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Below is class assignment I need this assignment to be
completed. Below are the instructions, the work that I have
turned in so far and my instructor’s comment saying that I am
not doing the assignment correctly. If you know how to do
proposals please respond. I will use plagiarism checker use
own words! Please mark where every week starts and end.
Week 1
BJB Manufacturing Company quality management initiative this
week. The presentation of the project is in Week Four. In Week
Five, Part IV—the Metrics Report—is due. Completing a rough
draft of each part of the final project during its assigned week is
strongly suggested.
Part I of the Learning Team assignment focuses on preparing a
total quality approach for BJB Manufacturing Company.
JB Manufacturing Company produces high-end compact disc
(CD) changers for the automobile aftermarket, which at this
time has no quality program. The president of BJB wants his
company to become the premier producer of high-end CD
changers for the new car and aftermarket segments of the
overall market. It is important to note that BJB is attempting to
penetrate a new market segment in doing this. The leadership of
BJB must ascertain the precise quality requirements of all new
car manufacturers. The chairman of the strategic planning
committee has designated five members of the committee to
serve as a task force for submission of recommendations to
revise the Strategic Plan. BJB must also insure that all
vendors/suppliers are cognizant of the quality standards of BJB
and the new car manufacturers.
For this course, your Learning Team represents the newly
formed task force and is required to complete a series of
assignments related to developing a total quality management
program for the BJB chairman of the Strategic Planning
Committee. Your final project consists of a 2800-to 3,650-word
BJB Total Quality Management Program due in Week Five.
Here is a list of components contained in your BJB Quality
Management Program proposal:
· Week 2, Part I: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Initiative Proposal
· Week 3, Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Theory
· Week 4, Part III: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Implementation Strategy
· Week 5, Part IV: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Supplier Alliance Metrics Report & final
submission of full TQM Program
Week 2
Begin to prepare a total quality management program proposal
for BJB Manufacturing Company by writing an introduction to
your proposal and developing your approach. Recall your final
word count of 2800-3650 words, so this week work within 700-
to 1,050-words. After the introduction, address the following
when developing your approach:
· Determine what needs the stakeholders may have for BJB’s
products. Who are the various 'customer's' and how do their
needs differ?
· Analyze the product and needs of BJB, and then select the
quality management approach that would be the best fit. Explain
your rationale.
Week 3
Continue building your proposal by incorporating your
instructor's feedback from the Quality Initiative Proposal, and
adding 700 to 1,050 words that includes the following:
· Select one of the theories that you feel would be the best fit
for BJB and give your reason why.
· Address how process-driven and customer-driven quality
requirements apply (or why they do not) to BJB and how you
suggest they proceed with their application.
Week 4
Continue building your proposal for BJB’s Strategic Planning
Committee by adding 1,050-to 1,750-words outlining the
strategies for addressing quality management issues and
determining an effective means of deploying the quality
management initiative. Be sure to give leadership an idea of
what their role is, what they will be doing to add to the success
of the program.
Analyze factors that should be considered when measuring the
results of quality initiatives. Add to your proposal what the
'wins' should be in each of the following areas (listed below) if
the organization should accept your proposal for a Quality
Mangement Program. What improvements would they see in the
following areas and why?
· Reduction of the number of product failures
· Material and labor costs due to gains in operational
· Profitability
· Customer complaints management
· Environmental regulations compliance
· Reduction of the number of damage claims and service
reliability in the supply chain
· Levels of inventory
· Inventory damage and shrinkage management
· Communications, cooperation, and coordination between all
departments within the company improvement
Week 5
Prepare a report in which you determine supplier alliance
requirements and appropriate metrics for BJB to measure the
performance effectiveness of their suppliers. What
recommendations would you present to BJB’s Strategic
Planning Committee to integrate the supplier alliance and
Note: This can be in chart form or written. If written, use no
more than 500 words.
Address the following:
· Determine KPIs for forming supplier alliances as well as how
BJB would evaluate supplier qualifications and performance.
· Compile Parts I-IV of the BJB Total Quality Management
Program proposal together and submit it to your facilitator.
Make sure your final submission is between 2800-3650 words.
Below is what has been done which is incorrect and comments
from instructor.
Week 2[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
If any organization is to secure true long term viability and
profitability, it must implement a successful total quality
management system. As we begin to analyze the variables
necessary for total quality management, we must focus our
efforts. The team must look at what the needs are for the
various stakeholders. The needs of each stakeholder will help
define the responsibility the organization has to each, especially
the consumer, as demand for all products will originate here.
The team will have to choose one quality management system
that meets most of their requirements. For operational stability
and effective maintenance of the supply chain, we will explore
the product, the changes the organization must make in order to
improve product quality, and recommend the best approach to
successfully complete all objectives. The last step involves the
team gaining leadership support. If the team and leadership at
BJB follow the new process, success will occur.
When defining stakeholders, the term “stakeholder” signifies
that any being with an interest within a business and or someone
who will contribute to the organizations development and
accomplishment or in which who benefits from its success
(Hill, 2015). Stakeholders within an organization are either
internal, external, and or connected stakeholders. BJB’s
Manufacturing Company internal stakeholders are the Chairman,
superiors, investors, and personnel. The number one focus of
the internal stakeholders within the BJB’s Manufacturing
Company is on quality super vision. The business necessities
consist of a strategic plan aimed at producing a high-end
compact disc (CD) changers for the automobile aftermarket.
This is intended for new cars that will present an innovative
market division while the stakeholders’ needs are met. The
chairman, superiors, and personnel have a few stakes within the
company due to job security, competitive earnings, and
advancements. The stakeholders that remain external consist of
governmental, residential communities, local associations, and
special interest groups. These stakeholders are indirectly
connected towards the organization, however who can remain
swayed or inspire actions of the company through countless
resources. With that said, the needs of the external stakeholders
are a company that complies with city and state regulations, has
a good reputation for being eco-friendly and sustainable. As for
the connected stakeholders, these are entities in which put in or
have relations with the firm and includes groups like suppliers
and or vendors, investors, and consumers. The needs of the
shareholders are by receiving a profit in return on their share
within the BJB’s Manufacturing Company. The suppliers and or
vendors needs are by distributing the firm with company
contracts, quality products, on time disbursements. The
objective of overall management excellence is meeting the
customers’ expectations. The customer’s needs are by
purchasing a product that has a sensible rate with outstanding
In order to understand the needs of the organization, we must
assess the organization's current realities. Analyzing and
understanding the organization’s financial history, current
relationships with external vendors, and future forecasts will
help our team understand operational setbacks. In mapping out
business processes from manufacturing to inventory control, we
will gain a greater understanding of team cohesion, management
structure, and management effectiveness. Through all
assessments, we will focus on the eight elements of total quality
management: Ethics, integrity, teamwork, training, trust,
leadership, recognition and communication (Padhi, 2015). The
methodology and system we recommend BJB manufacturing
adopt is best represented through Deming's 14 point system.
The 14-point quality management approach consists of:
· Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and
· Drive out fear
· Adopt the new philosophy
· Break down barriers between staff areas
· Cease dependence on mass inspections
· Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce
· End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price
tags alone
· Eliminate numerical quotas
· Improve constantly and forever the system of production and
· Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship14
· Institute training
· Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone
· Adopt and institute leadership
· Take action to accomplish the transformation
The success of Deming’s system can be found by examining the
past of other organizations that implemented the same strategy
to warrant quality management. Examples are the Japanese
automaker Toyota and Sony. While applying these principles,
the cost effectiveness and quality support is possible because of
this approach. These 14 points for quality management are
standardized to use for superior quality and profitability (Mind
Tools, 2012).
In closing, we are appreciative of the opportunity to help
increase the profitability of BJB Manufacturing. Through
effective process evaluation, and through our genuine concern
to empower and supports the productivity of your employees,
we will determine the needs of your stakeholders, the needs of
your organization, and we will propose various improvements
through the coming weeks to help BJB realize management's
vision to become the premier producer of high end CD
BJB Manufacturing Company (Learning Team
Instructions). (2015). Retrieved from
Mind Tools, (2012), “Deming’s 14 Points Philosophy: A Recipe
for Total Quality”. RetrievedFrom:
Padhi, N. (2015). The Eight Elements of TQM. iSixSigma.
Retrieved from
Week 3
Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management
Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management
In order for BJB to continue to grow in the audio industry, our
team will focus on a theory that applies, analyzes, and helps
quantify the most appropriate philosophies and guidelines from
your industry, in order to effectively understand how customer
driven and process driven quality requirements apply. These
factors will ultimately help our team suggest how your
organization should proceed with the new venture, with respect
to process, to ensure the customer with the best in product
quality, compliance, and consumer expectation.
The quality management theory we recommend for BJB
Manufacturing Company is that of quality theorist Phillip
Crosby. His 14 steps are the best fit for this venture as they
define quality through quantifiable defect levels, a sustainable
and logical approach for radio manufacturing. The guidelines
are as follows:
· 1. Commitment of Management
· 2. Formulate the Quality Improvement Team
· 3. Measure for Quality in Current Practices
· 4. What Will the Cost of Quality Be?
· 5. Quality Awareness is Central to Success
· 6. Remember the Quality Problems? Take Corrective Action
· 7. Plan for Zero Defects
· 8. Practice Effective Training for Supervisors
· 9. Happy Zero Defects Day!
· 10. Involve Everyone in Goal Setting
· 11. Eliminate Causes of Errors
· 12. Implement Recognition for Participants
· 13. Create Quality Councils
· 14. Lather...Rinse...REPEAT!!!
These 14 steps/guidelines will teach BJB Manufacturing that
quality starts with the prevention of product defects and
production inconsistencies, and that all financial investments
into quality will always stand as profitable and sound ventures.
Through these steps, your management team will learn to define
possible quality issues while estimating the cost of quality and
clarify its usage as a managing aid. We recommend your
management team form a zero-defects program, in order to help
empower the employee, through training, to embrace the new
philosophies. This strategic plan will serve as motivation and
encouragement to all individuals. Finally, we recommend BJB
Manufacturing acknowledge those who contribute and sustain
quality through an appreciation program to engrave into the
culture of the organization that “Quality Is Free”.
Customer driven quality is a proactive way to meet a customer’s
needs, (Foster, 2007). It will help your management team
maintain the proper focus with regard to quality issues, and also
of expectations for future variances. This data can then be used
by management for investment in future products. BJB should
immediately implement a customer feedback initiative, whether
in the form of active data or passive data gathering. Active data
would allow BJB to have small focus groups and to get honest
feedback, (Experience
s, 2015). This would enable BJB to improve upon the products
they are already have on market, whether that has to do with
quality or not, in order to attempt at an annuity relationship
with their customers.
Crosby’s theory reworks goals, skills, and training of employees
to improve the quality of a product. By centering on the
process-driven approach, BJB will need to study, gather
information for the improvement of their product and reduction
on staff, which is included in the process. Consultation with
staff would be necessary to understand what the needs are
within BJB. Forming new training programs to enhance the
level of skill and expand their knowledge in the audio industry.
The process-driven approach would be a useful way for the
Business to urge its employees to convey and improve their
talents. Employees can experience an overwhelming weight
when new goods are introduced with a Plan for Zero Defects. It
is important that employees feel acknowledged for their inputs
by the organizations. Motivation is crucial to help employees
meet the targets and expectations that would be expected.
Customer driven quality requirements dictate the direction and
product focus BJB Manufacturing should maintain. The
aftermarket entertainment system is dominated by the
complexity and technological impressiveness of the products
offered, along with the top quality service packages available
for those products. All consumers, regardless of class, demand
those products whose technological advantages create new
values for the consumer. Consumer demand for the new venture
will likely be guided by the increase or decrease of spendable
income realized by our targeted demographic, and through the
effectiveness of our internal and external marketing tactics and
Process driven requirements for the new venture in high-end CD
changers will require quality control to change from a final
process to an integrated individual process, where each
employee is responsible for their quality control. In doing this,
management helps inspire employee growth through increased
ownership of operation, and through an increased sense of
responsibility by one employee for the other. Global leaders
such as GE and Ford have employed these processes to much
success and profitability, and have learned to supplement these
strategies with tools such as Six Sigma and JIT. Other
important variables such as training, effective hiring practices,
and clearly detailed procedures with flow charts, will help the
manufacturing line bring consistency to the forefront of the
operation. The luxury market will demand the highest level of
quality commitment, as room for error through consumer
understanding will be greatly limited.
Guiding our efforts to implement these new changes to QC and
QM practices will be the quality management system globally
recognized as the standard for the automotive industry: ISO/TS
16949 (bsi, 2015). These standards help comprise current best
practices from automakers across the globe including National
Automobile trade organizations. For your new venture, we
suggest the use of ISO 9001 principles, the basis for ISO/TS
16949 and for various manufacturing operations across the
globe, across various industries (bsi, 2015). This suggestion
comes from the fact that although your industry depends on the
automobile industry, it is firmly rooted in technology, an
industry prime for ISO 9001 methodology.
BJB Manufacturing Company (Learning Team
Instructions). (2015). Retrieved from
bsi. (2015). Resources. Retrieved from
Foster, S. T. (2013). Managing quality: Integrating the supply
chain (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Retrieved from
Comments from instructor
Week 2 comment from instructor.
Team B, Please realize the 5 points are for turning something
in. It is not a verification of the quality of what you submitted.
Quality of submission is done in week 5. In the attached
feedback you will see that next week you will need to: 1)
Revise the intro for a 'proposal' (Objective and goal) 2) Revise
the specific needs of the stakeholders (customer and vendor at
minimum) 3) Swap QM Approach (wk2) for theorist (wk3) 4) do
not use a conclusion until the last week, conclusion should be a
call to action for the proposal. Details are in the attached. Great
start Team B!!!
Team B,
Develop a proposal for the Strategic Planning Committee for a
quality management approach for BJB.
Please understand that BJB is already a successful company.
Because they are going into a new market, and their customer is
changing with this new market, they want to better understand
the needs of this new customer and see if a QM approach is
needed. Their current product has QC and QA in place, but this
new customer has the President questioning if they also need
Please see the CWE for Business Proposal format.
It is not a suggested format, but you can glean some suggestions
from the ‘proposal format’. At a minimum, your proposal
should list an objective, goals and the proposed actions. These
are critical elements of any ‘proposal’.
You are a task force for the strategic planning committee and
your audience is the chairman (for your weekly check points-
which is the role I am playing), and then ultimately the
President who requested this (not due until week 5). You do not
need to waste words on background, telling leaders what ‘the
team’ needs to do. You do need to propose to them what needs
to happen to address a QM program.
Spend some time formulating the proposal objective and goals.
The less words the better—an exercise in being succinct.
The objective and goals level sets all readers. They will clearly
understand why they are reading your proposal. I suggest you
tweak your intro to be clear and focused on the objective of the
proposal. This makes it slightly different than an introduction to
an academic paper.
This week, the following points should also be included:
· Determine what needs the stakeholders may have for BJB’s
Assume that the leaders of this organization know the concepts,
therefore they are looking at your team for the specifics. This is
an application of the material, not a review of concepts. Leaders
of BJB know what stakeholders are….they need to know what is
changing and what they need to be aware of when they enter
this new market. You should list the stakeholders that have
‘changed needs’ out and discuss each of their needs. Not in
general, as that was the focus of your individual assignment.
Here you need to cover this in context of the proposal. So you
need to address those stakeholders that are changing, mainly
customer and vendor, more if you choose. Why is this important
for the strategic planning committee to know? Well the needs of
the stakeholders are changing if they change their strategic
plan. How, that is for you to point out. This is a new customer
for them—how will this new customer’s needs be different from
their current? These are the specifics they want to hear from
you. What changes may come with the vendor? Your previous
customer did not have requirements here. What requirements do
auto manufacturers require from their vendors? You cannot
enter this market if you do not meet these. Your current vendors
have never had to be judged on quality specs. Now they will be
and that needs to be communicated, they need to be evaluated,
new ones found if current can not meet requirements. That is
the context of covering this section. Please understand that the
leadership understand concepts, since you were asked to deliver
a proposal, they are asking for specific considerations to be
shown. This bullet needs to be rewritten with this in mind.
· Analyze the product and needs of BJB, and then select the
quality management approach that would be the best fit. Explain
your rationale.
Deming is a fine choice, but isn’t he a theorist? You can re-
purpose this for next week as it asks for a theorist to follow.
Your rationale is solid, Deming has worked with a number of
auto manufacturers, so adopting this theorist will align with
your customer. “Analyzing and understanding the organization’s
financial history, current relationships with external vendors,
and future forecasts will help our team understand operational
setbacks.” This shows me good team research, but do not over
complicate this assignment. It’s focus in a QM Program
Proposal, that is all. You are not expected to make
recommendations based on financial history or forecasts etc.
Keep the focus on the proposal and what QM can do for them.
Make recommendations based within this context.
Now for a QM approach, what is the best choice for a quality
program that will enable them to address this new market of
auto manufacturers? How does the quality requirements of the
auto manufacturers differ from that of the aftermarket? What
are the requirements of auto manufacturers? What proof do you
have? You may as well choose a program they use so you are
talking the same language. Find out what auto manufacturers
use for their vendors, what do they use themselves? You do not
have to use their exact approach, but the approaches should
align. This is due next week.
No conclusion is needed, except in the final week. In the final
week the conclusion should be proper for a proposal. So the
conclusion should be a call to action, a call to accept your
proposal…because you have laid out what needs to be done,
why (what is in it for them, why do they need to do the extra
effort) and how.
In this role play, think about presenting and discussing this
paper with the chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee.
What was the objective of writing this proposal for him? What
goals were you trying to accomplish? What do you need
leadership to understand about the role they will need to play if
they choose to move forward?
As previously posted, I suggest you not divide and conquer
specific sections. This is a sure way to have an assignment that
is created in silos with little connection between sections.
Remember, this request came from the President, you are
assisting the Chairman of Strategic Planning in preparing the
company for a QM program. That is the main focus of the
assignment, do not focus solely on the bullets that are meant ‘to
be included’ in the overall assignment as these are minor
focuses. Keep the main focus in mind as you develop out the
proposal while delivering on the bullets of the assignment.
Mechanics: Excellent.
700-to 1,050-words – OK
Please ask any questions by having a team member post an
individual post and I will answer in your team forum.
Week 3 comment from instructor.
Team B, Please be sure you are reading the feedback each week.
You are to incorporate feedback as well as add to the proposal
each week. You had significant feedback last week in an
attachment and this list: "1) Revise the intro for a 'proposal'
(Objective and goal) 2) Revise the specific needs of the
stakeholders (customer and vendor at minimum) 3) Swap QM
Approach (wk2) for theorist (wk3) 4) do not use a conclusion
until the last week, conclusion should be a call to action for the
proposal. Details are in the attached." Since you covered the
theorist last week, you were to add an approach this week. Next
week you need to incorporate feedback from week 2 and now
week 3. With 2 theorists you will need to choose one, and you
still have your approach to write which was not done in week 2.
I suggest you go back to the first week and re-read all that has
to do with this assignment. Please let me know what questions
you have. Quite a bit of work needs to be done to make this a
proposal that will be delivered to the President in 2 weeks. The
majority of the points are in week 5 and you have significant re-
writes to do from these first 2 weeks. WE CHOOSE CROSBY!
Week 4 comment from instructor.
This is a good write up but does not meet the assignment
requirements. First, you are using allot of word count on the
minor bullets which I have said 'not to do' in numerous posts.
This week's focus was to add words to "outline the strategies for
addressing quality management issues and determining an
effective means of deploying the quality management
initiative". In doing that main focus you were to "Analyze
factors that should be considered when measuring the results of
quality initiatives" and it is through this analysis that the
"bullets" came in. In my class announcement I cautioned the
team on dividing the bullets and focusing on them, which is
what your team continues to do.
Jim, you also write these paragraphs as if the company is doing
them. I.e. "to ensure quality". But this is a proposal. The
President wants to sell to auto manufacturers and asked your
team to propose a QM Program. So you are to propose what that
would mean to them. So as you address the bullets, you would
say that if they chose to do a QM program, they would see
changes in the following areas (that is where the bullets come
So hopefully now you see that the bullets are minor outcomes of
a QM program, and this week's main focus is to outline the
strategies for addressing quality management issues and
determining an effective means of deploying the quality
management initiative. So the 'win' for the strategy and
implementation is seeing those items that are bulleted changing
in a positive way. Does this make sense as the minor focus
I highly suggest your team go back and reread week 2 under
tasks to see what this assignment is. Then go and read all
assignments and create an outline to get there. This was to be
done in week 1 or 2, but I am betting you have not done so. If
you do you will see the full of this assignment, which is a
Proposal on a QM Program that is due in week 5. You need to
go back to the beginning and rewrite it as a proposal. A
proposal starts with an objective. A purpose to what and why
you are proposing. This is what each week's work needs to tie
Here is what I said in a class announcement:
If you are dividing by bullets and word count your approach to
this team project is not going to give you success. The main
focus is to build a QM Program Proposal that is to go to the
President of the company. Please go back to week 2 assignment
under Tasks for this view. I suggested an outline so you would
follow the outline as a road map to get you to the final product,
but still some are focusing on bullets. Please see below next
week you are to incorporate feedback from week 2 and 3 and
your main focus for this week's addition is as follows in blue
highlights. The minor things to incorporate are in yellow.
Continue building your proposal for BJB's Strategic Planning
Committee by adding 1,050-to 1,750-words outlining the
strategies for addressing quality management issues and
determining an effective means of deploying the quality
management initiative. Be sure to give leadership an idea of
what their role is, what they will be doing to add to the success
of the program.
Analyze factors that should be considered when measuring the
results of quality initiatives.(Note: these are the bullets below,
these are meant to be 'analyzed' Analyzed is defined as
"examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure
of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of
explanation and interpretation"). Add to your proposal what
the 'wins' should be in each of the following areas (listed
below) if the organization should accept your proposal for a
Quality Management Program. What improvements would they
see in the following areas and why?
One way to display the 'bullets' is to organize in a chart. An
example is below, but use your own creativity here.
Metric Factors to consider Theory Leaders Role
Accomplishment or Goal
Product -no baseline/history SPC -set
goal reduction (trend down)
Failure -no goal set -get goal
Rate - what makes customer
Measurement? auto makers)
(suggest Rejects
Divided by total
Passed Per shift)
Can you see how simply focusing on the bullets you are not on a
road map to deliver a QM Program proposal?
Tasks this week include:
Week 2 edits- this may be 1-2 people depending on your
Week 3 edits - same as above
Week 4- strategy and deployment (tell leaders what they need to
do & why)
Week 4- Factors when measuring results (in context of bullets,
what is the win for BJB to use QM, how will the bullets be
affected)- possibly use chart for analysis and make conclusion.
This will leave word count to address strategy and deployment.
So you have 4 main areas to address and 6 people on the team.
That gives you an opportunity to add 2 to one of the 4 main
areas or even 2 areas. But be sure you have someone who is
managing the outline so the entire proposal reads in a connected
way. You are weaving a proposal together that will come to a
conclusion where in week 5 you end with a call for action on
what you are proposing. Your intro is only at the beginning of
the proposal and is in the form or an objective for the entire
proposal. There are not weekly intros. Your conclusion is in the
form of a call for action and is done in week 5.
I really don't know how else to give direction here, so if there is
still confusion please ask or call.....but your team is missing on
this assignment, and if it is not corrected this week you will not
be submitting what is required in week 5.
Below is more comments from instructor.
BJB Manufacturing Company (Learning Team Instructions)
BJB Manufacturing Company produces high-end compact disc
(CD) changers for the automobile aftermarket, whichat this time
has no quality program. The president of BJB wants his
company to become the premier producer of high-end CD
changers for the new car and aftermarket segments of the
overall market. It is important to note that BJB is attempting to
penetrate a new market segment in doing this. The leadership of
BJB must ascertain the precise quality requirements of all new
car manufacturers. The chairman of the strategic planning
committee has designated five members of the committee to
serve as a task force for submission of recommendations to
revise the Strategic Plan. BJB must also insure that all
vendors/suppliers are cognizant of the quality standards of BJB
and the new car manufacturers.
For this course, your Learning Team represents the newly
formed task force and is required to complete a series of
assignments related to developing a total quality management
program for the BJB chairman of the Strategic Planning
Committee. Your final project consists of a 2800-to 3,650-word
BJB Total Quality Management Program due in Week Five.
Here is a list of components contained in your BJB Quality
Management Program proposal:
· Week 2, Part I: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Initiative Proposal
· Week 3, Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Theory
· Week 4, Part III: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Implementation Strategy
· Week 5, Part IV: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality
Management Supplier Alliance Metrics Report & final
submission of full TQM Program
It is highly suggested you create an outline for the full Program
proposal in week 1 or 2. This will guide you through this
process. Points are weighted heavier in week 5 so you can
incorporate feedback as you go. Come back to this page weekly
so you keep this main focus in mind as you do the weekly
Please note that the green highlights are the main sections of
the proposal. These are the main focus of your weekly writing.
You may use charts, check lists etc. to explain your proposal as
Your final product must read as a proposal to BJB for a QM
Program. You need to prove why BJB needs a QM Program and
how to strategically go about it, what they need to do to
implement it and what the wins will be for the company if they
do so.
Sheet1NPV exampleDiscount rate16%YearCash in (out)PV
factorsPV of cash
114,283Net Present Value(15,161)Internal rate of return7.81%

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  • 1. Below is class assignment I need this assignment to be completed. Below are the instructions, the work that I have turned in so far and my instructor’s comment saying that I am not doing the assignment correctly. If you know how to do proposals please respond. I will use plagiarism checker use own words! Please mark where every week starts and end. Week 1 BJB Manufacturing Company quality management initiative this week. The presentation of the project is in Week Four. In Week Five, Part IV—the Metrics Report—is due. Completing a rough draft of each part of the final project during its assigned week is strongly suggested. Part I of the Learning Team assignment focuses on preparing a total quality approach for BJB Manufacturing Company. JB Manufacturing Company produces high-end compact disc (CD) changers for the automobile aftermarket, which at this time has no quality program. The president of BJB wants his company to become the premier producer of high-end CD changers for the new car and aftermarket segments of the overall market. It is important to note that BJB is attempting to penetrate a new market segment in doing this. The leadership of BJB must ascertain the precise quality requirements of all new car manufacturers. The chairman of the strategic planning committee has designated five members of the committee to serve as a task force for submission of recommendations to revise the Strategic Plan. BJB must also insure that all vendors/suppliers are cognizant of the quality standards of BJB
  • 2. and the new car manufacturers. For this course, your Learning Team represents the newly formed task force and is required to complete a series of assignments related to developing a total quality management program for the BJB chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee. Your final project consists of a 2800-to 3,650-word BJB Total Quality Management Program due in Week Five. Here is a list of components contained in your BJB Quality Management Program proposal: · Week 2, Part I: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Initiative Proposal · Week 3, Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Theory · Week 4, Part III: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Implementation Strategy · Week 5, Part IV: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Supplier Alliance Metrics Report & final submission of full TQM Program Week 2 Begin to prepare a total quality management program proposal for BJB Manufacturing Company by writing an introduction to your proposal and developing your approach. Recall your final word count of 2800-3650 words, so this week work within 700- to 1,050-words. After the introduction, address the following when developing your approach: · Determine what needs the stakeholders may have for BJB’s products. Who are the various 'customer's' and how do their needs differ? · Analyze the product and needs of BJB, and then select the quality management approach that would be the best fit. Explain your rationale. Week 3 Continue building your proposal by incorporating your instructor's feedback from the Quality Initiative Proposal, and
  • 3. adding 700 to 1,050 words that includes the following: · Select one of the theories that you feel would be the best fit for BJB and give your reason why. · Address how process-driven and customer-driven quality requirements apply (or why they do not) to BJB and how you suggest they proceed with their application. Week 4 Continue building your proposal for BJB’s Strategic Planning Committee by adding 1,050-to 1,750-words outlining the strategies for addressing quality management issues and determining an effective means of deploying the quality management initiative. Be sure to give leadership an idea of what their role is, what they will be doing to add to the success of the program. Analyze factors that should be considered when measuring the results of quality initiatives. Add to your proposal what the 'wins' should be in each of the following areas (listed below) if the organization should accept your proposal for a Quality Mangement Program. What improvements would they see in the following areas and why? · Reduction of the number of product failures · Material and labor costs due to gains in operational efficiencies · Profitability · Customer complaints management · Environmental regulations compliance · Reduction of the number of damage claims and service reliability in the supply chain · Levels of inventory · Inventory damage and shrinkage management · Communications, cooperation, and coordination between all departments within the company improvement Week 5 Prepare a report in which you determine supplier alliance
  • 4. requirements and appropriate metrics for BJB to measure the performance effectiveness of their suppliers. What recommendations would you present to BJB’s Strategic Planning Committee to integrate the supplier alliance and metrics? Note: This can be in chart form or written. If written, use no more than 500 words. Address the following: · Determine KPIs for forming supplier alliances as well as how BJB would evaluate supplier qualifications and performance. · Compile Parts I-IV of the BJB Total Quality Management Program proposal together and submit it to your facilitator. Make sure your final submission is between 2800-3650 words. Below is what has been done which is incorrect and comments from instructor. Week 2[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines] If any organization is to secure true long term viability and profitability, it must implement a successful total quality management system. As we begin to analyze the variables necessary for total quality management, we must focus our efforts. The team must look at what the needs are for the various stakeholders. The needs of each stakeholder will help define the responsibility the organization has to each, especially the consumer, as demand for all products will originate here. The team will have to choose one quality management system that meets most of their requirements. For operational stability and effective maintenance of the supply chain, we will explore the product, the changes the organization must make in order to improve product quality, and recommend the best approach to
  • 5. successfully complete all objectives. The last step involves the team gaining leadership support. If the team and leadership at BJB follow the new process, success will occur. When defining stakeholders, the term “stakeholder” signifies that any being with an interest within a business and or someone who will contribute to the organizations development and accomplishment or in which who benefits from its success (Hill, 2015). Stakeholders within an organization are either internal, external, and or connected stakeholders. BJB’s Manufacturing Company internal stakeholders are the Chairman, superiors, investors, and personnel. The number one focus of the internal stakeholders within the BJB’s Manufacturing Company is on quality super vision. The business necessities consist of a strategic plan aimed at producing a high-end compact disc (CD) changers for the automobile aftermarket. This is intended for new cars that will present an innovative market division while the stakeholders’ needs are met. The chairman, superiors, and personnel have a few stakes within the company due to job security, competitive earnings, and advancements. The stakeholders that remain external consist of governmental, residential communities, local associations, and special interest groups. These stakeholders are indirectly connected towards the organization, however who can remain swayed or inspire actions of the company through countless resources. With that said, the needs of the external stakeholders are a company that complies with city and state regulations, has a good reputation for being eco-friendly and sustainable. As for the connected stakeholders, these are entities in which put in or have relations with the firm and includes groups like suppliers and or vendors, investors, and consumers. The needs of the shareholders are by receiving a profit in return on their share within the BJB’s Manufacturing Company. The suppliers and or vendors needs are by distributing the firm with company contracts, quality products, on time disbursements. The objective of overall management excellence is meeting the customers’ expectations. The customer’s needs are by
  • 6. purchasing a product that has a sensible rate with outstanding quality. In order to understand the needs of the organization, we must assess the organization's current realities. Analyzing and understanding the organization’s financial history, current relationships with external vendors, and future forecasts will help our team understand operational setbacks. In mapping out business processes from manufacturing to inventory control, we will gain a greater understanding of team cohesion, management structure, and management effectiveness. Through all assessments, we will focus on the eight elements of total quality management: Ethics, integrity, teamwork, training, trust, leadership, recognition and communication (Padhi, 2015). The methodology and system we recommend BJB manufacturing adopt is best represented through Deming's 14 point system. The 14-point quality management approach consists of: · Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service · Drive out fear · Adopt the new philosophy · Break down barriers between staff areas · Cease dependence on mass inspections · Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce · End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tags alone · Eliminate numerical quotas · Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service · Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship14 · Institute training · Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone · Adopt and institute leadership · Take action to accomplish the transformation The success of Deming’s system can be found by examining the
  • 7. past of other organizations that implemented the same strategy to warrant quality management. Examples are the Japanese automaker Toyota and Sony. While applying these principles, the cost effectiveness and quality support is possible because of this approach. These 14 points for quality management are standardized to use for superior quality and profitability (Mind Tools, 2012). In closing, we are appreciative of the opportunity to help increase the profitability of BJB Manufacturing. Through effective process evaluation, and through our genuine concern to empower and supports the productivity of your employees, we will determine the needs of your stakeholders, the needs of your organization, and we will propose various improvements through the coming weeks to help BJB realize management's vision to become the premier producer of high end CD changers. References BJB Manufacturing Company (Learning Team Instructions). (2015). Retrieved from IS:48873302/context/co/view/activityDetails/activity/8e7bd594- 4276-49f7-9626-6ddbd3dd2701/expanded/False Mind Tools, (2012), “Deming’s 14 Points Philosophy: A Recipe for Total Quality”. RetrievedFrom: Padhi, N. (2015). The Eight Elements of TQM. iSixSigma. Retrieved from quality-management-tqm/eight-elementstqm/
  • 8. Week 3 Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Theory Running head: PART II: BJB MANUFACTURING COMPANY QUALITY 1 PART II: BJB MANUFACTURING COMPANY QUALITY 2 Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Theory In order for BJB to continue to grow in the audio industry, our team will focus on a theory that applies, analyzes, and helps quantify the most appropriate philosophies and guidelines from your industry, in order to effectively understand how customer driven and process driven quality requirements apply. These factors will ultimately help our team suggest how your organization should proceed with the new venture, with respect to process, to ensure the customer with the best in product quality, compliance, and consumer expectation. The quality management theory we recommend for BJB Manufacturing Company is that of quality theorist Phillip Crosby. His 14 steps are the best fit for this venture as they define quality through quantifiable defect levels, a sustainable and logical approach for radio manufacturing. The guidelines are as follows: · 1. Commitment of Management
  • 9. · 2. Formulate the Quality Improvement Team · 3. Measure for Quality in Current Practices · 4. What Will the Cost of Quality Be? · 5. Quality Awareness is Central to Success · 6. Remember the Quality Problems? Take Corrective Action · 7. Plan for Zero Defects · 8. Practice Effective Training for Supervisors · 9. Happy Zero Defects Day! · 10. Involve Everyone in Goal Setting · 11. Eliminate Causes of Errors · 12. Implement Recognition for Participants · 13. Create Quality Councils · 14. Lather...Rinse...REPEAT!!! These 14 steps/guidelines will teach BJB Manufacturing that quality starts with the prevention of product defects and production inconsistencies, and that all financial investments into quality will always stand as profitable and sound ventures. Through these steps, your management team will learn to define possible quality issues while estimating the cost of quality and clarify its usage as a managing aid. We recommend your management team form a zero-defects program, in order to help empower the employee, through training, to embrace the new philosophies. This strategic plan will serve as motivation and encouragement to all individuals. Finally, we recommend BJB Manufacturing acknowledge those who contribute and sustain quality through an appreciation program to engrave into the culture of the organization that “Quality Is Free”. Customer driven quality is a proactive way to meet a customer’s needs, (Foster, 2007). It will help your management team maintain the proper focus with regard to quality issues, and also of expectations for future variances. This data can then be used by management for investment in future products. BJB should immediately implement a customer feedback initiative, whether in the form of active data or passive data gathering. Active data
  • 10. would allow BJB to have small focus groups and to get honest feedback, (Experience Solution s, 2015). This would enable BJB to improve upon the products they are already have on market, whether that has to do with quality or not, in order to attempt at an annuity relationship with their customers. Crosby’s theory reworks goals, skills, and training of employees to improve the quality of a product. By centering on the process-driven approach, BJB will need to study, gather information for the improvement of their product and reduction on staff, which is included in the process. Consultation with staff would be necessary to understand what the needs are within BJB. Forming new training programs to enhance the level of skill and expand their knowledge in the audio industry. The process-driven approach would be a useful way for the Business to urge its employees to convey and improve their talents. Employees can experience an overwhelming weight when new goods are introduced with a Plan for Zero Defects. It is important that employees feel acknowledged for their inputs by the organizations. Motivation is crucial to help employees meet the targets and expectations that would be expected. Customer driven quality requirements dictate the direction and
  • 11. product focus BJB Manufacturing should maintain. The aftermarket entertainment system is dominated by the complexity and technological impressiveness of the products offered, along with the top quality service packages available for those products. All consumers, regardless of class, demand those products whose technological advantages create new values for the consumer. Consumer demand for the new venture will likely be guided by the increase or decrease of spendable income realized by our targeted demographic, and through the effectiveness of our internal and external marketing tactics and programs. Process driven requirements for the new venture in high-end CD changers will require quality control to change from a final process to an integrated individual process, where each employee is responsible for their quality control. In doing this, management helps inspire employee growth through increased ownership of operation, and through an increased sense of responsibility by one employee for the other. Global leaders such as GE and Ford have employed these processes to much success and profitability, and have learned to supplement these strategies with tools such as Six Sigma and JIT. Other important variables such as training, effective hiring practices, and clearly detailed procedures with flow charts, will help the manufacturing line bring consistency to the forefront of the operation. The luxury market will demand the highest level of
  • 12. quality commitment, as room for error through consumer understanding will be greatly limited. Guiding our efforts to implement these new changes to QC and QM practices will be the quality management system globally recognized as the standard for the automotive industry: ISO/TS 16949 (bsi, 2015). These standards help comprise current best practices from automakers across the globe including National Automobile trade organizations. For your new venture, we suggest the use of ISO 9001 principles, the basis for ISO/TS 16949 and for various manufacturing operations across the globe, across various industries (bsi, 2015). This suggestion comes from the fact that although your industry depends on the automobile industry, it is firmly rooted in technology, an industry prime for ISO 9001 methodology. References: BJB Manufacturing Company (Learning Team Instructions). (2015). Retrieved from IS:48873302/context/co/view/activityDetails/activity/8e7bd594- 4276-49f7-9626-6ddbd3dd2701/expanded/False bsi. (2015). Resources. Retrieved from 16949/resources/BSI-ISO-TS-16949-Product-Guide-UK-EN.pdf
  • 13. Foster, S. T. (2013). Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Retrieved from C.aspx?assetid=250ef2a3-20e9-425c-ae57- cf4ce51f5cc4&assetmetaid=fdfcffa2-5551-4ba8-8dcc- 3dea1ebab903 Comments from instructor Week 2 comment from instructor. Team B, Please realize the 5 points are for turning something in. It is not a verification of the quality of what you submitted. Quality of submission is done in week 5. In the attached feedback you will see that next week you will need to: 1) Revise the intro for a 'proposal' (Objective and goal) 2) Revise the specific needs of the stakeholders (customer and vendor at minimum) 3) Swap QM Approach (wk2) for theorist (wk3) 4) do not use a conclusion until the last week, conclusion should be a call to action for the proposal. Details are in the attached. Great start Team B!!!
  • 14. Team B, Develop a proposal for the Strategic Planning Committee for a quality management approach for BJB. Please understand that BJB is already a successful company. Because they are going into a new market, and their customer is changing with this new market, they want to better understand the needs of this new customer and see if a QM approach is needed. Their current product has QC and QA in place, but this new customer has the President questioning if they also need QM. Please see the CWE for Business Proposal format. asp It is not a suggested format, but you can glean some suggestions from the ‘proposal format’. At a minimum, your proposal should list an objective, goals and the proposed actions. These are critical elements of any ‘proposal’. You are a task force for the strategic planning committee and your audience is the chairman (for your weekly check points- which is the role I am playing), and then ultimately the
  • 15. President who requested this (not due until week 5). You do not need to waste words on background, telling leaders what ‘the team’ needs to do. You do need to propose to them what needs to happen to address a QM program. Spend some time formulating the proposal objective and goals. The less words the better—an exercise in being succinct. The objective and goals level sets all readers. They will clearly understand why they are reading your proposal. I suggest you tweak your intro to be clear and focused on the objective of the proposal. This makes it slightly different than an introduction to an academic paper. This week, the following points should also be included: · Determine what needs the stakeholders may have for BJB’s products. Assume that the leaders of this organization know the concepts, therefore they are looking at your team for the specifics. This is an application of the material, not a review of concepts. Leaders of BJB know what stakeholders are….they need to know what is changing and what they need to be aware of when they enter this new market. You should list the stakeholders that have
  • 16. ‘changed needs’ out and discuss each of their needs. Not in general, as that was the focus of your individual assignment. Here you need to cover this in context of the proposal. So you need to address those stakeholders that are changing, mainly customer and vendor, more if you choose. Why is this important for the strategic planning committee to know? Well the needs of the stakeholders are changing if they change their strategic plan. How, that is for you to point out. This is a new customer for them—how will this new customer’s needs be different from their current? These are the specifics they want to hear from you. What changes may come with the vendor? Your previous customer did not have requirements here. What requirements do auto manufacturers require from their vendors? You cannot enter this market if you do not meet these. Your current vendors have never had to be judged on quality specs. Now they will be and that needs to be communicated, they need to be evaluated, new ones found if current can not meet requirements. That is the context of covering this section. Please understand that the leadership understand concepts, since you were asked to deliver a proposal, they are asking for specific considerations to be shown. This bullet needs to be rewritten with this in mind. · Analyze the product and needs of BJB, and then select the quality management approach that would be the best fit. Explain
  • 17. your rationale. Deming is a fine choice, but isn’t he a theorist? You can re- purpose this for next week as it asks for a theorist to follow. Your rationale is solid, Deming has worked with a number of auto manufacturers, so adopting this theorist will align with your customer. “Analyzing and understanding the organization’s financial history, current relationships with external vendors, and future forecasts will help our team understand operational setbacks.” This shows me good team research, but do not over complicate this assignment. It’s focus in a QM Program Proposal, that is all. You are not expected to make recommendations based on financial history or forecasts etc. Keep the focus on the proposal and what QM can do for them. Make recommendations based within this context. Now for a QM approach, what is the best choice for a quality program that will enable them to address this new market of auto manufacturers? How does the quality requirements of the auto manufacturers differ from that of the aftermarket? What are the requirements of auto manufacturers? What proof do you have? You may as well choose a program they use so you are talking the same language. Find out what auto manufacturers use for their vendors, what do they use themselves? You do not have to use their exact approach, but the approaches should
  • 18. align. This is due next week. No conclusion is needed, except in the final week. In the final week the conclusion should be proper for a proposal. So the conclusion should be a call to action, a call to accept your proposal…because you have laid out what needs to be done, why (what is in it for them, why do they need to do the extra effort) and how. In this role play, think about presenting and discussing this paper with the chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee. What was the objective of writing this proposal for him? What goals were you trying to accomplish? What do you need leadership to understand about the role they will need to play if they choose to move forward? As previously posted, I suggest you not divide and conquer specific sections. This is a sure way to have an assignment that is created in silos with little connection between sections. Remember, this request came from the President, you are assisting the Chairman of Strategic Planning in preparing the company for a QM program. That is the main focus of the assignment, do not focus solely on the bullets that are meant ‘to
  • 19. be included’ in the overall assignment as these are minor focuses. Keep the main focus in mind as you develop out the proposal while delivering on the bullets of the assignment. Mechanics: Excellent. 700-to 1,050-words – OK Please ask any questions by having a team member post an individual post and I will answer in your team forum. Week 3 comment from instructor. Team B, Please be sure you are reading the feedback each week. You are to incorporate feedback as well as add to the proposal each week. You had significant feedback last week in an attachment and this list: "1) Revise the intro for a 'proposal' (Objective and goal) 2) Revise the specific needs of the stakeholders (customer and vendor at minimum) 3) Swap QM Approach (wk2) for theorist (wk3) 4) do not use a conclusion until the last week, conclusion should be a call to action for the
  • 20. proposal. Details are in the attached." Since you covered the theorist last week, you were to add an approach this week. Next week you need to incorporate feedback from week 2 and now week 3. With 2 theorists you will need to choose one, and you still have your approach to write which was not done in week 2. I suggest you go back to the first week and re-read all that has to do with this assignment. Please let me know what questions you have. Quite a bit of work needs to be done to make this a proposal that will be delivered to the President in 2 weeks. The majority of the points are in week 5 and you have significant re- writes to do from these first 2 weeks. WE CHOOSE CROSBY! Week 4 comment from instructor. Jim, This is a good write up but does not meet the assignment requirements. First, you are using allot of word count on the minor bullets which I have said 'not to do' in numerous posts. This week's focus was to add words to "outline the strategies for addressing quality management issues and determining an effective means of deploying the quality management initiative". In doing that main focus you were to "Analyze factors that should be considered when measuring the results of quality initiatives" and it is through this analysis that the "bullets" came in. In my class announcement I cautioned the
  • 21. team on dividing the bullets and focusing on them, which is what your team continues to do. Jim, you also write these paragraphs as if the company is doing them. I.e. "to ensure quality". But this is a proposal. The President wants to sell to auto manufacturers and asked your team to propose a QM Program. So you are to propose what that would mean to them. So as you address the bullets, you would say that if they chose to do a QM program, they would see changes in the following areas (that is where the bullets come in).... So hopefully now you see that the bullets are minor outcomes of a QM program, and this week's main focus is to outline the strategies for addressing quality management issues and determining an effective means of deploying the quality management initiative. So the 'win' for the strategy and implementation is seeing those items that are bulleted changing in a positive way. Does this make sense as the minor focus now? I highly suggest your team go back and reread week 2 under tasks to see what this assignment is. Then go and read all assignments and create an outline to get there. This was to be done in week 1 or 2, but I am betting you have not done so. If
  • 22. you do you will see the full of this assignment, which is a Proposal on a QM Program that is due in week 5. You need to go back to the beginning and rewrite it as a proposal. A proposal starts with an objective. A purpose to what and why you are proposing. This is what each week's work needs to tie to. Here is what I said in a class announcement: If you are dividing by bullets and word count your approach to this team project is not going to give you success. The main focus is to build a QM Program Proposal that is to go to the President of the company. Please go back to week 2 assignment under Tasks for this view. I suggested an outline so you would follow the outline as a road map to get you to the final product, but still some are focusing on bullets. Please see below next week you are to incorporate feedback from week 2 and 3 and your main focus for this week's addition is as follows in blue highlights. The minor things to incorporate are in yellow. Continue building your proposal for BJB's Strategic Planning Committee by adding 1,050-to 1,750-words outlining the strategies for addressing quality management issues and determining an effective means of deploying the quality
  • 23. management initiative. Be sure to give leadership an idea of what their role is, what they will be doing to add to the success of the program. Analyze factors that should be considered when measuring the results of quality initiatives.(Note: these are the bullets below, these are meant to be 'analyzed' Analyzed is defined as "examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation"). Add to your proposal what the 'wins' should be in each of the following areas (listed below) if the organization should accept your proposal for a Quality Management Program. What improvements would they see in the following areas and why? One way to display the 'bullets' is to organize in a chart. An example is below, but use your own creativity here. Metric Factors to consider Theory Leaders Role Accomplishment or Goal Product -no baseline/history SPC -set goal reduction (trend down)
  • 24. Failure -no goal set -get goal from Rate - what makes customer (ask Measurement? auto makers) (suggest Rejects Divided by total Passed Per shift) Can you see how simply focusing on the bullets you are not on a road map to deliver a QM Program proposal? Tasks this week include: Week 2 edits- this may be 1-2 people depending on your rewrites Week 3 edits - same as above Week 4- strategy and deployment (tell leaders what they need to do & why) Week 4- Factors when measuring results (in context of bullets, what is the win for BJB to use QM, how will the bullets be affected)- possibly use chart for analysis and make conclusion. This will leave word count to address strategy and deployment.
  • 25. So you have 4 main areas to address and 6 people on the team. That gives you an opportunity to add 2 to one of the 4 main areas or even 2 areas. But be sure you have someone who is managing the outline so the entire proposal reads in a connected way. You are weaving a proposal together that will come to a conclusion where in week 5 you end with a call for action on what you are proposing. Your intro is only at the beginning of the proposal and is in the form or an objective for the entire proposal. There are not weekly intros. Your conclusion is in the form of a call for action and is done in week 5. I really don't know how else to give direction here, so if there is still confusion please ask or call.....but your team is missing on this assignment, and if it is not corrected this week you will not be submitting what is required in week 5. Below is more comments from instructor. BJB Manufacturing Company (Learning Team Instructions) BJB Manufacturing Company produces high-end compact disc (CD) changers for the automobile aftermarket, whichat this time has no quality program. The president of BJB wants his company to become the premier producer of high-end CD changers for the new car and aftermarket segments of the overall market. It is important to note that BJB is attempting to penetrate a new market segment in doing this. The leadership of
  • 26. BJB must ascertain the precise quality requirements of all new car manufacturers. The chairman of the strategic planning committee has designated five members of the committee to serve as a task force for submission of recommendations to revise the Strategic Plan. BJB must also insure that all vendors/suppliers are cognizant of the quality standards of BJB and the new car manufacturers. For this course, your Learning Team represents the newly formed task force and is required to complete a series of assignments related to developing a total quality management program for the BJB chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee. Your final project consists of a 2800-to 3,650-word BJB Total Quality Management Program due in Week Five. Here is a list of components contained in your BJB Quality Management Program proposal: · Week 2, Part I: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Initiative Proposal · Week 3, Part II: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Theory · Week 4, Part III: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Implementation Strategy · Week 5, Part IV: BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Supplier Alliance Metrics Report & final submission of full TQM Program It is highly suggested you create an outline for the full Program
  • 27. proposal in week 1 or 2. This will guide you through this process. Points are weighted heavier in week 5 so you can incorporate feedback as you go. Come back to this page weekly so you keep this main focus in mind as you do the weekly work. Please note that the green highlights are the main sections of the proposal. These are the main focus of your weekly writing. You may use charts, check lists etc. to explain your proposal as well. Your final product must read as a proposal to BJB for a QM Program. You need to prove why BJB needs a QM Program and how to strategically go about it, what they need to do to implement it and what the wins will be for the company if they do so. Sheet1NPV exampleDiscount rate16%YearCash in (out)PV factorsPV of cash flows0(80,000)1.0000(80,000)120,0000.862117,241218,0000.74 3213,377322,5000.640714,415410,0000.55235,523530,0000.476
  • 28. 114,283Net Present Value(15,161)Internal rate of return7.81% Sheet2 Sheet3