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Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness toAdopt
Name of Student: ……………………..
Registration No: ……………….
A project submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Business
Administration in Business Management
January 2012
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
I declare that the material contained in this project is the end result of my own work and that due
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Signed: … ……………………………..
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
This research paper is developed to evaluate the perception and eagerness of customers to adopt
online banking. Information technology (IT) has been the key element playing key role in
modeling the banking industry from last few years, all over the globe. Banks heavily rely on IT
in conducting their daily operations and expanding their business. IT is the only tool that assists
them in reducing their operational costs and gain competitive advantage over their rivals by
offering distinct services compared to the traditional methods of banking which includes ATMs,
mobile banking and the most effective, the internet banking (IB). Recent studies have concluded
that many customers does not have sufficient awareness about the Internet banking and also
mostly people do not trust these internet banking services for carrying out their business
transactions. Customers will only rely on internet banking when they will be sure about its uses
and all possible utilities. This paper will be a strong reference for the banking industry to
improve the level of IB services and for further future research for various banks.
The research is based on the mixed approach for the analyzing the data. Qualitative approach is
adopted to analyze the data gathered from the interview. Quantitative approach is adopted to
analyze the data gathered from the questionnaire.Both primary as well as secondary sources of
information have been used to ensure reliability and transparency of the report.
The independent variables that have been used to apply the regression analysis are the reputation
of specific banks, self-efficacy, age, gender, experience, banking needs, communication, risk and
complexity. The impact of these variables has been checked on customer‟s satisfaction with
respect to online banking.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
It is certified that MS thesis proposal titled “Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online
Banking” prepared by ……….., Enrollment No. ……..has been approved for submission.
Dr. Muhammad Minhaj Sheikh
Thesis Supervisor
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
I would like to thank all the helping hands who were with me in making this report a possibility.
Special thanks to my supervisor Dr. J. G Gupta Singh, for his consistence advice and support
provided during the uphill task of writing up this thesis and for giving me the opportunity to
carry out this knowledge-full study. His patience and constant feedback has been very
instrumental in finalizing this thesis.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Table of Contents
CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL.............................................................................
1.1. Demographics of the Online Banking............................................................
1.2: Relevance of the Online Banking ..................................................................
1.3. Background Information and Evolution ........................................................
1.4. Key words and definitions..............................................................................
1.5. Study Objectives ............................................................................................
End notes...............................................................................................................
Chapter 2: Literature Review....................................................................................
1.1. Attaining Online Banking ..............................................................................
1.2.Advantages and diadvantages of online banking ............................................
2. Measuring online banking.................................................................................
2.1. Analysis of expierence on online banking .....................................................
2.2. Impact of covienece and ease on online banking...........................................
2.3. Impact of safety .............................................................................................
2.4. Effect of sex and age in achieving the online banking...................................
2.5. Value of time saving on online banking.........................................................
2.6. Enviornemnet and location.............................................................................
2.7. Risks involved in online banking...................................................................
2.8. Impact of complexity on online banking........................................................
3. Increasing access and quality through eduacation and marke...........................
4. Policy Guidelines and Recommendations.........................................................
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Chapter 3: Methodology ...........................................................................................
3.1: Framework of Analysis..................................................................................
3.3.1 Type of Research……………………………
3.3.2 Data Collection and Preferences ..................................................................
3.3.3 Data Collection and Related Procedures......................................................
3.4. Statement of Analytical Approach and Methodology....................................
Chapter 4: Estimation, Analysis and Conclusion .....................................................
4.1.Estimated Results............................................................................................
4.2 Findings and Analysis of Findings..................................................................
4.4. Policy Guidelines and Policy Recommendations...........................................
4.5. Limitations of the study..................................................................................
Appendix-A- Results ................................................................................................
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
1. Introduction:
Internet banking is a great evolution that has emerged with time due to technological progress
and progression of information technology. All thanks to internet banking that has changed the
orthodox way of banking. Many positive advantages and added benefits are achieved with online
banking, some might not agree with this but it has contributed meritoriously, efficiently and
resourcefully in our lives.
Advances in information technology are becoming an important factor to the prospect expansion
of financial services industry especially the banking industry (Kannabiran and Narayan, 2005).
It is said that banking sector around the world adapted to technological changes at a very massive
level. Further study over the data gathered from Office of the Comptroller of the Currency bank
examiners shows that the number of banks offering the service of online line banking increased
very drastically between the end of the year 2000 to 2001. By the year 2001, more than 50% of
the banking institutions were providing the facility of online banking.
Higher competition and Globalization are the main factors that have affected the banking sector
for almost ten years. The further awareness and adaptation to Internet Banking has assisted in
reducing geographical and distance related hampers. A lot of banking divisions that were limited
to local areas due to the geographical barriers, then started to encompass national and
international regions. One such example is that of mortgage finance in the U.S. Not only the
competition has been enhanced by the reduction of geographical barriers, but also by the
increased ability of bank customers to search for and locate new suppliers electronically.”
(Furst.K William W. Daniel.L E. Nolle .2010)
However this process of switching over has been remarkably slow in South Asian countries over
the last several years (Mehrotra. A. 2009).Regardless of all the input of hard work, these online
banking facilities have been overlooked and disregarded by most of the customers of this region.
Hence, customer awareness is very crucial for successfully implementing the use of online
banking in any area. The current research is trying to study the Pakistani customers' mind frame
and willingness in regard with e-banking.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Looking at the Asian market it is clearly evident that online banking is here to stay for coming
many years. According to Jeff 2003, online banking will increase up to 45.4 million in coming
years specifically in Asia.Online banking and its awareness can only be achieved through
developing the core concept of services and their awareness.
Awareness about the services is the key component in determining the customers‟ beliefs and
satisfaction that is being derived from those services. A customer can only comment on the level
of satisfaction attained after having used those services.
The further scrutiny of the data related to customer appreciation with the variety of aspects of
online banking on customer satisfaction with the entire online banking as a sum total, showed
that customer contentment with protection and confidence provided by e-banking website has the
greatest effect on the entire satisfaction of customers with online banking followed by user
satisfaction with handiness and user-friendliness.
According to one of the studies by Delone and Mclean (2003, p.18), quality of the system is
established thorough the quality of its information and services. Therefore service quality is
termed as the most important tool for online banking. This model best explains the concept given
by Delone and Mclean.
Intention to use
Online Banking
Individuals’ Belief
Perceived Ease of
Core Constructs
Awareness of
Social Influence Website Quality
System Quality
Adoption of
Online Banking
al impact
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
This explains the fact that quality of system plays a very vital role in determining the overall
impact of organization. However, understanding and implementing the model is necessary to
gauging customers‟ satisfaction.
1.1 Problem Statement:
The progression of internet has paved the way for the development of many goods and services
like Internet Banking (IB). Internet Banking has completely altered the conventional banking
system. some people may be of the opinion that online banking has altered the lives of many in a
good way, in terms of an efficient and effective service.
Customer service is increasingly being shifted from people to technology. In the first quarter of
2011, internet banking capacity in the top 10 banking institutions exceeded 65 Million liquid
deposit account (LDA) customers, double the number from 2004 and growing fast. In addition to
checking their account balances, nearly two-thirds of these customers are using online bill pay,
and other online services are seeing growing adoption rates while traffic at traditional bank
outlets is dropping considerably. The customers‟ demand for and use of online banking. Most of
the researches study internet banking growth and development issues; a few of these researches
grade countries taking into consideration account e-banking advancement and technological or
strategy development, but there is a lack among the research to assess customers‟ readiness to
adopt new online banking systems with an ease. This research addresses the ignored areas of
customers‟ perception of online banking which will help to inculcate the culture of ease at using
online banking for customers. This research will analyze the factors having affected on
customers‟ reluctance of using online banking systems.
1.2Research Objectives:
This study has been conducted to understand the customers‟ attitude and their perception towards
internet banking. This study is focused on following objectives:
To identifyimportant determinants shaping customer‟s choice and approach towards
internet banking.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
To examine the level of satisfaction and trust that customers rely on these banking
services and the reason that they will surely adopt these services in future.
To fully understand the customers perception towards various services offered
through e –banking and the frequency of complications faced while using these
1.3 Scope of the research:
The research will be covering the Banking industry of Pakistan, who have successfully reaped
the gains of technological innovations and have managed to change with the changing times or
otherwise. Yet there are certain banks as well as a number of banking customers who are still
reluctant to change. This study therefore focuses on the factors affecting the customers‟ choice
for online banking and the degree of their eagerness. The change however is considered to be
openly accepted by the young blood as the mature age customers mostly like to cling to the
orthodox style of banking.
1.4 Limitations of the research:
Every research has its own limitations. The limitation faced by this research is as following:
Monetary and time constraints which made the collection of the data to be kept shorter.
The research is also facing the limitation of geography. This means that research is only
focusing on the banks within the geographical boundaries of Pakistan. Researcher cannot
visit different countries for getting viewpoints of international customers and banks.
Primary data has been collected from a relatively small sample due to financial issues and
time constraints.
1.5 Ethical Considerations of the Research:
Ethics are very important to be considered in the research. The research has been conducted
keeping in mind all important ethical issues. It was made absolutely sure that no physical,
emotional and environmental harm occur to any participant of the research.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
All the participants took part in the research at their own will. I precisely explained the objective
of data collection to all the participants so that they do not get confused. It is unethical to collect
the data from respondents without first informing them about the use of data. The purpose of use
of data must be disclosed to the participants of research. At the top of questionnaire, I had
declared that the purpose of this research was to clarify the confusions of respondents.
The participants were assured that the data collected from them would be kept confidential. They
were assured about the right use of information provided by them. In this research, I have not
asked any personal information from respondents which might raise concern for confidentiality
of data. They were not asked names, designation or any other personal information. Moreover, I
kept the data in a private file which could only be accessed by me.
I have not copied or cheated the data of others. This is an original work indigenously produced
by me. The data is not manipulated in order to produce desirable results. I have quoted some
literature and findings from earlier studies. These findings are backed by Harvard referencing to
avoid plagiarism.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
2.Research Methodology/Design:
In this chapter, adaptation of the methodology is being explained on the basis of previously
reviewed literature and the nature of research.
2.1 Research Approach:
The research methodology onion explains three categories of the research.This study has been
conducted through mixed method approach in which both qualitative and quantitative techniques
have been applied. Qualitative data techniques are used for critically reviewing the existing
hypothesis and theories elucidating customer approval and adaptation to internet banking in
information systems (IS) domain.
On the other hand, quantitative techniques have been used for evaluating the eagerness of
customers for online banking. The researcher has not used complicated quantitative techniques
rather simple numeric operations have been performed on the data for analysis. Use of both
techniques is very effective in the research because it helps compare the findings of two different
methods and establish relations between them through comparison.
2.2 Types and Sources of Data:
In compliance to the research design and mixed method approach, I have used both primary and
secondary data in the research. Usage of both types of data is in agreement with the methodology
used for the research. It is very important to take primary data into account in the research
though information could be gathered by using the findings pointed out by secondary data but it
would raise concerns for transparency and fairness of the findings. On the other hand, use of both
primary and secondary data findings enhances the fairness and transparency of results (McNeill,
For this particular purpose, questionnaire will suffice to be a useful research method for the
collection of data, 7 points liker scale has been used.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
2.3 Sampling:
For conducting survey, I selected a sample of 300 customers from those using the online banking
services. The sample has been selected through convenience sampling technique.
2.4 Sampling Techniques:
Random sampling technique would be used to conduct the research. Through this sampling
technique, random selection of respondents has been made while taking convenience factor.
2.5 Data collection tool:
For each data type, different tools were selected. In order to collect secondary data findings, the
researcher preferred to use authentic sources such as books, articles and authentic websites. On
Google Scholar, I searched for books regarding online banking activities and their impact on
customers as well as financial performance. On the other hand, authentic journals have also been
used for collecting relevant articles. Primary data has been collected through a questionnaire
survey. An open end questionnaire was developed for collecting primary data. The questionnaire
composed of 20 questions. All questions are provided with some options. Analysis of the
questionnaire data has been conducted through SPSS.
2.6 Results expected and method of the Analysis
It is expected that customers‟ perceptions about online banking affects their attitude towards the
banks. Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) and AMOS will be used to test the
underlying hypothesis.
2.7Data analyzing tool/ technique:
In this research, Linear Regression test will be applied to evaluate the quantifiable data with the
help of SPSS software. Regression test is adopted because of having correlation design of the
research. Regression model will be attained from this test, which will highlight the associated
signs of relations and the weights of the individual independent variable.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
2.8 Data analysis:
Data analysis chapter is prepared on the basis of the data evaluated from the implication of
regression analysis test. The data analysis chapter is divided into two major parts. The first part is
analysis of data with the help of quantitative approach. The second part is analysis of data with
the help of qualitative approach.
2.9 Utilization of research results:
The outcome of the study is to provide constructive material for all those involved in the
progress of internet banking in developing countries. It will guide them in coming up with better
models and ways of increasing the usage of online banking in these regions. This research will
prove to be incredibly valuable for all those people who are working hard to minimize the
negative approach of people towards internet banking. It will enable them to effectively convince
their audience regarding the benefits on e-banking.
The current study confers citizens‟ acceptance and adoption of e-banking services in developing
countries. Moreover, important factors contributing toward increase use of customers‟ banking
services have been identified and the effective approaches that bank can use to enhance its
services have been proposed.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
3. Literature Review:
All banks have been trying their best to introduce online banking at their earliest. Many banks
are trying their hard to give rise to new ways of banking i.e. internet banking. Those banks
already offering such services claim that this method of banking has proved very effective in
reducing the overall costs as it lets you compete with others at a faster pace (Rotchanakitumnuai
and Speece 2003). Most of the banks that are located in big cities believe that e-banking helps
attract customers towards their bank; it is one of the ways to increase your sales. They believe
that, other than typical banking services, this service of internet banking keeps the customer loyal
towards you as it helps build relationship of trust and belongingness with each individual through
daily based contacts via phone calls etc. (Rotcanakitumnuai and Speece 2003)
Though, many corporates or those still reluctant to change do not promote online banking. The
major reason being, any such services requires the use of computers and secondly it lessens
personal interaction with the people. Mature customers are however reluctant to adopt the option
of e-banking. ( al.2010)
Another problem explained by (Mattila. M, Karjaluoto. H,&Pento. T. 2003) states that there are
also certain risks, as there is deficiency of proper information and it is the main source of
connecting perceived risk with the customers' innovations in electronic commerce especially
regarding the e-banking.
Many banks are currently implementing Internet banking. Banks that offer services via this
channel claim that it has cut down costs and made them more competitive. However, many
corporate customers are not highly enthusiastic about Internet banking (Rotchanakitumnuai &
Speece, 2003). Most of the banks around the world have welcomed e-banking as it promotes
customers‟ greater interaction with bank. E-banking goes beyond the boundaries of just offering
services; it gives customers a sense of belongingness to the banks (Gauld. R. et al. 2010).
Banks do realize that they should adopt the customers' centric approach that highly focuses on
delivering the best services to customers. Customers ease is the first priority that should be taken
care of when promising and delivering their services. It should not only be based on the trends
being followed globally. Your location and type of people is very important to make something
successful and running in future. (Khan, M.S., Mahapatra, S.S. 2007) clearly explains the
customer's acceptance towards the technology specifically regarding the information technology.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Some of the most famous are the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) (Venkatesh, V. et al. 2003) and Technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, F.D. et
al. 1989).
These models explain the fact that there isa large variety of customers belonging to various age
groups so their preferences also vary. Greater proportion of people adapting to change are
students, young businessmen and the young working class, who are aware of the benefits of
technology. The concept of online banking however faced criticism of the existing large business
and working class of age group above thirty five as they believed that this could lead to identity
theft as anyone could access their account (Dennis. C. 2010).Hence it is difficult to force the
mature age group customers to shift to unfamiliar system requiring technical skills. This proves
that one should consider all aspects while offering technology based system especially in the
developing nations where major barrier is low literacy rate. (Delone, W.H. and McLean, E.R.
Success of the information technology is restricted due to lack of customer acceptance. People in
developed nations have been rapid to switching over the internet banking. Online banking is now
a crucial for selling goods and services and it is accepted to be a stipulation for staying
gainful.This concept of E-banking has also triggered online shopping, commercialization, mobile
banking, increased use on cards and lesser withdrawal of cash. Mobile is the biggest driver
through which electronic banking is usually taking place. It‟s stated that 174% from 6.2 million
customers in UK adopted mobile banking, resulting in immense increase in online shopping.
(Alsajjan.B, 2010). People are reluctant to change without realizing the advantages they can avail
in turn.
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
3.1 Merits of Internet Banking:
Internet banking gives access to many advantages as listed below.
It gives you an ease of handling your cash which makes you secure and safe from any
chances of possible physical theft.
All these services are available 24 hours a day putting you at further ease.
Online banking offers Convenience way of operating banking transactions, as it provides
customer convenience and flexibility, this helps people gain control over their finances
and this leads to efficient management of funds.
All e-banking services includes all types of services, they cover all aspects including
transactions from one bank to another, account checking, transfers, utility bill payment
etc. Anyone can perform all these banking activities without having to physically go to a
nearby bank. It is the easiest and the most convenient method of banking as you do not
have to rush to a bank for an emergency call.
Flexible virtual banking system introduced by the financial institutions in developing
online banking functionality allows customers an easy and convenient way to manage
their money (Williamson, 2006). A user can confirm account balance by signing into the
bank's webpage through an assigned user name and password.
Time saving Convienece Confimation
Acessibility Safety Security
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Jun and cai (2001) identified one of the very important service quality scope of E-
banking service quality is reliability. The e-banking trend has evolved positively over the
many years and it will keep on prospering as banking institutions will keep trying to
make all the aspects of internet banking readily available for their customers. Meanwhile,
internet banking is constantly getting breached by immoral attempts of cyber criminals to
embezzle customer details.
E-baking provides many essential features to the users. One of the most highly desirable
features is efficiency.
Initially e-banking was only concerned with basic options like allowing the users to
check current account balances and information regarding loan entitlement and interest
rates. (Joseph.B. 1999:182-193)
Other benefits of e-banking include the cutting down of contractual cost, enhancing
customer service, developing market scope and toning down of additional costs are now
the most fundamental aspect of e-banking. Otherwise, the acceptance of the new
technology may not be viable from the standpoint of the consumer (Suganthi et. al,
2001). E-banking is now lucrative for both the banking institutions and the users of their
services. The Internet provides the banks with the ability to deliver products and services
to customers at a cost that is lower than any. (Singhal.D. 2009)
The stakeholders of the of the banks have basically pushed the banks into stipulating
online banking and as a result the banks are now more aware of the impact of their
activities on the environment and have started to put in more reserves for the
conservation of the surroundings. Some of the largest banks are also looking for ways to
save the environment and resources (Todorova, 2007) and encourage their customers to
go green by using Internet banking (Skonctue, 2010).An example for this is that the
banks are now increasingly switching to providing bank statements through online means
such as by email to try and limit the usage of paper. Studies that have been carried out in
the past portray that customer satisfaction with the banking services is highly enhanced
by a company's increasing green efforts. (Hyun S Yoon, Linsey M. Steege. B. 2009)
Though the package comes with a few disadvantages as well but the long list of merits
overshadows the fallout of possible demerits. The entire network may be down due to link issues
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
while on other occasion you visit a nearby ATM just to find out that the ATM is out of cash or
maybe out of order but it is not the case every time.
3.2. Factors affecting online banking
Online banking will be measured with the customer satisfaction as the dependent variable and
others being independent variable.Eagerness to online banking will be measured by the
customers' satisfaction that will be measured with the customers' response after they fill in their
3.3 Independent Variables:
Past Experience Jiang, Hsu, Klein and Lin [2001] in his theory state that experience is
the major factor affecting online banking. Experience counts a lot when deciding on to go
for a particular service or technology. Experienced internet user is most likely to adopt
the online banking facilities rather the one who has no or minimal knowledge of using
internet or technology.Secondly if the customer have had good experience while
benefiting from the offered services, his/her bondage gets strengthened but if the
experience was bitter he/she may not likely pay any further visits to that bank ever again.
Banking needs varies from individual to individual as one person may require to carry
out frequent transactions in a given period of time whereas another individual may not be
urge of
of a
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
carrying out even a single financial transaction in the same timeframe. Also quite a
number of the customers may be maintaining more than one account in multiple banks
making it cumbersome and complicated for them to physically handle and manage all the
accounts at one time. According to Goldman (2001), those dealing with multiple accounts
will lookout for online banking solutions as it will be difficult for them to handle multiple
accounts. If a person has single account and uses occasionally, there are chances that an
individual will stick to the online methods of banking.
Complexity plays a vital role and varies from bank to bank. Customers are not likely to
switch over to Internet banking if confronted with complicated bank procedures. If the
procedures and methods are easy to comprehend and perform then an individual will feel
comfortable opting the new methods of technology. [Cheung, Chang and Lai, 2000].Ron
Shevlin, a Senior Analyst with Aite, has criticized the approach of banks that the banks
do not create proper awareness among the customers before implementing any
complicated change/service.
Alex Bray Managing Consultant, Digital Channel Transformation, says in an interview
regarding online banking that "online customer training and collaborative efforts from the
entire banking team can increase the chances of online users. Internet banking should
provide a platform to its customers where they are able to chat or use any other means of
communication while they are struck by any issue regarding internet banking
Sex usuallyfemales are more attracted towards online banking as they presumably have
more of leisure time compared to males to study and adopt new methods. [Cheung,
Chang and Lai, 2000]. This arrangement is particularly convenient for females especially
in a country like Pakistan where a large number of females are housewives and thus
mostly restricted to their homes or are dependent over males to visit banks.
Age According to the theory put forth by Cheung, Chang and Lai, 2000, those at older
ages are not likely to change the traditional ways of performing their tasks whereas the
new generation and young ones are more prone to learn and adopt new ways of
technology. Older generation is considered more reluctant to „change‟.
Risk is one of the major factors affecting the online banking. It‟s a human nature to see
the risks associated with anything that they are using.As Liu and Arnett [1999] says that
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
the necessity of secure transactions is critical to any type of banking not just the online
banking. Lower the chances of risks involved with online banking more are the chances
that people will prefer online banking. After all who would like to lose their hard earned
money over cyber theft.
Self-efficacy is the eagerness of an individual to performing some activity. It can also be
known as the individuals' behavior. All depends upon the very nature of the individual
customer. As Taylor and Todd [1995] states that the higher the level of self-efficacy more
is the chances of an individual adopting online banking or information technology.
Reputation it is one of the critical components affecting the online banking. It‟s how the
customers perceives various services and repute of a bank that is ultimately going to help
them decide on whether to adopt its online banking or otherwise. If the bank has
developed good reputation over time and gained the level of customer‟s loyalty and
satisfaction there are more likely chances that the customers will adopt their online
banking.(Mukherjee and Nath, 2003) says that bank‟s positive reputation is positively co-
related with the customer use of their services.
3.4 Hypothesis:
3.4.1 Statement of Research Hypothesis:
Ho: Null Hypothesis
HA: Alternate Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1
Ho:There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfactionsonpast experience.
H0 β: = 0
H1: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfactions on past experience.
H1 β: ≠ 0
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Hypothesis 2
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and banking needs.
H0 β: = 0
H2: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and banking needs.
H2 β: ≠ 0
Hypothesis 3
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and complexity.
H0 β: = 0
H3: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and complexity.
H3 β: ≠ 0
Hypothesis 4
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and sex.
H0 β: = 0
H4: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and sex.
H4 β: ≠ 0
Hypothesis 5
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and age.
H0 β: = 0
H7: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and the age.
H7 β: ≠ 0
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
Hypothesis 6
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and risk.
H0 β: = 0
HA: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and risk.
H8 β: ≠ 0
Hypothesis 7
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and self-efficacy.
H0 β: = 0
HA: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and self-efficacy.
H8 β: ≠ 0
Hypothesis 8
H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and reputation.
H0 β: = 0
HA: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and reputation.
H8 β: ≠ 0
Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking
List of References
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Customer Innovativeness and Preceived Risk in Online Banking Usage. International Journal of
Banking Marketing, 27 (1), 53-75.
Khan,M.S. ,Mahapatra. S.S., and Sreekumar. (2007)“ Service Quality Evalutaion in Internet
Banking: An empirical Study in India”, International Journal of Indian Cultured Business
Management, Vol 2, No.1, pp.276-299.
Mattila, M., Karjaluoto, H., & Pento, T. (2005). Internet Banking Adoption among Mature
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Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking

  • 1. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 1 Assessing Customers’ Eagerness toAdopt Supervisor: Name of Student: …………………….. Registration No: ………………. Department: A project submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Business Administration in Business Management January 2012
  • 2. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 2
  • 3. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 3 DECLARATION I declare that the material contained in this project is the end result of my own work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the bibliography and references to ALL sources, be they printed, electronic or personal. The Word Count of this Project is…. Signed: … …………………………….. Date:….……………………………….
  • 4. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 4 Abstract This research paper is developed to evaluate the perception and eagerness of customers to adopt online banking. Information technology (IT) has been the key element playing key role in modeling the banking industry from last few years, all over the globe. Banks heavily rely on IT in conducting their daily operations and expanding their business. IT is the only tool that assists them in reducing their operational costs and gain competitive advantage over their rivals by offering distinct services compared to the traditional methods of banking which includes ATMs, mobile banking and the most effective, the internet banking (IB). Recent studies have concluded that many customers does not have sufficient awareness about the Internet banking and also mostly people do not trust these internet banking services for carrying out their business transactions. Customers will only rely on internet banking when they will be sure about its uses and all possible utilities. This paper will be a strong reference for the banking industry to improve the level of IB services and for further future research for various banks. The research is based on the mixed approach for the analyzing the data. Qualitative approach is adopted to analyze the data gathered from the interview. Quantitative approach is adopted to analyze the data gathered from the questionnaire.Both primary as well as secondary sources of information have been used to ensure reliability and transparency of the report. The independent variables that have been used to apply the regression analysis are the reputation of specific banks, self-efficacy, age, gender, experience, banking needs, communication, risk and complexity. The impact of these variables has been checked on customer‟s satisfaction with respect to online banking.
  • 5. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 5 CERTIFICATE It is certified that MS thesis proposal titled “Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking” prepared by ……….., Enrollment No. ……..has been approved for submission. Dr. Muhammad Minhaj Sheikh Thesis Supervisor
  • 6. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank all the helping hands who were with me in making this report a possibility. Special thanks to my supervisor Dr. J. G Gupta Singh, for his consistence advice and support provided during the uphill task of writing up this thesis and for giving me the opportunity to carry out this knowledge-full study. His patience and constant feedback has been very instrumental in finalizing this thesis. Student……….. Registration…….
  • 7. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 7 Table of Contents DECLARATION...................................................................................................... CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL............................................................................. Acknowledgements................................................................................................... Abstract..................................................................................................................... 1.1. Demographics of the Online Banking............................................................ 1.2: Relevance of the Online Banking .................................................................. 1.3. Background Information and Evolution ........................................................ 1.4. Key words and definitions.............................................................................. 1.5. Study Objectives ............................................................................................ End notes............................................................................................................... Chapter 2: Literature Review.................................................................................... 1.1. Attaining Online Banking .............................................................................. 1.2.Advantages and diadvantages of online banking ............................................ 2. Measuring online banking................................................................................. 2.1. Analysis of expierence on online banking ..................................................... 2.2. Impact of covienece and ease on online banking........................................... 2.3. Impact of safety ............................................................................................. 2.4. Effect of sex and age in achieving the online banking................................... 2.5. Value of time saving on online banking......................................................... 2.6. Enviornemnet and location............................................................................. 2.7. Risks involved in online banking................................................................... 2.8. Impact of complexity on online banking........................................................ 3. Increasing access and quality through eduacation and marke........................... 4. Policy Guidelines and Recommendations.........................................................
  • 8. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 8 Chapter 3: Methodology ........................................................................................... 3.1: Framework of Analysis.................................................................................. 3.3.1 Type of Research…………………………… 3.3.2 Data Collection and Preferences .................................................................. 3.3.3 Data Collection and Related Procedures...................................................... 3.4. Statement of Analytical Approach and Methodology.................................... Chapter 4: Estimation, Analysis and Conclusion ..................................................... 4.1.Estimated Results............................................................................................ 4.2 Findings and Analysis of Findings.................................................................. 4.4. Policy Guidelines and Policy Recommendations........................................... 4.5. Limitations of the study.................................................................................. References................................................................................................................. Appendix-A- Results ................................................................................................
  • 9. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 9 1. Introduction: Internet banking is a great evolution that has emerged with time due to technological progress and progression of information technology. All thanks to internet banking that has changed the orthodox way of banking. Many positive advantages and added benefits are achieved with online banking, some might not agree with this but it has contributed meritoriously, efficiently and resourcefully in our lives. Advances in information technology are becoming an important factor to the prospect expansion of financial services industry especially the banking industry (Kannabiran and Narayan, 2005). It is said that banking sector around the world adapted to technological changes at a very massive level. Further study over the data gathered from Office of the Comptroller of the Currency bank examiners shows that the number of banks offering the service of online line banking increased very drastically between the end of the year 2000 to 2001. By the year 2001, more than 50% of the banking institutions were providing the facility of online banking. Higher competition and Globalization are the main factors that have affected the banking sector for almost ten years. The further awareness and adaptation to Internet Banking has assisted in reducing geographical and distance related hampers. A lot of banking divisions that were limited to local areas due to the geographical barriers, then started to encompass national and international regions. One such example is that of mortgage finance in the U.S. Not only the competition has been enhanced by the reduction of geographical barriers, but also by the increased ability of bank customers to search for and locate new suppliers electronically.” (Furst.K William W. Daniel.L E. Nolle .2010) However this process of switching over has been remarkably slow in South Asian countries over the last several years (Mehrotra. A. 2009).Regardless of all the input of hard work, these online banking facilities have been overlooked and disregarded by most of the customers of this region. Hence, customer awareness is very crucial for successfully implementing the use of online banking in any area. The current research is trying to study the Pakistani customers' mind frame and willingness in regard with e-banking.
  • 10. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 10 Looking at the Asian market it is clearly evident that online banking is here to stay for coming many years. According to Jeff 2003, online banking will increase up to 45.4 million in coming years specifically in Asia.Online banking and its awareness can only be achieved through developing the core concept of services and their awareness. Awareness about the services is the key component in determining the customers‟ beliefs and satisfaction that is being derived from those services. A customer can only comment on the level of satisfaction attained after having used those services. The further scrutiny of the data related to customer appreciation with the variety of aspects of online banking on customer satisfaction with the entire online banking as a sum total, showed that customer contentment with protection and confidence provided by e-banking website has the greatest effect on the entire satisfaction of customers with online banking followed by user satisfaction with handiness and user-friendliness. According to one of the studies by Delone and Mclean (2003, p.18), quality of the system is established thorough the quality of its information and services. Therefore service quality is termed as the most important tool for online banking. This model best explains the concept given by Delone and Mclean. Behaviour Intention to use Online Banking Individuals’ Belief Perceived Usefulness Perceived Ease of Use Core Constructs Awareness of Services Social Influence Website Quality System Quality Information Quality Decision Adoption of Online Banking System Quality Information quality Use User satisfaction Organization al impact Individual impact
  • 11. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 11 This explains the fact that quality of system plays a very vital role in determining the overall impact of organization. However, understanding and implementing the model is necessary to gauging customers‟ satisfaction. 1.1 Problem Statement: The progression of internet has paved the way for the development of many goods and services like Internet Banking (IB). Internet Banking has completely altered the conventional banking system. some people may be of the opinion that online banking has altered the lives of many in a good way, in terms of an efficient and effective service. Customer service is increasingly being shifted from people to technology. In the first quarter of 2011, internet banking capacity in the top 10 banking institutions exceeded 65 Million liquid deposit account (LDA) customers, double the number from 2004 and growing fast. In addition to checking their account balances, nearly two-thirds of these customers are using online bill pay, and other online services are seeing growing adoption rates while traffic at traditional bank outlets is dropping considerably. The customers‟ demand for and use of online banking. Most of the researches study internet banking growth and development issues; a few of these researches grade countries taking into consideration account e-banking advancement and technological or strategy development, but there is a lack among the research to assess customers‟ readiness to adopt new online banking systems with an ease. This research addresses the ignored areas of customers‟ perception of online banking which will help to inculcate the culture of ease at using online banking for customers. This research will analyze the factors having affected on customers‟ reluctance of using online banking systems. 1.2Research Objectives: This study has been conducted to understand the customers‟ attitude and their perception towards internet banking. This study is focused on following objectives: To identifyimportant determinants shaping customer‟s choice and approach towards internet banking.
  • 12. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 12 To examine the level of satisfaction and trust that customers rely on these banking services and the reason that they will surely adopt these services in future. To fully understand the customers perception towards various services offered through e –banking and the frequency of complications faced while using these services. 1.3 Scope of the research: The research will be covering the Banking industry of Pakistan, who have successfully reaped the gains of technological innovations and have managed to change with the changing times or otherwise. Yet there are certain banks as well as a number of banking customers who are still reluctant to change. This study therefore focuses on the factors affecting the customers‟ choice for online banking and the degree of their eagerness. The change however is considered to be openly accepted by the young blood as the mature age customers mostly like to cling to the orthodox style of banking. 1.4 Limitations of the research: Every research has its own limitations. The limitation faced by this research is as following: Monetary and time constraints which made the collection of the data to be kept shorter. The research is also facing the limitation of geography. This means that research is only focusing on the banks within the geographical boundaries of Pakistan. Researcher cannot visit different countries for getting viewpoints of international customers and banks. Primary data has been collected from a relatively small sample due to financial issues and time constraints. 1.5 Ethical Considerations of the Research: Ethics are very important to be considered in the research. The research has been conducted keeping in mind all important ethical issues. It was made absolutely sure that no physical, emotional and environmental harm occur to any participant of the research.
  • 13. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 13 All the participants took part in the research at their own will. I precisely explained the objective of data collection to all the participants so that they do not get confused. It is unethical to collect the data from respondents without first informing them about the use of data. The purpose of use of data must be disclosed to the participants of research. At the top of questionnaire, I had declared that the purpose of this research was to clarify the confusions of respondents. The participants were assured that the data collected from them would be kept confidential. They were assured about the right use of information provided by them. In this research, I have not asked any personal information from respondents which might raise concern for confidentiality of data. They were not asked names, designation or any other personal information. Moreover, I kept the data in a private file which could only be accessed by me. I have not copied or cheated the data of others. This is an original work indigenously produced by me. The data is not manipulated in order to produce desirable results. I have quoted some literature and findings from earlier studies. These findings are backed by Harvard referencing to avoid plagiarism.
  • 14. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 14 2.Research Methodology/Design: In this chapter, adaptation of the methodology is being explained on the basis of previously reviewed literature and the nature of research. 2.1 Research Approach: The research methodology onion explains three categories of the research.This study has been conducted through mixed method approach in which both qualitative and quantitative techniques have been applied. Qualitative data techniques are used for critically reviewing the existing hypothesis and theories elucidating customer approval and adaptation to internet banking in information systems (IS) domain. On the other hand, quantitative techniques have been used for evaluating the eagerness of customers for online banking. The researcher has not used complicated quantitative techniques rather simple numeric operations have been performed on the data for analysis. Use of both techniques is very effective in the research because it helps compare the findings of two different methods and establish relations between them through comparison. 2.2 Types and Sources of Data: In compliance to the research design and mixed method approach, I have used both primary and secondary data in the research. Usage of both types of data is in agreement with the methodology used for the research. It is very important to take primary data into account in the research though information could be gathered by using the findings pointed out by secondary data but it would raise concerns for transparency and fairness of the findings. On the other hand, use of both primary and secondary data findings enhances the fairness and transparency of results (McNeill, 2005). For this particular purpose, questionnaire will suffice to be a useful research method for the collection of data, 7 points liker scale has been used.
  • 15. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 15 2.3 Sampling: For conducting survey, I selected a sample of 300 customers from those using the online banking services. The sample has been selected through convenience sampling technique. 2.4 Sampling Techniques: Random sampling technique would be used to conduct the research. Through this sampling technique, random selection of respondents has been made while taking convenience factor. 2.5 Data collection tool: For each data type, different tools were selected. In order to collect secondary data findings, the researcher preferred to use authentic sources such as books, articles and authentic websites. On Google Scholar, I searched for books regarding online banking activities and their impact on customers as well as financial performance. On the other hand, authentic journals have also been used for collecting relevant articles. Primary data has been collected through a questionnaire survey. An open end questionnaire was developed for collecting primary data. The questionnaire composed of 20 questions. All questions are provided with some options. Analysis of the questionnaire data has been conducted through SPSS. 2.6 Results expected and method of the Analysis It is expected that customers‟ perceptions about online banking affects their attitude towards the banks. Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) and AMOS will be used to test the underlying hypothesis. 2.7Data analyzing tool/ technique: In this research, Linear Regression test will be applied to evaluate the quantifiable data with the help of SPSS software. Regression test is adopted because of having correlation design of the research. Regression model will be attained from this test, which will highlight the associated signs of relations and the weights of the individual independent variable.
  • 16. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 16 2.8 Data analysis: Data analysis chapter is prepared on the basis of the data evaluated from the implication of regression analysis test. The data analysis chapter is divided into two major parts. The first part is analysis of data with the help of quantitative approach. The second part is analysis of data with the help of qualitative approach. 2.9 Utilization of research results: The outcome of the study is to provide constructive material for all those involved in the progress of internet banking in developing countries. It will guide them in coming up with better models and ways of increasing the usage of online banking in these regions. This research will prove to be incredibly valuable for all those people who are working hard to minimize the negative approach of people towards internet banking. It will enable them to effectively convince their audience regarding the benefits on e-banking. The current study confers citizens‟ acceptance and adoption of e-banking services in developing countries. Moreover, important factors contributing toward increase use of customers‟ banking services have been identified and the effective approaches that bank can use to enhance its services have been proposed.
  • 17. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 17 3. Literature Review: All banks have been trying their best to introduce online banking at their earliest. Many banks are trying their hard to give rise to new ways of banking i.e. internet banking. Those banks already offering such services claim that this method of banking has proved very effective in reducing the overall costs as it lets you compete with others at a faster pace (Rotchanakitumnuai and Speece 2003). Most of the banks that are located in big cities believe that e-banking helps attract customers towards their bank; it is one of the ways to increase your sales. They believe that, other than typical banking services, this service of internet banking keeps the customer loyal towards you as it helps build relationship of trust and belongingness with each individual through daily based contacts via phone calls etc. (Rotcanakitumnuai and Speece 2003) Though, many corporates or those still reluctant to change do not promote online banking. The major reason being, any such services requires the use of computers and secondly it lessens personal interaction with the people. Mature customers are however reluctant to adopt the option of e-banking. ( al.2010) Another problem explained by (Mattila. M, Karjaluoto. H,&Pento. T. 2003) states that there are also certain risks, as there is deficiency of proper information and it is the main source of connecting perceived risk with the customers' innovations in electronic commerce especially regarding the e-banking. Many banks are currently implementing Internet banking. Banks that offer services via this channel claim that it has cut down costs and made them more competitive. However, many corporate customers are not highly enthusiastic about Internet banking (Rotchanakitumnuai & Speece, 2003). Most of the banks around the world have welcomed e-banking as it promotes customers‟ greater interaction with bank. E-banking goes beyond the boundaries of just offering services; it gives customers a sense of belongingness to the banks (Gauld. R. et al. 2010). Banks do realize that they should adopt the customers' centric approach that highly focuses on delivering the best services to customers. Customers ease is the first priority that should be taken care of when promising and delivering their services. It should not only be based on the trends being followed globally. Your location and type of people is very important to make something successful and running in future. (Khan, M.S., Mahapatra, S.S. 2007) clearly explains the customer's acceptance towards the technology specifically regarding the information technology.
  • 18. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 18 Some of the most famous are the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh, V. et al. 2003) and Technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, F.D. et al. 1989). These models explain the fact that there isa large variety of customers belonging to various age groups so their preferences also vary. Greater proportion of people adapting to change are students, young businessmen and the young working class, who are aware of the benefits of technology. The concept of online banking however faced criticism of the existing large business and working class of age group above thirty five as they believed that this could lead to identity theft as anyone could access their account (Dennis. C. 2010).Hence it is difficult to force the mature age group customers to shift to unfamiliar system requiring technical skills. This proves that one should consider all aspects while offering technology based system especially in the developing nations where major barrier is low literacy rate. (Delone, W.H. and McLean, E.R. 2003). Success of the information technology is restricted due to lack of customer acceptance. People in developed nations have been rapid to switching over the internet banking. Online banking is now a crucial for selling goods and services and it is accepted to be a stipulation for staying gainful.This concept of E-banking has also triggered online shopping, commercialization, mobile banking, increased use on cards and lesser withdrawal of cash. Mobile is the biggest driver through which electronic banking is usually taking place. It‟s stated that 174% from 6.2 million customers in UK adopted mobile banking, resulting in immense increase in online shopping. (Alsajjan.B, 2010). People are reluctant to change without realizing the advantages they can avail in turn.
  • 19. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 19 3.1 Merits of Internet Banking: Internet banking gives access to many advantages as listed below. It gives you an ease of handling your cash which makes you secure and safe from any chances of possible physical theft. All these services are available 24 hours a day putting you at further ease. Online banking offers Convenience way of operating banking transactions, as it provides customer convenience and flexibility, this helps people gain control over their finances and this leads to efficient management of funds. All e-banking services includes all types of services, they cover all aspects including transactions from one bank to another, account checking, transfers, utility bill payment etc. Anyone can perform all these banking activities without having to physically go to a nearby bank. It is the easiest and the most convenient method of banking as you do not have to rush to a bank for an emergency call. Flexible virtual banking system introduced by the financial institutions in developing online banking functionality allows customers an easy and convenient way to manage their money (Williamson, 2006). A user can confirm account balance by signing into the bank's webpage through an assigned user name and password. Time saving Convienece Confimation Acessibility Safety Security Range
  • 20. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 20 Jun and cai (2001) identified one of the very important service quality scope of E- banking service quality is reliability. The e-banking trend has evolved positively over the many years and it will keep on prospering as banking institutions will keep trying to make all the aspects of internet banking readily available for their customers. Meanwhile, internet banking is constantly getting breached by immoral attempts of cyber criminals to embezzle customer details. E-baking provides many essential features to the users. One of the most highly desirable features is efficiency. Initially e-banking was only concerned with basic options like allowing the users to check current account balances and information regarding loan entitlement and interest rates. (Joseph.B. 1999:182-193) Other benefits of e-banking include the cutting down of contractual cost, enhancing customer service, developing market scope and toning down of additional costs are now the most fundamental aspect of e-banking. Otherwise, the acceptance of the new technology may not be viable from the standpoint of the consumer (Suganthi et. al, 2001). E-banking is now lucrative for both the banking institutions and the users of their services. The Internet provides the banks with the ability to deliver products and services to customers at a cost that is lower than any. (Singhal.D. 2009) The stakeholders of the of the banks have basically pushed the banks into stipulating online banking and as a result the banks are now more aware of the impact of their activities on the environment and have started to put in more reserves for the conservation of the surroundings. Some of the largest banks are also looking for ways to save the environment and resources (Todorova, 2007) and encourage their customers to go green by using Internet banking (Skonctue, 2010).An example for this is that the banks are now increasingly switching to providing bank statements through online means such as by email to try and limit the usage of paper. Studies that have been carried out in the past portray that customer satisfaction with the banking services is highly enhanced by a company's increasing green efforts. (Hyun S Yoon, Linsey M. Steege. B. 2009) Though the package comes with a few disadvantages as well but the long list of merits overshadows the fallout of possible demerits. The entire network may be down due to link issues
  • 21. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 21 while on other occasion you visit a nearby ATM just to find out that the ATM is out of cash or maybe out of order but it is not the case every time. 3.2. Factors affecting online banking Online banking will be measured with the customer satisfaction as the dependent variable and others being independent variable.Eagerness to online banking will be measured by the customers' satisfaction that will be measured with the customers' response after they fill in their questionnaires. 3.3 Independent Variables: Past Experience Jiang, Hsu, Klein and Lin [2001] in his theory state that experience is the major factor affecting online banking. Experience counts a lot when deciding on to go for a particular service or technology. Experienced internet user is most likely to adopt the online banking facilities rather the one who has no or minimal knowledge of using internet or technology.Secondly if the customer have had good experience while benefiting from the offered services, his/her bondage gets strengthened but if the experience was bitter he/she may not likely pay any further visits to that bank ever again. Banking needs varies from individual to individual as one person may require to carry out frequent transactions in a given period of time whereas another individual may not be Online banking(customer satifaction) Expierence s age sex urge of banking needs complexityrisk communic ation self efficacy reputation of a specific bank
  • 22. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 22 carrying out even a single financial transaction in the same timeframe. Also quite a number of the customers may be maintaining more than one account in multiple banks making it cumbersome and complicated for them to physically handle and manage all the accounts at one time. According to Goldman (2001), those dealing with multiple accounts will lookout for online banking solutions as it will be difficult for them to handle multiple accounts. If a person has single account and uses occasionally, there are chances that an individual will stick to the online methods of banking. Complexity plays a vital role and varies from bank to bank. Customers are not likely to switch over to Internet banking if confronted with complicated bank procedures. If the procedures and methods are easy to comprehend and perform then an individual will feel comfortable opting the new methods of technology. [Cheung, Chang and Lai, 2000].Ron Shevlin, a Senior Analyst with Aite, has criticized the approach of banks that the banks do not create proper awareness among the customers before implementing any complicated change/service. Alex Bray Managing Consultant, Digital Channel Transformation, says in an interview regarding online banking that "online customer training and collaborative efforts from the entire banking team can increase the chances of online users. Internet banking should provide a platform to its customers where they are able to chat or use any other means of communication while they are struck by any issue regarding internet banking services."(Alex.B:6-10) Sex usuallyfemales are more attracted towards online banking as they presumably have more of leisure time compared to males to study and adopt new methods. [Cheung, Chang and Lai, 2000]. This arrangement is particularly convenient for females especially in a country like Pakistan where a large number of females are housewives and thus mostly restricted to their homes or are dependent over males to visit banks. Age According to the theory put forth by Cheung, Chang and Lai, 2000, those at older ages are not likely to change the traditional ways of performing their tasks whereas the new generation and young ones are more prone to learn and adopt new ways of technology. Older generation is considered more reluctant to „change‟. Risk is one of the major factors affecting the online banking. It‟s a human nature to see the risks associated with anything that they are using.As Liu and Arnett [1999] says that
  • 23. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 23 the necessity of secure transactions is critical to any type of banking not just the online banking. Lower the chances of risks involved with online banking more are the chances that people will prefer online banking. After all who would like to lose their hard earned money over cyber theft. Self-efficacy is the eagerness of an individual to performing some activity. It can also be known as the individuals' behavior. All depends upon the very nature of the individual customer. As Taylor and Todd [1995] states that the higher the level of self-efficacy more is the chances of an individual adopting online banking or information technology. Reputation it is one of the critical components affecting the online banking. It‟s how the customers perceives various services and repute of a bank that is ultimately going to help them decide on whether to adopt its online banking or otherwise. If the bank has developed good reputation over time and gained the level of customer‟s loyalty and satisfaction there are more likely chances that the customers will adopt their online banking.(Mukherjee and Nath, 2003) says that bank‟s positive reputation is positively co- related with the customer use of their services. 3.4 Hypothesis: 3.4.1 Statement of Research Hypothesis: Ho: Null Hypothesis HA: Alternate Hypothesis Hypothesis 1 Ho:There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfactionsonpast experience. H0 β: = 0 H1: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfactions on past experience. H1 β: ≠ 0
  • 24. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 24 Hypothesis 2 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and banking needs. H0 β: = 0 H2: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and banking needs. H2 β: ≠ 0 Hypothesis 3 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and complexity. H0 β: = 0 H3: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and complexity. H3 β: ≠ 0 Hypothesis 4 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and sex. H0 β: = 0 H4: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and sex. H4 β: ≠ 0 Hypothesis 5 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and age. H0 β: = 0 H7: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and the age. H7 β: ≠ 0
  • 25. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 25 Hypothesis 6 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and risk. H0 β: = 0 HA: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and risk. H8 β: ≠ 0 Hypothesis 7 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and self-efficacy. H0 β: = 0 HA: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and self-efficacy. H8 β: ≠ 0 Hypothesis 8 H₀: There is an insignificant relationship between customer satisfaction and reputation. H0 β: = 0 HA: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and reputation. H8 β: ≠ 0
  • 26. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 26 List of References Davis, F. et al. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models. Journal of Management Sciences, 35 (8), 982-1003. Gauld, R. et al. 2010. Do they want it? Do they use it? The `Demand-Side‟ of e-Government in Australia and New Zealand.Government Information Quarterly. 27, 2 (Mar. 2010), 177–186. Aldas-Manzano, J., Lassala-Navarre, C., Ruiz-Mafe, C., & Sanz-Blas, S. (2009). The Role of Customer Innovativeness and Preceived Risk in Online Banking Usage. International Journal of Banking Marketing, 27 (1), 53-75. Khan,M.S. ,Mahapatra. S.S., and Sreekumar. (2007)“ Service Quality Evalutaion in Internet Banking: An empirical Study in India”, International Journal of Indian Cultured Business Management, Vol 2, No.1, pp.276-299. Mattila, M., Karjaluoto, H., & Pento, T. (2005). Internet Banking Adoption among Mature Customers: Early Majority or Laggards? Journl of Services Marketting, 17 (5), 514-528. Rotchanakitumnuai, S. &Speece, M. (2003) "Barriers to Internet banking adoption: a qualitative study among corporate customers in Thailand", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 21 Iss: 6/7, pp.312 – 323 Venkatesh, V. et al. 2003. User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly. 27(3), 425–478. Delone.W.H. and McLean, E.R. 2003. The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update. Journal of Management Information Systems. 19 (4), 9–30. Sathye, M. (1999). Adoption of internet banking by Australian consumers: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Bank Marketing,17 (7), 324-334.
  • 27. Assessing Customers’ Eagerness to Adopt Online Banking 27 Watson.J.(2010). The Future of Internet Banking for Business.IBM global business services.3-10 McNeill, 2005.Internet Banking. Corporate Banking Customer Satisfaction Survey, Finextra, October 10, 2010, Joseph, B.,Joseph, M. &McClure, C.(1999). Service Quality in Banking Sector: The Impact of Technology on Service Delivery C. International Journal of bank Marketing, Vol. 17 no.4,182- 193