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Booklet of Assignment :
2018 -20
Character study of Eve :......................................................................................................................7
Introduction :.................................................................................................................................7
Paradise Lost:.................................................................................................................................7
Character of Eve:............................................................................................................................8
Meaning of Eve’s name:..................................................................................................................8
Eve was created to be Adam’sequal in dignity:.................................................................................8
Eve is regarded as a saintin many christen church:...........................................................................8
Her feast day is on December 24:.....................................................................................................8
Beauty of Eve:.................................................................................................................................9
Intelligence of Eve:..........................................................................................................................9
Eve’s autonomy:........................................................................................................................... 10
Why Adamwants a helpmate? ......................................................................................................10
Eve subordinate to Adam:............................................................................................................. 10
Eve’s identity:............................................................................................................................... 11
Eve after eating apple: .................................................................................................................. 11
Adam’s love towards Eve:.............................................................................................................. 11
Anti sentimental comedywith the reference with she stoops to conquer. ........................................... 13
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 13
Sentiment comedy:....................................................................................................................... 13
Anti-sentimental comedy:............................................................................................................. 14
Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy:................................................................................... 14
Oliver Goldsmith :......................................................................................................................... 14
She stoops to conquer :................................................................................................................. 14
Character :................................................................................................................................ 14
Summery :................................................................................................................................ 15
Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy can be found in she stoop to conquer : ......................... 15
1. Amusing intrigue and situation : ............................................................................................ 15
2. Satirical comedy and Irony :..................................................................................................16
3. Marriage for love and marriage for Money :........................................................................... 16
4. Wit of language and verbal dialogue:..................................................................................... 16
5.Farce and disguise : ................................................................................................................ 16
6. Emotions have boundaries :......................................................................................................17
Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................17
Literary term Three unities................................................................................................................ 18
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 18
The unity of action :...................................................................................................................... 19
Unity of time:............................................................................................................................... 19
Unity of place :............................................................................................................................. 20
Example of play which follow all three Unity :................................................................................. 21
Myth in Kanthapura.......................................................................................................................... 22
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 22
Awardswon by Raja Rao : ............................................................................................................. 22
Raja Rao's notable work :.............................................................................................................. 22
What is Myth ?............................................................................................................................. 23
Definition :................................................................................................................................ 23
Origins of the term Myth or Mythology :........................................................................................ 23
Purpose of using Myth as a technique :.......................................................................................... 23
Summary :...................................................................................................................................24
Myth in Kanthapura : .................................................................................................................... 24
Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................26
John kets and his odes. ..................................................................................................................... 27
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 27
Life :............................................................................................................................................. 27
His five odes:................................................................................................................................ 28
1. Ode on Grecian urn :.............................................................................................................. 28
2. Ode to psyche :...................................................................................................................... 29
Brief history and characteristics of the Age......................................................................................... 31
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 31
Historical characteristics of the Age :.............................................................................................. 31
1. Democracy :.......................................................................................................................... 32
2. Social unrest :........................................................................................................................ 32
Literary characteristics of the Age :................................................................................................ 33
1. An Age of prose : ................................................................................................................... 33
2. Moral purpose :..................................................................................................................... 33
3. Idealism : .............................................................................................................................. 33
Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................35
T.S. Eliot Tradition and individual telent............................................................................................. 36
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 36
Key aspect :..................................................................................................................................37
Part 1 The concept of Tradition. ................................................................................................ 37
Part 2 Theory of depersonalisation :........................................................................................... 38
Part : 3 The Conclusion: ............................................................................................................ 39
Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................40
American Multiculturalism................................................................................................................ 41
Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 41
What is cultural ?.......................................................................................................................... 41
Five type of cultural studies :......................................................................................................... 42
What is Multiculturalism ?............................................................................................................. 42
Four type of Multiculturalism :.......................................................................................................43
1. African American writer : .......................................................................................................43
2. Latin/o writer :...................................................................................................................... 43
3. American Indian Literature :..................................................................................................44
4. Asian American writer :.......................................................................................................... 44
Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................44
Theme and various Interpretation of the play The Birthday party. ...................................................... 46
Interpretation :............................................................................................................................. 47
1. Theme of Absurdity :............................................................................................................. 47
2. Theme of Identity :................................................................................................................ 47
3. Theme of Blindness :............................................................................................................. 47
4. Society’s treatment to artist :................................................................................................ 48
5. Growing up from Adulthoodfrom childhood. : ........................................................................48
6. Political views :...................................................................................................................... 48
symbolism of setting and Lightingin Mourning Becomes Electra. ....................................................... 50
Abstract :......................................................................................................................................50
Basic information about author : ...................................................................................................50
Basic information about play andit’s summery :............................................................................. 51
Symbolic setting of the play :......................................................................................................... 51
Symbolism of vegetation :.......................................................................................................... 51
Symbolism of colours :............................................................................................................... 52
Monster like House :.................................................................................................................. 52
The Mannon House : ................................................................................................................. 52
Lavinia and the Pine Tree :......................................................................................................... 52
Symbolic lighting in Mourning Becomes Electra : ............................................................................ 53
Psychological signification of lighting :........................................................................................ 53
Exterior and Interior Lighting :....................................................................................................53
Orin and the light sequence : .....................................................................................................53
Symbolism of sunlight :.............................................................................................................. 53
Symbolism of Darkness :............................................................................................................ 54
Death in light :........................................................................................................................... 54
The Final sunlight : .................................................................................................................... 54
Symbolism of Lamp and candles :............................................................................................... 54
Salman Rushdie's view on Attenborough's Gandhi............................................................................ 55
Basic information about the collection Imaginary Homeland :......................................................... 55
Attenborough’s Gandhi : ............................................................................................................... 56
Different Methodsin English Language Teaching............................................................................... 59
Methods :.....................................................................................................................................59
1. Grammar translation Method :............................................................................................... 60
2.Direct Method :...................................................................................................................... 61
3.Total physical response :......................................................................................................... 62
4. Suggestopedia :.................................................................................................................... 63
Role of students........................................................................................................................ 63
5. The Audio – lingual method :..................................................................................................64
Name : Jeel j. Vyas
Roll No : 15
Paper No : 1 The Renaissance Literature.
Class : M.A. Sem - 1
Topic : Character study of Eve
Enrolment No : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English
Email ID :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University
Character study of Eve :
Introduction :
John Milton was an English poet, polemicist, man of letter, and civil servant. He is a
representative of his age. Milton is a poet steadfast will and purpose. He is a poet who know best
about the humanity. He gave his life to music, art and literature. He is famous for his epic poem
Paradise lost ( 1667) ; written in blank verse. As John Dryden quoted in the “Life of Milton”
“This man cuts us all out, and the ancients too.”
Dryden quoted this for Milton after reading Paradise lost. Because he found book marvellous.
The book astonished readers for beauty and thundering power of its verse.
Paradise Lost:
The paradise lost is a great epic poem. Things like sublime imagery, harmonious verse,
titanic background of heaven and hell we find in paradise lost but we want able to find in any
other literature. And because of this reason it consider as one of the best work of art. In 1658
Milton dictate the work had planned thirty years before. Paradise lost is divided into twelve
books. Book nine is a climax of all books. The main character of epic poem is Adam, Eve, and
Book no nine throws light of Eve.
Character of Eve:
Eve is first woman and consider as the mother of mankind.
Milton portrait her as a typical womanish nature. She is
frail , beautiful, clever yet easy to be seduced. There are
various aspect of Eve’s character.
Meaning of Eve’s name:
The name of Eve is occurs only five time in Bible. According to Catholic Encyclopaedia
Eve is more then a verb, noun or a name. Eve means to live. Adam call her Eve because she is a
mother of all the living. Through Eve life is come to existence.
Eve was created to be Adam’s equal in dignity:
Eve is created from Adam’s rib means from his side. This means to be equal with him. Eve
created under Edam’s arm to be protected and near his heart to be loved.
As the catechism affirms man and woman were made for each other. Each can be helpmate
for they are equal as person. So, we cannot say that Eve is inferior to Adam. She was created to
Adam’s equal in dignity.
Eve is regarded as a saint in many christen church:
According to ancient tradition after the death of Christ ‘descended into the dead’ to bring
forth the righteous into eternal life. An ancient homily narrates the event.
“ He has gone to search for Adam, our first father, as for a lost sheep. Greatly desiring to
visit those who live on darkness and in the shadow of death, he has gone to free from sorrow
Adam in his bonds and Eve, captive with him- He who is both their God and the son of Eve … ‘
I am your God, who for your shake have become your son … I order you, o sleeper, To awake. I
did not create you to be a prisoner in hell. Rise from the death for I am the life of the dead’.”
With this type of mind set they consider Eve as saints. They thoughts that they are the sin if God
so they are the saints.
Her feast day is on December 24:
The Medieval church honoured Adam and Eve on December 24. They performed the play of
paradise and their central focus on tree. Later on from this trend of Christmas tree is develop.
Beauty of Eve:
According to Adam Eve is most beautiful creation of God. When Adam is with Eve he
address her as,
“ O Fairest of creation last and best
Of all God’s work, creature in whom excelled’’
( XI OD Track 7 1-2)
On the time of her creation when she looks into water she falls in love with her own self. When
Satan shows Eve for a while he also attract towards her beauty.
“but all that fair that fair and good in thy Divine
Semblance, and in thy beauty’s heavenly ray’’
Milton always says that her beauty makes her easy to love.
Intelligence of Eve:
Eve has tendency to question Adam, but she dose so in rational respect manner. Her habit of
questioning leads to temptation. Eve tell Adam to work separately. Adam knows that Eve is to be
tricked by Satan if she is alone but out of her love he want able to refuse her and agreed on
whatever Eve is saying.
In book 9 when Eve is living at that time Milton is saying that now which Eve is return will
be another not this. Means that her innocence will be lost now
“ yet went she not as not with such discourse
Delight or not capable of her ear.
Of what was high: such pleaser she reserv’d”
( VII 48-50)
We find that Eve’s arguments are more strong she is not readily accept what Serpent is saying is
truth. She also argue with him and says,
“Serpent thy overpraising leaves in doubt
The virtue of the fruit in the first proud”
When Adam talk about happiness and also talk about fear of Satan we can see Eve’s
“ How are we happy , still in fear of harm?
But harm precedes not sin: only our foe
Tempting affronts us with his foul esteem”
( track 15 57-59)
After eating fruit Eve immediately know that she has committed mistake. Her sinned was
rebelling against the God. Now it leads her for repenting for her actions. She immediately come
to know that she has to pay for whatever she has done.
Eve’s autonomy:
Eve’s autonomy is present in book nine just before her fall. She wants to do her work
by herself for a while she wants to do things from her own way. That is why she insists to
dividing the job between her and Adam. As Mc Colley suggest,
“ Eve's desire to work for a while her own way had spring from a
healthy desire to dress the garden in obedience to the commandment and
prescription the liberty on which their obedience and their mutual love
depend”. ( Milton’s Eve)
Why Adam wants a helpmate?
Adam and Eve both are created by the God have different virtue. So, they can help each
other. Both can help each other. Adam is created before him and dissatisfied living with animal.
To satisfied him Eve is created. Adam wants to have relationship with someone who is equal to
him. He know till he was alone he is not perfect and that is why he need someone
“ conversation with his alike to help,
or solace his defects”
(VIII 418-419)
To complete Adam’s wish God created Eve. Witterich Joseph in his feminist Milton suggested
that , “ Edam has been given exactly what he asked for his equal.” Adam is that much fascinated
Eve’s beauty that he is fail to notice her virtue.
Eve subordinate to Adam:
First there was no concept of family. So there is no name of any relation. We can see that
Eve is created from Adam’s rib means something like father giving birth to child. So we find
Eve’s subordinate is double. Subordination here is like obedience. It is like ideal human attitude
towards the God.
Here we can say that Eve has to be subordinate Adam because he is her author. As per the
Biblical story Eve is created from Adam’s rib. So sometime Eve is called daughter of God and
man. In this sense Eve’s subordination to Adam indicate less that of wife to her husband then
that of the daughter to her parent.
Eve called,
“ My author and disposer what thou bid’st
Unargued I obey”
( IV 635-36 )
Eve’s identity:
Bible is primary source in west for definition of gender and morality. Most of the story of
Adam and Eve can be explained within the context of Hebrew culture. Its patriarchal bias shown
to be historical rather then divine in origin. From last two thousand years Eve has represented as
a identity of woman. That is how Eve is like only woman are. Eve is become a symbol of female
Because of this west has believe that woman are by nature
disobedient, guiles, week, willed, prone to temptation and evil, disloyal, untrustworthy,
motivated in their thoughts and behaviour purely by self instruct. This perception of Eve
has remarkable tenacity and persists as a major stumbling block in attempt to woman by
correct gender based.
Eve after eating apple:
As Milton mentioned before that the innocent Eve who is going will not returned. we
find that the same thing once she eat apple she become selfish. First she thinks that I should not
give apple to Adam. She alone wants to become knowledgeable. But as soon as she thinks that if
I alone eat apple and commit mistake god punish me . she also thinks that if God killed me what
about Adam he will demand another Eve. The feeling of jealousy come in Eve and that is why
she decided to give apple to Adam.
“ And Adam, wedded to another Eve,
Shell live with her enjoying, I extinct”
( OD 3 Track 5)
Adam’s love towards Eve:
Adam love Eve very purely. He knows that eating apple is sin. Though he eat apple
because he love Eve. He also thinks that I have rib and God will create another Eve for me. But I
love this. He thought about his love and eat apple.
Though this we find that Eve of paradise lost is a quite different then Eve of Bible.
Eve in Bible readily accepts whatever happens to her. Here we find her rebellious but her all
arguments has some logic. But her logic and intelligence cannot be seen by Adam in front of her
beauty. In front of her beauty for a while even Satan also bow down. Eve is created as a helpmate
but now become a identity of all the woman. She is subordinate to Adam but also has a free will.
We find complete balance of everything in Eve. Eve is one of the best character of john Milton.
Name : Jeel J. Vyas
Roll no : 15
Paper no : 2. Neo- Classical literature.
Class : M.A. sem 1
Topic : Anti sentimental comedywiththe reference withshe stoopstoconquer.
Enrolment no : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English.
Email id :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University .
Anti sentimental comedy with the reference with she stoops to conquer.
Introduction :
There are different types of genres in literature. Like essay, biography, speech, drama,
poetry, tragedy, comedy etc. Here in this first I am talking about the what is comedy it’s different
type and then idea of Anti-sentimental comedy.
Comedy :
Comedy means professional entertainment consisting of jokes and sketches, intended to
make an audience laugh. There are different types of comedy we find in literature.
· Black comedy.
· Burlesque.
· City comedy.
· Comedy of humour.
· Comedy of manners (Anti-sentimental comedy )
· Commedia of Dell'arte.
· Farce.
· Parody.
· Restoration comedy.
· Romantic comedy.
· Satire.
· Sentimental comedy.
· Theatre of the Absured.
· Tragic comedy.
The idea of Anti-sentimental comedy comes with the contras of sentimental comedy. So, when
we talk about the Anti-sentimental comedy we have to clear the idea of sentimental comedy.
Sentiment comedy:
In the 18th century this form become popular. Sentiment comedy related to our
emotions. It is connected with our feeling like sorrow, pity and compassion, sympathy. This play
aimed to produce tear rather then laughter and reflected contemporary philosophical conception
of human as inherently good but capable of being led astray by bad example.
The main idea of sentimental comedy to appealing to Noble sentiment of man. Through
this it wants to reformed and set back on the path of virtue to man.
Anti-sentimental comedy:
Anti-sentimental comes to existence in the reaction against the sentimental comedy. It is
also as “ comedy of manners”. The pioneer of Anti-sentimental comedy is Oliver Goldsmith.
Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy:
· Amusing intergue and situation.
· Satirical comedy and irony.
· Marriage for love and marriage for Money.
· Wit of language and verbal dialogue.
· Farce and disguise.
· Emotions have boundaries.
Oliver Goldsmith :
Oliver Goldsmith born in November 10, 1728 in Ballymahon in Ireland. Because of
his economic situation he studied in college which allows to poor student to study in exchange
for work.
His first book “ citizen of the world” proud him a notable success. Goldsmith wrote
various style and genres. One of his most famous work “The Deserted Village”. A
poem laments the loss of Britain's rural lifestyle. He criticized the sentimental comedy in his
essay on the theatre or a comparison between laughing and sentimental comedy.
Anti-sentimental comedy is one does not use emotions to evoke reflection in an audience. Instead
of Anti-sentimental comedy will use cynicism to achieve it’s massage.
Anti-sentimental comedy representing complex and sophisticated code of behaviour in current
society. We fit's plot usually revolves around interested being masked by decorous Oliver
Goldsmith’s “ she stoops to conquer”.
She stoops to conquer :
She stoop to conquer is an anti-sentimental comedy. Also know with the title “ The
Mistake Of Night”. First performed in London in 1773.
Character :
Marlow : protagonist, lover of Kate, son of Mr. Charles Marlow.
Kate : Daughter of Mr. Hardcastle, close to his Father, lover of Marlow, Wearing a simple
Mr. Hardcastle : father of Kate, old fashioned.
Mrs. Hardcastle : greedy lady, highly fashionable.
Constance: nephew of Mrs. Hardcastle, had a jewellery box, lover of Hastings.
Hastings : friend of Marlow, lover of Constance.
Tom : son of Mrs. Hardcastle from her first husband.
Me. Charles Marlow : father of Marlow, clear everything.
Summery :
Marlow and Hastings lost their way. They
were going to Mr. Hardcastle's house see
his daughter Kate fir marriage. On the way
when they lost their road they stopped to the
bar named “ The three pigeons”. Where Tom
met them and recognized both. Tom tell
them that their destination is far so on the
way they have to stop in one inn.
The house of Mr. Hardcastle is look a like a inn. When Marlow first meet Kate he feels shy to
talk with he didn’t see her face. On next day when Kate is in simple clothes then he able to talk
to her comfortable. He thinks 5hat Kate is waitress. Marlow has a problem that he want feel
comfortable with high class girls.
After talking with him Kate is also fall in love with him. So she decide not to revile her
truth. On the other side Hastings falls in love with constance. She tells him that Mrs. Hardcastle
wants that she marry with her son Tom. Like Tom also don’t want to marry with her. So he
decided to help them.
On the other hand Marlow insult Mr. Hardcastle because he thinks that Mr. Hardcastle is
a manager of inn. After this insult Mr. Hardcastle desired that he will not marry his daughter
with Marlow. Marlow's father deside to go to house of Me. Hardcastle.
Constance and Hastings has decided to runaway France. Tom promises them to give
jewellery box that box Hastings give to Marlow. But in his love by mistake he gave to Mrs.
Hardcastle. Constance and Hastings decided that they revile their relationship and apologize to
Mr. And Mrs. Hardcastle.
After arrival of Marlow's father the truth of Kate is recipe in front of him. Kent prove
that Marlow truly loves her. And also a nice guy so her Father allow their marriage.
Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy can be found in she stoop to conquer :
We can see that she stoops to conquer is an best example of anti-sentimental comedy.
Because we find all the characteristic of Anti – sentimental in this play. Which I explain below
1. Amusing intrigue and situation :
First characteristic of anti-sentimental comedy is amusing intrigue and situation. This
we can see in this play. In this play se found consist intrigue by Tony. His tricks against
Marlow and Hastings. This trucks are the principal source of wit and humour. We found Troy's
intrigue give motion to drama. He introduced his house as an inn and Mr. Hardcaste as an
innkeeper. These tricks contribute lot to the comic impression of the play. Marlow mistake his
future father-in-law as an innkeeper and orders him.
These is also one more trick played by Troy and miss.constance is an orphan and live
with her aunt. Mrs. Hardcastle’s wants that Tony marry with Constance. Because she has a jewel
box. But Constance loves a Hastings. Tony and Hastings played that they love each other. Then
Troy still jewels box from his mother and help Constance and Hastings to unite.
2. Satirical comedy and Irony :
Second characteristic of Anti-sentimental comedy is satirical comedy. We
can also found this in play. We found satire on class conflict in the play. Marlow is
satirized as an English preoccupation and emphasis on class distinction. He is not
comfortable with polite class but he is comfortable with barmaids. He want able to
when she meet her for marriage but he can easily able to talk when she comes as
Irony can also find in the play. When she talk of Mrs.Hardcastle with Hastings
about high society in London.
3. Marriage for love and marriage for Money :
One of the important characteristic is a marriage for love and marriage for
money. We also find this thing in this story. Tony's mother Mrs.Hardcastle wants
that Tony Merry with Constance because she has jewellery box. But Constance loves
Hastings and Tom also help them to get married. Mrs.Hardcastle wants Constance
marry with Tom because of that jewellery box. Like this we find money is a reason of
Constance marry Hastings because of their love towards each other. The
marriage of Marlow and Kate also because of love. Like this we find both love and
Money is a reason of marriage.
4. Wit of language and verbal dialogue:
In act 3 we find that Tiny and Hastings are talking about the Jewell. Tony steal
Jewell and passes on them. And then speak,
“ ask me no question and I'll tell you no fibs”
The meaning of the line is “ If one ask a strange or nonsensical question the listener
will probably respond with a similar strange or nonsensical answer”. We can see here wit of
language and verbal dialogue.
5.Farce and disguise :
Many critics have describe she stopped to conquer a comedy characterize broad
humour and outlandish incident as a Face. The plot of the play is Classical farce. Few
character build crystalline frameworks of ideas.
Disguise is also important characteristic of anti-sentimental comedy. Here
we find when Kate come to know that Marlow is feeling uncomfortable when she
dress as the upper class lady. Next morning she dress her self as a simple. Then
Marlow notice her and talk freely with her. So, Kate do not tell her that with whom
Marlow come to marry that girl is Kate herself. This thing is revels when Marlow's
father come.
In this way we find farce and disguise both in the play she stoops to
6. Emotions have boundaries :
There are three most commonly mentioned categories of believe and
boundaries. And they are
1. Physical :personal space and touch consideration.
2. Mental : thought and opinion.
3. Emotional: feeling.
These boundaries are guidelines, rule, or limits that person create to
identify reasonable , safe and permissible them and how they will respond when someone passes
those limits.
In this we find the emotional boundaries in the character of Marlow. We see
that when Kate was in her original upper class lady he wants able to talk with her comfortably
and also don’t allow her to near him. But as soon as she thinks her that she is waitress he talk
freely with her and also fall on love with her.
Conclusion :
To conclude we can say that she stoop to conquer is the best example of Anti-
sentimental comedy. We find all the six characteristics of anti-sentimental comedy in the play
she stoop to conquer.
Name : Jeel J. Vyas
Roll no : 15
Paper no : 3.literary Theory & criticism Western-1
Class : M.A. sem 1
Topic : Literaryterm Three unities.
Enrolment no : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English.
Email id :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University .
Literary term Three unities.
Introduction :
The idea of unities in drama and tragedy is derived by French Classicism from
Aristotle's poetics. That unities required a play to have single action represented in a single place
within a course of the day. These principle called, Unity of Time, place and action.
These three unities were redefined by Italian humanist Lodovico Castelvetro in his
interpretation of Aristotle in the year 1570. Three unities are usually referred as Aristotelian
rules for dramatic structure. When we talk about Aristotle we come to know that his observation
of Tragedy are descriptive rather then prescriptive. He put stress on only one unit that is of plot
or an action.
French Classical Tragedy, the unities were adhered to literary and become the
source of endless critical palemices. According to this story of Tragedy must of last 24 hours of
hero and in the single place means a room or a city.
The prestige of this unities continued to dominate French drama until the Romantic era.
The unity of action :
A play should have one main action that it follows with no or few subplot.
When we talk about the plot with unity of action we must remember the Triangle Of
Freytag. It is most important because of its three parts and they are Begging, middle and end.
When play began it’s with rising action then we find climax in middle of play from where the
falling action starts and the end of the play come.
The plot must be with wholeness. Wholeness of beginning, middle, end. According to
Aristotle ideal plot do not have a subplot. The best example of is the play “ Romeo and Juliet”.
We find old rivalry is a subplot of the play.
The combination of incident are must be one. The story of one person. If we find
subplot in story that story does not following Unity of action. Aristotle is against the plurality of
action because he believes that it weakens the tragic effect. He thinks that number of incident
should be connected to each other in manner that they must be conducive to one effect.
In Aristotle’s poetics, he explain his theory of Tragedy. According to that plot is
important aspect of the tragedy. He consider plot as a soul of Tragedy. He defines plot is the “
arrangement of incident.” Therefore the plot must be complete with everything in it. This is how
“ unity of action” come in to play.
Scene must be relevant with each other. Scene must be relevant with it’s previous and
setting up to the next. The play must be self relent. It can not relay upon any outside force to
insure it’s unity of action. This outside force are called dues-ex-machina. In which some sudden
change solves the problem of the play. The example of this can be seen in Shakespeare's tragic
play Macbeth. The unity of action depends on character. But we find that witches prophecy leads
to Macbeth’s murder of Duncan. The Duncan’s sons plan revenge upon him. And this force
Macbeth for more murder.
Unity of action defines the progression through a plot. It also helps audience to connect
their self with play and motivate them to see what happens next . Therefore unity of action
become a powerful tool used to distract from lapses on logic and plot holes.
If in a play unity of action manage in a good way then no one question the logic of
what's happening at that moment because this details buried within many action.
Unity of time:
“ The action in a play should cover over a period of no more then 24 hours”
According to Classical tradition the action of the play should occurs in one revolution
of sun. According to them if it is a Tragedy then that is a last day of hero. You cannot show that
hero's childhood or action that is done previously. If author wants to say something from hero's
past then he must use course.
Now a days when we talk about movie and series we can see that they use flashback
technique to show action done in past. They can show like this because things are recorded. But
when we talk about the classical for them using this type of technique is difficult because their
audience is live. What ever happening is in front of audience not in front of camera. When this
things is done by camera it is easy to use this technique. But when audience is live it’s difficult
that is why they believe that when the tragedy began it must be the last day of hero. Because it is
easy to show when audience is live.
The unity of time supposed action to duration roughly of a single day. Aristotle meant
that the length of the time represented in a play should be ideally speaking the actual time
passing during it’s presentation. The example of Aristotle concept can be seen in comparison
between epic Beowulf and tragedy Macbeth.
The action on Beowulf takes place in span of well over five years. We can see that
when Beowulf is first introduce he is in Daneland to help Hrothgar rid Hearot of Grendel. After
successfully defeating Grendel he rules over there five year.
And when we talk about Macbeth we cam see that audience does not give specific time
line. This audience can only assume that correct action goes in Malcolm and Donalbain to travel
England and Ireland. The play does not name anytime it could be seen as one continued action.
Limiting the action of the play like giving your self as a writer a time limit by which to
resolve your story. Though the unity of time is useful there are successful plays which do not
follow Unity of time. For example Chekhov's Three Sister, Arthur Miller’s A View From The
Bridge and Cheryl Chruchill's For And Away.
Unity of place :
“ A play should exist in a single physical space and not attempt to compress geography nor
should stage represent more then one place”
When we talk about ancient time we can see that the play were perform live. That time
there is no recording like we have now a days. We see movie record by camera so, if they show
multiple places it’s ok. But that time there is no recording so, if they change place many time
it’s difficult for audience to image stage as place where the thing is going on. We also have to
remember that if the place change so many times then they have to change background according
to place. So, change settings so many times is also difficult for crew member as well as actor to
ready according to place and thing. So, if the place is one it is easy to perform.
When we talk about Aristotle we have see that he never mentioned the unity of place.
The doctrine of three unities which has figured so much in literary criticism. Renaissance cannot
be paid to his account. He is not the author of it, it was foisted in on him by the Renaissance
critic of France and Italy.
In the transaction period the stage must be transferred from one place into another
causes an interruption in action, flow, and pacing of the story, sometime pulling audience,
member out of the story. Seeing set pieces and furniture moved by stage hands and actors breaks
the willing suspension of disbelief for some audience and remind them that they are seeing a play
Instead of seeing a slice of reality behind an invisible fourth well. Unity of place is less
expensive and easier to physically manage.
Example of play which follow all three Unity :
Odious Rex is best example because it follows all three unities. It follows Unity of
time because the events of the play within the time span of one day. The action which take place
in past are reported by messenger. So, we can say that it follows Unity of time.
It follows Unity of place because everything happens in the palace steps. If Oedipus
wants to speak with anyone who is not present like Teiresias they sent at the palace. Oedipus
doesn’t go to anywhere else. So, we can say that Unity of place is followed in play.
Unity of action is followed because whatever happens in a play is related with
Oedipus himself. Oedipus and his immediate investigation into Laius's murder and then his own
history and parentager. We do not find any subplot in a play. So, we can say that the play follow
the unity of action.
Through this we can say that Oedipus Rex is best example of three unities which is follows
all this unities.
Conclusion :
This three unities are rules for drama derived from a passage In Aristotle poetics.
This unities are followed by so many writer and plays. Though there are the play which do not
follow this unities but they are successful play. Through this we can say that the rule of three
unities is made to understand play in better way.
Name : Jeel J. Vyas
Roll no : 15
Paper no : 4. Indian Writing in English – Pre Independence:
Class : M.A. sem 1
Topic : Myth in Kanthapura.
Enrolment no : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English.
Email id :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University .
Myth in Kanthapura.
Introduction :
Raja Rao is one of the most acclaimed writer of Indian English
literature, was born in 1909 in Mysore. He was matriculated person. He went to Aligarh in
order to higher education. His inspiration is Prof. Dickinson.
Raja Rao got his B.A. degree from a college in Hyderabad and also got
scholarship from the University. From that scholarship he went to France and started studying
French literature there. He lived in France for quit long time span from 1928 to 1939. He return
India in 1940 and live here for six years and in 1946 again he went to France. His first novel
Kanthapura was written during the time when he was living in France.
Awards won by Raja Rao :
· Padma Vibhushan ( 2007 )
· Padma Bhushan ( 1969 )
· Sahitya Akadami Award ( 1964)
· Neustadt international prize for literature. ( 1998 )
Raja Rao's notable work :
· Kanthapura ( 1938)
· The Serpent And The Rope ( 1960 )
· The Cat And The Shakespeare ( 1965 )
· The Chessmster And His Moves ( 1988 )
· On The Ganga Ghat ( 1989 )
· The Great Indian Way ( 1998 )
· 5 Indian Master ( 2003 )
· Collected Stories ( 2014 )
What is Myth ?
Myth is inseparable part of the culture of any country. When we talk about this India
is very rich country. In India every village has it’s own story. Most of the story are related with
the origin of village.
Definition :
“ Myth is tradition story, especially one concerning the early history of people or explaining a
natural or social phenomenon and typically involving supernatural beings or events.”
Myth is folk genre consisting of narrative that play a fundamental role in society. Myth is
generally talk about the God. The term mythology is used to study myth.
Origins of the term Myth or Mythology :
The word myth comes from Ancient Greek word “mythos” which means speech,
narrative, fiction, myth, plot. From Greek word mythos English as well as other European
language in early 19th century take in much narrower sense. English explain Myth as “ a
traditional story, typically involving supernatural beings or force, which embodies and provide
an explanation, aetiological or justification for something such as the early history of a society, a
religious beliefs or ritual or natural phenomenon.”
Then the Greek term mythology was borrowed into Latin. Later on in 15th century
author “Fulgentius” explain the Greek and Roman stories about their God.
In 17th century mythology was used to mean a moral, fable, allegorical or prable or the
collection of traditional story. When we talk about English language we find that the word
Mythology entered in the English language before the word myth. We can say this because we
find word Mythology in Johnson's dictionary but can’t in Myth.
Purpose of using Myth as a technique :
· To connect people with things which are going on.
· To understand self.
· To understand human existence.
· Visualize power beyond the human.
· Express resent things.
Summary :
Kanthapura is name of village located in South India. From this the
name of the novel titled. The novel is narrated in the form
sthalapurana by an old woman Achakka. Kanthapura is a traditional
village. In this Village we can clearly cast discrimination. The village is
divided in five quarter. Brahmins, Pariah, Porter, viver and shudra.
The main character Moorthy who is Brahmins. In the village there is a
temple of Goddess Kanchamma. All the festival are celebrated in this
Temple. Rangamma is a person who tells the story in his story we find
the connection with the myth in story of Kanthapura.
Myth in Kanthapura :
In Kanthapura we find myth as one of the primary factor to continue the novel. We find
plot is laid on in an imaginary village also surrounded by other imaginary village. We find its
narration is like the way valmiki narrated Ramayan. We can clearly find connection with the
story of Ramayan.
Character from Ramayan As character compare with the
Ramayan's charachar
Sita India
Ram Gandhi ji
Ravan Britishers
Bharata Indians who participate in process of
Hanuman Follower of Gandhiji.
As an Indian we feel connected with Ramayan and mahabharat. We can see this in novel
also. The people of Kanthapura feel connected and also ready to give support. We find that India
is compared with sita, Gandhi is compared with Ram and Britishers compared with Ravan.
Jayamachary compare divine birth of Gandhiji when Gandhiji went to attend Round
table conference is compared to Ram’s exile. In novel we find line,
“They say the Mahatma will go to Redam's country...he will get us swarajya ...come back with
sita on his right in chariot of air”.
The people who helps Gandhi are compare to Bharath who worship Ram's sandals in his
absence. The way Ram kill Ravan and get back sita. He says that like this way only Gandhi is to
kill this demon and bring back enslaved India. His return from conference is compared the Ram's
to Ayodhya.
The follower of Gandhi are compared with Hahnemann. Like Hanuman the follower of
Gandhi are equally ready to get out he's instructions at any time. Satyagrahi in prison is
compared with this Divine Krishna himself in kansa's prison.
Kanchamma is local Goddess protects the village through famine and disease, death,
and despair. According to legends Kanchamma protected the village from onslaught of traffic
monster. Who asked their songs for food and young woman as wives.
Another thing we find is mythicizing the central character. Kanthapura has rightly
characterized as Gndhipurana, too an epic of Gndhi's India. Srinivasa Iyenger calls,
“ A veritable Grammar of the Gandian myth- the myth that is but the poetic
translation of reality it will always have a central place in Gandhi literature.”
In the title page Raja Rao quotes the Gita : “ whensoever there is misery and ignorance, I
come”. This doctrine of the incarnation is central to puranas and Gandhi as a new Avatar.
In the beginning the local sastri, a learned scholar and poet, officiated harikatha in
Kanthapura. He was a very good singer and excellent Harikathaman. He made Harikatha on the
episode of the Parvati's winning of Siva. In Harikatha he initiated the villagers into Gandhian
principal in a religious manners. He connected it with the siva's three eyes. He says that the way
Siva has three eyes swaraj has also three eyes.
“ Siva is three-eyed and swaraj too is three-eyed : self-purification, Hindu-Muslim unity and
( p.20)
Allusions to various myth are a part of Raja Rao’s rhetoric of fiction. In the
novel Kanthapura we finds different allusions to myth. One is about Prahlad when Moorthy
undertakes a rigid three days fast in a typical Gandhi spirit. We also find archetypal image of
Hanuman in novel. As Hanuman devotee the same manner Moorthy is describe as having met
the Mahatma in a vision in which he fall at the feet Mahatma. This thing we clearly find on page
His best Harikatha is about the birth of Gandhi Ji. In this Katha we find the scene from
the heaven. In this we find Bhrama as a main God . We see that he was on this place in heaven at
the same time we find valmiki entered. He bows down to Bharma's feet and start explain that,
Rise up, O God of God I have come to bring sinner news. On the Earth Bharata whom you chose
as your chief daughter, which is Goddess of wisdom and well – bring is in trouble. He further
says you have gave her too sages reading wisdom to eight cridinal points of Earth, Krishna to
Bhuddha , Sankara to Ramanuja.
He further added that please sent us the prince propagators of holy lows and take us from
darkness. Then Bharama reply that, “ it is greater for you to ask or from me to say 'yes' Shiva
himself will forth with go and incarnate on the Earth and free my beloved daughter.” Bhrama
further added ,
“ There was born in a family in Gujarat a son such as never beheld.”
This sentences clearly indicated Gandhi Ji. Like this Jayamachary connect Gandhi Ji with Divine
birth so that people is readly accept what Ganghi ji is saying. From this we can say that the way
he connect the birth of Gandhiji Harikatha is a great way to explain.
Conclusion :
Like this we can see that whatever is going in the country is connected with some
kind of myth. Through Harikatha jayamachary try to connect freedom fighting movement with
the religious myth so that people asked no questions and it would easy to connect them with the
reality of now a days.
“Myth can’t be translated as they did in their ancient soil we can old find our own meaning in our
own time.”
We find that this quote is become true as the Raja Rao’s connection with the myth. Through
this mythic reference in novel Raja Rao makes spirit of Kanthapura to participate in epic
struggle. Through the context of myth Raja Rao try to connect with the contemporary situation.
We find myth has it’s biggest role in this novel.
Name. : Vyas Jeel j.
Roll No : 15.
Paper No : 5. The Romantic Literature.
Class : M.A. Sem - 2
Topic : Johnketsand hisodes.
Enrolment No : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English
Email ID :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University
John kets and his odes.
Introduction :
John kets was not only the last but also the most perfect of the Romanticists. He
become famous after his death. He was very famous for his appreciation of beauty in all his
poems. His idea are very famous. He had, moreover the novel idea that poetry exists for it’s own
sake, and suffers lose by being devoted to philosophy or politics or, indeed, to any cause,
however great or small.
Life :
Keats life of devotion to beauty and to poetry is all the remarkable in view of his lowly
origin. He was son of hostler and stable keeper, and was born in the stable of swan and Hoop
Inn, London, in 1795. He was only fifteen years old when his both the parents died. He
completed his school at Enfield. For five years he served his apprenticeship and for two years
more he was surgeon's helper in the hospital. He abandoned his profession in 1817. Same year
published his first volume of poems.
Keats was a man of strong character, and instead of quarreling with his reviewers, of the
being crushed by their criticism, he went quietly to work with the idea of producing poetry that
should live forever. As Matthew Arnold says, let’s “ had Flint and iron in him” and in his next
volume he accomplished his own purpose and silenced unfriendly criticism.
For three years during which keats wrote his poetry he lived chiefly in London and in
Hampstead. When we remember all his personal grief and the harsh criticism of literary men, the
last small volume, of lamia and Isabella is most significant as showing not only keats's wonderful
poetic gifts, but also his beautiful and indomitable spirit. Shelly struck by the Beauty and
promise of “Hyperion” sent a generous invitation to the author to come to pisa and live with him;
but kets refused. He settled in Rome with his friend Severn, the artist, but died soon after his
arrival in February, 1821. His grave is in Protestant cemetery at Rome.
His five odes:
His five odes are very famous. Probably they all are written in 1819 in May month. He
put date only on the one on Grecian urn. His ode are
• Ode to Psyche
• Ode to Nightingale
• Ode on Grecian urn
• Ode on melancholy
• Ode to Autumn.
1. Ode on Grecian urn :
Keats describes one of his day dream in letter. He had one lazy
morning in March. “Neither poetry, nor Ambition, nor love
have any alertness of countenance as they pass by me. They
seem rather like three figures on Greek vase a man and two
women- whom no one but myself could distinguish in their
He looked at the image and try to write The poem and the
result is Ode On Grecian Urn. According to the vision looked
like picture of paralysis. The same image in the Ode on Grecian
Urn. This Ode is become famous because of its two line,
“ Beauty is truth, truth beauty- that is all
ye know on Earth and all ye need to know”
It began when poet see Urn and say that you are unrived bride of quiteness . He also say
that Urn is foster child, selvin historian. He tell Urn ad selvin historian because the art which is
on that Urn cannot explain by other that historian can explain.
In the second stanza he change the scene. In this he address a boy who blows the pipes.
Poet say that one play a song of Melodies which is unheard. He say that the song which can not
listed is more beautiful. Youth will never stop singing the lover who is try to chasing his beloved
will never will able to catch her or never able to kiss her.
But he say that lover that there is no need to be sad because your love is always this much
youthful and your beloved will also very young all the time.
In the third stanza he continues the same thing and say that we never say buy to spring and
this scene is frozen forever. This feeling is same for forever. He say that if you look at this
feeling of frozen then then it gave feeling for the sorrow and sweetness. Here he spoke about
sweetness is that much over that is anoying.
In the forth stanza he changed the scene. He say that all this people are where they going.
Next he say to print and asked where do you take this heifer and where you lead this people. He
also say that this heifer know that what will happen to him. This people came from near town.
Then he talk to town. He tell town that this all your street are always alone.
In last stanza he said that he said that this Urn is Attic shape. Then he talked about what is
on that Urn. He talked about what is on that Urn. He say that there are marble men maidens and
forest branches and trodden weeds are on urn. He say that to understand eternity is difficult to
understand. Then say that you will stay forever. He say that beauty is truth and truth is beauty.
2. Ode to psyche :
The ode to psyche is one among the celebrated great odes. This ode though not
estimated as high as Nightingale.
The Myth of Psyche:
Psyche occures in the later times of antiquity as a personification of Human soul.
Psyche was the youngest of the three daughter of a king and aroused by her Beauty the jealousy
of Aphrodite. The Goddess ordered cupid himself fell in love with her. Unseen and unknown he
visited her every night and left her as soon as the day began to dawn. But her jealous sister made
her believe that in the darkness she was embracing some hideous monster and accordingly once
while Cupid was asleep, she drew near to him with a lamp and her amazement, beheld the most
lovely of Gods. A drop of hot oil fell from her lamp upon his shoulder. This awoke cupid who
censured her for her mistrust and fled. Psyche's happiness was gone, and she wandered about
from temple to Temple, inquiring after her lover, and at length be to the palace of Aphrodite.
Aphrodite retained her, and imposed upon her the hardest labours. Psyche would have perished
had not Cupid who still loved her in secret invisible comforted and assisted her. With his aid she
at last succeeded in overcoming the hatred of Aphrodite. She became immortal and was united to
him forever.
In this story Psyche represents the human Soul, which is purified by passions and
misfortunes and thus prepared for happiness.
Summery :
Keats’s speaker opens the poem with an address to the goddess Psyche, urging
her to hear his words, and asking that she forgive him for singing to her her own secrets. He says
that while wandering through the forest that very day, he stumbled upon “two fair creatures”
lying side by side in the grass, beneath a “whisp’ring roof” of leaves, surrounded by flowers.
They embraced one another with both their arms and wings, and though their lips did not touch,
they were close to one another and ready “past kisses to outnumber.” The speaker says he knew
the winged boy, but asks who the girl was. He answers his own question: She was Psyche.
In the second stanza, the speaker addresses Psyche again, describing her as the
youngest and most beautiful of all the Olympian gods and goddesses. He believes this, he says,
despite the fact that, unlike other divinities, Psyche has none of the trappings of worship: She has
no temples, no altars, no choir to sing for her, and so on. In the third stanza, the speaker attributes
this lack to Psyche’s youth; she has come into the world too late for “antique vows” and the
“fond believing lyre.” But the speaker says that even in the fallen days of his own time, he would
like to pay homage to Psyche and become her choir, her music, and her oracle. In the fourth
stanza, he continues with these declarations, saying he will become Psyche’s priest and build her
a temple in an “untrodden region” of his own mind, a region surrounded by thought that
resemble the beauty of nature and tended by “the gardener Fancy,” or imagination. He promises
Psyche “all soft delight” and says that the window of her new abode will be left open at night, so
that her winged boy—”the warm Love”—can come in.
In this way we can see that John Keats uses the myth in his odes. We also find that his
own life suffering is reflected in his odes. This things we find when we look his ode to
Nightingale. We also see keats use of Nature in his odes. He suffered throughout his life but
though his odes are full of enjoyment.
Name. : Vyas Jeel j.
Roll No : 15.
Paper No : 6. Victorian Literature.
Class : M.A. Sem - 2
Topic : Brief historyandcharacteristicsof the Age.
Enrolment No : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English
Email ID :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University
Brief history and characteristics of the Age.
Introduction :
When Victoria became queen, in 1837, English
literature seems to have entered upon a period of lean
years, in marked contrast with the poetic fruitfulness
of the romantic age. The time period of Victorian Age
is 1850 to 1900. The international position of Britain
of that time was very strong. The main reason of this
great position is that the defeat of great Napoleon in
1815. The British Empire, while it had suffered a
setback half a century earlier with the loss of the
American colonies, was expanding throughout the
world with great success.
Historical characteristics of the Age :
The Age has its own historical characteristics through which we can easily come to know
about the historical background of the Age. To know historical background of age is important
because Literature is connected with the people who lives at that time. If we know history of the
time we can easily see that why some writer of the time wrote particular things about the people
and society.
• Democracy.
• Social Unrest.
• The Ideal of peace.
• Arts and science.
1. Democracy :
The very first characteristic of the Age is Democracy. We found the Democracy in time
of Victoria. Amid the multitude of social and political force of this grate age, for things stand out
clearly. The Long struggle of the Anglo-Saxon for personal liberty is definitely settled and
Democracy becomes the established order of the day. The last vestige of personal government
and Divine right of rules disappears; the House of commons become the ruling power in
England; a series of New reform bills rapidly extend the Differences, until the whole body of
English people choose for themselves the Man who shall represents them.
2. Social unrest :
Because it is an age of Democracy it is an age of popular education, age of religious
tolerance, Age of growing brotherhood, and Age of profound social unrest. The slaves had been
freed in 1833; but in the middle of the century England come to know about the fact that all
slaves are not necessarily negroes, stolen in Africa to be sold like cattle in market place, but that
multitude of men, woman, and little children in the mines and factories were victims of more
terrible industrial and social slavery. There were some moments which were the reason of social
1. Oxford Movement:
This was the movement around 19th century, and leaded by John Henry Newman. It was
generated by those who was against scientific development and wanted church to rule on people
by resettling the glory of religion. The movement was mostly on pamphlets and tracts so it was
also known as “The Tractarian Movement”. The centre of the movement was Oxford, so it is
known as ‘The Oxford Movement’.
2. The Pre- RaphaeliteSchoolofPoetry:
This movement was for establishing the quality of poetry by ‘Pictorial effects’. Raphael was
a painter and all the leaders of moment like Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and
William Holman Hunt founded a society in 1848, getting inspired by Rapheal.
3. The Idealof peace:
Third characteristics of the Age is ideal of peace. Because it is Age of
Democracy and education, it is an age of comparative peace. England begins to think less of pipe
and false glitter of fighting and more of it’s moral evils as the nation realizes that it is the
common people who bear the burden and the sorrow and the poverty of war while the privileged
classes rape most of the financial and political reward. With the growth of trades and of friendly
foreign relationship it become evident that that the social equality for which England was
contending at home belong to the whole race of man.
4. Art and science:
Forth characteristic of the Age is art and science. Victorian Age is especially remarkable
because of its rapid progress in all the art and science and in mechanical invention. A glance at
any record of the industrial achievement of the 19th century will show how vast they are.
Literary characteristics of the Age :
Every Age has its own literary characteristic. It is also important to know about literary
characteristics. Because by knowing them we can able to understand the Literature of the Age.
There three main characteristic of the Age.
• An age of prose
• Moral purpose
• Idealism
1. An Age of prose :
First characteristics of Victorian Age is this age was Age of prose. The novels were
looking like the bright stars in the sky of England during the Victorian era. The great novelists
like:- Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, William Thackeray, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte,
Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte filled the sky of the Victorian era with their novels. Number of
readers has increased a thousand fold with the spread of popular education it is an age of
newspaper the magazines and the modern novel. The first two bring the store of the world daily
life. The novel in this age fills a place which the drama held in the days of Elizabeth.
2. Moral purpose :
The second marked characteristic of the Age is that Literature both in prose and in poetry
seems to depart from purely artistic standard of art for art sake and to be actuated by a definite
moral purpose. Even the novel break away from Scott's romantic influence and first studies life
as it is, and then point out what life may ought to be. Where we read the fun and sentiment of
Dickens the social miniatures of Thackeray or physiological studies of George Eliot we find in
almost every case a definite purpose to sweep away error and to reveal the underlying truth of
Human life.
3. Idealism :
Third characteristics of the Age is Idealism. We found Idealism in Victorian age. It is
somewhat customary to speak of this age as an age of doubt and pessimism, following the new
conception of man and of the universe which was formulated by science under the name of name
of evolution.
Apart from this there are some other characteristics which is below.
Search For Balance:-
During this period the writers tried to balance the romentic as well as the classical influence.
This is well obsereved in the works of J.S.Mill during this time. The new religious movement
called the oxford movement was started. This movement shows a search for balance.
Humanitarian Approach:-
In the novels of Charles Dickens, J.S.Mill and certain other novelist. We came accross the
humanitarian approach. It is important to note that this age was an age of industrial revolution
this industrial revolution creates two classes:-(1). Labourers(2). Capitalists.
Some Victorian novels deals with the class consciousness and also present the problems of
poverty during this period.
The literature of the Victorian age was correlated to the social and political life of the age. The
Victorian literary artists, living aside a few votaries of art for art’s sake represented by the Pre-
Raphaelite school of poets, were inspired by a social zeal to represent the problem of their own
Perhaps for this reason the Victorian literature is the literature of ‘realism’ rather than of
romance, not the realism of Zola and Ibsen, but a deeper realism which strives to tell the whole
truth, showing moral and physical diseases as they are, but holding up health and hope as the
moral conditions of humanity. Literature became an instrument of social reform and social
propaganda and it was marked with purposeful, propagandistic and didactic aims.
The Victorian literature is full of realism. We can say that Oliver twist is a realistic
character; in Victorian age we found there is child labor in workhouse. So it called realism, and
in Frankenstein there is no real character like monster in real life, but we found character like
Oliver in real life. So the Victorian literature represents realism. There is no imaginative
character in the literature. In Victorian literature we found realistic character rather than romantic
A note of pessimism, doubt and despair runs through Victorian literature and is noticed
especially in the poetry of Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh Clough. Though a note of
pessimism runs through the literature of the age, it cannot be dubbed as a literature of bleak
pessimism and dark despair. A note of idealism and optimism is also struck by poets like
Browning and prose writers like Ruskin. Rabbi Ben Ezra brings out the courageous optimism of
the age. Stedman’s Victorian Anthology is, on the whole, a most inspiring book of poetry. Great
essayists like Macaulay, Carlyle, Ruskin, and great novelists like Dickens, Thackeray and
George Eliot inspire us with their faith in humanity and uplift us by their buoyancy and large
The literature of the age is considerably modified by the impact of science. “It is the scientific
spirit, and all that the scientific spirit implied, its certain doubt, its care for minuteness and truth
of observation, its growing interest in social processes, and the conditions under which life is
lived that is the central fact in Victorian literature.”
The questioning spirit in lough, the pessimism of James Thomson, the melancholy of
Matthew Arnold, the fatalism of Fitzgerald, are all the outcome of the skeptical tendencies
evoked by scientific research. Tennyson’s poetry is also considerably influenced by the
advancement of science in the age, and the undertones of scientific researchers can be heard in
‘In Memoriam’.
Conclusion :
To conclude we can say that this are the characteristic of the Age which We can find in the
Victorian age and Literature.
Name. : Vyas Jeel j.
Roll No : 15.
Paper No : 7. Theory and criticism 2( 20th century western and Indian poetics.
Class : M.A. Sem - 2
Topic : T.S.EliotTraditionandindividual telent.
EnrolmentNo : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English
Email ID :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University
T.S. Eliot Tradition and individual telent.
Introduction :
Thomas Stearns Eliot, (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965), "one of the
twentieth century's major poets" was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and
social critic Born in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, to a prominent Boston Brahmin
family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25, settling, working, and marrying there. He
became a British subject in 1927 at the age of 39, renouncing his American passport.
Eliot attracted widespread attention for his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock" (1915), which was seen as a masterpiece of the Modernist movement. It was followed
by some of the best-known poems in the English language, including The Waste Land (1922),
"The Hollow Men" (1925), "Ash Wednesday" (1930), and Four Quartets (1943). He was also
known for his seven plays, particularly Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party
(1949). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948, "for his outstanding, pioneer
contribution to present-day poetry".
T.S.Eliot’s “Tradition and Individual Talent” was published in 1919 in The Egoist - the Times
Literary supplement. Later, the essay was published in The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and
Criticism in 1920/2. (Gallup). This essay is described by David Lodge as the most celebrated
critical essay in the English of the 20th century. The essay is divided into three parts :
• The concert of Tradition.
• The theory depersonalization.
• Conclude.
Not only to peace this essay is used but to criticized also this essay is used when he wrote this
essay he was only 25 year old. Eliot was not the port so he do not speak about how to write
poetry but he only talk about the end product poem.
Key aspect :
In his time poet wants to different then other, uniqueness is
important. In this essay he explained that how Tradition and
individual go together. To knowing Tradition plays vital role
in development of personal Talent. Ex : Umashankar joshi.
Umashankar joshi is very famous author of Gujarati
Literature. We found that at the time he was writing at the
same time so many writer also wrote for Gujarati Literature.
But though he was more famous. He accepted Tradition but
with his own individual talent. Sincerity is good for
Literature as well as genuine emotions is important.
Part 1 The concept of Tradition.
In first pat Eliot speaks about tradition, He says: “Seldom, perhaps, does the
word (tradition) appear except in a phrase of censure”. It means in English writings they don’t
see the word ‘tradition’ in positive way.
He says about Englishmen’s attitude towards French Literature. Englishmen have
a habit to feel proud on themselves. That is the proud for their creativity and more for their ‘less’
criticality. In French there is a mass of critical writing. Eliot compares English with French that
they (French) have habit of critical method and English have habit of ‘conclusion’. He says:
“…we only conclude (we are such unconscious people) that the French are more critical than we;
and sometimes even plume ourselves a little with the fact, as if the French were less
He believes that for write Literature there is no need to be pandit like Shakespeare if
you have a knowledge of Human nature you can wrote. Literature is not the thing which can
inheriting by any one. Ex : Shakespeare. If we consider Shakespeare bad last name then we must
know that we do not have any other Shakespeare. The literature he produce during that time
anyone can not able to produce after him. So we found that anyone his family cannot inherited
the knowledge he has about Human nature. So, we can say that literature is the thing which
cannot inherited by anyone.
Idea of the tradition involves the historical sense. Pastness of past his it’s own effect on
present. Each one is part of long chain of literature.
“ The historical sense involve a perception, not only of the pastness of past but it’s presence.”
Ex : love. We can say that watch one is part of the Long chain. Because we found that there are
so many things written on the theme of love. But though still people write on same thing but
there is always newness in explaining. If individual is relented then past adjust with the person.
Wordsworth brake the rules of the classical literature and because of this we found the romantic
literature. We also se that Shakespeare was also doing the same.
“No poet, no artist of any art has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his
appreciation is the appreciation of his relation o the dead poets and artists. You can’t value him
alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison among the dead.”
Poet are tented to brake the rules. Poet are allow to brake the rule but before braking
the rules they must know the rules. He looks at literature as continuity and say that, Art never
improve but material of art is never quit same.
Part 2 Theory of depersonalisation :
New criticism is important. This part begins with the sentences,
“ Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry.”
Like poetry but not poet and person this thing he wants to say in this part. Here he say that
appreciate work rather then the person. He believes that poetry is depersonalized of poet. This
idea is opposite idea then the romanticism. Because Romanticism believe that whatever there is
in poem is the feeling of poet.
According to him painful exprision gives the batter work of literature. For Eliot poetry is
as acidic as H2so4 possess. . Poetry is painful. .IND of post is like biker. Everything is there but
after creation there is nothing in it. Poetry is not explanation of personality but escape from
personality. Poetry is more significant then person. Ha Laos give example 6 H2SO4.
He say that when potassium is there then only H2SO4 has created but after that there is no
platinum. Here he compere platinum with the poet. He say that after writing poetry there is
nothing in poet.
According to Eliot the poet’s mind is like a tare or utensil in which numerous feelings, phrases &
images can be stored or seized. When a poet wants them he utilizes them and unites them. It
doesn’t mean that the poem created by the poet shows his personality or nature.
Eliot explains very basic thing of his point that, what is expressed by the poet is merely a
medium, not a personality. He says:
“…the poet has not a ‘personality’ to express, but a particular medium, which is only a medium
and not a personality…”
In this medium, the impressions and experiences come together in unusual and unexpected ways.
And other thing is some impressions and experiences seem valuable for a person, yet they may
not be important for poetry. Same way some trivial experiences & impressions can become so
important for poetry. Then Eliot says about context that without context nothing can be
understood. He says:
“This balance of constructed emotion is in the dramatic situation to which the speech is pertinent,
but that situation alone is inadequate to it.”
He gives example from “The Revenger’s Tragedy” (by Thomas Middleton). He puts some
line from that without context to explain this point. Then he says that emotion in poetry remains
very complex thing, and poet’s own personal emotion may be simple or flat. So every time
poet’s own emotion cannot be taken place in poem. And if the poet is always looking for new
emotion in poem, then it will be perverse. A poet has not to find new emotions but he has to use
ordinary emotions. He has to deal with every known/unknown emotion. Eliot here twists
‘emotion recollected in tranquility’. He says it ‘an inexact formula’. To write poetry is a great
deal. When a poet becomes personal while writing poetry, he will be considered as a ‘bad poet’.
Because he becomes unconscious, where he should be conscious and he becomes conscious
where he must be unconscious. When a poet escapes from his personality, then & then the great
poem comes out. A poet must not show his emotion in poetry. Eliot says:
“Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of
personality but an escape from personality.
Part : 3 The Conclusion:
At the end, in this third part Eliot says that this essay stops at the starting of mysticism. And it
can be applied by the responsible person, who really interested in poetry. It is very hard thing to
take interest in poetry and to keep a poet aside. We usually read poem with the name and fame of
the poet. We cannot separate them from each other. Eliot says:
“There are many people who appreciate the expression of sincere emotion in verse, and there is
smaller number of people who can appreciate technical excellence. But very few know when
there is expression of significant emotion, emotion which has its life in the poem and not in the
history of the poet.”
By this statement, he says that to admire a poem with the poet’s skill and his name is
easiest thing. The harder is to know technical skill or art of the POEM. But the hardest thing is to
find the significant emotions from the poem, which separates the poet from the poem. The reader
must know that after giving birth of the work of art, the connection between that art and artist is
ended. And a poet must know that to reach at the level of impersonality, he first has to scarifies
himself and has to surrender himself totally to that work.
Conclusion :
To, conclude We can say that Tradition and individual talent both the thing is important
in poets life. Without any of this he will not able to survive in long history of literature.
Name. : Vyas Jeel j.
Roll No : 15.
Paper No : 8. Cultural studies.
Class : M.A. Sem - 2
Topic : AmericanMulticulturalism.
Enrolment No : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English
Email ID :
Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University
American Multiculturalism
Introduction :
When we talk about the culture we found that there is Multiculturalism in several
countries like America. Before knowing about Multiculturalism we must know about culture.
What is cultural ?
Culture’, derives from ‘Cultura’ and ‘colere’ meaning ‘to cultivate’. It also meant ‘to honor’ and
‘project’ by the 19th century in Europe it tastes of the upper class (elite). ‘Culture’ is the mode of
producing meaning and ideas. This ‘mode’ is a negotiation over which meanings are valid. Elite
culture controls meanings because it controls the terms of the debate.
What is Cultural Study?
Cultural studies is the science of understanding modern society, with an emphasis on politics and
power cultural studies is an umbrella term used to look at a number of different subject.
Categories studied include media studies including film and Journalism, sociology, industrial
culture, globalization and social theory.
“Cultural Studies is not a tightly coherent unified movement with a fixed agenda, but a loosely
coherent group of tendencies, issues, and questions.”
Cultural studies is composed of elements of Marxism, Post structuralism and Postmodernism,
Feminism, Gender studies, anthropology, sociology, race and ethnic studies, film theory, urban
studies, public policy, popular culture studies and Postcolonial studies: those field that
concentrate on social and cultural forces that either create community or cause division and
Five type of cultural studies :
• British cultural Materialism
• New historicism
• American Multiculturalism
• Postmodernism and popular culture
• Postcolonial studies.
What is Multiculturalism ?
Before knowing about Multiculturalism in America we must know the Multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism, the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority
groups, deserve special acknowledgement of their differences within a dominant political culture.
That acknowledgement can take the forms of recognition of contributions to the cultural life of
the political community as a whole, a demand for special protection under the law for certain
cultural groups, or autonomous rights of governance for certain cultures. Multiculturalism is both
a response to the fact of cultural pluralism in modern democracies and a way of compensating
cultural groups for past exclusion, discrimination, and oppression. Most modern democracies
comprise members with diverse cultural viewpoints, practices, and contributions. Many minority
cultural groups have experienced exclusion or the denigration of their contributions and identities
in the past. Multiculturalism seeks the inclusion of the views and contributions of diverse
members of society while maintaining respect for their differences and withholding the demand
for their assimilation into the dominant culture.
In the United States multiculturalism is not clearly established in policy at the federal level, but
ethnic diversity is common in both rural and urban areas. Mass immigration was a feature of the
United States economy and society since the 1st half of 19th century. The absorption of the
stream of immigrants became in itself a prominent feature of America’s national myth. The idea
of ‘Melting Pot ‘is a metaphor that implied that each individual immigrant and each groups of
individual immigrant assimilated into American society at their own pace which as defined
above is not multiculturalism this is opposed to assimilation and integration.
As a philosophy multiculturalism began as a part of the ‘Pragmatism movement’ at the end
of the 19thcentury in Europe and United States then as political and cultural pluralismat the turn
of 20thcentury. It was partly in response to a new wave of European imperialism in Sub-Saharan
Africa and the massive immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans to United States and
Latin America. Philosophers, psychologists, historian and early sociologist such as Charles
Sanders Peirce, William James, George Santayana, Horace Kellen, John Dewey,W.E.B. Du Bois
and Alain Locke developed concepts of cultural pluralism which known today as
Multiculturalism. William James in his book entitled Pluralistic Universe (1909) refers the idea
of a ‘’plural society’’. Leon Botstein believes a combination of traditional and newer
perspectives offers the best alternative: student must read Aeschylus Dante and Shakespeare
‘’because what Shakespeare and Dante and the so called Great Books are all about is penetrating
through details to what’s really essential about the common experience of being a member of this
But at the same time that one reads Thucydides or the subject of being a member of a
seafaring, global power, one should also read Bernal Diaz’s account of the conquest of Mexico.
Every American should understand Mexico from point of view of the observers of the conquest
and of the history before the conquest…….No American should graduate from College without a
framework of knowledge that includes at least some construct of Asian History, Of Latin-
American History, of American History.
Four type of Multiculturalism :
When we talk about the Multiculturalism in America we must know that it is decided into four
• African American writers
• Latina/o writer
• American Indian literature
• Asian American writer.
1. African American writer :
African American writer talked about more slavery system because at that time
there was a slavery in America. Mark twin was side of slave and also wrote about them and their
feeling. Uncle Tom was the first novel which change sentiment towards the slave. This writer
talked about black people and their thoughts. There are also difficult for the people of Mulatto.
Mulatto are the person of mixed white and black ancestry especially a person with one white and
one black parent. These writer often display a folkloric conception of humankind.
2. Latin/o writer :
They are Mexican American. This indicated a broader sense of ethnicity among
Spanish – speaking and most influential group of Latina/o ethnicities in united states. This
culture describes the diversity of Spanish speaking peoples with the different origin,
nationalities religion, skin colour, class identification politics and varying names for theme
selves has had an enormous impact upon American culture since it’s beginning
This people have their own Myth. But the problem of that, their God are seen bad in main
Street Antics. For this they also look back to their Myth and also produce story based on that.
3. American Indian Literature :
In American Indian Literature we found that native American wrote about them selves
and their problem. They realise that there is wrong is going on with him that is why they come
forward and start writing about that. When we look at the American Indian literature we must
remember that there are oral Traduction is also include in this.
In predominantly oral cultures storytelling passes on religious beliefs, moral values,
political Codes and practical lessons of everyday life. for American Indians stories are a source
of strength in the fact of centuries of silencing by Euro-Americans. Again a word on names
Native American seems to be the term proffered by most academics and many tribal members
who find the term Indian a misnomer and stereotype as in ‘’cowboys and Indians’’ or ‘’Indian
giver’’ that helped whites wrest the continent away from indigenous people. Yet ‘’American
Indian’’ is often preferred by Indians over ‘’Native American’’ as demonstrated in the names of
such organizations as the American Indian movement(AIM) or the Association for the Study of
American Indian Literatures (ASAIL),AS Alan R.Velie notes.
4. Asian American writer :
Asian American Literature is written by people of Asian descent in the U.S.,
addressing the experience of living in a society that views them as ‘’Alien’’; Asian immigrants
were denied citizenship as late as 1950s. Edward Said has written of ‘orientalism ‘or the
tendency to objectify and eroticize Asians and their work has sought to respond to such
stereotyping. Asian American writers include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnams,
Malaysian, Polynesian and many other peoples of Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the
Pacific. Asian American Literature can be said to have begun around 20thcentury primarily with
autobiographical ‘’Paper Son’’ stories and ‘’confession’’. Asian American autobiography
inherited these descriptive strategies as Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior:
Memoires of Girlhood among Ghosts. Jade Snow Wong’s female Bildungsroman was called
Fifth Chinese Daughter. The 1st to become known in the West tended to be daughters of
diplomats or scholars or those educated in Western mission Schools two Eurasians sisters, Edith
and Winifred Eaton were typical. They immigrated with their parents to the U.S.and while Edith
published stories of Realistic Chinese people in Mrs. Spring Fragrances, Winnifred who adopted
the Japanese Pen Name ‘’Onoto Owatonna’ was the author of Japanese novel of a highly
sentimentalized nature.
Conclusion :
In this we see what actually culture and also come to know about the Multiculturalism. Now a
days because of globalization we found that there are country where we found that the
Multiculturalism is increasing. Because of multiple culture we also has benefit hat we come to
know about the different people and there culture. Busy we also face problem that when some
political war between country is going that time the people from the opposite country has to
suffer. We also found that people who are around them has starts doubting them.
Name : Jeel j. Vyas
Roll No : 11.
Paper No : 09. The Modernist Literature.
Class : M.A. Sem – 3.
Topic : Theme andvariousInterpretation of the playThe Birthdayparty.
Enrolment No : 2069108420190045
College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English.
Email ID :
Submitted : Department of English
M. K. Bhavnagar University.
Theme and various Interpretation of the play The Birthday party.
Abstract : The play Birthday Party is written by
Harold Pinter. This play is divided into three acts. For
this play Pinter got Nobel prize in 2005. This play is
written in 1975. The play is painteresque play. The
play is reactions against the trends of the time,
displaying traits of the Theatre of the Absurd, such as
the fluidity and ambiguity of time, place, and identity
and the disintegration of language. Michael
Billiongton who is official biographer of Pinter wrote
in Herold Pinter the play birthday party is deeply
political play. He wrote,
"a deeply political play about the individual's
imperative need for resistance,”
Though there is a doubt about that it is conscious or
not about Pinter’s part according to Billiongton. We also see that Arnold P. Hinchliffe, Polish
critic Gregorz Sinko points out that in The Birthday Party "we see the destruction of the victim
from the victim's own point of view: one feel like saying that the two executioners, Goldberg and
McCann , stands for all the Principal of the state and social conformism. Goldberg refers to his
job on typically Kafka esque official language which deprives the credit of all sense add reality
... ( Of Stanley’s removal , sinko adds : ) maybe Stenley will meet his - death there or maybe he
will only receive a conformist brainwashing after which he is promised ... Many other gift of
When we talk about the theme and Various Interpretation of the play we see that it has so many
Interpretation. The play Birthday Party is one of the good example of Painteresque. We also see
that he uses two type of silence in play. 1. No use of language . 2. Torrent of language.
Interpretation :
1. Theme of Absurdity :
The Birthday Party has been described Martin Esslin as an example of the Theatre of
Absurd As in many absurdist works, The Birthday Party is full of disjointed information that
defies efforts to distinguish between reality and illusion. When we see the main protagonist
Stenley himself remind big question for audience. Question about Stenley's past remain through
out the play. We never come to know about who actually he is expect that he was playing piano.
Apart from this question regards the character of Net Goldberg and McCann also remind
unanswered. That , who actually they are ? What is their relationship ? Who is Monty ? Does
they work for him? This are the questions which remain unanswered through out the play. Which
is also one 9f the theme of the Absurd theatre that their is no beginning nor even end and no
resolution of theme.
Further we see that this play and its title talk about the birthday party. And mag also say
that today is your birthday to Stenley but he refused that today is not my birthday. This is also
one of the Absurd thing that they are thinking about one person’s birthday but person him
refused that it is not his birthday.
2. Theme of Identity :
Identity also can be one of the theme of the play. Because we see that most of the
character's identity remain unanswered. One of the best example is Goldberg is in the play
called Net but when he talks about the past stories he was known as Simey and Benny. The same
way McCann also refer as Demote and Semus. By this way this character and their identity
remind a question. According to John Russell Brown (94), "Falsehoods are important for
Pinter's dialogue, not least when they can be detected only by careful reference form one scene to
another.... Some of the more blatant lies are so casually delivered that the audience is encouraged
to look for more than is going to be disclosed. This is a part of Pinter's two-pronged tactic of
awakening the audience's desire for verification and repeatedly disappointing this desire"
With the question of identity we also see that there past is also remind Ambiguous. This
thing we see in the main character also. We see that we do not have much information about the
Stenley. Apart from this we see that on the next day of birthday party Mag don’t even remember
what bad happen. Also we see that Petey also do not tell her that Net and McCann take Stenley
with them. He also allow Mag to remain in illusion that Stenley is still sleeping. So we see that
this thing remain Ambiguous.
3. Theme of Blindness :
We see that Sort from theme of Absurdity and identity , Blindness also become one of the
most important Theme of the play. That thing we can see in the two scene first is the game blind
man' s buff. This shows that how We also becoming blind in life about our purposes , our
identity our surrounding , Absurdity of life. Other scene in which we see Theme of Blindness is
the scene of glass when McCann takes away glasses of sternly he becomes blind and could not

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  • 2. Contents Character study of Eve :......................................................................................................................7 Introduction :.................................................................................................................................7 Paradise Lost:.................................................................................................................................7 Character of Eve:............................................................................................................................8 Meaning of Eve’s name:..................................................................................................................8 Eve was created to be Adam’sequal in dignity:.................................................................................8 Eve is regarded as a saintin many christen church:...........................................................................8 Her feast day is on December 24:.....................................................................................................8 Beauty of Eve:.................................................................................................................................9 Intelligence of Eve:..........................................................................................................................9 Eve’s autonomy:........................................................................................................................... 10 Why Adamwants a helpmate? ......................................................................................................10 Eve subordinate to Adam:............................................................................................................. 10 Eve’s identity:............................................................................................................................... 11 Eve after eating apple: .................................................................................................................. 11 Adam’s love towards Eve:.............................................................................................................. 11 Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................11 Anti sentimental comedywith the reference with she stoops to conquer. ........................................... 13 Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 13 Comedy........................................................................................................................................13 Sentiment comedy:....................................................................................................................... 13 Anti-sentimental comedy:............................................................................................................. 14 Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy:................................................................................... 14 Oliver Goldsmith :......................................................................................................................... 14 She stoops to conquer :................................................................................................................. 14 Character :................................................................................................................................ 14 Summery :................................................................................................................................ 15 Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy can be found in she stoop to conquer : ......................... 15 1. Amusing intrigue and situation : ............................................................................................ 15
  • 3. 2. Satirical comedy and Irony :..................................................................................................16 3. Marriage for love and marriage for Money :........................................................................... 16 4. Wit of language and verbal dialogue:..................................................................................... 16 5.Farce and disguise : ................................................................................................................ 16 6. Emotions have boundaries :......................................................................................................17 Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................17 Literary term Three unities................................................................................................................ 18 Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 18 The unity of action :...................................................................................................................... 19 Unity of time:............................................................................................................................... 19 Unity of place :............................................................................................................................. 20 Example of play which follow all three Unity :................................................................................. 21 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................21 Myth in Kanthapura.......................................................................................................................... 22 Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 22 Awardswon by Raja Rao : ............................................................................................................. 22 Raja Rao's notable work :.............................................................................................................. 22 What is Myth ?............................................................................................................................. 23 Definition :................................................................................................................................ 23 Origins of the term Myth or Mythology :........................................................................................ 23 Purpose of using Myth as a technique :.......................................................................................... 23 Summary :...................................................................................................................................24 Myth in Kanthapura : .................................................................................................................... 24 Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................26 John kets and his odes. ..................................................................................................................... 27 Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 27 Life :............................................................................................................................................. 27 His five odes:................................................................................................................................ 28 1. Ode on Grecian urn :.............................................................................................................. 28 2. Ode to psyche :...................................................................................................................... 29 Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................30 Brief history and characteristics of the Age......................................................................................... 31
  • 4. Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 31 Historical characteristics of the Age :.............................................................................................. 31 1. Democracy :.......................................................................................................................... 32 2. Social unrest :........................................................................................................................ 32 Literary characteristics of the Age :................................................................................................ 33 1. An Age of prose : ................................................................................................................... 33 2. Moral purpose :..................................................................................................................... 33 3. Idealism : .............................................................................................................................. 33 Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................35 T.S. Eliot Tradition and individual telent............................................................................................. 36 Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 36 Key aspect :..................................................................................................................................37 Part 1 The concept of Tradition. ................................................................................................ 37 Part 2 Theory of depersonalisation :........................................................................................... 38 Part : 3 The Conclusion: ............................................................................................................ 39 Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................40 American Multiculturalism................................................................................................................ 41 Introduction :............................................................................................................................... 41 What is cultural ?.......................................................................................................................... 41 Five type of cultural studies :......................................................................................................... 42 What is Multiculturalism ?............................................................................................................. 42 Four type of Multiculturalism :.......................................................................................................43 1. African American writer : .......................................................................................................43 2. Latin/o writer :...................................................................................................................... 43 3. American Indian Literature :..................................................................................................44 4. Asian American writer :.......................................................................................................... 44 Conclusion :..................................................................................................................................44 Theme and various Interpretation of the play The Birthday party. ...................................................... 46 Interpretation :............................................................................................................................. 47 1. Theme of Absurdity :............................................................................................................. 47 2. Theme of Identity :................................................................................................................ 47 3. Theme of Blindness :............................................................................................................. 47
  • 5. 4. Society’s treatment to artist :................................................................................................ 48 5. Growing up from Adulthoodfrom childhood. : ........................................................................48 6. Political views :...................................................................................................................... 48 symbolism of setting and Lightingin Mourning Becomes Electra. ....................................................... 50 Abstract :......................................................................................................................................50 Basic information about author : ...................................................................................................50 Basic information about play andit’s summery :............................................................................. 51 Symbolic setting of the play :......................................................................................................... 51 Symbolism of vegetation :.......................................................................................................... 51 Symbolism of colours :............................................................................................................... 52 Monster like House :.................................................................................................................. 52 The Mannon House : ................................................................................................................. 52 Lavinia and the Pine Tree :......................................................................................................... 52 Symbolic lighting in Mourning Becomes Electra : ............................................................................ 53 Psychological signification of lighting :........................................................................................ 53 Exterior and Interior Lighting :....................................................................................................53 Orin and the light sequence : .....................................................................................................53 Symbolism of sunlight :.............................................................................................................. 53 Symbolism of Darkness :............................................................................................................ 54 Death in light :........................................................................................................................... 54 The Final sunlight : .................................................................................................................... 54 Symbolism of Lamp and candles :............................................................................................... 54 Salman Rushdie's view on Attenborough's Gandhi............................................................................ 55 Abstract.......................................................................................................................................55 Basic information about the collection Imaginary Homeland :......................................................... 55 Attenborough’s Gandhi : ............................................................................................................... 56 Different Methodsin English Language Teaching............................................................................... 59 Abstract.......................................................................................................................................59 Methods :.....................................................................................................................................59 1. Grammar translation Method :............................................................................................... 60 2.Direct Method :...................................................................................................................... 61 3.Total physical response :......................................................................................................... 62
  • 6. 4. Suggestopedia :.................................................................................................................... 63 Role of students........................................................................................................................ 63 5. The Audio – lingual method :..................................................................................................64
  • 7. Name : Jeel j. Vyas Roll No : 15 Paper No : 1 The Renaissance Literature. Class : M.A. Sem - 1 Topic : Character study of Eve Enrolment No : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Email ID : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University Character study of Eve : Introduction : John Milton was an English poet, polemicist, man of letter, and civil servant. He is a representative of his age. Milton is a poet steadfast will and purpose. He is a poet who know best about the humanity. He gave his life to music, art and literature. He is famous for his epic poem Paradise lost ( 1667) ; written in blank verse. As John Dryden quoted in the “Life of Milton” “This man cuts us all out, and the ancients too.” Dryden quoted this for Milton after reading Paradise lost. Because he found book marvellous. The book astonished readers for beauty and thundering power of its verse. Paradise Lost: The paradise lost is a great epic poem. Things like sublime imagery, harmonious verse, titanic background of heaven and hell we find in paradise lost but we want able to find in any other literature. And because of this reason it consider as one of the best work of art. In 1658 Milton dictate the work had planned thirty years before. Paradise lost is divided into twelve books. Book nine is a climax of all books. The main character of epic poem is Adam, Eve, and Satan. Book no nine throws light of Eve.
  • 8. Character of Eve: Eve is first woman and consider as the mother of mankind. Milton portrait her as a typical womanish nature. She is frail , beautiful, clever yet easy to be seduced. There are various aspect of Eve’s character. Meaning of Eve’s name: The name of Eve is occurs only five time in Bible. According to Catholic Encyclopaedia Eve is more then a verb, noun or a name. Eve means to live. Adam call her Eve because she is a mother of all the living. Through Eve life is come to existence. Eve was created to be Adam’s equal in dignity: Eve is created from Adam’s rib means from his side. This means to be equal with him. Eve created under Edam’s arm to be protected and near his heart to be loved. As the catechism affirms man and woman were made for each other. Each can be helpmate for they are equal as person. So, we cannot say that Eve is inferior to Adam. She was created to Adam’s equal in dignity. Eve is regarded as a saint in many christen church: According to ancient tradition after the death of Christ ‘descended into the dead’ to bring forth the righteous into eternal life. An ancient homily narrates the event. “ He has gone to search for Adam, our first father, as for a lost sheep. Greatly desiring to visit those who live on darkness and in the shadow of death, he has gone to free from sorrow Adam in his bonds and Eve, captive with him- He who is both their God and the son of Eve … ‘ I am your God, who for your shake have become your son … I order you, o sleeper, To awake. I did not create you to be a prisoner in hell. Rise from the death for I am the life of the dead’.” With this type of mind set they consider Eve as saints. They thoughts that they are the sin if God so they are the saints. Her feast day is on December 24: The Medieval church honoured Adam and Eve on December 24. They performed the play of paradise and their central focus on tree. Later on from this trend of Christmas tree is develop.
  • 9. Beauty of Eve: According to Adam Eve is most beautiful creation of God. When Adam is with Eve he address her as, “ O Fairest of creation last and best Of all God’s work, creature in whom excelled’’ ( XI OD Track 7 1-2) On the time of her creation when she looks into water she falls in love with her own self. When Satan shows Eve for a while he also attract towards her beauty. “but all that fair that fair and good in thy Divine Semblance, and in thy beauty’s heavenly ray’’ Milton always says that her beauty makes her easy to love. Intelligence of Eve: Eve has tendency to question Adam, but she dose so in rational respect manner. Her habit of questioning leads to temptation. Eve tell Adam to work separately. Adam knows that Eve is to be tricked by Satan if she is alone but out of her love he want able to refuse her and agreed on whatever Eve is saying. In book 9 when Eve is living at that time Milton is saying that now which Eve is return will be another not this. Means that her innocence will be lost now “ yet went she not as not with such discourse Delight or not capable of her ear. Of what was high: such pleaser she reserv’d” ( VII 48-50) We find that Eve’s arguments are more strong she is not readily accept what Serpent is saying is truth. She also argue with him and says, “Serpent thy overpraising leaves in doubt The virtue of the fruit in the first proud” When Adam talk about happiness and also talk about fear of Satan we can see Eve’s intelligence, “ How are we happy , still in fear of harm? But harm precedes not sin: only our foe
  • 10. Tempting affronts us with his foul esteem” ( track 15 57-59) After eating fruit Eve immediately know that she has committed mistake. Her sinned was rebelling against the God. Now it leads her for repenting for her actions. She immediately come to know that she has to pay for whatever she has done. Eve’s autonomy: Eve’s autonomy is present in book nine just before her fall. She wants to do her work by herself for a while she wants to do things from her own way. That is why she insists to dividing the job between her and Adam. As Mc Colley suggest, “ Eve's desire to work for a while her own way had spring from a healthy desire to dress the garden in obedience to the commandment and prescription the liberty on which their obedience and their mutual love depend”. ( Milton’s Eve) Why Adam wants a helpmate? Adam and Eve both are created by the God have different virtue. So, they can help each other. Both can help each other. Adam is created before him and dissatisfied living with animal. To satisfied him Eve is created. Adam wants to have relationship with someone who is equal to him. He know till he was alone he is not perfect and that is why he need someone “ conversation with his alike to help, or solace his defects” (VIII 418-419) To complete Adam’s wish God created Eve. Witterich Joseph in his feminist Milton suggested that , “ Edam has been given exactly what he asked for his equal.” Adam is that much fascinated Eve’s beauty that he is fail to notice her virtue. Eve subordinate to Adam: First there was no concept of family. So there is no name of any relation. We can see that Eve is created from Adam’s rib means something like father giving birth to child. So we find Eve’s subordinate is double. Subordination here is like obedience. It is like ideal human attitude towards the God. Here we can say that Eve has to be subordinate Adam because he is her author. As per the Biblical story Eve is created from Adam’s rib. So sometime Eve is called daughter of God and man. In this sense Eve’s subordination to Adam indicate less that of wife to her husband then that of the daughter to her parent.
  • 11. Eve called, “ My author and disposer what thou bid’st Unargued I obey” ( IV 635-36 ) Eve’s identity: Bible is primary source in west for definition of gender and morality. Most of the story of Adam and Eve can be explained within the context of Hebrew culture. Its patriarchal bias shown to be historical rather then divine in origin. From last two thousand years Eve has represented as a identity of woman. That is how Eve is like only woman are. Eve is become a symbol of female gender. Because of this west has believe that woman are by nature disobedient, guiles, week, willed, prone to temptation and evil, disloyal, untrustworthy, motivated in their thoughts and behaviour purely by self instruct. This perception of Eve has remarkable tenacity and persists as a major stumbling block in attempt to woman by correct gender based. Eve after eating apple: As Milton mentioned before that the innocent Eve who is going will not returned. we find that the same thing once she eat apple she become selfish. First she thinks that I should not give apple to Adam. She alone wants to become knowledgeable. But as soon as she thinks that if I alone eat apple and commit mistake god punish me . she also thinks that if God killed me what about Adam he will demand another Eve. The feeling of jealousy come in Eve and that is why she decided to give apple to Adam. “ And Adam, wedded to another Eve, Shell live with her enjoying, I extinct” ( OD 3 Track 5) Adam’s love towards Eve: Adam love Eve very purely. He knows that eating apple is sin. Though he eat apple because he love Eve. He also thinks that I have rib and God will create another Eve for me. But I love this. He thought about his love and eat apple. Conclusion: Though this we find that Eve of paradise lost is a quite different then Eve of Bible. Eve in Bible readily accepts whatever happens to her. Here we find her rebellious but her all arguments has some logic. But her logic and intelligence cannot be seen by Adam in front of her beauty. In front of her beauty for a while even Satan also bow down. Eve is created as a helpmate
  • 12. but now become a identity of all the woman. She is subordinate to Adam but also has a free will. We find complete balance of everything in Eve. Eve is one of the best character of john Milton.
  • 13. Name : Jeel J. Vyas Roll no : 15 Paper no : 2. Neo- Classical literature. Class : M.A. sem 1 Topic : Anti sentimental comedywiththe reference withshe stoopstoconquer. Enrolment no : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English. Email id : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University . Anti sentimental comedy with the reference with she stoops to conquer. Introduction : There are different types of genres in literature. Like essay, biography, speech, drama, poetry, tragedy, comedy etc. Here in this first I am talking about the what is comedy it’s different type and then idea of Anti-sentimental comedy. Comedy : Comedy means professional entertainment consisting of jokes and sketches, intended to make an audience laugh. There are different types of comedy we find in literature. · Black comedy. · Burlesque. · City comedy. · Comedy of humour. · Comedy of manners (Anti-sentimental comedy ) · Commedia of Dell'arte. · Farce. · Parody. · Restoration comedy. · Romantic comedy. · Satire. · Sentimental comedy. · Theatre of the Absured. · Tragic comedy. The idea of Anti-sentimental comedy comes with the contras of sentimental comedy. So, when we talk about the Anti-sentimental comedy we have to clear the idea of sentimental comedy. Sentiment comedy: In the 18th century this form become popular. Sentiment comedy related to our emotions. It is connected with our feeling like sorrow, pity and compassion, sympathy. This play
  • 14. aimed to produce tear rather then laughter and reflected contemporary philosophical conception of human as inherently good but capable of being led astray by bad example. The main idea of sentimental comedy to appealing to Noble sentiment of man. Through this it wants to reformed and set back on the path of virtue to man. Anti-sentimental comedy: Anti-sentimental comes to existence in the reaction against the sentimental comedy. It is also as “ comedy of manners”. The pioneer of Anti-sentimental comedy is Oliver Goldsmith. Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy: · Amusing intergue and situation. · Satirical comedy and irony. · Marriage for love and marriage for Money. · Wit of language and verbal dialogue. · Farce and disguise. · Emotions have boundaries. Oliver Goldsmith : Oliver Goldsmith born in November 10, 1728 in Ballymahon in Ireland. Because of his economic situation he studied in college which allows to poor student to study in exchange for work. His first book “ citizen of the world” proud him a notable success. Goldsmith wrote various style and genres. One of his most famous work “The Deserted Village”. A poem laments the loss of Britain's rural lifestyle. He criticized the sentimental comedy in his essay on the theatre or a comparison between laughing and sentimental comedy. Anti-sentimental comedy is one does not use emotions to evoke reflection in an audience. Instead of Anti-sentimental comedy will use cynicism to achieve it’s massage. Anti-sentimental comedy representing complex and sophisticated code of behaviour in current society. We fit's plot usually revolves around interested being masked by decorous Oliver Goldsmith’s “ she stoops to conquer”. She stoops to conquer : She stoop to conquer is an anti-sentimental comedy. Also know with the title “ The Mistake Of Night”. First performed in London in 1773. Character : Marlow : protagonist, lover of Kate, son of Mr. Charles Marlow. Kate : Daughter of Mr. Hardcastle, close to his Father, lover of Marlow, Wearing a simple clothes. Mr. Hardcastle : father of Kate, old fashioned. Mrs. Hardcastle : greedy lady, highly fashionable. Constance: nephew of Mrs. Hardcastle, had a jewellery box, lover of Hastings. Hastings : friend of Marlow, lover of Constance. Tom : son of Mrs. Hardcastle from her first husband.
  • 15. Me. Charles Marlow : father of Marlow, clear everything. Summery : Marlow and Hastings lost their way. They were going to Mr. Hardcastle's house see his daughter Kate fir marriage. On the way when they lost their road they stopped to the bar named “ The three pigeons”. Where Tom met them and recognized both. Tom tell them that their destination is far so on the way they have to stop in one inn. The house of Mr. Hardcastle is look a like a inn. When Marlow first meet Kate he feels shy to talk with he didn’t see her face. On next day when Kate is in simple clothes then he able to talk to her comfortable. He thinks 5hat Kate is waitress. Marlow has a problem that he want feel comfortable with high class girls. After talking with him Kate is also fall in love with him. So she decide not to revile her truth. On the other side Hastings falls in love with constance. She tells him that Mrs. Hardcastle wants that she marry with her son Tom. Like Tom also don’t want to marry with her. So he decided to help them. On the other hand Marlow insult Mr. Hardcastle because he thinks that Mr. Hardcastle is a manager of inn. After this insult Mr. Hardcastle desired that he will not marry his daughter with Marlow. Marlow's father deside to go to house of Me. Hardcastle. Constance and Hastings has decided to runaway France. Tom promises them to give jewellery box that box Hastings give to Marlow. But in his love by mistake he gave to Mrs. Hardcastle. Constance and Hastings decided that they revile their relationship and apologize to Mr. And Mrs. Hardcastle. After arrival of Marlow's father the truth of Kate is recipe in front of him. Kent prove that Marlow truly loves her. And also a nice guy so her Father allow their marriage. Characteristics of Anti-sentimental comedy can be found in she stoop to conquer : We can see that she stoops to conquer is an best example of anti-sentimental comedy. Because we find all the characteristic of Anti – sentimental in this play. Which I explain below 1. Amusing intrigue and situation : First characteristic of anti-sentimental comedy is amusing intrigue and situation. This we can see in this play. In this play se found consist intrigue by Tony. His tricks against Marlow and Hastings. This trucks are the principal source of wit and humour. We found Troy's
  • 16. intrigue give motion to drama. He introduced his house as an inn and Mr. Hardcaste as an innkeeper. These tricks contribute lot to the comic impression of the play. Marlow mistake his future father-in-law as an innkeeper and orders him. These is also one more trick played by Troy and miss.constance is an orphan and live with her aunt. Mrs. Hardcastle’s wants that Tony marry with Constance. Because she has a jewel box. But Constance loves a Hastings. Tony and Hastings played that they love each other. Then Troy still jewels box from his mother and help Constance and Hastings to unite. 2. Satirical comedy and Irony : Second characteristic of Anti-sentimental comedy is satirical comedy. We can also found this in play. We found satire on class conflict in the play. Marlow is satirized as an English preoccupation and emphasis on class distinction. He is not comfortable with polite class but he is comfortable with barmaids. He want able to when she meet her for marriage but he can easily able to talk when she comes as servant. Irony can also find in the play. When she talk of Mrs.Hardcastle with Hastings about high society in London. 3. Marriage for love and marriage for Money : One of the important characteristic is a marriage for love and marriage for money. We also find this thing in this story. Tony's mother Mrs.Hardcastle wants that Tony Merry with Constance because she has jewellery box. But Constance loves Hastings and Tom also help them to get married. Mrs.Hardcastle wants Constance marry with Tom because of that jewellery box. Like this we find money is a reason of marriage. Constance marry Hastings because of their love towards each other. The marriage of Marlow and Kate also because of love. Like this we find both love and Money is a reason of marriage. 4. Wit of language and verbal dialogue: In act 3 we find that Tiny and Hastings are talking about the Jewell. Tony steal Jewell and passes on them. And then speak, “ ask me no question and I'll tell you no fibs” The meaning of the line is “ If one ask a strange or nonsensical question the listener will probably respond with a similar strange or nonsensical answer”. We can see here wit of language and verbal dialogue. 5.Farce and disguise : Many critics have describe she stopped to conquer a comedy characterize broad humour and outlandish incident as a Face. The plot of the play is Classical farce. Few character build crystalline frameworks of ideas. Disguise is also important characteristic of anti-sentimental comedy. Here we find when Kate come to know that Marlow is feeling uncomfortable when she dress as the upper class lady. Next morning she dress her self as a simple. Then Marlow notice her and talk freely with her. So, Kate do not tell her that with whom
  • 17. Marlow come to marry that girl is Kate herself. This thing is revels when Marlow's father come. In this way we find farce and disguise both in the play she stoops to conquer. 6. Emotions have boundaries : There are three most commonly mentioned categories of believe and boundaries. And they are 1. Physical :personal space and touch consideration. 2. Mental : thought and opinion. 3. Emotional: feeling. These boundaries are guidelines, rule, or limits that person create to identify reasonable , safe and permissible them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits. In this we find the emotional boundaries in the character of Marlow. We see that when Kate was in her original upper class lady he wants able to talk with her comfortably and also don’t allow her to near him. But as soon as she thinks her that she is waitress he talk freely with her and also fall on love with her. Conclusion : To conclude we can say that she stoop to conquer is the best example of Anti- sentimental comedy. We find all the six characteristics of anti-sentimental comedy in the play she stoop to conquer.
  • 18. Name : Jeel J. Vyas Roll no : 15 Paper no : 3.literary Theory & criticism Western-1 Class : M.A. sem 1 Topic : Literaryterm Three unities. Enrolment no : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English. Email id : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University . Literary term Three unities. Introduction : The idea of unities in drama and tragedy is derived by French Classicism from Aristotle's poetics. That unities required a play to have single action represented in a single place within a course of the day. These principle called, Unity of Time, place and action. These three unities were redefined by Italian humanist Lodovico Castelvetro in his interpretation of Aristotle in the year 1570. Three unities are usually referred as Aristotelian rules for dramatic structure. When we talk about Aristotle we come to know that his observation of Tragedy are descriptive rather then prescriptive. He put stress on only one unit that is of plot or an action. French Classical Tragedy, the unities were adhered to literary and become the source of endless critical palemices. According to this story of Tragedy must of last 24 hours of hero and in the single place means a room or a city. The prestige of this unities continued to dominate French drama until the Romantic era.
  • 19. The unity of action : A play should have one main action that it follows with no or few subplot. When we talk about the plot with unity of action we must remember the Triangle Of Freytag. It is most important because of its three parts and they are Begging, middle and end. When play began it’s with rising action then we find climax in middle of play from where the falling action starts and the end of the play come. The plot must be with wholeness. Wholeness of beginning, middle, end. According to Aristotle ideal plot do not have a subplot. The best example of is the play “ Romeo and Juliet”. We find old rivalry is a subplot of the play. The combination of incident are must be one. The story of one person. If we find subplot in story that story does not following Unity of action. Aristotle is against the plurality of action because he believes that it weakens the tragic effect. He thinks that number of incident should be connected to each other in manner that they must be conducive to one effect. In Aristotle’s poetics, he explain his theory of Tragedy. According to that plot is important aspect of the tragedy. He consider plot as a soul of Tragedy. He defines plot is the “ arrangement of incident.” Therefore the plot must be complete with everything in it. This is how “ unity of action” come in to play. Scene must be relevant with each other. Scene must be relevant with it’s previous and setting up to the next. The play must be self relent. It can not relay upon any outside force to insure it’s unity of action. This outside force are called dues-ex-machina. In which some sudden change solves the problem of the play. The example of this can be seen in Shakespeare's tragic play Macbeth. The unity of action depends on character. But we find that witches prophecy leads to Macbeth’s murder of Duncan. The Duncan’s sons plan revenge upon him. And this force Macbeth for more murder. Unity of action defines the progression through a plot. It also helps audience to connect their self with play and motivate them to see what happens next . Therefore unity of action become a powerful tool used to distract from lapses on logic and plot holes. If in a play unity of action manage in a good way then no one question the logic of what's happening at that moment because this details buried within many action. Unity of time: “ The action in a play should cover over a period of no more then 24 hours” According to Classical tradition the action of the play should occurs in one revolution of sun. According to them if it is a Tragedy then that is a last day of hero. You cannot show that hero's childhood or action that is done previously. If author wants to say something from hero's past then he must use course. Now a days when we talk about movie and series we can see that they use flashback technique to show action done in past. They can show like this because things are recorded. But
  • 20. when we talk about the classical for them using this type of technique is difficult because their audience is live. What ever happening is in front of audience not in front of camera. When this things is done by camera it is easy to use this technique. But when audience is live it’s difficult that is why they believe that when the tragedy began it must be the last day of hero. Because it is easy to show when audience is live. The unity of time supposed action to duration roughly of a single day. Aristotle meant that the length of the time represented in a play should be ideally speaking the actual time passing during it’s presentation. The example of Aristotle concept can be seen in comparison between epic Beowulf and tragedy Macbeth. The action on Beowulf takes place in span of well over five years. We can see that when Beowulf is first introduce he is in Daneland to help Hrothgar rid Hearot of Grendel. After successfully defeating Grendel he rules over there five year. And when we talk about Macbeth we cam see that audience does not give specific time line. This audience can only assume that correct action goes in Malcolm and Donalbain to travel England and Ireland. The play does not name anytime it could be seen as one continued action. Limiting the action of the play like giving your self as a writer a time limit by which to resolve your story. Though the unity of time is useful there are successful plays which do not follow Unity of time. For example Chekhov's Three Sister, Arthur Miller’s A View From The Bridge and Cheryl Chruchill's For And Away. Unity of place : “ A play should exist in a single physical space and not attempt to compress geography nor should stage represent more then one place” When we talk about ancient time we can see that the play were perform live. That time there is no recording like we have now a days. We see movie record by camera so, if they show multiple places it’s ok. But that time there is no recording so, if they change place many time it’s difficult for audience to image stage as place where the thing is going on. We also have to remember that if the place change so many times then they have to change background according to place. So, change settings so many times is also difficult for crew member as well as actor to ready according to place and thing. So, if the place is one it is easy to perform. When we talk about Aristotle we have see that he never mentioned the unity of place. The doctrine of three unities which has figured so much in literary criticism. Renaissance cannot be paid to his account. He is not the author of it, it was foisted in on him by the Renaissance critic of France and Italy. In the transaction period the stage must be transferred from one place into another causes an interruption in action, flow, and pacing of the story, sometime pulling audience, member out of the story. Seeing set pieces and furniture moved by stage hands and actors breaks the willing suspension of disbelief for some audience and remind them that they are seeing a play Instead of seeing a slice of reality behind an invisible fourth well. Unity of place is less expensive and easier to physically manage.
  • 21. Example of play which follow all three Unity : Odious Rex is best example because it follows all three unities. It follows Unity of time because the events of the play within the time span of one day. The action which take place in past are reported by messenger. So, we can say that it follows Unity of time. It follows Unity of place because everything happens in the palace steps. If Oedipus wants to speak with anyone who is not present like Teiresias they sent at the palace. Oedipus doesn’t go to anywhere else. So, we can say that Unity of place is followed in play. Unity of action is followed because whatever happens in a play is related with Oedipus himself. Oedipus and his immediate investigation into Laius's murder and then his own history and parentager. We do not find any subplot in a play. So, we can say that the play follow the unity of action. Through this we can say that Oedipus Rex is best example of three unities which is follows all this unities. Conclusion : This three unities are rules for drama derived from a passage In Aristotle poetics. This unities are followed by so many writer and plays. Though there are the play which do not follow this unities but they are successful play. Through this we can say that the rule of three unities is made to understand play in better way.
  • 22. Name : Jeel J. Vyas Roll no : 15 Paper no : 4. Indian Writing in English – Pre Independence: Class : M.A. sem 1 Topic : Myth in Kanthapura. Enrolment no : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English. Email id : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University . Myth in Kanthapura. Introduction : Raja Rao is one of the most acclaimed writer of Indian English literature, was born in 1909 in Mysore. He was matriculated person. He went to Aligarh in order to higher education. His inspiration is Prof. Dickinson. Raja Rao got his B.A. degree from a college in Hyderabad and also got scholarship from the University. From that scholarship he went to France and started studying French literature there. He lived in France for quit long time span from 1928 to 1939. He return India in 1940 and live here for six years and in 1946 again he went to France. His first novel Kanthapura was written during the time when he was living in France. Awards won by Raja Rao : · Padma Vibhushan ( 2007 ) · Padma Bhushan ( 1969 ) · Sahitya Akadami Award ( 1964) · Neustadt international prize for literature. ( 1998 ) Raja Rao's notable work : · Kanthapura ( 1938) · The Serpent And The Rope ( 1960 ) · The Cat And The Shakespeare ( 1965 ) · The Chessmster And His Moves ( 1988 ) · On The Ganga Ghat ( 1989 ) · The Great Indian Way ( 1998 ) · 5 Indian Master ( 2003 )
  • 23. · Collected Stories ( 2014 ) What is Myth ? Myth is inseparable part of the culture of any country. When we talk about this India is very rich country. In India every village has it’s own story. Most of the story are related with the origin of village. Definition : “ Myth is tradition story, especially one concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon and typically involving supernatural beings or events.” Myth is folk genre consisting of narrative that play a fundamental role in society. Myth is generally talk about the God. The term mythology is used to study myth. Origins of the term Myth or Mythology : The word myth comes from Ancient Greek word “mythos” which means speech, narrative, fiction, myth, plot. From Greek word mythos English as well as other European language in early 19th century take in much narrower sense. English explain Myth as “ a traditional story, typically involving supernatural beings or force, which embodies and provide an explanation, aetiological or justification for something such as the early history of a society, a religious beliefs or ritual or natural phenomenon.” Then the Greek term mythology was borrowed into Latin. Later on in 15th century author “Fulgentius” explain the Greek and Roman stories about their God. In 17th century mythology was used to mean a moral, fable, allegorical or prable or the collection of traditional story. When we talk about English language we find that the word Mythology entered in the English language before the word myth. We can say this because we find word Mythology in Johnson's dictionary but can’t in Myth. Purpose of using Myth as a technique : · To connect people with things which are going on. · To understand self. · To understand human existence. · Visualize power beyond the human. · Express resent things.
  • 24. Summary : Kanthapura is name of village located in South India. From this the name of the novel titled. The novel is narrated in the form sthalapurana by an old woman Achakka. Kanthapura is a traditional village. In this Village we can clearly cast discrimination. The village is divided in five quarter. Brahmins, Pariah, Porter, viver and shudra. The main character Moorthy who is Brahmins. In the village there is a temple of Goddess Kanchamma. All the festival are celebrated in this Temple. Rangamma is a person who tells the story in his story we find the connection with the myth in story of Kanthapura. Myth in Kanthapura : In Kanthapura we find myth as one of the primary factor to continue the novel. We find plot is laid on in an imaginary village also surrounded by other imaginary village. We find its narration is like the way valmiki narrated Ramayan. We can clearly find connection with the story of Ramayan. Character from Ramayan As character compare with the Ramayan's charachar Sita India Ram Gandhi ji Ravan Britishers Bharata Indians who participate in process of government Hanuman Follower of Gandhiji. As an Indian we feel connected with Ramayan and mahabharat. We can see this in novel also. The people of Kanthapura feel connected and also ready to give support. We find that India is compared with sita, Gandhi is compared with Ram and Britishers compared with Ravan. Jayamachary compare divine birth of Gandhiji when Gandhiji went to attend Round table conference is compared to Ram’s exile. In novel we find line,
  • 25. “They say the Mahatma will go to Redam's country...he will get us swarajya ...come back with sita on his right in chariot of air”. The people who helps Gandhi are compare to Bharath who worship Ram's sandals in his absence. The way Ram kill Ravan and get back sita. He says that like this way only Gandhi is to kill this demon and bring back enslaved India. His return from conference is compared the Ram's to Ayodhya. The follower of Gandhi are compared with Hahnemann. Like Hanuman the follower of Gandhi are equally ready to get out he's instructions at any time. Satyagrahi in prison is compared with this Divine Krishna himself in kansa's prison. Kanchamma is local Goddess protects the village through famine and disease, death, and despair. According to legends Kanchamma protected the village from onslaught of traffic monster. Who asked their songs for food and young woman as wives. Another thing we find is mythicizing the central character. Kanthapura has rightly characterized as Gndhipurana, too an epic of Gndhi's India. Srinivasa Iyenger calls, “ A veritable Grammar of the Gandian myth- the myth that is but the poetic translation of reality it will always have a central place in Gandhi literature.” In the title page Raja Rao quotes the Gita : “ whensoever there is misery and ignorance, I come”. This doctrine of the incarnation is central to puranas and Gandhi as a new Avatar. In the beginning the local sastri, a learned scholar and poet, officiated harikatha in Kanthapura. He was a very good singer and excellent Harikathaman. He made Harikatha on the episode of the Parvati's winning of Siva. In Harikatha he initiated the villagers into Gandhian principal in a religious manners. He connected it with the siva's three eyes. He says that the way Siva has three eyes swaraj has also three eyes. “ Siva is three-eyed and swaraj too is three-eyed : self-purification, Hindu-Muslim unity and khadder” ( p.20) Allusions to various myth are a part of Raja Rao’s rhetoric of fiction. In the novel Kanthapura we finds different allusions to myth. One is about Prahlad when Moorthy undertakes a rigid three days fast in a typical Gandhi spirit. We also find archetypal image of Hanuman in novel. As Hanuman devotee the same manner Moorthy is describe as having met the Mahatma in a vision in which he fall at the feet Mahatma. This thing we clearly find on page 53. His best Harikatha is about the birth of Gandhi Ji. In this Katha we find the scene from the heaven. In this we find Bhrama as a main God . We see that he was on this place in heaven at the same time we find valmiki entered. He bows down to Bharma's feet and start explain that, Rise up, O God of God I have come to bring sinner news. On the Earth Bharata whom you chose as your chief daughter, which is Goddess of wisdom and well – bring is in trouble. He further says you have gave her too sages reading wisdom to eight cridinal points of Earth, Krishna to Bhuddha , Sankara to Ramanuja.
  • 26. He further added that please sent us the prince propagators of holy lows and take us from darkness. Then Bharama reply that, “ it is greater for you to ask or from me to say 'yes' Shiva himself will forth with go and incarnate on the Earth and free my beloved daughter.” Bhrama further added , “ There was born in a family in Gujarat a son such as never beheld.” This sentences clearly indicated Gandhi Ji. Like this Jayamachary connect Gandhi Ji with Divine birth so that people is readly accept what Ganghi ji is saying. From this we can say that the way he connect the birth of Gandhiji Harikatha is a great way to explain. Conclusion : Like this we can see that whatever is going in the country is connected with some kind of myth. Through Harikatha jayamachary try to connect freedom fighting movement with the religious myth so that people asked no questions and it would easy to connect them with the reality of now a days. “Myth can’t be translated as they did in their ancient soil we can old find our own meaning in our own time.” We find that this quote is become true as the Raja Rao’s connection with the myth. Through this mythic reference in novel Raja Rao makes spirit of Kanthapura to participate in epic struggle. Through the context of myth Raja Rao try to connect with the contemporary situation. We find myth has it’s biggest role in this novel.
  • 27. Name. : Vyas Jeel j. Roll No : 15. Paper No : 5. The Romantic Literature. Class : M.A. Sem - 2 Topic : Johnketsand hisodes. Enrolment No : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Email ID : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University John kets and his odes. Introduction : John kets was not only the last but also the most perfect of the Romanticists. He become famous after his death. He was very famous for his appreciation of beauty in all his poems. His idea are very famous. He had, moreover the novel idea that poetry exists for it’s own sake, and suffers lose by being devoted to philosophy or politics or, indeed, to any cause, however great or small. Life : Keats life of devotion to beauty and to poetry is all the remarkable in view of his lowly origin. He was son of hostler and stable keeper, and was born in the stable of swan and Hoop Inn, London, in 1795. He was only fifteen years old when his both the parents died. He completed his school at Enfield. For five years he served his apprenticeship and for two years more he was surgeon's helper in the hospital. He abandoned his profession in 1817. Same year published his first volume of poems. Keats was a man of strong character, and instead of quarreling with his reviewers, of the being crushed by their criticism, he went quietly to work with the idea of producing poetry that should live forever. As Matthew Arnold says, let’s “ had Flint and iron in him” and in his next volume he accomplished his own purpose and silenced unfriendly criticism. For three years during which keats wrote his poetry he lived chiefly in London and in Hampstead. When we remember all his personal grief and the harsh criticism of literary men, the last small volume, of lamia and Isabella is most significant as showing not only keats's wonderful poetic gifts, but also his beautiful and indomitable spirit. Shelly struck by the Beauty and promise of “Hyperion” sent a generous invitation to the author to come to pisa and live with him; but kets refused. He settled in Rome with his friend Severn, the artist, but died soon after his arrival in February, 1821. His grave is in Protestant cemetery at Rome.
  • 28. His five odes: His five odes are very famous. Probably they all are written in 1819 in May month. He put date only on the one on Grecian urn. His ode are • Ode to Psyche • Ode to Nightingale • Ode on Grecian urn • Ode on melancholy • Ode to Autumn. 1. Ode on Grecian urn : Keats describes one of his day dream in letter. He had one lazy morning in March. “Neither poetry, nor Ambition, nor love have any alertness of countenance as they pass by me. They seem rather like three figures on Greek vase a man and two women- whom no one but myself could distinguish in their disguisment.” He looked at the image and try to write The poem and the result is Ode On Grecian Urn. According to the vision looked like picture of paralysis. The same image in the Ode on Grecian Urn. This Ode is become famous because of its two line, “ Beauty is truth, truth beauty- that is all ye know on Earth and all ye need to know” It began when poet see Urn and say that you are unrived bride of quiteness . He also say that Urn is foster child, selvin historian. He tell Urn ad selvin historian because the art which is on that Urn cannot explain by other that historian can explain. In the second stanza he change the scene. In this he address a boy who blows the pipes. Poet say that one play a song of Melodies which is unheard. He say that the song which can not listed is more beautiful. Youth will never stop singing the lover who is try to chasing his beloved will never will able to catch her or never able to kiss her. But he say that lover that there is no need to be sad because your love is always this much youthful and your beloved will also very young all the time. In the third stanza he continues the same thing and say that we never say buy to spring and this scene is frozen forever. This feeling is same for forever. He say that if you look at this feeling of frozen then then it gave feeling for the sorrow and sweetness. Here he spoke about sweetness is that much over that is anoying. In the forth stanza he changed the scene. He say that all this people are where they going. Next he say to print and asked where do you take this heifer and where you lead this people. He
  • 29. also say that this heifer know that what will happen to him. This people came from near town. Then he talk to town. He tell town that this all your street are always alone. In last stanza he said that he said that this Urn is Attic shape. Then he talked about what is on that Urn. He talked about what is on that Urn. He say that there are marble men maidens and forest branches and trodden weeds are on urn. He say that to understand eternity is difficult to understand. Then say that you will stay forever. He say that beauty is truth and truth is beauty. 2. Ode to psyche : The ode to psyche is one among the celebrated great odes. This ode though not estimated as high as Nightingale. The Myth of Psyche: Psyche occures in the later times of antiquity as a personification of Human soul. Psyche was the youngest of the three daughter of a king and aroused by her Beauty the jealousy of Aphrodite. The Goddess ordered cupid himself fell in love with her. Unseen and unknown he visited her every night and left her as soon as the day began to dawn. But her jealous sister made her believe that in the darkness she was embracing some hideous monster and accordingly once while Cupid was asleep, she drew near to him with a lamp and her amazement, beheld the most lovely of Gods. A drop of hot oil fell from her lamp upon his shoulder. This awoke cupid who censured her for her mistrust and fled. Psyche's happiness was gone, and she wandered about from temple to Temple, inquiring after her lover, and at length be to the palace of Aphrodite. Aphrodite retained her, and imposed upon her the hardest labours. Psyche would have perished had not Cupid who still loved her in secret invisible comforted and assisted her. With his aid she at last succeeded in overcoming the hatred of Aphrodite. She became immortal and was united to him forever. In this story Psyche represents the human Soul, which is purified by passions and misfortunes and thus prepared for happiness. Summery : Keats’s speaker opens the poem with an address to the goddess Psyche, urging her to hear his words, and asking that she forgive him for singing to her her own secrets. He says that while wandering through the forest that very day, he stumbled upon “two fair creatures” lying side by side in the grass, beneath a “whisp’ring roof” of leaves, surrounded by flowers. They embraced one another with both their arms and wings, and though their lips did not touch, they were close to one another and ready “past kisses to outnumber.” The speaker says he knew the winged boy, but asks who the girl was. He answers his own question: She was Psyche. In the second stanza, the speaker addresses Psyche again, describing her as the youngest and most beautiful of all the Olympian gods and goddesses. He believes this, he says, despite the fact that, unlike other divinities, Psyche has none of the trappings of worship: She has no temples, no altars, no choir to sing for her, and so on. In the third stanza, the speaker attributes this lack to Psyche’s youth; she has come into the world too late for “antique vows” and the
  • 30. “fond believing lyre.” But the speaker says that even in the fallen days of his own time, he would like to pay homage to Psyche and become her choir, her music, and her oracle. In the fourth stanza, he continues with these declarations, saying he will become Psyche’s priest and build her a temple in an “untrodden region” of his own mind, a region surrounded by thought that resemble the beauty of nature and tended by “the gardener Fancy,” or imagination. He promises Psyche “all soft delight” and says that the window of her new abode will be left open at night, so that her winged boy—”the warm Love”—can come in. Conclusion: In this way we can see that John Keats uses the myth in his odes. We also find that his own life suffering is reflected in his odes. This things we find when we look his ode to Nightingale. We also see keats use of Nature in his odes. He suffered throughout his life but though his odes are full of enjoyment.
  • 31. Name. : Vyas Jeel j. Roll No : 15. Paper No : 6. Victorian Literature. Class : M.A. Sem - 2 Topic : Brief historyandcharacteristicsof the Age. Enrolment No : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Email ID : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University Brief history and characteristics of the Age. Introduction : When Victoria became queen, in 1837, English literature seems to have entered upon a period of lean years, in marked contrast with the poetic fruitfulness of the romantic age. The time period of Victorian Age is 1850 to 1900. The international position of Britain of that time was very strong. The main reason of this great position is that the defeat of great Napoleon in 1815. The British Empire, while it had suffered a setback half a century earlier with the loss of the American colonies, was expanding throughout the world with great success. Historical characteristics of the Age : The Age has its own historical characteristics through which we can easily come to know about the historical background of the Age. To know historical background of age is important because Literature is connected with the people who lives at that time. If we know history of the time we can easily see that why some writer of the time wrote particular things about the people and society. • Democracy. • Social Unrest. • The Ideal of peace. • Arts and science.
  • 32. 1. Democracy : The very first characteristic of the Age is Democracy. We found the Democracy in time of Victoria. Amid the multitude of social and political force of this grate age, for things stand out clearly. The Long struggle of the Anglo-Saxon for personal liberty is definitely settled and Democracy becomes the established order of the day. The last vestige of personal government and Divine right of rules disappears; the House of commons become the ruling power in England; a series of New reform bills rapidly extend the Differences, until the whole body of English people choose for themselves the Man who shall represents them. 2. Social unrest : Because it is an age of Democracy it is an age of popular education, age of religious tolerance, Age of growing brotherhood, and Age of profound social unrest. The slaves had been freed in 1833; but in the middle of the century England come to know about the fact that all slaves are not necessarily negroes, stolen in Africa to be sold like cattle in market place, but that multitude of men, woman, and little children in the mines and factories were victims of more terrible industrial and social slavery. There were some moments which were the reason of social unrest. 1. Oxford Movement: This was the movement around 19th century, and leaded by John Henry Newman. It was generated by those who was against scientific development and wanted church to rule on people by resettling the glory of religion. The movement was mostly on pamphlets and tracts so it was also known as “The Tractarian Movement”. The centre of the movement was Oxford, so it is known as ‘The Oxford Movement’. 2. The Pre- RaphaeliteSchoolofPoetry: This movement was for establishing the quality of poetry by ‘Pictorial effects’. Raphael was a painter and all the leaders of moment like Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt founded a society in 1848, getting inspired by Rapheal. 3. The Idealof peace: Third characteristics of the Age is ideal of peace. Because it is Age of Democracy and education, it is an age of comparative peace. England begins to think less of pipe and false glitter of fighting and more of it’s moral evils as the nation realizes that it is the common people who bear the burden and the sorrow and the poverty of war while the privileged classes rape most of the financial and political reward. With the growth of trades and of friendly
  • 33. foreign relationship it become evident that that the social equality for which England was contending at home belong to the whole race of man. 4. Art and science: Forth characteristic of the Age is art and science. Victorian Age is especially remarkable because of its rapid progress in all the art and science and in mechanical invention. A glance at any record of the industrial achievement of the 19th century will show how vast they are. Literary characteristics of the Age : Every Age has its own literary characteristic. It is also important to know about literary characteristics. Because by knowing them we can able to understand the Literature of the Age. There three main characteristic of the Age. • An age of prose • Moral purpose • Idealism 1. An Age of prose : First characteristics of Victorian Age is this age was Age of prose. The novels were looking like the bright stars in the sky of England during the Victorian era. The great novelists like:- Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, William Thackeray, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte filled the sky of the Victorian era with their novels. Number of readers has increased a thousand fold with the spread of popular education it is an age of newspaper the magazines and the modern novel. The first two bring the store of the world daily life. The novel in this age fills a place which the drama held in the days of Elizabeth. 2. Moral purpose : The second marked characteristic of the Age is that Literature both in prose and in poetry seems to depart from purely artistic standard of art for art sake and to be actuated by a definite moral purpose. Even the novel break away from Scott's romantic influence and first studies life as it is, and then point out what life may ought to be. Where we read the fun and sentiment of Dickens the social miniatures of Thackeray or physiological studies of George Eliot we find in almost every case a definite purpose to sweep away error and to reveal the underlying truth of Human life. 3. Idealism : Third characteristics of the Age is Idealism. We found Idealism in Victorian age. It is somewhat customary to speak of this age as an age of doubt and pessimism, following the new
  • 34. conception of man and of the universe which was formulated by science under the name of name of evolution. Apart from this there are some other characteristics which is below. Search For Balance:- During this period the writers tried to balance the romentic as well as the classical influence. This is well obsereved in the works of J.S.Mill during this time. The new religious movement called the oxford movement was started. This movement shows a search for balance. Humanitarian Approach:- In the novels of Charles Dickens, J.S.Mill and certain other novelist. We came accross the humanitarian approach. It is important to note that this age was an age of industrial revolution this industrial revolution creates two classes:-(1). Labourers(2). Capitalists. Some Victorian novels deals with the class consciousness and also present the problems of poverty during this period. Realism:- The literature of the Victorian age was correlated to the social and political life of the age. The Victorian literary artists, living aside a few votaries of art for art’s sake represented by the Pre- Raphaelite school of poets, were inspired by a social zeal to represent the problem of their own age. Perhaps for this reason the Victorian literature is the literature of ‘realism’ rather than of romance, not the realism of Zola and Ibsen, but a deeper realism which strives to tell the whole truth, showing moral and physical diseases as they are, but holding up health and hope as the moral conditions of humanity. Literature became an instrument of social reform and social propaganda and it was marked with purposeful, propagandistic and didactic aims. The Victorian literature is full of realism. We can say that Oliver twist is a realistic character; in Victorian age we found there is child labor in workhouse. So it called realism, and in Frankenstein there is no real character like monster in real life, but we found character like Oliver in real life. So the Victorian literature represents realism. There is no imaginative character in the literature. In Victorian literature we found realistic character rather than romantic character. Pessimism:- A note of pessimism, doubt and despair runs through Victorian literature and is noticed especially in the poetry of Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh Clough. Though a note of pessimism runs through the literature of the age, it cannot be dubbed as a literature of bleak pessimism and dark despair. A note of idealism and optimism is also struck by poets like Browning and prose writers like Ruskin. Rabbi Ben Ezra brings out the courageous optimism of the age. Stedman’s Victorian Anthology is, on the whole, a most inspiring book of poetry. Great essayists like Macaulay, Carlyle, Ruskin, and great novelists like Dickens, Thackeray and George Eliot inspire us with their faith in humanity and uplift us by their buoyancy and large charity.
  • 35. The literature of the age is considerably modified by the impact of science. “It is the scientific spirit, and all that the scientific spirit implied, its certain doubt, its care for minuteness and truth of observation, its growing interest in social processes, and the conditions under which life is lived that is the central fact in Victorian literature.” The questioning spirit in lough, the pessimism of James Thomson, the melancholy of Matthew Arnold, the fatalism of Fitzgerald, are all the outcome of the skeptical tendencies evoked by scientific research. Tennyson’s poetry is also considerably influenced by the advancement of science in the age, and the undertones of scientific researchers can be heard in ‘In Memoriam’. Conclusion : To conclude we can say that this are the characteristic of the Age which We can find in the Victorian age and Literature.
  • 36. Name. : Vyas Jeel j. Roll No : 15. Paper No : 7. Theory and criticism 2( 20th century western and Indian poetics. Class : M.A. Sem - 2 Topic : T.S.EliotTraditionandindividual telent. EnrolmentNo : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Email ID : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University T.S. Eliot Tradition and individual telent. Introduction : Thomas Stearns Eliot, (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965), "one of the twentieth century's major poets" was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic Born in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, to a prominent Boston Brahmin family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25, settling, working, and marrying there. He became a British subject in 1927 at the age of 39, renouncing his American passport. Eliot attracted widespread attention for his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915), which was seen as a masterpiece of the Modernist movement. It was followed by some of the best-known poems in the English language, including The Waste Land (1922), "The Hollow Men" (1925), "Ash Wednesday" (1930), and Four Quartets (1943). He was also known for his seven plays, particularly Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1949). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948, "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry". T.S.Eliot’s “Tradition and Individual Talent” was published in 1919 in The Egoist - the Times Literary supplement. Later, the essay was published in The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism in 1920/2. (Gallup). This essay is described by David Lodge as the most celebrated critical essay in the English of the 20th century. The essay is divided into three parts : • The concert of Tradition. • The theory depersonalization. • Conclude. Not only to peace this essay is used but to criticized also this essay is used when he wrote this essay he was only 25 year old. Eliot was not the port so he do not speak about how to write poetry but he only talk about the end product poem.
  • 37. Key aspect : In his time poet wants to different then other, uniqueness is important. In this essay he explained that how Tradition and individual go together. To knowing Tradition plays vital role in development of personal Talent. Ex : Umashankar joshi. Umashankar joshi is very famous author of Gujarati Literature. We found that at the time he was writing at the same time so many writer also wrote for Gujarati Literature. But though he was more famous. He accepted Tradition but with his own individual talent. Sincerity is good for Literature as well as genuine emotions is important. Part 1 The concept of Tradition. In first pat Eliot speaks about tradition, He says: “Seldom, perhaps, does the word (tradition) appear except in a phrase of censure”. It means in English writings they don’t see the word ‘tradition’ in positive way. He says about Englishmen’s attitude towards French Literature. Englishmen have a habit to feel proud on themselves. That is the proud for their creativity and more for their ‘less’ criticality. In French there is a mass of critical writing. Eliot compares English with French that they (French) have habit of critical method and English have habit of ‘conclusion’. He says: “…we only conclude (we are such unconscious people) that the French are more critical than we; and sometimes even plume ourselves a little with the fact, as if the French were less spontaneous”. He believes that for write Literature there is no need to be pandit like Shakespeare if you have a knowledge of Human nature you can wrote. Literature is not the thing which can inheriting by any one. Ex : Shakespeare. If we consider Shakespeare bad last name then we must know that we do not have any other Shakespeare. The literature he produce during that time anyone can not able to produce after him. So we found that anyone his family cannot inherited the knowledge he has about Human nature. So, we can say that literature is the thing which cannot inherited by anyone. Idea of the tradition involves the historical sense. Pastness of past his it’s own effect on present. Each one is part of long chain of literature. “ The historical sense involve a perception, not only of the pastness of past but it’s presence.” Ex : love. We can say that watch one is part of the Long chain. Because we found that there are so many things written on the theme of love. But though still people write on same thing but
  • 38. there is always newness in explaining. If individual is relented then past adjust with the person. Wordsworth brake the rules of the classical literature and because of this we found the romantic literature. We also se that Shakespeare was also doing the same. “No poet, no artist of any art has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation o the dead poets and artists. You can’t value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison among the dead.” Poet are tented to brake the rules. Poet are allow to brake the rule but before braking the rules they must know the rules. He looks at literature as continuity and say that, Art never improve but material of art is never quit same. Part 2 Theory of depersonalisation : New criticism is important. This part begins with the sentences, “ Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry.” Like poetry but not poet and person this thing he wants to say in this part. Here he say that appreciate work rather then the person. He believes that poetry is depersonalized of poet. This idea is opposite idea then the romanticism. Because Romanticism believe that whatever there is in poem is the feeling of poet. According to him painful exprision gives the batter work of literature. For Eliot poetry is as acidic as H2so4 possess. . Poetry is painful. .IND of post is like biker. Everything is there but after creation there is nothing in it. Poetry is not explanation of personality but escape from personality. Poetry is more significant then person. Ha Laos give example 6 H2SO4. He say that when potassium is there then only H2SO4 has created but after that there is no platinum. Here he compere platinum with the poet. He say that after writing poetry there is nothing in poet. According to Eliot the poet’s mind is like a tare or utensil in which numerous feelings, phrases & images can be stored or seized. When a poet wants them he utilizes them and unites them. It doesn’t mean that the poem created by the poet shows his personality or nature. Eliot explains very basic thing of his point that, what is expressed by the poet is merely a medium, not a personality. He says: “…the poet has not a ‘personality’ to express, but a particular medium, which is only a medium and not a personality…” In this medium, the impressions and experiences come together in unusual and unexpected ways. And other thing is some impressions and experiences seem valuable for a person, yet they may
  • 39. not be important for poetry. Same way some trivial experiences & impressions can become so important for poetry. Then Eliot says about context that without context nothing can be understood. He says: “This balance of constructed emotion is in the dramatic situation to which the speech is pertinent, but that situation alone is inadequate to it.” He gives example from “The Revenger’s Tragedy” (by Thomas Middleton). He puts some line from that without context to explain this point. Then he says that emotion in poetry remains very complex thing, and poet’s own personal emotion may be simple or flat. So every time poet’s own emotion cannot be taken place in poem. And if the poet is always looking for new emotion in poem, then it will be perverse. A poet has not to find new emotions but he has to use ordinary emotions. He has to deal with every known/unknown emotion. Eliot here twists ‘emotion recollected in tranquility’. He says it ‘an inexact formula’. To write poetry is a great deal. When a poet becomes personal while writing poetry, he will be considered as a ‘bad poet’. Because he becomes unconscious, where he should be conscious and he becomes conscious where he must be unconscious. When a poet escapes from his personality, then & then the great poem comes out. A poet must not show his emotion in poetry. Eliot says: “Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality. Part : 3 The Conclusion: At the end, in this third part Eliot says that this essay stops at the starting of mysticism. And it can be applied by the responsible person, who really interested in poetry. It is very hard thing to take interest in poetry and to keep a poet aside. We usually read poem with the name and fame of the poet. We cannot separate them from each other. Eliot says: “There are many people who appreciate the expression of sincere emotion in verse, and there is smaller number of people who can appreciate technical excellence. But very few know when there is expression of significant emotion, emotion which has its life in the poem and not in the history of the poet.” By this statement, he says that to admire a poem with the poet’s skill and his name is easiest thing. The harder is to know technical skill or art of the POEM. But the hardest thing is to find the significant emotions from the poem, which separates the poet from the poem. The reader must know that after giving birth of the work of art, the connection between that art and artist is ended. And a poet must know that to reach at the level of impersonality, he first has to scarifies himself and has to surrender himself totally to that work.
  • 40. Conclusion : To, conclude We can say that Tradition and individual talent both the thing is important in poets life. Without any of this he will not able to survive in long history of literature.
  • 41. Name. : Vyas Jeel j. Roll No : 15. Paper No : 8. Cultural studies. Class : M.A. Sem - 2 Topic : AmericanMulticulturalism. Enrolment No : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English Email ID : Submitted : Department of English M.K.B.University American Multiculturalism Introduction : When we talk about the culture we found that there is Multiculturalism in several countries like America. Before knowing about Multiculturalism we must know about culture. What is cultural ? Culture’, derives from ‘Cultura’ and ‘colere’ meaning ‘to cultivate’. It also meant ‘to honor’ and ‘project’ by the 19th century in Europe it tastes of the upper class (elite). ‘Culture’ is the mode of producing meaning and ideas. This ‘mode’ is a negotiation over which meanings are valid. Elite culture controls meanings because it controls the terms of the debate. What is Cultural Study? Cultural studies is the science of understanding modern society, with an emphasis on politics and power cultural studies is an umbrella term used to look at a number of different subject. Categories studied include media studies including film and Journalism, sociology, industrial culture, globalization and social theory. “Cultural Studies is not a tightly coherent unified movement with a fixed agenda, but a loosely coherent group of tendencies, issues, and questions.” Cultural studies is composed of elements of Marxism, Post structuralism and Postmodernism, Feminism, Gender studies, anthropology, sociology, race and ethnic studies, film theory, urban studies, public policy, popular culture studies and Postcolonial studies: those field that concentrate on social and cultural forces that either create community or cause division and alienation.
  • 42. Five type of cultural studies : • British cultural Materialism • New historicism • American Multiculturalism • Postmodernism and popular culture • Postcolonial studies. What is Multiculturalism ? Before knowing about Multiculturalism in America we must know the Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism, the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgement of their differences within a dominant political culture. That acknowledgement can take the forms of recognition of contributions to the cultural life of the political community as a whole, a demand for special protection under the law for certain cultural groups, or autonomous rights of governance for certain cultures. Multiculturalism is both a response to the fact of cultural pluralism in modern democracies and a way of compensating cultural groups for past exclusion, discrimination, and oppression. Most modern democracies comprise members with diverse cultural viewpoints, practices, and contributions. Many minority cultural groups have experienced exclusion or the denigration of their contributions and identities in the past. Multiculturalism seeks the inclusion of the views and contributions of diverse members of society while maintaining respect for their differences and withholding the demand for their assimilation into the dominant culture. In the United States multiculturalism is not clearly established in policy at the federal level, but ethnic diversity is common in both rural and urban areas. Mass immigration was a feature of the United States economy and society since the 1st half of 19th century. The absorption of the stream of immigrants became in itself a prominent feature of America’s national myth. The idea of ‘Melting Pot ‘is a metaphor that implied that each individual immigrant and each groups of individual immigrant assimilated into American society at their own pace which as defined above is not multiculturalism this is opposed to assimilation and integration. As a philosophy multiculturalism began as a part of the ‘Pragmatism movement’ at the end of the 19thcentury in Europe and United States then as political and cultural pluralismat the turn of 20thcentury. It was partly in response to a new wave of European imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa and the massive immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans to United States and Latin America. Philosophers, psychologists, historian and early sociologist such as Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, George Santayana, Horace Kellen, John Dewey,W.E.B. Du Bois
  • 43. and Alain Locke developed concepts of cultural pluralism which known today as Multiculturalism. William James in his book entitled Pluralistic Universe (1909) refers the idea of a ‘’plural society’’. Leon Botstein believes a combination of traditional and newer perspectives offers the best alternative: student must read Aeschylus Dante and Shakespeare ‘’because what Shakespeare and Dante and the so called Great Books are all about is penetrating through details to what’s really essential about the common experience of being a member of this Species.’’ But at the same time that one reads Thucydides or the subject of being a member of a seafaring, global power, one should also read Bernal Diaz’s account of the conquest of Mexico. Every American should understand Mexico from point of view of the observers of the conquest and of the history before the conquest…….No American should graduate from College without a framework of knowledge that includes at least some construct of Asian History, Of Latin- American History, of American History. Four type of Multiculturalism : When we talk about the Multiculturalism in America we must know that it is decided into four parts • African American writers • Latina/o writer • American Indian literature • Asian American writer. 1. African American writer : African American writer talked about more slavery system because at that time there was a slavery in America. Mark twin was side of slave and also wrote about them and their feeling. Uncle Tom was the first novel which change sentiment towards the slave. This writer talked about black people and their thoughts. There are also difficult for the people of Mulatto. Mulatto are the person of mixed white and black ancestry especially a person with one white and one black parent. These writer often display a folkloric conception of humankind. 2. Latin/o writer : They are Mexican American. This indicated a broader sense of ethnicity among Spanish – speaking and most influential group of Latina/o ethnicities in united states. This culture describes the diversity of Spanish speaking peoples with the different origin, nationalities religion, skin colour, class identification politics and varying names for theme selves has had an enormous impact upon American culture since it’s beginning This people have their own Myth. But the problem of that, their God are seen bad in main Street Antics. For this they also look back to their Myth and also produce story based on that.
  • 44. 3. American Indian Literature : In American Indian Literature we found that native American wrote about them selves and their problem. They realise that there is wrong is going on with him that is why they come forward and start writing about that. When we look at the American Indian literature we must remember that there are oral Traduction is also include in this. In predominantly oral cultures storytelling passes on religious beliefs, moral values, political Codes and practical lessons of everyday life. for American Indians stories are a source of strength in the fact of centuries of silencing by Euro-Americans. Again a word on names Native American seems to be the term proffered by most academics and many tribal members who find the term Indian a misnomer and stereotype as in ‘’cowboys and Indians’’ or ‘’Indian giver’’ that helped whites wrest the continent away from indigenous people. Yet ‘’American Indian’’ is often preferred by Indians over ‘’Native American’’ as demonstrated in the names of such organizations as the American Indian movement(AIM) or the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures (ASAIL),AS Alan R.Velie notes. 4. Asian American writer : Asian American Literature is written by people of Asian descent in the U.S., addressing the experience of living in a society that views them as ‘’Alien’’; Asian immigrants were denied citizenship as late as 1950s. Edward Said has written of ‘orientalism ‘or the tendency to objectify and eroticize Asians and their work has sought to respond to such stereotyping. Asian American writers include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Vietnams, Malaysian, Polynesian and many other peoples of Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Pacific. Asian American Literature can be said to have begun around 20thcentury primarily with autobiographical ‘’Paper Son’’ stories and ‘’confession’’. Asian American autobiography inherited these descriptive strategies as Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: Memoires of Girlhood among Ghosts. Jade Snow Wong’s female Bildungsroman was called Fifth Chinese Daughter. The 1st to become known in the West tended to be daughters of diplomats or scholars or those educated in Western mission Schools two Eurasians sisters, Edith and Winifred Eaton were typical. They immigrated with their parents to the U.S.and while Edith published stories of Realistic Chinese people in Mrs. Spring Fragrances, Winnifred who adopted the Japanese Pen Name ‘’Onoto Owatonna’ was the author of Japanese novel of a highly sentimentalized nature. Conclusion : In this we see what actually culture and also come to know about the Multiculturalism. Now a days because of globalization we found that there are country where we found that the Multiculturalism is increasing. Because of multiple culture we also has benefit hat we come to
  • 45. know about the different people and there culture. Busy we also face problem that when some political war between country is going that time the people from the opposite country has to suffer. We also found that people who are around them has starts doubting them.
  • 46. Name : Jeel j. Vyas Roll No : 11. Paper No : 09. The Modernist Literature. Class : M.A. Sem – 3. Topic : Theme andvariousInterpretation of the playThe Birthdayparty. Enrolment No : 2069108420190045 College : Smt.S.B.Gardi Department of English. Email ID : Submitted : Department of English M. K. Bhavnagar University. Theme and various Interpretation of the play The Birthday party. Abstract : The play Birthday Party is written by Harold Pinter. This play is divided into three acts. For this play Pinter got Nobel prize in 2005. This play is written in 1975. The play is painteresque play. The play is reactions against the trends of the time, displaying traits of the Theatre of the Absurd, such as the fluidity and ambiguity of time, place, and identity and the disintegration of language. Michael Billiongton who is official biographer of Pinter wrote in Herold Pinter the play birthday party is deeply political play. He wrote, "a deeply political play about the individual's imperative need for resistance,” Though there is a doubt about that it is conscious or not about Pinter’s part according to Billiongton. We also see that Arnold P. Hinchliffe, Polish critic Gregorz Sinko points out that in The Birthday Party "we see the destruction of the victim from the victim's own point of view: one feel like saying that the two executioners, Goldberg and McCann , stands for all the Principal of the state and social conformism. Goldberg refers to his job on typically Kafka esque official language which deprives the credit of all sense add reality ... ( Of Stanley’s removal , sinko adds : ) maybe Stenley will meet his - death there or maybe he will only receive a conformist brainwashing after which he is promised ... Many other gift of civilization. When we talk about the theme and Various Interpretation of the play we see that it has so many Interpretation. The play Birthday Party is one of the good example of Painteresque. We also see that he uses two type of silence in play. 1. No use of language . 2. Torrent of language.
  • 47. Interpretation : 1. Theme of Absurdity : The Birthday Party has been described Martin Esslin as an example of the Theatre of Absurd As in many absurdist works, The Birthday Party is full of disjointed information that defies efforts to distinguish between reality and illusion. When we see the main protagonist Stenley himself remind big question for audience. Question about Stenley's past remain through out the play. We never come to know about who actually he is expect that he was playing piano. Apart from this question regards the character of Net Goldberg and McCann also remind unanswered. That , who actually they are ? What is their relationship ? Who is Monty ? Does they work for him? This are the questions which remain unanswered through out the play. Which is also one 9f the theme of the Absurd theatre that their is no beginning nor even end and no resolution of theme. Further we see that this play and its title talk about the birthday party. And mag also say that today is your birthday to Stenley but he refused that today is not my birthday. This is also one of the Absurd thing that they are thinking about one person’s birthday but person him refused that it is not his birthday. 2. Theme of Identity : Identity also can be one of the theme of the play. Because we see that most of the character's identity remain unanswered. One of the best example is Goldberg is in the play called Net but when he talks about the past stories he was known as Simey and Benny. The same way McCann also refer as Demote and Semus. By this way this character and their identity remind a question. According to John Russell Brown (94), "Falsehoods are important for Pinter's dialogue, not least when they can be detected only by careful reference form one scene to another.... Some of the more blatant lies are so casually delivered that the audience is encouraged to look for more than is going to be disclosed. This is a part of Pinter's two-pronged tactic of awakening the audience's desire for verification and repeatedly disappointing this desire" With the question of identity we also see that there past is also remind Ambiguous. This thing we see in the main character also. We see that we do not have much information about the Stenley. Apart from this we see that on the next day of birthday party Mag don’t even remember what bad happen. Also we see that Petey also do not tell her that Net and McCann take Stenley with them. He also allow Mag to remain in illusion that Stenley is still sleeping. So we see that this thing remain Ambiguous. 3. Theme of Blindness : We see that Sort from theme of Absurdity and identity , Blindness also become one of the most important Theme of the play. That thing we can see in the two scene first is the game blind man' s buff. This shows that how We also becoming blind in life about our purposes , our identity our surrounding , Absurdity of life. Other scene in which we see Theme of Blindness is the scene of glass when McCann takes away glasses of sternly he becomes blind and could not