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Ethnographic Review Sample
Hi Allison, great post. Conducting ethnographic research requires full commitment of the researchers because they have to immerse themselves in the
culture they are studying (Grove, Gray, & Burns, 2015). It is similar to assimilation of immigrants to the host country. I remembered a saying, "you can
take a person out of a village, but not the village out of the person." Immigrants have to learn not only the culture and traditions, but also the
sociocultural norms and language of the host country. However, unlike the immigrants, the researchers have to make sure not to be a part of the
studied culture in order to keep the integrity of the research. I was wondering about the socioeconomic status of the Chinese patient you have. She
might not
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Example Of Ethnography Paper
Ethnography tells about a culture and the members that comprise this culture. A definition is the scientific description of the customs and individual
people of a culture. The process of doing this assignment allowed me to explore another aspect of a cultural group. I was able to learn extensively
about interactions between individuals and how see them as a culture. The group that comprises my ethnography is a cultural group very common to
Utah. The culture I focused on was the LDS culture, to be more specific I studied a sub–culture of this group. My subculture was a group of 12 year
old adolescents that are a Sunday school class in this culture.
First we must have an understanding of the background of more content...
The lessons all come from a manual and focus on the LDS doctrine just simplified for 12 year olds to understand more fully.
I chose this particular cultural group because I have always wanted to study and look more deeply into the LDS culture and I enjoy seeing how
teenagers work and grow. This gave me the opportunity to accomplish both, study the culture and an age group of interest. I expected that
everyday would be pretty similar with this class and I was totally wrong in that aspect. I also felt a bit overwhelmed with the class members
because I haven't been in a room full of wild teenagers for a while and it was a little crazy to say the least. The biggest shock was the change of
calm to crazy in the matter of seconds between the members, I have gotten used to being around well behaved adults and it was a different world in
that class room. How the class ran every Sunday depended greatly on the members of this group and their behavior for that day and other factors
associated among them.
This class is made up of 8–12 students, all depending on how many show up. The class roster has a total of 12 but the average class size is 8–9
students. Of these students 90% are male. This means that one a normal day there are 7 or 8 boys and only 1 girl. On occasion there is another female
but more males to maintain that 90% male dominance. The group is a male dominant group,
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Example Of Ethnographic Essay
This study will employ ethnographic research methods for data collection and it will be comprised of:
Participant Observation:
In this research, I will utilize an observation method to record behaviors, activities, teaching methods, language of instruction, community centers and
home learning environments, teachers' awareness of refugee students' needs, parents' educational support, the refugee students' previous educational
experiences, language barrier, and educational resources. Moreover, I will also observe and record participants' physical environment, socio–economics
and cultural milieu. The observations will be conducted in two community centers and three family houses. The families will be observed for seven to
eight hours a more content...
Introduction and Appreciation Meeting:
At the beginning of the data collection, a church leader will introduce the researcher with the participants. It will also provide a chance for the
researcher to explain the research aims, participants' rights, and voluntarily participation policy. At the end of the data collection, the researcher will
also have a meeting with the participants, wherein the researcher will express his gratitude to the participants, with some gifts. The meeting will also
give an opportunity for the researcher to share the findings with the participants.
Reflective Field Notes:
Throughout my data collections I will be jotting down my emic and etic perspectives about their educational experience. For this study, it is essential
for the researcher to keep a record of reflective field notes. Since, refugee participants may have seen or experienced some violence and persecution in
their home county and, currently, may have been facing challenges as well. And, sometimes, they may not be able to describe their unpleasant
experiences and often pause or have tears in their eyes. Therefore, the researcher's reflective field notes will attempt to record those instances on a
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Ethnographic Research Essay
Ethnographic research is the scientific description of specific human cultures, foreign to the ethnographer. Each ethnographer has his or her own
way of conducting research and all of these different ideas can be transmitted and understood in a number of different ways. Because there is no
one set idea of how an ethnographer should go about his or her research, conflicts arise. In Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco, Paul Rabinow uses
a story like process to discuss his experiences during his research in Morocco. This makes it easier for the reader to understand his ideas then just
having a technical book about the many different aspects of Moroccan life that he may have discovered. In Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of more content...
Once I had become comfortable with myself and the language I would pick a part of the society that I would like to focus on. Similar to what Paul
Willis's study, which Marcus described in his paper, of a group of twelve boys in a working class school, I would first go straight to the primary
source. In Rabinow's book he takes the opposite approach and goes from place to place not focusing on one certain aspect of culture but a broad
range of different ideas of society. I think that this approach may be more difficult because there os so much more that has to be looked at and
understood. For instance, Rabinow must learn two different languages, French and Arabic just to understand the people around him. Then travel all
around Morocco and obtain information on a numerous amount of different cultures. Though this practice of fieldwork has its benefits, describing
one aspect of a society goes more in depth. Focusing on one aspect of a culture, I would want to obtain an exact understanding of what these people
were doing and how they felt they fit into society. After obtaining as much information as I could from my informants, I would go back to my notes
and try to make some sense of them without trying to distort their views of themselves in any way. I would then go to another source of information, in
Willis's example this would be the teachers. By getting more then one perspective of a certain
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Example Of Ethnographical Thesis
Forgive me for taking so long. Your class was so helpful it gave me a world of knowledge that was needed. I appreciated the way you taught the
first class it sharpened and shaped me for the next week and my journey. I was overwhelmed with the information and it took me all week to finally
train my mind to focus on this assignment in the way you showed me. Doing a ethnographical dissertation does not have a lot of examples to go by in
the formation of this type of dissertation. All though my information is not a lot it took me this long to finally train my brain on the direction. I hope I
can get feed back to build upon.
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Ethnographic Essay Examples
Clink, Clink, Clink. The steady continuous clinking awoke me from my slumber. As I looked around I saw a pale–skinned man clothed in a dirty
loincloth holding a chisel in his left hand and a mallet in the other working on a statue to my left. I studied the room and my eyes landed on a puddle
of water on the ground. I was a statue wearing stone clothing which hung loosely around my body. On top, my head was stone hair in a small bun. My
hands were in an odd configuration with my right hand facing away from me and my left–hand point down with my little finger and my ringer finger
folded. However, my feet were bare and showing and I was sitting on top of some sort of flower.
Another man clothed in what appeared to be flowy cloth decorated with small intricate designs stepped into the room more content...
People were on the streets; some were leisurely strolling along while others were pushing large carts brimming with an assortment of oddly–shaped
goods. Large creatures covered in fur sporting great bumps on their backs were trotting around on four feet. On top of them were men clothed in a
loose flowy cloth carrying a variety of different trunks and bags draped across the backs and sides of these creatures. They followed in a single line of
seven or eight (I later learned these to be called caravans).
The man carrying me ducked into a nearby enclosure. He set me down on a bar and removed the cloth covering my body. He looked at me keenly,
as if memorizing each detail of my face. I was surrounded by an array of mismatched goods, glimmering yellow metal, several tiny white orbs, and
cloth which appeared to be soft to the touch. Some time passed when another man with dark skin stepped into the enclosure. He scanned the table on
which the goods and I were on. The dark–skinned man called out to a creature (one which I saw before). The man who stole me smirked and shook
hands with the dark–skinned
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Example Of Ethnography Essay
This week we talked about the different ethnic groups and cultures from all over the world. MCPSH is very diverse due to which we got a change
to learn something new from various cultures. One very interesting was the gesture we use have different meaning in every cultured. Shaking our
head up and down means yes in America, but in Albania it means no. So, while talking to someone from Albania we could be saying yes, but they
will take is as no because that is what shaking your head up and down mean there. It is very important to be aware of these small things in other
culture because as a pharmacist we will deal with the people of every culture in our daily lives. Knowing these things about their culture can be a big
thing while helping them
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Ethnographic Observation Essay
Ethnographic Observation
I set out to find a place to begin my observations, not knowing what to fully expect, what I may find. So I decided to look around at what is close to
my home that isn't a place I frequent or have even visited at all. Then it came to me, the Starbucks that is only about a mile away is a perfect place for
me to observe subjects that I would consider different from myself, seeing as how I consider such obscene prices for coffee ridiculous. Starbucks is a
very popular chain of coffee vendors that describe their product as more about quality than what Americans are used to in typical coffee joints.
Although I know it is poor technique of me as an anthropologist to have prejudice about any place more content...
Most of the groupings were either just singular people or couples coming to pick up either a plain coffee or most of the females ordering some
mixed espresso or something to that degree. There were a couple of oddities in the data such as a one older couple that came by and also one black
male also stopped by to pick up some coffee. Most the behavior I observed was a very casual and relaxed as the people seemed to all be friendly
and enjoying their absurd priced beverages. Once in awhile someone would recognize a fellow customer and they would proceed to great each other
with either a handshake or hug. Spatial arrangement between people was typical of most American norms. They typically had about a person length
in between each person making sure not to get to close to bump into one another which is considered rude in this country. I did my research at
approximately 1pm to 1:30pm in the afternoon. I do believe this did influence the type of people I saw in the establishment. If it were early in the
morning I believe there would have been slightly older gathering of people going to their respectable jobs. Instead a majority of the customers were
college students that were coming in for that mid day pick–up. As for the norms I witnessed they were typical for American establishments, the people
working greeted the customers in an almost fake friendly manner that is supposed to comfort and make the customer feel "at home" in the environment.
Then, the
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Example Of Ethnographic Report
The time that I experience culture shock was when I first came to the United States. One of the first thing that was totally different from where I'm
from was the language. Speaking a certain language for my whole life and then coming to another country with a different language was a huge
change for me. Going to school and not knowing the language made me feel out of place for a long time. Another factor that was different was the food.
Also the people were different they had different lifestyles from what I was used to..
The strengths of ethnography fieldwork are that people are brought together, this fieldwork deliberately brings people from different cultural
backgrounds together. Which makes misunderstandings, understandings. One of the
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Ethnographic Interview
Ethnographic Interview: Taiwan Culture Experience 1
Ethnographic Interview:
Taiwan Culture Experience
Vntge Jayne
Clark Atlanta University
Communication Cultural Diversity,
Professor Howell
March 14, 2011
Culture is defined as the traditions, customs, norms, beliefs, values and thought patterning passed down from generation to generation (Jandt 2010).
The world consists of many different cultures. In this Ethnographic Interview, I was given the opportunity to explore and learn more about a culture
different from my own. Through observation I've have seen how people of different cultures differ from mines. For example, the type of foods a person more content...
My informer also ordered a cucumber salad. I was familiar with the cucumber salad because I had eaten it before and it found it to be a
tasteful salad. He also ordered lemonade to drink which so happened to be a common drink I ordered when I ate out. I knew right than we shared
some similarities. While waiting for our food to arrive I started the interview off with some introductory background questions. His demeanor during
the interview was very comfortable. I felt he was being very open and honest with his answers. Our conversations flowed very smoothly. I felt as if I
was speaking to someone from a different culture from mines, but the way he expressed his perceptions and experiences were not foreign to me.
Plainly, I could see how people all over the world could share the same dilemmas.
1. What was your initial reason to move to the United States? I have heard that united States have the best education and the opportunity to do what I
2. Did anyone of your family members already stay in America before you moved here? My cousin's whole family
3. If so what did they tell it would be like? They just told me the school is very easy over here in United States and people are interesting about the
foreigner that about it
4. Before moving to North America did you have an idea of what you thought it would be like? I thought lifestyle would be interesting because I always
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Ethnographic Study Sample
The population of this study will be male and female undergraduate students at Tennessee Tech University. Participants must be at least 18 years old
or older to participant in this study. The ages of the participants will vary from 18 to 23 years old. The goal is to have approximately 100 participants
or more in the study. Participation will be voluntarily for individuals to be involved in the experiment. There will be no compensation for this study. An
online survey will be given to participants for the purpose of this study.
The materials will be the use of the Internet for an online survey which, will be prepared by the researcher from Tennessee Tech's online resources of
psychology. The survey will have 16 questions,
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Example Of Ethnographic Research
When I first saw I would be doing my research on China, I was excited; I have a few friends who are from China. The first thoughts that came to my
mind were Chinese New Year, unique food, and fascinating traditions. My research pertains to understanding what factors make up the inequality of
health and education between rural and urban cities in China. The first time I saw anything pertaining to this issue, I found it interesting because the
situation is comparable to what the U.S experiences. Before I preceded to do my research, I did not know how the government in China was handling
the situation. After talking with my service–learning partner, Hui and doing my own research, I found that this topic is very complicated. There are
many more content...
This article was showing why and what the government was doing to help offset the inequality issues. It was interesting to see how this article said
that China's inequality between the rural and urban areas increased tremendously because of the rise of industrialization. Personally, I find China
industrializing to be suitable because being more industrialized is helping China's economy, as said by this article. However, when China focuses on
only industrializing the urban parts more than the rural, that becomes a problem. It becomes a problem because one area is not going to get the
necessary attention it needs to be successful. There is a group named the township and village enterprise (TVE), and their primary focus is to
industrialized rural provinces. The article gives us data to show the distribution priority for industrializing urban and rural areas. The data shows that
industrialization is the main reason there is inequality in China. I was happy to see that there were programs to try and help the rural provinces. It
shows that China's government is trying to at least appear to be fixing the
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Ethnography Research Papers
Our Ethnography Research is how student's religious views affect their political views from a standpoint of three different religions. Since we live
in a college town, we decided the appropriate demographic should be a college student between the age of 18 and 21. I got to interview a close
friend of mine, Danny. Danny is a sophomore at Oregon State University and he describes himself as a Seventh Day Adventist, which is a smaller
branch of Christianity and as a Democrat. I got to ask him many questions that one would not usually get asked, which made the interview fairly
difficult, but I got to meet an entirely new friend.
The first question is, "What do you feel shapes your view on pro–choice / pro–life?" His response was pro–life because of his religion. Danny believes
that he is pro–life because his parents raised him to accept every blessing as a gift from God. Along with that he reckons that a parent that aborts their
child should receive a considerable punishment. If the parents do not want to keep the child they should give it up for adoption instead of aborting a
gift from God. As a more content...
His parents are against gun control because they believe that guns are good for protection, which he completely disagrees with. He thinks that guns
dangerous and they should be harder to obtain. He believes that the government should make it harder for people to purchase weapons. He used the
recent shootings as an example of what happens when we do not have strong gun control. With stronger gun control, we can prevent future shootings. I
disagree with Danny and agree with his parents, the second amendment says that people have the right to keep and bear arms. I know that they are
dangerous, but possessing one does not always that you have a bad intention of using
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Essay about Ethnography
One of the most complex and interesting aspects of cultural anthropology is the ethnography. The idea of being able to read stories about groups of
individuals is something that is intriguing to many people. With the ethnography, the authors many times feel that they have control and understanding
over the individuals that they are writing about. Furthermore, many of these authors assume that the individuals among whom they are living and
studying exemplify the entire society as a whole. Ethnographers have used many different means of establishing their ethnographic authority. One such
method is the use of reflexivity in the ethnography. Ethnographers such as Renato Rosaldo in his work Culture and Truth: The Remaking more
Marcus is stating that with the use of reflexivity the author can in fact produce an ethnography that informs the reader of the role in which the
ethnographer plays in the story, and furthermore, demonstrates the fact that the ethnographer is not an omnipotent character.
In order to illustrate the notion that with reflexivity the ethnographer can explain to his or her audience the fact that they are not omnipotent, this
knowledge has to be stated as fact. For example, Marcus states "Cultural translation, which is what ethnography is, never fully assimilates difference. In
any attempt to interpret or explain another cultural subject, a surplus of difference always remains..."(Marcus 186). Marcus' definition is very
important because he is stating that there are always differences between the ethnographer and those in which he or she is studying. He is explaining
that by definition ethnography is composed of a conglomeration of differences which cannot be reconciled and always remain constant. With this fact
in mind, one can demonstrate through reflexivity that the belief of the ethnographer's superiority is false due to these differences.
Marcus discusses the fact that there are ethnographic texts in which the ethnographer strays away from the classic assumption
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Example Of Ethnographic Essay Topics
ВЁWe live in this wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them
with our eyes open.ВЁ – Jawaharlal Nehru
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Would it be to the high, rocky terrain mountains, scenic valleys where you could see miles
and miles of green, or would you visit ancient mountains with remnants of ancient ice glaciers? If you answered yes to any of these, the Pyrenees is
the destination for you. Famous for its high majestic mountains, and great green valleys, itВґs a very popular tourist safehaven, for those looking for a
scenic and beautiful vacation. The Pyrenees can be filled with amusement, as long as you're open minded. Two of the main attractions, that many come
to see include National Parks, and the Tour de France.
Pyrenees National Park, is something that I trust everyone should witness at least once in their lifetime. The Pyrenees national Park is one of the last
remaining natural wild landscapes in Europe. The reason behind why it is one of the last is because it shows significance of the landscape. The
railroad that goes in the Pyrenees is the highest in the world and is a fascinating more content...
The one thing that is unique about the Tour De France is that it has part of the course go through the Pyrenees. It is part of the course because of its
unique terrain and challenging roads. The Col De tourmalet is the main road on which the cyclist cycle their bicycles on. It is also the highest road
in elevation road in the world which means that it has less oxygen which will make it troublesome to breathe, causing you to feel exhausted. This race
takes place once a year and is another reason on why it is unique. If you take the time out of your day to see this spectacular event, you won't regret your
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Ethnographic Essay Examples
Technology has made me a cynic. With advances like CGI and even simple Photoshop we have come to know that seeing isn't necessarily
believing. our eyes can be fooled. Things are not, we have come to believe, what we see them to be. Models are airbrushed movies are enhanced,
photos will fool us. When I've looked at epicures of the Irish countryside, I've always assumed that the pictures have been altered. they've been
enhanced somehow. grass and hills simply are not that vibrant a green. And I've no doubt there is some judicious use of filters. But perhaps not as
much as we may have imagined. I've just returned from a trip exploring our Wesleyan heritage in England, and a short tour of Ireland. We didn't get
very far in our drive through Ireland for me to see how wrong I more content...
Driving around the fabled ring of Kerry I was amazed at God's handiwork in creation. The picture might give you some idea. It's easy to see why
Celtic spirituality was so influenced by nature. They saw their gods all around them in the trees, the hills and the grass. Early Celtic Christianity did
the same thing. They saw God all around them, as if nature itself was a reminder of God's love and care. If he could make a masterpiece like this,
imagine what He is doing in all of us. St, Patrick took up this theme in his hymn known as the breastplate of St. Patrick. many will be familiar with this
excerpt taken from the much longer hymn: Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win
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Essay Example Of Ethnography
Ethnography Paper Power, and the people who possess it have an impact that spreads everywhere. There are people with power all around, whether it
be the local mayor or the Prime Minister of Germany. The subculture I chose to investigate is not local but is probably the most easily identified
individual with power in the United States of America. This ethnography studies the President of the United States and the other presidents who came
before. The President of the United States is the most influential person in America and arguably the entire world.This paper will discuss what type of
people have been president. I will also go into what the President does with his power and notable things that the other presidents have done with their more content...
Out of these 44 individuals, 43 have been white and all of them have been men. There has been only one black president and there has never been a
female president. The United States constitution prohibits a religious test as a requirement for the presidency, however, nearly all of the U.S. presidents
have been christians (Masci 2017). Nearly half of the presidents have been affiliated with the Episcopal or Presbyterian churches. John F. Kennedy has
been the only Catholic to have held the nation's highest office. Only three U.S. presidents – Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson
– have been unaffiliated with a specific religious tradition (Knott 2005). A survey by the Pew Research Center shows that many Americans care
about their beliefs. For instance, half of all American adults say it's important for a president to share their religious beliefs. And more people now
say there is "too little" religious discussion by their political leaders (40%) than say there is "too much" (27%). Two of possibly the most famous
presidents in American history had no formal religious affiliation. The first, Thomas Jefferson, lost his faith in orthodox Christianity at an early age, but
continued to believe in
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Ethnographic Report Sample
Due to these successes, I was elected to the New College Student Alliance as Food Service Representative to advocate for social justice, ecological
consciousness and equity in the campus' food supply. I attended weekly meetings with faculty, administrators, and food service staff to develop a call
for campus dining service proposals that reflected our community's values. During meetings and press releases, I was an active panel discussant that
continuously had to negotiate multiple identities– student, teacher, staff, boss, colleague and subordinate. Through these experiences, I learned the art
and challenges of shifting between multiple identities when negotiating access to stakeholders, informants and gatekeepers. I successfully built rapport more content...
Marit Ostebo. Dr. Ostebo, who has extensive and long term experience conducting ethnographic research among the Oromo ethnic group in Bale, will
accompany me during the initial fieldwork, and assist me in locating research assistants and gatekeepers. Her recent research on cooperatives in
Ethiopia will also prove invaluable when navigating methodological limitations and understanding how interactions operate on the ground. I have also
established relationships with Dr. Brenda Chalfin and Dr. John Richard Stepp to further work in political economy and environmental anthropology.
Both professors offer unique expertise that will compliment this interdisciplinary research, prompt me in new directions and situate my findings in a
global context. This support will help ensure success in all aspects of my research and has already been invaluable in guiding the refinement of my
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Example Of Ethnography Essay
At my age you really start to grasp the world and its problems, whether that be homophobia, racism, sexism, or – in America, being shot in your own
school. Students walk through the halls asking themselves what could be around the corner, parents question sending their kids off to school, and
teachers wonder if they are going to make it to retirement. I knew these thoughts, and I experienced them. So when I heard about the walkout, I knew I
had to do something. Three weeks before the walkout, me and my friend, Carleigh, started an Instagram account to spread awareness about the walkout.
In class, I overheard other students talking about how their parents were concerned that the walkout would turn violent. On our Instagram page, we
assured the students that violence at the walkout will not be tolerated. In result, I decided to make our motto; "we don't want to cause problems, we
want to cause change." We also handed out fliers and talked to students about it in the hallways. We ended up having 40+ students tell us they were
participating due to our more content...
Our student council brought it to the principal, and the superintendent showed her support. The principal allowed the walkout, but we were still going
to be marked tardy if our parents did not excuse us. The student council then found a teachers room where we could invite walkout participants to
make protest signs during lunch, we had over 20 people show up to to make signs each
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Ethnographic Review Sample

  • 1. Ethnographic Review Sample Hi Allison, great post. Conducting ethnographic research requires full commitment of the researchers because they have to immerse themselves in the culture they are studying (Grove, Gray, & Burns, 2015). It is similar to assimilation of immigrants to the host country. I remembered a saying, "you can take a person out of a village, but not the village out of the person." Immigrants have to learn not only the culture and traditions, but also the sociocultural norms and language of the host country. However, unlike the immigrants, the researchers have to make sure not to be a part of the studied culture in order to keep the integrity of the research. I was wondering about the socioeconomic status of the Chinese patient you have. She might not Get more content on
  • 2. Example Of Ethnography Paper Ethnography Introduction Ethnography tells about a culture and the members that comprise this culture. A definition is the scientific description of the customs and individual people of a culture. The process of doing this assignment allowed me to explore another aspect of a cultural group. I was able to learn extensively about interactions between individuals and how see them as a culture. The group that comprises my ethnography is a cultural group very common to Utah. The culture I focused on was the LDS culture, to be more specific I studied a sub–culture of this group. My subculture was a group of 12 year old adolescents that are a Sunday school class in this culture. First we must have an understanding of the background of more content... The lessons all come from a manual and focus on the LDS doctrine just simplified for 12 year olds to understand more fully. I chose this particular cultural group because I have always wanted to study and look more deeply into the LDS culture and I enjoy seeing how teenagers work and grow. This gave me the opportunity to accomplish both, study the culture and an age group of interest. I expected that everyday would be pretty similar with this class and I was totally wrong in that aspect. I also felt a bit overwhelmed with the class members because I haven't been in a room full of wild teenagers for a while and it was a little crazy to say the least. The biggest shock was the change of calm to crazy in the matter of seconds between the members, I have gotten used to being around well behaved adults and it was a different world in that class room. How the class ran every Sunday depended greatly on the members of this group and their behavior for that day and other factors associated among them. Behavior/Background This class is made up of 8–12 students, all depending on how many show up. The class roster has a total of 12 but the average class size is 8–9 students. Of these students 90% are male. This means that one a normal day there are 7 or 8 boys and only 1 girl. On occasion there is another female but more males to maintain that 90% male dominance. The group is a male dominant group, Get more content on
  • 3. Example Of Ethnographic Essay This study will employ ethnographic research methods for data collection and it will be comprised of: Participant Observation: In this research, I will utilize an observation method to record behaviors, activities, teaching methods, language of instruction, community centers and home learning environments, teachers' awareness of refugee students' needs, parents' educational support, the refugee students' previous educational experiences, language barrier, and educational resources. Moreover, I will also observe and record participants' physical environment, socio–economics and cultural milieu. The observations will be conducted in two community centers and three family houses. The families will be observed for seven to eight hours a more content... Introduction and Appreciation Meeting: At the beginning of the data collection, a church leader will introduce the researcher with the participants. It will also provide a chance for the researcher to explain the research aims, participants' rights, and voluntarily participation policy. At the end of the data collection, the researcher will also have a meeting with the participants, wherein the researcher will express his gratitude to the participants, with some gifts. The meeting will also give an opportunity for the researcher to share the findings with the participants. Reflective Field Notes: Throughout my data collections I will be jotting down my emic and etic perspectives about their educational experience. For this study, it is essential for the researcher to keep a record of reflective field notes. Since, refugee participants may have seen or experienced some violence and persecution in their home county and, currently, may have been facing challenges as well. And, sometimes, they may not be able to describe their unpleasant experiences and often pause or have tears in their eyes. Therefore, the researcher's reflective field notes will attempt to record those instances on a Get more content on
  • 4. Ethnographic Research Essay Ethnographic research is the scientific description of specific human cultures, foreign to the ethnographer. Each ethnographer has his or her own way of conducting research and all of these different ideas can be transmitted and understood in a number of different ways. Because there is no one set idea of how an ethnographer should go about his or her research, conflicts arise. In Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco, Paul Rabinow uses a story like process to discuss his experiences during his research in Morocco. This makes it easier for the reader to understand his ideas then just having a technical book about the many different aspects of Moroccan life that he may have discovered. In Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of more content... Once I had become comfortable with myself and the language I would pick a part of the society that I would like to focus on. Similar to what Paul Willis's study, which Marcus described in his paper, of a group of twelve boys in a working class school, I would first go straight to the primary source. In Rabinow's book he takes the opposite approach and goes from place to place not focusing on one certain aspect of culture but a broad range of different ideas of society. I think that this approach may be more difficult because there os so much more that has to be looked at and understood. For instance, Rabinow must learn two different languages, French and Arabic just to understand the people around him. Then travel all around Morocco and obtain information on a numerous amount of different cultures. Though this practice of fieldwork has its benefits, describing one aspect of a society goes more in depth. Focusing on one aspect of a culture, I would want to obtain an exact understanding of what these people were doing and how they felt they fit into society. After obtaining as much information as I could from my informants, I would go back to my notes and try to make some sense of them without trying to distort their views of themselves in any way. I would then go to another source of information, in Willis's example this would be the teachers. By getting more then one perspective of a certain Get more content on
  • 5. Example Of Ethnographical Thesis Forgive me for taking so long. Your class was so helpful it gave me a world of knowledge that was needed. I appreciated the way you taught the first class it sharpened and shaped me for the next week and my journey. I was overwhelmed with the information and it took me all week to finally train my mind to focus on this assignment in the way you showed me. Doing a ethnographical dissertation does not have a lot of examples to go by in the formation of this type of dissertation. All though my information is not a lot it took me this long to finally train my brain on the direction. I hope I can get feed back to build upon. Get more content on
  • 6. Ethnographic Essay Examples Clink, Clink, Clink. The steady continuous clinking awoke me from my slumber. As I looked around I saw a pale–skinned man clothed in a dirty loincloth holding a chisel in his left hand and a mallet in the other working on a statue to my left. I studied the room and my eyes landed on a puddle of water on the ground. I was a statue wearing stone clothing which hung loosely around my body. On top, my head was stone hair in a small bun. My hands were in an odd configuration with my right hand facing away from me and my left–hand point down with my little finger and my ringer finger folded. However, my feet were bare and showing and I was sitting on top of some sort of flower. Another man clothed in what appeared to be flowy cloth decorated with small intricate designs stepped into the room more content... People were on the streets; some were leisurely strolling along while others were pushing large carts brimming with an assortment of oddly–shaped goods. Large creatures covered in fur sporting great bumps on their backs were trotting around on four feet. On top of them were men clothed in a loose flowy cloth carrying a variety of different trunks and bags draped across the backs and sides of these creatures. They followed in a single line of seven or eight (I later learned these to be called caravans). The man carrying me ducked into a nearby enclosure. He set me down on a bar and removed the cloth covering my body. He looked at me keenly, as if memorizing each detail of my face. I was surrounded by an array of mismatched goods, glimmering yellow metal, several tiny white orbs, and cloth which appeared to be soft to the touch. Some time passed when another man with dark skin stepped into the enclosure. He scanned the table on which the goods and I were on. The dark–skinned man called out to a creature (one which I saw before). The man who stole me smirked and shook hands with the dark–skinned Get more content on
  • 7. Example Of Ethnography Essay This week we talked about the different ethnic groups and cultures from all over the world. MCPSH is very diverse due to which we got a change to learn something new from various cultures. One very interesting was the gesture we use have different meaning in every cultured. Shaking our head up and down means yes in America, but in Albania it means no. So, while talking to someone from Albania we could be saying yes, but they will take is as no because that is what shaking your head up and down mean there. It is very important to be aware of these small things in other culture because as a pharmacist we will deal with the people of every culture in our daily lives. Knowing these things about their culture can be a big thing while helping them Get more content on
  • 8. Ethnographic Observation Essay Name Date Ethnographic Observation I set out to find a place to begin my observations, not knowing what to fully expect, what I may find. So I decided to look around at what is close to my home that isn't a place I frequent or have even visited at all. Then it came to me, the Starbucks that is only about a mile away is a perfect place for me to observe subjects that I would consider different from myself, seeing as how I consider such obscene prices for coffee ridiculous. Starbucks is a very popular chain of coffee vendors that describe their product as more about quality than what Americans are used to in typical coffee joints. Although I know it is poor technique of me as an anthropologist to have prejudice about any place more content... Most of the groupings were either just singular people or couples coming to pick up either a plain coffee or most of the females ordering some mixed espresso or something to that degree. There were a couple of oddities in the data such as a one older couple that came by and also one black male also stopped by to pick up some coffee. Most the behavior I observed was a very casual and relaxed as the people seemed to all be friendly and enjoying their absurd priced beverages. Once in awhile someone would recognize a fellow customer and they would proceed to great each other with either a handshake or hug. Spatial arrangement between people was typical of most American norms. They typically had about a person length in between each person making sure not to get to close to bump into one another which is considered rude in this country. I did my research at approximately 1pm to 1:30pm in the afternoon. I do believe this did influence the type of people I saw in the establishment. If it were early in the morning I believe there would have been slightly older gathering of people going to their respectable jobs. Instead a majority of the customers were college students that were coming in for that mid day pick–up. As for the norms I witnessed they were typical for American establishments, the people working greeted the customers in an almost fake friendly manner that is supposed to comfort and make the customer feel "at home" in the environment. Then, the Get more content on
  • 9. Example Of Ethnographic Report The time that I experience culture shock was when I first came to the United States. One of the first thing that was totally different from where I'm from was the language. Speaking a certain language for my whole life and then coming to another country with a different language was a huge change for me. Going to school and not knowing the language made me feel out of place for a long time. Another factor that was different was the food. Also the people were different they had different lifestyles from what I was used to.. The strengths of ethnography fieldwork are that people are brought together, this fieldwork deliberately brings people from different cultural backgrounds together. Which makes misunderstandings, understandings. One of the Get more content on
  • 10. Ethnographic Interview Ethnographic Interview: Taiwan Culture Experience 1 Ethnographic Interview: Taiwan Culture Experience Vntge Jayne Clark Atlanta University Communication Cultural Diversity, Professor Howell March 14, 2011 2 PRECONCEPTIONS Culture is defined as the traditions, customs, norms, beliefs, values and thought patterning passed down from generation to generation (Jandt 2010). The world consists of many different cultures. In this Ethnographic Interview, I was given the opportunity to explore and learn more about a culture different from my own. Through observation I've have seen how people of different cultures differ from mines. For example, the type of foods a person more content... My informer also ordered a cucumber salad. I was familiar with the cucumber salad because I had eaten it before and it found it to be a 4 tasteful salad. He also ordered lemonade to drink which so happened to be a common drink I ordered when I ate out. I knew right than we shared some similarities. While waiting for our food to arrive I started the interview off with some introductory background questions. His demeanor during
  • 11. the interview was very comfortable. I felt he was being very open and honest with his answers. Our conversations flowed very smoothly. I felt as if I was speaking to someone from a different culture from mines, but the way he expressed his perceptions and experiences were not foreign to me. Plainly, I could see how people all over the world could share the same dilemmas. INTERVIEW 1. What was your initial reason to move to the United States? I have heard that united States have the best education and the opportunity to do what I want. 2. Did anyone of your family members already stay in America before you moved here? My cousin's whole family 3. If so what did they tell it would be like? They just told me the school is very easy over here in United States and people are interesting about the foreigner that about it 4. Before moving to North America did you have an idea of what you thought it would be like? I thought lifestyle would be interesting because I always Get more content on
  • 12. Ethnographic Study Sample Participants The population of this study will be male and female undergraduate students at Tennessee Tech University. Participants must be at least 18 years old or older to participant in this study. The ages of the participants will vary from 18 to 23 years old. The goal is to have approximately 100 participants or more in the study. Participation will be voluntarily for individuals to be involved in the experiment. There will be no compensation for this study. An online survey will be given to participants for the purpose of this study. Materials The materials will be the use of the Internet for an online survey which, will be prepared by the researcher from Tennessee Tech's online resources of psychology. The survey will have 16 questions, Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of Ethnographic Research When I first saw I would be doing my research on China, I was excited; I have a few friends who are from China. The first thoughts that came to my mind were Chinese New Year, unique food, and fascinating traditions. My research pertains to understanding what factors make up the inequality of health and education between rural and urban cities in China. The first time I saw anything pertaining to this issue, I found it interesting because the situation is comparable to what the U.S experiences. Before I preceded to do my research, I did not know how the government in China was handling the situation. After talking with my service–learning partner, Hui and doing my own research, I found that this topic is very complicated. There are many more content... This article was showing why and what the government was doing to help offset the inequality issues. It was interesting to see how this article said that China's inequality between the rural and urban areas increased tremendously because of the rise of industrialization. Personally, I find China industrializing to be suitable because being more industrialized is helping China's economy, as said by this article. However, when China focuses on only industrializing the urban parts more than the rural, that becomes a problem. It becomes a problem because one area is not going to get the necessary attention it needs to be successful. There is a group named the township and village enterprise (TVE), and their primary focus is to industrialized rural provinces. The article gives us data to show the distribution priority for industrializing urban and rural areas. The data shows that industrialization is the main reason there is inequality in China. I was happy to see that there were programs to try and help the rural provinces. It shows that China's government is trying to at least appear to be fixing the Get more content on
  • 14. Ethnography Research Papers Our Ethnography Research is how student's religious views affect their political views from a standpoint of three different religions. Since we live in a college town, we decided the appropriate demographic should be a college student between the age of 18 and 21. I got to interview a close friend of mine, Danny. Danny is a sophomore at Oregon State University and he describes himself as a Seventh Day Adventist, which is a smaller branch of Christianity and as a Democrat. I got to ask him many questions that one would not usually get asked, which made the interview fairly difficult, but I got to meet an entirely new friend. The first question is, "What do you feel shapes your view on pro–choice / pro–life?" His response was pro–life because of his religion. Danny believes that he is pro–life because his parents raised him to accept every blessing as a gift from God. Along with that he reckons that a parent that aborts their child should receive a considerable punishment. If the parents do not want to keep the child they should give it up for adoption instead of aborting a gift from God. As a more content... His parents are against gun control because they believe that guns are good for protection, which he completely disagrees with. He thinks that guns dangerous and they should be harder to obtain. He believes that the government should make it harder for people to purchase weapons. He used the recent shootings as an example of what happens when we do not have strong gun control. With stronger gun control, we can prevent future shootings. I disagree with Danny and agree with his parents, the second amendment says that people have the right to keep and bear arms. I know that they are dangerous, but possessing one does not always that you have a bad intention of using Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Ethnography Ethnography One of the most complex and interesting aspects of cultural anthropology is the ethnography. The idea of being able to read stories about groups of individuals is something that is intriguing to many people. With the ethnography, the authors many times feel that they have control and understanding over the individuals that they are writing about. Furthermore, many of these authors assume that the individuals among whom they are living and studying exemplify the entire society as a whole. Ethnographers have used many different means of establishing their ethnographic authority. One such method is the use of reflexivity in the ethnography. Ethnographers such as Renato Rosaldo in his work Culture and Truth: The Remaking more content... Marcus is stating that with the use of reflexivity the author can in fact produce an ethnography that informs the reader of the role in which the ethnographer plays in the story, and furthermore, demonstrates the fact that the ethnographer is not an omnipotent character. In order to illustrate the notion that with reflexivity the ethnographer can explain to his or her audience the fact that they are not omnipotent, this knowledge has to be stated as fact. For example, Marcus states "Cultural translation, which is what ethnography is, never fully assimilates difference. In any attempt to interpret or explain another cultural subject, a surplus of difference always remains..."(Marcus 186). Marcus' definition is very important because he is stating that there are always differences between the ethnographer and those in which he or she is studying. He is explaining that by definition ethnography is composed of a conglomeration of differences which cannot be reconciled and always remain constant. With this fact in mind, one can demonstrate through reflexivity that the belief of the ethnographer's superiority is false due to these differences. Marcus discusses the fact that there are ethnographic texts in which the ethnographer strays away from the classic assumption Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of Ethnographic Essay Topics ВЁWe live in this wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.ВЁ – Jawaharlal Nehru If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Would it be to the high, rocky terrain mountains, scenic valleys where you could see miles and miles of green, or would you visit ancient mountains with remnants of ancient ice glaciers? If you answered yes to any of these, the Pyrenees is the destination for you. Famous for its high majestic mountains, and great green valleys, itВґs a very popular tourist safehaven, for those looking for a scenic and beautiful vacation. The Pyrenees can be filled with amusement, as long as you're open minded. Two of the main attractions, that many come to see include National Parks, and the Tour de France. Pyrenees National Park, is something that I trust everyone should witness at least once in their lifetime. The Pyrenees national Park is one of the last remaining natural wild landscapes in Europe. The reason behind why it is one of the last is because it shows significance of the landscape. The railroad that goes in the Pyrenees is the highest in the world and is a fascinating more content... The one thing that is unique about the Tour De France is that it has part of the course go through the Pyrenees. It is part of the course because of its unique terrain and challenging roads. The Col De tourmalet is the main road on which the cyclist cycle their bicycles on. It is also the highest road in elevation road in the world which means that it has less oxygen which will make it troublesome to breathe, causing you to feel exhausted. This race takes place once a year and is another reason on why it is unique. If you take the time out of your day to see this spectacular event, you won't regret your Get more content on
  • 17. Ethnographic Essay Examples Technology has made me a cynic. With advances like CGI and even simple Photoshop we have come to know that seeing isn't necessarily believing. our eyes can be fooled. Things are not, we have come to believe, what we see them to be. Models are airbrushed movies are enhanced, photos will fool us. When I've looked at epicures of the Irish countryside, I've always assumed that the pictures have been altered. they've been enhanced somehow. grass and hills simply are not that vibrant a green. And I've no doubt there is some judicious use of filters. But perhaps not as much as we may have imagined. I've just returned from a trip exploring our Wesleyan heritage in England, and a short tour of Ireland. We didn't get very far in our drive through Ireland for me to see how wrong I more content... Driving around the fabled ring of Kerry I was amazed at God's handiwork in creation. The picture might give you some idea. It's easy to see why Celtic spirituality was so influenced by nature. They saw their gods all around them in the trees, the hills and the grass. Early Celtic Christianity did the same thing. They saw God all around them, as if nature itself was a reminder of God's love and care. If he could make a masterpiece like this, imagine what He is doing in all of us. St, Patrick took up this theme in his hymn known as the breastplate of St. Patrick. many will be familiar with this excerpt taken from the much longer hymn: Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win Get more content on
  • 18. Essay Example Of Ethnography Ethnography Paper Power, and the people who possess it have an impact that spreads everywhere. There are people with power all around, whether it be the local mayor or the Prime Minister of Germany. The subculture I chose to investigate is not local but is probably the most easily identified individual with power in the United States of America. This ethnography studies the President of the United States and the other presidents who came before. The President of the United States is the most influential person in America and arguably the entire world.This paper will discuss what type of people have been president. I will also go into what the President does with his power and notable things that the other presidents have done with their more content... Out of these 44 individuals, 43 have been white and all of them have been men. There has been only one black president and there has never been a female president. The United States constitution prohibits a religious test as a requirement for the presidency, however, nearly all of the U.S. presidents have been christians (Masci 2017). Nearly half of the presidents have been affiliated with the Episcopal or Presbyterian churches. John F. Kennedy has been the only Catholic to have held the nation's highest office. Only three U.S. presidents – Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson – have been unaffiliated with a specific religious tradition (Knott 2005). A survey by the Pew Research Center shows that many Americans care about their beliefs. For instance, half of all American adults say it's important for a president to share their religious beliefs. And more people now say there is "too little" religious discussion by their political leaders (40%) than say there is "too much" (27%). Two of possibly the most famous presidents in American history had no formal religious affiliation. The first, Thomas Jefferson, lost his faith in orthodox Christianity at an early age, but continued to believe in Get more content on
  • 19. Ethnographic Report Sample Due to these successes, I was elected to the New College Student Alliance as Food Service Representative to advocate for social justice, ecological consciousness and equity in the campus' food supply. I attended weekly meetings with faculty, administrators, and food service staff to develop a call for campus dining service proposals that reflected our community's values. During meetings and press releases, I was an active panel discussant that continuously had to negotiate multiple identities– student, teacher, staff, boss, colleague and subordinate. Through these experiences, I learned the art and challenges of shifting between multiple identities when negotiating access to stakeholders, informants and gatekeepers. I successfully built rapport more content... Marit Ostebo. Dr. Ostebo, who has extensive and long term experience conducting ethnographic research among the Oromo ethnic group in Bale, will accompany me during the initial fieldwork, and assist me in locating research assistants and gatekeepers. Her recent research on cooperatives in Ethiopia will also prove invaluable when navigating methodological limitations and understanding how interactions operate on the ground. I have also established relationships with Dr. Brenda Chalfin and Dr. John Richard Stepp to further work in political economy and environmental anthropology. Both professors offer unique expertise that will compliment this interdisciplinary research, prompt me in new directions and situate my findings in a global context. This support will help ensure success in all aspects of my research and has already been invaluable in guiding the refinement of my Get more content on
  • 20. Example Of Ethnography Essay At my age you really start to grasp the world and its problems, whether that be homophobia, racism, sexism, or – in America, being shot in your own school. Students walk through the halls asking themselves what could be around the corner, parents question sending their kids off to school, and teachers wonder if they are going to make it to retirement. I knew these thoughts, and I experienced them. So when I heard about the walkout, I knew I had to do something. Three weeks before the walkout, me and my friend, Carleigh, started an Instagram account to spread awareness about the walkout. In class, I overheard other students talking about how their parents were concerned that the walkout would turn violent. On our Instagram page, we assured the students that violence at the walkout will not be tolerated. In result, I decided to make our motto; "we don't want to cause problems, we want to cause change." We also handed out fliers and talked to students about it in the hallways. We ended up having 40+ students tell us they were participating due to our more content... Our student council brought it to the principal, and the superintendent showed her support. The principal allowed the walkout, but we were still going to be marked tardy if our parents did not excuse us. The student council then found a teachers room where we could invite walkout participants to make protest signs during lunch, we had over 20 people show up to to make signs each Get more content on