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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012 winners
Australian based photographer Martin
Pugh impressed the judges in this year’s
competition with the depth and clarity of his
winning shot depicting the famous
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). The image
combines incredible detail in the galaxy’s
spiral arms with the faint tails of light that
show M51’s small companion galaxy being
gradually torn apart by the gravity of its
giant neighbour; a closer look also reveals
more distant galaxies beyond.
Deep Space category winner, and overall
winner: M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy by
Martin Pugh (Australia)
Picture: Martin Pugh
Deep Space: The Smoking Sword ©
Michael Sidonio (Australia)
To the naked eye the Orion Nebula
appears as a small patch of hazy light
amongst the stars of Orion's sword. The
true scale and complexity of the Nebula
only becomes apparent when viewed
through a telescope. In the centre of the
nebula newly-formed stars blast their
surroundings with
Earth and Space category winner: Star Icefall by
Masahiro Miyasaka (Japan). Taken in Nagano,
Japan, this image shows Orion, Taurus and the
Pleiades as the backdrop to an eerie frozen
landscape. Though the stars appear to gleam with
a cold, frosty light, bright blue stars like the
Pleiades can be as hot as 30,000 degrees
Celsius.Picture: Masahiro Miyasaka
Earth and Space category runner-up:
Green World by Arild Heitmann (Norway).
The aurora borealis traces the shifting
patterns of the Earth’s magnetic field,
creating a spectacular midwinter show in
Nordland Fylke, Norway. The green light in
this image comes from oxygen atoms high
in the atmosphere, which have been
energised by subatomic particles from the
Solar Wind.
Picture: Arild Heitmann
People and Space category runner-up:
Lost in Yosemite [C 033706] by Steven
Christenson (USA). The photographer
came across two hikers lost in the
wilderness of Yosemite late one evening in
July 2011. He captured this image of the
tiny figures in a small bubble of torchlight
set within a vast, pitch black forest beneath
the immense dome of the sky. It highlights
the wonder, beauty and awe of astronomy.
Picture: Steven Christenson
Young Astronomy Photographer category
runner-up: Daytime Lunar Mosaic by
Laurent V Joli-Coeur (Canada, aged 15).
This young photographer has knitted
together several high resolution images of
the Moon in the daytime sky to form a
colourful mosaic. This wonderfully detailed
view shows the smooth dark maria (lunar
‘seas’) and lighter, bumpier highlands of
the Moon, both dotted with craters. The
peaceful blue colour of the daytime sky is
caused by scattering of blue light in the
Earth’s atmosphere.
Picture: Laurent V Joli-Coeur
Deep Space category runner-up: Simeis 147
Supernova Remnant by Rogelio Bernal Andreo
(USA). The photographer here set out to show
not only the main subject of the image – a vast
supernova remnant – but also the objects in the
wide starscape that surrounds it. Straddling the
constellations of Auriga and Taurus, Simeis 147
consists of the expanding debris of a massive
star which exploded around 40,000 years ago.
As the wreckage continues to spread out into
space it collides violently with the dust and gas
between the stars, sculpting it into the glowing
shells and filaments which have earned Simeis
147 the nickname of the ‘Spaghetti Nebula’.
Earth and Space category highly
commended: The Milky Way View from the
Piton de l'Eau, Reunion Island by Luc
Perrot (Reunion Island). The Milky Way
arches over a mirror-like lake on the island
of Reunion. At the bottom of the picture
Piton des Neiges, the highest peak of
Reunion Island, can be seen. The bright
patch to the left of the image marks the
bulge of stars at the heart of our Galaxy.
The photographer waited two years before
all the combined conditions were
favourable to succeed with this photo.
Picture: Luc Perrot
Our Solar System category highly
commended: Venus Transit by Paul Haese
(Australia). Perhaps the biggest
astronomical event of 2012 was the transit
of Venus, which took place in June.
Transits occur when Venus passes directly
between the Earth and the Sun, appearing
as a small black disc passing across the
face of our parent star. They occur in pairs,
eight years apart, with each pair separated
by over a century. The previous transit was
in 2004 and the next will not be until
December 2117. This is a spectacular view
of the active Sun, streaked and blotched
with filaments, sunspots and prominences.
Venus, a world almost exactly the same
size as the Earth, seems dwarfed by the
scale and power of our local star.
Picture: Paul Haese
Earth and Space category highly
commended: Sky away from the Lights by
Tunç Tezel (Turkey). Dark mountain peaks
frame two distinct lightscapes - the distant
glow of towns and villages, and the majestic
star fields of The Milky Way. Making the
most of an August night, the photographer
got this shot after trekking out to the Uludag
National Park near his hometown of Bursa,
Turkey.Picture: Tunç Tezel
Deep Space: IC 1396 - Elephant-Trunk
Nebula © Bill Snyder (USA)
This picture shows the column of dust
known as the 'Elephant's Trunk' in the
constellation of Cepheus. Deep within the
dense clumps of dust and gas that make
up the 'trunk' new stars are currently
Earth and Space: Sky Show © Tommy
Eliassen (Norway)
The dazzling Aurora Borealis over Høgtuva
Mountain in Norway. The Earth's magnetic
field funnels particles from the Solar Wind
down over the planet's polar regions. More
than 80 kilometres above the ground,
these particles collide with atoms and
molecules of gas in our
People and Space: It's Raining Stars ©
Miguel Claro (Portugal)
This time-lapse shows how the stars
appear to move across the sky as the
Earth rotates. In a humorous touch, an
observer appears to use an umbrella to
shelter from the star trails, whilst Jupiter is
also visible on the right of the silhouette.
Sunny Airlines by Dunja Zupanic (Croatia).
A chance alignment superimposes a jet
and its twin vapour trails against the disc of
the Sun. Also visible is an enormous
sunspot complex, a region of the Sun’s
surface in which intense magnetic fields
are suppressing the upwelling of heat from
the solar interior. Sunspot activity has been
increasing in 2012 as the Sun approaches
the peak of its eleven year-cycle.
Picture: © Dunja Zupanic (Croatia)
Deep Space: Cygnus © J-P Metsävainio (Finland)
This mosaic image reveals a huge swathe of the
sky in the constellation of Cygnus. Huge clouds of
colourful glowing gas and lanes of dark dust
stretch across the field of view. Their light is too
faint to register with the human eye, but long
exposure times and special filters allow us to
appreciate their grandeur and scale.
Earth and Space: Double Arch with a
Perseid Meteor and the Milky Way ©
Thomas O'Brien (USA)
A meteor captured streaking across the sky
above Arches National Park, Utah, during
the annual Perseid meteor shower. The
Perseids is one of the most prolific
showers, often with around 80 meteors an
hour during its peak.
Our Solar System: Active Sol © Paul
Haese (Australia)
This image shows solar activity including a
huge solar prominence. 2012 saw the Sun
moving towards the peak of its eleven
year-cycle of activity following an unusually
long and quiet lull. Sunspots, explosive
flares and prominences are much more
common than in previous years.
Our Solar System: 116 megapixel Moon
Mosaic © David Campbell (UK)
A multi-image mosaic of the Moon, which is
our nearest neighbour in space and
therefore appears larger in our sky than
any other astronomical object apart from
the Sun. Even a telescope of quite modest
magnification will only show a part of the
Moon's surface at one time, meaning that
multi-image mosaics such as this
Deep Space category highly commended:
NGC 6960 - The Witch's Broom by Robert
Franke (USA). Part of the Veil Nebula, the
‘Witch’s Broom’ is the glowing debris from a
supernova explosion – the violent death of a
massive star. Although the supernova
occurred several thousand years ago, the
gaseous debris is still expanding outwards,
producing this vast cloud-like structure. In
this image narrowband filters have been
used to greatly increase detail while giving a
reasonable representation of the nebula's
Earth and Space category highly
commended: Summer Nights in Michigan
by Michael A Rosinski (USA). This long-
exposure image contrasts the regular
arcs of star trails with the chaotic
swarming of fireflies - celestial, natural
and manmade light are captured in a
single photograph.Picture: Michael A
Our Solar System category winner: Transit
of Venus 2012 in Hydrogen-Alpha by Chris
Warren (UK). Perhaps the biggest
astronomical event of 2012 was the transit
of Venus, which took place in June.
Transits occur when Venus passes directly
between the Earth and the Sun, appearing
as a small black disc passing across the
face of our parent star. The next transit will
not take place for 105 years, in December
2117. This is a single unprocessed raw
frame shot using a hydrogen-alpha (Ha)
filter. It was captured early on the morning
of 6 June between second and third
contact, the photographer’s first and only
glimpse taken through a thin patch in the
clouds at Blackheath in London. The image
captures the excitement of the 2012 transit
of Venus, and the delight of observers in
the UK who managed to catch a fleeting
view despite the British weather.
Picture: Chris Warren
Our Solar System category highly
commended: Comet C2009 P1 Garradd by
Graham Relf (UK). Comet Garradd was
discovered in 2009 as it approached the
inner Solar System. It became visible
through binoculars in 2011 but has never
been visible to the naked eye. To bring out
the greenish glow of the comet’s halo the
photographer has used a long exposure.
The star trails show how he has tracked
the comet’s orbital motion to keep it in the
centre of the frame and the picture
illustrates how the comet moved relative to
the stars in 38 minutes.
Picture: Graham Relf
Deep Space category highly commended:
Sharpless-136: Ghost in Cepheus by Oleg
Bryzgalov (Ukraine). The spooky shapes
that seem to haunt this starry expanse are
in fact cosmic dust clouds that fill huge
volumes of space between the stars. The
dust consists of tiny grains of minerals and
ices and is an important building block for
the formation of future stars and planets.
The photographer had to travel 1,000
kilometres into the mountains of the
Crimea to find a sky dark enough to
capture this image.
Picture: Oleg Bryzgalov
Deep Space category highly commended:
The Perseus Cluster - Abell 426 by Robert
Franke (USA). Situated almost 250 million
light-years away from us, The Perseus
Cluster, also known as Abell 426, contains
more than 500 catalogued galaxies. Some
are spirals like the Milky Way while others
are giant, smooth elliptical systems.
Together they form one of the largest
structures in the Universe. Each smudge of
light in this photograph contains millions, if
not billions, of stars.
Picture: Robert Franke
Our Solar System category runner-up:
Mars in 2012 by Damian Peach (UK). This
sequence of photographs, taken in March
2012, uses the rotation of Mars to build up
a complete view of the planet’s surface. It
shows the gleaming north polar cap of
frozen water and carbon dioxide, the red
equatorial deserts and the darker southern
highlands. The photographer has captured
an amazing level of detail, including wispy
clouds in the thin Martian atmosphere.
Picture: Damian Peach
Our Solar System category highly
commended: Worlds of the Solar System
by Damian Peach (UK). This portrait
gallery features four of our planetary
neighbours in exquisite detail: the slender
crescent Venus on 28 May; Mars on 29
February showing the famous Syrtis Major
feature at the centre and brilliant clouds
over the Elysium Mons volcano on the
right; Jupiter on 1 February showing
Ganymede in transit, with Europa on the
right, and its shadow cast onto the planet;
Saturn close to opposition from 21 April
showing the remains of the giant storm
from the year before, as well as fine details
within the ring system. The photographer
shows the relative sizes of the planets as
they appear to an observer on Earth. In
reality Jupiter and Saturn would dwarf the
other planets, but they are both much
further away from us.
Picture: Damian Peach
Young Astronomy Photographer category
winner: Pleiades Cluster by Jacob von
Chorus (Canada, aged 15). Among the
nearest star clusters to Earth, the stars of
the Pleiades (Messier 45) are easily seen
with the naked eye in the Northern
hemisphere’s winter skies. While it is often
called the Seven Sisters, this beautiful
photograph reveals many more of the hot,
young stars which comprise the cluster.
The young photographer has also captured
the swirling wisps of a diaphanous gas
cloud through which the cluster is currently
passing, lighting it with reflected starlight. It
was taken near dusk, with two frames and
an hour of exposure.
Picture: Jacob von Chorus
Young Astronomy Photographer category
highly commended: Heavenly Showers by
Jathin Premjith (India, aged 15). This
photograph from the Young category of the
competition skilfully frames the streaming,
swirling patters of the Northern Lights with
treetops below and a starry sky above. In
the centre of the image, which was taken in
the far North, close to the Arctic Circle,
Orion the hunter is just visible through the
bright auroral display. Taurus the bull and
the bright Pleiades star cluster are seen in
the clear area to the upper right.
Picture: Jathin Premjith
Young Astronomy Photographer category
highly commended: Lunar Mountains by
Jacob Marchio (USA, aged 13). This skilled
young astrophotographer has captured a
beautifully sharp and artfully framed detail
of the Moon. The terminator – which
separates the daytime and night-time parts
of the Moon – is aligned with the bottom
edge of the photograph. The Sun’s light
shines at a low angle onto the surface of
the Moon just above this line, showing the
contrast between smooth maria (lunar
‘seas’) and rugged crater rims to the best
Picture: Jacob Marchio
People and Space category winner: Facing
Venus-Jupiter Close Conjunction by
Laurent Laveder (France). This picture was
taken on the wet sand at low tide on the
beach at Tréguennec in North West France
and shows the conjunction of Venus and
Jupiter. One of the astronomical highlights
of 2012, the conjunction was the period
when the two bright planets appeared
conspicuously close together in the sky.
Their apparent closeness was an optical
illusion – Jupiter was in fact millions of
kilometres further away than Venus. The
photographer is pictured in the lower right
corner of the frame and the Pleiades and
Taurus are also visible on the upper left.
Picture: Laurent Laveder
Best Newcomer category winner:
Elephant's Trunk with Ananas by Lóránd
Fényes (Hungary). The Elephant’s Trunk
seems to uncoil from the dusty nebula on
the right of the image, its tip curled around
a cavity carved out by the radiation
produced by young stars. Capturing a deep
sky object like this takes skill and
painstaking attention to detail and is a
great achievement for a newcomer to
Picture: Lóránd Fényes
Robotic Scope category winner: The
Sunflower Galaxy by Thomas Read (UK,
aged 12). A spiral system like the Milky
Way, Messier 63 has arms which encircle
the yellowish centre of the galaxy like the
petals of a flower, earning it the nickname
of the Sunflower Galaxy. This image was
captured by the young photographer using
the Bradford Robotic Telescope in Tenerife,
which he controlled over the internet.
Picture: Thomas Read
Young Astronomy Photographer of the
Year: Stargazers © Jessica Caterson (UK),
This is a self-portrait of the photographer
(far right) with her friends at her caravan
site in the Gower Peninsular, Wales.
Several short exposures were aligned and
combined to capture the crisp stars and
dark sky, while minimising trailing due to
the Earth's rotation; the visible progress of
the aeroplane in the upper right
cast            Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012

images credit   www.

Music           "Prelude to Paradise", "Black Blade", "Heart of Courage”

created          o.e.

thanks for watching


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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012

  • 1. Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012 winners
  • 2. Australian based photographer Martin Pugh impressed the judges in this year’s competition with the depth and clarity of his winning shot depicting the famous Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). The image combines incredible detail in the galaxy’s spiral arms with the faint tails of light that show M51’s small companion galaxy being gradually torn apart by the gravity of its giant neighbour; a closer look also reveals more distant galaxies beyond. Deep Space category winner, and overall winner: M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy by Martin Pugh (Australia) Picture: Martin Pugh
  • 3.
  • 4. Deep Space: The Smoking Sword © Michael Sidonio (Australia) To the naked eye the Orion Nebula appears as a small patch of hazy light amongst the stars of Orion's sword. The true scale and complexity of the Nebula only becomes apparent when viewed through a telescope. In the centre of the nebula newly-formed stars blast their surroundings with
  • 5.
  • 6. Earth and Space category winner: Star Icefall by Masahiro Miyasaka (Japan). Taken in Nagano, Japan, this image shows Orion, Taurus and the Pleiades as the backdrop to an eerie frozen landscape. Though the stars appear to gleam with a cold, frosty light, bright blue stars like the Pleiades can be as hot as 30,000 degrees Celsius.Picture: Masahiro Miyasaka
  • 7.
  • 8. Earth and Space category runner-up: Green World by Arild Heitmann (Norway). The aurora borealis traces the shifting patterns of the Earth’s magnetic field, creating a spectacular midwinter show in Nordland Fylke, Norway. The green light in this image comes from oxygen atoms high in the atmosphere, which have been energised by subatomic particles from the Solar Wind. Picture: Arild Heitmann
  • 9.
  • 10. People and Space category runner-up: Lost in Yosemite [C 033706] by Steven Christenson (USA). The photographer came across two hikers lost in the wilderness of Yosemite late one evening in July 2011. He captured this image of the tiny figures in a small bubble of torchlight set within a vast, pitch black forest beneath the immense dome of the sky. It highlights the wonder, beauty and awe of astronomy. Picture: Steven Christenson
  • 11.
  • 12. Young Astronomy Photographer category runner-up: Daytime Lunar Mosaic by Laurent V Joli-Coeur (Canada, aged 15). This young photographer has knitted together several high resolution images of the Moon in the daytime sky to form a colourful mosaic. This wonderfully detailed view shows the smooth dark maria (lunar ‘seas’) and lighter, bumpier highlands of the Moon, both dotted with craters. The peaceful blue colour of the daytime sky is caused by scattering of blue light in the Earth’s atmosphere. Picture: Laurent V Joli-Coeur
  • 13.
  • 14. Deep Space category runner-up: Simeis 147 Supernova Remnant by Rogelio Bernal Andreo (USA). The photographer here set out to show not only the main subject of the image – a vast supernova remnant – but also the objects in the wide starscape that surrounds it. Straddling the constellations of Auriga and Taurus, Simeis 147 consists of the expanding debris of a massive star which exploded around 40,000 years ago. As the wreckage continues to spread out into space it collides violently with the dust and gas between the stars, sculpting it into the glowing shells and filaments which have earned Simeis 147 the nickname of the ‘Spaghetti Nebula’.
  • 15.
  • 16. Earth and Space category highly commended: The Milky Way View from the Piton de l'Eau, Reunion Island by Luc Perrot (Reunion Island). The Milky Way arches over a mirror-like lake on the island of Reunion. At the bottom of the picture Piton des Neiges, the highest peak of Reunion Island, can be seen. The bright patch to the left of the image marks the bulge of stars at the heart of our Galaxy. The photographer waited two years before all the combined conditions were favourable to succeed with this photo. Picture: Luc Perrot
  • 17.
  • 18. Our Solar System category highly commended: Venus Transit by Paul Haese (Australia). Perhaps the biggest astronomical event of 2012 was the transit of Venus, which took place in June. Transits occur when Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, appearing as a small black disc passing across the face of our parent star. They occur in pairs, eight years apart, with each pair separated by over a century. The previous transit was in 2004 and the next will not be until December 2117. This is a spectacular view of the active Sun, streaked and blotched with filaments, sunspots and prominences. Venus, a world almost exactly the same size as the Earth, seems dwarfed by the scale and power of our local star. Picture: Paul Haese
  • 19.
  • 20. Earth and Space category highly commended: Sky away from the Lights by Tunç Tezel (Turkey). Dark mountain peaks frame two distinct lightscapes - the distant glow of towns and villages, and the majestic star fields of The Milky Way. Making the most of an August night, the photographer got this shot after trekking out to the Uludag National Park near his hometown of Bursa, Turkey.Picture: Tunç Tezel
  • 21.
  • 22. Deep Space: IC 1396 - Elephant-Trunk Nebula © Bill Snyder (USA) This picture shows the column of dust known as the 'Elephant's Trunk' in the constellation of Cepheus. Deep within the dense clumps of dust and gas that make up the 'trunk' new stars are currently forming.
  • 23.
  • 24. Earth and Space: Sky Show © Tommy Eliassen (Norway) The dazzling Aurora Borealis over Høgtuva Mountain in Norway. The Earth's magnetic field funnels particles from the Solar Wind down over the planet's polar regions. More than 80 kilometres above the ground, these particles collide with atoms and molecules of gas in our
  • 25.
  • 26. People and Space: It's Raining Stars © Miguel Claro (Portugal) This time-lapse shows how the stars appear to move across the sky as the Earth rotates. In a humorous touch, an observer appears to use an umbrella to shelter from the star trails, whilst Jupiter is also visible on the right of the silhouette.
  • 27.
  • 28. Sunny Airlines by Dunja Zupanic (Croatia). A chance alignment superimposes a jet and its twin vapour trails against the disc of the Sun. Also visible is an enormous sunspot complex, a region of the Sun’s surface in which intense magnetic fields are suppressing the upwelling of heat from the solar interior. Sunspot activity has been increasing in 2012 as the Sun approaches the peak of its eleven year-cycle. Picture: © Dunja Zupanic (Croatia)
  • 29.
  • 30. Deep Space: Cygnus © J-P Metsävainio (Finland) This mosaic image reveals a huge swathe of the sky in the constellation of Cygnus. Huge clouds of colourful glowing gas and lanes of dark dust stretch across the field of view. Their light is too faint to register with the human eye, but long exposure times and special filters allow us to appreciate their grandeur and scale.
  • 31.
  • 32. Earth and Space: Double Arch with a Perseid Meteor and the Milky Way © Thomas O'Brien (USA) A meteor captured streaking across the sky above Arches National Park, Utah, during the annual Perseid meteor shower. The Perseids is one of the most prolific showers, often with around 80 meteors an hour during its peak.
  • 33.
  • 34. Our Solar System: Active Sol © Paul Haese (Australia) This image shows solar activity including a huge solar prominence. 2012 saw the Sun moving towards the peak of its eleven year-cycle of activity following an unusually long and quiet lull. Sunspots, explosive flares and prominences are much more common than in previous years.
  • 35.
  • 36. Our Solar System: 116 megapixel Moon Mosaic © David Campbell (UK) A multi-image mosaic of the Moon, which is our nearest neighbour in space and therefore appears larger in our sky than any other astronomical object apart from the Sun. Even a telescope of quite modest magnification will only show a part of the Moon's surface at one time, meaning that multi-image mosaics such as this
  • 37.
  • 38. Deep Space category highly commended: NGC 6960 - The Witch's Broom by Robert Franke (USA). Part of the Veil Nebula, the ‘Witch’s Broom’ is the glowing debris from a supernova explosion – the violent death of a massive star. Although the supernova occurred several thousand years ago, the gaseous debris is still expanding outwards, producing this vast cloud-like structure. In this image narrowband filters have been used to greatly increase detail while giving a reasonable representation of the nebula's colour.
  • 39.
  • 40. Earth and Space category highly commended: Summer Nights in Michigan by Michael A Rosinski (USA). This long- exposure image contrasts the regular arcs of star trails with the chaotic swarming of fireflies - celestial, natural and manmade light are captured in a single photograph.Picture: Michael A Rosinski
  • 41.
  • 42. Our Solar System category winner: Transit of Venus 2012 in Hydrogen-Alpha by Chris Warren (UK). Perhaps the biggest astronomical event of 2012 was the transit of Venus, which took place in June. Transits occur when Venus passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, appearing as a small black disc passing across the face of our parent star. The next transit will not take place for 105 years, in December 2117. This is a single unprocessed raw frame shot using a hydrogen-alpha (Ha) filter. It was captured early on the morning of 6 June between second and third contact, the photographer’s first and only glimpse taken through a thin patch in the clouds at Blackheath in London. The image captures the excitement of the 2012 transit of Venus, and the delight of observers in the UK who managed to catch a fleeting view despite the British weather. Picture: Chris Warren
  • 43.
  • 44. Our Solar System category highly commended: Comet C2009 P1 Garradd by Graham Relf (UK). Comet Garradd was discovered in 2009 as it approached the inner Solar System. It became visible through binoculars in 2011 but has never been visible to the naked eye. To bring out the greenish glow of the comet’s halo the photographer has used a long exposure. The star trails show how he has tracked the comet’s orbital motion to keep it in the centre of the frame and the picture illustrates how the comet moved relative to the stars in 38 minutes. Picture: Graham Relf
  • 45.
  • 46. Deep Space category highly commended: Sharpless-136: Ghost in Cepheus by Oleg Bryzgalov (Ukraine). The spooky shapes that seem to haunt this starry expanse are in fact cosmic dust clouds that fill huge volumes of space between the stars. The dust consists of tiny grains of minerals and ices and is an important building block for the formation of future stars and planets. The photographer had to travel 1,000 kilometres into the mountains of the Crimea to find a sky dark enough to capture this image. Picture: Oleg Bryzgalov
  • 47.
  • 48. Deep Space category highly commended: The Perseus Cluster - Abell 426 by Robert Franke (USA). Situated almost 250 million light-years away from us, The Perseus Cluster, also known as Abell 426, contains more than 500 catalogued galaxies. Some are spirals like the Milky Way while others are giant, smooth elliptical systems. Together they form one of the largest structures in the Universe. Each smudge of light in this photograph contains millions, if not billions, of stars. Picture: Robert Franke
  • 49.
  • 50. Our Solar System category runner-up: Mars in 2012 by Damian Peach (UK). This sequence of photographs, taken in March 2012, uses the rotation of Mars to build up a complete view of the planet’s surface. It shows the gleaming north polar cap of frozen water and carbon dioxide, the red equatorial deserts and the darker southern highlands. The photographer has captured an amazing level of detail, including wispy clouds in the thin Martian atmosphere. Picture: Damian Peach
  • 51.
  • 52. Our Solar System category highly commended: Worlds of the Solar System by Damian Peach (UK). This portrait gallery features four of our planetary neighbours in exquisite detail: the slender crescent Venus on 28 May; Mars on 29 February showing the famous Syrtis Major feature at the centre and brilliant clouds over the Elysium Mons volcano on the right; Jupiter on 1 February showing Ganymede in transit, with Europa on the right, and its shadow cast onto the planet; Saturn close to opposition from 21 April showing the remains of the giant storm from the year before, as well as fine details within the ring system. The photographer shows the relative sizes of the planets as they appear to an observer on Earth. In reality Jupiter and Saturn would dwarf the other planets, but they are both much further away from us. Picture: Damian Peach
  • 53.
  • 54. Young Astronomy Photographer category winner: Pleiades Cluster by Jacob von Chorus (Canada, aged 15). Among the nearest star clusters to Earth, the stars of the Pleiades (Messier 45) are easily seen with the naked eye in the Northern hemisphere’s winter skies. While it is often called the Seven Sisters, this beautiful photograph reveals many more of the hot, young stars which comprise the cluster. The young photographer has also captured the swirling wisps of a diaphanous gas cloud through which the cluster is currently passing, lighting it with reflected starlight. It was taken near dusk, with two frames and an hour of exposure. Picture: Jacob von Chorus
  • 55.
  • 56. Young Astronomy Photographer category highly commended: Heavenly Showers by Jathin Premjith (India, aged 15). This photograph from the Young category of the competition skilfully frames the streaming, swirling patters of the Northern Lights with treetops below and a starry sky above. In the centre of the image, which was taken in the far North, close to the Arctic Circle, Orion the hunter is just visible through the bright auroral display. Taurus the bull and the bright Pleiades star cluster are seen in the clear area to the upper right. Picture: Jathin Premjith
  • 57.
  • 58. Young Astronomy Photographer category highly commended: Lunar Mountains by Jacob Marchio (USA, aged 13). This skilled young astrophotographer has captured a beautifully sharp and artfully framed detail of the Moon. The terminator – which separates the daytime and night-time parts of the Moon – is aligned with the bottom edge of the photograph. The Sun’s light shines at a low angle onto the surface of the Moon just above this line, showing the contrast between smooth maria (lunar ‘seas’) and rugged crater rims to the best advantage. Picture: Jacob Marchio
  • 59.
  • 60. People and Space category winner: Facing Venus-Jupiter Close Conjunction by Laurent Laveder (France). This picture was taken on the wet sand at low tide on the beach at Tréguennec in North West France and shows the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. One of the astronomical highlights of 2012, the conjunction was the period when the two bright planets appeared conspicuously close together in the sky. Their apparent closeness was an optical illusion – Jupiter was in fact millions of kilometres further away than Venus. The photographer is pictured in the lower right corner of the frame and the Pleiades and Taurus are also visible on the upper left. Picture: Laurent Laveder
  • 61.
  • 62. Best Newcomer category winner: Elephant's Trunk with Ananas by Lóránd Fényes (Hungary). The Elephant’s Trunk seems to uncoil from the dusty nebula on the right of the image, its tip curled around a cavity carved out by the radiation produced by young stars. Capturing a deep sky object like this takes skill and painstaking attention to detail and is a great achievement for a newcomer to astrophotography. Picture: Lóránd Fényes
  • 63. Robotic Scope category winner: The Sunflower Galaxy by Thomas Read (UK, aged 12). A spiral system like the Milky Way, Messier 63 has arms which encircle the yellowish centre of the galaxy like the petals of a flower, earning it the nickname of the Sunflower Galaxy. This image was captured by the young photographer using the Bradford Robotic Telescope in Tenerife, which he controlled over the internet. Picture: Thomas Read
  • 64.
  • 65. Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year: Stargazers © Jessica Caterson (UK), AGED 15 This is a self-portrait of the photographer (far right) with her friends at her caravan site in the Gower Peninsular, Wales. Several short exposures were aligned and combined to capture the crisp stars and dark sky, while minimising trailing due to the Earth's rotation; the visible progress of the aeroplane in the upper right
  • 66. cast Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2012 images credit www. Music "Prelude to Paradise", "Black Blade", "Heart of Courage” created o.e. thanks for watching end