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                  OUR FORECAST ON BUSINESS
                  CONTINUITY AND THE CLOUD

1   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

You can’t go anywhere in the IT world these days without         This paper was adapted from a
hearing about the “cloud.” It seems to be everywhere, in every   keynote address delivered at SMB
new product, the solution to every problem.                      Nation 2011 by Matt Urmston.
But as with any hot new trend, you’re probably wondering         Matt has worked in the IT industry
if the cloud, cloud computing, or cloud-based backup             for more than twenty years, focusing
live up to the hype. Is this something you should use            on backup, disaster recovery, and
yourself? If you’re a managed service provider (MSP) or          archiving solutions. He has worked
a value-added reseller (VAR), is it something you should         as a technical marketing manager, a
recommend to your clients?                                       sales engineer, a product manager,
                                                                 and as an independent consultant
Before you jump in, you need to know how the cloud is            for Legato/EMC. Currently, he is
positioned today, understand its many value propositions,        senior technical product manager
and look at how you can get the most out of it in your own       for StorageCraft Technology
business.                                                        Corporation.

2   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

If you listen to the marketers of the world, using the cloud for backup,   Customers can maintain business continuity in the case of a
storage, and disaster recovery seems like a no-brainer.                    site disaster.
A simple Internet search yields countless testimonials on its              Even though most “disasters” are smaller in scope, businesses
manifold benefits, some of which might include the following:              always need to prepare for the possibility of a large-scale
                                                                           disruption of their site. Everything from hurricanes to tornados
                                                                           to construction trucks accidently driving through an office have
Customers are not dependent on a single server.
                                                                           demolished businesses in the past and they will continue doing so
Data stored in the cloud can be distributed across a wide array            in the future. Having data stored in the cloud protects it from such
of servers, which are often geographically disparate. Since every          on-site disasters.
machine will fail sooner or later, storing data in the cloud seems to
offer good protection.
                                                                           Customers can provision virtual storage containers that are
                                                                           larger than the physical space available.
Customers have no direct hardware dependency.
                                                                           The advent of virtual technology has made it possible for cloud
In addition to not having to worry about the failure of a single           adopters to create storage that is larger than the physical server
server, cloud adopters don’t necessarily need to have any hardware         that’s hosting it, cutting costs.
on-site. This can reduce costs, among other benefits.
                                                                           Customers can access all of their storage from a single inter-
Customers can purchase and expand cloud services                           face anywhere in the world.
                                                                           Whether it’s on a computer, a smart phone, or some other device,
Whether a cloud adopter is purchasing storage for the first time or        cloud adopters have access to their data anywhere.
growing what they currently have, the pay-as-you go model makes
it easy to get just the right amount. This applies not only to storage
space, but to hardware and to dedicated IT staff as well.

3   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

Looking at these benefits, it’s easy to get swept away by the     •	 Amazon Cloud Goes Down, Takes Every Hot Startup
cloud.                                                                With It2
Unfortunately, there’s thunder on the horizon. The truth          •	 Google, Microsoft cloud crashes: Is this the new
is that there’s still a lot of uncertainty about the cloud. For       normal?3
example, Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle, recently told          •	 Why Amazon’s cloud Titanic went down4
the Wall Street Journal,                                          •	 EMC Atmos Goes Offline5
     The interesting thing about cloud computing is that          •	 Apple MobileMe gets De-Mobilized6
     we’ve redefined cloud computing to include everything        •	 Gmail outage passes 24 hours for some7
     that we already do. I can’t think of anything that isn’t     The consistency with which major cloud providers have
     cloud computing with all of these announcements….            failed is alarming and some experts predict that it will
     Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is        only get worse. According to Gartner, “By 2014, a major
     talking about. What is it? It’s complete gibberish. It’s     cloud-computing service provider will suffer a cascading
     insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?1                  failure, resulting in unrecoverable data loss and permanent
                                                                  business impact for multiple customers.”8
Ellison’s quote appears in an article called “Oracle’s Ellison
Nails Cloud Computing,” suggesting the CEO is not alone
in his suspicions and confusion. But the darkened sky is
more than simply uncertainty at the proper way to use the
latest marketing buzzword. In practice, the cloud has run
into some serious problems. Consider, for example, this
small selection of headlines from the last few years:

4   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

Of course, what we’ve shown so far are the extremes.           Of that, however, only 39 percent will be using paid
                                                               services. And 64 percent of those paying for the cloud will
As with every emerging technology, there are loud voices       only pay for three services or fewer.9
pushing for adoption, frustrated voices complaining about
failure, and the truth somewhere in between.                   The survey also reveals other telling features of the cloud as
                                                               it is and will be in the near future.
A cloud adoption study published by Microsoft in 2011
offers a good perspective.                                     Eighty-two percent of the respondents claimed that buying
                                                               a cloud service from a local provider was important, and
They surveyed 3,258 companies globally with between            those who did purchase services from local providers
two and two hundred and fifty employees and asked them         were more likely to use paid services.10 At the same time,
about how they were currently using the cloud and how          those who don’t plan on paying for cloud services were
they expected to use the cloud in the future. Microsoft        more concerned about control than anything else. Fifty-
identified nine specific services that could be adopted        seven percent wanted to keep things in house because they
in the cloud (including accounting software, project           believed they’d have better control.11
management, and data storage and backup) and asked
participating companies to evaluate their current usage        Fifty-three percent said they wouldn’t acquire cloud
of these services, as well as their projected usage in three   services because they simply didn’t know enough about
years. The survey also distinguished between free cloud        them to make a good decision.12
services and paid ones.
                                                               In summarizing the study, Marco Limena, vice president
The results clearly demonstrate the patchy adoption of         of business channels for Worldwide Communications
cloud services thus far.                                       Sector at Microsoft, assessed the current and future state
                                                               of cloud computing: “Cloud adoption will be gradual, and
For example, at the time of the survey, 66 percent of the      SMBs will continue to operate in a hybrid model with an
respondents used some kind of cloud service (free or paid).    increasing blend between off-premises and traditional on-
Within three years, that number will grow to 74 percent.       premises infrastructure, for the foreseeable future.”13

5   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

It’s difficult for anyone these days to navigate this current   a solution provider, you need to be ready with the cloud
state of the cloud. Which technologies do you adopt? How        story you’re going to tell.
deeply do you invest? Is the technology ready for you to jump
in all the way?                                                 At StorageCraft, our forecast for the cloud is simply this:
                                                                partly cloudy with a chance of rain. In other words, cloud
For MSPs and VARs, the question is even more                    computing isn’t going to go away, but it is going to grow
complicated. Not only do you need to figure out which           slowly and is still fraught with potential risks. As such,
cloud technologies will work best for your own business,        we’ve prepared a number of recommendations for partners
but you need to determine how cloud offerings fit into your     who are looking to push forward:
products and services as well.
                                                                •	   Be the expert (or find a partner who is).
The high-level summary of these various studies is that         •	   Understand the cloud provider’s SLAs.
businesses will be slow to embrace cloud computing and
                                                                •	   Build solutions that meet client needs and budget.
when they do, they’ll still maintain some kind of on-site
backup. At the same time, when they do adopt, it will           •	   Don’t rush.
likely be from local, trusted sources. This means that as

6   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
     WHO IS)

Consider again this statistic from the Microsoft study:
53% of respondents agreed with the statement “I don’t
know enough about cloud computing to be able to make
decisions about using cloud service.”
This is a significant percentage and it underscores the need
for MSPs and VARs to become the experts, to become
proficient at educating their clients in the ramifications
of the cloud. The businesses described by this quote are
simply sitting back and waiting for someone to help them
understand the trend. If you’re not an expert, or haven’t
partnered with someone who is, then you’re missing your
chance to educate that client and meet his or her need.
Clients are coming to you to tell them what to do when it
comes to their backup and disaster recovery. They don’t
have the time to become experts on the cloud, so if you’re
going to offer it, you need to fill that role. And if you can’t
(or choose not to), be sure to partner with a cloud provider
who can.

7   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

Most IT service providers guarantee a specific level of service   Not only is the client’s data completely lost, but if they     Where SLAs Break Down
to their customers. Whether it’s 99.9% uptime, no data loss,      do not remove the corrupted file, they’ll continue to pay      Hello,
or guaranteed replication to another server, these service        storage charges. Imagine having to explain this data loss to    
level agreements (SLAs) are crucial to how the provider           your own clients.                                              A few days ago we sent you an
operates.                                                                                                                        email letting you know that we
                                                                  As important as it is to understand the SLAs of the
In fact, in many cases, the SLA becomes the differentiator        providers you’re partnering with, it’s just as important to    were working on recovering
between one organization and another.                             recognize that no SLA is completely bullet proof. This is      an inconsistent data snapshot
                                                                  that chance of rain in our forecast and frankly, you need to   of one or more of your Storage
When looking to partner with cloud providers, then, it’s          be the umbrella.                                               volumes.  We are very sorry, but
vital that you understand those SLAs and evaluate which                                                                          ultimately our efforts to manually
offers the best service for your needs. If you are going to be    Consider each SLA and look for points of weakness, then        recover your volume were
offering cloud services to your own clients through a third       bolster your own offering to protect your own clients.         unsuccessful.  The hardware failed
party, then you need to know exactly what you’re offering.        As one Amazon customer told its own clients, “Our              in such a way that we could not
                                                                  development team is also hard at work to limit the impact      forensically restore the data.
At the same time, it’s just as important that you take all        of any future AWS interruptions.”15 Don’t wait until after a    
SLAs with a grain of salt. Some guarantees are virtually          disaster to implement procedures that control the way your     What we were able to recover has
impossible to enforce. For example, what if your cloud            cloud provider affects your clients.                           been made available via a snapshot,
provider goes out of business? Imagine you’ve moved all of                                                                       although the data is in such a state
your own data or the data of your clients into storage with                                                                      that it may have little to no utility...
a cloud provider that files for bankruptcy. How can they                                                                          
possibly meet their promised level of service then?                                                                              If you have no need for this
When Amazon’s EC2 cloud service crashed in 2011, the                                                                             snapshot, please delete it to avoid
fallibility of SLAs became apparent. The letter reprinted                                                                        incurring storage charges.
in the sidebar is one Amazon sent to a client following the                                                                       
crash (as reported on MSNBC).                                                                                                    We apologize for this volume loss
                                                                                                                                 and any impact to your business.


8   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

It should be apparent by now that the cloud is not a one-size-   requirements of many executives to back up to the cloud
fits-all solution.                                               without relinquishing control of your customer’s data to a
                                                                 third party. With a corporate cloud, you still have complete
As such, it is imperative that you understand your               control. Unfortunately, with a corporate cloud, you take on
customers’ business models, their needs, and their budgets       all the cost and risk yourself, which is no small thing.
as you create solutions to move their data to the cloud.
Within the context of those needs and budgets, you can then      The third option, of course, is simply replicating to the
work to build a backup and disaster recovery plan that takes     cloud. There are many benefits to this, but it’s important
advantage of the cloud, but still protects them from the rain.   to remember that once you replicate data to a third party
                                                                 cloud provider, you’re no longer in control of it. You can’t
To start out, we always recommend that you include a             go into their cloud environment and do failovers or test
local backup in your plan. That way, if your cloud provider      restores with your own data. There are a few services
goes out of business or has that major cascading failure         that allow this, but not many. As you make your cloud
predicted by Gartner, your data is protected. Once you           plan, then, you need to be sure that you’re meeting your
have that local copy, you can create an off-site solution.       customer’s needs. If all they need is to transfer their data to
The traditional off-site model is to simply replicate to a       the cloud, then it may be the perfect solution. If, however,
data center somewhere. Whether you’re using a colocation         they need to recover that data quickly, if their recovery
center or simply storage at your office or home, the data        time objective is a day or less, then the cloud may not
center model allows you to recover easily from a site-           work. The time it takes to pull data back from the cloud,
specific disaster. Data centers are not technically a cloud      whether over the Internet or by some other route, may be a
solution and it does not offer many of those benefits, but       deal breaker.
they are still a perfectly respectable and reliable solution.    Of course you could always mix these options, replicating
A second solution is to create a corporate cloud. This is a      your local backup to a data center, for instance, and then
hybrid approach. Here, you’ve taken your corporate cloud         replicating it into the cloud. In any event, it’s imperative as
and virtualized it so you can quickly provision machines         you create your cloud offering that you understand what
and work with elastic data sets. This allows for dynamic         your customer actually needs. Each of the options offers
growth and the manipulation of images you’ve moved there.        different benefits and drawbacks and you won’t do yourself
You can spin them up, restore them to a virtual or physical      any favors trying to force a solution on a client that doesn’t
machine and so on. A corporate cloud even allows you to          meet their needs. No one likes to be sold something they
test disaster recovery plans. A corporate cloud can meet         don’t need.

9   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

Most people think about the cloud like it’s an application.
You buy it, you install it, and that’s it. But that’s not really
how it works.
Using the cloud is really a phased process. Once you
understand the needs of your customers, you can provide
solutions that allow them to take advantage of the cloud as
they truly need it.
The research presented in this paper suggests that cloud
adoption is going to happen slowly, as users gradually
move business-line applications to the cloud as needed.
This allows them to get a sense of the benefits the cloud is
actually providing in a measured and controlled way.
As an MSP or VAR, you should do the same. You don’t
need to throw everything into the cloud all at once (partly
cloudy, remember?). You can take the time to learn how
cloud computing really fits into your offering and how it
can meet the needs of your customers.

10   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

The truth is that for all the hype about its benefits, the cloud
is not yet living up to its promises for many people.
That doesn’t mean it will never meet those expectations,
but right now we should consider it for what it is: an
emerging group of technologies that have promise but that
are still trying to figure out exactly how they work. With
that perspective, we can be smart. We can take our time,
and we can develop cloud strategies that meet the needs of
our clients and that make sense.

11   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

1.	        Dan Farber, “Oracle’s Ellison nails cloud computing,”   7.	  Seth Weintraub, “Gmail outage passes 24
           CNET News, September 26, 2008, http://news.cnet.             hours for some (updated),” CNNMoney,
           com/8301-13953_3-10052188-80.html.                           February 28, 2011,  http://tech.fortune.cnn.
2.	        Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, “Amazon Cloud Goes                    com/2011/02/28/gmail-outage-passes-24-hours-
           Down, Takes Every Hot Startup With It,” Business             for-some/?section=magazines_fortune&utm_
           Insider, April 21, 2011, http://www.businessinsider.         source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_ca
           com/why-is-reddit-down-2011-4.                               mpaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fmagazine
3.	        Kevin McCaney, “Google, Microsoft cloud crashes:
           Is this the new normal?” Washington Technology,         8.	 Jay Heiser, “Will Your Data Rain When the Cloud
           September 13, 2011, http://washingtontechnology.             Bursts?,” Gartner, September 24, 2010, ID Number:
           com/articles/2011/09/12/google-microsoft-cloud-              G00206825.
           outages.aspx.                                           9.	 “SMB Cloud Adoption Study Dec 2010—Global
4.	        David Goldman, “Why Amazon’s cloud Titanic went              Report.” Microsoft, March 24, 2011. 7.
           down,” CNNMoney, April 22, 2011, http://money.          10.	 Ibid. 17.
                11.	 Ibid. 16.
                                                                   12.	Ibid.
5.	        Dave Raffo, “EMC Atmos Online goes offline,
                                                                   13.	 “Microsoft unveils findings from its SMB Cloud
           other cloud storage providers look to step.
                                                                        Adoption Study,” Microsoft, March 24, 2011, http://
           up,” SearchCloudStorage, July 2, 2010, http://
           storage-providers-look-to-step-up.                      14.	 Henry Blodgett, “Amazon’s cloud crash destroyed
                                                                        many customers’ data,” Technolog on MSNBC,
6.	        Andrew R. Hickey, “10 Notable Cloud Outages and
                                                                        April 28, 2011,
           What Caused Them,” slide 1, “Apple MobileMe Gets
           De-mobilized,” CRN, February 23, 2010, http://www.
           notable-cloud-outages-and-what-caused-them.             15.	Ibid.

12   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

At StorageCraft, the goal of complete business continuity        the most of your backup                                         CONTACT US
drives everything we do. Our flagship, StorageCraft              images. It includes the
                                                                                                                                 StorageCraft Technology
ShadowProtect®, is a full-featured, best-in-class BDR solution   following features:
that is both fast and reliable.
                                                                 •	 HeadStart Restore® leverages
                                                                                                                                 11850 South Election Road,
Imagine a backup solution that takes full, differential, and         your ShadowProtect images
                                                                                                                                 Suite 100
incremental images of your disks, including not only your            before a disaster by pre-
                                                                                                                                 Draper, Utah 84020 USA
data, but your OS and applications too.                              staging them as a VM, so
                                                                     recovery can happen in                                      Phone: 801.545.4700     
•	 Perform complete, bare-metal restores every time. Our             mere minutes.                                               Fax: 801.545.4705
   Hardware Independent RestoreTM technology restores to
   any machine.                                                  •	 ShadowStreamTM is an
                                                                     alternative file transfer
•	 Access files at a specific point in time and recover data         technology that offers speeds up to 5 times faster than
   on a granular level.                                              FTP and does not require separate hardware.
•	 Boot your ShadowProtect images as virtual machines            •	 intelligentFTPTM transforms traditional FTP into a
   (VMs) with VirtualBootTM.                                         BDR-friendly transfer solution by offering automatic
•	 Manage multiple instances of ShadowProtect across                 network replication with greater control over what,
   multiple environments.                                            how, and when you replicate.
                                                                 •	 ShadowControl ImageManager also offers other
MAKING THE MOST OF BACKUP                                            powerful business continuity features such as
                                                                     consolidation, verification, retention, and notification.
We also have a growing array of tools that unlock the full
potential of your ShadowProtect images.                          We also offer ShadowProtect Granular Recovery for
                                                                 Exchange to give you complete, granular access to images
StorageCraft ShadowControlTM ImageManager is a full-             of your Exchange servers.
featured companion to ShadowProtect that lets you make

13   | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.

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How Are Cloud Services Outweighing On-Premise Solutions In 2022.pptxHow Are Cloud Services Outweighing On-Premise Solutions In 2022.pptx
How Are Cloud Services Outweighing On-Premise Solutions In 2022.pptx

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How Are Cloud Services Outweighing On-Premise Solutions In 2022.pptx


  • 1. CLOUD, FOG, OR SMOG? OUR FORECAST ON BUSINESS CONTINUITY AND THE CLOUD 1 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 2. INTRODUCTION You can’t go anywhere in the IT world these days without This paper was adapted from a hearing about the “cloud.” It seems to be everywhere, in every keynote address delivered at SMB new product, the solution to every problem. Nation 2011 by Matt Urmston. But as with any hot new trend, you’re probably wondering Matt has worked in the IT industry if the cloud, cloud computing, or cloud-based backup for more than twenty years, focusing live up to the hype. Is this something you should use on backup, disaster recovery, and yourself? If you’re a managed service provider (MSP) or archiving solutions. He has worked a value-added reseller (VAR), is it something you should as a technical marketing manager, a recommend to your clients? sales engineer, a product manager, and as an independent consultant Before you jump in, you need to know how the cloud is for Legato/EMC. Currently, he is positioned today, understand its many value propositions, senior technical product manager and look at how you can get the most out of it in your own for StorageCraft Technology business. Corporation. 2 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 3. ARE THERE BRIGHT SKIES AHEAD? If you listen to the marketers of the world, using the cloud for backup, Customers can maintain business continuity in the case of a storage, and disaster recovery seems like a no-brainer. site disaster. A simple Internet search yields countless testimonials on its Even though most “disasters” are smaller in scope, businesses manifold benefits, some of which might include the following: always need to prepare for the possibility of a large-scale disruption of their site. Everything from hurricanes to tornados to construction trucks accidently driving through an office have Customers are not dependent on a single server. demolished businesses in the past and they will continue doing so Data stored in the cloud can be distributed across a wide array in the future. Having data stored in the cloud protects it from such of servers, which are often geographically disparate. Since every on-site disasters. machine will fail sooner or later, storing data in the cloud seems to offer good protection. Customers can provision virtual storage containers that are larger than the physical space available. Customers have no direct hardware dependency. The advent of virtual technology has made it possible for cloud In addition to not having to worry about the failure of a single adopters to create storage that is larger than the physical server server, cloud adopters don’t necessarily need to have any hardware that’s hosting it, cutting costs. on-site. This can reduce costs, among other benefits. Customers can access all of their storage from a single inter- Customers can purchase and expand cloud services face anywhere in the world. dynamically. Whether it’s on a computer, a smart phone, or some other device, Whether a cloud adopter is purchasing storage for the first time or cloud adopters have access to their data anywhere. growing what they currently have, the pay-as-you go model makes it easy to get just the right amount. This applies not only to storage space, but to hardware and to dedicated IT staff as well. 3 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 4. OR JUST THUNDER CLOUDS? Looking at these benefits, it’s easy to get swept away by the • Amazon Cloud Goes Down, Takes Every Hot Startup cloud. With It2 Unfortunately, there’s thunder on the horizon. The truth • Google, Microsoft cloud crashes: Is this the new is that there’s still a lot of uncertainty about the cloud. For normal?3 example, Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle, recently told • Why Amazon’s cloud Titanic went down4 the Wall Street Journal, • EMC Atmos Goes Offline5 The interesting thing about cloud computing is that • Apple MobileMe gets De-Mobilized6 we’ve redefined cloud computing to include everything • Gmail outage passes 24 hours for some7 that we already do. I can’t think of anything that isn’t The consistency with which major cloud providers have cloud computing with all of these announcements…. failed is alarming and some experts predict that it will Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is only get worse. According to Gartner, “By 2014, a major talking about. What is it? It’s complete gibberish. It’s cloud-computing service provider will suffer a cascading insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?1 failure, resulting in unrecoverable data loss and permanent business impact for multiple customers.”8 Ellison’s quote appears in an article called “Oracle’s Ellison Nails Cloud Computing,” suggesting the CEO is not alone in his suspicions and confusion. But the darkened sky is more than simply uncertainty at the proper way to use the latest marketing buzzword. In practice, the cloud has run into some serious problems. Consider, for example, this small selection of headlines from the last few years: 4 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 5. THE TRUTH ABOUT CLOUD ADOPTION Of course, what we’ve shown so far are the extremes. Of that, however, only 39 percent will be using paid services. And 64 percent of those paying for the cloud will As with every emerging technology, there are loud voices only pay for three services or fewer.9 pushing for adoption, frustrated voices complaining about failure, and the truth somewhere in between. The survey also reveals other telling features of the cloud as it is and will be in the near future. A cloud adoption study published by Microsoft in 2011 offers a good perspective. Eighty-two percent of the respondents claimed that buying a cloud service from a local provider was important, and They surveyed 3,258 companies globally with between those who did purchase services from local providers two and two hundred and fifty employees and asked them were more likely to use paid services.10 At the same time, about how they were currently using the cloud and how those who don’t plan on paying for cloud services were they expected to use the cloud in the future. Microsoft more concerned about control than anything else. Fifty- identified nine specific services that could be adopted seven percent wanted to keep things in house because they in the cloud (including accounting software, project believed they’d have better control.11 management, and data storage and backup) and asked participating companies to evaluate their current usage Fifty-three percent said they wouldn’t acquire cloud of these services, as well as their projected usage in three services because they simply didn’t know enough about years. The survey also distinguished between free cloud them to make a good decision.12 services and paid ones. In summarizing the study, Marco Limena, vice president The results clearly demonstrate the patchy adoption of of business channels for Worldwide Communications cloud services thus far. Sector at Microsoft, assessed the current and future state of cloud computing: “Cloud adoption will be gradual, and For example, at the time of the survey, 66 percent of the SMBs will continue to operate in a hybrid model with an respondents used some kind of cloud service (free or paid). increasing blend between off-premises and traditional on- Within three years, that number will grow to 74 percent. premises infrastructure, for the foreseeable future.”13 5 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 6. PARTLY CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF RAIN It’s difficult for anyone these days to navigate this current a solution provider, you need to be ready with the cloud state of the cloud. Which technologies do you adopt? How story you’re going to tell. deeply do you invest? Is the technology ready for you to jump in all the way? At StorageCraft, our forecast for the cloud is simply this: partly cloudy with a chance of rain. In other words, cloud For MSPs and VARs, the question is even more computing isn’t going to go away, but it is going to grow complicated. Not only do you need to figure out which slowly and is still fraught with potential risks. As such, cloud technologies will work best for your own business, we’ve prepared a number of recommendations for partners but you need to determine how cloud offerings fit into your who are looking to push forward: products and services as well. • Be the expert (or find a partner who is). The high-level summary of these various studies is that • Understand the cloud provider’s SLAs. businesses will be slow to embrace cloud computing and • Build solutions that meet client needs and budget. when they do, they’ll still maintain some kind of on-site backup. At the same time, when they do adopt, it will • Don’t rush. likely be from local, trusted sources. This means that as 6 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 7. BE THE EXPERT (OR FIND A PARTNER WHO IS) Consider again this statistic from the Microsoft study: 53% of respondents agreed with the statement “I don’t know enough about cloud computing to be able to make decisions about using cloud service.” This is a significant percentage and it underscores the need for MSPs and VARs to become the experts, to become proficient at educating their clients in the ramifications of the cloud. The businesses described by this quote are simply sitting back and waiting for someone to help them understand the trend. If you’re not an expert, or haven’t partnered with someone who is, then you’re missing your chance to educate that client and meet his or her need. Clients are coming to you to tell them what to do when it comes to their backup and disaster recovery. They don’t have the time to become experts on the cloud, so if you’re going to offer it, you need to fill that role. And if you can’t (or choose not to), be sure to partner with a cloud provider who can. 7 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 8. UNDERSTAND THE CLOUD PROVIDER’S SLAs Most IT service providers guarantee a specific level of service Not only is the client’s data completely lost, but if they Where SLAs Break Down to their customers. Whether it’s 99.9% uptime, no data loss, do not remove the corrupted file, they’ll continue to pay Hello, or guaranteed replication to another server, these service storage charges. Imagine having to explain this data loss to   level agreements (SLAs) are crucial to how the provider your own clients. A few days ago we sent you an operates. email letting you know that we As important as it is to understand the SLAs of the In fact, in many cases, the SLA becomes the differentiator providers you’re partnering with, it’s just as important to were working on recovering between one organization and another. recognize that no SLA is completely bullet proof. This is an inconsistent data snapshot that chance of rain in our forecast and frankly, you need to of one or more of your Storage When looking to partner with cloud providers, then, it’s be the umbrella. volumes.  We are very sorry, but vital that you understand those SLAs and evaluate which ultimately our efforts to manually offers the best service for your needs. If you are going to be Consider each SLA and look for points of weakness, then recover your volume were offering cloud services to your own clients through a third bolster your own offering to protect your own clients. unsuccessful.  The hardware failed party, then you need to know exactly what you’re offering. As one Amazon customer told its own clients, “Our in such a way that we could not development team is also hard at work to limit the impact forensically restore the data. At the same time, it’s just as important that you take all of any future AWS interruptions.”15 Don’t wait until after a   SLAs with a grain of salt. Some guarantees are virtually disaster to implement procedures that control the way your What we were able to recover has impossible to enforce. For example, what if your cloud cloud provider affects your clients. been made available via a snapshot, provider goes out of business? Imagine you’ve moved all of although the data is in such a state your own data or the data of your clients into storage with that it may have little to no utility... a cloud provider that files for bankruptcy. How can they   possibly meet their promised level of service then? If you have no need for this When Amazon’s EC2 cloud service crashed in 2011, the snapshot, please delete it to avoid fallibility of SLAs became apparent. The letter reprinted incurring storage charges. in the sidebar is one Amazon sent to a client following the   crash (as reported on MSNBC). We apologize for this volume loss and any impact to your business. Sincerely,14 8 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 9. BUILD SOLUTIONS THAT MEET CLIENT NEEDS AND BUDGET It should be apparent by now that the cloud is not a one-size- requirements of many executives to back up to the cloud fits-all solution. without relinquishing control of your customer’s data to a third party. With a corporate cloud, you still have complete As such, it is imperative that you understand your control. Unfortunately, with a corporate cloud, you take on customers’ business models, their needs, and their budgets all the cost and risk yourself, which is no small thing. as you create solutions to move their data to the cloud. Within the context of those needs and budgets, you can then The third option, of course, is simply replicating to the work to build a backup and disaster recovery plan that takes cloud. There are many benefits to this, but it’s important advantage of the cloud, but still protects them from the rain. to remember that once you replicate data to a third party cloud provider, you’re no longer in control of it. You can’t To start out, we always recommend that you include a go into their cloud environment and do failovers or test local backup in your plan. That way, if your cloud provider restores with your own data. There are a few services goes out of business or has that major cascading failure that allow this, but not many. As you make your cloud predicted by Gartner, your data is protected. Once you plan, then, you need to be sure that you’re meeting your have that local copy, you can create an off-site solution. customer’s needs. If all they need is to transfer their data to The traditional off-site model is to simply replicate to a the cloud, then it may be the perfect solution. If, however, data center somewhere. Whether you’re using a colocation they need to recover that data quickly, if their recovery center or simply storage at your office or home, the data time objective is a day or less, then the cloud may not center model allows you to recover easily from a site- work. The time it takes to pull data back from the cloud, specific disaster. Data centers are not technically a cloud whether over the Internet or by some other route, may be a solution and it does not offer many of those benefits, but deal breaker. they are still a perfectly respectable and reliable solution. Of course you could always mix these options, replicating A second solution is to create a corporate cloud. This is a your local backup to a data center, for instance, and then hybrid approach. Here, you’ve taken your corporate cloud replicating it into the cloud. In any event, it’s imperative as and virtualized it so you can quickly provision machines you create your cloud offering that you understand what and work with elastic data sets. This allows for dynamic your customer actually needs. Each of the options offers growth and the manipulation of images you’ve moved there. different benefits and drawbacks and you won’t do yourself You can spin them up, restore them to a virtual or physical any favors trying to force a solution on a client that doesn’t machine and so on. A corporate cloud even allows you to meet their needs. No one likes to be sold something they test disaster recovery plans. A corporate cloud can meet don’t need. 9 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 10. DON’T RUSH Most people think about the cloud like it’s an application. You buy it, you install it, and that’s it. But that’s not really how it works. Using the cloud is really a phased process. Once you understand the needs of your customers, you can provide solutions that allow them to take advantage of the cloud as they truly need it. The research presented in this paper suggests that cloud adoption is going to happen slowly, as users gradually move business-line applications to the cloud as needed. This allows them to get a sense of the benefits the cloud is actually providing in a measured and controlled way. As an MSP or VAR, you should do the same. You don’t need to throw everything into the cloud all at once (partly cloudy, remember?). You can take the time to learn how cloud computing really fits into your offering and how it can meet the needs of your customers. 10 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 11. GETTING OUT OF THE SMOG The truth is that for all the hype about its benefits, the cloud is not yet living up to its promises for many people. That doesn’t mean it will never meet those expectations, but right now we should consider it for what it is: an emerging group of technologies that have promise but that are still trying to figure out exactly how they work. With that perspective, we can be smart. We can take our time, and we can develop cloud strategies that meet the needs of our clients and that make sense. 11 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 12. NOTES 1. Dan Farber, “Oracle’s Ellison nails cloud computing,” 7. Seth Weintraub, “Gmail outage passes 24 CNET News, September 26, 2008, http://news.cnet. hours for some (updated),” CNNMoney, com/8301-13953_3-10052188-80.html. February 28, 2011, http://tech.fortune.cnn. 2. Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, “Amazon Cloud Goes com/2011/02/28/gmail-outage-passes-24-hours- Down, Takes Every Hot Startup With It,” Business for-some/?section=magazines_fortune&utm_ Insider, April 21, 2011, http://www.businessinsider. source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_ca com/why-is-reddit-down-2011-4. mpaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fmagazine s_fortune+%28Fortune+Magazine%29. 3. Kevin McCaney, “Google, Microsoft cloud crashes: Is this the new normal?” Washington Technology, 8. Jay Heiser, “Will Your Data Rain When the Cloud September 13, 2011, http://washingtontechnology. Bursts?,” Gartner, September 24, 2010, ID Number: com/articles/2011/09/12/google-microsoft-cloud- G00206825. outages.aspx. 9. “SMB Cloud Adoption Study Dec 2010—Global 4. David Goldman, “Why Amazon’s cloud Titanic went Report.” Microsoft, March 24, 2011. 7. down,” CNNMoney, April 22, 2011, http://money. 10. Ibid. 17. 11. Ibid. 16. cloud_outage/index.htm. 12. Ibid. 5. Dave Raffo, “EMC Atmos Online goes offline, 13. “Microsoft unveils findings from its SMB Cloud other cloud storage providers look to step. Adoption Study,” Microsoft, March 24, 2011, http:// up,” SearchCloudStorage, July 2, 2010, http:// pressreleases/MSSMBCloudAdoption.mspx. EMC-Atmos-Online-goes-offline-other-cloud- storage-providers-look-to-step-up. 14. Henry Blodgett, “Amazon’s cloud crash destroyed many customers’ data,” Technolog on MSNBC, 6. Andrew R. Hickey, “10 Notable Cloud Outages and April 28, 2011, What Caused Them,” slide 1, “Apple MobileMe Gets news/2011/04/28/6549775-amazons-cloud-crash- De-mobilized,” CRN, February 23, 2010, http://www. destroyed-many-customers-data. notable-cloud-outages-and-what-caused-them. 15. Ibid. htm?pgno=4. 12 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.
  • 13. ABOUT STORAGECRAFT At StorageCraft, the goal of complete business continuity the most of your backup CONTACT US drives everything we do. Our flagship, StorageCraft images. It includes the StorageCraft Technology ShadowProtect®, is a full-featured, best-in-class BDR solution following features: Corporation that is both fast and reliable. • HeadStart Restore® leverages 11850 South Election Road, Imagine a backup solution that takes full, differential, and your ShadowProtect images Suite 100 incremental images of your disks, including not only your before a disaster by pre- Draper, Utah 84020 USA data, but your OS and applications too. staging them as a VM, so recovery can happen in Phone: 801.545.4700 • Perform complete, bare-metal restores every time. Our mere minutes. Fax: 801.545.4705 Hardware Independent RestoreTM technology restores to any machine. • ShadowStreamTM is an alternative file transfer • Access files at a specific point in time and recover data technology that offers speeds up to 5 times faster than on a granular level. FTP and does not require separate hardware. • Boot your ShadowProtect images as virtual machines • intelligentFTPTM transforms traditional FTP into a (VMs) with VirtualBootTM. BDR-friendly transfer solution by offering automatic • Manage multiple instances of ShadowProtect across network replication with greater control over what, multiple environments. how, and when you replicate. • ShadowControl ImageManager also offers other MAKING THE MOST OF BACKUP powerful business continuity features such as consolidation, verification, retention, and notification. We also have a growing array of tools that unlock the full potential of your ShadowProtect images. We also offer ShadowProtect Granular Recovery for Exchange to give you complete, granular access to images StorageCraft ShadowControlTM ImageManager is a full- of your Exchange servers. featured companion to ShadowProtect that lets you make 13 | ® 2012 StorageCraft. All rights reserved.