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Optimising your business via
emerging cloud computing
What is cloud computing
                    Cloud computing has been arguably been over-hyped in
                    recent times, but a simple explanation is not that hard to
                    come by.

                    S   imply put, the cloud computing
                        model of IT is the Internet-
                    based delivery of IT services in the
                                                           slice of the cloud and uses it just
                                                           like a server. The cloud provider
                                                           looks after it for the customer
                    shape of software applications,        and can manage all the new
                    processing power and storage.          installations, maintenance and
                    These ‘services’ are delivered down    software updates that are needed.
                    the Internet ‘pipe’ in an on-demand    The concept here is that the
                    fashion, so that companies can         business can use cloud services
                    simply pay for what they need and      to operate and trade effectively
                    nothing more.                          as it concentrates on its core

                    Cloud computing is a bit like          competencies, whether that be
                    turning on a light switch; you pay     manufacturing washing machines,
                    for as much light as you need and      making cakes or selling legal
Cloud computing     then you turn it off. You only get     services -- rather than having
                    charged for what you use and how       to manage IT services across a
is a bit like
                    long you use it for.                   network of servers i.e tasks beyond
turning on a                                               the customer’s central area of
                    Cloud computing’s economies of
light switch; you   scale hinge around the opportunity     expertise.
pay for as much     for companies to tap into ‘shared
light as you need   computing resources’ owned by the
                    cloud provider. A business buys a
and then you
turn it off.


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Cloud basics
Why is the cloud useful for
businesses of all types?
Customers who opt for cloud
services can manage their
IT network via a web browser
or a dedicated software
application. This makes it far
easier for them to roll out new
software updates (including
anti-virus protection) to an
entire staff base, as the IT
service is managed up in the
clouds where it can oversee all
the businesses’ desktops and
mobile devices.

T  he cloud computing model
   of IT delivery is essentially
hardware and software
                                   According to research carried
                                   out by the Cloud Industry
                                   Forum (CIF), which quizzed
                                                                    can now get on with operating
                                                                    the core business IT network
                                                                    and so doesn’t have to spend
                                                                                                       and when it is needed is
                                                                                                       logically going to be more
                                                                                                       cost effective than buying
services delivered over the        450 senior IT and business       hours trying to install a new      in a large lump of ‘server
web. Its uptake among small        decision-makers in SMBs,         spreadsheet or forms-based         and processing power’ and
to medium sized business has       enterprises and public sector    application (for employees to      using up its capacity slowly
been especially rapid.             organisations, flexibility was   input sales data) across the       but surely when needed. The
                                   cited as the main reason         entire staff base. He (or she)     business still shoulders the
Ask a cloud computing expert
                                   (at 53 percent) for initially    instructs the company’s cloud      upfront capital expenditure
why they think this new
                                   adopting cloud-based             hosting vendor and lets them       on the cost of the IT, and
model of IT service delivery
                                   services.                        handle the job.                    if the business fails to use
is going to be a good idea
                                                                                                       it all then this is wasted
and useful for business and        Let’s just emphasise that        Manageability matters              expenditure that can not be
you’ll typically get just three    this was the MAIN reason         Software updates, patches,         recouped.
words in reply: flexibility,       for INITIALLY adopting           operating system upgrades
manageability and cost-            cloud computing. What is         and – quite crucially we feel –
efficiency.                        interesting is that the same     anti virus software updates all
                                   managers ranked cost saving      become far more controllable,
Now those are rather over-
                                   far lower (at 16 percent) in     flexible, customisable
used terms in the world of
                                   terms of it being a primary      and (yes we’ll say it again)
IT, so what do they mean
                                   driver for initially adopting    manageable.
and how do they manifest
                                   cloud services.
themselves in the real world?                                       So thirdly, cost-efficiency from
                                   Cloud computing directly         the cloud -- as we have said
Flexibility foundations            impacts manageability for        before, cloud computing’s
As we know, cloud computing        some very clear reasons.         economies of scale hinge
is the Internet-based delivery
                                   Deployment (or installation      around the opportunity for
of IT services in the shape
                                   if you prefer) of software       companies to tap into ‘shared
of software applications,
                                   across the entire workforce’s    computing resources’ owned
processing power and storage
                                   range of desktop and mobile      by the cloud provider.
over the Internet.
                                   devices effectively becomes      Buying one flexible chunk
                                   outsourced. The IT manager       of computing power as

                                                                                                                          At work
What is Software-as-a-Service?
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a method of using software under license provided
by a software vendor, where the application is ‘hosted’ at a site away from the
company premises. The software does not take up permanent residence on the
customer’s network i.e. it is never fully downloaded or installed.

T   o use SaaS, a customer’s
    IT department must be
connected to a network to
receive the software down a
supply pipe – and of course
this ‘pipe’ is typically the
In the eyes of the user, using
web-based SaaS software
services is not necessarily
any different from using
an application that is
permanently installed on their
machine. But the business
feels the (largely) positive
effects at the back end inside
the IT department - and on the
financial bottom line.
Adoption of the SaaS model
not only means that the
company uses the most up-
to-date version of software
available at any one time, it
also allows the company to
use software at a lower cost
without weighty technology       The SaaS software sits on        underpinned this growth, so       In summary, SaaS provides
implementation and               the vendor’s network ready       that the use of at least ‘some’   lower administration costs,
deployment costs.                to be deployed into the          SaaS services in modern           automated updates to core

                                 outside world. The software      business framework is             software applications as
                                 applications themselves are      becoming the new norm.            well as patch updates, good
                                 written in what is known as a                                      compatibility levels (all a
                                                                  SaaS shares a close
                                 ‘web-native’ format i.e. this                                      company’s users are finally
Analyst firm                     simply means that they are
                                                                  relationship with cloud
                                                                  computing and is often
                                                                                                    using the same software!)
                                 built to run over the Internet                                     and wider global accessibility
Forrester                        pipes from the start – and
                                                                  referred to as being part
                                                                  of what is called the ‘utility
                                                                                                    for the company’s users as a

says that this                   this also means that they
                                 are optimised for this type of
                                                                  model of computing’, the
                                                                  ‘ASP-model’ (or Application
approach to                      deployment rather than being
                                 traditional desktop (or even
                                                                  Service Provider), or the on-
                                                                  demand computing model.
placing server                   mobile) single installation
                                                                  Essentially these jargon-
storage tasks in                 As the Internet has driven
                                                                  heavy industry terms add up
                                                                  to much the same thing – so
the hands of the                 more deeply into every
                                 company’s operational plans,
                                                                  newcomers to this subject
                                                                  should not be put off by so-
cloud is the most                SaaS web services have           called ‘industry-speak’ if they
                                 become more attuned to real      hear it.
substantial shift                business needs and so have
in IT so far this                enjoyed increased growth and
                                 popularity. The widespread
decade.                          availability of broadband has

          ”                                                                                                             At work
When should businesses consider
moving IT to the cloud?
It’s a broad question i.e. when should businesses consider moving an element of
their IT function to the cloud? To answer this query by merely saying NOW -- would
be too broad brush a statement to have any value. But timing is an essential element

of any business plan, so we must address this issue.

                                                                                                       If a company’s
                                                                                                       servers are
                                                                                                       over five-years
                                                                                                       old, this is
                                                                                                       the dangerous
                                                                                                       part of their
                                                                                                       ‘propensity to
                                                                                                       fail’ curve.

A    company company might
     consider a new cloud
computing component in
                                 Cloud computing also provides
                                 another more subtle function,
                                 which may also have direct
                                                                     you can test it and bring it in
                                                                     house when the time is right.
                                                                     Popular thinking today
                                                                                                       The end of the tax year,
                                                                                                       the end of the VAT quarter,
                                                                                                       Christmas Eve and any
its IT stack if for example it   relevance to a business’s                                             other significant annual (or
                                                                     suggests that the business
were to open up a new line of    security layer -- and that is                                         quarterly) milestone when IT
                                                                     would be happy with this
business or product line, or     its ability to set up a ‘test’                                        downtime which may result
                                                                     block of business left in
perhaps enter a new market.      environment. Because cloud                                            from new cloud deployments
                                                                     the cloud permanently. The
This ‘new rung on the ladder’    computing comes packaged                                              is not a good idea.
                                                                     crucial factor here is that you
moment in business can be        in a ‘service’ over the Internet,
                                                                     recognise the when-factor         So now you know when this
a perfect time to reassess IT    it is there to ‘play with’ in a
                                                                     here as being a time of change    technology is best suited to
input and output channels; a     sense. After all, it’s up in the
                                                                     in the business.                  emerge, you can set your
reassessment of the company      cloud (it’s actually down on a
                                                                                                       cloud computing stop watch.
security layer and a new         remote server being ‘hosted’        There are other ‘finger in the
cloud-driven IT service should   somewhere else) so you can          air’ gauges that a company
be very natural partners         stress test it and see how well     might use to consider
                                 it performs under extreme           when it might adopt some
Another key ‘when-factor’
                                 and/or new conditions.              element of cloud computing.
might be related to the
                                                                     If a company’s servers are
business’s hardware or           For want of a random
                                                                     over five-years old, this is
software installation coming     example, if a consumer
                                                                     approaching the dangerous
to an ‘end of life’ stage.       goods manufacturer wanted
                                                                     part of their ‘propensity to
When the hard disks are          to set up a new web-based
                                                                     fail’ curve. Once again, this
worn out and the machines        mail order system to serve
                                                                     is a good time to think about
need faster processor power,     an emerging market nation
we might also typically find     in Eastern Europe, would
that software and operating      they want that system ‘hard         Just to come full circle on
systems upgrades just have       networked’ in to their existing     this topic, let’s also consider
to be carried out too. So once   IT operation? Probably not          when NOT to consider cloud
again, a cloud watershed         right? But put any new              computing. Or at least,
moment may present itself        modular addition to the             when an IT overhaul is not
here.                            business in the cloud and           necessarily a good idea.

                                                                                                                          At work
How does a business sign up
for cloud services?
So you just sign up for cloud computing and start using the flexible service options
as and when you need them right? Well – that’s mostly correct, but did anybody stop
and ask HOW exactly a business signs up for the cloud in the first place?

T   he simple answer here is
    that a user (an IT manager
or other individual) really does
                                   categorised by parameters
                                   including disk space, monthly
                                   data transfer, programming
                                                                     Ready to go:
                                                                     Based on this simplified
                                                                     explanation of the process, at
simply just sign up. Cloud         support and database              this point the cloud is ready
hosting vendors suggest that       features.                         to go.
they can “spin up” a cloud
server in less than a minute       Time period:                      Cloud vendors call their
for new users – and all this       You also need to decide           part of this whole process
means is that your specified       whether you are signing up        “provisioning”. But if you want
“portion” of server space is       for 12 months, 24-months or       a more digestible term, you
set aside, made ready and          more.                             could simply call this action
kitted out so that it is ready                                       “initiating”, or “preparing”
                                   Now proceed to the                even.
for use.                           checkout:
The HOW section of cloud           Part of the sign up process       Or if you really want to get
computing includes the             will of course include the        down to earth, then we’ll just
following:                         submission of contact             call this process “turning on”.
                                   information, as well as billing   At this point, you can consider
Choose your cloud plan:            and payment information.          your cloud resource to have
There are a few fundamental                                          been “powered up”.
choices that need to be made       Registration:
in terms of the plan any           Creating an account
business signs up to from          username and password is an
the cloud. This will mean          essential part of the process.
selecting which hosting
resources a company buys

into -- and this will be

                                                                                                       Cloud hosting
                                                                                                       vendors suggest
                                                                                                       that they can
                                                                                                       “spin up” a cloud
                                                                                                       server in less
                                                                                                       than a minute for
                                                                                                       new users...

                                                                                                                  At work
Why are some companies
                    concerned about cloud?
                    T    he proposition presented
                         by cloud computing has
                    not arrived without some
                                                      cloud computing is (arguably)
                                                      a superb route towards cost
                                                      savings and the stripping out
                                                                                         look after its data, this should
                                                                                         be a positive area of interest.
                                                                                         An IT survey carried out
                    companies voicing their           of unused or underutilised
                                                                                         Vanson Bourne showed
                    concerns and reservations.        IT resources. On the other

                                                                                         that 91% of companies
                    It is after all very new -- and   hand, the recession itself has
                                                                                         surveyed want a hybrid cloud
                    with newness comes change,        driven cost cutting measures
                                                                                         model for their technology
                    and change is disruptive. But     that have led to smaller
                                                                                         infrastructure, 70% are
                    there is positive disruption      IT departments. So is this
Businesses          and negative disruption.          Catch-22 for the cloud, or is
                                                                                         still “concerned” about the
                                                                                         difficulties of managing such
                    So how do we differentiate        there a way through the mist?
must position       between the two -- and how
                                                      Catch-22 for the cloud?
                                                                                         an infrastructure over the long
                    do we allay cloud computing
staff training at   worries if they have no real      The answer (mostly) lies
                                                                                         The cloud in layers
                                                      in mitigating unnecessary
the heart of any    basis for concern?
                                                      concerns being harboured
                                                                                         Industry analysts suggest
                                                                                         that the prevalence of these
                    Some might say…                   over outsourcing sensitive
cloud migration     Some say that the problem         data to the cloud.
                                                                                         concerns and misgivings
                                                                                         may be down to the over
                    here is skills; the cloud will
strategy, if        change IT provision, but it
                                                      Terms like “storage bloat” are
                                                      sometimes used to describe
                                                                                         usage of the term “cloud
                                                                                         computing” itself. When in
they want to        will fail if we do not change
                    our approach to IT training
                                                      the data loss that can occur       fact the cloud encompasses
                                                      when a business blindly saves      an IT Infrastructure (IaaS –
be able to          by a commensurate degree.
                    The argument is simple:
                                                      all its information in one “data   Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
                                                      dump” to the cloud.                element, a Platform (PaaS
realise tangible    businesses must position staff
                    training at the heart of any      More intelligent use of
                                                                                         - Platform-as-a-Service)
                                                                                         component and then,
business            cloud migration strategy, if
                    they want to be able to realise
                                                      cloud computing may be
                                                                                         ultimately a Software (SaaS
                                                      to employ services such as
benefits from       tangible business benefits        email management, which
                                                                                         – Software-as-a-Service)
                    from cloud-based Software-        looks after email archiving,
cloud-based         as-a-Service streams.             retention and management. If
                                                      there are concerns over how
Software-           But there are two sides to
                    this argument. On the one
                                                      a business should operate

as-a-Service        hand we should consider that
                                                      within the cloud and be able to



                                                                                                              At work
Who are the top cloud
Cloud computing is not an open and shut case. The upshot of
this is that we should really break any list of cloud vendors

down into sub categories.

                                                                                    Five segments
                                                                                    of the cloud:
                                                                                    security, storage
                                                                                    and cloud
                                                                                    software &

I deally, an analysis of the
  cloud computing market
place would separate
                                 • Akamai         The ‘service’ selection factor
                                                  The important point here is
                                                  not that these nine companies
                                                                                    Many would argue that cloud
                                                                                    computing still sits in this
                                                                                    mire of uncertainty and that
‘elements’ of the cloud into     • Amazon         all hover somewhere around        security is still a massive
perhaps five segments:                            the top ten cloud vendors list    concern. But things are better
cloud platforms themselves,
infrastructure, security,
                                 • Microsoft      on a month-by-month basis
                                                  at the time of writing. No, the
                                                                                    than that; building on the
                                                                                    cloud is not like laying down

                                 • Enki
storage and cloud software &                      important point is that each      foundations on quicksand,
applications.                                     company will have a different     there are answers to most of
                                                  approach to service – and         the questions we will need
Naming names
But for the purposes of this
                                 • Fortress ITX   this is widely argued to be the   answered.
                                                  major defining factor that will
overview, let’s stick with                                                          The question is, how well can
what we can define as cloud      • Joyent         help us distinguish one cloud
                                                  player from another.
                                                                                    each cloud vendor attend
‘vendors’ specifically. The                                                         to a customer’s concerns,
below list is merely presented
as an hors d’œuvre. Some
                                 • Google         Let’s not forget, cloud
                                                  computing started out as a
                                                                                    questions and uncertainties?
                                                                                    Once again, it will come down
names you will know well,                         highly disruptive technology      to service.
some names you may know          • Rackspace      development (albeit mainly
for other reasons and some                        positive), with no previous
names may be new to you.         • Salesforce     customer references, very
                                                  few SLAs (service level
                                                  agreements), spiralling
                                                  security concerns and no
                                                  tangible guarantee of ROI
                                                  (return on investment).

                                                                                                       At work
Where are the cloud’s
                   data centres?
                   Surely one of the great issues with cloud computing is the IT
                   industry’s apparent willingness to fuel the ‘ethereal’ image of
                   the cloud’s data banks. “It’s just out there,” they say...

                   T    he cloud delivers data and
                        application processing
                   power as and when you need
                                                         Both McAfee and Rackspace
                                                         (to name just two) have built
                                                         cloud data centres in London,
                                                                                            build one huge lump of cloud
                                                                                            The answer is a multi-layered
                   it, they say. “Don’t concern          UK – in addition to their US
                                                                                            one. There are latency effects
                   yourself with building an IT          bases of course. According
                                                                                            experienced by certain
                   infrastructure, just outsource        to Data Centre Knowledge
                                                                                            software applications (if they
                   it to our hosted service,” they, Amazon holds its
                                                                                            are particularly high volume
                   (the cloud providers) say and         data banks right around the
                                                                                            transaction apps) depending
                   say and say.                          globe in Amsterdam, Dublin,

                                                                                            on the cloud’s location.
                                                         Frankfurt, London, Hong
                   But hang on, that’s not really
                                                         Kong, Singapore, Tokyo and         Compliance complicity
                   what we want to hear, is it? All
                                                         at eight locations across          Plus there’s also the
                   this ‘up in the sky’ flexibility is
                                                         America.                           geographical factor to
There are          all very well, but businesses
                   today large and small want to         Physical realities
                                                                                            consider i.e. regulatory
                                                                                            and compliance rulings
latency effects    know not only which side their
                   bread is buttered on, they also
                                                         So let’s not use the rest of
                                                         this section to simply list
                                                                                            governing data in Europe are

experienced by     want to know where the butter
                   dairy is. Come to think of it,
                                                         companies and data centre
                                                                                            different from those in the
                                                                                            US and the Far East, so this
                                                         office locations. Let us take it
certain software   they also want to know if the
                   cows are happy this week.
                                                         as read that Google, Microsoft,
                                                                                            is a consideration too. But a
                                                                                            deeper analysis of this topic is
                                                and every
applications       Cold hard facts
                                                         other cloud vendor out there
                                                                                            another story for another day.
                                                         does indeed have a physical
(if they are       So to come down to earth
                   with some hard facts, let’s
                                                         building ready to deliver cloud
                                                         services as an when needed.
particularly       look at where the cloud
                   really is.                            The point to embrace here
high volume        The cloud – or to put it more
                                                         is… why do these companies
                                                         build so many different sites
transaction        accurately, the server racks
                   in the data centres that hold
                                                         around the globe? If the cloud
                                                         as truly global as the Internet
apps) depending    the software for cloud-based
                   applications to work over the
                                                         itself, then why doesn’t Google
                                                         (or whoever) find the cheapest
on the cloud’s     Internet – does have an actual
                   street address.
                                                         ground rent available and just



                                                                                                                 At work
How should we view cloud
                   Service Level Agreements?
                   A   business signs up for cloud computing services and
                       should expect to get everything that it has paid for
                   within the scope of the signed agreement right? Given this
                   cornerstone of consumer purchasing advice, is attempting
                   to transfer this maxim to the world of technology and cloud
                   computing services too much to ask?

                   Unfortunately the Service         Companies will need to go        Dynamic data
                   Level Agreement (SLA) that        through a process of auditing,   We have used the word
                   governs most cloud contracts      analysing, documenting and       ‘dynamic’ just there and this is
                   is more of an “expectations-      ratifying every element of       the main issue at hand; cloud
                   management” mechanism in          their cloud SLA to make sure     computing is still-nascent,
                   many senses.                      that it provides appropriate     rapidly changing and ultra-
                                                     levels of:                       dynamic.
                   SLA basics
                   While cloud SLAs may set out      • Performance and                Entering into any new

                   to lay down a blueprint for         processing power               agreement with a cloud
                   how a cloud service should                                         supplier is almost like buying
                                                     • Data storage and data
                   operate, firms may find them                                       a new car straight off the
                   more constructive tools if                                         production line i.e. it should
Building your      they are viewed as a remit        • Security, anti-malware         all work fine, but the road
                   for communications between          provisioning and all-round     may be bumpy ahead and
cloud computing    vendor and customer i.e.            ‘robustness’ or service        unpredictable.
                   almost a conflict prevention
SLA should be a    tool if you like.
                                                     • Flexibility, controllability
                                                       and manageability
                                                                                      Once again, a little of the
                                                                                      ‘buyer-beware’ attitude here
two-way street,    Building your cloud computing
                   SLA should be a two-
                                                     • Clarity of charges and costs
                                                                                      should go a long way.

with your own      way street, with your own
                   company’s representatives
                                                     • Refundable options in the
                                                       event of service outages
company’s          inputting to the SLA itself –
                   otherwise it’s just a document,
                                                     NB: The above list is intended
                                                     to be dynamic, rather than
representatives    not an “agreement” between
                   two parties.
                                                     exhaustive and definitive.
                                                     It is however a very good
inputting to the                                     foundation and starting point.

SLA itself.


                                                                                                          At work
Private clouds vs.
                     public clouds what’s
                     the difference?
                     A   sk a cloud computing
                         expert to solve the
                     following riddle: when is a
                                                       Private benefits
                                                       But private clouds can not
                                                       benefit from the higher
                                                                                          services delivered over an
                                                                                          Internet connection.

                     cloud not a cloud? The most       level economies of scale
                                                                                          Which apps, which cloud
                     likely answer you will get is:                                       So which applications should
                                                       experienced in the public
                     when that cloud is a private                                         we put in the private cloud
                                                       cloud. That being said, they do
                     cloud. This is because in                                            versus the public cloud? Ah
                                                       have a place and are typically
                     some senses a private cloud                                          well, that of course is the
                                                       used for housing elements of
                     is not true cloud computing;                                         $64,000 question. But it’s not
                                                       a firm’s critical infrastructure
                                                                                          too hard to work it out. Each

                     rather, it is an emulation of     that the company would
                     some of the virtualisation                                           application will have its own
                                                       not be happy to release
                     functions of the public cloud,                                       characteristics in terms of
                                                       externally. This is not to
                     but done on an individual level                                      mission criticality, workload,
                                                       say that the public cloud is
                                                                                          data throughput and security.
The public cloud     inside a single company in an
                     ‘on-premise’ server.
                                                       insecure (far from it in fact),
                                                       it is merely down to a) a bit
                                                                                          What tends to matter most is
                                                                                          the ‘accountability’ of the data
is thoroughbred      An ‘instance’ of cloud
                                                       of common sense b) a bit of
                                                       human nature and c) a bit of
                                                                                          that the application itself has
                     power                                                                to handle i.e the true business
beast, with all      As stated, the private cloud
                                                       pressure from management.
                                                                                          value of the data in hand.
                     will still offer the ability      Going Public
the appendages       to virtualise – and when          The public cloud on the
                                                                                          In practice, a combination
                                                                                          of public, private and hybrid
                     we say this we mean that          other hand is a more
and ancillary        component blocks of storage       thoroughbred beast, with all
                                                                                          cloud environments is already
                                                                                          proving to the most workable
                     and processing power can be       the appendages and ancillary
functions that       set aside and ‘described as an    functions that this new model
                                                                                          methodology for
                     instance’ in their own right,     of IT delivery has to offer.
this new model       such that they represent a        What is more, the public
                     so-called ‘virtual machine’.      cloud is built at scale – and
of IT delivery has   This means that they can still    therefore it stands to offer
                     be scaled up or down inside       the greatest opportunity to
to offer. What is    the realm of the total private    benefit from economies of
                     cloud, and in most cases, can     scale that can possibly exist.
more, the public     also share from one of the key    The public cloud then is
                     benefits of utility computing     dynamically provisioned IT
cloud is built at    i.e shared hardware costs.



                                                                                                              At work
What type of applications
do not work best in the
                                                                                                      4 – Audit Unfriendly Apps
                                                                                                      It’s a simple straightforward
                                                                                                      truth, some companies will be
                                                                                                      working under data regulation
                                                                                                      and compliance rulings that
                                                                                                      specify against the use of
                                                                                                      cloud computing. It may be
                                                                                                      worded differently along these
                                                                                                      lines: the physical location
                                                                                                      of each server unit that the
                                                                                                      company uses for data storing
                                                                                                      and processing must be able
                                                                                                      to be specifically identified
                                                                                                      and geographically located.
                                                                                                      As cloud hosters/providers
                                                                                                      typically do not tell customers
                                                                                                      which cloud server their work
                                                                                                      is carried out on at any one
                                                                                                      time, the possibility of cloud
                                                                                                      computing for companies
                                                                                                      under such regulations is
                                                                                                      ruled out.
                                                                                                      5 – The Software License
                                                                                                      Brick Wall
                                                                                                      This one should not take
                                                                                                      too much explaining; some

T   here’s a simple way to        2 – Heavy Input/Output           3 – Solid & Consistent             software licenses have simply
    answer the question           Applications                     Workload Apps                      not got to grips with cloud
of what type of application       Any software application         If your application is a solid,    computing. These licenses
works well in the cloud; as       that makes a high degree         unchanging, accurately             either never envisioned a time
you might be able to guess,       of physical input/output         definable entity – then why        when cloud computing would
the best gauge is to look at      demands on a company’s           are you looking to put it in the   take off as a viable computing
what does not work well in        physical server is not           cloud? The cloud computing         environment, or they have
the cloud.                        best suited to the cloud.        model of IT offers massively       simply shut the door to cloud
                                  Applications that work well      expandable flexibility;            deployment as they feel (for
1 – Sensitive Data                                                                                    example) that the number
                                  in the cloud can be sent to      but if you know what your
Any software application that                                                                         of user license controls is
                                  the cloud server that houses     application needs to handle
is inherently built around the                                                                        too hard to pin down. Good
                                  and powers them -- and then      every day, every week and
need to collate and manage                                                                            examples here would be
                                  made to work “out there” in      every month – then you know
sensitive data is, in simple                                                                          ERP (or enterprise resource
                                  the cloud doing what they        what your IT requirements
terms, not best suited to the                                                                         planning) software, which
                                  do. If that application has to   are, so you can buy the
cloud computing model of                                                                              suffers particularly from this
                                  constantly ask for connections   appropriate amount of on-
IT delivery. Sure the cloud                                                                           shortfall.
                                  to and from the customer’s       premise server hardware to
is safe; there are security
                                  terrestrial IT network (i.e.     fit the bill. Using the cloud in
controls and firewalls aplenty
                                  not in the cloud), then things   this instance is not a problem,
from all the biggest cloud
                                  start to look like hard work.    but it is really not prudent,
hosters/providers. But if you
                                  Examples would be data           profitable or efficient. If you
have an application that relies
                                  analysis applications and        know you need a car 7 days a
on mission critical data and
                                  software that relies on CEP      week, you don’t hire one every
you can keep it on-premise,
                                  (or complex event processing)    morning do you? It’s the same
then do so. Only put these
                                  to work.                         concept.
applications in the cloud as a
secondary option.

                                                                                                                          At work
What is a cloud mashup?
Cloud computing has a variety of custom-tuned deployment scenarios in
real-world computing environments, one of these is the cloud mash-up.

I n order to answer the
  question, what is a cloud
mash up -- we should first
answer the question, what
is a mashup? For those new
                               So we know what mashups
                               are and we know how
                               they interconnect. A cloud
                               mashup then is quite simply
                               a web-based instance of a
                                                               mission critical data in
                                                               this environment, but it
                                                               has great potential for
                                                               Well, it’s true -- you don’t
                                                               want to put your core
                                                                                               A mashup is
                                                                                               a term used
                                                                                               to describe
to the term, a mashup is       mashup, but the application     experimental testing of new
a term used to describe a      content itself resides in the   services before they are        a web-based
web-based application that
combines information from
                               cloud. So why is that good?     taken to more fully blown
                                                               levels of research and          application
                               If your cloud mashup is
two or more sources to
present a new service.
                               by its very nature hosted
                                                               development.                    that combines
For an example, think about
                               in the cloud then it will be
                               sat next to some useful
                                                               Plus anyway, companies
                                                               using this level of             information
a news website that pulls
in weather updates from
                               software building tools if
                               you subscribe to a cloud
                                                               technology should at
                                                               least be thinking about
                                                                                               from two or
Weather dot com (or other),    mashup centre service,          enterprise level (and yes we    more sources to
or stocks and shares info,     such as the one provided        do mean SMB enterprise
currency rates or even         by IBM for example. A           level) anti virus and           present a new
additional news items from     good enterprise mashup          malware protection with

Reuters. The resulting end     platform features reusable      a firewalls and a formal
product is a mashup of its     application building blocks     security policy.
component parts.               (commonly referred to
                                                               Cloud-based application
                               as ‘widgets’ and ‘feeds’)
Mashups use an API                                             mashups are arguably the
                               that can be built into new
(Application Programming                                       technology of the future, but
                               applications or incorporated
Interface) to combine and                                      they are already here today.
                               into existing applications.
coalesce different website                                     Although they might not
elements. So just one          in this scenario we’re          have enjoyed widespread
more definition - an API is    using software building         adoption as yet, any SMB
basically a set of software-   blocks way up in the cloud      IT manager should have at
to-software programming        to construct applications       least around this much (see
instructions that work         that will handle our data       above) passing knowledge
on the web. APIs allow         in an off premise location      of them we feel.
one piece of web-based         alongside other cloud
software to talk to another    “tenants” (or customers if
in a process controlled by     you prefer). Surely this is
the API itself.                a data security nightmare
                               waiting to happen right?

                                                                                                         At work
At work

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tes its product lineup to
e the best security possible,
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y to reflect that: quicker,

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er,and full of personality.

ymbol and logotype have
edesigned. AVG’s new

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ust never be recreated or
t in an alternative font.
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revious designs for crisper
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Avg SMB Cloud Computing Guide 2011

  • 1. At work Small Business Security Guides Optimising your business via emerging cloud computing technologies
  • 2. What is cloud computing anyway? Cloud computing has been arguably been over-hyped in recent times, but a simple explanation is not that hard to come by. S imply put, the cloud computing model of IT is the Internet- based delivery of IT services in the slice of the cloud and uses it just like a server. The cloud provider looks after it for the customer shape of software applications, and can manage all the new processing power and storage. installations, maintenance and These ‘services’ are delivered down software updates that are needed. the Internet ‘pipe’ in an on-demand The concept here is that the fashion, so that companies can business can use cloud services simply pay for what they need and to operate and trade effectively nothing more. as it concentrates on its core “ Cloud computing is a bit like competencies, whether that be turning on a light switch; you pay manufacturing washing machines, for as much light as you need and making cakes or selling legal Cloud computing then you turn it off. You only get services -- rather than having charged for what you use and how to manage IT services across a is a bit like long you use it for. network of servers i.e tasks beyond turning on a the customer’s central area of Cloud computing’s economies of light switch; you scale hinge around the opportunity expertise. pay for as much for companies to tap into ‘shared light as you need computing resources’ owned by the cloud provider. A business buys a and then you turn it off. ” At work
  • 3. Cloud basics Why is the cloud useful for businesses of all types? Customers who opt for cloud services can manage their IT network via a web browser or a dedicated software application. This makes it far easier for them to roll out new software updates (including anti-virus protection) to an entire staff base, as the IT service is managed up in the clouds where it can oversee all the businesses’ desktops and mobile devices. T he cloud computing model of IT delivery is essentially hardware and software According to research carried out by the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), which quizzed can now get on with operating the core business IT network and so doesn’t have to spend and when it is needed is logically going to be more cost effective than buying services delivered over the 450 senior IT and business hours trying to install a new in a large lump of ‘server web. Its uptake among small decision-makers in SMBs, spreadsheet or forms-based and processing power’ and to medium sized business has enterprises and public sector application (for employees to using up its capacity slowly been especially rapid. organisations, flexibility was input sales data) across the but surely when needed. The cited as the main reason entire staff base. He (or she) business still shoulders the Ask a cloud computing expert (at 53 percent) for initially instructs the company’s cloud upfront capital expenditure why they think this new adopting cloud-based hosting vendor and lets them on the cost of the IT, and model of IT service delivery services. handle the job. if the business fails to use is going to be a good idea it all then this is wasted and useful for business and Let’s just emphasise that Manageability matters expenditure that can not be you’ll typically get just three this was the MAIN reason Software updates, patches, recouped. words in reply: flexibility, for INITIALLY adopting operating system upgrades manageability and cost- cloud computing. What is and – quite crucially we feel – efficiency. interesting is that the same anti virus software updates all managers ranked cost saving become far more controllable, Now those are rather over- far lower (at 16 percent) in flexible, customisable used terms in the world of terms of it being a primary and (yes we’ll say it again) IT, so what do they mean driver for initially adopting manageable. and how do they manifest cloud services. themselves in the real world? So thirdly, cost-efficiency from Cloud computing directly the cloud -- as we have said Flexibility foundations impacts manageability for before, cloud computing’s As we know, cloud computing some very clear reasons. economies of scale hinge is the Internet-based delivery Deployment (or installation around the opportunity for of IT services in the shape if you prefer) of software companies to tap into ‘shared of software applications, across the entire workforce’s computing resources’ owned processing power and storage range of desktop and mobile by the cloud provider. over the Internet. devices effectively becomes Buying one flexible chunk outsourced. The IT manager of computing power as At work
  • 4. What is Software-as-a-Service? Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a method of using software under license provided by a software vendor, where the application is ‘hosted’ at a site away from the company premises. The software does not take up permanent residence on the customer’s network i.e. it is never fully downloaded or installed. T o use SaaS, a customer’s IT department must be connected to a network to receive the software down a supply pipe – and of course this ‘pipe’ is typically the Internet. In the eyes of the user, using web-based SaaS software services is not necessarily any different from using an application that is permanently installed on their machine. But the business feels the (largely) positive effects at the back end inside the IT department - and on the financial bottom line. Adoption of the SaaS model not only means that the company uses the most up- to-date version of software available at any one time, it also allows the company to use software at a lower cost without weighty technology The SaaS software sits on underpinned this growth, so In summary, SaaS provides implementation and the vendor’s network ready that the use of at least ‘some’ lower administration costs, deployment costs. to be deployed into the SaaS services in modern automated updates to core “ outside world. The software business framework is software applications as applications themselves are becoming the new norm. well as patch updates, good written in what is known as a compatibility levels (all a SaaS shares a close ‘web-native’ format i.e. this company’s users are finally Analyst firm simply means that they are relationship with cloud computing and is often using the same software!) built to run over the Internet and wider global accessibility Forrester pipes from the start – and referred to as being part of what is called the ‘utility for the company’s users as a says that this this also means that they are optimised for this type of model of computing’, the whole. ‘ASP-model’ (or Application approach to deployment rather than being traditional desktop (or even Service Provider), or the on- demand computing model. placing server mobile) single installation Essentially these jargon- products. storage tasks in As the Internet has driven heavy industry terms add up to much the same thing – so the hands of the more deeply into every company’s operational plans, newcomers to this subject should not be put off by so- cloud is the most SaaS web services have called ‘industry-speak’ if they become more attuned to real hear it. substantial shift business needs and so have in IT so far this enjoyed increased growth and popularity. The widespread decade. availability of broadband has ” At work
  • 5. When should businesses consider moving IT to the cloud? It’s a broad question i.e. when should businesses consider moving an element of their IT function to the cloud? To answer this query by merely saying NOW -- would be too broad brush a statement to have any value. But timing is an essential element “ of any business plan, so we must address this issue. If a company’s servers are over five-years old, this is approaching the dangerous part of their ‘propensity to fail’ curve. A company company might consider a new cloud computing component in Cloud computing also provides another more subtle function, which may also have direct you can test it and bring it in house when the time is right. Popular thinking today ” The end of the tax year, the end of the VAT quarter, Christmas Eve and any its IT stack if for example it relevance to a business’s other significant annual (or suggests that the business were to open up a new line of security layer -- and that is quarterly) milestone when IT would be happy with this business or product line, or its ability to set up a ‘test’ downtime which may result block of business left in perhaps enter a new market. environment. Because cloud from new cloud deployments the cloud permanently. The This ‘new rung on the ladder’ computing comes packaged is not a good idea. crucial factor here is that you moment in business can be in a ‘service’ over the Internet, recognise the when-factor So now you know when this a perfect time to reassess IT it is there to ‘play with’ in a here as being a time of change technology is best suited to input and output channels; a sense. After all, it’s up in the in the business. emerge, you can set your reassessment of the company cloud (it’s actually down on a cloud computing stop watch. security layer and a new remote server being ‘hosted’ There are other ‘finger in the cloud-driven IT service should somewhere else) so you can air’ gauges that a company be very natural partners stress test it and see how well might use to consider it performs under extreme when it might adopt some Another key ‘when-factor’ and/or new conditions. element of cloud computing. might be related to the If a company’s servers are business’s hardware or For want of a random over five-years old, this is software installation coming example, if a consumer approaching the dangerous to an ‘end of life’ stage. goods manufacturer wanted part of their ‘propensity to When the hard disks are to set up a new web-based fail’ curve. Once again, this worn out and the machines mail order system to serve is a good time to think about need faster processor power, an emerging market nation cloud. we might also typically find in Eastern Europe, would that software and operating they want that system ‘hard Just to come full circle on systems upgrades just have networked’ in to their existing this topic, let’s also consider to be carried out too. So once IT operation? Probably not when NOT to consider cloud again, a cloud watershed right? But put any new computing. Or at least, moment may present itself modular addition to the when an IT overhaul is not here. business in the cloud and necessarily a good idea. At work
  • 6. How does a business sign up for cloud services? So you just sign up for cloud computing and start using the flexible service options as and when you need them right? Well – that’s mostly correct, but did anybody stop and ask HOW exactly a business signs up for the cloud in the first place? T he simple answer here is that a user (an IT manager or other individual) really does categorised by parameters including disk space, monthly data transfer, programming Ready to go: Based on this simplified explanation of the process, at simply just sign up. Cloud support and database this point the cloud is ready hosting vendors suggest that features. to go. they can “spin up” a cloud server in less than a minute Time period: Cloud vendors call their for new users – and all this You also need to decide part of this whole process means is that your specified whether you are signing up “provisioning”. But if you want “portion” of server space is for 12 months, 24-months or a more digestible term, you set aside, made ready and more. could simply call this action kitted out so that it is ready “initiating”, or “preparing” Now proceed to the even. for use. checkout: The HOW section of cloud Part of the sign up process Or if you really want to get computing includes the will of course include the down to earth, then we’ll just following: submission of contact call this process “turning on”. information, as well as billing At this point, you can consider Choose your cloud plan: and payment information. your cloud resource to have There are a few fundamental been “powered up”. choices that need to be made Registration: in terms of the plan any Creating an account business signs up to from username and password is an the cloud. This will mean essential part of the process. selecting which hosting resources a company buys “ into -- and this will be Cloud hosting vendors suggest that they can “spin up” a cloud server in less than a minute for new users... ” At work
  • 7. Why are some companies concerned about cloud? T he proposition presented by cloud computing has not arrived without some cloud computing is (arguably) a superb route towards cost savings and the stripping out look after its data, this should be a positive area of interest. An IT survey carried out companies voicing their of unused or underutilised Vanson Bourne showed concerns and reservations. IT resources. On the other “ that 91% of companies It is after all very new -- and hand, the recession itself has surveyed want a hybrid cloud with newness comes change, driven cost cutting measures model for their technology and change is disruptive. But that have led to smaller infrastructure, 70% are there is positive disruption IT departments. So is this Businesses and negative disruption. Catch-22 for the cloud, or is still “concerned” about the difficulties of managing such So how do we differentiate there a way through the mist? must position between the two -- and how Catch-22 for the cloud? an infrastructure over the long term. do we allay cloud computing staff training at worries if they have no real The answer (mostly) lies The cloud in layers in mitigating unnecessary the heart of any basis for concern? concerns being harboured Industry analysts suggest that the prevalence of these Some might say… over outsourcing sensitive cloud migration Some say that the problem data to the cloud. concerns and misgivings may be down to the over here is skills; the cloud will strategy, if change IT provision, but it Terms like “storage bloat” are sometimes used to describe usage of the term “cloud computing” itself. When in they want to will fail if we do not change our approach to IT training the data loss that can occur fact the cloud encompasses when a business blindly saves an IT Infrastructure (IaaS – be able to by a commensurate degree. The argument is simple: all its information in one “data Infrastructure-as-a-Service) dump” to the cloud. element, a Platform (PaaS realise tangible businesses must position staff training at the heart of any More intelligent use of - Platform-as-a-Service) component and then, business cloud migration strategy, if they want to be able to realise cloud computing may be ultimately a Software (SaaS to employ services such as benefits from tangible business benefits email management, which – Software-as-a-Service) offering. from cloud-based Software- looks after email archiving, cloud-based as-a-Service streams. retention and management. If there are concerns over how Software- But there are two sides to this argument. On the one a business should operate as-a-Service hand we should consider that within the cloud and be able to streams. ” At work
  • 8. Who are the top cloud vendors? Cloud computing is not an open and shut case. The upshot of this is that we should really break any list of cloud vendors “ down into sub categories. Five segments of the cloud: platforms, infrastructure, security, storage and cloud software & applications. ” I deally, an analysis of the cloud computing market place would separate • Akamai The ‘service’ selection factor The important point here is not that these nine companies Many would argue that cloud computing still sits in this mire of uncertainty and that ‘elements’ of the cloud into • Amazon all hover somewhere around security is still a massive perhaps five segments: the top ten cloud vendors list concern. But things are better cloud platforms themselves, infrastructure, security, • Microsoft on a month-by-month basis at the time of writing. No, the than that; building on the cloud is not like laying down • Enki storage and cloud software & important point is that each foundations on quicksand, applications. company will have a different there are answers to most of approach to service – and the questions we will need Naming names But for the purposes of this • Fortress ITX this is widely argued to be the answered. major defining factor that will overview, let’s stick with The question is, how well can what we can define as cloud • Joyent help us distinguish one cloud player from another. each cloud vendor attend ‘vendors’ specifically. The to a customer’s concerns, below list is merely presented as an hors d’œuvre. Some • Google Let’s not forget, cloud computing started out as a questions and uncertainties? Once again, it will come down names you will know well, highly disruptive technology to service. some names you may know • Rackspace development (albeit mainly for other reasons and some positive), with no previous names may be new to you. • Salesforce customer references, very few SLAs (service level agreements), spiralling security concerns and no tangible guarantee of ROI (return on investment). At work
  • 9. Where are the cloud’s data centres? Surely one of the great issues with cloud computing is the IT industry’s apparent willingness to fuel the ‘ethereal’ image of the cloud’s data banks. “It’s just out there,” they say... T he cloud delivers data and application processing power as and when you need Both McAfee and Rackspace (to name just two) have built cloud data centres in London, build one huge lump of cloud data? The answer is a multi-layered it, they say. “Don’t concern UK – in addition to their US one. There are latency effects yourself with building an IT bases of course. According experienced by certain infrastructure, just outsource to Data Centre Knowledge software applications (if they it to our hosted service,” they, Amazon holds its are particularly high volume (the cloud providers) say and data banks right around the transaction apps) depending say and say. globe in Amsterdam, Dublin, “ on the cloud’s location. Frankfurt, London, Hong But hang on, that’s not really Kong, Singapore, Tokyo and Compliance complicity what we want to hear, is it? All at eight locations across Plus there’s also the this ‘up in the sky’ flexibility is America. geographical factor to There are all very well, but businesses today large and small want to Physical realities consider i.e. regulatory and compliance rulings latency effects know not only which side their bread is buttered on, they also So let’s not use the rest of this section to simply list governing data in Europe are experienced by want to know where the butter dairy is. Come to think of it, companies and data centre different from those in the US and the Far East, so this office locations. Let us take it certain software they also want to know if the cows are happy this week. as read that Google, Microsoft, is a consideration too. But a deeper analysis of this topic is and every applications Cold hard facts other cloud vendor out there another story for another day. does indeed have a physical (if they are So to come down to earth with some hard facts, let’s building ready to deliver cloud services as an when needed. particularly look at where the cloud really is. The point to embrace here high volume The cloud – or to put it more is… why do these companies build so many different sites transaction accurately, the server racks in the data centres that hold around the globe? If the cloud as truly global as the Internet apps) depending the software for cloud-based applications to work over the itself, then why doesn’t Google (or whoever) find the cheapest on the cloud’s Internet – does have an actual street address. ground rent available and just location. ” At work
  • 10. How should we view cloud Service Level Agreements? A business signs up for cloud computing services and should expect to get everything that it has paid for within the scope of the signed agreement right? Given this cornerstone of consumer purchasing advice, is attempting to transfer this maxim to the world of technology and cloud computing services too much to ask? Unfortunately the Service Companies will need to go Dynamic data Level Agreement (SLA) that through a process of auditing, We have used the word governs most cloud contracts analysing, documenting and ‘dynamic’ just there and this is is more of an “expectations- ratifying every element of the main issue at hand; cloud management” mechanism in their cloud SLA to make sure computing is still-nascent, many senses. that it provides appropriate rapidly changing and ultra- levels of: dynamic. SLA basics While cloud SLAs may set out • Performance and Entering into any new “ to lay down a blueprint for processing power agreement with a cloud how a cloud service should supplier is almost like buying • Data storage and data operate, firms may find them a new car straight off the throughput more constructive tools if production line i.e. it should Building your they are viewed as a remit • Security, anti-malware all work fine, but the road for communications between provisioning and all-round may be bumpy ahead and cloud computing vendor and customer i.e. ‘robustness’ or service unpredictable. almost a conflict prevention SLA should be a tool if you like. • Flexibility, controllability and manageability Once again, a little of the ‘buyer-beware’ attitude here two-way street, Building your cloud computing SLA should be a two- • Clarity of charges and costs should go a long way. with your own way street, with your own company’s representatives • Refundable options in the event of service outages company’s inputting to the SLA itself – otherwise it’s just a document, NB: The above list is intended to be dynamic, rather than representatives not an “agreement” between two parties. exhaustive and definitive. It is however a very good inputting to the foundation and starting point. SLA itself. ” At work
  • 11. Private clouds vs. public clouds what’s the difference? A sk a cloud computing expert to solve the following riddle: when is a Private benefits But private clouds can not benefit from the higher services delivered over an Internet connection. cloud not a cloud? The most level economies of scale Which apps, which cloud likely answer you will get is: So which applications should experienced in the public when that cloud is a private we put in the private cloud cloud. That being said, they do cloud. This is because in versus the public cloud? Ah have a place and are typically some senses a private cloud well, that of course is the used for housing elements of is not true cloud computing; $64,000 question. But it’s not a firm’s critical infrastructure too hard to work it out. Each “ rather, it is an emulation of that the company would some of the virtualisation application will have its own not be happy to release functions of the public cloud, characteristics in terms of externally. This is not to but done on an individual level mission criticality, workload, say that the public cloud is data throughput and security. The public cloud inside a single company in an ‘on-premise’ server. insecure (far from it in fact), it is merely down to a) a bit What tends to matter most is the ‘accountability’ of the data is thoroughbred An ‘instance’ of cloud of common sense b) a bit of human nature and c) a bit of that the application itself has power to handle i.e the true business beast, with all As stated, the private cloud pressure from management. value of the data in hand. will still offer the ability Going Public the appendages to virtualise – and when The public cloud on the In practice, a combination of public, private and hybrid we say this we mean that other hand is a more and ancillary component blocks of storage thoroughbred beast, with all cloud environments is already proving to the most workable and processing power can be the appendages and ancillary functions that set aside and ‘described as an functions that this new model methodology for instance’ in their own right, of IT delivery has to offer. this new model such that they represent a What is more, the public so-called ‘virtual machine’. cloud is built at scale – and of IT delivery has This means that they can still therefore it stands to offer be scaled up or down inside the greatest opportunity to to offer. What is the realm of the total private benefit from economies of cloud, and in most cases, can scale that can possibly exist. more, the public also share from one of the key The public cloud then is benefits of utility computing dynamically provisioned IT cloud is built at i.e shared hardware costs. scale. ” At work
  • 12. What type of applications do not work best in the cloud? 4 – Audit Unfriendly Apps It’s a simple straightforward truth, some companies will be working under data regulation and compliance rulings that specify against the use of cloud computing. It may be worded differently along these lines: the physical location of each server unit that the company uses for data storing and processing must be able to be specifically identified and geographically located. As cloud hosters/providers typically do not tell customers which cloud server their work is carried out on at any one time, the possibility of cloud computing for companies under such regulations is ruled out. 5 – The Software License Brick Wall This one should not take too much explaining; some T here’s a simple way to 2 – Heavy Input/Output 3 – Solid & Consistent software licenses have simply answer the question Applications Workload Apps not got to grips with cloud of what type of application Any software application If your application is a solid, computing. These licenses works well in the cloud; as that makes a high degree unchanging, accurately either never envisioned a time you might be able to guess, of physical input/output definable entity – then why when cloud computing would the best gauge is to look at demands on a company’s are you looking to put it in the take off as a viable computing what does not work well in physical server is not cloud? The cloud computing environment, or they have the cloud. best suited to the cloud. model of IT offers massively simply shut the door to cloud Applications that work well expandable flexibility; deployment as they feel (for 1 – Sensitive Data example) that the number in the cloud can be sent to but if you know what your Any software application that of user license controls is the cloud server that houses application needs to handle is inherently built around the too hard to pin down. Good and powers them -- and then every day, every week and need to collate and manage examples here would be made to work “out there” in every month – then you know sensitive data is, in simple ERP (or enterprise resource the cloud doing what they what your IT requirements terms, not best suited to the planning) software, which do. If that application has to are, so you can buy the cloud computing model of suffers particularly from this constantly ask for connections appropriate amount of on- IT delivery. Sure the cloud shortfall. to and from the customer’s premise server hardware to is safe; there are security terrestrial IT network (i.e. fit the bill. Using the cloud in controls and firewalls aplenty not in the cloud), then things this instance is not a problem, from all the biggest cloud start to look like hard work. but it is really not prudent, hosters/providers. But if you Examples would be data profitable or efficient. If you have an application that relies analysis applications and know you need a car 7 days a on mission critical data and software that relies on CEP week, you don’t hire one every you can keep it on-premise, (or complex event processing) morning do you? It’s the same then do so. Only put these to work. concept. applications in the cloud as a secondary option. At work
  • 13. What is a cloud mashup? Cloud computing has a variety of custom-tuned deployment scenarios in real-world computing environments, one of these is the cloud mash-up. I n order to answer the question, what is a cloud mash up -- we should first answer the question, what is a mashup? For those new So we know what mashups are and we know how they interconnect. A cloud mashup then is quite simply a web-based instance of a mission critical data in this environment, but it has great potential for “ Well, it’s true -- you don’t want to put your core A mashup is a term used to describe to the term, a mashup is mashup, but the application experimental testing of new a term used to describe a content itself resides in the services before they are a web-based web-based application that combines information from cloud. So why is that good? taken to more fully blown levels of research and application If your cloud mashup is two or more sources to present a new service. by its very nature hosted development. that combines For an example, think about in the cloud then it will be sat next to some useful Plus anyway, companies using this level of information a news website that pulls in weather updates from software building tools if you subscribe to a cloud technology should at least be thinking about from two or Weather dot com (or other), mashup centre service, enterprise level (and yes we more sources to or stocks and shares info, such as the one provided do mean SMB enterprise currency rates or even by IBM for example. A level) anti virus and present a new additional news items from good enterprise mashup malware protection with service. ” Reuters. The resulting end platform features reusable a firewalls and a formal product is a mashup of its application building blocks security policy. component parts. (commonly referred to Cloud-based application as ‘widgets’ and ‘feeds’) Mashups use an API mashups are arguably the that can be built into new (Application Programming technology of the future, but applications or incorporated Interface) to combine and they are already here today. into existing applications. coalesce different website Although they might not elements. So just one in this scenario we’re have enjoyed widespread more definition - an API is using software building adoption as yet, any SMB basically a set of software- blocks way up in the cloud IT manager should have at to-software programming to construct applications least around this much (see instructions that work that will handle our data above) passing knowledge on the web. APIs allow in an off premise location of them we feel. one piece of web-based alongside other cloud software to talk to another “tenants” (or customers if in a process controlled by you prefer). Surely this is the API itself. a data security nightmare waiting to happen right? At work
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