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Bell Curve Analysis
Good Afternoon Professor Swaney
Thank you for sharing this information. I remember the bell curve as and the pressure as I felt as a
student of being on the "right side" of the curve. I also remember the negative feelings and feelings
of disappointment for being on the "wrong side" of the curve what I thought were letting my parents
down for not succeeding in an academic subject. When I was young (Elementary and some Jr. High)
I really struggled with reading and retention. I did very well in other subjects, but it always bothered
me that I struggled in reading. My mother and father were always very supportive but I am not sure
they understood why (I grew up in a different time of education) I struggled. My mother was from a
different country, France and though educated still had language barrier issues and my father was a
migrant worker as a child and although extremely successful in life had only gone to school part
time until the 8th grade. I believe they ... Show more content on ...
It is key to show them and the child that while they may be struggling in one area that does not
mean they are broken. The use of visuals aids to emphasis a positive strength in their child can be
good. Many times when parents hear what can be perceived as debilitating weaknesses in learning in
their child, to see something positive in a visual format. As you noted it is also good for parents to
visually see where their child is compared to other children. Even it is not where they would hope, it
can help them in their decision process when it comes to their child's IEP goal and object
One final note, I was never was assessed as a child. I wonder if I should have been. As we have
discussed, I still have a tendency to focus in on a single point and include "to much" information.
Thank you for the wonderful discussion. Have a fantastic upcoming week!
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Walking Team Lab
Walking Team Lab Questions
1. Describe the shape of a graph of an object moving with uniform motion. (1) The shape of a graph
of an object moving with uniform motion is linear, meaning with a straight line and a constant slope.
Since, uniform motion means that the speed is constant and the object is moving in the same
direction, the graph will have linear data and its constant slope can be represented with a line of best
fit. In other words, the speed and the direction of the object remain the same for all of the motion
that the object does, which determines the shape of a graph with an object moving uniformly. The
results of uniform motion are represented by a line of best fit on this graph as the motion is in a
straight line and the line ... Show more content on ...
In our lab, as time passed by the walker walked at a constant speed and in the same direction
(uniformly) for 30m. The uniform motion in this lab gave us the outcome of a linear shape on graph
with a line of best fit which is increasing from left to right as its moving away from the origin and a
constant slope that remains consistent in direction.
2. How is the speed of an object related to the shape of the graph? (1) The speed of an object is
related to the shape of a graph because depending on whether the speed varies during the motion or
remains constant, the graph's shape will be affected. If the speed of the graph remains the same
(uniform) the shape of the graph will be linear. If the speed of the object varies (non–uniform), the
graph will have variations in the data for the position which depends on the slowing down and
speeding up of the object, leaving us with the outcome of a curve of best fit or a parabola shape. The
graph will be in the form of a non–linear shape. The speed of an object's motion on the graph
represents the slope of the graph. A linear graph with straight
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Evidence And Assessment Of Student Learning
Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning How will you know whether students are making
progress toward your learning goals for each of the following types of performance: exceeds
expectations, meets expectations, and below expectations. (Be sure to include both content and
language, assessed either separately or together.) Students will be meeting expectations throughout
the lesson if they are correctly using the vocabulary with the aid of the word bank or the use of the
textbook while explaining their answers and reasoning. Students will be exceeding expectations if
they are interacting with their fellow classmates and are using the lesson's vocabulary without any
aid while explaining their mathematical reasoning. Students will be ... Show more content on ...
Students exceed expectation if they are able to use several of the lesson's proper term when
explaining their answers. Students who are at the expanding level will meet expectation if they
recognize the proper terms of the lesson in questions or problems. Students will not meet
expectation if they do not incorporate the proper term in their responses, this indicate a degree of
confusion. Students will exceed expectation if they incorporate the term of this lesson in their
explanation when they are expressing verbally. Student feedback How will your provide students
with feedback? (Include all types of feedback – electronic, peer, teacher, answer key, etc.; include
not only correction but other) Teacher and peers will give the feedback throughout the lesson. The
peer–peer feedback will be allowed during the lesson; teacher's feedback will be given immediately.
How will you support students to meet their goals? (Most of the Lesson Plan goes here.) How will
you get the lesson started? What questions, texts, inquiry modeling and/or other techniques will you
use to engage students? ➢ Opening/Hook Students will be introduced to this new unit by watching
two brain pop videos; the first one regarding geometry, and the second one regarding angles. ➢
Prior Knowledge Activation Subsequent from watching the video the teacher will have a discussion
with students in order to access their schema
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Bell Curve Grading
Bell Curve Scoring Whenever you hear the phrase "graded on a curve" the class splits into two types
of people: the confident and the terribly stressed. In my school, there is an established grading scale
meaning whatever score an individual gets on an assignment is comparable to a rubric and gets a
score based on his sole abilities. Grading on a curve is a bit different. This grading method
calculates the average grade and determines how each student compared to the average. Bell curve
grading doesn't measure how much of the material a student retained, per say, but instead, how
much more (or less) they knew than their classmates. Bell curve grading is the most competitive
type of assessing; each student must not be concerned with doing his ... Show more content on ...
They are "unfair", unjustly subjective, and just a bad tool in general to measure anyone's abilities. I
see their necessity in the face of extremely difficult tests in which the professor expects everyone to
fail on a regular grading scale; however, in day–to–day, averagely difficult assignments, this is too
extreme and harsh of a method of grading. There are many greater ways to help a student's grade,
such as raising every student's grade by the top score's difference from 100. Another viable option is
to take everyone's scores out of the highest score. Both of these and many more are safer and more
beneficial alternatives and still show how people relatively scored among one another. Bell curve
grading seems terrible; I am glad none of my teachers employ
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The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Alan Poe
In Platizky's (1999) article on the Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Alan Poe is choppy and,
sometimes, wandering critique. Albeit, the historical reference Platizky uses on how Poe
"ambiguously capitalizes on psychological fear and historical reality" (p. 206), is the ultimate
essence of the article which sets a novice reader on the right path to understanding the story.
Platizky's use of historical facts and sources leads me to believe this article could help provoke a
logical thought process for anyone to understand the fascination, and or fear, of being buried alive
and the symbols used within the story.
Platizky's article jumps from point to point with no clear direction. The order of Platizky transition s
could be more concise; instead of jumping from Poe's earlier work, to tidbits of history, to the
symbolism of points in the story, back to more historical references, and finally a weak conclusion
that leaves readers wanting closure. This fact is not forthcoming of an adequate flow to follow. The
flow is comparative to a Quentin Tarantino film jumping back and forth in the time line of the plot.
Another aspect where Platizky's article lacks clear direction is through the explanation of the story's
symbols and how they are historically tied. The statement of how "the catacombs could be symbolic
due to Christian history and their nitrous decay" would serve readers best, not to elaborate on the
catacombs. In which, damp nitre filled vaults lead Montressor to ask Fortunato
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Stephen Jay Gould's Critique Of The Bell Curve
After reading and analyzing The Bell Curve, one is left in a confused state of whether Gould's
arguments are realistic or not. Many have gone against his dissertation and some believe it is true.
The Bell Curve argues that IQ can determine the success of a person, and it can vary in between
races. Others such as Gould, believe that the IQ test is inadequate due to the fact that it is not based
on life circumstances. The main controversy after the bell curve was published was whether the
authors were racist and if intelligence was determined by race. Critics have since proven that the
Bell Curve is inaccurate and intelligence is not only measured by tests and is not affected by certain
circumstances such as race. Stephen Jay Gould's "Critique of The Bell Curve" is one of the most
popular arguments against the Bell ... Show more content on ...
Horgan is a well renowned and respected journalist that has written for major newspapers, such as
the New York Times and The Washington Post. One chapter from Mismeasure focused on the work
of a 19th–century physician, Samuel George Morton, who amassed a collection of almost 1,000
skulls from around the world. Morton estimated the brain size of different racial groups by pouring
seed and lead shot into the skulls. He concluded that whites have larger brains on average than
blacks, confirming his suspicion that the races do not share a common ancestry but stemmed from
different evolutionary roots. In Mismeasure, Gould reanalyzed Morton's skull measurements and
concluded that the average sizes of blacks' and whites' skulls were roughly equivalent. Gould
suggested that Morton's racial bias had led him to "discover" results consonant with his beliefs.
Horgan believes that maybe Gould was wrong that Morton misrepresented his data, but "he was
absolutely right that biological determinism was and continues to be a dangerous pseudoscientific
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Lesson Reflection
1. Briefly describe what you planned to do and explain if you changed anything along the way
(flexibility is key!!)
What I planned to do was to explain to the students that points, lines, line segments, rays, and planes
are everywhere. They are the building blocks of geometry. Then, I went through my PowerPoint and
explained what each of the figures are. I explained that a point has no dimensions and is a location
on a plane. It is also represented by a dot. I went on and did the same thing for a line, parallel lines,
perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, line segment, ray, and a plane. Throughout the lesson I went
through the worksheet and showed the students how to draw, name/read, and write each one of
them. After that we did the line song. I should them what each one was using my arms. Finally, I
play the game Simon says. During the game, I kept saying Simon says, but then I did not to see if
the students were listening. A couple of students were not, but then got the hang of it then. I changed
my lesson a little bit by going out of order. I did the PowerPoint first, then did the worksheet, played
a game, and then the coffee stirrers.
2. How do you feel the students responded to your activity(ies)? Tell me about some of their
I feel that the students responded pretty good to the activities. With the worksheet, I hand some of
the students tell me what each one was or how it is to be read, written, drawn. Some of the students
said that a line segment is a
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The Bell Curve : External And External Factors?
Human intelligence is assessed at a young age which places people into certain groups based on
their performance. These practices can be harmful as others may begin to predetermine one's destiny
due to scoring low or high on an exam. However, the factors that make up intelligence assessments
can be up for debate as many begin to wonder if those are the factors that truly determine
intelligence. The Bell Curve, written by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, attempts to offer an
explanation on what makes up intelligence and the external and internal factors that may affect it.
Robert J. Sternberg reviews the ideas introduced in The Bell Curve involving general factors of
intelligence, cross–cultural differences, and real–world application of intelligence assessments.
The first issue Sternberg tackles is the nature of intelligence that humans differ in which Herrnstein
and Murray claim cognitive ability is the general factor for these differences. Modern scholars have
accepted general factors to determine intelligence, however, they still have statistical and
psychological disputes. The statistical disputes involve the large variety of factors that can be
determined as a general factor for intelligence. In terms of psychological disputes, many critics of
general factors contend that there are several intelligences that cannot be represented into a singular
general factor, such as analytical, practical, and biological.
According to numerous studies, the basis in which
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How Is Snowball Into A Mountain Of Trouble?
It's funny how the smallest of comments can snowball into a mountain of trouble. I guess it's the
silence that really hurts the situation, beating it into a pulp of what it used to be. I have very few
friends, and that can sometimes come in handy or hurt me in unimaginable ways. Now I know that
I've said some things I shouldn't have said before, but it's usually stayed the small incident it is.
There has only been one time in my life where I have been in some deep trouble due to saying
something I shouldn't have said. It all started in science class. I was intent on finishing my work,
like most other kids rushing to beat the bell. My friend, Robert, was sitting next to me. Being a
genius, he had already finished all of his work. He ... Show more content on ...
The class stopped their intense working and stared at me. I felt my cheeks start to burn as they all
looked at me. The teacher didn't notice my scream but did notice the absence of pencils scratching
against paper. He told everyone to get back to work, so they did. I looked to my right to apologize to
Robert, but he started getting up to leave because of the bell. I felt truly terrible. I hadn't meant what
I said and shouldn't have said it, but I still thought the whole thing would blow over in a matter of a
few minutes. I couldn't have been more incorrect. The next class was a bore, as usual. I wasn't really
thinking about Robert and what I had said until I felt a poke from behind. I heard a small hissing
noise. "Psst," the mysterious entity said. I turned around to see that it was one of my worst enemies,
Dylan. "Hello, Dylan," I hissed to him not unlike Jerry Seinfeld encountering Newman. "Hello,
Fonseca," he responded in the same manner. "I heard that you were bad–mouthing Robert, like the
coward you are. I'm pretty sure I saw him taking an alternate path to class, to avoid you." Oh man, I
thought. This isn't going to end well. "Just stay away from me, Dylan," I told him. He sat back in his
chair, having accomplished his mission. "Your grave," he said. That period was the hardest I've ever
had to stand. As soon as the bell rang, I got up and sprinted to my third class. Neither Robert nor
Dylan were in this
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Instrumentation & Measurement: Calibration of Straightness...
1. Summary 1
2. Introduction 1–3
1.1 Least Squares Method 2 1.1.1 Method 2 1.2 Minimum Zone Method 3
2. Objectives 3
3. Apparatus 3–4
4. Procedure 4
5. Results 4–7
5.1 Straightness 4–6 5.2 Flatness 7
6. Discussion 8–10
6.1 Straightness 8 6.2 Flatness 8–9 6.3 Closing error 9–10
7. Conclusion 10
8. References 10
9. Appendices 11–15
9.1 Appendix A–Procedure 11–13 9.2 Appendix B–Certificates of calibration 14–15
1. Summary
The aim of this experiment was to examine three methods for determining the straightness and
flatness of a horizontal granite surface. The first method was manual and the other two (Least
Squares method and Minimum Zone method) were analysed by the computer, after a set of data ...
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Computer aided calibration of the flatness of large surfaces
3. Apparatus
▪ ''Talyvel'' electronic level with stride base (Fig. 3.1) ▪ Analogue/ Digital (RS232) interface ▪ 900
mm × 600 mm surface table (Fig. 3.2) ▪ PC with SURFSURE flatness software
''Talyvel'' is a precision level instrument in which the usual spirit bubble is replaced by a pendulum,
which co–operates with transducers that provide electrical displacement signals. These signals are
amplified to feed a centre–zero meter, where displacements can be recorded.
Fig. 3.1 ''Talyvel'' electronic level
Fig. 3.2 Top view of granite surface table
4. Procedure
(refer to Appendix A: Calibration of straightness and flatness)
5. Results
5.1 Straightness
The table below was constructed using results obtained from generator 4 (manual straightness
|Position |Distance (mm) |Angle (sec) |Incremental Height (μm) |Accumulated Height (μm)
|Adjusted Height (μm) |
|A |0 |0.0 |0.00 |0.00 |0.000000 |
|A–B |100 |0.0 |0.00 |0.00 |2.343107 |
|B–C |200 |–0.5 |0.25 |0.25
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The Vase Told The Story Of Herakles And The Boar
For this writing assignment, I was given the Attic Black–figure Lekythos. The vase told the story of
Herakles and the boar. The Lekythos is a cylindrical vase. The base color of the vase is orange. The
ink used turned black from when it was heated. The vase still contains most of the story; however, a
lot of the vase is faded. At the base of the vase, it gradually curves in. There is a solid line going
horizontally across the bottom of the vase. This line takes up half of the base. It is a more tan color
because clay is pale and faded. At the top part of the base, it is hard to tell what was originally there.
It looks like it was just a solid black color, but a lot of the ink has faded off. On the right, the ink is
completely gone. The rest of the base has spots where the ink is fade. Above the base is the face of
the vase. This is where the story is shown. From the base, it curves out. Here it seems like it was
supposed to be completely black, but it has the same problem the base has. The right side is faded
out, and the left side has multiple spots were the ink has faded off. Once it reaches an inch below the
story, it stops curving out. There is a thin orange horizontal line going across. It looks to accurate to
be from the ink fading. The artist must have come back in and made the line. Then there is a black
horizontal line bigger than the orange line. The ink here has faded, though, leaving orange spots
scattered throughout. On top of the
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What Is The Bell Curve?
The written work I chose is, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. The
book is written by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray in 1994. Unfortunately, Herrnstein died
just before publication. It is understood that Murray, a Harvard educated political scientist, became
tremendously prominent and influential among social scientists in America. Arguably one of the
most controversial books written on this subject, the authors, both from different backgrounds,
Murray with a statistics background and Herrnstein with a psychology background, state some
thought–provoking declarations in the book. The Bell Curve, significances that intelligence or one's
aptitude is the utmost leading signifier and forecaster to how one will behave or ultimately who they
will become in life. In other words, a person's path in life depends on their intelligence. Such things
as socioeconomic status or tendencies towards immoral living all have this effect and prediction to
the future. So, what is the controversy, one might ask? I think the biggest argument within the book
is not necessarily the balance between intelligence and achievement, but that the authors claim a
convincing parallel between low intelligence and cultural groups. In other words, intellect being
race–dependent with African Americans having a lower intelligence than white people. ... Show
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Numerous media associates argued that facts were possibly overlooked and some even related the
work to Charles Darwin theory of Darwinism. If fact, connecting it to a survival mode and
antiquated theory. Currently, the view on the book today is intelligence with IQ testing does show a
difference in intellectual performance. Most of the perversion was driven from the 1960's era.
Essentially, during a time of much racial segregation. Could it be that many social scientists agreed
with the book, nevertheless, kept their conviction to
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Essay on Formal Lab Report Graphing Anaylsis
Angelina Mass–Valderrama
CHM1032 summer '12
Graphing and Estimating
Formal Lab Report
Introduction: Today scientists put acquired data into a form of a graph. This said graph is designed
to help make predictions and furthermore, study and understand the experiment and its contents at
hand. The Graphing and Estimating lab involves just that. The lab is designed to collect data from
several tests involving burn time of a candle.
Oxygen, O2, is a kind of gas. A lot of the air we breathe as human beings is oxygen. Which is good
since we need oxygen to stay alive. Oxygen is also a primary element in fire. Fire is a chemical
process. Three elements are needed for this process: oxygen, heat and fuel. Without one of those ...
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If the difference between the recorded times are more than 10%, add a third trial. Repeat these steps
with each size beaker. Calculate the average time for each beaker and record the data. The next step
of the lab exercise is determining the exact volume of the beakers used in the burn time experiment.
Fill a beaker to the top with water. Carefully pour the water from the beaker into a graduated
cylinder. Reading the meniscus, record the exact volume into a data sheet. Repeat this step with each
size beaker until all volumes are recorded into the data sheet. The final process of the Graphing and
Estimating lab is plotting the recorded data onto a graph. Using the data recorded for burn time, in
seconds, place the data on the vertical axis. Use the horizontal axis for the volume in milliliters.
With the data points plotted determine whether a straight line or a simple curve will best represent
the data. Now, obtain a jar and determine the volume. Fill the jar to the top with water. Carefully
pour the water into a graduated cylinder. Precisely record the data. Using the plotted data on the
graph and the simple curve or straight line to predict how long it would take for the flame to burn
out on the candle if it was covered with the jar that was just measured.
Results: (Data and calculations)
Figure 1.1 Stated Beaker Size (mL) | Actual Beaker Size (mL) | Burning Time–Trial 1 | Burning
Time–Trial 2 | Burning Time–Average | 600 | 628 | 28.3
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Short Story : ' V '
~Emma 's P.O.V~
As he came up behind me I felt a warm sensation on my neck, only to realize it was my dad looking
over my shoulder while reading my text messages. If he only knew the truth about us. How much
would change? Would he still see me the same? After being deployed for several years in Iraq he is
finally home. Now everything is going to be different, even mom doesn 't know and quite frankly I
don 't want either of them to find out. I can already imagine their expressions right now, Mom would
look at me like a kicked puppy while Dad would drive off and handle things is way, the military
way. I already know that if I even implied the truth about us Mom and Dad would argue all night
"I thought I told you to get off that thing about an hour ago!", Dad said as he was trying to prove a
point. He snatched it out of my hand and started scrolling down my contacts. They were all mainly
my close girlfriends, well all except for one. The last boy on the planet my parents would ever want
me to date, Liam Daniel Sanchez. With those dreamy hazel eyes, gorgeous light brown hair, and
under his shirt is countless hours of swim practice. Thank goodness I deleted any visible contact
between Liam and I.
"Emma, darling its time for you to get to bed you have school in the morning and its almost 11pm".
"Okay mom, I 'll be down in ten minutes to say goodnight." My mom knows its always a constant
battle for me to fall asleep, therefore the process takes roughly and hour and a
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Graduation Speech: Listen Carefully Essay
Listen carefully, Class of '2012, for the sounds you hear tonight will last a lifetime. Store them up
and save them in your hearts, for they are priceless. Each whisper, each tick of the clock is a
reminder of something you've gained here. Pay attention, so when you hear them later in life you
will remember.
When you hear a bell ring, remember our first day of school, back in September of 2008. The
coolness of the desks chilled our sun–tanned skin as we sat timidly in our seats, quietly absorbing
the shrill sound of our first high school bell as it rang at 7:30 in the morning. As much as our eyelids
wanted to sink into a sweet abyss, fear crept through our bones as we eyed the monstrous seniors
sitting nearby. For many of us, they may ... Show more content on ...
Once out of the flow of traffic, it took an entire passing period to merge back to the right side of the
hall and into the correct lane of traffic. As humiliating as this moment may have been, it taught us to
do things right and not take short cuts because they might take longer than the correct way.
As a cheer rings out, think back to play–off football games in the frigid winter air. Remember
clinging frantically to a cup of lukewarm hot chocolate only to have it stolen from you by that big
guy in fourth period biology that you only talked to once. Listen once more to the noisemakers in
your hands as you slammed them together in hopes it would bring the ball back to the correct side of
field. Feel again the sensation of being squashed between other celebrating students as the clock
ticked away the final seconds, displaying the winning score. Remember the pride you felt and hold it
close, for it is a part of you.
And when you hear the clock tick, remember all the things we have accomplished at Sunny, for they
far outnumber the seconds that have elapsed while we were here. We are the class of 1999. The
graduating seniors of Sunny High. In our midst I see the first female American president. I see a
professional baseball player and a renowned humanitarian. There is a Hollywood actress and a
Nobel Prize winning chemist
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Analysis Of To A Daughter Leaving Home By Linda Pastan
The author Linda Pastan, imagines a parent running breathlessly to regain her strength from the
ending connection she once shared with her daughter in her poem, "To a Daughter Leaving Home."
It's a mother's biggest fear when it comes to their child or children leaving home while going their
own ways when the time is right. This poem is based on childhood, fatherhood, and even
Linda Pastan made this poem include various forms of figurative language to hide the literal
message that it's trying to portray. Figurative language is using figures of speech to make the text be
more powerful, persuasive, and meaningful. Figures of speech such as, similes and metaphors, go
beyond the literal meanings to give the readers a new way of looking at the text. It can come in
multiple ways with different literacy and rhetorical devices such as: alliteration, imageries,
onomatopoeias, and etc. With the usage of the literary devices Pastan has used, it introduced the
relationship between the mother and the daughter. It shows the memories of how the mother helped
her daughter grow from a little girl to a young adult getting ready to go her own way in life.
Linda Pastan's poem, To a Daughter Leaving Home, is represented as a metaphor because it's
comparing the bike ride to the relationship between the mother and daughter. The author describes
the mother going along side her eight year old daughter as she rides her bicycle (Pastan 915). The
daughter "wobbled away" (Pastan 915). This happens to be an example of imagery because it gives
a visual description of how the daughter was riding her bike. As she rides the bike further along, the
mother gets surprised by the way the daughter seemed to be in control of the bike as she goes down
a "curved path of the park" (Pastan 915).
Besides giving a visual description Linda uses symbolism to symbolize life. The phrase a "curved
path" represents life by it being joyous, unpredictable, and dangerous. Life doesn't go in a straight
line, just a curved one. Pastan's use of onomatopoeias in the poem allows the reader to hear what is
going on in the poem. For example, she used the words "thud" and "crash" to make the reader
visualize the way the daughter rides the bike (Pastan
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Analysis Of The Book ' Cordelia Achen '
The Role of the Cone in Book One
Cordelia Achen As the title suggests, Apollonius' Conics deals with the various conic sections,
shapes that arise when one cuts the cone in different ways. However, we leave the cone rather
quickly in our foray into the conic sections, exploring the parabola, hyperbola, circle, and ellipse as
they exist outside the cone and the various line relationships that comprise them. After we find the
diameter for these sections, the cone makes a sudden reappearance as we construct the conic
sections from given lines and angles. Why do we return to the cone? Why leave it in the first place?
What the cone gives in book one of Apollonius is the curved line for each of the shapes. Its absence
allows us to see more relationships between the conic sections, and its reappearance demonstrates
how much farther we have to go before truly understanding curvature. Each of the conic sections are
defined by curve, and this curve is given to them by the way they are cut from the cone. The circle,
for instance, found in any section cut parallel to the base, has a completely regular curve and is
bound wholly within the cone. Thus the line joins in on itself. The parabola, however, which is
found in any section parallel to one side of the axial triangle or when the diameter meets the axial
triangle before the vertex, has a less regular curve because it follows a different part of the conic
section. The parabola also never meets itself because it is not bound by the
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Sculpture Review of Spartacus Breaking His Chains Essay
Sculpture Review of Spartacus Breaking His Chains
This nineteen century sixteen inch sculpture was created by Denis Foyatier. The sculpture is of
Spartacus, a man who served as a leader in a revolt against slavery. This statue was composed of
bronze and could be distinguished by its fine polish and style. This bronze statue stood in a mobile
upright position, the left foot extended forward, the arms crossed around the lower chest region.
Foyatier succeeded in producing a vivid and convincing figure by using the techniques of shape,
texture and details. His techniques suggest and appeal to a sense of intense power and vigor.
The brooding stance and overall shape of Spartacus gives the sculpture ... Show more content on ...
The tenseness of his muscles is a clear suggestion that Spartacus was about to or already performed
some sort of movement. There is also a dominant "s" like shape runs through the body beginning
from above the knees and continues until the neck, this "s" like curvature provides the figure with a
sense of autonomous life.
The rough contrasting texture Foyatier uses makes Spartacus much more realistic and proves to be
very effective. His use of highly stylized polish contrasts the shades of the arms and legs. He uses a
lighter shade of polish around Spartacus's muscles; these highly polished areas provide sheen and
highlight strength and power. The use of different shades of polish is imperative to the sculpture
because it allows his spectators to focus on the more central parts of Spartacus. The uneven curly
texture in the hair also plays an important role; it adds a more realistic image to Spartacus's identity.
The use of the different textures generates liveliness and animates a sense of energy compressed
within Spartacus's quiet pose.
Foyatier uses careful detail in his presentation. His details of Spartacus's face are very effective as it
creates a mood and sets an ideal atmosphere for the sculpture. One can detect Spartacus's raging
mood by the intense glare of his eyes, the
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Social Inequality In The Bell Curve
Many scholars believe that social inequality is unavoidable: some people are born to be lazy and
some are lack of intelligence, so they would have a lower social class because of their own ability.
Recently the one who raise this argument is the book "The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class
Structure in American Life". It was published by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray in 1994,
and the book explores the relationship between intelligence and social structure, and the problem of
social inequality. The authors point out the importance of a person's intelligence in his or her life
results: the superstructure of the United States is made up of high–level intellectuals, which they
mostly having a good result from different intelligence tests, Scholastic Aptitude Test and other
kinds of evaluation test from school. ... Show more content on ...
In the author's study, a person's scores on various tests reflect their social achievements in the future.
If they scores higher, mostly they will have a higher social class inside the society. But if they scores
lower, mostly they will have a lower social class. The author identified that intelligence is so
important to a person's life, and the level of intelligence is based on the assumption that "IQ is
affected by genetic inheritance", moreover the author believes that "IQ cannot be increased through
external help, including education", so the author argue that social inequality is destined. Since
social inequality is destined to be natural and unavoidable, and a person's social achievement is
closely related to IQ, even if the government devotes a great deal of money to implement programs
to educate the poor, it is futile because the low intelligences level makes them difficult to succeed,
but at the same time drag those people who have higher
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Scoliosis Research Paper
Everyone's spine has natural curve which round our shoulders and make our lower back curve
slightly inward (Common Scoliosis Questions). Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine
(Taylor, 2011, p394). Scoliosis can also be defined as a lateral (towards the inside) curvature of the
spine with increased convexity (the quality or state of being curved outward) on the side that is
curve (Taylor, 2011, p601). There are several less common types of scoliosis, but the four major
different types of scoliosis are congenital scoliosis, early onset scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, and
neuromuscular scoliosis. The spinal curves cannot be corrected simply by learning to stand up
straight like poor posture.
Little is known about the history deformities of the spine (Vasiliadis, 2009). Curvature of the spine
is a disorder that has plagued the ... Show more content on ...
It affects eighty–five percent of people. Idiopathic scoliosis frequently runs in families and there is a
growing body of evidence that genetics plays a major role (What Causes Scoliosis, 2008).
Congenital scoliosis is when scoliosis is present at birth when the vertebrae is irregularly formed.
Central nervous system disorders (cerebral palsy), muscle diseases (muscular dystrophy), or genetic
diseases (Down syndrome) may cause scoliosis. Infections and fractures containing the spine, may
cause scoliosis. The risk factors for scoliosis are age, gender, and family history. The usual age is
typically between 9 and 15 years, which signs and symptoms begin during growth spurt prior to
puberty. Both boys and girls develop mild scoliosis at about the same rate, yet, girls have a much
higher risk of the curve worsening and requiring treatment (Scoliosis, 2012). Scoliosis is maybe
hereditary, but most children with scoliosis do not have a family history of the disease (Scoliosis,
2012). If there is a family history of scoliosis, 20% will develop the
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The Bell Curve
The most highly controversial work making these claims was the book entitled "The Bell Curve." In
this book by Herrnstein and Murray (1994), the authors reviewed previous empirical research and
analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY). They argued for a strong
link, even when socioeconomic disadvantage is taken into account, between low IQ and criminality.
The NLSY data show that as IQ goes from very high to very low, the chance of involvement in
criminality (based on arrest and self–report data) goes from to virtually 0% to almost 15%
(Herrnstein & Murray, 1994). Cullen, Gendreau, Jarjoura, and Wright (1997) provide a compelling
refutation of the claim in "The Bell Curve" that low IQ is a key explanatory factor
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Reflection Of A Mirror
Where does one see the most real physical you? The best example I could find is a mirror, and your
The reflection in a mirror changes the instant life does, it blinks so fast that you can't catch it, it
stares only when you look at it, and turns its back on you the moment you do. The mirror only holds
life when someone stands before it, without oneself it serves no purpose, its one and only purpose
was to tell you, through reflection, what you look like. Without having the little lies or falsehoods
that those nearest you tend to tell you about the way you look.
These falsehoods are often caught, and brought to reality by painters and other reflective surfaces.
Whilst they may be true to the artist or surface, they are not accurate, ... Show more content on ...
When we look at ourselves in the mirror we must be critical, we must look at ourselves as if it is not
we who is looking back, because we lie to ourselves as well, and sometimes the truth, although
unpleasant might be the only thing to set us back on the right path.
"[A] sort of dehiscence opens my body in two, and because between my body looked at and my
body looking, my body touched and my body touching, there is overlapping or encroachment, so
that we may say that the things pass into us as well as we into the things." (Merleau–Ponty
1964/1969: 123)
It is therefore when we look at ourselves without preconceived notions, or small, little euphemisms,
that we learn the most about who we really are. The mirror can reveal so much of our lives, it can
tell you everything that you allow yourself to listen to, it can tell you about the reason there is
sadness or fear in your eyes, or why your skin is rough and full of calluses. Our bodies are our
physical vessels; they merely hold and protect our minds. However, the way in which you treat your
body changes the relationship between the body and the
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The Book ' The Dark Wall '
The Dark Wall The bell rang and we all squirmed out of Mrs. Clifford's room. Everyone with the
same waning, goad. Just before we pressed through the iron guard we all hear a scream. A voice so
high pitched it sent a shrill through every one of us and echoed down the pale halls. Right, then we
knew we were about to have our ID cards handed to us. We drop them in the thermoset polymer pale
with the sound of a marble pendulum. Out we go hands on fire, heads melting and sit under an
azure, impalpable extremity. The shade from the tree froze us as it blocked out the sun. The whistle
blew and we all strutted along the side of the blacktop. Just as we get to the edge we become a herd
of gazelles running from a pack of hungry lions. The first ... Show more content on
Mrs.Gentry was my next door neighbor and I never knew that for the 5 years I went to the same
school she was teaching at. What has happened to this world such that we don't even know our
neighbors? The following day I go into the garden and gather the mutated zucchini, tomatoes, and
chilis. Mom wraps the in a woven and jaded looking basket. Ding–Dong, I can hear the doorbell
from outside the door of Mrs.Gentry's house and the gentle stomping of feet growing louder yet
staying quiet coming to the door. My teacher appears and I present her with the basket of fresh
garden produce which is truly organic, as that is what I thought. Only until a few years later I
thought that the seeds may come from genetically modified organisms with other chemicals and
pesticides and whatnot in them. Glatorian X A few clicks here and a few pegs there and voila, you
have a fully fledged pile of no imagination and utter madness. The whole tub is emptied out onto the
floor and pieces are scattered under the chair, in between the shelves, under my pants, on my t–shirt,
and all over the floor. I scuffle through the smooth avalanche to find the one, the final addition to my
most amazing creation ever, Glatorian X. I was the outstanding, the lone ranger, that one crazy
kamikaze, the one whose friend was in a different city that was half an hour away if you drive. That
year everyone wanted the new and completely idiotic Wii U which is horrible compared to the Wii
but not me. The 3DS XL was in the
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To A Daughter Leaving Home Poem
he poem "To a Daughter Leaving Home" by Linda Pastan describes the very memory of a mother
teaching her younger daughter to ride a bicycle. The title of the poem says that the said "daughter"
the author is speaking of is older now, but the poem concentrates on the past. Pastan's figure of
speech with the use of metaphors, imagery, enjambment show how the bicycle is a part of life's
journey and the diction helps demonstrate the young daughter's maturation from a child to an adult.
Pastan uses several figures of speech to convey what she is presenting. For example, enjambment is
used, where one line runs into another. Such words are, "pumping" (18), "screaming" (19), and
"flapping" (21). The purpose of this is to allow an idea to continue beyond ... Show more content on ...
The poem consists of one long sentence, which is made up primarily of one long sentence. This
represents the different phases of the lesson, which leads into the growing up procedure. At the
beginning of the poem, the daughter is hence scared to ride the bike and even "wobbled" (5); she
could not maintain her balance. However, she gained her balance and the mother was in "surprise
when you [she] pulled ahead down the curved path of the park" (8–10). The mother kept "waiting
for the thud of your [her] crash" (11–13). Therefore, the author was waiting for her child to crash,
but like in life she gained her balance on the bicycle. As the poem progresses, she grows up and
becomes smaller and more breakable, which shows that she is grown up now and ready to venture
off into the world. The reaction of the mother is the reaction of any mother, she is worried her
daughter might crash and fail, but like all mothers they must let their daughters go. At the end of the
poem, the daughter "screams with laughter" and keeps "pumping and pumping" into the distance.
She is happy to finally have her "hair flapping behind you [her] like a handkerchief waving
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1. Yes the results support my hypothesis, which was, as the temperature increases the resistances
decreases. For example the resistance at 20OC was ______ and at 50OC it was ______ which was
much lower.
Also the graph shows a negative correlation with a curve of best fit. This shows the relationship is
not Ohmic as it is not a straight line.
Yes I had an anomalous result, it was at a temperature of __OC. It was higher/lower (select the
correct one) than it should have been. If the resistance at this temperature had been on my line of
best fit the value should have been _____ Ohms(read this off your graph).
No I did not have any anomalous results. I know ... Show more content on ...
6. The smallest interval was 10OC, i.e. the difference between 20OC and 30OC. Yes this was a
suitable interval because by moving from 20OC to 30OC there was a difference in the resistance of
_____ Ohms. It was also possible to see a pattern in the results using intervals of 10OC. However to
create a more accurate line of best fit I could have used intervals of 5OC. If I had the resistance
value of 15OC would have been ______ Ohms (read this off your graph).
CIRCLE the anomalous results in BOTH the table of results and graph if you have any. Make sure
you say;
a. Whether each result is a higher or lower value than it should be.
b. What could have caused it, the best answers for this are;
i. If it was too high, the thermistor was not given time to warm to the temperature of the water bath
and therefore was taking a reading at a lower temperature. ii. If it was too low the temperature must
have been higher than thought. The way this could have happened is if the thermistor was held close
to the heating element in the water bath and been in a hot spot.
7. The results could be useful because in the context a company is always making a product which
will turn something on (a thermostat in a house central heating system, fire alarm in a room which
has got hot) or off (a kettle when the water is at 100OC). The manufacture needs to know the
resistance at the temperatures which are important for these functions, so that they can
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Physics : The Back And Forth Motion
In this series of experiments, we examined the back and forth motion. We analyzed the motion of
five objects which included a mass attached at the end of a spring, a swinging pendulum, a ball
thrown up in the air, a jumping student, and a cart rolling up and down an incline. Using the motion
detector and a computer we were able to come up with graphs of position VS time and Velocity VS
time from which it was possible to tell where the velocity or the acceleration were maximum, and
whether they were changing or not. Besides that, the graphs also helped to notice objects that
exhibited a similar type of motion.
Description of the setup
An object was placed or hanged on the proper area, where it could sit at rest. That is to say an
inclined track for the cart, and a ring stand for both the pendulum and a mass attached at the end of a
spring. Hereafter, a motion detector was connected to a computer via a lab quest and was brought in
close proximity with the object. After that, the motion detector sensitivity switch was set to
ball/walk or track depending on the object's motion which is being studied. From here, the
appropriate file for plotting an object's graphs was opened on the desktop. Then, from here,
everything was in place for data collection. (Photos below).
Outline of technique
The pendulum was pulled to about 15 cm from the motion detector. In case of the mass on a spring,
the mass was pulled till just a few inches away from the motion detector.
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Sunday Field Trip And Sketch / Photo Essay
The Seattle Area is home to a number of masterpieces of 20th century landscape architecture.
During the first week of class, the students and the instructor will collectively decide on one or more
landscapes that they are interested in visiting and will be asked to note what Saturdays they are
available. We will then visit and explore the site(s) together, possibly with a guest speaker, on a
Saturday. You will sketch the site and photograph it. I will bring copies of a couple of quick readings
about the project, which we will read on site. And then you will be asked to create an illustrated
essay that uses imagery and short blurbs to talk about some of the ideas discussed in the readings
and that you observe. The purpose of the assignment is to explore how combining imagery and short
blurbs can be used to narrate the history of a site, its design, and how its design has been received.
The assignment is meant to get you thinking about how photos can be used to promote ideas and
represent experience, as well as how photos found in blogs and magazines can be deceptive–
creating visions of a site that are much different than the reality. Each essay must include an
introductory blurb between 150 and 400 words and a minimum of 15 original images (including a
site plan, at least two sketches analyzing detail or section, and 3‐5 images that show a specific
sequence you've moved through within the landscape). Each image should be associated
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The Bell Curve Dilemma And Performance Appraisal
The Bell curve conundrum
It is a well–established fact that employed human capital provides the competitive edge to the firms
operating in the same competitive space. Organizations that have motivated and talented individuals
are likely to forge ahead of the pack, even if they have similar products or services. That is why it is
important that we manage the performance of the employees well. We discuss the goals to be
achieved during the year; provide feedback to employees on their progress and modify the direction
as the year progresses and organizational direction shifts. At the end of the performance year, start
pulling together information and evidence of how well the employees have achieved the goals. Then
apply a rating which will govern their payouts, promotions and compensation and create
development plans for the next year. We cannot fathom anything to go wrong in this textbook laid
process. It has been a best practice after all! But somehow 'performance appraisal' is the most hated
organizational practice by the employees. No one is ever happy with the results of their performance
appraisals. Many solid, successful, and happy employees find their ratings discouraging. At the
same time we find the managers and HR to be fidgeting uncomfortably even after doing everything
they could to ensure that the performers are well fitted in the bell curve. There has to be a better
way. Have the companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Accenture and IBM found the better way by doing
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The Bell Curve Analysis
In this article, author talk about a controversial speaker students shouted on him last night and
agitating the program and encountering the speaker that turned into violence and left a faculty
member injured. President of the college, issued an apology to all people including speaker, who
wrote the book ''The Bell Curve'' linked to lower social and economic status with race and
intelligence. Apart from that, Professor Ms. Paton said that the community had "failed to live up to
our core values. Some of the protesters appeared and some students were also involved.
However, some orthodox said that the students were intolerant, had engaged in mob mentality and
were quashed free speech, while those on the left maintained that the speaker was racist,
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Line Clipping Is The Process Of Removing Lines
LINE CLIPPING ALGORITHMS Line clipping is the process of removing lines/portions of lines
that are outside of an area of interest. There are two main algorithms of line clipping namely: 1)
Copen– Sutherland 2) Liang Barsky Copen – Sutherland This algorithm is used to detect and
dispense with two trivial cases and in order to clip a line we are required to consider only the end
points. When the endpoints of a specific line lie inside the window then it can be said to be trivially
accepted and clipping is not required. Clipping occurs when both endpoints of a line lie entirely to
one side of the window thus indicating that the line entirely lies outside of the window hence trivial
rejection and the line needs to be clipped. Inside–Outside Window Codes The Copen – Sutherland
algorithm sets up a half space code for the endpoints so as to determine whether the endpoints are
inside or outside the window. An infinite line is defined by every edge of the window which divides
the entire space into two half–spaces (the inside half space and the outside half space) Fig 1.1
During the trivial acceptance and rejection tests the edges of the window are extended so as to
divide the window planes into 9 regions. The end points of the respective line are then assigned the
code of the region in which it lies. 1) Given a line with endpoint L1 =(x1, y1) and L2 = (x2, y2), we
compute the 4–bit codes for the endpoints: If both codes are 0000 the line maybe said to completely
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Thank You All For Taking The Time At Come Tonight
Thank you all for taking the time to come tonight. Before we start I would like you all to use half of
your notes page to write down one word that describes how you have been feeling lately. You may
accompany this with a picture if you wish.
Now put those to the side, as we will need them a little later on.
We are going to start today's PD a little differently. I want you all to have a go at the colouring
sheets that are in front of you. We are going to just do this for 5minutes. During this time I want you
to stay as quiet as you can and let your mind wander.
–Ring a bell to regain attention (wait until bell has completely stopped before speaking)–
Ok, it is now time to get the word/drawing that you wrote at the beginning of the session and in the
other half repeat the same thing. Write a word describing how you feel and once again you may
draw a picture as well.
Has anyone's responses changed in the last 5minutes?
–allow for discussion–
As teachers, do you think that those 5minutes would change the behaviours that you see in your
classroom when your students come into the classroom?
–allow for discussion–
In my presentation today we are going to be looking what mindfulness is, why we should practice it
in the classroom, the benefits and when we should practice it. I will also be providing you with
many practical ways that you can implement mindfulness into your classrooms.
So what is mindfulness?
Professor Jon Kabat–Zinn defines it as an "awareness that arises
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Summary Of The Bell Curve By Charles Murray
Charles Murray was born on January 8, 1943 in Newton, Iowa. After scoring a high score on his
SAT exam he was able to attend a Harvard University where He received his B.A. in 1965. In 1974,
he received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Today, Charles Murray is a social
scientist libertarian and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He is a well–known author of
many books and have sparked national conversation that changed laws. He wrote the books: Losing
Ground, In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government, The Bell Curve, What it Means to be a
Libertarian: A personal Interpretation, Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the
Arts and Sciences, Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to
Reality, By the People Rebuilding Liberty without permission and Coming Apart: The State of ...
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He is a controversial writer that have stirred up a lot of talk all around the world. He is considered
by some one of the greatest public intellectual. He believes it is time for civil disobedience. Which
means refusing to comply with certain laws that tells us to pay taxes and fines. Murray believes that
it is class not race that is a determinant of social polarization. He is known for his controversial
book, The Bell Curve written with Richard J. Hernstein, who passed away before the book was
published. This book brought on much controversy about how a person's IQ is what shapes
America's class structure. He feels that intelligence is more profitable in one's life than social status.
In his book, Coming Apart, Charles Murray says, "America has divided strongly into two classes."
He further names and explains the two classes. He call the cognitive elite group the "Belmont."
They are the college graduates that hold jobs using their minds. And the other group is called,
"Fishtown." This group of people has high school diploma and they working and getting paid less
than the
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The Bell Curve Research Paper
The idea many people often perceive about intelligence today is how smart you are and what you're
capable of remembering off the top of your head. It can be looked at as a black and white topic: your
smart or you're not. But intelligence is much more than this, and there are many forms of
intelligence. What a person is intelligent in often leads them into an occupation they are able to be
skilled at. The fight between intelligence stemming from genetics or the environment is still present
today. Of the different types, interpersonal intelligence is in other words, being people smart. Mental
health professionals and agents with the FBI such as hostage negotiators all have a high rate of
interpersonal intelligence, and they use this skill everyday ... Show more content on
Herrnstein and Charles Murray, evidence shows that "intelligence is to a significant extent
inherited." Since 1994 when the book was published, there has been more research on the topic of
where it comes from. The battle still exists between stemming from our surrounding environment or
being in the genes. Sue Ramsden at University College London did an IQ study with some of her
colleagues on 33 adolescents. She did the study 3–4 years later and found the adolescents test scores
increased, some dramatically. This evidence shows that intelligence can change throughout one's
life. Upbringing plays a role in an individual being able to explore their own mind and intelligence.
If a child is raised without encouragement and direction, they may have a negative view and a
harder time wanting to explore knowledge. Reading to child when they're young, traveling to other
cities/states, and communication all are factors in opening the mind of children at a young age that
can carry on into adulthood. But here's where the controversy comes in. Some children and
adolescents who did not have a good upbringing, had a rocky childhood and un–directive parents
still have turned out to be straight A students and have a high, and growing, intelligence in one or
more areas. Everyone has different abilities and finding what that is can look easy to some people
whereas some may have a more difficult
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Three Bell Curves Summary
The article Three Bell Curves: Business Culture Decoded points out, the answer to your business
culture questions are really very simple to understand, but a son–of–a–gun to execute a strategy for
improvement against. Still, concrete, evidence based definition and guidance could mean the
difference between your organization becoming good from bad or great from good. The author's
perspective comes from 15 years of handling or managing commercial casualty claims in the
commercial insurance industry. In other words, all he did all day for at least 12 years was handle
problems businesses had with customers. When 'things went wrong' it was his job to find out what
the root–cause of the problem was and resolve it. After handling several thousands
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Concentration Of MIBK, Ethanol And Water In The Feed And...
In this experiment the concentrations of MIBK, ethanol and water in the Feed, Extract and Raffinate
streams were determined at Steady–State, which would then be used with the equilibrium data
provided to calculate the theoretical number of stages required for separation. Once Steady–State
was achieved, the components water, ethanol and MIBK reached consistent mole percent (mol%)
values of 85.48 %, 13.15 % and 1.37 % respectively for the Extract Stream. Conversely, the
Raffinate Stream was had water, ethanol and MIBK mol% values of 12.84 %, 4.75 % and 82.41 %
As per the sample calculations in Appendix C, the Karr Reciprocating Plate Column effectively
extracted 90.24 % of the ethanol from the Feed stream into the Extract stream. As was expected, the
agitation aided in the separation process considering more surface area was made available for
interface interaction with smaller droplets.
Calculation of the number of equilibrium stages required, had to be done using a Ternary Diagram
(Figure 4). Equilibrium data was provided that could be plotted (Table A3); however, an average of
the component mol% for the Raffinate, Extract Feed and Solvent streams had to be determined. This
required the conversion the experimental data of the normalized volume percent (vol%) in Table A1
into mol% values, so the data points could be plotted on the Ternary Triangular Diagram.
Conversion from vol% to mol% was done by through consideration of the components respective
density and
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Analysis Of Inequality By Design: Cracking The Bell Curve
It is impossible to have a prosper society without a political system that will uphold, respect and
defend all the people of all social class. In other words, a prosper society is based on equality, as C.S
Fisher explains in his book Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve. But, Why Inequality? It's
clear that inequality is assumed to be normal and has existed through our history, especially to those
who think intelligence is the determining factor of success. Specifically, in The Bell Curve by
Charles Murray focused in the idea that intelligence is inherited and determines the life outcome,
intelligence is dignified. Also, the fact that segregation happens in different ways that could be
summarized in deliberate policies objectives, ... Show more content on ...
I remember hearing two of my teachers discussing about their groups and how it is not fair to have
all the students who needed the most attention in the same classroom. I completely dismissed the
conversation, until the moment I was reading Jeannie Oakes words about equality within
classrooms. I realized the tracking practice has existed through my whole academic, as something
normal, required by schools. Oakes defines tracking as the "process whereby students are divided
into categories so that they can be assigned in groups to various kinds of classes" (Oakes, 1986 pg.
3). Also, it's explained that many of the tracking methods causes differences bring a great
disadvantaged to students both academically and emotionally. In elementary school there were
always two or three group of student of the same grade divided into levels of performances. Going
forward, in middle school, I was in a math and science specialized school and later on in a
vocational school, both of which I was required to pass rigorous selection process. Therefore,
tracking was made before enrolling depending completely in standardized test scores, GPA,
interview and so on. Considering that tracking was made before enrolling in school, there was still a
sense of division between groups depending on their "intelligence". Even so, classrooms were
always balanced with academically ahead and behind students. Overall, tracking did exist in
peculiar ways, but it did not make a difference in the education given, still tracking was made when
schools didn't promote educational opportunities with the justification that it such opportunity was
not in our best interest or we weren't
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Varian Solution
Chapter 1
The Market
Introduction. The problems in this chapter examine some variations on the apartment market
described in the text. In most of the problems we work with the true demand curve constructed from
the reservation prices of the consumers rather than the "smoothed" demand curve that we used in the
text. Remember that the reservation price of a consumer is that price where he is just indifferent
between renting or not renting the apartment. At any price below the reservation price the consumer
will demand one apartment, at any price above the reservation price the consumer will demand zero
apartments, and exactly at the reservation price the consumer will be indifferent between having
zero or one apartment. You should ... Show more content on ...
Further suppose that people A, B, C, D, and E manage to get an apartment, while F, G, and H are
frozen out.
(Ch. 1)
(a) If subletting is legal–or, at least, practiced–who will sublet to whom in equilibrium? (Assume
that people who sublet can evade the city rentcontrol restrictions.)
E, who is willing to pay only F,
$10 for an apartment would sublet to who is willing to pay $18.
(b) What will be the maximum amount that can be charged for the sublet payment?
$18. A,
(c) If you have rent control with unlimited subletting allowed, which of the consumers described
above will end up in the 5 apartments?
B, C, D, F.
(d) How does this compare to the market outcome?
It's the
1.5 (2) In the text we argued that a tax on landlords would not get passed along to the renters. What
would happen if instead the tax was imposed on renters? (a) To answer this question, consider the
group of people in Problem 1.1. What is the maximum that they would be willing to pay to the
landlord if they each had to pay a $5 tax on apartments to the city? Fill in the box below with these
reservation prices. Person Reservation Price A B C D E F G H
(b) Using this information determine the maximum equilibrium price if there are 5 apartments to be
(c) Of course, the total price a renter pays consists of his or her rent plus the tax. This
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Young Pine In Light Essay
Emily Carr's Young Pines in Light (c. unknown) uses elements and principles that suggest
movement in the painting. The various use of lines, the presence of positive space, the use of colour
and an asymmetrical balance all help to suggest motion in the painting. Line is the greatest and most
prevalent element used in the painting. The painting is filled with lines from left to right and top to
bottom. There are straight lines, curved lines, diagonal lines. The density and length of the lines are
also included in the painting. They range from thick to thin and short to long. The horizon line is
curved in an "s" wave which helps to give the painting more movement from left to right, unlike a
straight horizontal line which would suggest ... Show more content on ...
There isn't much negative space or even hardly any thereof. A lot of the space in the painting is
positive. This gives us more to look at and creates the illusion of depth. Everything behind the
horizon gets smaller and smaller in size and blurred out. Mimicking the way we actually see things
in real life. Things farther away appear smaller and sometimes we cannot make out some of the
lines/shapes beyond us. Things in the foreground, those before the horizon are much larger and we
can make out the shape of the trees and other objects. Also, in the foreground the painting is much
more spaced out rather than the background. This depth in the painting represents the movement of
our eyes from near to far. It looks as if we could actually move through the painting and make our
way into the forest. The three–dimensional space within the painting isn't very sharp but subtle
instead. She perfectly softens up the image to show a more fluid perspective. The overlapping of
trees and stumps further enhance this illusion. The curved horizontal line splits the landscape into
halves, which continue on into space. This implies that the landscape continues to move beyond the
borders, to the left and right. The importance of space in the painting is key for allowing the painting
to have the presence of
... Get more on ...
The Bell Curve
Today, current events in the United States are mired with complex topics and simple answers. Often
times articles present information in biased ways, or make completely inaccurate statements in order
to emphasize an opinion. This often avoids addressing an issue with a serious discussion of the
empirical data and known information on the topic. One specific topic in which data and studies are
often presented carelessly or often misinterpreted is in the subject of IQ. According to one of the
authors of a controversial book The Bell Curve, Charles Murray says; "There's a dirty little secret
that we try to expose in the book which is that the conventional wisdom in the media about IQ tests
and what they measure and don't measure, and expert opinion, ... Show more content on ...
One of the final points made in The Bell Curve is that by acknowledging IQ as a factor that exists,
social policy and decisions made at the macro level can better be tailored to the needs of groups. To
prevent a 'cognitive elite' from isolating itself from the rest of society, the book offers a solution in
which differences in abilities are recognized, and each individual can have a valued place(1). The
bell Curve unsurprisingly is disregarded by many that fear utilizing IQ could have severely negative
effects on society's views and treatments of minority groups or historically oppressed groups. The
book is often described as a racist and bigoted book that tells its readers to treat groups with
significantly different IQ differently (2). While both sides can make a strong case for the value of IQ
in modern day society, without an understanding of the experiments and design structure of the tests
used to collect data on the subject, both arguments should seem unconvincing. Arguing about IQ is a
very sensitive subject, and to be able to do so in a beneficial way the arguments used to discuss the
topic should utilize an understanding of principals learned in CBE
... Get more on ...

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Bell Curve Analysis

  • 1. Bell Curve Analysis Good Afternoon Professor Swaney Thank you for sharing this information. I remember the bell curve as and the pressure as I felt as a student of being on the "right side" of the curve. I also remember the negative feelings and feelings of disappointment for being on the "wrong side" of the curve what I thought were letting my parents down for not succeeding in an academic subject. When I was young (Elementary and some Jr. High) I really struggled with reading and retention. I did very well in other subjects, but it always bothered me that I struggled in reading. My mother and father were always very supportive but I am not sure they understood why (I grew up in a different time of education) I struggled. My mother was from a different country, France and though educated still had language barrier issues and my father was a migrant worker as a child and although extremely successful in life had only gone to school part time until the 8th grade. I believe they ... Show more content on ... It is key to show them and the child that while they may be struggling in one area that does not mean they are broken. The use of visuals aids to emphasis a positive strength in their child can be good. Many times when parents hear what can be perceived as debilitating weaknesses in learning in their child, to see something positive in a visual format. As you noted it is also good for parents to visually see where their child is compared to other children. Even it is not where they would hope, it can help them in their decision process when it comes to their child's IEP goal and object development. One final note, I was never was assessed as a child. I wonder if I should have been. As we have discussed, I still have a tendency to focus in on a single point and include "to much" information. Thank you for the wonderful discussion. Have a fantastic upcoming week! ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Walking Team Lab Walking Team Lab Questions 1. Describe the shape of a graph of an object moving with uniform motion. (1) The shape of a graph of an object moving with uniform motion is linear, meaning with a straight line and a constant slope. Since, uniform motion means that the speed is constant and the object is moving in the same direction, the graph will have linear data and its constant slope can be represented with a line of best fit. In other words, the speed and the direction of the object remain the same for all of the motion that the object does, which determines the shape of a graph with an object moving uniformly. The results of uniform motion are represented by a line of best fit on this graph as the motion is in a straight line and the line ... Show more content on ... In our lab, as time passed by the walker walked at a constant speed and in the same direction (uniformly) for 30m. The uniform motion in this lab gave us the outcome of a linear shape on graph with a line of best fit which is increasing from left to right as its moving away from the origin and a constant slope that remains consistent in direction. 2. How is the speed of an object related to the shape of the graph? (1) The speed of an object is related to the shape of a graph because depending on whether the speed varies during the motion or remains constant, the graph's shape will be affected. If the speed of the graph remains the same (uniform) the shape of the graph will be linear. If the speed of the object varies (non–uniform), the graph will have variations in the data for the position which depends on the slowing down and speeding up of the object, leaving us with the outcome of a curve of best fit or a parabola shape. The graph will be in the form of a non–linear shape. The speed of an object's motion on the graph represents the slope of the graph. A linear graph with straight ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Evidence And Assessment Of Student Learning Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goals for each of the following types of performance: exceeds expectations, meets expectations, and below expectations. (Be sure to include both content and language, assessed either separately or together.) Students will be meeting expectations throughout the lesson if they are correctly using the vocabulary with the aid of the word bank or the use of the textbook while explaining their answers and reasoning. Students will be exceeding expectations if they are interacting with their fellow classmates and are using the lesson's vocabulary without any aid while explaining their mathematical reasoning. Students will be ... Show more content on ... Students exceed expectation if they are able to use several of the lesson's proper term when explaining their answers. Students who are at the expanding level will meet expectation if they recognize the proper terms of the lesson in questions or problems. Students will not meet expectation if they do not incorporate the proper term in their responses, this indicate a degree of confusion. Students will exceed expectation if they incorporate the term of this lesson in their explanation when they are expressing verbally. Student feedback How will your provide students with feedback? (Include all types of feedback – electronic, peer, teacher, answer key, etc.; include not only correction but other) Teacher and peers will give the feedback throughout the lesson. The peer–peer feedback will be allowed during the lesson; teacher's feedback will be given immediately. How will you support students to meet their goals? (Most of the Lesson Plan goes here.) How will you get the lesson started? What questions, texts, inquiry modeling and/or other techniques will you use to engage students? ➢ Opening/Hook Students will be introduced to this new unit by watching two brain pop videos; the first one regarding geometry, and the second one regarding angles. ➢ Prior Knowledge Activation Subsequent from watching the video the teacher will have a discussion with students in order to access their schema ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Bell Curve Grading Bell Curve Scoring Whenever you hear the phrase "graded on a curve" the class splits into two types of people: the confident and the terribly stressed. In my school, there is an established grading scale meaning whatever score an individual gets on an assignment is comparable to a rubric and gets a score based on his sole abilities. Grading on a curve is a bit different. This grading method calculates the average grade and determines how each student compared to the average. Bell curve grading doesn't measure how much of the material a student retained, per say, but instead, how much more (or less) they knew than their classmates. Bell curve grading is the most competitive type of assessing; each student must not be concerned with doing his ... Show more content on ... They are "unfair", unjustly subjective, and just a bad tool in general to measure anyone's abilities. I see their necessity in the face of extremely difficult tests in which the professor expects everyone to fail on a regular grading scale; however, in day–to–day, averagely difficult assignments, this is too extreme and harsh of a method of grading. There are many greater ways to help a student's grade, such as raising every student's grade by the top score's difference from 100. Another viable option is to take everyone's scores out of the highest score. Both of these and many more are safer and more beneficial alternatives and still show how people relatively scored among one another. Bell curve grading seems terrible; I am glad none of my teachers employ ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Alan Poe In Platizky's (1999) article on the Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Alan Poe is choppy and, sometimes, wandering critique. Albeit, the historical reference Platizky uses on how Poe "ambiguously capitalizes on psychological fear and historical reality" (p. 206), is the ultimate essence of the article which sets a novice reader on the right path to understanding the story. Platizky's use of historical facts and sources leads me to believe this article could help provoke a logical thought process for anyone to understand the fascination, and or fear, of being buried alive and the symbols used within the story. Platizky's article jumps from point to point with no clear direction. The order of Platizky transition s could be more concise; instead of jumping from Poe's earlier work, to tidbits of history, to the symbolism of points in the story, back to more historical references, and finally a weak conclusion that leaves readers wanting closure. This fact is not forthcoming of an adequate flow to follow. The flow is comparative to a Quentin Tarantino film jumping back and forth in the time line of the plot. Another aspect where Platizky's article lacks clear direction is through the explanation of the story's symbols and how they are historically tied. The statement of how "the catacombs could be symbolic due to Christian history and their nitrous decay" would serve readers best, not to elaborate on the catacombs. In which, damp nitre filled vaults lead Montressor to ask Fortunato ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Stephen Jay Gould's Critique Of The Bell Curve After reading and analyzing The Bell Curve, one is left in a confused state of whether Gould's arguments are realistic or not. Many have gone against his dissertation and some believe it is true. The Bell Curve argues that IQ can determine the success of a person, and it can vary in between races. Others such as Gould, believe that the IQ test is inadequate due to the fact that it is not based on life circumstances. The main controversy after the bell curve was published was whether the authors were racist and if intelligence was determined by race. Critics have since proven that the Bell Curve is inaccurate and intelligence is not only measured by tests and is not affected by certain circumstances such as race. Stephen Jay Gould's "Critique of The Bell Curve" is one of the most popular arguments against the Bell ... Show more content on ... Horgan is a well renowned and respected journalist that has written for major newspapers, such as the New York Times and The Washington Post. One chapter from Mismeasure focused on the work of a 19th–century physician, Samuel George Morton, who amassed a collection of almost 1,000 skulls from around the world. Morton estimated the brain size of different racial groups by pouring seed and lead shot into the skulls. He concluded that whites have larger brains on average than blacks, confirming his suspicion that the races do not share a common ancestry but stemmed from different evolutionary roots. In Mismeasure, Gould reanalyzed Morton's skull measurements and concluded that the average sizes of blacks' and whites' skulls were roughly equivalent. Gould suggested that Morton's racial bias had led him to "discover" results consonant with his beliefs. Horgan believes that maybe Gould was wrong that Morton misrepresented his data, but "he was absolutely right that biological determinism was and continues to be a dangerous pseudoscientific ideology" ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Lesson Reflection 1. Briefly describe what you planned to do and explain if you changed anything along the way (flexibility is key!!) What I planned to do was to explain to the students that points, lines, line segments, rays, and planes are everywhere. They are the building blocks of geometry. Then, I went through my PowerPoint and explained what each of the figures are. I explained that a point has no dimensions and is a location on a plane. It is also represented by a dot. I went on and did the same thing for a line, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, line segment, ray, and a plane. Throughout the lesson I went through the worksheet and showed the students how to draw, name/read, and write each one of them. After that we did the line song. I should them what each one was using my arms. Finally, I play the game Simon says. During the game, I kept saying Simon says, but then I did not to see if the students were listening. A couple of students were not, but then got the hang of it then. I changed my lesson a little bit by going out of order. I did the PowerPoint first, then did the worksheet, played a game, and then the coffee stirrers. 2. How do you feel the students responded to your activity(ies)? Tell me about some of their responses. I feel that the students responded pretty good to the activities. With the worksheet, I hand some of the students tell me what each one was or how it is to be read, written, drawn. Some of the students said that a line segment is a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Bell Curve : External And External Factors? Human intelligence is assessed at a young age which places people into certain groups based on their performance. These practices can be harmful as others may begin to predetermine one's destiny due to scoring low or high on an exam. However, the factors that make up intelligence assessments can be up for debate as many begin to wonder if those are the factors that truly determine intelligence. The Bell Curve, written by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, attempts to offer an explanation on what makes up intelligence and the external and internal factors that may affect it. Robert J. Sternberg reviews the ideas introduced in The Bell Curve involving general factors of intelligence, cross–cultural differences, and real–world application of intelligence assessments. The first issue Sternberg tackles is the nature of intelligence that humans differ in which Herrnstein and Murray claim cognitive ability is the general factor for these differences. Modern scholars have accepted general factors to determine intelligence, however, they still have statistical and psychological disputes. The statistical disputes involve the large variety of factors that can be determined as a general factor for intelligence. In terms of psychological disputes, many critics of general factors contend that there are several intelligences that cannot be represented into a singular general factor, such as analytical, practical, and biological. According to numerous studies, the basis in which ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. How Is Snowball Into A Mountain Of Trouble? It's funny how the smallest of comments can snowball into a mountain of trouble. I guess it's the silence that really hurts the situation, beating it into a pulp of what it used to be. I have very few friends, and that can sometimes come in handy or hurt me in unimaginable ways. Now I know that I've said some things I shouldn't have said before, but it's usually stayed the small incident it is. There has only been one time in my life where I have been in some deep trouble due to saying something I shouldn't have said. It all started in science class. I was intent on finishing my work, like most other kids rushing to beat the bell. My friend, Robert, was sitting next to me. Being a genius, he had already finished all of his work. He ... Show more content on ... The class stopped their intense working and stared at me. I felt my cheeks start to burn as they all looked at me. The teacher didn't notice my scream but did notice the absence of pencils scratching against paper. He told everyone to get back to work, so they did. I looked to my right to apologize to Robert, but he started getting up to leave because of the bell. I felt truly terrible. I hadn't meant what I said and shouldn't have said it, but I still thought the whole thing would blow over in a matter of a few minutes. I couldn't have been more incorrect. The next class was a bore, as usual. I wasn't really thinking about Robert and what I had said until I felt a poke from behind. I heard a small hissing noise. "Psst," the mysterious entity said. I turned around to see that it was one of my worst enemies, Dylan. "Hello, Dylan," I hissed to him not unlike Jerry Seinfeld encountering Newman. "Hello, Fonseca," he responded in the same manner. "I heard that you were bad–mouthing Robert, like the coward you are. I'm pretty sure I saw him taking an alternate path to class, to avoid you." Oh man, I thought. This isn't going to end well. "Just stay away from me, Dylan," I told him. He sat back in his chair, having accomplished his mission. "Your grave," he said. That period was the hardest I've ever had to stand. As soon as the bell rang, I got up and sprinted to my third class. Neither Robert nor Dylan were in this ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Instrumentation & Measurement: Calibration of Straightness... Contents 1. Summary 1 2. Introduction 1–3 1.1 Least Squares Method 2 1.1.1 Method 2 1.2 Minimum Zone Method 3 2. Objectives 3 3. Apparatus 3–4 4. Procedure 4 5. Results 4–7 5.1 Straightness 4–6 5.2 Flatness 7 6. Discussion 8–10 6.1 Straightness 8 6.2 Flatness 8–9 6.3 Closing error 9–10 7. Conclusion 10 8. References 10 9. Appendices 11–15 9.1 Appendix A–Procedure 11–13 9.2 Appendix B–Certificates of calibration 14–15 1. Summary The aim of this experiment was to examine three methods for determining the straightness and flatness of a horizontal granite surface. The first method was manual and the other two (Least Squares method and Minimum Zone method) were analysed by the computer, after a set of data ...
  • 20. Show more content on ... Computer aided calibration of the flatness of large surfaces 3. Apparatus ▪ ''Talyvel'' electronic level with stride base (Fig. 3.1) ▪ Analogue/ Digital (RS232) interface ▪ 900 mm × 600 mm surface table (Fig. 3.2) ▪ PC with SURFSURE flatness software ''Talyvel'' is a precision level instrument in which the usual spirit bubble is replaced by a pendulum, which co–operates with transducers that provide electrical displacement signals. These signals are amplified to feed a centre–zero meter, where displacements can be recorded. [pic] Fig. 3.1 ''Talyvel'' electronic level [pic] Fig. 3.2 Top view of granite surface table 4. Procedure (refer to Appendix A: Calibration of straightness and flatness) 5. Results 5.1 Straightness The table below was constructed using results obtained from generator 4 (manual straightness calibration). |Position |Distance (mm) |Angle (sec) |Incremental Height (μm) |Accumulated Height (μm) |Adjusted Height (μm) | |A |0 |0.0 |0.00 |0.00 |0.000000 | |A–B |100 |0.0 |0.00 |0.00 |2.343107 | |B–C |200 |–0.5 |0.25 |0.25 ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. The Vase Told The Story Of Herakles And The Boar For this writing assignment, I was given the Attic Black–figure Lekythos. The vase told the story of Herakles and the boar. The Lekythos is a cylindrical vase. The base color of the vase is orange. The ink used turned black from when it was heated. The vase still contains most of the story; however, a lot of the vase is faded. At the base of the vase, it gradually curves in. There is a solid line going horizontally across the bottom of the vase. This line takes up half of the base. It is a more tan color because clay is pale and faded. At the top part of the base, it is hard to tell what was originally there. It looks like it was just a solid black color, but a lot of the ink has faded off. On the right, the ink is completely gone. The rest of the base has spots where the ink is fade. Above the base is the face of the vase. This is where the story is shown. From the base, it curves out. Here it seems like it was supposed to be completely black, but it has the same problem the base has. The right side is faded out, and the left side has multiple spots were the ink has faded off. Once it reaches an inch below the story, it stops curving out. There is a thin orange horizontal line going across. It looks to accurate to be from the ink fading. The artist must have come back in and made the line. Then there is a black horizontal line bigger than the orange line. The ink here has faded, though, leaving orange spots scattered throughout. On top of the ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. What Is The Bell Curve? The written work I chose is, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. The book is written by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray in 1994. Unfortunately, Herrnstein died just before publication. It is understood that Murray, a Harvard educated political scientist, became tremendously prominent and influential among social scientists in America. Arguably one of the most controversial books written on this subject, the authors, both from different backgrounds, Murray with a statistics background and Herrnstein with a psychology background, state some thought–provoking declarations in the book. The Bell Curve, significances that intelligence or one's aptitude is the utmost leading signifier and forecaster to how one will behave or ultimately who they will become in life. In other words, a person's path in life depends on their intelligence. Such things as socioeconomic status or tendencies towards immoral living all have this effect and prediction to the future. So, what is the controversy, one might ask? I think the biggest argument within the book is not necessarily the balance between intelligence and achievement, but that the authors claim a convincing parallel between low intelligence and cultural groups. In other words, intellect being race–dependent with African Americans having a lower intelligence than white people. ... Show more content on ... Numerous media associates argued that facts were possibly overlooked and some even related the work to Charles Darwin theory of Darwinism. If fact, connecting it to a survival mode and antiquated theory. Currently, the view on the book today is intelligence with IQ testing does show a difference in intellectual performance. Most of the perversion was driven from the 1960's era. Essentially, during a time of much racial segregation. Could it be that many social scientists agreed with the book, nevertheless, kept their conviction to ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Essay on Formal Lab Report Graphing Anaylsis Angelina Mass–Valderrama CHM1032 summer '12 Graphing and Estimating Formal Lab Report Introduction: Today scientists put acquired data into a form of a graph. This said graph is designed to help make predictions and furthermore, study and understand the experiment and its contents at hand. The Graphing and Estimating lab involves just that. The lab is designed to collect data from several tests involving burn time of a candle. Oxygen, O2, is a kind of gas. A lot of the air we breathe as human beings is oxygen. Which is good since we need oxygen to stay alive. Oxygen is also a primary element in fire. Fire is a chemical process. Three elements are needed for this process: oxygen, heat and fuel. Without one of those ... Show more content on ... If the difference between the recorded times are more than 10%, add a third trial. Repeat these steps with each size beaker. Calculate the average time for each beaker and record the data. The next step of the lab exercise is determining the exact volume of the beakers used in the burn time experiment. Fill a beaker to the top with water. Carefully pour the water from the beaker into a graduated cylinder. Reading the meniscus, record the exact volume into a data sheet. Repeat this step with each size beaker until all volumes are recorded into the data sheet. The final process of the Graphing and Estimating lab is plotting the recorded data onto a graph. Using the data recorded for burn time, in seconds, place the data on the vertical axis. Use the horizontal axis for the volume in milliliters. With the data points plotted determine whether a straight line or a simple curve will best represent the data. Now, obtain a jar and determine the volume. Fill the jar to the top with water. Carefully pour the water into a graduated cylinder. Precisely record the data. Using the plotted data on the graph and the simple curve or straight line to predict how long it would take for the flame to burn out on the candle if it was covered with the jar that was just measured. Results: (Data and calculations) Figure 1.1 Stated Beaker Size (mL) | Actual Beaker Size (mL) | Burning Time–Trial 1 | Burning Time–Trial 2 | Burning Time–Average | 600 | 628 | 28.3 ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Short Story : ' V ' ~Emma 's P.O.V~ As he came up behind me I felt a warm sensation on my neck, only to realize it was my dad looking over my shoulder while reading my text messages. If he only knew the truth about us. How much would change? Would he still see me the same? After being deployed for several years in Iraq he is finally home. Now everything is going to be different, even mom doesn 't know and quite frankly I don 't want either of them to find out. I can already imagine their expressions right now, Mom would look at me like a kicked puppy while Dad would drive off and handle things is way, the military way. I already know that if I even implied the truth about us Mom and Dad would argue all night long. "I thought I told you to get off that thing about an hour ago!", Dad said as he was trying to prove a point. He snatched it out of my hand and started scrolling down my contacts. They were all mainly my close girlfriends, well all except for one. The last boy on the planet my parents would ever want me to date, Liam Daniel Sanchez. With those dreamy hazel eyes, gorgeous light brown hair, and under his shirt is countless hours of swim practice. Thank goodness I deleted any visible contact between Liam and I. "Emma, darling its time for you to get to bed you have school in the morning and its almost 11pm". "Okay mom, I 'll be down in ten minutes to say goodnight." My mom knows its always a constant battle for me to fall asleep, therefore the process takes roughly and hour and a ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Graduation Speech: Listen Carefully Essay Listen carefully, Class of '2012, for the sounds you hear tonight will last a lifetime. Store them up and save them in your hearts, for they are priceless. Each whisper, each tick of the clock is a reminder of something you've gained here. Pay attention, so when you hear them later in life you will remember. When you hear a bell ring, remember our first day of school, back in September of 2008. The coolness of the desks chilled our sun–tanned skin as we sat timidly in our seats, quietly absorbing the shrill sound of our first high school bell as it rang at 7:30 in the morning. As much as our eyelids wanted to sink into a sweet abyss, fear crept through our bones as we eyed the monstrous seniors sitting nearby. For many of us, they may ... Show more content on ... Once out of the flow of traffic, it took an entire passing period to merge back to the right side of the hall and into the correct lane of traffic. As humiliating as this moment may have been, it taught us to do things right and not take short cuts because they might take longer than the correct way. As a cheer rings out, think back to play–off football games in the frigid winter air. Remember clinging frantically to a cup of lukewarm hot chocolate only to have it stolen from you by that big guy in fourth period biology that you only talked to once. Listen once more to the noisemakers in your hands as you slammed them together in hopes it would bring the ball back to the correct side of field. Feel again the sensation of being squashed between other celebrating students as the clock ticked away the final seconds, displaying the winning score. Remember the pride you felt and hold it close, for it is a part of you. And when you hear the clock tick, remember all the things we have accomplished at Sunny, for they far outnumber the seconds that have elapsed while we were here. We are the class of 1999. The graduating seniors of Sunny High. In our midst I see the first female American president. I see a professional baseball player and a renowned humanitarian. There is a Hollywood actress and a Nobel Prize winning chemist ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Analysis Of To A Daughter Leaving Home By Linda Pastan The author Linda Pastan, imagines a parent running breathlessly to regain her strength from the ending connection she once shared with her daughter in her poem, "To a Daughter Leaving Home." It's a mother's biggest fear when it comes to their child or children leaving home while going their own ways when the time is right. This poem is based on childhood, fatherhood, and even motherhood. Linda Pastan made this poem include various forms of figurative language to hide the literal message that it's trying to portray. Figurative language is using figures of speech to make the text be more powerful, persuasive, and meaningful. Figures of speech such as, similes and metaphors, go beyond the literal meanings to give the readers a new way of looking at the text. It can come in multiple ways with different literacy and rhetorical devices such as: alliteration, imageries, onomatopoeias, and etc. With the usage of the literary devices Pastan has used, it introduced the relationship between the mother and the daughter. It shows the memories of how the mother helped her daughter grow from a little girl to a young adult getting ready to go her own way in life. Linda Pastan's poem, To a Daughter Leaving Home, is represented as a metaphor because it's comparing the bike ride to the relationship between the mother and daughter. The author describes the mother going along side her eight year old daughter as she rides her bicycle (Pastan 915). The daughter "wobbled away" (Pastan 915). This happens to be an example of imagery because it gives a visual description of how the daughter was riding her bike. As she rides the bike further along, the mother gets surprised by the way the daughter seemed to be in control of the bike as she goes down a "curved path of the park" (Pastan 915). Besides giving a visual description Linda uses symbolism to symbolize life. The phrase a "curved path" represents life by it being joyous, unpredictable, and dangerous. Life doesn't go in a straight line, just a curved one. Pastan's use of onomatopoeias in the poem allows the reader to hear what is going on in the poem. For example, she used the words "thud" and "crash" to make the reader visualize the way the daughter rides the bike (Pastan ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Analysis Of The Book ' Cordelia Achen ' The Role of the Cone in Book One Cordelia Achen As the title suggests, Apollonius' Conics deals with the various conic sections, shapes that arise when one cuts the cone in different ways. However, we leave the cone rather quickly in our foray into the conic sections, exploring the parabola, hyperbola, circle, and ellipse as they exist outside the cone and the various line relationships that comprise them. After we find the diameter for these sections, the cone makes a sudden reappearance as we construct the conic sections from given lines and angles. Why do we return to the cone? Why leave it in the first place? What the cone gives in book one of Apollonius is the curved line for each of the shapes. Its absence allows us to see more relationships between the conic sections, and its reappearance demonstrates how much farther we have to go before truly understanding curvature. Each of the conic sections are defined by curve, and this curve is given to them by the way they are cut from the cone. The circle, for instance, found in any section cut parallel to the base, has a completely regular curve and is bound wholly within the cone. Thus the line joins in on itself. The parabola, however, which is found in any section parallel to one side of the axial triangle or when the diameter meets the axial triangle before the vertex, has a less regular curve because it follows a different part of the conic section. The parabola also never meets itself because it is not bound by the ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Sculpture Review of Spartacus Breaking His Chains Essay Sculpture Review of Spartacus Breaking His Chains This nineteen century sixteen inch sculpture was created by Denis Foyatier. The sculpture is of Spartacus, a man who served as a leader in a revolt against slavery. This statue was composed of bronze and could be distinguished by its fine polish and style. This bronze statue stood in a mobile upright position, the left foot extended forward, the arms crossed around the lower chest region. Foyatier succeeded in producing a vivid and convincing figure by using the techniques of shape, texture and details. His techniques suggest and appeal to a sense of intense power and vigor. The brooding stance and overall shape of Spartacus gives the sculpture ... Show more content on ... The tenseness of his muscles is a clear suggestion that Spartacus was about to or already performed some sort of movement. There is also a dominant "s" like shape runs through the body beginning from above the knees and continues until the neck, this "s" like curvature provides the figure with a sense of autonomous life. The rough contrasting texture Foyatier uses makes Spartacus much more realistic and proves to be very effective. His use of highly stylized polish contrasts the shades of the arms and legs. He uses a lighter shade of polish around Spartacus's muscles; these highly polished areas provide sheen and highlight strength and power. The use of different shades of polish is imperative to the sculpture because it allows his spectators to focus on the more central parts of Spartacus. The uneven curly texture in the hair also plays an important role; it adds a more realistic image to Spartacus's identity. The use of the different textures generates liveliness and animates a sense of energy compressed within Spartacus's quiet pose. Foyatier uses careful detail in his presentation. His details of Spartacus's face are very effective as it creates a mood and sets an ideal atmosphere for the sculpture. One can detect Spartacus's raging mood by the intense glare of his eyes, the ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Social Inequality In The Bell Curve Many scholars believe that social inequality is unavoidable: some people are born to be lazy and some are lack of intelligence, so they would have a lower social class because of their own ability. Recently the one who raise this argument is the book "The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life". It was published by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray in 1994, and the book explores the relationship between intelligence and social structure, and the problem of social inequality. The authors point out the importance of a person's intelligence in his or her life results: the superstructure of the United States is made up of high–level intellectuals, which they mostly having a good result from different intelligence tests, Scholastic Aptitude Test and other kinds of evaluation test from school. ... Show more content on ... In the author's study, a person's scores on various tests reflect their social achievements in the future. If they scores higher, mostly they will have a higher social class inside the society. But if they scores lower, mostly they will have a lower social class. The author identified that intelligence is so important to a person's life, and the level of intelligence is based on the assumption that "IQ is affected by genetic inheritance", moreover the author believes that "IQ cannot be increased through external help, including education", so the author argue that social inequality is destined. Since social inequality is destined to be natural and unavoidable, and a person's social achievement is closely related to IQ, even if the government devotes a great deal of money to implement programs to educate the poor, it is futile because the low intelligences level makes them difficult to succeed, but at the same time drag those people who have higher ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Scoliosis Research Paper Introduction Everyone's spine has natural curve which round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward (Common Scoliosis Questions). Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine (Taylor, 2011, p394). Scoliosis can also be defined as a lateral (towards the inside) curvature of the spine with increased convexity (the quality or state of being curved outward) on the side that is curve (Taylor, 2011, p601). There are several less common types of scoliosis, but the four major different types of scoliosis are congenital scoliosis, early onset scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, and neuromuscular scoliosis. The spinal curves cannot be corrected simply by learning to stand up straight like poor posture. History Little is known about the history deformities of the spine (Vasiliadis, 2009). Curvature of the spine is a disorder that has plagued the ... Show more content on ... It affects eighty–five percent of people. Idiopathic scoliosis frequently runs in families and there is a growing body of evidence that genetics plays a major role (What Causes Scoliosis, 2008). Congenital scoliosis is when scoliosis is present at birth when the vertebrae is irregularly formed. Central nervous system disorders (cerebral palsy), muscle diseases (muscular dystrophy), or genetic diseases (Down syndrome) may cause scoliosis. Infections and fractures containing the spine, may cause scoliosis. The risk factors for scoliosis are age, gender, and family history. The usual age is typically between 9 and 15 years, which signs and symptoms begin during growth spurt prior to puberty. Both boys and girls develop mild scoliosis at about the same rate, yet, girls have a much higher risk of the curve worsening and requiring treatment (Scoliosis, 2012). Scoliosis is maybe hereditary, but most children with scoliosis do not have a family history of the disease (Scoliosis, 2012). If there is a family history of scoliosis, 20% will develop the ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Bell Curve The most highly controversial work making these claims was the book entitled "The Bell Curve." In this book by Herrnstein and Murray (1994), the authors reviewed previous empirical research and analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY). They argued for a strong link, even when socioeconomic disadvantage is taken into account, between low IQ and criminality. The NLSY data show that as IQ goes from very high to very low, the chance of involvement in criminality (based on arrest and self–report data) goes from to virtually 0% to almost 15% (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994). Cullen, Gendreau, Jarjoura, and Wright (1997) provide a compelling refutation of the claim in "The Bell Curve" that low IQ is a key explanatory factor ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. Reflection Of A Mirror Where does one see the most real physical you? The best example I could find is a mirror, and your reflection. The reflection in a mirror changes the instant life does, it blinks so fast that you can't catch it, it stares only when you look at it, and turns its back on you the moment you do. The mirror only holds life when someone stands before it, without oneself it serves no purpose, its one and only purpose was to tell you, through reflection, what you look like. Without having the little lies or falsehoods that those nearest you tend to tell you about the way you look. These falsehoods are often caught, and brought to reality by painters and other reflective surfaces. Whilst they may be true to the artist or surface, they are not accurate, ... Show more content on ... When we look at ourselves in the mirror we must be critical, we must look at ourselves as if it is not we who is looking back, because we lie to ourselves as well, and sometimes the truth, although unpleasant might be the only thing to set us back on the right path. "[A] sort of dehiscence opens my body in two, and because between my body looked at and my body looking, my body touched and my body touching, there is overlapping or encroachment, so that we may say that the things pass into us as well as we into the things." (Merleau–Ponty 1964/1969: 123) It is therefore when we look at ourselves without preconceived notions, or small, little euphemisms, that we learn the most about who we really are. The mirror can reveal so much of our lives, it can tell you everything that you allow yourself to listen to, it can tell you about the reason there is sadness or fear in your eyes, or why your skin is rough and full of calluses. Our bodies are our physical vessels; they merely hold and protect our minds. However, the way in which you treat your body changes the relationship between the body and the ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Book ' The Dark Wall ' The Dark Wall The bell rang and we all squirmed out of Mrs. Clifford's room. Everyone with the same waning, goad. Just before we pressed through the iron guard we all hear a scream. A voice so high pitched it sent a shrill through every one of us and echoed down the pale halls. Right, then we knew we were about to have our ID cards handed to us. We drop them in the thermoset polymer pale with the sound of a marble pendulum. Out we go hands on fire, heads melting and sit under an azure, impalpable extremity. The shade from the tree froze us as it blocked out the sun. The whistle blew and we all strutted along the side of the blacktop. Just as we get to the edge we become a herd of gazelles running from a pack of hungry lions. The first ... Show more content on ... Mrs.Gentry was my next door neighbor and I never knew that for the 5 years I went to the same school she was teaching at. What has happened to this world such that we don't even know our neighbors? The following day I go into the garden and gather the mutated zucchini, tomatoes, and chilis. Mom wraps the in a woven and jaded looking basket. Ding–Dong, I can hear the doorbell from outside the door of Mrs.Gentry's house and the gentle stomping of feet growing louder yet staying quiet coming to the door. My teacher appears and I present her with the basket of fresh garden produce which is truly organic, as that is what I thought. Only until a few years later I thought that the seeds may come from genetically modified organisms with other chemicals and pesticides and whatnot in them. Glatorian X A few clicks here and a few pegs there and voila, you have a fully fledged pile of no imagination and utter madness. The whole tub is emptied out onto the floor and pieces are scattered under the chair, in between the shelves, under my pants, on my t–shirt, and all over the floor. I scuffle through the smooth avalanche to find the one, the final addition to my most amazing creation ever, Glatorian X. I was the outstanding, the lone ranger, that one crazy kamikaze, the one whose friend was in a different city that was half an hour away if you drive. That year everyone wanted the new and completely idiotic Wii U which is horrible compared to the Wii but not me. The 3DS XL was in the ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. To A Daughter Leaving Home Poem he poem "To a Daughter Leaving Home" by Linda Pastan describes the very memory of a mother teaching her younger daughter to ride a bicycle. The title of the poem says that the said "daughter" the author is speaking of is older now, but the poem concentrates on the past. Pastan's figure of speech with the use of metaphors, imagery, enjambment show how the bicycle is a part of life's journey and the diction helps demonstrate the young daughter's maturation from a child to an adult. Pastan uses several figures of speech to convey what she is presenting. For example, enjambment is used, where one line runs into another. Such words are, "pumping" (18), "screaming" (19), and "flapping" (21). The purpose of this is to allow an idea to continue beyond ... Show more content on ... The poem consists of one long sentence, which is made up primarily of one long sentence. This represents the different phases of the lesson, which leads into the growing up procedure. At the beginning of the poem, the daughter is hence scared to ride the bike and even "wobbled" (5); she could not maintain her balance. However, she gained her balance and the mother was in "surprise when you [she] pulled ahead down the curved path of the park" (8–10). The mother kept "waiting for the thud of your [her] crash" (11–13). Therefore, the author was waiting for her child to crash, but like in life she gained her balance on the bicycle. As the poem progresses, she grows up and becomes smaller and more breakable, which shows that she is grown up now and ready to venture off into the world. The reaction of the mother is the reaction of any mother, she is worried her daughter might crash and fail, but like all mothers they must let their daughters go. At the end of the poem, the daughter "screams with laughter" and keeps "pumping and pumping" into the distance. She is happy to finally have her "hair flapping behind you [her] like a handkerchief waving goodbye" ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. ISA CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT THERMISTOR ANSWERS Essay ISA CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT– Thermistors SECTION 2 ( Part 1 ) Answers 1. Yes the results support my hypothesis, which was, as the temperature increases the resistances decreases. For example the resistance at 20OC was ______ and at 50OC it was ______ which was much lower. Also the graph shows a negative correlation with a curve of best fit. This shows the relationship is not Ohmic as it is not a straight line. 2. EITHER; Yes I had an anomalous result, it was at a temperature of __OC. It was higher/lower (select the correct one) than it should have been. If the resistance at this temperature had been on my line of best fit the value should have been _____ Ohms(read this off your graph). No I did not have any anomalous results. I know ... Show more content on ... THERE ARE NO OTHER CORRECT ANSWERS 6. The smallest interval was 10OC, i.e. the difference between 20OC and 30OC. Yes this was a suitable interval because by moving from 20OC to 30OC there was a difference in the resistance of _____ Ohms. It was also possible to see a pattern in the results using intervals of 10OC. However to create a more accurate line of best fit I could have used intervals of 5OC. If I had the resistance value of 15OC would have been ______ Ohms (read this off your graph). CIRCLE the anomalous results in BOTH the table of results and graph if you have any. Make sure you say; a. Whether each result is a higher or lower value than it should be. b. What could have caused it, the best answers for this are; i. If it was too high, the thermistor was not given time to warm to the temperature of the water bath and therefore was taking a reading at a lower temperature. ii. If it was too low the temperature must have been higher than thought. The way this could have happened is if the thermistor was held close to the heating element in the water bath and been in a hot spot. 7. The results could be useful because in the context a company is always making a product which will turn something on (a thermostat in a house central heating system, fire alarm in a room which has got hot) or off (a kettle when the water is at 100OC). The manufacture needs to know the resistance at the temperatures which are important for these functions, so that they can ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. Physics : The Back And Forth Motion Introduction In this series of experiments, we examined the back and forth motion. We analyzed the motion of five objects which included a mass attached at the end of a spring, a swinging pendulum, a ball thrown up in the air, a jumping student, and a cart rolling up and down an incline. Using the motion detector and a computer we were able to come up with graphs of position VS time and Velocity VS time from which it was possible to tell where the velocity or the acceleration were maximum, and whether they were changing or not. Besides that, the graphs also helped to notice objects that exhibited a similar type of motion. Procedure Description of the setup An object was placed or hanged on the proper area, where it could sit at rest. That is to say an inclined track for the cart, and a ring stand for both the pendulum and a mass attached at the end of a spring. Hereafter, a motion detector was connected to a computer via a lab quest and was brought in close proximity with the object. After that, the motion detector sensitivity switch was set to ball/walk or track depending on the object's motion which is being studied. From here, the appropriate file for plotting an object's graphs was opened on the desktop. Then, from here, everything was in place for data collection. (Photos below). Outline of technique The pendulum was pulled to about 15 cm from the motion detector. In case of the mass on a spring, the mass was pulled till just a few inches away from the motion detector. ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Sunday Field Trip And Sketch / Photo Essay SATURDAY FIELD TRIP AND SKETCH/PHOTO ESSAY The Seattle Area is home to a number of masterpieces of 20th century landscape architecture. During the first week of class, the students and the instructor will collectively decide on one or more landscapes that they are interested in visiting and will be asked to note what Saturdays they are available. We will then visit and explore the site(s) together, possibly with a guest speaker, on a Saturday. You will sketch the site and photograph it. I will bring copies of a couple of quick readings about the project, which we will read on site. And then you will be asked to create an illustrated essay that uses imagery and short blurbs to talk about some of the ideas discussed in the readings and that you observe. The purpose of the assignment is to explore how combining imagery and short blurbs can be used to narrate the history of a site, its design, and how its design has been received. The assignment is meant to get you thinking about how photos can be used to promote ideas and represent experience, as well as how photos found in blogs and magazines can be deceptive– creating visions of a site that are much different than the reality. Each essay must include an introductory blurb between 150 and 400 words and a minimum of 15 original images (including a site plan, at least two sketches analyzing detail or section, and 3‐5 images that show a specific sequence you've moved through within the landscape). Each image should be associated ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Bell Curve Dilemma And Performance Appraisal The Bell curve conundrum It is a well–established fact that employed human capital provides the competitive edge to the firms operating in the same competitive space. Organizations that have motivated and talented individuals are likely to forge ahead of the pack, even if they have similar products or services. That is why it is important that we manage the performance of the employees well. We discuss the goals to be achieved during the year; provide feedback to employees on their progress and modify the direction as the year progresses and organizational direction shifts. At the end of the performance year, start pulling together information and evidence of how well the employees have achieved the goals. Then apply a rating which will govern their payouts, promotions and compensation and create development plans for the next year. We cannot fathom anything to go wrong in this textbook laid process. It has been a best practice after all! But somehow 'performance appraisal' is the most hated organizational practice by the employees. No one is ever happy with the results of their performance appraisals. Many solid, successful, and happy employees find their ratings discouraging. At the same time we find the managers and HR to be fidgeting uncomfortably even after doing everything they could to ensure that the performers are well fitted in the bell curve. There has to be a better way. Have the companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Accenture and IBM found the better way by doing ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Bell Curve Analysis In this article, author talk about a controversial speaker students shouted on him last night and agitating the program and encountering the speaker that turned into violence and left a faculty member injured. President of the college, issued an apology to all people including speaker, who wrote the book ''The Bell Curve'' linked to lower social and economic status with race and intelligence. Apart from that, Professor Ms. Paton said that the community had "failed to live up to our core values. Some of the protesters appeared and some students were also involved. However, some orthodox said that the students were intolerant, had engaged in mob mentality and were quashed free speech, while those on the left maintained that the speaker was racist, ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Line Clipping Is The Process Of Removing Lines LINE CLIPPING ALGORITHMS Line clipping is the process of removing lines/portions of lines that are outside of an area of interest. There are two main algorithms of line clipping namely: 1) Copen– Sutherland 2) Liang Barsky Copen – Sutherland This algorithm is used to detect and dispense with two trivial cases and in order to clip a line we are required to consider only the end points. When the endpoints of a specific line lie inside the window then it can be said to be trivially accepted and clipping is not required. Clipping occurs when both endpoints of a line lie entirely to one side of the window thus indicating that the line entirely lies outside of the window hence trivial rejection and the line needs to be clipped. Inside–Outside Window Codes The Copen – Sutherland algorithm sets up a half space code for the endpoints so as to determine whether the endpoints are inside or outside the window. An infinite line is defined by every edge of the window which divides the entire space into two half–spaces (the inside half space and the outside half space) Fig 1.1 During the trivial acceptance and rejection tests the edges of the window are extended so as to divide the window planes into 9 regions. The end points of the respective line are then assigned the code of the region in which it lies. 1) Given a line with endpoint L1 =(x1, y1) and L2 = (x2, y2), we compute the 4–bit codes for the endpoints: If both codes are 0000 the line maybe said to completely lie ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Thank You All For Taking The Time At Come Tonight Thank you all for taking the time to come tonight. Before we start I would like you all to use half of your notes page to write down one word that describes how you have been feeling lately. You may accompany this with a picture if you wish. Now put those to the side, as we will need them a little later on. We are going to start today's PD a little differently. I want you all to have a go at the colouring sheets that are in front of you. We are going to just do this for 5minutes. During this time I want you to stay as quiet as you can and let your mind wander. –Ring a bell to regain attention (wait until bell has completely stopped before speaking)– Ok, it is now time to get the word/drawing that you wrote at the beginning of the session and in the other half repeat the same thing. Write a word describing how you feel and once again you may draw a picture as well. Has anyone's responses changed in the last 5minutes? –allow for discussion– As teachers, do you think that those 5minutes would change the behaviours that you see in your classroom when your students come into the classroom? –allow for discussion– In my presentation today we are going to be looking what mindfulness is, why we should practice it in the classroom, the benefits and when we should practice it. I will also be providing you with many practical ways that you can implement mindfulness into your classrooms. So what is mindfulness? Professor Jon Kabat–Zinn defines it as an "awareness that arises ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Summary Of The Bell Curve By Charles Murray Charles Murray was born on January 8, 1943 in Newton, Iowa. After scoring a high score on his SAT exam he was able to attend a Harvard University where He received his B.A. in 1965. In 1974, he received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Today, Charles Murray is a social scientist libertarian and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He is a well–known author of many books and have sparked national conversation that changed laws. He wrote the books: Losing Ground, In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government, The Bell Curve, What it Means to be a Libertarian: A personal Interpretation, Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality, By the People Rebuilding Liberty without permission and Coming Apart: The State of ... Show more content on ... He is a controversial writer that have stirred up a lot of talk all around the world. He is considered by some one of the greatest public intellectual. He believes it is time for civil disobedience. Which means refusing to comply with certain laws that tells us to pay taxes and fines. Murray believes that it is class not race that is a determinant of social polarization. He is known for his controversial book, The Bell Curve written with Richard J. Hernstein, who passed away before the book was published. This book brought on much controversy about how a person's IQ is what shapes America's class structure. He feels that intelligence is more profitable in one's life than social status. In his book, Coming Apart, Charles Murray says, "America has divided strongly into two classes." He further names and explains the two classes. He call the cognitive elite group the "Belmont." They are the college graduates that hold jobs using their minds. And the other group is called, "Fishtown." This group of people has high school diploma and they working and getting paid less than the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Bell Curve Research Paper The idea many people often perceive about intelligence today is how smart you are and what you're capable of remembering off the top of your head. It can be looked at as a black and white topic: your smart or you're not. But intelligence is much more than this, and there are many forms of intelligence. What a person is intelligent in often leads them into an occupation they are able to be skilled at. The fight between intelligence stemming from genetics or the environment is still present today. Of the different types, interpersonal intelligence is in other words, being people smart. Mental health professionals and agents with the FBI such as hostage negotiators all have a high rate of interpersonal intelligence, and they use this skill everyday ... Show more content on ... Herrnstein and Charles Murray, evidence shows that "intelligence is to a significant extent inherited." Since 1994 when the book was published, there has been more research on the topic of where it comes from. The battle still exists between stemming from our surrounding environment or being in the genes. Sue Ramsden at University College London did an IQ study with some of her colleagues on 33 adolescents. She did the study 3–4 years later and found the adolescents test scores increased, some dramatically. This evidence shows that intelligence can change throughout one's life. Upbringing plays a role in an individual being able to explore their own mind and intelligence. If a child is raised without encouragement and direction, they may have a negative view and a harder time wanting to explore knowledge. Reading to child when they're young, traveling to other cities/states, and communication all are factors in opening the mind of children at a young age that can carry on into adulthood. But here's where the controversy comes in. Some children and adolescents who did not have a good upbringing, had a rocky childhood and un–directive parents still have turned out to be straight A students and have a high, and growing, intelligence in one or more areas. Everyone has different abilities and finding what that is can look easy to some people whereas some may have a more difficult ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Three Bell Curves Summary The article Three Bell Curves: Business Culture Decoded points out, the answer to your business culture questions are really very simple to understand, but a son–of–a–gun to execute a strategy for improvement against. Still, concrete, evidence based definition and guidance could mean the difference between your organization becoming good from bad or great from good. The author's perspective comes from 15 years of handling or managing commercial casualty claims in the commercial insurance industry. In other words, all he did all day for at least 12 years was handle problems businesses had with customers. When 'things went wrong' it was his job to find out what the root–cause of the problem was and resolve it. After handling several thousands ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Concentration Of MIBK, Ethanol And Water In The Feed And... In this experiment the concentrations of MIBK, ethanol and water in the Feed, Extract and Raffinate streams were determined at Steady–State, which would then be used with the equilibrium data provided to calculate the theoretical number of stages required for separation. Once Steady–State was achieved, the components water, ethanol and MIBK reached consistent mole percent (mol%) values of 85.48 %, 13.15 % and 1.37 % respectively for the Extract Stream. Conversely, the Raffinate Stream was had water, ethanol and MIBK mol% values of 12.84 %, 4.75 % and 82.41 % respectively. As per the sample calculations in Appendix C, the Karr Reciprocating Plate Column effectively extracted 90.24 % of the ethanol from the Feed stream into the Extract stream. As was expected, the agitation aided in the separation process considering more surface area was made available for interface interaction with smaller droplets. Calculation of the number of equilibrium stages required, had to be done using a Ternary Diagram (Figure 4). Equilibrium data was provided that could be plotted (Table A3); however, an average of the component mol% for the Raffinate, Extract Feed and Solvent streams had to be determined. This required the conversion the experimental data of the normalized volume percent (vol%) in Table A1 into mol% values, so the data points could be plotted on the Ternary Triangular Diagram. Conversion from vol% to mol% was done by through consideration of the components respective density and ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Analysis Of Inequality By Design: Cracking The Bell Curve It is impossible to have a prosper society without a political system that will uphold, respect and defend all the people of all social class. In other words, a prosper society is based on equality, as C.S Fisher explains in his book Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve. But, Why Inequality? It's clear that inequality is assumed to be normal and has existed through our history, especially to those who think intelligence is the determining factor of success. Specifically, in The Bell Curve by Charles Murray focused in the idea that intelligence is inherited and determines the life outcome, intelligence is dignified. Also, the fact that segregation happens in different ways that could be summarized in deliberate policies objectives, ... Show more content on ... I remember hearing two of my teachers discussing about their groups and how it is not fair to have all the students who needed the most attention in the same classroom. I completely dismissed the conversation, until the moment I was reading Jeannie Oakes words about equality within classrooms. I realized the tracking practice has existed through my whole academic, as something normal, required by schools. Oakes defines tracking as the "process whereby students are divided into categories so that they can be assigned in groups to various kinds of classes" (Oakes, 1986 pg. 3). Also, it's explained that many of the tracking methods causes differences bring a great disadvantaged to students both academically and emotionally. In elementary school there were always two or three group of student of the same grade divided into levels of performances. Going forward, in middle school, I was in a math and science specialized school and later on in a vocational school, both of which I was required to pass rigorous selection process. Therefore, tracking was made before enrolling depending completely in standardized test scores, GPA, interview and so on. Considering that tracking was made before enrolling in school, there was still a sense of division between groups depending on their "intelligence". Even so, classrooms were always balanced with academically ahead and behind students. Overall, tracking did exist in peculiar ways, but it did not make a difference in the education given, still tracking was made when schools didn't promote educational opportunities with the justification that it such opportunity was not in our best interest or we weren't ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Varian Solution Chapter 1 NAME The Market Introduction. The problems in this chapter examine some variations on the apartment market described in the text. In most of the problems we work with the true demand curve constructed from the reservation prices of the consumers rather than the "smoothed" demand curve that we used in the text. Remember that the reservation price of a consumer is that price where he is just indifferent between renting or not renting the apartment. At any price below the reservation price the consumer will demand one apartment, at any price above the reservation price the consumer will demand zero apartments, and exactly at the reservation price the consumer will be indifferent between having zero or one apartment. You should ... Show more content on ... Further suppose that people A, B, C, D, and E manage to get an apartment, while F, G, and H are frozen out. 4 THE MARKET (Ch. 1) (a) If subletting is legal–or, at least, practiced–who will sublet to whom in equilibrium? (Assume that people who sublet can evade the city rentcontrol restrictions.) E, who is willing to pay only F, $10 for an apartment would sublet to who is willing to pay $18. (b) What will be the maximum amount that can be charged for the sublet payment? $18. A, (c) If you have rent control with unlimited subletting allowed, which of the consumers described above will end up in the 5 apartments?
  • 75. B, C, D, F. (d) How does this compare to the market outcome? It's the same. 1.5 (2) In the text we argued that a tax on landlords would not get passed along to the renters. What would happen if instead the tax was imposed on renters? (a) To answer this question, consider the group of people in Problem 1.1. What is the maximum that they would be willing to pay to the landlord if they each had to pay a $5 tax on apartments to the city? Fill in the box below with these reservation prices. Person Reservation Price A B C D E F G H 35 20 25 30 5 13 10 0 (b) Using this information determine the maximum equilibrium price if there are 5 apartments to be rented. $13. (c) Of course, the total price a renter pays consists of his or her rent plus the tax. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Young Pine In Light Essay Emily Carr's Young Pines in Light (c. unknown) uses elements and principles that suggest movement in the painting. The various use of lines, the presence of positive space, the use of colour and an asymmetrical balance all help to suggest motion in the painting. Line is the greatest and most prevalent element used in the painting. The painting is filled with lines from left to right and top to bottom. There are straight lines, curved lines, diagonal lines. The density and length of the lines are also included in the painting. They range from thick to thin and short to long. The horizon line is curved in an "s" wave which helps to give the painting more movement from left to right, unlike a straight horizontal line which would suggest ... Show more content on ... There isn't much negative space or even hardly any thereof. A lot of the space in the painting is positive. This gives us more to look at and creates the illusion of depth. Everything behind the horizon gets smaller and smaller in size and blurred out. Mimicking the way we actually see things in real life. Things farther away appear smaller and sometimes we cannot make out some of the lines/shapes beyond us. Things in the foreground, those before the horizon are much larger and we can make out the shape of the trees and other objects. Also, in the foreground the painting is much more spaced out rather than the background. This depth in the painting represents the movement of our eyes from near to far. It looks as if we could actually move through the painting and make our way into the forest. The three–dimensional space within the painting isn't very sharp but subtle instead. She perfectly softens up the image to show a more fluid perspective. The overlapping of trees and stumps further enhance this illusion. The curved horizontal line splits the landscape into halves, which continue on into space. This implies that the landscape continues to move beyond the borders, to the left and right. The importance of space in the painting is key for allowing the painting to have the presence of ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. The Bell Curve Today, current events in the United States are mired with complex topics and simple answers. Often times articles present information in biased ways, or make completely inaccurate statements in order to emphasize an opinion. This often avoids addressing an issue with a serious discussion of the empirical data and known information on the topic. One specific topic in which data and studies are often presented carelessly or often misinterpreted is in the subject of IQ. According to one of the authors of a controversial book The Bell Curve, Charles Murray says; "There's a dirty little secret that we try to expose in the book which is that the conventional wisdom in the media about IQ tests and what they measure and don't measure, and expert opinion, ... Show more content on ... One of the final points made in The Bell Curve is that by acknowledging IQ as a factor that exists, social policy and decisions made at the macro level can better be tailored to the needs of groups. To prevent a 'cognitive elite' from isolating itself from the rest of society, the book offers a solution in which differences in abilities are recognized, and each individual can have a valued place(1). The bell Curve unsurprisingly is disregarded by many that fear utilizing IQ could have severely negative effects on society's views and treatments of minority groups or historically oppressed groups. The book is often described as a racist and bigoted book that tells its readers to treat groups with significantly different IQ differently (2). While both sides can make a strong case for the value of IQ in modern day society, without an understanding of the experiments and design structure of the tests used to collect data on the subject, both arguments should seem unconvincing. Arguing about IQ is a very sensitive subject, and to be able to do so in a beneficial way the arguments used to discuss the topic should utilize an understanding of principals learned in CBE ... Get more on ...