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Basic Truths and Principles
       The service Business
    Operations and maintenance
Corporate vs. human life
Corporates are efficient in money making and
 creating blooming economy. Economy has a
 side effect to partially satisfy the human needs,
 although not in human but corporate terms. This
 is acceptable as long as corporates can
 continuously grow and create new wealth.
            Corporate                          Human
  –   Basic need: money making      –   Basic need: survival
  –   Drivers:                      –   Drivers:
      1.   Monetary Profitability       1.   Drinkable water
      2.   Efficiency                   2.   Nourishment
      3.   Products                     3.   Sleep
      4.   Production                   4.   Clothing
      5.   Marketing                    5.   Shelter
      6.   Sales                        6.   Reproduction
      7.   Competition                  7.   Security
Effect of corporate efficiency
Corporates drive efficiency through any means possible. In
   the long term this means that more and more work is
   automised or made with the aid of machines.
People are needed less and less to produce the goods and
   services for the growing population leading increasing
   unemployment rate.
Nowadays one employee feeds about three persons in
   developed countries. New technologies strengthen this
The unemployed have no money to consume. Thus the
   drive for corporate efficiency is shrinking the potential
   market size, leads to political instability and ruins the
In the long run the only way to survive is for corporates to
   change their operating premiss – and related drives.
Future of corporate life
As unlimited growth is not possible for corporates, at some point they become
   not beneficial, irrelevant or even malevolent to human life. Only corporates
   capable of adapting to stable global economy and increased control
   (legislation, consumer awareness etc.) will survive.
As corporate life actually exists to enable human life, the corporate drivers
   need to be adjusted to address issues threatening the human life:
   overpopulation, pollution, energy issues, climate change, preservation of
   nature etc.

              New Corporate                               Human
    –    Basic need: survival                 –    Basic need: survival
    –    Drivers:                             –    Drivers:
         1.    Sustainability                      1.   Drinkable water
         2.    Usefulness                          2.   Nourishment
         3.    Materials, water and energy         3.   Sleep
               conservation                        4.   Clothing
         4.    Products                            5.   Shelter
         5.    Services                            6.   Reproduction
         6.    Processes                           7.   Security
         7.    Partnering
About service business

     And people in it
Summary of Gerstner‟s Lessons Learned
       Nokia and IBM Confidential | IBM Business Consulting Services © Copyright IBM Corporation 2006

“I have worked in services companies and product
companies. I will state unequivocally that services businesses
are much more difficult to manage…the skills required in
managing services processes are very different …the
business model is different. The economics are entirely
This is the kind of capability you simply can’t acquire. The bet
you’re really making is on your own commitment to invest
both the years and capital, then build the experience and
discipline it takes to succeed”
                                                 Note: Highlights in red made by author of this document

Louis V. Gerstner, (chairman of the board of IBM Corporation from April 1993 until his retirement in
December 2002 )

“Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance”
Business Model
Service Business can be described generally by a
  pyramid and four basic principles; violating these
  principles violates the business.
1st Principle:                Business
                                                  2nd Principle:
Customer S   atisfaction,                         Business is not stable,
Achievement and                                   But swings here and there
Employee S   atisfaction                          In the wind of external factors;
Form the basis of healthy                         Thus the broader the base
Business                                          T more S
                                                   he         ecure Business

Customer                                                 Employee
Satisfaction                                             Satisfaction

3rd Principle:                                    4th Principle:
T Higher the Business
 he                                               As the volume of the pyramid
T Larger Basis is needed
 he                                               Represents the effort needed,
T support it
 o                           Achievement          Minimizing the effort affects
                                                  T dimensions of the pyramid.

Profitable Business requires: Optimised Size of the Base, Proactive Planning
and Quick Response
Employee satisfaction
Top talent leave an organization when they‟re badly managed and the
  organization is confusing and uninspiring. If the company wants to
  keep the best people:

   1.       It needs to become an organization where:
        •       Managers are hired for their ability to manage well.
        •       Managers are supported to get even better at managing.
        •       Managers are accountable and rewarded for doing so.
   2.       It needs to be clear about what it tries to accomplish as an organization:
        •       Not only in terms of financial goals.
        •       What‟s the purpose; what does it aspire to bring to the world?
        •       What kind of a culture must be in place in order to do that?
        •       What will the organization look, feel and sound like when embodying that mission
                and culture?
        •       How is the success measured?
   3.       It needs to apply the only three true job interview questions to everyone:
        •       Can you do the job?
        •       Will you love the job?
        •       Can we tolerate working with you?
Importance of co-operation
Corporate units and people are not alone: the
 better they work together, the stronger the
 corporate position in the market.
How to achieve corporate harmony?
The wider the scope of works the bigger the opportunities
  for synergies between the corporate units and people!
                                     Services Partner Mgmt and Country
                                     Organisation work based on plans

                                       - Resource Prices
                                                                                    - Projects
                                                                                    - Tasks

                                                                                    - Resourceneeds

                                                                                    - Organisation
                                                                                    - Job Descriptions

   Customer Organisation          Country and Customer      Organisation create and    Business
   Sells/ Plans to Sell           Organisation create plans Keepup their master plans. planning

                                                                    Subprojects                          Projects‟
                       CaseDetails                                                                        Details

                  - Customer Price                                  - Tasks
                  - Service Description                             - Resources
                  - Service Length                         Prices   - Costs
                  - Key Performance                        Costs
                    Indicators                              SM
                  - Share of responsibilities               etc.    - Organisation
                                                                    - Job Descriptions

                                     FinancialControl helps
                                     local business /follows up.
Strategy and Incentives
• Strategy is like going for a diet – it won‟t work if
  the diet change constantly; it only works if it is
  adopted as a lifestyle for the rest of the life.
• Incentives are not replacement for common
  sense. It is against common sense to sacrifice
  the benefit of the company for the incentives, for
  in the long term the employee will become
  jobless – a fact the gained incentives rarely
Linkage between strategy and people‟s interests
      75% of employees say they don‟t find leadership inspiring.
59 % of workers say they don‟t receive recognition for a job well done.
   Over half say they could double their productivity “if I wanted to”.
    9 companies out of 10 are not able to implement their strategy.

       Business        Resource needs       Competence needs     Locations

      References                                               Power Balance
                           What the
                           strategy is
                           based on?
                                                               (Virtual) Teams

                                             What the
                                             people are
 Customer Satisfaction                        focusing           Processes

         Cases                                                 Way of working

    Service Delivery           Efficiency       Motivation     Remuneration
Customer understanding
Service Business is successful only when all the people
  involved understand what the customer really needs –
  regardless of how the customer explains their needs.

Well planned
Is halfway done!
People and Tools
The quality of the service delivered is depending
  upon people and tools. Unmotivated, unambitios
  or incompetent people are the best quarantee
  for dissatisfied customer.

  1st Principle:
  1st class tools + 2nd class people = 3rd class results

  2nd Principle:
  2nd class tools + 1st class people = 1st class results

  3rd Principle:
  3rd class tools + 1st class people = 2nd class results
Four cornerstones of successful business
Trust!                                   Competence!                              Persistence!                              Humbleness!

Trust your people - do not               Keep yourself updated on                 There is a seed of win                    Do not boast about business
hide away any relevant                   matters related to your                  within every defeat!                      to the outsiders – they just
business information from                work, otherwise you may                  The defeat is much better                 use this information for their
them.                                    lose many opportunities!                 teacher than the win!                     own benefit.

A man goes to take a shower after        A priest picked up a hitchhiker girl.    A farmer bought a bull from another        A young man in the pharmacy asks to
his wife. The doorbell rings and the     The girl was wearing an irresistible     farmer. The price – 1000 Euros - was      buy one condom. Boasting he explains
lady opens the door wearing only         miniskirt and soon the priest was        paid cash. It was also agreed that the    that his girlfriend has asked him to
the bath towel around her.               tempted. His hand went to the girl's     buyer sends his man to collect the        dinner. Tonight he may be lucky.
                                         knee by accident,                        bull next day.
Their neighbor has come to visit. He                                                                                        Actually he could buy another one
smirks and promises to pay one           but soon it slipped there more and       At night the bull died, and the buyer     because his girlfriend‟s sister has been
thousand Euros if the lady drops the     more often and finally stayed there.     claimed to cancel the deal. The seller    flirting in a way that he may need it.
towel.                                   The girl started to mutter: "Luke        did not agree, and thus the dead
                                         13:24, remember Luke 13:24 ..."          animal became lifted at the trailer of    The boy takes his wallet and is about to
The lady agrees and the neighbor         She turned ever and ever redder by       a tractor and the farmer went home.       pay, when he says: "Give me one more
takes his time to look at her naked,     her cheeks. The priest controlled        Time passed and the farmers met.          condom, old man. The housewife is also
pays and leaves whistling.               himself and biting his lips staring                                                very good looking."
                                         the road firmly drove to their           The seller bought a drink and asked
The lady returns to the bathroom to      destination.                             a bit ashamed what happened to the        The evening comes and all but the
dry her hair. The man asks who it                                                 dead animal.                              master are sitting at the dinner table.
was at the door. The wife answers        The girl stepped off, looked at the                                                They are just saying the prayer, when
that it was just the neighbor. "Did he   priest meaningfully and thanked for      "I promised it to be the main price for   the master arrives, sits at the end of the
pay one thousand Euros, that I           the ride. The priest Drove straight      lottery, sold 300 tickets for 20 Euros    table and crosses his hands.
borrowed him yesterday?" asks the        home and searched the bible,             each."
man.                                     where it stands at Luke 13:24:           "But the bull was dead! Did anybody       Then everyone catch their cutleries
                                         "Rush to get in through the narrow       raise a hell of it?"                      except the boy, who continues to keep
                                         door, for many, I tell you, try to get   "The only one complaining was the         his head down. Finally the girl pushes
                                         in, but can not."                        winner, but I returned his money."        the boy and whispers: "I did not know
                                                                                                                            you are such a devoted Christian."
                                                                                                                            "And I did not know that your father is
                                                                                                                            the pharmacist."
Business Governance
 As business is subject to change over time, an agreed
   business governance is a must to continuously meet the
   needs and objectives of parties involved.

PROACTIVENESS: Avoid problems through joint planning , decision making and driving
activity towards a set of measurable outcomes and behavior.

COMPREHENSIVENESS: All activity with a business impact fall within the business

OPENNESS: The business governance should facilitate a free and open dialogue across
all tiers of relationship and function.

SHAREDNESS: The governance model should seek to bring forth and align intentions
and goals of all parties involved.

FLEXIBILITY: The parties review and as appropriate and necessary modify the
governance model over time in light of experience and changing requirements.

COLLABORATION: The governance provides a framework for collaboration and trust.
Managed Services
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Managed services (as defined by Dr. Gerard Macioce) is the
practice of transferring day-to-day related management
responsibility as a strategic method for improved effective and
efficient operations. The person or organization who owns or
has direct oversight of the organization or system being
managed is referred to as the offerer, client, or customer. The
person or organization that accepts and provides the
managed service is regarded as the service provider.

Typically, the offerer remains accountable for the functionality
and performance of managed service and does not relinquish
the overall management responsibility of the organization or
                           Motto: ”Describe tomorrow today !”
                                        Planning & Optimisation
                                        Mindset : how … plan & optimise
                                                    -Plan the NW
                                                 - Analyse the NW
                                              - Optimise performance

                                                   Plan DB

           Roll-Out (Project)                 Operation & Maintenance
            Mindset : as … deploy
                          .=>                   Mindset : if … prevent & solve
              -NW element delivery                       -Keep NW integrity
                - NW Deployment                          - Prevent problems
                 - NWExpansions                     - Detect and solve problems
                                                       - Report Performance
                                                             Task DB
                    DB‟s                       Technical Support / Care
                     DB‟s                    Mindset : when … support & correct
                      DB‟s                                -SW Upgrades
                        DB‟s                              - HW Logistics
                                                  - Emergency & Product Support

                                                        Resolution DB

Motto: ”Create tomorrow today !”        Motto: ”Maintain today for tomorrow !”
Operations & Maintenance
Operations and maintenance is an ‟insurance‟. If
 the systems, platforms, networks and in general
 equipment were failsafe and maintenance free,
 nobody would need to invest in operations and
                          Marketing / Sales

                         Site Acquisition
                                                       Project teams

                     Construction / Manufacturing
                           Site Building

                      Equipment Installation
                       Installation / Deployment

                               O&M                  Managed Services &
                                                    Operation , Maintenance
                                                    And Technical Support
Managed Service costs and savings
Managed Services Business can make money and thus is
  worth doing only over a long period of time – there are
  no quick wins for an operator or service provider here.
   Bid cost

                                                       Customer baseline

                                   Service Level Agreement defined cost line

     - 2      - 1             1             2         3           4            5   years
Outsourced OPEX
Main reason for operations outsourcing is the hope to lower the
  operating expences (OPEX). There‟s also the hope to get rid of the
  problematic areas of operations. However, it‟s not obvious why
  outsourcing would lower the OPEX as:
   – Outsourced problems tend to grow even bigger problems.
   – Insourced problems are most difficult to solve.

"What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter."
Operations dimensioning
The cost, time and manpower needed for
  operations is depending upon many factors,
  most of which are not under control.
 Infrastructure:                                Network:                                  Environment:                           Culture:
      - Electrical                             - Elements                                         - Sites                    - Languages
  - Hydrological                               - Topology                        - Means and speed of travel                  - Education
    - Sanitation                    - Geographical distribution                    - Climate, Flora and fauna                     - Etc.

                                                Operation:                                Service Levels:
       - Network
                                                - Personnel                                 -Key Performance Indicators
   - Transmission
                                             - Competencies                               - Response times
- Buildings / Sites
                                                - Processes                            - Reporting Periods
       - Electrical                                                                                                               OPEX:
                                    - Geographical distribution                          -Priorisation
    - Climatical                                                                                                              - Personnel
                                           - Documentation                                         - Etc.
         - Etc.                                                                                                                - Training
                                                                                                                              - Traveling
                                                                                                                                  - Office
                                                                                                                                  - Tools
                                                                                                                                    - Etc.

                               Vision, priorisation and justified wish list on all operational aspects:
      Network, technology, planning/optimisation, Performance, Configuration, management, training, system administration,
                                                       security, financial etc.

                                                       Delivery Dimensioning
States of Service
Service normally undergoes through a series of changes in
  it‟s contractual lifecycle in an attempt to bring the
  operations costs down and improve the operational
                                                         Final State
                                                   -Finished service delivery
       Engagement State                        -Operator or 3rd Party Operation or
          -Sales Activities                              -No Operation
         -Solution Creation                                                          Disengagement

                          Due Diligence
                                                                     Target State
                                                                     -Operations Model
                 Initial State
             -Established Operation or                                               Transformation
        -3rd PartyOutsourced Operation or
                  -No Operation

                                                                Intermediate State
                                                              -Staff and Assets Transferred
                                                          -Operation Responsibility Transferred
                                                       -Working methods and tools unchanged or
                                                     -Working methods and tools not fully established
About the world around us

       And people in it
What is I?

“ Most of our capabilities and potential arise
from what we are as human beings: our self-
knowledge, self confidence, beliefs and
values. These define to what extent we are
prisoners of the past and whether we are able
to look at the present and the future with open,
curious eyes.“

  -Sari Baldauf-
People are motivated by three types of fundamental needs; Security, Status, and
   Stimulation. Individual behaviour can be explained by the weight that a person gives
   to each of the three needs at any point in time. Graphically one can imagine the
   circles in the illustration below shifting in size and in position as the perceived
   importance of each need changes for different individuals, and also within each
   individual at different points in time or stages of life.

         • Security Needs
           - Health & safety
           - Financial security
           - Relationship security
         • Status Needs
           - Self-esteem
           - Social status
           - Autonomy & authority
         • Stimulation Needs
           - Physical activity
           - Intellectual stimulation
           - Change or stability

Each of the Fundamental Needs has Interests associated with it. Interests need to be
   uncovered and recognized in order to accurately articulate achievable goals.
   Successful goal attainment becomes possible when we are able to satisfy as many
   interests of as many stakeholders as possible.
Motivation Dynamo
•   Curiosity and Fear are the two absolute and basic motivations for activity. Tied
    together they form a motivational force generator like a magnetic pole pair in an
    external changing magnetic field that represents the chaotic universe and flow of
    events around us. The more events the more motivation to act for any self-guiding
    system like humans, animals, or artificial intelligence.

      Self guiding system‟s
      Core Motivation Dynamo
                                                   Event flow through the Dynamo
Motivation model
                Basic Motivation Dynamo (jing-jang)
                for everything.

                Basic questions creating human
                ‟targets‟ in life

                Emotional ‟tags‟ related to
                like / dislike (against human ‟targets‟).

                Seven ‟negative‟ characteristics
                visible to others

                 Seven basic ‟positive‟ characteristics
                 visible to others
Basic questions in life
•   There are only two decisions for any of us to make:

    1.   How do I use the time I have?
    2.   How do I get the resources to my time spending?

•   These two decisions are interlinked.

•   Questions like what values we should keep, how far we should reach
    etc. can be derived from these two basic questions and our answers to
    them in the factual environment we can not change.

•   There are things we can change, but as soon as we decide to change
    them we actually have answered the first question.

•   Our motivation, principles, believes and behavior reflect our answers to
    these basic questions.

•   Consciously or not, every one of us is answering all the time to these

•   Do we recognise these questions in our everyday life and what are our
Values, rules and principles
•       Treat others as you want to be treated.
    –      Apply the same rules and principles to me, you and everyone.
    –      Expect yourself the same you expect from others.
    –      Do not be offended finding out other people‟s values differ from yours.

•       The rules and principles we apply define our value and usefulness to
        ourself, to our fellows and to the society.
    –      Choose them right, earn respect and succeed.
    –      Choose them wrong, get dispised and fooled about.

•       Basic values common to all humans are:

          1.    Bravery
          2.    Comprehension
          3.    Diligence
          4.    Fairness
          5.    Honesty
          6.    Reliability
          7.    Tolerance

    Selecting the rules and principles to live, act and behave accordingly gives the best
    possibility for happy, rich and respectful life.
The heavier the better?
Three phenomena follow the same pattern in the chaotic universe, where not
     all the pieces fit together like a clockwork:
    1.   Stars in the sky
    2.   Information structures
    3.   Human hearts
The bigger they grow, the heavier and more attractive they become.
The heavier means the more solid they are.
At some point they become so heavy that they start to tear the objects around
      them to pieces by the attractive gradient:
    1.   The stars‟ gravity tears in pieces the matter falling in.
    2.   The information systems only accept additional information in little pieces that
         have to match the internal rules
    3.   Humans only accept some aspects of the attracted ones around them, which
         makes it very difficult for others to live with them
When the stars, databases and hearts grow big enough, they collapse into
    themselves and disappear from this universe:
    1.   The stars become black holes
    2.   The database becomes so difficult to use and keep up, that it is abandoned
    3.   The human heart turns inside, becomes bitter and impossible to life with,
         draws into monastery or depression, and dies alone
Understanding Human Interfaces
Person within the boundaries:                Human

                                                                                             Center of „you‟

                                 Center of „me‟

 Principle 1: We can only see as much of the other person as our human interface allows us to see.
 Principle 2: The larger the human interface, the wider the „point of view‟.
 Principle 3: To fully see the other person requires infinitely large interface, possible only for Gods.
 Principle 4: Changing one interface affects immediately to others.
 Principle 5: In case of a small interface „point of view‟ allows us to see also other persons involved.
Simplified Existence Model
  Environment /          Identity /      Consciousness /          God(s) /
Physical and Social        Self           Spiritual world      Religious world

All things we can     Our physical and   Consciousness,       Omnipotential
sense, change         mental self        free will, will to   creator and source
and affect to.        described by       live, mental         of life.
Defined by            psychology,        strength, prayer     Information source
known sciences        medicine and       and faith.           through individual
like physics,         biology. Our       Links our identity   consiousnesses
chemistry and         body, behavior,    to the religious     => scientifically
sociology.            memories and       world.               not approachable.
                      feelings.          Metaphysical.
Types of interpersonal
One Way                     Two Ways                Three Ways

Lecturing:                  Information exchange:   Thought exchange:
+ Time saving               + Creativity            + Innovation
+ Decisions done            + Compromising          + Growth
+ Presentation              + Feedback              + Analysis
+ Proven content            + Red flags possible    + Risk assessment
+ Stable situation          - Understanding?        + Solutions
- Red Flags not available   - Decision mechanism?   + Decisions
- Understanding?            - Time consuming        + Efficiency
- Feedback missing                                  + Understanding
                                                    - Not easy
                                                    - Not everyone
                                                    - Needs common language
Personal money and property

Never release information of your money and
   property to anyone:

  1. Any true friend of yours is not interested in your
     money and property - but yourself.

  2. Anyone else is only interested to use this
     information for their own benefit.

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Basic truths and principles t me 04-12-2012

  • 1. Basic Truths and Principles Behind The service Business Operations and maintenance People
  • 2. Corporate vs. human life Corporates are efficient in money making and creating blooming economy. Economy has a side effect to partially satisfy the human needs, although not in human but corporate terms. This is acceptable as long as corporates can continuously grow and create new wealth. Corporate Human – Basic need: money making – Basic need: survival – Drivers: – Drivers: 1. Monetary Profitability 1. Drinkable water 2. Efficiency 2. Nourishment 3. Products 3. Sleep 4. Production 4. Clothing 5. Marketing 5. Shelter 6. Sales 6. Reproduction 7. Competition 7. Security
  • 3. Effect of corporate efficiency Corporates drive efficiency through any means possible. In the long term this means that more and more work is automised or made with the aid of machines. People are needed less and less to produce the goods and services for the growing population leading increasing unemployment rate. Nowadays one employee feeds about three persons in developed countries. New technologies strengthen this phenomenon. The unemployed have no money to consume. Thus the drive for corporate efficiency is shrinking the potential market size, leads to political instability and ruins the economy. In the long run the only way to survive is for corporates to change their operating premiss – and related drives.
  • 4. Future of corporate life As unlimited growth is not possible for corporates, at some point they become not beneficial, irrelevant or even malevolent to human life. Only corporates capable of adapting to stable global economy and increased control (legislation, consumer awareness etc.) will survive. As corporate life actually exists to enable human life, the corporate drivers need to be adjusted to address issues threatening the human life: overpopulation, pollution, energy issues, climate change, preservation of nature etc. New Corporate Human – Basic need: survival – Basic need: survival – Drivers: – Drivers: 1. Sustainability 1. Drinkable water 2. Usefulness 2. Nourishment 3. Materials, water and energy 3. Sleep conservation 4. Clothing 4. Products 5. Shelter 5. Services 6. Reproduction 6. Processes 7. Security 7. Partnering
  • 5. About service business And people in it
  • 6. Summary of Gerstner‟s Lessons Learned Nokia and IBM Confidential | IBM Business Consulting Services © Copyright IBM Corporation 2006 “I have worked in services companies and product companies. I will state unequivocally that services businesses are much more difficult to manage…the skills required in managing services processes are very different …the business model is different. The economics are entirely different. This is the kind of capability you simply can’t acquire. The bet you’re really making is on your own commitment to invest both the years and capital, then build the experience and discipline it takes to succeed” Note: Highlights in red made by author of this document Louis V. Gerstner, (chairman of the board of IBM Corporation from April 1993 until his retirement in December 2002 ) “Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance”
  • 7. Business Model Service Business can be described generally by a pyramid and four basic principles; violating these principles violates the business. 1st Principle: Business 2nd Principle: Customer S atisfaction, Business is not stable, Achievement and But swings here and there Employee S atisfaction In the wind of external factors; Form the basis of healthy Thus the broader the base Business T more S he ecure Business Customer Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction 3rd Principle: 4th Principle: T Higher the Business he As the volume of the pyramid T Larger Basis is needed he Represents the effort needed, T support it o Achievement Minimizing the effort affects T dimensions of the pyramid. he Profitable Business requires: Optimised Size of the Base, Proactive Planning and Quick Response
  • 8. Employee satisfaction Top talent leave an organization when they‟re badly managed and the organization is confusing and uninspiring. If the company wants to keep the best people: 1. It needs to become an organization where: • Managers are hired for their ability to manage well. • Managers are supported to get even better at managing. • Managers are accountable and rewarded for doing so. 2. It needs to be clear about what it tries to accomplish as an organization: • Not only in terms of financial goals. • What‟s the purpose; what does it aspire to bring to the world? • What kind of a culture must be in place in order to do that? • What will the organization look, feel and sound like when embodying that mission and culture? • How is the success measured? 3. It needs to apply the only three true job interview questions to everyone: • Can you do the job? • Will you love the job? • Can we tolerate working with you?
  • 9. Importance of co-operation Corporate units and people are not alone: the better they work together, the stronger the corporate position in the market.
  • 10. How to achieve corporate harmony? The wider the scope of works the bigger the opportunities for synergies between the corporate units and people! Services Partner Mgmt and Country , Organisation work based on plans -ResourceDelivery - Resource Prices - Projects - Tasks ResourceInfo - Resourceneeds - Organisation - Job Descriptions Customer Organisation Country and Customer Organisation create and Business Sells/ Plans to Sell Organisation create plans Keepup their master plans. planning Subprojects Projects‟ CaseDetails Details - Customer Price - Tasks - Service Description - Resources - Service Length Prices - Costs - Key Performance Costs Indicators SM - Share of responsibilities etc. - Organisation - Job Descriptions FinancialControl helps local business /follows up.
  • 11. Strategy and Incentives • Strategy is like going for a diet – it won‟t work if the diet change constantly; it only works if it is adopted as a lifestyle for the rest of the life. • Incentives are not replacement for common sense. It is against common sense to sacrifice the benefit of the company for the incentives, for in the long term the employee will become jobless – a fact the gained incentives rarely compensate.
  • 12. Linkage between strategy and people‟s interests 75% of employees say they don‟t find leadership inspiring. 59 % of workers say they don‟t receive recognition for a job well done. Over half say they could double their productivity “if I wanted to”. 9 companies out of 10 are not able to implement their strategy. Business Resource needs Competence needs Locations References Power Balance What the strategy is based on? (Virtual) Teams What the people are Customer Satisfaction focusing Processes on? Cases Way of working Service Delivery Efficiency Motivation Remuneration
  • 13. Customer understanding Service Business is successful only when all the people involved understand what the customer really needs – regardless of how the customer explains their needs. Principle: Well planned Is halfway done!
  • 14. People and Tools The quality of the service delivered is depending upon people and tools. Unmotivated, unambitios or incompetent people are the best quarantee for dissatisfied customer. 1st Principle: 1st class tools + 2nd class people = 3rd class results 2nd Principle: 2nd class tools + 1st class people = 1st class results 3rd Principle: 3rd class tools + 1st class people = 2nd class results
  • 15. Four cornerstones of successful business Trust! Competence! Persistence! Humbleness! Trust your people - do not Keep yourself updated on There is a seed of win Do not boast about business hide away any relevant matters related to your within every defeat! to the outsiders – they just business information from work, otherwise you may The defeat is much better use this information for their them. lose many opportunities! teacher than the win! own benefit. A man goes to take a shower after A priest picked up a hitchhiker girl. A farmer bought a bull from another A young man in the pharmacy asks to his wife. The doorbell rings and the The girl was wearing an irresistible farmer. The price – 1000 Euros - was buy one condom. Boasting he explains lady opens the door wearing only miniskirt and soon the priest was paid cash. It was also agreed that the that his girlfriend has asked him to the bath towel around her. tempted. His hand went to the girl's buyer sends his man to collect the dinner. Tonight he may be lucky. knee by accident, bull next day. Their neighbor has come to visit. He Actually he could buy another one smirks and promises to pay one but soon it slipped there more and At night the bull died, and the buyer because his girlfriend‟s sister has been thousand Euros if the lady drops the more often and finally stayed there. claimed to cancel the deal. The seller flirting in a way that he may need it. towel. The girl started to mutter: "Luke did not agree, and thus the dead 13:24, remember Luke 13:24 ..." animal became lifted at the trailer of The boy takes his wallet and is about to The lady agrees and the neighbor She turned ever and ever redder by a tractor and the farmer went home. pay, when he says: "Give me one more takes his time to look at her naked, her cheeks. The priest controlled Time passed and the farmers met. condom, old man. The housewife is also pays and leaves whistling. himself and biting his lips staring very good looking." the road firmly drove to their The seller bought a drink and asked The lady returns to the bathroom to destination. a bit ashamed what happened to the The evening comes and all but the dry her hair. The man asks who it dead animal. master are sitting at the dinner table. was at the door. The wife answers The girl stepped off, looked at the They are just saying the prayer, when that it was just the neighbor. "Did he priest meaningfully and thanked for "I promised it to be the main price for the master arrives, sits at the end of the pay one thousand Euros, that I the ride. The priest Drove straight lottery, sold 300 tickets for 20 Euros table and crosses his hands. borrowed him yesterday?" asks the home and searched the bible, each." man. where it stands at Luke 13:24: "But the bull was dead! Did anybody Then everyone catch their cutleries "Rush to get in through the narrow raise a hell of it?" except the boy, who continues to keep door, for many, I tell you, try to get "The only one complaining was the his head down. Finally the girl pushes in, but can not." winner, but I returned his money." the boy and whispers: "I did not know you are such a devoted Christian." "And I did not know that your father is the pharmacist."
  • 16. Business Governance As business is subject to change over time, an agreed business governance is a must to continuously meet the needs and objectives of parties involved. PROACTIVENESS: Avoid problems through joint planning , decision making and driving activity towards a set of measurable outcomes and behavior. COMPREHENSIVENESS: All activity with a business impact fall within the business governance. OPENNESS: The business governance should facilitate a free and open dialogue across all tiers of relationship and function. SHAREDNESS: The governance model should seek to bring forth and align intentions and goals of all parties involved. FLEXIBILITY: The parties review and as appropriate and necessary modify the governance model over time in light of experience and changing requirements. COLLABORATION: The governance provides a framework for collaboration and trust.
  • 17. Managed Services From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Managed services (as defined by Dr. Gerard Macioce) is the practice of transferring day-to-day related management responsibility as a strategic method for improved effective and efficient operations. The person or organization who owns or has direct oversight of the organization or system being managed is referred to as the offerer, client, or customer. The person or organization that accepts and provides the managed service is regarded as the service provider. Typically, the offerer remains accountable for the functionality and performance of managed service and does not relinquish the overall management responsibility of the organization or system
  • 18. Mindsets Motto: ”Describe tomorrow today !” Planning & Optimisation Mindset : how … plan & optimise .=> -Plan the NW - Analyse the NW - Optimise performance Plan DB Roll-Out (Project) Operation & Maintenance Mindset : as … deploy .=> Mindset : if … prevent & solve .=> -NW element delivery -Keep NW integrity - NW Deployment - Prevent problems - NWExpansions - Detect and solve problems - Report Performance Task DB DB‟s Technical Support / Care DB‟s Mindset : when … support & correct .=> DB‟s -SW Upgrades DB‟s - HW Logistics - Emergency & Product Support Resolution DB Motto: ”Create tomorrow today !” Motto: ”Maintain today for tomorrow !”
  • 19. Operations & Maintenance Operations and maintenance is an ‟insurance‟. If the systems, platforms, networks and in general equipment were failsafe and maintenance free, nobody would need to invest in operations and maintenance. Marketing / Sales Planning/Optimisation Planning/Optimisation Site Acquisition Project teams Progress Deployment Construction / Manufacturing Site Building Equipment Installation Installation / Deployment Maintenance O&M Managed Services & Operation , Maintenance And Technical Support Care
  • 20. Managed Service costs and savings Managed Services Business can make money and thus is worth doing only over a long period of time – there are no quick wins for an operator or service provider here. Transformation Bid cost cost Customer baseline Service Level Agreement defined cost line - 2 - 1 1 2 3 4 5 years Contract Signature
  • 21. Outsourced OPEX Main reason for operations outsourcing is the hope to lower the operating expences (OPEX). There‟s also the hope to get rid of the problematic areas of operations. However, it‟s not obvious why outsourcing would lower the OPEX as: – Outsourced problems tend to grow even bigger problems. – Insourced problems are most difficult to solve. "What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter."
  • 22. Operations dimensioning The cost, time and manpower needed for operations is depending upon many factors, most of which are not under control. Infrastructure: Network: Environment: Culture: - Electrical - Elements - Sites - Languages - Hydrological - Topology - Means and speed of travel - Education - Sanitation - Geographical distribution - Climate, Flora and fauna - Etc. CAPEX: Operation: Service Levels: - Network - Personnel -Key Performance Indicators - Transmission - Competencies - Response times - Buildings / Sites - Processes - Reporting Periods - Electrical OPEX: - Geographical distribution -Priorisation - Climatical - Personnel - Documentation - Etc. - Etc. - Training - Traveling - Office - Tools - Etc. Vision, priorisation and justified wish list on all operational aspects: Network, technology, planning/optimisation, Performance, Configuration, management, training, system administration, security, financial etc. Delivery Dimensioning
  • 23. States of Service Service normally undergoes through a series of changes in it‟s contractual lifecycle in an attempt to bring the operations costs down and improve the operational quality. Final State -Finished service delivery Engagement State -Operator or 3rd Party Operation or -Sales Activities -No Operation -Solution Creation Disengagement -Bidding -Contracting Set-up Contracting Due Diligence Target State -Operations Model Initial State -Established Operation or Transformation -3rd PartyOutsourced Operation or -No Operation Intermediate State Transition -Staff and Assets Transferred -Operation Responsibility Transferred -Working methods and tools unchanged or -Working methods and tools not fully established
  • 24. About the world around us And people in it
  • 25. What is I? “ Most of our capabilities and potential arise from what we are as human beings: our self- knowledge, self confidence, beliefs and values. These define to what extent we are prisoners of the past and whether we are able to look at the present and the future with open, curious eyes.“ -Sari Baldauf-
  • 26. Motivation People are motivated by three types of fundamental needs; Security, Status, and Stimulation. Individual behaviour can be explained by the weight that a person gives to each of the three needs at any point in time. Graphically one can imagine the circles in the illustration below shifting in size and in position as the perceived importance of each need changes for different individuals, and also within each individual at different points in time or stages of life. • Security Needs - Health & safety - Financial security - Relationship security • Status Needs - Self-esteem - Social status - Autonomy & authority • Stimulation Needs - Physical activity - Intellectual stimulation - Change or stability Each of the Fundamental Needs has Interests associated with it. Interests need to be uncovered and recognized in order to accurately articulate achievable goals. Successful goal attainment becomes possible when we are able to satisfy as many interests of as many stakeholders as possible.
  • 27. Motivation Dynamo • Curiosity and Fear are the two absolute and basic motivations for activity. Tied together they form a motivational force generator like a magnetic pole pair in an external changing magnetic field that represents the chaotic universe and flow of events around us. The more events the more motivation to act for any self-guiding system like humans, animals, or artificial intelligence. Self guiding system‟s Core Motivation Dynamo Event flow through the Dynamo
  • 28. Motivation model Basic Motivation Dynamo (jing-jang) for everything. Basic questions creating human ‟targets‟ in life Emotional ‟tags‟ related to like / dislike (against human ‟targets‟). Seven ‟negative‟ characteristics visible to others Fear Curiosity Seven basic ‟positive‟ characteristics visible to others
  • 29. Basic questions in life • There are only two decisions for any of us to make: 1. How do I use the time I have? 2. How do I get the resources to my time spending? • These two decisions are interlinked. • Questions like what values we should keep, how far we should reach etc. can be derived from these two basic questions and our answers to them in the factual environment we can not change. • There are things we can change, but as soon as we decide to change them we actually have answered the first question. • Our motivation, principles, believes and behavior reflect our answers to these basic questions. • Consciously or not, every one of us is answering all the time to these questions. • Do we recognise these questions in our everyday life and what are our answers?
  • 30. Values, rules and principles • Treat others as you want to be treated. – Apply the same rules and principles to me, you and everyone. – Expect yourself the same you expect from others. – Do not be offended finding out other people‟s values differ from yours. • The rules and principles we apply define our value and usefulness to ourself, to our fellows and to the society. – Choose them right, earn respect and succeed. – Choose them wrong, get dispised and fooled about. • Basic values common to all humans are: 1. Bravery 2. Comprehension 3. Diligence 4. Fairness 5. Honesty 6. Reliability 7. Tolerance Selecting the rules and principles to live, act and behave accordingly gives the best possibility for happy, rich and respectful life.
  • 31. The heavier the better? Three phenomena follow the same pattern in the chaotic universe, where not all the pieces fit together like a clockwork: 1. Stars in the sky 2. Information structures 3. Human hearts The bigger they grow, the heavier and more attractive they become. The heavier means the more solid they are. At some point they become so heavy that they start to tear the objects around them to pieces by the attractive gradient: 1. The stars‟ gravity tears in pieces the matter falling in. 2. The information systems only accept additional information in little pieces that have to match the internal rules 3. Humans only accept some aspects of the attracted ones around them, which makes it very difficult for others to live with them When the stars, databases and hearts grow big enough, they collapse into themselves and disappear from this universe: 1. The stars become black holes 2. The database becomes so difficult to use and keep up, that it is abandoned 3. The human heart turns inside, becomes bitter and impossible to life with, draws into monastery or depression, and dies alone
  • 32. Understanding Human Interfaces Person within the boundaries: Human Interfaces -Thinking -Reacting -Behaving Center of „you‟ Center of „me‟ Principle 1: We can only see as much of the other person as our human interface allows us to see. Principle 2: The larger the human interface, the wider the „point of view‟. Principle 3: To fully see the other person requires infinitely large interface, possible only for Gods. Principle 4: Changing one interface affects immediately to others. Principle 5: In case of a small interface „point of view‟ allows us to see also other persons involved.
  • 33. Simplified Existence Model Environment / Identity / Consciousness / God(s) / Physical and Social Self Spiritual world Religious world universe All things we can Our physical and Consciousness, Omnipotential sense, change mental self free will, will to creator and source and affect to. described by live, mental of life. Defined by psychology, strength, prayer Information source known sciences medicine and and faith. through individual like physics, biology. Our Links our identity consiousnesses chemistry and body, behavior, to the religious => scientifically sociology. memories and world. not approachable. feelings. Metaphysical.
  • 34. Types of interpersonal communication One Way Two Ways Three Ways Lecturing: Information exchange: Thought exchange: + Time saving + Creativity + Innovation + Decisions done + Compromising + Growth + Presentation + Feedback + Analysis + Proven content + Red flags possible + Risk assessment + Stable situation - Understanding? + Solutions - Red Flags not available - Decision mechanism? + Decisions - Understanding? - Time consuming + Efficiency - Feedback missing + Understanding - Not easy - Not everyone - Needs common language
  • 35. Personal money and property Never release information of your money and property to anyone: 1. Any true friend of yours is not interested in your money and property - but yourself. 2. Anyone else is only interested to use this information for their own benefit.