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B1: progression – Evaluation
Research into future options
A big part of progression in B1 was researching into UCAS and potential future
career paths. With that I create three blogger posts about my inspirations into
the career I am currently working towards and well as possible areas into
working in the media industry and how it might work out for me and seeing if its
what I’m looking for. Finally, I researched and produced a post about academic
searching where I discussed possible higher educations options for me to take
after college and seeing how each one differs and what I would need to access
these courses in the first place.
Firstly, looking at my inspirations post this was a crucial post because I wanted
to talk about my inspirations as a whole and why I wanted to get into the media
industry and with these directors I discussed why they inspired me? And how did
they get there start in the media industry? And finally, why I want to go into the
media industry. This post was a crucial step to building my own brand within the
media seeing how other famous directors get their work or how they do it was
such a key step to learning my own skills and basing and learning of these
amazing directors. Looking at the research I have done into my inspiration has
made me realise how much these directors have influenced me into the media
and digital world, I have picked up notes from each one in editing, style, format
and more, each director made me fall in love with the media world and the
making of film itself,
Secondly looking at working in the media industry I created three separate
PowerPoints into employment within the media industry, apprenticeship search
and finally careers. Each PowerPoint was a step to learning into each area before
researching I had no clue of the market out there today and areas to investigate,
looking into three separate areas has helped me massively into understanding
and potentially creating a career for myself.
Firstly looking at employment into the industry post I researched into being a
director of photography for the media industry and researched around that,
firstly talking about a couple of inspirations within the line of work I want to
work in I talked about Roger Deakins, Wally Pfister and Janusz Kaminski all
famous very cinematographer’s who have worked on massive films such as
prisoners, blade runner 2049, dark knight trilogy, jaws and more I talked about
what being a cinematographer means to me and what I could do in the media
industry within that role. I also researched into companies I could work for
which were Fullwell 73, warp films and working title all very in-depth companies
who have produced and released famous and iconic films I researched into each
and how each one differs from the last. I also talked about what skills I would
need to be get into a career as a DOP. Looking at possible jobs within all of my
research, employment has been a key part of my development into media and my
blog within building a future career plan.
Secondly looking at my apprenticeship search post. I started with
apprenticeship’s I could find and what was suited to me, the one I was interested
in and found was an IT support apprentice at the foundation of light within this
job I would help maintain issue logs throughout different computer systems as
well as installing and configuring hardware. I would be upgrading and replacing
certain equipment. I looked into what grades/qualifications I would need to get
into this apprenticeship and if certain apprenticeships were more lenient than
others. I researched into more information on the IT apprenticeship such as
things like starting times, salary, working week times, apprentice level and
annual wage this was important to factor in because on paper all apprenticeships
sounds good but researching into travel, wage and more was a key part of seeing
if this apprenticeship would work for me. I researched into companies that were
offering suitable apprenticeship’s and found three main companies, royal navy,
indeed and I researched into what each does and how each differ from
each other and what apprenticeships/choices there were all offering this was
important to see what company was best for me to finding apprenticeships.
Finally, I researched into skills and experience needed for a following an
apprenticeship I learned that the average around most apprenticeships is a GCSE
4 for maths and English this is good because it means most apprenticeships are
accessible to me. Researching into apprenticeship’s was a good step for my
growth in media and understanding what I want to do in the future, researching
into apprenticeship’s has ruled out the possibility of me wanting one I would
rather go into higher education/university or go straight into work I think these
two options are more suited to me and what I’m accessible to.
In this blog post I talked about employment search and what line of work I
would like to go and suited to me. I talked about 3 main options within media and
content creation detailing what these job offers and the risk’s it comes with
because of the job itself. I talked about YouTube and twitch and how there are
possible job ideas for me, going over what I like about possible working a job
within these two but also talking about finance, risks, income, time, dedication,
long time plan and sustainability I came to the conclusion that both are good
options but very risky because I wouldn’t not be making income for a long time
and when I do its determine on view count and subscribers these factors alone
make it a dangerous job to consider without back up. I also talked about Media
Savvy which is a local business media company revolving around digital content
creation and branding. This is something I would love to do since I am currently
working there as ‘work experience’ and I think it would be a great option in the
future for a possible media-based career.
This leads to my final onto discussing my academic search and experience
with UCAS and applying to university. This is the option I want to go with
because I would love to go into higher education, this is something that is for me
not only because I want to expand on my skillset but my professional goal into
the media industry as a whole and University’s would help me, with that u did
some research into UCAS and point research for each separate courses I was
wanting to potentially go to in the future I selected 5 main courses each one
corresponding to me and what I love about media, I selected 5 because I wanted
multiple in case I couldn’t afford/go to one university so I could have more than
one option, These options were university of Sunderland university, Teesside
university, Northumbria university, Newcastle, the northern school of art,
Newcastle university. These are the closest options around the country so I
though it would be best to pick these options and look into the courses info with
that, I love editing and making films so all of these courses have media
production which is something I want to tap into. This was a crucial step to
research into because it has allowed me to finalize my decisions for my future.
Researching into academic options has allowed to understand financial, timing,
gap years, and more I didn’t know this previously so this was a key post in my
development for B1: progression.
These research post’s helped me decide my future and after college goal I was
unsure with what I wanted to do before researching into apprenticeships,
university’s and employment looking at these options made me evaluate what I
want to do in life and now I am sure that university is my next options,
researching into UCAS helped me decide between employment and higher
education this is something I’m glad I have spent time on since I am sure of my
future because of my development in B1.
I also did a professional mock interview with David Longworth from the BBC,
where I pitched my BBC idea to him, But before I pitched my idea I wanted to
research into two important areas. The first one researching into interview
techniques and how to dress for an interview this was a important step because I
wanted to make sure I knew how to act in and interview and how it should
properly conducted I didn’t want to create an idea and just act all laid back I
wanted to seem professional but eager for this idea so researching into mock
interview’s helped me understand how to behave and dress and what I can do in
an interview to make it the best interview it can be. I Research into step and
notes in an interview so I could remember them when the time comes as well as
potential interview questions because I wanted to prepare myself for any
question so I didn’t come off nervous and unprepared. Then after researching
into interview’s I started to create my idea building it around a podcast on the
BBC I researched into BBC channels and what would fit mine the best, I found
BBC three would be the best option for me. I also researched and documented
what the run time might be, as well as budgeting, these were all important
because when I presented it to David I wanted to seem prepared and ready
almost for the idea. I also talked about how this idea fits into the BBC and where I
could take it? And finally my inspirations for the podcast and why I chose this
Finally, I presented my idea to David Longworth, explaining the concept and
breaking down all the information and resources within my pitch. I discussed
each slide and why I wanted to do this idea. This was a valuable experience to me
learning how a interview is and how it traditionally goes, even though it was over
a team’s meeting I still felt It was important to treat like any other interview,
after presenting the pitch David asked me a couple of important questions. He
asked me ‘’how does your podcast differentiate from the rest’’? I replied with
‘’the foundations of a podcast are very similar to any other podcast because it has
to be but its what comes after the ideas I have for this will make it not even a
podcast I want to take the concept and bring it to the roof’’. He praised my
answers and how prepared I was for any question and how quickly I answered
them. David loved my idea and the pitch saying it is incredibly detailed and
initiative. He also said I should go for the idea which was amazing to hear that he
not only liked it but supports me trying to get this idea of the ground. Overall the
pitch and research was a success all elements helped me in the end to make this
the best interview I could possibly achieve.
This is a image of me, matthew bainbridge, and David Longworth discussing my
idea and the potential it has. Overall this was a very enjoyable experience to
discuss something I would love to eventually make. David was a key part in my
development in B1 and my overall communication skills.
Creating my brand
Creating my brand has been a massive part of my project and a crucial part of my
development of my progress as a whole in media, these things could help me in
life and provide opportunity within the world of media. I created six main posts
about building my brand and linking it between my projects. These posts were
designing my logo, show reel, business card, personal statement, CV and
create Britain profile these will give me opportunities in media whether that
me university applications, employment or personal projects, with all of these
posts I can implement any of them into my future and brand as well.
Starting with my logo research was a big start for my brand and blog this was
the beginning of setting up my possible future and building a foundation of
personalisation within media. I researched into several different logo’s to
understand what a logo is and what it’s used for this was a key part in my
development because without it I could just make a logo without purpose and
character and I wanted it to feel personal but professional at the same time so
researching helped me achieve that. After that I started building some mock up
designs in hand drawn and digital this was a good step to see what would work
better for me, I went with digital because I found there was a lot more options
within that I could have for my potential brand, after creating some mock ups
and getting feedback on each one I created a perfect brand that was tailored to
me and felt professional I could use in my projects. After experimenting with
unique designs, I soon settled a design that I used for brand.
Logo research and creating a logo was a big part of B1 and my progression this
post was a fundamental that led and flowed into other posts creating a logo
allowed me to create projects and have identity within them and create designs
that all linked between each other such as having a similar business card to go
with the logo all of this helped me build my blog for the better.
Secondly was designing a business card. This was a big step to creating a brand
and my overall identity in media without having a professional business card I
could potentially lose out on opportunities within the media industry. Business
card design was a key part of my development and my future, in creating the logo
and business card I can use these for future opportunities if I decided to stick
with media production. Creating a business card means I can hand my design to
potential clients or people who are interested in the work I have created.
Creating a business card started with me researching into what a business card
needs to have and what I doesn’t I then after establishing what a business card is
I looked into different known brands so I could get inspiration from them and
understand what is good about a business card? I learnt that softer colours no
harsh bright colours, other than white and black are not good for a business card
I also learnt that having a minimalistic card is better from a professional
standpoint. After looking and researching into business card designs, I started
creating my own designs through vista create, I used this to create many
different options that I could potentially use for my business card and after
getting feedback on each one I settled on the best one and made it slightly more
simple and minimalistic and that became my professional and current business
This helped me maintain consistency through my logo research making my
business card similar to my logo was something I thought would be better and
more fitting to the brand overall. I experimented different designs and
techniques I went through different fonts, layers, logo’s, colour schemes, shapes,
and text this was a in depth and lengthy process because it needed to be without
all the necessary steps it wouldn’t have been nice business card. The feedback I
got for the business card research helped me improve the overall design and help
me decide on the last version of it as well. This was done by using a google forms
to receive my feedback which not only helped my development massively but
strengthened my communication skills as well.
CV and personal statement was the biggest part of my brand and future in
media without these two I would struggle to get job offers, applications and
more. Starting with my personal statement I researched into areas of what a
personal statement should include so I could make a foundation on which I
would improve. After creating a first draft I gathered tons of feedback, through
google forms and getting a lecturer to give me assessed feedback, which I used to
improve it, I settled on creating three drafts of the personal statement and
overall I am happy with the third and final draft. I will use this when applying for
job opportunities, universities, and apprenticeships. This is good because when
handed to a potential employer I can show them my work and passions for media
through the personal statement.
This is just a small example of what my final version of my personal statement is.
For my CV I was able to research into what is included in a CV and what shouldn’t
be this was crucial because I didn’t want to jump head first into creating a CV that
was pointless, research helped me understand what a CV is so I could start to
make the best possible version for my brand. The main takeaway I gathered from
researching into past CV’s was fitting all the information, these were grades
aspirations, skills and contact info, into one condensed page this was a good thing
to research because without it would have made my CV seem messy and
unprofessional keeping it on one page allows it to look profession and is easier to
read for any possible employer. My CV is filled with all the necessary info needed
for me to grow in the media industry and show any employer relevant info about
me I think that shows my skillset and potential in a professional and sleek
This is another small example of my final draft of my CV this allows me to get
opportunities in media and potential work. Creating a concise resume and
personal statement was a key part of B1 and my personal professional brand. It
will help in the future gain a career and employment.
This leads me onto the process of my show reel. The reel was a lengthy process
because I created several drafts before I felt I was happy with the final product. I
started with researching into show reels and what makes a good one? I wanted to
do this because I felt that researching into show reels was a key and important
step to making my overall better. I didn’t want to create a product I had no
research and knowledge on. After researching into different show reels and how
to format one. I started with planning a show reel and creating my first draft I
wanted this to be a step by step process because I wanted the overall show reel
to be the best it can be. After creating a first draft I gathered tons of feedback,
through google forms, to evaluate and see what could be improved in my show
reel I was assessed tons of valuable solutions and suggestions which I directly
applied to my second and third draft. I also talked about my process into creating
one and what I needed to create a show reel. I covered all the necessary steps I
used into creating each draft and more. Finally after creating the third and final
draft I wanted to get some final feedback on the overall product, This was crucial
because I needed a good understanding of what my show reel should include and
should be. I also included my business card at the end of the show reel to link in
with previous post’s and to be consistent with the overall work.
This was an enjoyable process because I loved the practical side of this module. I
enjoy adapting and improving on my previous editing and creating a show reel
allowed to experiment with different effects and angles. Overall, my show reels a
key part in building my brand and I’m happy with the final version. With all the
research, feedback and draft’s I feel I have made the show reel as professional as
possibly can be. I edited the show reel using premier pro, premiere pro feels
natural to me and I am adequate to use it professionally, I like using premier pro
to edit my videos and content.
Lastly in creating my brand was me create Britain profile. This is an account
where I can store my work in my own digital portfolio this is great because I
didn’t have a portfolio before so having create Britain accessible and allowing me
show off all my personal content and profession work is great for people
interested in my work and potential employers. Firstly I researched into different
create Britain accounts and took inspiration from them, whether that was
formatting, style, spacing, content and placement, I wanted to research into
create Britain accounts to see how it all should look because I wanted my create
Britain account to be personal and unique but also be professional. I added my
logo and business card into my create Britain profile because I want to stay
consistent and link back to previous work I have done in this unit. I talked about
my personal skills and added it to a skill wheel showing and detailing what level I
am currently working at, whether that is editing, filming, producing, directing,
drawing, storyboarding, illustration, gaming, streaming and more, In my create
Britain profile I also added links to other work pages and websites I use within
media to allow people to see all areas I work in. I am happy I have a overall place
to store and see more of my work it allows people to access all areas I work, even
outside of media, I also gathered feedback into my profile seeing if it was easy to
navigate and if it works as a digital portfolio I wanted to ask and receive feedback
because if it wasn’t I could ament and make professional and fit the changes. I
have added personal projects and my media work into create Britain with my
most recent addition being my podcast, talking about media and how its changed,
Having a create Britain account means this can be used for evidence and showing
off my work and skillset in a positive and professional manner.
Networking opportunities
The networking experience section and opportunities gave me the chance to talk
to and potentially interact with some of the media industry professionals. The
two main ones I went to were Lord David Puttnam, Zara McDermott. Firstly going
to Sunderland university gave me the chance and listen to a talk to a director,
Lord David Puttnam, David Puttnam gave us insight into the media industry and
how it’s completely shifted from the last couple decades, it was interesting to
hear from his point of view knowing he is a well-established top director
understanding that the film world isn’t what it used to be. He gave us advice on
how to make an impact in media and how to differentiate yourself from the rest.
Lord Puttnam mentions how creativity is what binds us together and how it is
why film still exist to this day. Having the opportunity to sit and listen to David
Puttnam was a great time and I’m very grateful for it. He helped me understand
how the media world is and how I can make a difference in it. The second talk I
went to was with Zara McDermott, a social media creator, she told us about the
dangers of social media and how its not all good. She talked about her
experiences with social media and how it has affected her life for the better and
worse. Zara gave us insight how a digital comment can completely affect and
change someone’s lives. Her experience on love island was also mentioned and
how its changed her life and the consequence that came with that. It was
interesting to see such popular social media star talking about how its made her
life worse and what it did to her mental health. It had given me insight on how I
should use social media and the outcome of it.
My work placement has been a key part of my development and journey into
professionalism and life itself. Media savvy has given me experience with
cameras and digital editing as well as being a massive part of digital promotion. I
have been a close associate with media savvy and its business operating in
promotional work and social media management as well being a baseline for
their photography elements. Media savvy has helped gain social skills and
valuable experience I can use for my future brand and personal life. Media savvy
has taught me a lot about camera’s and photography as a whole as well giving me
the opportunity to better myself in terms of work load. This means I have grown
as a person not only in work but in personal projects. Media savvy has expanded
my skills in editing, communication, leadership, brainstorming, photography,
digital art and more. I think media savvy and work experience has helped me
massively in B1 and my overall progression towards a potential career. I have
went to media savvy every Friday and I am continuing to work there for the
majority of my college duration. I love working at media savvy it has been a
fantastic opportunity and I’m very grateful to be chosen to work there.
Overall, I have had a great valuable experience in completing B1:progression, it
has given me valuable insight on what my future holds without this unit I would
struggle to understand my future and where to take it. This module has helped
me massively with practical elements as well as being given amazing
opportunities in networking and work experience. I feel I’m more knowledgeable
and more capable than I was last year this unit has helped me brand identity and
a capable start to my future brand. I have improved my skills in writing, time
management, skill, editing and more. Finishing the unit before the official
deadline was necessary for me as a person to aim to be professional. B1 has
helped me finalize my plans after college and what route I am going to be taking
without B1 I think my devilment into media would have been very bare. I’m
grateful for this unt and it has helped me massively for my brand and future
career, this unit has helped me with my overall media progression,

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B1:progression (Final evaluation).docx

  • 1. B1: progression – Evaluation Research into future options A big part of progression in B1 was researching into UCAS and potential future career paths. With that I create three blogger posts about my inspirations into the career I am currently working towards and well as possible areas into working in the media industry and how it might work out for me and seeing if its what I’m looking for. Finally, I researched and produced a post about academic searching where I discussed possible higher educations options for me to take after college and seeing how each one differs and what I would need to access these courses in the first place. Firstly, looking at my inspirations post this was a crucial post because I wanted to talk about my inspirations as a whole and why I wanted to get into the media industry and with these directors I discussed why they inspired me? And how did they get there start in the media industry? And finally, why I want to go into the media industry. This post was a crucial step to building my own brand within the media seeing how other famous directors get their work or how they do it was such a key step to learning my own skills and basing and learning of these amazing directors. Looking at the research I have done into my inspiration has made me realise how much these directors have influenced me into the media and digital world, I have picked up notes from each one in editing, style, format and more, each director made me fall in love with the media world and the making of film itself,
  • 2. Secondly looking at working in the media industry I created three separate PowerPoints into employment within the media industry, apprenticeship search and finally careers. Each PowerPoint was a step to learning into each area before researching I had no clue of the market out there today and areas to investigate, looking into three separate areas has helped me massively into understanding and potentially creating a career for myself. Firstly looking at employment into the industry post I researched into being a director of photography for the media industry and researched around that, firstly talking about a couple of inspirations within the line of work I want to work in I talked about Roger Deakins, Wally Pfister and Janusz Kaminski all famous very cinematographer’s who have worked on massive films such as prisoners, blade runner 2049, dark knight trilogy, jaws and more I talked about what being a cinematographer means to me and what I could do in the media industry within that role. I also researched into companies I could work for which were Fullwell 73, warp films and working title all very in-depth companies who have produced and released famous and iconic films I researched into each and how each one differs from the last. I also talked about what skills I would need to be get into a career as a DOP. Looking at possible jobs within all of my research, employment has been a key part of my development into media and my blog within building a future career plan.
  • 3. Secondly looking at my apprenticeship search post. I started with apprenticeship’s I could find and what was suited to me, the one I was interested in and found was an IT support apprentice at the foundation of light within this job I would help maintain issue logs throughout different computer systems as well as installing and configuring hardware. I would be upgrading and replacing certain equipment. I looked into what grades/qualifications I would need to get into this apprenticeship and if certain apprenticeships were more lenient than others. I researched into more information on the IT apprenticeship such as things like starting times, salary, working week times, apprentice level and annual wage this was important to factor in because on paper all apprenticeships sounds good but researching into travel, wage and more was a key part of seeing if this apprenticeship would work for me. I researched into companies that were offering suitable apprenticeship’s and found three main companies, royal navy, indeed and I researched into what each does and how each differ from each other and what apprenticeships/choices there were all offering this was important to see what company was best for me to finding apprenticeships. Finally, I researched into skills and experience needed for a following an apprenticeship I learned that the average around most apprenticeships is a GCSE 4 for maths and English this is good because it means most apprenticeships are accessible to me. Researching into apprenticeship’s was a good step for my growth in media and understanding what I want to do in the future, researching into apprenticeship’s has ruled out the possibility of me wanting one I would rather go into higher education/university or go straight into work I think these two options are more suited to me and what I’m accessible to.
  • 4. In this blog post I talked about employment search and what line of work I would like to go and suited to me. I talked about 3 main options within media and content creation detailing what these job offers and the risk’s it comes with because of the job itself. I talked about YouTube and twitch and how there are possible job ideas for me, going over what I like about possible working a job within these two but also talking about finance, risks, income, time, dedication, long time plan and sustainability I came to the conclusion that both are good options but very risky because I wouldn’t not be making income for a long time and when I do its determine on view count and subscribers these factors alone make it a dangerous job to consider without back up. I also talked about Media Savvy which is a local business media company revolving around digital content creation and branding. This is something I would love to do since I am currently working there as ‘work experience’ and I think it would be a great option in the future for a possible media-based career.
  • 5. This leads to my final onto discussing my academic search and experience with UCAS and applying to university. This is the option I want to go with because I would love to go into higher education, this is something that is for me not only because I want to expand on my skillset but my professional goal into the media industry as a whole and University’s would help me, with that u did some research into UCAS and point research for each separate courses I was wanting to potentially go to in the future I selected 5 main courses each one corresponding to me and what I love about media, I selected 5 because I wanted multiple in case I couldn’t afford/go to one university so I could have more than one option, These options were university of Sunderland university, Teesside university, Northumbria university, Newcastle, the northern school of art, Newcastle university. These are the closest options around the country so I though it would be best to pick these options and look into the courses info with that, I love editing and making films so all of these courses have media production which is something I want to tap into. This was a crucial step to research into because it has allowed me to finalize my decisions for my future. Researching into academic options has allowed to understand financial, timing, gap years, and more I didn’t know this previously so this was a key post in my development for B1: progression.
  • 6. These research post’s helped me decide my future and after college goal I was unsure with what I wanted to do before researching into apprenticeships, university’s and employment looking at these options made me evaluate what I want to do in life and now I am sure that university is my next options, researching into UCAS helped me decide between employment and higher education this is something I’m glad I have spent time on since I am sure of my future because of my development in B1. I also did a professional mock interview with David Longworth from the BBC, where I pitched my BBC idea to him, But before I pitched my idea I wanted to research into two important areas. The first one researching into interview techniques and how to dress for an interview this was a important step because I wanted to make sure I knew how to act in and interview and how it should properly conducted I didn’t want to create an idea and just act all laid back I wanted to seem professional but eager for this idea so researching into mock interview’s helped me understand how to behave and dress and what I can do in an interview to make it the best interview it can be. I Research into step and notes in an interview so I could remember them when the time comes as well as potential interview questions because I wanted to prepare myself for any question so I didn’t come off nervous and unprepared. Then after researching into interview’s I started to create my idea building it around a podcast on the BBC I researched into BBC channels and what would fit mine the best, I found BBC three would be the best option for me. I also researched and documented what the run time might be, as well as budgeting, these were all important
  • 7. because when I presented it to David I wanted to seem prepared and ready almost for the idea. I also talked about how this idea fits into the BBC and where I could take it? And finally my inspirations for the podcast and why I chose this idea. Finally, I presented my idea to David Longworth, explaining the concept and breaking down all the information and resources within my pitch. I discussed each slide and why I wanted to do this idea. This was a valuable experience to me learning how a interview is and how it traditionally goes, even though it was over a team’s meeting I still felt It was important to treat like any other interview, after presenting the pitch David asked me a couple of important questions. He asked me ‘’how does your podcast differentiate from the rest’’? I replied with ‘’the foundations of a podcast are very similar to any other podcast because it has to be but its what comes after the ideas I have for this will make it not even a podcast I want to take the concept and bring it to the roof’’. He praised my answers and how prepared I was for any question and how quickly I answered them. David loved my idea and the pitch saying it is incredibly detailed and initiative. He also said I should go for the idea which was amazing to hear that he not only liked it but supports me trying to get this idea of the ground. Overall the pitch and research was a success all elements helped me in the end to make this the best interview I could possibly achieve.
  • 8. This is a image of me, matthew bainbridge, and David Longworth discussing my idea and the potential it has. Overall this was a very enjoyable experience to discuss something I would love to eventually make. David was a key part in my development in B1 and my overall communication skills. Creating my brand Creating my brand has been a massive part of my project and a crucial part of my development of my progress as a whole in media, these things could help me in life and provide opportunity within the world of media. I created six main posts about building my brand and linking it between my projects. These posts were designing my logo, show reel, business card, personal statement, CV and create Britain profile these will give me opportunities in media whether that me university applications, employment or personal projects, with all of these posts I can implement any of them into my future and brand as well.
  • 9. Starting with my logo research was a big start for my brand and blog this was the beginning of setting up my possible future and building a foundation of personalisation within media. I researched into several different logo’s to understand what a logo is and what it’s used for this was a key part in my development because without it I could just make a logo without purpose and character and I wanted it to feel personal but professional at the same time so researching helped me achieve that. After that I started building some mock up designs in hand drawn and digital this was a good step to see what would work better for me, I went with digital because I found there was a lot more options within that I could have for my potential brand, after creating some mock ups and getting feedback on each one I created a perfect brand that was tailored to me and felt professional I could use in my projects. After experimenting with unique designs, I soon settled a design that I used for brand. Logo research and creating a logo was a big part of B1 and my progression this post was a fundamental that led and flowed into other posts creating a logo allowed me to create projects and have identity within them and create designs that all linked between each other such as having a similar business card to go with the logo all of this helped me build my blog for the better. Secondly was designing a business card. This was a big step to creating a brand and my overall identity in media without having a professional business card I
  • 10. could potentially lose out on opportunities within the media industry. Business card design was a key part of my development and my future, in creating the logo and business card I can use these for future opportunities if I decided to stick with media production. Creating a business card means I can hand my design to potential clients or people who are interested in the work I have created. Creating a business card started with me researching into what a business card needs to have and what I doesn’t I then after establishing what a business card is I looked into different known brands so I could get inspiration from them and understand what is good about a business card? I learnt that softer colours no harsh bright colours, other than white and black are not good for a business card I also learnt that having a minimalistic card is better from a professional standpoint. After looking and researching into business card designs, I started creating my own designs through vista create, I used this to create many different options that I could potentially use for my business card and after getting feedback on each one I settled on the best one and made it slightly more simple and minimalistic and that became my professional and current business card. This helped me maintain consistency through my logo research making my business card similar to my logo was something I thought would be better and more fitting to the brand overall. I experimented different designs and techniques I went through different fonts, layers, logo’s, colour schemes, shapes, and text this was a in depth and lengthy process because it needed to be without all the necessary steps it wouldn’t have been nice business card. The feedback I got for the business card research helped me improve the overall design and help me decide on the last version of it as well. This was done by using a google forms
  • 11. to receive my feedback which not only helped my development massively but strengthened my communication skills as well. CV and personal statement was the biggest part of my brand and future in media without these two I would struggle to get job offers, applications and more. Starting with my personal statement I researched into areas of what a personal statement should include so I could make a foundation on which I would improve. After creating a first draft I gathered tons of feedback, through google forms and getting a lecturer to give me assessed feedback, which I used to improve it, I settled on creating three drafts of the personal statement and overall I am happy with the third and final draft. I will use this when applying for job opportunities, universities, and apprenticeships. This is good because when handed to a potential employer I can show them my work and passions for media through the personal statement. This is just a small example of what my final version of my personal statement is. For my CV I was able to research into what is included in a CV and what shouldn’t be this was crucial because I didn’t want to jump head first into creating a CV that was pointless, research helped me understand what a CV is so I could start to make the best possible version for my brand. The main takeaway I gathered from researching into past CV’s was fitting all the information, these were grades
  • 12. aspirations, skills and contact info, into one condensed page this was a good thing to research because without it would have made my CV seem messy and unprofessional keeping it on one page allows it to look profession and is easier to read for any possible employer. My CV is filled with all the necessary info needed for me to grow in the media industry and show any employer relevant info about me I think that shows my skillset and potential in a professional and sleek manner. This is another small example of my final draft of my CV this allows me to get opportunities in media and potential work. Creating a concise resume and personal statement was a key part of B1 and my personal professional brand. It will help in the future gain a career and employment.
  • 13. This leads me onto the process of my show reel. The reel was a lengthy process because I created several drafts before I felt I was happy with the final product. I started with researching into show reels and what makes a good one? I wanted to do this because I felt that researching into show reels was a key and important step to making my overall better. I didn’t want to create a product I had no research and knowledge on. After researching into different show reels and how to format one. I started with planning a show reel and creating my first draft I wanted this to be a step by step process because I wanted the overall show reel to be the best it can be. After creating a first draft I gathered tons of feedback, through google forms, to evaluate and see what could be improved in my show reel I was assessed tons of valuable solutions and suggestions which I directly applied to my second and third draft. I also talked about my process into creating one and what I needed to create a show reel. I covered all the necessary steps I used into creating each draft and more. Finally after creating the third and final draft I wanted to get some final feedback on the overall product, This was crucial because I needed a good understanding of what my show reel should include and should be. I also included my business card at the end of the show reel to link in with previous post’s and to be consistent with the overall work. This was an enjoyable process because I loved the practical side of this module. I enjoy adapting and improving on my previous editing and creating a show reel allowed to experiment with different effects and angles. Overall, my show reels a key part in building my brand and I’m happy with the final version. With all the research, feedback and draft’s I feel I have made the show reel as professional as
  • 14. possibly can be. I edited the show reel using premier pro, premiere pro feels natural to me and I am adequate to use it professionally, I like using premier pro to edit my videos and content. Lastly in creating my brand was me create Britain profile. This is an account where I can store my work in my own digital portfolio this is great because I didn’t have a portfolio before so having create Britain accessible and allowing me show off all my personal content and profession work is great for people interested in my work and potential employers. Firstly I researched into different create Britain accounts and took inspiration from them, whether that was formatting, style, spacing, content and placement, I wanted to research into create Britain accounts to see how it all should look because I wanted my create Britain account to be personal and unique but also be professional. I added my logo and business card into my create Britain profile because I want to stay consistent and link back to previous work I have done in this unit. I talked about my personal skills and added it to a skill wheel showing and detailing what level I am currently working at, whether that is editing, filming, producing, directing, drawing, storyboarding, illustration, gaming, streaming and more, In my create Britain profile I also added links to other work pages and websites I use within media to allow people to see all areas I work in. I am happy I have a overall place to store and see more of my work it allows people to access all areas I work, even outside of media, I also gathered feedback into my profile seeing if it was easy to navigate and if it works as a digital portfolio I wanted to ask and receive feedback because if it wasn’t I could ament and make professional and fit the changes. I have added personal projects and my media work into create Britain with my most recent addition being my podcast, talking about media and how its changed, Having a create Britain account means this can be used for evidence and showing off my work and skillset in a positive and professional manner.
  • 15. Networking opportunities The networking experience section and opportunities gave me the chance to talk to and potentially interact with some of the media industry professionals. The two main ones I went to were Lord David Puttnam, Zara McDermott. Firstly going to Sunderland university gave me the chance and listen to a talk to a director, Lord David Puttnam, David Puttnam gave us insight into the media industry and how it’s completely shifted from the last couple decades, it was interesting to hear from his point of view knowing he is a well-established top director understanding that the film world isn’t what it used to be. He gave us advice on how to make an impact in media and how to differentiate yourself from the rest. Lord Puttnam mentions how creativity is what binds us together and how it is why film still exist to this day. Having the opportunity to sit and listen to David Puttnam was a great time and I’m very grateful for it. He helped me understand how the media world is and how I can make a difference in it. The second talk I went to was with Zara McDermott, a social media creator, she told us about the dangers of social media and how its not all good. She talked about her experiences with social media and how it has affected her life for the better and worse. Zara gave us insight how a digital comment can completely affect and
  • 16. change someone’s lives. Her experience on love island was also mentioned and how its changed her life and the consequence that came with that. It was interesting to see such popular social media star talking about how its made her life worse and what it did to her mental health. It had given me insight on how I should use social media and the outcome of it.
  • 17. My work placement has been a key part of my development and journey into professionalism and life itself. Media savvy has given me experience with cameras and digital editing as well as being a massive part of digital promotion. I have been a close associate with media savvy and its business operating in promotional work and social media management as well being a baseline for their photography elements. Media savvy has helped gain social skills and valuable experience I can use for my future brand and personal life. Media savvy has taught me a lot about camera’s and photography as a whole as well giving me the opportunity to better myself in terms of work load. This means I have grown as a person not only in work but in personal projects. Media savvy has expanded my skills in editing, communication, leadership, brainstorming, photography, digital art and more. I think media savvy and work experience has helped me massively in B1 and my overall progression towards a potential career. I have went to media savvy every Friday and I am continuing to work there for the majority of my college duration. I love working at media savvy it has been a fantastic opportunity and I’m very grateful to be chosen to work there.
  • 19. Overall, I have had a great valuable experience in completing B1:progression, it has given me valuable insight on what my future holds without this unit I would struggle to understand my future and where to take it. This module has helped me massively with practical elements as well as being given amazing opportunities in networking and work experience. I feel I’m more knowledgeable and more capable than I was last year this unit has helped me brand identity and a capable start to my future brand. I have improved my skills in writing, time management, skill, editing and more. Finishing the unit before the official deadline was necessary for me as a person to aim to be professional. B1 has helped me finalize my plans after college and what route I am going to be taking without B1 I think my devilment into media would have been very bare. I’m grateful for this unt and it has helped me massively for my brand and future career, this unit has helped me with my overall media progression,