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Artifact Artifacts
Artifacts, artifacts can be a variety of things but they have one thing in common they're man made. I
would like to talk about a few artifacts I own, first a big glass and wooden case.This is a man made
artifact, it was built about 30 years ago and I still use 30 years later, I use it to keep trophies and
important things in the case. One reason it is important to me is because it was built by my father
and his grandfather, my great grandfather. This is also important because of it age and it's one of the
first thing my dad ever built. In conclusion, this artifact is important to me as well as my father for
multiple reasons. Another artifact this one quite crafty and also hand made is a big glowing red letter
"A". This artifact was made by
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The Constitution as an Artifact
This paper is an analysis of the single cultural artifact that best represents the culture in which I live
in today. The paper will provide a detailed analysis of the artifact and how it relates to the values
and beliefs of the culture. Additionally, it will address the deep cultural roots of the artifact, the
historical roots of the artifact, what allowed it to come into being and who was affected by its
development. This information will come as someone trained from the humanities.
There are many great artifacts that represent the culture we're currently residing in. However, as an
American and someone trained in the humanities, I believe there is no better example of this than
the actual Constitution of the United ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, the framers wrapped their heads around the notion that every man is created equal and
should have the same chances to excel as everyone else (Williamsburg Foundation, 2005). The
constitutional creators also believed in limited government, as large government hindered the rights
of the people and thus stifled innovation. The roots of the constitution come from a largely
pragmatic and realist base who wished to ensure that people in the future could modify the
constitution as necessary. However, they would have to go through quite a bit of red–tape to do it.
This would ensure nobody's rights were trampled and that everyone agreed on the change. It was a
brilliant idea. Very few documents have ever lasted through the test of time such as the United States
Constitution (Williamsburg Foundation, 2005). I envision the United States Constitution standing
through the next few generations. However, currently it's under attack by the ever–growing socialist
movement. The idea that government should control resources and people aren't smart enough to do
it themselves (Phyllis Shayfay report, 2009) is a tenet of the extreme left movement. The "big
brother" state is consistently assaulting the constitution; basing their beliefs on the fact they believe
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Artifact Lesson
The artifact was developed and implemented for a fourth–grade language arts and reading class with
seven students, four girls, and three boys, between the ages of nine and ten. The classroom setting is
student centered with differentiated instruction to benefit the varying reading levels and
exceptionalities. There are five English–language learners out of the seven students, three students
are ESOL level four and two students are ESOL level three. All the students are exceptional students
with learning disabilities in reading. The best practices I utilized to develop the artifact was prior
knowledge and the Wonders textbook. The best practices I utilized to implement the artifact were
reading strategies such as SPADE, written copies of the ... Show more content on ...
FEAP 1 is addressed in the lesson through the state–adopted standards, prior knowledge, formative
assessments as a form of monitoring, and collaboration with my cooperating teacher. FEAP 2 is
addressed through a student–centered environment that is safe, organized, flexible, inclusive, and
collaborative. FEAP 3 is addressed through the delivering of an engaging and challenging lesson
with the utilization of strategies and higher–order questioning. FEAP 4 is addressed through the
alignment of objectives to assessments, variations of tools to monitor student progress,
modifications, and the application of technology. FEAP 5 is addressed through the utilization of
data–informed research, adjusted planning, the effectiveness of lessons, and the teacher's application
of professional development knowledge. Lastly, FEAP 6 is addressed through the application of the
Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct. I will continue to grow as it relates to the
artifact by reflecting after every lesson/observation and improving of behavior modifications in
order to subside a certain behavior so the learning is much more smooth. As it relates to the FEAPs,
I will continue to apply every FEAP and work on bettering the implementation of each FEAP more
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Exercise 2: Stratigraphy And Site Formation Processes
Exercise 2: Stratigraphy and Site Formation Processes
Based on the drawing, Culture D is most likely the oldest. Most of the artifacts labeled as being
from Culture D are in the bottom layer of soil. Though they do crop up in all the other layers, they
appear to be disturbed rather than primary. Several are impeded in the temple, meaning that the
culture that built the temple probably used dirt which happened to contain the artifacts was used
unintentionally. The other D artifacts that appear closer to and at the surface were likely churned up
by the constant disruption of the soil from the following culture. The third oldest culture was
probably Culture C. There is a clear layer under which most of the D artifacts were buried. A trash
pit ... Show more content on ...
Most likely, during construction, other cultures unintentionally used dirt containing said artifacts.
Reuse: Reuse in this particular case is hard to identify. One possible example in the artifacts from
Culture A embedded in the walls of the house. It is possible that objects created by A where broken
and then inserted into the walls to help provide support or additional strength.
A possible history of the site would include the initial settlement by Culture D. There is no evidence
of any artificial structures. It is possible that they used biodegradable materials, meaning that
evidence of their settlement decomposed. After Culture D abandoned the site. Culture C then settled
the area. Assuming that Culture B built the temple, there is no evidence of structures. There is a
trash pit, so it can be inferred that Culture C did live in the area. Because their artifacts were so close
together, it is possible that Cultures C and B lived very close in time. It is possible that Culture C
abandoned the site due to some kind of natural disaster or that they were pushed out by Culture B.
As they settled the area, Culture B dug up the dirt in the process of building their temple. That dirt
contained artifacts of Culture C. It is also possible that they found artifacts from Culture C during
this process and found them significant enough to include them in their own burials. Once Culture B
moved off the area, their remains were most likely buried until Culture A found the site. As their
house was built directly on top of the temple, it is possible that Culture A used the remains of the
temple to strengthen the foundation of their house. Because the area was settled so many times, the
soil was dug up and churned many times, meaning that artifacts from each culture were spread
throughout the various strata of the
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Stolen Artifact
John Williams and the Stolen Artifact Today the sunday paper arrived with again bad news. Even the
man that delivered the sunday paper had a look of sadness and despair. Today is March 1st, 2017
and still people are upset about the new president. I just can't believe that so many people are still
mad about the new president. "Wow.. what a surprise... another article on the rioting. Rioting on the
streets. Security in Washington D.C. is low and the police force is spread out thin because of all this.
If I were someone living in Washington I would move out. Why did I ever move here. Look at this.
Artifacts are being stolen daily from museums. Cops are trying very hard to stop this but there
numbers are spread very low. Because of this, ... Show more content on ...
He told us how he was the one that stole the die and lost it because he rolled the die. He said that he
never even liked me and just used me. At this point I my friend had recorded all of this with his
phone. I then rolled the die and went back in time to when I found the die. I went straight to the
police and old then every thing. The police arrested jimmy and they gave me the choose of what to
do with the die. I said to destroy it and they did. After they did that they said that one of the men
dropped the die when they were about to destroy it. I didn't know what the symbol meant so I went
home only to find the same die on my chair. This time it was indestructible so I kept it a
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Essay On Artifact
The artifact was created for future educators who are researching the topic of reading
comprehension and ways to improve the literacy area. The artifact focuses on two students in 11th
grade from ages of 16 to 17 who need improvement in reading comprehension. The main subject of
the artifact is reading and its components are graphic organizers and comprehension. The setting
was in the library where one worked one on one with the student in a quiet environment where the
students could concentrate on the interventions. Both students are diagnosed with learning
The best practices I utilized to implement the artifact was researching the topic, applying the
interventions, and lots of repetition. My two students learned how to organize ... Show more content
on ...
As it relates to student learning, I would just implement one graphic organizer than two to see which
works better. The FEAPs FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.1.b, FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.1.e, and FL–
MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.a are incorporated in the lesson through enhancing prior knowledge, using
student diagnostic data to create interventions, and accommodating the student need based on
assessment data and the students learning need. The FEAPs FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.b, FL–
MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.c, and FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.d are incorporated in the artifact by the
creation of assessments used to assess and improve reading comprehension for student mastery,
utilizing multiple tools to monitor student achievement, and the modifying and accommodating the
student's learning styles. The last FEAP that is incorporated in the artifact is FL–MDC–FEAP–
2010–2.5.c because of the variety of data that was gathered independently. I will continue to grow as
it relates to the assignment by focusing on the needs of the students and doing as much as possible
for them to improve. As it pertains to the FEAPs, I will continue to apply the knowledge learned to
other assignments and in the future as an
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Artifacts In Peru
Just imagine, there is nothing left to look at. Scientists have taken every artifact to research,
disturbed those who lost their lives, and destroyed our Earth. Is this how you want to find out more
about history? That's why scientists should keep artifacts where they found them. Instances where
Peru has felt incomplete without artifacts, destruction of the RMS Titanic, and places in Iraq are
being ruined from archeological sites are just a few examples of the harmful effects archeologists
have put on humankind. For several years, Peru has always been against Yale(in Connecticut)
keeping their ancient artifacts in a country where they can't see it, and appreciate their history.
According to The Lost Treasure of Machu Picchu
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Cultural Artifacts
The types of perspective my fellow classmates displayed were a majority of visuals that have had
some meaning in their lives. One did use an auditory aid, a song she liked. Others had objects or
pictures that have a story behind them. The artifacts displayed reveal ways of how people perceive
them. What a song means to one person can mean an entirely different feeling to another. A picture
says a thousand words, but are all the words the same to everyone? I saw such a variety of
"artifacts" that I truly wondered what they each meant to the person who posted it. To me I could see
the beauty in most of them, only a couple threw me off guard, but I hope to hear the story about why
it was chosen. There was not a lot that surprised me about the artifacts my fellow classmates
selected simply because nothing was in any way lewd. I found some quite interesting, like the
giraffe cane and the diver off the building into the sky, my personal favorite. I could rationalize with
the song "Wake me up" another artifact that felt personal tome. The one I couldn't quite figure out
was the picture of currency. I loved "Inner Peace" post by ... Show more content on
The reason I feel that the two are compatible is that the both involve more than just one person. It's
as I said in a previous paper "". The words Love, Dream & Believe are inscribed into it and
represent a ring that is never ending" As I see Chiquoia's artifact of that of a couple with a love that
is "never ending". My artifact does not truly reveal my perspective of who I am as a student or a
learner. My artifact reveals that of who I have become as a woman, wife and mother. Thou as I have
stated in my artifact paper, "I am always willing to learn and it never ends, just like the shape of the
ring, never ending." I believe every day we are students and learners, there is that old saying "you
learn something new every day" and I believe
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Guang Artifacts
Guang, probably from Anyang, China, Shang dynasty, 12th or 11th century BCE is a fined artifact.
A guang is a particular shape used in Chinese art for vessels, originally made as Chinese ritual
bronzes in the Shang dynasty. Research from wikipedia stated they were used for pouring rice wine
at ritual banquets, and often deposited as grave goods in high status burial. Shang artists perfected
casting elaborate bronze vessels covered with animal motifs. The animal forms symbolized real and
imaginary. The guang has a single thick foot, and a thick hollow body that represents one or more
stylized animals. Their main period of use was during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, from around
1700 to 900 BCE. Thereafter the shape was sometimes used in a revivalist spirit. Also was used in
sacrifices to ancestors and in funerary ceremonies. The art piece was very popular during that time.
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Also serve wine during ancestor worship rituals in which the wine vapors were to be consumed by
the deceased spirits. Each vessels shaped matched it's intended purpose. The guang also has a neck
and head, which serve as the pouring channel for the wine. Guang bronze vessels were used not only
in life to honor the deceased, but also at times placed with the deceased in their grave. The ritual
vessels are also useful to the living as well. They are both everyday functioning items, but also
objects which serve religious and spiritual purposes. The multiple designs around the guang also
show form. Their fields of background spirals integrate so closely with the form of the guang. The
guang have a unique
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The Stonehenge Artifact
Just like objects and structures, Humanity and Culture are also an artifact ( Brigham Young
University. , 2014) because they vary in different periods and are rich in understanding the history of
human in that geological period. In different eras physical appearance, economic activities, cultural
practices, and political organization are different in different generations. Each generation had the
unique physical appearance and cultural practices. Stonehenge The Stonehenge is a distinctive
monumental stone that appeared in the late Neolithic period. It is located in Salisbury, White shire,
England. The artifact is believed to have been built between 3000 and 1500 BCE. The artifact has
artificially shaped stones arranged in a post and lintel
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Greek Artifacts
Have you ever wondered how the artifacts got in your museums? Or why we have artifacts from
different countries. Museums will often purchase or receive artifacts from different places. There are
a lot of rules and guidelines to have relics from other countries. However, some of these artifacts
that arrived at the museums where stolen or brought there by dubious means. Some countries have
ways to get their precious relics back into their care. Artifacts should be shown and experienced by
people all over the world. As you walk through a museum and you look at at the different cultures
you are able to experience all types of things. "Some artifacts have been in museums for decades or
even centuries and now some countries want them back" (passage 1 para 2). Egypt, Greece, and
Rome are countries that have really cool histories, if their relicts are stuffed in their museums than
people can't enjoy their stories. You can try to return the artifacts but some might be neglected.
"Some scientists generally supported the law in which countries that find artifacts within their
borders receive ... Show more content on ...
For example Zahi Hawass regards the famous Rosetta Stone as stolen property and that it belongs in
Egypt (passage 2 para 10). Some counties have been returning objects to their original countries.
Returning these artifacts can be expensive, like a ancient statue that was exported back to Italy, it
can cost several million. "If the artifact was moved on dubious than western museums will most
likely transport it back to its country" (passage 3 para 21,22). These countries wanting their artifacts
back is understandable, they want their history available to the citizens that live there. If these
countries do take their objects back than quite a few museums will lose half of their relicts. It is
quite interesting to look at different cultures without having to travel to those
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Artifact Description
Artifact Description: Map of You–Use tools in Inspiration9 Software to create a mind map with
myself as the main idea.
What you learned: This was a new software program that I have never used. However, with a few
instructions from the professor, this programs was simple and fun to navigate. Inspiration9 made it
simple from the very beginning. As soon as you launch the program, it automatically opens with a
"main idea" insert that you can type right over with your own topic of choice. From there, it was a
simple matter to click on the "rapidfire" link. I liked the name of the link, because it seemed to
signal my brain to automatically begin a "rapidfire" thinking process. Once you hit the enter or
return key a lightening bolt flashes and you are ready to enter your next thought. The beauty is that
the software automatically creates another map bubble for you. You do not have to lose your
brainstorming flow to create another bubble to insert your thoughts. This software is brilliant in that
it encourages rapid thinking without interruption to your thought flow. Once you've allowed your
brain to rapidly flow through your ideas, then the real fun begins. The software allows the user to
insert pictures right over the thought bubbles. The program comes with several graphics or it is a
simple process to copy and paste a graphic from the internet or one of your own personal pictures.
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Artifact Of A Skit
: My artifact and its issue solely focus on racism and humor. I would write a skit starring three
characters; one of the Jalal brothers, a police officer, and a child. The police officer would be
pointing a gun at the brother. Then he proceeds to arrest the Jalal brother. This is done right after the
brother pulled one of his pranks. In fear, the Jalal brother yells "IT'S A PRANK!" over and over
again. However, the police officer took this prank seriously and threatens to shoot him if he makes
any sudden movements. The child would walk up and repeatedly yell at the Jalal brother
"TERRORIST!" The child will also be told to step back in case there is a bomb. There are no pre–
determined roles yet. The prankster will try to explain his actions
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Artifacts Of Rossosville
Rossi stressed that the urban is artifacts, which is a kind of artificial environment made by human.
The key issue, therefore, is to emphasize its artificial character, which must establish a basic concept
of human culture in urban culture. The city is not only an isolated artifact, he is a collective artifact.
The collective nature of the city brings it into the cultural zone. He believes that the city reflects the
development of human rationality. Therefore, the base point of Rossi 's thought is to look at the city
from the view of architecture or by means of construction. That is, the mutual penetration of cities
and buildings. Buildings involve the human spirit when constructing. " Thus, the concept that one
person has of an urban artifact will always differ from that of someone who 'lives' that same artifact.
These considerations, however, can delimit our task; it is possible that our task consists principally
in defining an urban artifact from the standpoint of its manufacture: in other works, to define and
classify a street, a city, a street in a city; then the location of this street, its function, its architecture;
then the street systems possible in the city and many other things." Artifacts are not limited to
objective products, but also related to the city, such as history, geography, structure and other
relevant facts. In short, architecture has the meaning beyond the objective materials, but unifies the
spirit of collective. The collective nature of this
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Kindle Artifact
Do you think a small artifact is capable of changing your perspective about a very broad idea? An
artifact that can dramatically change your daily leisure time activities? I am sure that each and every
one of us has an artifact that made the aforementioned changes to his life; for example your mobile
phone, laptop, a game, etc. One of these artifacts is my E–book reader (The Amazon Kindle) which
I owned around eighteen months ago. My relationship with my kindle taught me how to enjoy
reading not only from E–books, but for hardcopy books and any other means. It introduces me to
many different cultures like the American and student cultures and I got to know how books are
valuable in their life. In addition, it enriched me with valuable secondhand ... Show more content on ...
I can clearly see how the libraries are circulated everywhere in the American cities and campuses. I
have visited some local libraries here in the U.S., and I was amazed by the number of people who
visit them regularly. It is something you cannot see in the culture that I came from (The modern
Persian Gulf culture) where there're not too many libraries available; and if there are any, they are
abandoned–nobody visit them. In addition, Most of American libraries now support E–books and
have an electronic system for borrowing them as well. Students, on the other hand, are used to using
the internet and its resources in their courses. The time when students carry with tens of kilograms
of books is gone. So, it is more convenient for them to read using E–books which becomes part of
their culture as people who love portability and
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Adolescence And Artifact
Adolescence and Artifact Paper
The artifact from my adolescent years is the revolution of perm and or relaxer kits. Black women
and girls would go crazy for this stuff. Perm kits are a chemical based product that women put in
their hair to relax the strains of their hair to become straight. This was seen most commonly in
African American community. Our hair texture is normally kinky or curly. The kit processed the hair
to be more manageable and straight. The age that I feel that describes adolescence is 13 years old. At
that age girls are developing and learning about themselves. This is the time where everything starts
to semi make sense in their minds. They can feel their body transitioning, but still be able to be a
child. In my opinion ... Show more content on ...
When I was 10– 12 years old I begged my mother to let me get a perm. She denied my request daily.
On my 13th birthday she took me to the beauty shop and told me, I was getting a perm. I screamed
so loud. You would've thought I had won the lottery. The reason why I wanted a perm was because
every one of my friends at my school had one too. After a year or so of having a perm and getting
them touched up, I told my mom that my hair started to come out. She instantly decided to let the
perm grow out and stop there. I then started doing them myself the older I got, until one day my hair
started to fall out again. I started doing research on healthy hair for black women. I came across
articles about other women hair falling out because of perms. I started to notice my hair was so
uneven and different textures and such, I became so intrigued in the topic I decided to do study this
more seriously. It almost was my after school job. My junior year of high school, I decided to
perform the "big chop" on my hair. Which is where a woman cuts out all of the damage hair and
start from scratch. My friends turned on me, and I was an outsider for that next year. But I had the
support of my family. I stuck with it from then to present day. This item represents my adolescence
because it taught me so much about myself, which has still been a leading cause in my life even
now. I have been natural since 2009 and I do not regret my decision at
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The Value Of Artifact
I. I believe humans have a need to express themselves through created artifacts because it gives
them a sense of purpose. It allows them to express their views and thoughts of what existence should
mean or to help answer many of life's questions. Humans create to keep lessons imprinted in time,
so they are not forgotten, so that mistakes may not get repeated. Humans create things of deeper
expression to pass on knowledge and emotions.
A. What studying my United States Submarine dolphin warfare insignia explained about the larger
human need to express was that people create to pass on knowledge, or to encapsulate emotion and
expression in time. The need to express originated as a technique to survive. To survive our
ancestors needed pass on technique and experience, they needed to create a method of expression.
As time progressed and humans evolved they started questioning things, they looked to understand
happenings around them. They started to question their existence and purpose. Artifact creation tells
stories and embodies the creator's visions to be passed along to others in hopes that they may learn
and feel.
B. ... Show more content on ...
This whole course has shown me that artifacts often have long stories behind them. Some may be
more influential or accessible to a society, but all creators have a strong purpose when designing an
artifact. Often artifacts are treasured in communities where they are created. Artifacts tend to
represent ideas, thoughts and feelings.
II. I believe the act of human creative expression impacts culture because of the education system.
The education system uses' artifacts to teach generations about historical events. Some artifacts
capture different aspects of previous cultures and can be used to describe the ideologies and
technologies of those
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The Video London Underground Dinner Party
The video London Underground Dinner Party displays many different aspects of culture within the
London commuter community. The video shows a group of young people setting up a table and
sitting down to eat food together in the middle of the train. Interestingly, there are different
microcultures present on this one train cart made up of ten to thirty people at a time. Those involved,
receive very different and varying interactions with the others present on the train. These responses
and interactions represent the differences in cultures throughout this small train car. Specifically, in
the forms of knowledge, behavior and the cultural artifacts found throughout the video. This video is
only a few minutes in length, but is able to show so much if you look closely and pause the video
from time to time. In the forms of cultural knowledge the boy had set up the table and waited for his
friends to arrive. Once they had arrived the boy shook their hands to greet them and welcomed them
to the table. After many of the people arrived, they began talking and engaging in eye contact which
is another form of cultural knowledge specific to theirs. Passing food from one person to another
and then to those positioned away from the table. In some cultures sharing food is seen as a polite,
bonding gesture as it is displayed in the video. Another cultural knowledge specific to some, is the
cheers that are given before a meal using glasses, however on this train they displayed cheers at
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Nina's Artifact
For this assignment, the artifact I have chosen is a six–panel, comic strip called Nina's Adventures
by Nina Paley. The charming and amusing comic strip is centered around a person asking a Buddhist
God if they "ever feel like [they're] surrounded by stupid sheep" (Paley). The God goes on to
explain how the Buddhist myth (narrative) of reincarnation, or rebirth, is involved in the increased
amount of sheep–like people (Paley). The God reasons that with an increased population of people
more animals (particularly sheep) are being consumed rapidly (Paley). In return, sheep souls
outweigh the amount of human souls available for rebirth, making the sheep reincarnate into
humans (Paley). The character goes on to say "that is the best argument for ... Show more content on ...
Particularly, people believe that others partake in religion for support or because serves a fulfilling
purpose in their life. However, most individuals who are fully invested in a religion or practice feel
as though it is a concrete science backed by their narratives and faith in them. This is displayed in
Nina's Adventures. With the use of this religious narrative as a "scientific explanation," Nina's
Adventures tackles the outlook that religion is an illogical subject, backed by the secular version of
a myth. As Buddhist believe in rebirth fundamentally, they see their religious narratives as pieces of
concrete truth, like a science. This comic strip by Nina Paley is an interesting way to present the
logicality of religion in a funny, non–threatening way. With the use of humor, attractive illustrations,
and simple break down of an intense religious theme, Paley allows the viewer to see her point
clearly and in an approachable
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Artifact Essay
I. Describe the artifact in detail. For instance, how would you describe it to someone who could not
see it? [You practiced this 2–4–1 Short Answer: Seeing Your Artifact in a New Light.] Your response
might include basic and technical details about the artifact, such as its medium, who made it, where
it comes from, and what area of the humanities it belongs to: "All Shook Up" is an American rock–
and–roll song, written by Otis Blackwell and sung by Elvis Presley, recorded and released in 1957.
The song is approximately two minutes long. You could also describe what the artifact depicts, what
it is about: In the song Elvis sings about the symptoms that he is experiencing from being in love
and how they affect him physically and mentally ... Show more content on ...
One can also locate video of Elvis performing it live. A person alive in the 1950s could have
experienced the song live in person. This would be a different experience since he or she would
have been surrounded by a lot of screaming fans. Music can be experienced in a variety of places,
either socially (at a bar or diner) or alone, and what is going on around the listener at the time can
affect the experience. Lastly, one can experience the song to some degree as a kind of poetry simply
by reading the lyrics. What catches my senses is her beauty and her impressive size. When viewed
from far it looks tiny however, from close range it is an amazing sculpture. From the pedestal to the
top it measures 305 feet and 6 inches, with the face measuring over 8 feet tall and weighs 225 tons.
The fact that she is more than just a monument; a symbol of freedom, it makes anyone continue to
learn more about her. III. State your opinion on what you believe is the purpose of this artifact and
the success of the creator in achieving the purpose. For instance, what message do you believe the
creator is trying to express, and is that message successfully expressed? [You examined this in 2–3–
1 Worksheet: Reasons for Creating Artifacts.] "All Shook Up" is intended to present the physical
and mental state of being in love, one of the big themes
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Skype Artifact
Skype computational device
A. The computational device that will be shown in the Artifact is Skype. Skype is an application that
provides video chat and voice call services. Users can send videos, pictures, texts, and files. Skype
is free to call and contact other skype users, but it will cost money, or Skype Credit, to contact
mobile phones. Also with buying Skype Credits to gain premium status, users can access over
2,000,000 Skype WiFi hotspots. My artifact will illustrate the big picture of how Skype works. I will
be showing how the calling and sending messages function and also the screen sharing function.
B. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
C. Skype has a role in a lot of everyday communication for some ... Show more content on ...
Skype uses little to none bandwidth to send voice calls, ranging from 30kbps to 100kbps. Sending
messages would be relatively easy as it goes through the user's router and then to the recipients
router, and finally it shows up on their screen. Skype is largely based on user user communication
and most for most of the time, there doesn't need to have another server to send messages. Instead of
a proxy server, supernodes are used for data flow and user connection. If there is a restrictive
firewall blocking two users from using skype and sending messages, Skype uses a method called
"Hole Punching." This method will open up a communication channel through the firewall which
will allow messages to be sent through. A data concern that has been on Skype for a while is called
DorkBot. DorkBot is more or less of a scam in which it will send users a link with a message
prompting the user to click on it. Upon clicking on the link, a virus would have been downloaded
into the user's computer. After the virus has been downloaded, the computer will be connected to a
botnet and it will leave the user's computer dormant until a certain amount of money is paid. There
are also other viruses which upon getting them, will allow people to see what the Skype user is
sending. They can see files being sent, messages being sent, and even control the
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Artifact Assignment
The main goals of the assignment was to introduce myself and articulate a challenge relating to one
of the modes of written, oral, visual, electronic, or non–verbal communication.
Another goal of the assignment was to predict ways to overcome the challenges in the class using
past experiences.
My purpose in the artifact was to show the audience that I anticipate challenges with oral
communication, and I hope to strengthen the oral mode through practice.
I made the argument visible in my artifact by providing stories from my High School English class.
The intended audience for my artifact was English 1101 classmates as well as Georgia Tech faculty
members to inform them about my weakness in one of the modes
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Artifact In Teaching
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate
his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families,
other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Summary of Artifacts
The artifacts used are peer evaluations on my teaching practices.
Artifact 1, "Classroom Visit," is an observation review of my instructional strategies used during a
Shared Reading lesson with my first–grade students. The USD 501 school district has employed
instructional coaches to help teachers successfully improve their instructional strategies in the
classroom by offering instructional reflection, support, and coaching. The ... Show more content on ...
During my student teaching internship, I relied heavily on the expertise and opinions of my
cooperating teacher. Her insight gave me a realistic and encouraging viewpoint to help with
instructional strategies I was unfamiliar with and at times awkward in implementing. As a
professional of her craft, she guided me though the collaborative process, help me set realistic goals,
and was very supportive in offering me suggestions for improvement. She also provided me quality
feedback in identifying my strengths to help build my confidence. Artifact 2 is an example of her
evaluation of my professional performance as a teacher. After her evaluation, we would review her
observation notes and set new targets for my improvement. This proved fundamental in my learning
experience as a student
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Drones Artifact
Agricultural drones 2a.Agricultural drones are unmanned aerial vehicles that are used for soil and
field analysis. They can produce accurate 3D maps that can conduct soil analysis on numerous soil
properties. The goal of precision agriculture or drones is to more efficiently apply a farm's limited
resources to gain maximum yield (Nixon). They can also irrigate crops and analyze crops, deciding
which are healthy and which are not more effectively than farmers. My artifact conveys the function
of these drones by having depictions of them doing some of their jobs and it compares them to
traditional farming, showing higher efficiency. 2b.I used Adobe Photoshop to create my artifact.
First, I downloaded pictures off the internet, saving them into ... Show more content on ...
Drones can collect data in a lot of different ways. They can use 3D mapping to analyze soil. They
can use this data to decide seed planting patterns, irrigation, and to monitor nitrogen levels. They
can also have hyperspectral, multispectral, or thermal sensors to identify which crops are more dry
or needs improvements. This data allows for the drone to decide which areas need more attention.
By scanning a crop using both visible and near–infrared light, drone–carried devices can identify
which plants reflect different amounts of green light and NIR light. This information can produce
multispectral images that track changes in plants and indicate their health. A speedy response can
save an entire orchard. Distance–measuring equipment–ultrasonic echoing and lasers such as those
used in the light–detection and ranging, or LiDAR, method–enables a drone to adjust altitude as the
topography and geography vary, and thus avoid collisions. All this data is used through various
cameras and imaging to make the drones effective at keeping crops healthy. With such a large
amount of data usage and storage comes a large amount of data security concerns. The FBI and
USDA believe that cyber attackers might target the farming industry by stealing farm–level data in
bulk (information about soil content, past crop yields, planting recommendations, etc.) or destroying
it in protest. They have also warned the attacker may encrypt collected data and hold it for ransom
(Zorz). If these do
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Artifact: My First Artifacts
My first artifact is the American Flag. The American flag is red,white,and blue. On the blue part
there are 50 stars on it, each one represents a state. There are red and white stripes beside the blue
part. This is important to me because I love my country and I would do anything to protect it.
Another reason I chose it is the flag gave me my freedom and if it were not for that flag we would
have monarchy instead on democracy. I have another one I'd like to share with you. It is my
television or TV. My TV is a smart tv so it can get on the internet. It is black and 54''inches. One, of
the reasons I chose my TV is because it shows who I am by what I watch. My next reason is because
I can hook my computer up to it with a cord and see what I'm
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Artifact : Artifact For Licensure Competency
Artifact Cover Sheet
Artifact for Licensure Competency #3 [InTASC Std. 2] – Learning Differences: The teacher uses
understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive
learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. (Teaching Scholars,
Developers of Human Potential)
Candidate: Michaela Chamberlain
Name of Artifact: Learning Differences
Date: 11/ 04/ 2015
Course: Educational Psychology 3113
What is your artifact?
My artifact is an analysis over my understanding of the different ways individuals learn based on
their cultures. It demonstrates my knowledge of learner differences and shows how I plan to meet
the needs of each learner in a way that will impact their education and help them succeed. My
artifact shows how I plan to meet the different needs of each learner through my lesson and equip
them with the knowledge to meet high standards.
How does this artifact demonstrate you understand the competency?
My artifact demonstrates my understanding of the competency by the in depth analysis over how I
am going to meet the needs of each of my students learning styles, through my lesson. My artifact
demonstrates my understanding of this competency by giving specific examples of how I plan to
meet the needs of each students' learning style. By addressing how I plan to work with students who
have exceptionalities, I am showing that I understand not all students
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Archeological Field Method Paper
Finding an arrowhead is a dream every child has held at one time or another. The ones who hold that
dream the longest become archaeologists. Studying the lithic material from a site can seem tedious
and dull, but the information that can be gleaned from it is invaluable. The type of lithic material can
provide insight into the lifestyle, tool production, trading habits, and a possible time period of
habitation. We aimed to discover some of this information from the items recovered during the two
weeks of excavation at the East Carolina University Summer Ventures Archaeological Field
Methods class.
The Summer Ventures Archeological Field Methods team conducted field work at the site 31Pt501
known as Koon's Landing in Grifton, North ... Show more content on ...
This artifact is believed to be a hammer stone and part of the stone had a rougher patch that seems
indented from its use as a hammer stone. The smooth texture on one side indicates the stone may
have been found near the creek by the original owners (Figure 7).
Hammer stones come in all shapes and sizes across a variety of cultures. They are usually stones
found, not made, by indigenous people. They are comprised of local materials and could fit into
hands securely. They are most likely the oldest tools used by apes and humans. Certain species of
apes are known to use hammer stones to crack open hard shelled food and as weapons against other
groups or individuals. The stone was found a few centimeters to the right of a core (Figure 7). A core
is the original object flakes and shatter come from (Andrefsky, 2005). Cores are modified to become
a tool or create flakes that will later become tools themselves. The core found at Koon's Landing
was made of quartzite, a material usually chosen to make projectile points or other tools because it is
extremely durable. Though the stone and the core were found close to each other, no quartzite flakes
or shatter were found nearby. The hammers stone and core seem to be discarded, supporting the
hypothesis of a dumping site close to Contentnea
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Artifact Vs Artifact
Artifacts would be better kept in certain conditions, and some places are not suited to do so. The
artifacts that have been here for centuries that are not put in the correct conditions have degraded
and some have come to the point of no return, having been broken down and rendered unusable.
This could have been prevented, had the artifacts been put in an environment where they could be
cared for and enjoyed longer. Many people argue that they should be returned to their place of
origin, but is that really worth risking the artifact? They can still be looked at, admired and
inspected, just in a better environment. The money that museums get can be used to support the
upkeep of these items, letting them live longer and create a reliable income
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Should Culture Be A Commodity
Should culture be a commodity? In other words, should culture be able to be bought and sold for a
profit? Cultural artifacts, by any meaningful measure, currently are a commodity. They are bought
and sold on the art market in places as far and wide as legitimate auctions in London or New York to
sale on the thriving black market trade currently funding a brutal terrorist organization in Syria and
Iraq. A more famous example, of culture acting as commodity, took place in 2007 when the Guennol
Lioness, a famous Mesopotamian statue, was sold in Sotheby 's for an astounding fifty seven point
two million dollars. It was bought by a private collector and is now, of course, out of the public eye.
Coming back to the central question, I am of the opinion that culture should not be a commodity due
to its effect on the context of the objects as well as its effect on the cultural value of the artifacts to
the various stakeholders in question. If the buying and selling of cultural artifacts does one thing
well, it is the destruction of context. In The Ethics of Archaeology (2006), Robert Layton and
Gillian Wallace state that "the crime of the undocumented antiquities trade is its undocumented
destruction of context" (p. 57). As they point out, this destruction of context can be simple and in
some ways benign. Something as simple as the removal of a Byzantine coin being removed from its
original context "in a money pouch" to "a museum case or a collector 's coin display board"
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The Physics Of Egyptian Archaeology
From the start of the Carter's article, it is made known that clearing the objects from the
antechamber is a delicate and difficult process. Each object needs to be handled carefully, or they
can crumble. The process was slow and, and put significant amount of pressure on archaeologists.
One wrong move, and evidence and knowledge from the past could be gone. Additionally, not all
excavations are carried out properly, and because of this knowledge of Egyptian Archaeology is fifty
percent less than what it should be. Carter mentions there were many things that could have gone
wrong, one of these things being theft. Since everyone was excited about the tomb and because of
the valuables, guards and security were needed to minimize the chance of theft. Furthermore, the
condition of the objects careful treatment was of concern and, and also visitors.
The first step of the process is photography. For this, movable electric standard lighting was
required to take pictures of the chamber before anything else. The photos were developed in an
empty tomb used as a dark room. Next, they made a registering system with numbers so later they
know where the object came from in the tomb. Then, Carter describes, it was important to find a
seclude storage and private space for the objects once removed, which they found in the tomb of
Seti II. This tomb was protected from the sun and open, although there were some space issues and
distance problems from the scene. Moreover, Carter also notes
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Observable Artifacts
What Are The Observable Artifacts, Espoused Values, And Basic Assumptions Associated Chrysler's
With Chrysler Culture. Making a sacrifice to take the automobile industry to a different level was a
dream that came true for Mr. Sergio Marchionne. Taking Detroit by storm and bringing them back to
life, putting them back on the map for what they do best. "For the past seven months the 57 year old
italian–born Canadian has been working to shake up Chrysler and move the company away from the
old ways that forced it into bankruptcy. The physical back end stories about the company are the
dress code, and rituals within a company". (Chrysler Group, LLC. (n.d.). The observable artifacts
the old way of thinking was to place a rebate on the cars that were sold and double ... Show more
content on ...
As is the case with Chrysler, organizations can possess characteristics of each type, but generally
have one that is more dominant than the others. By looking at the two fundamental dimensions or
axes, we can determine the new type of organizational culture manifested through the changes
orchestrated by Marchionne".( "Business," 2015). Paying back all the government loans ahead of
time getting the corporation through the bankruptcy coming back on top, with the vision that the
new CEO had and what he has done each year produce more cars and provided more jobs for the
people in Detroit trying to bring the life back to the city to what was a big tourist State that people
enjoy going to. With the new changes that Chrysler has begin maybe this will bring people back to
Detroit for the new jobs that are now open. Chrysler has went through a lot throughout the years and
with the new CEO Shocking the organization with new ideas that are working it's up to the new
executive to continue with the new ideas that they have been taught so that the vision can continue
to be seen by
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Technology Artifact
Most people when asked "what is the benefits of technology?" would say without hesitation "it
connects people closer together". In reality, most of us are more disconnected than ever and don't
even know it. The ease in which we are able to reach each other has inadvertently gotten us away
from the interactions that once put us closer together. My artifact 1 focuses on these issues of
technology, and how technology makes us more disconnected than ever before. The advancement of
technology has given us two realities, our digital self and our real self. We have come to rely on
technology, to such an extent in our daily functions, that we get anxiety when we are not using it for
a period of time. The usage of technology is not inherently bad, but the neglect of the people we
around, is bad. We feel the need to constantly stay connected to our virtual reality, that we may
forget that we are living in the present day. ... Show more content on ...
Irony is the biggest one, as it is ironic that many believe that technology connects us closer together
when it actually does not. Also it is ironic how many of the social activities that we engage with that
are meant to bring two or more people together, such as attending a concert, or dinner at a
restaurant, may not serve it's purpose as people tend to spend majority of their time recording the
event or using their phone rather than talking to each other. Even when we look at social medias
such as Facebook where everyone is supposedly connected and are "friends". Ironically enough we
have way more "friends" in Facebook, than we probably would ever have in real life, and majority
of them are acquaintances than actual friends. Furthermore, there is also a use of rhetorical question
so that the audience can use deductive reason as to their own usage of technology and the things that
they neglect because of its
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Artifact Examples
The artifact is a fundraiser flyer I created using Microsoft Word. The fundraiser was created to not
only to unite the school and community but to raise donation for the annual eighth grade field trip to
New York City. The document exhibits my proficiency in word art, clip art, and the use of a
template. I was able to change front color, outline a border, and insert pictures to the flyer. In
creating this fundraiser flyer, I demonstrated that I know how to "contribute to the effectiveness,
vitality, and self–renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community."
The Nowland ED Tech Portfolio website was created on which is a model of one I
might use for my future classroom. The creation of this artifact is an excellent tool in keeping
parents and students well informed on class expectations, class events, and/or weekly homework
assignments. With the use of a template, I was able to insert and create hyperlinks to my
blog, and file page. In addition, I created back buttons that restores the user to their previous page.
By creating this artifact, I showed that I can "evaluate and reflect on current research and
professional practice on a regular basis to make ... Show more content on ...
The blog was created using found in my Goggle+ email account. Over a period of four
months, I posted and commented on educational tools that technology can bring to a classroom. In
addition, I embedded videos and a fun Voki. There are a number of ways which I could use this
weblog. The blog can be used to inform students and parents about classroom activities, or I can
create a weblog displaying interesting lesson plans for my peers to utilize. By creating this artifact, I
meet Standard 1 by "model(ing) collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with
students, colleagues, and others in face–to–face and virtual
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Artifact Essay
Ricardo Delgado
Lee College
Writer's Memo The paper is based off of a couple of things that are not ever too far away from a
person. One being a watch because ever since they were invented they have been used all across the
world. The other is video games which went from a simple console that you had to plug into the
television and play to being super accessible because it is in every ones' person.
Apple The artifact mentioned in the essay is watch; now in class we talked about how certain things
can be used to determine gender. A smart watch relates to this because it has cases and bands,
focusing on apple watches. The apple watch comes in different sizes and colors. The size that one
gets depends ... Show more content on ...
Guts The guts of a watch are the source of its existence without them the watch cannot function.
There are multiple differences in what goes into a watch. Some watches can be made from
expensive things like diamonds or emeralds while others are just made of different stainless steels.
For example, regular watches are made of tiny gears placed on top of each other in a watch shell
made of plastic or some type of metal. Smart watches on the other hand are made up like computers
because they use circuit boards, processors, rechargeable batteries, and other small components. Not
only are watches made up of that but they also use some different bands that also have hundreds of
different forms from wood, to metal, and nylon which means you can accessorize as much as you
A watch is not only an accessory that is used to tell time anymore due to the fact that we live in an
era in which we use smart phones to check for time.
A watch has become more than just an accessory that we use to tell time. In our era, we use smart
phones to check for the time nine times out of ten. Watches have become a symbol that defines the
person that wears it. We do not use watches to tell time anymore we use them as a fashion statement.
Since men do not traditionally wear as much jewelry as
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Cloning Artifact
world has come a long way in terms of technology and there is no stopping, there are tons of
advancements taking place in different parts of the world. The latest is discovery of flying bikes in
Dubai. The civil force of Dubai states that they've brought these bikes touching skies called 'Hover
bikes' for meeting security needs. The specialty of these bikes is that they can flutter and clear the
traffic in case of emergency situations. It can run for 30 to 40 mins depending upon how the hover
drown is being handled, officials says that its height limit is kept 6m for precautions reasons. These
hover bikes are to set to become part of Dubai's civil service ahead of Expo 2020. ... Show more
content on ...
Your desire might come true soon because Japan has come up with an unimaginable cloning
technique which brings back life to destroyed artifacts and statues. Japan's Foundation for Cultural
Heritage and Research has combined the techniques of 3D mapping and 3D printing to make statues
and its layers. It also uses some traditional art techniques by hand materials for framing the textures
of models which gives originality to statues. The main purpose of this cloning technology is to let
people rejoice the lost and eroded culture through cloned artifacts. Technology has shortened
conventional books to E–books and now tech world is all set to launch waterproof Kindle. Amazon
has come up with an e–reader which is impervious to water. The new Kindle oasis has a 7–inch long
display and is of user friendly shape which makes it comfortable to use it for longer period. It has
the capacity to withstand water 2m deep for around 60 minutes. This oasis has more customized
settings than the previous editions, there are more advancements in the font styles. It also has a
flamboyant light censor which automatically adjusts screen light according to the light of
atmosphere. All these features will definitely help in soaring the declined sale of e–readers. Along
with technologies mentioned above, there are some others as well which are being tested like
'Nuclear clean up aquatic robot', it is being made to explore nuclear storage and facilities. Small
cameras and censors are inserted inside the robot. The researchers are hoping that this device will
successfully detect fuel in a reactor so that later on it can be removed
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Teacher Artifact
This artifact consisted in developing an essay addressing the three key areas in the role of the
teacher: effective communication with a variety of constituents; consistent application of the Code
of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct in professional and personal conduct; and clear
comprehension of the grounds and procedures for disciplinary actions that can be imposed by the
Education Practices Commission (EPC). Passion, knowledge of our duties, responsibility, and
preparation are the key factors on which teachers should focus their teaching; these are the essential
components that will permit teachers be ready for any situation and run a successful classroom. It is
key to engage systematic reflection on our own teaching. Research has shown how deliberate and
critical reflection on teaching practices contributes to excellence in our role as teachers, and
improved educational outcomes for all children. Teachers are encouraged to regularly evaluate ...
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My students will be facing a person who inspires and encourages them to strive for greatness, live to
their fullest potential and see the best in themselves. Students learn through me, through my
commitment to excellence and through my ability to make them realize their own personal growth. I
will be there for my students willing to give them advice and guidance. I also gained relevant
knowledge when working on this artifact; now I feel myself more skilled to help my students
develop a love of learning and become lifelong learners as well as understand themselves and those
around them. I have also realized that much of what students learn from us, the teachers, is not
detailed on a syllabus; we are who help them grow as responsible people, acquire talents they bring
with them to school, and develop new, necessary skills and abilities to be successful in school and in
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Steering Behavior in Virtual Environment Essay
1.1 Overview
In 21st century where IT is affecting every aspect of life we can see the effect of computer,
electronics and modern machines in every domain. This big penetration in our life has demanded the
automation of all these machines. The automation or the quest to make them smarter and more
independent has led to seek applications in the fields of Steering behavior, Neural Network and
Genetic Algorithms.
1.2 Steering Behavior in Virtual Environment
Steering Behaviors present solutions for one major requirement of intelligent agents in animation,
games, virtual reality and robotic movement: the ability to navigate around their world may be real
may be simulated in a life–like and improvisational ... Show more content on ...
Depending upon the experimental configuration, changes can be done in destination, behavior,
acceleration, speed or manipulation of the intelligent agent. The approach taken in this paper is to
make steering behaviors as entirely independent from the underlying locomotion scheme. A simple
locomotion model will be presented in order to make the discussion of steering behaviors more
accurate. Our locomotion model is based on a simple vehicle model.
1.2.2 Virtual Agents
To cater the need of computer animation, interactive media such as games and virtual reality there is
need for intelligent agent, those who can navigate according to requirement. These agents may have
some ability to improvise their actions according to situation. This project will use the term
intelligent to denote these agents which are intelligent agents in a virtual world who may be
interacting with other agents. Intelligent agents are intended for use in computer animation and
various interactive media such as games and virtual reality. This project will use the term virtual to
denote these agents which, rather than being simulations of an electrical device in the real world, are
instead intelligent agents in a virtual world.
1.2.3 Behavior Hierarchy
In this project the term behavior is used to refer to the improvisational and life type actions of
intelligent agents. The behavior of an intelligent agent can be better understood by
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American Artifact
This question caught my attention because I have commonly heard the quote, "Be the change that
you wish to see in the world". I questioned the reality of the quote. Life has many obstacles and
people give up on their dreams to settle for more conventional and attainable realities. However,
when I was searching for artifacts and reflected upon them the thought changed. After reading about
those who stuck with their dreams, I came to a conclusion. A person's dream can indeed change the
world. In my search for answers, I came to learn about four individuals who had to risk and sacrifice
to change the world. They used their dreams to inspire, influence and raise awareness. My first
artifact was a magazine article from The Atlantic titled "Reading MLK in New Zealand." It was a
narrative about how Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech not only influenced the United
States, but the world and more specifically New Zealand. His dream of a hopeful future for all races
resonated with the Maori. The Maori have faced racism, encroachment and continue to have a low
socioeconomic status. Their struggles resemble those of blacks in the US. In the 60s, both groups
had protest ... Show more content on ...
It detailed Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta shared a dream, the fair treatment of farm workers.
They knew of the dangerous working conditions, low wages, and racism farm workers faced. Farm
workers were the people who allowed Americans to enjoy many fruits and vegetables, they were
invisible to the majority of Americans. Chavez and Huerta wanted to change the system. They
organized strikes and boycotts demanding the recognition of the exploited workers. Chavez was
often confronted by the police and was arrested numerous times. They never stopped and got
important legislation passed. They are celebrated by the Latino community for fighting for them.
Their portraits grace many Latino works of
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Cultural Artifact
Why the Artifact was Selected This artifact was a written final exam analyzing issues relating to
leadership and diversity in the course Leadership in Multicultural Organizations. This artifact
demonstrates knowledge, comprehension, and analysis of the concepts and theories of leadership,
issues of diversity in organizations, and strategies for managing differences among today's
multicultural workforce. I selected this artifact because it discusses and describes the link between
leadership approaches and diversity and it compares and contrasts current leadership practices in the
United States (US).
Alignment of the Artifact to the Learning Outcome This artifact gave me the opportunity to analysis
organizational diversity challenges and compare ... Show more content on ...
The artifact allowed me to gain knowledge in the approaches of diversity leadership issues. Thomas
(1995) offers eight basic leadership responses as an approach to diversity. The foster mutual
adaption response approach, "...unequivocally endorses diversity" (Thomas, 1995, p. 251). Thomas
(1995) states that under this approach, "...the parties involved accept and understand differences and
diversity, recognizing full well that those realities may call for adaption on the part of all
components of the whole" (p. 251). Thomas (1995) purposes a diversity framework be used to as a,
"... point of departure for evolving a framework to guide managers in making decisions regarding
diversity mixtures of all kinds" (p. 252). The framework processes revolve around three objectives
for leadership as recognize diversity mixtures present, decide whether a response is required, and
select an appropriate response or blended response (Thomas,
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Artifact Artifacts

  • 1. Artifact Artifacts Artifacts, artifacts can be a variety of things but they have one thing in common they're man made. I would like to talk about a few artifacts I own, first a big glass and wooden case.This is a man made artifact, it was built about 30 years ago and I still use 30 years later, I use it to keep trophies and important things in the case. One reason it is important to me is because it was built by my father and his grandfather, my great grandfather. This is also important because of it age and it's one of the first thing my dad ever built. In conclusion, this artifact is important to me as well as my father for multiple reasons. Another artifact this one quite crafty and also hand made is a big glowing red letter "A". This artifact was made by ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Constitution as an Artifact Abstract This paper is an analysis of the single cultural artifact that best represents the culture in which I live in today. The paper will provide a detailed analysis of the artifact and how it relates to the values and beliefs of the culture. Additionally, it will address the deep cultural roots of the artifact, the historical roots of the artifact, what allowed it to come into being and who was affected by its development. This information will come as someone trained from the humanities. There are many great artifacts that represent the culture we're currently residing in. However, as an American and someone trained in the humanities, I believe there is no better example of this than the actual Constitution of the United ... Show more content on ... Specifically, the framers wrapped their heads around the notion that every man is created equal and should have the same chances to excel as everyone else (Williamsburg Foundation, 2005). The constitutional creators also believed in limited government, as large government hindered the rights of the people and thus stifled innovation. The roots of the constitution come from a largely pragmatic and realist base who wished to ensure that people in the future could modify the constitution as necessary. However, they would have to go through quite a bit of red–tape to do it. This would ensure nobody's rights were trampled and that everyone agreed on the change. It was a brilliant idea. Very few documents have ever lasted through the test of time such as the United States Constitution (Williamsburg Foundation, 2005). I envision the United States Constitution standing through the next few generations. However, currently it's under attack by the ever–growing socialist movement. The idea that government should control resources and people aren't smart enough to do it themselves (Phyllis Shayfay report, 2009) is a tenet of the extreme left movement. The "big brother" state is consistently assaulting the constitution; basing their beliefs on the fact they believe ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Artifact Lesson The artifact was developed and implemented for a fourth–grade language arts and reading class with seven students, four girls, and three boys, between the ages of nine and ten. The classroom setting is student centered with differentiated instruction to benefit the varying reading levels and exceptionalities. There are five English–language learners out of the seven students, three students are ESOL level four and two students are ESOL level three. All the students are exceptional students with learning disabilities in reading. The best practices I utilized to develop the artifact was prior knowledge and the Wonders textbook. The best practices I utilized to implement the artifact were reading strategies such as SPADE, written copies of the ... Show more content on ... FEAP 1 is addressed in the lesson through the state–adopted standards, prior knowledge, formative assessments as a form of monitoring, and collaboration with my cooperating teacher. FEAP 2 is addressed through a student–centered environment that is safe, organized, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative. FEAP 3 is addressed through the delivering of an engaging and challenging lesson with the utilization of strategies and higher–order questioning. FEAP 4 is addressed through the alignment of objectives to assessments, variations of tools to monitor student progress, modifications, and the application of technology. FEAP 5 is addressed through the utilization of data–informed research, adjusted planning, the effectiveness of lessons, and the teacher's application of professional development knowledge. Lastly, FEAP 6 is addressed through the application of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct. I will continue to grow as it relates to the artifact by reflecting after every lesson/observation and improving of behavior modifications in order to subside a certain behavior so the learning is much more smooth. As it relates to the FEAPs, I will continue to apply every FEAP and work on bettering the implementation of each FEAP more ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Exercise 2: Stratigraphy And Site Formation Processes Exercise 2: Stratigraphy and Site Formation Processes Based on the drawing, Culture D is most likely the oldest. Most of the artifacts labeled as being from Culture D are in the bottom layer of soil. Though they do crop up in all the other layers, they appear to be disturbed rather than primary. Several are impeded in the temple, meaning that the culture that built the temple probably used dirt which happened to contain the artifacts was used unintentionally. The other D artifacts that appear closer to and at the surface were likely churned up by the constant disruption of the soil from the following culture. The third oldest culture was probably Culture C. There is a clear layer under which most of the D artifacts were buried. A trash pit ... Show more content on ... Most likely, during construction, other cultures unintentionally used dirt containing said artifacts. Reuse: Reuse in this particular case is hard to identify. One possible example in the artifacts from Culture A embedded in the walls of the house. It is possible that objects created by A where broken and then inserted into the walls to help provide support or additional strength. A possible history of the site would include the initial settlement by Culture D. There is no evidence of any artificial structures. It is possible that they used biodegradable materials, meaning that evidence of their settlement decomposed. After Culture D abandoned the site. Culture C then settled the area. Assuming that Culture B built the temple, there is no evidence of structures. There is a trash pit, so it can be inferred that Culture C did live in the area. Because their artifacts were so close together, it is possible that Cultures C and B lived very close in time. It is possible that Culture C abandoned the site due to some kind of natural disaster or that they were pushed out by Culture B. As they settled the area, Culture B dug up the dirt in the process of building their temple. That dirt contained artifacts of Culture C. It is also possible that they found artifacts from Culture C during this process and found them significant enough to include them in their own burials. Once Culture B moved off the area, their remains were most likely buried until Culture A found the site. As their house was built directly on top of the temple, it is possible that Culture A used the remains of the temple to strengthen the foundation of their house. Because the area was settled so many times, the soil was dug up and churned many times, meaning that artifacts from each culture were spread throughout the various strata of the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Stolen Artifact John Williams and the Stolen Artifact Today the sunday paper arrived with again bad news. Even the man that delivered the sunday paper had a look of sadness and despair. Today is March 1st, 2017 and still people are upset about the new president. I just can't believe that so many people are still mad about the new president. "Wow.. what a surprise... another article on the rioting. Rioting on the streets. Security in Washington D.C. is low and the police force is spread out thin because of all this. If I were someone living in Washington I would move out. Why did I ever move here. Look at this. Artifacts are being stolen daily from museums. Cops are trying very hard to stop this but there numbers are spread very low. Because of this, ... Show more content on ... He told us how he was the one that stole the die and lost it because he rolled the die. He said that he never even liked me and just used me. At this point I my friend had recorded all of this with his phone. I then rolled the die and went back in time to when I found the die. I went straight to the police and old then every thing. The police arrested jimmy and they gave me the choose of what to do with the die. I said to destroy it and they did. After they did that they said that one of the men dropped the die when they were about to destroy it. I didn't know what the symbol meant so I went home only to find the same die on my chair. This time it was indestructible so I kept it a ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Essay On Artifact The artifact was created for future educators who are researching the topic of reading comprehension and ways to improve the literacy area. The artifact focuses on two students in 11th grade from ages of 16 to 17 who need improvement in reading comprehension. The main subject of the artifact is reading and its components are graphic organizers and comprehension. The setting was in the library where one worked one on one with the student in a quiet environment where the students could concentrate on the interventions. Both students are diagnosed with learning disabilities. The best practices I utilized to implement the artifact was researching the topic, applying the interventions, and lots of repetition. My two students learned how to organize ... Show more content on ... As it relates to student learning, I would just implement one graphic organizer than two to see which works better. The FEAPs FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.1.b, FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.1.e, and FL– MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.a are incorporated in the lesson through enhancing prior knowledge, using student diagnostic data to create interventions, and accommodating the student need based on assessment data and the students learning need. The FEAPs FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.b, FL– MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.c, and FL–MDC–FEAP–2010–2.4.d are incorporated in the artifact by the creation of assessments used to assess and improve reading comprehension for student mastery, utilizing multiple tools to monitor student achievement, and the modifying and accommodating the student's learning styles. The last FEAP that is incorporated in the artifact is FL–MDC–FEAP– 2010–2.5.c because of the variety of data that was gathered independently. I will continue to grow as it relates to the assignment by focusing on the needs of the students and doing as much as possible for them to improve. As it pertains to the FEAPs, I will continue to apply the knowledge learned to other assignments and in the future as an ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Artifacts In Peru Just imagine, there is nothing left to look at. Scientists have taken every artifact to research, disturbed those who lost their lives, and destroyed our Earth. Is this how you want to find out more about history? That's why scientists should keep artifacts where they found them. Instances where Peru has felt incomplete without artifacts, destruction of the RMS Titanic, and places in Iraq are being ruined from archeological sites are just a few examples of the harmful effects archeologists have put on humankind. For several years, Peru has always been against Yale(in Connecticut) keeping their ancient artifacts in a country where they can't see it, and appreciate their history. According to The Lost Treasure of Machu Picchu ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Cultural Artifacts The types of perspective my fellow classmates displayed were a majority of visuals that have had some meaning in their lives. One did use an auditory aid, a song she liked. Others had objects or pictures that have a story behind them. The artifacts displayed reveal ways of how people perceive them. What a song means to one person can mean an entirely different feeling to another. A picture says a thousand words, but are all the words the same to everyone? I saw such a variety of "artifacts" that I truly wondered what they each meant to the person who posted it. To me I could see the beauty in most of them, only a couple threw me off guard, but I hope to hear the story about why it was chosen. There was not a lot that surprised me about the artifacts my fellow classmates selected simply because nothing was in any way lewd. I found some quite interesting, like the giraffe cane and the diver off the building into the sky, my personal favorite. I could rationalize with the song "Wake me up" another artifact that felt personal tome. The one I couldn't quite figure out was the picture of currency. I loved "Inner Peace" post by ... Show more content on ... The reason I feel that the two are compatible is that the both involve more than just one person. It's as I said in a previous paper "". The words Love, Dream & Believe are inscribed into it and represent a ring that is never ending" As I see Chiquoia's artifact of that of a couple with a love that is "never ending". My artifact does not truly reveal my perspective of who I am as a student or a learner. My artifact reveals that of who I have become as a woman, wife and mother. Thou as I have stated in my artifact paper, "I am always willing to learn and it never ends, just like the shape of the ring, never ending." I believe every day we are students and learners, there is that old saying "you learn something new every day" and I believe ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Guang Artifacts Guang, probably from Anyang, China, Shang dynasty, 12th or 11th century BCE is a fined artifact. A guang is a particular shape used in Chinese art for vessels, originally made as Chinese ritual bronzes in the Shang dynasty. Research from wikipedia stated they were used for pouring rice wine at ritual banquets, and often deposited as grave goods in high status burial. Shang artists perfected casting elaborate bronze vessels covered with animal motifs. The animal forms symbolized real and imaginary. The guang has a single thick foot, and a thick hollow body that represents one or more stylized animals. Their main period of use was during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, from around 1700 to 900 BCE. Thereafter the shape was sometimes used in a revivalist spirit. Also was used in sacrifices to ancestors and in funerary ceremonies. The art piece was very popular during that time. ... Show more content on ... Also serve wine during ancestor worship rituals in which the wine vapors were to be consumed by the deceased spirits. Each vessels shaped matched it's intended purpose. The guang also has a neck and head, which serve as the pouring channel for the wine. Guang bronze vessels were used not only in life to honor the deceased, but also at times placed with the deceased in their grave. The ritual vessels are also useful to the living as well. They are both everyday functioning items, but also objects which serve religious and spiritual purposes. The multiple designs around the guang also show form. Their fields of background spirals integrate so closely with the form of the guang. The guang have a unique ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Stonehenge Artifact Just like objects and structures, Humanity and Culture are also an artifact ( Brigham Young University. , 2014) because they vary in different periods and are rich in understanding the history of human in that geological period. In different eras physical appearance, economic activities, cultural practices, and political organization are different in different generations. Each generation had the unique physical appearance and cultural practices. Stonehenge The Stonehenge is a distinctive monumental stone that appeared in the late Neolithic period. It is located in Salisbury, White shire, England. The artifact is believed to have been built between 3000 and 1500 BCE. The artifact has artificially shaped stones arranged in a post and lintel ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Greek Artifacts Have you ever wondered how the artifacts got in your museums? Or why we have artifacts from different countries. Museums will often purchase or receive artifacts from different places. There are a lot of rules and guidelines to have relics from other countries. However, some of these artifacts that arrived at the museums where stolen or brought there by dubious means. Some countries have ways to get their precious relics back into their care. Artifacts should be shown and experienced by people all over the world. As you walk through a museum and you look at at the different cultures you are able to experience all types of things. "Some artifacts have been in museums for decades or even centuries and now some countries want them back" (passage 1 para 2). Egypt, Greece, and Rome are countries that have really cool histories, if their relicts are stuffed in their museums than people can't enjoy their stories. You can try to return the artifacts but some might be neglected. "Some scientists generally supported the law in which countries that find artifacts within their borders receive ... Show more content on ... For example Zahi Hawass regards the famous Rosetta Stone as stolen property and that it belongs in Egypt (passage 2 para 10). Some counties have been returning objects to their original countries. Returning these artifacts can be expensive, like a ancient statue that was exported back to Italy, it can cost several million. "If the artifact was moved on dubious than western museums will most likely transport it back to its country" (passage 3 para 21,22). These countries wanting their artifacts back is understandable, they want their history available to the citizens that live there. If these countries do take their objects back than quite a few museums will lose half of their relicts. It is quite interesting to look at different cultures without having to travel to those ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Artifact Description Artifact Description: Map of You–Use tools in Inspiration9 Software to create a mind map with myself as the main idea. What you learned: This was a new software program that I have never used. However, with a few instructions from the professor, this programs was simple and fun to navigate. Inspiration9 made it simple from the very beginning. As soon as you launch the program, it automatically opens with a "main idea" insert that you can type right over with your own topic of choice. From there, it was a simple matter to click on the "rapidfire" link. I liked the name of the link, because it seemed to signal my brain to automatically begin a "rapidfire" thinking process. Once you hit the enter or return key a lightening bolt flashes and you are ready to enter your next thought. The beauty is that the software automatically creates another map bubble for you. You do not have to lose your brainstorming flow to create another bubble to insert your thoughts. This software is brilliant in that it encourages rapid thinking without interruption to your thought flow. Once you've allowed your brain to rapidly flow through your ideas, then the real fun begins. The software allows the user to insert pictures right over the thought bubbles. The program comes with several graphics or it is a simple process to copy and paste a graphic from the internet or one of your own personal pictures. ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Artifact Of A Skit : My artifact and its issue solely focus on racism and humor. I would write a skit starring three characters; one of the Jalal brothers, a police officer, and a child. The police officer would be pointing a gun at the brother. Then he proceeds to arrest the Jalal brother. This is done right after the brother pulled one of his pranks. In fear, the Jalal brother yells "IT'S A PRANK!" over and over again. However, the police officer took this prank seriously and threatens to shoot him if he makes any sudden movements. The child would walk up and repeatedly yell at the Jalal brother "TERRORIST!" The child will also be told to step back in case there is a bomb. There are no pre– determined roles yet. The prankster will try to explain his actions ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Artifacts Of Rossosville Rossi stressed that the urban is artifacts, which is a kind of artificial environment made by human. The key issue, therefore, is to emphasize its artificial character, which must establish a basic concept of human culture in urban culture. The city is not only an isolated artifact, he is a collective artifact. The collective nature of the city brings it into the cultural zone. He believes that the city reflects the development of human rationality. Therefore, the base point of Rossi 's thought is to look at the city from the view of architecture or by means of construction. That is, the mutual penetration of cities and buildings. Buildings involve the human spirit when constructing. " Thus, the concept that one person has of an urban artifact will always differ from that of someone who 'lives' that same artifact. These considerations, however, can delimit our task; it is possible that our task consists principally in defining an urban artifact from the standpoint of its manufacture: in other works, to define and classify a street, a city, a street in a city; then the location of this street, its function, its architecture; then the street systems possible in the city and many other things." Artifacts are not limited to objective products, but also related to the city, such as history, geography, structure and other relevant facts. In short, architecture has the meaning beyond the objective materials, but unifies the spirit of collective. The collective nature of this ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Kindle Artifact Do you think a small artifact is capable of changing your perspective about a very broad idea? An artifact that can dramatically change your daily leisure time activities? I am sure that each and every one of us has an artifact that made the aforementioned changes to his life; for example your mobile phone, laptop, a game, etc. One of these artifacts is my E–book reader (The Amazon Kindle) which I owned around eighteen months ago. My relationship with my kindle taught me how to enjoy reading not only from E–books, but for hardcopy books and any other means. It introduces me to many different cultures like the American and student cultures and I got to know how books are valuable in their life. In addition, it enriched me with valuable secondhand ... Show more content on ... I can clearly see how the libraries are circulated everywhere in the American cities and campuses. I have visited some local libraries here in the U.S., and I was amazed by the number of people who visit them regularly. It is something you cannot see in the culture that I came from (The modern Persian Gulf culture) where there're not too many libraries available; and if there are any, they are abandoned–nobody visit them. In addition, Most of American libraries now support E–books and have an electronic system for borrowing them as well. Students, on the other hand, are used to using the internet and its resources in their courses. The time when students carry with tens of kilograms of books is gone. So, it is more convenient for them to read using E–books which becomes part of their culture as people who love portability and ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Adolescence And Artifact Adolescence and Artifact Paper The artifact from my adolescent years is the revolution of perm and or relaxer kits. Black women and girls would go crazy for this stuff. Perm kits are a chemical based product that women put in their hair to relax the strains of their hair to become straight. This was seen most commonly in African American community. Our hair texture is normally kinky or curly. The kit processed the hair to be more manageable and straight. The age that I feel that describes adolescence is 13 years old. At that age girls are developing and learning about themselves. This is the time where everything starts to semi make sense in their minds. They can feel their body transitioning, but still be able to be a child. In my opinion ... Show more content on ... When I was 10– 12 years old I begged my mother to let me get a perm. She denied my request daily. On my 13th birthday she took me to the beauty shop and told me, I was getting a perm. I screamed so loud. You would've thought I had won the lottery. The reason why I wanted a perm was because every one of my friends at my school had one too. After a year or so of having a perm and getting them touched up, I told my mom that my hair started to come out. She instantly decided to let the perm grow out and stop there. I then started doing them myself the older I got, until one day my hair started to fall out again. I started doing research on healthy hair for black women. I came across articles about other women hair falling out because of perms. I started to notice my hair was so uneven and different textures and such, I became so intrigued in the topic I decided to do study this more seriously. It almost was my after school job. My junior year of high school, I decided to perform the "big chop" on my hair. Which is where a woman cuts out all of the damage hair and start from scratch. My friends turned on me, and I was an outsider for that next year. But I had the support of my family. I stuck with it from then to present day. This item represents my adolescence because it taught me so much about myself, which has still been a leading cause in my life even now. I have been natural since 2009 and I do not regret my decision at ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Value Of Artifact I. I believe humans have a need to express themselves through created artifacts because it gives them a sense of purpose. It allows them to express their views and thoughts of what existence should mean or to help answer many of life's questions. Humans create to keep lessons imprinted in time, so they are not forgotten, so that mistakes may not get repeated. Humans create things of deeper expression to pass on knowledge and emotions. A. What studying my United States Submarine dolphin warfare insignia explained about the larger human need to express was that people create to pass on knowledge, or to encapsulate emotion and expression in time. The need to express originated as a technique to survive. To survive our ancestors needed pass on technique and experience, they needed to create a method of expression. As time progressed and humans evolved they started questioning things, they looked to understand happenings around them. They started to question their existence and purpose. Artifact creation tells stories and embodies the creator's visions to be passed along to others in hopes that they may learn and feel. B. ... Show more content on ... This whole course has shown me that artifacts often have long stories behind them. Some may be more influential or accessible to a society, but all creators have a strong purpose when designing an artifact. Often artifacts are treasured in communities where they are created. Artifacts tend to represent ideas, thoughts and feelings. II. I believe the act of human creative expression impacts culture because of the education system. The education system uses' artifacts to teach generations about historical events. Some artifacts capture different aspects of previous cultures and can be used to describe the ideologies and technologies of those ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Video London Underground Dinner Party The video London Underground Dinner Party displays many different aspects of culture within the London commuter community. The video shows a group of young people setting up a table and sitting down to eat food together in the middle of the train. Interestingly, there are different microcultures present on this one train cart made up of ten to thirty people at a time. Those involved, receive very different and varying interactions with the others present on the train. These responses and interactions represent the differences in cultures throughout this small train car. Specifically, in the forms of knowledge, behavior and the cultural artifacts found throughout the video. This video is only a few minutes in length, but is able to show so much if you look closely and pause the video from time to time. In the forms of cultural knowledge the boy had set up the table and waited for his friends to arrive. Once they had arrived the boy shook their hands to greet them and welcomed them to the table. After many of the people arrived, they began talking and engaging in eye contact which is another form of cultural knowledge specific to theirs. Passing food from one person to another and then to those positioned away from the table. In some cultures sharing food is seen as a polite, bonding gesture as it is displayed in the video. Another cultural knowledge specific to some, is the cheers that are given before a meal using glasses, however on this train they displayed cheers at ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Nina's Artifact For this assignment, the artifact I have chosen is a six–panel, comic strip called Nina's Adventures by Nina Paley. The charming and amusing comic strip is centered around a person asking a Buddhist God if they "ever feel like [they're] surrounded by stupid sheep" (Paley). The God goes on to explain how the Buddhist myth (narrative) of reincarnation, or rebirth, is involved in the increased amount of sheep–like people (Paley). The God reasons that with an increased population of people more animals (particularly sheep) are being consumed rapidly (Paley). In return, sheep souls outweigh the amount of human souls available for rebirth, making the sheep reincarnate into humans (Paley). The character goes on to say "that is the best argument for ... Show more content on ... Particularly, people believe that others partake in religion for support or because serves a fulfilling purpose in their life. However, most individuals who are fully invested in a religion or practice feel as though it is a concrete science backed by their narratives and faith in them. This is displayed in Nina's Adventures. With the use of this religious narrative as a "scientific explanation," Nina's Adventures tackles the outlook that religion is an illogical subject, backed by the secular version of a myth. As Buddhist believe in rebirth fundamentally, they see their religious narratives as pieces of concrete truth, like a science. This comic strip by Nina Paley is an interesting way to present the logicality of religion in a funny, non–threatening way. With the use of humor, attractive illustrations, and simple break down of an intense religious theme, Paley allows the viewer to see her point clearly and in an approachable ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Artifact Essay I. Describe the artifact in detail. For instance, how would you describe it to someone who could not see it? [You practiced this 2–4–1 Short Answer: Seeing Your Artifact in a New Light.] Your response might include basic and technical details about the artifact, such as its medium, who made it, where it comes from, and what area of the humanities it belongs to: "All Shook Up" is an American rock– and–roll song, written by Otis Blackwell and sung by Elvis Presley, recorded and released in 1957. The song is approximately two minutes long. You could also describe what the artifact depicts, what it is about: In the song Elvis sings about the symptoms that he is experiencing from being in love and how they affect him physically and mentally ... Show more content on ... One can also locate video of Elvis performing it live. A person alive in the 1950s could have experienced the song live in person. This would be a different experience since he or she would have been surrounded by a lot of screaming fans. Music can be experienced in a variety of places, either socially (at a bar or diner) or alone, and what is going on around the listener at the time can affect the experience. Lastly, one can experience the song to some degree as a kind of poetry simply by reading the lyrics. What catches my senses is her beauty and her impressive size. When viewed from far it looks tiny however, from close range it is an amazing sculpture. From the pedestal to the top it measures 305 feet and 6 inches, with the face measuring over 8 feet tall and weighs 225 tons. The fact that she is more than just a monument; a symbol of freedom, it makes anyone continue to learn more about her. III. State your opinion on what you believe is the purpose of this artifact and the success of the creator in achieving the purpose. For instance, what message do you believe the creator is trying to express, and is that message successfully expressed? [You examined this in 2–3– 1 Worksheet: Reasons for Creating Artifacts.] "All Shook Up" is intended to present the physical and mental state of being in love, one of the big themes ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Skype Artifact Skype computational device A. The computational device that will be shown in the Artifact is Skype. Skype is an application that provides video chat and voice call services. Users can send videos, pictures, texts, and files. Skype is free to call and contact other skype users, but it will cost money, or Skype Credit, to contact mobile phones. Also with buying Skype Credits to gain premium status, users can access over 2,000,000 Skype WiFi hotspots. My artifact will illustrate the big picture of how Skype works. I will be showing how the calling and sending messages function and also the screen sharing function. B. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C. Skype has a role in a lot of everyday communication for some ... Show more content on ... Skype uses little to none bandwidth to send voice calls, ranging from 30kbps to 100kbps. Sending messages would be relatively easy as it goes through the user's router and then to the recipients router, and finally it shows up on their screen. Skype is largely based on user user communication and most for most of the time, there doesn't need to have another server to send messages. Instead of a proxy server, supernodes are used for data flow and user connection. If there is a restrictive firewall blocking two users from using skype and sending messages, Skype uses a method called "Hole Punching." This method will open up a communication channel through the firewall which will allow messages to be sent through. A data concern that has been on Skype for a while is called DorkBot. DorkBot is more or less of a scam in which it will send users a link with a message prompting the user to click on it. Upon clicking on the link, a virus would have been downloaded into the user's computer. After the virus has been downloaded, the computer will be connected to a botnet and it will leave the user's computer dormant until a certain amount of money is paid. There are also other viruses which upon getting them, will allow people to see what the Skype user is sending. They can see files being sent, messages being sent, and even control the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Artifact Assignment Goals: The main goals of the assignment was to introduce myself and articulate a challenge relating to one of the modes of written, oral, visual, electronic, or non–verbal communication. Another goal of the assignment was to predict ways to overcome the challenges in the class using past experiences. Argument/Purpose: My purpose in the artifact was to show the audience that I anticipate challenges with oral communication, and I hope to strengthen the oral mode through practice. I made the argument visible in my artifact by providing stories from my High School English class. Audience: The intended audience for my artifact was English 1101 classmates as well as Georgia Tech faculty members to inform them about my weakness in one of the modes ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Artifact In Teaching The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. Summary of Artifacts The artifacts used are peer evaluations on my teaching practices. Artifact 1, "Classroom Visit," is an observation review of my instructional strategies used during a Shared Reading lesson with my first–grade students. The USD 501 school district has employed instructional coaches to help teachers successfully improve their instructional strategies in the classroom by offering instructional reflection, support, and coaching. The ... Show more content on ... During my student teaching internship, I relied heavily on the expertise and opinions of my cooperating teacher. Her insight gave me a realistic and encouraging viewpoint to help with instructional strategies I was unfamiliar with and at times awkward in implementing. As a professional of her craft, she guided me though the collaborative process, help me set realistic goals, and was very supportive in offering me suggestions for improvement. She also provided me quality feedback in identifying my strengths to help build my confidence. Artifact 2 is an example of her evaluation of my professional performance as a teacher. After her evaluation, we would review her observation notes and set new targets for my improvement. This proved fundamental in my learning experience as a student ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Drones Artifact Agricultural drones 2a.Agricultural drones are unmanned aerial vehicles that are used for soil and field analysis. They can produce accurate 3D maps that can conduct soil analysis on numerous soil properties. The goal of precision agriculture or drones is to more efficiently apply a farm's limited resources to gain maximum yield (Nixon). They can also irrigate crops and analyze crops, deciding which are healthy and which are not more effectively than farmers. My artifact conveys the function of these drones by having depictions of them doing some of their jobs and it compares them to traditional farming, showing higher efficiency. 2b.I used Adobe Photoshop to create my artifact. First, I downloaded pictures off the internet, saving them into ... Show more content on ... Drones can collect data in a lot of different ways. They can use 3D mapping to analyze soil. They can use this data to decide seed planting patterns, irrigation, and to monitor nitrogen levels. They can also have hyperspectral, multispectral, or thermal sensors to identify which crops are more dry or needs improvements. This data allows for the drone to decide which areas need more attention. By scanning a crop using both visible and near–infrared light, drone–carried devices can identify which plants reflect different amounts of green light and NIR light. This information can produce multispectral images that track changes in plants and indicate their health. A speedy response can save an entire orchard. Distance–measuring equipment–ultrasonic echoing and lasers such as those used in the light–detection and ranging, or LiDAR, method–enables a drone to adjust altitude as the topography and geography vary, and thus avoid collisions. All this data is used through various cameras and imaging to make the drones effective at keeping crops healthy. With such a large amount of data usage and storage comes a large amount of data security concerns. The FBI and USDA believe that cyber attackers might target the farming industry by stealing farm–level data in bulk (information about soil content, past crop yields, planting recommendations, etc.) or destroying it in protest. They have also warned the attacker may encrypt collected data and hold it for ransom (Zorz). If these do ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Artifact: My First Artifacts My first artifact is the American Flag. The American flag is red,white,and blue. On the blue part there are 50 stars on it, each one represents a state. There are red and white stripes beside the blue part. This is important to me because I love my country and I would do anything to protect it. Another reason I chose it is the flag gave me my freedom and if it were not for that flag we would have monarchy instead on democracy. I have another one I'd like to share with you. It is my television or TV. My TV is a smart tv so it can get on the internet. It is black and 54''inches. One, of the reasons I chose my TV is because it shows who I am by what I watch. My next reason is because I can hook my computer up to it with a cord and see what I'm ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Artifact : Artifact For Licensure Competency Artifact Cover Sheet Artifact for Licensure Competency #3 [InTASC Std. 2] – Learning Differences: The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. (Teaching Scholars, Developers of Human Potential) Candidate: Michaela Chamberlain Name of Artifact: Learning Differences Date: 11/ 04/ 2015 Course: Educational Psychology 3113 RATIONALE: Description: What is your artifact? My artifact is an analysis over my understanding of the different ways individuals learn based on their cultures. It demonstrates my knowledge of learner differences and shows how I plan to meet the needs of each learner in a way that will impact their education and help them succeed. My artifact shows how I plan to meet the different needs of each learner through my lesson and equip them with the knowledge to meet high standards. Analysis: How does this artifact demonstrate you understand the competency? My artifact demonstrates my understanding of the competency by the in depth analysis over how I am going to meet the needs of each of my students learning styles, through my lesson. My artifact demonstrates my understanding of this competency by giving specific examples of how I plan to meet the needs of each students' learning style. By addressing how I plan to work with students who have exceptionalities, I am showing that I understand not all students ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Archeological Field Method Paper Finding an arrowhead is a dream every child has held at one time or another. The ones who hold that dream the longest become archaeologists. Studying the lithic material from a site can seem tedious and dull, but the information that can be gleaned from it is invaluable. The type of lithic material can provide insight into the lifestyle, tool production, trading habits, and a possible time period of habitation. We aimed to discover some of this information from the items recovered during the two weeks of excavation at the East Carolina University Summer Ventures Archaeological Field Methods class. Background The Summer Ventures Archeological Field Methods team conducted field work at the site 31Pt501 known as Koon's Landing in Grifton, North ... Show more content on ... This artifact is believed to be a hammer stone and part of the stone had a rougher patch that seems indented from its use as a hammer stone. The smooth texture on one side indicates the stone may have been found near the creek by the original owners (Figure 7). Hammer stones come in all shapes and sizes across a variety of cultures. They are usually stones found, not made, by indigenous people. They are comprised of local materials and could fit into hands securely. They are most likely the oldest tools used by apes and humans. Certain species of apes are known to use hammer stones to crack open hard shelled food and as weapons against other groups or individuals. The stone was found a few centimeters to the right of a core (Figure 7). A core is the original object flakes and shatter come from (Andrefsky, 2005). Cores are modified to become a tool or create flakes that will later become tools themselves. The core found at Koon's Landing was made of quartzite, a material usually chosen to make projectile points or other tools because it is extremely durable. Though the stone and the core were found close to each other, no quartzite flakes or shatter were found nearby. The hammers stone and core seem to be discarded, supporting the hypothesis of a dumping site close to Contentnea ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Artifact Vs Artifact Artifacts would be better kept in certain conditions, and some places are not suited to do so. The artifacts that have been here for centuries that are not put in the correct conditions have degraded and some have come to the point of no return, having been broken down and rendered unusable. This could have been prevented, had the artifacts been put in an environment where they could be cared for and enjoyed longer. Many people argue that they should be returned to their place of origin, but is that really worth risking the artifact? They can still be looked at, admired and inspected, just in a better environment. The money that museums get can be used to support the upkeep of these items, letting them live longer and create a reliable income ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Should Culture Be A Commodity Should culture be a commodity? In other words, should culture be able to be bought and sold for a profit? Cultural artifacts, by any meaningful measure, currently are a commodity. They are bought and sold on the art market in places as far and wide as legitimate auctions in London or New York to sale on the thriving black market trade currently funding a brutal terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq. A more famous example, of culture acting as commodity, took place in 2007 when the Guennol Lioness, a famous Mesopotamian statue, was sold in Sotheby 's for an astounding fifty seven point two million dollars. It was bought by a private collector and is now, of course, out of the public eye. Coming back to the central question, I am of the opinion that culture should not be a commodity due to its effect on the context of the objects as well as its effect on the cultural value of the artifacts to the various stakeholders in question. If the buying and selling of cultural artifacts does one thing well, it is the destruction of context. In The Ethics of Archaeology (2006), Robert Layton and Gillian Wallace state that "the crime of the undocumented antiquities trade is its undocumented destruction of context" (p. 57). As they point out, this destruction of context can be simple and in some ways benign. Something as simple as the removal of a Byzantine coin being removed from its original context "in a money pouch" to "a museum case or a collector 's coin display board" ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Physics Of Egyptian Archaeology From the start of the Carter's article, it is made known that clearing the objects from the antechamber is a delicate and difficult process. Each object needs to be handled carefully, or they can crumble. The process was slow and, and put significant amount of pressure on archaeologists. One wrong move, and evidence and knowledge from the past could be gone. Additionally, not all excavations are carried out properly, and because of this knowledge of Egyptian Archaeology is fifty percent less than what it should be. Carter mentions there were many things that could have gone wrong, one of these things being theft. Since everyone was excited about the tomb and because of the valuables, guards and security were needed to minimize the chance of theft. Furthermore, the condition of the objects careful treatment was of concern and, and also visitors. The first step of the process is photography. For this, movable electric standard lighting was required to take pictures of the chamber before anything else. The photos were developed in an empty tomb used as a dark room. Next, they made a registering system with numbers so later they know where the object came from in the tomb. Then, Carter describes, it was important to find a seclude storage and private space for the objects once removed, which they found in the tomb of Seti II. This tomb was protected from the sun and open, although there were some space issues and distance problems from the scene. Moreover, Carter also notes ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Observable Artifacts What Are The Observable Artifacts, Espoused Values, And Basic Assumptions Associated Chrysler's With Chrysler Culture. Making a sacrifice to take the automobile industry to a different level was a dream that came true for Mr. Sergio Marchionne. Taking Detroit by storm and bringing them back to life, putting them back on the map for what they do best. "For the past seven months the 57 year old italian–born Canadian has been working to shake up Chrysler and move the company away from the old ways that forced it into bankruptcy. The physical back end stories about the company are the dress code, and rituals within a company". (Chrysler Group, LLC. (n.d.). The observable artifacts the old way of thinking was to place a rebate on the cars that were sold and double ... Show more content on ... As is the case with Chrysler, organizations can possess characteristics of each type, but generally have one that is more dominant than the others. By looking at the two fundamental dimensions or axes, we can determine the new type of organizational culture manifested through the changes orchestrated by Marchionne".( "Business," 2015). Paying back all the government loans ahead of time getting the corporation through the bankruptcy coming back on top, with the vision that the new CEO had and what he has done each year produce more cars and provided more jobs for the people in Detroit trying to bring the life back to the city to what was a big tourist State that people enjoy going to. With the new changes that Chrysler has begin maybe this will bring people back to Detroit for the new jobs that are now open. Chrysler has went through a lot throughout the years and with the new CEO Shocking the organization with new ideas that are working it's up to the new executive to continue with the new ideas that they have been taught so that the vision can continue to be seen by ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Technology Artifact Most people when asked "what is the benefits of technology?" would say without hesitation "it connects people closer together". In reality, most of us are more disconnected than ever and don't even know it. The ease in which we are able to reach each other has inadvertently gotten us away from the interactions that once put us closer together. My artifact 1 focuses on these issues of technology, and how technology makes us more disconnected than ever before. The advancement of technology has given us two realities, our digital self and our real self. We have come to rely on technology, to such an extent in our daily functions, that we get anxiety when we are not using it for a period of time. The usage of technology is not inherently bad, but the neglect of the people we around, is bad. We feel the need to constantly stay connected to our virtual reality, that we may forget that we are living in the present day. ... Show more content on ... Irony is the biggest one, as it is ironic that many believe that technology connects us closer together when it actually does not. Also it is ironic how many of the social activities that we engage with that are meant to bring two or more people together, such as attending a concert, or dinner at a restaurant, may not serve it's purpose as people tend to spend majority of their time recording the event or using their phone rather than talking to each other. Even when we look at social medias such as Facebook where everyone is supposedly connected and are "friends". Ironically enough we have way more "friends" in Facebook, than we probably would ever have in real life, and majority of them are acquaintances than actual friends. Furthermore, there is also a use of rhetorical question so that the audience can use deductive reason as to their own usage of technology and the things that they neglect because of its ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Artifact Examples The artifact is a fundraiser flyer I created using Microsoft Word. The fundraiser was created to not only to unite the school and community but to raise donation for the annual eighth grade field trip to New York City. The document exhibits my proficiency in word art, clip art, and the use of a template. I was able to change front color, outline a border, and insert pictures to the flyer. In creating this fundraiser flyer, I demonstrated that I know how to "contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self–renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community." The Nowland ED Tech Portfolio website was created on which is a model of one I might use for my future classroom. The creation of this artifact is an excellent tool in keeping parents and students well informed on class expectations, class events, and/or weekly homework assignments. With the use of a template, I was able to insert and create hyperlinks to my blog, and file page. In addition, I created back buttons that restores the user to their previous page. By creating this artifact, I showed that I can "evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make ... Show more content on ... The blog was created using found in my Goggle+ email account. Over a period of four months, I posted and commented on educational tools that technology can bring to a classroom. In addition, I embedded videos and a fun Voki. There are a number of ways which I could use this weblog. The blog can be used to inform students and parents about classroom activities, or I can create a weblog displaying interesting lesson plans for my peers to utilize. By creating this artifact, I meet Standard 1 by "model(ing) collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face–to–face and virtual ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Artifact Essay Artifact Ricardo Delgado Lee College Artifact Writer's Memo The paper is based off of a couple of things that are not ever too far away from a person. One being a watch because ever since they were invented they have been used all across the world. The other is video games which went from a simple console that you had to plug into the television and play to being super accessible because it is in every ones' person. Thesis Apple The artifact mentioned in the essay is watch; now in class we talked about how certain things can be used to determine gender. A smart watch relates to this because it has cases and bands, focusing on apple watches. The apple watch comes in different sizes and colors. The size that one gets depends ... Show more content on ... Guts The guts of a watch are the source of its existence without them the watch cannot function. There are multiple differences in what goes into a watch. Some watches can be made from expensive things like diamonds or emeralds while others are just made of different stainless steels. For example, regular watches are made of tiny gears placed on top of each other in a watch shell made of plastic or some type of metal. Smart watches on the other hand are made up like computers because they use circuit boards, processors, rechargeable batteries, and other small components. Not only are watches made up of that but they also use some different bands that also have hundreds of different forms from wood, to metal, and nylon which means you can accessorize as much as you like. Fashion A watch is not only an accessory that is used to tell time anymore due to the fact that we live in an era in which we use smart phones to check for time. A watch has become more than just an accessory that we use to tell time. In our era, we use smart phones to check for the time nine times out of ten. Watches have become a symbol that defines the person that wears it. We do not use watches to tell time anymore we use them as a fashion statement. Since men do not traditionally wear as much jewelry as ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Cloning Artifact HOVERBIKES TO CLONNING ARTEFACTS: TECH TAKES THE WORLD BY STORM This world has come a long way in terms of technology and there is no stopping, there are tons of advancements taking place in different parts of the world. The latest is discovery of flying bikes in Dubai. The civil force of Dubai states that they've brought these bikes touching skies called 'Hover bikes' for meeting security needs. The specialty of these bikes is that they can flutter and clear the traffic in case of emergency situations. It can run for 30 to 40 mins depending upon how the hover drown is being handled, officials says that its height limit is kept 6m for precautions reasons. These hover bikes are to set to become part of Dubai's civil service ahead of Expo 2020. ... Show more content on ... Your desire might come true soon because Japan has come up with an unimaginable cloning technique which brings back life to destroyed artifacts and statues. Japan's Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Research has combined the techniques of 3D mapping and 3D printing to make statues and its layers. It also uses some traditional art techniques by hand materials for framing the textures of models which gives originality to statues. The main purpose of this cloning technology is to let people rejoice the lost and eroded culture through cloned artifacts. Technology has shortened conventional books to E–books and now tech world is all set to launch waterproof Kindle. Amazon has come up with an e–reader which is impervious to water. The new Kindle oasis has a 7–inch long display and is of user friendly shape which makes it comfortable to use it for longer period. It has the capacity to withstand water 2m deep for around 60 minutes. This oasis has more customized settings than the previous editions, there are more advancements in the font styles. It also has a flamboyant light censor which automatically adjusts screen light according to the light of atmosphere. All these features will definitely help in soaring the declined sale of e–readers. Along with technologies mentioned above, there are some others as well which are being tested like 'Nuclear clean up aquatic robot', it is being made to explore nuclear storage and facilities. Small cameras and censors are inserted inside the robot. The researchers are hoping that this device will successfully detect fuel in a reactor so that later on it can be removed ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Teacher Artifact This artifact consisted in developing an essay addressing the three key areas in the role of the teacher: effective communication with a variety of constituents; consistent application of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct in professional and personal conduct; and clear comprehension of the grounds and procedures for disciplinary actions that can be imposed by the Education Practices Commission (EPC). Passion, knowledge of our duties, responsibility, and preparation are the key factors on which teachers should focus their teaching; these are the essential components that will permit teachers be ready for any situation and run a successful classroom. It is key to engage systematic reflection on our own teaching. Research has shown how deliberate and critical reflection on teaching practices contributes to excellence in our role as teachers, and improved educational outcomes for all children. Teachers are encouraged to regularly evaluate ... Show more content on ... My students will be facing a person who inspires and encourages them to strive for greatness, live to their fullest potential and see the best in themselves. Students learn through me, through my commitment to excellence and through my ability to make them realize their own personal growth. I will be there for my students willing to give them advice and guidance. I also gained relevant knowledge when working on this artifact; now I feel myself more skilled to help my students develop a love of learning and become lifelong learners as well as understand themselves and those around them. I have also realized that much of what students learn from us, the teachers, is not detailed on a syllabus; we are who help them grow as responsible people, acquire talents they bring with them to school, and develop new, necessary skills and abilities to be successful in school and in ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Steering Behavior in Virtual Environment Essay CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview In 21st century where IT is affecting every aspect of life we can see the effect of computer, electronics and modern machines in every domain. This big penetration in our life has demanded the automation of all these machines. The automation or the quest to make them smarter and more independent has led to seek applications in the fields of Steering behavior, Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms. 1.2 Steering Behavior in Virtual Environment Steering Behaviors present solutions for one major requirement of intelligent agents in animation, games, virtual reality and robotic movement: the ability to navigate around their world may be real may be simulated in a life–like and improvisational ... Show more content on ... Depending upon the experimental configuration, changes can be done in destination, behavior, acceleration, speed or manipulation of the intelligent agent. The approach taken in this paper is to make steering behaviors as entirely independent from the underlying locomotion scheme. A simple locomotion model will be presented in order to make the discussion of steering behaviors more accurate. Our locomotion model is based on a simple vehicle model. 1.2.2 Virtual Agents To cater the need of computer animation, interactive media such as games and virtual reality there is need for intelligent agent, those who can navigate according to requirement. These agents may have some ability to improvise their actions according to situation. This project will use the term intelligent to denote these agents which are intelligent agents in a virtual world who may be interacting with other agents. Intelligent agents are intended for use in computer animation and various interactive media such as games and virtual reality. This project will use the term virtual to denote these agents which, rather than being simulations of an electrical device in the real world, are instead intelligent agents in a virtual world. 1.2.3 Behavior Hierarchy
  • 74. In this project the term behavior is used to refer to the improvisational and life type actions of intelligent agents. The behavior of an intelligent agent can be better understood by ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. American Artifact This question caught my attention because I have commonly heard the quote, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world". I questioned the reality of the quote. Life has many obstacles and people give up on their dreams to settle for more conventional and attainable realities. However, when I was searching for artifacts and reflected upon them the thought changed. After reading about those who stuck with their dreams, I came to a conclusion. A person's dream can indeed change the world. In my search for answers, I came to learn about four individuals who had to risk and sacrifice to change the world. They used their dreams to inspire, influence and raise awareness. My first artifact was a magazine article from The Atlantic titled "Reading MLK in New Zealand." It was a narrative about how Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech not only influenced the United States, but the world and more specifically New Zealand. His dream of a hopeful future for all races resonated with the Maori. The Maori have faced racism, encroachment and continue to have a low socioeconomic status. Their struggles resemble those of blacks in the US. In the 60s, both groups had protest ... Show more content on ... It detailed Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta shared a dream, the fair treatment of farm workers. They knew of the dangerous working conditions, low wages, and racism farm workers faced. Farm workers were the people who allowed Americans to enjoy many fruits and vegetables, they were invisible to the majority of Americans. Chavez and Huerta wanted to change the system. They organized strikes and boycotts demanding the recognition of the exploited workers. Chavez was often confronted by the police and was arrested numerous times. They never stopped and got important legislation passed. They are celebrated by the Latino community for fighting for them. Their portraits grace many Latino works of ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Cultural Artifact Why the Artifact was Selected This artifact was a written final exam analyzing issues relating to leadership and diversity in the course Leadership in Multicultural Organizations. This artifact demonstrates knowledge, comprehension, and analysis of the concepts and theories of leadership, issues of diversity in organizations, and strategies for managing differences among today's multicultural workforce. I selected this artifact because it discusses and describes the link between leadership approaches and diversity and it compares and contrasts current leadership practices in the United States (US). Alignment of the Artifact to the Learning Outcome This artifact gave me the opportunity to analysis organizational diversity challenges and compare ... Show more content on ... The artifact allowed me to gain knowledge in the approaches of diversity leadership issues. Thomas (1995) offers eight basic leadership responses as an approach to diversity. The foster mutual adaption response approach, "...unequivocally endorses diversity" (Thomas, 1995, p. 251). Thomas (1995) states that under this approach, "...the parties involved accept and understand differences and diversity, recognizing full well that those realities may call for adaption on the part of all components of the whole" (p. 251). Thomas (1995) purposes a diversity framework be used to as a, "... point of departure for evolving a framework to guide managers in making decisions regarding diversity mixtures of all kinds" (p. 252). The framework processes revolve around three objectives for leadership as recognize diversity mixtures present, decide whether a response is required, and select an appropriate response or blended response (Thomas, ... Get more on ...