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Why I Chose Biology
Until I started high school, I had no idea what major I wanted to pursue in college. After all, there
are so many options, and even though some people know what they want to do from the time they
are in elementary school, that was not my experience. Although I always had some ideas before
entering ninth grade, I was still waiting to find something I really loved. During my freshman year, I
finally found that thing–– biology.
Before high school, I had never looked forward to a science class. The only reason I even took
biology freshman year was because it seemed to be the lesser of two evils, the other being earth
science. As it turned out, that biology class became the most pivotal course I took during my four
years of high school, and was a major factor in my decision to choose biology as my
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Because genetic research is so new and so many possibilities for using this new technology are
still being uncovered, I could have the ability to do major research in the area through my studies
at Johns Hopkins. For example, although scientists know some of the uses of stemcells, they also
know that there are many more things they can be used for that have not been found yet. I am
hoping that by majoring in biology, I will have an opportunity to work in the field of genetics and
do research that will save many
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Biology Major Essay
I am pursuing the major Bio Sciences: Human Biology Intent with the intentions of using this
major to help increase my chances of going to medical school. This major will also assist me in
exploring my love for biology, thus why I am determined to go to medical school in order to learn
about the human body and diseases.
In ten years I see myself as a college graduate who is currently attending medical school. While I am
enrolled in medical school I will be pursuing a career as a pediatrician. To make this vision a reality I
am pursuing a biology major. This major will give me the opportunity to learn more about what I am
passionate about and expand my views on biology.
I discovered my passion for biology during my time in elementary school.
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Biology Major Essay
My listed major at George Mason University is Government and International Relations. Prior to
being an humanities major, I was a biology major. After switching over to my current major, I
continued taking courses in the natural sciences, courses specifically fulfilling the prerequisite
courses for admission into Dental School. I do truly enjoy my current major, but I believe it would
be more fitting for this paper to be written from a biology standpoint. This excerpt will touch on the
study of biology, and science subfields and their use in career paths such as Dentistry.
In accordance with Oxfords English Dictionary definition, biology is defined as "The study of
living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology,
anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution." (Oxford, 1) More specifically to the major itself,
according to George Mason's Biology Department Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes,
the curriculum aims to satisfy the following four program goals: "Knowledge of biology,
Knowledge of field and more content...
Similar to other academic fields, each specialty and subfield requires students to fulfill the basic
prerequisite courses, such as chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Even if a student is not a
chemistry or physics major, these courses are germane for true progression within the field. As a
basis of comparison and experience, a government and international politics major could not succeed
within their field nor career goals without a basic government 101 courses or an introduction to
international relations course. Each subfield within biology focuses on mastering the four program
goals in respect to their concentration, but not before mastery of the prerequisite courses that enable
them to do
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Genetic Disorders Essay
Genetic disorders are a topic in biology that can not be avoided. The fact is that genetic disorders
can happen in humans, plants or animal. No one and nothing is safe from a genetic disorder. A
genetic disorder can appear in the first years off life, or can appear much later in life when least
expected. A basic principal of biology states that the behavior of chromosomes during the meiosis
process can account for genetic inheritance patterns. There are many reasons for genetic disorders.
To start it is important to understand what a genetic disorder is. It is a mutation in the genetic
material of a person. The mutant gene is transmitted thru more content...
Common recessive diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs.
Alzheimer and Huntington diseases are examples of dominant disorders. Some mutant disorders
occur on the X chromosome. Females have little or no effects if the mutation occurs on the X
linked gene. Males on the other hand do not have another X chromosomes so do not have another
gene to fall on. Dominant disorders linked to the X chromosomes are usually very deadly to
males. These disorders tend to affect men more then women. Almost exclusively. Some of the
diseases associated with the X are down syndrome, Hemophilia. There are also the diseases that
occur on the sex genes. They also come in recessive and dominant forms. With this it determines
who will get the disease. For example a mother can pass on a trait to a daughter but not to a son and
vice versa.
One can not forget that genetic disorders can also occur because of external effects. Things like
cigarette smoking and drinking during pregnancy can affect the babies genetics. Leaving the baby
with one of the genetic disorders.
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that usually appears between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.
The red blood cells are shaped like crescents or sickles. The red blood cells only last about 10 to 24
days. In a healthy person they last about 120 days. That is where the anemia part of the name comes
into play. Studies
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Evolutionary Biology Essay
Evolutionary Biology:
Global Warming Negatively Affecting Ecosystem's and Organisms Within
Daret Mckay
Sydenham High School
By looking at the evolution of the Earth's climate, we can see that climate change is occurring but
more specifically, global warming. Climate change is occurring as a result of the green house affect,
meaning that sunlight's energy and heat is being trapped within the Earth's atmosphere and
furthermore warms the surface of Earth (NASA, n.d.). Evolutionary biology is described to be
genetic inheritance (or change) within a population from generation to generation (Understanding
Evolution, 2015). By examining the evolutionary biology of ecosystems and the organisms within it,
we will see that more content...
Climate change is altering the pattern of life on the planet, causing widespread species
extinction, migration and behavior changes (Suzuki, n.d.). For example, female caribou migrate
in the spring to small pockets of vegetation where they feed and raise there calves, but for the last
decade spring has come so early that by the time the caribou reach the coastal plan, their principle
of food plant has already gone to seed (Suzuki, n.d.). This proves that the female caribou are going
to have to change breeding time frames, as well as migration, which will have an overall affect
on the ecosystem. This also means that animals and plants will have to permanently migrate to
find suitable habitats but some will not be able to move fast enough to keep up with the pace of
climate change (Suzuki, n.d.). In fact, by saying that it means that some species will have to
move 10 times faster than they did during the last ice age just to survive. Over 30% of land
surfaces in Canada will require unrealistically high migration rates to keep up with projected
climate change (Suzuki, n.d.). Another example of this issue is with Collared Lemmings. They are
an important prey for snowy owls, which may lose as much as 60% of their habitat. Loss of tundra
habitat could radically reduce the availability of vital breeding habitat for millions of geese and
shore birds (Suzuki, n.d.). In general ecosystems are being destroyed due to
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Biology And Modern Biology
Biology Professions
Science requires the testing of ideas using evidence. It uses critical thinking, careful data collection,
peer review, and communication of results. Biology is a natural science that concerns the study of
life and living organisms. Modern biology now studies the structure, function, growth, distribution,
and evolution of living organisms. The general concepts of biology are that the cell is the basic unit
of life, genes are the basic unit of heredity, evolution is the reason for unity and diversity, organisms
survive by consuming and transforming energy, and all organisms maintain a stable internal
environment (Lumen 2013). Biologists can range from being in research, to education, to healthcare,
to environment management and conservation. Some biology jobs only require a two–year
associates degree or certificate. Others need a bachelor's degree or even more school such as a
master's or doctorate. (American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2005).
Clinical Laboratory Technologists collect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids, tissue,
and other substances. Clinical Laboratory Technologists manage the laboratory for hospitals,
doctors, diagnostic–services companies, blood banks, and clinics (College Board 2005). An
entry–level job for technologists usually requires a bachelor's degree in medical technology or life
sciences. Some states require laboratory technologists to be licensed, but not all. Employers typically
prefer to hire certified
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Biology Reflection
This semester I enrolled Biology 101 course with Dr. Smith–Pearson. One of our assignments this
semester was an outside of the classroom volunteer project. For this project I was selected to
participate in the Tri– Beta Breast Cancer Walk. As participants, we had to do several things to
prepare for the volunteer event including a learning session. During this session, we learned exactly
what breast cancer is, the different types, and the main causes. I further learned about breast cancer
through a scientific aspect in my biology class. We learned that cancer is when cells are over
actively reproduced, which is caused by a mutation in the cell cycle and suppresses our bodies
ability to function normally to stop this. Also, we learned about some of the different subtypes of
breast cancer like, HER2+ (ER–), Basal–Like (Triple Negative Breast Cancer), Normal–Like,
Luminal A, and Luminal B. HER2+ (ER–) breast cancer is less common, but it is very aggressive.
HER2 is a gene in our bodies that produces receptor proteins, which are responsible for regulating
the growth and repair of breast cells. When these HER2 receptor proteins are expressed too much, it
causes excessive reproduction of breast cells. It is thought that African Americans have a higher risk
for this type. Basal–Like, or more commonly called, Triple Negative Breast Cancer is very
aggressive, usually the most aggressive. Basal–like means that the ways the cells look with this
cancer resemble cells that line
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Biology Reflection
As the bell rung for the end of first period, I gathered my things and began to walk to my second
period class, Biology. Biology was always to me the hardest subject I had ever dealt with because
there was so much to learn, study, and truly understand. I walked through the door into the
classroom and I'll never forget the words I heard my teacher say that caught me so off–guard. "Get
out your notes and study because you have a test today", he said. As I heard him finish his
sentence, my eyes widen and I quickly moved towards my seat and began to skim over my notes as
fast as I could. I had completely forgot that I had a test in biology.
While reading over my notes, I kept thinking to myself that I just knew I was going to fail this
test. After a couple of minutes of studying, I heard the teach yell "5 more minutes". I began to
skim even faster over my notes. It felt like time was moving so fast because when I heard my
teach yell "times up", it seemed as if only 2 minutes had passed by. He passed out the answer sheet
around the classroom and instructed us to fill out our student ID numbers. I looked over the unfilled
answer sheet and counted the amount of questions. There were 30 questions in total which
frightened me even more because I had to answer 30 questions on information that I barely studied.
Then he handed out the test and I became extremely nervous because not only did I barely study and
there were 30 multiple choice questions, but the classroom was so cold that
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Reflection Paper In Biology
Call me vain, but I have always been extremely fascinated with myself. Not just superficially, but
internally, emotionally, mentally–everything that comes down to the basic fundamentals. Sometimes
I find myself wondering about my existence. How my hands are able to move the way that they
are, how I'm able to think, breathe, see, and feel. It's all quite interesting really, and I know it's all
thanks to my genetics that I'm alive and able to wonder about these things. Quite honestly, my
curiosity would not have sprouted if it weren't for the Biology class I was conveniently placed in
my freshman year. Coming from a fairly devoted family, I had never ventured into the biological
aspect that explained my being nor had I questioned it prior to the class. Perhaps that was why
Genetics seemed utterly intriguing once I was able to bury myself deeper into the topic.
Biology was not my strongest suit. Despite this fact, I can still vividly remember engrossing myself
during Mrs. Lovett's lecture on the twenty three pairs of chromosomes that determined the unique
genetic makeup of every individual, and engaging in activities that involved the use of the punnett
square to determine the probability of the next royal heir inheriting Hemophilia. Learning about
Genetics was perhaps the only aspect I enjoyed about that class and I was purely excited to see that
an Honors Human Genetics class was being offered up my senior year. Since the start of my high
school career, my classes have
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Love For Biology
My love for science started when I took a biology class during my freshman year at Crest High
School. I loved the teacher and the subject; it included a little bit of everything, including things
like anatomy and ecology. It was interesting learning about the different parts of science and I
thought the material came easy to me and helped me become successful in the class. During my
sophomore year, I decided to take Ap Biology. The class challenged me in many ways It taught
me how to improve my study skills and become a better student since the class provided a deeper
insight into things that I had already been taught. This class was a bit more difficult and required a
lot of studying at home besides what we would do in class. I found the
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Biology Is The Science Of Life
Tania Espinoza–Flores
Biology is the study of life. Biology talks about organisms and how they react to certain toxins,
when you mix things up. There are nine fields in biology. Some examples of the fields are
evolutionary biology, cellular biology, and molecularbiology. Biology has a long history. Biology is
beneficial in many ways. Biology has impacted people in negative and positive ways. People who
study biology are called biologists.
Biology, the Science of Life Biology has a long history. Early humans would study biology. They
had to study the animals that they hunted, and they had to know where to find the plants that they
gathered for food. Biology is the study of life. Biology comes from Greek words. There are nine
fields in biology. Some of the more content...
It is the organisms that work to create new things. An organism is an individual animal, plant, or
single–celled life form. All organisms come together and create something new. The organisms take
energy from the environment, and from the food they eat. The new organisms that the old ones
created will soon make new organisms. This forms a cycle. The cycle never ends until something
bad happens to the organisms. An easy way of saying all of this is by saying that the cycle continues
until something bad happens to the organisms. Biologists are the important scientists of biology.
Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living
organisms. Biologists study living organisms. For example, they study humans, plants, animals, and
many other living organisms. When they study these organisms, they find out many things about life
and they study the medicine that we use, so they can know what types of ways we will react to the
medicine. People from long ago, would use biology to study the animals that they hunted, and the
plants they ate. Indeed, biologists are very important to
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Biology Essay Topics

  • 1. Why I Chose Biology Until I started high school, I had no idea what major I wanted to pursue in college. After all, there are so many options, and even though some people know what they want to do from the time they are in elementary school, that was not my experience. Although I always had some ideas before entering ninth grade, I was still waiting to find something I really loved. During my freshman year, I finally found that thing–– biology. Before high school, I had never looked forward to a science class. The only reason I even took biology freshman year was because it seemed to be the lesser of two evils, the other being earth science. As it turned out, that biology class became the most pivotal course I took during my four years of high school, and was a major factor in my decision to choose biology as my more content... Because genetic research is so new and so many possibilities for using this new technology are still being uncovered, I could have the ability to do major research in the area through my studies at Johns Hopkins. For example, although scientists know some of the uses of stemcells, they also know that there are many more things they can be used for that have not been found yet. I am hoping that by majoring in biology, I will have an opportunity to work in the field of genetics and do research that will save many Get more content on
  • 2. Biology Major Essay I am pursuing the major Bio Sciences: Human Biology Intent with the intentions of using this major to help increase my chances of going to medical school. This major will also assist me in exploring my love for biology, thus why I am determined to go to medical school in order to learn about the human body and diseases. In ten years I see myself as a college graduate who is currently attending medical school. While I am enrolled in medical school I will be pursuing a career as a pediatrician. To make this vision a reality I am pursuing a biology major. This major will give me the opportunity to learn more about what I am passionate about and expand my views on biology. I discovered my passion for biology during my time in elementary school. Get more content on
  • 3. Biology Major Essay My listed major at George Mason University is Government and International Relations. Prior to being an humanities major, I was a biology major. After switching over to my current major, I continued taking courses in the natural sciences, courses specifically fulfilling the prerequisite courses for admission into Dental School. I do truly enjoy my current major, but I believe it would be more fitting for this paper to be written from a biology standpoint. This excerpt will touch on the study of biology, and science subfields and their use in career paths such as Dentistry. In accordance with Oxfords English Dictionary definition, biology is defined as "The study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution." (Oxford, 1) More specifically to the major itself, according to George Mason's Biology Department Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes, the curriculum aims to satisfy the following four program goals: "Knowledge of biology, Knowledge of field and more content... Similar to other academic fields, each specialty and subfield requires students to fulfill the basic prerequisite courses, such as chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Even if a student is not a chemistry or physics major, these courses are germane for true progression within the field. As a basis of comparison and experience, a government and international politics major could not succeed within their field nor career goals without a basic government 101 courses or an introduction to international relations course. Each subfield within biology focuses on mastering the four program goals in respect to their concentration, but not before mastery of the prerequisite courses that enable them to do Get more content on
  • 4. Genetic Disorders Essay Genetic disorders are a topic in biology that can not be avoided. The fact is that genetic disorders can happen in humans, plants or animal. No one and nothing is safe from a genetic disorder. A genetic disorder can appear in the first years off life, or can appear much later in life when least expected. A basic principal of biology states that the behavior of chromosomes during the meiosis process can account for genetic inheritance patterns. There are many reasons for genetic disorders. To start it is important to understand what a genetic disorder is. It is a mutation in the genetic material of a person. The mutant gene is transmitted thru more content... Common recessive diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs. Alzheimer and Huntington diseases are examples of dominant disorders. Some mutant disorders occur on the X chromosome. Females have little or no effects if the mutation occurs on the X linked gene. Males on the other hand do not have another X chromosomes so do not have another gene to fall on. Dominant disorders linked to the X chromosomes are usually very deadly to males. These disorders tend to affect men more then women. Almost exclusively. Some of the diseases associated with the X are down syndrome, Hemophilia. There are also the diseases that occur on the sex genes. They also come in recessive and dominant forms. With this it determines who will get the disease. For example a mother can pass on a trait to a daughter but not to a son and vice versa. One can not forget that genetic disorders can also occur because of external effects. Things like cigarette smoking and drinking during pregnancy can affect the babies genetics. Leaving the baby with one of the genetic disorders. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that usually appears between the ages of 2 and 4 years old. The red blood cells are shaped like crescents or sickles. The red blood cells only last about 10 to 24 days. In a healthy person they last about 120 days. That is where the anemia part of the name comes into play. Studies Get more content on
  • 5. Evolutionary Biology Essay Evolutionary Biology: Global Warming Negatively Affecting Ecosystem's and Organisms Within Daret Mckay Sydenham High School By looking at the evolution of the Earth's climate, we can see that climate change is occurring but more specifically, global warming. Climate change is occurring as a result of the green house affect, meaning that sunlight's energy and heat is being trapped within the Earth's atmosphere and furthermore warms the surface of Earth (NASA, n.d.). Evolutionary biology is described to be genetic inheritance (or change) within a population from generation to generation (Understanding Evolution, 2015). By examining the evolutionary biology of ecosystems and the organisms within it, we will see that more content... Climate change is altering the pattern of life on the planet, causing widespread species extinction, migration and behavior changes (Suzuki, n.d.). For example, female caribou migrate in the spring to small pockets of vegetation where they feed and raise there calves, but for the last decade spring has come so early that by the time the caribou reach the coastal plan, their principle of food plant has already gone to seed (Suzuki, n.d.). This proves that the female caribou are going to have to change breeding time frames, as well as migration, which will have an overall affect on the ecosystem. This also means that animals and plants will have to permanently migrate to find suitable habitats but some will not be able to move fast enough to keep up with the pace of climate change (Suzuki, n.d.). In fact, by saying that it means that some species will have to move 10 times faster than they did during the last ice age just to survive. Over 30% of land surfaces in Canada will require unrealistically high migration rates to keep up with projected climate change (Suzuki, n.d.). Another example of this issue is with Collared Lemmings. They are an important prey for snowy owls, which may lose as much as 60% of their habitat. Loss of tundra habitat could radically reduce the availability of vital breeding habitat for millions of geese and shore birds (Suzuki, n.d.). In general ecosystems are being destroyed due to Get more content on
  • 6. Biology And Modern Biology Biology Professions Science requires the testing of ideas using evidence. It uses critical thinking, careful data collection, peer review, and communication of results. Biology is a natural science that concerns the study of life and living organisms. Modern biology now studies the structure, function, growth, distribution, and evolution of living organisms. The general concepts of biology are that the cell is the basic unit of life, genes are the basic unit of heredity, evolution is the reason for unity and diversity, organisms survive by consuming and transforming energy, and all organisms maintain a stable internal environment (Lumen 2013). Biologists can range from being in research, to education, to healthcare, to environment management and conservation. Some biology jobs only require a two–year associates degree or certificate. Others need a bachelor's degree or even more school such as a master's or doctorate. (American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2005). Clinical Laboratory Technologists collect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids, tissue, and other substances. Clinical Laboratory Technologists manage the laboratory for hospitals, doctors, diagnostic–services companies, blood banks, and clinics (College Board 2005). An entry–level job for technologists usually requires a bachelor's degree in medical technology or life sciences. Some states require laboratory technologists to be licensed, but not all. Employers typically prefer to hire certified Get more content on
  • 7. Biology Reflection This semester I enrolled Biology 101 course with Dr. Smith–Pearson. One of our assignments this semester was an outside of the classroom volunteer project. For this project I was selected to participate in the Tri– Beta Breast Cancer Walk. As participants, we had to do several things to prepare for the volunteer event including a learning session. During this session, we learned exactly what breast cancer is, the different types, and the main causes. I further learned about breast cancer through a scientific aspect in my biology class. We learned that cancer is when cells are over actively reproduced, which is caused by a mutation in the cell cycle and suppresses our bodies ability to function normally to stop this. Also, we learned about some of the different subtypes of breast cancer like, HER2+ (ER–), Basal–Like (Triple Negative Breast Cancer), Normal–Like, Luminal A, and Luminal B. HER2+ (ER–) breast cancer is less common, but it is very aggressive. HER2 is a gene in our bodies that produces receptor proteins, which are responsible for regulating the growth and repair of breast cells. When these HER2 receptor proteins are expressed too much, it causes excessive reproduction of breast cells. It is thought that African Americans have a higher risk for this type. Basal–Like, or more commonly called, Triple Negative Breast Cancer is very aggressive, usually the most aggressive. Basal–like means that the ways the cells look with this cancer resemble cells that line Get more content on
  • 8. Biology Reflection As the bell rung for the end of first period, I gathered my things and began to walk to my second period class, Biology. Biology was always to me the hardest subject I had ever dealt with because there was so much to learn, study, and truly understand. I walked through the door into the classroom and I'll never forget the words I heard my teacher say that caught me so off–guard. "Get out your notes and study because you have a test today", he said. As I heard him finish his sentence, my eyes widen and I quickly moved towards my seat and began to skim over my notes as fast as I could. I had completely forgot that I had a test in biology. While reading over my notes, I kept thinking to myself that I just knew I was going to fail this test. After a couple of minutes of studying, I heard the teach yell "5 more minutes". I began to skim even faster over my notes. It felt like time was moving so fast because when I heard my teach yell "times up", it seemed as if only 2 minutes had passed by. He passed out the answer sheet around the classroom and instructed us to fill out our student ID numbers. I looked over the unfilled answer sheet and counted the amount of questions. There were 30 questions in total which frightened me even more because I had to answer 30 questions on information that I barely studied. Then he handed out the test and I became extremely nervous because not only did I barely study and there were 30 multiple choice questions, but the classroom was so cold that Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection Paper In Biology Call me vain, but I have always been extremely fascinated with myself. Not just superficially, but internally, emotionally, mentally–everything that comes down to the basic fundamentals. Sometimes I find myself wondering about my existence. How my hands are able to move the way that they are, how I'm able to think, breathe, see, and feel. It's all quite interesting really, and I know it's all thanks to my genetics that I'm alive and able to wonder about these things. Quite honestly, my curiosity would not have sprouted if it weren't for the Biology class I was conveniently placed in my freshman year. Coming from a fairly devoted family, I had never ventured into the biological aspect that explained my being nor had I questioned it prior to the class. Perhaps that was why Genetics seemed utterly intriguing once I was able to bury myself deeper into the topic. Biology was not my strongest suit. Despite this fact, I can still vividly remember engrossing myself during Mrs. Lovett's lecture on the twenty three pairs of chromosomes that determined the unique genetic makeup of every individual, and engaging in activities that involved the use of the punnett square to determine the probability of the next royal heir inheriting Hemophilia. Learning about Genetics was perhaps the only aspect I enjoyed about that class and I was purely excited to see that an Honors Human Genetics class was being offered up my senior year. Since the start of my high school career, my classes have Get more content on
  • 10. Love For Biology My love for science started when I took a biology class during my freshman year at Crest High School. I loved the teacher and the subject; it included a little bit of everything, including things like anatomy and ecology. It was interesting learning about the different parts of science and I thought the material came easy to me and helped me become successful in the class. During my sophomore year, I decided to take Ap Biology. The class challenged me in many ways It taught me how to improve my study skills and become a better student since the class provided a deeper insight into things that I had already been taught. This class was a bit more difficult and required a lot of studying at home besides what we would do in class. I found the Get more content on
  • 11. Biology Is The Science Of Life Biology Tania Espinoza–Flores Abstract Biology is the study of life. Biology talks about organisms and how they react to certain toxins, when you mix things up. There are nine fields in biology. Some examples of the fields are evolutionary biology, cellular biology, and molecularbiology. Biology has a long history. Biology is beneficial in many ways. Biology has impacted people in negative and positive ways. People who study biology are called biologists. Biology, the Science of Life Biology has a long history. Early humans would study biology. They had to study the animals that they hunted, and they had to know where to find the plants that they gathered for food. Biology is the study of life. Biology comes from Greek words. There are nine fields in biology. Some of the more content... It is the organisms that work to create new things. An organism is an individual animal, plant, or single–celled life form. All organisms come together and create something new. The organisms take energy from the environment, and from the food they eat. The new organisms that the old ones created will soon make new organisms. This forms a cycle. The cycle never ends until something bad happens to the organisms. An easy way of saying all of this is by saying that the cycle continues until something bad happens to the organisms. Biologists are the important scientists of biology. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. Biologists study living organisms. For example, they study humans, plants, animals, and many other living organisms. When they study these organisms, they find out many things about life and they study the medicine that we use, so they can know what types of ways we will react to the medicine. People from long ago, would use biology to study the animals that they hunted, and the plants they ate. Indeed, biologists are very important to Get more content on