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Pente Grammai is an ancient Greek board game, played with
two opposing players and involves the rolling of dice (values 1-
6) in order to traverse the board in a counter-clockwise manner.
Figure 1. Initial Setup
Figure 2. Playable Squares
The initial setup for Pente Grammai is illustrated in Figure 1,
with the green circles representing player 1, and red circles
player 2. The figure also illustrates how the players can traverse
the board, with both red and green moving in the direction of
the arrows, based on a die roll at the beginning of the turn. Each
player can choose to move a single piece, with the only
restriction being that the piece can’t land on an occupied
While the player follows the arrows, the space where the red
and green circles are placed in Figure 1, are not the only
playable ones. As illustrated by Figure 2 in yellow, the squares
along the two vertical lines are also playable. These serve as
extra spots for the square at the base of the vertical line. Thus,
if the rightmost red piece in Figure 1, rolls a three, the piece
would land at the base of the top vertical line. Since the base
square is already occupied, the red piece will be placed at the
next empty spot on the vertical line. Moving a piece to the
vertical line is only possible if a piece is supposed to land at the
base of the line.
The line filled with yellow circles in Figure 2, is called the
sacred line. If a piece lands there, the player earns an extra turn
with a new die roll. It is possible to play several turns in a row
if a player keeps landing on the sacred line.
A player is obligated to play on his turn, if a legal move is
possible. An illegal move constitutes moving to an occupied
spot. If no legal moves are available, then the player can forfeit
his turn.
Example Turn:
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 3
In Figure 3, it is the red player’s turn and a 2 has been rolled.
With most regular squares occupied, red only has two options
which involve moving to either the top or bottom sacred line.
The two moves are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5.
For Figure 4, the base is empty so the red piece can safely move
there. For Figure 5, the base spot is occupied by a green square,
but since the sacred line is effectively a collection of extra
spaces for the base, red can move to the next empty spot on the
top sacred line.
Victory Conditions:
If a player places all of his pieces on the sacred line opposite
from his starting position, then he wins. Based on Figure 1, red
needs to move his pieces to the top sacred line, while green’s
goal is bottom sacred line.
Problem Description:
You are to implement the game of Pente Grammai, as described
in the section above, for two human players. The game should
not permit illegal moves. You must implement three ADTs, one
for a player, one for the board, and one for the referee.
Additional ADTs are allowed, but you must implement a
minimum of three ADTs.
Figure 6
1. 3 ADTs (Player, Board, Referee)
2. Piece Movement
3. Player Turn Coordination
4. Score Display at each Turn
5. Illegal Move Check
6. Allow turn forfeiting, only when no legal moves available
7. Player Wins with score of 5
The game starts with all pieces on the board. Figure 6 illustrates
the initial piece positions. At each turn, your program should
prompt the appropriate player, to select a piece, and display the
score. Each piece in the target sacred line counts as one point,
for a maximum of five points which indicates a win. You should
also display the score. The program should accept both upper
and lower-case input.
Originally, a player’s pieces are identical. While you can
implement a coordinate-based input scheme, the non-square
shape of the board would make this non-intuitive, and it is
recommended that you assign numbers for player 1’s pieces
(1,2,3,4,5) and letters for player 2’s pieces (A, B, C, D, E).
If an incorrect move is inputted (selecting an opponent’s piece,
illegal move) the program should recognize the error and
continue to request correct input until the user provides it.
When a player wins, the game should stop and a message
indicating which player is victorious must be printed on the
Note: Accompanying tutorial and project description videos
have been provided on blackboard
Tip: When designing the structure of your ADTs, it is useful to
think in terms of designing a player’s A.I., in order to see how
the ADTs should interact. Your Referee should act as an
interface between player and board, and not allow the player to
cheat (player setting his own score, making illegal moves, etc.)
Example Output:
M1 55 Guidelines
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Briefly summarize, in about two to three sentences, at least five
resources that you will use in your final project.
Explain how you anticipate each resource will contribute to
your final project.
Tips: The following list includes some great resources to start
your search for resources.
The World Health Organization (WHO) website is an
authoritative resource for gathering health statistics and other
relevant information.
The International Labor Organization (ILO) database has a
wealth of information on factory conditions. For example,
browse their Statistics and Databases website or search for
specific terms such as “Bangladesh” and “garment factory” in
the search box. Remember, you are looking at the many
determinants of health, and these include things such as the
environment and working conditions
M1 54 Guidelines
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Introduction: Choose an environmental health topic with your
instructor’s approval to use as the basis for your analysis and
recommendations paper.
A. Briefly introduce your chosen topic. Be sure to explain why
it is considered an environmental hazard or threat to
environmental health, and provide evidence to support your
B. Cite current literature on this environmental hazard by
summarizing the articles that you selected to research your
C. Assess the scientific value of each of the sources you cited.
In other words, how credible do you feel each of the sources
you have selected is for your research on this topic? Be sure to
justify your reasoning.
D. What are the key points you drew from each of these sources,
and from which section(s) of the article or paper did you cull
M1 55
Ahmed, F.W. (2018). A Critical Analysis of Bangladesh
National Tuberculosis Control Program.
Retrieved from
This article describes several weaknesses and major challenges
of the NTP (The National Tuberculosis Control Program). The
program is believed to be an overall success given its many
strengths with possible opportunities. Though this program has
made progress providing diagnosis, treatment, and controlling
of the disease is still a major impediment. This article is useful
to my final paper because it broadens my horizon to different
programs that are fighting to combat TB.
Nathavitharana, R., Daru, P., Barrera, A.E. (2017). FAST
Implementation in Bangladesh: High Frequency of Unsuspected
Tuberculosis Justifies Challenges of Scale Up.
Retrieved from
The focus of this article is to present operational data and
discuss the challenges of implementing FAST (Find cases
Actively, separate safely and Treat effectively) as a TB
transmission control strategy. FAST was implemented
sequentially at three hospitals. Knowing the challenges that
certain programs face is helpful to understand just how hard it
is to reach a group of people suffering from this epidemic.
WHO (World Health Organization). (2019). The Philippines
Department of Health and WHO call for 'all-out-war' against TB
The main aim of this report is to provide a comprehensive and
updated assessment of the TB epidemic, progress in prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of the disease at global, and regional
levels. WHO is always a great resource to turn to because it
covers a wide range of public health issues throughout the
Vassall, A. (2015). Bangladesh Perspectives: Tuberculosis.
This presentation alerts us on how tuberculosis is plaguing the
working people of Bangladesh. It gives us an insight on how
many people are affected and the rates of death coming from
this frequent disease. There are treatments for TB, but it is hard
to diagnose because many people are not aware of the symptoms
they experience. It tells us how tricky this situation is, being
that TB is treatable, but it can take so long for the treatments to
work and people the treated are exposed to may have the disease
without knowing; counteracting the treatments.
Islam, Q. S., Islam, M. A., Islam, S., Ahmed, S.M.. Prevention
and control of tuberculosis in workplaces: how knowledgeable
are the workers in Bangladesh?
This study aimed to fill-in this knowledge gap. A cross-
sectional survey was done in multiple workplaces like garment
factories, jute mills, bidi/tobacco factories, flour mills, and
steel mills using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Data was
collected from 4800 workers in face-to-face interview helping
to give an insight on how the workers deal with having or being
exposed to this disease.
DBQ 55
After considerable deliberation of the information presented, I
stand in agreement with Evelyn Bonabone’s decision to seek the
assistance of Nahayo, the neighboring village healer. Important
to reaching this conclusion, it proved necessary to view this
case through the lens of Bonabone, which is vastly different
from that of a Westerns lens. Considerations include cultural
conditioning, tradition, rituals, practices, myths, and a distrust
of Western medicine. Two additional elements that factor into
my support is the history of ‘false teeth’ and the fact that “in
some African countries 80 percent of people consider traditional
healers their primary caregivers” (Borrell, 2014, para, 11).
Although new to Uganda (1979), the procedure to treat ‘false
teeth’ (aka teething) has roots dating back as early as 1839
(Borrell, 2013). Thus, it is often difficult to erase historical
medical misconceptions; especially, in developing countries.
As Westerns, it’s tradition to seek the medical attention of a
physician when warranted; thus, as children, we are conditioned
to maintain this practice as individuals and parents. The same is
true of African population except their cultural conditioning
directs them to seek the services of a traditional healer.
Essentially, their faith in traditional healer’s parallels Westerns
faith in doctors to treat, heal or cure our ills. When framing
Uganda’s distrust of Western medicine, it’s important to
highlight the fact that the Tuskegee Syphilis Study that began in
1932 and ran through 1972 (40 years). Notably, this study
resulted in the mistrust “between African Americans and the
biomedical professions; it is argued that the Study is a
significant factor in the low participation of African Americans
in clinical trials, organ donation efforts, and routine preventive
care (Tuskegee Syphilis Study Legacy Committee, 1996, para.
2). Thus, when Western medicine creates lingering mistrust
among a specific U.S. population, it makes it easier to
understand how distrust can spill over borders. Admittedly, the
distrust of the Uganda people does not correlate with this study,
it’s provided to showcase the challenges of changing views and
gaining trust in matters of medicine. In closing, I would argue
that with time, conditioning, and education, further
development in African countries will resulting in their
evolvement. Thus, resulting in the transition and adoption of
modern medicine and a move away from traditional healers.
Borrell, B. (2013). Magic or Medicine. Retrieved from
Tuskegee Syphilis Study Legacy Committee. (1996). Bad blood:
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Retrieved from
M1 54
Exposure to mercury is widespread in our environment, Centers
for Disease Control (CDC) data shows that most people have
blood mercury levels below levels associated with possible
health effects ( 2017). Mercury is a neurotoxin that can
affect a person’s health however that depends on several
factors. These factors include the age of the person exposed,
how the exposure occurs, length of exposure, co-morbidities of
the person exposed, the amount of exposure and the form of
mercury exposed. There are various forms of mercury and they
differ in the effects that it has on the human body as well as the
degree of toxicity. The elemental form of mercury naturally
occurs in the earth’s crust, occupational exposure to mercury
occurs during industrial processes and this happens in its
inorganic form. Methylmercury also known as organic mercury
is the most common form of mercury exposure in the United
States because the fish and shellfish that is consumed contains
higher levels of methylmercury. Ethyl mercury is used as a
vaccine preservative and it is also said to not pose any health
risks however some may argue that the high levels of ethyl
mercury found in vaccines may be linked to the 237 percent
increase in Autism cases from 1987-1998 in
California(Watanabe,C., & Satoh, H. 1996). The World Health
Organization (WHO) considers mercury to be one of the top ten
chemicals or group of chemicals that pose a major public health
The first article that I selected to further explore the
environmental effects of mercury looked at the evolution of our
understanding of methylmercury as a health threat. This article
examined earlier literature on Minamata Disease that occurred
along the Minamata Bay in Kyush, Japan in the 1956 as a result
of contaminated methylmercury discharged in waste water from
a chemical plant. It also looked at in utero exposure to
methylmercury and the effects it may have on the nervous
systems of developing fetuses and lastly the article compared
human and animal data and the effects methylmercury have on
their nervous systems in utero.
The second article that I selected examined all of the literature
from 2012-present that addressed mercury and methylmercury
as it relates to human health. The results of the literature search
resulted in 514 relevant published papers that looked at ten
different areas of mercury exposure which is considered to be a
more current and comprehensive literature review that looks at
multiple factors of mercury exposure. The key points drawn
from the first article are the long-term effects of the outbreak of
Minamata disease in the Moms and their unborn children, the
effects of a pregnant woman eating fish more than three times a
week as it relates to the higher instance of abnormal results
from the Denver Developmental Screening Test on their babies.
Discussed in section five of the second article addressed the
fact that based on the results of their literature review,
healthcare professionals and researchers need to work more
closely together to help fill the gaps in knowledge as it relates
to mercury exposure.
Health Effects of exposure to Mercury, Environmental
Protection Agency, 2017 retrieved from:
Ha, E., Basu, N., Bose-O’Reilly, S., Dórea, J. G., McSorley, E.,
Sakamoto, M., & Chan, H. M. (2017). Current progress on
understanding the impact of mercury on human
health. Environmental Research, 152419-433.
Watanabe,C., & Satoh, H. (1996). Evolution of our
understanding of methylmercury as a health threat.
Environmental Health Perspective, 104 Suppl 367-379
Journal 55
When it comes to sex selective abortion the thought of it is
abhorrent and it is absurd to abort a child because of an
uncontrollable element. In countries such as China, having male
children are preferred because they have a higher wage-earning
capacity (especially in agrarian economies), they continue the
family line and they usually take responsibility for care of
parents in illness and old age (CMAJ, 2011).
There may be some positive aspects of this easy access to sex
selection. Access to prenatal sex determination probably results
in an increase in the proportion of wanted births, leading to less
discrimination against girls and lower female mortality (CMAJ,
2011). Also, it has been argued that an imbalance in the sex
ratio could be a means to help to reduce growth in the
population (CMAJ, 2011). It’s said to be thought that as
numbers of women in society fall, they become more highly
valued and their social status increases. Not only will this
benefit the women’s self-esteem and mental health, but also
their well-being overall.
Sex selective abortion can be extremely empowering for women
attempting to have a son and experiencing pressure to fulfil
their “womanly duty” by having a male child. Through choosing
to terminate a pregnancy when the fetus is female or to carry on
with it if the fetus is male, women in many Asian societies can
gain legitimacy, earn recognition and acquire status in their
family and community (Taylor and Francis, 2002). By using sex
selective abortion, women may avoid having more children than
they want and thus limit the size of their family (Taylor and
Francis, 2002).
This practice isn’t something that every one may agree with, but
it has proven to be useful in countries that are firmly dependent
on their male counterparts to maintain their households and
daily life.

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Background Pente Grammai is an ancient Greek board game, pl

  • 1. Background: Pente Grammai is an ancient Greek board game, played with two opposing players and involves the rolling of dice (values 1- 6) in order to traverse the board in a counter-clockwise manner. Figure 1. Initial Setup Figure 2. Playable Squares Rules: The initial setup for Pente Grammai is illustrated in Figure 1, with the green circles representing player 1, and red circles player 2. The figure also illustrates how the players can traverse the board, with both red and green moving in the direction of the arrows, based on a die roll at the beginning of the turn. Each player can choose to move a single piece, with the only restriction being that the piece can’t land on an occupied square. While the player follows the arrows, the space where the red and green circles are placed in Figure 1, are not the only playable ones. As illustrated by Figure 2 in yellow, the squares along the two vertical lines are also playable. These serve as extra spots for the square at the base of the vertical line. Thus, if the rightmost red piece in Figure 1, rolls a three, the piece would land at the base of the top vertical line. Since the base square is already occupied, the red piece will be placed at the next empty spot on the vertical line. Moving a piece to the vertical line is only possible if a piece is supposed to land at the base of the line.
  • 2. The line filled with yellow circles in Figure 2, is called the sacred line. If a piece lands there, the player earns an extra turn with a new die roll. It is possible to play several turns in a row if a player keeps landing on the sacred line. A player is obligated to play on his turn, if a legal move is possible. An illegal move constitutes moving to an occupied spot. If no legal moves are available, then the player can forfeit his turn. Example Turn: Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 3 In Figure 3, it is the red player’s turn and a 2 has been rolled. With most regular squares occupied, red only has two options which involve moving to either the top or bottom sacred line. The two moves are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. For Figure 4, the base is empty so the red piece can safely move there. For Figure 5, the base spot is occupied by a green square, but since the sacred line is effectively a collection of extra spaces for the base, red can move to the next empty spot on the top sacred line. Victory Conditions: If a player places all of his pieces on the sacred line opposite from his starting position, then he wins. Based on Figure 1, red
  • 3. needs to move his pieces to the top sacred line, while green’s goal is bottom sacred line. Problem Description: You are to implement the game of Pente Grammai, as described in the section above, for two human players. The game should not permit illegal moves. You must implement three ADTs, one for a player, one for the board, and one for the referee. Additional ADTs are allowed, but you must implement a minimum of three ADTs. Figure 6 Tasks: 1. 3 ADTs (Player, Board, Referee) 2. Piece Movement 3. Player Turn Coordination 4. Score Display at each Turn 5. Illegal Move Check 6. Allow turn forfeiting, only when no legal moves available 7. Player Wins with score of 5 The game starts with all pieces on the board. Figure 6 illustrates the initial piece positions. At each turn, your program should prompt the appropriate player, to select a piece, and display the score. Each piece in the target sacred line counts as one point, for a maximum of five points which indicates a win. You should
  • 4. also display the score. The program should accept both upper and lower-case input. Originally, a player’s pieces are identical. While you can implement a coordinate-based input scheme, the non-square shape of the board would make this non-intuitive, and it is recommended that you assign numbers for player 1’s pieces (1,2,3,4,5) and letters for player 2’s pieces (A, B, C, D, E). If an incorrect move is inputted (selecting an opponent’s piece, illegal move) the program should recognize the error and continue to request correct input until the user provides it. When a player wins, the game should stop and a message indicating which player is victorious must be printed on the screen. Note: Accompanying tutorial and project description videos have been provided on blackboard Tip: When designing the structure of your ADTs, it is useful to think in terms of designing a player’s A.I., in order to see how the ADTs should interact. Your Referee should act as an interface between player and board, and not allow the player to cheat (player setting his own score, making illegal moves, etc.) Example Output:
  • 5. M1 55 Guidelines Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Briefly summarize, in about two to three sentences, at least five resources that you will use in your final project. Explain how you anticipate each resource will contribute to your final project. Tips: The following list includes some great resources to start your search for resources. The World Health Organization (WHO) website is an authoritative resource for gathering health statistics and other relevant information. The International Labor Organization (ILO) database has a wealth of information on factory conditions. For example, browse their Statistics and Databases website or search for specific terms such as “Bangladesh” and “garment factory” in the search box. Remember, you are looking at the many determinants of health, and these include things such as the environment and working conditions M1 54 Guidelines Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Introduction: Choose an environmental health topic with your instructor’s approval to use as the basis for your analysis and recommendations paper. A. Briefly introduce your chosen topic. Be sure to explain why it is considered an environmental hazard or threat to environmental health, and provide evidence to support your response. B. Cite current literature on this environmental hazard by summarizing the articles that you selected to research your topic. C. Assess the scientific value of each of the sources you cited. In other words, how credible do you feel each of the sources
  • 6. you have selected is for your research on this topic? Be sure to justify your reasoning. D. What are the key points you drew from each of these sources, and from which section(s) of the article or paper did you cull them? M1 55 Ahmed, F.W. (2018). A Critical Analysis of Bangladesh National Tuberculosis Control Program. Retrieved from critical-analysis-of-bangladesh-national-tuberculosis-control- program.pdf This article describes several weaknesses and major challenges of the NTP (The National Tuberculosis Control Program). The program is believed to be an overall success given its many strengths with possible opportunities. Though this program has made progress providing diagnosis, treatment, and controlling of the disease is still a major impediment. This article is useful to my final paper because it broadens my horizon to different programs that are fighting to combat TB. Nathavitharana, R., Daru, P., Barrera, A.E. (2017). FAST Implementation in Bangladesh: High Frequency of Unsuspected Tuberculosis Justifies Challenges of Scale Up. Retrieved from The focus of this article is to present operational data and discuss the challenges of implementing FAST (Find cases Actively, separate safely and Treat effectively) as a TB transmission control strategy. FAST was implemented sequentially at three hospitals. Knowing the challenges that certain programs face is helpful to understand just how hard it is to reach a group of people suffering from this epidemic. WHO (World Health Organization). (2019). The Philippines Department of Health and WHO call for 'all-out-war' against TB The main aim of this report is to provide a comprehensive and updated assessment of the TB epidemic, progress in prevention,
  • 7. diagnosis and treatment of the disease at global, and regional levels. WHO is always a great resource to turn to because it covers a wide range of public health issues throughout the nation. Vassall, A. (2015). Bangladesh Perspectives: Tuberculosis. This presentation alerts us on how tuberculosis is plaguing the working people of Bangladesh. It gives us an insight on how many people are affected and the rates of death coming from this frequent disease. There are treatments for TB, but it is hard to diagnose because many people are not aware of the symptoms they experience. It tells us how tricky this situation is, being that TB is treatable, but it can take so long for the treatments to work and people the treated are exposed to may have the disease without knowing; counteracting the treatments. Islam, Q. S., Islam, M. A., Islam, S., Ahmed, S.M.. Prevention and control of tuberculosis in workplaces: how knowledgeable are the workers in Bangladesh? This study aimed to fill-in this knowledge gap. A cross- sectional survey was done in multiple workplaces like garment factories, jute mills, bidi/tobacco factories, flour mills, and steel mills using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Data was collected from 4800 workers in face-to-face interview helping to give an insight on how the workers deal with having or being exposed to this disease. DBQ 55 After considerable deliberation of the information presented, I stand in agreement with Evelyn Bonabone’s decision to seek the assistance of Nahayo, the neighboring village healer. Important to reaching this conclusion, it proved necessary to view this case through the lens of Bonabone, which is vastly different from that of a Westerns lens. Considerations include cultural conditioning, tradition, rituals, practices, myths, and a distrust of Western medicine. Two additional elements that factor into my support is the history of ‘false teeth’ and the fact that “in some African countries 80 percent of people consider traditional
  • 8. healers their primary caregivers” (Borrell, 2014, para, 11). Although new to Uganda (1979), the procedure to treat ‘false teeth’ (aka teething) has roots dating back as early as 1839 (Borrell, 2013). Thus, it is often difficult to erase historical medical misconceptions; especially, in developing countries. As Westerns, it’s tradition to seek the medical attention of a physician when warranted; thus, as children, we are conditioned to maintain this practice as individuals and parents. The same is true of African population except their cultural conditioning directs them to seek the services of a traditional healer. Essentially, their faith in traditional healer’s parallels Westerns faith in doctors to treat, heal or cure our ills. When framing Uganda’s distrust of Western medicine, it’s important to highlight the fact that the Tuskegee Syphilis Study that began in 1932 and ran through 1972 (40 years). Notably, this study resulted in the mistrust “between African Americans and the biomedical professions; it is argued that the Study is a significant factor in the low participation of African Americans in clinical trials, organ donation efforts, and routine preventive care (Tuskegee Syphilis Study Legacy Committee, 1996, para. 2). Thus, when Western medicine creates lingering mistrust among a specific U.S. population, it makes it easier to understand how distrust can spill over borders. Admittedly, the distrust of the Uganda people does not correlate with this study, it’s provided to showcase the challenges of changing views and gaining trust in matters of medicine. In closing, I would argue that with time, conditioning, and education, further development in African countries will resulting in their evolvement. Thus, resulting in the transition and adoption of modern medicine and a move away from traditional healers. References
  • 9. Borrell, B. (2013). Magic or Medicine. Retrieved from entangled-in-uganda Tuskegee Syphilis Study Legacy Committee. (1996). Bad blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Retrieved from M1 54 Exposure to mercury is widespread in our environment, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data shows that most people have blood mercury levels below levels associated with possible health effects ( 2017). Mercury is a neurotoxin that can affect a person’s health however that depends on several factors. These factors include the age of the person exposed, how the exposure occurs, length of exposure, co-morbidities of the person exposed, the amount of exposure and the form of mercury exposed. There are various forms of mercury and they differ in the effects that it has on the human body as well as the degree of toxicity. The elemental form of mercury naturally occurs in the earth’s crust, occupational exposure to mercury occurs during industrial processes and this happens in its inorganic form. Methylmercury also known as organic mercury is the most common form of mercury exposure in the United States because the fish and shellfish that is consumed contains higher levels of methylmercury. Ethyl mercury is used as a vaccine preservative and it is also said to not pose any health risks however some may argue that the high levels of ethyl mercury found in vaccines may be linked to the 237 percent increase in Autism cases from 1987-1998 in California(Watanabe,C., & Satoh, H. 1996). The World Health Organization (WHO) considers mercury to be one of the top ten chemicals or group of chemicals that pose a major public health concern. The first article that I selected to further explore the environmental effects of mercury looked at the evolution of our
  • 10. understanding of methylmercury as a health threat. This article examined earlier literature on Minamata Disease that occurred along the Minamata Bay in Kyush, Japan in the 1956 as a result of contaminated methylmercury discharged in waste water from a chemical plant. It also looked at in utero exposure to methylmercury and the effects it may have on the nervous systems of developing fetuses and lastly the article compared human and animal data and the effects methylmercury have on their nervous systems in utero. The second article that I selected examined all of the literature from 2012-present that addressed mercury and methylmercury as it relates to human health. The results of the literature search resulted in 514 relevant published papers that looked at ten different areas of mercury exposure which is considered to be a more current and comprehensive literature review that looks at multiple factors of mercury exposure. The key points drawn from the first article are the long-term effects of the outbreak of Minamata disease in the Moms and their unborn children, the effects of a pregnant woman eating fish more than three times a week as it relates to the higher instance of abnormal results from the Denver Developmental Screening Test on their babies. Discussed in section five of the second article addressed the fact that based on the results of their literature review, healthcare professionals and researchers need to work more closely together to help fill the gaps in knowledge as it relates to mercury exposure.
  • 11. References: Health Effects of exposure to Mercury, Environmental Protection Agency, 2017 retrieved from: Ha, E., Basu, N., Bose-O’Reilly, S., Dórea, J. G., McSorley, E., Sakamoto, M., & Chan, H. M. (2017). Current progress on understanding the impact of mercury on human health. Environmental Research, 152419-433. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2016.06.042 Watanabe,C., & Satoh, H. (1996). Evolution of our understanding of methylmercury as a health threat. Environmental Health Perspective, 104 Suppl 367-379 Journal 55 When it comes to sex selective abortion the thought of it is abhorrent and it is absurd to abort a child because of an uncontrollable element. In countries such as China, having male children are preferred because they have a higher wage-earning capacity (especially in agrarian economies), they continue the family line and they usually take responsibility for care of parents in illness and old age (CMAJ, 2011). There may be some positive aspects of this easy access to sex selection. Access to prenatal sex determination probably results in an increase in the proportion of wanted births, leading to less discrimination against girls and lower female mortality (CMAJ, 2011). Also, it has been argued that an imbalance in the sex ratio could be a means to help to reduce growth in the population (CMAJ, 2011). It’s said to be thought that as numbers of women in society fall, they become more highly valued and their social status increases. Not only will this benefit the women’s self-esteem and mental health, but also their well-being overall. Sex selective abortion can be extremely empowering for women attempting to have a son and experiencing pressure to fulfil their “womanly duty” by having a male child. Through choosing
  • 12. to terminate a pregnancy when the fetus is female or to carry on with it if the fetus is male, women in many Asian societies can gain legitimacy, earn recognition and acquire status in their family and community (Taylor and Francis, 2002). By using sex selective abortion, women may avoid having more children than they want and thus limit the size of their family (Taylor and Francis, 2002). This practice isn’t something that every one may agree with, but it has proven to be useful in countries that are firmly dependent on their male counterparts to maintain their households and daily life.