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Sheikh Tahmina Awal
Assisstant Professsor
Institute of Education Research (IER),
University of Dhaka (DU).
Presented By:
ROLL NUMBER: 17-01-320
MOBILE NUMBER: +8801610007970
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Generally, a class teacher run his duties as a class leader. From the ancient time or In
primitive age to till the postmodern & information and technologies ages can find the
sacrifice, day-night hard labor & return less cordial Teaching from a Teacher likes a
leader. The primary duties of the class president usually include working with students
to resolve problems, and informing school leaders and the student council of ideas
emanating from the class. The president also has the responsibility of leading class
cabinet meetings and organizing student activities and events.
Identify and discuss your creative Leadership ideas in the classroom :
Creative classrooms don’t just look different, they feel different. They provide an
environment where students are more likely to express their ideas, think outside the
box, challenge problems with innovative solutions and most importantly – learn faster
and more effectively.
19 ideas to promote more creativity in your classroom:
01. Make room for visual reflection:
Reflective activities provide students with an opportunity to absorb information more
deeply – enhancing their creative and contextual understanding of the content. When
reflective learning exercises are displayed visually in the classroom, they become of
benefit not only to those who share them, but to every student in your class.
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02. Integrate more hands-on learning:
Benjamin Franklin once said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn.” Hands-on learning is a great way to apply a creative twist to
traditional course content and engage students on a deeper level.
03. Keep your classroom layout flexible:
Within your school term, your students will be working between group projects,
completing solo assessments, listening to presentations as well as many other
activities. In order to keep the creativity flowing between these learning set ups, the
key is to keep your classroom layout adaptable and allow it to be easily reorganized.
04. Introduce unconventional learning materials:
Text books and timeless lesson plans are a great staple in your teacher tool kit, but
introducing more unconventional learning materials can help your students think
outside the box and engage more deeply with the lesson.
05. Encourage discussion:
Avoiding chatter and meaningless conversation can be a difficult task as a teacher.
But on the other hand, channeling meaningful discussions can provide students with
an arena to express new ideas and voice their opinions.
Some other reasons why discussion can be productive include:
I. It gets students thinking more critically about the material.
II. It challenges them to listen to other students’ opinions and think critically about
their contributions and ideas.
III. It gives them the opportunity to challenge each other intelligently and build off
of each other’s ideas.
06. Replace hierarchy with collaborative learning spaces:
Collaborative working spaces help students see themselves as co-constructors of
knowledge, rather than “subjects” of teachers. Without hierarchical front to back row
seating, every seat is the best seat in the class, and students are always at the center
of learning.
Maintain structure in less traditional ways by creating “zones” for different parts of the
learning process, such as reflection and brainstorming. For ideas and inspiration for
your classroom, watch the video Flexible Learning Environments as several teachers
who have tried this mode of learning share their challenges and triumphs.
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07. Encourage more color:
Color in the classroom doesn’t only need to be for early primary school. Challenge
yourself to use color in creative and unconventional ways, such as displaying
inspiration posters or creating themed “mood” corners. Color can also be an incredibly
powerful tool to aid students with absorbing information and learning new content.
Encourage your students to use more color as a staple when taking notes. You’ll be
surprised at how quickly they start absorbing new information. Color can also be an
incredibly powerful tool to aid students with absorbing information and learning new
content. Encourage your students to use more color as a staple when taking notes.
You’ll be surprised at how quickly they start absorbing new information.
08. Don’t limit assignments to one format:
Allowing students to choose the format of their own assignments allows them to
explore the task using a format they enjoy the most, making them more naturally
inclined to draw on their creativity.
For example, imagine students were required to read the book “No Sugar” as part of a
social studies curriculum. Rather than taking the typical approach of writing an essay,
provide students with a range of formats they can use to explore the concept of racism
and social acceptance, such as a presentation, documentary or speech.
09. Incorporate humour into your classroom:
Humour is an important part of creating a positive environment in which creativity can
flourish. Draw on pop culture references, use puns and find relevant jokes that make
light of the learning process.
10. Rewards & recognition are key to motivating your students:
Having achievements recognized is an important part of the creative learning process.
Rewarding achievement visually in your classroom gives students an incentive to
continue doing great work as well as gaining a sense of pride.
11. Film a classroom video diary:
A key creativity mindset is that the learning process is never ending. Help students
look retrospectively on their own learning processes by filming a video diary throughout
the course or year.
12. Visualize goals with timelines:
Empowering students to set their own goals is an incredible motivator. Goals can be
decided on a project or term basis and should always be achievable. By giving students
a clear vision for where they want their learning to take them, they become naturally
more inclined to find creative solutions to get them there.
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13. Pin up motivational posters:
Using inspiration quotes and posters around your classroom is a great way encourage
your students to unleash their creative potential. Browse this awesome list of 50
inspirational posters and print them out for your classroom today, or simply edit the
template below: Celebrate learning.
14. Team building exercises:
The most important thing about team building exercises is that there aren’t right or
wrong answers – just strategies. Cooperative games allow students to work together
to make decisions based on creative thinking, communication, and collaboration.
15. Use design thinking:
The Design Thinking process is a framework for creativity and innovation taught in
schools and universities all around the world. It allows students to break down complex
problems based on various stages.
16. Explore different cultures:
Developing students’ ability to consider multiple perspectives is an important part of
thinking outside the box.Some ideas to incorporate cultural awareness into your
classroom are:
 Label things in your classroom in different language.
 Celebrate different cultural holidays and the original behind them.
 Provide reading materials that explain cultural differences.
17. Pair struggling learners with students who excel:
Empowering creativity through leadership is an extremely effective learning strategy.
For students who have mastered the content, being tasked with teaching a peer
encourages them to come up with creative ways to reframe the content.
18. Challenge advanced students with extension projects:
Allowing advanced students to participate in more creative extension projects helps
them to:
 Learn at faster rates.
 Find, solve and act on problems more readily.
 Manipulate abstract ideas and make connections to an advanced degree.
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19. Celebrate wins with ceremonies:
Allowing students to feel a great pride in their achievements will encourage them to
learn faster and more rigorously in the future. Rather than simply use report cards or
certificates to celebrate their wins, allow students to plan a victory ceremony when they
plan their goals.
Describe how your rules contribute to lead the student learning and success:
Our review of the evidence suggests that successful leadership can play a highly
significant – and frequently underestimated – role in improving student learning.
Specifically, the available evidence about the size and nature of the effects of
successful leadership on student learning justifies two important claims: 1. Leadership
is second only to classroom instruction among all school-related factors that contribute
to what students learn at school. While evidence about leadership effects on student
learning can be confusing to interpret, much of the existing research actually
underestimates its effects. The total (direct and indirect) effects of leadership on
student learning account for about a quarter of total school effects.iv This evidence
supports the present widespread interest in improving leadership as a key to the
successful implementation of large-scale reform.
2. Leadership effects are usually largest where and when they are needed most.
Especially when we think of leaders in formal administrative roles, the greater the
challenge the greater the impact of their actions on learning. While the evidence shows
small but significant effects of leadership actions on student learning across the
spectrum of schools, existing research also shows that demonstrated effects of
successful leadership are considerably greater in schools that arein more difficult
circumstances. Indeed, there are virtually no documented instances of troubled
schools being turned around without intervention by a powerful leader. Many other
factors may contribute to such turnarounds, but leadership is the catalyst. These
results, therefore, point to the value of changing, or adding to, the leadership capacities
of underperforming schools as part of their improvement efforts or as part of school
Identify and discuss challenges you face in doing your job:
1. Lack of teamwork, empathy, and support between students:
With a stronger focus on individual student performance, many teachers feel that
teamwork doesn’t play an important enough role in classrooms. If students spend the
majority of their time working individually, they don’t get the opportunity to better their
social and teamwork skills. These are especially important to develop in elementary
and middle school.
2. Teachers working too many roles at the same time:
Social worker, psychoeducator, and counselor represent only a few of the hats that
teachers are expected to wear throughout the day. In order to help their students, they
feel compelled to adopt these roles themselves even though they don’t have the proper
training. They still do it, though, because they care.
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3. No time to deal with bodily functions!
All throughout the day, teachers must jump from one task to the next and are often
forced to neglect their own bodies. There are no bathroom or water breaks for
teachers; sometimes they don’t have a lunch break at all.
4. Teachers being made accountable for more than they should:
Teachers don’t feel the accountability is shared equally between them, students, and
parents. This can create a tense atmosphere. It’s also difficult to express this feeling
to parents with diplomacy. But when parent night comes, ready or not, teachers put
their game face on.
5. Not enough time to plan:
Teachers often decry the lack of time they are given to prepare, plan and execute all
the tasks that are demanded of them. Updating content presentations and documents,
correcting older material, and adapting subjects to a new cohort of students are some
of the tasks that teachers would like more time for.
6. Excessive paperwork for data collection
In order to build reliable statistics, school and district administrations ask that
teachers compile large amounts of data, such as grades and student growth
indicators like SEL and collaboration. Teachers have difficulty with this because of
the additional time it requires and the fact that, once again, it takes precious time
away from preparing quality content for their students.
7. Keeping up with the expectations of school admins:
A lot of teachers feel that more and more is expected of them from their school’s (or
district’s) administration: offer constant support to the students, keep a line of
communication open with parents, give more personalized help to students who need
more attention to succeed, and so on. While teachers do want to provide the best
support to their students, they maintain that they don’t receive enough paid time to do
so. Access to specialized personnel and more time outside of class are some of the
suggested ways to improve support and meet those increasing expectations.
8. Applying a prescribed curriculum to all types of students:
Ask any teacher, and they will tell you: Every student is different. They learn at
different speeds, and they each have their own way of taking in content and
remembering it. Problems arise when teachers are expected to apply a fixed
curriculum to students with vastly different needs. Adapting lessons to students and
tailoring content to their needs takes time, which is in short supply.
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Mention & explain the strategies you follow to overcome these challenges:
The following 10 roles are a sampling of the many ways teachers can contribute to
their schools' success.
1. Resource Provider
Teachers help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources. These might include
Web sites, instructional materials, readings, or other resources to use with students.
They might also share such professional resources as articles, books, lesson or unit
plans, and assessment tools.
2. Instructional Specialist
An instructional specialist helps colleagues implement effective teaching strategies.
This help might include ideas for differentiating instruction or planning lessons in
partnership with fellow teachers. Instructional specialists study and explore
instructional methodologies that are appropriate for the school; and share findings with
3. Curriculum Specialist
Understanding content standards, how various components of the curriculum link
together, and how to use the curriculum in planning instruction and assessment is
essential to ensuring consistent curriculum implementation throughout a school.
Curriculum specialists lead teachers to agree on standards, follow the adopted
curriculum, use common pacing charts, and develop shared assessments.
4. Classroom Supporter
Classroom supporters work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas,
often by demonstrating a lesson, co teaching, or observing and giving feedback.
Consultation with peers enhanced teachers' self-efficacy (teachers' belief in their own
abilities and capacity to successfully solve teaching and learning problems) as they
reflected on practice and grew together, and it also encouraged a bias for action
(improvement through collaboration) on the part of teachers.
5. Learning Facilitator
Facilitating professional learning opportunities among staff members is another role
for teacher leaders. When teachers learn with and from one another, they can focus
on what most directly improves student learning. Their professional learning becomes
more relevant, focused on teachers' classroom work, and aligned to fill gaps in student
learning. Such communities of learning can break the norms of isolation present in
many schools.
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6. Mentor
Serving as a mentor for novice teachers is a common role for teacher leaders. Mentors
serve as role models; acclimate new teachers to a new school; and advise new
teachers about instruction, curriculum, procedure, practices, and politics. Being a
mentor takes a great deal of time and expertise and makes a significant contribution
to the development of a new professional.
7. School Leader
Being a school leader means serving on a committee, such as a school improvement
team; acting as a grade-level or department chair; supporting school initiatives; or
representing the school on community or district task forces or committees A school
leader shares the vision of the school, aligns his or her professional goals with those
of the school and district, and shares responsibility for the success of the school as a
8. Data Coach
Although teachers have access to a great deal of data, they do not often use that data
to drive classroom instruction. Teacher leaders can lead conversations that engage
their peers in analyzing and using this information to strengthen instruction.
9. Catalyst for Change
Teacher leaders can also be catalysts for change, visionaries who are “never content
with the status quo but rather always looking for a better way” (Larner, 2004, p. 32).
Teachers who take on the catalyst role feel secure in their own work and have a strong
commitment to continual improvement. They pose questions to generate analysis of
student learning.
10. Learner
Among the most important roles teacher leaders assume is that of learner. Learners
model continual improvement, demonstrate lifelong learning, and use what they learn
to help all students achieve.
Recommend my colleagues about strategies that may help his/her :
 Understand the importance of leadership
 Know your weaknesses and strengths, then delegate
 Practice discipline
 Take on more projects/Network
 Learn to follow
 Develop situational awareness
 Inspire others/ Reward people
 Keep learning
 Empower your teammates
 Resolve conflicts
 Be a discerning listener
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Conclusion: In the present postmodern ages have to need the greatest leader in every
nation of this universe. Every Leader Isn’t Teacher but Every Teacher may be the
Expert & Experienced Leader. There is a proverb, Education is the backbone a nation.
But it’s renowned that the best Teacher mean Leader in a class is the backbone of
good education which guides students to the brightest & prideful future. Leader isn’t
born day by day but leader can grow up with education, experience & better nursing
with a significant time. So, we have valuable responsibilities as a teacher for make
sure sufficient duties & nursing for prepare the best future leader who will guide the
nation or sub-continent or universe.
Lectures’ & handout.
The End

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Be a leader in a classroom

  • 1. - 1 - ` ASSIGNMENT TOPIC BE A LEADER IN A CLASSROOM ED: 605 _ LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION Supervisor: Sheikh Tahmina Awal Assisstant Professsor Institute of Education Research (IER), University of Dhaka (DU). E-mail: Presented By: ARIFUL ISLAM BHUIYAN M.ED (EVENING) ROLL NUMBER: 17-01-320 MOBILE NUMBER: +8801610007970 E-mail:
  • 2. - 2 - Introduction: Generally, a class teacher run his duties as a class leader. From the ancient time or In primitive age to till the postmodern & information and technologies ages can find the sacrifice, day-night hard labor & return less cordial Teaching from a Teacher likes a leader. The primary duties of the class president usually include working with students to resolve problems, and informing school leaders and the student council of ideas emanating from the class. The president also has the responsibility of leading class cabinet meetings and organizing student activities and events. Identify and discuss your creative Leadership ideas in the classroom : Creative classrooms don’t just look different, they feel different. They provide an environment where students are more likely to express their ideas, think outside the box, challenge problems with innovative solutions and most importantly – learn faster and more effectively. 19 ideas to promote more creativity in your classroom: 01. Make room for visual reflection: Reflective activities provide students with an opportunity to absorb information more deeply – enhancing their creative and contextual understanding of the content. When reflective learning exercises are displayed visually in the classroom, they become of benefit not only to those who share them, but to every student in your class.
  • 3. - 3 - 02. Integrate more hands-on learning: Benjamin Franklin once said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Hands-on learning is a great way to apply a creative twist to traditional course content and engage students on a deeper level. 03. Keep your classroom layout flexible: Within your school term, your students will be working between group projects, completing solo assessments, listening to presentations as well as many other activities. In order to keep the creativity flowing between these learning set ups, the key is to keep your classroom layout adaptable and allow it to be easily reorganized. 04. Introduce unconventional learning materials: Text books and timeless lesson plans are a great staple in your teacher tool kit, but introducing more unconventional learning materials can help your students think outside the box and engage more deeply with the lesson. 05. Encourage discussion: Avoiding chatter and meaningless conversation can be a difficult task as a teacher. But on the other hand, channeling meaningful discussions can provide students with an arena to express new ideas and voice their opinions. Some other reasons why discussion can be productive include: I. It gets students thinking more critically about the material. II. It challenges them to listen to other students’ opinions and think critically about their contributions and ideas. III. It gives them the opportunity to challenge each other intelligently and build off of each other’s ideas. 06. Replace hierarchy with collaborative learning spaces: Collaborative working spaces help students see themselves as co-constructors of knowledge, rather than “subjects” of teachers. Without hierarchical front to back row seating, every seat is the best seat in the class, and students are always at the center of learning. Maintain structure in less traditional ways by creating “zones” for different parts of the learning process, such as reflection and brainstorming. For ideas and inspiration for your classroom, watch the video Flexible Learning Environments as several teachers who have tried this mode of learning share their challenges and triumphs.
  • 4. - 4 - 07. Encourage more color: Color in the classroom doesn’t only need to be for early primary school. Challenge yourself to use color in creative and unconventional ways, such as displaying inspiration posters or creating themed “mood” corners. Color can also be an incredibly powerful tool to aid students with absorbing information and learning new content. Encourage your students to use more color as a staple when taking notes. You’ll be surprised at how quickly they start absorbing new information. Color can also be an incredibly powerful tool to aid students with absorbing information and learning new content. Encourage your students to use more color as a staple when taking notes. You’ll be surprised at how quickly they start absorbing new information. 08. Don’t limit assignments to one format: Allowing students to choose the format of their own assignments allows them to explore the task using a format they enjoy the most, making them more naturally inclined to draw on their creativity. For example, imagine students were required to read the book “No Sugar” as part of a social studies curriculum. Rather than taking the typical approach of writing an essay, provide students with a range of formats they can use to explore the concept of racism and social acceptance, such as a presentation, documentary or speech. 09. Incorporate humour into your classroom: Humour is an important part of creating a positive environment in which creativity can flourish. Draw on pop culture references, use puns and find relevant jokes that make light of the learning process. 10. Rewards & recognition are key to motivating your students: Having achievements recognized is an important part of the creative learning process. Rewarding achievement visually in your classroom gives students an incentive to continue doing great work as well as gaining a sense of pride. 11. Film a classroom video diary: A key creativity mindset is that the learning process is never ending. Help students look retrospectively on their own learning processes by filming a video diary throughout the course or year. 12. Visualize goals with timelines: Empowering students to set their own goals is an incredible motivator. Goals can be decided on a project or term basis and should always be achievable. By giving students a clear vision for where they want their learning to take them, they become naturally more inclined to find creative solutions to get them there.
  • 5. - 5 - 13. Pin up motivational posters: Using inspiration quotes and posters around your classroom is a great way encourage your students to unleash their creative potential. Browse this awesome list of 50 inspirational posters and print them out for your classroom today, or simply edit the template below: Celebrate learning. 14. Team building exercises: The most important thing about team building exercises is that there aren’t right or wrong answers – just strategies. Cooperative games allow students to work together to make decisions based on creative thinking, communication, and collaboration. 15. Use design thinking: The Design Thinking process is a framework for creativity and innovation taught in schools and universities all around the world. It allows students to break down complex problems based on various stages. 16. Explore different cultures: Developing students’ ability to consider multiple perspectives is an important part of thinking outside the box.Some ideas to incorporate cultural awareness into your classroom are:  Label things in your classroom in different language.  Celebrate different cultural holidays and the original behind them.  Provide reading materials that explain cultural differences. 17. Pair struggling learners with students who excel: Empowering creativity through leadership is an extremely effective learning strategy. For students who have mastered the content, being tasked with teaching a peer encourages them to come up with creative ways to reframe the content. 18. Challenge advanced students with extension projects: Allowing advanced students to participate in more creative extension projects helps them to:  Learn at faster rates.  Find, solve and act on problems more readily.  Manipulate abstract ideas and make connections to an advanced degree.
  • 6. - 6 - 19. Celebrate wins with ceremonies: Allowing students to feel a great pride in their achievements will encourage them to learn faster and more rigorously in the future. Rather than simply use report cards or certificates to celebrate their wins, allow students to plan a victory ceremony when they plan their goals. Describe how your rules contribute to lead the student learning and success: Our review of the evidence suggests that successful leadership can play a highly significant – and frequently underestimated – role in improving student learning. Specifically, the available evidence about the size and nature of the effects of successful leadership on student learning justifies two important claims: 1. Leadership is second only to classroom instruction among all school-related factors that contribute to what students learn at school. While evidence about leadership effects on student learning can be confusing to interpret, much of the existing research actually underestimates its effects. The total (direct and indirect) effects of leadership on student learning account for about a quarter of total school effects.iv This evidence supports the present widespread interest in improving leadership as a key to the successful implementation of large-scale reform. 2. Leadership effects are usually largest where and when they are needed most. Especially when we think of leaders in formal administrative roles, the greater the challenge the greater the impact of their actions on learning. While the evidence shows small but significant effects of leadership actions on student learning across the spectrum of schools, existing research also shows that demonstrated effects of successful leadership are considerably greater in schools that arein more difficult circumstances. Indeed, there are virtually no documented instances of troubled schools being turned around without intervention by a powerful leader. Many other factors may contribute to such turnarounds, but leadership is the catalyst. These results, therefore, point to the value of changing, or adding to, the leadership capacities of underperforming schools as part of their improvement efforts or as part of school reconstitution. Identify and discuss challenges you face in doing your job: 1. Lack of teamwork, empathy, and support between students: With a stronger focus on individual student performance, many teachers feel that teamwork doesn’t play an important enough role in classrooms. If students spend the majority of their time working individually, they don’t get the opportunity to better their social and teamwork skills. These are especially important to develop in elementary and middle school. 2. Teachers working too many roles at the same time: Social worker, psychoeducator, and counselor represent only a few of the hats that teachers are expected to wear throughout the day. In order to help their students, they feel compelled to adopt these roles themselves even though they don’t have the proper training. They still do it, though, because they care.
  • 7. - 7 - 3. No time to deal with bodily functions! All throughout the day, teachers must jump from one task to the next and are often forced to neglect their own bodies. There are no bathroom or water breaks for teachers; sometimes they don’t have a lunch break at all. 4. Teachers being made accountable for more than they should: Teachers don’t feel the accountability is shared equally between them, students, and parents. This can create a tense atmosphere. It’s also difficult to express this feeling to parents with diplomacy. But when parent night comes, ready or not, teachers put their game face on. 5. Not enough time to plan: Teachers often decry the lack of time they are given to prepare, plan and execute all the tasks that are demanded of them. Updating content presentations and documents, correcting older material, and adapting subjects to a new cohort of students are some of the tasks that teachers would like more time for. 6. Excessive paperwork for data collection In order to build reliable statistics, school and district administrations ask that teachers compile large amounts of data, such as grades and student growth indicators like SEL and collaboration. Teachers have difficulty with this because of the additional time it requires and the fact that, once again, it takes precious time away from preparing quality content for their students. 7. Keeping up with the expectations of school admins: A lot of teachers feel that more and more is expected of them from their school’s (or district’s) administration: offer constant support to the students, keep a line of communication open with parents, give more personalized help to students who need more attention to succeed, and so on. While teachers do want to provide the best support to their students, they maintain that they don’t receive enough paid time to do so. Access to specialized personnel and more time outside of class are some of the suggested ways to improve support and meet those increasing expectations. 8. Applying a prescribed curriculum to all types of students: Ask any teacher, and they will tell you: Every student is different. They learn at different speeds, and they each have their own way of taking in content and remembering it. Problems arise when teachers are expected to apply a fixed curriculum to students with vastly different needs. Adapting lessons to students and tailoring content to their needs takes time, which is in short supply.
  • 8. - 8 - Mention & explain the strategies you follow to overcome these challenges: The following 10 roles are a sampling of the many ways teachers can contribute to their schools' success. 1. Resource Provider Teachers help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources. These might include Web sites, instructional materials, readings, or other resources to use with students. They might also share such professional resources as articles, books, lesson or unit plans, and assessment tools. 2. Instructional Specialist An instructional specialist helps colleagues implement effective teaching strategies. This help might include ideas for differentiating instruction or planning lessons in partnership with fellow teachers. Instructional specialists study and explore instructional methodologies that are appropriate for the school; and share findings with colleagues. 3. Curriculum Specialist Understanding content standards, how various components of the curriculum link together, and how to use the curriculum in planning instruction and assessment is essential to ensuring consistent curriculum implementation throughout a school. Curriculum specialists lead teachers to agree on standards, follow the adopted curriculum, use common pacing charts, and develop shared assessments. 4. Classroom Supporter Classroom supporters work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas, often by demonstrating a lesson, co teaching, or observing and giving feedback. Consultation with peers enhanced teachers' self-efficacy (teachers' belief in their own abilities and capacity to successfully solve teaching and learning problems) as they reflected on practice and grew together, and it also encouraged a bias for action (improvement through collaboration) on the part of teachers. 5. Learning Facilitator Facilitating professional learning opportunities among staff members is another role for teacher leaders. When teachers learn with and from one another, they can focus on what most directly improves student learning. Their professional learning becomes more relevant, focused on teachers' classroom work, and aligned to fill gaps in student learning. Such communities of learning can break the norms of isolation present in many schools.
  • 9. - 9 - 6. Mentor Serving as a mentor for novice teachers is a common role for teacher leaders. Mentors serve as role models; acclimate new teachers to a new school; and advise new teachers about instruction, curriculum, procedure, practices, and politics. Being a mentor takes a great deal of time and expertise and makes a significant contribution to the development of a new professional. 7. School Leader Being a school leader means serving on a committee, such as a school improvement team; acting as a grade-level or department chair; supporting school initiatives; or representing the school on community or district task forces or committees A school leader shares the vision of the school, aligns his or her professional goals with those of the school and district, and shares responsibility for the success of the school as a whole. 8. Data Coach Although teachers have access to a great deal of data, they do not often use that data to drive classroom instruction. Teacher leaders can lead conversations that engage their peers in analyzing and using this information to strengthen instruction. 9. Catalyst for Change Teacher leaders can also be catalysts for change, visionaries who are “never content with the status quo but rather always looking for a better way” (Larner, 2004, p. 32). Teachers who take on the catalyst role feel secure in their own work and have a strong commitment to continual improvement. They pose questions to generate analysis of student learning. 10. Learner Among the most important roles teacher leaders assume is that of learner. Learners model continual improvement, demonstrate lifelong learning, and use what they learn to help all students achieve. Recommend my colleagues about strategies that may help his/her :  Understand the importance of leadership  Know your weaknesses and strengths, then delegate  Practice discipline  Take on more projects/Network  Learn to follow  Develop situational awareness  Inspire others/ Reward people  Keep learning  Empower your teammates  Resolve conflicts  Be a discerning listener
  • 10. - 10 - Conclusion: In the present postmodern ages have to need the greatest leader in every nation of this universe. Every Leader Isn’t Teacher but Every Teacher may be the Expert & Experienced Leader. There is a proverb, Education is the backbone a nation. But it’s renowned that the best Teacher mean Leader in a class is the backbone of good education which guides students to the brightest & prideful future. Leader isn’t born day by day but leader can grow up with education, experience & better nursing with a significant time. So, we have valuable responsibilities as a teacher for make sure sufficient duties & nursing for prepare the best future leader who will guide the nation or sub-continent or universe. Reference’s: Lectures’ & handout. The End