE SAGE is registered with CBIZ Financial certain types of companies from an Solutions, Inc. member FINRA, SIPC and investment standpoint. Registered Investment Adviser. 858.795.2088 • 6 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 CBIZ, INC.
  • 7. Tax Accounting Court of Appeals Agrees that Severance Payments Are Not Subject to FICA T he Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a which, if the case is accepted, will drag out the issue’s district court decision that severance payments ultimate resolution for a number of years. made to employees pursuant to an involuntary In the meantime, employers that paid FICA separation from employment due to a reduction in taxes on severance payments due to a reduction in workforce are not subject to FICA taxes. Employers that workforce should file protective refund claims before have been forced to downsize their workforce in the the three-year statute of limitations expires on those current economy should consider filing protective refund tax liabilities. Therefore, if an employer paid FICA on claims to recover these taxes. As the IRS likely will qualifying severance payments to employees in 2009, appeal the decision to the Supreme Court, employers the employer generally has until April 15, 2013 to file a should continue to subject severance payments to FICA refund claim. taxes (and subsequently file protective refund claims) until the issue is ultimately resolved. The claims must be filed using Form 941-X or 945-X to correct errors previously made on the Form The Sixth Circuit’s decision in U.S. v. Quality 941 (Employer’s Federal Quarterly Tax Return) or Form Stores, Inc., CA-6, 2012-2 USTC ¶50,551 (Sept. 7, 945 (Employer’s Federal Annual Tax Return). To file for 2012) reinforces the district court’s conclusion that both the employer and employee portions of the FICA supplemental unemployment compensation benefits you must certify that you reimbursed your employee or (SUBs) are merely treated as if they were wages for secured his consent to allow the claim for refund or, income tax withholding purposes under IRC Section after reasonable efforts, have been unable to do so. 3402(o) and are not actually wages, and thus, are not The IRS will not grant any refund claims until the subject to FICA taxes. In reaching its conclusion, the issue has been resolved, but filing the refund claim Court looked to the legislative history of §3402(o), as within the statute of limitations will protect your rights well as to its very title – “Extension of withholding to to the refund should the issue ultimately be decided in certain payments other than wages.” the taxpayer’s favor. The potential refunds, which would Resolution of this issue is far from complete. include interest on the taxes paid, could be significant. The Sixth Circuit’s opinion is in direct contrast to the To determine whether you qualify for this refund Federal Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision in CSX Corp. opportunity or for assistance with filing the necessary v. U.S., 518 F.2d 318 (Fed. Cir. 2008). The IRS has claims for refund, contact the author or your local also issued several rulings wherein only certain types CBIZ MHM tax professional. of SUBs were exempt from FICA taxation, such as those that are conditional on the employee’s receipt MARC MINKER of unemployment compensation benefits. Given the CBIZ MHM, LLC • New York, NY large amount of taxes at stake, the IRS likely will file 212.790.5826 • an appeal of this decision to the U.S. Supreme Court CBIZ, INC. BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 | 7
  • 8. our business is growing yours Expanding Your Personal Wealth Marketing (Continued from page 5) (Continued from page 5) move, the percentages of your also makes it very easy for you to embed videos asset allocation will shift and directly into your website, blog or other social may no longer reflect your channels. initial goals. Your investment goals also may have changed 4. SlideShare: SlideShare is a public sharing site that over time. Whatever the case, allows you to upload presentations, whitepapers, it is crucial to rebalance your brochures and videos to “share” with the world. By portfolio regularly so that it doing so, you can expand your sphere of influence. reflects your initial or most up-to-date target allocation. With detailed analytics, you can track how many Some retirement plan vendors offer automatic people have viewed or downloaded your documents. © Copyright 2013. CBIZ, Inc. NYSE Listed: CBZ. All rights reserved. • CBIZ-020, Rev. 54 rebalancing features where participants may set their There is even a built-in lead system that will collect accounts to be periodically evaluated and rebalanced. contact details for those who would like more Finally, remember to revisit and update the beneficiary information about your services. of your retirement funds, following any important Take the time to develop effective profiles for each changes in your life. of these four sites. Be strategic with the keywords that Sufficient cognizance and active planning are you use on each site, as this will help improve your paramount in successfully achieving your retirement rankings. Finally, remember to periodically monitor your goals. The beginning of a new year is a great time to search engine rankings to be better informed about keep these objectives in check among other ambitions what the online world says about you. you might have for 2013. JUNG EUN OH AMANDA MARKOS CBIZ Retirement Plan Services • Cleveland, OH CBIZ, Inc. • San Diego, CA 216.520.6622 • 858.795.2253 • 8 | BIZGROWTH STRATEGIES – WINTER 2013 CBIZ, INC.