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What’s inside?
1. Introduction
2. Real-time Data Sync
3. Data Management Styles between platforms
4. Bi-directional Target List Support (and why you need it!)
5. The critical role of Target Lists
6. Extended Module Support – all data is relevant for profiling leads
7. Marketing Automation meets Business Process Management
8. Leveraging the Account-to-Contact relationship with ease
9. Don’t recreate the wheel... Mirror CRM User Permissions
10. Email Preference Centers drive engagement and reduce opt-outs
11. Lead Capture from Landing Page directly to Sugar
12. One 360-degree view into a records entire engagement history
13. Revenue Attribution and Opportunity Analytics
14. Email Campaign Management
15. SocialCRM is now a reality for Sugar
16. Integrate with LiveChat, Olark, Zendesk, GoToWebinar and Twilio
17. Agency Edition for Multiple-brand Management and Resellers
18. What are our users saying about INBOX25 + SugarCRM?
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Comparing Apples to Apples is important.
Within the SugarCRM ecosystem you will find any number of fantastic
integrations to compliment your CRM platform with rich marketing functionality
and features. When you drill-down into the Marketing Automation sector the
feature variation can become blurry and make it difficult to compare one
platform with another. This is particularly true when it comes to the topic of CRM
integrations and we’re hoping to provide clarity for you on what INBOX25 can
do. The depth of our integration goes well beyond any other marketing
platform within the Sugar ecosystem.
The primary goal of this guide is provide some perspective of what’s possible vs.
what is typically provided. The buying decision for such a complex platform can
be a lengthy process that is full of overwhelming research and feature-noise. It
can be easy to forget about the basics when you’re watching demonstrations of
features that seem incredible within a mock environment, but don’t let it
overshadow the most critical component, data. If any data is going to flow into,
between or from a CRM, you’ll want to make sure you’re considering all of the
angles of how these two platforms will intersect.
The secondary goal of this guide is to help articulate the immense possibilities
that our integration has to offer for new users that are coming online. Chances
are good that you have forgotten some of the features that were shown to you
during our product demonstration process. This guide will help refresh your
memory and probably help inspire some creative thinking.
Regardless of how you have found INBOX25, we’re certainly glad that you did.
Even if you don’t choose INBOX25 as your solution, this guide will certainly
provide valuable recipes for success that have been implemented in live
environments by SugarCRM users.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. Our team is standing by
Kevin Lawrie
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Real-time Data Sync
Not almost real-time. Not sort-of real-time. We mean real-time.
Most of the leading Marketing Automation platforms available within the Sugar
ecosystem utilize scheduled or batch processes (CRON job) to push updates
from Sugar to their marketing platform. The frequency of any batch process
(sync) usually depends upon the performance capabilities of the hosting
environment of the CRM, since that process runs locally. A slower operating
environment or an environment with high-load, might not enjoy a high
frequency of updates between the respective platforms.
The challenge with the batch model is the inherent delay between syncing your
two platforms, which can be several hours. When a lead exhibits buying
behavior, even a few minutes can mean the difference in closing a sale vs. losing
a sale.
When using SymSync for SugarCRM or SuiteCRM, all record updates are
instantly pushed from your CRM to INBOX25 immediately after a change is
saved. From the moment a sales agent or customer service representative clicks
‘Save’ inside your CRM, the update is instantly pushed to INBOX25.
From a server resource perspective, this methodology is far more efficient and
doesn’t require any complex customizations to your CRM or burdensome CRON
jobs for your host environment to run.
From a marketing and sales perspective, this methodology ensures far more
responsive and timely marketing programs. Sales agents are always getting the
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most up to date information on their priority leads activity and leads are always
receiving the right message at the right time.
Be on the look out for platforms that only provide “Near real-time” or “simple
batch” data-sync solutions. You’ll be glad you did.
Flexible Data Management
There shouldn’t be a “one-size fits all” model for determining how and when
data is exchanged between a marketing platform and a CRM. There are several
viable data methodologies and our goal is to provide flexible options so an
organization can determine which makes the most sense for their marketing and
sales program.
Full Real-time Sync
A full-sync of your CRM will create a full working replica of records that exist
within your CRM inside your INBOX25 platform. Once the initial sync is
completed, SymSync will keep the working copy in-sync moving forward.
Targeted Real-time Sync
A targeted-sync of your CRM will allow you to filter the specific group of records
that you want to have included in your marketing platform and eligible for
marketing activity. This allows you focus on records that you feel should be
considered for your marketing program, while ignoring records that should not
be considered.
Filter options include targeting records by date (Example: Lead records created
after January 1, 2016) or by Target List Membership (Example: include only
Leads that are members of Cold Leads, Warm Leads and Recycled Leads).
Once the initial sync is completed based on the filters you set, SymSync will then
keep those specific records in-sync moving forward, while all other records
within your CRM are ignored.
Real-time Push to CRM when the time is right
Depending on the volume and complexity of your lead generation program, it
may make the most logical sense for records to reside in your marketing
platform until the moment a lead becomes sales-ready and they should be
pushed to the sales team.
By utilizing our ‘Transfer Target’ workflow action, you can push a lead record to
your CRM instantly when the record exhibits specific behavior or matches a
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specific profile. This action is typically taken when a lead becomes ‘Sales Ready’
and needs to be moved from the marketing team to an assigned sales agent.
This methodology allows you to manage the entire lifecycle from lead
acquisition, to lead nurturing, to lead qualification entirely from INBOX25 and
separate from your CRM. This ensures that only qualified leads are ever
introduced to your sales team and CRM environment.
Bi-directional Target List Sync
One of our more popular features is our bi-directional support for the Sugar
Target List module. It’s the easiest mechanism within your CRM to effectively
organize data, structure campaigns and to turn CRM Report results into an
actionable format.
Most of our competitors completely overlook this critical CRM function or simply
water it down to the point that the only capability is to import Target Lists
individually into their platform as a new proprietary list. The major issue we find
with this approach is that a lead or contact can exist on multiple target lists and
you don’t want to duplicate a lead or contact record for every unique target list
you import. Our approach leverages the Target List relationship and assigns it to
a single lead or contact record based on their internal CRM ID. This allows you
to leverage multiple target list relationships for a single Lead, Contact, Account
or Target record while maintaining a single marketing record and profile.
Helpful Hint for Custom Modules: Sugar offers a highly customizable
framework that allows you to build the CRM around your business needs.
Custom Modules extend functionality to match specific requirements for an
organization and they can be quite common within a Sugar environment.
Custom Modules are not accessible by our integration and any data
relationships or fields are not going to be exposed for us to sync. This is
something that you’re going to experience with any other vendor as well.
A great work-around to this scenario is to use Target Lists. Using your CRM you
can segment records based on data objects that exist within a Custom Module
and add those records to a Target List. In turn our integration can access the
data relationships and records contained in the Target List for the purposes of
executing your marketing program. Since our integration with Target Lists is bi-
directional any future updates to your Target List will be reflected within
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Auto-Segment Tool for Target Lists
In the background of your CRM a Target List is a collection of data relationships
between a core data record (Lead, Contact, Account or Target) and the Target
List itself. In other words, the relationship establishes if John Doe is a member of
a target list or not.
Our Auto-Segment option allows you to create dynamic list segments within
INBOX25 based on Target List membership within your CRM. The end result is a
replica of your Target List(s) as it exists in your CRM, but now within INBOX25.
Once a Target List is setup to auto-segment within INBOX25, SymSync will then
keep the Target List in-sync moving forward.
Segments that are created using the Auto-Segment for Target List feature can
be assigned to Automation Tracks, Drip Campaigns, leveraged for scoring,
assigned to Email Campaigns and much more.
One common example would be the ability for a user to develop a series of Drip
Campaigns that require a lead to be a member (or not a member) of a specific
Target List. When a lead is added to that specific target list(s), they would be
automatically enrolled in that specific drip campaign. In the case of a Smart
Campaign, removing a lead from the Target List would then end the drip
Add/Remove Target List Records
Bi-directional Target List support within the INBOX25 platform refers to the
ability to both import Target List relationships from your CRM, but to also export
changes from INBOX25 to a Target List.
By leveraging our Add/Remove workflow action you can instantly manipulate
Target Lists within your CRM by adding or removing records based on any
number of conditional actions or behaviors.
Support for 13 native modules
Another key differentiator between our platform and other marketing platforms
within the Sugar eco-system is our extensive support for data modules. We
currently support 13 native modules within Sugar and enable users to leverage
these data objects and related fields for automation, segmentation and
targeting, lead scoring and business workflow.
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We currently offer support for: Leads, Contacts, Targets, Accounts, Users,
Target Lists, Opportunities, Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Cases, Quotes (6.7+) and
Contracts (6.7+).
Marketing Automation and Business Process
Management (Workflow)
Marketing Automation typically handles automation and workflow related to
inbound and outbound marketing events and triggers. For business logic or
Business Process Management (BPM) you almost always need a separate
solution. If we examine other Marketing Automation platforms that are within
the Sugar eco-system, the gap between marketing and business logic only
The vast majority of marketing platforms are solely focused on outbound
activities, like sending emails (or drip campaigns) or sending alerts to sales
agents when leads behave in a certain way or reach a specific threshold. This
level of functionality certainly handles basic marketing scenarios, but it becomes
very limited when you begin to move passed timed-email sends and into more
sophisticated marketing that inevitability involves business logic.
Business Process Management (BPM) platforms can automate critical and
otherwise time-consuming tasks such as changing fields, assigning ownership of
records (lead routing), modifying data relationships, converting records and so
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on. But, what if you want to combine automated marketing actions and
conditions with business processes? Good question, because platforms will
not support this level of functionality.
To us the most ideal implementation is a tool that provides excellent outbound
marketing capability while also encompassing both CRM data objects for
conditional targeting and CRM actions for business workflow. The solution to
blend these two critical functions into a single feature is our Automation
Our Automation Manager allows you to target leads with a nearly limitless
number of conditions, including custom fields contained within your CRM. When
a condition(s) matches a targets profile an action is triggered for that specific
Recipes for Success:
• Automate creation of Tasks when a Target exhibits specific behavior.
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• Schedule a Call for an assigned sales agent when a Target converts on a
landing page.
• Update a Target List (add/remove) when a Target meets specific
• Convert a Lead to a Contact when their lead score reaches a specific
• Create a Round Robin lead assignment workflow based on specific
activity or even geographical region.
• Automate personalized email follow-ups for your entire sales team,
whenever a logged Call resulted in a voicemail being left.
Account + Contact Relationship
In our experience many CRM implementations leverage the functionality of
linking a Contact record to an Account record. The typical scenario is that XYZ
Company, Inc. might have several departments or employees – each with
special requirements and perhaps a regional sales agent. In this case you can
create a Contact record and link that record to the Account (or in this scenario,
the master Company) record.
This approach allows you to have insight to opportunities for an entire company
(Account) but to segment out contacts or departments, which can then be
individually assigned to your sales agents.
Unique to our platform is the ability to directly leverage the data relationship
between a Contact record from your CRM and an Account record. The value of
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this feature is that you can target and market directly to Contacts based on data
fields that reside separately within the related Account record.
This is a native feature within our platform and it does not require and complex
segmentation or merging of data records. We handle the complexities on the
backend, while you manage the marketing on the front-end.
Replicate CRM user permissions to a Marketing Platform
Access limitations and controls can be critical to data integrity and consistent
marketing execution. A great deal of time can be invested in setting up record
assignment within a CRM and with our platform this structure does not need to
be recreated. Instead, we’ll sync up all user permissions and transfer specific
record assignments from a SugarCRM user to a corresponding INBOX25 user.
Once the user mapping is setup, the INBOX25 user will only be able to target
and engage with records that they own within Sugar using our platform, unless
otherwise specified.
This process is handled by enabling the Users module within SymSync, so
anytime a user is added or assigned_to values are modified SymSync will push
that update to our platform.
In addition to syncing permissions, enabling the Users module also allows you to
seamlessly personalize email content with the assigned owner (sales agent) of a
record. This is extremely useful when creating automated sales follow-up
nurturing tracks.
Recipes for Success:
• Restrict Sales Agents to outbound marketing efforts to their assigned
records only, based on permissions set within the CRM.
• Restrict Sales Agents to only view reports related to their data, but not
engage in outbound marketing actions.
• Allow Marketing Managers to deploy outbound emails on behalf of all
sales agents (personalized with the agents info) using a single global
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Email Preference Center for SugarCRM
It’s incredibly common for an organization to migrate from an email marketing
environment into a marketing automation environment. Marketing Automation
is an entirely different animal when compared to batch-and-blast email
marketing, even though it encompasses email marketing as a core feature.
Transitioning from an Email Marketing Platform (ESP) to Marketing Automation
is a big leap and its common for a company to wish to maintain the same
functionality that they had with their former ESP. In most cases that means they
still want to be able to send out their 1:1 bulk campaigns to subscribers, which
also usually means that they have segments or subscription types that they want
to maintain.
If you’re not familiar with an email preference center, it’s a feature for allowing a
recipient to decide which type of email content (i.e. subscriptions) they want to
receive from you. Example, maybe John is cool with receiving your monthly
newsletter, but the weekly newsletter is too frequent. Well, you don’t want John
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to just opt-out and leave your list all together – so to combat this issue you can
leverage an Email Preference Center.
An Email Preference Center puts your subscriber in the driver seat and allows
them to choose from a pre-defined list of subscription options as well update
basic information, like their email address. Implementing a Preference Center
will help to drastically reduce opt-outs and it can even increase engagement
since recipients are picking the content they wish to receive in their inbox.
Of course we’ve heard this scenario over one thousand times. A Marketing
Manager is using SugarCRM and wants to maintain as much of the email
marketing and subscription settings within the CRM as humanely possible. They
also want to avoid flagging a record as opted-out for all of their various
outbound-campaign content, if they unsubscribe from a single newsletter.
The solution is an Email Preference Center specifically designed for SugarCRM.
Our Email Preference Center is unique in the marketplace and purpose-built
strictly for the SugarCRM eco-system. Our approach allows users to build
subscription types based on Target Lists in Sugar. This allows recipients to
manage different subscription options through a web interface on the front-end,
while on the back-end we add/remove them to the appropriate Target Lists.
When it comes time to deploy a campaign or target a specific subscription, the
user only needs to select the corresponding Target List and click send.
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An opt-out from a subscription type represents a removal from a specific Target
List, while the ‘opt-out of all’ option will permanently flag a record as ‘opted-
out’ in SugarCRM. Subscribers that visit their Preference Center can also choose
to opt-in to other available subscription types, in which case they are then
automatically added to the appropriate Target List.
Lead Capture Forms and Landing Pages that map to
your CRM
Generating new sales leads is a critical operation for most marketing teams.
Capturing those leads can be done in any number of ways, but with Marketing
Automation you will frequently hear about landing pages or lead capture pages.
A landing page or lead capture page is an entry-point for your sales funnel and
the goal is to incentivize a visitor to convert on your form. Ideally your form will
collect sufficient information to kick-off the nurturing and sales cycle (i.e.
beginning a nurturing track or triggering a sales call) for your new lead.
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Recipes for Success:
1. Free Whitepaper / Report Download make great incentives
2. Free Trial Sign-up forms
3. Request a Quote forms
4. Simple Contact us forms
When a prospect converts on a landing page or form, we can write their field
results directly to fields within your CRM for Leads, Contacts, Accounts and
Targets. This process can be done in real-time and helps to alleviate any need
for manual data importing.
Our approach also helps support more responsive marketing and sales efforts,
since incoming leads can be immediately assigned to Sugar sales agents and
seamlessly enrolled in nurturing tracks.
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Consider the following scenario, which can be executed in < 2 minutes:
1. John Doe signs-up for a free trial (form) of Acme Accounting Online
2. On-submit, John is added as a Lead to Acme’s CRM
3. A lead routing automation track identifies the new lead and assigns them
to a sales agent in Sugar
4. The new lead is enrolled to a drip nurturing campaign and sent a
welcome email
5. The sales agent assigned in Sugar receives an email alert and SMS alert
to contact the new lead
Lead Management & Intelligence within Sugar
Give your Sales agents quick access to critical lead activity and behavior history
that can help close sales or identify opportunities. Our Timeline report is
embedded in a dedicated sub-panel within Sugar for every Lead, Contact,
Account or Target, making accessibility for sales agents quick and easy.
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The one-click tool bar allows sales agents to seamlessly enroll a lead into an
email nurturing campaign, send an SMS message, register for a webinar and
much more – all without leaving the record-view in Sugar.
The Timeline report provides insights into 20+ inbound and outbound touch
points, including actions from 3rd
party apps like Zendesk, Livechat, Olark,
GoToWebinar and more.
Single Sign-on Access within Sugar
Simplicity is the best route to successful software adoption and that’s why we
chose to bring our entire platform within the CRM interface. Our unique
approach allows authorized Sugar users to access the full INBOX25 platform
without ever leaving their CRM.
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Once the module is configured no additional authentication or login will be
required. The access becomes seamless and accessible from a navigation tab
inside the CRM.
Enhanced Reporting for Opportunities
Enabling the Opportunities module within SymSync will give you the ability to
relate marketing activity from Contacts and Accounts to sales opportunities. Our
enhanced reporting can provide detailed insight into which marketing efforts are
having the largest impact on sales and revenue.
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Do you know the current status of your sales pipeline? How many opportunities
will close this week or this month? How many are at risk of being lost? Welcome
to your Monday morning sales meeting.
How many opportunities does your team win or lose? Drilldown into a wealth of
data and compare your win/loss record over a specific period of time.
Email Campaign Management
Point, click and send. No list import/mapping hassles here with INBOX25.
Forget about URL trackers; bounce mailboxes, complex sending CRONS and all
of the past frustrations of setting up an email campaign using Sugar. Our
platform handles the complexities on the back-end, so that on the front-end you
can quickly and easily create high-impact email campaigns.
Send directly to Target Lists
We’ll display a real-time view of Target Lists from SugarCRM within our
Campaign Builder, simply select the Target List(s) you want to send your
campaign and we’ll take care of the rest. Compare this approach with our
competitors that require you to manually import each Target List, each time you
want to send a campaign.
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We manage opt-outs and bounces automatically
Our platform will automatically process all incoming hard bounces and
unsubscribe requests and update your CRM accordingly. Unsubscribe requests
are flagged in SugarCRM as ‘opted-out’ and hard bounces are flagged as
‘invalid’. We’ll ignore these records for future campaigns, even if they appear on
multiple Target Lists.
Full Campaign Activity Syncs to the Campaign Log
Once your email campaign is delivered, all related activity is automatically
synchronized with the Sugar Campaign Log module. You can see the number of
emails sent and the percentages for opens and clicks. You can drill down further
to see which specific links are being clicked and leverage timeline to view
activity by specific Target, Lead, Contact or Account.
We sync email delivery attempts, opened messages, click-thru activity, bounces
and opt-out requests for the following outbound email channels:
1. Direct Email Campaigns
2. Content Stream (Automation)
3. Drip Campaigns (Automation)
4. Send Email Actions (Automation)
The only requirement is that the outbound email needs to be sent to a Target
List or to a genuine SugarCRM record source (i.e. CRM List or Segment).
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SocialCRM is now a reality
Complete Social Engagement and Management Platform inside of Sugar
One Platform
Manage multiple social profiles within a single platform, create social
campaigns, engage with fans and followers and analyze your social footprint
without ever leaving your CRM.
Social Listening is built-in
Monitor your social network and engage with your fans, followers and prospects.
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Connects to your CRM database
Attribute social activity and engagement to your Leads, Contacts, Accounts and
Targets. Our unique integration allows you to quickly link a fan or follower’s
social profile with their CRM profile. Once a profile is linked, their full social
engagement is added to their Timeline profile and can be leveraged for
reporting and lead intelligence.
Timeline Report
Sales agents can monitor social engagement from their leads from the Timeline
sub-panel in Sugar, including what their leads are saying.
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Expanding your reach with native integrations
Native integrations that seamlessly bridge between INBOX25 and SugarCRM
INBOX25 serves as a hub to bridge several external platforms with Sugar, in
order expand both marketing reach and sales engagement.
Our Zendesk integration provides several valuable options for an organization
that operates both SugarCRM and Zendesk. Our integration syncs support
requester contact data, which can be mapped directly to new or existing Sugar
records and we also sync unique tickets and the associated parameters.
New Zendesk Ticket is created
Optional parameters
1. Created on/Updated after
2. Ticket Status
3. Assigned Agent
4. Ticket Type
5. Assigned Tags
6. Last Response/Update
SugarCRM Actions
1. Create a new Lead, Contact,
Account or Target record.
2. Schedule Call
3. Create Task
4. Schedule Meeting
5. Update Field
6. Assign Record
7. Add to Target List
8. Alert Assigned Agent
9. Create Opportunity
10. Convert Record
Recipes for Success:
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Create automation tracks that are either marketing-centric or for business
• Automatically create records in SugarCRM when a new Zendesk ticket
is created
• Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead opens a support ticket or
when a support ticket is solved.
• Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead has a ticket in pending
status for more than 7 days.
• Add a support requester to an automated drip campaign for a specific
help series, when the ticket contains a specific tag classification or
• Automatically Schedule a Call or Create a Task when an assigned lead
opens a support ticket or when the support ticket enters a specific
Timeline Report
• Sugar agents will have full access to support ticket history, including the
ticket transcript.
• Sugar agents can create new tickets directly from the Manage tools within
the Timeline report.
More info?
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LiveChat and Olark
Leverage chat as an extension of your lead generation program by creating new
lead records in Sugar after a chat session ends, provide agents with quick access
to chat history and create powerful automated workflows for marketing and
business process.
The full chat history for any Lead, Contact, Account or Target can also be
viewed from the Timeline report from our sub-panel within the Sugar record
New Chat Session is held
Optional parameters
1. Chat Ended after [date]
2. Agent
3. Keyword(s)
4. Duration
5. Rating
SugarCRM Actions
1. Create a new Lead, Contact,
Account or Target record.
2. Schedule a Call
3. Create a Task
4. Schedule a Meeting
5. Update Field
6. Assign Record
7. Add to Target List
8. Alert Assigned Agent
9. Create Opportunity
10. Convert Record
Recipes for Success:
Automation conditions can also be leveraged to trigger actions based on new
incoming chats or keywords contained within chat sessions.
• Automatically create records in SugarCRM when a new chat session is
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• Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead participates in a chat
session with support.
• Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead has participates in chat
session offers a negative rating for their experience.
• Add a lead to an automated drip campaign for a specific help series,
when the chat contains specific keywords.
• Automatically Schedule a Call or Create a Task when an assigned lead
participates in chat session.
Webinar events can be a powerful asset for lead generation and lead
qualification. Our native integration with GoToWebinar will sync your full
webinar schedule, registrants and attendance data following a webinar. Each of
these data objects can be leveraged through out our platform and bridged to
Sugar-related actions.
Timeline Report
• Sugar agents will have full access to webinar registration and attendance
• Sugar agents will be able to register leads to webinars quickly from the
Manage tools panel.
• The marketing or sales team can easily create automation tracks to
deploy pre-webinar email reminders and post-webinar email follow-ups.
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New Webinar Registration
Condition Parameters
1. Any or a Specific Webinar
2. Status
a. Did Attend
b. Did not Attend
c. Attended (0-100%) of
the webinar.
SugarCRM Actions
1. Create a new Lead, Contact,
Account or Target record.
2. Schedule a Call
3. Create a Task
4. Schedule a Meeting
5. Update Field
6. Assign Record
7. Add to Target List
8. Alert Assigned Agent
9. Create Opportunity
10. Convert Record
Recipes for Success:
Automation conditions can also be leveraged to trigger actions based on new
webinar registrations and attendance data from webinars that are held.
• Automatically create records in SugarCRM when a new webinar
registration is submitted.
• Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead registers for a specific
• Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead attends over 75% of a
webinar’s total run-time.
• Automatically Schedule a Call for the assigned owner of a lead(s)
record that attended a webinar and was also a new lead generated by
the webinar registration.
Twilio (SMS)
Twilio is a powerful developer platform that offers telecommunication framework
for a variety of solutions including inbound and outbound SMS (text) messaging.
Our integration allows users to leverage Twilio for outbound SMS campaigns,
personalized 1:1 SMS messages and internal SMS messaging related to business
The core of the functionality that our Twilio integration can provide can be
leveraged with our Automation Builder, where logical conditions can trigger
outbound SMS messages using our Twilio automation action.
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Timeline Report
• Sugar agents will have full access to all SMS history for a record, including
the content of any text messages that have been sent.
• Sugar agents will be able to send SMS messages easily from the Manage
tools panel, with just a couple of clicks.
Recipes for Success:
Automation conditions can be created to trigger outbound SMS messages using
our Twilio integration.
• Alert the assigned owner when a lead is visiting a priority page on
your web site (i.e. Pricing).
• Send a follow up SMS message to a lead following a meeting or call
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• Deploy targeted SMS messages to records that exist on a specific
Target List
• Send a thank you SMS message from each assigned_to sales agent,
following a leads participation in a webinar event.
Agency Edition for Multiple-Brand Management and
Resellers (white-label)
Easily manage multiple full-featured sub-accounts from a single interface
Our Agency Edition makes it easy to administer multiple dedicated accounts
from a single interface. Each sub-account is a separate and full-featured edition
of INBOX25 that shares plan resources from the parent (Agency) account.
Who should consider Agency Edition?
• Marketing Agencies that need to manage multiple clients from a single
• Partners that are interested in white-labeling and reselling Marketing
Automation solutions to their clients.
• Companies that have multiple brands that require dedicated accounts,
but efficient Administration.
• Companies that have multiple departments that maintain their own
individual SugarCRM instances.
Key Benefits
• White-label and personalize our solution to create your own private
platform, including sign-up and login pages.
• Share a single plan across multiple sub-accounts and provision plan sizes
on an account-by-account basis.
• In a reseller model you can set your own pricing structure.
• One-click sign-in to easily navigate between your sub-accounts for fast
Administration. No need to remember multiple usernames or passwords.
More info?
Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now
What are our users saying about us?
INBOX25 enjoys the highest 5-star ratings of any marketing platform on
Great Marketing Automation and Branding Solution for
I have been using Inbox25 for several years now and have to say the benefits are many,
especially the automated content stream and ability to set up drip campaigns. Our use of
segmented drip campaigns for lead generation has been most rewarding. We are seeing top
line revenue growth and have landed some really nice accounts that we worked with Inbox25
campaigns over a period of months. The value of the system integration to SugarCRM is tough
to beat. We are able to see what the prospect has viewed in campaigns as well as website visits
to tailor our follow-up calls and set appointments. The email builder is easy to use and the
support team has been great in helping with any issues or fine tuning of content streams. Very
much worth the investment!
by Michael Cunningham on August 3, 2015!reviews
Accelerating Sales through Marketing Automation with Inbox25
We had a wonderful experience with Inbox25 and our customer support representative, Alex.
From his attitude and enthusiasm to his knowledge and experience with the program, Alex
proved to be the perfect support representative. Whenever we would send him a message or
request his insight, he would always respond in a very timely matter and have an easy solution
for us. Even if some functionality in Inbox25 was missing for what we were aiming to do, Alex
always found a solution or a work-around that would be successful for us. As a whole, Inbox25
allowed us to take a deep dive into marketing automation and fill the holes in our CRM. Once
we integrated Inbox25 with our CRM, we were able to seamlessly and efficiently send
professional looking emails to customers based on unique characteristics (e.g. their location and
product needs), manage and track lead activity, update records in our CRM based certain
conditions, receive real-time alerts, send a series of follow up and lead nurturing emails based
on lead activity, view real-time opportunities created by our automations, generate reports and
much much more. I think the feature of Inbox25 that our company benefited from the most was
having the ability to identify hot prospects and know when to reach out to them at precisely the
right time. Once we implemented Inbox25, we noticed a huge increase in opportunities created
from our lead nurturing campaigns, as well as in sales as a whole. Our customers continue to
comment on how professional and informative our emails are, and how responsive we are to
each of their inquiries (little do they know, thanks to Inbox, majority of these responses are all
automated!). As a whole, Inbox25 greatly simplified our sales process and helped to drive
revenue for our company. This was definitely a great investment and we will continue using
Inbox25 to accelerate our sales and generate new deals without breaking a sweat.
by Darlene Davidson on August 7, 2015!reviews
Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now
Kim C.
Reviewed On October 15, 2015 while working for MetaOps, Inc & MetaExperts
Title for your review
Easy and Affordable
How likely is it that you would recommend inBOX25 to a friend or colleague?
10 / 10
What do you like best?
Inbox has amazing features that other platforms do not - particularly in their price range. I really
appreciate the integration and workflows with SugarCRM and SuiteCRM. We were using Act-on
and decided to look for something more affordable and in doing so found Inbox25 which is so
much more robust than Act-on in the way it integrates with Sugar. Act-on has a big selling
feature of how great their support staff is - and yes it is - but Inbox25 will actually do the set up
for you. That was a real selling point for me because I didn't have time to rebuild our sequences
in a new platform.
I'm sure that holds back others from switching. My recommendation - don't let the fact you have
to rebuild stop you from upgrading your marketing automation, Inbox25 has great people to
support you and actually do the work.
What do you dislike?
Actually I haven't found much I dislike. If I have to pick something - I'd say it is a lack of folders in
the email list - it can get a little overwhelming. I'll figure out a way to keep track of it though
because the system is great.
What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized?
We needed to automate a messaging string that had a number of complex if this, then that
conditions. Inbox handles this beautifully and it also will update sugar fields based on responses
in the email.

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  • 1.
  • 2. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now What’s inside? 1. Introduction 2. Real-time Data Sync 3. Data Management Styles between platforms 4. Bi-directional Target List Support (and why you need it!) 5. The critical role of Target Lists 6. Extended Module Support – all data is relevant for profiling leads 7. Marketing Automation meets Business Process Management 8. Leveraging the Account-to-Contact relationship with ease 9. Don’t recreate the wheel... Mirror CRM User Permissions 10. Email Preference Centers drive engagement and reduce opt-outs 11. Lead Capture from Landing Page directly to Sugar 12. One 360-degree view into a records entire engagement history 13. Revenue Attribution and Opportunity Analytics 14. Email Campaign Management 15. SocialCRM is now a reality for Sugar 16. Integrate with LiveChat, Olark, Zendesk, GoToWebinar and Twilio 17. Agency Edition for Multiple-brand Management and Resellers 18. What are our users saying about INBOX25 + SugarCRM?
  • 3. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Comparing Apples to Apples is important. Within the SugarCRM ecosystem you will find any number of fantastic integrations to compliment your CRM platform with rich marketing functionality and features. When you drill-down into the Marketing Automation sector the feature variation can become blurry and make it difficult to compare one platform with another. This is particularly true when it comes to the topic of CRM integrations and we’re hoping to provide clarity for you on what INBOX25 can do. The depth of our integration goes well beyond any other marketing platform within the Sugar ecosystem. The primary goal of this guide is provide some perspective of what’s possible vs. what is typically provided. The buying decision for such a complex platform can be a lengthy process that is full of overwhelming research and feature-noise. It can be easy to forget about the basics when you’re watching demonstrations of features that seem incredible within a mock environment, but don’t let it overshadow the most critical component, data. If any data is going to flow into, between or from a CRM, you’ll want to make sure you’re considering all of the angles of how these two platforms will intersect. The secondary goal of this guide is to help articulate the immense possibilities that our integration has to offer for new users that are coming online. Chances are good that you have forgotten some of the features that were shown to you during our product demonstration process. This guide will help refresh your memory and probably help inspire some creative thinking. Regardless of how you have found INBOX25, we’re certainly glad that you did. Even if you don’t choose INBOX25 as your solution, this guide will certainly provide valuable recipes for success that have been implemented in live environments by SugarCRM users. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. Our team is standing by ! Cheers! Kevin Lawrie Cofounder
  • 4. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Real-time Data Sync Not almost real-time. Not sort-of real-time. We mean real-time. Most of the leading Marketing Automation platforms available within the Sugar ecosystem utilize scheduled or batch processes (CRON job) to push updates from Sugar to their marketing platform. The frequency of any batch process (sync) usually depends upon the performance capabilities of the hosting environment of the CRM, since that process runs locally. A slower operating environment or an environment with high-load, might not enjoy a high frequency of updates between the respective platforms. The challenge with the batch model is the inherent delay between syncing your two platforms, which can be several hours. When a lead exhibits buying behavior, even a few minutes can mean the difference in closing a sale vs. losing a sale. When using SymSync for SugarCRM or SuiteCRM, all record updates are instantly pushed from your CRM to INBOX25 immediately after a change is saved. From the moment a sales agent or customer service representative clicks ‘Save’ inside your CRM, the update is instantly pushed to INBOX25. From a server resource perspective, this methodology is far more efficient and doesn’t require any complex customizations to your CRM or burdensome CRON jobs for your host environment to run. From a marketing and sales perspective, this methodology ensures far more responsive and timely marketing programs. Sales agents are always getting the
  • 5. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now most up to date information on their priority leads activity and leads are always receiving the right message at the right time. Be on the look out for platforms that only provide “Near real-time” or “simple batch” data-sync solutions. You’ll be glad you did. Flexible Data Management There shouldn’t be a “one-size fits all” model for determining how and when data is exchanged between a marketing platform and a CRM. There are several viable data methodologies and our goal is to provide flexible options so an organization can determine which makes the most sense for their marketing and sales program. Full Real-time Sync A full-sync of your CRM will create a full working replica of records that exist within your CRM inside your INBOX25 platform. Once the initial sync is completed, SymSync will keep the working copy in-sync moving forward. Targeted Real-time Sync A targeted-sync of your CRM will allow you to filter the specific group of records that you want to have included in your marketing platform and eligible for marketing activity. This allows you focus on records that you feel should be considered for your marketing program, while ignoring records that should not be considered. Filter options include targeting records by date (Example: Lead records created after January 1, 2016) or by Target List Membership (Example: include only Leads that are members of Cold Leads, Warm Leads and Recycled Leads). Once the initial sync is completed based on the filters you set, SymSync will then keep those specific records in-sync moving forward, while all other records within your CRM are ignored. Real-time Push to CRM when the time is right Depending on the volume and complexity of your lead generation program, it may make the most logical sense for records to reside in your marketing platform until the moment a lead becomes sales-ready and they should be pushed to the sales team. By utilizing our ‘Transfer Target’ workflow action, you can push a lead record to your CRM instantly when the record exhibits specific behavior or matches a
  • 6. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now specific profile. This action is typically taken when a lead becomes ‘Sales Ready’ and needs to be moved from the marketing team to an assigned sales agent. This methodology allows you to manage the entire lifecycle from lead acquisition, to lead nurturing, to lead qualification entirely from INBOX25 and separate from your CRM. This ensures that only qualified leads are ever introduced to your sales team and CRM environment. Bi-directional Target List Sync One of our more popular features is our bi-directional support for the Sugar Target List module. It’s the easiest mechanism within your CRM to effectively organize data, structure campaigns and to turn CRM Report results into an actionable format. Most of our competitors completely overlook this critical CRM function or simply water it down to the point that the only capability is to import Target Lists individually into their platform as a new proprietary list. The major issue we find with this approach is that a lead or contact can exist on multiple target lists and you don’t want to duplicate a lead or contact record for every unique target list you import. Our approach leverages the Target List relationship and assigns it to a single lead or contact record based on their internal CRM ID. This allows you to leverage multiple target list relationships for a single Lead, Contact, Account or Target record while maintaining a single marketing record and profile. Helpful Hint for Custom Modules: Sugar offers a highly customizable framework that allows you to build the CRM around your business needs. Custom Modules extend functionality to match specific requirements for an organization and they can be quite common within a Sugar environment. Custom Modules are not accessible by our integration and any data relationships or fields are not going to be exposed for us to sync. This is something that you’re going to experience with any other vendor as well. A great work-around to this scenario is to use Target Lists. Using your CRM you can segment records based on data objects that exist within a Custom Module and add those records to a Target List. In turn our integration can access the data relationships and records contained in the Target List for the purposes of executing your marketing program. Since our integration with Target Lists is bi- directional any future updates to your Target List will be reflected within INBOX25.
  • 7. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Auto-Segment Tool for Target Lists In the background of your CRM a Target List is a collection of data relationships between a core data record (Lead, Contact, Account or Target) and the Target List itself. In other words, the relationship establishes if John Doe is a member of a target list or not. Our Auto-Segment option allows you to create dynamic list segments within INBOX25 based on Target List membership within your CRM. The end result is a replica of your Target List(s) as it exists in your CRM, but now within INBOX25. Once a Target List is setup to auto-segment within INBOX25, SymSync will then keep the Target List in-sync moving forward. Segments that are created using the Auto-Segment for Target List feature can be assigned to Automation Tracks, Drip Campaigns, leveraged for scoring, assigned to Email Campaigns and much more. One common example would be the ability for a user to develop a series of Drip Campaigns that require a lead to be a member (or not a member) of a specific Target List. When a lead is added to that specific target list(s), they would be automatically enrolled in that specific drip campaign. In the case of a Smart Campaign, removing a lead from the Target List would then end the drip campaign. Add/Remove Target List Records Bi-directional Target List support within the INBOX25 platform refers to the ability to both import Target List relationships from your CRM, but to also export changes from INBOX25 to a Target List. By leveraging our Add/Remove workflow action you can instantly manipulate Target Lists within your CRM by adding or removing records based on any number of conditional actions or behaviors. Support for 13 native modules Another key differentiator between our platform and other marketing platforms within the Sugar eco-system is our extensive support for data modules. We currently support 13 native modules within Sugar and enable users to leverage these data objects and related fields for automation, segmentation and targeting, lead scoring and business workflow.
  • 8. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now We currently offer support for: Leads, Contacts, Targets, Accounts, Users, Target Lists, Opportunities, Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Cases, Quotes (6.7+) and Contracts (6.7+). Marketing Automation and Business Process Management (Workflow) Marketing Automation typically handles automation and workflow related to inbound and outbound marketing events and triggers. For business logic or Business Process Management (BPM) you almost always need a separate solution. If we examine other Marketing Automation platforms that are within the Sugar eco-system, the gap between marketing and business logic only widens. The vast majority of marketing platforms are solely focused on outbound activities, like sending emails (or drip campaigns) or sending alerts to sales agents when leads behave in a certain way or reach a specific threshold. This level of functionality certainly handles basic marketing scenarios, but it becomes very limited when you begin to move passed timed-email sends and into more sophisticated marketing that inevitability involves business logic. Business Process Management (BPM) platforms can automate critical and otherwise time-consuming tasks such as changing fields, assigning ownership of records (lead routing), modifying data relationships, converting records and so
  • 9. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now on. But, what if you want to combine automated marketing actions and conditions with business processes? Good question, because platforms will not support this level of functionality. To us the most ideal implementation is a tool that provides excellent outbound marketing capability while also encompassing both CRM data objects for conditional targeting and CRM actions for business workflow. The solution to blend these two critical functions into a single feature is our Automation Manager. Our Automation Manager allows you to target leads with a nearly limitless number of conditions, including custom fields contained within your CRM. When a condition(s) matches a targets profile an action is triggered for that specific target. Recipes for Success: • Automate creation of Tasks when a Target exhibits specific behavior.
  • 10. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now • Schedule a Call for an assigned sales agent when a Target converts on a landing page. • Update a Target List (add/remove) when a Target meets specific conditions. • Convert a Lead to a Contact when their lead score reaches a specific threshold. • Create a Round Robin lead assignment workflow based on specific activity or even geographical region. • Automate personalized email follow-ups for your entire sales team, whenever a logged Call resulted in a voicemail being left. Account + Contact Relationship In our experience many CRM implementations leverage the functionality of linking a Contact record to an Account record. The typical scenario is that XYZ Company, Inc. might have several departments or employees – each with special requirements and perhaps a regional sales agent. In this case you can create a Contact record and link that record to the Account (or in this scenario, the master Company) record. This approach allows you to have insight to opportunities for an entire company (Account) but to segment out contacts or departments, which can then be individually assigned to your sales agents. Unique to our platform is the ability to directly leverage the data relationship between a Contact record from your CRM and an Account record. The value of
  • 11. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now this feature is that you can target and market directly to Contacts based on data fields that reside separately within the related Account record. This is a native feature within our platform and it does not require and complex segmentation or merging of data records. We handle the complexities on the backend, while you manage the marketing on the front-end. Replicate CRM user permissions to a Marketing Platform user Access limitations and controls can be critical to data integrity and consistent marketing execution. A great deal of time can be invested in setting up record assignment within a CRM and with our platform this structure does not need to be recreated. Instead, we’ll sync up all user permissions and transfer specific record assignments from a SugarCRM user to a corresponding INBOX25 user. Once the user mapping is setup, the INBOX25 user will only be able to target and engage with records that they own within Sugar using our platform, unless otherwise specified. This process is handled by enabling the Users module within SymSync, so anytime a user is added or assigned_to values are modified SymSync will push that update to our platform. In addition to syncing permissions, enabling the Users module also allows you to seamlessly personalize email content with the assigned owner (sales agent) of a record. This is extremely useful when creating automated sales follow-up nurturing tracks. Recipes for Success: • Restrict Sales Agents to outbound marketing efforts to their assigned records only, based on permissions set within the CRM. • Restrict Sales Agents to only view reports related to their data, but not engage in outbound marketing actions. • Allow Marketing Managers to deploy outbound emails on behalf of all sales agents (personalized with the agents info) using a single global campaign.
  • 12. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Email Preference Center for SugarCRM It’s incredibly common for an organization to migrate from an email marketing environment into a marketing automation environment. Marketing Automation is an entirely different animal when compared to batch-and-blast email marketing, even though it encompasses email marketing as a core feature. Transitioning from an Email Marketing Platform (ESP) to Marketing Automation is a big leap and its common for a company to wish to maintain the same functionality that they had with their former ESP. In most cases that means they still want to be able to send out their 1:1 bulk campaigns to subscribers, which also usually means that they have segments or subscription types that they want to maintain. If you’re not familiar with an email preference center, it’s a feature for allowing a recipient to decide which type of email content (i.e. subscriptions) they want to receive from you. Example, maybe John is cool with receiving your monthly newsletter, but the weekly newsletter is too frequent. Well, you don’t want John
  • 13. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now to just opt-out and leave your list all together – so to combat this issue you can leverage an Email Preference Center. An Email Preference Center puts your subscriber in the driver seat and allows them to choose from a pre-defined list of subscription options as well update basic information, like their email address. Implementing a Preference Center will help to drastically reduce opt-outs and it can even increase engagement since recipients are picking the content they wish to receive in their inbox. Of course we’ve heard this scenario over one thousand times. A Marketing Manager is using SugarCRM and wants to maintain as much of the email marketing and subscription settings within the CRM as humanely possible. They also want to avoid flagging a record as opted-out for all of their various outbound-campaign content, if they unsubscribe from a single newsletter. The solution is an Email Preference Center specifically designed for SugarCRM. Our Email Preference Center is unique in the marketplace and purpose-built strictly for the SugarCRM eco-system. Our approach allows users to build subscription types based on Target Lists in Sugar. This allows recipients to manage different subscription options through a web interface on the front-end, while on the back-end we add/remove them to the appropriate Target Lists. When it comes time to deploy a campaign or target a specific subscription, the user only needs to select the corresponding Target List and click send.
  • 14. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now An opt-out from a subscription type represents a removal from a specific Target List, while the ‘opt-out of all’ option will permanently flag a record as ‘opted- out’ in SugarCRM. Subscribers that visit their Preference Center can also choose to opt-in to other available subscription types, in which case they are then automatically added to the appropriate Target List. Lead Capture Forms and Landing Pages that map to your CRM Generating new sales leads is a critical operation for most marketing teams. Capturing those leads can be done in any number of ways, but with Marketing Automation you will frequently hear about landing pages or lead capture pages. A landing page or lead capture page is an entry-point for your sales funnel and the goal is to incentivize a visitor to convert on your form. Ideally your form will collect sufficient information to kick-off the nurturing and sales cycle (i.e. beginning a nurturing track or triggering a sales call) for your new lead.
  • 15. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Recipes for Success: 1. Free Whitepaper / Report Download make great incentives 2. Free Trial Sign-up forms 3. Request a Quote forms 4. Simple Contact us forms When a prospect converts on a landing page or form, we can write their field results directly to fields within your CRM for Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Targets. This process can be done in real-time and helps to alleviate any need for manual data importing. Our approach also helps support more responsive marketing and sales efforts, since incoming leads can be immediately assigned to Sugar sales agents and seamlessly enrolled in nurturing tracks.
  • 16. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Consider the following scenario, which can be executed in < 2 minutes: 1. John Doe signs-up for a free trial (form) of Acme Accounting Online 2. On-submit, John is added as a Lead to Acme’s CRM 3. A lead routing automation track identifies the new lead and assigns them to a sales agent in Sugar 4. The new lead is enrolled to a drip nurturing campaign and sent a welcome email 5. The sales agent assigned in Sugar receives an email alert and SMS alert to contact the new lead Lead Management & Intelligence within Sugar Give your Sales agents quick access to critical lead activity and behavior history that can help close sales or identify opportunities. Our Timeline report is embedded in a dedicated sub-panel within Sugar for every Lead, Contact, Account or Target, making accessibility for sales agents quick and easy.
  • 17. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now The one-click tool bar allows sales agents to seamlessly enroll a lead into an email nurturing campaign, send an SMS message, register for a webinar and much more – all without leaving the record-view in Sugar. The Timeline report provides insights into 20+ inbound and outbound touch points, including actions from 3rd party apps like Zendesk, Livechat, Olark, GoToWebinar and more. Single Sign-on Access within Sugar Simplicity is the best route to successful software adoption and that’s why we chose to bring our entire platform within the CRM interface. Our unique approach allows authorized Sugar users to access the full INBOX25 platform without ever leaving their CRM.
  • 18. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Once the module is configured no additional authentication or login will be required. The access becomes seamless and accessible from a navigation tab inside the CRM. Enhanced Reporting for Opportunities Enabling the Opportunities module within SymSync will give you the ability to relate marketing activity from Contacts and Accounts to sales opportunities. Our enhanced reporting can provide detailed insight into which marketing efforts are having the largest impact on sales and revenue.
  • 19. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Do you know the current status of your sales pipeline? How many opportunities will close this week or this month? How many are at risk of being lost? Welcome to your Monday morning sales meeting. How many opportunities does your team win or lose? Drilldown into a wealth of data and compare your win/loss record over a specific period of time. Email Campaign Management Point, click and send. No list import/mapping hassles here with INBOX25. Forget about URL trackers; bounce mailboxes, complex sending CRONS and all of the past frustrations of setting up an email campaign using Sugar. Our platform handles the complexities on the back-end, so that on the front-end you can quickly and easily create high-impact email campaigns. Send directly to Target Lists We’ll display a real-time view of Target Lists from SugarCRM within our Campaign Builder, simply select the Target List(s) you want to send your campaign and we’ll take care of the rest. Compare this approach with our competitors that require you to manually import each Target List, each time you want to send a campaign.
  • 20. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now We manage opt-outs and bounces automatically Our platform will automatically process all incoming hard bounces and unsubscribe requests and update your CRM accordingly. Unsubscribe requests are flagged in SugarCRM as ‘opted-out’ and hard bounces are flagged as ‘invalid’. We’ll ignore these records for future campaigns, even if they appear on multiple Target Lists. Full Campaign Activity Syncs to the Campaign Log Once your email campaign is delivered, all related activity is automatically synchronized with the Sugar Campaign Log module. You can see the number of emails sent and the percentages for opens and clicks. You can drill down further to see which specific links are being clicked and leverage timeline to view activity by specific Target, Lead, Contact or Account. We sync email delivery attempts, opened messages, click-thru activity, bounces and opt-out requests for the following outbound email channels: 1. Direct Email Campaigns 2. Content Stream (Automation) 3. Drip Campaigns (Automation) 4. Send Email Actions (Automation) The only requirement is that the outbound email needs to be sent to a Target List or to a genuine SugarCRM record source (i.e. CRM List or Segment).
  • 21. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now SocialCRM is now a reality Complete Social Engagement and Management Platform inside of Sugar One Platform Manage multiple social profiles within a single platform, create social campaigns, engage with fans and followers and analyze your social footprint without ever leaving your CRM. Social Listening is built-in Monitor your social network and engage with your fans, followers and prospects.
  • 22. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Connects to your CRM database Attribute social activity and engagement to your Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Targets. Our unique integration allows you to quickly link a fan or follower’s social profile with their CRM profile. Once a profile is linked, their full social engagement is added to their Timeline profile and can be leveraged for reporting and lead intelligence. Timeline Report Sales agents can monitor social engagement from their leads from the Timeline sub-panel in Sugar, including what their leads are saying.
  • 23. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Expanding your reach with native integrations Native integrations that seamlessly bridge between INBOX25 and SugarCRM INBOX25 serves as a hub to bridge several external platforms with Sugar, in order expand both marketing reach and sales engagement. Zendesk Our Zendesk integration provides several valuable options for an organization that operates both SugarCRM and Zendesk. Our integration syncs support requester contact data, which can be mapped directly to new or existing Sugar records and we also sync unique tickets and the associated parameters. IF THIS THEN DO THIS New Zendesk Ticket is created Optional parameters 1. Created on/Updated after 2. Ticket Status 3. Assigned Agent 4. Ticket Type 5. Assigned Tags 6. Last Response/Update SugarCRM Actions 1. Create a new Lead, Contact, Account or Target record. 2. Schedule Call 3. Create Task 4. Schedule Meeting 5. Update Field 6. Assign Record 7. Add to Target List 8. Alert Assigned Agent 9. Create Opportunity 10. Convert Record Recipes for Success:
  • 24. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Create automation tracks that are either marketing-centric or for business workflow. • Automatically create records in SugarCRM when a new Zendesk ticket is created • Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead opens a support ticket or when a support ticket is solved. • Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead has a ticket in pending status for more than 7 days. • Add a support requester to an automated drip campaign for a specific help series, when the ticket contains a specific tag classification or keyword. • Automatically Schedule a Call or Create a Task when an assigned lead opens a support ticket or when the support ticket enters a specific status. Timeline Report • Sugar agents will have full access to support ticket history, including the ticket transcript. • Sugar agents can create new tickets directly from the Manage tools within the Timeline report. More info?
  • 25. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now LiveChat and Olark Leverage chat as an extension of your lead generation program by creating new lead records in Sugar after a chat session ends, provide agents with quick access to chat history and create powerful automated workflows for marketing and business process. The full chat history for any Lead, Contact, Account or Target can also be viewed from the Timeline report from our sub-panel within the Sugar record view. IF THIS THEN DO THIS New Chat Session is held Optional parameters 1. Chat Ended after [date] 2. Agent 3. Keyword(s) 4. Duration 5. Rating SugarCRM Actions 1. Create a new Lead, Contact, Account or Target record. 2. Schedule a Call 3. Create a Task 4. Schedule a Meeting 5. Update Field 6. Assign Record 7. Add to Target List 8. Alert Assigned Agent 9. Create Opportunity 10. Convert Record Recipes for Success: Automation conditions can also be leveraged to trigger actions based on new incoming chats or keywords contained within chat sessions. • Automatically create records in SugarCRM when a new chat session is held.
  • 26. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now • Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead participates in a chat session with support. • Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead has participates in chat session offers a negative rating for their experience. • Add a lead to an automated drip campaign for a specific help series, when the chat contains specific keywords. • Automatically Schedule a Call or Create a Task when an assigned lead participates in chat session. GoToWebinar Webinar events can be a powerful asset for lead generation and lead qualification. Our native integration with GoToWebinar will sync your full webinar schedule, registrants and attendance data following a webinar. Each of these data objects can be leveraged through out our platform and bridged to Sugar-related actions. Timeline Report • Sugar agents will have full access to webinar registration and attendance history. • Sugar agents will be able to register leads to webinars quickly from the Manage tools panel. • The marketing or sales team can easily create automation tracks to deploy pre-webinar email reminders and post-webinar email follow-ups.
  • 27. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now IF THIS THEN DO THIS New Webinar Registration Condition Parameters 1. Any or a Specific Webinar 2. Status a. Did Attend b. Did not Attend c. Attended (0-100%) of the webinar. SugarCRM Actions 1. Create a new Lead, Contact, Account or Target record. 2. Schedule a Call 3. Create a Task 4. Schedule a Meeting 5. Update Field 6. Assign Record 7. Add to Target List 8. Alert Assigned Agent 9. Create Opportunity 10. Convert Record Recipes for Success: Automation conditions can also be leveraged to trigger actions based on new webinar registrations and attendance data from webinars that are held. • Automatically create records in SugarCRM when a new webinar registration is submitted. • Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead registers for a specific webinar. • Alert a sales agent when their assigned lead attends over 75% of a webinar’s total run-time. • Automatically Schedule a Call for the assigned owner of a lead(s) record that attended a webinar and was also a new lead generated by the webinar registration. Twilio (SMS) Twilio is a powerful developer platform that offers telecommunication framework for a variety of solutions including inbound and outbound SMS (text) messaging. Our integration allows users to leverage Twilio for outbound SMS campaigns, personalized 1:1 SMS messages and internal SMS messaging related to business workflow. The core of the functionality that our Twilio integration can provide can be leveraged with our Automation Builder, where logical conditions can trigger outbound SMS messages using our Twilio automation action.
  • 28. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Timeline Report • Sugar agents will have full access to all SMS history for a record, including the content of any text messages that have been sent. • Sugar agents will be able to send SMS messages easily from the Manage tools panel, with just a couple of clicks. Recipes for Success: Automation conditions can be created to trigger outbound SMS messages using our Twilio integration. • Alert the assigned owner when a lead is visiting a priority page on your web site (i.e. Pricing). • Send a follow up SMS message to a lead following a meeting or call
  • 29. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now • Deploy targeted SMS messages to records that exist on a specific Target List • Send a thank you SMS message from each assigned_to sales agent, following a leads participation in a webinar event. Agency Edition for Multiple-Brand Management and Resellers (white-label) Easily manage multiple full-featured sub-accounts from a single interface Our Agency Edition makes it easy to administer multiple dedicated accounts from a single interface. Each sub-account is a separate and full-featured edition of INBOX25 that shares plan resources from the parent (Agency) account. Who should consider Agency Edition? • Marketing Agencies that need to manage multiple clients from a single interface. • Partners that are interested in white-labeling and reselling Marketing Automation solutions to their clients. • Companies that have multiple brands that require dedicated accounts, but efficient Administration. • Companies that have multiple departments that maintain their own individual SugarCRM instances. Key Benefits • White-label and personalize our solution to create your own private platform, including sign-up and login pages. • Share a single plan across multiple sub-accounts and provision plan sizes on an account-by-account basis. • In a reseller model you can set your own pricing structure. • One-click sign-in to easily navigate between your sub-accounts for fast Administration. No need to remember multiple usernames or passwords. More info?
  • 30. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now What are our users saying about us? INBOX25 enjoys the highest 5-star ratings of any marketing platform on Great Marketing Automation and Branding Solution for SugarCRM I have been using Inbox25 for several years now and have to say the benefits are many, especially the automated content stream and ability to set up drip campaigns. Our use of segmented drip campaigns for lead generation has been most rewarding. We are seeing top line revenue growth and have landed some really nice accounts that we worked with Inbox25 campaigns over a period of months. The value of the system integration to SugarCRM is tough to beat. We are able to see what the prospect has viewed in campaigns as well as website visits to tailor our follow-up calls and set appointments. The email builder is easy to use and the support team has been great in helping with any issues or fine tuning of content streams. Very much worth the investment! by Michael Cunningham on August 3, 2015!reviews Accelerating Sales through Marketing Automation with Inbox25 We had a wonderful experience with Inbox25 and our customer support representative, Alex. From his attitude and enthusiasm to his knowledge and experience with the program, Alex proved to be the perfect support representative. Whenever we would send him a message or request his insight, he would always respond in a very timely matter and have an easy solution for us. Even if some functionality in Inbox25 was missing for what we were aiming to do, Alex always found a solution or a work-around that would be successful for us. As a whole, Inbox25 allowed us to take a deep dive into marketing automation and fill the holes in our CRM. Once we integrated Inbox25 with our CRM, we were able to seamlessly and efficiently send professional looking emails to customers based on unique characteristics (e.g. their location and product needs), manage and track lead activity, update records in our CRM based certain conditions, receive real-time alerts, send a series of follow up and lead nurturing emails based on lead activity, view real-time opportunities created by our automations, generate reports and much much more. I think the feature of Inbox25 that our company benefited from the most was having the ability to identify hot prospects and know when to reach out to them at precisely the right time. Once we implemented Inbox25, we noticed a huge increase in opportunities created from our lead nurturing campaigns, as well as in sales as a whole. Our customers continue to comment on how professional and informative our emails are, and how responsive we are to each of their inquiries (little do they know, thanks to Inbox, majority of these responses are all automated!). As a whole, Inbox25 greatly simplified our sales process and helped to drive revenue for our company. This was definitely a great investment and we will continue using Inbox25 to accelerate our sales and generate new deals without breaking a sweat. by Darlene Davidson on August 7, 2015!reviews
  • 31. Have questions or interested in a full demo? Get started now Kim C. Reviewed On October 15, 2015 while working for MetaOps, Inc & MetaExperts Title for your review Easy and Affordable How likely is it that you would recommend inBOX25 to a friend or colleague? 10 / 10 What do you like best? Inbox has amazing features that other platforms do not - particularly in their price range. I really appreciate the integration and workflows with SugarCRM and SuiteCRM. We were using Act-on and decided to look for something more affordable and in doing so found Inbox25 which is so much more robust than Act-on in the way it integrates with Sugar. Act-on has a big selling feature of how great their support staff is - and yes it is - but Inbox25 will actually do the set up for you. That was a real selling point for me because I didn't have time to rebuild our sequences in a new platform. I'm sure that holds back others from switching. My recommendation - don't let the fact you have to rebuild stop you from upgrading your marketing automation, Inbox25 has great people to support you and actually do the work. What do you dislike? Actually I haven't found much I dislike. If I have to pick something - I'd say it is a lack of folders in the email list - it can get a little overwhelming. I'll figure out a way to keep track of it though because the system is great. What business problems are you solving? What benefits have you realized? We needed to automate a messaging string that had a number of complex if this, then that conditions. Inbox handles this beautifully and it also will update sugar fields based on responses in the email.