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Norman Richards
Clojure Web Development
$ lein new compojure myapp
$ lein ring server
Congratulations, you now have a Clojure
web application listening on port 3000!
What about?
? database
? messaging
? scheduling
? clustering
? production
+ Based on JBoss AS 7
+ Makes use of Clojure standards (ring)
+ Production-ready stack out of the box
+ add immutant plugin to ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:plugins [[lein-immutant "1.0.0"]]}
$ lein immutant install
Extracting /var/folders/jw/p379vgcn62q51q4_95xm1v6m0000gp/T/lein-immutant-8041099c-b2c5-4342-ac81-9e3986dfcbd2/
Extracted /Users/norman/.immutant/releases/immutant-1.0.0-slim
Linking /Users/norman/.immutant/current to /Users/norman/.immutant/releases/immutant-1.0.0-slim
The following versions of Immutant are installed to /Users/norman/.immutant
(* is currently active via /Users/norman/.immutant/current):
* 1.0.0 (type: slim)
$ lein immutant deploy
Deployed myapp to /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss/standalone/deployments/myapp.clj
$ lein immutant run
Starting Immutant: /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss/bin/
JBoss Bootstrap Environment
JBOSS_HOME: /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss
JAVA: java
JAVA_OPTS: -server -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -
Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman -Djava.awt.headless=true
16:13:01,823 INFO [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.2.0.CR1
16:13:02,294 INFO [org.jboss.msc] (main) JBoss MSC version 1.0.4.GA
16:13:02,344 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015899: JBoss AS 7.2.x.slim.incremental.6 "Janus" starting
16:13:12,534 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: JBoss AS 7.2.x.slim.incremental.6 "Janus" started
in 10969ms - Started 128 of 175 services (46 services are passive or on-demand)
$ lein immutant run --clustered
16:17:44,573 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: JBoss AS 7.2.x.slim.incremental.6 "Janus" started
in 10170ms - Started 130 of 223 services (92 services are passive or on-demand)
$ lein immutant undeploy
Undeployed /Users/norman/.immutant/releases/immutant-1.0.0-slim/jboss/standalone/deployments/myapp.clj
$ lein immutant env
immutant-home: /Users/norman/.immutant/current
jboss-home: /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss
$ lein immutant list
The following applications are deployed to /Users/norman/.immutant/current:
blue-app.clj (status: deployed)
red-app.clj (status: deployed)
+ immutant.web
+ immutant.xa
+ immutant.cache
+ immutant.messaging
+ immutant.daemons
(defproject somewebapp "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
;; ...
:plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.5"]]
:ring {:handler somewebapp.handler/app})
(defproject somewebapp "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
;; ...
:immutant {:nrepl-port 0
:context-path "/"})
(ns immutant.init
  (:require [somewebapp.handler :as handler]
            [immutant.web :as web]))
(web/start "/" handler/app)
/context-prefix /handler-path /app-path
From the deployment
From immutant init From your application
(def app
(-> app-routes
;; additional handlers
(def app
(let [store (immutant.web.session/servlet-store)]
(-> app-routes
;; additional handlers
(handler/site {:session {:store store}}))))
+ works with non-ring apps (eg. Pedestal)
+ control over virtual hosts and context paths
+ can dynamically start/stop endpoints
+ minimal changes to your code, framework agnostic
(defonce my-datasource
(xa/datasource "mydb" {:adapter "postgres"
:host ""
:username "db-user"
:password "db-password"
:database "my-awesome-db"}))
(def db-spec {:datasource my-datasource})
(jdbc/with-connection db-spec
"CREATE TABLE widgets (
(jdbc/with-connection db-spec
(korma.core/select :widgets))
(def db-spec {:name "java:jboss/datasources/SomeExternalDS"})
(defn new-widget [name number]
(let [widget {:name name :count number}]
(jdbc/with-connection db-spec
(korma/insert :widgets (korma/values widget)))
(msg/publish "/queue/widgets" widget))))
+ integrates well with Clojure database things
+ XA transactions are tricky and hard to test
+ Most apps use many non-XA resources
+ database config can be external and shared
+ All the immutant services are XA
(def game-cache
(cache/create "game"
:persist true
:sync true))
(def job-cache
(cache/create "job-status"
:ttl 10
:idle 1
:units :minutes))
(defn add-points [player points]
(let [current-score (get game-cache player 0)
new-score (+ current-score points)]
(cache/put game-cache player new-score)
+ Really easy to use
+ Interface isn’t very Clojure-like, needs abstraction
+ Should a data grid be deployed along side app?
+ Infinispan does much more than caching
(msg/start "/queue/orders")
(msg/start "/topic/new-widget")
(defn process-order [order]
(println "processing" order)
(msg/publish "/topic/new-widget" {:widget order}))
(defonce widgets (atom []))
(defn cache-widget [widget]
(swap! widgets #(conj % widget))
(println "I have" (count @widgets) "widgets"))
(msg/listen "/queue/orders" process-order)
(msg/listen "/topic/new-widget" cache-widget)
+ Priority, expiration, persistence, properties
+ Easy to toss around Clojure data structures
+ Pipelines are very cool
+ Topics and queues
(defonce heartbeat (atom nil))
(defn send-heartbeat []
(riemann/send-event {:service "heartbeat" :state "ok" :metric 1}))
(defn heartbeat-thread [every-n-sec]
(while true
(Thread/sleep (* 1000 every-n-sec))))
(defn start-heartbeat []
(swap! heartbeat
(fn [heartbeat]
(or heartbeat
(doto (Thread. #(heartbeat-thread 10))
(defn stop-heartbeat []
(swap! heartbeat
(fn [heartbeat] (when heartbeat (.stop heartbeat)))))
(defn send-heartbeat []
(riemann/send-event {:service "heartbeat" :state "ok" :metric 1}))
(defn start-heartbeat []
(jobs/schedule :heartbeat
:every 10000))
(defn stop-heartbeat []
(jobs/unschedule :heartbeat))
+ Also supports CRON-like scheduling syntax
+ Can be used for ad-hoc jobs
+ Not easy to see what jobs are scheduled/running
+ Jobs can be on all nodes or just one
(defonce listener (atom nil))
(defn start-listener []
(swap! listener
(fn [listener]
(msg/listen "/queue/guesses" play/handle-guess))))
(defn stop-listener []
(swap! listener
(fn [listener]
(when listener
(msg/unlisten listener)))))
(daemon/daemonize "guess-listener"
:singleton true)
+ Can be long running
+ Singleton processes can be reliably setup
+ Manage application-specific services
The PI Game
PI Game Demo
+ EDN api to get state and send actions
+ Game state saved in persistent cache
+ Clojurescript front end, Clojure back end
+ Player actions are sent to guess queue
Singleton daemon creates one listener per cluster
Demo uses two immutant nodes with nginx in front
• Works out of the box
• It’s good Clojure - not “Clojure 2
Enterprise Edition”
• Best solution for multiple applications
• Best solution when you want to work
with Java or Ruby apps
• JBoss is production tested
• Responsive dev team
• Are these the services you
would have chosen?
• It’s one big blob, not lots of
composable blocks
• Does it fit your application
• Does it fit your ops strategy?
• App was ring/jetty - using our own custom startup
• Wanted to split our APIs out and modularize app instead of
deploying as a monolithic app
• Wanted to be able to support rolling updates across nodes
• Liked the idea of being able to bring mature clustering, caching
and messaging into the app almost for free
Immutant at Threatgrid
• Transition to Immutant was very fast and required only minor
changes to our customized startup code
• We ran into a few small issues, but the Immutant dev team had
almost immediate fixes/workarounds.
• Transitional codebase still supports running outside Immutant,
so we haven’t been able to leverage some features
• Ops team strongly prefers individual services that can be
managed independently - Immutant is one big ball
• Our web nodes and data nodes scale separately - Immutant
seems to prefer a more homogenous deployment
• Immutant a la carte would really hit a sweet spot
And.... we’re still deciding

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  • 2. Clojure Web Development $ lein new compojure myapp $ lein ring server Congratulations, you now have a Clojure web application listening on port 3000!
  • 3. Immutant What about? ? database ? messaging ? scheduling ? clustering ? production
  • 4. Immutant + Based on JBoss AS 7 + Makes use of Clojure standards (ring) + Production-ready stack out of the box
  • 5. Setup + add immutant plugin to ~/.lein/profiles.clj {:user {:plugins [[lein-immutant "1.0.0"]]}
  • 6. Setup $ lein immutant install Downloading done! Extracting /var/folders/jw/p379vgcn62q51q4_95xm1v6m0000gp/T/lein-immutant-8041099c-b2c5-4342-ac81-9e3986dfcbd2/ Extracted /Users/norman/.immutant/releases/immutant-1.0.0-slim Linking /Users/norman/.immutant/current to /Users/norman/.immutant/releases/immutant-1.0.0-slim The following versions of Immutant are installed to /Users/norman/.immutant (* is currently active via /Users/norman/.immutant/current): * 1.0.0 (type: slim)
  • 7. Setup $ lein immutant deploy Deployed myapp to /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss/standalone/deployments/myapp.clj
  • 8. Setup $ lein immutant run Starting Immutant: /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss/bin/ ========================================================================= JBoss Bootstrap Environment JBOSS_HOME: /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss JAVA: java JAVA_OPTS: -server -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m - Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman -Djava.awt.headless=true ========================================================================= 16:13:01,823 INFO [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.2.0.CR1 16:13:02,294 INFO [org.jboss.msc] (main) JBoss MSC version 1.0.4.GA 16:13:02,344 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015899: JBoss AS 7.2.x.slim.incremental.6 "Janus" starting ... ... ... 16:13:12,534 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: JBoss AS 7.2.x.slim.incremental.6 "Janus" started in 10969ms - Started 128 of 175 services (46 services are passive or on-demand)
  • 9. Setup $ lein immutant run --clustered ... ... 16:17:44,573 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: JBoss AS 7.2.x.slim.incremental.6 "Janus" started in 10170ms - Started 130 of 223 services (92 services are passive or on-demand)
  • 10. Housekeeping $ lein immutant undeploy Undeployed /Users/norman/.immutant/releases/immutant-1.0.0-slim/jboss/standalone/deployments/myapp.clj
  • 11. Housekeeping $ lein immutant env immutant-home: /Users/norman/.immutant/current jboss-home: /Users/norman/.immutant/current/jboss
  • 12. Housekeeping $ lein immutant list The following applications are deployed to /Users/norman/.immutant/current: blue-app.clj (status: deployed) red-app.clj (status: deployed)
  • 13. Modules + immutant.web + immutant.xa + immutant.cache + immutant.messaging + + immutant.daemons
  • 14. immutant.web (defproject somewebapp "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" ;; ... :plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.5"]] :ring {:handler somewebapp.handler/app}) (defproject somewebapp "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" ;; ... :immutant {:nrepl-port 0 :context-path "/"})
  • 15. immutant.web (ns immutant.init   (:require [somewebapp.handler :as handler]             [immutant.web :as web])) (web/start "/" handler/app)
  • 16. immutant.web /context-prefix /handler-path /app-path From the deployment From immutant init From your application
  • 17. immutant.web (def app (-> app-routes ;; additional handlers handler/site)) (def app (let [store (immutant.web.session/servlet-store)] (-> app-routes ;; additional handlers (handler/site {:session {:store store}}))))
  • 18. immutant.web + works with non-ring apps (eg. Pedestal) + control over virtual hosts and context paths + can dynamically start/stop endpoints + minimal changes to your code, framework agnostic
  • 19. immutant.xa (defonce my-datasource (xa/datasource "mydb" {:adapter "postgres" :host "" :username "db-user" :password "db-password" :database "my-awesome-db"})) (def db-spec {:datasource my-datasource})
  • 20. immutant.xa (jdbc/with-connection db-spec (jdbc/do-commands "CREATE TABLE widgets ( name VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, count VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 0);")) (jdbc/with-connection db-spec (korma.core/select :widgets)) (def db-spec {:name "java:jboss/datasources/SomeExternalDS"})
  • 21. immutant.xa (defn new-widget [name number] (let [widget {:name name :count number}] (xa/transaction (jdbc/with-connection db-spec (korma/insert :widgets (korma/values widget))) (msg/publish "/queue/widgets" widget))))
  • 22. + integrates well with Clojure database things + XA transactions are tricky and hard to test + Most apps use many non-XA resources + database config can be external and shared immutant.xa + All the immutant services are XA
  • 23. immutant.cache (def game-cache (cache/create "game" :persist true :sync true))   (def job-cache (cache/create "job-status" :ttl 10 :idle 1 :units :minutes))
  • 24. immutant.cache (defn add-points [player points] (let [current-score (get game-cache player 0) new-score (+ current-score points)] (cache/put game-cache player new-score) new-score))
  • 25. immutant.cache + Really easy to use + Interface isn’t very Clojure-like, needs abstraction + Should a data grid be deployed along side app? + Infinispan does much more than caching
  • 26. immutant.messaging (msg/start "/queue/orders") (msg/start "/topic/new-widget")   (defn process-order [order] (println "processing" order) (msg/publish "/topic/new-widget" {:widget order}))   (defonce widgets (atom [])) (defn cache-widget [widget] (swap! widgets #(conj % widget)) (println "I have" (count @widgets) "widgets"))   (msg/listen "/queue/orders" process-order) (msg/listen "/topic/new-widget" cache-widget)
  • 27. immutant.messaging + Priority, expiration, persistence, properties + Easy to toss around Clojure data structures + Pipelines are very cool + Topics and queues
  • 28. (defonce heartbeat (atom nil))   (defn send-heartbeat [] (riemann/send-event {:service "heartbeat" :state "ok" :metric 1}))   (defn heartbeat-thread [every-n-sec] (while true (send-heartbeat) (Thread/sleep (* 1000 every-n-sec))))   (defn start-heartbeat [] (swap! heartbeat (fn [heartbeat] (or heartbeat (doto (Thread. #(heartbeat-thread 10)) .start)))))   (defn stop-heartbeat [] (swap! heartbeat (fn [heartbeat] (when heartbeat (.stop heartbeat)))))
  • 29. (defn send-heartbeat [] (riemann/send-event {:service "heartbeat" :state "ok" :metric 1}))   (defn start-heartbeat [] (jobs/schedule :heartbeat send-heartbeat :every 10000))   (defn stop-heartbeat [] (jobs/unschedule :heartbeat))
  • 30. + Also supports CRON-like scheduling syntax + Can be used for ad-hoc jobs + Not easy to see what jobs are scheduled/running + Jobs can be on all nodes or just one
  • 31. immutant.daemons (defonce listener (atom nil)) (defn start-listener [] (swap! listener (fn [listener] (msg/listen "/queue/guesses" play/handle-guess))))   (defn stop-listener [] (swap! listener (fn [listener] (when listener (msg/unlisten listener)))))   (daemon/daemonize "guess-listener" start-listener stop-listener :singleton true)
  • 32. immutant.daemons + Can be long running + Singleton processes can be reliably setup + Manage application-specific services
  • 34. PI Game Demo + EDN api to get state and send actions + Game state saved in persistent cache + Clojurescript front end, Clojure back end + + + Player actions are sent to guess queue Singleton daemon creates one listener per cluster Demo uses two immutant nodes with nginx in front
  • 35. But... • Works out of the box • It’s good Clojure - not “Clojure 2 Enterprise Edition” • Best solution for multiple applications • Best solution when you want to work with Java or Ruby apps • JBoss is production tested • Responsive dev team • Are these the services you would have chosen? • It’s one big blob, not lots of composable blocks • Does it fit your application architecture? • Does it fit your ops strategy? Yes
  • 36. • App was ring/jetty - using our own custom startup • Wanted to split our APIs out and modularize app instead of deploying as a monolithic app • Wanted to be able to support rolling updates across nodes • Liked the idea of being able to bring mature clustering, caching and messaging into the app almost for free Immutant at Threatgrid
  • 37. • Transition to Immutant was very fast and required only minor changes to our customized startup code • We ran into a few small issues, but the Immutant dev team had almost immediate fixes/workarounds. • Transitional codebase still supports running outside Immutant, so we haven’t been able to leverage some features • Ops team strongly prefers individual services that can be managed independently - Immutant is one big ball • Our web nodes and data nodes scale separately - Immutant seems to prefer a more homogenous deployment • Immutant a la carte would really hit a sweet spot And.... we’re still deciding