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Assignment 4: Public Leadership Presentation
Due Week 10 and worth 150 points
Condense information from Assignments 1, 2, 3, and additional
criteria in order to develop a creative and appealing PowerPoint
Create a ten to twelve (10-12) slide presentation in which you:
1. Create a title slide and references section (as indicated in the
format requirements below).
2. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you
would say if you were actually presenting in front of an
audience. Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, then
you should provide detailed speaker notes with your
3. Briefly summarize your idea of a public leader. Cite
experiences and research to support your assertions.
4. Discuss the specific leadership theories and styles that
support your definition of a public leader. Provide a rationale to
support your answer.
5. Discuss gender diversity in the workplace, including the
increasing numbers of women in the workplace and leadership
positions. What are the main barriers to women’s political
participation and expression? What is the role of government
and political parties to address this gap?
6. Predict three (3) public leadership trends that you believe
will be particularly significant within the next decade.
7. What is the most important idea that you have learned in the
course? How can you apply what you have learned? What will
you do with whom, where, when, and, most important, why?
8. Include at least four (4) peer-reviewed references (no more
than 1 year old) from material outside the textbook. Note:
Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles
and government websites. Wikipedia, other wikis, and any other
websites ending in anything other than “.gov” do not qualify as
academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length.
· Include a reference slide containing the sources that were
consulted while completing research on the selected topic, listed
in APA format. The reference slide is not included in the
required slide length.
· Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each
slide, two to three (2-3) colors, two to three (2-3) fonts, and two
to three (2-3) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art,
etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and
readable from eighteen (18) feet away. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
· Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five
or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.
· Slide titles should be based on the criteria being summarized
(e.g., “Four Key Attributes,” “Responses to Budget Issues,”
Managing People through Change
Delores Blango
Strayer University
Dr. Derrick Tinsley
PAD 515
February 28, 2020
Case Overview
For this change management report, two case scenarios have
been illustrated to require a solution. The first is in regards to
the department of health where the administrators have been
stated by citizens and several external stakeholders to not only
act unprofessionally in their leadership roles but also are
unethical and will often offer insufficient care to both patients
and customers. In addition to this, the groups have also been
cited to provide poor response times to emergencies and are
incapable of implementing sufficient changes or resolve
emergent conflicts within the staff and sub-ordinate groups. The
three agencies which make up the health department include
social services, human services, and the fire and emergency
management teams.
The second case involves a school board which has managed to
establish a collaborative connexion with several government
departments. In the last two previous months, however, the
school board has been taking action against departmental
directors for failing to work in collaboration with them in
ensuring the federal provisions concerning the reformation of
new policy concerns have been met. The changes have been
stated to impact the housing and redevelopment department, the
education department, and the department of urban
development. In addition to this, the directors have also been
charged for failing to support academic leadership for the
secondary school principals through the provision of specific
student information from the juvenile relations department. This
would have helped to improve the retention rates of students,
their performance, and consequent graduation.
To deal with the two scenarios as the chief of staff, the
following measures will be taken. In a professional position
supported by relevant experts, the office will ensure that a wide
range of collective judgement which will suffice in ensuring
that the concerns raised by the stakeholders have been
addressed through a sensible and collaborative decision making.
What is requested is for the members including the health
societies which alert events and ensure current laws have been
observed, prioritise the investigation activities into the concerns
raised to ensure that the consequent decisions are suitable for
the proposed changes.
Hence, workers in the department of health need to
acknowledge the fact that they have been placed in those
positions to ensure that appropriate care has been provided to
those in need and that all related standards have been upheld. In
addition to this, the workers, regardless of the position held,
need to heed to their responsibility to provide competent
medical and emergency services with the highest levels of
compassion and respect for the dignity of those in need (Azahar,
2019). In light of the above, the recommendations provided will
not only be compliant with the problems identified but will also
ensure that relevant sources have been provided to ensure that
public safety has been supported and that a sense of
responsibility has been motivated among the groups at fault.
In order to address the issues raised by the stakeholders of the
health department, it will suffice if an increased amount of
training has been provided to the leaders in regards to ethics
and professionalism. In addition to this, changes will have to be
made on the approaches used to provide services to ensure that
appropriate policies have been established on how to bring
about an orderly environment of service provision (Azahar,
2019). For the employees to develop a greater understanding of
these changes, appropriate leadership approaches will be
employed. These will be illustrated in the consequent section of
this report.
It also has to be noted that a solution to such unwanted
allegations will also require a legal perspective. In this regard, I
will take it upon myself to ensure that a review has been
conducted on all laws related to healthcare provision and
emergency response so as to ensure that any decision made on
the matter is aligned with the industry's provisions. In addition
to this, an examination conducted on the industry's trends will
ensure that an effective conclusion has been made in regards to
how the public sector, in general, has been attending to the
needs of its stakeholders (Azahar, 2019). The consequent
change will be based on the need to develop a greater
understanding of the concerns of the stakeholders and what will
impact the process of change management.
School Board Case
What has been found in regards to schools is that their core
purpose is to ensure that learning has been supported in all
situations. This simply means that collaboration efforts in the
quest to address policy concerns and providing information
which will support the learning abilities of the diverse students
have to be prioritised by all individuals regarded as education
stakeholders. This simply means that no administrator should be
allowed to hold onto the position in the event he or she finds it
difficult to put an effort which will ensure that students are
enabled to realise a greater academic achievement (Azahar,
2019). For this reason, the situation can be addressed by
developing policies which are more stringent in ensuring that
collaboration and adherence to the needs of students have been
made a norm. Failure of any individual regardless of whether he
or she sits in the board or performs administrative duties, to
meet the expectations of the board and the education
department, in general, will attract dire penalties including a
demotion or suspension from duties until proven sufficiently fit
to hold the position.
Changes to be made so as to address the education boards'
concerns include; enactment of policies which give greater
oversight and enforcement power to the school boards.
Secondly, the approaches put in place to ensure policy changes
have been adopted will need to be reviewed (Bogotch, Bauer, &
Su-Keene, 2019). The two approaches will not only ensure that
the school administrators are motivated to perform their duties
especially those linked to student achievement but will also
ensure that any challenges experienced in the process of
managing and adopting policy changes have been determined
and addressed.
Policy Changes and Leadership Styles
The DHA has been in operation for quite a long time. The
consequent effect of this has been a change in management and
high turnover rates which have impacted the reliability,
professionalism, organization, and the general nature of the
department's leadership environment. With that in mind, there is
a dire need for the department's culture to be transformed. This
brings to light the theory of transformational leadership which
has been stated to be effective in ensuring that change has been
supported and that growth has been realised within the
environments of work.
It also has been stated that leaders who embody
transformational leadership traits are more motivated to perform
the tasks at hand. For this reason, it is possible to state that a
highly structured organization will ensure that greater success
has been realised. Moreover, the leadership style will ensure
that an emphasis has been put on the need for increased
collaboration in both the decision making processes and when
implementing the determined activities (Bowen, Botting,
Graham, 2019). The concern over lack of professionalism in the
Department of healthcare and the lack of a desire to effectively
address the desires of clients will, however, be quite difficult to
address through the approach of transformational leadership.
The reason for this is that the theory only provides an
opportunity for individuals to develop within a communal work
environment rather than one that is competitive in nature.
Due to the above challenge, it will suffice for the department in
the event different leaders using different approaches of
leadership are placed to work alongside one another. This
approach is founded on the fact that most of the issues raised by
the stakeholders are concerned with an evident lack of
organization in the entire department especially in regards to
complying with the rules put in place on how to attend to the
needs of patients and other clients (Bowen, Botting, Graham,
2019). For this reason, it will suffice for this case in the event
the situational theory of leadership is used.
When speaking of situational leadership, reference is being
made to the to a style in which leaders will employ the use of
different approaches as well as leadership dynamics to realise
set goals. This simply means that the leader can change from
transactional to the transformational approach of leading
depending on the nature of the situation (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-
Keene, 2019). In summary, the leadership theory will suffice for
such a situation because a leader is granted with an opportunity
to modify his or her style to be aligned to the level of
development of the followers. In addition to this, the leadership
style is founded on a theory which postulates that since leaders
will often find themselves working closely and collaboratively
with their sub-ordinates, they need to make decisions which are
not only understandable but also imitable.
By doing this, they will have ensured that the sub-ordinates
have been properly shaped and that a desirable momentum
towards an increased productivity has been developed. An
example which can be used to explain this is that of the medical
department where the staff members will direct greater attention
to task performance in the event they are monitored constantly
by those in leadership positions. It, however, needs to be noted
that this is not a long-term solution to the aforementioned issues
(Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). The reason for this is that
consistency can only be ensured in the event trust has been
established in regards to the ability of employees to effectively
perform their tasks. The value of this theory is based on the
idea that it situational leadership ensures that an appropriate
boost has been provided to the process of constructing
organizational structures which are supportive of a change
Public Leadership in the Education Environment
Two public leadership styles which will suffice in the case of
the education board is transformational and transactional
leadership. The theory of transformational leadership has been
found to not only be suitable for the educational concerns but
also will work well in ensuring that the administrators can work
collaboratively in establishing a framework which will lead to
the realisation of both the immediate and future goals (Bogotch,
Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). The leadership style is one which
catalyses the excitement and motivation of the sub-ordinates to
align their practices with the mission and vision of an
institution. In addition to this, it has been stated that leaders
who chose to follow the approach will ensure that a sense of
purpose has been fostered and that the individuals in an
organization have been united for a better cause (Bogotch,
Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). It has been stated under the
transformational style of leadership that the approaches
employed are phenomenal in ensuring that common ground has
been established within an organizational environment.
It, however, needs to be noted that for the education department
to be effectively supported, the hierarchical and facilitative
styles have to be employed. The previous style of leadership is
quite similar to the transformational style. However, it has been
stated as more democratic and interactive whenever put into
practice (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). In this case, a
facilitative education leader will work with the executives in
general and ensure that appropriate partnerships have been
provided when making preparations for future academic
expectations. I addition to this, the style will ensure that ideas
are collectively promoted as a leader will place him or herself
in the crowd rather than the centre of authority (Nguyen Long,
Foster, & Arnold, 2019). The fundamental goal of these leaders
is to ensure that the stakeholders of the system, in general, have
been empowered to realise greater strides in ensuring that
students from all backgrounds have been supported in their
On the other hand, the hierarchical style is founded on the
traditional education approach which emphasizes on the need to
have a command chain through which instructions are provided.
The approach will ensure that rules are strictly followed and
that an administrative leader plans and supervises all the
functions. It ensures that efficiency and control have been
established in all routines. The emergent concerns will be dealt
with uniquely hence ensuring that any issue which will impact
the students negatively has been addressed.
Impacts on the leadership of City managers
The decisions made by the health and education departments
will impact city managers in various ways. First, it will affect
their budgetary allocations, the time taken to adopt and process
the changes, and also will influence the opinion of the public
concerning the final budgetary decisions made in the quest to
implement the policies (McConnell, & Hart, 2019). Based on
the fact that these are employed by elected individuals who are
regarded as the CEOs of their respective cities, public opinion
is fundamental in their decision making processes. Hence,
despite the aforementioned recommendations being sufficient in
ensuring that both departments realise success in their change
processes, decisions will be based on the directives of the
mayor and the city council members (McConnell, & Hart,
2019). However, significant efforts have been made to ensure
that decisions made by the city manager are not influenced by
politics. The resultant effect has been a minimal impact on the
individual's role and function regardless of the decision made
by either the health or education departments.
Moving Forward
Due to the susceptibility of the public leaders to criticism and
somewhat negative judgement, it will suffice to ensure that they
learn how to manage their own characters in connection to their
style of leading (Nguyen Long, Foster, & Arnold, 2019). The
leaders hence need to be well educated and be able to determine
their weaknesses and tackle them to effectively manage the
concerns raised by all individuals under their leadership.
Finally, it will suffice for the leaders to be taken through the
management classes because good leadership is founded on the
ability to effectively manage and ensure set goals have been
Azahar, A. (2019). Public Policy and Governance: Theory and
Practice. Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration. Doi
Bogotch, I., Bauer, S. & Su-Keene, E. (2019). New beginnings,
repeated: The continuing search for educational leadership.
Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 4 (1),
110-146. DOI: 10.30828/real/2019.1.5
Bowen S, Botting I, Graham I. (2019). Experience of health
leadership in partnering with university based researchers in
Canada – a call to “re-imagine” research.Int J Health Policy
Manag. 8(12):684– 699. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2019.66
McConnell, A., & Hart, P. (2019). Inaction and public policy:
understanding why policymakers ‘do nothing’. Policy
Sci52, 645–661.
Nguyen Long, L.A., Foster, M. & Arnold, G. (2019). The
impact of stakeholder engagement on local policy decision
making. Policy Sci52, 549–571.
Public Leadership and Diversity
Delores Blango
Dr. Derrick Tinsley
Strayer University
PAD 515
February 15, 2020
Public Leadership and Diversity
Defining a Public Leader
A public leader is an individual that is tasked with role of
leading the people while holding a public office. The key
responsibilities of public leaders include guiding the community
towards change, recognizing the needs within his or her society
and helping in the development of solutions (Tummers & Knies,
2016). A good example of a public leader is the mayor, who
usually serves a municipality. What is more, is that a public
leader also has the responsibility of ensuring that public value
is increased. However, in defining a public leadership, one
should consider that it includes the collaboration between
different agencies and the public, which is set towards attaining
specific goals.
In the example of a mayor as a public leader, there are certain
duties that this individual is expected to perform. Working with
the mayor, one notices that this leader has executive power,
whereby he manages the administrative power. The mayor can
appoint the heads of department depending on what must be
done to ensure that continued improvement is attained.
Additionally, the major protects the interests of the followers,
whereby he considers the changes necessary in the different
departs in his municipality and ensures that changes are
enforced. Research indicates that public leaders should be able
to think differently and be able to guide the team members
towards successful attainment of set goals.
Overview of Public Leaders
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King can be considered as a public leader, mostly
because of his efforts towards ensuring that the needs of his
society (the African Americans) were met. Martin considered
the problems that were there such as discrimination against the
blacks and realized that there was the need to course a
revolution. Additionally, in his efforts, he aimed towards that
the future generation found a better community in which
everyone was treated as equals in the United States. For this
reason, Luther King opted to come up with civil rights
movements to aid in the attainment of his motives and to
encourage the people to follow him.
Martin Luther King used certain leadership traits, styles and
theories that are attributed to successful public leaders. One of
these traits is that a public leader ought to be intelligent. Martin
portrayed intelligence in that he realized that violence and force
would not help him achieve his goals (Northouse, 2016).
Therefore, he considered using boycotts and convincing power
to encourage the people in his community to join him in
creating the civil rights movement. Additionally, self-
confidence is an important factor, because when a leaders
believes in his strategies, it becomes easy for the followers to
believe that the methods suggested by the leader will work.
Transformational leadership was the key theory utilized by
Luther King. This leader recognized that the community
required change and for this to happen, there was need for a
leader that would make things happen. The key concept behind
this theory is usually to attain collective good, which can be
seen in the work that was done by Martin Luther King (Yusuf &
Kurniady, 2020). In this case, the community needed equal
treatment of all person, which remained his main motivating
Winnie Madikizela Mandela
Winnie was the wife to the former president of South Africa,
Nelson Mandela. She can be considered as a good example of a
public leader due to the efforts that she engaged in towards
ensuring that the people survived the apartheid era. As a leader,
Winnie understood the need for being selfless and helping
people, which could help improve the conditions within the
society. for this reason, she participated in social work and
attained success whereby she volunteered in hospitals.
Winnie Mandela used situational leadership styles. She
understands that every situation is unique and, therefore, must
have a tailored solution. For instance, when the South African
government issued passbooks for black women, Winnie joined
forces with other women to protest this move (Eynon, 2017). On
the other hand, with increased HIV cases in the country, she
took to activism, whereby she made numerous donations to help
her government deal with the problem.
Changes in the I990’s
The 1990s marked an era of peace and prosperity in most
countries. While the rest of the world was celebrating the end of
cold war and increased socialization from the invention of the
internet, South Africa marked history by emerging from years of
apartheid. In south Africa, the period marked the end of
apartheid, which resulted in great changes in the social and
government organization and structure. The period marked a
new social era in which racial segregation came to an end in the
region. The blacks were no longer considered as the inferior
race, they were allowed to enjoy equal rights as the whites who
had colonized them and marginalized them for years.
Additionally, whites and blacks were allowed to mingle and
intermarry without any social or legal backlash as was the case
prior to the 1990s. Governmental changes that occurred in the
country were the end of the dictatorial regime and the creation
of a democratic government (Evans, 2017). In 1990, president
F.W de Klerk released Nelson Mandela and democratic election
were later announced.
The government changed in structure and leadership during the
1990s as Mandela became the president and a government
formed by both blacks and whites was created. Similar to the
rest of the world wars that involved the government fighting
local groups or communism came to an end during the period.
Most governments around the world saw a transition from cold
war and active war to a period of peace and a stable
government. As was the case in South Africa, most of the
government settled and ruled through a period of peace and
Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and F.W. de Klerk played the
roles of a leader, peace-maker, and unifier in enabling change,
recognizing diversity, and leading courageously. The three
leaders worked played the role of a leader by mobilizing the
people to engage in reconciliation and avoid violence in their
quest for freedom. Although part of the ruling government,
Klerk played an active role in attaining change in South Africa
by releasing Mandela and announcing multiracial democratic
elections. Mandela and Tutu actively sought change by unifying
the people and pushing for a peaceful transition in the
government for all the people to be included. In doing so, all
the leaders were courageous and helped the people realize
diversity and a positive attribute among the society.
Gender Diversity
Gender diversity in the workplace has increased in the modern
era as the society has realized women as equals. Women are no
longer marginalized and have helped organization equally as
men, which has led to a change in the attitude of the society
towards women and their increased number in organizations
(Fritz & van Knippenberg, 2019). Currently, there is a
significant percentage of women in managerial positions, which
shows a change in attitude in the society about women.
Additionally, change in cultural norms has helped to increase
the participation of women in the workplace and being elected
as departmental and business leaders. If a leader of another was
to be elected as my new leader the benefits would include new
opportunities, new learning opportunities, and new ways of
doing business. The disadvantage would be that it would be
difficult to interact with the leader in the short-run.
Key Strength
A key strength that would influence my ability as a public
leader is the ability to commit to projects undertaken.
Regardless of any difficulties experienced, I normally do not
loose hope and will put more efforts to ensure that goals are
Evans, G. (2017). Commonwealth Diplomacy and the End of
Apartheid. The Round Table, 106(1), 61-69
Eynon, D. E. (2017). Before the End of Apartheid. In Women,
Economic Development, and Higher Education (pp. 35-64).
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Fritz, C., & van Knippenberg, D. (2019). Gender and
Leadership Aspiration: Supervisor Gender, Support, and Job
Control. Applied Psychology.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th
ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Tummers, L., & Knies, E. (2016). Measuring public leadership:
Developing scales for four key public leadership roles. Public
Administration, 94(2), 433-451.
Yusuf, M. A., & Kurniady, D. A. (2020, February). The
Implementation of Transformational Leadership: Makes
Effectiveness Organizational Culture. In 3rd International
Conference on Research of Educational Administration and
Management (ICREAM 2019) (pp. 330-332). Atlantis Press.
Theories of Leadership
Delores Blango
Dr. Derrick Tinsley
Strayer University
PAD 515
February 1, 2020
Theories of Leadership
Leadership is a skill in which an individual can guide others or
an organization. It requires the leader to be motivating enough
so that they can achieve a set objective. Leaders usually have a
personality that draws others towards him or her. It is all about
steering people in the right direction and ensuring that they
remain focused on achieving the agreed goals (Silva, 2016).
Additionally, it entails deciding on the group’s vision, sharing
it with the followers, and ensuring that everyone has the
information, knowledge, and skills for a triumphant
Definition of a Public Leader
A public leader is an individual that works in a public office in
which he or she is supposed to serve the community.
Additionally, public leaders such as the mayor are tasked with
the responsibility of evaluating what the society needs and
engaging in collective efforts, often geared towards ensuring
that the community’s issues are addressed. There are various
leadership styles and theories that support the definition of a
public leader.
Leadership Theories
Contingency theory is one of the approaches that can support
the definition of a public leader. The theory stipulates that the
leadership style varies depending on the situation at hand.
According to Dinibutun (2020), leaders should assess the
situation and choose a method that will work best with the
problem at that particular time. In defining a public leader, it is
argued that the person must possess the ability to evaluate the
community and understand the issues that it is facing. Similarly,
the contingency theory claims that a good leader understands
the needs of his followers and will select the best method to
address the issue without any major setbacks.
Furthermore, Dinibutun (2020) explains that in Fiedler’s
contingency model, a leader can either be task-oriented or
relationship-oriented. While a task-oriented leader is concerned
about the completion of tasks by ensuring that the subordinates
exhibit high performance, a relationship-oriented leader is more
interested in getting liked by the followers by developing a
positive relationship with them. In this case, public leaders have
to work towards ensuring that the employees within their office
have to perform and provide positive outcomes and ascertain
that the solutions help in developing a lasting relationship with
the society and the peers.
Another of the theories that best defines a public leader is the
behavioural model. The behavioural theory holds that a leader is
described in terms of his characteristics, which are often
developed over time. That is, a good leader should have the
ability to interact well with the people, have ideas that help the
smooth operation of the office held, and have the knowledge to
achieve the objectives. Additionally, the behavior of a leader
determines the degree of motivation, commitment, and
satisfaction on the part of the followers (Nawaz & Khan, 2016).
The rationale for this argument is that subordinates tend to be
less motivated when the behavior of the public leader is
wanting, and he has the tendency to ignore the issues of the
Leadership Styles
The definition of a public leader is primarily supported by the
transformational leadership style. This method is focused on
bringing change in an area in which a person is in charge. The
strategy used by the leader includes motivating the employees
to be innovative, creative, and hardworking with the aim of
effectively causing change within an organization ( Choi, Kim,
Kang, 2017).
Additionally, this style does not include micromanaging,
whereby the leader only has to train his employees and then
creates an environment in which they can be creative and
contribute towards the accomplishment of objectives. A public
leader is supposed to demonstrate authenticity in their work and
be strong-willed. Situational leadership explains that it is
expected of the employees to follow suit and utilize strategies
that will help grow their organization and solve any problems
that may arise.
What is more, is that transformational leadership emphasizes
more on the need to have an ethical environment and to
maintain high moral standards that should be emulated by the
followers. Maintaining an ethical climate within the community
is part of the definition of a public leader. That is, once one is
entrusted with a public office, it is expected of them to deal
with ethical issues such as corruption so that all members of the
society have fair chances at the opportunities within the region.
Democratic leadership also supports the definition of a public
leader. The method holds that a leader makes his or her
decisions based on the input from the members of the team. A
public leader works closely with people in society who have an
understanding of what is happening in the community. He tasks
them with the duty of determining the problems at hand
providing solutions. As part of the process, the leader holds
meetings with those that are part of his team to lay out
strategies and decide on the way forward. This method ensures
that even the lowest within the organization have an opportunity
to air out their grievances and be hard. A public leader is
required to encourage the exchange of ideas.
Comparison between Successful Leaders in Public, Private, and
Non-Profit Organizations
There is a difference between successful leaders in public,
private, and non-profit organizations. The public leaders are
motivated by the need to cause a change in the society or the
nation. However, the primary motivation of the leaders in the
private sector is driven by the need to make profits and ensure
that their organization survives in the economy. On the other
hand, those in non-profit organizations concentrate on a select
group of people, for instance individuals living with disability
and work towards ensuring their plight is heard. Leaders in non-
profit organizations rely on autocratic leadership style whereby
the executive directors have strong connections with the donors
and the community serves. While public leaders are keen on
transformational leadership style, those in the private sector use
transactional leadership which gets work done by motivating
employees. For instance, bonuses the marketing team may be
given bonuses when their efforts lead to an increase in sales.
Leadership is not a born ability, and neither does it resort from
a challenge. I think that leadership is learned. That is, through
enrolling in leadership causes, one could pick up a few traits
that help in changing their behavior and equipping them with
leadership skills (Pandya, Dirks, & Kwok, 2017). Additionally,
leadership can also be learned by observing what others are
doing. For example, a student interacts with the school
principal, sees how he manages crisis and gets things done, and
is eventually equipped with leadership skills.
Leadership includes ensuring that team members remain
motivated towards the accomplishment of objectives.
Leadership styles differ depending on the situation whereby
different theories and methods are applied. The best leaders are
made by having them learning leadership skills through
training, observation, and participation.
Choi, S. B., Kim, K., & Kang, S. W. (2017). Effects of
transformational and shared leadership styles on employees'
perception of team effectiveness. Social Behavior and
Personality: an international journal, 45(3), 377-386.
Dinibutun, S. R. (2020). Leadership: A Comprehensive Review
of Literature, Research and Theoretical Framework. Journal of
Economics and Business, 3(1), 44-64.
Nawaz, Z. A. K. D. A., & Khan_ PhD, I. (2016). Leadership
theories and styles: A literature review. Leadership, 16(1), 1-7.
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  • 1. Assignment 4: Public Leadership Presentation Due Week 10 and worth 150 points Condense information from Assignments 1, 2, 3, and additional criteria in order to develop a creative and appealing PowerPoint presentation. Create a ten to twelve (10-12) slide presentation in which you: 1. Create a title slide and references section (as indicated in the format requirements below). 2. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, then you should provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation. 3. Briefly summarize your idea of a public leader. Cite experiences and research to support your assertions. 4. Discuss the specific leadership theories and styles that support your definition of a public leader. Provide a rationale to support your answer. 5. Discuss gender diversity in the workplace, including the increasing numbers of women in the workplace and leadership positions. What are the main barriers to women’s political participation and expression? What is the role of government and political parties to address this gap? 6. Predict three (3) public leadership trends that you believe will be particularly significant within the next decade. 7. What is the most important idea that you have learned in the course? How can you apply what you have learned? What will you do with whom, where, when, and, most important, why? 8. Include at least four (4) peer-reviewed references (no more than 1 year old) from material outside the textbook. Note: Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles and government websites. Wikipedia, other wikis, and any other websites ending in anything other than “.gov” do not qualify as academic resources.
  • 2. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length. · Include a reference slide containing the sources that were consulted while completing research on the selected topic, listed in APA format. The reference slide is not included in the required slide length. · Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide, two to three (2-3) colors, two to three (2-3) fonts, and two to three (2-3) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from eighteen (18) feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each. · Slide titles should be based on the criteria being summarized (e.g., “Four Key Attributes,” “Responses to Budget Issues,” etc.). Running head: MANAGING PEOPLE THROUGH CHANGE MANAGING PEOPLE THROUGH CHANGE 10 Managing People through Change Delores Blango Strayer University Dr. Derrick Tinsley PAD 515 February 28, 2020
  • 3. Case Overview For this change management report, two case scenarios have been illustrated to require a solution. The first is in regards to the department of health where the administrators have been stated by citizens and several external stakeholders to not only act unprofessionally in their leadership roles but also are unethical and will often offer insufficient care to both patients and customers. In addition to this, the groups have also been cited to provide poor response times to emergencies and are incapable of implementing sufficient changes or resolve emergent conflicts within the staff and sub-ordinate groups. The three agencies which make up the health department include social services, human services, and the fire and emergency management teams. The second case involves a school board which has managed to establish a collaborative connexion with several government departments. In the last two previous months, however, the school board has been taking action against departmental directors for failing to work in collaboration with them in ensuring the federal provisions concerning the reformation of new policy concerns have been met. The changes have been stated to impact the housing and redevelopment department, the education department, and the department of urban development. In addition to this, the directors have also been charged for failing to support academic leadership for the secondary school principals through the provision of specific student information from the juvenile relations department. This
  • 4. would have helped to improve the retention rates of students, their performance, and consequent graduation. To deal with the two scenarios as the chief of staff, the following measures will be taken. In a professional position supported by relevant experts, the office will ensure that a wide range of collective judgement which will suffice in ensuring that the concerns raised by the stakeholders have been addressed through a sensible and collaborative decision making. What is requested is for the members including the health societies which alert events and ensure current laws have been observed, prioritise the investigation activities into the concerns raised to ensure that the consequent decisions are suitable for the proposed changes. Hence, workers in the department of health need to acknowledge the fact that they have been placed in those positions to ensure that appropriate care has been provided to those in need and that all related standards have been upheld. In addition to this, the workers, regardless of the position held, need to heed to their responsibility to provide competent medical and emergency services with the highest levels of compassion and respect for the dignity of those in need (Azahar, 2019). In light of the above, the recommendations provided will not only be compliant with the problems identified but will also ensure that relevant sources have been provided to ensure that public safety has been supported and that a sense of responsibility has been motivated among the groups at fault. In order to address the issues raised by the stakeholders of the health department, it will suffice if an increased amount of training has been provided to the leaders in regards to ethics and professionalism. In addition to this, changes will have to be made on the approaches used to provide services to ensure that appropriate policies have been established on how to bring about an orderly environment of service provision (Azahar, 2019). For the employees to develop a greater understanding of these changes, appropriate leadership approaches will be employed. These will be illustrated in the consequent section of
  • 5. this report. It also has to be noted that a solution to such unwanted allegations will also require a legal perspective. In this regard, I will take it upon myself to ensure that a review has been conducted on all laws related to healthcare provision and emergency response so as to ensure that any decision made on the matter is aligned with the industry's provisions. In addition to this, an examination conducted on the industry's trends will ensure that an effective conclusion has been made in regards to how the public sector, in general, has been attending to the needs of its stakeholders (Azahar, 2019). The consequent change will be based on the need to develop a greater understanding of the concerns of the stakeholders and what will impact the process of change management. School Board Case What has been found in regards to schools is that their core purpose is to ensure that learning has been supported in all situations. This simply means that collaboration efforts in the quest to address policy concerns and providing information which will support the learning abilities of the diverse students have to be prioritised by all individuals regarded as education stakeholders. This simply means that no administrator should be allowed to hold onto the position in the event he or she finds it difficult to put an effort which will ensure that students are enabled to realise a greater academic achievement (Azahar, 2019). For this reason, the situation can be addressed by developing policies which are more stringent in ensuring that collaboration and adherence to the needs of students have been made a norm. Failure of any individual regardless of whether he or she sits in the board or performs administrative duties, to meet the expectations of the board and the education department, in general, will attract dire penalties including a demotion or suspension from duties until proven sufficiently fit to hold the position. Changes to be made so as to address the education boards' concerns include; enactment of policies which give greater
  • 6. oversight and enforcement power to the school boards. Secondly, the approaches put in place to ensure policy changes have been adopted will need to be reviewed (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). The two approaches will not only ensure that the school administrators are motivated to perform their duties especially those linked to student achievement but will also ensure that any challenges experienced in the process of managing and adopting policy changes have been determined and addressed. Policy Changes and Leadership Styles The DHA has been in operation for quite a long time. The consequent effect of this has been a change in management and high turnover rates which have impacted the reliability, professionalism, organization, and the general nature of the department's leadership environment. With that in mind, there is a dire need for the department's culture to be transformed. This brings to light the theory of transformational leadership which has been stated to be effective in ensuring that change has been supported and that growth has been realised within the environments of work. It also has been stated that leaders who embody transformational leadership traits are more motivated to perform the tasks at hand. For this reason, it is possible to state that a highly structured organization will ensure that greater success has been realised. Moreover, the leadership style will ensure that an emphasis has been put on the need for increased collaboration in both the decision making processes and when implementing the determined activities (Bowen, Botting, Graham, 2019). The concern over lack of professionalism in the Department of healthcare and the lack of a desire to effectively address the desires of clients will, however, be quite difficult to address through the approach of transformational leadership. The reason for this is that the theory only provides an opportunity for individuals to develop within a communal work environment rather than one that is competitive in nature. Due to the above challenge, it will suffice for the department in
  • 7. the event different leaders using different approaches of leadership are placed to work alongside one another. This approach is founded on the fact that most of the issues raised by the stakeholders are concerned with an evident lack of organization in the entire department especially in regards to complying with the rules put in place on how to attend to the needs of patients and other clients (Bowen, Botting, Graham, 2019). For this reason, it will suffice for this case in the event the situational theory of leadership is used. When speaking of situational leadership, reference is being made to the to a style in which leaders will employ the use of different approaches as well as leadership dynamics to realise set goals. This simply means that the leader can change from transactional to the transformational approach of leading depending on the nature of the situation (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su- Keene, 2019). In summary, the leadership theory will suffice for such a situation because a leader is granted with an opportunity to modify his or her style to be aligned to the level of development of the followers. In addition to this, the leadership style is founded on a theory which postulates that since leaders will often find themselves working closely and collaboratively with their sub-ordinates, they need to make decisions which are not only understandable but also imitable. By doing this, they will have ensured that the sub-ordinates have been properly shaped and that a desirable momentum towards an increased productivity has been developed. An example which can be used to explain this is that of the medical department where the staff members will direct greater attention to task performance in the event they are monitored constantly by those in leadership positions. It, however, needs to be noted that this is not a long-term solution to the aforementioned issues (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). The reason for this is that consistency can only be ensured in the event trust has been established in regards to the ability of employees to effectively perform their tasks. The value of this theory is based on the idea that it situational leadership ensures that an appropriate
  • 8. boost has been provided to the process of constructing organizational structures which are supportive of a change process. Public Leadership in the Education Environment Two public leadership styles which will suffice in the case of the education board is transformational and transactional leadership. The theory of transformational leadership has been found to not only be suitable for the educational concerns but also will work well in ensuring that the administrators can work collaboratively in establishing a framework which will lead to the realisation of both the immediate and future goals (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). The leadership style is one which catalyses the excitement and motivation of the sub-ordinates to align their practices with the mission and vision of an institution. In addition to this, it has been stated that leaders who chose to follow the approach will ensure that a sense of purpose has been fostered and that the individuals in an organization have been united for a better cause (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). It has been stated under the transformational style of leadership that the approaches employed are phenomenal in ensuring that common ground has been established within an organizational environment. It, however, needs to be noted that for the education department to be effectively supported, the hierarchical and facilitative styles have to be employed. The previous style of leadership is quite similar to the transformational style. However, it has been stated as more democratic and interactive whenever put into practice (Bogotch, Bauer, & Su-Keene, 2019). In this case, a facilitative education leader will work with the executives in general and ensure that appropriate partnerships have been provided when making preparations for future academic expectations. I addition to this, the style will ensure that ideas are collectively promoted as a leader will place him or herself in the crowd rather than the centre of authority (Nguyen Long, Foster, & Arnold, 2019). The fundamental goal of these leaders is to ensure that the stakeholders of the system, in general, have
  • 9. been empowered to realise greater strides in ensuring that students from all backgrounds have been supported in their education. On the other hand, the hierarchical style is founded on the traditional education approach which emphasizes on the need to have a command chain through which instructions are provided. The approach will ensure that rules are strictly followed and that an administrative leader plans and supervises all the functions. It ensures that efficiency and control have been established in all routines. The emergent concerns will be dealt with uniquely hence ensuring that any issue which will impact the students negatively has been addressed. Impacts on the leadership of City managers The decisions made by the health and education departments will impact city managers in various ways. First, it will affect their budgetary allocations, the time taken to adopt and process the changes, and also will influence the opinion of the public concerning the final budgetary decisions made in the quest to implement the policies (McConnell, & Hart, 2019). Based on the fact that these are employed by elected individuals who are regarded as the CEOs of their respective cities, public opinion is fundamental in their decision making processes. Hence, despite the aforementioned recommendations being sufficient in ensuring that both departments realise success in their change processes, decisions will be based on the directives of the mayor and the city council members (McConnell, & Hart, 2019). However, significant efforts have been made to ensure that decisions made by the city manager are not influenced by politics. The resultant effect has been a minimal impact on the individual's role and function regardless of the decision made by either the health or education departments. Moving Forward Due to the susceptibility of the public leaders to criticism and somewhat negative judgement, it will suffice to ensure that they learn how to manage their own characters in connection to their style of leading (Nguyen Long, Foster, & Arnold, 2019). The
  • 10. leaders hence need to be well educated and be able to determine their weaknesses and tackle them to effectively manage the concerns raised by all individuals under their leadership. Finally, it will suffice for the leaders to be taken through the management classes because good leadership is founded on the ability to effectively manage and ensure set goals have been realised. References Azahar, A. (2019). Public Policy and Governance: Theory and Practice. Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration. Doi 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3699-1. Bogotch, I., Bauer, S. & Su-Keene, E. (2019). New beginnings, repeated: The continuing search for educational leadership. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 4 (1), 110-146. DOI: 10.30828/real/2019.1.5 Bowen S, Botting I, Graham I. (2019). Experience of health leadership in partnering with university based researchers in Canada – a call to “re-imagine” research.Int J Health Policy Manag. 8(12):684– 699. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2019.66 McConnell, A., & Hart, P. (2019). Inaction and public policy: understanding why policymakers ‘do nothing’. Policy
  • 11. Sci52, 645–661. Nguyen Long, L.A., Foster, M. & Arnold, G. (2019). The impact of stakeholder engagement on local policy decision making. Policy Sci52, 549–571. Running head: PUBLIC LEADERSHIP AND DIVERSITY 1 PUBLIC LEADERSHIP AND DIVERSITY 2 Public Leadership and Diversity Delores Blango Dr. Derrick Tinsley Strayer University PAD 515 February 15, 2020 Public Leadership and Diversity Defining a Public Leader A public leader is an individual that is tasked with role of leading the people while holding a public office. The key responsibilities of public leaders include guiding the community towards change, recognizing the needs within his or her society and helping in the development of solutions (Tummers & Knies, 2016). A good example of a public leader is the mayor, who usually serves a municipality. What is more, is that a public leader also has the responsibility of ensuring that public value is increased. However, in defining a public leadership, one should consider that it includes the collaboration between different agencies and the public, which is set towards attaining
  • 12. specific goals. In the example of a mayor as a public leader, there are certain duties that this individual is expected to perform. Working with the mayor, one notices that this leader has executive power, whereby he manages the administrative power. The mayor can appoint the heads of department depending on what must be done to ensure that continued improvement is attained. Additionally, the major protects the interests of the followers, whereby he considers the changes necessary in the different departs in his municipality and ensures that changes are enforced. Research indicates that public leaders should be able to think differently and be able to guide the team members towards successful attainment of set goals. Overview of Public Leaders Martin Luther King Martin Luther King can be considered as a public leader, mostly because of his efforts towards ensuring that the needs of his society (the African Americans) were met. Martin considered the problems that were there such as discrimination against the blacks and realized that there was the need to course a revolution. Additionally, in his efforts, he aimed towards that the future generation found a better community in which everyone was treated as equals in the United States. For this reason, Luther King opted to come up with civil rights movements to aid in the attainment of his motives and to encourage the people to follow him. Martin Luther King used certain leadership traits, styles and theories that are attributed to successful public leaders. One of these traits is that a public leader ought to be intelligent. Martin portrayed intelligence in that he realized that violence and force would not help him achieve his goals (Northouse, 2016). Therefore, he considered using boycotts and convincing power to encourage the people in his community to join him in creating the civil rights movement. Additionally, self- confidence is an important factor, because when a leaders believes in his strategies, it becomes easy for the followers to
  • 13. believe that the methods suggested by the leader will work. Transformational leadership was the key theory utilized by Luther King. This leader recognized that the community required change and for this to happen, there was need for a leader that would make things happen. The key concept behind this theory is usually to attain collective good, which can be seen in the work that was done by Martin Luther King (Yusuf & Kurniady, 2020). In this case, the community needed equal treatment of all person, which remained his main motivating factor. Winnie Madikizela Mandela Winnie was the wife to the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. She can be considered as a good example of a public leader due to the efforts that she engaged in towards ensuring that the people survived the apartheid era. As a leader, Winnie understood the need for being selfless and helping people, which could help improve the conditions within the society. for this reason, she participated in social work and attained success whereby she volunteered in hospitals. Winnie Mandela used situational leadership styles. She understands that every situation is unique and, therefore, must have a tailored solution. For instance, when the South African government issued passbooks for black women, Winnie joined forces with other women to protest this move (Eynon, 2017). On the other hand, with increased HIV cases in the country, she took to activism, whereby she made numerous donations to help her government deal with the problem. Changes in the I990’s The 1990s marked an era of peace and prosperity in most countries. While the rest of the world was celebrating the end of cold war and increased socialization from the invention of the internet, South Africa marked history by emerging from years of apartheid. In south Africa, the period marked the end of apartheid, which resulted in great changes in the social and government organization and structure. The period marked a new social era in which racial segregation came to an end in the
  • 14. region. The blacks were no longer considered as the inferior race, they were allowed to enjoy equal rights as the whites who had colonized them and marginalized them for years. Additionally, whites and blacks were allowed to mingle and intermarry without any social or legal backlash as was the case prior to the 1990s. Governmental changes that occurred in the country were the end of the dictatorial regime and the creation of a democratic government (Evans, 2017). In 1990, president F.W de Klerk released Nelson Mandela and democratic election were later announced. The government changed in structure and leadership during the 1990s as Mandela became the president and a government formed by both blacks and whites was created. Similar to the rest of the world wars that involved the government fighting local groups or communism came to an end during the period. Most governments around the world saw a transition from cold war and active war to a period of peace and a stable government. As was the case in South Africa, most of the government settled and ruled through a period of peace and prosperity. Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and F.W. de Klerk played the roles of a leader, peace-maker, and unifier in enabling change, recognizing diversity, and leading courageously. The three leaders worked played the role of a leader by mobilizing the people to engage in reconciliation and avoid violence in their quest for freedom. Although part of the ruling government, Klerk played an active role in attaining change in South Africa by releasing Mandela and announcing multiracial democratic elections. Mandela and Tutu actively sought change by unifying the people and pushing for a peaceful transition in the government for all the people to be included. In doing so, all the leaders were courageous and helped the people realize diversity and a positive attribute among the society. Gender Diversity Gender diversity in the workplace has increased in the modern era as the society has realized women as equals. Women are no
  • 15. longer marginalized and have helped organization equally as men, which has led to a change in the attitude of the society towards women and their increased number in organizations (Fritz & van Knippenberg, 2019). Currently, there is a significant percentage of women in managerial positions, which shows a change in attitude in the society about women. Additionally, change in cultural norms has helped to increase the participation of women in the workplace and being elected as departmental and business leaders. If a leader of another was to be elected as my new leader the benefits would include new opportunities, new learning opportunities, and new ways of doing business. The disadvantage would be that it would be difficult to interact with the leader in the short-run. Key Strength A key strength that would influence my ability as a public leader is the ability to commit to projects undertaken. Regardless of any difficulties experienced, I normally do not loose hope and will put more efforts to ensure that goals are met.
  • 16. References Evans, G. (2017). Commonwealth Diplomacy and the End of Apartheid. The Round Table, 106(1), 61-69 Eynon, D. E. (2017). Before the End of Apartheid. In Women, Economic Development, and Higher Education (pp. 35-64). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Fritz, C., & van Knippenberg, D. (2019). Gender and Leadership Aspiration: Supervisor Gender, Support, and Job Control. Applied Psychology. Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Tummers, L., & Knies, E. (2016). Measuring public leadership: Developing scales for four key public leadership roles. Public Administration, 94(2), 433-451. Yusuf, M. A., & Kurniady, D. A. (2020, February). The Implementation of Transformational Leadership: Makes Effectiveness Organizational Culture. In 3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2019) (pp. 330-332). Atlantis Press. Running head: THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP 1 THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP 2 Theories of Leadership Delores Blango Dr. Derrick Tinsley Strayer University PAD 515
  • 17. February 1, 2020 Theories of Leadership Introduction Leadership is a skill in which an individual can guide others or an organization. It requires the leader to be motivating enough so that they can achieve a set objective. Leaders usually have a personality that draws others towards him or her. It is all about steering people in the right direction and ensuring that they remain focused on achieving the agreed goals (Silva, 2016). Additionally, it entails deciding on the group’s vision, sharing it with the followers, and ensuring that everyone has the information, knowledge, and skills for a triumphant accomplishment. Definition of a Public Leader A public leader is an individual that works in a public office in which he or she is supposed to serve the community. Additionally, public leaders such as the mayor are tasked with the responsibility of evaluating what the society needs and engaging in collective efforts, often geared towards ensuring that the community’s issues are addressed. There are various leadership styles and theories that support the definition of a public leader. Leadership Theories Contingency theory is one of the approaches that can support the definition of a public leader. The theory stipulates that the leadership style varies depending on the situation at hand. According to Dinibutun (2020), leaders should assess the situation and choose a method that will work best with the problem at that particular time. In defining a public leader, it is argued that the person must possess the ability to evaluate the community and understand the issues that it is facing. Similarly, the contingency theory claims that a good leader understands the needs of his followers and will select the best method to address the issue without any major setbacks. Furthermore, Dinibutun (2020) explains that in Fiedler’s
  • 18. contingency model, a leader can either be task-oriented or relationship-oriented. While a task-oriented leader is concerned about the completion of tasks by ensuring that the subordinates exhibit high performance, a relationship-oriented leader is more interested in getting liked by the followers by developing a positive relationship with them. In this case, public leaders have to work towards ensuring that the employees within their office have to perform and provide positive outcomes and ascertain that the solutions help in developing a lasting relationship with the society and the peers. Another of the theories that best defines a public leader is the behavioural model. The behavioural theory holds that a leader is described in terms of his characteristics, which are often developed over time. That is, a good leader should have the ability to interact well with the people, have ideas that help the smooth operation of the office held, and have the knowledge to achieve the objectives. Additionally, the behavior of a leader determines the degree of motivation, commitment, and satisfaction on the part of the followers (Nawaz & Khan, 2016). The rationale for this argument is that subordinates tend to be less motivated when the behavior of the public leader is wanting, and he has the tendency to ignore the issues of the community. Leadership Styles The definition of a public leader is primarily supported by the transformational leadership style. This method is focused on bringing change in an area in which a person is in charge. The strategy used by the leader includes motivating the employees to be innovative, creative, and hardworking with the aim of effectively causing change within an organization ( Choi, Kim, Kang, 2017). Additionally, this style does not include micromanaging, whereby the leader only has to train his employees and then creates an environment in which they can be creative and contribute towards the accomplishment of objectives. A public leader is supposed to demonstrate authenticity in their work and
  • 19. be strong-willed. Situational leadership explains that it is expected of the employees to follow suit and utilize strategies that will help grow their organization and solve any problems that may arise. What is more, is that transformational leadership emphasizes more on the need to have an ethical environment and to maintain high moral standards that should be emulated by the followers. Maintaining an ethical climate within the community is part of the definition of a public leader. That is, once one is entrusted with a public office, it is expected of them to deal with ethical issues such as corruption so that all members of the society have fair chances at the opportunities within the region. Democratic leadership also supports the definition of a public leader. The method holds that a leader makes his or her decisions based on the input from the members of the team. A public leader works closely with people in society who have an understanding of what is happening in the community. He tasks them with the duty of determining the problems at hand providing solutions. As part of the process, the leader holds meetings with those that are part of his team to lay out strategies and decide on the way forward. This method ensures that even the lowest within the organization have an opportunity to air out their grievances and be hard. A public leader is required to encourage the exchange of ideas. Comparison between Successful Leaders in Public, Private, and Non-Profit Organizations There is a difference between successful leaders in public, private, and non-profit organizations. The public leaders are motivated by the need to cause a change in the society or the nation. However, the primary motivation of the leaders in the private sector is driven by the need to make profits and ensure that their organization survives in the economy. On the other hand, those in non-profit organizations concentrate on a select group of people, for instance individuals living with disability and work towards ensuring their plight is heard. Leaders in non- profit organizations rely on autocratic leadership style whereby
  • 20. the executive directors have strong connections with the donors and the community serves. While public leaders are keen on transformational leadership style, those in the private sector use transactional leadership which gets work done by motivating employees. For instance, bonuses the marketing team may be given bonuses when their efforts lead to an increase in sales. Leadership Leadership is not a born ability, and neither does it resort from a challenge. I think that leadership is learned. That is, through enrolling in leadership causes, one could pick up a few traits that help in changing their behavior and equipping them with leadership skills (Pandya, Dirks, & Kwok, 2017). Additionally, leadership can also be learned by observing what others are doing. For example, a student interacts with the school principal, sees how he manages crisis and gets things done, and is eventually equipped with leadership skills. Conclusion Leadership includes ensuring that team members remain motivated towards the accomplishment of objectives. Leadership styles differ depending on the situation whereby different theories and methods are applied. The best leaders are made by having them learning leadership skills through training, observation, and participation. References Choi, S. B., Kim, K., & Kang, S. W. (2017). Effects of transformational and shared leadership styles on employees' perception of team effectiveness. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 45(3), 377-386. Dinibutun, S. R. (2020). Leadership: A Comprehensive Review of Literature, Research and Theoretical Framework. Journal of Economics and Business, 3(1), 44-64. Nawaz, Z. A. K. D. A., & Khan_ PhD, I. (2016). Leadership theories and styles: A literature review. Leadership, 16(1), 1-7. Pandya, T., Dirks, R., & Kwok, A. (2017). Leaders are Made, Not Born: A Leadership Development Curriculum for General Surgery Residents. Journal of the American College of
  • 21. Surgeons, 225(4), e154-e155. Silva, A. (2016). What is leadership?. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 8(1), 1.