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You maybe a religiousleader (priest, nun etc) or just a lay person who would
like to do your bit to proclaim the Word of God to your parishioners or any
other group. Here is an opportunity for you. The following Bible Study Quiz
(BSQ) is prepared from BIBLE STUDY ARTICLES from website. You can ask
well in advance the participants to visit – -
BIBLE STUDY ARTICLES (1 to 3 parts) and read these articles, and come
prepared. Theobjectivetype (just to ticka, b or c) BSQ questions on thispart
of the articles (with 50 questions) are given later pages in this file.
To make you easier to conduct this quiz, the answers are given on the last
page below. Since answers are already in public domain, you are free to use
your own ideas (like replacing the questions at random etc) so that
participantsdonot simply learn their answers by heart from the website (tell
the participants in advance about your plan of replacing the questions). A
sample blank answer sheet is also is available at the end in this file.
Besides following this method of quiz, you may conduct this quiz in many
other creative ways like group quiz, oral quiz etc. If preparing for BSQ by
reading 18 articles is too much, you can prepare the quiz part by part.
Fr Felix Rebello
(Questions for this BSQ are chosen from the articles of BIBLE STUDY – part 1 (articles 1 to 18) from our
church website. After each question, article no. reference is given for you to cross check your answers.
You have to simply tick (a,b or c) the correct answers in the answer sheet given separately).
1. During the centuries following Jesus' _____, these were collected together to form the Bible. (article 1)
a] death on the cross b] ascension into Heaven c] life on earth.
2. Bible is also available in English in many different translations, from the King James Version of____ to the
modern, everyday language translations (article 1) a] 1611 b] 1800 c] 1921
3. The Old Testament was originally written in ____ and the New Testament in Greek. (article 2)
a] Aramaic b] Hebrew c] English
4. The New American Standard Bible, for example, was translated over 10 years, by over ___ scholars and
was first published in 1962 AD. (article 2) a] 85 b] 65 c] 45
5. Translation is a reliable science ofcommunicating between different____ (article 2).
A] languages b] persons c] nations
6. It was from the Catholic Church that the Protestants ofthe ____ century took their Bible and also their belief
in its divine inspiration.(article 3) a] 16th b] 17th c] 18th
7. It was only in ___ A.D. that the Council of Carthage finally decided which books belong to the Bible, and it
was aboutthis time, too, that the books ofthe Bible were combined into one volume. (article 3)
a] 450 B] 397 C] 557
8. Paul used the Greek word "theopneustos" for the idea ofinspiration. This Greek word is composed of
"theos," meaning God, and "pneo," meaning to _____ (article 4) a] spirit b] breath c] study
9. In writing ofbible in mostcases the minds ofthe writers became the laboratory in which God converted His
_____, as it were, into human language. (article 4) a] thoughts b] wisdom c] breath
10. Human and Divine sides ofthe ____ are expressed in the Scriptural language: ‘Holy men ofGod spake as
they were moved (borne along) by the Holy Spirit.’ (2 Pet. 1:21). (article 4) a] truth b] love b] justice
11. Bible is both authoritative and ____ (article 5) a] powerless b] historical c] fragile
12. A simple and obvious example ofthe need for contextin any work is found in the fact that the words,
"there is no God", are found ___ times throughout the Bible (NIV). (article 5) a] 15 b] 18 c] 24
13] Understanding and applying what you read in the bible is _____. (article 5)
A] easy b] sometimes easy sometimes hard c] hard
14. Fundamentalist Christians have the utterly mistaken idea that the Bible is ______ (article 6).
a] perfect b] imperfect c] false
15. "There are at least___ different authors, who wrote in three continents, in many countries, in three
languages, and from every possible human standpoint. (article 6) a] 23 b] 36 c] 42
16. The much of the history ofthe Bible may be divided up into simple segments around the lifetimes of____
important Biblical figures (article 7) a] two b] three c] five
17. The general, simplified Biblical date connected with David is _____: (article 7) a] 2000 b] 1500 c] 1000
18. Understanding the context is important because ithelps us to understand the _____ of God clearly and
accurately. (article 8) a] nature b] message c] power
19. When studying the books ofthe Bible, itis important to look notonly at the information a book contains but
also at the ____ that the author has used. (Article 9) a] history b] literary form c] poems
20. Compare 1 Sam 1.1-28 and 1 Sam 2.1-10. These passages from the same book use ____ different kinds
of writing. (article 9) a] two b] three c] five
21. The kind of literature used can give ____ about what the author was trying to say (article 9).
A] clues b] clarity c] ideas
22. Complete Christian Bibles range from the ___ books of the Protestant canon to the 81 books in the
Ethiopian Orthodox Bible, to the 84 books ofthe Eastern Orthodox Bible. (article 10) a] 63 b] 65 c] 66
23. The first part of the Jewish Bible books - Torah means ____ (article 10)
A] prophecy b] teaching c] philosophy
24. The oldestsurviving Christian Bibles are Greek manuscripts from the ___ century (article 10)
a] 2nd b] 3rd c] 4th
25. During the ____ centuries following the establishmentofChristianity in the 1st century, Church Fathers
compiled the New Testament. (article 10) a] three b] five c] six
BSQ 1 contd page 2/- pto
BSQ – page 2/-
26. Actually the Bible is a collection of writings from about forty contributors, ____ in the Old Testament and
___ in the New Testament. (article 11) a] twenty/twenty b] thirty/ten c] twentyfive/fifteen
27. The Psalms are a collection of the works of several authors, of whom _____, the "sweet singer of Israel",
is the best known. (article 11) a] Solomon b] David c] Moses
28. The prophets transmit God's message to humans, while many of the Psalms articulate ____ of people to
God (article 11). A] joys b] prayers c] cries
29. The eternal God is the ______ author of the Bible. (article 11) A] important b] primary c] secondary
30. A second set of booklets had been assembled through the years, and these were given the name
Apocrypha (meaning _____). (article 12) a] extra b] hidden c] discovered
31. First Maccabees is an _____ of the struggle of the Maccabee family and their followers for Jewish
independence from 167 to 134 BC. (article 12) a] dramatic account b] imaginary account c] historical account
32. Since neither Jesus nor the apostles make any reference to the apocryphal books, most Christians have
regarded their authority as ____to that of the 39 books of the Old Testament. (article 12)
a] doubtful b] minimal c] secondary
33. In ______ in an obscure cave westofthe Dead Sea, Bedouin shepherds discovered some scrolls carefully
placed in ten tall jars. (article 13) a] 1947 b] 1965 c] 1977
34. The new founds of Dead Scrolls provided _____ for the genuineness ofGod's revelation as given to us in
the Bible (article 13) a] partial support b] moral support c] convincing support
35. The Bible scholars are having intense debates aboutsome ofthe Dead Scroll texts. For example, some
new Bible translations have added approximately ____ words to the end of1 Samuel 10. (article 13)
a] 120 b] 70 c] 60
36. God’s natural revelation can only give _____ knowledge of the attributes of God. (article 14)
a] partial b] empty c] wrong
37. The immensity of the ___ shows God's unlimited greatness and powerfulness. (article 14)
a] stars b] life c] universe
38. No one is asked to believe the Bible is God's revelation without ____ that it is factual and true. (article 14)
a] evidence b] faith c] struggle
39. The Word of God is recorded in man's languages, with all the ____ which that places upon the Scripture
(article 15) a] strengths b] attractions c] limitations
40. In the Bible the weights and measures and numbers are given in ____ as a general rule.(article 15)
a] exact figures b] round figures c] estimated figures
41. For God spoke through the prophets and through His Son, _____ human research unnecessary in any
field of human knowledge. (article 15) a] to make b] to stress c] not to make
42. People must be able to understand Scripture, and to do so they must have it in ____ (article 16).
a] their own language b] original language c] close to Greek language
43. When studying difficult passages ____ versions should be used (article 16)
a] only one b] more than one c] all
44. Without the Old Testament the New Testament ____ (article 17).
a] is of no use b] is meaningless c] would be difficult to understand
45. Today we do not go to the Old Testament to learn what to do to be saved and how to ____ God. (article
17) a] worship b] obey c] follow
46. So we see here the New Testament is a better covenantwith ____ promises. (article 17)
a] better b] greater c] final
47. If we try to justify ourselves by the Old Testament we will ___ and will be lost.(article 17)
a] fall from grace b] reject the grace c] prevent the grace
48. Every Christian should have ______ for the scientific method and accept its validity. (article 18)
a] great love b] great respect c] great desire
49. The Scientists who deny the existence ofsupernatural conclude that we gothere _____ and will end up in
nothingness. (article 18) a] for a purpose b] to live life fully c] by chance
50. When it comes to miracles, itis fair to conclude that they lie outside ofscience, butare ____ science.
(article 18) a] contrary to b] against c] not opposed to
Best feedbacks will be published in the gem facebook – ref. answer sheet
(Questions for this BSQ 2 are chosen from the articles of BIBLE STUDY – part 2 (articles 19 to 35) from the
You have to simply tick (a,b or c) the correct answers in the answer sheet given separately).
1] Two of the commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and ___ a] 12 b] 40 c] 3
2] The number ____ is thought to be the number of man. a] 24 b] 12 c] 6
3] Students of the Bible have generally grouped the leading topics treated in the Bible under ___ main heads.
a] 2 b] 4 c] 8
4] God in his dynamic and creative essence resolved to create the universe and ______.
a] rule over it b] blessed it c] delighted in it
5] Pentateuch the first five books ofthe bible. The name Pentateuch derived from ____ language
a] Hebrew b] Arabic c] Persian
6] Moses’ education involved ___ years in the luxury of the Pharaoh's palace (to learn how to lead and
govern). aA] 30 b] 40 c] 50
7] If the Bible were a house, the Pentateuch would be the _____ from which everything else is built.
a] cornerstone b] foundation c] layout
8] In the story of the old Farmer, grandpa was up early sitting _____ reading his BIBLE.
a] in the garden b] on the sofa c] at the kitchen table
9] At the end ofthe same story, the boy looked atthe basketand for the first time realized that the basketwas
____. a] broken b] old c] different
10] God inspired Moses to write the ____ and prevented him from making any errors. a] truth b] facts c]
11] The authors ofGenesis seems to have picked up partoftheir story from ____ legends ofthe creation and
early history of humanity. a] Hindu b] ancient c] Jewish
12] The ____ creation stories at the start of Genesis were also apparently heavily influenced by Pagan
writings from Mesopotamia. a] four b] two c] three
13] In Hebrew ‘Torah’ means ____ a] fight b] discover c] teach
14] The earliestname for the first part ofthe Bible seems to have been "The Torah of ___".
a] Abraham b] Moses c] Adam
15] _____ usually refer to the first five books ofthe Hebrew Bible as the Pentateuch, a term first used in the
Hellenistic Judaism of Alexandria. a] scholars b] scientists c] educationists
16] Interpreting the Bible is known as Hermeneutics, which comes from the ____ Word interpret.
a] Hebrew b] Latin c] Greek
17] Literal interpretation asserts that a biblical textis to be interpreted according to the ____ conveyed by its
grammatical construction and historical context. a] complex meaning b] plain meaning c] hidden meaning
18] The problem ofconflictbetween scripture and _____does notface the Catholic Church alone, but
everybody who strives to believe the Bible is God’s Word. a] science b] history c] politics
19] Evolution as proposed by Darwin is a fact, and that this fact ______ the Bible.
a] agrees with b] denies c] contradicts
20] The Bible is one book. Itis the Holy Spirit inspired written record ofGod's ____ plan for man's salvation.
a] pure b] complete c] master
21] It was through _____ that God setapart a family, and from that family a people to worship and fellowship
with God. a] Noah b] Abraham c] Moses
22] God broughtaboutthe birth of the nation of Israel’s people born to be God's holy possession and His
Bride, the Church ofthe ____ Covenant. a] Sinai b] Abrahimic c] Davidic
23] Genesis records the ____ ofour first parents and Revelation the wedding feastof the Lamb and His Bride,
the Church. a] marriage b] sin c] disobedience
24] That ____ the author of the Bible has always been the position ofthe Catholic Church
a] prophets are b] holy men are c] God is
25] For no prophecy ever came from human initiative. When people spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that
moved them. Who wrote this? a] St Paul b] St Peter c] St John
26] The traditional view was that Moses wrote the Book ofGenesis between ___ BCE.
a] between 1446 and 1406 b] 1646 and 1706 c] 1205 and 1245
BSQ 2..contd page 2/
BSQ 2/contd page 2
27] Exactly how many different sources were used and how many authors or editors were involved in writing
the Pentateuch is ____. a] clear b] notimportant c] a matter ofdebate
28] The Pentateuch probably existed in something like its currentform by the ___ century BCE
a] 6th b] 4th c] 5th
29] Genesis – 1 to 11 - From this one family come all the nations of the world, leading eventually to a man
named ___. a] Moses b] Isaac c] Abraham
30] Gen. 12-25 - Abraham’s son Isaac inherits the ____ and the blessings that go with it.
A] property b] covenant c] temple
31] Genesis 37-50: Joseph, Jacob's son, is sold by his ____ into slavery in Egyptwhere he acquires a great
deal ofpower. a] brothers b] neighbours c] parents
32] A covenantis a contract or treaty between God and humans, either with all humans or with one specific
group like God's ____. a] gentiles b] chosen people c] aliens
33] Genesis starts out with God creating everything, including existence itself, and throughoutGenesis God
asserts his authority over creation by ____ whatever fails to live up to his expectations.
a] forgiving b] changing c] destroying
34. God has no particular ____ to anything created exceptthat which he decides to offer.
a] greatness b] obligations c] power
35] The ____ of humanity is a theme which starts in Genesis and continues throughoutthe Bible.
a] greatness b] disobedience c] imperfection
36] Fortunately, the existence ofa few people here and there who do live up to some ofGod's expectations
has prevented the _____ of our species. a] extermination b] exploitation c] suffering
37] The book ofExodus tells the story ofhow one who reveals himselfas “I am _____”
a] who I am b] mighty God c] the Savior.
38] This same God rescues Moses atbirth; though Moses commits murder and runs away, God calls him and
appoints him to ___ Pharaoh. a] praise b] challenge c] convert
39] Moses and Aaron and the ____ ofIsrael ascend the mountain, behold God, and eat and drink in his
presence. a] priests b] friends c] elders
40] Nonetheless, in a crisis typical ofrevolutions, the people manufacture a ___ like the one they were familiar
with in the slave-house ofEgypt. a] god b] king c] leader
41] The book ofExodus concludes with the construction of the ____; YHWH’s glory descends to fill it(35-40).
a] cave b] Temple c] Tabernacle
42] Exodus lays a foundational ____ in which God reveals his name, his attributes, his redemption, his law
and how he is to be worshiped. a] education b] theory c] theology
43] Book ofexodus also reports the appointmentand work of ____ as the mediator ofthe Sinaitic covenant.
a] Abraham b] Moses c] Aron
44] Thus to know God’s “name” is to know him and to know his ____. a] power b] character c] mercy
45] The book ofexodus is the accountofGod’s gracious renewal ofthat covenantafter Israel’s blatant
unfaithfulness to it in their _____. a] worship b] relations c] obedience
46] The “tabernacle” symbolizes God is notonly mighty in Israel’s behalf; he is also presentin the nation’s
____. a] victory b] suffering c] midst
47] The story in the book ofexodus proceeds along epic lines, with a cosmic confrontation between _____.
a] god and devil b] good and evil c] divine and human
48] Like many epics, Exodus is also the story ofthe founding of a ____. a] nation b] government c]
49] Since Moses is a national leader, Exodus is also unified by its focus on Israel as the ______.
a] people ofGod b] suffering nation c] chosen race
50] The central message ofExodus is thatGod’s people are saved for God’s ____. a] love b] glory c] power
Next Quiz - BQ 11
In the month of June 2016, as usual 4th
Sunday. Start preparing Mark chs 10 to
16 and Letter to Thessalonians.
(Questions for this BSQ 3 are chosen from the articles of BIBLE STUDY – part 3 (articles 36 to 53) from our
church website – You have to simply tick (a,b or c) the correct answers in the
answer sheet given separately).
1] Some ofthe laws in Leviticus were for the Levites in particular because the laws were ____ on how to
conductworship ofGod. a] guidelines b] instructions c] commands
2] Leviticus has _____ number of chapters. a] 23 b] 25 c] 27
3] Mostscholars agree that Leviticus was probably written during the ___ century BCE.
a] 6th century BC 2] 3rd century BC 3] 2ND century BC
4] ____ 19:6 called Israel to be “a kingdom ofpriests and a holy nation.”
a] Exodus b] Genesis c] Numbers
5] Their tendency to hold on to polytheism and pagan ritual is witnessed in the wilderness wanderings, e.g.,
when they worshiped the ___ (cf. Ex. 32). a] the stone b] golden calf c] baals
6] The people ofIsrael stay at the footof Sinai, the mountain where God came down to give His ___ (25:1;
26:46; 27:34). a] love b] mercy c] law
7] The Book ofNumbers is the fourth book ofthe Hebrew Bible, and the ____ of five books ofthe Jewish
Torah. a] second b] third c] fourth
8] When Israelites begin the journey to promised land, they "murmur" againstthe hardships and authorities.
Therefore, God destroys approximately ___ ofthem through various means.
a] 15,000 b] 50, 000 c] 80,000
9] The book of____ is the culmination ofthe story of Israel's exodus from oppression in Egypt and their
journey to take possession ofthe land God promised their fathers. a] Genesis b] Leviticus c] Numbers
10] The second census,in Numbers Chapter 26, counted the men ____ and older who could serve in the
army. Planning is wise if we face a major task. a] 10 years b] 20 years c] 30 years
11] Canaan was the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Jewish people grew in
numbers during their ___ years ofslavery in Egypt. a] 300 b] 400 c] 600
12] Numbers 15:1-21:35 - For ___ years the people wander in the desertuntil the faithless generation is
consumed. a] 40 b] 60 c] 80
13] Deuteronomy means ______ a] second law b] God’ law ] Law of Moses
14] Deuteronomy is a stern reminder that God is worthy of worship and obedience.His laws are given to us
for our _____, not as punishment. a] guidance b] encouragement c] protection
15] Deuteronomy is the last of the five books ofMoses. These God-inspired accounts begin at Creation and
end with the death of _____. a] Moses b] Abraham c] Joshua
16] Looking back, the people were able to see how rejecting God always brought___ upon them.
a] suffering b] calamity c] curse
17] A contract, or covenant, requires obedience, and God expects nothing less.
a] prayer b] obedience c] faith
18] Moses Continues his ___ Speech with Warnings and Encouragement - Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20.
a] third b] second c] first
19] Its ___chapters tell ofthe entry of the Israelites into Canaan, their conquestand division ofthe land under
the leadership of Joshua, and ofserving God in the land. a] 18 b] 22 c] 24
20] Although tradition holds that the book was written by Joshua, itis probable thatit was written by ___
editors and authors far removed from the times it depicts. a] multiple b] five c] three
21] The book ofJoshua describes the conquestand possession ofthe land of Canaan and may be divided
into ___ simple divisions. a] five b] four c] three
22] Joshua was chosen to be Moses ___ and the one to finally lead the Israelites to the promised land and
that is what the book ofJoshua is about. a] helper b] spokesman c] successor
23] In the book ofJoshua God tells us two things aboutsuccess. The first is that we will not find success until
we ___ God. a] follow b] believe c] love
24] He isn't talked aboutas much as other people in the Bible like Moses etc, but___ was one ofthe best
examples ofa leader in the Bible. a] David b] Joshua c[ Noah
BSQ 3..contd page 2/
BSQ 3/contd page 2
25] The book ofJudges is notreally aboutthe judges who held courtin Israel, but it is aboutthe God of____.
a] power b] love c] vengeance
26] Without God reigning in our ____, our lives are destined to become as disastrous as the characters ofthis
book. (Judges). a] life b] minds c] hearts
27] So as you read (Judges), look for the sins you have in common with the characters and ask yourselfwhat
would happen if you were to give full reign to every _____. a] passion b] problem c] demand
28] There are ____ major themes in the book ofJudges. a] five b] four c] three
29] The time Judges was a time ofreligious compromise. ____ was rampant, affecting even some ofthe
judges (Gideon). a] adultery b] robbery c] idolatry
30] In the book ofJudges 2 emotional responses are evoked from the Lord. Firstis anger and second is ____
a] joy b] compassion c] love
31] The book ofRuth tells the extraordinary story ofGod’s faithfulness to Israel in the life and work of___
ordinary people. a] six b] five c] three
32] The events in the book ofRuth take place atthe time ofthe festival ofthe ___ harvest (Ruth
1:22; 2:17, 23; 3:2, 15, 17)... a] grape b] barley c] wheat
33] God bestows his blessing of______ through human labor (“fruits of your labor”).
a] productivity b] health c] happiness
34] The book ofRuth was written sometime after 1010 B.C., since that was when ___ took the throne of
Israel. a] Saul b] Samuel c] David
35] ____ is one ofthe key themes ofthis book. a] faithfulness b] forgiveness c] courage
36] Finally, God took care ofall of them, blessing Ruth and Boaz with a child they named Obed, who
became the ____ of David. a] father b] grandfather c] uncle
37] Samuel bridges the gap between the period ofthe Judges and the monarchy, and guides Israel’s
transition to ____. a] kingship b] democracy c] lordship
38] In each section, 1 and 2 Samuel focuses on a major figure in the developmentofthe monarchy:
Samuel, the reluctant king maker (1 Sm 1–12); Saul, the king whom the Lord rejects (1 Sm 13–31); David,
the king after the Lord’s own ____ (2 Sm 1–24). a] will b] nation c] heart
39] A common theme unites the narratives of Sam. 1 and 2 : Israel’s God acts justly, prospering those who
remain faithful and destroying those who ___ his ways (1 Sm 2:9). a] betray b] reject c] deny
40] Saul has ____faults which make him unfit for the office of king: a] four b] three c] two
41] God enters into an eternal covenant(treaty) with David and his line, promising ____ protection ofthe
dynasty and of Jerusalem through all time. a] strong b] divine c] everlasting
42] The worst of the kings was Ahab, who along with his queen Jezebel, encouraged the worship of Baal, the
Canaanite ____ and his female consortAshtoreth. a] moon-god b] star-god c] sun-god
43] The true author of the Books of1 and 2 Kings is ______. a] unknown b] Jeremiah c] Elijah
44] First Kings opens describing the ____ of King David (around 971 BC) and the conspiracies surrounding
his succession. a] final days b] glorious days c] difficultdays
45] In addition to performing other miracles, Elijah won a dramatic ____ with false prophets on MountCarmel
(18:1–46). a] treaty b] judgment c] confrontation
46] The Book of2 Kings, along with 1 Kings, was likely written between ____.
a] 560-540 B.C. b] 1000-1200 B.C. c] 1200-1400 BC
47] The Northern Kingdom ofIsrael is eventually destroyed by the Assyrians, and about___ years later the
Southern Kingdom ofJudah is destroyed by the Babylonians. a] 250 b] 136 c] 88
48] There are ____ prominentthemes presentin the Book of2 Kings. a] five b] four c] three
49] Ezra, the priest, traditionally considered the author of the _____. a] Chronicles b] 1 Kings c] 2 Kings
50] After the genealogies, 1 Chronicles briefly sums up the life ofIsrael's first king, Saul, then begins a lengthy
account ofthe life of_____. a] King Solomon b] King David c] ProphetSamuel
Name: __________________________________________SC NO._________MARKS OUT OF 50________
Simply mark √ or X on the correctanswer. After once ticking, if you want to change the answer, cancel the
answer ticked, and write the correct alphabet in the blank column (last column).
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50 a b c
How did you benefit from your participation in today’s Bible Study Quiz-part 1? Write a few sentences. Use
reverse page if needed. Best feedbacks will be published in gem face book
ANSWERS to BSQ PART 1 (articles 1 to 18)
1] b 2] a 3] b 4] c 5] a 6] a 7] b 8] b 9] c 10] a 11] b 12] a 13] b 14] a 15] b 16] c 17] c 18] b 19] b
20] a 21] a 22] c 23] b 24] c 25] a 26] b 27] b 28] c 29] b 30] b 31] c 32] c 33] a 34] c 35] b 36] a 37]
c 38] a 39] c 40] b 41] c 42] a 43] b 44]c 45] a 46] a 47] a 48] b 49] c 50]
ANSWERS FOR PART BSQ PART 2 (articles 19 to 35)
1] b 2] c 3] a 4] c 5] a 6] b 7] b 8] c 9] c 10] a 11] a 12] b 13] c 14] b 15] a 16] c 17] b 18] a 19] c
20] c 21] b 22] a 23] a 24] c 25] b 26] a 27] c 28] b 29] c 30] b 31] a 32] b 33] c 34] b 35] c 36] a
37] a 38] b 39] c 40] a 41] c 42] c 43] b 44] b 45] a 46] c 47] b 48] a 49] a 50] b
ANSWERS FOR PART 3 (articles 36 to 53)
1] b 2] c 3] a 4] a 5] b 6] c 7] c 8] a 9] c 10] b 11] b 12] a 13] a 14] c 15] a 16] b 17] b 18] a 19] c 20]
a 21] c 22] c 23] a 24] b 25] b 26] c 27] a 28] a 29] c 30] b 31] c 32] b 33] a 34] c 35] a 36] b 37] a
38] c 39] b 40] c 41] b 42] c 43] a 44] a 45] c 46] a 47] b 48] c 49] a 50] b

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Bible study quiz set 1

  • 1. INTRODUCTION You maybe a religiousleader (priest, nun etc) or just a lay person who would like to do your bit to proclaim the Word of God to your parishioners or any other group. Here is an opportunity for you. The following Bible Study Quiz (BSQ) is prepared from BIBLE STUDY ARTICLES from website. You can ask well in advance the participants to visit – - BIBLE STUDY ARTICLES (1 to 3 parts) and read these articles, and come prepared. Theobjectivetype (just to ticka, b or c) BSQ questions on thispart of the articles (with 50 questions) are given later pages in this file. To make you easier to conduct this quiz, the answers are given on the last page below. Since answers are already in public domain, you are free to use your own ideas (like replacing the questions at random etc) so that participantsdonot simply learn their answers by heart from the website (tell the participants in advance about your plan of replacing the questions). A sample blank answer sheet is also is available at the end in this file. Besides following this method of quiz, you may conduct this quiz in many other creative ways like group quiz, oral quiz etc. If preparing for BSQ by reading 18 articles is too much, you can prepare the quiz part by part. ALSO SEE BIBLE QUEST SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE AND CONDUCT MONTHLY BIBLE QUIZ FOR YOUR PARISHIONERS/GROUPS
  • 2. Fr Felix Rebello BIBLE STUDY QUIZ –part 1(BSQ) (Questions for this BSQ are chosen from the articles of BIBLE STUDY – part 1 (articles 1 to 18) from our church website. After each question, article no. reference is given for you to cross check your answers. You have to simply tick (a,b or c) the correct answers in the answer sheet given separately). 1. During the centuries following Jesus' _____, these were collected together to form the Bible. (article 1) a] death on the cross b] ascension into Heaven c] life on earth. 2. Bible is also available in English in many different translations, from the King James Version of____ to the modern, everyday language translations (article 1) a] 1611 b] 1800 c] 1921 3. The Old Testament was originally written in ____ and the New Testament in Greek. (article 2) a] Aramaic b] Hebrew c] English 4. The New American Standard Bible, for example, was translated over 10 years, by over ___ scholars and was first published in 1962 AD. (article 2) a] 85 b] 65 c] 45 5. Translation is a reliable science ofcommunicating between different____ (article 2). A] languages b] persons c] nations 6. It was from the Catholic Church that the Protestants ofthe ____ century took their Bible and also their belief in its divine inspiration.(article 3) a] 16th b] 17th c] 18th 7. It was only in ___ A.D. that the Council of Carthage finally decided which books belong to the Bible, and it was aboutthis time, too, that the books ofthe Bible were combined into one volume. (article 3) a] 450 B] 397 C] 557 8. Paul used the Greek word "theopneustos" for the idea ofinspiration. This Greek word is composed of "theos," meaning God, and "pneo," meaning to _____ (article 4) a] spirit b] breath c] study 9. In writing ofbible in mostcases the minds ofthe writers became the laboratory in which God converted His _____, as it were, into human language. (article 4) a] thoughts b] wisdom c] breath 10. Human and Divine sides ofthe ____ are expressed in the Scriptural language: ‘Holy men ofGod spake as they were moved (borne along) by the Holy Spirit.’ (2 Pet. 1:21). (article 4) a] truth b] love b] justice 11. Bible is both authoritative and ____ (article 5) a] powerless b] historical c] fragile 12. A simple and obvious example ofthe need for contextin any work is found in the fact that the words, "there is no God", are found ___ times throughout the Bible (NIV). (article 5) a] 15 b] 18 c] 24 13] Understanding and applying what you read in the bible is _____. (article 5) A] easy b] sometimes easy sometimes hard c] hard 14. Fundamentalist Christians have the utterly mistaken idea that the Bible is ______ (article 6). a] perfect b] imperfect c] false 15. "There are at least___ different authors, who wrote in three continents, in many countries, in three languages, and from every possible human standpoint. (article 6) a] 23 b] 36 c] 42 16. The much of the history ofthe Bible may be divided up into simple segments around the lifetimes of____ important Biblical figures (article 7) a] two b] three c] five 17. The general, simplified Biblical date connected with David is _____: (article 7) a] 2000 b] 1500 c] 1000 18. Understanding the context is important because ithelps us to understand the _____ of God clearly and accurately. (article 8) a] nature b] message c] power 19. When studying the books ofthe Bible, itis important to look notonly at the information a book contains but also at the ____ that the author has used. (Article 9) a] history b] literary form c] poems 20. Compare 1 Sam 1.1-28 and 1 Sam 2.1-10. These passages from the same book use ____ different kinds of writing. (article 9) a] two b] three c] five 21. The kind of literature used can give ____ about what the author was trying to say (article 9). A] clues b] clarity c] ideas 22. Complete Christian Bibles range from the ___ books of the Protestant canon to the 81 books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible, to the 84 books ofthe Eastern Orthodox Bible. (article 10) a] 63 b] 65 c] 66 23. The first part of the Jewish Bible books - Torah means ____ (article 10) A] prophecy b] teaching c] philosophy 24. The oldestsurviving Christian Bibles are Greek manuscripts from the ___ century (article 10)
  • 3. a] 2nd b] 3rd c] 4th 25. During the ____ centuries following the establishmentofChristianity in the 1st century, Church Fathers compiled the New Testament. (article 10) a] three b] five c] six BSQ 1 contd page 2/- pto BSQ – page 2/- 26. Actually the Bible is a collection of writings from about forty contributors, ____ in the Old Testament and ___ in the New Testament. (article 11) a] twenty/twenty b] thirty/ten c] twentyfive/fifteen 27. The Psalms are a collection of the works of several authors, of whom _____, the "sweet singer of Israel", is the best known. (article 11) a] Solomon b] David c] Moses 28. The prophets transmit God's message to humans, while many of the Psalms articulate ____ of people to God (article 11). A] joys b] prayers c] cries 29. The eternal God is the ______ author of the Bible. (article 11) A] important b] primary c] secondary 30. A second set of booklets had been assembled through the years, and these were given the name Apocrypha (meaning _____). (article 12) a] extra b] hidden c] discovered 31. First Maccabees is an _____ of the struggle of the Maccabee family and their followers for Jewish independence from 167 to 134 BC. (article 12) a] dramatic account b] imaginary account c] historical account 32. Since neither Jesus nor the apostles make any reference to the apocryphal books, most Christians have regarded their authority as ____to that of the 39 books of the Old Testament. (article 12) a] doubtful b] minimal c] secondary 33. In ______ in an obscure cave westofthe Dead Sea, Bedouin shepherds discovered some scrolls carefully placed in ten tall jars. (article 13) a] 1947 b] 1965 c] 1977 34. The new founds of Dead Scrolls provided _____ for the genuineness ofGod's revelation as given to us in the Bible (article 13) a] partial support b] moral support c] convincing support 35. The Bible scholars are having intense debates aboutsome ofthe Dead Scroll texts. For example, some new Bible translations have added approximately ____ words to the end of1 Samuel 10. (article 13) a] 120 b] 70 c] 60 36. God’s natural revelation can only give _____ knowledge of the attributes of God. (article 14) a] partial b] empty c] wrong 37. The immensity of the ___ shows God's unlimited greatness and powerfulness. (article 14) a] stars b] life c] universe 38. No one is asked to believe the Bible is God's revelation without ____ that it is factual and true. (article 14) a] evidence b] faith c] struggle 39. The Word of God is recorded in man's languages, with all the ____ which that places upon the Scripture (article 15) a] strengths b] attractions c] limitations 40. In the Bible the weights and measures and numbers are given in ____ as a general rule.(article 15) a] exact figures b] round figures c] estimated figures 41. For God spoke through the prophets and through His Son, _____ human research unnecessary in any field of human knowledge. (article 15) a] to make b] to stress c] not to make 42. People must be able to understand Scripture, and to do so they must have it in ____ (article 16). a] their own language b] original language c] close to Greek language 43. When studying difficult passages ____ versions should be used (article 16) a] only one b] more than one c] all 44. Without the Old Testament the New Testament ____ (article 17). a] is of no use b] is meaningless c] would be difficult to understand 45. Today we do not go to the Old Testament to learn what to do to be saved and how to ____ God. (article 17) a] worship b] obey c] follow 46. So we see here the New Testament is a better covenantwith ____ promises. (article 17) a] better b] greater c] final 47. If we try to justify ourselves by the Old Testament we will ___ and will be lost.(article 17) a] fall from grace b] reject the grace c] prevent the grace 48. Every Christian should have ______ for the scientific method and accept its validity. (article 18) a] great love b] great respect c] great desire 49. The Scientists who deny the existence ofsupernatural conclude that we gothere _____ and will end up in nothingness. (article 18) a] for a purpose b] to live life fully c] by chance
  • 4. 50. When it comes to miracles, itis fair to conclude that they lie outside ofscience, butare ____ science. (article 18) a] contrary to b] against c] not opposed to Best feedbacks will be published in the gem facebook – ref. answer sheet BIBLE STUDY QUIZ (BSQ) – Part 2 (Questions for this BSQ 2 are chosen from the articles of BIBLE STUDY – part 2 (articles 19 to 35) from the website BIBLE STUDY SECTION. You have to simply tick (a,b or c) the correct answers in the answer sheet given separately). 1] Two of the commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and ___ a] 12 b] 40 c] 3 2] The number ____ is thought to be the number of man. a] 24 b] 12 c] 6 3] Students of the Bible have generally grouped the leading topics treated in the Bible under ___ main heads. a] 2 b] 4 c] 8 4] God in his dynamic and creative essence resolved to create the universe and ______. a] rule over it b] blessed it c] delighted in it 5] Pentateuch the first five books ofthe bible. The name Pentateuch derived from ____ language a] Hebrew b] Arabic c] Persian 6] Moses’ education involved ___ years in the luxury of the Pharaoh's palace (to learn how to lead and govern). aA] 30 b] 40 c] 50 7] If the Bible were a house, the Pentateuch would be the _____ from which everything else is built. a] cornerstone b] foundation c] layout 8] In the story of the old Farmer, grandpa was up early sitting _____ reading his BIBLE. a] in the garden b] on the sofa c] at the kitchen table 9] At the end ofthe same story, the boy looked atthe basketand for the first time realized that the basketwas ____. a] broken b] old c] different 10] God inspired Moses to write the ____ and prevented him from making any errors. a] truth b] facts c] story 11] The authors ofGenesis seems to have picked up partoftheir story from ____ legends ofthe creation and early history of humanity. a] Hindu b] ancient c] Jewish 12] The ____ creation stories at the start of Genesis were also apparently heavily influenced by Pagan writings from Mesopotamia. a] four b] two c] three 13] In Hebrew ‘Torah’ means ____ a] fight b] discover c] teach 14] The earliestname for the first part ofthe Bible seems to have been "The Torah of ___". a] Abraham b] Moses c] Adam 15] _____ usually refer to the first five books ofthe Hebrew Bible as the Pentateuch, a term first used in the Hellenistic Judaism of Alexandria. a] scholars b] scientists c] educationists 16] Interpreting the Bible is known as Hermeneutics, which comes from the ____ Word interpret. a] Hebrew b] Latin c] Greek 17] Literal interpretation asserts that a biblical textis to be interpreted according to the ____ conveyed by its grammatical construction and historical context. a] complex meaning b] plain meaning c] hidden meaning 18] The problem ofconflictbetween scripture and _____does notface the Catholic Church alone, but everybody who strives to believe the Bible is God’s Word. a] science b] history c] politics 19] Evolution as proposed by Darwin is a fact, and that this fact ______ the Bible. a] agrees with b] denies c] contradicts 20] The Bible is one book. Itis the Holy Spirit inspired written record ofGod's ____ plan for man's salvation. a] pure b] complete c] master 21] It was through _____ that God setapart a family, and from that family a people to worship and fellowship with God. a] Noah b] Abraham c] Moses 22] God broughtaboutthe birth of the nation of Israel’s people born to be God's holy possession and His Bride, the Church ofthe ____ Covenant. a] Sinai b] Abrahimic c] Davidic 23] Genesis records the ____ ofour first parents and Revelation the wedding feastof the Lamb and His Bride, the Church. a] marriage b] sin c] disobedience 24] That ____ the author of the Bible has always been the position ofthe Catholic Church a] prophets are b] holy men are c] God is
  • 5. 25] For no prophecy ever came from human initiative. When people spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them. Who wrote this? a] St Paul b] St Peter c] St John 26] The traditional view was that Moses wrote the Book ofGenesis between ___ BCE. a] between 1446 and 1406 b] 1646 and 1706 c] 1205 and 1245 BSQ 2..contd page 2/ BSQ 2/contd page 2 27] Exactly how many different sources were used and how many authors or editors were involved in writing the Pentateuch is ____. a] clear b] notimportant c] a matter ofdebate 28] The Pentateuch probably existed in something like its currentform by the ___ century BCE a] 6th b] 4th c] 5th 29] Genesis – 1 to 11 - From this one family come all the nations of the world, leading eventually to a man named ___. a] Moses b] Isaac c] Abraham 30] Gen. 12-25 - Abraham’s son Isaac inherits the ____ and the blessings that go with it. A] property b] covenant c] temple 31] Genesis 37-50: Joseph, Jacob's son, is sold by his ____ into slavery in Egyptwhere he acquires a great deal ofpower. a] brothers b] neighbours c] parents 32] A covenantis a contract or treaty between God and humans, either with all humans or with one specific group like God's ____. a] gentiles b] chosen people c] aliens 33] Genesis starts out with God creating everything, including existence itself, and throughoutGenesis God asserts his authority over creation by ____ whatever fails to live up to his expectations. a] forgiving b] changing c] destroying 34. God has no particular ____ to anything created exceptthat which he decides to offer. a] greatness b] obligations c] power 35] The ____ of humanity is a theme which starts in Genesis and continues throughoutthe Bible. a] greatness b] disobedience c] imperfection 36] Fortunately, the existence ofa few people here and there who do live up to some ofGod's expectations has prevented the _____ of our species. a] extermination b] exploitation c] suffering 37] The book ofExodus tells the story ofhow one who reveals himselfas “I am _____” a] who I am b] mighty God c] the Savior. 38] This same God rescues Moses atbirth; though Moses commits murder and runs away, God calls him and appoints him to ___ Pharaoh. a] praise b] challenge c] convert 39] Moses and Aaron and the ____ ofIsrael ascend the mountain, behold God, and eat and drink in his presence. a] priests b] friends c] elders 40] Nonetheless, in a crisis typical ofrevolutions, the people manufacture a ___ like the one they were familiar with in the slave-house ofEgypt. a] god b] king c] leader 41] The book ofExodus concludes with the construction of the ____; YHWH’s glory descends to fill it(35-40). a] cave b] Temple c] Tabernacle 42] Exodus lays a foundational ____ in which God reveals his name, his attributes, his redemption, his law and how he is to be worshiped. a] education b] theory c] theology 43] Book ofexodus also reports the appointmentand work of ____ as the mediator ofthe Sinaitic covenant. a] Abraham b] Moses c] Aron 44] Thus to know God’s “name” is to know him and to know his ____. a] power b] character c] mercy 45] The book ofexodus is the accountofGod’s gracious renewal ofthat covenantafter Israel’s blatant unfaithfulness to it in their _____. a] worship b] relations c] obedience 46] The “tabernacle” symbolizes God is notonly mighty in Israel’s behalf; he is also presentin the nation’s ____. a] victory b] suffering c] midst 47] The story in the book ofexodus proceeds along epic lines, with a cosmic confrontation between _____. a] god and devil b] good and evil c] divine and human 48] Like many epics, Exodus is also the story ofthe founding of a ____. a] nation b] government c] kingship 49] Since Moses is a national leader, Exodus is also unified by its focus on Israel as the ______. a] people ofGod b] suffering nation c] chosen race
  • 6. 50] The central message ofExodus is thatGod’s people are saved for God’s ____. a] love b] glory c] power Next Quiz - BQ 11 In the month of June 2016, as usual 4th Sunday. Start preparing Mark chs 10 to 16 and Letter to Thessalonians. BIBLE STUDY QUIZ (BSQ) – Part 3 (Questions for this BSQ 3 are chosen from the articles of BIBLE STUDY – part 3 (articles 36 to 53) from our church website – You have to simply tick (a,b or c) the correct answers in the answer sheet given separately). 1] Some ofthe laws in Leviticus were for the Levites in particular because the laws were ____ on how to conductworship ofGod. a] guidelines b] instructions c] commands 2] Leviticus has _____ number of chapters. a] 23 b] 25 c] 27 3] Mostscholars agree that Leviticus was probably written during the ___ century BCE. a] 6th century BC 2] 3rd century BC 3] 2ND century BC 4] ____ 19:6 called Israel to be “a kingdom ofpriests and a holy nation.” a] Exodus b] Genesis c] Numbers 5] Their tendency to hold on to polytheism and pagan ritual is witnessed in the wilderness wanderings, e.g., when they worshiped the ___ (cf. Ex. 32). a] the stone b] golden calf c] baals 6] The people ofIsrael stay at the footof Sinai, the mountain where God came down to give His ___ (25:1; 26:46; 27:34). a] love b] mercy c] law 7] The Book ofNumbers is the fourth book ofthe Hebrew Bible, and the ____ of five books ofthe Jewish Torah. a] second b] third c] fourth 8] When Israelites begin the journey to promised land, they "murmur" againstthe hardships and authorities. Therefore, God destroys approximately ___ ofthem through various means. a] 15,000 b] 50, 000 c] 80,000 9] The book of____ is the culmination ofthe story of Israel's exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession ofthe land God promised their fathers. a] Genesis b] Leviticus c] Numbers 10] The second census,in Numbers Chapter 26, counted the men ____ and older who could serve in the army. Planning is wise if we face a major task. a] 10 years b] 20 years c] 30 years 11] Canaan was the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Jewish people grew in numbers during their ___ years ofslavery in Egypt. a] 300 b] 400 c] 600 12] Numbers 15:1-21:35 - For ___ years the people wander in the desertuntil the faithless generation is consumed. a] 40 b] 60 c] 80 13] Deuteronomy means ______ a] second law b] God’ law ] Law of Moses 14] Deuteronomy is a stern reminder that God is worthy of worship and obedience.His laws are given to us for our _____, not as punishment. a] guidance b] encouragement c] protection 15] Deuteronomy is the last of the five books ofMoses. These God-inspired accounts begin at Creation and end with the death of _____. a] Moses b] Abraham c] Joshua 16] Looking back, the people were able to see how rejecting God always brought___ upon them. a] suffering b] calamity c] curse 17] A contract, or covenant, requires obedience, and God expects nothing less. a] prayer b] obedience c] faith 18] Moses Continues his ___ Speech with Warnings and Encouragement - Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20. a] third b] second c] first 19] Its ___chapters tell ofthe entry of the Israelites into Canaan, their conquestand division ofthe land under the leadership of Joshua, and ofserving God in the land. a] 18 b] 22 c] 24 20] Although tradition holds that the book was written by Joshua, itis probable thatit was written by ___ editors and authors far removed from the times it depicts. a] multiple b] five c] three 21] The book ofJoshua describes the conquestand possession ofthe land of Canaan and may be divided into ___ simple divisions. a] five b] four c] three
  • 7. 22] Joshua was chosen to be Moses ___ and the one to finally lead the Israelites to the promised land and that is what the book ofJoshua is about. a] helper b] spokesman c] successor 23] In the book ofJoshua God tells us two things aboutsuccess. The first is that we will not find success until we ___ God. a] follow b] believe c] love 24] He isn't talked aboutas much as other people in the Bible like Moses etc, but___ was one ofthe best examples ofa leader in the Bible. a] David b] Joshua c[ Noah BSQ 3..contd page 2/ BSQ 3/contd page 2 25] The book ofJudges is notreally aboutthe judges who held courtin Israel, but it is aboutthe God of____. a] power b] love c] vengeance 26] Without God reigning in our ____, our lives are destined to become as disastrous as the characters ofthis book. (Judges). a] life b] minds c] hearts 27] So as you read (Judges), look for the sins you have in common with the characters and ask yourselfwhat would happen if you were to give full reign to every _____. a] passion b] problem c] demand 28] There are ____ major themes in the book ofJudges. a] five b] four c] three 29] The time Judges was a time ofreligious compromise. ____ was rampant, affecting even some ofthe judges (Gideon). a] adultery b] robbery c] idolatry 30] In the book ofJudges 2 emotional responses are evoked from the Lord. Firstis anger and second is ____ a] joy b] compassion c] love 31] The book ofRuth tells the extraordinary story ofGod’s faithfulness to Israel in the life and work of___ ordinary people. a] six b] five c] three 32] The events in the book ofRuth take place atthe time ofthe festival ofthe ___ harvest (Ruth 1:22; 2:17, 23; 3:2, 15, 17)... a] grape b] barley c] wheat 33] God bestows his blessing of______ through human labor (“fruits of your labor”). a] productivity b] health c] happiness 34] The book ofRuth was written sometime after 1010 B.C., since that was when ___ took the throne of Israel. a] Saul b] Samuel c] David 35] ____ is one ofthe key themes ofthis book. a] faithfulness b] forgiveness c] courage 36] Finally, God took care ofall of them, blessing Ruth and Boaz with a child they named Obed, who became the ____ of David. a] father b] grandfather c] uncle 37] Samuel bridges the gap between the period ofthe Judges and the monarchy, and guides Israel’s transition to ____. a] kingship b] democracy c] lordship 38] In each section, 1 and 2 Samuel focuses on a major figure in the developmentofthe monarchy: Samuel, the reluctant king maker (1 Sm 1–12); Saul, the king whom the Lord rejects (1 Sm 13–31); David, the king after the Lord’s own ____ (2 Sm 1–24). a] will b] nation c] heart 39] A common theme unites the narratives of Sam. 1 and 2 : Israel’s God acts justly, prospering those who remain faithful and destroying those who ___ his ways (1 Sm 2:9). a] betray b] reject c] deny 40] Saul has ____faults which make him unfit for the office of king: a] four b] three c] two 41] God enters into an eternal covenant(treaty) with David and his line, promising ____ protection ofthe dynasty and of Jerusalem through all time. a] strong b] divine c] everlasting 42] The worst of the kings was Ahab, who along with his queen Jezebel, encouraged the worship of Baal, the Canaanite ____ and his female consortAshtoreth. a] moon-god b] star-god c] sun-god 43] The true author of the Books of1 and 2 Kings is ______. a] unknown b] Jeremiah c] Elijah 44] First Kings opens describing the ____ of King David (around 971 BC) and the conspiracies surrounding his succession. a] final days b] glorious days c] difficultdays 45] In addition to performing other miracles, Elijah won a dramatic ____ with false prophets on MountCarmel (18:1–46). a] treaty b] judgment c] confrontation 46] The Book of2 Kings, along with 1 Kings, was likely written between ____. a] 560-540 B.C. b] 1000-1200 B.C. c] 1200-1400 BC 47] The Northern Kingdom ofIsrael is eventually destroyed by the Assyrians, and about___ years later the Southern Kingdom ofJudah is destroyed by the Babylonians. a] 250 b] 136 c] 88 48] There are ____ prominentthemes presentin the Book of2 Kings. a] five b] four c] three
  • 8. 49] Ezra, the priest, traditionally considered the author of the _____. a] Chronicles b] 1 Kings c] 2 Kings 50] After the genealogies, 1 Chronicles briefly sums up the life ofIsrael's first king, Saul, then begins a lengthy account ofthe life of_____. a] King Solomon b] King David c] ProphetSamuel ANSWER SHEET FOR SAMPLE BIBLE STUDY part 1- QUIZ Name: __________________________________________SC NO._________MARKS OUT OF 50________ Answers Simply mark √ or X on the correctanswer. After once ticking, if you want to change the answer, cancel the answer ticked, and write the correct alphabet in the blank column (last column). 1 a b c 2 a b c 3 a b c 4 a b c 5 a b c 6 a b c 7 a b c 8 a b c 9 a b c 10 a b c 11 a b c 12 a b c 13 a b c 14 a b c 15 a b c 16 a b c 17 a b c 18 a b c 19 a b c 20 a b c 21 a b c 22 a b c 23 a b c 24 a b c 25 a b c 26 a b C 27 a b C 28 a b C 29 a b C 30 a b C 31 a b c 32 a b c 33 a b c 34 a b c 35 a b c 36 a b c 37 a b c 38 a b c 39 a b c 40 a b c 41 a b c 42 a b c 43 a b c 44 a b c 45 a b c 46 a b c 47 a b c 48 a b c 49 a b c 50 a b c
  • 9. GIVE YOUR GENUINE FEEDBACK How did you benefit from your participation in today’s Bible Study Quiz-part 1? Write a few sentences. Use reverse page if needed. Best feedbacks will be published in gem face book ANSWERS –BIBLE STUDY - PARTWISE ANSWERS to BSQ PART 1 (articles 1 to 18) 1] b 2] a 3] b 4] c 5] a 6] a 7] b 8] b 9] c 10] a 11] b 12] a 13] b 14] a 15] b 16] c 17] c 18] b 19] b 20] a 21] a 22] c 23] b 24] c 25] a 26] b 27] b 28] c 29] b 30] b 31] c 32] c 33] a 34] c 35] b 36] a 37] c 38] a 39] c 40] b 41] c 42] a 43] b 44]c 45] a 46] a 47] a 48] b 49] c 50] ANSWERS FOR PART BSQ PART 2 (articles 19 to 35) 1] b 2] c 3] a 4] c 5] a 6] b 7] b 8] c 9] c 10] a 11] a 12] b 13] c 14] b 15] a 16] c 17] b 18] a 19] c 20] c 21] b 22] a 23] a 24] c 25] b 26] a 27] c 28] b 29] c 30] b 31] a 32] b 33] c 34] b 35] c 36] a 37] a 38] b 39] c 40] a 41] c 42] c 43] b 44] b 45] a 46] c 47] b 48] a 49] a 50] b ANSWERS FOR PART 3 (articles 36 to 53) 1] b 2] c 3] a 4] a 5] b 6] c 7] c 8] a 9] c 10] b 11] b 12] a 13] a 14] c 15] a 16] b 17] b 18] a 19] c 20] a 21] c 22] c 23] a 24] b 25] b 26] c 27] a 28] a 29] c 30] b 31] c 32] b 33] a 34] c 35] a 36] b 37] a 38] c 39] b 40] c 41] b 42] c 43] a 44] a 45] c 46] a 47] b 48] c 49] a 50] b