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Inside this Issue                       President’s Message
                                                          Welcome!                       attend – registration will never be cheaper.
                                                          Dear ICF Member      
  President’s Message
  April/May Issue In-Brief
                                    1                     Coaches, Coaches and
                                                          Interested Others,
                                                                                         The Conference Committee is now
                                                                                         organised to focus on the key areas of PR,
                                                        Over the last few months         Marketing and Sponsorship. Show your
                                        ICFA has been very productive – let’s focus      support for what we are working to
  Letters to the Editor
                                2       on the new for a moment.                         achieve by actively involving yourself in
                                                                                         your Chapter to promote our Conference
                                        Andrea Grey, Director of Communications,         and make it a success. How many members
                                        and I have just returned from visiting           of your local Chapter are you planning to
  Enough Pie for Everyone
  Quick News
                                    3   Marisa Dantanarayana, Director of Events,
                                        and her beautiful new baby Asharni, our
                                                                                         bring? Are there friends, colleagues and
                                                                                         clients who would be interested in
                                        newest member! Congratulations to                attending? Ask your Chapter Leaders for
                                        Marisa and her husband Gihan.                    copies of the postcard to share. Our
  Interview with a Coach
                                    4   Our organisation has welcomed 76 (slightly
                                        older) new members to ICFA since the
                                                                                         Conference is another opportunity for us
                                                                                         all to grow and produce – as a profession
                                        beginning of the year – welcome to you           and as professionals.
  Coaching Week 2005
                                    5   too. You will find details of our next New
                                        Members Orientation Call in this issue. Our
                                                                                         Karen Tweedie, ACC, President ICFA

                                        longer standing members are also welcome
  Coaching and Sex                      to attend – you might find it useful to           April/May Issue In-Brief
  Research Requests
                                    6   learn more about the existing benefits we
                                        have for our members. It can often take a
                                                                                                          Wow, it’s April already...
                                                                                                          how are your 2005 New
                                        while to find your way around all we have                         Years Resolutions going?
                                        to offer locally and internationally.                             Are you 4/12 of the way
  ICF SIG Update
                                    7   As you will have read in the letter from                          there?
                                        International President of the ICF, Steve         In this issue I seek to stir the pot. I’ve
  Coaching Core
  Competencies                      8   Mitten, in the April edition of Coaching
                                        World, the ICF has set up the brand new
                                                                                          introduced a new section, “Your Say:
                                                                                          Letters to the Editor”. I invite you to use
                                        Organisational Transformation Task Force.         it as a soapbox space to share your views.
                                        Australasia has been invited to be part of        What do you think of what our first two
                                 9      this taskforce that was just formed at the
                                        beginning of April 2005. The OTTF is
                                                                                          gallant contributors have to say...?
                                                                                          We also have a Serious Coaching
                                        working right now to identify strategic
  Chapter Directory
                                10      issues and consequences of moving ICF to a
                                        new credentialed membership body, and
                                                                                          Conversation Parody competition, based
                                                                                          on an idea from an earlier interview
                                                                                          with Sir John Whitmore. Entries will be
ICF Australasia Registered Office       design the corporate and local chapter
                                                                                          printed for members to judge.
                                        structures that will support it. This Task
PO Box 7151                             Force has the mandate to raise the bar for        • Article: I had a big smile on my face
Kariong NSW 2250, Australia             coaching worldwide. We are very pleased             and did lots of head nodding when I
Tel: +61 (02) 4340 8871                 to be part of this exciting development             read this article of Leah McLean’s,
Fax: +61 (02) 4340 2122                 and able to influence the birth of the              “Getting to Yes.”
E-mail:        “profession” of coaching.                         • Interview: Learn the benefits of getting                  We have a new, extended Code of Ethics, at          up before dawn with coach Karen
ICF Headquarters
1444 I Street,                                                                            • Member Benefits: focus on Special
                                        The design of our new look Australasian
NW – Suite 700                                                                              Interest Groups (SIGs)
                                        Regional Conference, Professional
Washington,                             Coaching from the Inside Out, is nearing          • Coach Week Review: Chapter by
DC 20005-6542, USA                      completion (check out the website for the           Chapter
E-mail:                                 latest updates on the Conference                  • Coaching Competencies: Creating           program). You will also be receiving                Awareness and Designing Actions
Tel: +1.202.712.9039                    regular updates and information about our         I’d really love to hear more of your
Fax: +                    planned sessions, from the committee over         suggestions for topics of interest in
                                        the next weeks. The Early Bird rate of $488       upcoming issues. Contact me at:
                                        definitely expires on April 30, so you have
                                        limited time take advantage of this
                                        extremely affordable opportunity to               Geraldine Barkworth, Editor


                                                                                             I was responding to something that is

  Your Say: Letters to the Editor                                                            often sold to people looking at
                                                                                             becoming a coach. The sell goes
                                                                                             something like this...’Become a coach
  This space is an open invitation for you to vent and share your
                                                                                             and you can work from home and earn
  thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the profession of coaching.
                                                                                             $350-500 per hour’. If you are used to
  You are welcome to respond to any article, which appears in this ezine,                    earning that type of money and moving
  or introduce any coaching-related issue for discussion.                                    in those circles, yes that is possible, but
                                                                                             not if you have never owned a business,
  Contributions must be professional in manner and derogatory                                only worked as a sales assistant or in a
  comments will not be printed. Make it fun and a learning opportunity                       factory. I doubt that any executive
  to get more conversation going within our community.                                       would be looking for coaching from a
  In our last issue (Feb 05) we interviewed Anthony Venn-Brown, ACC                          person with no ability to relate to what
  from Sydney who recently published his book, A Life of Unlearning.                         it means to work with multi million
                                                                                             dollar budgets and a workforce in the
  Anthony’s personal views stirred up a few people (a very good thing,
                                                                                             1,000’s. I know this is an extreme
  thank you Anthony):
                                                                                             example but it serves the purpose in
                                                                                             demonstrating how the background of
“Hi Geraldine, thanks for the                Thanks once more for the work and               the coach can impact their client base as
opportunity to feed back. I enjoyed the      commitment in compiling this                    opposed to just knowing a coaching
newsletter very much and my                  worthwhile publication.”                        methodology.
comments are for your interest.              Regards, Bill Palmer ACC, 0418 142 478
                                                                                             It may have been an unfortunate use of
                                                                                             the words ‘hang ups’ in your letter but I
I am moved to comment on a couple of         PS. I am happy to chat if my reflections here   actually don’t coach individuals or
points in the book review chapter. I         have been unclear.
                                                                                             executives with ‘hang ups’, I coach
guess the author is pumped right now
                                                                                             people to a fuller, richer life, improve
(he deserves to be excited as I would be     And Anthony’s reply:
                                                                                             their performance and create the life of
too) but his comments on not needing a
                                             “Thanks Bill for responding regarding           their dreams. I leave the people with
degree were especially interesting (I
                                             some of the views I expressed. The              ‘hang ups’ to the professional
also don’t have a degree) especially
                                             limited amount of space I had meant I           counsellors and therapists who are
when he made the next comment about
                                             probably didn’t explain myself                  qualified in that area.
not coaching executives without having
been an exec first and without having a      adequately. Dialogue is good so let’s see       Regarding writing. No one knows more
degree in Psych, I felt that was his stuff   if I can shed some more light on my             than I that the publication of my
coming up.                                   original comments.                              autobiography was not a fluke. It was a
                                             There has been a push, by some in the           dream I felt I was given whilst attending
The differences in coaching private                                                          a personal development seminar in
                                             coaching profession, to insist all coaches
individuals are in the end not that                                                          Mexico in 1999. When I returned to
                                             have a university degree. I don’t believe
different to coaching executives. This is                                                    Sydney I created a dream board. People
                                             this is necessary. Like you Bill I don’t
my direct experience. All coaches should                                                     thought I was crazy when I put it in a
                                             have one. I’ve taught at TAFE for 10
come to understand that both varieties                                                       prominent place in my lounge room. I
                                             years, even a class known as Consumer
are only human and they share the                                                            developed an affirmation ‘I am an
                                             Behaviour which was basic psychology as
same hang-ups. (Thankfully) I am                                                             exceptional author’. I said it daily for
                                             it related to marketing. While some of
surprised that Anthony wanted to make                                                        years when I didn’t even have a
                                             my limited knowledge of psychology is
a distinction between one and the                                                            manuscript or the ability to write
                                             useful, I’ve never seen that the lack of a
other. Maybe he is not ready to trust                                                        effectively. I turned my dream into a
                                             piece of paper has hindered my
his heart with wily execs as yet?                                                            S.M.A.R.T. goal (the same methodology I
                                             effectiveness with clients. I’ve been
Anthony also signaled the difficulty in      running a fulltime successful coaching          use with clients) and did all I could to
writing for a living and I had the           practice for nearly 4 years now.                ensure that my dream was achievable
impression that he thought he fluked                                                         and realistic. As I said the affirmation, I
                                             I recognise that successful coaching
publication and others might not be so                                                       attached a strong emotion to it and
                                             happens when a person has a good
lucky. While it is tough out there we                                                        visualised a book launch with me
                                             working knowledge of coaching
coaches and creative-types need                                                              receiving awards. Five years later, in
                                             methodologies. I think most people
encouragement to “go for it.” Just as                                                        2004, everything I had dreamt, felt and
                                             would recognise that there are different
we’d want to support our clients in the                                                      visualised actually happened. I always
                                             levels of coaching though. I’ve coached
same way. I felt Anthony was                                                                 encourage clients and coaches to live
                                             people at executive level and have no
withholding something deeper within                                                          their dreams because I know how
                                             problem with that. One of my clients is a
or the interviewer was just unsuccessful                                                     wonderful it is to live mine. Having said
                                             Director of a well known multinational
this time in reaching his truth for us to                                                    that, the statistics show that only about
                                             company in the US. Apparently he is
share.                                                                                       1 in 100,000 books written are actually
                                             happy, as he’s come back several times
This newsletter is read by coaches at all                                                    published. I’m grateful mine was the
                                             for more coaching after he’d sacked
stages of development and sensitivity,                                                       one. “
                                             several other coaches. The areas we
one thing is sure; we will always enjoy      worked on though related more to his            Anthony Venn-Brown, ACC,
great role models who encourage and          personal life rather than his                   m 0416 015 231
promote coaching and coaches.                performance in the corporate arena.
                                             After all I am a LIFE coach.


Enough Pie For Everyone
Getting to Yes: First have 90% of People Say No To You
You didn’t read the title incorrectly – as       10 out of 100 that will REALLY click with     and your strengths and personal
a professional coach you can actually            you. What do I mean by this – I mean –        qualities.
gain more clients (and the type that will          • use the language that comes
turn into raving fans) in less time just by                                                    Will you take on a challenge for me
                                                     naturally to you
saying no to prospects or having them                                                          over the next couple of weeks? I want
                                                   • dress in a way that you feels             you to commit to being fully and
say no to you. The coaches I meet who
                                                     portrays your best self                   strongly yourself for the next two weeks
are negative about there being enough
business/enough pie for us all also find it        • write articles or give speeches to        - to communicate what YOU have to
hard to let go of the 90%.                           people that you would actually            offer and who you are, what your
                                                     enjoy sitting down and having a           clients will experience when they work
Let me back up a bit and explain. When               conversation with (instead of             with you. I want you to share what you
you are a professional coach you have a              speaking to anyone who will listen)       are passionate about and leave the rest
limited capacity to service clients – after        • have your business image match            to someone else.
all there are only so many hours in a                your personal image (would your
day. Even if you do well and leverage                                                          You know the next step don’t you -
                                                     clients recognise you if you bumped
your knowledge and your time to best                                                           being completely OK with 99% of
                                                     them in the streets after hours?)
effect there is a limit on the size of your                                                    people saying no.
                                                   • are you in integrity when you are
client base.
                                                     doing business?                           Leah Maclean, Master Certified Coach
Unless you have a very particular, very                                                        (MCC), Professional Mentor Coach (PMC)
                                                 When you choose to share only a small
narrow niche (such as coaching scientists
                                                 part of yourself you can run the risk of      You can contact Leah at
over 70 on career change) there will be
                                                 not sharing the best part of yourself. or email
more clients available to you then you
                                                 Don’t your clients deserve the best part
could serve.
                                                 of you? And if you have a client that
One of the biggest hurdles I have found          can’t handle the best part of you, do
between coaches and them having a                they really deserve to be a client of
full, profitable practice is the desire I call   yours in the first place?
“wanting to wrap your arms around the
                                                 Are you playing just small enough so as
world”. I have seen coaches who, in
                                                 not to frighten the majority of your
order to get a client to say yes to them,
                                                 clients or yourself?                            Quick News
try to be whatever the prospect is
looking for.                                     OK, so I can see a mixed response here.         New Members Orientation Call. Find out the
                                                 Some of you have a smile as wide as             benefits of ICF membership. Monday May
These coaches are what I call a                                                                  16th, 6.30pm AEST. Contact Andrea Grey by
                                                 your face right now – you feel that you
“Stepford Coach” – very nice, always                                                             May 9th at:
                                                 have been given permission to play the
positive, never give advice, don’t
                                                 game your way (and business is a game,
challenge the status quo and believe                                                              If you experience any glitches in the
                                                 albeit an important one). Go for it!
that their coaching can help everyone.                                                           Australasian website, please contact
In fact it is disappointing to find that a       There are also some of you that are a           Fiona Toy, at:
great number of coach training                   little concerned about this approach.
programs actually support this mindset.                                                          ICFA Brisbane September 05 Conference early
                                                 You may be saying “But I need to
                                                                                                 bird registrations close 30th April.
                                                 provide what they want in order to do
In the desire to have as many people as
                                                 business with them”. The answer is yes          Download your ICF Membership
possible say yes to them, their services
                                                 and no. Respond to the challenges of            Certificate (adjust to landscape before
and their business, the coach actually
                                                 your target market and provide them             printing) from the Members Log
dissipates the true depth of their
                                                 with valuable, useful services AND do it        On Page.
services and the true benefit they could
                                                 in a way that is authentically you. Stop
be to the “right client”.                                                                        Check out industry coaching magazine,
                                                 running around trying to please 90% of
Your challenge is to step out of the             the people. So what if they don’t like          Choice: the magazine of professional
Stepford role and be a coach that ONLY           you or what you have to offer. They             coaching, at
works with people you have a passion             don’t want to buy it anyway.
                                                                                                 New interactive online coaching ezine is
for (oh yeah, Stepford coaches show                                                              available at
                                                 Instead focus your energy, your
very little passion). The next step is to                                              
                                                 attention and your resources on the 10
create your services and promote
                                                 out of 100 people that have a true
yourself in a way that only speaks to the
                                                 affinity for you, your style, your business


Interview with a Coach...
In each issue we’ll profile an ICF          with my husband! We definitely                 level as the industry is still so young in
credentialed coach in Australasia to        prioritise our relationship in our very        Australia – in time, corporations will
forge greater connections with our          busy week – it is something that we            start asking about credentialing. For me,
coaching community. If you’d like to        consciously work at and never take for         it has been the knowledge that how I
be interviewed for an upcoming              granted. I think that is why we have           coach has been critiqued and met the
issue, please contact the editor,           survived 20 years of marriage and some         rigorous credentialing process – peace of
Geraldine Barkworth at                      challenging times.                             mind, increased confidence and                                                         knowing I am a member of a small but
                                            What’s your vision for the coaching            growing professional group.
                                            profession in Australia?
Today we talk with Karen
                                            That corporate Australia, SME’s and            What are you currently reading?
Conaghan PCC, of Brisbane,
Australia who specialises in                businesses will begin to appreciate and        I have a hoard of books beside the bed
leadership coaching. I asked Karen          know the difference between a ICF              and in the office – I always have about 5
to share something of herself and           credentialed coach and a person who            on the go – I constantly change from
her experiences as a credentialed           calls themselves a coach- that they see        Business Journals, Leadership books or
ICF member:                                 value, ROI and the distinctions of having      anything that I believe could assist my
                                            credentialed coaches as part of their          clients – currently I am reading –
What would you like our readers to          coaching panels and coaching initiatives.      • HR Monthly – AHRI publication – they
know about you?                                                                              have some great business and HR
                                            Of what, are you most proud?
That I am committed and passionate                                                           articles
about assisting individuals and             On a personal level:
                                                                                           • VIVE – For Women who Mean Business
corporations to create more success,        • 3 beautiful sons                               – monthly Australian magazine on
balanced and fulfilling futures; that I     • Wonderful 20 year partnership                  current women’s issues
love a challenge and like my clients I am
                                            • Studied and lived overseas                   • Michael Goldberg – The 9 ways of
prepared to extend myself and take a
                                                                                             Working – How to use the Enneagram
risk. I also have a strong sense of         On a professional level:                         in the workplace
adventure and love taking the less
                                            • Gained my PCC                                • Mike George – Learn to find Inner
traditional or travelled path – for
instance I met my now husband 25 years      • a continually growing coaching                 Peace – tools and techniques for
ago in a youth hostel in Tel Aviv when I      consultancy                                    stressed executives
travelled for 2 years solo through the      • the only credentialed coach, PCC (ICF)       • Bill Bryson – A Short History of Nearly
Middle East!                                  as part of a national coaching panel           Everything – science facts made
                                              (22 coaches) for one of Australia’s            interesting for the layman
As a coach, whom do you primarily             largest corporations – the calibre of
work with?                                    the panel was exceptional – all of us        What do you see as the most vital
Most of my work is with senior                have strong psych backgrounds; but           business building factor for a ‘starting
managers and emergent leaders in              many had a depth of experience with          out coach’?
corporations as part of a leadership          global 500 Companies. Also, I am on 4
                                                                                           Know your strengths, Believe in yourself,
development strategy. I also work             other government coaching panels
                                                                                           acknowledge and get really grounded
individually with executives on their         and am the only credentialed coach.
                                                                                           about what you can bring to the
leadership and how they can best
                                            What were the reasons you decided to           coaching relationship; honour yourself
develop their people; some of my work
                                            apply for your ICF credential?                 as you do your clients; surround yourself
has a team focus – building high
                                                                                           by experts – marketing people, business
performance teams; as well as skill
                                            I applied to ensure that I have reached a      planners, accountants, bookkeepers, get
training for managers in coach centred
                                            standard in the profession that is             yourself a coach – to be the best you can
                                            recognised as a significant benchmark;         be – you need to have been there as
How do you specifically balance your        to test and stretch my abilities, skills and   well – you will be a much better coach
work and home life?                         knowledge; to differentiate myself in          for having done so – your clients will
                                            the marketplace and to educate                 sense that you ‘walk the talk’. Over time
As I am married to a very busy
                                            corporations and government of the             specialise – you can’t be all things to all
professional and have 3 teenage boys, I
                                            benefits of employing a credentialed           people- set boundaries and say ‘no’ –
need to be super organised. Currently, I
                                            coach.                                         this will create other opportunities –
am juggling 6 x 4.30am starts – as we
                                                                                           know who you really want to work with
have 2 rowers and this is wearing on the    When did you go through the                    – who gets you excited and energised –
mind, body and soul; so I consciously       credentialing process and what benefits        what issues, challenges do they bring to
make time for ‘me’ and ‘us’ – some          have you gained?                               coaching that “ups your tempo’.
exercise – jogging, weights, stretching &
                                            II applied in Jan 2004 and was awarded
yoga at the beginning of the day and
                                            PCC in June 2004. The benefits to me as
definitely the Friday night takeaway
                                            this stage have been more on a personal                                        continued
with a glass of wine on the veranda


continued from p4

What makes you enthuse, blush, or            themselves. They need to stop; catch        Also, to be seen and recognised as a
cringe about coaching?                       their breath, celebrate and breathe         profession; then we all need to be
Enthuse – I am continually amazed by         before launching onto the next              professional in everything that we say,
my clients – their resilience, commitment    “project”– perhaps this applies to all of   do and not say. Some of the most
and focus – I learn so much from my          us?                                         challenging and insightful work that I
clients and this is one of the best things                                               have done was a group and self directed
                                             Blush – It takes a lot for me to blush –    learning course – Professional
about coaching – it is a partnership that
                                             and I can’t recall the last time I did.     Foundations for Masterful Coaches –
can bring reciprocity –
knowingly/unknowingly sometimes they                                                     topics such as Professional Presence,
                                             Cringe – A couple of things come to
extend and stretch me as much as I do                                                    Professional Excellence, Organisation
                                             mind – I am amazed at the number of
them.                                                                                    and Self Knowledge – really challenged
                                             Coaches who have never invested in
                                             themselves and their business by having
Currently, I am working with a group of
                                             a coach – for me to be the best that I      Please describe your bedroom slippers...
executive women – reading their
                                             can be – I need to be held accountable,
profiles really blew me away – they are                                                  Living in Queensland – we really don’t
                                             be challenged in my thinking and to see
exceptional in many areas of their life –                                                need slippers – I love the feel of bare
                                             and experience things differently – not
professional qualifications, career                                                      feet on polished timber floors and then
                                             having a coach for me would be like
highlights, and personal talents. They                                                   gliding across a colourful tribal rug.
                                             going to massage therapist, who has
continuously learn and strive for
                                             never had a massage! If you look at         You can contact Karen at
personal and professional growth –
                                             those in the sporting domain and  
however, as individuals and as a group;
                                             business world who have been successful     B:07 3278 2171 M: 0402 852 179
they undervalue their achievements and
                                             – they have all had a professional coach
success and need to acknowledge
                                             – what does this say?

    Coaching Week 2005
    Successful events were held and initiatives                      Victoria Chapter had a Coach Week Expo with over 60
    begun by Chapters within the region for                          people in attendance. A panel of four people shared
                                                                     their experiences of being coached, and answered
    Australasian Coaching Week – 14th-20th                           questions put to them prepared beforehand by the
    March...                                                         Leadership Team. They also had three coaches doing
    Sydney Chapter launched The Good Company                         some ‘hotspot’ coaching with members. A similar event
    Partnership – a not-for-profit organisation that donates         was held last year, and both events have been well
    the coaching of professional coaches to executives               attended and very well received.
    working in charitable and non-profit organisations.              Canterbury Chapter had 10 coaches take out an
    Each coaching partnership will be for a 3-month                  advertisement in the local newspaper and two of the
    duration, and the total number of coaching hours                 committee were interviewed on coaching and the ICF.
    being offered is to the value of $30,000. The                    Members also took part in a huge community event –
    organisation actively links professional coaches who             the 12 kilometre fun run/walk ‘City to Surf’. They had
    would like to volunteer their time and expertise to the          ICF T-shirts printed for the day, and handed out
    broad range of community groups and their executives             coaching vouchers on the day.
    who could benefit from working with a coach.
                                                                     ACT Chapter held a Breakfast with the Institute of
    Brisbane Chapter held a business breakfast for more              Public Administration and had about 60 attendees.
    than 100 people. The enthusiasm and passion of the               Offers of free coaching and coaching cafes were well
    two speakers from two different organisations                    received.
    captivated the audience.
                                                                     Linda Matuschka ACC, Director of Chapter Presidents ICFA
    They spoke about the benefits and obstacles of
    implementing a coaching intervention. They also put
    forward suggestions on how to achieve continued
    success through coaching. Feedback given following
    the event indicated the wonderful opportunity it was
    to hear the success stories and learn from some of the
    difficulties experienced in implementing such a


Coaching And Sex
Now we have your attention did you           See:                                                Some additions under Professional
know that the new code of ethics         Conduct With Clients are standards
includes the following standard: “I          to view the complete revised code.                  relating to a client’s right to terminate a
will not become sexually involved                                                                relationship; no sexual involvement with
with any of my clients”.                     This revised Code of Ethics, the result of          any clients, and the requirement to
                                             many months work by the Ethics and                  notify the appropriate authorities if a
Are you familiar with the new ICF Code       Standards Committee, has 12 new                     client mentions an intention to harm
of Ethics? You need to be!                   Standards of Ethical Conduct. The ICF               either themselves or others.
                                             Philosophy of Coaching, the ICF
Coaches, when they join ICF, pledge to       Definition of Coaching, the                         An additional standard has been added
uphold the Code of Ethics – the rules        Confidentiality/Privacy ethics and ICF              to Conflicts of Interest; “I will only
and principles which members are             Pledge of Ethics remain the same.                   barter for services, goods or other non-
expected to adhere to. The ICF Code of                                                           monetary remuneration when it will not
Ethics defines accepted/acceptable           There are 5 new standards of ethical                impair the coaching relationship.”
behaviours and promotes high standards       conduct for Professional Conduct At
of practice.                                 Large and 7 new standards for                       Make it your business to know the
                                             Professional Conduct With Clients.                  new Code of Ethics that you pledge
And they have recently changed.                                                                  to uphold as an ICF member. If you
                                             Some of the additions under                         are not doing so already, include
On behalf of the Australasian                Professional Conduct At Large are                   the new code in your welcome pack
Professional Standards Committee and,        standards relating to recognising                   for your clients.
as your ICF Australasian Ethics and          personal issues that may impair, conflict
Standards Leader, I want to draw your        or interfere with the coach’s coaching;                                          Jane Boardman,
attention to the revised version of the      training or supervising of current and                              Ethics and Standards Leader,
ICF Code of Ethics adopted by the ICF        potential coaches; conducting and                                                  ICF Australasia
Board of Directors in January 2005.          reporting research; and creating,
I encourage you to become familiar with      maintaining, storing and disposing of
them as soon as possible.                    records.

  Students Need Your Help: Research Requests
  1. Anna Blackman is a PHD student at James Cook University             research project (mini thesis) titled: ‘The Role of Coaching in
  in North Queensland and she has approached the ICFA with               Career Change’. Part of this research involves an online survey
  her research project – The Effectiveness of Business Coaching.         of individuals that have experienced career change during
  She would like to survey clients that have been through the            their working lives. The link provided at the bottom of this
  coaching process and have them nominate factors that                   email takes you straight to the survey, which only takes 5
  contributed to the success of the coaching program. No                 minutes to complete. Your response is completely anonymous
  names will be used, confidentiality respected. Participants will       unless you choose to disclose your name in the first section of
  be eligible to be placed in a draw to win a 6 month                    the survey. However should you choose to share your name,
  subscription to one of the following magazines: BRW, Money,            you will not be personally identified in the research report
  Bulletin, Time, Management Today. Her supervisors on her               without your direct consent. Additionally, it would be great if
  project are Dr.Gianna Moscardo and Dr Angela Martin. Their             you could forward this email/survey link on to your friends,
  emails, respectively, are: and              colleagues or clients – the higher the response rate for my The link for this survey is:                  research the more valid the results. And finally...the research                                         project is due for completion by the end of June 2005, so
                                                                         should you be interested in reading the research outcomes
  2. Hsiang Yin is an ICFA member and has put in a request on            please do not hesitate to contact me.
  behalf of his coaching colleague, Linda Carruthers. Linda is
  doing a survey about Life Coaching Fees in Australia. She              Link to online survey
  wants to find out the spectrum and how they relate to other  
  service professionals. She believes that newer coaches (less           areerChange.HTM
  than 2 years) are undercharging and undervaluing their
  service. Please complete her survey by 30th April 2005 to              If you have problems connecting to this link directly from the
  ensure your comments are included. Contact Linda on                    email, please copy and paste the link into the address bar of
  0425219643 or via The survey               your internet browser.
  link is:                   Liz Green, 25 Appletree Pl. Menai NSW 2234, 0402 158 261,
  3. Liz Green, student of CSU studying for Master of Education
  in Organisational Learning and Development is preparing a


 ICF Member Benefits Special Interest Groups (SIGS)
 SIGs give you the opportunity to get very specific in our coaching           member benefit, while allowing us to show off benefit as a
 community. You can connect with other coaches who have similar               recruiting mechanism.
 interests or goals. Currently there are approximately 25 ICF SIG’s. In       If you have a good idea for a SIG and are interested in a leadership
 subsequent issues we will feature 5 SIGs for you to learn more               role as a SIG host, contact SIG Chairperson, Jo Miller on:
 about this ICF professional development opportunity.               
 SIG’s are open to ICF members only. Non-members may attend                   The Chairperson will discuss the time and commitment investment
 groups by invitation from a current member and may attend two                that will be required to create and launch a successful SIG.
 meetings as a non-member. Should the guest wish to continue                  Accepted SIGs will be assigned a monthly meeting time, a bridge
 attending a group, that person must become an ICF member. This               line and be posted on the ICF web site and featured in the ICF
 policy ensures that the building of professional network is a                Coaching World.

1. AD/HD SIG                                                                  4. Career Coaching SIG
This SIG provides a platform for ICF coaches to learn more about              The Career Coaching SIG is designed for coaches who specialise
AD/HD coaching. Learn how AD/HD Coaching assists clients with                 (in whole or in part) in career coaching. We invite your
AD/HD to stay focused on their goals, overcome obstacles,                     participation if you work independently, or within an
address core ADD-related issues like procrastination, rumination,             organisation, assisting clients in work-related areas including:
organisation, and self-esteem. It provides each coach an                      finding career/job direction, life purpose, life/work balance, job
opportunity to discuss the particular challenges encountered with             search strategies, and similar tasks. Our mission is to support
their AD/HD clients, share concerns, strategies and success stories           excellence in career coaching while supporting career coaches in
with each other. Coaches learn what makes AD/HD coaching                      building full practices. We do this by providing continuing
different. Find out the difference a well-trained AD/HD coach can             education opportunities, inspiring targeted practice building,
make in their clients lives.                                                  and affording networking opportunities. While this SIG’s target
                                                                              audience is primarily experienced career coaches, those new to
 Time:    3:00 PM ET (USA)                                                    the field or interested in considering career coaching are also
 When: 2nd Wednesday of each month                                            welcome.
 Bridge: 1-904-357-8707
                                                                               Time:    2:00 PM ET (USA)
 Leader: David Giwerc, MCC,
         coach&                        When: 3rd Wednesday of each month
                                                                               Bridge: 1-620-584-8200 PIN 909909
2. Being Irresistibly Attractive SIG                                           Leader: Meg Montford,
This group is for the newer coach who wants support in working               
on the “principles of attraction” to draw clients, alliances and
wholeness into their lives. Our quest is to fully understand the              5. Coaching and Psychotherapist Communities SIG
“principles of attraction”, as well as to share skills, techniques,           Sponsored by the Life Coaching committee of the ICF. We
exercises, and ideas that will spark integration of these gems into           distinguish the difference between coaching and psychotherapy.
our daily lives and the lives of our clients. We will discuss the             Our process is aimed at developing coaching models and
principles and encourage weekly exercises. If you want support                strategies to apply to this issue. For coaches who do not have a
and reinforcement in becoming more attractive from the inside                 psychotherapy background to know how and when to refer
out this group is for you. Expect guest speakers.                             individuals who present psychotherapy issues within the
                                                                              coaching process. For newer coaches who are also
 Time:    10:00 pm EST (USA)                                                  psychotherapists, the SIG aims at helping them distinguish
 When: Every first Wednesday of the month                                     between coaching and psychotherapy models so that they are
 Bridge: 1-620-584-8200 PIN 909909#                                           not practicing psychotherapy with their coaching clients. Finally,
                                                                              experienced coaches are a part of this process for their
 Leader: Danielle Vindez,
                                                                              invaluable contribution making these distinctions, gaining a                                 deeper clarification of these issues for themselves, and to help
                                                                              others develop their distinct professional coaching identity. A
3. Business Development SIG
                                                                              broader goal of this SIG is to help educate professional coaches
As members of the Small Business Development SIG we take a
                                                                              on these issues so that they can effectively communicate these
practitioner-learner approach to provide professional
                                                                              distinctions to professional groups outside the coaching
development for new and experienced business coaches. Focusing
on ideas and techniques to build the capacity of small businesses,
especially in marketing, strategy, and planning, we develop our                Time:    2:00 PM ET
own businesses while we learn. About once a quarter we also
have guest speakers to increase our understanding of how to                    When: 2nd Monday of each month
build successful businesses, both our own and our clients’.                    Bridge: 1-781-222-0033 Pin # 450
                                                                               Leader: Tom M. Krapu, Ph.D,ACC,
 Time:    5:30 PM ET (USA)
 When: 3rd Wednesday of each month
 Format: Meeting is discussion, brainstorming, and learning
         together, with guest speakers every quarter.
 Bridge: 1-904-357-8707
 Leader: Randy Bennett,


Coaching Core Competencies & Certification
ICF Core Competencies                            detecting a separation between what          client shares continues to improve the
One of our key initiatives this year is to       is being stated and what is being done.      coach’s awareness of how to meet the
encourage and support our members to                                                          client in their world, as well as how to
                                                9. Designing Actions – Ability to create      stretch them to new possibilities for
either be working towards, or gaining
                                                with the client opportunities for ongoing     action and success. Through this process,
certification. An important part of the
                                                learning, during coaching and in              the client’s awareness of their own hopes
Certification Process is the practical
                                                work/life situations, and for taking new      and passions, skills and abilities are
exam, which involves you coaching a
                                                actions that will most effectively lead to    heightened and their appreciation of
credentialed ICF member and being
                                                agreed-upon coaching results                  themselves increases. This process sets a
assessed against the ICF Core
Competencies. In our efforts to                 • Brainstorms and assists the client to       mood of preparedness for growth and
encourage and support you to either                define actions that will enable the        learning.
gain ICF certification or begin the process        client to demonstrate, practice and        Once awareness is created then the
we are examining the Competencies in               deepen new learning,                       coach assists the client to capitalise on
detail.                                         • Helps the client to focus on and            that learning and insight and bring it to
In this edition of Coaching News we will           systematically explore specific concerns   their life through tailored action. Coach
examine ICF Core Competencies 8 and 9              and opportunities that are central to      and client put their heads together to
to help you clearly understand what they           agreed-upon coaching goals,                custom-design the “right” action. The
mean, how you apply them in a coaching          • Engages the client to explore               coach guides the client in considering
session, and how you can either                    alternative ideas and solutions, to        options and brainstorms with them to
demonstrate your competence in them                evaluate options, and to make related      assist the client to choose action that is
or not!                                            decisions,                                 appropriate for them. This is a key place
                                                • Promotes active experimentation and         where the nature of the coaching
D. FACILITATING LEARNING AND                       self-discovery, where the client applies   relationship (as a partnership of equals)
RESULTS                                            what has been discussed and learned        is demonstrated. The coach and client
                                                   during sessions immediately afterwards     co-create the action, the coach checks for
8. Creating Awareness – Ability to                 in his/her work or life setting,           some stretch within the action and asks
integrate and accurately evaluate               • Celebrates client successes and             the client if what has been designed is
multiple sources of information, and to            capabilities for future growth,            appropriate and they are committed to
make interpretations that help the client                                                     it; and when the client says “yes” the
                                                • Challenges client’s assumptions and         coach trusts that this is so.
to gain awareness and thereby achieve
                                                   perspectives to provoke new ideas and
agreed-upon results
                                                   find new possibilities for action,         Breaches of these Competencies
• Goes beyond what is said in assessing         • Advocates or brings forward points of
  client’s concerns, not getting hooked                                                       A coach would fail in creating awareness
                                                   view that are aligned with client goals    by deciding they knew the client’s type
  by the client’s description,                     and, without attachment, engages the
• Invokes inquiry for greater                                                                 well enough early in the coaching
                                                   client to consider them,                   relationship. When the coach makes
  understanding, awareness and clarity,         • Helps the client “Do It Now” during         judgments and decides what is wrong
• Identifies for the client his/her                the coaching session, providing            with the client, or forces a “one size fits
  underlying concerns, typical and fixed           immediate support,                         all” solution on them this shuts down
  ways of perceiving himself/herself and        • Encourages stretches and challenges         learning for the coach and forces the
  the world, differences between the               but also a comfortable pace of             client into a “box”.
  facts and the interpretation, disparities        learning.
  between thoughts, feelings and action,                                                      Another failure to create awareness on
                                                In creating awareness the coach needs to      the coach’s side would be to take
• Helps clients to discover for themselves
                                                be fully there for the client. The coach      everything the client says at face value,
  the new thoughts, beliefs, perceptions,
                                                creates a safe space and a trusting           failing to listen for subtleties; missing
  emotions, moods, etc. that strengthen
                                                relationship within which the coach and       significant statements or repeated
  their ability to take action and achieve
                                                the client can explore. Through the           themes – all of which point to a rich
  what is important to them,
                                                expert placement of attention on the          resource for further examination.
• Communicates broader perspectives to          client and the crafting of skillful
  clients and inspires commitment to                                                          Poorly designed actions would simply be
                                                coaching conversations the coach builds       “doing stuff”, action for action’s sake;
  shift their viewpoints and find new           the awareness of the client for both
  possibilities for action,                                                                   this would result in failing to use the
                                                client and coach.                             action to build the next strong link in
• Helps clients to see the different,
                                                The coach is able to “listen” with ears,      the chain between the awareness that
  interrelated factors that affect them
                                                eyes, body and intuition; noticing all        the client has gained and their desired
  and their behaviours (e.g., thoughts,
                                                aspects of what the client is                 outcome. Inversely, designing action that
  emotions, body, background),
                                                communicating through what they say,          is way outside the client’s capability,
• Expresses insights to clients in ways         and how they say it. As the coaching          capacity or motivation would be a
  that are useful and meaningful for the        progresses, the coach learns more about       breach. Another failure in this
  client,                                       the client – their values, motivations,       competency would occur when the
• Identifies major strengths vs. major          aspirations and forgotten dreams, stage       coach acts as the parent or teacher and
  areas for learning and growth, and            of life and how they live, how they look      prepares a homework assignment to
  what is most important to address             and dress, how they have fun, manage          inflict on the client, therefore robbing
  during coaching,                              relationships, commitments and stress,        the client of their authority and
• Asks the client to distinguish between        work as part of a team, lead others,          commitment.
  trivial and significant issues, situational   where they struggle and where they
  vs. recurring behaviours, when                flow, – each piece of information the



Parody of a Serious Coaching Conversation
                                                                                            tasks. This was not the usual Edinburgh
 Time to poke a bit of fun at the sacred     John Whitmore: Oh, I think we take             act. “ The Age, March 18, 2005. Will recently
 and the stick is directed toward            ourselves far too seriously – the              performed at the Melbourne comedy
 coaching.                                   world’s in a bad way and coaches               festival in March.
 The idea for this competition came          don’t serve it well when we take
                                             ourselves too seriously; we just add to        Aside from award winning comedy
 from an interview with Sir John
                                             the tension. We all need to develop            routines, the three students requesting
 Whitmore featured in our September
                                             the capacity to laugh at ourselves. I          coaching research assistance in this issue
 2004 issue, highlighted below:
                                             like to be facetious especially with           alone, indicates coaching as a profession
 Geraldine: I enjoyed your                   serious executives. There’s an                 is becoming well accepted and known
 phrase...”find the courage to resist the    attachment to seriousness – we need            within the mainstream.
 tyranny of political correctness” from      to step back and observe more. Yes, it         You can enter in two ways:
 your article, The Roots and the Reach       might be fun to do a parody of a
                                             “serious coaching conversation.”               1. Write a short parody of a “serious
 of Coaching. Is there enough fun and
                                                                                               coaching conversation” (no more than
 authenticity in the coaching world, or
                                             Geraldine: Thanks for the idea!                   500 words). The kind that makes you
 do we take ourselves too seriously?
                                                                                               cringe. (Does anyone watch Little
                                                                                               Britain or Nighty Night on Wednesday
                                             we may be trying to reach out and                 on the Australian ABC?)
Parody (Macquarie Dictionary):
“humorous or satirical imitation of a        influence. Right or wrong, it’s an             2. Send in jokes, fables or stories you
serious piece of literature or writing; a    opportunity to laugh, learn and not take          have collected from the media, which
poor imitation, travesty.”                   ourselves too seriously.                          are parodies of the “serious coaching
The purpose of parody is creating some       New things are often lampooned before
fun. It allows us to stand back and see      acceptance. Comedian Will Adamsdale            We’ll reprint them for members to judge
how others might see us. Sure it’s often     created a fictitious coach for a comic         the best and we’ll let you know about a
an exaggeration (and an unattractive         routine to win the Perrier Award at the        worthwhile prize and suitable accolades
one at that), but that’s what also makes     Edinburgh Fringe Festival. “Chris John         for your wit. Perhaps Chapters may like
it a powerful learning opportunity.          Jackson, Adamsdale’s invented character,       to get together for a group effort?
While parodies are often over the top        is a “life coach” whose great                  Send them in by 1st August 2005 to:
imitations, they can reveal the     to find the joy of success
perceptions of others; the others whom       in the completion of otherwise pointless

              Early Bird Registration Closes                                              Marcia Reynolds, MA, MEd, MCC and
                                                                                          Certified Speaking Professional.
                                                                                          Marcia is a world-renowned coach,
                    April 30th 2005!                                                      passionate and humourous speaker and past
                                                                                          president of the International Coach
  Don’t miss out on the ICF Early Bird registration price                                 Federation. She has also recently undertaken
             of AUD$488 - register NOW at                                                 extensive research into the science of the
                                                                                          brain for her latest book Outsmart Your                                      Brain™ and will be sharing what she has
                       or call (02) 4340 8871                                             discovered as our 3rd Keynote Speaker...
           or, if you’re in NZ please call (09) 376 2946
                                                                     There is no right way to coach a human being. Instead of trying
       (International callers please use +61 2 4340 8871).           to follow a plan or imitate a procedure, it is better to understand
                                                                     how the brain works so you can invoke your empathy, turn on
Our survey showed that you want “leading edge” and so, we’re         your curiosity and access psychological insight to discover the
very excited to announce our third keynote address:                  path most appropriate for your client. Marcia will lead you
                                                                     through a tour of your brain, where you will experience the
                                                                     power of channelling mental activity. The results will enhance
 Blending the Science of the Brain into                              your life as well as your coaching.
         the Art of Coaching                                         Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear Marcia and learn
                                                                     about the leading edge in coaching...register now and take
                                                                     advantage of the early bird registration price.


Chapter Directory
                    Members and non-members are welcome at ICF Australasia Chapter Meetings.
                    Further information can be obtained from the Chapter Hosts for each location.

                    Chapter Hosts:      Tina Dolphin (
                                        +61 (0)2 9365 6440


                    Chapter Host:       Elly Jolly PCC (
                                        +61 (0)3 5429 6737

                    Chapter Host:       Tony Draper (
                                        +61 (0)7 3856 5112

                    Chapter Hosts:      Annette Stanton (
                                        +61 (0)8 9331 2824

                    Chapter Host:       Ross McKay (
                                        Ph: +61 (0)409 469 645
                    Chapter Host:       Adrian Geering (
                                        Ph: +61 (0)412 738 111

                    NEW ZEALAND
                    Chapter Host:       Eddie Higginson (
                                        +64 (0)9 411 8397

                    Chapter Host:       Martin Wilson (
                                        +64 (0)4 499 7805

                    Chapter Host:       Stuart Fleming (
                                        +64 (0)3 352 8203


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Australasian Coach Apr05

  • 1. APRIL/MAY 2005 Inside this Issue President’s Message Welcome! attend – registration will never be cheaper. Dear ICF Member President’s Message April/May Issue In-Brief 1 Coaches, Coaches and Interested Others, The Conference Committee is now organised to focus on the key areas of PR, Over the last few months Marketing and Sponsorship. Show your ICFA has been very productive – let’s focus support for what we are working to Letters to the Editor 2 on the new for a moment. achieve by actively involving yourself in your Chapter to promote our Conference Andrea Grey, Director of Communications, and make it a success. How many members and I have just returned from visiting of your local Chapter are you planning to Enough Pie for Everyone Quick News 3 Marisa Dantanarayana, Director of Events, and her beautiful new baby Asharni, our bring? Are there friends, colleagues and clients who would be interested in newest member! Congratulations to attending? Ask your Chapter Leaders for Marisa and her husband Gihan. copies of the postcard to share. Our Interview with a Coach 4 Our organisation has welcomed 76 (slightly older) new members to ICFA since the Conference is another opportunity for us all to grow and produce – as a profession beginning of the year – welcome to you and as professionals. Coaching Week 2005 5 too. You will find details of our next New Members Orientation Call in this issue. Our Karen Tweedie, ACC, President ICFA longer standing members are also welcome Coaching and Sex to attend – you might find it useful to April/May Issue In-Brief Research Requests 6 learn more about the existing benefits we have for our members. It can often take a Wow, it’s April already... how are your 2005 New while to find your way around all we have Years Resolutions going? to offer locally and internationally. Are you 4/12 of the way ICF SIG Update 7 As you will have read in the letter from there? International President of the ICF, Steve In this issue I seek to stir the pot. I’ve Coaching Core Competencies 8 Mitten, in the April edition of Coaching World, the ICF has set up the brand new introduced a new section, “Your Say: Letters to the Editor”. I invite you to use Organisational Transformation Task Force. it as a soapbox space to share your views. Australasia has been invited to be part of What do you think of what our first two Competition 9 this taskforce that was just formed at the beginning of April 2005. The OTTF is gallant contributors have to say...? We also have a Serious Coaching working right now to identify strategic Chapter Directory 10 issues and consequences of moving ICF to a new credentialed membership body, and Conversation Parody competition, based on an idea from an earlier interview with Sir John Whitmore. Entries will be ICF Australasia Registered Office design the corporate and local chapter printed for members to judge. structures that will support it. This Task PO Box 7151 Force has the mandate to raise the bar for • Article: I had a big smile on my face Kariong NSW 2250, Australia coaching worldwide. We are very pleased and did lots of head nodding when I Tel: +61 (02) 4340 8871 to be part of this exciting development read this article of Leah McLean’s, Fax: +61 (02) 4340 2122 and able to influence the birth of the “Getting to Yes.” E-mail: “profession” of coaching. • Interview: Learn the benefits of getting We have a new, extended Code of Ethics, at up before dawn with coach Karen Conaghan ICF Headquarters 1444 I Street, • Member Benefits: focus on Special The design of our new look Australasian NW – Suite 700 Interest Groups (SIGs) Regional Conference, Professional Washington, Coaching from the Inside Out, is nearing • Coach Week Review: Chapter by DC 20005-6542, USA completion (check out the website for the Chapter E-mail: latest updates on the Conference • Coaching Competencies: Creating program). You will also be receiving Awareness and Designing Actions Tel: +1.202.712.9039 regular updates and information about our I’d really love to hear more of your Fax: + planned sessions, from the committee over suggestions for topics of interest in the next weeks. The Early Bird rate of $488 upcoming issues. Contact me at: definitely expires on April 30, so you have limited time take advantage of this extremely affordable opportunity to Geraldine Barkworth, Editor 1
  • 2. APRIL/MAY 2005 I was responding to something that is Your Say: Letters to the Editor often sold to people looking at becoming a coach. The sell goes something like this...’Become a coach This space is an open invitation for you to vent and share your and you can work from home and earn thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the profession of coaching. $350-500 per hour’. If you are used to You are welcome to respond to any article, which appears in this ezine, earning that type of money and moving or introduce any coaching-related issue for discussion. in those circles, yes that is possible, but not if you have never owned a business, Contributions must be professional in manner and derogatory only worked as a sales assistant or in a comments will not be printed. Make it fun and a learning opportunity factory. I doubt that any executive to get more conversation going within our community. would be looking for coaching from a In our last issue (Feb 05) we interviewed Anthony Venn-Brown, ACC person with no ability to relate to what from Sydney who recently published his book, A Life of Unlearning. it means to work with multi million dollar budgets and a workforce in the Anthony’s personal views stirred up a few people (a very good thing, 1,000’s. I know this is an extreme thank you Anthony): example but it serves the purpose in demonstrating how the background of “Hi Geraldine, thanks for the Thanks once more for the work and the coach can impact their client base as opportunity to feed back. I enjoyed the commitment in compiling this opposed to just knowing a coaching newsletter very much and my worthwhile publication.” methodology. comments are for your interest. Regards, Bill Palmer ACC, 0418 142 478 It may have been an unfortunate use of the words ‘hang ups’ in your letter but I I am moved to comment on a couple of PS. I am happy to chat if my reflections here actually don’t coach individuals or points in the book review chapter. I have been unclear. executives with ‘hang ups’, I coach guess the author is pumped right now people to a fuller, richer life, improve (he deserves to be excited as I would be And Anthony’s reply: their performance and create the life of too) but his comments on not needing a “Thanks Bill for responding regarding their dreams. I leave the people with degree were especially interesting (I some of the views I expressed. The ‘hang ups’ to the professional also don’t have a degree) especially limited amount of space I had meant I counsellors and therapists who are when he made the next comment about probably didn’t explain myself qualified in that area. not coaching executives without having been an exec first and without having a adequately. Dialogue is good so let’s see Regarding writing. No one knows more degree in Psych, I felt that was his stuff if I can shed some more light on my than I that the publication of my coming up. original comments. autobiography was not a fluke. It was a There has been a push, by some in the dream I felt I was given whilst attending The differences in coaching private a personal development seminar in coaching profession, to insist all coaches individuals are in the end not that Mexico in 1999. When I returned to have a university degree. I don’t believe different to coaching executives. This is Sydney I created a dream board. People this is necessary. Like you Bill I don’t my direct experience. All coaches should thought I was crazy when I put it in a have one. I’ve taught at TAFE for 10 come to understand that both varieties prominent place in my lounge room. I years, even a class known as Consumer are only human and they share the developed an affirmation ‘I am an Behaviour which was basic psychology as same hang-ups. (Thankfully) I am exceptional author’. I said it daily for it related to marketing. While some of surprised that Anthony wanted to make years when I didn’t even have a my limited knowledge of psychology is a distinction between one and the manuscript or the ability to write useful, I’ve never seen that the lack of a other. Maybe he is not ready to trust effectively. I turned my dream into a piece of paper has hindered my his heart with wily execs as yet? S.M.A.R.T. goal (the same methodology I effectiveness with clients. I’ve been Anthony also signaled the difficulty in running a fulltime successful coaching use with clients) and did all I could to writing for a living and I had the practice for nearly 4 years now. ensure that my dream was achievable impression that he thought he fluked and realistic. As I said the affirmation, I I recognise that successful coaching publication and others might not be so attached a strong emotion to it and happens when a person has a good lucky. While it is tough out there we visualised a book launch with me working knowledge of coaching coaches and creative-types need receiving awards. Five years later, in methodologies. I think most people encouragement to “go for it.” Just as 2004, everything I had dreamt, felt and would recognise that there are different we’d want to support our clients in the visualised actually happened. I always levels of coaching though. I’ve coached same way. I felt Anthony was encourage clients and coaches to live people at executive level and have no withholding something deeper within their dreams because I know how problem with that. One of my clients is a or the interviewer was just unsuccessful wonderful it is to live mine. Having said Director of a well known multinational this time in reaching his truth for us to that, the statistics show that only about company in the US. Apparently he is share. 1 in 100,000 books written are actually happy, as he’s come back several times This newsletter is read by coaches at all published. I’m grateful mine was the for more coaching after he’d sacked stages of development and sensitivity, one. “ several other coaches. The areas we one thing is sure; we will always enjoy worked on though related more to his Anthony Venn-Brown, ACC, great role models who encourage and personal life rather than his m 0416 015 231 promote coaching and coaches. performance in the corporate arena. After all I am a LIFE coach. 2
  • 3. APRIL/MAY 2005 Enough Pie For Everyone Getting to Yes: First have 90% of People Say No To You You didn’t read the title incorrectly – as 10 out of 100 that will REALLY click with and your strengths and personal a professional coach you can actually you. What do I mean by this – I mean – qualities. gain more clients (and the type that will • use the language that comes turn into raving fans) in less time just by Will you take on a challenge for me naturally to you saying no to prospects or having them over the next couple of weeks? I want • dress in a way that you feels you to commit to being fully and say no to you. The coaches I meet who portrays your best self strongly yourself for the next two weeks are negative about there being enough business/enough pie for us all also find it • write articles or give speeches to - to communicate what YOU have to hard to let go of the 90%. people that you would actually offer and who you are, what your enjoy sitting down and having a clients will experience when they work Let me back up a bit and explain. When conversation with (instead of with you. I want you to share what you you are a professional coach you have a speaking to anyone who will listen) are passionate about and leave the rest limited capacity to service clients – after • have your business image match to someone else. all there are only so many hours in a your personal image (would your day. Even if you do well and leverage You know the next step don’t you - clients recognise you if you bumped your knowledge and your time to best being completely OK with 99% of them in the streets after hours?) effect there is a limit on the size of your people saying no. • are you in integrity when you are client base. doing business? Leah Maclean, Master Certified Coach Unless you have a very particular, very (MCC), Professional Mentor Coach (PMC) When you choose to share only a small narrow niche (such as coaching scientists part of yourself you can run the risk of You can contact Leah at over 70 on career change) there will be not sharing the best part of yourself. or email more clients available to you then you Don’t your clients deserve the best part could serve. of you? And if you have a client that One of the biggest hurdles I have found can’t handle the best part of you, do between coaches and them having a they really deserve to be a client of full, profitable practice is the desire I call yours in the first place? “wanting to wrap your arms around the Are you playing just small enough so as world”. I have seen coaches who, in not to frighten the majority of your order to get a client to say yes to them, clients or yourself? Quick News try to be whatever the prospect is looking for. OK, so I can see a mixed response here. New Members Orientation Call. Find out the Some of you have a smile as wide as benefits of ICF membership. Monday May These coaches are what I call a 16th, 6.30pm AEST. Contact Andrea Grey by your face right now – you feel that you “Stepford Coach” – very nice, always May 9th at: have been given permission to play the positive, never give advice, don’t game your way (and business is a game, challenge the status quo and believe If you experience any glitches in the albeit an important one). Go for it! that their coaching can help everyone. Australasian website, please contact In fact it is disappointing to find that a There are also some of you that are a Fiona Toy, at: great number of coach training little concerned about this approach. programs actually support this mindset. ICFA Brisbane September 05 Conference early You may be saying “But I need to bird registrations close 30th April. provide what they want in order to do In the desire to have as many people as business with them”. The answer is yes Download your ICF Membership possible say yes to them, their services and no. Respond to the challenges of Certificate (adjust to landscape before and their business, the coach actually your target market and provide them printing) from the Members Log dissipates the true depth of their with valuable, useful services AND do it On Page. services and the true benefit they could in a way that is authentically you. Stop be to the “right client”. Check out industry coaching magazine, running around trying to please 90% of Your challenge is to step out of the the people. So what if they don’t like Choice: the magazine of professional Stepford role and be a coach that ONLY you or what you have to offer. They coaching, at works with people you have a passion don’t want to buy it anyway. New interactive online coaching ezine is for (oh yeah, Stepford coaches show available at Instead focus your energy, your very little passion). The next step is to attention and your resources on the 10 create your services and promote out of 100 people that have a true yourself in a way that only speaks to the affinity for you, your style, your business 3
  • 4. APRIL/MAY 2005 Interview with a Coach... In each issue we’ll profile an ICF with my husband! We definitely level as the industry is still so young in credentialed coach in Australasia to prioritise our relationship in our very Australia – in time, corporations will forge greater connections with our busy week – it is something that we start asking about credentialing. For me, coaching community. If you’d like to consciously work at and never take for it has been the knowledge that how I be interviewed for an upcoming granted. I think that is why we have coach has been critiqued and met the issue, please contact the editor, survived 20 years of marriage and some rigorous credentialing process – peace of Geraldine Barkworth at challenging times. mind, increased confidence and knowing I am a member of a small but What’s your vision for the coaching growing professional group. profession in Australia? Today we talk with Karen That corporate Australia, SME’s and What are you currently reading? Conaghan PCC, of Brisbane, Australia who specialises in businesses will begin to appreciate and I have a hoard of books beside the bed leadership coaching. I asked Karen know the difference between a ICF and in the office – I always have about 5 to share something of herself and credentialed coach and a person who on the go – I constantly change from her experiences as a credentialed calls themselves a coach- that they see Business Journals, Leadership books or ICF member: value, ROI and the distinctions of having anything that I believe could assist my credentialed coaches as part of their clients – currently I am reading – What would you like our readers to coaching panels and coaching initiatives. • HR Monthly – AHRI publication – they know about you? have some great business and HR Of what, are you most proud? That I am committed and passionate articles about assisting individuals and On a personal level: • VIVE – For Women who Mean Business corporations to create more success, • 3 beautiful sons – monthly Australian magazine on balanced and fulfilling futures; that I • Wonderful 20 year partnership current women’s issues love a challenge and like my clients I am • Studied and lived overseas • Michael Goldberg – The 9 ways of prepared to extend myself and take a Working – How to use the Enneagram risk. I also have a strong sense of On a professional level: in the workplace adventure and love taking the less • Gained my PCC • Mike George – Learn to find Inner traditional or travelled path – for instance I met my now husband 25 years • a continually growing coaching Peace – tools and techniques for ago in a youth hostel in Tel Aviv when I consultancy stressed executives travelled for 2 years solo through the • the only credentialed coach, PCC (ICF) • Bill Bryson – A Short History of Nearly Middle East! as part of a national coaching panel Everything – science facts made (22 coaches) for one of Australia’s interesting for the layman As a coach, whom do you primarily largest corporations – the calibre of work with? the panel was exceptional – all of us What do you see as the most vital Most of my work is with senior have strong psych backgrounds; but business building factor for a ‘starting managers and emergent leaders in many had a depth of experience with out coach’? corporations as part of a leadership global 500 Companies. Also, I am on 4 Know your strengths, Believe in yourself, development strategy. I also work other government coaching panels acknowledge and get really grounded individually with executives on their and am the only credentialed coach. about what you can bring to the leadership and how they can best What were the reasons you decided to coaching relationship; honour yourself develop their people; some of my work apply for your ICF credential? as you do your clients; surround yourself has a team focus – building high by experts – marketing people, business performance teams; as well as skill I applied to ensure that I have reached a planners, accountants, bookkeepers, get training for managers in coach centred standard in the profession that is yourself a coach – to be the best you can leadership. recognised as a significant benchmark; be – you need to have been there as How do you specifically balance your to test and stretch my abilities, skills and well – you will be a much better coach work and home life? knowledge; to differentiate myself in for having done so – your clients will the marketplace and to educate sense that you ‘walk the talk’. Over time As I am married to a very busy corporations and government of the specialise – you can’t be all things to all professional and have 3 teenage boys, I benefits of employing a credentialed people- set boundaries and say ‘no’ – need to be super organised. Currently, I coach. this will create other opportunities – am juggling 6 x 4.30am starts – as we know who you really want to work with have 2 rowers and this is wearing on the When did you go through the – who gets you excited and energised – mind, body and soul; so I consciously credentialing process and what benefits what issues, challenges do they bring to make time for ‘me’ and ‘us’ – some have you gained? coaching that “ups your tempo’. exercise – jogging, weights, stretching & II applied in Jan 2004 and was awarded yoga at the beginning of the day and PCC in June 2004. The benefits to me as definitely the Friday night takeaway this stage have been more on a personal continued with a glass of wine on the veranda 4
  • 5. APRIL/MAY 2005 continued from p4 What makes you enthuse, blush, or themselves. They need to stop; catch Also, to be seen and recognised as a cringe about coaching? their breath, celebrate and breathe profession; then we all need to be Enthuse – I am continually amazed by before launching onto the next professional in everything that we say, my clients – their resilience, commitment “project”– perhaps this applies to all of do and not say. Some of the most and focus – I learn so much from my us? challenging and insightful work that I clients and this is one of the best things have done was a group and self directed Blush – It takes a lot for me to blush – learning course – Professional about coaching – it is a partnership that and I can’t recall the last time I did. Foundations for Masterful Coaches – can bring reciprocity – knowingly/unknowingly sometimes they topics such as Professional Presence, Cringe – A couple of things come to extend and stretch me as much as I do Professional Excellence, Organisation mind – I am amazed at the number of them. and Self Knowledge – really challenged Coaches who have never invested in paradigms. themselves and their business by having Currently, I am working with a group of a coach – for me to be the best that I Please describe your bedroom slippers... executive women – reading their can be – I need to be held accountable, profiles really blew me away – they are Living in Queensland – we really don’t be challenged in my thinking and to see exceptional in many areas of their life – need slippers – I love the feel of bare and experience things differently – not professional qualifications, career feet on polished timber floors and then having a coach for me would be like highlights, and personal talents. They gliding across a colourful tribal rug. going to massage therapist, who has continuously learn and strive for never had a massage! If you look at You can contact Karen at personal and professional growth – those in the sporting domain and however, as individuals and as a group; business world who have been successful B:07 3278 2171 M: 0402 852 179 they undervalue their achievements and – they have all had a professional coach success and need to acknowledge – what does this say? Coaching Week 2005 Successful events were held and initiatives Victoria Chapter had a Coach Week Expo with over 60 begun by Chapters within the region for people in attendance. A panel of four people shared their experiences of being coached, and answered Australasian Coaching Week – 14th-20th questions put to them prepared beforehand by the March... Leadership Team. They also had three coaches doing Sydney Chapter launched The Good Company some ‘hotspot’ coaching with members. A similar event Partnership – a not-for-profit organisation that donates was held last year, and both events have been well the coaching of professional coaches to executives attended and very well received. working in charitable and non-profit organisations. Canterbury Chapter had 10 coaches take out an Each coaching partnership will be for a 3-month advertisement in the local newspaper and two of the duration, and the total number of coaching hours committee were interviewed on coaching and the ICF. being offered is to the value of $30,000. The Members also took part in a huge community event – organisation actively links professional coaches who the 12 kilometre fun run/walk ‘City to Surf’. They had would like to volunteer their time and expertise to the ICF T-shirts printed for the day, and handed out broad range of community groups and their executives coaching vouchers on the day. who could benefit from working with a coach. ACT Chapter held a Breakfast with the Institute of Brisbane Chapter held a business breakfast for more Public Administration and had about 60 attendees. than 100 people. The enthusiasm and passion of the Offers of free coaching and coaching cafes were well two speakers from two different organisations received. captivated the audience. Linda Matuschka ACC, Director of Chapter Presidents ICFA They spoke about the benefits and obstacles of implementing a coaching intervention. They also put forward suggestions on how to achieve continued success through coaching. Feedback given following the event indicated the wonderful opportunity it was to hear the success stories and learn from some of the difficulties experienced in implementing such a programme. 5
  • 6. APRIL/MAY 2005 Coaching And Sex Now we have your attention did you See: Some additions under Professional know that the new code of ethics Conduct With Clients are standards includes the following standard: “I to view the complete revised code. relating to a client’s right to terminate a will not become sexually involved relationship; no sexual involvement with with any of my clients”. This revised Code of Ethics, the result of any clients, and the requirement to many months work by the Ethics and notify the appropriate authorities if a Are you familiar with the new ICF Code Standards Committee, has 12 new client mentions an intention to harm of Ethics? You need to be! Standards of Ethical Conduct. The ICF either themselves or others. Philosophy of Coaching, the ICF Coaches, when they join ICF, pledge to Definition of Coaching, the An additional standard has been added uphold the Code of Ethics – the rules Confidentiality/Privacy ethics and ICF to Conflicts of Interest; “I will only and principles which members are Pledge of Ethics remain the same. barter for services, goods or other non- expected to adhere to. The ICF Code of monetary remuneration when it will not Ethics defines accepted/acceptable There are 5 new standards of ethical impair the coaching relationship.” behaviours and promotes high standards conduct for Professional Conduct At of practice. Large and 7 new standards for Make it your business to know the Professional Conduct With Clients. new Code of Ethics that you pledge And they have recently changed. to uphold as an ICF member. If you Some of the additions under are not doing so already, include On behalf of the Australasian Professional Conduct At Large are the new code in your welcome pack Professional Standards Committee and, standards relating to recognising for your clients. as your ICF Australasian Ethics and personal issues that may impair, conflict Standards Leader, I want to draw your or interfere with the coach’s coaching; Jane Boardman, attention to the revised version of the training or supervising of current and Ethics and Standards Leader, ICF Code of Ethics adopted by the ICF potential coaches; conducting and ICF Australasia Board of Directors in January 2005. reporting research; and creating, I encourage you to become familiar with maintaining, storing and disposing of them as soon as possible. records. Students Need Your Help: Research Requests 1. Anna Blackman is a PHD student at James Cook University research project (mini thesis) titled: ‘The Role of Coaching in in North Queensland and she has approached the ICFA with Career Change’. Part of this research involves an online survey her research project – The Effectiveness of Business Coaching. of individuals that have experienced career change during She would like to survey clients that have been through the their working lives. The link provided at the bottom of this coaching process and have them nominate factors that email takes you straight to the survey, which only takes 5 contributed to the success of the coaching program. No minutes to complete. Your response is completely anonymous names will be used, confidentiality respected. Participants will unless you choose to disclose your name in the first section of be eligible to be placed in a draw to win a 6 month the survey. However should you choose to share your name, subscription to one of the following magazines: BRW, Money, you will not be personally identified in the research report Bulletin, Time, Management Today. Her supervisors on her without your direct consent. Additionally, it would be great if project are Dr.Gianna Moscardo and Dr Angela Martin. Their you could forward this email/survey link on to your friends, emails, respectively, are: and colleagues or clients – the higher the response rate for my The link for this survey is: research the more valid the results. And finally...the research project is due for completion by the end of June 2005, so should you be interested in reading the research outcomes 2. Hsiang Yin is an ICFA member and has put in a request on please do not hesitate to contact me. behalf of his coaching colleague, Linda Carruthers. Linda is doing a survey about Life Coaching Fees in Australia. She Link to online survey wants to find out the spectrum and how they relate to other service professionals. She believes that newer coaches (less areerChange.HTM than 2 years) are undercharging and undervaluing their service. Please complete her survey by 30th April 2005 to If you have problems connecting to this link directly from the ensure your comments are included. Contact Linda on email, please copy and paste the link into the address bar of 0425219643 or via The survey your internet browser. link is: Liz Green, 25 Appletree Pl. Menai NSW 2234, 0402 158 261, 3. Liz Green, student of CSU studying for Master of Education in Organisational Learning and Development is preparing a 6
  • 7. APRIL/MAY 2005 ICF Member Benefits Special Interest Groups (SIGS) SIGs give you the opportunity to get very specific in our coaching member benefit, while allowing us to show off benefit as a community. You can connect with other coaches who have similar recruiting mechanism. interests or goals. Currently there are approximately 25 ICF SIG’s. In If you have a good idea for a SIG and are interested in a leadership subsequent issues we will feature 5 SIGs for you to learn more role as a SIG host, contact SIG Chairperson, Jo Miller on: about this ICF professional development opportunity. SIG’s are open to ICF members only. Non-members may attend The Chairperson will discuss the time and commitment investment groups by invitation from a current member and may attend two that will be required to create and launch a successful SIG. meetings as a non-member. Should the guest wish to continue Accepted SIGs will be assigned a monthly meeting time, a bridge attending a group, that person must become an ICF member. This line and be posted on the ICF web site and featured in the ICF policy ensures that the building of professional network is a Coaching World. 1. AD/HD SIG 4. Career Coaching SIG This SIG provides a platform for ICF coaches to learn more about The Career Coaching SIG is designed for coaches who specialise AD/HD coaching. Learn how AD/HD Coaching assists clients with (in whole or in part) in career coaching. We invite your AD/HD to stay focused on their goals, overcome obstacles, participation if you work independently, or within an address core ADD-related issues like procrastination, rumination, organisation, assisting clients in work-related areas including: organisation, and self-esteem. It provides each coach an finding career/job direction, life purpose, life/work balance, job opportunity to discuss the particular challenges encountered with search strategies, and similar tasks. Our mission is to support their AD/HD clients, share concerns, strategies and success stories excellence in career coaching while supporting career coaches in with each other. Coaches learn what makes AD/HD coaching building full practices. We do this by providing continuing different. Find out the difference a well-trained AD/HD coach can education opportunities, inspiring targeted practice building, make in their clients lives. and affording networking opportunities. While this SIG’s target audience is primarily experienced career coaches, those new to Time: 3:00 PM ET (USA) the field or interested in considering career coaching are also When: 2nd Wednesday of each month welcome. Bridge: 1-904-357-8707 Time: 2:00 PM ET (USA) Leader: David Giwerc, MCC, coach& When: 3rd Wednesday of each month Bridge: 1-620-584-8200 PIN 909909 2. Being Irresistibly Attractive SIG Leader: Meg Montford, This group is for the newer coach who wants support in working on the “principles of attraction” to draw clients, alliances and wholeness into their lives. Our quest is to fully understand the 5. Coaching and Psychotherapist Communities SIG “principles of attraction”, as well as to share skills, techniques, Sponsored by the Life Coaching committee of the ICF. We exercises, and ideas that will spark integration of these gems into distinguish the difference between coaching and psychotherapy. our daily lives and the lives of our clients. We will discuss the Our process is aimed at developing coaching models and principles and encourage weekly exercises. If you want support strategies to apply to this issue. For coaches who do not have a and reinforcement in becoming more attractive from the inside psychotherapy background to know how and when to refer out this group is for you. Expect guest speakers. individuals who present psychotherapy issues within the coaching process. For newer coaches who are also Time: 10:00 pm EST (USA) psychotherapists, the SIG aims at helping them distinguish When: Every first Wednesday of the month between coaching and psychotherapy models so that they are Bridge: 1-620-584-8200 PIN 909909# not practicing psychotherapy with their coaching clients. Finally, experienced coaches are a part of this process for their Leader: Danielle Vindez, invaluable contribution making these distinctions, gaining a deeper clarification of these issues for themselves, and to help others develop their distinct professional coaching identity. A 3. Business Development SIG broader goal of this SIG is to help educate professional coaches As members of the Small Business Development SIG we take a on these issues so that they can effectively communicate these practitioner-learner approach to provide professional distinctions to professional groups outside the coaching development for new and experienced business coaches. Focusing profession. on ideas and techniques to build the capacity of small businesses, especially in marketing, strategy, and planning, we develop our Time: 2:00 PM ET own businesses while we learn. About once a quarter we also have guest speakers to increase our understanding of how to When: 2nd Monday of each month build successful businesses, both our own and our clients’. Bridge: 1-781-222-0033 Pin # 450 Leader: Tom M. Krapu, Ph.D,ACC, Time: 5:30 PM ET (USA) Psych& When: 3rd Wednesday of each month Format: Meeting is discussion, brainstorming, and learning together, with guest speakers every quarter. Bridge: 1-904-357-8707 Leader: Randy Bennett, 7
  • 8. APRIL/MAY 2005 Coaching Core Competencies & Certification ICF Core Competencies detecting a separation between what client shares continues to improve the One of our key initiatives this year is to is being stated and what is being done. coach’s awareness of how to meet the encourage and support our members to client in their world, as well as how to 9. Designing Actions – Ability to create stretch them to new possibilities for either be working towards, or gaining with the client opportunities for ongoing action and success. Through this process, certification. An important part of the learning, during coaching and in the client’s awareness of their own hopes Certification Process is the practical work/life situations, and for taking new and passions, skills and abilities are exam, which involves you coaching a actions that will most effectively lead to heightened and their appreciation of credentialed ICF member and being agreed-upon coaching results themselves increases. This process sets a assessed against the ICF Core Competencies. In our efforts to • Brainstorms and assists the client to mood of preparedness for growth and encourage and support you to either define actions that will enable the learning. gain ICF certification or begin the process client to demonstrate, practice and Once awareness is created then the we are examining the Competencies in deepen new learning, coach assists the client to capitalise on detail. • Helps the client to focus on and that learning and insight and bring it to In this edition of Coaching News we will systematically explore specific concerns their life through tailored action. Coach examine ICF Core Competencies 8 and 9 and opportunities that are central to and client put their heads together to to help you clearly understand what they agreed-upon coaching goals, custom-design the “right” action. The mean, how you apply them in a coaching • Engages the client to explore coach guides the client in considering session, and how you can either alternative ideas and solutions, to options and brainstorms with them to demonstrate your competence in them evaluate options, and to make related assist the client to choose action that is or not! decisions, appropriate for them. This is a key place • Promotes active experimentation and where the nature of the coaching D. FACILITATING LEARNING AND self-discovery, where the client applies relationship (as a partnership of equals) RESULTS what has been discussed and learned is demonstrated. The coach and client during sessions immediately afterwards co-create the action, the coach checks for 8. Creating Awareness – Ability to in his/her work or life setting, some stretch within the action and asks integrate and accurately evaluate • Celebrates client successes and the client if what has been designed is multiple sources of information, and to capabilities for future growth, appropriate and they are committed to make interpretations that help the client it; and when the client says “yes” the • Challenges client’s assumptions and coach trusts that this is so. to gain awareness and thereby achieve perspectives to provoke new ideas and agreed-upon results find new possibilities for action, Breaches of these Competencies • Goes beyond what is said in assessing • Advocates or brings forward points of client’s concerns, not getting hooked A coach would fail in creating awareness view that are aligned with client goals by deciding they knew the client’s type by the client’s description, and, without attachment, engages the • Invokes inquiry for greater well enough early in the coaching client to consider them, relationship. When the coach makes understanding, awareness and clarity, • Helps the client “Do It Now” during judgments and decides what is wrong • Identifies for the client his/her the coaching session, providing with the client, or forces a “one size fits underlying concerns, typical and fixed immediate support, all” solution on them this shuts down ways of perceiving himself/herself and • Encourages stretches and challenges learning for the coach and forces the the world, differences between the but also a comfortable pace of client into a “box”. facts and the interpretation, disparities learning. between thoughts, feelings and action, Another failure to create awareness on In creating awareness the coach needs to the coach’s side would be to take • Helps clients to discover for themselves be fully there for the client. The coach everything the client says at face value, the new thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, creates a safe space and a trusting failing to listen for subtleties; missing emotions, moods, etc. that strengthen relationship within which the coach and significant statements or repeated their ability to take action and achieve the client can explore. Through the themes – all of which point to a rich what is important to them, expert placement of attention on the resource for further examination. • Communicates broader perspectives to client and the crafting of skillful clients and inspires commitment to Poorly designed actions would simply be coaching conversations the coach builds “doing stuff”, action for action’s sake; shift their viewpoints and find new the awareness of the client for both possibilities for action, this would result in failing to use the client and coach. action to build the next strong link in • Helps clients to see the different, The coach is able to “listen” with ears, the chain between the awareness that interrelated factors that affect them eyes, body and intuition; noticing all the client has gained and their desired and their behaviours (e.g., thoughts, aspects of what the client is outcome. Inversely, designing action that emotions, body, background), communicating through what they say, is way outside the client’s capability, • Expresses insights to clients in ways and how they say it. As the coaching capacity or motivation would be a that are useful and meaningful for the progresses, the coach learns more about breach. Another failure in this client, the client – their values, motivations, competency would occur when the • Identifies major strengths vs. major aspirations and forgotten dreams, stage coach acts as the parent or teacher and areas for learning and growth, and of life and how they live, how they look prepares a homework assignment to what is most important to address and dress, how they have fun, manage inflict on the client, therefore robbing during coaching, relationships, commitments and stress, the client of their authority and • Asks the client to distinguish between work as part of a team, lead others, commitment. trivial and significant issues, situational where they struggle and where they vs. recurring behaviours, when flow, – each piece of information the 8
  • 9. APRIL/MAY 2005 COMPETITION Parody of a Serious Coaching Conversation tasks. This was not the usual Edinburgh Time to poke a bit of fun at the sacred John Whitmore: Oh, I think we take act. “ The Age, March 18, 2005. Will recently and the stick is directed toward ourselves far too seriously – the performed at the Melbourne comedy coaching. world’s in a bad way and coaches festival in March. The idea for this competition came don’t serve it well when we take ourselves too seriously; we just add to Aside from award winning comedy from an interview with Sir John the tension. We all need to develop routines, the three students requesting Whitmore featured in our September the capacity to laugh at ourselves. I coaching research assistance in this issue 2004 issue, highlighted below: like to be facetious especially with alone, indicates coaching as a profession Geraldine: I enjoyed your serious executives. There’s an is becoming well accepted and known phrase...”find the courage to resist the attachment to seriousness – we need within the mainstream. tyranny of political correctness” from to step back and observe more. Yes, it You can enter in two ways: your article, The Roots and the Reach might be fun to do a parody of a “serious coaching conversation.” 1. Write a short parody of a “serious of Coaching. Is there enough fun and coaching conversation” (no more than authenticity in the coaching world, or Geraldine: Thanks for the idea! 500 words). The kind that makes you do we take ourselves too seriously? cringe. (Does anyone watch Little Britain or Nighty Night on Wednesday we may be trying to reach out and on the Australian ABC?) Parody (Macquarie Dictionary): “humorous or satirical imitation of a influence. Right or wrong, it’s an 2. Send in jokes, fables or stories you serious piece of literature or writing; a opportunity to laugh, learn and not take have collected from the media, which poor imitation, travesty.” ourselves too seriously. are parodies of the “serious coaching conversation.” The purpose of parody is creating some New things are often lampooned before fun. It allows us to stand back and see acceptance. Comedian Will Adamsdale We’ll reprint them for members to judge how others might see us. Sure it’s often created a fictitious coach for a comic the best and we’ll let you know about a an exaggeration (and an unattractive routine to win the Perrier Award at the worthwhile prize and suitable accolades one at that), but that’s what also makes Edinburgh Fringe Festival. “Chris John for your wit. Perhaps Chapters may like it a powerful learning opportunity. Jackson, Adamsdale’s invented character, to get together for a group effort? While parodies are often over the top is a “life coach” whose great Send them in by 1st August 2005 to: imitations, they can reveal the to find the joy of success perceptions of others; the others whom in the completion of otherwise pointless Early Bird Registration Closes Marcia Reynolds, MA, MEd, MCC and Certified Speaking Professional. Marcia is a world-renowned coach, April 30th 2005! passionate and humourous speaker and past president of the International Coach Don’t miss out on the ICF Early Bird registration price Federation. She has also recently undertaken of AUD$488 - register NOW at extensive research into the science of the brain for her latest book Outsmart Your Brain™ and will be sharing what she has or call (02) 4340 8871 discovered as our 3rd Keynote Speaker... or, if you’re in NZ please call (09) 376 2946 There is no right way to coach a human being. Instead of trying (International callers please use +61 2 4340 8871). to follow a plan or imitate a procedure, it is better to understand how the brain works so you can invoke your empathy, turn on Our survey showed that you want “leading edge” and so, we’re your curiosity and access psychological insight to discover the very excited to announce our third keynote address: path most appropriate for your client. Marcia will lead you through a tour of your brain, where you will experience the power of channelling mental activity. The results will enhance Blending the Science of the Brain into your life as well as your coaching. the Art of Coaching Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear Marcia and learn about the leading edge in coaching...register now and take advantage of the early bird registration price. 9
  • 10. APRIL/MAY 2005 Chapter Directory Members and non-members are welcome at ICF Australasia Chapter Meetings. Further information can be obtained from the Chapter Hosts for each location. AUSTRALIA Sydney Chapter Hosts: Tina Dolphin ( +61 (0)2 9365 6440 Melbourne Chapter Host: Elly Jolly PCC ( +61 (0)3 5429 6737 Brisbane Chapter Host: Tony Draper ( +61 (0)7 3856 5112 Perth Chapter Hosts: Annette Stanton ( +61 (0)8 9331 2824 Canberra Chapter Host: Ross McKay ( Ph: +61 (0)409 469 645 Adelaide Chapter Host: Adrian Geering ( Ph: +61 (0)412 738 111 NEW ZEALAND Auckland Chapter Host: Eddie Higginson ( +64 (0)9 411 8397 Wellington Chapter Host: Martin Wilson ( +64 (0)4 499 7805 Christchurch Chapter Host: Stuart Fleming ( +64 (0)3 352 8203 10