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Yoga and Pilates
Strength/Resistive Training
• Introduction
                                          • Module 1
          Yoga        Pilates
                                          • Module 2
                                          • Module 3
                                          • Module 4
                                Memory    • Module 5
Sliding            The
                                Contact   • Module 6
                 Method                   • Practical Barry
                                            Method Exercises
                                          • Conclusion
Restlessness and
discontent are the first
necessities of progress.
    Thomas Edison
The Barry Method is based on
  – Yoga and Pilates
  – Muscle Memory Contact ™
     • Active connection of mind to muscles
     • Created by Colette Barry
  – Breath work, proper form and deliberate motion
    are crucial
  – Wall work and the Gravity Machine are used to
    take advantage of the Rebounce Effect
Introduction (Continued)
Your Role as an Instructor:
  – Inspired Support and Informed Guidance for your
  – Challenge students physically and mentally
  – Teach students to “communicate with muscles” as
    part of the natural language of the body
  – Help students turn back the clock of aging by
    embracing the wisdom of the Youthful Spine and
Seven Sacred Principles

       Asana                                   Youthful
     Lockdown                                   Spine

  Power of

                Memory                Engagement
Yoga is the perfect
opportunity to be curious
  about who you are.
     Jason Crandell
Favorable Attitude
• Favorable attitude is the state of thinking the
  extraordinary, and living the exceptional by erasing
  negativism and doubt.
• Yoga is a wonderful vehicle in helping us experience
  this liberating state of mind.
   – A positive attitude gives you the strength to be true to
   – Your mind and body learn to tune into the powerhouse of
     where your inner potential resides.
   – ‘Step into’ a higher place when you ‘step onto’ the mat,
     because when you do, you release all of the negative
     thoughts and emotions that oppress and debilitate you.
Countering the Culprits of Aging
• Immobile Thoracic Spine
  – Leads to Kyphosis / Dowagers’ Hump
• Weak Pelvic Floor
  – Gravity and improper exercise = weakened
  – A toned pelvic floor acts as a springboard for the
    upper body
  – The Barry Method includes unique, specific
    exercises to quickly regain pelvic tone
Countering the Culprits of Aging

                     • Poor Feet: Foot Issues Create
                       Body Issues
                        – Stiff toes lead to a stiff spine
                        – Youthful feet: pliable, toned,
                          evenly distributed and flexible
                        – As feet loosen, the body heals
                     • Exercise of the feet is a crucial
Spreading the toes
   into the floor      part of your asana
strengthens bones
   and stretches
    muscles and
Review: Module 1
1. List the 7 Sacred Principles of
the Barry Method.                    Favorable Attitude, Youthful Spine,
                                     Breathworks, Engagement, Muscle
                                     Memory Contact, Power of Grounding
                                     Asana Lockdown

2. What are the three Aging
                                      Immobile Thoracic Spine, Weak Pelvic
                                      Floor, Poor Feet

3. What ways does the Barry
Method correct this?
                                      Loosen spine, strengthen “pelvic
                                      springboard”, repair feet
Yoga is the fountain of youth.
You’re only as young as your
       spine is flexible.
          Bob Harper
The Normal Spine
• The three natural curves of the
  spine act as a shock absorber.    Cervical
   – Cervical- 7 vertebrae           Curve
   – Thoracic- 12 vertebrae
   – Lumbar- 5 vertebrae

• A healthy spine is capable of                Thoracic
  bending 90 degrees forward,                   Curve
  30 degrees backward and 30
  degrees laterally (sideways).
  By the time we turn 40, many      Lumbar
  of us have lost more than half     Curve
  of this range.
The Power of the Spine
• In yoga, the spine is referred to as Brahma
  Danda, which literally means “the walking
  stick of God”.
  – The spine is the vehicle through which the power
    of the universe manifests in human form.
  – Through sushumna nadi, the central column of the
    spinal cord, kundalini force rises from dormancy
    at the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
  – A vertical spine is thus crucial in meditation.
The Healthy Spine
• A healthy spine allows the blood supply to
  freely transport nutrients and oxygen to all
  organs and tissues throughout the body
• When the spine is mobile, it allows all of the
  joints in the body to maintain a healthy range
  of motion. An immobile spine leads to limited
  motion, aches, pains and even arthritis.
• A healthy spine allows the muscles to function
  at their fullest capacity.
Thoracic Issues
• Thoracic Curve = Fulcrum of the Spine
• Thoracic Mobility is hindered by:
  – Gravity
  – Locked shoulder blades
  – Weakened back muscles (Trapezius, Erector
    Spinea and Latissimus Dorsi )
Shoulders and Shoulder Blades

 Misaligned              Aligned Shoulder        Achieving Proper
 Shoulder Blades         Blades                  Posture
 • Weak Back Muscles     • Scapulas towards      • Pull shoulder blades
 • Slouched Upper Body     middle of back          together and down
                         • Pulled down by:       • Visualize tips of
                           • Trapezius             scapulas moving
                           • Lower Trapezius       towards “X”
                           • Erector Spinae
                           • Latissimus Dorsae
The Five Barry Method Anchors

                                                                                                  The Five Anchor
1. Heart Point
                                                                                                      Points are
                    2. Scapula Point
- Anterior                                                                                      guidelines, acting as
Center of                             3. Pubic Point
Sternum              - Base of the                                                                stakes to anchor
                    scapula                               4. Chin Point
- Crucial role in                     - Anterior of the                                         the body and shift it
aligning body       - Engaged by
                    drawing scapula
                                      pubic bone
                                                          - Seals all other
                                                                               5. Focal Point     back into proper
                    down and in        - Tipping the
                                      Pubic Point
                                                          points                                     alignment.
                                                                               When other
                                      forward relaxes      - To apply, lower   points are
                                      lumbar regeion      the chin towards     aligned, focus
                                                          the chest            inward
                                                          allowing a fist-
                                                          size space           Causes mind to
                                                          between chin         connect to
                                                          and neck             muscles
Mountain Pose
       • Stand with back to wall
       • Raise arms and touch
         fingernails to wall.
       • Maintain Anchor 5.
       • Keep shoulders drawn
         together and down
         towards the low back.
       • Chest open.
Pelvic Stabilization 1
           •   Lie on your back and bend your knee
               into a 90 degree angle. Keep your
               knees close to your chest. Place your
               hands on your ribs.
           •   Align your body into the Focal Point
               (Anchor 5)
           •   Relax and inhale. Exhale as you
               extend one leg away from your chest
               with your knee bent. Avoid arching
               your back or rocking your hips.
           •   Lower your foot to the floor. Feel
               your stabilizer muscles working to
               maintain a neutral spine.
           •   Inhale again. Exhale and bring your
               knee back to your chest.
           •   Repeat this exercise four times on
               each leg.
Pelvic Tilt with the Toe Bar
              •   Sit at the top edge of the gravity board
                  with your hands on the Toe Bar.
              •   With your chin tucked, rock tail bone
                  toward the Toe Bar and draw navel to
              •   Lean back keeping arms straight and
                  shoulders away from the ears.
              •   Begin to un-rock pelvic and allow the
                  gravity board to slide away from the Toe
                  Bar keeping arms straight.
              •   Extend the tailbone to the opposite
                  direction and position body into a flat
                  back with hands on the Toe Bar.
              •   Pause and then begin to reverse back to
                  the starting position keeping arms straight
                  and chin tucked in throughout the entire
Review: Module 2
1. What are the Five Anchors?
Demonstrate and Describe Each     Heart, Scapula, Pelvic, Chin and Focal

2. What are the three curves of
the thoracic spine?
                                   Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar
Respiration being disturbed,
the mind becomes disturbed.
By restraining respiration, the
Yogi attains steadiness of the
    Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Yogic Breathing
• Conscious breath encourages conscious action and conscious living.
• Yogic Breath:
    – Releases acute and muscular tensions around the heart and digestive organs.
    – Helps respiratory illness sufferers (like asthma and emphysema) to overcome
      the fear of shortness of breath. It actually increases lung capacity.
    – Encourages proper nervous stimulus to the cardio-vascular system.
    – Reduces emotional and nervous anxiety.
    – Improves detoxification through increased exchange of carbon dioxide and
    – Amplifies the auto immune system by increased distribution of energy to the
      endocrine system.
    – Calms the mind and integrates the mental/physical balance.
    – Contributes to both vitality and relaxation.
• The full yogic breath is the basic building block of the powerful yoga
  breathing techniques called Pranayama in Sanskrit.
Reprogramming The Breath
Step 1: Abdominal               Step 2: Thoracic               Step 3: Full Yogic
Breathing                       (Chest) Breathing              Breathing

     • Observe the                   • Observe the                     • Combine
       breath and note                 breath and note                   Abdominal and
       the movement of                 the movement of                   Thoracic
       the abdomen.                    the chest.                        Breathing:
     • Deepen, lengthen              • Deepen, lengthen                • First inhale by
       and extend that                 and extend that                   filling the
       movement,                       movement,                         abdomen, then
       without moving                  without moving                    continue to fill the
       the chest.                      the abdomen.                      chest.
     • Continue for 20               • Continue for 20                 • Reverse to exhale.
       breaths and then                breaths and then                  This is 1 full yogic
       rest.                           rest.                             breath.
                                                                       • Continue for 10

  The yogic breath is as a continuous wave like pattern – as if the
  breath moves up from the navel to the throat with every inhalation
  and then, down from the throat to the navel with each exhalation.
Ujjayi Breath
• Ujjayi Breath is the basic                •   Inhale and exhale deeply through the
  breathing technique in the Barry              mouth.
  Method                                    •   On the exhales, begin to tone the
• The effects of the ujjayi are                 back of the throat, slightly
                                                constricting the passage of air.
                                            •   Once you are comfortable with the
    – The breath is warmed when                 exhale, begin to apply the same
      breathing just through the nose,
      thus warming the lungs, which             toning of the throat to the inhales.
      warms the blood, which warms the          This is where the name of the breath
      body.                                     comes from. It sounds like the ocean.
    – The sound and sensation of ujjayi     •   When you are able to control the
      helps in maintaining awareness of         throat on both inhale and exhale,
      the breath flowing with steadiness,       close the mouth and begin breathing
      ease, and balance.                        through the nose. Apply the same
    – The rhythmic sound of ujjayi helps        toning to the throat. The breath will
      to calm the nerves and create a           make a loud noise coming in and out
      quieter internal practice.                of the nose. This is Ujjayi breath.
Review: Module 3
1. What are the benefits of
Yogic breath?                   Calms the mind and integrates the
                                mental/physical balance.

2. Explain the three forms of
Yogic breathing:
                                 Abdominal, Thoracic and Full Yogic
When meditation is
   mastered, the mind is
unwavering like the flame of
a lamp in a windless place .
    Bhagavad-Gita Gita
Engagement: Key to Proper Asana
• “Engagement” is the application of isometric
  (static) contraction to muscles, without visible
  movement in the joint.
   – Isometric exercise is extremely powerful and effective
     in elongating and strengthening muscles.
   – Applying isometric muscle contraction helps build
     and tone muscle tissue without fatiguing or damaging
     muscle fiber
• To engage your muscles, first position your asana
  in proper alignment; then gently contract the
  muscles that are involved in sustaining the asana
  such as your leg, or arms or torso.
Benefits of Engagement
• Cleans muscles of toxic buildups
• Builds muscle tissue without fatiguing
• Reinforces proper joint alignment (Overall results allow the body
  to heal in a balanced and natural state reproducing energy and
• Stimulates muscle memory (The foundation where
  “reconstruction” of proper body alignment begins.)

  By applying isometric engagement or isometric
  contraction, muscles are contracted in their
  natural state, which reinforces proper joint
Bandhas (Root Locks)
• Bandhas are interior body locks used in yoga
• Bandhas increase physical strength, develop muscular
  control and support your spine.
• There are four Four Bandhas used in the Barry
   –   1. Pada Bandha
   –   2. Mula Bandha
   –   3. Uddiyana Bandha
   –   4. Jhalandara Bandha
• When all of the bandhas are activated at the same
  time, it is called Maha Bandha, the Great Locks.
1. Padi Bandha / Foot Lock
             • When you root down
               from the top of your thigh
               bones down into your
               feet, the muscles in your
               calves and thighs engage.
             • This causes an upward
               pull on the arches of the
               pada bandha and creates
               expansion through the
2. Mula Bandha / Pelvic Lock
• 1st “interior” body lock,
  used to control the flow
  of energy
• Activate by drawing the
  pelvic floor upwards
  towards the navel
• Pubic floor = Space
  between tailbone and
  pubic bone.
3. Uddiyana Bandha / Abdominal Lock
• 2nd “interior” body lock,
  used to control the flow of
  energy – can be used
  independently or with Mula
• Massages and cleans the
  abdominal organs
• To Engage:
   – Sit in Rock Pose
   – Exhale, then “false inhale”
     (draw up abdomen without
     taking in breath)
   – Contract the belly under the
     rib cage – draw muscles
     upward and inward
4. Jhalandara Bandha / Throat Lock
                               • 3rd and final “interior” body
                                 lock, used to control the flow
                                 of energy – can be used
                                 independently or with Mula
                                 and/or Uddiyana Bandha
                               • To Engage:
                                  – Sit in Rock Pose
                                  – Inhale about 2/3, and hold
                                  – Drop the chin, then draw the
                                    chin back so the neck is not
Maha Bandha – The Great Lock
Using the Bandhas

   Using all your Bandhas allows you to create an
internal force to move your body from one asana to
     the next throughout your flow. Effortlessly.
     • The Bandhas are tools that can be variously
       engaged to support different energetic actions
       in the practice.
     • A full Uddiyana Bandha restricts the breath,
       rather it should be used as a light and energetic
     • Similarly, the Muja Bandha should draw energy
       into the core of the body, rather than creating
       pelvic tightness.
Pelvic Rock
        – Lay upside down on the
          inverted slant board.
        – Begin to rock your legs and
          hips over your head with
          your knees slightly bent.
          Use your exhalation and
          ujjayi breath to lift your
          hips off the board.
        – Keep the rest of your body
          relaxed. Keep your chin
          tucked in.
        – When exerting force in
          your practice, you will
Backbend Pelvic Floor Lift
             • This will allow you to
               use the Mula Bhanda to
               create the necessary
               transition force.
             • Do this exercise 2 times
               on each side while
               working with your
               breath to move.
Armpit to Hip
       • Lay supine on the board with feet
         on the board. Engage body in
         Anchor 5.
       • Hold handles with rope to side of
         body. Have thumbs to body.
         Draw armpit to hips allowing your
         chest to open.
       • Raise hands up to shoulder level
         then lower, keeping your
         shoulders away from your ears
         and drawing the blades together
         and down as in Anchor 5.
       • Continue raising and lowering
         your arms. Bring your armpit to
         your hips when in the starting
Review: Module 4
1. What is engagement and the     Engagement is the final step in applying a
benefits?                         solid asana. By applying engagement,
                                  muscles are contracted in their natural
                                  state, which reinforces proper alignment.

                                  Pada Bandha, Mula Bandha, Jhalanara
2. Name and describe the Four     Banda, Uddiyana Bandha.
Bandhas and Ujjiah Breath ?       During Ujjayi breating you can direct this
                                  powerful breath stream to the parts of your
                                  body that demand it.
3. Explain what you felt in the
bandha exercise and how to        Using all of your bandhas allows you to
                                  create an internal force to move your body
contract the bandha in a
                                  from one asana to the next effortlessly.
Backbend Pose ?
Muscles are in a most intimate
and peculiar sense the organs of
            the will.
        G. Stanley Hall
Muscle Memory
• Muscle memory is the body’s amazing ability
  to “remember” a repetitive muscular
• To use muscle memory to improve asanas:
  – Achieve correct alignment briefly
  – Imprint the feel of correct alignment in your mind
  – Use that imprint to train your muscles in the
    correct pose
Barry Method: “QAA”
            Hold the pose
  Quick      for a brief

              Agree to
 Accurate     absolute

             Affirm the
  Affirm       correct
Cues for Muscle Memory
• Each student processes information differently
• In order to cement learning, use multiple cues
  to imprint muscle memory:
  – Visual
  – Audio
  – Tactile
Nine Teaching Techniques for the Barry
     Speak with                              Seal each positive
   confidence and        Use eye contact     asana with a deep
      authority                                steady breath

                         Demonstrate to
    Praise correct
                       them what “looks”       Provide visual
   alignment with
                         correct and how      demonstrations
                        they look doing it

            Touch helps clients
                                    Save them the
              physically feel
                                      trouble of
              what muscle to
                                     “finding” it.
Review: Module 5
                                  Muscle memory contact is using the
1. Explain Muscle Memory
                                  brain to engage the body’s natural
                                  muscle memory to more quickly learn
                                  correct asanas.
2. Describe the Q.A.A.            Quickly hold pose, Accurately confirm
                                  alignment, Affirm correct alignment.

3. What types of cues should be   Visio, Audio and Tactile tools should be
used to prompt muscle             used.

                                  Speak with authority, Use eye contact,
4. Explain teaching techniques    Seal each positive asana with a breath,
for the Barry Method.             Praise correct alignment ,
                                  Provide visual demonstrations
                                  Touch helps clients physically feel what
                                  muscle to contract.
Grounding is a process of
diverting one’s scattered
forces into one powerful
        channel .
       James Allen
• Grounding is a process of consciously rooting
  your physical body to the earth
• This acknowledgement of the physical surface
  you are on provides many benefits:
  – Increased Focus
  – Mental Clarity
  – A sense of control
Energy Created by Grounding
• Grounding produces the “rebounce           For every
                                           action there is
• The “rebounce effect” is an
  expression of Newton’s 3rd law.
                                            an equal an
• The effort applied in pressing down         opposite
  through the feet is returned as            reaction.
  energy drawing up the body.             Isaac Newton’s
• In “rooting down”, muscular                3rd law of
  engagement is stimulated and
  space is created in the joints – this       motion.
  expansion is useful in advanced
Asana Lockdown
A Checklist for Asanas:
1.   Lock abdominal core, navel    • By following a checklist, a
     inward and upward               powerful, effective asana is
     (Bandhas).                      insured.
2.   Draw shoulder blades toward   • This list will vary somewhat by
     center and downward.            pose.
3.   Engage and energize muscles   • By repeatedly reviewing the
     in arms and legs.               checklist while you refine your
4.   Gaze, gently toward focal       pose, a more powerful yoga
     point.                          practice is achieved.
5.   Breathe steady and focused.
6.   Balance your center.
7.   Liberate and let go.
Grounding Effect Exercise
             • Lie on the board facing the wall
               with your body approx 2 feet
               away from the wall. Curl your
               chest to your knees.
             • Holding onto your left knee,
               extend your left leg to the wall
               placing your left toes on the wall.
             • On exhalation, return your left leg
               and stretch your right let to the
               wall gently placing your right toes
               on the wall.
             • Be certain to maintain an
               engaged core the entire cycle.
               Feet are to lightly touch the wall
               keeping foot sustained.
Spinal Rotation
        • Sit tall at the base of the machine
          in the five anchor position.
        • On exhalation, place right hand
          on the wall while pivoting the
          torso and placing the left hand on
          the board.
        • Be sure to sit tall and drop
          shoulders away from your ears.
        • Gaze eyes to the resistance rail.
        • On exhalation, repeat to the
          opposite side, using the wall and
          gravity board to support and
          engage muscles.
Pilates Principles Used in Asana
• Trunk stabilization (armpits)- deep abdominal
  transverses, and internal and external oblique.
• Scapula stabilization (mid-back muscles)-
  lower trapezius, serratus anterior and
• Hip stabilization (buttocks)- pull up through
  the inner thighs and pelvic floor muscles.
Abdominal Scoop with Wall and C
      Position Exercises
                •   Lie on your back with your feet touching the
                    wall (or toe bar) and your knees slightly bent.
                    Inhale and raise your hands over your head.
                •   On exhalation bring your arms to your side,
                    lift your head and tuck your chin to your
                •   Begin to lower your navel to your spine in the
                    abdominal scoop,
                •   Hold this position while maintaining an
                    abdominal scoop. Your shoulder blades
                    should be off the board with only the tips of
                    the blades touching the board.
                •   Maintain this position for three steady
                •   Breathe in. On exhalation, slowly lower your
                    body one vertebrae at a time.
                •   Use the wall or Toe Bar to keep your hips and
                    pelvis stationary. Rely on your abdominals to
                    lower your body. Return to your neutral
Review: Module 6
1. Explain the "Rebounce             Energy recovered from grounding is
Effect”.                             channeled back into each asana – based on
                                     “for every action there is an equal and
2. Explain the Power of              opposite reaction.”
                                     Grounding provides mental clarity, focus,
                                     and a sense of control.
3. Identify the Pilates principles
used in Asana Lockdown.              Trunk stabilization, Scapula stabilization,
                                     Hip stabilization

4. List all the Barry Method         Lock abdominal core, navel in/upward.
Asana Lockdowns?                     Draw scapulas toward center and down..
                                     Engage + energize muscles in arms and legs.
                                     Gaze, gently toward focal point.
                                     Breathe steady and focused.
                                     Balance your center.
                                     Liberate and let go.
Pelvic Girdle and Thighs

Hip (Pelvic)   • Iliacus - flexes and rotates thigh laterally
                 as above
and Thigh      • Psoas major - flexes, adducts thigh
  & Feet       • Pectineus

               • Gluteus maximus - rotates thigh laterally
               • Gluteus medius - rotates thigh medially
 Gluteus       • Tensor fasciae latae - flexes, abducts thigh
               • Adductor longus/magnus - adducts thigh
Pelvic Girdle and Thighs

             • Biceps femoris - extends thigh and flexes leg
             • Semitendinosus – flexes leg
             • Semimembranosus - as above
             • Gracilis – adducts thigh
             • Sartorius - rotates leg laterally
Hamstrings   • Tibialis anterior - dorsiflexes foot
             • Extensor digitorum longus - extends toes
             • Peroneus longus - everts foot, plantar flexes foot
             • Gastrocnemius - plantar flexion, "standing on
               toes,‖ flexes leg
             • Flexor digitorum longus - flexes toes, inverts foot
Barry Method Yoga – Standing Asanas
• A Yoga Asana is simply a pose – the term
  actually means “seat”.
• Standing Poses - Tadasana
  – Used as warmup or as starting position for other
  – Strengthens legs, opens hips and improves
Standing Asanas

Mountain Pose                       Extended Mountain                  Mountain Pose, Arms
• Stand with your feet planted      With Pole                          Stretched
  to the ground and align the       • Stand with your back toward      • Stand in the Mountain Pose
  body into Anchor 5.                 the wall and hold rod in hand      and maintain Anchor 5.
• Lift kneecaps to hips and           with hands over head.            • Place fingers lightly behind
  engage thigh.                     • Reach arms high with               head and raise elbows toward
• Press hands together firmly         fingernails touching the wall.     back of shoulders.
  drawing shoulders away from         Plant your body into Anchor 5.   • Keep chest open and
  ears. Breathe steady.             • Keep your body grounded            shoulders down.
                                      while allowing your arms to
                                      rise from your hips to your
                                      small finger. Breathe steady.
Barry Method Yoga – Seated Asanas
• Seated Poses - Dandansana
  – Useful for practicing breathing exercises
  – Often used as warmup or as starting position for
    other pose
  – Improves posture, opens hips.
     • Use a blanket or towel to rotate hips forward when
       sitting on the floor, to improve spine alignment.
Seated Asanas

Basic Dandasana                                  Seated Arm Pull
• Sit on the board on mat.                       • Sit on the gravity board and hold the rope
• Place your feet on the wheel or wall lifting     handles.
  you spine up toward the ceiling.               • Extend legs strong and lift spine to ceiling.
• Press your fingers behind your hips and lift   • Pull handles down while opening chest.
  your spine higher without bringing your        • Apply the Anchor 5.
  shoulders up to your ears.                     • Use back muscles and sides of torso to
• Rotate your hips forward and tailbone            maintain arms to the sides.
• Apply the Anchor 5 while lifting your
  Bandha keeping your legs firm.
Seated Asanas 2

Leg Squat, Extended Arms               Seated, Feet in Straps
• Sit low on the gravity board or on   • Support feet in straps and sit in a
  a yoga block.                          scooping position.
• Squat legs while stretching spine    • Pull navel to the back of the spine
  to ceiling.                            and round the back with chin
• Have fingers gently behind the         tucked in. Have arms floating to
  head while applying Anchor 5           the sides.
• Rotate hips forward and engage       • Bend knees and balance body
  into the back muscles.                 using the core and upper torso.

            • Rectus abdominus - tightens mid-line in defecation

 Trunk      • External oblique - compresses abdomen
            • Internal oblique - compresses abdomen
            • Transverse abdominus - compresses abdomen

            • Diaphragm - inhalation, increases volume of the
Thoracic-     thoracic cavity
            • External intercostals - elevates rib cage in inhalation
            • Internal intercostals - depresses rib cage
  Deep      • Pectoralis minor - moves scapula anteriorly, elevates
              rib cage

 Thoracic-    • Pectoralis major - Adducts arm
              • Serratus anterior - Abducts scapula, elevates ribs.

              • Trapezius - upper div. elevates clavicle
              • Levator scapulae - elevates scapula
   Back       • Rhomboideus - adducts and fixates scapula
              • Latissimus dorsi - draws arm back
              • Quadratus lumborum - draws torso R and L inferiorly
Barry Method Yoga – Forward Bends
• Forward Bend - Uttanasana
  – Quiets the mind and encourages a meditative
  – Stretches entire back of body
  – Force of deep breathing / pressure of forward
    bends massages internal organs
  – Maintains and restores integrity of spine.
Forward Bends

Forward Bend- Feet in Straps                      Forward Bend- Chest to Knees Ab
• Place feet in straps on the Total Trainer,      Crunch
  machine leveled at 3 or 4.                      • Lay on board with arms to sides and hands
• Sit tall and breath in, then out, letting all     in handles.
  the air out as you fold chest to knees.         • Raise legs to ceiling straight or bend at
• When folding bring tailbone back to base          knees. Bring chest to knees. Draw arms to
  of the machine while pulling navel to back        side and arm pit to hips.
  of spine to fold deep.                          • Exhale deep and bring navel to spine to
• Reach hands to feet and continue folding          raise and lengthen spine.
  with chin tucked in, lengthening spine.
Forward Bends

Forward Bend with Straps                  Forward Bend- On Board,
• Shorten rope and have straps in         Feet on Wall
  wrap in hands on the bony surface.      • Sit at base of board facing wall.
• Exhale deeply and fold chest to           Place feet on wall and heel on floor.
  knees, reach hands to feet.             • Sit tall. On exhale, fold body deeply
• Allow tailbone to extend to the           brining crown of head to wall and
  resistance rail while tucking head in     tailbone to resistance rail.
  and reaching crown of head in           • Extend arms and lean deeply into
  opposite direction.                       Forward Bend.
Twist Poses

Standing Wide Leg-                   Sitting Revolver, Against              Locust Pose Revolving at
Revolving Triangle                   Wall                                   Toe Bar
• Line feet under hips and           • Sit facing the wall at the edge of   • Sit with legs in locust pose. Place
  shoulders under hands. Position      the board. Align body in Anchor        the right hand on the Toe Bar.
  body in Anchor 5.                    5. Have knees open and hips          • Sit tall and allow rotate the
• Rotate body and reach right          open.                                  upper torso placing the left hand
  hand to ceiling. Allow right       • Breathe in and rotate bod              on the opposite side of the
  shoulder to line up with right       placing the right hand on the          board.
  hips. Allow entire rib cage to       wall and the left arm against the    • Allow the torso to rotate as you
  rotate.                              right knee.                            gaze over your shoulder.
• Place right arm behind torso and   • Maintain a tall spine and allow
  gaze pass the shoulder. Maintain     the ribs to rotate.
  for 4 breaths.
Twist Poses

Revolving Prayer Pose on                   Revolving Against Wall
Board                                      • Stand a foot away with your back
• Kneel on the edge of the board. Press      facing the wall. Position body in
  toes into the ground.                      Anchor 5
• Raise arms to ceiling to extend spine.   • Raise hands to ceiling, then place
  Bring hands into prayer and rotate.        hands forward while rotating body to
                                             the right. Keep feet stationary.
• Press right elbow across left knee and
  lengthen spine. Keep chin tucked in      • Rotating at the hips, place hands onto
                                             wall while standing tall. Gaze eyes to
                                             the right small finger.
Shoulders / Arms

            • Teres major - adducts arm
            • Teres minor - rotates arm laterally
            • Deltoid - flexes and abducts arm
            • Subscapularis - rotates arm medially

Shoulders   • Supraspinatus - abducts arm
            • Infraspinatus - rotates arm laterally
            • Biceps brachii - flexes forearm, flexes arm
 / Arms     • Brachialis - flexes forearm
            • Brachioradialis - flexes forearm
            • Triceps brachii - extends forearm
            • Pronator teres - pronates arm
            • Supinator - supinates arm and hand
Barry Method Yoga – Backbends
• Backbends keep the spine supple and aligned
• Backbends bring heat and energy to the spine.
• By activating the abdomen, they stimulate the
  kidneys, reproductive, and digestive system.
• Backbends also open the front of your body,
  especially the chest.
Key Points for Backbends
• Rotate the thighs internally.   • Focus the backbend in the
• Never squeeze the buttocks        thoracic spine. Add
• Posteriorly tilt the pelvis       extension of the cervical
                                    spine last.
• Create length through the
  spine to allow greater spinal   • Draw the lower tips of the
  extension.                        shoulder blades in and up
                                    toward the heart.
• Focus the backbend in the
  thoracic spine.                 • This adds more
                                    expansiveness to the heart
• Create length through the         center.
  spine to allow greater spinal
  extension.                      • Keep the breath steady and
Technical Attributes for Backbends

    Contraction            Traction               Leverage          Shoulder extension      Shoulder flexion
    backbends             backbends              Backbends             backbends              backbends
• The back muscles    • Muscles in the      • The arms and /or      • Extension of the     • Flexion requires
  (primarily spinal     front of the body     legs press against      arms reaquires         the rhomboids,
  erectors and          eccentrically         an unmovable            the scalpula to be     latissimi dorsi,
  multifidi)            contract to           object (floor, wall     stabilized by the      pectoralis major,
  concentrically        overcome gravity      or another part         rhomboids, lower       and triceps to
  contract to           as in Cobra.          of the body), to        trapezius, and         release.
  overcome gravity.                           stretch the front       serratus anterior
                                              of the body as in       muscles while the
                                              a cobra.                pectoralis major
                                                                      and minor must
Backbend Poses

Standing with the Board                      Inverted with Feet Under Board
• Stand facing the base of the board and     • Lay inverted on the board with head at the
  position body in Anchor 5. Board on top      base of the board.
  level.                                     • Allow hips to open and stretch feet under
• Raise arms and place right hand on the       the board.
  board extend left hand over head.          • Keep chest open and rest .
• Allow chest to open and draw blades
  down the back. Let eyes gaze and place
  the left hand on the board.
• Exhale and use your bandhas to return to
Backbend Poses

Camel Against Wall                         Upward Dog
• Kneel with back facing wall. Have       • Rest body on the board with knees
  feet against wall.                        off board and feet on the wall.
• Raise arms high and extend right        • Press hands into the board and lean
  hand onto the wall while placing left     back into a backbend.
  hand on heel of left foot.              • Allow chest to open and raised.
• Keep chest open and allow hips to         Draw head back and drop blades
  open. Extend head back.                   down.
Barry Method Yoga – Inversions
• Inversions defy gravity:
   – building character
   – defeating mental shortcomings
   – developing confidence against our fear
• Inverted poses also balance the hormones of the
• Anti-gravity clears toxins from the tissues,
  cleansing and nourishing, and improves
• Because the heart must pump stronger,
  inversions also have an aerobic affect.
Inversion Poses

On Board with Straps                         Shoulder Stand On Board with
• Lay on the board at level 4 with feet in   Wall
  straps. Allow the spine to stretch.        • Invert with feet on the wall and shoulders
• Raise hands overhead and allow body to       on the board.
  extend.                                    • Be sure to allow the weight of the body to
• Take deep breaths and feel the spine         press into the shoulders
  lengthen. Rest for 5 breaths.                to stretch the neck and shoulder muscles.
                                             • Extend one foot at a time to the ceiling
                                               while supporting other foot on the wall.
Inversion Poses

Plow on Board                               Bridge on Wall
• Invert body on the board with the wall   • Inverted, place feet on the wall.
  2' from the base of the machine.         • Let the weight of the body rest on the
• With the board raised to level 3, flip     shoulder and push hips away from the
  feet over your head and place on the       wall.
  wall.                                    • Keep body light and extended.
• Let body rest in inverted position
  putting your weight on the shoulder.
• Bend knees for deeper effect.
Points to Remember
• Approach your Barry Method workouts from a
  place of quiet and calm.
• Review the “Seven Sacred Principles” often
  and allow them to guide you.
• Do not force yourself – accept where you are
  on your journey.

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Barry method final_power point 9-15

  • 2. • Introduction • Module 1 Yoga Pilates • Module 2 • Module 3 • Module 4 Muscle Gravity Memory • Module 5 Sliding The Barry Contact • Module 6 Method • Practical Barry Method Exercises • Conclusion
  • 3. Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress. Thomas Edison
  • 4. Introduction The Barry Method is based on – Yoga and Pilates – Muscle Memory Contact ™ • Active connection of mind to muscles • Created by Colette Barry – Breath work, proper form and deliberate motion are crucial – Wall work and the Gravity Machine are used to take advantage of the Rebounce Effect
  • 5. Introduction (Continued) Your Role as an Instructor: – Inspired Support and Informed Guidance for your students – Challenge students physically and mentally – Teach students to “communicate with muscles” as part of the natural language of the body – Help students turn back the clock of aging by embracing the wisdom of the Youthful Spine and Breathwork
  • 6. Seven Sacred Principles Favorable Attitude Asana Youthful Lockdown Spine Power of Breathwork Grounding Muscle Memory Engagement Contact
  • 7. Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are. Jason Crandell
  • 8. Favorable Attitude • Favorable attitude is the state of thinking the extraordinary, and living the exceptional by erasing negativism and doubt. • Yoga is a wonderful vehicle in helping us experience this liberating state of mind. – A positive attitude gives you the strength to be true to yourself. – Your mind and body learn to tune into the powerhouse of where your inner potential resides. – ‘Step into’ a higher place when you ‘step onto’ the mat, because when you do, you release all of the negative thoughts and emotions that oppress and debilitate you.
  • 9. Countering the Culprits of Aging • Immobile Thoracic Spine – Leads to Kyphosis / Dowagers’ Hump • Weak Pelvic Floor – Gravity and improper exercise = weakened muscles – A toned pelvic floor acts as a springboard for the upper body – The Barry Method includes unique, specific exercises to quickly regain pelvic tone
  • 10. Countering the Culprits of Aging (Continued) • Poor Feet: Foot Issues Create Body Issues – Stiff toes lead to a stiff spine – Youthful feet: pliable, toned, evenly distributed and flexible – As feet loosen, the body heals • Exercise of the feet is a crucial Spreading the toes into the floor part of your asana strengthens bones and stretches muscles and ligaments.
  • 11. Review: Module 1 1. List the 7 Sacred Principles of the Barry Method. Favorable Attitude, Youthful Spine, Breathworks, Engagement, Muscle Memory Contact, Power of Grounding Asana Lockdown 2. What are the three Aging Culprits? Immobile Thoracic Spine, Weak Pelvic Floor, Poor Feet 3. What ways does the Barry Method correct this? Loosen spine, strengthen “pelvic springboard”, repair feet
  • 12. Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible. Bob Harper
  • 13. The Normal Spine • The three natural curves of the spine act as a shock absorber. Cervical – Cervical- 7 vertebrae Curve – Thoracic- 12 vertebrae – Lumbar- 5 vertebrae • A healthy spine is capable of Thoracic bending 90 degrees forward, Curve 30 degrees backward and 30 degrees laterally (sideways). By the time we turn 40, many Lumbar of us have lost more than half Curve of this range.
  • 14. The Power of the Spine • In yoga, the spine is referred to as Brahma Danda, which literally means “the walking stick of God”. – The spine is the vehicle through which the power of the universe manifests in human form. – Through sushumna nadi, the central column of the spinal cord, kundalini force rises from dormancy at the base of the spine to the crown of the head. – A vertical spine is thus crucial in meditation.
  • 15. The Healthy Spine • A healthy spine allows the blood supply to freely transport nutrients and oxygen to all organs and tissues throughout the body • When the spine is mobile, it allows all of the joints in the body to maintain a healthy range of motion. An immobile spine leads to limited motion, aches, pains and even arthritis. • A healthy spine allows the muscles to function at their fullest capacity.
  • 16. Thoracic Issues • Thoracic Curve = Fulcrum of the Spine • Thoracic Mobility is hindered by: – Gravity – Locked shoulder blades – Weakened back muscles (Trapezius, Erector Spinea and Latissimus Dorsi )
  • 17. Shoulders and Shoulder Blades Misaligned Aligned Shoulder Achieving Proper Shoulder Blades Blades Posture • Weak Back Muscles • Scapulas towards • Pull shoulder blades • Slouched Upper Body middle of back together and down • Pulled down by: • Visualize tips of • Trapezius scapulas moving • Lower Trapezius towards “X” • Erector Spinae • Latissimus Dorsae
  • 18. The Five Barry Method Anchors The Five Anchor 1. Heart Point Points are 2. Scapula Point - Anterior guidelines, acting as Center of 3. Pubic Point Sternum - Base of the stakes to anchor scapula 4. Chin Point - Crucial role in - Anterior of the the body and shift it aligning body - Engaged by drawing scapula pubic bone - Seals all other 5. Focal Point back into proper down and in - Tipping the Pubic Point points alignment. When other forward relaxes - To apply, lower points are lumbar regeion the chin towards aligned, focus the chest inward allowing a fist- size space Causes mind to between chin connect to and neck muscles
  • 19. Mountain Pose • Stand with back to wall • Raise arms and touch fingernails to wall. • Maintain Anchor 5. • Keep shoulders drawn together and down towards the low back. • Chest open.
  • 20. Pelvic Stabilization 1 • Lie on your back and bend your knee into a 90 degree angle. Keep your knees close to your chest. Place your hands on your ribs. • Align your body into the Focal Point (Anchor 5) • Relax and inhale. Exhale as you extend one leg away from your chest with your knee bent. Avoid arching your back or rocking your hips. • Lower your foot to the floor. Feel your stabilizer muscles working to maintain a neutral spine. • Inhale again. Exhale and bring your knee back to your chest. • Repeat this exercise four times on each leg.
  • 21. Pelvic Tilt with the Toe Bar • Sit at the top edge of the gravity board with your hands on the Toe Bar. • With your chin tucked, rock tail bone toward the Toe Bar and draw navel to spine. • Lean back keeping arms straight and shoulders away from the ears. • Begin to un-rock pelvic and allow the gravity board to slide away from the Toe Bar keeping arms straight. • Extend the tailbone to the opposite direction and position body into a flat back with hands on the Toe Bar. • Pause and then begin to reverse back to the starting position keeping arms straight and chin tucked in throughout the entire routine.
  • 22. Review: Module 2 1. What are the Five Anchors? Demonstrate and Describe Each Heart, Scapula, Pelvic, Chin and Focal One. 2. What are the three curves of the thoracic spine? Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar
  • 23. Respiration being disturbed, the mind becomes disturbed. By restraining respiration, the Yogi attains steadiness of the mind. Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • 24. Yogic Breathing • Conscious breath encourages conscious action and conscious living. • Yogic Breath: – Releases acute and muscular tensions around the heart and digestive organs. – Helps respiratory illness sufferers (like asthma and emphysema) to overcome the fear of shortness of breath. It actually increases lung capacity. – Encourages proper nervous stimulus to the cardio-vascular system. – Reduces emotional and nervous anxiety. – Improves detoxification through increased exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. – Amplifies the auto immune system by increased distribution of energy to the endocrine system. – Calms the mind and integrates the mental/physical balance. – Contributes to both vitality and relaxation. • The full yogic breath is the basic building block of the powerful yoga breathing techniques called Pranayama in Sanskrit.
  • 25. Reprogramming The Breath Step 1: Abdominal Step 2: Thoracic Step 3: Full Yogic Breathing (Chest) Breathing Breathing • Observe the • Observe the • Combine breath and note breath and note Abdominal and the movement of the movement of Thoracic the abdomen. the chest. Breathing: • Deepen, lengthen • Deepen, lengthen • First inhale by and extend that and extend that filling the movement, movement, abdomen, then without moving without moving continue to fill the the chest. the abdomen. chest. • Continue for 20 • Continue for 20 • Reverse to exhale. breaths and then breaths and then This is 1 full yogic rest. rest. breath. • Continue for 10 rounds. The yogic breath is as a continuous wave like pattern – as if the breath moves up from the navel to the throat with every inhalation and then, down from the throat to the navel with each exhalation.
  • 26. Ujjayi Breath • Ujjayi Breath is the basic • Inhale and exhale deeply through the breathing technique in the Barry mouth. Method • On the exhales, begin to tone the • The effects of the ujjayi are back of the throat, slightly constricting the passage of air. threefold: • Once you are comfortable with the – The breath is warmed when exhale, begin to apply the same breathing just through the nose, thus warming the lungs, which toning of the throat to the inhales. warms the blood, which warms the This is where the name of the breath body. comes from. It sounds like the ocean. – The sound and sensation of ujjayi • When you are able to control the helps in maintaining awareness of throat on both inhale and exhale, the breath flowing with steadiness, close the mouth and begin breathing ease, and balance. through the nose. Apply the same – The rhythmic sound of ujjayi helps toning to the throat. The breath will to calm the nerves and create a make a loud noise coming in and out quieter internal practice. of the nose. This is Ujjayi breath.
  • 27. Review: Module 3 1. What are the benefits of Yogic breath? Calms the mind and integrates the mental/physical balance. 2. Explain the three forms of Yogic breathing: Abdominal, Thoracic and Full Yogic Breathing.
  • 28. When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place . Bhagavad-Gita Gita
  • 29. Engagement: Key to Proper Asana • “Engagement” is the application of isometric (static) contraction to muscles, without visible movement in the joint. – Isometric exercise is extremely powerful and effective in elongating and strengthening muscles. – Applying isometric muscle contraction helps build and tone muscle tissue without fatiguing or damaging muscle fiber • To engage your muscles, first position your asana in proper alignment; then gently contract the muscles that are involved in sustaining the asana such as your leg, or arms or torso.
  • 30. Benefits of Engagement • Cleans muscles of toxic buildups • Builds muscle tissue without fatiguing • Reinforces proper joint alignment (Overall results allow the body to heal in a balanced and natural state reproducing energy and vitality.) • Stimulates muscle memory (The foundation where “reconstruction” of proper body alignment begins.) By applying isometric engagement or isometric contraction, muscles are contracted in their natural state, which reinforces proper joint alignment.
  • 31. Bandhas (Root Locks) • Bandhas are interior body locks used in yoga • Bandhas increase physical strength, develop muscular control and support your spine. • There are four Four Bandhas used in the Barry Method: – 1. Pada Bandha – 2. Mula Bandha – 3. Uddiyana Bandha – 4. Jhalandara Bandha • When all of the bandhas are activated at the same time, it is called Maha Bandha, the Great Locks.
  • 32. 1. Padi Bandha / Foot Lock • When you root down from the top of your thigh bones down into your feet, the muscles in your calves and thighs engage. • This causes an upward pull on the arches of the pada bandha and creates expansion through the joints.
  • 33. 2. Mula Bandha / Pelvic Lock • 1st “interior” body lock, used to control the flow of energy • Activate by drawing the pelvic floor upwards towards the navel • Pubic floor = Space between tailbone and pubic bone.
  • 34. 3. Uddiyana Bandha / Abdominal Lock • 2nd “interior” body lock, used to control the flow of energy – can be used independently or with Mula Bandha • Massages and cleans the abdominal organs • To Engage: – Sit in Rock Pose – Exhale, then “false inhale” (draw up abdomen without taking in breath) – Contract the belly under the rib cage – draw muscles upward and inward
  • 35. 4. Jhalandara Bandha / Throat Lock • 3rd and final “interior” body lock, used to control the flow of energy – can be used independently or with Mula and/or Uddiyana Bandha • To Engage: – Sit in Rock Pose – Inhale about 2/3, and hold – Drop the chin, then draw the chin back so the neck is not rounded Maha Bandha – The Great Lock
  • 36. Using the Bandhas Using all your Bandhas allows you to create an internal force to move your body from one asana to the next throughout your flow. Effortlessly. • The Bandhas are tools that can be variously engaged to support different energetic actions in the practice. • A full Uddiyana Bandha restricts the breath, rather it should be used as a light and energetic lifting. • Similarly, the Muja Bandha should draw energy into the core of the body, rather than creating pelvic tightness.
  • 37. Pelvic Rock – Lay upside down on the inverted slant board. – Begin to rock your legs and hips over your head with your knees slightly bent. Use your exhalation and ujjayi breath to lift your hips off the board. – Keep the rest of your body relaxed. Keep your chin tucked in. – When exerting force in your practice, you will exhale.
  • 38. Backbend Pelvic Floor Lift • This will allow you to use the Mula Bhanda to create the necessary transition force. • Do this exercise 2 times on each side while working with your breath to move.
  • 39. Armpit to Hip • Lay supine on the board with feet on the board. Engage body in Anchor 5. • Hold handles with rope to side of body. Have thumbs to body. Draw armpit to hips allowing your chest to open. • Raise hands up to shoulder level then lower, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and drawing the blades together and down as in Anchor 5. • Continue raising and lowering your arms. Bring your armpit to your hips when in the starting position.
  • 40. Review: Module 4 1. What is engagement and the Engagement is the final step in applying a benefits? solid asana. By applying engagement, muscles are contracted in their natural state, which reinforces proper alignment. Pada Bandha, Mula Bandha, Jhalanara 2. Name and describe the Four Banda, Uddiyana Bandha. Bandhas and Ujjiah Breath ? During Ujjayi breating you can direct this powerful breath stream to the parts of your body that demand it. 3. Explain what you felt in the bandha exercise and how to Using all of your bandhas allows you to create an internal force to move your body contract the bandha in a from one asana to the next effortlessly. Backbend Pose ?
  • 41. Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will. G. Stanley Hall
  • 42. Muscle Memory • Muscle memory is the body’s amazing ability to “remember” a repetitive muscular movement. • To use muscle memory to improve asanas: – Achieve correct alignment briefly – Imprint the feel of correct alignment in your mind – Use that imprint to train your muscles in the correct pose
  • 43. Barry Method: “QAA” Hold the pose Quick for a brief moment Agree to Accurate absolute alignment Affirm the Affirm correct alignment
  • 44. Cues for Muscle Memory • Each student processes information differently • In order to cement learning, use multiple cues to imprint muscle memory: – Visual – Audio – Tactile
  • 45. Nine Teaching Techniques for the Barry Method Speak with Seal each positive confidence and Use eye contact asana with a deep authority steady breath Demonstrate to Praise correct them what “looks” Provide visual alignment with correct and how demonstrations enthusiasm they look doing it Touch helps clients Save them the physically feel trouble of what muscle to “finding” it. contract.
  • 46. Review: Module 5 Muscle memory contact is using the 1. Explain Muscle Memory brain to engage the body’s natural Contact. muscle memory to more quickly learn correct asanas. 2. Describe the Q.A.A. Quickly hold pose, Accurately confirm alignment, Affirm correct alignment. 3. What types of cues should be Visio, Audio and Tactile tools should be used to prompt muscle used. memory? Speak with authority, Use eye contact, 4. Explain teaching techniques Seal each positive asana with a breath, for the Barry Method. Praise correct alignment , Provide visual demonstrations Touch helps clients physically feel what muscle to contract.
  • 47. Grounding is a process of diverting one’s scattered forces into one powerful channel . James Allen
  • 48. Grounding • Grounding is a process of consciously rooting your physical body to the earth • This acknowledgement of the physical surface you are on provides many benefits: – Increased Focus – Mental Clarity – A sense of control
  • 49. Energy Created by Grounding • Grounding produces the “rebounce For every effect” action there is • The “rebounce effect” is an expression of Newton’s 3rd law. an equal an • The effort applied in pressing down opposite through the feet is returned as reaction. energy drawing up the body. Isaac Newton’s • In “rooting down”, muscular 3rd law of engagement is stimulated and space is created in the joints – this motion. expansion is useful in advanced asanas.
  • 50. Asana Lockdown A Checklist for Asanas: 1. Lock abdominal core, navel • By following a checklist, a inward and upward powerful, effective asana is (Bandhas). insured. 2. Draw shoulder blades toward • This list will vary somewhat by center and downward. pose. 3. Engage and energize muscles • By repeatedly reviewing the in arms and legs. checklist while you refine your 4. Gaze, gently toward focal pose, a more powerful yoga point. practice is achieved. 5. Breathe steady and focused. 6. Balance your center. 7. Liberate and let go.
  • 51. Grounding Effect Exercise • Lie on the board facing the wall with your body approx 2 feet away from the wall. Curl your chest to your knees. • Holding onto your left knee, extend your left leg to the wall placing your left toes on the wall. • On exhalation, return your left leg and stretch your right let to the wall gently placing your right toes on the wall. • Be certain to maintain an engaged core the entire cycle. Feet are to lightly touch the wall keeping foot sustained.
  • 52. Spinal Rotation • Sit tall at the base of the machine in the five anchor position. • On exhalation, place right hand on the wall while pivoting the torso and placing the left hand on the board. • Be sure to sit tall and drop shoulders away from your ears. • Gaze eyes to the resistance rail. • On exhalation, repeat to the opposite side, using the wall and gravity board to support and engage muscles.
  • 53. Pilates Principles Used in Asana Lockdown • Trunk stabilization (armpits)- deep abdominal transverses, and internal and external oblique. • Scapula stabilization (mid-back muscles)- lower trapezius, serratus anterior and rhomboids. • Hip stabilization (buttocks)- pull up through the inner thighs and pelvic floor muscles.
  • 54. Abdominal Scoop with Wall and C Position Exercises • Lie on your back with your feet touching the wall (or toe bar) and your knees slightly bent. Inhale and raise your hands over your head. • On exhalation bring your arms to your side, lift your head and tuck your chin to your chest. • Begin to lower your navel to your spine in the abdominal scoop, • Hold this position while maintaining an abdominal scoop. Your shoulder blades should be off the board with only the tips of the blades touching the board. • Maintain this position for three steady breaths. • Breathe in. On exhalation, slowly lower your body one vertebrae at a time. • Use the wall or Toe Bar to keep your hips and pelvis stationary. Rely on your abdominals to lower your body. Return to your neutral spine.
  • 55. Review: Module 6 1. Explain the "Rebounce Energy recovered from grounding is Effect”. channeled back into each asana – based on “for every action there is an equal and 2. Explain the Power of opposite reaction.” Grounding. Grounding provides mental clarity, focus, and a sense of control. 3. Identify the Pilates principles used in Asana Lockdown. Trunk stabilization, Scapula stabilization, Hip stabilization 4. List all the Barry Method Lock abdominal core, navel in/upward. Asana Lockdowns? Draw scapulas toward center and down.. Engage + energize muscles in arms and legs. Gaze, gently toward focal point. Breathe steady and focused. Balance your center. Liberate and let go.
  • 56.
  • 57. Pelvic Girdle and Thighs Hip (Pelvic) • Iliacus - flexes and rotates thigh laterally as above and Thigh • Psoas major - flexes, adducts thigh & Feet • Pectineus • Gluteus maximus - rotates thigh laterally • Gluteus medius - rotates thigh medially Gluteus • Tensor fasciae latae - flexes, abducts thigh • Adductor longus/magnus - adducts thigh
  • 58. Pelvic Girdle and Thighs • Biceps femoris - extends thigh and flexes leg • Semitendinosus – flexes leg • Semimembranosus - as above • Gracilis – adducts thigh • Sartorius - rotates leg laterally Hamstrings • Tibialis anterior - dorsiflexes foot • Extensor digitorum longus - extends toes • Peroneus longus - everts foot, plantar flexes foot • Gastrocnemius - plantar flexion, "standing on toes,‖ flexes leg • Flexor digitorum longus - flexes toes, inverts foot
  • 59. Barry Method Yoga – Standing Asanas • A Yoga Asana is simply a pose – the term actually means “seat”. • Standing Poses - Tadasana – Used as warmup or as starting position for other pose – Strengthens legs, opens hips and improves balance
  • 60. Standing Asanas Mountain Pose Extended Mountain Mountain Pose, Arms • Stand with your feet planted With Pole Stretched to the ground and align the • Stand with your back toward • Stand in the Mountain Pose body into Anchor 5. the wall and hold rod in hand and maintain Anchor 5. • Lift kneecaps to hips and with hands over head. • Place fingers lightly behind engage thigh. • Reach arms high with head and raise elbows toward • Press hands together firmly fingernails touching the wall. back of shoulders. drawing shoulders away from Plant your body into Anchor 5. • Keep chest open and ears. Breathe steady. • Keep your body grounded shoulders down. while allowing your arms to rise from your hips to your small finger. Breathe steady.
  • 61. Barry Method Yoga – Seated Asanas • Seated Poses - Dandansana – Useful for practicing breathing exercises – Often used as warmup or as starting position for other pose – Improves posture, opens hips. • Use a blanket or towel to rotate hips forward when sitting on the floor, to improve spine alignment.
  • 62. Seated Asanas Basic Dandasana Seated Arm Pull • Sit on the board on mat. • Sit on the gravity board and hold the rope • Place your feet on the wheel or wall lifting handles. you spine up toward the ceiling. • Extend legs strong and lift spine to ceiling. • Press your fingers behind your hips and lift • Pull handles down while opening chest. your spine higher without bringing your • Apply the Anchor 5. shoulders up to your ears. • Use back muscles and sides of torso to • Rotate your hips forward and tailbone maintain arms to the sides. posterior. • Apply the Anchor 5 while lifting your Bandha keeping your legs firm.
  • 63. Seated Asanas 2 Leg Squat, Extended Arms Seated, Feet in Straps • Sit low on the gravity board or on • Support feet in straps and sit in a a yoga block. scooping position. • Squat legs while stretching spine • Pull navel to the back of the spine to ceiling. and round the back with chin • Have fingers gently behind the tucked in. Have arms floating to head while applying Anchor 5 the sides. • Rotate hips forward and engage • Bend knees and balance body into the back muscles. using the core and upper torso.
  • 64. Trunk • Rectus abdominus - tightens mid-line in defecation Trunk • External oblique - compresses abdomen • Internal oblique - compresses abdomen • Transverse abdominus - compresses abdomen • Diaphragm - inhalation, increases volume of the Thoracic- thoracic cavity • External intercostals - elevates rib cage in inhalation • Internal intercostals - depresses rib cage Deep • Pectoralis minor - moves scapula anteriorly, elevates rib cage
  • 65. Trunk Thoracic- • Pectoralis major - Adducts arm • Serratus anterior - Abducts scapula, elevates ribs. Superficial • Trapezius - upper div. elevates clavicle • Levator scapulae - elevates scapula Back • Rhomboideus - adducts and fixates scapula • Latissimus dorsi - draws arm back • Quadratus lumborum - draws torso R and L inferiorly
  • 66. Barry Method Yoga – Forward Bends • Forward Bend - Uttanasana – Quiets the mind and encourages a meditative mindset – Stretches entire back of body – Force of deep breathing / pressure of forward bends massages internal organs – Maintains and restores integrity of spine.
  • 67. Forward Bends Forward Bend- Feet in Straps Forward Bend- Chest to Knees Ab • Place feet in straps on the Total Trainer, Crunch machine leveled at 3 or 4. • Lay on board with arms to sides and hands • Sit tall and breath in, then out, letting all in handles. the air out as you fold chest to knees. • Raise legs to ceiling straight or bend at • When folding bring tailbone back to base knees. Bring chest to knees. Draw arms to of the machine while pulling navel to back side and arm pit to hips. of spine to fold deep. • Exhale deep and bring navel to spine to • Reach hands to feet and continue folding raise and lengthen spine. with chin tucked in, lengthening spine.
  • 68. Forward Bends Forward Bend with Straps Forward Bend- On Board, • Shorten rope and have straps in Feet on Wall wrap in hands on the bony surface. • Sit at base of board facing wall. • Exhale deeply and fold chest to Place feet on wall and heel on floor. knees, reach hands to feet. • Sit tall. On exhale, fold body deeply • Allow tailbone to extend to the brining crown of head to wall and resistance rail while tucking head in tailbone to resistance rail. and reaching crown of head in • Extend arms and lean deeply into opposite direction. Forward Bend.
  • 69. Twist Poses Standing Wide Leg- Sitting Revolver, Against Locust Pose Revolving at Revolving Triangle Wall Toe Bar • Line feet under hips and • Sit facing the wall at the edge of • Sit with legs in locust pose. Place shoulders under hands. Position the board. Align body in Anchor the right hand on the Toe Bar. body in Anchor 5. 5. Have knees open and hips • Sit tall and allow rotate the • Rotate body and reach right open. upper torso placing the left hand hand to ceiling. Allow right • Breathe in and rotate bod on the opposite side of the shoulder to line up with right placing the right hand on the board. hips. Allow entire rib cage to wall and the left arm against the • Allow the torso to rotate as you rotate. right knee. gaze over your shoulder. • Place right arm behind torso and • Maintain a tall spine and allow gaze pass the shoulder. Maintain the ribs to rotate. for 4 breaths.
  • 70. Twist Poses Revolving Prayer Pose on Revolving Against Wall Board • Stand a foot away with your back • Kneel on the edge of the board. Press facing the wall. Position body in toes into the ground. Anchor 5 • Raise arms to ceiling to extend spine. • Raise hands to ceiling, then place Bring hands into prayer and rotate. hands forward while rotating body to the right. Keep feet stationary. • Press right elbow across left knee and lengthen spine. Keep chin tucked in • Rotating at the hips, place hands onto wall while standing tall. Gaze eyes to the right small finger.
  • 71. Shoulders / Arms • Teres major - adducts arm • Teres minor - rotates arm laterally • Deltoid - flexes and abducts arm • Subscapularis - rotates arm medially Shoulders • Supraspinatus - abducts arm • Infraspinatus - rotates arm laterally • Biceps brachii - flexes forearm, flexes arm / Arms • Brachialis - flexes forearm • Brachioradialis - flexes forearm • Triceps brachii - extends forearm • Pronator teres - pronates arm • Supinator - supinates arm and hand
  • 72. Barry Method Yoga – Backbends • Backbends keep the spine supple and aligned properly • Backbends bring heat and energy to the spine. • By activating the abdomen, they stimulate the kidneys, reproductive, and digestive system. • Backbends also open the front of your body, especially the chest.
  • 73. Key Points for Backbends • Rotate the thighs internally. • Focus the backbend in the • Never squeeze the buttocks thoracic spine. Add • Posteriorly tilt the pelvis extension of the cervical spine last. • Create length through the spine to allow greater spinal • Draw the lower tips of the extension. shoulder blades in and up toward the heart. • Focus the backbend in the thoracic spine. • This adds more expansiveness to the heart • Create length through the center. spine to allow greater spinal extension. • Keep the breath steady and soft.
  • 74. Technical Attributes for Backbends Contraction Traction Leverage Shoulder extension Shoulder flexion backbends backbends Backbends backbends backbends • The back muscles • Muscles in the • The arms and /or • Extension of the • Flexion requires (primarily spinal front of the body legs press against arms reaquires the rhomboids, erectors and eccentrically an unmovable the scalpula to be latissimi dorsi, multifidi) contract to object (floor, wall stabilized by the pectoralis major, concentrically overcome gravity or another part rhomboids, lower and triceps to contract to as in Cobra. of the body), to trapezius, and release. overcome gravity. stretch the front serratus anterior of the body as in muscles while the a cobra. pectoralis major and minor must release.
  • 75. Backbend Poses Standing with the Board Inverted with Feet Under Board • Stand facing the base of the board and • Lay inverted on the board with head at the position body in Anchor 5. Board on top base of the board. level. • Allow hips to open and stretch feet under • Raise arms and place right hand on the the board. board extend left hand over head. • Keep chest open and rest . • Allow chest to open and draw blades down the back. Let eyes gaze and place the left hand on the board. • Exhale and use your bandhas to return to standing.
  • 76. Backbend Poses Camel Against Wall Upward Dog • Kneel with back facing wall. Have • Rest body on the board with knees feet against wall. off board and feet on the wall. • Raise arms high and extend right • Press hands into the board and lean hand onto the wall while placing left back into a backbend. hand on heel of left foot. • Allow chest to open and raised. • Keep chest open and allow hips to Draw head back and drop blades open. Extend head back. down.
  • 77. Barry Method Yoga – Inversions • Inversions defy gravity: – building character – defeating mental shortcomings – developing confidence against our fear • Inverted poses also balance the hormones of the body • Anti-gravity clears toxins from the tissues, cleansing and nourishing, and improves circulation. • Because the heart must pump stronger, inversions also have an aerobic affect.
  • 78. Inversion Poses On Board with Straps Shoulder Stand On Board with • Lay on the board at level 4 with feet in Wall straps. Allow the spine to stretch. • Invert with feet on the wall and shoulders • Raise hands overhead and allow body to on the board. extend. • Be sure to allow the weight of the body to • Take deep breaths and feel the spine press into the shoulders lengthen. Rest for 5 breaths. to stretch the neck and shoulder muscles. • Extend one foot at a time to the ceiling while supporting other foot on the wall.
  • 79. Inversion Poses Plow on Board Bridge on Wall • Invert body on the board with the wall • Inverted, place feet on the wall. 2' from the base of the machine. • Let the weight of the body rest on the • With the board raised to level 3, flip shoulder and push hips away from the feet over your head and place on the wall. wall. • Keep body light and extended. • Let body rest in inverted position putting your weight on the shoulder. • Bend knees for deeper effect.
  • 80.
  • 81. Points to Remember • Approach your Barry Method workouts from a place of quiet and calm. • Review the “Seven Sacred Principles” often and allow them to guide you. • Do not force yourself – accept where you are on your journey.