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1. Relate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom (including
   isotopes) or a monatomic ion, to the atomic number, mass number and charge.
2. State the electron arrangement of atoms and/or ions of the first 20 elements in
   the Periodic Table.
3. Relate the charge on monatomic ions to the position of the element on the Periodic
4. State the electron arrangement of atoms and/or ions of the first 20 elements in
   the Periodic Table.
5. Relate the charge on monatomic ions to the position of the element in the Periodic
6. Draw Lewis diagrams of :
    • atoms selected from the first 20 elements
    • molecules including those with single bonds, e.g. H2O, CH4, H2, Cl2 & PCl3 and
      those with multiple bonds

Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Term        Definition    GLOSSARY 1       In back of book: match term with defn -> ans’s only

A. atom              1. the absence of electrical charge.
B. element           2. a negatively charged particle that exists outside the nucleus
                     3. refers to electrons that occupy the outside shell or highest
C. proton
                        energy level around a nucleus
D. electron          4. a substance that contains only one type of atom
                     5. the number of particles (protons & neutrons) in the nucleus of
E. neutron
                        the atom
F. neutral           6. a positively charged particle in the nucleus.
G. atomic number 7. a row of the periodic table
                     8. the smallest particle that can not be made smaller by simple
H. mass number
                        chemical means
                     9. an atom that has the same atomic number as another atom
I. group
                        but a different mass number
J. period            10. a particle inside the nucleus that has no charge
K. valence           11. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
                     12. a rule that states that most atoms will have a tendency to gain
L. relative
                         a full outer shell of 8 valence electrons
M. isotope           13. a vertical column of the periodic table
N. octet rule        14. compared to

Monday, 3 May 2010
Term        Definition    GLOSSARY 1
                     the smallest particle that can not be made smaller by simple
                     chemical means
element              a substance that contains only one type of atom
proton               a positively charged particle in the nucleus.
electron             a negatively charged particle that exists outside the nucleus
neutron              a particle inside the nucleus that has no charge
neutral              the absence of electrical charge.
atomic number        the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
                     the number of particles (protons & neutrons) in the nucleus of
mass number
                     the atom
group                a vertical column of the periodic table
period               a row of the periodic table
                     refers to electrons that occupy the outside shell or highest
                     energy level around a nucleus
relative             compared to
                     an atom that has the same atomic number as another atom but
                     a different mass number
                     a rule that states that most atoms will have a tendency to gain
octet rule
                     a full outer shell of 8 valence electrons
Monday, 3 May 2010
Term         Definition        GLOSSARY 2      In back of book: match term with defn -> ans’s only

                       A. a model of a molecule that shows valence electrons as bonding and
1.   duet rule
                          non-bonding pairs
2.   valence           B. the flow of charge
3.   molecule          C. a 3D, regular arrangement of particles (ions).
4.   crystal           D. a non-bonding pair of electrons
                       E. a bond that comprises three pairs of electrons that are shared
5. lattice
                          between two nuclei
6. Lewis               F. the rule that is obeyed by hydrogen, stating that a hydrogen atom will
   structure              have a tendency to gain a full outer shell of two electrons.
7. lone pair           G. a solid substance that has sharp edges and flat faces
8. single bond         H. refers to electrons that occupy the highest energy level of an atom
9. double bond         I. a small group of atoms that are covalently bonded to each other
                       J. a bond that comprises two pairs of electrons that are shared
10. triple bond
                          between two nuclei
11. anion              K. a positively charged ion
12. cation             L. a negatively charged ion
13. reactivity         M. a measure of the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent
                       N. a bond that comprises one pair of electrons that are shared
14. solubility
                          between two nuclei
                       O. a measure of the ability of a substance to participate in a chemical
15. electric current
Monday, 3 May 2010
Term          Definition              GLOSSARY 2
                           the rule that is obeyed by hydrogen stating that a hydrogen atom will
     duet rule
                           have a tendency to gain a full outer shell of two electrons.
     valence               refers to electrons that occupy the highest energy level of an atom
     molecule              a small group of atoms that are covalently bonded to each other
     crystal               a solid substance that has sharp edges and flat faces
     lattice               a 3D, regular arrangement of particles (ions).
     Lewis                 a model of a molecule that shows valence electrons as bonding and
     structure             non-bonding pairs
     lone pair             a non-bonding pair of electrons
                           a bond that comprises one pair of electrons that are shared
     single bond
                           between two nuclei
                           a bond that comprises two pairs of electrons that are shared
     double bond
                           between two nuclei
                           a bond that comprises three pairs of electrons that are shared
     triple bond
                           between two nuclei
     anion                 a negatively charged ion
     cation                a positively charged ion
                           a measure of the ability of a substance to participate in a chemical
     solubility            a measure of the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent
     electric current      the flow of charge
Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010
Elements                                THE BASICS                            Complete:

 Elements are like the letters of the alphabet. There are 26
 letters and these can be joined together in different ways to make up to 750 000
 different words. Letters cannot be split into anything simpler.

 •    Elements are substances that contain particles called               .
 •    An element consists of only one type of atom only.
 •    Atoms cannot be easily               into anything              .
 •    There are 90 different elements and these can be                    .
      to make all the other                  in the world

                                                       Part of      Where      Electrical
                                                        atom        found       Charge
                           +                           Neutron
                                 Proton                Electron

                                                     Word list: substances, atoms,
                                                     simpler, split, joined, proton,
                                                     electron, empty space, negative,
                                                     positive, neutral, neutron, in the
         “History of the atom”                       nucleus, outside the nucleus.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Element names

        H                                            Na

       He                                            Mg

        Li                                           Al

       Be                                            Si

        B                                             P

        C                                             S

        N                                            Cl

        O                                            Ar

        F                                             K

       Ne                                            Ca

An easy way to remember the first 20 elements              Flashcards
                                                           (in exercises)
Harry He Likes Beer By Cupfuls Not Over Flowing
Never Natter Magic Although Science Possesses Some Clues
Arthur Kicks Cats                                          “Element
                                                           Bingo” (in starters)
Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010

Hydrogen - not a metal
but here because of its
electron arrangement

   1      2                                    3   4   5   6    7   8


                          Less reactive
 More reactive            metals                            Inert gases

Monday, 3 May 2010

Atomic number
Atomic numbers are the smaller of the two numbers associated with
each element. Atomic numbers increase by one from left to right of
the table

The atoms get larger in size from left to right across a row as their
mass increases

The atoms get larger in size and increase in mass from top to bottom
of a column. Elements in a column have similar properties. Columns
are often called groups.
Groups start at 1 (at the left) and finish with group 8 (at the right of
the table)

Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010

An element in the periodic table is described like this:
                     The mass number is 19.
   19                The number of protons plus neutrons =19
    9   F
   Fluorine          The atomic number is 9.
                     There are 9 protons in the nucleus and 9 electrons around it

 In this example:
 The 19 particles in the nucleus are protons or neutrons                   I’m lost!
 9 of these particles are protons
 therefore there are 10 neutrons in the nucleus


    For an atom:
 • The atomic number gives the number of protons
 • The atomic number is also gives the number of electrons
 • The mass number is the number of protons plus neutrons
 • neutron number = mass number - atomic number
Monday, 3 May 2010
An exercise done as a class:

       He        This shows how Helium appears in the periodic table

This means:           The atomic number is ___.

                      so there are: 2 protons in the nucleus
                                and 2 electrons surrounding it

                      The mass number is ____.

                      so the number of protons plus neutrons =4
                      Therefore the number of neutrons must be ___ ( = __ - __)

                                                    number of
 Symbol of element number of protons                              number of neutrons
             11 B

            16 O

            28   Si                14
            35   Cl                                                      20
            31   P                 15
Monday, 3 May 2010
Individual Exercise                 TRY THIS!

                                               number of
   Symbol of element      number of protons                number of neutrons
              9 Be

            21 Ne

             27      Al          13
             39      K                                            20
                  15P                                             16
             42 Ca

             12      C                                             6
              7 Li

            23 Na

            24    Mg             12
              14 N

                  16S                                             16
Monday, 3 May 2010

 Electrons in the electron cloud are not arranged randomly around the nucleus.

 • Those close to the nucleus have low energy
 • Those far away from the nucleus have high

 Electrons are arranged in energy levels

 For the 1st 20 elements there are 4 energy levels:

 Level   1 can hold a maximum of       2   electrons
 Level   2 “     “ “      “   “        8   electrons
 Level   3 “     “ “      “   “        8   electrons
 Level   4 “     “ “      “   “        2   electrons

 Example 1

                                            20 protons in the nucleus
                                            (the atomic number)
      Ca                               => 20     electrons around the

                     Electron arrangement: “ 2 in the 1st shell, 8 in the 2nd shell, .......
Monday, 3 May 2010

Use your knowledge of electron
arrangement to complete the
table below. The electron                             1
arrangements are shown below                                 H
the element names                                    Hydrogen
                                                                                     2    He
          7           9          11        12        14          16       19         20
          3   Li      4   Be     5    B     6   C        7   N   8    O   9    F     10   Ne
         Lithium     Beryllium   Boron     Carbon    Nitrogen    Oxygen   Fluorine   Neon
         2.1         2.2         2.3       2.4
         23          24          27        28        31          32       37         40
         11   Na     12   Mg     13   Al   14   Si           P        S        Cl         Ar
         Sodium      Magnesium Aluminium Silicon     Phosphorus Sulphur   Chlorine   Argon
         39          40
              K           Ca
         Potassium Calcium

Monday, 3 May 2010

   Electrons fill up an atoms shell in order, first they fill up the
   inner shell (first electron shell) then the next shell and so on

   An exercise done as a class:

    40                           x                                 1. Use your periodic table to find the atomic
         Ca          x   x
                             x           x

                         x               x
    Calcium                                          x
                     x                           x                 2. The atomic number will tell you how
                         x       x
                                                         x            many electrons there are
                             x               x
                         x                       x
                                     x                       Ca    3. Fill the electrons according to the rule:
                                                                      Level 1 can hold a maximum of            2 electrons
  Example 2 - Silicon                                                 Level 2   “    “   “      “      “       8 electrons

                                                                      Level 3   “    “   “      “      “       8 electrons
                                                                      Level 4   “    “   “      “      “       2 electrons
             28                                                    4. Start filling the levels from level 1.
                                                                   5. When level 1 is full start filling level 2. When
                                                                      level 2 is full start filling level 3 and so on.

                                                                   6. Stop filling the levels when you have used all
                                                                      the electrons that the atom has.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Individual Exercise                       A DIFFERENT WAY OF SHOWING IT!                       Key: p = proton
                                                                                                    n = neutron
Example: Fluorine,            9
                               19F        has 9p, 10n, 9e                                           e = electron
           e                                              For each of the following atoms draw the
                                                          electron shell diagram. Show the nucleus as
                                                          a solid circle.
                        n p       e         e
 e                n p p
                  n p n n p                          A second example
                  n p p p n
                    n     n
           e          n p                       1.   13
                                                       27Al             x             2.    11
     e                                                              x   x   x

                                                              x x               x x
                                                                    x   x   x
                     e                                                  x

3.       14
           28Si                                 4.   15
                                                       31P                             5.    16

Homework (in science books):
(i) Be    (ii) F      (iii) Ne                        (iv) Ar
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
       TO IONS
Monday, 3 May 2010
An ion is an atom that has lost or gained electrons
“Ions are more stable than atoms. IONS HAVE AN OUTER SHELL THAT IS FULL...
Using this knowledge it is possible to work out the arrangement of electrons in

              Sodium atom                                   -->              Sodium ion
                                                                                                                         1 electron
 E                         x           x
                                               x                                         x           x

                                                                                 x               x           x
               x           x                                                                                     x

 A                     x                   x                                     x       x
                                                                                     x                   x               1+ charge

 M                         Na                                                            Na+

 P            Chlorine atom                                -->                   Chloride ion
                                                                                                                         1 electron
                           x                                                                 x
                       x               x                                     x       x               x
                                                                                                             x           gained
               x                   x       x                                     x                           x

                                                       x                                                             x
          x                                    x                         x                                   x
               x           x                                                 x           x

 S             x

                                               x                             x


                           Cl                                                                Cl-                         1- charge

Monday, 3 May 2010
      “Metal atoms lose electrons. Non-metal atoms gain electrons.
      No more than 3 electrons can be lost or gained”

Copy & complete the following table showing the electron arrangements of the atoms
and their ions:

Metal atom            Metal ion            Non-metal atom      Non-metal ion

C: 2, 4               no ion formed        Cl: 2, 8, 7         Cl-: 2, 8, 8

Mg: 2, 8, 2           Mg2+: 2, 8           N: 2, 5             N3-: 2, 8

Li: 2, 1              Li+: 2               Ar: 2, 8, 8         No ion formed

Be                                         O

Ca                                         S

Al                                         F

Na                                         P

Draw small     Beryllium              Sulphide              Aluminium
shell diagrams
for the
following ions
Monday, 3 May 2010
A chemical formula shows how atoms or ions are joined to make compounds. (A
compound consists of two or more different atoms that are joined chemically).
An ionic compound is formed when positive and negative ions are attracted to each
other. Some ions comprise groups of atoms that have gained or lost electrons. These
groups are the “-ides” or “-ates”.
A table of common ions is shown below:

                        +1          +2            +3                                _,,
                        H*         Mg2*         Al3+             c1-               gz-
                     hydrogen    magnesium    aluminium        chloride           oxide

                       Li*         Ca2*          Fe3*            oH-              COr'-
                      lithium     calcium      iron(III)      hydroxide          carbonate

                       Na+         Fe2*                         No,*              Soo'-
                      sodium      iron(II)                      nitrate           sulfate

                        K+         Cu2*                        HCO3-            PO43-
                     potasslum   copper(II)                hydrogen carbonate   Phosphate



Monday, 3 May 2010

                                                                       “-ates” end in O4 and O3
An exercise done as a class:                                           the rest are “-ides”

        + ion        -    ion    Formula                 + ion   - ron     Formula
        Znzr         N3-         ZneNz                   Ca2*    NOs-      Ca(NOs)z

         Pb2*        Br          PbBrz                   Fe3*    SO+2-     Fe2(S04)3

 I      Ag*          s2-                                 Li*     COs2-     LizCOs

 )       Fe3*        cl-                            6    Ag*     PO+3-

 3       Na*         02-                            7    NH+*    SO+2-

         K+          t-          KI                 8    Pbz*    COs2-

        Cu2*         SO+2-       CuSOa              9    Al3*    oH-
 4       Mgz+        COs2-                          10   Cu2*    s2-

 5      Zn2*         02-                            11   (+      HCOg-

On the table (above):
1. Circle the “-ates” using a red pen
2. Circle the “-ides” using a blue pen
3. and name them                                                       Exercises: “-ide or -ate”
Monday, 3 May 2010

   1      2                 Groups of the periodic table            3    4   5    6    7    8

 1+ 2+               Charge on ions formed by atoms in each group   3+       3-   2-   1-

                                                                         Do not form ions

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010
HISTORY of the atom

                     See “Nigel’s” ppt on the shared drive

Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
MATTER     Nature & State

Monday, 3 May 2010

            Appearance &     Particles       Energy             Compressibility   Melting &
            behaviour in a   arrangement                                          boiling
            container                                                             points
            A                D. Particles are G. The very high J. high            M. Moderate
                                disordered       energy of the
                                and widely       particles
                                spaced           causes random
                                                 & rapid

                             E. Particles     H. The low       K. very little     N. High
                                closely          energy of the
                                spaced &         particles
                                arranged in      causes them
LIQUID B                        a lattice.       to vibrate
                                This explains    about fixed
                                the              positions
                             F. Particles are I. The moderate L. virtually        O. Low
                                disordered       energy of the   none
                                and closely      particles
  GAS       C
                                spaced           causes them
                                                 to move
Answers: SOLID __ __ __ __ __ LIQUID __ __ __ __ __ GAS __ __ __ __ __
Monday, 3 May 2010

            Appearance &     Particles       Energy          Compressibility Melting &
            behaviour in a   arrangement                                      boiling
            container                                                         points
                             Particles are   The low energy virtually none    High
                             closely         of the particles
                             spaced and      causes them to
                             arranged in a   vibrate about
 SOLID                                       fixed positions
                             lattice. This
                             explains the
                             Particles are   The moderate very little         Moderate
                             disordered      energy of the
 LIQUID                      and closely     particles causes
                             spaced          them to move
                             Particles are   The very high high               Low
                             disordered      energy of the
   GAS                       and widely      particles causes
                             spaced          random & rapid

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010


               Element                Element              Compound


                     Mixture              Mixture
                     of elements          of element with compound

Monday, 3 May 2010
Interactive                                                                     Complete the mind map

                                                   All substances
                     ..............                                         Not pure

   Elements                   ...................

                                      ................        with                        Different
                                      elements                compound                    .................

1. Explain the difference between Co and CO

2. Explain the difference between O2 and 2O
Monday, 3 May 2010
Copy                        ATOMS, ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS & MIXTURES

  • An atom is a particle that cannot be made smaller by simple chemical methods.
  • An element is a substance that contains only one type of atom.
  • A compound is a substance that contains two or more types of atom chemically
    joined together in a constant ration by mass.
  • A mixture contains two or more different types of particle.
  • A solution is a special mixture where the solid particles are spread evenly
    throughout a liquid medium

                                            All substances

                     Pure                                          Not pure

 Elements                    Compounds

                                Different               with                  Different
                                elements                compound              compounds

           Ex 3A: 1 to 4 - Answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze

1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.

2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.

5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                      Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                              Na+       Cl-        Na+

                              Cl-      Na+         Cl-

    Word list
     lattice         sodium   ionic         flat   chloride    sharp      solution   crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.

2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.

5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                      Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                              Na+       Cl-        Na+

                              Cl-      Na+         Cl-

    Word list
     lattice         sodium   ionic         flat   chloride    sharp                crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.

5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                    Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                              Na+     Cl-        Na+

                              Cl-    Na+         Cl-

    Word list
     lattice         sodium               flat   chloride    sharp                crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.

5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-        Na+

                            Cl-     Na+         Cl-

    Word list
     lattice                             flat   chloride    sharp                crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
                                    sodium           chloride
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.

5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-        Na+

                            Cl-     Na+         Cl-

    Word list
     lattice                             flat               sharp                crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
                                    sodium           chloride
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.

5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-        Na+

                            Cl-     Na+         Cl-

    Word list
                                         flat               sharp                crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
                                    sodium           chloride
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.
5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-        Na+

                            Cl-     Na+         Cl-

    Word list
                                         flat               sharp                crystalline

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST            (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
                                    sodium           chloride
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.
                     lattice                   crystalline
5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-        Na+

                            Cl-     Na+         Cl-

    Word list
                                         flat               sharp

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST        (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
                                    sodium           chloride
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.
                     lattice                   crystalline
5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-      Na+       Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-        Na+

                            Cl-     Na+         Cl-

    Word list

Monday, 3 May 2010
SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST        (out of 8)

                 Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze
1. Salt added to water will form a ______________.
2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid
                                    sodium           chloride
3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ .
4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________.
                     lattice                   crystalline
5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This
                                        sharp                 flat
   means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces.

                                   Cl-     Na+    Cl-

                             Na+     Cl-    Na+

                            Cl-     Na+     Cl-

    Word list

Monday, 3 May 2010
                     SOLUTIONS VIDEO

Monday, 3 May 2010
Solutions                            SEPARATING MIXTURES
                                              An animation showing how substances dissolve:




          Reading with exercises ->
Monday, 3 May 2010

  • Separation techniques based on the differences in the physical properties of the
    substances making up the mixture.

                            Separation      Why it can be separated using this
    Type of mixture
                            technique       technique
                       Decanting            The particles in the mixture are different
Suspension (Liquid &                        sizes. Small liquid and solid particles
insoluble solid)                            pass through whilst larger solid particles
                                            do not

                                            The solvent has a lower boiling point and
                                            evaporates away. In the case of two
Solution (containing a Evaporation          liquids that are mixed, the liquid with the
solvent & a solute or                       lower boiling point will evaporate away
two liquids that are
mixed)                                      Based on evaporation but allows the
                       Distillation         solvent or high boiling point liquid to be

                                            Different solvents have different
Solutions that contain                      solubility in the solvent used so they
                       Chromatography       travel at different speeds alont the
many solutes
                                            chromatography paper

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010
           1803 - Dalton’s model: “Atoms are indestructible spheres”
           1911 - Rutherford: An atom is mainly empty space. It has a central dense,
                              positively charged nucleus. The nucleus is tiny compared
                              to the overall size of the atom.
           1932 - Chadwick shows that neutrons exist


                     +         Neutron


                                         Part of    Where      Relative     Electrical
                                          atom      found       mass         Charge
                                         Proton     nucleus        1         positive
                                         Neutron    nucleus        1          neutral
                                         Electron               0.0005       negative

      p31 & 32 - ESA -> Ex. 4A: Q.1 to 4 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

                     16         17       18

             O              O        O
                     8           8       8

Monday, 3 May 2010

                     Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers.
Below are the symbols of the common isotopes of Oxygen.

                             Notice that the mass numbers are different

                     16                           17                            18

             O                               O                             O
                      8                              8                              8

Each isotope has 8 protons
                                        8 neutrons       9 neutrons   10 neutrons
Each different isotope has
different numbers of neutrons

Monday, 3 May 2010
          An isotope has a mass number.
          An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass.

        Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
          An isotope has a mass number.
          An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass.

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all
the isotopes in that element.

        Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
          An isotope has a mass number.
          An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass.

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all
the isotopes in that element.

A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of     63
                                                            Cu to each one atom of

           Cu        63
                      Cu   63
                            Cu     65

        Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
          An isotope has a mass number.
          An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass.

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all
the isotopes in that element.

A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of     63
                                                            Cu to each one atom of

                                            Atomic mass = 63 + 63 + 63 + 65
           Cu        63
                      Cu   63
                            Cu     65
                                     Cu                           4
                                                        = 63.5
                                            (or     “3 x 63 + 65”)

        Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
          An isotope has a mass number.
          An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass.

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all
the isotopes in that element.

A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of     63
                                                            Cu to each one atom of

                                            Atomic mass = 63 + 63 + 63 + 65
           Cu        63
                      Cu   63
                            Cu     65
                                     Cu                           4
                                                        = 63.5
                                            (or     “3 x 63 + 65”)

Chlorine is another element which consists of different isotopes. It has an atomic
mass of 35.5

        Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
          An isotope has a mass number.
          An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass.

The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all
the isotopes in that element.

A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of     63
                                                            Cu to each one atom of

                                            Atomic mass = 63 + 63 + 63 + 65
           Cu        63
                      Cu   63
                            Cu     65
                                     Cu                           4
                                                        = 63.5
                                            (or     “3 x 63 + 65”)

Chlorine is another element which consists of different isotopes. It has an atomic
mass of 35.5

Most elements consist mainly of one isotope and therefore their atomic mass is
close to a whole number.

        Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
ESA p41 Boron is unshaded because it does not covalently bond with itself??

Monday, 3 May 2010

• Electrons around the nucleus of the atom have different levels of energy:
• High energy electrons move in regions which are further away from the nucleus
  than low energy electrons.
                      Level   1 can hold a maximum of      2 electrons
                      Level   2 “     “ “      “ “         8 electrons
                      Level   3 “     “ “      “ “         8 electrons
                      Level   4 “     “ “      “ “         2 electrons

• Greater stability is achieved when the outer energy level is fully occupied by
  electrons (usually 8) - this is the octet rule.

Ion formation occurs according to this rule

Example              Sodium atom                                          GREATER
                                                             Sodium ion

                         Na                                         Na+

                                      1 electron is lost

Note: Inert gases are stable because the outer level is fully occupied by electrons
Monday, 3 May 2010

                     “MORE THAN YOU NEED TO KNOW!!”

  Electron spins cause magnetic moments.
  Think of a magnetic moments as being
  like a tiny magnet

Monday, 3 May 2010

            Models are used to explain things that we can’t see and/or understand.

Showing only the outer electrons (valence electrons) is a useful model.

Examples - “electron dot diagrams”

                      Electron configuration is 2.5 but only the 5 valence electrons
        N             are shown
                      (the 7 protons and 7 neutrons are not shown in this model)

                      Electrons are displayed as dots and shown in pairs as they are
                      thought to occupy the same region in an energy level.

Monday, 3 May 2010

                        Borderline but more non - metal

                        Non - metal

            “Which atoms will bond covalently to form molecules?”

Monday, 3 May 2010

           Covalent bonds are formed between non-metal atoms. The bond is
           based on the mutual attraction of 2 different positively charged nuclei to the
           same pair of negatively charged electrons.

           Molecules are formed.

Example:             Chlorine, Cl2
Chlorine does not normally exist as individual atoms. Two chlorine atoms pair up to
make a molecule. A pair of electrons is shared between the two atoms:

                                                                      Each chlorine atom
 7 valence
                        Cl      +    Cl               Cl     Cl       now has 8 valence

              A lone pair of electrons                A shared pair

            “The octet rule is nearly always obeyed except where Hydrogen is involved
            in a covalent bond. The outer energy level of hydrogen is fully occupied
            when it contains 2 electrons. Hydrogen obeys the duet rule”

Monday, 3 May 2010

           The chlorine molecule drawn (above) is an example of a Lewis structure

 Other Lewis structures

  Water H2O
                          O     H


  Hydrogen chloride HCl              H     Cl

   Both the octet and duet rules are both obeyed in the examples (above)
   The attraction between atoms is called a bond
   A bond can be drawn as a line:

                                      H - Cl
         O           O

                                                      Ex 5A Q.1 to 3 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
                     DOUBLE & TRIPLE BONDS

Monday, 3 May 2010

             Sometimes, in order to obey the octet rule, two atoms will need to share
             two pairs of electrons.
             This TWO shared pair of electrons forms the basis of a double bond.

 Silicon dioxide, SiO2 contains 2 double bonds

                     O        Si        O               O    Si   O

                                     TWO pairs are shared          The octet rule is
                                                                   satisfied for each atom
Carbon tetrachloride           CCl4 contains only                  in the molecule
single bonds
                              Cl                             Cl

                         Cl   C    Cl                   Cl   C    Cl

                              Cl                             Cl

Monday, 3 May 2010

              When three pairs of electrons are shared, a triple bond is formed.

 Propyne, C3H4


                      H    C     C      C     H

                                        THREE pairs are shared

 • Two atoms joined by a double bond are closer together than two atoms joined by a
   single bond. The double bond is shorter and stronger but allows the molecule to be
   more reactive because there are more electrons concentrated there.
 • The same applies for a triple bond compared to a double bond.

Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this


                                           H     C     C      C     H


Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H

                                           H     C     C      C     H


Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs                                  This carbon does not
                                                                  have an octet !!!
 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

1. Add up the total number of electrons
2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet
   rule is obeyed for these atoms
3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s.
4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple
   bonding to achieve this

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total                   H
 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around         H     C     C      C     H
 the outer atoms. (They will all be
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs                                  This carbon does not
                                                                  have an octet !!!
 Step 3:
                                               Step 4
 Placing the remaining pairs around
                                               We will need to use a triple bond on this
 the central atoms.
                                               carbon to give it an octet.

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”


                                             H     C     C      C   H


Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total


                                             H     C     C      C   H


Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C   H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010
“Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED”

 Step 1: 16 electrons in total

 Step 2:
 Placing the electron pairs around
 the outer atoms. (They will all be          H     C     C      C    H
 bonding pairs in this case).
 There are now 8 remaining pairs                                THREE pairs are shared

 Step 3:
 Placing the remaining pairs around
 the central atoms.

Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3


                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1

                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons

                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P


 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

                                                Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O


                                      H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1                             H

                                      H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

                                      H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                      Br   P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons          H

        Step 2                        H    C    O

        Step 3

                                                    Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                           Br    P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons                H

        Step 2                             H     C      O

        Step 3                  But carbon doesn’t have an octet !!

                                                             Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                           Br    P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons                H

        Step 2                             H     C      O

        Step 3                  But carbon doesn’t have an octet !!

        Step 4
                                                             Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010

Draw Lewis structures for the following:

 (a) PBr3

         Step 1      26 electrons
         Step 2
                                           Br    P
         Step 3

 (b) CH2O

        Step 1       12 electrons                H

        Step 2                             H     C      O

        Step 3                  But carbon doesn’t have an octet !!

        Step 4
                                                             Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010

                 Ionic bonds are formed between metal and non-metal ions.
                 The bond is based on the attraction between positively and
                 negatively charged ions. Ionic compounds are formed.

                            Cl-      Na+      Cl-               “Negative ions are
                                                                called anions”

                      Na+      Cl-      Na+

                                                                “Positive ions are
                      Cl-     Na+       Cl-                     called cations”

• Because they are oppositely charged, Sodium and Chloride ions are attracted to
  each other.
• This attraction extends in 3 dimensions and results in a huge cubic arrangement
  of ions. This arrangement is called a lattice.

        Ex 6A Q.1 to 5 - answers only
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
This is Ann Ion.

Monday, 3 May 2010
This is Ann Ion.
               She’s unhappy and

Monday, 3 May 2010
+   +

                     This is Ann Ion.
               She’s unhappy and

Monday, 3 May 2010
+     +

                     This is Ann Ion.   This is a cat-ion.
               She’s unhappy and

Monday, 3 May 2010
+     +

                     This is Ann Ion.   This is a cat-ion.
               She’s unhappy and        He’s a “plussy” cat!

Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010

                                                     (numbers given to columns)

                               3        4

    (numbers given to rows)                 Key:     show relative atomic size.
                                                     Size increases across a row &
                                                     decreases down a column.

• There are columns of less reactive metals (transition elements)
  between groups 2 and 13
• The dotted line separates metals from non-metals
Monday, 3 May 2010

The reactivity of a metal is a measure of the metal’s ability to participate in a
chemical reaction.

Metals react when their atoms lose their valence electrons. The easier the electrons
are lost, the more reactive they will be.

                                                       Decreasing reactivity

As we move down                                                                      As we move across a
the group the                                       Li          Be                   period (left to
valence electrons get                              Lithium     Beryllium             right),the positive
                           Increasing reactivity

further from the                                   2.1         2.2                   nucleus increases in
nucleus so they                                                                      charge so the
become easier to                                                                     attractive force on
                                                    Na          Mg             Al    the valence electrons
                                                   Sodium      Magnesium Aluminium   increases. Valence
                                                   2.8.1       2.8.2       2.8.3     electrons become
                                                   Highly                            more difficult to
                                                                Ca                   remove.
                                                   Potassium   Calcium

Monday, 3 May 2010
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
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Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
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Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
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Atomic Structure   Student Copy
Atomic Structure   Student Copy
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Atomic Structure Student Copy

  • 1. ATOMIC STRUCTURE 1. Relate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom (including isotopes) or a monatomic ion, to the atomic number, mass number and charge. 2. State the electron arrangement of atoms and/or ions of the first 20 elements in the Periodic Table. 3. Relate the charge on monatomic ions to the position of the element on the Periodic Table. 4. State the electron arrangement of atoms and/or ions of the first 20 elements in the Periodic Table. 5. Relate the charge on monatomic ions to the position of the element in the Periodic Table 6. Draw Lewis diagrams of : • atoms selected from the first 20 elements • molecules including those with single bonds, e.g. H2O, CH4, H2, Cl2 & PCl3 and those with multiple bonds Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 5. Term Definition GLOSSARY 1 In back of book: match term with defn -> ans’s only A. atom 1. the absence of electrical charge. B. element 2. a negatively charged particle that exists outside the nucleus 3. refers to electrons that occupy the outside shell or highest C. proton energy level around a nucleus D. electron 4. a substance that contains only one type of atom 5. the number of particles (protons & neutrons) in the nucleus of E. neutron the atom F. neutral 6. a positively charged particle in the nucleus. G. atomic number 7. a row of the periodic table 8. the smallest particle that can not be made smaller by simple H. mass number chemical means 9. an atom that has the same atomic number as another atom I. group but a different mass number J. period 10. a particle inside the nucleus that has no charge K. valence 11. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom 12. a rule that states that most atoms will have a tendency to gain L. relative a full outer shell of 8 valence electrons M. isotope 13. a vertical column of the periodic table N. octet rule 14. compared to Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 6. Term Definition GLOSSARY 1 the smallest particle that can not be made smaller by simple atom chemical means element a substance that contains only one type of atom proton a positively charged particle in the nucleus. electron a negatively charged particle that exists outside the nucleus neutron a particle inside the nucleus that has no charge neutral the absence of electrical charge. atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom the number of particles (protons & neutrons) in the nucleus of mass number the atom group a vertical column of the periodic table period a row of the periodic table refers to electrons that occupy the outside shell or highest valence energy level around a nucleus relative compared to an atom that has the same atomic number as another atom but isotope a different mass number a rule that states that most atoms will have a tendency to gain octet rule a full outer shell of 8 valence electrons Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 7. Term Definition GLOSSARY 2 In back of book: match term with defn -> ans’s only A. a model of a molecule that shows valence electrons as bonding and 1. duet rule non-bonding pairs 2. valence B. the flow of charge 3. molecule C. a 3D, regular arrangement of particles (ions). 4. crystal D. a non-bonding pair of electrons E. a bond that comprises three pairs of electrons that are shared 5. lattice between two nuclei 6. Lewis F. the rule that is obeyed by hydrogen, stating that a hydrogen atom will structure have a tendency to gain a full outer shell of two electrons. 7. lone pair G. a solid substance that has sharp edges and flat faces 8. single bond H. refers to electrons that occupy the highest energy level of an atom 9. double bond I. a small group of atoms that are covalently bonded to each other J. a bond that comprises two pairs of electrons that are shared 10. triple bond between two nuclei 11. anion K. a positively charged ion 12. cation L. a negatively charged ion 13. reactivity M. a measure of the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent N. a bond that comprises one pair of electrons that are shared 14. solubility between two nuclei O. a measure of the ability of a substance to participate in a chemical 15. electric current reaction Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 8. Term Definition GLOSSARY 2 the rule that is obeyed by hydrogen stating that a hydrogen atom will duet rule have a tendency to gain a full outer shell of two electrons. valence refers to electrons that occupy the highest energy level of an atom molecule a small group of atoms that are covalently bonded to each other crystal a solid substance that has sharp edges and flat faces lattice a 3D, regular arrangement of particles (ions). Lewis a model of a molecule that shows valence electrons as bonding and structure non-bonding pairs lone pair a non-bonding pair of electrons a bond that comprises one pair of electrons that are shared single bond between two nuclei a bond that comprises two pairs of electrons that are shared double bond between two nuclei a bond that comprises three pairs of electrons that are shared triple bond between two nuclei anion a negatively charged ion cation a positively charged ion a measure of the ability of a substance to participate in a chemical reactivity reaction solubility a measure of the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent electric current the flow of charge Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 11. Elements THE BASICS Complete: Elements are like the letters of the alphabet. There are 26 letters and these can be joined together in different ways to make up to 750 000 different words. Letters cannot be split into anything simpler. • Elements are substances that contain particles called . • An element consists of only one type of atom only. • Atoms cannot be easily into anything . • There are 90 different elements and these can be . to make all the other in the world Atoms Part of Where Electrical atom found Charge Proton + + Neutron Proton Electron Word list: substances, atoms, simpler, split, joined, proton, electron, empty space, negative, positive, neutral, neutron, in the “History of the atom” nucleus, outside the nucleus. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 12. Element names H Na He Mg Li Al Be Si B P C S N Cl O Ar F K Ne Ca An easy way to remember the first 20 elements Flashcards (in exercises) Harry He Likes Beer By Cupfuls Not Over Flowing Never Natter Magic Although Science Possesses Some Clues Arthur Kicks Cats “Element Bingo” (in starters) Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 14. THE PERIODIC TABLE Hydrogen - not a metal but here because of its electron arrangement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Non-metals Less reactive More reactive metals Inert gases metals Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 15. ORGANISATION OF THE PERIODIC TABLE Atomic number Atomic numbers are the smaller of the two numbers associated with each element. Atomic numbers increase by one from left to right of the table Rows The atoms get larger in size from left to right across a row as their mass increases Columns The atoms get larger in size and increase in mass from top to bottom of a column. Elements in a column have similar properties. Columns are often called groups. Groups start at 1 (at the left) and finish with group 8 (at the right of the table) Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 17. MASS NUMBERS & ATOMIC NUMBERS An element in the periodic table is described like this: The mass number is 19. 19 The number of protons plus neutrons =19 9 F Fluorine The atomic number is 9. There are 9 protons in the nucleus and 9 electrons around it In this example: The 19 particles in the nucleus are protons or neutrons I’m lost! 9 of these particles are protons therefore there are 10 neutrons in the nucleus Summary For an atom: • The atomic number gives the number of protons • The atomic number is also gives the number of electrons • The mass number is the number of protons plus neutrons • neutron number = mass number - atomic number Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 18. An exercise done as a class: 4 He This shows how Helium appears in the periodic table 2 Helium This means: The atomic number is ___. so there are: 2 protons in the nucleus and 2 electrons surrounding it The mass number is ____. so the number of protons plus neutrons =4 Therefore the number of neutrons must be ___ ( = __ - __) number of Symbol of element number of protons number of neutrons electrons 11 B 5 16 O 8 28 Si 14 35 Cl 20 31 P 15 Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 19. Individual Exercise TRY THIS! number of Symbol of element number of protons number of neutrons electrons 9 Be 4 21 Ne 10 27 Al 13 39 K 20 15P 16 42 Ca 20 12 C 6 7 Li 3 23 Na 11 24 Mg 12 14 N 7 16S 16 Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 20. ELECTRON ARRANGEMENTS Electrons in the electron cloud are not arranged randomly around the nucleus. • Those close to the nucleus have low energy • Those far away from the nucleus have high energy Electrons are arranged in energy levels For the 1st 20 elements there are 4 energy levels: Level 1 can hold a maximum of 2 electrons Level 2 “ “ “ “ “ 8 electrons Level 3 “ “ “ “ “ 8 electrons Level 4 “ “ “ “ “ 2 electrons Example 1 20 protons in the nucleus 20 (the atomic number) Ca => 20 electrons around the 40 nucleus Electron arrangement: “ 2 in the 1st shell, 8 in the 2nd shell, ....... Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 21. CONFIGURE THIS! Use your knowledge of electron arrangement to complete the table below. The electron 1 arrangements are shown below H 1 the element names Hydrogen 1 4 2 He Helium 2 7 9 11 12 14 16 19 20 3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 23 24 27 28 31 32 37 40 11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si P S Cl Ar Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorine Argon 2.8.1 39 40 K Ca Potassium Calcium Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 22. SHELL DIAGRAMS Electrons fill up an atoms shell in order, first they fill up the inner shell (first electron shell) then the next shell and so on An exercise done as a class: Process: 40 x 1. Use your periodic table to find the atomic Ca x x x x x x number. x x Calcium x x x 2. The atomic number will tell you how x x x many electrons there are x x x x x Ca 3. Fill the electrons according to the rule: Level 1 can hold a maximum of 2 electrons Example 2 - Silicon Level 2 “ “ “ “ “ 8 electrons Level 3 “ “ “ “ “ 8 electrons 14 28 Level 4 “ “ “ “ “ 2 electrons Si 28 4. Start filling the levels from level 1. 2.8.4 5. When level 1 is full start filling level 2. When Si level 2 is full start filling level 3 and so on. 6. Stop filling the levels when you have used all the electrons that the atom has. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 23. Individual Exercise A DIFFERENT WAY OF SHOWING IT! Key: p = proton n = neutron Example: Fluorine, 9 19F has 9p, 10n, 9e e = electron e e For each of the following atoms draw the electron shell diagram. Show the nucleus as a solid circle. n p e e e n p p n p n n p A second example n p p p n n n e n p 1. 13 27Al x 2. 11 23Na x e x x x x x x x e x x x e x 3. 14 28Si 4. 15 31P 5. 16 32S Homework (in science books): (i) Be (ii) F (iii) Ne (iv) Ar Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 27. ATOMS TO IONS Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 28. ATOMS TO IONS An ion is an atom that has lost or gained electrons “Ions are more stable than atoms. IONS HAVE AN OUTER SHELL THAT IS FULL... Using this knowledge it is possible to work out the arrangement of electrons in ions.” Sodium atom --> Sodium ion 1 electron E x x x x x lost x X x x x x x x x x A x x x x x x x 1+ charge M Na Na+ P Chlorine atom --> Chloride ion 1 electron L x x x x x x x x x gained x x x x x E x x x x x x x x x x x S x x x x x x x x x x Cl Cl- 1- charge Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 29. IRONING OUT THE IONS “Metal atoms lose electrons. Non-metal atoms gain electrons. No more than 3 electrons can be lost or gained” Copy & complete the following table showing the electron arrangements of the atoms and their ions: Metal atom Metal ion Non-metal atom Non-metal ion C: 2, 4 no ion formed Cl: 2, 8, 7 Cl-: 2, 8, 8 Mg: 2, 8, 2 Mg2+: 2, 8 N: 2, 5 N3-: 2, 8 Li: 2, 1 Li+: 2 Ar: 2, 8, 8 No ion formed Be O Ca S Al F Na P Draw small Beryllium Sulphide Aluminium shell diagrams for the following ions Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 30. FORMULAE FOR SIMPLE IONS Background A chemical formula shows how atoms or ions are joined to make compounds. (A compound consists of two or more different atoms that are joined chemically). An ionic compound is formed when positive and negative ions are attracted to each other. Some ions comprise groups of atoms that have gained or lost electrons. These groups are the “-ides” or “-ates”. A table of common ions is shown below: +1 +2 +3 _,, -1 H* Mg2* Al3+ c1- gz- hydrogen magnesium aluminium chloride oxide Li* Ca2* Fe3* oH- COr'- lithium calcium iron(III) hydroxide carbonate Na+ Fe2* No,* Soo'- sodium iron(II) nitrate sulfate K+ Cu2* HCO3- PO43- potasslum copper(II) hydrogen carbonate Phosphate Zn2* zinc Pb2+ lead Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 31. GETTING TO KNOW THE “-IDES” AND “-ATES” “-ates” end in O4 and O3 An exercise done as a class: the rest are “-ides” + ion - ion Formula + ion - ron Formula Znzr N3- ZneNz Ca2* NOs- Ca(NOs)z Pb2* Br PbBrz Fe3* SO+2- Fe2(S04)3 I Ag* s2- Li* COs2- LizCOs ) Fe3* cl- 6 Ag* PO+3- 3 Na* 02- 7 NH+* SO+2- K+ t- KI 8 Pbz* COs2- Cu2* SO+2- CuSOa 9 Al3* oH- 4 Mgz+ COs2- 10 Cu2* s2- 5 Zn2* 02- 11 (+ HCOg- On the table (above): 1. Circle the “-ates” using a red pen 2. Circle the “-ides” using a blue pen 3. and name them Exercises: “-ide or -ate” Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 32. ION FORMATION AND THE PERIODIC TABLE 1 2 Groups of the periodic table 3 4 5 6 7 8 1+ 2+ Charge on ions formed by atoms in each group 3+ 3- 2- 1- Do not form ions Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 34. HISTORY of the atom See “Nigel’s” ppt on the shared drive Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 36. MATTER Nature & State Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 37. PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS, LIQUIDS AND GASES BOB: Unscramble Appearance & Particles Energy Compressibility Melting & behaviour in a arrangement boiling container points A D. Particles are G. The very high J. high M. Moderate disordered energy of the and widely particles SOLID spaced causes random & rapid E. Particles H. The low K. very little N. High closely energy of the spaced & particles arranged in causes them LIQUID B a lattice. to vibrate This explains about fixed the positions crystalline appearance F. Particles are I. The moderate L. virtually O. Low disordered energy of the none and closely particles GAS C spaced causes them to move randomly Answers: SOLID __ __ __ __ __ LIQUID __ __ __ __ __ GAS __ __ __ __ __ Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 38. http:// PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS, LIQUIDS AND GASES activity/states_of_matter/ Appearance & Particles Energy Compressibility Melting & behaviour in a arrangement boiling container points Particles are The low energy virtually none High closely of the particles spaced and causes them to arranged in a vibrate about SOLID fixed positions lattice. This explains the crystalline appearance Particles are The moderate very little Moderate disordered energy of the LIQUID and closely particles causes spaced them to move randomly Particles are The very high high Low disordered energy of the GAS and widely particles causes spaced random & rapid movement Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 40. ATOMS, ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS & MIXTURES P U R E Element Element Compound N O T P U R E Mixture Mixture of elements of element with compound Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 41. Interactive Complete the mind map All substances X .............. Not pure ................... Elements ................... Element ................ with Different elements compound ................. Questions 1. Explain the difference between Co and CO __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Explain the difference between O2 and 2O __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 42. Copy ATOMS, ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS & MIXTURES • An atom is a particle that cannot be made smaller by simple chemical methods. • An element is a substance that contains only one type of atom. • A compound is a substance that contains two or more types of atom chemically joined together in a constant ration by mass. • A mixture contains two or more different types of particle. • A solution is a special mixture where the solid particles are spread evenly throughout a liquid medium All substances Pure Not pure Mixture Elements Compounds Element Different with Different elements compound compounds Ex 3A: 1 to 4 - Answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 43. SEPARATING MIXTURES Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 44. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list lattice sodium ionic flat chloride sharp solution crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 45. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list lattice sodium ionic flat chloride sharp crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 46. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list lattice sodium flat chloride sharp crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 47. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list lattice flat chloride sharp crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 48. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium chloride 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list lattice flat sharp crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 49. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium chloride 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . lattice 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list flat sharp crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 50. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium chloride 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. lattice 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list flat sharp crystalline Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 51. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium chloride 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. lattice crystalline 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list flat sharp Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 52. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium chloride 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. lattice crystalline 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This sharp means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list flat Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 53. SOLUTIONS PRE - TEST (out of 8) Use the diagram, word list and prior knowledge to complete the cloze exercise: solution 1. Salt added to water will form a ______________. ionic 2. Salt is an example of an _________ solid sodium chloride 3. The ions present in salt are ___________ and _____________ . 4. Theses ions arrange themselves into a _____________. lattice crystalline 5. Solids with __________ structures have a _____________ appearance. This sharp flat means the visible particles have __________ edges and __________ faces. Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl- Word list Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 55. Solutions SEPARATING MIXTURES An animation showing how substances dissolve: Solvent Solute Solution Reading with exercises -> Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 56. SEPARATING MIXTURES • Separation techniques based on the differences in the physical properties of the substances making up the mixture. Separation Why it can be separated using this Type of mixture technique technique Decanting The particles in the mixture are different Suspension (Liquid & sizes. Small liquid and solid particles insoluble solid) pass through whilst larger solid particles Filtration do not The solvent has a lower boiling point and evaporates away. In the case of two Solution (containing a Evaporation liquids that are mixed, the liquid with the solvent & a solute or lower boiling point will evaporate away two liquids that are mixed) Based on evaporation but allows the Distillation solvent or high boiling point liquid to be kept Different solvents have different Solutions that contain solubility in the solvent used so they Chromatography travel at different speeds alont the many solutes chromatography paper Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 57. ISOTOPES & ATOMIC MASS Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 58. ATOMIC THEORY History 1803 - Dalton’s model: “Atoms are indestructible spheres” 1911 - Rutherford: An atom is mainly empty space. It has a central dense, positively charged nucleus. The nucleus is tiny compared to the overall size of the atom. 1932 - Chadwick shows that neutrons exist Atoms Electron + Neutron + Proton Part of Where Relative Electrical atom found mass Charge Proton nucleus 1 positive Neutron nucleus 1 neutral outside Electron 0.0005 negative nucleus p31 & 32 - ESA -> Ex. 4A: Q.1 to 4 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 59. ISOTOPES 16 17 18 O O O 8 8 8 Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 60. ISOTOPES Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers. Example Below are the symbols of the common isotopes of Oxygen. Notice that the mass numbers are different 16 17 18 O O O 8 8 8 Each isotope has 8 protons 8 neutrons 9 neutrons 10 neutrons Each different isotope has different numbers of neutrons Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 61. ATOMIC MASS An isotope has a mass number. An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass. Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 62. ATOMIC MASS An isotope has a mass number. An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all the isotopes in that element. Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 63. ATOMIC MASS An isotope has a mass number. An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all the isotopes in that element. Example A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of 63 Cu to each one atom of 65 Cu: 63 Cu 63 Cu 63 Cu 65 Cu Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 64. ATOMIC MASS An isotope has a mass number. An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all the isotopes in that element. Example A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of 63 Cu to each one atom of 65 Cu: Atomic mass = 63 + 63 + 63 + 65 63 Cu 63 Cu 63 Cu 65 Cu 4 = 63.5 (or “3 x 63 + 65”) Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 65. ATOMIC MASS An isotope has a mass number. An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all the isotopes in that element. Example A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of 63 Cu to each one atom of 65 Cu: Atomic mass = 63 + 63 + 63 + 65 63 Cu 63 Cu 63 Cu 65 Cu 4 = 63.5 (or “3 x 63 + 65”) Chlorine is another element which consists of different isotopes. It has an atomic mass of 35.5 Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 66. ATOMIC MASS An isotope has a mass number. An element that consists of different isotopes will have an atomic mass. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the mass numbers of all the isotopes in that element. Example A naturally occurring sample of Copper has 3 atoms of 63 Cu to each one atom of 65 Cu: Atomic mass = 63 + 63 + 63 + 65 63 Cu 63 Cu 63 Cu 65 Cu 4 = 63.5 (or “3 x 63 + 65”) Chlorine is another element which consists of different isotopes. It has an atomic mass of 35.5 Most elements consist mainly of one isotope and therefore their atomic mass is close to a whole number. Ex 4B Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 67. ESA p41 Boron is unshaded because it does not covalently bond with itself?? LEWIS STRUCTURES I Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 68. ELECTRON CONFIGURATION • Electrons around the nucleus of the atom have different levels of energy: • High energy electrons move in regions which are further away from the nucleus than low energy electrons. Level 1 can hold a maximum of 2 electrons Level 2 “ “ “ “ “ 8 electrons Level 3 “ “ “ “ “ 8 electrons Level 4 “ “ “ “ “ 2 electrons • Greater stability is achieved when the outer energy level is fully occupied by electrons (usually 8) - this is the octet rule. Ion formation occurs according to this rule Example Sodium atom GREATER Sodium ion STABILITY Na Na+ 1 electron is lost Note: Inert gases are stable because the outer level is fully occupied by electrons Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 69. ELECTRON PAIRS AND ELECTRON SPINS “MORE THAN YOU NEED TO KNOW!!” Electron spins cause magnetic moments. Think of a magnetic moments as being like a tiny magnet Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 70. ATOM MODELS Models are used to explain things that we can’t see and/or understand. Showing only the outer electrons (valence electrons) is a useful model. Examples - “electron dot diagrams” Electron configuration is 2.5 but only the 5 valence electrons N are shown (the 7 protons and 7 neutrons are not shown in this model) Electrons are displayed as dots and shown in pairs as they are thought to occupy the same region in an energy level. Cl Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 71. “CAN YOU SEE THE PATTERN?” Metal Key Borderline but more non - metal Non - metal “Which atoms will bond covalently to form molecules?” Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 72. COVALENT BONDING Covalent bonds are formed between non-metal atoms. The bond is based on the mutual attraction of 2 different positively charged nuclei to the same pair of negatively charged electrons. Molecules are formed. Example: Chlorine, Cl2 Chlorine does not normally exist as individual atoms. Two chlorine atoms pair up to make a molecule. A pair of electrons is shared between the two atoms: Each chlorine atom 7 valence Cl + Cl Cl Cl now has 8 valence electrons electrons A lone pair of electrons A shared pair “The octet rule is nearly always obeyed except where Hydrogen is involved in a covalent bond. The outer energy level of hydrogen is fully occupied when it contains 2 electrons. Hydrogen obeys the duet rule” Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 73. LEWIS STRUCTURES The chlorine molecule drawn (above) is an example of a Lewis structure Other Lewis structures Water H2O O H H Hydrogen chloride HCl H Cl Note Both the octet and duet rules are both obeyed in the examples (above) The attraction between atoms is called a bond A bond can be drawn as a line: H H - Cl O O Ex 5A Q.1 to 3 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 75. DOUBLE BONDS Sometimes, in order to obey the octet rule, two atoms will need to share two pairs of electrons. This TWO shared pair of electrons forms the basis of a double bond. Examples Silicon dioxide, SiO2 contains 2 double bonds O Si O O Si O TWO pairs are shared The octet rule is satisfied for each atom Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 contains only in the molecule single bonds Cl Cl Cl C Cl Cl C Cl Cl Cl Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 76. TRIPLE BONDS When three pairs of electrons are shared, a triple bond is formed. Example Propyne, C3H4 H H C C C H H THREE pairs are shared Note • Two atoms joined by a double bond are closer together than two atoms joined by a single bond. The double bond is shorter and stronger but allows the molecule to be more reactive because there are more electrons concentrated there. • The same applies for a triple bond compared to a double bond. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 77. DIFFICULT LEWIS STRUCTURES Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 79. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 80. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this H H C C C H H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 81. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H H C C C H H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 82. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 83. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 84. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 85. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 86. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 87. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 88. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 89. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 90. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 91. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 92. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 93. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs This carbon does not have an octet !!! Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 94. PROCESS FOR DRAWING LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. Add up the total number of electrons 2. Place electron pairs (lone pairs first) around the outer atoms so that the octet/duet rule is obeyed for these atoms 3. Any lone pairs left over should then be placed around the central atom/s. 4. If you find that the central atom/s does not have an octet then use double or triple bonding to achieve this Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around H C C C H the outer atoms. (They will all be bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs This carbon does not have an octet !!! Step 3: Step 4 Placing the remaining pairs around We will need to use a triple bond on this the central atoms. carbon to give it an octet. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 95. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 96. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” H H C C C H H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 97. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H H C C C H H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 98. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 99. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 100. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 101. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 102. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 103. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 104. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 105. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 106. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 107. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 108. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 109. “Try again .... and this time GET IT SORTED” Step 1: 16 electrons in total H Step 2: Placing the electron pairs around the outer atoms. (They will all be H C C C H bonding pairs in this case). H There are now 8 remaining pairs THREE pairs are shared Step 3: Placing the remaining pairs around the central atoms. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 110. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 111. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Br Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 112. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 Br Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 113. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 114. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 115. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 116. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 117. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 118. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 119. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 120. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 121. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 122. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 123. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 124. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 125. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 126. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 127. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 128. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 129. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O H H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 130. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 H H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 131. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 132. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 133. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 134. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 135. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 136. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 137. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 138. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 139. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Step 3 Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 140. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Step 3 But carbon doesn’t have an octet !! Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 141. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Step 3 But carbon doesn’t have an octet !! Step 4 Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 142. EXAMPLES Draw Lewis structures for the following: (a) PBr3 Step 1 26 electrons Br Step 2 Br P Step 3 Br (b) CH2O Step 1 12 electrons H Step 2 H C O Step 3 But carbon doesn’t have an octet !! Step 4 Ex 5A Q.4 & 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 143. IONIC SOLIDS Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 145. IONIC BONDING Ionic bonds are formed between metal and non-metal ions. The bond is based on the attraction between positively and negatively charged ions. Ionic compounds are formed. Cl- Na+ Cl- “Negative ions are called anions” Na+ Cl- Na+ “Positive ions are Cl- Na+ Cl- called cations” Note • Because they are oppositely charged, Sodium and Chloride ions are attracted to each other. • This attraction extends in 3 dimensions and results in a huge cubic arrangement of ions. This arrangement is called a lattice. Ex 6A Q.1 to 5 - answers only Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 146. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 147. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 148. This is Ann Ion. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 149. This is Ann Ion. She’s unhappy and negative. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 150. + + This is Ann Ion. She’s unhappy and negative. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 151. + + This is Ann Ion. This is a cat-ion. She’s unhappy and negative. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 152. + + This is Ann Ion. This is a cat-ion. She’s unhappy and He’s a “plussy” cat! negative. Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 153. PERIODIC TRENDS Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 154. THE PERIODIC TABLE (numbers given to columns) 3 4 (numbers given to rows) Key: show relative atomic size. Size increases across a row & decreases down a column. Note • There are columns of less reactive metals (transition elements) between groups 2 and 13 • The dotted line separates metals from non-metals Monday, 3 May 2010
  • 155. REACTIVITY OF METALS The reactivity of a metal is a measure of the metal’s ability to participate in a chemical reaction. Metals react when their atoms lose their valence electrons. The easier the electrons are lost, the more reactive they will be. Decreasing reactivity As we move down As we move across a the group the Li Be period (left to valence electrons get Lithium Beryllium right),the positive Increasing reactivity further from the 2.1 2.2 nucleus increases in nucleus so they charge so the become easier to attractive force on remove. Na Mg Al the valence electrons Sodium Magnesium Aluminium increases. Valence 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 electrons become Highly more difficult to reactive Ca remove. K Potassium Calcium Monday, 3 May 2010