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Barack Obama Biography Essay
The Second Obama Presidency
The second inauguration of Barrack Obama marked the theme of, "Faith in America's Future."
Obama was elected as the 44th American President in 2012. He was president before in the past
from January 20th 2009 until 2012. Then they held another election for the US president and Obama
got voted again and his second presidency private swearing–in ceremony took place on Sunday
January, 20th, 2013. He was then publically announced as the 44th US president on Monday,
January 21st, 2013.
Barrack Hussein Obama was born on August the 4th, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Ann Dunham, his
mother, was born on an Army base in Wichita, Kansas, during World War 2. Obama's father, Barrack
Obama Senior, was born of Luo ethnicity ... Show more content on ...
A year later he joined the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin and that is where he met Michelle
Robinson. At the time she was a young lawyer who was made to be Obama's adviser. Not long after
they met they began dating and then married on October 3rd, 1992. They had two daughters Malia
and Sasha several years later.
U.S. Senate Career
Obama started his Senate career after the encouraging poll numbers. In 2004 he defeated Blair Hull
and Daniel Hynes with 52 per cent of the votes. That summer, he was invited to make a speech in
support of John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. After the convention
he returned to the Us Senate back in Illinois. 2008 Presidential Election
February 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination.
He was fighting against former first lady Hillary Clinton. On November 4th, 2008, he defeated John
McCain to win the election as the 44th president of the United States and also the first ever African–
American to hold this position which was a big thing for him and the United States. His
inauguration took place on January the 20th,
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Political Leadership And The President Of The United...
Introduction There is a mind–boggling question that has been floating around the American people
here lately. And the question is, "What are the qualifications to construct a good political leader?"
When you think about this, other careers such as law enforcement, health professionals, educators,
and even city transit drivers all have a more clear–cut job depiction on how to be successful in that
career, but when it comes to the criteria for political leadership, one will find a vague description on
how and what to do, and the various loop holes in certain areas in politics. So this creates an even
more challenging task for people to define if a political leader is good or bad; and could possibly
create a divide across the nation. I personally feel that it would be a phenomenal notion to observe
Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II, our 44th President of The United States of America, without having
any biased views or opinions, to analyze the pros and cons of his 2 terms as our political leader and
commander in Chief. I would say that he is a strong transformational leader hands down just by
assessing his years in congress and his 2 terms as president. I can personally say that because I have
a lot of areas under his leadership that I agree with, and there some other areas that I do not agree
with when viewing some of his viewpoints. One accomplishment has gone unnoticed but is
commendable. That 's Obama 's flawless personal record. President Barack Obama has served
longer than any
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A Successful Obama Inaugural Address
Shamik Patel Professor Valarie Writing Project #3 November 5, 2014 A Successful Obama's 2nd
Inaugural Address On January 21st, 2013, Barack Obama addressed the audience as the re–elected
President of America in an inaugural ceremony on the West Front of Capitol. The speech was
written by Jonathan Favreau. In an inaugural address, Obama touched upon several important
issues; immigration, gender equality, and economic reforms and left behind the message that unity is
our nation's ultimate strength. He was able convinced the audience that they should all work
together to overcome all issues and for a better tomorrow for the next generation. Obama
successfully persuaded the audience by exemplifying that he was aware of their issues, problems,
and future needs. Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, intro three
categories; ethos (credibility), pathos (emotionally), and logos (logically). Obama persuaded the
audience with use of rhetoric and convinced them his arguments were credible, logical, and
appealed to them emotionally. In late 1950s, Richard Neustadt wrote Presidential Power and the
Modern President, in which he explained that presidential power is the power to persuade. Central
motivation of this book was to advice new president with their strategic problem of power and so
forth. According to Neustadt, there are three significant areas that a president must be aware of and
nurture while in the Whitehouse; power to persuade, president's
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Speech Is Power Of Speech Changed The Course Of History Essay
Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed the importance of speech in one short sentence: "Speech is power:
speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel." In 2008, the power of speech changed the course of
history; the first African American president was elected, transcending years of racial inequality. For
many blacks in the U.S., and many around the world, Barack Obama's presidency was a step closer
to righting America's 400–year–old wrong: slavery and subsequent discrimination toward the black
race. Obama's victory was traced back to his powerful speech and his natural ability to
charismatically orate. In the end, however, it was Obama's political philosophy that persuaded
individuals to support him. Following his victory in 2008, President Barack Obama used rhetoric to
advocate for change, hope, and a united America where the window of opportunity could remain
open for all. The son of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father, Barack Hussein
Obama II spent most of his life feeling excluded in the racially homogenous state of Hawaii. Despite
his childhood hardships, Obama graduated from Columbia University with a political science major
in 1983. Later, he entered Harvard Law School where he became the first black "president of the
prestigious Harvard Law Review" in 1990 (Nelson). Although a great majority of the journal's staff
was conservative, Obama won as a liberal by promising that he would treat all political beliefs
equally and fairly–a promise he was famously known
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Should The Tuition Free Program Be Mandated?
President Barack Obama made a proposal on January 8, 2015 to make community college free for
Americans. The proposal is made with stipulations, being that students are required to attend at least
half time, maintain a 2.5 GPA, and make steady progress toward completing their program. With
Tennessee already at a successful head start with their free tuition program, President Barack Obama
wants the remaining states to progress as well. Now President Obama wants every American to
receive two years of tuition free education in a community college. Upon completion of a
community college major, students will receive two years of free education. The plan states that the
federal government is to pay three–fourths of a student's community college tuition if states agree to
pay the remaining twenty–five percent. With rising student loan debt, students will finally have the
necessary recourses to afford college and go back to school. The two year community college
proposal should be mandated, but only with the stipulations previously stated.
Many people strongly believe that the tuition free program will have its benefits, while on the other
hand others will believe that it will hurt the economy, but the jail systems are over populated and
taxpayers are helping support them. The effect that the jail systems have on college tuition is that tax
payer's money is paying to house inmates. President Obama made a comment that people are
struggling to pay for college, but inmates in the
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Barack Obama Research Paper
Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961. His mother, Ann Dunham, was eight years
younger than his father, Barack Obama Sr. Barack Obama Sr. was born of Luo ethnicity in Nyanza
Province, Kenya. He grew up herding goats in Africa and, eventually, earned a scholarship that
allowed him to leave Kenya and go to college in Hawaii. While studying at the University of Hawaii
at Manoa, Obama Sr. met fellow student Ann Dunham, and they married on February 2, 1961.
Barack was born six months later. As a child, Obama did not have much of a relationship with his
father. Obama Sr. went to Massachusetts to attend Harvard. Obama's parents had also divorced when
he was only two, in 1964. A year later, his mother remarried to a man named Lolo Soetoro, ... Show
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He also took a trip to Kenya to visit the graves of his father and grandfather. He returned to America
and entered the school of Harvard in 1988. He also joined a law firm in Chicago as a summer
associate and met his future wife, Michelle Robinson, who was then a lawyer who was appointed as
Obama's advisor, and they began dating that year. Obama had a lot of accomplishments at Harvard.
In 1990, he became their first black of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated magna cum laude
from Harvard Law in 1991. After college, Obama returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights
lawyer with the firm of Miner, Barnhill & Galland. He also taught law part–time at the University of
Chicago Law School between 1992 and 2004. He also helped organize voter registration during the
1992 presidential campaign. Later that year, Obama and Michelle were married. They welcomed
two daughters in 1998 and
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The State Of Obama 's Rhetoric
Abby Silsby APLANG Period 2 Wells February 3, 2015 The State of Obama's Rhetoric It is his
second to last State of the Union speech, but his first with both houses of Congress in Republican
control: On Tuesday night, January 20th, President Barack Obama itemized the achievements of his
presidency and his devotion to raising the economic outlook for the middle class. In his address, he
effectively outlined his legislative agenda for the up–and–coming year. He accomplishes this by
employing a confident and optimistic tone, pronounced diction, and ample support; all in attempt to
convince the public, Congress, as well as the 195 countries of the world of his proposals. Obama
demonstrates in his 2015 Address, the ability to communicate with ... Show more content on ...
This rhetorical technique is powerful linguistic method that invokes inspiration and positivity.
People tend to react against things they don't want to hear. They shut down, stop listening, and start
arguing. But, by starting and ending with affirmative messages, it circumvents the process. In
between Rebekah's bookends laid out all of Obama's ambitions and national priorities for the year. It
transitions into burdensome situation that American workers are facing like how to provide
childcare for employed women and the working class's demand for a rise in the minimum wage. It
discussed Obama's proposal for free community college so "student debt doesn't derail anyone's
dreams." From there, the address shifted into the deliberation of updating cyber–security based on
recent worrisome events. The centerpiece of the president 's address was the democratic tax proposal
that increases the capital gains rate on couples making more than $500,000 annually to 28 percent.
From there, the address segued, into the topic of humanity rights, and the increasing warmer
temperatures in the environment. Finally, the address returned back to the underlying grand themes
of America and its people. Obama managed to present these main points of his agenda without
resembling a grocery list; the successful utilized pattern allowed for smooth transitions throughout.
Obama was a surgeon performing heart surgery; he had to make careful and precise rhetorical
decisions in
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Reflection Of Obama's Speech
President Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States for two consecutive
terms. Before President Obama's second term in office, he was one of the dinner speakers for The Al
Smith Dinner during the 2012 presidential campaign. The Al Smith Dinner is a fundraiser for the
Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation which raises money to help children in need in the state of
New York. Thus, President Obama's speech takes place at the Al Smith Dinner in New York, New
York on October 18th, 2012. The purpose of this speech is to provide entertainment for the dinner
audience with light humor and poking at political issues and individuals, which can include roasting
the other presidential candidate or themselves. President Obama's speech is approximately ten
minutes long and is a humorous, extemporaneous speech. Not only does President Obama roasts
Mitt Romney, he also jokes about himself as well. I chose this speech because from my observations
President Obama eloquently delivers each of his speeches with poise under pressure and
incorporates light humor within his speeches without it being over the top. After observing and
critiquing President Obama's speech from the Al Smith Dinner of 2012, he has strengths and
weakness as a speaker. President Obama's strengths are his appearance, organization, rate, pitch, and
delivery, and his weaknesses are use of notes and vocalized pauses. President Obama's appearance is
the first element and strength that anyone would notice
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Essay on President Obama’s speech at the University of...
On April 8, 2013, President Barack Obama spoke at the University of Hartford on behalf of those
who died in the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut.
President Obama addressed the people of the state of Connecticut and on a federal level. The
broadcasting networks provided live coverage of President Obama's speech, and a national audience
listened as the president's addressing the issues and the next steps forward for the country. The
impact of this tragedy and previous massive shootings and Obama's explanation have been a subject
of a controversial debate. I plan on using the pentadic method to analyze President Obama's speech
regarding Sandy Hook and gun control. What we can learn about the method by ... Show more
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It is interesting to see and reveal the misconceptions of President Obama's motive to the speech for
more gun control and how politicians and individuals are stressing an emotional and safety concern.
Within this political environment, and with a charismatic and persuasive use of the pentads, the
rhetor's motive was to implement legislation regarding gun control. Barack Obama as the rhetor,
directed towards American people to pressure congress to pass new gun legislation in Connecticut,
where the massacre took place. After the December 16, 2012 shooting at Newtown Connecticut,
there has been a controversial debate among gun control. The National Rifle Association had
fiercely lobbied congress to oppose any gun regulations. In this artifact, Obama spoke on behalf of
the murders of twenty children and six adults killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. During his
speech, President Obama was hoping to build support among lawmakers for several gun control
measures, such as universal background checks. The president has the parents' support to lobby for
gun legislation. In addition, Obama's proposal to ban assault rifles and limiting high–ammunition
guns; majority of Republicans oppose this proposal. The research method I have demonstrated in
this paper is called Pentadic Criticism derived from Kenneth Burke whom made
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Barack Obama Research Paper
Obama didn't have an easy road to the oval office. His story, amongst other presidents, is one that
embodies the true will of the American dream. A lot of people don't know that Obama's father
abandoned him when he was young to pursue a degree at Harvard. Nor do they know that Obama
lived in Indonesia as a child, or that he went back to his roots in Kenya to meet his family members.
Obama played a critical role of shifting the direction of the United States. This paper analyzes the
history of the Democratic Party as well as the biography, platform, and criticism of Barack Obama.
Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States of America, and the 1st African American
president. Amongst many other accomplishments, Obama was a civil rights attorney, professor, and
a senator. He was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother, was born in Wichita,
Kansas and his father, Barack Obama Sr., was born in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Obama 's father was
awarded a scholarship to attend college in Hawaii and pursue his dreams. According to BBC
"Obama Sr. and Ann met at University of Hawaii and married on February 2, 1961" (,
"Profile: Barack Obama"). Obama Sr. didn 't stay long. When Obama was still an infant, Obama Sr.
moved to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University. Ann and Obama Sr separated within a year
when their son was two. After that his father went back to Kenya.
During his childhood Obama was enrolled an esteemed Academy. He graduated with
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Analysis Of Barack Obama's The Audacity Of Hope
Wealth has been a social and economic issue across the United States since the establishment of the
country. As the Constitution was created by wealthy white men, there have been perpetual tensions
among the people of the community as to whether it takes financial advancement to truly succeed in
life. During the start of the 21st century, this issue remained a prevalent force in dividing the
American society. Barack Obama, the Illinois Senate candidate in 2004, addressed the foundation of
the American dreams, which should disregard one's financial ability towards lifelong success.
Though his family was not wealthy, Obama was able to break the barriers of African American
setbacks through his academic achievements, which is the epitome of success in this country.
Obama's emotional speech, "The Audacity of Hope," at the 2004 Democratic National Convention,
emphasizes the importance of national unity by alluding to the ideals of the American dreams.
Obama utilizes multiple personifications to characterize the nation of the United States, enhancing
the importance of national unity. He declares that in a "generous America," one does not need to be
rich to achieve their goal (1). By characterizing the nation as generous, he diminishes the necessity
of wealth as a factor for success. Instead, he builds up on his stance that the country should provide
for the citizens to an extent that they can obtain the required education to reach their goal, without
having to compromise as a
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Essay On Obama Fairy Tales
Barack Obama is either living in his own little fantasy world or trying to lull Americans to sleep by
reading from his liberal–progressive, "Big Book of Fairy Tales."
Nothing approaching reality could possibly explain the litany of inconsistent, unimaginable policies
and statements coming from this President. Unless, of course, it is a deliberate willingness to
deceive the American people and outright lie to gain a political advantage. By diverting attention
from the worst economy since the Great Depression and apparently the most inept leadership in
modern times, he hopes to have four more years to complete the installation of his radical Marxist
If this President lived in the real world or had any honest intentions for the ... Show more content on ...
Energy independency from the Mideast is his claim; yet, he stops virtually all domestic oil
exploration, uses the EPA to declare war on coal, and admits he wants electricity costs to
"skyrocket." He compounds this idiocy by preventing the Canadian oil pipeline. As the United
States grows more dependent on foreign oil and American jobs continue marching overseas, the
President reads us more "fairy tales."
Illegal immigration is another job killing, security–threatening problem in this country on which this
President has been missing in action. In another power–grab from Congress and subversion of
American will, he dictated a virtual amnesty to all illegal aliens after declaring all–out war on any
state that dared to take any action of self–preservation. Obama courts tens of millions of prospective
new voters while his policies pit 14 million unemployed and 8.8 million underemployed Americans
against an estimated 13 to 20 million illegal aliens.
Obama lays claim to the title of "champion of the middle class." Meanwhile, his new middle class is
dependent upon food stamps, unemployment benefits, welfare, and hundreds of other government
programs just to survive his reign of economic terror. His skewed outlook on this country reasons
that those who are not part of the 12 % union workforce or engaged as government employees are
not real working Americans and are, therefore, unworthy of any consideration.
In a country founded upon principles of free
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Barack Obama Biography
In this portion of the paper, I will be discussing the biography of Barack Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama III, an American Politician, was born in 1961 on August 4th, in Honolulu,
Hawaii. He was the first African–American to serve as the President of The United States for two
terms from 2009 to 2017. Mainly raised in Hawaii, Obama spent four years in Jakarta, Indonesia
and spent one year in Washington State. At ten years old, he relocated back to Hawaii to live with
his grandparents.
In 1983, Obama graduated from Columbia University and began working as a community organizer
for low–income residents from the south side of Chicago. Five years later, he enrolled in Harvard
Law School. The following summer during an internship at a Chicago Law Firm, he met Michelle
Robinson. In Law school, Obama was the first African–American President of the Harvard Law
Review. Obama returned to Chicago after graduation and began practicing civil rights law, teaching
law school and establishing "Get ... Show more content on ...
Four years later, Obama suffered his only political loss in a run for the U.S. House of
Representatives. However, in 2004, he ran for the U.S. Senate and gave a high profile critical speech
at the Democratic National Convention. Obama won his senate race defeating multimillionaire
businessman Blair Hull and Illinois Comptroller Daniel Hynes with 52 percent of the vote.
In 2007, the freshman senator announced he was running for President of The United States. His
leading opponent in the Democrat primaries was former first lady Hillary Clinton. Even though he
won the nomination, he had Clinton's support for the duration of his campaign. On November 6,
2008, Obama won the general election against Republican John McCain. Delaware Senator Joe
Biden, his running mate, became vice president. On January 2009, Obama was sworn in as the 44th
President of the United States. Ten months later, he received the Nobel Peace
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President Obama Delivered A Speech
On June 21st, 2010, Father 's Day, President Barack Obama delivered a speech in Washington D.C.
addressing a crowd of his cabinet members, veterans, senators, and normal fathers. He aimed to give
a speech about promoting responsible fatherhood, but his speech went beyond that. He addressed the
crowd with a calm demeanor and a strong voice, and gave a speech on the importance of being a
present father and the many lasting negative effects that having an absent father can have on a child.
His heavy use of pathos, the appeal to emotion, gave the speech depth, and a reason for the crowd to
want to listen.
The main point of President Obama 's Speech was that there are few things that a child benefits
more from than having both their parents, and especially their fathers present in their lives growing
up. There were five main points about his speech. One of the first points he mentions was the Father
Mentoring initiative. It is a government program that was created to help raise awareness about
responsible fatherhood. The program works to re–engage absent fathers or fathers that are not sure
how to reintegrate themselves into their children 's lives after they've been absent for a long period
of time. President Obama explains that it is a scary choice to make but it is better for the children in
the long run.
The next main point of his speech is also a government initiative. The Fathering Re–Entry Court is a
program designed to create job initiatives for ex–offenders. It helps
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##hetorical Analysis Of President Barack Obama, And...
With terror, comes peace and harmony, but not all the time, two speeches are evaluated to determine
its effectiveness, [Former] "President Obama's statement on the Orlando, Florida shooting", and
"President Trump's remarks on the Las Vegas shooting". The link which connects the speeches is the
rhetorical devices, word choice, tone, persuasive appeals including many others, granting the ability
of a stronger claim. The speakers – Former President Barack Obama, and President Donald Trump –
incorporate similar ideas and how these ideas had been portrayed throughout their speeches. There
are other essential details that fortified their speech, contrariwise there were details that hindered
their speech, displaying weaknesses when discussing certain points. The affinity between the two
speeches is intricately filled with minutiae – making them harder to spot in comparison to the
distinction amongst both. Although, Former President Obama's speech had plenty of emotionally
inducing words, Trump's speech was more effectively written with informative statements
strengthening his speech.
Furthermore, the speakers benefit from the use of rhetorical devices such as anaphora, parallelism,
and even epistrophe, however, this is where the similarities come to a near end. The format in which
these rhetorical devices were used, or how they were used – creates complications when it comes to
determining the correlation or lack of correlation between the speeches. The structure and overall
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Obama Speech
President Barack Obama addresses the citizens of Greece respectfully by learning some of their
language, and attempting to make them feel as if they are equals. He began his speech with the
Greek terms, "Yias sas! Kalispera!" This phrase translates to "Hello, good evening!" This speech
was a praise to democracy, reminding people of its birthplace, Greece. The idea of Democracy, or
Demokratia, emerged twenty–five centuries ago giving the people the right to rule. This speech is
also directed towards young adults, and having the freedom to share their ideas and control their
lives. Obama is faced with a community collapsed by the economic crisis. He reminds the audience
that democracy is not thorough or flawless, but necessary to steer ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, he emphasized the role of democracy in maintaining healthy and practical interactions
that arise. He supports that statement, through the use of anaphora, by listing references of numerous
achievements of the United States during his presidency. Achievements such as being able to disarm
Iran of its nuclear weaponry as well as re–establish relations with Cuba, through the recruitment of
diplomacy. He states, "...with diplomacy, we were able to shut down Iran's nuclear war...With
diplomacy, the United States opened relations with Cuba. With diplomacy, we joined Greece and
nearly 200 nations..." He continues, by sharing his faith in democracy that continuously brings
political and social stability. He is confident that progress is possible, although it is earned. Again,
he uses parallelism to ease uncertainty saying, "History does not move in a straight line. Civil rights
in America did not move in a straight line. Democracy in Greece did not move in a straight line. The
evolution of a unified Europe certainly has not moved in a straight line." Implementing the system is
a considerable challenge in America because it is so often characterized by racial, religious, and
cultural diversity. The flaws of democracy are unarguably evident in Greek society, as politicians are
hesitant due to political costs. Again, he uses anaphora to focus on the
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Obama Speech Context
Obama "DNC 2004
a. Context of Obama (audience, purpose of the speech )
Obama's speech during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 2004 was very successful. He
was delivering the speech on a party platform. Party had convened at TD Garden, (former
FleetCentre), to express their confidence in Senator John Kerry who was the candidate of the party
to contest in Presidential elections and Senator John Edwards who was to be the vice president in
that year's presidential elections. Barack Obama was also Senate candidate from Illinois. The
convention was the last presidential nominating convention held in that year. The meeting aimed to
confirm the parties' nominees.
Party delegates (both the pledged delegates and unpledged delegates were in attendance. Pledged
delegates represent U.S states, and American territories and dependencies. The unpledged delegates
are also known as superdelegates, and they are the representatives of Democratic Establishment. The
pledged and unpledged delegates vote during the DNC. The DNC 2004 was the end of the party
elections and the beginning of Campaigns for the general elections.
b. The speech by Obama at the DNC 2004 was become popular because of his delivery style. In
addition to a good delivery, he also addressed some important issues. Firstly, his talk said ... Show
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According to Obama, the United States should be supposed to provide employment and affordable
health care to its citizen. He said that the poor do not have to worry about where to get money to buy
drugs because the state should provide them its citizens with healthcare services that are affordable.
Those children who attain high grades but lack the finances to enable them progress to high school
need to be supported by the government and well–wishers. Helping the young is a way of ensuring
there is continuity in the
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Barack Obama's Role In Politics
There are lots of different thoughts that go through people's heads when we bring up the president,
in this paper, we are going to discuss who he is and other political leaders. Our president Barack
Obama, is part of the Democratic Party he decided at a young age to join that political party. He has
been a politician since 1996 when he was elected to the Illinois state senate. In 2004 when he gave
his keynote address that is when people started to realize that he was going to go far in politics.
President Obama and his running mate Joseph Biden, led the Democratic Party to its largest win
since the election of Jimmy Carter. The president's right hand man is of course from the same
political party as him, so let's take a look at him now. Joseph Biden was an attorney for a short while
before he got involved in politics. Mr. Biden was the fifth youngest U.S. senator serving in
Delaware. His first political office was in the New Castle County Council, in Delaware. Now let's
see who else is a political power house. ... Show more content on ...
Kerry is our nation's 68th Secretary of state! He was appointed by the President with consent from
the senate. Mr. Kerry is the president's chief of foreign affairs adviser, he carries out foreign policies
through the State Department. The State Department includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service and
the U.S. Agency for International Development, the secretary of state holds a very important job.
Kerry made a statement saying that "when other nations see China and the United States working
together, it tends to galvanize their own efforts.", that is a very true statement due to the fact that
China and the US are both very dominate players in both politics and trade. The highest ranking
white house employee is the Chief of Staff, he was appointed by President Obama. Denis
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What Is The Purpose Of Shifting Speech Patterns In...
Introduction Throughout the course of political campaigns, candidates travel throughout a set district
in order to gain the support of various constituents. In doing so, speech patterns may be dependent
upon the audience being addresses and by how concerned a candidate is with winning that group's
approval. Such changes unconsciously manifest, while others could be deliberate alterations to one's
speech. For this project, I would be examining this idea by analyzing modern political campaign
tactics and speeches; particularly, President Barack Obama would be the focal point of my analysis.
President Barack Obama emerged as a charismatic figure of the American political scene. In 2004,
then Senator Obama delivered a hopeful message during ... Show more content on
Through in–depth analysis of his political career, an answer will manifest. If so, are these changes
voluntary or involuntary? In addition, the purpose of shifting speech patterns will be investigated.
For answering the first question, my data, a collection of speeches made by President Barack
Obama, will allow me to analyze how a national politician may speak when going across the
country. Analysis would involve deep looks into the speeches and transcribing of speech patterns.
Such patterns may include changes in tone and pitch, hand gestures, selective vocabulary, etc. These
processes are similar across the board as all of these questions would require the same looks into my
data. To hypothesize, based on previous work in this course, I believe that the results will show a
deliberate change of speech with Barack Obama's speeches. In order to gain votes from the people,
one must pretend to be among the people.
Politicians compete every year for some level of power and authority. Voters grant such authority
through a democratic system of elections. Simply, elections are popularity contest as voters look for
the person who embodies the values they hold dear. Therefore, a politician fights to earn every vote
which he/she possibly can. One of the most distinct ways to make connect with people is to speak
the region's common language, whether that be a dialect or entirely different language than before.
This idea leaves
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President Obama 's President Of The United States
Ever since the beginning of time there has been a government. As mankind evolved so did the forms
of government. Ancient Rome was a dictatorship, a form of government where one person was in
charge. Great Britain was a Monarchy, a form of government where a royal family is in charge of
the country. America is a Republic, a system of government were elected officials to make decisions
for the people. It is that time again in America where the American people get to elect a new official,
which America does every four years, for the task of being the President of the United States of
America. The people have the honor of picking from the fantastic politicians who are running for it.
President Barack Obama has made some bad decisions, but he ... Show more content on ...
This is a good move from the Legislators because with such a high penalty and the risk of going to
prison, they would most certainly convince most people to obtain a license for selling weapons in
the legal boundaries of the law.
Another thing that Barack Obama has done is put a ban on military style weapon. A military style
weapon is anything that carries ten or more bullets per magazine ("President Obama's 2015
Executive Action"). This law makes it so that if someone is going to do a shooting of any kind it will
make it harder for them to get a weapon like this, thus the person will have a harder time shooting
and killing a whole group of unarmed citizens. Obama has also taken measures to protect the
American citizens by giving the law enforcement agencies, school offices, and first responders
training on how to handle an "active shooter" situation ,which is good for these people to know how
to handle these situations to further prevent the loss of life on a larger scale ("President Obama's
2015 Executive Action"). While having tough gun control is important to save lives, what is equally
important is how to handle the terror group Isis too. Obama is doing his part to battle Isis by keeping
his promise to keep boots from returning to the ground in the middle east. While Trump supporters
say that Trump is going to put 30,000 boots on the ground and that 's all that is needed to defeat this
terror threat, that is however
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The History And Effect Of Media On Presidential Debates
The History and Effect of Media on Presidential Debates Throughout American history, it is clear to
point out the United States have elected presidents to stand as the countries' leader since the birth of
the young nation. In most cases, the election is seen as a race between two parties even though there
are others on the ballot. The vast majority usually did not know much about the other candidates
until the turn of the century. Then, when media and information became easier to access it turned
these elections into social media wars putting candidates at each other's throats. The best example of
this is the current election and their unruly debates, but when these debates came about they were
not as cutthroat as they are now. Media throughout the years has forever altered the way in which
these debates have gone about and how the presidential candidates are perceived. Media has
tarnished the way politics and debates are run today from how they began. The first debate took
place between Lincoln and Douglas in 1858, which wasn't even a presidential debate; it was for the
Illinois senate seat. That did not matter, those debates became known across the United States. The
two men had seven debates in the state of Illinois each of which filled town squares with hoards of
people, and even caught the national attention of readers who feasted on the reprints of the debates
(Holzer, 2004). The debates were historical which allowed people to have a different way to view
... Get more on ...
Oj Simpson Informative Speech
Kris Jenner is speaking out and revealing a lot about her friend Nicole Brown Simpson's murder that
happened years ago. Now that the new show The People V. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story is
out everyone is curious once again about what happened with OJ Simpson years ago. Radar Online
is now sharing that Kris Jenner revealed that years ago OJ Simpson told her that he didn't do it. This
is all from an interview years ago that Kris Jenner did for Good Morning America. ALWAYS listen
to THE fam! Love lessons from the strong women in my life is on my app!!! – Khloé (@khloekardashian) February 1, 2016 In this clip, Kris
Jenner revealed that she has been talking to OJ Simpson from jail. Here is what Kris revealed all
those years ago. "I've talked to him a few times, he called me from jail. He wanted to talk to me, I've
know him for 20 ... Show more content on ...
Kris and her late husband Robert Kardashian were close friend with Nicole and OJ Simpson. They
spent a lot of time together and Robert even helped OJ during his trial. ABC News shared how Kris
Jenner felt about her ex–husband Robert actually defending OJ Simpson during his trial. This was a
very difficult time for Kris Jenner because Robert was trying to keep OJ Simpson from going to jail.
Jenner spoke out about how hard it all was for her and the family of Nicole Brown Simpson. "It was
excruciating to see how painful it was for the families to hear them go over and over all the details
of what had happened. It went on for so long. It was very stressful. We didn't know what the verdict
was going to be. I couldn't breathe. When the [not guilty verdict] was read, everybody was stunned.
I was just numb. And seeing the photos of [O.J. and his defense team] celebrating, it was hard.
Losing her was something that I can never quite get over. But I will always have such love in my
heart for Nicole. She is a part of my life that will be there
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What Is Gun Control Controversy
Gun Control Controversy "Perhaps the most striking feature of the subject of politics is how prone it
is to disagreement (Huemer, n.d.)". There are many things that strike up issues in our government;
however, I believe the topic of gun control is a current frontrunner. Each person has a right to have
and believe his or her own opinions; therefore, it is hard nowadays for our government to satisfy
everyone. Political disagreement is something that will most likely continue forever. "What is going
on with gun control?" you may ask. Or even, "What does gun control even mean?" President Barack
Obama wants to enforce stricter gun rules. "His proposals focus on new background check
requirements that will enhance the effectiveness of the National Instant Criminal Background Check
System (NICS), and greater education and enforcement efforts of existing laws at ... Show more
content on ...
"California also has no provision in its state constitution that explicitly guarantees an individual the
right to keep and bear arms" (Daniels 2015).
This just proves that having stricter rules does not create a safer environment. With California
having some of the most restrictive gun laws, there were still people with guns who abused their
power of ownership. There really is no way to prevent a mass shooting from occurring, nor is there a
way to take guns away from everyone in the United States; it is just nearly impossible. There are too
many people who own guns in this nation to enforce these strict rules. Instead, as a country, we
should spend more time reflecting on how to use these potential weapons. If used correctly, guns can
be without hazard to
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Voter Apathy And Voting Apathy Essay
Voter apathy
Under the 15th amendment, there is a right to vote by every people who are the citizens of the
United States even though; they are Latinos, African–American or Asian. Voting is the important
issues in political process as well as for the people themselves to decide the upcoming government
in election. Moreover that, immigrants citizen must be very concerned about voting as there are few
candidate who shows interest in the favor of immigrants people. Among the immigrants, Hispanic or
Latinos are the largest minority group i.e. 44.3 million or 15 percent according to the U.S. census
bureau (2006) (Zulema Valdez). They got rights to choose a candidate as they can rely on for their
needs to be fulfilled by that candidate. As shown, most of the Immigrants people are not utilizing
their rights to vote even though, they are eligible to vote. Such kind of people who don't participate
to vote in the election, known as a voter apathy as their lack of interest in voting. Voter apathy is one
of the main factors that impact the political process making very large difference in the upcoming
government. A group–based discrimination has been the reason behind the voter apathy affecting the
political participation. The political incorporation of immigrants or Latinos group is caused by the
group based on resources or by their own perception for the election that's the reason for not
participating in the electoral political process which affect their political participation
... Get more on ...
Barack Obama Outline
Introduction Barack Obama, The 44th President of The United States Of America, Throughout the
years, United States Presidency we saw a lot of different Presidents who sometimes achieved some
great things in life and beat the odds in life. Barack was not the First minority to be selected for
Presidency. His Campaign was bigger than Hillary Clinton's, he Prevailed a problem in the
Economic Problems, Health Care, so much more he has Accomplished so much in this Country. In
the end all of his hard work and dedication paid off as President over these 8 years in the White
House. If i could say one thing to President Obama i would tell him thank you for helping our
country and so much more things he has done with healthcare and obamacare ... Show more content
on ...
The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to choose our better history, to carry forward that
precious gift, that noble idea passed on from generation to generation: the God–given promise that
all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness"( The
American Presidency Project.) In his Speech he is quoting social issues in the world that needs to be
changed and that would get changed while he was in office. He was stating that it's no time to play
around and not do things it's time to finally put in work for the country and make history better
instead of worst in the past years and that skin color doesn't matter in God's eyes we're all the same
in the end no matter what you look like and whatever measure it takes we gonna find happiness in
the end of it
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Higher Minimum Wage
higher minimum wage means people are less likely to leave their jobs which means a low turnover
rate. A low turnover rate means less expenses. When companies have a high turnover rate it means
the company is constantly losing workers and having to hire new ones. Loss of employees means a
slowdown in productivity and a limited pool for promotion to management positions. Companies
that have a decreased turnover rate spend less money on training new employees and have skilled
workers who have worked with the company for years. Companies with a high turnover rate spend
money on new employees and training, and are paying their workers minimum wage. Companies
with a high turnover rate spend more money on hiring new employees and this is passed onto ...
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In Barak Obama's speech Obama stated . "Of course, nothing helps families make ends meet like
higher wages... And to everyone in this congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say
this: If you gruel believe you could work full time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year,
go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest working people in America a raise" (Obama,
State of the union address, Jan. 20, 2015) Obama pushed congress to raise minimum wage to ten
dollars and ten cents an hour. Obama wanted the minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents because
people cannot depend on the minimum wage to support them independently. Obama told congress to
try and live on fifteen thousand dollars a year. For most if not all congress members that would cut
around ninety percent of their annual pay. The White House council of economic advisors believe
more than thirty million minimum wage workers would benefit from a increase and be able to be
financially stable. Around three million people working all hours of the day on minimum wage
would be out of
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Obamacare : A Good Or Bad Choice?
United States is a country for it well known health care system. There are several health care
systems that are currently aiding millions of Americans. For example, Medicare is one of them and
Affordable Care Act or also known as the Obamacare is also another health care system that is
taking an enormous part in our society. Obamacare was drafted and finally revealed to the public on
23rd March, 2010 by President Barack Obama ; however, this policy is still a pain in the guts for
Americans up to this day. In other words, up to this period of time this policy is still being debated
throughout the entire country whether that Americans deliberate it as a good or bad choice.
Townhall and Huffingtonpost are the two media sources that each of them share a variety of
different types of bias. "How Much You've Paid To Promote Obamacare: Way More Than President
Obama Promise" and "More Proof That Anti–Obamacare States Desperately Need Obamacare" are
the two articles in which define the true vision of political perspective have on liberal and
conservative. The first kind of bias is placement, Baker who is the author of "Types of Media Bias"
claimed that article's author tend to grab readers' attention with interesting title. According to Bake's
idealistic, he stated, "Studies have shown that, in the case of the average newspaper reader
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Rhetorical Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address...
Rhetorical Analysis of Barack Obama's Inaugural Address The inaugural address, spoken by
President Barack Obama, was largely written by the 27 year old Jon Favreau. "What is Required:
The Price & Promise of Citizenship" captured the audience of the American people, with Obama's
natural ability to achieve praise without really saying anything. The country was told once again that
we are in a crisis and that change is the answer. The speech teaches about Obama's thoughts on
common defense, and Americans are then assured that our country's problems will be fixed, but
that's up to us, the people. The words spoken by Obama bring hope; "Obama's aides have repeatedly
referred to him as his own best speechwriter" through symbolism and ... Show more content on ...
Obama tells us in his speech that crisis needs to be fixed by change. He even admits that some
people don't believe his proposed actions are the answer to our problems. Obama tries to solve this
by telling them his action's, which not stated, are the answer. This is a very poor attempt at
persuasion on his part. The common defense is the next main focus of this speech. Life, and Liberty
are the main topics here. Obama says that "America is a friend of each nation and every man,
woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more."
And then he states that "We will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its people" But then says "for
those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you
now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you."
Obama seems to have some trouble explaining what he wants to achieve. He says we as country are
ready to lead, and protect our friends from any terror or slaughtering, and that we will defeat any
one inducing terror. While Obama tells us that he will continue the trend of protecting our country
and friends, he must be forgetting that he is the one that wants out of Iraq. So does he want to help
our friends, the Iraqi people, or not? Contradictory statements won't answer that question.
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The Correlation Between Media And Politics
If people from the 1800's were asked what the correlation between media and politics was many
would think that there was no such thing. Back in the day people did not have all these
advancements we have today. If candidates wanted to get elected they had to be in good terms with
the public. If they wanted the votes they had to convince they were fit for the job. Media is defined
as the main mean of communication. Everywhere a person goes they are bombarded with media.
People watch movies, television, read the new paper, blogs and books. Media is all around us. In
today's society everything revolves around technology. It is a good thing and a bad thing all at once.
People don't really speak to each other anymore they either text or email ... Show more content on ...
They rarely watch news because all the news they need are the ones who are on being announced on
online. Since there is a large about of people who owns smartphones who also have a camera and a
screen keyboard id they see something of their interest or something unusual happening they I'll
probably whip out their phones and snap a quick picture. What happens when people do such thing
is that they are creating bias. It is very difficult to be unbiased and be neutral. For example people on
Facebook who do not like a candidate will post a status and go off on how they hate him or her and
provide their own opinion. There are times were the person only goes off of what they heard. People
are quick to judge a person why what they hear or by reading non–scholarly articles. A person has
look for flaws in what they are consuming for example put yourself in the other person position.
Seeing if the person is actually trustworthy and they are not spreading lies. The first thing many
adults a tell teenagers is that not everything that they see in the internet is true. In politics today
media is being used a lot more in presidential elections. The media has been helpful regarding
getting information further to a greater audience. Although people do not agree with the fact that
social media does not play a big role in today's election just because media doesn't have anything to
do with politics. Media is no longer only used for personal
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President Obama 's President Of The United States
In 1789, America saw the election of its first President, a man whom Americans could finally claim
as their own after years of oppression by Great Britain, George Washington. The election of
Washington symbolized the end of a period of confusion for America and the beginning of an
unofficial precedent for the next 220 years. After Washington's term ended, forty–two Caucasian
males held the title of the President of the United States of America until January 20, 2009. January
20, 2009 signified the culmination of 220 years of American tradition and the inception of a new era
as Barack Hussein Obama assumed office, becoming the first African American in American history
to do so. President Obama's inauguration was also monumental for the African–American
community because never before had a black male simultaneously occupied the highest position in
the United States government and society. Although President Obama earned the honorary title as
President, we should also recognize and honor his many other accomplishments during Black
History Month. In 1961, Obama entered the world as the child of a Caucasian American and a
Kenyan American. First and foremost, Obama experienced a humbling childhood as his mother
divorced twice, traveled to and from Indonesia, and occasionally received government assistance
while he alternated between living with her and his grandparents. As Obama's childhood concluded,
his genius and aptitude became more apparent when he graduated from a
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Barack Obama 's Presidential Plan Essay
Obama's Presidential Plan
President Obama has passed numerous laws concerning our environment and society for our well
The President of the United States full name is Barack Hussein Obama born on August 4, 1961, in
honolulu, hawaii. His mother, Ann Dunham, was born on an Army base in Wichita, kansas, during
World War II. His father, barack Obama Sr., born in Nyanza, Kenya. Growing up Obama did not
have a relationship with this father. When his son was an infant, Obama Sr. moved to Massachusetts
to attend Harvard University. When their son was two years of age Ann and Obama Sr. got a divorce
in March 1964. A year later Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, student from Hawaii who attends
University of Hawaii.
Later that year the family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, where Obama's half sister, Maya Soetoro Ng,
born in 1970. At the age of 10, Obama was sent back to hawaii to live with his maternal
grandparents. Later, his mother and half sister joined him. While living with his grandparents,
Obama enrolled in Punahou Academy. He showed talent in baseball and graduated with academic
honors in 1979. Obama struggled with being one of only three black students at the school. Later, he
described how he coped with social perception of his multicultural heritage. Eleven years later, on
November 24, 1982, when Obama was 21 years old Obama Sr. died in a fatal car crash.
After high school, Obama studied first at Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years.
Transferring to
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The Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama's Pregural Speech
In the year 2009, Barack Obama shares with us his first inauguration for him becoming the forty–
fourth president. As Obama begins his presidency, it is a tradition to write an appealing speech that
is professional for his audience. Obama writes this speech to let people know that we will not take
for granted the acts people did for us to live together equally. During President Obama's inaugural
speech, he remarked, "On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false
promises, the recriminations and worn–out dogmas that for too long have strangled our politicians".
His use of "strangled our politics" is an example of using Argument is War metaphor which on a
basic level asserts that there is a win or a loss, in case he refers to the past administration's
politicians "fighting" against each other's political party as the winner, and the resulting "strangled
politics" or influential political system being the loser. Obama's speech was hopeful towards his
audience by his word choice being professional, shows emotional appeal, and demonstrates ethos
logos, and pathos throughout his inaugural speech.
In his speech one of the rhetorical moves Obama uses was echoing his word choice. Obama uses
anaphora meaning using a word at the beginning of successive clauses. In his ninth paragraph, he
repeats the word "to" to show an equal importance in the sentence. Obama states, "The time has
come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better
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Obama 's First African American President Of The United...
Barack Hussein Obama Jr, the first African American President of the United States, was born on
August the 4th 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama's birth is considered as an important turning point
for African American's in history, he was the first African American to serve as a United States
president. Barack Obama is currently the 44th president of the United States. He was raised in a
middle class family with education being the core of their lives and had very noble values. Obama
was a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, he was elected the first African–
American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama met Michelle Robinson in 1989 in Chicago's
law firm of Sidley Austin as a summer associate and not too long after that they began to date.
Obama was a civil rights attorney, community organizer in Chicago where he helped rebuild
communities that was devastated by the closure of the local street plants and a teacher at University
of Chicago Law School before pursuing a political career. The time Obama spent helping rebuild the
communities he that this time of his life "the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at
Harvard Law School" (1). For Obama, he explains that from that experience is what contributed to
finding his identity and forming the path that he has taken whilst in the white house. Barack Obama
won the election in November 4th 2008 and then took office on January the 20th 2009, these two
dates were significant days for America.
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Barack Obama's Legacy
In 1979, when Barack Obama graduated from high school and studied in Occidental College in Los
Angeles, he then transferred to Columbia University in New York. He graduated from Columbia
University in 1983 with a degree in political science. Later on in 1988 Obama decided to go to
Harvard Law School. A year after that he became a summers Associates in the Chicago law firm of
Sidley Austin. In February of 1990 Obama was the first African– American who was selected to be
the editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama return to Chicago after he graduated from law school.
He got a job as part–time at the University of Chicago Law School as a professor.
In 2000, Obama made an attempt to run for the House of Representatives and failed, but in 2004 ...
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He battled with the senator of New York, Hillary Clinton and also against John McCain. Hillary had
lost against obama and was fully supporting Barack after her lose, so the only ones left was Barack
Obama and John McCain. On November 14, 2008 Obama defeated the Republican John McCain,
52,9 percent to 42.7 percent, Obama was named the first African–American president and the 44th
president of the United States.
When Obama was officially the president in January 20, 2009, he was left with a lot of problems
that America had and his goals was to fix them. In the inauguration speech, Obama said, "Today I
say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be
met easily or in a short span of time. but know this, America: They will be met." Obama did just
that; the unemployment rate was 7.2 and Obama got it to 5.1 percent, at one point the gas price went
down to $2.31, the uninsurance was 15% and he got it down to
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Wgu Ethical Leadership C206 Vot2 Task 1 Essay
Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethical Leadership C206 April 4th, 2015 Ethical Lens and Dilemmas
Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the
leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal
issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company.
In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my
own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a
particular ethical dilemma. Ethical Traits of President Obama My chosen leader for this ethics
review is President Barack Obama. ... Show more content on ...
While he could have chosen to get more done for the country by sacrificing some of ethics,
especially concerning those in poverty, without healthcare coverage, and the ailing middle, he
instead stoop up for these people, his beliefs, and the beliefs of the majority of his constituents that
placed him in office and has won more for us. This has caused more death threats than any president
in history and he can arguably to be said the most hated president of all time amongst conservative
republicans. He is a shining example of standing firm to one's own moral and ethics. My Ethical
Lens My preferred ethical lens falls under Rights and Responsibility. This means that I use logic to
determine my actions and believe in a common set of rules that everyone should follow. I tend to
believe in that if everyone's rights are respected that it will lead to a universal fairness or equality.
This preferred ethical lens is typical of my workplace behavior. I believe that I am more group
fairness oriented in my personal life, while still also holding steadfast to individual rights. Where I
am the same between the workplace and my personal life is that I believe in a common set of rules
that every person should follow. In my view this ultimately leads to order and equality for everyone.
As outlined in my personal Ethical Lens Inventory my
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Barack Obama A Good Leader
What makes a president such a great leader? Well we all know not everybody agrees with each other
on whether or not we have a great president. For example, some might think that President Obama
was a wonderful leader and did his job correctly. Others may think differently that Obama was not a
successful leader and that he did not do his job right. There is no perfect president for everyone.
To begin let's discover President Barack Obama's Birth. First he was born on August 4th, 1961 to
Ann Dunham. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and
Children. Ann Dunham was born on an army base in Wichita, Kansas, During World War II. After
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Ann's father, Stanley, enlisted in the military and marched across ...
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President Obama was in a Democratic Party. His Secretary of State was John Kerry and his
Secretary of Treasury was Jacob Lew. A key event of Barack Obama's presidency is when he signed
the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. Not a single vote came from a Republican. In
November of 2012, a Barack Obama signature moment was highlighted by his re–election. Obama
won election into second term in 2012. This made President Barack Obama the seventeenth
President to win two term elections. Finally, i wanted to tell you about peoples thoughts on Obama.
Everyone has a different perception on whether or not he was a great president or not. Obama gave
us great views in our country.President Obama also may have gave us bad views. He was not a
perfect president. I would say he was a great president though. Overall, President Barack Obama did
a great job on trying to make our country a better place. President Barack Obama worked as hard as
he could. He may have made a few mistakes. President Barack Obama will be remembered as a
great president. This was why President Barack Obama was and overall great
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Barack Obama Black Turnout Summary
Mckee, S. C., M. V. Hood, and D. Hill. "Achieving Validation: Barack Obama and Black Turnout in
2008." State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.1 (2012): 3–22. Web.
This book examines the advancement of black leadership and politics since the Civil Rights
Movement. It looks Barack Obama, from his time spent as a successful candidate for the Illinois
State Senate to President of the United States, as part of the continuum of African American political
Marable, Manning, and Kristen Clarke. Barack Obama and African American Empowerment: The
Rise of Black America's New Leadership. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Print.
In this study they examine the votes of African Americans the 2008 presidential election. They see
the connection ... Show more content on ...
Additional factors, in contrast, appear to have been less strong in this election than one would
assume. Estimates of voter turnout indicate that African Americans cast ballots at unprecedented
rates in the 2008 presidential election. Barack Obama was considered the first Black major party
presidential nominee, and this would be no surprise. This text is a clear example of African
Americans being heightened with interest, efficacy, and a sense of racial identity due to the
candidacy of Barack Obama the main factor contributing to the surge in Black voter turnout.
Teasley, M., and D. Ikard. "Barack Obama and the Politics of Race: The Myth of Postracism in
America." Journal of Black Studies 40.3 (2009): 411–25. Web.
This selection argues race has had a lot to due with the historic election of Barack Obama as the first
African American president of the United States.
Despite this claim about the direction of race relations in this country, there seems to be a
disconnection. Obama's campaign tended to focus on symbolic capital of "hope" that Obama's
presidency constitutes for the Black community, this article reveals the thinking of the African
American population that I believe is substantial to my research. This article also offers the idea of
post racial thinking in America before and after the 2012 presidential
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Machiavelli The Prince Research Paper
¨Every prince ought to desire to be considered compassionate and not cruel.¨ Notice in this quote
from Niccolo Machiavelli's ¨The Prince¨ the word ¨considered¨ is used, rather than something more
firm or nothing at all. The point Machiavelli is making is that as a ruler, one must only look like a
kind person rather than actually being one. Machiavelli expresses multiple times in his writing that
when ruling, using fear is safe and easy to maintain while using love can be messy and full of
expectations to uphold. To Machiavelli, the goal is for the ruler to show compassion while still
keeping his fear factor, which will help him have an easier time maintaining power. That probably
worked when a select few held all the power. In the modern world however, there are more rulers
than just Machiavelli's princes and in most cases it is better to show love rather than to incite fear
because the power is now in the hands of the people. A prime example ... Show more content on ...
Being a parent is about taking sides and finding the common ground to help their children grow into
fully functioning members of society. In doing so, parents should not hope for their children to fear
them more than they love them, but they also have to command a certain respect that will keep their
children in line. Respect is different than fear because when it goes both ways, it can create a stable
relationship. If both sides fear each other it is more likely to form an unsafe relationship, for
instance two countries racing to produce more weapons out of fear of the other country having
more. Unlike fear, respect comes from admiration and acknowledgement of someone's abilities and
actions; it's not threatening or frightening like fear is. Fear can create an unstable relationship
between a parent and a child and will ultimately cause more problems, while love can help both the
parent and their children live with mutual devotion and
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Barack Obam The Audacity Of Hope
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu,Hawaii on August 4,1961.Barack Obama had a busy life going
to college like Harvard for law school. Obama worked at a law firm in Chicago and met Michelle
Robinson. They married and had two daughter's.
In 1996 Obama ran for state senate for Illinois and won. In 2004 Obama ran for President and won.
In 2005 Obama was sworn in as the first African–American President of the United States.
Character Traits
Obama helped low income residents and set up job training programs. Obama wrote two books. One
book was a story of Race and Inheritance, and the other was called The Audacity of Hope, which
was about his vision
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Barack Obama Biography Essay

  • 1. Barack Obama Biography Essay The Second Obama Presidency The second inauguration of Barrack Obama marked the theme of, "Faith in America's Future." Obama was elected as the 44th American President in 2012. He was president before in the past from January 20th 2009 until 2012. Then they held another election for the US president and Obama got voted again and his second presidency private swearing–in ceremony took place on Sunday January, 20th, 2013. He was then publically announced as the 44th US president on Monday, January 21st, 2013. Biography Barrack Hussein Obama was born on August the 4th, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Ann Dunham, his mother, was born on an Army base in Wichita, Kansas, during World War 2. Obama's father, Barrack Obama Senior, was born of Luo ethnicity ... Show more content on ... A year later he joined the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin and that is where he met Michelle Robinson. At the time she was a young lawyer who was made to be Obama's adviser. Not long after they met they began dating and then married on October 3rd, 1992. They had two daughters Malia and Sasha several years later. U.S. Senate Career Obama started his Senate career after the encouraging poll numbers. In 2004 he defeated Blair Hull and Daniel Hynes with 52 per cent of the votes. That summer, he was invited to make a speech in support of John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. After the convention he returned to the Us Senate back in Illinois. 2008 Presidential Election February 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination. He was fighting against former first lady Hillary Clinton. On November 4th, 2008, he defeated John McCain to win the election as the 44th president of the United States and also the first ever African– American to hold this position which was a big thing for him and the United States. His inauguration took place on January the 20th, ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Political Leadership And The President Of The United... Introduction There is a mind–boggling question that has been floating around the American people here lately. And the question is, "What are the qualifications to construct a good political leader?" When you think about this, other careers such as law enforcement, health professionals, educators, and even city transit drivers all have a more clear–cut job depiction on how to be successful in that career, but when it comes to the criteria for political leadership, one will find a vague description on how and what to do, and the various loop holes in certain areas in politics. So this creates an even more challenging task for people to define if a political leader is good or bad; and could possibly create a divide across the nation. I personally feel that it would be a phenomenal notion to observe Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II, our 44th President of The United States of America, without having any biased views or opinions, to analyze the pros and cons of his 2 terms as our political leader and commander in Chief. I would say that he is a strong transformational leader hands down just by assessing his years in congress and his 2 terms as president. I can personally say that because I have a lot of areas under his leadership that I agree with, and there some other areas that I do not agree with when viewing some of his viewpoints. One accomplishment has gone unnoticed but is commendable. That 's Obama 's flawless personal record. President Barack Obama has served longer than any ... Get more on ...
  • 3. A Successful Obama Inaugural Address Shamik Patel Professor Valarie Writing Project #3 November 5, 2014 A Successful Obama's 2nd Inaugural Address On January 21st, 2013, Barack Obama addressed the audience as the re–elected President of America in an inaugural ceremony on the West Front of Capitol. The speech was written by Jonathan Favreau. In an inaugural address, Obama touched upon several important issues; immigration, gender equality, and economic reforms and left behind the message that unity is our nation's ultimate strength. He was able convinced the audience that they should all work together to overcome all issues and for a better tomorrow for the next generation. Obama successfully persuaded the audience by exemplifying that he was aware of their issues, problems, and future needs. Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, intro three categories; ethos (credibility), pathos (emotionally), and logos (logically). Obama persuaded the audience with use of rhetoric and convinced them his arguments were credible, logical, and appealed to them emotionally. In late 1950s, Richard Neustadt wrote Presidential Power and the Modern President, in which he explained that presidential power is the power to persuade. Central motivation of this book was to advice new president with their strategic problem of power and so forth. According to Neustadt, there are three significant areas that a president must be aware of and nurture while in the Whitehouse; power to persuade, president's ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Speech Is Power Of Speech Changed The Course Of History Essay Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed the importance of speech in one short sentence: "Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel." In 2008, the power of speech changed the course of history; the first African American president was elected, transcending years of racial inequality. For many blacks in the U.S., and many around the world, Barack Obama's presidency was a step closer to righting America's 400–year–old wrong: slavery and subsequent discrimination toward the black race. Obama's victory was traced back to his powerful speech and his natural ability to charismatically orate. In the end, however, it was Obama's political philosophy that persuaded individuals to support him. Following his victory in 2008, President Barack Obama used rhetoric to advocate for change, hope, and a united America where the window of opportunity could remain open for all. The son of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father, Barack Hussein Obama II spent most of his life feeling excluded in the racially homogenous state of Hawaii. Despite his childhood hardships, Obama graduated from Columbia University with a political science major in 1983. Later, he entered Harvard Law School where he became the first black "president of the prestigious Harvard Law Review" in 1990 (Nelson). Although a great majority of the journal's staff was conservative, Obama won as a liberal by promising that he would treat all political beliefs equally and fairly–a promise he was famously known ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Should The Tuition Free Program Be Mandated? President Barack Obama made a proposal on January 8, 2015 to make community college free for Americans. The proposal is made with stipulations, being that students are required to attend at least half time, maintain a 2.5 GPA, and make steady progress toward completing their program. With Tennessee already at a successful head start with their free tuition program, President Barack Obama wants the remaining states to progress as well. Now President Obama wants every American to receive two years of tuition free education in a community college. Upon completion of a community college major, students will receive two years of free education. The plan states that the federal government is to pay three–fourths of a student's community college tuition if states agree to pay the remaining twenty–five percent. With rising student loan debt, students will finally have the necessary recourses to afford college and go back to school. The two year community college proposal should be mandated, but only with the stipulations previously stated. Many people strongly believe that the tuition free program will have its benefits, while on the other hand others will believe that it will hurt the economy, but the jail systems are over populated and taxpayers are helping support them. The effect that the jail systems have on college tuition is that tax payer's money is paying to house inmates. President Obama made a comment that people are struggling to pay for college, but inmates in the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Barack Obama Research Paper Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961. His mother, Ann Dunham, was eight years younger than his father, Barack Obama Sr. Barack Obama Sr. was born of Luo ethnicity in Nyanza Province, Kenya. He grew up herding goats in Africa and, eventually, earned a scholarship that allowed him to leave Kenya and go to college in Hawaii. While studying at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Obama Sr. met fellow student Ann Dunham, and they married on February 2, 1961. Barack was born six months later. As a child, Obama did not have much of a relationship with his father. Obama Sr. went to Massachusetts to attend Harvard. Obama's parents had also divorced when he was only two, in 1964. A year later, his mother remarried to a man named Lolo Soetoro, ... Show more content on ... He also took a trip to Kenya to visit the graves of his father and grandfather. He returned to America and entered the school of Harvard in 1988. He also joined a law firm in Chicago as a summer associate and met his future wife, Michelle Robinson, who was then a lawyer who was appointed as Obama's advisor, and they began dating that year. Obama had a lot of accomplishments at Harvard. In 1990, he became their first black of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law in 1991. After college, Obama returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights lawyer with the firm of Miner, Barnhill & Galland. He also taught law part–time at the University of Chicago Law School between 1992 and 2004. He also helped organize voter registration during the 1992 presidential campaign. Later that year, Obama and Michelle were married. They welcomed two daughters in 1998 and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The State Of Obama 's Rhetoric Abby Silsby APLANG Period 2 Wells February 3, 2015 The State of Obama's Rhetoric It is his second to last State of the Union speech, but his first with both houses of Congress in Republican control: On Tuesday night, January 20th, President Barack Obama itemized the achievements of his presidency and his devotion to raising the economic outlook for the middle class. In his address, he effectively outlined his legislative agenda for the up–and–coming year. He accomplishes this by employing a confident and optimistic tone, pronounced diction, and ample support; all in attempt to convince the public, Congress, as well as the 195 countries of the world of his proposals. Obama demonstrates in his 2015 Address, the ability to communicate with ... Show more content on ... This rhetorical technique is powerful linguistic method that invokes inspiration and positivity. People tend to react against things they don't want to hear. They shut down, stop listening, and start arguing. But, by starting and ending with affirmative messages, it circumvents the process. In between Rebekah's bookends laid out all of Obama's ambitions and national priorities for the year. It transitions into burdensome situation that American workers are facing like how to provide childcare for employed women and the working class's demand for a rise in the minimum wage. It discussed Obama's proposal for free community college so "student debt doesn't derail anyone's dreams." From there, the address shifted into the deliberation of updating cyber–security based on recent worrisome events. The centerpiece of the president 's address was the democratic tax proposal that increases the capital gains rate on couples making more than $500,000 annually to 28 percent. From there, the address segued, into the topic of humanity rights, and the increasing warmer temperatures in the environment. Finally, the address returned back to the underlying grand themes of America and its people. Obama managed to present these main points of his agenda without resembling a grocery list; the successful utilized pattern allowed for smooth transitions throughout. Obama was a surgeon performing heart surgery; he had to make careful and precise rhetorical decisions in ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Reflection Of Obama's Speech President Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States for two consecutive terms. Before President Obama's second term in office, he was one of the dinner speakers for The Al Smith Dinner during the 2012 presidential campaign. The Al Smith Dinner is a fundraiser for the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation which raises money to help children in need in the state of New York. Thus, President Obama's speech takes place at the Al Smith Dinner in New York, New York on October 18th, 2012. The purpose of this speech is to provide entertainment for the dinner audience with light humor and poking at political issues and individuals, which can include roasting the other presidential candidate or themselves. President Obama's speech is approximately ten minutes long and is a humorous, extemporaneous speech. Not only does President Obama roasts Mitt Romney, he also jokes about himself as well. I chose this speech because from my observations President Obama eloquently delivers each of his speeches with poise under pressure and incorporates light humor within his speeches without it being over the top. After observing and critiquing President Obama's speech from the Al Smith Dinner of 2012, he has strengths and weakness as a speaker. President Obama's strengths are his appearance, organization, rate, pitch, and delivery, and his weaknesses are use of notes and vocalized pauses. President Obama's appearance is the first element and strength that anyone would notice ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on President Obama’s speech at the University of... On April 8, 2013, President Barack Obama spoke at the University of Hartford on behalf of those who died in the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. President Obama addressed the people of the state of Connecticut and on a federal level. The broadcasting networks provided live coverage of President Obama's speech, and a national audience listened as the president's addressing the issues and the next steps forward for the country. The impact of this tragedy and previous massive shootings and Obama's explanation have been a subject of a controversial debate. I plan on using the pentadic method to analyze President Obama's speech regarding Sandy Hook and gun control. What we can learn about the method by ... Show more content on ... It is interesting to see and reveal the misconceptions of President Obama's motive to the speech for more gun control and how politicians and individuals are stressing an emotional and safety concern. Within this political environment, and with a charismatic and persuasive use of the pentads, the rhetor's motive was to implement legislation regarding gun control. Barack Obama as the rhetor, directed towards American people to pressure congress to pass new gun legislation in Connecticut, where the massacre took place. After the December 16, 2012 shooting at Newtown Connecticut, there has been a controversial debate among gun control. The National Rifle Association had fiercely lobbied congress to oppose any gun regulations. In this artifact, Obama spoke on behalf of the murders of twenty children and six adults killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. During his speech, President Obama was hoping to build support among lawmakers for several gun control measures, such as universal background checks. The president has the parents' support to lobby for gun legislation. In addition, Obama's proposal to ban assault rifles and limiting high–ammunition guns; majority of Republicans oppose this proposal. The research method I have demonstrated in this paper is called Pentadic Criticism derived from Kenneth Burke whom made ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Barack Obama Research Paper Bio Obama didn't have an easy road to the oval office. His story, amongst other presidents, is one that embodies the true will of the American dream. A lot of people don't know that Obama's father abandoned him when he was young to pursue a degree at Harvard. Nor do they know that Obama lived in Indonesia as a child, or that he went back to his roots in Kenya to meet his family members. Obama played a critical role of shifting the direction of the United States. This paper analyzes the history of the Democratic Party as well as the biography, platform, and criticism of Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the 44th president of the United States of America, and the 1st African American president. Amongst many other accomplishments, Obama was a civil rights attorney, professor, and a senator. He was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother, was born in Wichita, Kansas and his father, Barack Obama Sr., was born in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Obama 's father was awarded a scholarship to attend college in Hawaii and pursue his dreams. According to BBC "Obama Sr. and Ann met at University of Hawaii and married on February 2, 1961" (, "Profile: Barack Obama"). Obama Sr. didn 't stay long. When Obama was still an infant, Obama Sr. moved to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University. Ann and Obama Sr separated within a year when their son was two. After that his father went back to Kenya. During his childhood Obama was enrolled an esteemed Academy. He graduated with ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Analysis Of Barack Obama's The Audacity Of Hope Wealth has been a social and economic issue across the United States since the establishment of the country. As the Constitution was created by wealthy white men, there have been perpetual tensions among the people of the community as to whether it takes financial advancement to truly succeed in life. During the start of the 21st century, this issue remained a prevalent force in dividing the American society. Barack Obama, the Illinois Senate candidate in 2004, addressed the foundation of the American dreams, which should disregard one's financial ability towards lifelong success. Though his family was not wealthy, Obama was able to break the barriers of African American setbacks through his academic achievements, which is the epitome of success in this country. Obama's emotional speech, "The Audacity of Hope," at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, emphasizes the importance of national unity by alluding to the ideals of the American dreams. Obama utilizes multiple personifications to characterize the nation of the United States, enhancing the importance of national unity. He declares that in a "generous America," one does not need to be rich to achieve their goal (1). By characterizing the nation as generous, he diminishes the necessity of wealth as a factor for success. Instead, he builds up on his stance that the country should provide for the citizens to an extent that they can obtain the required education to reach their goal, without having to compromise as a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay On Obama Fairy Tales Barack Obama is either living in his own little fantasy world or trying to lull Americans to sleep by reading from his liberal–progressive, "Big Book of Fairy Tales." Nothing approaching reality could possibly explain the litany of inconsistent, unimaginable policies and statements coming from this President. Unless, of course, it is a deliberate willingness to deceive the American people and outright lie to gain a political advantage. By diverting attention from the worst economy since the Great Depression and apparently the most inept leadership in modern times, he hopes to have four more years to complete the installation of his radical Marxist agenda. If this President lived in the real world or had any honest intentions for the ... Show more content on ... Energy independency from the Mideast is his claim; yet, he stops virtually all domestic oil exploration, uses the EPA to declare war on coal, and admits he wants electricity costs to "skyrocket." He compounds this idiocy by preventing the Canadian oil pipeline. As the United States grows more dependent on foreign oil and American jobs continue marching overseas, the President reads us more "fairy tales." Illegal immigration is another job killing, security–threatening problem in this country on which this President has been missing in action. In another power–grab from Congress and subversion of American will, he dictated a virtual amnesty to all illegal aliens after declaring all–out war on any state that dared to take any action of self–preservation. Obama courts tens of millions of prospective new voters while his policies pit 14 million unemployed and 8.8 million underemployed Americans against an estimated 13 to 20 million illegal aliens. Obama lays claim to the title of "champion of the middle class." Meanwhile, his new middle class is dependent upon food stamps, unemployment benefits, welfare, and hundreds of other government programs just to survive his reign of economic terror. His skewed outlook on this country reasons that those who are not part of the 12 % union workforce or engaged as government employees are not real working Americans and are, therefore, unworthy of any consideration. In a country founded upon principles of free ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Barack Obama Biography In this portion of the paper, I will be discussing the biography of Barack Obama. Barack Hussein Obama III, an American Politician, was born in 1961 on August 4th, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was the first African–American to serve as the President of The United States for two terms from 2009 to 2017. Mainly raised in Hawaii, Obama spent four years in Jakarta, Indonesia and spent one year in Washington State. At ten years old, he relocated back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. In 1983, Obama graduated from Columbia University and began working as a community organizer for low–income residents from the south side of Chicago. Five years later, he enrolled in Harvard Law School. The following summer during an internship at a Chicago Law Firm, he met Michelle Robinson. In Law school, Obama was the first African–American President of the Harvard Law Review. Obama returned to Chicago after graduation and began practicing civil rights law, teaching law school and establishing "Get ... Show more content on ... Four years later, Obama suffered his only political loss in a run for the U.S. House of Representatives. However, in 2004, he ran for the U.S. Senate and gave a high profile critical speech at the Democratic National Convention. Obama won his senate race defeating multimillionaire businessman Blair Hull and Illinois Comptroller Daniel Hynes with 52 percent of the vote. In 2007, the freshman senator announced he was running for President of The United States. His leading opponent in the Democrat primaries was former first lady Hillary Clinton. Even though he won the nomination, he had Clinton's support for the duration of his campaign. On November 6, 2008, Obama won the general election against Republican John McCain. Delaware Senator Joe Biden, his running mate, became vice president. On January 2009, Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Ten months later, he received the Nobel Peace ... Get more on ...
  • 14. President Obama Delivered A Speech On June 21st, 2010, Father 's Day, President Barack Obama delivered a speech in Washington D.C. addressing a crowd of his cabinet members, veterans, senators, and normal fathers. He aimed to give a speech about promoting responsible fatherhood, but his speech went beyond that. He addressed the crowd with a calm demeanor and a strong voice, and gave a speech on the importance of being a present father and the many lasting negative effects that having an absent father can have on a child. His heavy use of pathos, the appeal to emotion, gave the speech depth, and a reason for the crowd to want to listen. The main point of President Obama 's Speech was that there are few things that a child benefits more from than having both their parents, and especially their fathers present in their lives growing up. There were five main points about his speech. One of the first points he mentions was the Father Mentoring initiative. It is a government program that was created to help raise awareness about responsible fatherhood. The program works to re–engage absent fathers or fathers that are not sure how to reintegrate themselves into their children 's lives after they've been absent for a long period of time. President Obama explains that it is a scary choice to make but it is better for the children in the long run. The next main point of his speech is also a government initiative. The Fathering Re–Entry Court is a program designed to create job initiatives for ex–offenders. It helps ... Get more on ...
  • 15. ##hetorical Analysis Of President Barack Obama, And... With terror, comes peace and harmony, but not all the time, two speeches are evaluated to determine its effectiveness, [Former] "President Obama's statement on the Orlando, Florida shooting", and "President Trump's remarks on the Las Vegas shooting". The link which connects the speeches is the rhetorical devices, word choice, tone, persuasive appeals including many others, granting the ability of a stronger claim. The speakers – Former President Barack Obama, and President Donald Trump – incorporate similar ideas and how these ideas had been portrayed throughout their speeches. There are other essential details that fortified their speech, contrariwise there were details that hindered their speech, displaying weaknesses when discussing certain points. The affinity between the two speeches is intricately filled with minutiae – making them harder to spot in comparison to the distinction amongst both. Although, Former President Obama's speech had plenty of emotionally inducing words, Trump's speech was more effectively written with informative statements strengthening his speech. Furthermore, the speakers benefit from the use of rhetorical devices such as anaphora, parallelism, and even epistrophe, however, this is where the similarities come to a near end. The format in which these rhetorical devices were used, or how they were used – creates complications when it comes to determining the correlation or lack of correlation between the speeches. The structure and overall ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Rhetorical Analysis Of Obama Speech President Barack Obama addresses the citizens of Greece respectfully by learning some of their language, and attempting to make them feel as if they are equals. He began his speech with the Greek terms, "Yias sas! Kalispera!" This phrase translates to "Hello, good evening!" This speech was a praise to democracy, reminding people of its birthplace, Greece. The idea of Democracy, or Demokratia, emerged twenty–five centuries ago giving the people the right to rule. This speech is also directed towards young adults, and having the freedom to share their ideas and control their lives. Obama is faced with a community collapsed by the economic crisis. He reminds the audience that democracy is not thorough or flawless, but necessary to steer ... Show more content on ... Additionally, he emphasized the role of democracy in maintaining healthy and practical interactions that arise. He supports that statement, through the use of anaphora, by listing references of numerous achievements of the United States during his presidency. Achievements such as being able to disarm Iran of its nuclear weaponry as well as re–establish relations with Cuba, through the recruitment of diplomacy. He states, "...with diplomacy, we were able to shut down Iran's nuclear war...With diplomacy, the United States opened relations with Cuba. With diplomacy, we joined Greece and nearly 200 nations..." He continues, by sharing his faith in democracy that continuously brings political and social stability. He is confident that progress is possible, although it is earned. Again, he uses parallelism to ease uncertainty saying, "History does not move in a straight line. Civil rights in America did not move in a straight line. Democracy in Greece did not move in a straight line. The evolution of a unified Europe certainly has not moved in a straight line." Implementing the system is a considerable challenge in America because it is so often characterized by racial, religious, and cultural diversity. The flaws of democracy are unarguably evident in Greek society, as politicians are hesitant due to political costs. Again, he uses anaphora to focus on the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Obama Speech Context Obama "DNC 2004 a. Context of Obama (audience, purpose of the speech ) Obama's speech during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) 2004 was very successful. He was delivering the speech on a party platform. Party had convened at TD Garden, (former FleetCentre), to express their confidence in Senator John Kerry who was the candidate of the party to contest in Presidential elections and Senator John Edwards who was to be the vice president in that year's presidential elections. Barack Obama was also Senate candidate from Illinois. The convention was the last presidential nominating convention held in that year. The meeting aimed to confirm the parties' nominees. Party delegates (both the pledged delegates and unpledged delegates were in attendance. Pledged delegates represent U.S states, and American territories and dependencies. The unpledged delegates are also known as superdelegates, and they are the representatives of Democratic Establishment. The pledged and unpledged delegates vote during the DNC. The DNC 2004 was the end of the party elections and the beginning of Campaigns for the general elections. b. The speech by Obama at the DNC 2004 was become popular because of his delivery style. In addition to a good delivery, he also addressed some important issues. Firstly, his talk said ... Show more content on ... According to Obama, the United States should be supposed to provide employment and affordable health care to its citizen. He said that the poor do not have to worry about where to get money to buy drugs because the state should provide them its citizens with healthcare services that are affordable. Those children who attain high grades but lack the finances to enable them progress to high school need to be supported by the government and well–wishers. Helping the young is a way of ensuring there is continuity in the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Barack Obama's Role In Politics There are lots of different thoughts that go through people's heads when we bring up the president, in this paper, we are going to discuss who he is and other political leaders. Our president Barack Obama, is part of the Democratic Party he decided at a young age to join that political party. He has been a politician since 1996 when he was elected to the Illinois state senate. In 2004 when he gave his keynote address that is when people started to realize that he was going to go far in politics. President Obama and his running mate Joseph Biden, led the Democratic Party to its largest win since the election of Jimmy Carter. The president's right hand man is of course from the same political party as him, so let's take a look at him now. Joseph Biden was an attorney for a short while before he got involved in politics. Mr. Biden was the fifth youngest U.S. senator serving in Delaware. His first political office was in the New Castle County Council, in Delaware. Now let's see who else is a political power house. ... Show more content on ... Kerry is our nation's 68th Secretary of state! He was appointed by the President with consent from the senate. Mr. Kerry is the president's chief of foreign affairs adviser, he carries out foreign policies through the State Department. The State Department includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service and the U.S. Agency for International Development, the secretary of state holds a very important job. Kerry made a statement saying that "when other nations see China and the United States working together, it tends to galvanize their own efforts.", that is a very true statement due to the fact that China and the US are both very dominate players in both politics and trade. The highest ranking white house employee is the Chief of Staff, he was appointed by President Obama. Denis ... Get more on ...
  • 19. What Is The Purpose Of Shifting Speech Patterns In... Introduction Throughout the course of political campaigns, candidates travel throughout a set district in order to gain the support of various constituents. In doing so, speech patterns may be dependent upon the audience being addresses and by how concerned a candidate is with winning that group's approval. Such changes unconsciously manifest, while others could be deliberate alterations to one's speech. For this project, I would be examining this idea by analyzing modern political campaign tactics and speeches; particularly, President Barack Obama would be the focal point of my analysis. President Barack Obama emerged as a charismatic figure of the American political scene. In 2004, then Senator Obama delivered a hopeful message during ... Show more content on ... Through in–depth analysis of his political career, an answer will manifest. If so, are these changes voluntary or involuntary? In addition, the purpose of shifting speech patterns will be investigated. For answering the first question, my data, a collection of speeches made by President Barack Obama, will allow me to analyze how a national politician may speak when going across the country. Analysis would involve deep looks into the speeches and transcribing of speech patterns. Such patterns may include changes in tone and pitch, hand gestures, selective vocabulary, etc. These processes are similar across the board as all of these questions would require the same looks into my data. To hypothesize, based on previous work in this course, I believe that the results will show a deliberate change of speech with Barack Obama's speeches. In order to gain votes from the people, one must pretend to be among the people. Significance Politicians compete every year for some level of power and authority. Voters grant such authority through a democratic system of elections. Simply, elections are popularity contest as voters look for the person who embodies the values they hold dear. Therefore, a politician fights to earn every vote which he/she possibly can. One of the most distinct ways to make connect with people is to speak the region's common language, whether that be a dialect or entirely different language than before. This idea leaves ... Get more on ...
  • 20. President Obama 's President Of The United States Ever since the beginning of time there has been a government. As mankind evolved so did the forms of government. Ancient Rome was a dictatorship, a form of government where one person was in charge. Great Britain was a Monarchy, a form of government where a royal family is in charge of the country. America is a Republic, a system of government were elected officials to make decisions for the people. It is that time again in America where the American people get to elect a new official, which America does every four years, for the task of being the President of the United States of America. The people have the honor of picking from the fantastic politicians who are running for it. President Barack Obama has made some bad decisions, but he ... Show more content on ... This is a good move from the Legislators because with such a high penalty and the risk of going to prison, they would most certainly convince most people to obtain a license for selling weapons in the legal boundaries of the law. Another thing that Barack Obama has done is put a ban on military style weapon. A military style weapon is anything that carries ten or more bullets per magazine ("President Obama's 2015 Executive Action"). This law makes it so that if someone is going to do a shooting of any kind it will make it harder for them to get a weapon like this, thus the person will have a harder time shooting and killing a whole group of unarmed citizens. Obama has also taken measures to protect the American citizens by giving the law enforcement agencies, school offices, and first responders training on how to handle an "active shooter" situation ,which is good for these people to know how to handle these situations to further prevent the loss of life on a larger scale ("President Obama's 2015 Executive Action"). While having tough gun control is important to save lives, what is equally important is how to handle the terror group Isis too. Obama is doing his part to battle Isis by keeping his promise to keep boots from returning to the ground in the middle east. While Trump supporters say that Trump is going to put 30,000 boots on the ground and that 's all that is needed to defeat this terror threat, that is however ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The History And Effect Of Media On Presidential Debates The History and Effect of Media on Presidential Debates Throughout American history, it is clear to point out the United States have elected presidents to stand as the countries' leader since the birth of the young nation. In most cases, the election is seen as a race between two parties even though there are others on the ballot. The vast majority usually did not know much about the other candidates until the turn of the century. Then, when media and information became easier to access it turned these elections into social media wars putting candidates at each other's throats. The best example of this is the current election and their unruly debates, but when these debates came about they were not as cutthroat as they are now. Media throughout the years has forever altered the way in which these debates have gone about and how the presidential candidates are perceived. Media has tarnished the way politics and debates are run today from how they began. The first debate took place between Lincoln and Douglas in 1858, which wasn't even a presidential debate; it was for the Illinois senate seat. That did not matter, those debates became known across the United States. The two men had seven debates in the state of Illinois each of which filled town squares with hoards of people, and even caught the national attention of readers who feasted on the reprints of the debates (Holzer, 2004). The debates were historical which allowed people to have a different way to view political ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Oj Simpson Informative Speech Kris Jenner is speaking out and revealing a lot about her friend Nicole Brown Simpson's murder that happened years ago. Now that the new show The People V. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story is out everyone is curious once again about what happened with OJ Simpson years ago. Radar Online is now sharing that Kris Jenner revealed that years ago OJ Simpson told her that he didn't do it. This is all from an interview years ago that Kris Jenner did for Good Morning America. ALWAYS listen to THE fam! Love lessons from the strong women in my life is on my app!!! – Khloé (@khloekardashian) February 1, 2016 In this clip, Kris Jenner revealed that she has been talking to OJ Simpson from jail. Here is what Kris revealed all those years ago. "I've talked to him a few times, he called me from jail. He wanted to talk to me, I've know him for 20 ... Show more content on ... Kris and her late husband Robert Kardashian were close friend with Nicole and OJ Simpson. They spent a lot of time together and Robert even helped OJ during his trial. ABC News shared how Kris Jenner felt about her ex–husband Robert actually defending OJ Simpson during his trial. This was a very difficult time for Kris Jenner because Robert was trying to keep OJ Simpson from going to jail. Jenner spoke out about how hard it all was for her and the family of Nicole Brown Simpson. "It was excruciating to see how painful it was for the families to hear them go over and over all the details of what had happened. It went on for so long. It was very stressful. We didn't know what the verdict was going to be. I couldn't breathe. When the [not guilty verdict] was read, everybody was stunned. I was just numb. And seeing the photos of [O.J. and his defense team] celebrating, it was hard. Losing her was something that I can never quite get over. But I will always have such love in my heart for Nicole. She is a part of my life that will be there ... Get more on ...
  • 23. What Is Gun Control Controversy Gun Control Controversy "Perhaps the most striking feature of the subject of politics is how prone it is to disagreement (Huemer, n.d.)". There are many things that strike up issues in our government; however, I believe the topic of gun control is a current frontrunner. Each person has a right to have and believe his or her own opinions; therefore, it is hard nowadays for our government to satisfy everyone. Political disagreement is something that will most likely continue forever. "What is going on with gun control?" you may ask. Or even, "What does gun control even mean?" President Barack Obama wants to enforce stricter gun rules. "His proposals focus on new background check requirements that will enhance the effectiveness of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), and greater education and enforcement efforts of existing laws at ... Show more content on ... "California also has no provision in its state constitution that explicitly guarantees an individual the right to keep and bear arms" (Daniels 2015). This just proves that having stricter rules does not create a safer environment. With California having some of the most restrictive gun laws, there were still people with guns who abused their power of ownership. There really is no way to prevent a mass shooting from occurring, nor is there a way to take guns away from everyone in the United States; it is just nearly impossible. There are too many people who own guns in this nation to enforce these strict rules. Instead, as a country, we should spend more time reflecting on how to use these potential weapons. If used correctly, guns can be without hazard to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Voter Apathy And Voting Apathy Essay Voter apathy Under the 15th amendment, there is a right to vote by every people who are the citizens of the United States even though; they are Latinos, African–American or Asian. Voting is the important issues in political process as well as for the people themselves to decide the upcoming government in election. Moreover that, immigrants citizen must be very concerned about voting as there are few candidate who shows interest in the favor of immigrants people. Among the immigrants, Hispanic or Latinos are the largest minority group i.e. 44.3 million or 15 percent according to the U.S. census bureau (2006) (Zulema Valdez). They got rights to choose a candidate as they can rely on for their needs to be fulfilled by that candidate. As shown, most of the Immigrants people are not utilizing their rights to vote even though, they are eligible to vote. Such kind of people who don't participate to vote in the election, known as a voter apathy as their lack of interest in voting. Voter apathy is one of the main factors that impact the political process making very large difference in the upcoming government. A group–based discrimination has been the reason behind the voter apathy affecting the political participation. The political incorporation of immigrants or Latinos group is caused by the group based on resources or by their own perception for the election that's the reason for not participating in the electoral political process which affect their political participation ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Barack Obama Outline Introduction Barack Obama, The 44th President of The United States Of America, Throughout the years, United States Presidency we saw a lot of different Presidents who sometimes achieved some great things in life and beat the odds in life. Barack was not the First minority to be selected for Presidency. His Campaign was bigger than Hillary Clinton's, he Prevailed a problem in the Economic Problems, Health Care, so much more he has Accomplished so much in this Country. In the end all of his hard work and dedication paid off as President over these 8 years in the White House. If i could say one thing to President Obama i would tell him thank you for helping our country and so much more things he has done with healthcare and obamacare ... Show more content on ... The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to choose our better history, to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea passed on from generation to generation: the God–given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness"( The American Presidency Project.) In his Speech he is quoting social issues in the world that needs to be changed and that would get changed while he was in office. He was stating that it's no time to play around and not do things it's time to finally put in work for the country and make history better instead of worst in the past years and that skin color doesn't matter in God's eyes we're all the same in the end no matter what you look like and whatever measure it takes we gonna find happiness in the end of it ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Higher Minimum Wage higher minimum wage means people are less likely to leave their jobs which means a low turnover rate. A low turnover rate means less expenses. When companies have a high turnover rate it means the company is constantly losing workers and having to hire new ones. Loss of employees means a slowdown in productivity and a limited pool for promotion to management positions. Companies that have a decreased turnover rate spend less money on training new employees and have skilled workers who have worked with the company for years. Companies with a high turnover rate spend money on new employees and training, and are paying their workers minimum wage. Companies with a high turnover rate spend more money on hiring new employees and this is passed onto ... Show more content on ... In Barak Obama's speech Obama stated . "Of course, nothing helps families make ends meet like higher wages... And to everyone in this congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you gruel believe you could work full time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest working people in America a raise" (Obama, State of the union address, Jan. 20, 2015) Obama pushed congress to raise minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents an hour. Obama wanted the minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents because people cannot depend on the minimum wage to support them independently. Obama told congress to try and live on fifteen thousand dollars a year. For most if not all congress members that would cut around ninety percent of their annual pay. The White House council of economic advisors believe more than thirty million minimum wage workers would benefit from a increase and be able to be financially stable. Around three million people working all hours of the day on minimum wage would be out of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Obamacare : A Good Or Bad Choice? United States is a country for it well known health care system. There are several health care systems that are currently aiding millions of Americans. For example, Medicare is one of them and Affordable Care Act or also known as the Obamacare is also another health care system that is taking an enormous part in our society. Obamacare was drafted and finally revealed to the public on 23rd March, 2010 by President Barack Obama ; however, this policy is still a pain in the guts for Americans up to this day. In other words, up to this period of time this policy is still being debated throughout the entire country whether that Americans deliberate it as a good or bad choice. Townhall and Huffingtonpost are the two media sources that each of them share a variety of different types of bias. "How Much You've Paid To Promote Obamacare: Way More Than President Obama Promise" and "More Proof That Anti–Obamacare States Desperately Need Obamacare" are the two articles in which define the true vision of political perspective have on liberal and conservative. The first kind of bias is placement, Baker who is the author of "Types of Media Bias" claimed that article's author tend to grab readers' attention with interesting title. According to Bake's idealistic, he stated, "Studies have shown that, in the case of the average newspaper reader ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Rhetorical Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address... Rhetorical Analysis of Barack Obama's Inaugural Address The inaugural address, spoken by President Barack Obama, was largely written by the 27 year old Jon Favreau. "What is Required: The Price & Promise of Citizenship" captured the audience of the American people, with Obama's natural ability to achieve praise without really saying anything. The country was told once again that we are in a crisis and that change is the answer. The speech teaches about Obama's thoughts on common defense, and Americans are then assured that our country's problems will be fixed, but that's up to us, the people. The words spoken by Obama bring hope; "Obama's aides have repeatedly referred to him as his own best speechwriter" through symbolism and ... Show more content on ... Obama tells us in his speech that crisis needs to be fixed by change. He even admits that some people don't believe his proposed actions are the answer to our problems. Obama tries to solve this by telling them his action's, which not stated, are the answer. This is a very poor attempt at persuasion on his part. The common defense is the next main focus of this speech. Life, and Liberty are the main topics here. Obama says that "America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman, and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more." And then he states that "We will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its people" But then says "for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you." Obama seems to have some trouble explaining what he wants to achieve. He says we as country are ready to lead, and protect our friends from any terror or slaughtering, and that we will defeat any one inducing terror. While Obama tells us that he will continue the trend of protecting our country and friends, he must be forgetting that he is the one that wants out of Iraq. So does he want to help our friends, the Iraqi people, or not? Contradictory statements won't answer that question. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Correlation Between Media And Politics If people from the 1800's were asked what the correlation between media and politics was many would think that there was no such thing. Back in the day people did not have all these advancements we have today. If candidates wanted to get elected they had to be in good terms with the public. If they wanted the votes they had to convince they were fit for the job. Media is defined as the main mean of communication. Everywhere a person goes they are bombarded with media. People watch movies, television, read the new paper, blogs and books. Media is all around us. In today's society everything revolves around technology. It is a good thing and a bad thing all at once. People don't really speak to each other anymore they either text or email ... Show more content on ... They rarely watch news because all the news they need are the ones who are on being announced on online. Since there is a large about of people who owns smartphones who also have a camera and a screen keyboard id they see something of their interest or something unusual happening they I'll probably whip out their phones and snap a quick picture. What happens when people do such thing is that they are creating bias. It is very difficult to be unbiased and be neutral. For example people on Facebook who do not like a candidate will post a status and go off on how they hate him or her and provide their own opinion. There are times were the person only goes off of what they heard. People are quick to judge a person why what they hear or by reading non–scholarly articles. A person has look for flaws in what they are consuming for example put yourself in the other person position. Seeing if the person is actually trustworthy and they are not spreading lies. The first thing many adults a tell teenagers is that not everything that they see in the internet is true. In politics today media is being used a lot more in presidential elections. The media has been helpful regarding getting information further to a greater audience. Although people do not agree with the fact that social media does not play a big role in today's election just because media doesn't have anything to do with politics. Media is no longer only used for personal ... Get more on ...
  • 30. President Obama 's President Of The United States In 1789, America saw the election of its first President, a man whom Americans could finally claim as their own after years of oppression by Great Britain, George Washington. The election of Washington symbolized the end of a period of confusion for America and the beginning of an unofficial precedent for the next 220 years. After Washington's term ended, forty–two Caucasian males held the title of the President of the United States of America until January 20, 2009. January 20, 2009 signified the culmination of 220 years of American tradition and the inception of a new era as Barack Hussein Obama assumed office, becoming the first African American in American history to do so. President Obama's inauguration was also monumental for the African–American community because never before had a black male simultaneously occupied the highest position in the United States government and society. Although President Obama earned the honorary title as President, we should also recognize and honor his many other accomplishments during Black History Month. In 1961, Obama entered the world as the child of a Caucasian American and a Kenyan American. First and foremost, Obama experienced a humbling childhood as his mother divorced twice, traveled to and from Indonesia, and occasionally received government assistance while he alternated between living with her and his grandparents. As Obama's childhood concluded, his genius and aptitude became more apparent when he graduated from a ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Barack Obama 's Presidential Plan Essay Obama's Presidential Plan President Obama has passed numerous laws concerning our environment and society for our well being. The President of the United States full name is Barack Hussein Obama born on August 4, 1961, in honolulu, hawaii. His mother, Ann Dunham, was born on an Army base in Wichita, kansas, during World War II. His father, barack Obama Sr., born in Nyanza, Kenya. Growing up Obama did not have a relationship with this father. When his son was an infant, Obama Sr. moved to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University. When their son was two years of age Ann and Obama Sr. got a divorce in March 1964. A year later Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, student from Hawaii who attends University of Hawaii. Later that year the family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, where Obama's half sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, born in 1970. At the age of 10, Obama was sent back to hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. Later, his mother and half sister joined him. While living with his grandparents, Obama enrolled in Punahou Academy. He showed talent in baseball and graduated with academic honors in 1979. Obama struggled with being one of only three black students at the school. Later, he described how he coped with social perception of his multicultural heritage. Eleven years later, on November 24, 1982, when Obama was 21 years old Obama Sr. died in a fatal car crash. After high school, Obama studied first at Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years. Transferring to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama's Pregural Speech In the year 2009, Barack Obama shares with us his first inauguration for him becoming the forty– fourth president. As Obama begins his presidency, it is a tradition to write an appealing speech that is professional for his audience. Obama writes this speech to let people know that we will not take for granted the acts people did for us to live together equally. During President Obama's inaugural speech, he remarked, "On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn–out dogmas that for too long have strangled our politicians". His use of "strangled our politics" is an example of using Argument is War metaphor which on a basic level asserts that there is a win or a loss, in case he refers to the past administration's politicians "fighting" against each other's political party as the winner, and the resulting "strangled politics" or influential political system being the loser. Obama's speech was hopeful towards his audience by his word choice being professional, shows emotional appeal, and demonstrates ethos logos, and pathos throughout his inaugural speech. Language/Tone In his speech one of the rhetorical moves Obama uses was echoing his word choice. Obama uses anaphora meaning using a word at the beginning of successive clauses. In his ninth paragraph, he repeats the word "to" to show an equal importance in the sentence. Obama states, "The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Obama 's First African American President Of The United... Barack Hussein Obama Jr, the first African American President of the United States, was born on August the 4th 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama's birth is considered as an important turning point for African American's in history, he was the first African American to serve as a United States president. Barack Obama is currently the 44th president of the United States. He was raised in a middle class family with education being the core of their lives and had very noble values. Obama was a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, he was elected the first African– American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama met Michelle Robinson in 1989 in Chicago's law firm of Sidley Austin as a summer associate and not too long after that they began to date. Obama was a civil rights attorney, community organizer in Chicago where he helped rebuild communities that was devastated by the closure of the local street plants and a teacher at University of Chicago Law School before pursuing a political career. The time Obama spent helping rebuild the communities he that this time of his life "the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School" (1). For Obama, he explains that from that experience is what contributed to finding his identity and forming the path that he has taken whilst in the white house. Barack Obama won the election in November 4th 2008 and then took office on January the 20th 2009, these two dates were significant days for America. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Barack Obama's Legacy In 1979, when Barack Obama graduated from high school and studied in Occidental College in Los Angeles, he then transferred to Columbia University in New York. He graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a degree in political science. Later on in 1988 Obama decided to go to Harvard Law School. A year after that he became a summers Associates in the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin. In February of 1990 Obama was the first African– American who was selected to be the editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama return to Chicago after he graduated from law school. He got a job as part–time at the University of Chicago Law School as a professor. In 2000, Obama made an attempt to run for the House of Representatives and failed, but in 2004 ... Show more content on ... He battled with the senator of New York, Hillary Clinton and also against John McCain. Hillary had lost against obama and was fully supporting Barack after her lose, so the only ones left was Barack Obama and John McCain. On November 14, 2008 Obama defeated the Republican John McCain, 52,9 percent to 42.7 percent, Obama was named the first African–American president and the 44th president of the United States. When Obama was officially the president in January 20, 2009, he was left with a lot of problems that America had and his goals was to fix them. In the inauguration speech, Obama said, "Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. but know this, America: They will be met." Obama did just that; the unemployment rate was 7.2 and Obama got it to 5.1 percent, at one point the gas price went down to $2.31, the uninsurance was 15% and he got it down to ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Wgu Ethical Leadership C206 Vot2 Task 1 Essay Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethical Leadership C206 April 4th, 2015 Ethical Lens and Dilemmas Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company. In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a particular ethical dilemma. Ethical Traits of President Obama My chosen leader for this ethics review is President Barack Obama. ... Show more content on ... While he could have chosen to get more done for the country by sacrificing some of ethics, especially concerning those in poverty, without healthcare coverage, and the ailing middle, he instead stoop up for these people, his beliefs, and the beliefs of the majority of his constituents that placed him in office and has won more for us. This has caused more death threats than any president in history and he can arguably to be said the most hated president of all time amongst conservative republicans. He is a shining example of standing firm to one's own moral and ethics. My Ethical Lens My preferred ethical lens falls under Rights and Responsibility. This means that I use logic to determine my actions and believe in a common set of rules that everyone should follow. I tend to believe in that if everyone's rights are respected that it will lead to a universal fairness or equality. This preferred ethical lens is typical of my workplace behavior. I believe that I am more group fairness oriented in my personal life, while still also holding steadfast to individual rights. Where I am the same between the workplace and my personal life is that I believe in a common set of rules that every person should follow. In my view this ultimately leads to order and equality for everyone. As outlined in my personal Ethical Lens Inventory my ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Barack Obama A Good Leader What makes a president such a great leader? Well we all know not everybody agrees with each other on whether or not we have a great president. For example, some might think that President Obama was a wonderful leader and did his job correctly. Others may think differently that Obama was not a successful leader and that he did not do his job right. There is no perfect president for everyone. To begin let's discover President Barack Obama's Birth. First he was born on August 4th, 1961 to Ann Dunham. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Ann Dunham was born on an army base in Wichita, Kansas, During World War II. After Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Ann's father, Stanley, enlisted in the military and marched across ... Show more content on ... President Obama was in a Democratic Party. His Secretary of State was John Kerry and his Secretary of Treasury was Jacob Lew. A key event of Barack Obama's presidency is when he signed the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. Not a single vote came from a Republican. In November of 2012, a Barack Obama signature moment was highlighted by his re–election. Obama won election into second term in 2012. This made President Barack Obama the seventeenth President to win two term elections. Finally, i wanted to tell you about peoples thoughts on Obama. Everyone has a different perception on whether or not he was a great president or not. Obama gave us great views in our country.President Obama also may have gave us bad views. He was not a perfect president. I would say he was a great president though. Overall, President Barack Obama did a great job on trying to make our country a better place. President Barack Obama worked as hard as he could. He may have made a few mistakes. President Barack Obama will be remembered as a great president. This was why President Barack Obama was and overall great ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Barack Obama Black Turnout Summary Mckee, S. C., M. V. Hood, and D. Hill. "Achieving Validation: Barack Obama and Black Turnout in 2008." State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12.1 (2012): 3–22. Web. This book examines the advancement of black leadership and politics since the Civil Rights Movement. It looks Barack Obama, from his time spent as a successful candidate for the Illinois State Senate to President of the United States, as part of the continuum of African American political leaders. Marable, Manning, and Kristen Clarke. Barack Obama and African American Empowerment: The Rise of Black America's New Leadership. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Print. In this study they examine the votes of African Americans the 2008 presidential election. They see the connection ... Show more content on ... Additional factors, in contrast, appear to have been less strong in this election than one would assume. Estimates of voter turnout indicate that African Americans cast ballots at unprecedented rates in the 2008 presidential election. Barack Obama was considered the first Black major party presidential nominee, and this would be no surprise. This text is a clear example of African Americans being heightened with interest, efficacy, and a sense of racial identity due to the candidacy of Barack Obama the main factor contributing to the surge in Black voter turnout. Teasley, M., and D. Ikard. "Barack Obama and the Politics of Race: The Myth of Postracism in America." Journal of Black Studies 40.3 (2009): 411–25. Web. This selection argues race has had a lot to due with the historic election of Barack Obama as the first African American president of the United States. Despite this claim about the direction of race relations in this country, there seems to be a disconnection. Obama's campaign tended to focus on symbolic capital of "hope" that Obama's presidency constitutes for the Black community, this article reveals the thinking of the African American population that I believe is substantial to my research. This article also offers the idea of post racial thinking in America before and after the 2012 presidential ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Machiavelli The Prince Research Paper ¨Every prince ought to desire to be considered compassionate and not cruel.¨ Notice in this quote from Niccolo Machiavelli's ¨The Prince¨ the word ¨considered¨ is used, rather than something more firm or nothing at all. The point Machiavelli is making is that as a ruler, one must only look like a kind person rather than actually being one. Machiavelli expresses multiple times in his writing that when ruling, using fear is safe and easy to maintain while using love can be messy and full of expectations to uphold. To Machiavelli, the goal is for the ruler to show compassion while still keeping his fear factor, which will help him have an easier time maintaining power. That probably worked when a select few held all the power. In the modern world however, there are more rulers than just Machiavelli's princes and in most cases it is better to show love rather than to incite fear because the power is now in the hands of the people. A prime example ... Show more content on ... Being a parent is about taking sides and finding the common ground to help their children grow into fully functioning members of society. In doing so, parents should not hope for their children to fear them more than they love them, but they also have to command a certain respect that will keep their children in line. Respect is different than fear because when it goes both ways, it can create a stable relationship. If both sides fear each other it is more likely to form an unsafe relationship, for instance two countries racing to produce more weapons out of fear of the other country having more. Unlike fear, respect comes from admiration and acknowledgement of someone's abilities and actions; it's not threatening or frightening like fear is. Fear can create an unstable relationship between a parent and a child and will ultimately cause more problems, while love can help both the parent and their children live with mutual devotion and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Barack Obam The Audacity Of Hope Synopsis Barack Obama was born in Honolulu,Hawaii on August 4,1961.Barack Obama had a busy life going to college like Harvard for law school. Obama worked at a law firm in Chicago and met Michelle Robinson. They married and had two daughter's. In 1996 Obama ran for state senate for Illinois and won. In 2004 Obama ran for President and won. In 2005 Obama was sworn in as the first African–American President of the United States. Character Traits Obama helped low income residents and set up job training programs. Obama wrote two books. One book was a story of Race and Inheritance, and the other was called The Audacity of Hope, which was about his vision ... Get more on ...