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Center forValue Chain Research
    Summer 2010                                                                                       Vol. 5, No. 2

                                           DIRECTORS’ COLUMN:
                                           What Is Industrial Engineering?
                                               Most non-engineers have a passable understanding of what mechan-
                                           ical, electrical, civil, or chemical engineers do. But ask a random person
                                           what an industrial engineer does, and the likely response will be, at best,
                                           a guess based on the name. Design factories? Make factories more effi-
                                           cient? Make factories more productive?
                                               Indeed, in its early days, industrial engineering (IE) was mostly orient-
                                           ed toward industrial settings, and its name is a legacy from those days.
                                           In the late 1800s and early 1900s, industrial engineers performed time-
In This Issue:                             and-motion studies, designed facility layouts, balanced assembly lines,
•   Directors' Column: What Is             and improved other aspects of factories and other workplaces. Early pio-
    Industrial Engineering?                neers included Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, famous for their ergonomics
                                           studies and immortalized in the book, Cheaper by the Dozen.
•   The Role of Gain-Sharing in                Today, you could replace “factories” in the guesses above with near-
    Supply Chain Collaboration             ly any complex system — hospitals, financial markets, supply chains, theme
•   The Economic Recovery:                 parks, energy grids, humanitarian aid networks, etc. Industrial engineers
    Smart Companies Are Investing in       apply a wide range of quantitative tools from mathematics, computer sci-
                                           ence, economics, the physical sciences, and even psychology to design
    People — Now!
                                           and improve systems such as these.
•   Achieving Successful and Sustainable
    3PL-Shipper Relationships              The Industrial Engineer’s Toolbox
                                               An important part of the industrial engineer's toolbox is operations
•   CVCR Spring Symposium Recap            research (OR), a set of quantitative methodologies for making decisions
•   News and Upcoming Events               about complex systems. The tools of OR include mathematical optimiza-
                                           tion (for example, linear programming), simulation, probability and statis-
Questions? Comments? Ideas                 tics, queuing theory, and game theory. Today, the curricula of many IE
for future articles? Contact us!           departments, including Lehigh's, contain a heavy dose of OR techniques.
                                               In the supply chain arena, IE is applied to a wide range of problems,
Lawrence Snyder                            including choosing distribution center locations, setting order quantities                    and inventory targets, improving workflow through factories and ware-
610-758-6696                               houses, routing trucks, and evaluating procurement contracts.
Joel Sutherland                                As supply chain management matures and becomes an increasingly                 important driver of a firm's overall performance, firms increasingly recog-
610-758-6428                               nize the value that industrial engineers add in supply chain strategy and
                                           operations. At the CVCR, we have seen an increased demand from
Robert J. Trent                            industry for students who have both supply chain business acumen and                    quantitative IE expertise. As a joint business-engineering center, the
610-758-4952                               CVCR believes strongly in the synergy that results from bringing both dis-
                                           ciplines to bear in improving supply chain performance.
    Center for Value Chain Research            Wes Kemp, CEO of ABF Freight System, Inc., agrees. "At ABF, we
              Lehigh University            are committed to providing our customers with the most efficient and
              621 Taylor Street            effective levels of supply chain performance," he writes. "Over the years
         Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA           we've determined that the most capable talent to achieve these results
                                           possesses both a strong supply chain business and IE background."                                                                     —Larry, Bob, and Joel
The Role of Gain-Sharing in                                       measured and rewarded according to how well they drive
                                                                  down supplier costs; then, if financial benefits of process
Supply Chain Collaboration                                        improvements were to be shared with suppliers, the group's
                                                                  leaders would move further from their bonus targets.
By Bill Keough                                                    Obviously, this approach is decidedly un-collaborative. But
Principal, Supply Chain Visions                                   when companies incentivize their supplier-management                                                 units based on business value created, rather than costs
                                                                  reduced, gain-sharing has a much higher rate of success.
This is the third article in a series exploring the attributes    Unfortunately, “business value” is notoriously difficult to cal-
of successful supply chain collaboration and how your             culate, in part because it is often created across multiple
organization can leverage them to deliver operational and         functional units in a company. Clearly, well-considered met-
financial results. The first article explored the importance      rics and incentives are required to encourage collaborative,
of a robust and flexible IT infrastructure in enabling            supplier-facing behavior in your firm.
supply chain data to be shared with members of your
value chain. The second article examined how a firm's             Is There a Way to Make It Work?
corporate culture shapes its perception of suppliers (as              Sadly, in many human relationships, there is a tendency
mere inputs or as supply chain partners) and how this             for the more powerful person to take advantage of the
outlook impacts overall supply chain performance.                 weaker one. In the long term, this strategy may prove to be
                                                                  counter-productive. Think of the bully who grows up and dis-
                                 A corporation's approach to      covers his new manager is the boy he used to torment in
                             gain-sharing is very often what      middle school.
                             differentiates successful long-          A heavy equipment manufacturer, facing a difficult quar-
                             term collaborative relationships     ter, sought to improve its short-term financial position by
                             from short-lived efforts that fail   requiring suppliers to accept 120-day payment instead of
                             to bear fruit. A useful definition   the former 90-day term. Not only did their supplier commu-
                             of gain-sharing is “an approach      nity loathe them for this breach of trust, but a number of
                             to incentive compensation            smaller firms, including some who provided unique compo-
                             where supply chain partners          nents on a sole-source basis, were driven out of business.
                             share in the savings delivered       Their short-term savings may have cost the equipment
                             by productivity improvements.”       manufacturer 50 times more in the long run than whatever
                             The prospect of gain-sharing         they saved in that quarter.
                             motivates suppliers to partici-          To set the stage for effective gain-sharing, Step One is to
                             pate in collaborative improve-       address any perceived “asymmetry” in the customer-suppli-
ment efforts. If your company won’t share the monetary            er relationship. (This topic will be discussed in greater depth
benefit of improved collaborative operations with your sup-       in a forthcoming article.) Making relationships with your sup-
plier, then you can’t expect the supplier to collaborate with     pliers more symmetrical is a key step towards realizing gen-
you again on a second gain-sharing effort. Bear in mind, as       uine collaboration. It requires establishing a higher level of
we will see later, gain-sharing does not necessarily mean         trust with your suppliers, and that takes time. Honesty, and
cutting a check to your supplier, but it always means giving      doing what you promise to do, is essential.
the supplier some additional value in exchange for the value          Let's say you were hired into a supplier-management
they have created for you.                                        organization several months ago, and you have managed to
                                                                  overcome your suppliers’ skepticism and won their confi-
Are You Really Willing to Share?                                  dence. Should you begin working with your suppliers on
    The willingness or reluctance to share financial benefits     improvement ideas and drawing up gain-sharing agree-
with suppliers tends to be dictated, sometimes tacitly, by a      ments? No! Because unless you have the authority to cut
firm's corporate culture (see the article in the Summer 2009      these suppliers a check at the end of each month, you need
edition of this publication). Unquestionably, there are large,    to be certain that you have buy-in for your plans all the way
powerful corporations whose single-minded focus on short-         up the management pyramid. If you proceed without the
term financial results makes successful collaboration unlike-     support of top management, you will probably destroy the
ly. However, there are many enlightened corporations who          trust and credibility you have established with your suppliers
realize that their supply chain can be a competitive weapon,      when those promised gain-sharing rewards don’t arrive.
and that their suppliers can help drive the overall success of        In some organizations, you will need to establish a bul-
the corporation.                                                  let-proof business case that shows hard dollar-cost reduc-
    In many enlightened firms, there are business units ded-      tions. (In many companies, savings from “better utilization of
icated solely to the establishment, nurturing, and improve-       labor” are discounted, unless it means they can reduce
ment of supplier relationships to enhance the company's           headcount.) Establishing the business case and getting the
competitive position and growth. However, this supplier-          nod from the management team can also be difficult if your
management unit, particularly its leadership, is very often                                               (Continued next page)

CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2                                    2                                           Summer 2010
gain-sharing plans deliver benefits across multiple function-         ment, dispassionately evaluate why. Is he being
al organizations within the company. Very often the people            greedy? Are you? Is this really the right supplier to
in one department feel they have no incentive to support              work with?
improvements that benefit another department, and obtain-
ing their support is almost impossible.
                                                                 •    Based on your earlier discussion with your CFO,
                                                                      collect the data required to help your finance depart-
                                                                      ment establish business value so you can arrive at a
Calculating the Benefit
                                                                      fair compensation for your supplier.
     But what if your company is excited about your approach
to gain-sharing, and they vigorously support you. After you
                                                                    Chances are, there will be more than one improvement
jointly identify an improvement idea, you need to put a dol-
                                                                 opportunity with your best supplier. Use what you’ve
lar value on these improvements. To accomplish this, it is
                                                                 learned from the first project to fine-tune the process for
critical that your company has a coherent performance
                                                                 the second. When you feel the process is well established,
management program that employs accurate, timely data
                                                                 do the same with your second-best supplier.
about the operations of the business.
      Gain-sharing with a supplier need not always involve a
cash payment, nor does the value of the improvement nec-
essarily need to be precisely valued in dollar terms.
     Here’s an example. The new manager of a medical
device manufacturer noticed that the facility suffered from      Reviewing the CVCR
poor and untimely delilvery of their raw materials. He found
that the firm's key supplier often delivered incomplete, dam-    Spring 2010 Symposium
aged or incorrect orders, and often delivered them late. He
made a very simple but compelling offer. When the supplier           Participants Discuss Supply Chain
delivered a shipment that constituted a “perfect order” (right
product, on-time, undamaged, high quality, correct paper-
                                                                     Collaboration: Proven Strategies to
work) as verified on the dock, the manufacturer would                Create Value
immediately pay the supplier for the full shipment via EDI.
The result: soon, nearly all orders from this supplier were      On May 12-13, 2010, Lehigh University's Center for
“perfect”. The company’s inventories dropped dramatically,       Value Chain Research held its annual Spring Sympo-
and production became more stable and predictable. The           sium. The symposium was attended by nearly 190
manager and the location's finance chief could easily calcu-     participants, including about 140 from industry, repre-
late the time value of these immediate payments. The man-        senting over 80 different organizations. The symposium
ager was convinced that the business value he received           attracted attendees from 18 states.
exceeded the cost of immediate payment by a large multi-             The event featured formal presentations from indus-
ple. It was a clear win-win.                                     try leaders illustrating how their companies or industries
                                                                 are creating value through supply chain collaboration.
So How Do You Get Started?                                       Each session included intense audience participation
                                                                 delving more deeply into each issue. Breakout sessions
•   Honestly assess your company's appetite for gain-
                                                                 led by Lehigh faculty addressed key supply chain topics
    sharing. If it's not there, find more productive uses for
    your time.                                                   that supported the symposium theme.
                                                                     The annual Student Research Poster Session and
•   Talk to your CFO about gain-sharing. Ask what sort of        Competition drew eight entries from Lehigh’s colleges of
    data you would need to provide him in order to get him       business and engineering.
    on board with your idea. Then consider, could you real-          PowerPoint presentations and notes from the 3PL
    ly obtain and deliver that data to support your efforts?     panel and breakout sessions can be found on the
•   Select one of your best suppliers, a high performer with     CVCR website:
    whom you do a lot of business and have a good rela-
    tionship. Discuss the concept of collaborative process
    improvement and gain-sharing. And discuss expanding          Announcing the CVCR Fall 2010 Symposium
    the amount of business you do with them. As a litmus         — see pg 7 for information about this annual event
    test, ask if they already have some ideas about how
    you could jointly improve your operations. Are these
    ideas worthwhile and valuable to you?
                                                                 CVCR Newsletters can be downloaded from
•   Implement a pilot project with this supplier. You should
                                                                 our website. Each current issue is available to the
    both keep in mind that this pilot will teach you how best
    to work together. How gains are divided between you          public. Older issues are archived and accessible to
    and your supplier can be a bone of contention. Is it         registered users with a CVCR login. Go to
    50-50 or 80-20? If you are unable to come to an agree-

CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2                                   3                                           Summer 2010
The Economic Recovery:                                            industrial manufacturing company emailed his senior man-
                                                                  agers to report that staffing demand was rising, particularly
Smart Companies Are                                               in the integrated supply chain and procurement area. He
                                                                  went on to report that many other companies were hiring
Investing in People — Now!                                        aggressively and that it was clear that the market for talent
                                                                  was going to get more competitive in the coming months.
By Lynn Failing                                                       Professional search firms are seeing this trend across
Vice President, Supply Chain Practice Leader,                     most industry sectors. Smart companies are seizing the
Kimmel & Associates                                               opportunity to invest in talent, especially since the beginning                                                    of 2010. Price competition for top talent is re-emerging.
                                                                  Professional search firms are beginning to track a rise in
                             Introduction                         compensation levels for certain areas where the best and
                                   As the Dow Jones Industrial    brightest are in high demand. This is especially evident in
                               Average continues to bounce        business development and sales positions at 3PLs. In
                               nervously around the 10,000        industry, there has been a shift in hiring priorities since the
                               mark, we see and hear conflict-    beginning of 2010. Cost-cutting experts in inventory man-
                               ing signs about the directions     agement, planning and logistics optimization were in great
                               and prospects for the national     demand throughout 2009. While this continues, there has
                               and global economy. The recent     been a significant increase since the beginning of this year
                               indication by China that it may    in the number of companies addressing strategic issues by
                               be relaxing its monetary policy,   recruiting “C-Suite” executives. It's a move from tactics to
                               years before most pundits          strategy.
                               thought they would take this           In the second quarter of 2010, unemployed senior sup-
                               step, illustrates the seismic      ply chain executives, across virtually all industry verticals, as
                               shifts that are taking place.      well as 3PLs, almost universally reported to Kimmel and
    Importantly, the global nature and the depth of this          Associates that they experienced “more activity” in learning
recession have introduced an entirely new “fear factor” for       of and pursuing quality job openings. The “best in class”
governments, businesses and individuals — global financial        companies in most industries today appear to grasp the sig-
uncertainty. In 2008 we saw the foundations of our global         nificance of supply chain excellence, and we are seeing ris-
financial institutions being ripped apart. Today we are facing    ing demand for the very best supply chain talent.
the possibility of sovereign debt default. Neither was in the
realm of the possible two years ago.
                                                                  What Is Driving These Changes?
                                                                      A recent CSCMP Roundtable panel discussion of supply
New Business Factors: Risk and Uncertainty                        chain executives was asked, "What are your main concerns
    The economic and financial rules of engagement — the          during these difficult economic times?" All three panelists
competitive marketplace itself — broke down. It is not sim-       agreed on two fundamental concerns: 1) managing cash
ply that the issues are bigger today; it is that they are more    flow and 2) people. Their main concern regarding people
complex than we had thought. There are new variables,             was that with so much great talent on the sidelines since
new factors of risk and uncertainty.                              2008, as economic conditions improve and the demand for
    Reacting to risk and uncertainty produces many different      talent increases, companies will have a very challenging
responses, but reducing a firm's exposure was the most            time filling critical roles. It's not that people aren't anxious to
prevalent throughout most of 2009. Initially, manufacturers       get back to work, but responding to the recovery will require
cut production and reduced inventories while trucking com-        an effective process to find the right people, with the right
panies, starved of freight, reduced their fleets.                 skill sets, and then provide them with lengthy training. This
                                                                  could have the effect of dragging out effective successful
Responding to Risk and Uncertainty                                recovery in their respective industry sectors, especially con-
    By mid-2010, as trucking volumes begin to increase and        struction, retail, and CPG.
inventories are being replenished, the first rumblings of a           However, conflicting economic signals will be part of life
'driver shortage' are being heard — again. In response,           for some time to come. The sovereign debt/deficit cloud will
businesses and governments are beginning to incorporate           not go away quickly.
these and other risk and uncertainty variables into their
strategic planning and investment decisions. For example,         Planning for the Future
smart mid-tier third-party logistics companies (3PLs) have           Moving ahead, companies are exploring new ways to
built on their core competencies to grow rapidly as compa-        respond creatively to the new environment of risk and
nies seek to outsource distribution and logistics functions.      uncertainty. In preparation for the economic recovery, com-
    The “deer in the headlights” mode that many companies         panies are becoming more nimble and innovative, while
have been in since October 2008 is beginning to change. In        developing niche strategies and cutting costs. As an exam-
May 2010, the Vice President Staffing at a Fortune 100                                                  (Continued next page)

CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2                                    4                                              Summer 2010
ple, we are seeing an increase in the integration of supply      were broad ranging and provided some very enlightening
chain activities in companies with multiple strategic busi-      insights into what shippers need from 3PLs and what
ness units (SBU's). The integration of activities such as pro-   3PLs should be providing in response. While the discus-
curement of raw materials, components, and finished              sions were initially focused on planning for an economic
goods, previously managed by separate business units, is         recovery, the insights uncovered should be considered
increasingly being centralized.                                  necessities regardless of when a recovery might occur.
    It is the 3PLs which see themselves not simply as “SKU       This article synthesizes the results from these discussions
counters”, but as true partners with their customers.            and provides some clear and compelling recommenda-
Leading 3PLs are applying their experience and expertise         tions for 3PLs.
to optimize each client's overall supply chain activities,
ranging from procurement to manufacturing and from plan-         Economic Recovery?
ning to merchandising management. They are focused on               Before anyone can discuss preparations for the eco-
the changing economic challenges and bringing forth new          nomic recovery, it must be asked: When will the economy
ideas in order to respond to the push toward more integrat-      improve? The following represents some “food for thought”.
ed supply chain solutions. Included in these new ideas is
a relentless focus on customer service and on creating           U.S. GDP (Source:
brand loyalty.                                                   •   The U.S. GDP is $14.2 trillion, or 22.9% of the world
    For unemployed supply chain executives, it is important          economy — the world's largest.
that they not to be apologetic about their current or recent
period of unemployment. One way to handle this is to
                                                                 •   The U.S. GDP growth for the first quarter of 2010 was
                                                                     revised down to 3%, showing that the recovery may
proactively provide professional references that are willing         not be as strong as many had expected.
to discuss their qualifications with a potential employer. The
use of social networking tools, such as LinkedIn, is an          U.S. Balance of Trade (Source: Bloomberg)
excellent way to expand one's network of professional con-
tacts. While there is currently an ample amount of available
                                                                 •   The U.S. balance of trade deficit in April was $40.3
                                                                     billion. The trade deficit with China was $19.3 billion —
unemployed talent, an increasing number of employers are             nearly 50% of the total.
not letting the fact that a candidate is in transition exclude
them from consideration.                                         •   The total 2010 deficit is estimated at a record $1.84
    Cash may be king, but it is people who make the crown.           trillion. This represents 12.9% of the U.S. economy —
That’s why smart companies are investing in the best peo-            the highest since 1945.
ple — now!                                                       •   These high fiscal deficits will likely lead to higher taxes
                                                                     which will inhibit economic growth.

                                                                 Employment (Source: Bloomberg)
                                                                 •   Private employers in the U.S. added fewer workers to
Achieving Successful and                                             payrolls in June than forecast, reinforcing concerns the
                                                                     recovery will weaken as Americans curtail spending.
Sustainable 3PL–Shipper                                          •   Consumer spending (needed to increase production) is
Relationships                                                        weak mostly due to high unemployment rates.

                               By Joel Sutherland                •   With unemployment rates continuing to hover around
                                                                     10%, it may take a few years to revive the 8.5 million
                               Managing Director, Center             jobs lost since the recession began in December 2007.
                               for Value Chain Research,
                               Lehigh University                 Logistics Costs (Source: 21st Annual "State of Logistics

                                  During the spring, I had
                                                                 •   Logistics costs were 7.7% of U.S. GDP in 2009, down
                                                                     from 9.3% in 2008.
                              the pleasure of attending
                              and presenting at several          •   Warehousing costs fell 2% below 2008. Although early
                              supply chain conferences in            2009 saw warehouses full of inventory, by mid-year
                              the U.S. and Canada.                   inventories were reduced, leaving facilities with empty
                              Besides formal presenta-               space.
                              tions, I led three days of in-     •   Transportation costs were 20.2% lower than in 2008,
                              tense discussions with well-           with all modes of transportation being negatively affect-
                              known Fortune 500 compa-               ed. Trucking, by far the single largest transport expense,
nies and facilitated topical workshops with leading third-           had a 9% drop in the amount of tonnage carried.
party logistics service providers (3PLs). The discussions                                               (Continued next page)

CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2                                   5                                           Summer 2010
Provided with all this not-so-promising information,            customers' changing needs and provide variable cost
supply chain professionals agreed that the jury is still out        structures that fluctuate with revenues.
regarding when the economy will realize a meaningful            2. Provide supply chain visibility and event
and sustainable recovery. They did not believe that no             management capabilities
action should be taken in preparation for the eventual
                                                                    Recommended 3PL Actions: Provide effective visibility
recovery. There was universal agreement that to achieve
                                                                    tools and facilitate the identification, collection, and use
successful and sustainable 3PL-shipper relationships it is
                                                                    of information to improve supply chain performance.
critical to understand shipper's needs and for 3PL's to
adapt an effective strategy that responds to these needs        3. Mitigate supply chain disruptions, whether
now.                                                               they be natural or man-made

Shippers Challenges and Needs                                       Recommended 3PL Actions: Become an expert in
                                                                    managing a variety of potential supply chain disrup-
   Savvy shippers are preparing now for the eventual eco-
                                                                    tions. Enhance processes and information technology
nomic recovery. Although they are confident a recovery will
                                                                    to more effectively monitor and respond to disruptive
happen, they are uncertain when that recovery will start,
what the strength of the recovery will be, and how long the
recovery will last. Regardless, many shippers are already       4. Improve service to achieve superior
preparing to increase capital investments, replenish the tal-      end-customer satisfaction
ent that was depleted during the recession, and make sure           Recommended 3PL Actions: Facilitate increased
their supply chains are sustainable going forward.                  coordination, integration, and collaboration with
Following are some specific strategic needs identified by           shippers and suppliers, utilizing information tech-
shippers:                                                           nology, to improve end-customer satisfaction.
   1. Control supply chain costs — this means total             5. Manage expanding and contracting
      delivered cost                                               global supply chains
   2. Provide supply chain visibility and event                     Recommended 3PL Actions: Provide end-to-end solu-
      management capabilities                                       tions, including comprehensive visibility and event
                                                                    management, to ensure reliable service and lowest
   3. Mitigate supply chain disruptions, whether                    total supply chain costs.
      they be natural or man-made
   4. Improve service to achieve superior                       In Conclusion
      end-customer satisfaction                                     As noted earlier, the original purpose for my recent
   5. Manage expanding and contracting                          meetings with shippers and 3PL's was to discuss what
      global supply chains                                      preparations firms should be taking now to prepare for the
                                                                economic recovery. What resulted was the identification of
What Can 3PL's Do to Support These Needs?                       key shipper concerns and actions 3PL's should be taking to
   Companies that outsource all or a portion of their sup-      support these shipper needs.
ply chain activities to 3PL's are no longer satisfied with          The most critical need is to control costs. Shippers are
3PL's that do not go the extra mile. Shippers are continu-      especially concerned that as the economy improves supply
ing to demand more from their 3PL relationships and             chain costs (especially transportation) will increase. While
expect their 3PL's to be proactive solutions providers.         discussions ranged from popular “green” initiatives to
Looking at this from the 3PL perspective, if 3PL's do not       human resource management, shippers universally agreed
consider themselves as an extension of their customers          that controlling costs is, always has been, and always will
supply chain, then your days are numbered. 3PL's must           be their most pressing need. It was also clear that supply
put themselves into their customers' shoes and under-           chain professionals are focusing on reducing total delivered
stand that they must continually apply their special talents    cost, versus transactional costs such as unit procurement
and expertise to help their customers gain competitive          and manufacturing costs, transportation costs, and invento-
supply chain advantage. Anything less and shippers may          ry carrying costs.
look for another 3PL that better fits their strategic needs,        It was also clear that as many shippers are focusing
or possibly decide to insource their logistics activities.      more on their core competencies (such as manufacturing,
   Delving deeper into the five areas identified by shippers    marketing and selling their products), they are increasingly
as areas where 3PL's can best help them, shippers as well       turning to 3PL's to help them achieve competitive supply
as 3PL's agreed that the following actions are needed:          chain advantage. Shippers are expecting their 3PL partners
                                                                to accomplish this through the use of best-in-class technol-
1. Control supply chain costs (total delivered cost)            ogy, integrated end-to-end solutions, local expertise in
   Recommended 3PL Actions: Develop lean and agile              global locations, and a level of flexibility and agility to
   supply chain capabilities that allow rapid response to       respond to supply chain disruptions.

CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2                                  6                                            Summer 2010
Center forValue Chain Research
News and Upcoming Events                                               New, Improved Website!
From July 30 through August 8, Joel Sutherland will                    The CVCR is excited to announce the launch
be in Istanbul, Turkey, representing Lehigh University as a faculty    of our new website. We have completely
mentor for the Pennsylvania International Ambassador Program.          overhauled the look and feel of the site,
Joel will also be presenting at the CSCMP Turkey Roundtable.           added new content, and made older features
For more information, check out                          easier to use. Visit and
                                                                       take a look. We hope you find the site more
On September 16, the CVCR is offering its first-ever Professional      useful than ever, and we welcome any feed-
Development Seminar, “Straight to the Bottom Line: How Leading         back you may have.
Companies Win Through Supply Management”. For more informa-
tion, please visit      CVCR Newsletters can be downloaded
                                                                       from our website. Each current issue is
On September 26-27, 2010, Joel Sutherland will attend the              available to the public. Older issues are
CSCMP Doctoral Symposium in San Diego and will participate in          archived and accessible to registered users
a Roundtable Discussion on “Engaging the Business Community:           with a CVCR login. Go to
Do's and Don'ts”. For more information, visit                
Beginning October 1, the CVCR is offering APICS CSCP
Certification Training. This course helps attendees prepare for        Questions? Comments?
the APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional certification exam.
It consists of five eight-hour classes, with each class covering one   Feedback?
module of the CSCP Learning System plus a review session. For          If you have questions about the Center for
more information, please visit                                         Value Chain Research, would like to discuss             the content of this newsletter, or have ideas
                                                                       for future articles, please contact Joel
                                                                       Sutherland at
                                                                       or at 610-758-6428. We look forward to
    ANNUAL CVCR FALL SYMPOSIUM                                         hearing from you!
        Supply Chain Complexity:
       Risks, Rewards and Tradeoffs                                    What attendees have said about
                     November 10-11, 2010                              recent CVCR Symposiums:
      Hotel Bethlehem, 437 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018            “The symposium was a wonderful event. The
                                                                       breadth of topics and the quality of presentations
  The event starts with a Networking & Student Recruiting              made for an enjoyable and educational experi-
  Reception on November 10. This event provides a great                ence. The presenters were well prepared and
  opportunity for companies to get to know some of Lehigh’s            touched on many key topics that we are all
  best and brightest undergraduate and graduate-level students.        focused on in supply chain today.”
  A full day of presentations and discussions on November 11                — Bill Medvidofsky, C&S Wholesale Grocers
  will feature an impressive list of speakers, and Breakout            “The breadth of companies represented across
  Sessions on various topics will be led by Lehigh faculty.            industry and the region, along with the range of
                                                                       topics and best practices, has made the CVCR
      For more information, visit our website later this summer:       Symposiums a value-added experience each
                 year.”         — Caldwell Hart, Dresser-Rand Co.
  The Symposium is co-sponsored in part by the Lehigh Valley           "I learn more in this one-day program than many
  Roundtable of the Council of Supply Chain Management                 other 2- or 3-day programs that cost significantly
  Professionals                                          more money and time. The symposium topics
                                                                       are always right on target to what is driving our
                                                                       industry."                  — Ted Uhlman, Rodale

CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2                               7                                        Summer 2010

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Bill Stankiewicz Copy Of Cvcr Summer 2010 Newsletter

  • 1. Center forValue Chain Research NEWSLETTER Summer 2010 Vol. 5, No. 2 DIRECTORS’ COLUMN: What Is Industrial Engineering? Most non-engineers have a passable understanding of what mechan- ical, electrical, civil, or chemical engineers do. But ask a random person what an industrial engineer does, and the likely response will be, at best, a guess based on the name. Design factories? Make factories more effi- cient? Make factories more productive? Indeed, in its early days, industrial engineering (IE) was mostly orient- ed toward industrial settings, and its name is a legacy from those days. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, industrial engineers performed time- In This Issue: and-motion studies, designed facility layouts, balanced assembly lines, • Directors' Column: What Is and improved other aspects of factories and other workplaces. Early pio- Industrial Engineering? neers included Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, famous for their ergonomics studies and immortalized in the book, Cheaper by the Dozen. • The Role of Gain-Sharing in Today, you could replace “factories” in the guesses above with near- Supply Chain Collaboration ly any complex system — hospitals, financial markets, supply chains, theme • The Economic Recovery: parks, energy grids, humanitarian aid networks, etc. Industrial engineers Smart Companies Are Investing in apply a wide range of quantitative tools from mathematics, computer sci- ence, economics, the physical sciences, and even psychology to design People — Now! and improve systems such as these. • Achieving Successful and Sustainable 3PL-Shipper Relationships The Industrial Engineer’s Toolbox An important part of the industrial engineer's toolbox is operations • CVCR Spring Symposium Recap research (OR), a set of quantitative methodologies for making decisions • News and Upcoming Events about complex systems. The tools of OR include mathematical optimiza- tion (for example, linear programming), simulation, probability and statis- Questions? Comments? Ideas tics, queuing theory, and game theory. Today, the curricula of many IE for future articles? Contact us! departments, including Lehigh's, contain a heavy dose of OR techniques. In the supply chain arena, IE is applied to a wide range of problems, Lawrence Snyder including choosing distribution center locations, setting order quantities and inventory targets, improving workflow through factories and ware- 610-758-6696 houses, routing trucks, and evaluating procurement contracts. Joel Sutherland As supply chain management matures and becomes an increasingly important driver of a firm's overall performance, firms increasingly recog- 610-758-6428 nize the value that industrial engineers add in supply chain strategy and operations. At the CVCR, we have seen an increased demand from Robert J. Trent industry for students who have both supply chain business acumen and quantitative IE expertise. As a joint business-engineering center, the 610-758-4952 CVCR believes strongly in the synergy that results from bringing both dis- ciplines to bear in improving supply chain performance. Center for Value Chain Research Wes Kemp, CEO of ABF Freight System, Inc., agrees. "At ABF, we Lehigh University are committed to providing our customers with the most efficient and 621 Taylor Street effective levels of supply chain performance," he writes. "Over the years Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA we've determined that the most capable talent to achieve these results possesses both a strong supply chain business and IE background." —Larry, Bob, and Joel
  • 2. The Role of Gain-Sharing in measured and rewarded according to how well they drive down supplier costs; then, if financial benefits of process Supply Chain Collaboration improvements were to be shared with suppliers, the group's leaders would move further from their bonus targets. By Bill Keough Obviously, this approach is decidedly un-collaborative. But Principal, Supply Chain Visions when companies incentivize their supplier-management units based on business value created, rather than costs reduced, gain-sharing has a much higher rate of success. This is the third article in a series exploring the attributes Unfortunately, “business value” is notoriously difficult to cal- of successful supply chain collaboration and how your culate, in part because it is often created across multiple organization can leverage them to deliver operational and functional units in a company. Clearly, well-considered met- financial results. The first article explored the importance rics and incentives are required to encourage collaborative, of a robust and flexible IT infrastructure in enabling supplier-facing behavior in your firm. supply chain data to be shared with members of your value chain. The second article examined how a firm's Is There a Way to Make It Work? corporate culture shapes its perception of suppliers (as Sadly, in many human relationships, there is a tendency mere inputs or as supply chain partners) and how this for the more powerful person to take advantage of the outlook impacts overall supply chain performance. weaker one. In the long term, this strategy may prove to be counter-productive. Think of the bully who grows up and dis- A corporation's approach to covers his new manager is the boy he used to torment in gain-sharing is very often what middle school. differentiates successful long- A heavy equipment manufacturer, facing a difficult quar- term collaborative relationships ter, sought to improve its short-term financial position by from short-lived efforts that fail requiring suppliers to accept 120-day payment instead of to bear fruit. A useful definition the former 90-day term. Not only did their supplier commu- of gain-sharing is “an approach nity loathe them for this breach of trust, but a number of to incentive compensation smaller firms, including some who provided unique compo- where supply chain partners nents on a sole-source basis, were driven out of business. share in the savings delivered Their short-term savings may have cost the equipment by productivity improvements.” manufacturer 50 times more in the long run than whatever The prospect of gain-sharing they saved in that quarter. motivates suppliers to partici- To set the stage for effective gain-sharing, Step One is to pate in collaborative improve- address any perceived “asymmetry” in the customer-suppli- ment efforts. If your company won’t share the monetary er relationship. (This topic will be discussed in greater depth benefit of improved collaborative operations with your sup- in a forthcoming article.) Making relationships with your sup- plier, then you can’t expect the supplier to collaborate with pliers more symmetrical is a key step towards realizing gen- you again on a second gain-sharing effort. Bear in mind, as uine collaboration. It requires establishing a higher level of we will see later, gain-sharing does not necessarily mean trust with your suppliers, and that takes time. Honesty, and cutting a check to your supplier, but it always means giving doing what you promise to do, is essential. the supplier some additional value in exchange for the value Let's say you were hired into a supplier-management they have created for you. organization several months ago, and you have managed to overcome your suppliers’ skepticism and won their confi- Are You Really Willing to Share? dence. Should you begin working with your suppliers on The willingness or reluctance to share financial benefits improvement ideas and drawing up gain-sharing agree- with suppliers tends to be dictated, sometimes tacitly, by a ments? No! Because unless you have the authority to cut firm's corporate culture (see the article in the Summer 2009 these suppliers a check at the end of each month, you need edition of this publication). Unquestionably, there are large, to be certain that you have buy-in for your plans all the way powerful corporations whose single-minded focus on short- up the management pyramid. If you proceed without the term financial results makes successful collaboration unlike- support of top management, you will probably destroy the ly. However, there are many enlightened corporations who trust and credibility you have established with your suppliers realize that their supply chain can be a competitive weapon, when those promised gain-sharing rewards don’t arrive. and that their suppliers can help drive the overall success of In some organizations, you will need to establish a bul- the corporation. let-proof business case that shows hard dollar-cost reduc- In many enlightened firms, there are business units ded- tions. (In many companies, savings from “better utilization of icated solely to the establishment, nurturing, and improve- labor” are discounted, unless it means they can reduce ment of supplier relationships to enhance the company's headcount.) Establishing the business case and getting the competitive position and growth. However, this supplier- nod from the management team can also be difficult if your management unit, particularly its leadership, is very often (Continued next page) CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 2 Summer 2010
  • 3. gain-sharing plans deliver benefits across multiple function- ment, dispassionately evaluate why. Is he being al organizations within the company. Very often the people greedy? Are you? Is this really the right supplier to in one department feel they have no incentive to support work with? improvements that benefit another department, and obtain- ing their support is almost impossible. • Based on your earlier discussion with your CFO, collect the data required to help your finance depart- ment establish business value so you can arrive at a Calculating the Benefit fair compensation for your supplier. But what if your company is excited about your approach to gain-sharing, and they vigorously support you. After you Chances are, there will be more than one improvement jointly identify an improvement idea, you need to put a dol- opportunity with your best supplier. Use what you’ve lar value on these improvements. To accomplish this, it is learned from the first project to fine-tune the process for critical that your company has a coherent performance the second. When you feel the process is well established, management program that employs accurate, timely data do the same with your second-best supplier. about the operations of the business. Gain-sharing with a supplier need not always involve a cash payment, nor does the value of the improvement nec- essarily need to be precisely valued in dollar terms. Here’s an example. The new manager of a medical device manufacturer noticed that the facility suffered from Reviewing the CVCR poor and untimely delilvery of their raw materials. He found that the firm's key supplier often delivered incomplete, dam- Spring 2010 Symposium aged or incorrect orders, and often delivered them late. He made a very simple but compelling offer. When the supplier Participants Discuss Supply Chain delivered a shipment that constituted a “perfect order” (right product, on-time, undamaged, high quality, correct paper- Collaboration: Proven Strategies to work) as verified on the dock, the manufacturer would Create Value immediately pay the supplier for the full shipment via EDI. The result: soon, nearly all orders from this supplier were On May 12-13, 2010, Lehigh University's Center for “perfect”. The company’s inventories dropped dramatically, Value Chain Research held its annual Spring Sympo- and production became more stable and predictable. The sium. The symposium was attended by nearly 190 manager and the location's finance chief could easily calcu- participants, including about 140 from industry, repre- late the time value of these immediate payments. The man- senting over 80 different organizations. The symposium ager was convinced that the business value he received attracted attendees from 18 states. exceeded the cost of immediate payment by a large multi- The event featured formal presentations from indus- ple. It was a clear win-win. try leaders illustrating how their companies or industries are creating value through supply chain collaboration. So How Do You Get Started? Each session included intense audience participation delving more deeply into each issue. Breakout sessions • Honestly assess your company's appetite for gain- led by Lehigh faculty addressed key supply chain topics sharing. If it's not there, find more productive uses for your time. that supported the symposium theme. The annual Student Research Poster Session and • Talk to your CFO about gain-sharing. Ask what sort of Competition drew eight entries from Lehigh’s colleges of data you would need to provide him in order to get him business and engineering. on board with your idea. Then consider, could you real- PowerPoint presentations and notes from the 3PL ly obtain and deliver that data to support your efforts? panel and breakout sessions can be found on the • Select one of your best suppliers, a high performer with CVCR website: whom you do a lot of business and have a good rela- tionship. Discuss the concept of collaborative process improvement and gain-sharing. And discuss expanding Announcing the CVCR Fall 2010 Symposium the amount of business you do with them. As a litmus — see pg 7 for information about this annual event test, ask if they already have some ideas about how you could jointly improve your operations. Are these ideas worthwhile and valuable to you? CVCR Newsletters can be downloaded from • Implement a pilot project with this supplier. You should our website. Each current issue is available to the both keep in mind that this pilot will teach you how best to work together. How gains are divided between you public. Older issues are archived and accessible to and your supplier can be a bone of contention. Is it registered users with a CVCR login. Go to 50-50 or 80-20? If you are unable to come to an agree- CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 3 Summer 2010
  • 4. The Economic Recovery: industrial manufacturing company emailed his senior man- agers to report that staffing demand was rising, particularly Smart Companies Are in the integrated supply chain and procurement area. He went on to report that many other companies were hiring Investing in People — Now! aggressively and that it was clear that the market for talent was going to get more competitive in the coming months. By Lynn Failing Professional search firms are seeing this trend across Vice President, Supply Chain Practice Leader, most industry sectors. Smart companies are seizing the Kimmel & Associates opportunity to invest in talent, especially since the beginning of 2010. Price competition for top talent is re-emerging. Professional search firms are beginning to track a rise in Introduction compensation levels for certain areas where the best and As the Dow Jones Industrial brightest are in high demand. This is especially evident in Average continues to bounce business development and sales positions at 3PLs. In nervously around the 10,000 industry, there has been a shift in hiring priorities since the mark, we see and hear conflict- beginning of 2010. Cost-cutting experts in inventory man- ing signs about the directions agement, planning and logistics optimization were in great and prospects for the national demand throughout 2009. While this continues, there has and global economy. The recent been a significant increase since the beginning of this year indication by China that it may in the number of companies addressing strategic issues by be relaxing its monetary policy, recruiting “C-Suite” executives. It's a move from tactics to years before most pundits strategy. thought they would take this In the second quarter of 2010, unemployed senior sup- step, illustrates the seismic ply chain executives, across virtually all industry verticals, as shifts that are taking place. well as 3PLs, almost universally reported to Kimmel and Importantly, the global nature and the depth of this Associates that they experienced “more activity” in learning recession have introduced an entirely new “fear factor” for of and pursuing quality job openings. The “best in class” governments, businesses and individuals — global financial companies in most industries today appear to grasp the sig- uncertainty. In 2008 we saw the foundations of our global nificance of supply chain excellence, and we are seeing ris- financial institutions being ripped apart. Today we are facing ing demand for the very best supply chain talent. the possibility of sovereign debt default. Neither was in the realm of the possible two years ago. What Is Driving These Changes? A recent CSCMP Roundtable panel discussion of supply New Business Factors: Risk and Uncertainty chain executives was asked, "What are your main concerns The economic and financial rules of engagement — the during these difficult economic times?" All three panelists competitive marketplace itself — broke down. It is not sim- agreed on two fundamental concerns: 1) managing cash ply that the issues are bigger today; it is that they are more flow and 2) people. Their main concern regarding people complex than we had thought. There are new variables, was that with so much great talent on the sidelines since new factors of risk and uncertainty. 2008, as economic conditions improve and the demand for Reacting to risk and uncertainty produces many different talent increases, companies will have a very challenging responses, but reducing a firm's exposure was the most time filling critical roles. It's not that people aren't anxious to prevalent throughout most of 2009. Initially, manufacturers get back to work, but responding to the recovery will require cut production and reduced inventories while trucking com- an effective process to find the right people, with the right panies, starved of freight, reduced their fleets. skill sets, and then provide them with lengthy training. This could have the effect of dragging out effective successful Responding to Risk and Uncertainty recovery in their respective industry sectors, especially con- By mid-2010, as trucking volumes begin to increase and struction, retail, and CPG. inventories are being replenished, the first rumblings of a However, conflicting economic signals will be part of life 'driver shortage' are being heard — again. In response, for some time to come. The sovereign debt/deficit cloud will businesses and governments are beginning to incorporate not go away quickly. these and other risk and uncertainty variables into their strategic planning and investment decisions. For example, Planning for the Future smart mid-tier third-party logistics companies (3PLs) have Moving ahead, companies are exploring new ways to built on their core competencies to grow rapidly as compa- respond creatively to the new environment of risk and nies seek to outsource distribution and logistics functions. uncertainty. In preparation for the economic recovery, com- The “deer in the headlights” mode that many companies panies are becoming more nimble and innovative, while have been in since October 2008 is beginning to change. In developing niche strategies and cutting costs. As an exam- May 2010, the Vice President Staffing at a Fortune 100 (Continued next page) CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 4 Summer 2010
  • 5. ple, we are seeing an increase in the integration of supply were broad ranging and provided some very enlightening chain activities in companies with multiple strategic busi- insights into what shippers need from 3PLs and what ness units (SBU's). The integration of activities such as pro- 3PLs should be providing in response. While the discus- curement of raw materials, components, and finished sions were initially focused on planning for an economic goods, previously managed by separate business units, is recovery, the insights uncovered should be considered increasingly being centralized. necessities regardless of when a recovery might occur. It is the 3PLs which see themselves not simply as “SKU This article synthesizes the results from these discussions counters”, but as true partners with their customers. and provides some clear and compelling recommenda- Leading 3PLs are applying their experience and expertise tions for 3PLs. to optimize each client's overall supply chain activities, ranging from procurement to manufacturing and from plan- Economic Recovery? ning to merchandising management. They are focused on Before anyone can discuss preparations for the eco- the changing economic challenges and bringing forth new nomic recovery, it must be asked: When will the economy ideas in order to respond to the push toward more integrat- improve? The following represents some “food for thought”. ed supply chain solutions. Included in these new ideas is a relentless focus on customer service and on creating U.S. GDP (Source: brand loyalty. • The U.S. GDP is $14.2 trillion, or 22.9% of the world For unemployed supply chain executives, it is important economy — the world's largest. that they not to be apologetic about their current or recent period of unemployment. One way to handle this is to • The U.S. GDP growth for the first quarter of 2010 was revised down to 3%, showing that the recovery may proactively provide professional references that are willing not be as strong as many had expected. to discuss their qualifications with a potential employer. The use of social networking tools, such as LinkedIn, is an U.S. Balance of Trade (Source: Bloomberg) excellent way to expand one's network of professional con- tacts. While there is currently an ample amount of available • The U.S. balance of trade deficit in April was $40.3 billion. The trade deficit with China was $19.3 billion — unemployed talent, an increasing number of employers are nearly 50% of the total. not letting the fact that a candidate is in transition exclude them from consideration. • The total 2010 deficit is estimated at a record $1.84 Cash may be king, but it is people who make the crown. trillion. This represents 12.9% of the U.S. economy — That’s why smart companies are investing in the best peo- the highest since 1945. ple — now! • These high fiscal deficits will likely lead to higher taxes which will inhibit economic growth. Employment (Source: Bloomberg) • Private employers in the U.S. added fewer workers to Achieving Successful and payrolls in June than forecast, reinforcing concerns the recovery will weaken as Americans curtail spending. Sustainable 3PL–Shipper • Consumer spending (needed to increase production) is Relationships weak mostly due to high unemployment rates. By Joel Sutherland • With unemployment rates continuing to hover around 10%, it may take a few years to revive the 8.5 million Managing Director, Center jobs lost since the recession began in December 2007. for Value Chain Research, Lehigh University Logistics Costs (Source: 21st Annual "State of Logistics Report®") During the spring, I had • Logistics costs were 7.7% of U.S. GDP in 2009, down from 9.3% in 2008. the pleasure of attending and presenting at several • Warehousing costs fell 2% below 2008. Although early supply chain conferences in 2009 saw warehouses full of inventory, by mid-year the U.S. and Canada. inventories were reduced, leaving facilities with empty Besides formal presenta- space. tions, I led three days of in- • Transportation costs were 20.2% lower than in 2008, tense discussions with well- with all modes of transportation being negatively affect- known Fortune 500 compa- ed. Trucking, by far the single largest transport expense, nies and facilitated topical workshops with leading third- had a 9% drop in the amount of tonnage carried. party logistics service providers (3PLs). The discussions (Continued next page) CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 5 Summer 2010
  • 6. Provided with all this not-so-promising information, customers' changing needs and provide variable cost supply chain professionals agreed that the jury is still out structures that fluctuate with revenues. regarding when the economy will realize a meaningful 2. Provide supply chain visibility and event and sustainable recovery. They did not believe that no management capabilities action should be taken in preparation for the eventual Recommended 3PL Actions: Provide effective visibility recovery. There was universal agreement that to achieve tools and facilitate the identification, collection, and use successful and sustainable 3PL-shipper relationships it is of information to improve supply chain performance. critical to understand shipper's needs and for 3PL's to adapt an effective strategy that responds to these needs 3. Mitigate supply chain disruptions, whether now. they be natural or man-made Shippers Challenges and Needs Recommended 3PL Actions: Become an expert in managing a variety of potential supply chain disrup- Savvy shippers are preparing now for the eventual eco- tions. Enhance processes and information technology nomic recovery. Although they are confident a recovery will to more effectively monitor and respond to disruptive happen, they are uncertain when that recovery will start, events. what the strength of the recovery will be, and how long the recovery will last. Regardless, many shippers are already 4. Improve service to achieve superior preparing to increase capital investments, replenish the tal- end-customer satisfaction ent that was depleted during the recession, and make sure Recommended 3PL Actions: Facilitate increased their supply chains are sustainable going forward. coordination, integration, and collaboration with Following are some specific strategic needs identified by shippers and suppliers, utilizing information tech- shippers: nology, to improve end-customer satisfaction. 1. Control supply chain costs — this means total 5. Manage expanding and contracting delivered cost global supply chains 2. Provide supply chain visibility and event Recommended 3PL Actions: Provide end-to-end solu- management capabilities tions, including comprehensive visibility and event management, to ensure reliable service and lowest 3. Mitigate supply chain disruptions, whether total supply chain costs. they be natural or man-made 4. Improve service to achieve superior In Conclusion end-customer satisfaction As noted earlier, the original purpose for my recent 5. Manage expanding and contracting meetings with shippers and 3PL's was to discuss what global supply chains preparations firms should be taking now to prepare for the economic recovery. What resulted was the identification of What Can 3PL's Do to Support These Needs? key shipper concerns and actions 3PL's should be taking to Companies that outsource all or a portion of their sup- support these shipper needs. ply chain activities to 3PL's are no longer satisfied with The most critical need is to control costs. Shippers are 3PL's that do not go the extra mile. Shippers are continu- especially concerned that as the economy improves supply ing to demand more from their 3PL relationships and chain costs (especially transportation) will increase. While expect their 3PL's to be proactive solutions providers. discussions ranged from popular “green” initiatives to Looking at this from the 3PL perspective, if 3PL's do not human resource management, shippers universally agreed consider themselves as an extension of their customers that controlling costs is, always has been, and always will supply chain, then your days are numbered. 3PL's must be their most pressing need. It was also clear that supply put themselves into their customers' shoes and under- chain professionals are focusing on reducing total delivered stand that they must continually apply their special talents cost, versus transactional costs such as unit procurement and expertise to help their customers gain competitive and manufacturing costs, transportation costs, and invento- supply chain advantage. Anything less and shippers may ry carrying costs. look for another 3PL that better fits their strategic needs, It was also clear that as many shippers are focusing or possibly decide to insource their logistics activities. more on their core competencies (such as manufacturing, Delving deeper into the five areas identified by shippers marketing and selling their products), they are increasingly as areas where 3PL's can best help them, shippers as well turning to 3PL's to help them achieve competitive supply as 3PL's agreed that the following actions are needed: chain advantage. Shippers are expecting their 3PL partners to accomplish this through the use of best-in-class technol- 1. Control supply chain costs (total delivered cost) ogy, integrated end-to-end solutions, local expertise in Recommended 3PL Actions: Develop lean and agile global locations, and a level of flexibility and agility to supply chain capabilities that allow rapid response to respond to supply chain disruptions. CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 6 Summer 2010
  • 7. Center forValue Chain Research News and Upcoming Events New, Improved Website! From July 30 through August 8, Joel Sutherland will The CVCR is excited to announce the launch be in Istanbul, Turkey, representing Lehigh University as a faculty of our new website. We have completely mentor for the Pennsylvania International Ambassador Program. overhauled the look and feel of the site, Joel will also be presenting at the CSCMP Turkey Roundtable. added new content, and made older features For more information, check out easier to use. Visit and take a look. We hope you find the site more On September 16, the CVCR is offering its first-ever Professional useful than ever, and we welcome any feed- Development Seminar, “Straight to the Bottom Line: How Leading back you may have. Companies Win Through Supply Management”. For more informa- tion, please visit CVCR Newsletters can be downloaded from our website. Each current issue is On September 26-27, 2010, Joel Sutherland will attend the available to the public. Older issues are CSCMP Doctoral Symposium in San Diego and will participate in archived and accessible to registered users a Roundtable Discussion on “Engaging the Business Community: with a CVCR login. Go to Do's and Don'ts”. For more information, visit Beginning October 1, the CVCR is offering APICS CSCP Certification Training. This course helps attendees prepare for Questions? Comments? the APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional certification exam. It consists of five eight-hour classes, with each class covering one Feedback? module of the CSCP Learning System plus a review session. For If you have questions about the Center for more information, please visit Value Chain Research, would like to discuss the content of this newsletter, or have ideas for future articles, please contact Joel Sutherland at or at 610-758-6428. We look forward to ANNUAL CVCR FALL SYMPOSIUM hearing from you! Supply Chain Complexity: Risks, Rewards and Tradeoffs What attendees have said about November 10-11, 2010 recent CVCR Symposiums: Hotel Bethlehem, 437 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018 “The symposium was a wonderful event. The breadth of topics and the quality of presentations The event starts with a Networking & Student Recruiting made for an enjoyable and educational experi- Reception on November 10. This event provides a great ence. The presenters were well prepared and opportunity for companies to get to know some of Lehigh’s touched on many key topics that we are all best and brightest undergraduate and graduate-level students. focused on in supply chain today.” A full day of presentations and discussions on November 11 — Bill Medvidofsky, C&S Wholesale Grocers will feature an impressive list of speakers, and Breakout “The breadth of companies represented across Sessions on various topics will be led by Lehigh faculty. industry and the region, along with the range of topics and best practices, has made the CVCR For more information, visit our website later this summer: Symposiums a value-added experience each year.” — Caldwell Hart, Dresser-Rand Co. The Symposium is co-sponsored in part by the Lehigh Valley "I learn more in this one-day program than many Roundtable of the Council of Supply Chain Management other 2- or 3-day programs that cost significantly Professionals more money and time. The symposium topics are always right on target to what is driving our industry." — Ted Uhlman, Rodale CVCR Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 2 7 Summer 2010