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Garden care
Once you have established your                   Caring for your compost
sustainable garden, the next step is
to know how to care for it through                Alternate nitrogen-rich materials (e.g.
regular maintenance. This section will             fruit peelings, lawn clippings) with
                                                   carbon-rich materials (e.g. dry leaves,
provide some information for you to
                                                   sawdust, paper, straw).
                                                  Make the layers 5-10cm deep.
A sustainable garden is a winner in
the maintenance stakes. It is low                 Sprinkle soil between the layers.
maintenance, needs less mowing,                   Add oxygen by turning the top layers
less pruning, less chemicals and less              regularly.
watering, so you get more time to
                                                  Keep moist but not wet.
enjoy it!
                                                 Avoid adding:

   RESIDENtS tIP                                  animal fats and meats as this will attract
   If it's not compostable or recyclable,
   don't buy it!!                                 weeds with bulbs
                                                  pet droppings (try a worm farm)

Compost                                           branches, roots and rose cuttings

Compost is a complete DIY plant food              citrus peel
and soil conditioner. It’s great for soil         seafood.
structures, root growth, soil water-holding
capacity and worms. It turns everything
from vacuum cleaner dust to eggshells               GREEN tIP
into great fertiliser. Importantly, it diverts
your green waste back into the garden               If your chosen method of
rather than into a landfill site, which             composting is a compost heap or
also helps to reduce the production of              compost enclosure, remember to
damaging greenhouse gases.                          keep your compost covered with
                                                    soil and turn regularly to discourage
                                                    rat and/or mice infestation.

                                                   RESIDENtS tIP
                                                   Egg shells, crushed and added
                                                   to compost are a great source of
                                                   calcium for your soil

                                                                 Green Gardening Guide      31
Garden care

               It is handy to keep a separate bin in your
               kitchen for fruit and vegetable scraps       GREEN tIP
               for your compost heap. The compost is
                                                            Offer your vegie scraps to your
               ready for garden use when it has reduced
                                                            neighbours who have a compost bin
               to a fine, crumble mix with an earthy
                                                            or chickens.
               smell. This may take between 3-6 months
               depending on what the design of your
               compost bin is.
               For a great guide on how to compost,
                                                            RESIDENtS tIP
               visit       Puffy my chicken is good for
               p01151aa.pdf/How_to_compost.pdf              fertiliser. She eats my leftovers at
                                                            dinner too – Ameilia, aged 7

                                                            Low Nitrogen          soil and water

                                                            High Nitrogen         kitchen waste
                                                            Low Nitrogen          garden waste

                                                            High Nitrogen         manure

                                                            Low Nitrogen          coarse prunings

                                                            High Nitrogen         grass clippings

                                                            Low Nitrogen          soil

                                                            High Nitrogen         herbs or seaweed

                                                            Low Nitrogen          coarse prunings
                                                                loosely-forked soil base

Marvellous mulch                               Benefits of mulch
Even if you don’t have a compost heap          Multipurpose mulch can:
or bin, you can still enjoy the marvellous
                                                suppress weeds
benefits of mulch. It’s as easy as spreading
weed-free dry grass clippings, leaves           act as a natural slow-release fertiliser
and shredded prunings on top of the soil
                                                provide a home for plant-friendly
to a depth of 15cm for course material
and only 2.5cm for fresh grass clippings.
Remember to keep it away from plant             keep up to 70% more water in the soil
stems to avoid collar rot.                       than unmulched soil.
                                               For more information on composting or
   RESIDENtS tIP                               mulching visit
                                               environment or call Council on
   Use lucerne mulch. When it sprouts          (07) 3403 8888.
   dig it in to enrich soil with nitrogen
   – Yvonne

                                                             Mulch layer breaks
                                                               down to add
         Weeds pulled out easily
                                                              nutrients to soil

  Screened light =                                                         Evaporation
  less germination                                                           reduced
   of weed seeds

                                  mulch        no mulch               Roots can be
                                                                      killed at high

     3cm deep
    32˚C                                                                      42˚C
     12cm deep
    26˚C                                                                      38˚C

                                                               Green Gardening Guide        33
GREEN tIP                                    GREEN tIP
     If you put mulch on your garden              Just remember that your compost
     too thickly a crust may develop              worms are a different species to
     and prevent water penetration. It’s          your garden worms. Your compost
     always a good idea to periodically           worms are surface dwellers and
     turn over your mulch to aerate it            are one of nature’s best recyclers.
     and to assist with decomposition.            Garden earthworms are great at
                                                  deep burrowing which help loosens
                                                  soil and allows water and air down
                                                  to the roots of plants.
Hooray for worms!
If you don’t have room for a compost bin,      Your garden earthworms are just as hard
you should consider buying a worm farm.        working. They munch up mulch, creating
Compost worms are great gardeners.             tunnels for air, water and delicate roots as
They munch up all your vegetable scraps        they go. They play such a very important
and produce microbe-rich castings that         role in having a healthy, sustainable
are full of nutrients for plants. The liquid   garden.
castings are great for watering all your
plants and you just need to dilute it at a
rate of 1 to 10 (i.e. castings to water).

Garden care

Fertilisers                                                  Mowing
Some forms of fertiliser are often                           How do you rate as a mower? Give
expensive, require a lot of water and may                    yourself a tick if you…
not even be necessary. Check any nutrient
                                                               Compost or mulch weed-free grass 

deficiency symptoms in foliage with your

local nursery. Avoid the use of chemical
fertilisers and go organic with your own                       Only cut the top third of the grass
mulch and compost.
                                                               Mow regularly during the summer 

Nitrogen-rich fertilisers cause algal                          growing season

blooms and increase weed growth in our
                                                               Don’t use a catcher on parts of the 

waterways. This disturbs the ecological
                                                               lawn you don’t often visit

balance for animals and plants that
live there. Some native plants (such as                        Use a mulching mower that shreds 

banksias and grevilleas) are sensitive to                      clippings finely

phosphorus so avoid using fertilisers and
                                                               Service your mower regularly and keep
greywater on these.
                                                               the blades sharp
If you feel as though you have to use
                                                               Are a considerate neighbour, who
extra fertilisers:
                                                               mows and whipper snips between 7am
 confirm why you need them                                    and 7pm each day or after 8am on
 check their composition
                                                               Have replaced some of your lawn with
 follow the manufacturer’s instructions
                                                               gardens and/or vegie patch
                                                               Water your lawn with greywater from
 if you want to take advantage of rain,
                                                               your laundry or shower
  ensure that you dig the fertiliser in well
  to minimise the chance of run-off                            Use an energy-efficient hand push 


 never empty fertilisers into creeks or
  stormwater drains.                                           Practice safety in the garden by
               Don’t spray/sprinkle
                                                               wearing a wide-brimmed hat, long-
               chemicals on a windy                            sleeved shirt, gardening gloves,
               day or before rain
                                  Identify the                 sunglasses, sturdy shoes and sunscreen
                                     Don’t over-fertilise
                                     your plants

                                        Target spray
                                        on pest only

                                           Space plants
                                           to encourage
                                           air circulation

                                            Leave grass
                                            clippings on
                   (reduce)              Use greywater to

                                                                           Green Gardening Guide       35
Pruning                                      Dumping garden waste
Some native plants such as bottlebrush       A big threat to our natural environment is
and tea tree benefit from pruning. It        the dumping of rubbish, including garden
promotes flowering and they don’t            waste and lawn clippings.
become straggly or woody. However,
                                             Garden waste, such as plant pruning’s,
you can keep your pruning chores to a
                                             soil and grass clippings can introduce or
minimum by choosing plants that grow to
                                             spread weeds or other unwanted plants
a size that suits their location.
                                             into bushland, and pests such as fireants.
Pruning your trees is a good idea to         Their introduction causes competition
reduce their centre of gravity however       with native plants and can destroy habitat.
there are rules to consider. Thin them       If native plants suffer, so do the native
out but do not cut back the lower limbs      birds, animals and insects that need
as this will make the tree top heavy. If     those plants for food and shelter. The
in doubt, contact a qualified consulting     green waste can also add fuel to the bush
arborist for advice.                         and during the hot dry summer season
                                             increase the risk and intensity of bushfire.
Always dispose of your prunings by either:
                                             Dumping rubbish, including garden waste
 buying your own mulcher to shred
                                             such as grass clippings and pruning’s are
  larger prunings before placing them in
                                             illegal and penalties apply. Be responsible
  your compost bin.
                                             and take your garden waste to one of
 separate green waste and general           Council’s four transfer stations. Contact
  waste before going to the Council          Council on (07) 3403 8888 or visit
  transfer station                  for
                                             further information.
 contact a garden waste removal service
  that mulches and recycles waste to
  take your pruning’s and leaves away.

     Learn to prune your garden at the
     right time of the year for healthy
     regrowth – Shane

     GREEN tIP
     Council offers a free kerbside green
     waste collection for all residents.
     To find out about the collection
     schedule for your suburb phone
     Council on (07) 3403 8888 or visit

not mulching, having water-repelling soils
   GREEN FACt                                   and bad garden design. Here are some
                                                tips to reduce any water wastage.
   Roadside or bushland dumping is
   illegal and penalties apply. If you           Use a soil wetting agent to assist with
   see someone dumping waste                      the soils ability to take up water more
   illegally, dob in a dumper by calling          efficiently.
   Council on (07) 3403 8888.
                                                 After you have watered, check to see
   Write down the registration number,
                                                  how far it has penetrated. Ideally, it
   make and model of the vehicle
                                                  should be to a depth of 10cm.
   as well as the time and place. For
   safety reasons, don’t confront the            Group plants with similar watering
   dumpers.                                       requirements together.
                                                 Mulch your gardens and pots well.
                                                  Mulch made from recycled organics
Minimising water use                              (i.e. sugar cane mulch) is a great water
                                                  saving product.
As Australians, we live on the driest
inhabited continent on Earth. Drought            Lawns are very water hungry. Think
is a periodic reality for most parts of           about replacing your lawn with garden
Australia, including Brisbane and we need         beds or use a more waterwise variety of
to be smart about how we use the water            grass. Lawns are resilient so if your lawn
available to us. By following good water          does go brown, it will rejuvenate when
management practices we can lessen                we next have good rainfall.
the pressure placed on the supply of this
                                                 Water pots and plants on a low-
limited resource.
                                                  pressure setting on your hose. This will
                                                  allow deep water penetration of your
   RESIDENtS tIP                                  plants. Spray settings will only provide
                                                  surface watering.
   Water the root ball of the plant, not
   the whole plant                               Always check to see if your plants
                                                  need watering. An easy way to test is
                                                  to insert your finger into the dirt and
Brisbane residents are to be                      then remove it to see if the soil on your
congratulated for the way they have met           finger is wet or dry.
the challenges of drought and water
                                                 Establishing with deep watering is
restriction targets. Whilst it has not always
                                                  more beneficial than frequent surface
been easy to watch our beloved gardens
                                                  watering as this encourages deep root
struggle, we have learnt first hand just
how important it is to retain the water
we use by mulching and composting our            Buy a rainwater tank. Check with
gardens.                                          Council for any rebate that might
                                                  apply. For more information visit,
It has been estimated that up to a third of
water wasted in the garden is through not
following good watering practices, e.g.

                                                               Green Gardening Guide       37
 Use greywater from your laundry and           Water early in the morning or late
  bathroom. Just remember to not use            in the afternoon (in accordance with
  this water on your edible vegetables or       current restrictions)
  on some natives. Visit www.brisbane.
                                                Have planted waterwise plants for further
  information on greywater use.                 Use greywater on your plants (except
                                                some natives and edible plants)
 Purchase and install water saving
  devices. For example, rainwater               Have planted a shade tree to reduce
  tanks, pool covers, low flow taps, and        evaporation
  greywater systems.
                                                Have reduced the size of your lawn
                                                Have less than 50% of your garden area
     GREEN tIP
                                                planted with lawn
     Greywater can contain elevated
                                              The Queensland Water Commission has
     levels of sodium, phosphorus
                                              the responsibility for water restrictions in
     and contaminants. Avoid use
                                              response to the combined water levels
     on grevilleas, banksias, azaleas,
                                              of our three main dams – Wivenhoe,
     gardenias or directly on edible crops.
                                              Somerset and North Pine. Visit
                                     to view current water
Give yourself a tick if you…                  restrictions.

     Use mulch on your pots and gardens
                                                 GREEN FACt
     Group plants together with similar
     watering needs                              Of all the earth’s water, only three
                                                 percent is fresh and two-thirds
     Have a rainwater tank and/or a
                                                 of this is locked away in ice. That
     greywater diverter
                                                 leaves only one percent to water the

                                              Your garden is a reflection of you and a
                                              specially-planted tree can represent a
                                              significant event in your family (e.g. child’s
                                              birth) or just a statement to your home.
                                              It’s important to look after not just your
                                              special tree but all trees in your property.
                                              Give it loving care by:
                                               mulching its critical root zone (see
                                                picture on page 39)
                                               hiring a consulting arborist to inspect
                                                it, prune it or remove dead or
                                                dangerous branches.

                                              tree root maintenance
                                              A tree’s ‘critical root zone’ is the area
  Everyone should plant a tree for every
                                              directly underneath the canopy of a
  year they have lived
                                              mature tree, right down to the root

What to do to protect your special tree       All activities in this zone have a direct
                                              impact on the tree and its roots.
                                              Tree health, vigour and stability are
                                              linked to root health. Any damage
                                              to the roots can weaken branches in
                                              the tree’s canopy. Weak roots mean
                                              unstable trees during extreme weather
                                              When working in the critical root zone,
                                               digging
                                               root cutting or other damage
                                               filling

               CRItICAL ZoNE                   spilling chemicals
                                               compaction
                                               vehicular traffic
What Not to do to protect your special tree    paving.
                                              Tree roots don’t usually crack or break
                                              pipes – the pipes are often already
                                              leaking or damaged which attracts
                                              tree roots.
                                              To avoid any problems that roots
                                              might cause:
                                              	 plant trees away from structures.
                                                 A guide to how far is available on
                                                 page 28 in this booklet or check
                                                 with your local nursery.
                                               repair faulty stormwater and sewer
               CRItICAL ZoNE                   choose small to medium trees.

                                                           Green Gardening Guide          39
Preparing for fire/storm                     For more information on preparing for
                                             storm season visit:
Brisbane’s summers are hot and storm         storm_checklist.html
and fire events are common. To lessen the
potential for damage it is best that you
prepare your home early for the summer       css/severe_storm.asp
season.                                      For fire season information visit:
Here are some simple steps to protect
your property.                               bushfire/default.asp
Before fire season
 Clean out roof guttering. Leaf litter      Safety in the garden
  can accumulate in your gutters which       As much as we enjoy being in the
  will ignite from flying embers from        garden, we should always be mindful of
  bushfires. These embers can travel         good safety practices. Common garden
  many kilometres on the wind. Use           chemical and synthetic pesticides can be
  gutter guards to prevent leaf build up.    dangerous to your plants, soils, aquatic
 Create a barrier/fire break between        life, pets and children if used incorrectly.
  bushland and your home.
 Ensure that you have an easily-
                                                GREEN tIP
  accessible and fire-safe escape road          If you’re not sure how to handle
  route should you need to leave.               the product, always read the label
                                                each time that you purchase the
Before storm season                             product as dosage rates can change
                                                between manufacturing dates.
 Check and repair any loose roofing tiles
  or sheets. Check and clean downpipes,
  guttering and drains to ensure water       Some general gardening safety tips.
  drains away quickly. Use gutter guards
                                              Don’t leave garden tools, hoses,
  to prevent leaf build up.
                                               watering cans or other solid objects
 Hire a qualified consulting arborist to      lying about for people to trip over.
  inspect your trees for dead branches,
                                              Always store rakes, hoes, spades, forks,
  weak branch attachments, decay, poor
                                               secateurs and shears out of children’s
  weight distribution and dangerously
  crowded branches or root damage.
                                              Always be careful of handling organic
 Remove any overhanging branches
                                               mulch, compost and fertilisers. Use
  near your home and clear your yard of
                                               gloves and a mask to ensure that you
  loose materials and rubbish.
                                               do not inhale any microorganisms.
Always be storm and fire smart!
                                              If you are cut with a sharp gardening
                                               implement, wash with warm water and
                                               clean with disinfectant.

 Always be aware of possibly finding
  rusty nails or other dangerous objects
                                           tips for an environmentally-
  when you’re digging in the garden.       friendly garden
 Always mow wearing covered shoes, a       Spray plants with natural insect controls
  hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.             such as garlic spray, white oil or
                                             dishwashing detergent (see residents’
 Always wash your hands with soap and       tried and true recipes below).
  water after working in the garden even
  if you’ve worn gloves.                    Encourage visits by insect-eating birds
                                             by providing suitable habitat.
 Remember to bend your knees
  when lifting plants or using your         Get 'Mother Nature' on side with
  wheelbarrow.                               companion planting, choosing plants
                                             that attract insect predators (such
When handling fertilisers and chemicals:     as ladybeetles) or release certain
 always read, understand and follow the     chemicals (such as marigolds).
  directions on the label                   Prevention is best. Keep plants healthy,
 ensure you understand the rate of          weed-free and disease-resistant.
  application and wear gloves                Select plants less susceptible to insect
 store chemicals and fertilisers out of
  the reach of children                     Use natural pesticides such as
                                             pyrethrum and derris. However, use
 don’t spray on windy days or when the      them sparingly as they too can cause
  temperature is over 30°C.                  environmental harm.
If you are having some problems             To reduce fungal problems remove old
with garden pests consider using             leaves, avoid watering leaf surfaces and
organic chemicals that have a minimal        keep mulch from base of stem.
environmental impact.

                                              RESIDENtS tIP
                                              Use companion planting to reduce
                                              reliance on man-made chemicals
                                              and increase production of plants.

                                              GREEN tIP
                                              Remember to practice ‘sun safety’
                                              whenever you are in the garden
                                              and always wear a hat, long sleeves,
                                              sturdy shoes, sunglasses and

                                                          Green Gardening Guide      41
GREEN tIP                                   Garden nasties
     Residents tried and true sustainable
     garden remedies:
                                                 Invasive plants
                                                 Many attractive garden plants have a
      AILMENT           REMEDy                   secret life as weeds in our bushland! There
      To deter white    Boil lettuce leaves      are more than 200 backyard beauties
      cabbage moth      and use the water on     that become bushland bullies when they
                        cabbages, cauliflower,   jump the garden fence. Once there, they
                        brussel sprouts
                                                 smother and kill native plants, removing
      For sooty mould   Add 1tsp cooking oil     food and shelter for our wildlife.
                        + 1tsp detergent +
                        500ml water – spray on   Invasive plants are the main threat to
      To deter/kill     Mix 3 cloves garlic +
                                                 biodiversity in protected areas and they
      aphids, slugs,    squirt of washing up     represent the second biggest threat to
      beetles           liquid + 500ml water     biodiversity after vegetation clearing.
                        and spray on
                                                 Council spends nearly $2.5 million each
      Black spot on     Mix 1tsp sunflower       year on weed management in our natural
      roses             oil + 2tsp bicarb soda   areas, parks and waterways and 85% of
                        + 1 drop washing
                                                 the species treated are garden escapees.
                        detergent + 1 litre
                                                 So we are all really important partners in
                        water – spray on
                                                 helping to reduce weeds by buying non­
                                                 invasive species from a reputable nursery
                                                 and removing weeds from our gardens, or
                                                 joining your local Habitat Brisbane group
     WILDLIFE GREEN tIP                          and removing weeds from Brisbane’s
     BRUSH TURKEyS                               bushland.
                                                 Council has an online weed identification
     The brush-turkey is a protected
                                                 tool and videos of the seven most
     native bird and they play an
                                                 common weed control methods to help
     important role in natural pest
                                                 you identify and control weeds. To locate
     management. However, during
                                                 this useful tool, find more information or
     the mating season (August to
                                                 share your knowledge about weeds visit
     December) they can destroy your
     beloved garden within a day and
                                                 phone (07) 3403 8888 for weed fact sheets.
     will remain persistent with their
     nest building until the end of
     the breeding season. For more
                                                   RESIDENtS tIP
     information on working towards a
     ‘natural balance’ with your resident          Daddy and I do digging and cutting
     brush turkey, please visit www.               to stop the creeper climbing in the               house – Harrison

Mozzies and midges                             ensuring water does not pool on the
                                                tank lid
Mosquitoes and midges can turn a
                                               sealing all entry routes to the tank
great afternoon BBQ or picnic into an
                                                including the inlet and overflow pipes
unpleasant event. To help protect yourself
                                                with mosquito-proof screens
and your garden from mozzies and
midges, follow some of the tips below.        Visit
                                              environment for more information.
 Regularly check for mosquito larvae
  (wrigglers) in any still water in
  containers, plant saucers, tyres and tyre   Fire ants/yellow crazy ants
  swings, buckets, bird baths and pet
                                              The most dangerous ant in the Brisbane
  bowls. Replace with fresh clean water
                                              area is the fire ant. Other ants that may
  where necessary.
                                              cause problems around the home include
 Keep roof gutters clear from built          green head ants, meat ants, sugar ants
  up leaf litter to prevent rain water        and funnel ants.
                                              Fire ants were discovered in South East
 Wear long sleeved, light coloured and       Queensland in 2001 and even though
  loose fitting clothing if you are outside   many have been eradicated, there is
  at dusk and dawn.                           always a risk of finding them in plant soil
                                              and potting mix. If you buy these, ask
 Use natural repellents such as
                                              your garden supplier to certify that they
  citronella, mosquito coils and lanterns.
                                              are free of fire ants.
environment for more information.

   Put sand in the saucers of pot plants
   – it keeps the mozzies away

Rainwater tanks and mozzie
prevention                                     Fire ant

Mosquitoes breed if they get inside a tank
or systems where water does not drain
from pipes, gutters and plumbing.
                                                 PESt tIP
                                                 If you think you have fire ants or
You can stop mosquitoes breeding in
                                                 yellow crazy ants, immediately phone
your rainwater tank by:
                                                 the Department of Primary Industries
 ensuring there is no debris in the tank        and Fisheries on 13 25 23. Visit
                                         for more
 gutter design does not allow water to

                                                              Green Gardening Guide     43
Yellow crazy ants were discovered in
Brisbane in 2004. They don’t sting but      PESt tIP
spray formic acid that irritates the skin
                                            Termites (white ants) can cause
and eyes of people.
                                            thousands of dollars worth of
Visit              damage to homes in a relatively
environment for more information.           short period of time. To prevent any
                                            problems, always ensure that:
                                            •	 you	don’t	have	garden	beds	
                                               against your home
                                            •	 keep	weep	holes	clear
                                            •	 keep	any	pieces	of	timber	away	
                                               from against your home
                                            •	 replace	any	leaking	garden	taps
 Yellow crazy ant                           •	 contact	a	qualified	pest	manager	
                                               at least once a year to carry out a
                                               termite inspection of your home.
                                               Details can be found in the yellow
                                               pages under ‘pest control’.

A DPI&F scientist inspecting a fire ant nest

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Garden Care of A Sustainable Garden - Brisbane, Australia

  • 1. Garden care Once you have established your Caring for your compost sustainable garden, the next step is to know how to care for it through  Alternate nitrogen-rich materials (e.g. regular maintenance. This section will fruit peelings, lawn clippings) with carbon-rich materials (e.g. dry leaves, provide some information for you to sawdust, paper, straw). follow.  Make the layers 5-10cm deep. A sustainable garden is a winner in the maintenance stakes. It is low  Sprinkle soil between the layers. maintenance, needs less mowing,  Add oxygen by turning the top layers less pruning, less chemicals and less regularly. watering, so you get more time to  Keep moist but not wet. enjoy it! Avoid adding: RESIDENtS tIP  animal fats and meats as this will attract vermin If it's not compostable or recyclable, don't buy it!!  weeds with bulbs  pet droppings (try a worm farm) Compost  branches, roots and rose cuttings Compost is a complete DIY plant food  citrus peel and soil conditioner. It’s great for soil  seafood. structures, root growth, soil water-holding capacity and worms. It turns everything from vacuum cleaner dust to eggshells GREEN tIP into great fertiliser. Importantly, it diverts your green waste back into the garden If your chosen method of rather than into a landfill site, which composting is a compost heap or also helps to reduce the production of compost enclosure, remember to damaging greenhouse gases. keep your compost covered with soil and turn regularly to discourage rat and/or mice infestation. RESIDENtS tIP Egg shells, crushed and added to compost are a great source of calcium for your soil Green Gardening Guide 31
  • 2. Garden care It is handy to keep a separate bin in your kitchen for fruit and vegetable scraps GREEN tIP for your compost heap. The compost is Offer your vegie scraps to your ready for garden use when it has reduced neighbours who have a compost bin to a fine, crumble mix with an earthy or chickens. smell. This may take between 3-6 months depending on what the design of your compost bin is. For a great guide on how to compost, RESIDENtS tIP visit Puffy my chicken is good for p01151aa.pdf/How_to_compost.pdf fertiliser. She eats my leftovers at dinner too – Ameilia, aged 7 Low Nitrogen soil and water High Nitrogen kitchen waste water Low Nitrogen garden waste High Nitrogen manure Low Nitrogen coarse prunings High Nitrogen grass clippings Low Nitrogen soil High Nitrogen herbs or seaweed Low Nitrogen coarse prunings loosely-forked soil base 32
  • 3. Marvellous mulch Benefits of mulch Even if you don’t have a compost heap Multipurpose mulch can: or bin, you can still enjoy the marvellous  suppress weeds benefits of mulch. It’s as easy as spreading weed-free dry grass clippings, leaves  act as a natural slow-release fertiliser and shredded prunings on top of the soil  provide a home for plant-friendly to a depth of 15cm for course material insects and only 2.5cm for fresh grass clippings. Remember to keep it away from plant  keep up to 70% more water in the soil stems to avoid collar rot. than unmulched soil. For more information on composting or RESIDENtS tIP mulching visit environment or call Council on Use lucerne mulch. When it sprouts (07) 3403 8888. dig it in to enrich soil with nitrogen – Yvonne Mulch layer breaks down to add Weeds pulled out easily nutrients to soil Screened light = Evaporation less germination reduced of weed seeds mulch no mulch Roots can be killed at high temperatures 3cm deep 32˚C 42˚C 12cm deep 26˚C 38˚C Green Gardening Guide 33
  • 4. GREEN tIP GREEN tIP If you put mulch on your garden Just remember that your compost too thickly a crust may develop worms are a different species to and prevent water penetration. It’s your garden worms. Your compost always a good idea to periodically worms are surface dwellers and turn over your mulch to aerate it are one of nature’s best recyclers. and to assist with decomposition. Garden earthworms are great at deep burrowing which help loosens soil and allows water and air down to the roots of plants. Hooray for worms! If you don’t have room for a compost bin, Your garden earthworms are just as hard you should consider buying a worm farm. working. They munch up mulch, creating Compost worms are great gardeners. tunnels for air, water and delicate roots as They munch up all your vegetable scraps they go. They play such a very important and produce microbe-rich castings that role in having a healthy, sustainable are full of nutrients for plants. The liquid garden. castings are great for watering all your plants and you just need to dilute it at a rate of 1 to 10 (i.e. castings to water). 34
  • 5. Garden care Fertilisers Mowing Some forms of fertiliser are often How do you rate as a mower? Give expensive, require a lot of water and may yourself a tick if you… not even be necessary. Check any nutrient Compost or mulch weed-free grass deficiency symptoms in foliage with your clippings local nursery. Avoid the use of chemical fertilisers and go organic with your own Only cut the top third of the grass mulch and compost. Mow regularly during the summer Nitrogen-rich fertilisers cause algal growing season blooms and increase weed growth in our Don’t use a catcher on parts of the waterways. This disturbs the ecological lawn you don’t often visit balance for animals and plants that live there. Some native plants (such as Use a mulching mower that shreds banksias and grevilleas) are sensitive to clippings finely phosphorus so avoid using fertilisers and Service your mower regularly and keep greywater on these. the blades sharp If you feel as though you have to use Are a considerate neighbour, who extra fertilisers: mows and whipper snips between 7am  confirm why you need them and 7pm each day or after 8am on Sundays  check their composition Have replaced some of your lawn with  follow the manufacturer’s instructions gardens and/or vegie patch carefully Water your lawn with greywater from  if you want to take advantage of rain, your laundry or shower ensure that you dig the fertiliser in well to minimise the chance of run-off Use an energy-efficient hand push mower  never empty fertilisers into creeks or stormwater drains. Practice safety in the garden by Don’t spray/sprinkle wearing a wide-brimmed hat, long- chemicals on a windy sleeved shirt, gardening gloves, day or before rain Identify the sunglasses, sturdy shoes and sunscreen problem Don’t over-fertilise your plants Target spray on pest only Space plants to encourage air circulation Leave grass clippings on lawn LAWN (reduce) Use greywater to fertilise Green Gardening Guide 35
  • 6. Pruning Dumping garden waste Some native plants such as bottlebrush A big threat to our natural environment is and tea tree benefit from pruning. It the dumping of rubbish, including garden promotes flowering and they don’t waste and lawn clippings. become straggly or woody. However, Garden waste, such as plant pruning’s, you can keep your pruning chores to a soil and grass clippings can introduce or minimum by choosing plants that grow to spread weeds or other unwanted plants a size that suits their location. into bushland, and pests such as fireants. Pruning your trees is a good idea to Their introduction causes competition reduce their centre of gravity however with native plants and can destroy habitat. there are rules to consider. Thin them If native plants suffer, so do the native out but do not cut back the lower limbs birds, animals and insects that need as this will make the tree top heavy. If those plants for food and shelter. The in doubt, contact a qualified consulting green waste can also add fuel to the bush arborist for advice. and during the hot dry summer season increase the risk and intensity of bushfire. Always dispose of your prunings by either: Dumping rubbish, including garden waste  buying your own mulcher to shred such as grass clippings and pruning’s are larger prunings before placing them in illegal and penalties apply. Be responsible your compost bin. and take your garden waste to one of  separate green waste and general Council’s four transfer stations. Contact waste before going to the Council Council on (07) 3403 8888 or visit transfer station for further information.  contact a garden waste removal service that mulches and recycles waste to take your pruning’s and leaves away. RESIDENtS tIP Learn to prune your garden at the right time of the year for healthy regrowth – Shane GREEN tIP Council offers a free kerbside green waste collection for all residents. To find out about the collection schedule for your suburb phone Council on (07) 3403 8888 or visit environment 36
  • 7. not mulching, having water-repelling soils GREEN FACt and bad garden design. Here are some tips to reduce any water wastage. Roadside or bushland dumping is illegal and penalties apply. If you  Use a soil wetting agent to assist with see someone dumping waste the soils ability to take up water more illegally, dob in a dumper by calling efficiently. Council on (07) 3403 8888.  After you have watered, check to see Write down the registration number, how far it has penetrated. Ideally, it make and model of the vehicle should be to a depth of 10cm. as well as the time and place. For safety reasons, don’t confront the  Group plants with similar watering dumpers. requirements together.  Mulch your gardens and pots well. Mulch made from recycled organics Minimising water use (i.e. sugar cane mulch) is a great water saving product. As Australians, we live on the driest inhabited continent on Earth. Drought  Lawns are very water hungry. Think is a periodic reality for most parts of about replacing your lawn with garden Australia, including Brisbane and we need beds or use a more waterwise variety of to be smart about how we use the water grass. Lawns are resilient so if your lawn available to us. By following good water does go brown, it will rejuvenate when management practices we can lessen we next have good rainfall. the pressure placed on the supply of this  Water pots and plants on a low- limited resource. pressure setting on your hose. This will allow deep water penetration of your RESIDENtS tIP plants. Spray settings will only provide surface watering. Water the root ball of the plant, not the whole plant  Always check to see if your plants need watering. An easy way to test is to insert your finger into the dirt and Brisbane residents are to be then remove it to see if the soil on your congratulated for the way they have met finger is wet or dry. the challenges of drought and water  Establishing with deep watering is restriction targets. Whilst it has not always more beneficial than frequent surface been easy to watch our beloved gardens watering as this encourages deep root struggle, we have learnt first hand just growth. how important it is to retain the water we use by mulching and composting our  Buy a rainwater tank. Check with gardens. Council for any rebate that might apply. For more information visit, It has been estimated that up to a third of water wasted in the garden is through not rainwatertanks following good watering practices, e.g. Green Gardening Guide 37
  • 8.  Use greywater from your laundry and Water early in the morning or late bathroom. Just remember to not use in the afternoon (in accordance with this water on your edible vegetables or current restrictions) on some natives. Visit www.brisbane. Have planted waterwise plants for further information on greywater use. Use greywater on your plants (except some natives and edible plants)  Purchase and install water saving devices. For example, rainwater Have planted a shade tree to reduce tanks, pool covers, low flow taps, and evaporation greywater systems. Have reduced the size of your lawn Have less than 50% of your garden area GREEN tIP planted with lawn Greywater can contain elevated The Queensland Water Commission has levels of sodium, phosphorus the responsibility for water restrictions in and contaminants. Avoid use response to the combined water levels on grevilleas, banksias, azaleas, of our three main dams – Wivenhoe, gardenias or directly on edible crops. Somerset and North Pine. Visit to view current water Give yourself a tick if you… restrictions. Use mulch on your pots and gardens GREEN FACt Group plants together with similar watering needs Of all the earth’s water, only three percent is fresh and two-thirds Have a rainwater tank and/or a of this is locked away in ice. That greywater diverter leaves only one percent to water the world. trees Your garden is a reflection of you and a specially-planted tree can represent a significant event in your family (e.g. child’s birth) or just a statement to your home. It’s important to look after not just your special tree but all trees in your property. Give it loving care by:  mulching its critical root zone (see picture on page 39)  hiring a consulting arborist to inspect it, prune it or remove dead or dangerous branches. 38
  • 9. RESIDENtS tIP tree root maintenance A tree’s ‘critical root zone’ is the area Everyone should plant a tree for every directly underneath the canopy of a year they have lived mature tree, right down to the root structure. What to do to protect your special tree All activities in this zone have a direct impact on the tree and its roots. Tree health, vigour and stability are linked to root health. Any damage to the roots can weaken branches in the tree’s canopy. Weak roots mean unstable trees during extreme weather conditions. When working in the critical root zone, avoid:  digging  root cutting or other damage  filling CRItICAL ZoNE  spilling chemicals  compaction  vehicular traffic What Not to do to protect your special tree  paving. Tree roots don’t usually crack or break pipes – the pipes are often already leaking or damaged which attracts tree roots. To avoid any problems that roots might cause:  plant trees away from structures. A guide to how far is available on page 28 in this booklet or check with your local nursery.  repair faulty stormwater and sewer pipes CRItICAL ZoNE  choose small to medium trees. Green Gardening Guide 39
  • 10. Preparing for fire/storm For more information on preparing for storm season visit: season Brisbane’s summers are hot and storm storm_checklist.html and fire events are common. To lessen the potential for damage it is best that you prepare your home early for the summer css/severe_storm.asp season. For fire season information visit: Here are some simple steps to protect your property. bushfire/default.asp Before fire season  Clean out roof guttering. Leaf litter Safety in the garden can accumulate in your gutters which As much as we enjoy being in the will ignite from flying embers from garden, we should always be mindful of bushfires. These embers can travel good safety practices. Common garden many kilometres on the wind. Use chemical and synthetic pesticides can be gutter guards to prevent leaf build up. dangerous to your plants, soils, aquatic  Create a barrier/fire break between life, pets and children if used incorrectly. bushland and your home.  Ensure that you have an easily- GREEN tIP accessible and fire-safe escape road If you’re not sure how to handle route should you need to leave. the product, always read the label each time that you purchase the Before storm season product as dosage rates can change between manufacturing dates.  Check and repair any loose roofing tiles or sheets. Check and clean downpipes, guttering and drains to ensure water Some general gardening safety tips. drains away quickly. Use gutter guards  Don’t leave garden tools, hoses, to prevent leaf build up. watering cans or other solid objects  Hire a qualified consulting arborist to lying about for people to trip over. inspect your trees for dead branches,  Always store rakes, hoes, spades, forks, weak branch attachments, decay, poor secateurs and shears out of children’s weight distribution and dangerously reach. crowded branches or root damage.  Always be careful of handling organic  Remove any overhanging branches mulch, compost and fertilisers. Use near your home and clear your yard of gloves and a mask to ensure that you loose materials and rubbish. do not inhale any microorganisms. Always be storm and fire smart!  If you are cut with a sharp gardening implement, wash with warm water and clean with disinfectant. 40
  • 11.  Always be aware of possibly finding rusty nails or other dangerous objects tips for an environmentally- when you’re digging in the garden. friendly garden  Always mow wearing covered shoes, a  Spray plants with natural insect controls hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. such as garlic spray, white oil or dishwashing detergent (see residents’  Always wash your hands with soap and tried and true recipes below). water after working in the garden even if you’ve worn gloves.  Encourage visits by insect-eating birds by providing suitable habitat.  Remember to bend your knees when lifting plants or using your  Get 'Mother Nature' on side with wheelbarrow. companion planting, choosing plants that attract insect predators (such When handling fertilisers and chemicals: as ladybeetles) or release certain  always read, understand and follow the chemicals (such as marigolds). directions on the label  Prevention is best. Keep plants healthy,  ensure you understand the rate of weed-free and disease-resistant. application and wear gloves Select plants less susceptible to insect invasion.  store chemicals and fertilisers out of the reach of children  Use natural pesticides such as pyrethrum and derris. However, use  don’t spray on windy days or when the them sparingly as they too can cause temperature is over 30°C. environmental harm. If you are having some problems  To reduce fungal problems remove old with garden pests consider using leaves, avoid watering leaf surfaces and organic chemicals that have a minimal keep mulch from base of stem. environmental impact. RESIDENtS tIP Use companion planting to reduce reliance on man-made chemicals and increase production of plants. GREEN tIP Remember to practice ‘sun safety’ whenever you are in the garden and always wear a hat, long sleeves, sturdy shoes, sunglasses and sunscreen. Green Gardening Guide 41
  • 12. GREEN tIP Garden nasties Residents tried and true sustainable garden remedies: Invasive plants Many attractive garden plants have a AILMENT REMEDy secret life as weeds in our bushland! There To deter white Boil lettuce leaves are more than 200 backyard beauties cabbage moth and use the water on that become bushland bullies when they cabbages, cauliflower, jump the garden fence. Once there, they brussel sprouts smother and kill native plants, removing For sooty mould Add 1tsp cooking oil food and shelter for our wildlife. + 1tsp detergent + 500ml water – spray on Invasive plants are the main threat to To deter/kill Mix 3 cloves garlic + biodiversity in protected areas and they aphids, slugs, squirt of washing up represent the second biggest threat to beetles liquid + 500ml water biodiversity after vegetation clearing. and spray on Council spends nearly $2.5 million each Black spot on Mix 1tsp sunflower year on weed management in our natural roses oil + 2tsp bicarb soda areas, parks and waterways and 85% of + 1 drop washing the species treated are garden escapees. detergent + 1 litre So we are all really important partners in water – spray on helping to reduce weeds by buying non­ invasive species from a reputable nursery and removing weeds from our gardens, or joining your local Habitat Brisbane group WILDLIFE GREEN tIP and removing weeds from Brisbane’s BRUSH TURKEyS bushland. Council has an online weed identification The brush-turkey is a protected tool and videos of the seven most native bird and they play an common weed control methods to help important role in natural pest you identify and control weeds. To locate management. However, during this useful tool, find more information or the mating season (August to share your knowledge about weeds visit December) they can destroy your or beloved garden within a day and phone (07) 3403 8888 for weed fact sheets. will remain persistent with their nest building until the end of the breeding season. For more RESIDENtS tIP information on working towards a ‘natural balance’ with your resident Daddy and I do digging and cutting brush turkey, please visit www. to stop the creeper climbing in the house – Harrison 42
  • 13. Mozzies and midges  ensuring water does not pool on the tank lid Mosquitoes and midges can turn a  sealing all entry routes to the tank great afternoon BBQ or picnic into an including the inlet and overflow pipes unpleasant event. To help protect yourself with mosquito-proof screens and your garden from mozzies and midges, follow some of the tips below. Visit environment for more information.  Regularly check for mosquito larvae (wrigglers) in any still water in containers, plant saucers, tyres and tyre Fire ants/yellow crazy ants swings, buckets, bird baths and pet The most dangerous ant in the Brisbane bowls. Replace with fresh clean water area is the fire ant. Other ants that may where necessary. cause problems around the home include  Keep roof gutters clear from built green head ants, meat ants, sugar ants up leaf litter to prevent rain water and funnel ants. collecting. Fire ants were discovered in South East  Wear long sleeved, light coloured and Queensland in 2001 and even though loose fitting clothing if you are outside many have been eradicated, there is at dusk and dawn. always a risk of finding them in plant soil and potting mix. If you buy these, ask  Use natural repellents such as your garden supplier to certify that they citronella, mosquito coils and lanterns. are free of fire ants. Visit environment for more information. RESIDENtS tIP Put sand in the saucers of pot plants – it keeps the mozzies away Rainwater tanks and mozzie prevention Fire ant Mosquitoes breed if they get inside a tank or systems where water does not drain from pipes, gutters and plumbing. PESt tIP If you think you have fire ants or You can stop mosquitoes breeding in yellow crazy ants, immediately phone your rainwater tank by: the Department of Primary Industries  ensuring there is no debris in the tank and Fisheries on 13 25 23. Visit for more  gutter design does not allow water to information. pool Green Gardening Guide 43
  • 14. Yellow crazy ants were discovered in Brisbane in 2004. They don’t sting but PESt tIP spray formic acid that irritates the skin Termites (white ants) can cause and eyes of people. thousands of dollars worth of Visit damage to homes in a relatively environment for more information. short period of time. To prevent any problems, always ensure that: • you don’t have garden beds against your home • keep weep holes clear • keep any pieces of timber away from against your home • replace any leaking garden taps Yellow crazy ant • contact a qualified pest manager at least once a year to carry out a termite inspection of your home. Details can be found in the yellow pages under ‘pest control’. 44
  • 15. A DPI&F scientist inspecting a fire ant nest