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Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography
Due Week 6 and worth 150 points
An Annotated Bibliography is the result of a critical review of
sources of information and the organization of those sources in
preparation for writing the Research Project. The description
and evaluation of sources allows students to choose specific
sources of information that are most relevant to the topic. This
evaluative process goes beyond simply collecting and listing
references and requires students to review the specific content
of each source. Students will submit an organized list of at least
six (6) sources and an accompanying summary for each in order
to explain, assess, and evaluate their relevance to the Research
Information at the following is helpful in completing this
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
Submit six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references
for use in the Research
Provide a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each
Evaluate the relevance and applicability of each reference to
your chosen topic.
Organize the references in alphabetical order.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
Use technology and information resources to research issues in
crime and criminal behavior.
Write clearly and concisely about crime and criminal behavior
using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,
logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing
skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 150
Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Submit six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly
references for use in the Research Project.
Weight: 25%
Did not submit or incompletely submitted six (6) credible and
evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research
Insufficiently submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based
scholarly references for use in the Research Project.
Partially submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based
scholarly references for use in the Research Project.
Satisfactorily submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based
scholarly references for use in the Research Project.
Thoroughly submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based
scholarly references for use in the Research Project.
2. Provide a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each
Weight: 25%
Did not submit or incompletely provided a descriptive summary
of at least 150 words for each reference.
Insufficiently provided a descriptive summary of at least 150
words for each reference.
Partially provided a descriptive summary of at least 150 words
for each reference.
Satisfactorily provided a descriptive summary of at least 150
words for each reference.
Thoroughly provided a descriptive summary of at least 150
words for each reference.
3. Evaluate the relevance and applicability of each reference to
your chosen topic.
Weight: 25%
Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the relevance and
applicability of each reference to your chosen topic.
Insufficiently evaluated the relevance and applicability of each
reference to your chosen topic.
Partially evaluated the relevance and applicability of each
reference to your chosen topic.
Satisfactorily evaluated the relevance and applicability of each
reference to your chosen topic.
Thoroughly evaluated the relevance and applicability of each
reference to your chosen topic.
4. Organize the references in alphabetical order.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely organized the references in
alphabetical order.
Insufficiently organized the references in alphabetical order.
Partially organized the references in alphabetical order.
Satisfactorily organized the references in alphabetical order.
Thoroughly organized the references in alphabetical order.
5. Conform to the APA formatting standards.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely conformed to the APA
formatting standards.
Insufficiently conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Partially conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Satisfactorily conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Thoroughly conformed to the APA formatting standards.
6. Display accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar and
write in a clear and organized manner.
Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present
Assignment 4, Part 1: Research Project Draft Submission
Due Week 8 and worth 200 points
In Week 2, you submitted your Topic Selection and Proposal.
Throughout the length of the course, you have read about your
topic, increased your knowledge about your topic, and gathered
credible information while conducting research on your topic.
Now, you get to consolidate all of your research and
assignments into one (1) deliverable final Research Project.
Basics of APA Style Tutorial
is helpful in writing your paper.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
Give a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges
that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical
issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges.
Address the internal and external stakeholders and how they
contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and
Discuss the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Discuss how the data relates
to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology.
Develop a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology, based on your research.
Use at least six (6) scholarly sources in this assignment.
Wikipedia,,,, and
other open source Websites do not qualify as scholarly.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
Describe the nature of crime and criminology.
Explore the nature and prosecution of global crime
Discuss new evolutions in theory to explain current evolutions
in crime, such as cybercrime.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in
crime and criminal behavior.
Write clearly and concisely about crime and criminal behavior
using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,
logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing
skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 200
Assignment 4, Part 1: Research Project Draft Submission
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
Give a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely gave a brief explanation of
your chosen topical area.
Insufficiently gave a brief explanation of
your chosen topical area.
Partially gave a brief explanation of
your chosen topical area.
Satisfactorily gave a brief explanation of
your chosen topical area.
Thoroughly gave a brief explanation of
your chosen topical area.
Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges
that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical
issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely defined
the problems and challenges that exist in crime and
criminology, based on your research. Did not submit or
incompletely explained the historical issues that have
contributed to the problems and challenges.
Insufficiently defined
the problems and challenges that exist in crime and
criminology, based on your research. Insufficiently explained
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Partially defined
the problems and challenges that exist in crime and
criminology, based on your research. Partially explained the
historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Satisfactorily defined
the problems and challenges that exist in crime and
criminology, based on your research. Satisfactorily explained
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Thoroughly defined
the problems and challenges that exist in crime and
criminology, based on your research. Thoroughly explained the
historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Address the internal and external stakeholders and how they
contribute to both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely addressed
the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute
to both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Insufficiently addressed
the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute
to both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Partially addressed
the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute
to both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Satisfactorily addressed
the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute
to both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Thoroughly addressed
the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute
to both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Discuss the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Discuss how the data relates
to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed
the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or
incompletely discussed how the data relates to the problems and
in crime and criminology
Insufficiently discussed
the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Insufficiently discussed how
the data relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Partially discussed
the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Partially discussed how the
data relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Satisfactorily discussed
the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Satisfactorily discussed how
the data relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Thoroughly discussed
the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Thoroughly discussed how
the data relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Develop a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely developed
a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research.
Insufficiently developed
a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research.
Partially developed
a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
, based on your research.
Satisfactorily developed
a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research.
Thoroughly developed
a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research.
6. Conform to the APA formatting standards.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely conformed to the APA
formatting standards.
Insufficiently conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Partially conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Satisfactorily conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Thoroughly conformed to the APA formatting standards.
7. 6 references
Weight: 10%
No references provided
Does not meet the required number of references; all references
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required number of references; some
references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality
Exceeds number of required references; all references high
quality choices.
8. Display accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar and
write in a clear and organized manner.
Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present
Assignment 4, Part 2 (optional): Research Project Resubmission
Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
The option to improve your grade on this assignment up to a
maximum of 20% with a rewrite applies only if the following
requirements are met:
Assignment 4, Part 1 was submitted on time.
Rewrite of Assignment 4, Part 2 is to be submitted on time.
All criteria were addressed in the first submission of the
The improvement of 20% will depend on the professor’s
evaluation, using the same criteria as for the first submission.
The revised grade cannot exceed 94%.
Before revising the assignment, you should:
Review the feedback from your professor.
Review the criteria for Assignment 4 and make sure you have
addressed the criteria thoroughly.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
Give a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges
that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical
issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges.
Address the internal and external stakeholders and how they
contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and
Discuss the data and information that you have collected while
conducting research on your topic. Discuss how the data relates
to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology.
Develop a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology, based on your research.
Use at least six (6) scholarly sources in this assignment.
Wikipedia,,,, and
other open source Websites do not qualify as scholarly.
These criteria are the same as the previous assignment.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
Describe the nature of crime and criminology.
Explore the nature and prosecution of global crime
Discuss new evolutions in theory to explain current evolutions
in crime, such as cybercrime.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in
crime and criminal behavior.
Write clearly and concisely about crime and criminal behavior
using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,
logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing
skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 200
Assignment 4, Part 2 (optional): Research Project Resubmission
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Give or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief
explanation of your chosen topical area.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely gave or revised content, based
on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen
topical area.
Insufficiently gave or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
Partially gave or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
Satisfactorily gave or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
Thoroughly gave or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area.
2. Based on your chosen topic, define or revise content, based
on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that exist
in crime and criminology
. Explain or revise content, based on professor’s feedback,
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely defined or revised content,
based on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that
in crime and criminology,
based on your chosen topic. Did not submit or incompletely
explained or revised content, based on professor’s feedback,
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Insufficiently defined or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, the problems and challenges that exist
in crime and criminology,
based on your chosen topic. Insufficiently explained or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback,
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Partially defined or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, the problems and challenges that exist
in crime and criminology,
based on your chosen topic. Partially explained or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback,
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Satisfactorily defined or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, the problems and challenges that exist
in crime and criminology,
based on your chosen topic. Satisfactorily explained or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback,
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Thoroughly defined or revised content, based on professor’s
feedback, the problems and challenges that exist
in crime and criminology,
based on your chosen topic. Thoroughly explained or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback,
the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and
Address or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, the
internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to
both the problems and the solutions
in crime and criminology
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely addressed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external
stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and
the solutions
in crime and criminology
Insufficiently addressed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external
stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and
the solutions
in crime and criminology
Partially addressed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external
stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and
the solutions
in crime and criminology
Satisfactorily addressed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external
stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and
the solutions
in crime and criminology
Thoroughly addressed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external
stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and
the solutions
in crime and criminology
Discuss or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, the
data and information that you have collected while conducting
research on your topic. Discuss or revise content, based on
professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and
in crime and criminology
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and
information that you have collected while conducting research
on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or
revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data
relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Insufficiently discussed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and
information that you have collected while conducting research
on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or
revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data
relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Partially discussed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and
information that you have collected while conducting research
on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or
revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data
relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Satisfactorily discussed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and
information that you have collected while conducting research
on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or
revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data
relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Thoroughly discussed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and
information that you have collected while conducting research
on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or
revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data
relates to the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology
Develop or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, a
solution that addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely developed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that
addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research
Insufficiently developed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that
addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research
Partially developed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that
addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research
Satisfactorily developed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that
addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research
Thoroughly developed or revised
content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that
addresses the problems and challenges
in crime and criminology,
based on your research
6. Conform to the APA formatting standards.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely conformed to the APA
formatting standards.
Insufficiently conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Partially conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Satisfactorily conformed to the APA formatting standards.
Thoroughly conformed to the APA formatting standards.
7. 6 references
Weight: 10%
No references provided
Does not meet the required number of references; all references
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required number of references; some
references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality
Exceeds number of required references; all references high
quality choices.
8. Display accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar and
write in a clear and organized manner.
Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present

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Assignment 3 Annotated BibliographyDue Week 6 and worth 150 poi.docx

  • 1. Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography Due Week 6 and worth 150 points An Annotated Bibliography is the result of a critical review of sources of information and the organization of those sources in preparation for writing the Research Project. The description and evaluation of sources allows students to choose specific sources of information that are most relevant to the topic. This evaluative process goes beyond simply collecting and listing references and requires students to review the specific content of each source. Students will submit an organized list of at least six (6) sources and an accompanying summary for each in order to explain, assess, and evaluate their relevance to the Research Project. Information at the following is helpful in completing this portion: nnotated_Bibliography.pdf Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Submit six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. Provide a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. Evaluate the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic. Organize the references in alphabetical order. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
  • 2. 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Use technology and information resources to research issues in crime and criminal behavior. Write clearly and concisely about crime and criminal behavior using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 150 Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary
  • 3. 90-100% A 1. Submit six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. Weight: 25% Did not submit or incompletely submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. Insufficiently submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. Partially submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. Satisfactorily submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. Thoroughly submitted six (6) credible and evidence-based scholarly references for use in the Research Project. 2. Provide a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. Weight: 25% Did not submit or incompletely provided a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. Insufficiently provided a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. Partially provided a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. Satisfactorily provided a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. Thoroughly provided a descriptive summary of at least 150 words for each reference. 3. Evaluate the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic. Weight: 25% Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic. Insufficiently evaluated the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic.
  • 4. Partially evaluated the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic. Satisfactorily evaluated the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic. Thoroughly evaluated the relevance and applicability of each reference to your chosen topic. 4. Organize the references in alphabetical order. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely organized the references in alphabetical order. Insufficiently organized the references in alphabetical order. Partially organized the references in alphabetical order. Satisfactorily organized the references in alphabetical order. Thoroughly organized the references in alphabetical order. 5. Conform to the APA formatting standards. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely conformed to the APA formatting standards. Insufficiently conformed to the APA formatting standards. Partially conformed to the APA formatting standards. Satisfactorily conformed to the APA formatting standards. Thoroughly conformed to the APA formatting standards. 6. Display accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar and write in a clear and organized manner. Weight: 10% More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present Assignment 4, Part 1: Research Project Draft Submission Due Week 8 and worth 200 points
  • 5. In Week 2, you submitted your Topic Selection and Proposal. Throughout the length of the course, you have read about your topic, increased your knowledge about your topic, and gathered credible information while conducting research on your topic. Now, you get to consolidate all of your research and assignments into one (1) deliverable final Research Project. The Basics of APA Style Tutorial is helpful in writing your paper. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Give a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Address the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology. Discuss the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Discuss how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology. Develop a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research. Use at least six (6) scholarly sources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia,,,, and other open source Websites do not qualify as scholarly. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
  • 6. date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Describe the nature of crime and criminology. · Explore the nature and prosecution of global crime · Discuss new evolutions in theory to explain current evolutions in crime, such as cybercrime. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in crime and criminal behavior. Write clearly and concisely about crime and criminal behavior using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 200 Assignment 4, Part 1: Research Project Draft Submission Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C
  • 7. Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Give a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely gave a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Insufficiently gave a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Partially gave a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Satisfactorily gave a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Thoroughly gave a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. 2. Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely defined the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your research. Did not submit or incompletely explained the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Insufficiently defined the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your research. Insufficiently explained the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Partially defined the problems and challenges that exist in crime and
  • 8. criminology, based on your research. Partially explained the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Satisfactorily defined the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your research. Satisfactorily explained the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Thoroughly defined the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your research. Thoroughly explained the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. 3. Address the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely addressed the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Insufficiently addressed the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Partially addressed the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Satisfactorily addressed the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute
  • 9. to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Thoroughly addressed the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . 4. Discuss the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Discuss how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely discussed the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Insufficiently discussed the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Insufficiently discussed how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Partially discussed the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Partially discussed how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Satisfactorily discussed the data and information that you have collected while
  • 10. conducting research on your topic. Satisfactorily discussed how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Thoroughly discussed the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Thoroughly discussed how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . 5. Develop a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely developed a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research. Insufficiently developed a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research. Partially developed a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology , based on your research. Satisfactorily developed a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research. Thoroughly developed a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research. 6. Conform to the APA formatting standards.
  • 11. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely conformed to the APA formatting standards. Insufficiently conformed to the APA formatting standards. Partially conformed to the APA formatting standards. Satisfactorily conformed to the APA formatting standards. Thoroughly conformed to the APA formatting standards. 7. 6 references Weight: 10% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 8. Display accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar and write in a clear and organized manner. Weight: 10% More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present Assignment 4, Part 2 (optional): Research Project Resubmission Due Week 10 and worth 200 points The option to improve your grade on this assignment up to a maximum of 20% with a rewrite applies only if the following requirements are met: · Assignment 4, Part 1 was submitted on time.
  • 12. · Rewrite of Assignment 4, Part 2 is to be submitted on time. · All criteria were addressed in the first submission of the assignment. · The improvement of 20% will depend on the professor’s evaluation, using the same criteria as for the first submission. · The revised grade cannot exceed 94%. Before revising the assignment, you should: 1. Review the feedback from your professor. 2. Review the criteria for Assignment 4 and make sure you have addressed the criteria thoroughly. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Give a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Address the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology. Discuss the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Discuss how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology. Develop a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
  • 13. in crime and criminology, based on your research. Use at least six (6) scholarly sources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia,,,, and other open source Websites do not qualify as scholarly. Note: These criteria are the same as the previous assignment. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Describe the nature of crime and criminology. · Explore the nature and prosecution of global crime · Discuss new evolutions in theory to explain current evolutions in crime, such as cybercrime. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in crime and criminal behavior. Write clearly and concisely about crime and criminal behavior using proper writing mechanics.
  • 14. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 200 Assignment 4, Part 2 (optional): Research Project Resubmission Criteria Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Give or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely gave or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Insufficiently gave or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Partially gave or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Satisfactorily gave or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. Thoroughly gave or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a brief explanation of your chosen topical area. 2. Based on your chosen topic, define or revise content, based
  • 15. on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology . Explain or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely defined or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your chosen topic. Did not submit or incompletely explained or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Insufficiently defined or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your chosen topic. Insufficiently explained or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Partially defined or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your chosen topic. Partially explained or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Satisfactorily defined or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your chosen topic. Satisfactorily explained or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. Thoroughly defined or revised content, based on professor’s
  • 16. feedback, the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology, based on your chosen topic. Thoroughly explained or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges. 3. Address or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely addressed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Insufficiently addressed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Partially addressed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . Satisfactorily addressed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology
  • 17. . Thoroughly addressed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the internal and external stakeholders and how they contribute to both the problems and the solutions in crime and criminology . 4. Discuss or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Discuss or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Insufficiently discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Partially discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or
  • 18. revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Satisfactorily discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . Thoroughly discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, the data and information that you have collected while conducting research on your topic. Did not submit or incompletely discussed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, how the data relates to the problems and challenges in crime and criminology . 5. Develop or revise content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research . Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely developed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research . Insufficiently developed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that addresses the problems and challenges
  • 19. in crime and criminology, based on your research . Partially developed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research . Satisfactorily developed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research . Thoroughly developed or revised content, based on professor’s feedback, a solution that addresses the problems and challenges in crime and criminology, based on your research . 6. Conform to the APA formatting standards. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely conformed to the APA formatting standards. Insufficiently conformed to the APA formatting standards. Partially conformed to the APA formatting standards. Satisfactorily conformed to the APA formatting standards. Thoroughly conformed to the APA formatting standards. 7. 6 references Weight: 10% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.
  • 20. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 8. Display accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar and write in a clear and organized manner. Weight: 10% More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present