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                                        Winter 2011

The Friends of
                                   MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION
Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery    OF FRIENDS OF MUSEUMS
         John Pownall -
  Events and Artefacts Content

     Myra Wheeldon - Events

      Mary Whetnall - Events

  Margaret Boniface - Archivist                                            Detail from
                                                                        The Hat Shop,                                  an Oil Painting
                                                                       by Henry Tonks,
    Lynda Perrin - Membership

     John Nodding - Treasurer            Chairman's Report              4
     Ria van den Nieuwboer -
      Volunteer Co-ordinator             Friends' Events

   Melissa Page - Administrator
                                         News from the Office          11
           Friends' Office
       Birmingham Museum & Art
                                         Acquisitions                   V
      Gallery, Chamberlain Square,
          Birmingham. B3 3DH
           Tel: 0121 303 3129
                                         Staffordshire Hoard
         Events: 0121 464 3353

                                                                       14        Rita McLean's Report
        Reg. Charity No. 528895

   Designed and Produced by:
      PW Media & Publishing Ltd
                                         What's On                     16
     Graphic Design: Paul Blyth          Reviews                       22
        Printed By: WPG Print

         Advertising Sales:
   Diane Stinton - Tel: 01905 727903
                                         Friends' Diary                23                       WINTER 2011   ARTEFACTS         3
Our Chairman
                    Deborah de Haes
    Happy New Year! I hope not too many                                     The first ever meeting of the
                                                                            Young Persons’ Advisory Panel
    of you were stuck indoors over Christmas                                in early December was a lively
    and New Year because of the snow. There                                 and enthusiastic event. Thanks
                                                                            to Buro Happold for hosting
    have been some very beautiful moments                                   this for us. The young people
    but some very difficult times as well. I                                (aged between 20 and 30)
    hope that by the time you read this, your                               were very interested in the
                                                                            work of the Friends and full of
    personal snow scenes will all be history!                               ideas. They have generously
    Happy Birthday! This year, the        Our Annual Lecture was a          agreed to meet again to help
    Friends of Birmingham Museums         real treat this year with a       us work through what some of
    and Art Gallery is 80 years’ old.     very informative talk about       their questions and suggestions
    Our actual birthday is 1 July and     current research into the         might mean in practice for the
    we are planning a garden party        Staffordshire Hoard from a very   Friends. I am convinced the
    at Blakesley Hall on Sunday 26        knowledgeable and engaging        outcome will be of interest to
    June in the afternoon. There will     presenter, Leslie Webster. She    all Friends whatever their ages.
    be afternoon tea with a special       raised as many questions as she
    birthday cake, as well as a chance    answered, all of which were       In this our 80th birthday year,
    to see the Friends’ border which      fascinating and underlined        I am reminded of the remark
    was planted last year and is now      the need for considerably         made by the facilitator at the
    growing well, I am told. I hope       more research to be done into     Trustees’ Awayday in 2010: ‘In
    as many of you as possible will       individual pieces, the deposits   a long-standing charity like this,’
    be able to come – more details        left on them and the finer        he said, ‘your responsibility is
    in the next Artefacts. We are         detail that will become clearer   to hand the organisation on in
    launching our birthday year with      as the pieces are cleaned. Our    good shape to your successors.’
    a Friends’ private view of the Pre-   fund-raising campaign is now      I think back over the many
    Raphaelites Drawing exhibition at     closed and I am delighted         chairmen, committee members,
    6pm on 22 February. As well as        to say that we have reached       administrators, Council staff
    an introduction to the Drawings       our target of £25,000. An         and volunteers who over the
    from Victoria Osborne, curator        enormous thank you to Jennifer    years have dedicated so much
    of the exhibition, we will also       Young for coordinating this       time and effort to making
    be having a drinks reception in       campaign, which has involved      the Friends what it is today.
    the Round Room, open to all           considerable persistence and
    Friends and their guests (booking     effort, and thank you for         With every good wish for 2011
    essential). Again, I hope to see      your contributions large and      and I hope you are able to enjoy
    as many of you as possible            small – they all count and we     at least some of the special events
    at this very special event.           are grateful for them all.        planned for our birthday year.

4       ARTEFACTS            WINTER 2011
                  Friends' Events
                                                         lunch (not included), we will visit the Silk
     Coach Pick-up                                       Mill and see displays that tell the story of
                                                         the industrial heritage and achievement
    Due to parking restrictions in Richmond              of Derby and its people. There is a special
    Hill Road we have changed our Harborne               emphasis on the development of Rolls-
    Pickup Point to Yateley Road. This is on             Royce aero engines and the railway industry.
    the other side of Harborne Road and is               Other displays cover local industries such
    slightly nearer to Harborne. The Post Code           as mining, pottery and foundry work. The
    is B15 3JP. For the next few coach events            Power Gallery covers the story of motive
    we will send a map with your tickets.                power in industry with hands-on exhibits.

                                                         Ten minutes walk away is Derby Museum
     Lisbon Art & Culture Tour                           and Art Gallery which houses a wide range
                                                         of important and attractive collections,
    Wednesday 6 - Tuesday 12 April 2011                  covering porcelain, paintings, archaeology,
    Please note small change of dates. Details           history, local regiments, geology and wildlife.
    were in the last edition of Artefacts. Due           Paintings by the celebrated 18th Century
    to cancellations there are a few places              Derby artist Joseph Wright, Associate of the
    remaining; if you are interested please              Royal Academy (1734-97) include portraits,
    contact the office as soon as possible.              landscapes, subjects from literature and scenes
                                                         of industry and scientific equipment that
                                                         represent this exciting period of pioneering
     Derby, Rolls-Royce Heritage                         discovery. This is the largest collection of the
                                                         artist's work in any public gallery in the world.
     Trust & Museums
    Tuesday 29 March 2011                                The Archaeology Gallery contains local
    Our first stop will be at the Rolls-Royce Heritage   material from the Stone Age to the
    Trust site on the south side of Derby which          Middle Ages, with several fine Anglo-
    contains a representative selection of Rolls-        Saxon crosses and a splendid sarcophagus.
    Royce Limited aero engines and cars, from the        There are also two Egyptian mummies.
    formation of the Company to the present day.
    Engines currently included are Eagle, Hawk,          The Military Gallery (now totally refurbished),
    Kestrel, Merlin, Griffon and gas turbines of         tells the stories of local regiments such as the 9th
    the Welland and Derwent to the Trent.                /12th Royal Lancers, the Derbyshire Yeomanry
                                                         and the Sherwood Foresters, with information
    We will then coach to the centre of Derby            available on a touch-screen computer.
    and park near the Silk Mill – Derby’s Museum
    of Industry and History. After time for              Cost: £15 – Includes coach & driver’s tip

6      ARTEFACTS           WINTER 2011
Pickup Points: Yateley Road @ 8:30am               until the last Lord Egerton died without heirs
or Chest Clinic, Gt. Charles St. @ 8:45am.         in 1958. Maurice Egerton bequeathed the
Please note change of Harborne pick-up.            estate to the National Trust and in 1960 a
                                                   lease was drawn up with Cheshire County
This event is open to non-members and an           Council who managed and financed the
application form is included in this magazine.     property on behalf of the National Trust until
                                                   April 2009 when responsibility transferred
                                                   to Cheshire East Council. As well as the
 Tabley House &                                    Mansion there are 50 acres of award-winning
                                                   historical gardens which are accessed through
 Tatton Park (NT)                                  the Garden Shop, and include the famous
Friday 13 May 2011                                 Japanese Garden, Italian and Rose gardens,
After coffee on arrival at Tabley House            Arboretum, Topiary, Maze and Pinery/Vinery.
(included), we will have guided tours of the
House. Tabley House was designed by John           Cost: £25.00 to include coach, driver’s tip,
Carr of York for Sir Peter Byrne Leicester,        coffee and biscuits at Tabley House, tours of
Bt., and completed in 1769. His son, Sir           Tabley House. Tatton Park is National Trust so
John Fleming Leicester, Bt., later 1st Lord        please remember your Membership Cards.
de Tabley, was the first great patron and
collector of British paintings. He assembled       Pickup Points: Depart Yateley Road 8:30am,
a splendid collection at Tabley and in his         Chest Clinic 8:45am. Please note change of
London house during the first decade of the        Harborne pick-up.
19th Century, ultimately with the intention of
establishing a National Gallery of British Art.    This event is open to non-members and an
                                                   application form is included in this magazine.
JMW Turner, Henry Thompson and James Ward
were among the many painters who stayed at
Tabley. Today, important works by them can be       College of Food
seen in the rooms for which they were created,
together with fine paintings by Dobson,            Thursday 10 March 2011 at 12 noon
Lely, Reynolds, Cotes, Northcote, Callcott,        Our 80th Year Annual Lunch has been
Fuseli, Lawrence, Opie, Martin and others.         arranged at the College of Food in Summer
                                                   Row. As usual we have selected 2 starters
We will then coach the short distance to Tatton    and 2 main courses. Please ensure your
Park (National Trust, entrance not included),      selections are clearly indicated on your
arriving in time for lunch. There is the Stables   applications, also any dietary requirements.
Restaurant for snacks and hot dishes, perhaps      Desserts will be selected on the day.
bring a picnic with you or buy something
from the Housekeeper’s Store if the weather        YOuR CHOICES OF STARTER:
is suitable. The Park has a history dating back    A. Pan fried crab cake with a fritto misto
to Bronze Age farming and has been home               of sea food and Tyrolienne sauce
to herds of deer since the 13th century. In        B. Sauté’d pork on a salad of leaves,
the late Tudor period Tatton was acquired             semi dried apricots, almonds, grilled
by the Egerton family who owned the estate            Parma ham and balsamic vinaigrette

                                                            WINTER 2011           ARTEFACTS         7
MAIN COuRSES:                                         centuries CE. He will illustrate this talk with
    C. Delice of lemon sole with a herb farce Marguery    photographs which he has taken on his visits
    D. Roast Gressingham duck with black cherries         to sites in Portugal and South Western Spain.
                                                          Because Roman history is always interesting
    Cost: £19.50; this includes three courses,            and there is ample space in the AV Room we
    wine, coffee and service.                             have thrown the event open to all Friends.
                                                          We will meet in the AV Room at 10:45am
    An Application form is included in this magazine.     for an 11:00am start.

                                                          Cost: £5.00
     80th Birthday Party
                                                          An Application form is included in this magazine.
     Launch and Reception
    Tuesday 22 February 2011                               Friends Guided
    We are launching our 80th birthday year with a
    Friends' reception in the Round Room at 6pm.
                                                           Tours of BMAG
    After speeches and the presentation of the            These tours are exclusive to Friends and
    Staffordshire Hoard fundraising cheque, you can       are provided by official BMAG tour guides.
    make your way to the Drawings and Paintings           unless otherwise stated they all start at
    Pre-Raphaelites exhibition in the Gas Hall and/       11am in the Round Room and cost £6.00.
    or to the Staffordshire Hoard. Curators will be       Please note that Lunch is not included in
    available to introduce the displays. Open to all      these events (see Luncheon Clubs).
    Friends and their guests (booking is essential).
    We will meet in the Round Room at 6:00pm.             GuIDED TOuR (103) - “FROM DARKNESS
                                                          INTO LIGHT” BY JANE HOWELL
    Cost: £10                                             Friday 15 April 2011
                                                          The shortest day has passed and we look,
    An Application form is included in this magazine.     with relief, to the days drawing out. This
                                                          seasonal pattern has fascinated we humans
                                                          from the beginning of time. How have artists
     The Romans in Lusitania                              tackled the subject? What do they show
                                                          about our emotional response to the event.
    TALK IN THE AV ROOM SPEAKER                           In this tour we shall look at some works
    - DAVID JOHNSON                                       in the hope of finding some answers.
    Monday 4 April 2011
    This talk has been arranged primarily for the         GuIDED TOuR (104) - “ALL THE WORLD’S
    Friends who are going on our Lisbon trip in           A STAGE” BY CHRISTINE MOOSAVI
    April, Lusitania being the Roman name for that        Tuesday 19 April 2011
    area. In his talk, David intends to outline the way   BMAG's paintings collection is rich in drama,
    in which the region was brought under Roman           whether featuring players on a theatrical
    rule after the second Punic war, the nature of        stage or actors caught in a moment of
    life in the Roman provinces of southern Spain         dramatic tension the drama shouts at us.
    during the golden age of the late 1st and 2nd

8      ARTEFACTS           WINTER 2011
Those on this tour will enjoy the drama        Application forms for these Luncheon
and even participate. Luvvies with pink (or    Clubs are included in this magazine.
green) carnations are especially welcome.

Application forms for these Guided              Date For Your Diary
Tours are included in this magazine.
                                               GARDEN PARTY AT BLAKESLEY HALL
                                               Sunday 26 June 2011
 Luncheon Clubs                                There will be afternoon tea with a special
                                               birthday cake, as well as a chance to see
The following luncheon clubs have been         the Friends’ border which was planted
arranged for this next quarter. We meet at     last year and is now growing well.
11:00am, the talks take about an hour and      There will be more information and Booking
then we go to the Edwardian Tea Room           Application forms in our next mailing.
for lunch. You will need to bring your
ticket for the lunch, the cost is £13.50.      BRISTOL WEEKEND AWAY
                                               Friday 23 - Monday 26 September 2011
THE POETRY OF DRAWING                          This year's weekend away will be based in
Tuesday 8 & Friday 11 March 2011               Bristol, visits to the Wye Valley, Bath and Bristol
Speaker Victoria Osborne, Curator (Fine        will be included. More details will be published
Art). The Poetry of Drawing brings             in the next Artefacts.
together works from Birmingham’s world
class collections of Pre-Raphaelite and
later 19th century art alongside key loans      Event Applications
from public and private lenders, some of
which have never been seen before in           BOOKINGS FOR EVENTS
public. It is the most comprehensive and       A few statistics for you. An analysis of
beautiful survey of Pre-Raphaelite drawings,   Events bookings for 2010 is as follows
designs and watercolours ever staged.
                                               Artefacts Issue     No. of         No. of
Friends will meet in Gas Hall Reception                            Members        Events
at 11:00am for a start at 11:15am.                                 Applying       Booked

THE SILVER COLLECTION                          Winter 2010         151            390
Monday 21 & Tuesday 22 March 2011              Spring 2010         177            369
Speaker Martin Ellis, Curator (Applied         Summer 2010         181            471
Art). Martin will lead us upstairs to the      Autumn 2010         99             231
galleries above the Edwardian Tea Room
where the majority of the collection is        All of your bookings were initially entered onto one
displayed. If time permits we will look at     spread sheet which gives an analysis of cheques
some of the silver in the picture galleries.   received and bookings made. The majority of
                                               these bookings were received within 10 days of
Friends will meet in Round Room at             Artefacts being circulated. To help the booking
11:00am for a start at 11:15am.                procedure to run smoothly we highlight below

                                                        WINTER 2011            ARTEFACTS              9
some of the areas where we frequently encounter        valid for 12 months from the date of issue,
 problems with the application forms which delay        all credit notes issued since June 2010 clearly
 the processing of your booking whilst we clarify       state this. Any “old” credit notes should
 or query the information you have given.               therefore be used against your bookings for
                                                        either this or the next edition of Artefacts.
 Please include your membership number on               SuMMING uP - PLEASE REMEMBER TO:
 the booking form, this is the 4 digit number           • Separate the individual forms
 which is printed on your membership card.              • Complete ALL details, don’t forget things like:
 It is not 528895 which is frequently quoted,              Pickup Point on Coach Trips, deleting dates
 that is our Charity Registration Number.                  that you can’t come to Luncheon Clubs
                                                           et cetera.
 LuNCHEON CLuB                                          • Write ONE BULK Cheque made out to
 When booking for a Luncheon Club you will                 FBMAG for all the events that you are
 normally have a choice of dates. Please ensure            applying for, but please do not include your
 that you indicate clearly on the booking form             Membership subscriptions in this bulk cheque.
 which date you wish to attend. If you have no          • Include a S.A.E. for EACH event
 date preference indicate “either date” - you will      • Send the Forms, Cheque and S.A.E.s
 then be allocated tickets for the event which has         to: The Friends' Office, Birmingham
 the least bookings. Please check your tickets when        Museum & Art Gallery, Chamberlain
 you receive them to ensure that the tickets are           Square, BIRMINGHAM, B3 3DH
 for the date you require. This is a double check
 in case you omitted to indicate a preferred date.
 Tickets for lunch are only valid for the date shown.

 Please indicate on the booking form where you
 will be boarding the coach, if not indicated we
 will use your departure point from a previous
 event. The choice will be indicated on the tickets
 - please ensure it is correct. We need to know
 your boarding point to ensure that everybody
 has arrived before the coach departs. If you
 subsequently wish to change the boarding
 point please advise us. Within 24 hours of the
 trip if something crops up which means you
 cannot attend please call the mobile phone
 number on the ticket. The organiser will then
 know not to wait for you. Cancellations prior
 to the date of the outing should be telephoned
 to the office number 0121 464 3353.

 Please note that credit notes are now only

10     ARTEFACTS           WINTER 2011
              From the Office
BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP                               education and started to study ACCA. I have
• Free entry to special exhibitions in Gas Hall      good experience working on chartered accounts
• Artefacts magazine four times a year               and now I work as book-keeper for the Friends
• Opportunity to join the many                       of BMAG. Here I have met a lot of wonderful
   Friends’ social events and outings                people, I enjoy to working with them very much.
Plus discounts at the following venues
(terms and conditions apply):                        During my stay in England I met my
• BM&AG and Community Museum shops                   husband Martin, he is from Slovakia and
• 50% entrance discount to Thinktank                 we have a wonderful daughter Julia Anna.
    at Millennium Point             She will be 2 years old in March.
• Shakespeare Birthplace Trust shops (excluding
   admission prices)          I enjoy reading books, going to cinema,
• Ironbridge Gorge Trust shops provided a            travelling and visiting new places. I like to
   minimum of £5 is spent in one transaction.        travel around the uK, thanks to it historical
   Offer excludes books, certain sales               and culture heritage it is worth seeing. I also
   items, admission prices and café/restaurant       love gardening and I enjoy working on our
   purchases)                  allotment which is close to our home.
• Potteries Museums & Art Gallery shops/
   cafés                    NEW MEMBERS
                                                     A warm welcome is extended to our new
INTRODuCING OuR BOOKKEEPER                           members: Miss KEW Blunt, Mrs H Bush, Mr P
Hi, I am Anna Voscek. I am Polish and came to        Harrington, Mr P & Mrs C Harris, Dr A Harris,
England 7 years ago. After completing university     Miss M Page, Mrs BJ Andrews, Mr AW & Mrs
of Economics in Poznan (Poland) I came here to       B Macrae, Mr CM Edwards, Mr & Mrs WN
study English. Because I got so fascinated by this   Houghton, Mr J & Mrs A Mann, Mr D & Mrs J
country I have decided to stay for a bit longer.     Marks, Mr P & Mrs E Baker, Mr P McLauchlan,
                                                     Mr & Mrs JL Cunnington, Mrs J Chapman, Mrs L
                                                     Ingram, Mr G Yardley, Ms C Hagen & Mr A Clay,
                                                     Mrs EJ Blakey, Mrs J King, Ms JM Holmes, Mr N
                                                     & Mrs P O'Kane, Ms J Salmons, Mr SJ Cardinal.
                                                     Please remember to let us have your email
                                                     address if you have not already done so.

                                                     GIFT MEMBERSHIP
                                                     We were very pleased that 15 members have joined
I studied AAT in order to be more familiar with      through Gift Membership and thank everyone who
uK accountancy systems and graduated in 2008.        participated. Don’t forget that Gift Membership is
However I have decided to carry on with my           available all year round and runs for 15 months.

                                                           WINTER 2011            ARTEFACTS            11

 Your Pull-Out Application Forms follow
  Detach Application(s), complete all relevant details, send
 with One Cheque to “FBMAG” (unless otherwise stated)
for all events & Stamped Self Addressed Envelopes for each
                          event to:
                        Friends’ Office,
              Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery,
                     Chamberlain Square,
                     Birmingham, B3 3DH

                                     WINTER 2011   ARTEFACTS   I
Luncheon Club
Silver Collection
Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 March 2011
Speaker - Martin Ellis
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                                                                      LC009 A/B
When? (indicate as appropriate)                              I/we require ______ place(s) at £13.50 each
q Monday 21 March                                            Total = £_________________

q Tuesday 22 March                                           Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Either date                                                q Yes                          q No

Luncheon Club
'The Poetry of Drawing: Pre-Raphaelite Designs, Studies and Watercolours'
Tuesday 8 and Friday 11 March 2011
Speaker - Victoria Osborne
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                                                                      LC008 A/B
When? (indicate as appropriate)                              I/we require ______ place(s) at £13.50 each
q Tuesday 8 March                                            Total = £_________________

q Friday 11 March                                            Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Either date                                                q Yes                          q No

Lunch at The College of Food
Thursday 10 March 2011
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please indicate numbers of Starter(s) and Main Course(s)
Starters: A (Crab) ______ B (Pork) ______ Mains: C (Sole) ______                                           D (Duck) ______

Any dietary requirements? ________________________________________________

I/we require ______ place(s) at £19.50 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Yes                         q No
Cultural Champions

Cultural Champions from          for their support of and        public or business community
the Birmingham Museums           commitment to the Arts in       who has shown outstanding
and Art Gallery being given      the West Midlands. Deborah      support and commitment to
their awards by Ed Vaizey        said, ‘I am delighted and       an arts or cultural organisation
MP at the West Midlands          greatly honoured to receive     in their local community
celebration event in the Water   this award which I feel is on
Hall on October 5th 2010.        behalf of the work of ALL the   A major event is held in
                                 Friends and not just myself.    each English region, with a
In October 2010, Deborah de      It is wonderful that the work   Government Minister or VIP
Haes, our own Chairman of        of this great organisation is   as guest of honour to help
Friends, Ian Reaves, Deputy      being so widely recognised.’    celebrate the support and
Chairman and Shirley Stirling,                                   dedication shown by these
a Friend who has worked          What is a Cultural              individuals and businesses
for 28 years as a volunteer      Champion?                       to the arts in communities
with BMAG, all received the      A Cultural Champion is an       across the nation.
Cultural Champion award          individual from the wider

                                                          WINTER 2011The Friends of BM&AG
                                                        Autumn 2010       ARTEFACTS                 IIIIII
Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust and Derby Museums
Tuesday 29 March 2011
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pick-up Points
q Yateley Road - 8:30am                      q Chest Clinic, Great Charles Street - 8:45am

I/we require ______ place(s) at £15.00 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Yes                         q No

80th Birthday Party Launch and Reception
Tuesday 22 February 2011
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I/we require ______ place(s) at £10.00 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Yes                         q No


The Romans in Lusitania - A Talk in the AV Room
Monday 4 April 2011
Speaker - David Johnson
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I/we require ______ place(s) at £5.00 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?
q Yes                         q No
   In the last Artefacts we
   featured our first Acquisition,
   the Indian Miniature portrait of
   Muntaz Mahal, in this edition
   we are reproducing a couple of
   pictures from the 40’s and 50’s.

   Study of Two
   Gondolas and Figures,
   an Oil Painting by
   Luca Carlevaris,

   Presented by the
   Friends of BMAG
   Acq. No. 1948P50
   Cost £89

                                                                         The Hat Shop,
                                                                         an Oil Painting
                                                                         by Henry Tonks in 1892

                                                                         The subject, a hat shop, reflects
                                                                         Tonks interest in etiquette and
                                                                         fashion. The loose handling
                                                                         of the paint and the use of
                                                                         the effects of light reflects
                                                                         the influence of the French
                                                                         impressionists Manet (1832-
                                                                         83) and Degas (1834-1917).

                                                                         Presented by the
                                                                         Friends of BMAG
                                                                         Acq. No. 1951P105.
                                                                         Cost £210

Gillian Wearing Acquisition
The Friend's first purchase in our 80th year was a Limited Edition C-Type print representing the British model
Lily Cole wearing a slightly damaged mask, made of her own face. The contemporary artist Gillian Wearing
is Birmingham born and rose to prominence as one of the group known as the YBA's (Young British Artists).
She featured in the RA's exhibition Sensation, and won the Turner Prize in 1997.

The print measures 61x48cm and the cost was £791.

                                                                 WINTER 2011           ARTEFACTS             V
Guided Tour 103
From Darkness into Light
Friday 15 April 2011
Tour Guide - Jane Howell
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I/we require ______ place(s) at £6.00 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?
q Yes                         q No

Guided Tour 104
All The World's a Stage
Tuesday 19 April 2011
Tour Guide - Christine Moosavi
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I/we require ______ place(s) at £6.00 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Yes                         q No

Tabley House and Tatton Park
Friday 13 May 2011
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pick-up Points
q Yateley Road - 8:30am                      q Chest Clinic, Great Charles Street - 8:45am

I/we require ______ place(s) at £25.00 each. Total = £_________________

Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG?

q Yes                         q No
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SINGLE                                                              £30        []
     Conc.                                                          £20        []
     Student                                                        £15        []
           (Includes children under 16)                             £45        []
           Conc.                                                    £30        []

           Burne-Jones, Southall, Cox and Boulton categories are available
           For further information contact our Membership Secretary

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           SINGLE                                        £500       []
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DATA PROTECTION ACT - For membership and accounting needs your details are
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       Please tick here if you are NOT a uK taxpayer
FBMAG Staffordshire
Hoard Appeal
Wonderful news! I am               research, conservation and        Myra Weldon for organising
delighted to be able to tell you   display of the Hoard.             tickets. The biggest 'thank
that the FBMAG Staffordshire                                         you ' is of course due to
Hoard Appeal has achieved its      I would like to thank             all of you and your friends
target and raised £25, 000.        everyone who helped with          who attended the various
                                   the Appeal. All those who         events and also the Private
When asked to undertake            organised coffee mornings,        Views of the Hoard and the
the role of Appeal organiser       dinner parties and luncheons,     Annual Lecture, many making
I accepted with some               lectures, art shows and sales,    extra donations as well.
trepidation as I had serious       opened their gardens or held
doubts whether it would be         a treasure hunt. Special thanks   The FBMAG Staffordshire
possible to raise a significant    are due to the Marriott Hotel     Hoard Appeal is now closed
sum due to the recession and       for hosting the champagne         as the target of £25,000
also, although the money           reception and showing of          has been raised. Again
needed to purchase the Hoard       the National Geographic           profound thanks to everyone
was raised quickly many            film. FBMAG members in the        and best wishes for 2011.
people did not realise that        office gave great assistance
BMAG and the Associated            especially John Nodding                      Jennifer A. Young
Regional Museums required          and Joyce Elliot for financial             FBMAG Staffordshire
a further £1.7 million for         help and Mary Whetnall and                       Hoard Appeal

                                                          WINTER 2011         ARTEFACTS            13
Rita McLean's
               Autumn Report
 Visitor numbers continue to increase and                             investigated is to develop
                                                                      options for new governance and
 we had 720,000 visitors to the end of
                                                                      delivery arrangements. Options
 December 2010 – an increase of 46,000                                currently being scoped include
 on December 2009. The Staffordshire                                  the most appropriate/effective
                                                                      trust arrangements e.g. a single
 Hoard continues to be popular with
                                                                      trust for Museums/Heritage
 over 205,000 visitors since its return to                            Services and Library/Archives; or
 BMAG in March 2010. The Steve McCurry                                a separate trust for Museums
                                                                      and separate trust for Libraries.
 Retrospective was a great success with
                                                                      Consideration will also be given
 almost 50,000 visitors, and by the end of                            to the integration of BMAG
 December there had been 15,000 visitors                              and Thinktank operations. I will
                                                                      keep you informed on progress.
 to the New Art Now show in Gallery 20.
 As many of you may be aware,      Museums” which will be seen        As part of the need to be more
 we have been in receipt of        as part of a national network      entrepreneurial and to increase
 Renaissance in the Regions        of museum provision. Core          income generation, an admission
 government funding since 2003.    Museums are likely to be the       charge of £3.50 for adults (16yrs
 I am pleased to report that       major museums services in          and over) was introduced at
 the funding will be continuing    England’s conurbations having      the Museum of the Jewellery
 but, in line with many other      over c400,000 visitors, a local    Quarter in January 2011. Friends
 national programmes, it will be   population over c350,000           of BMAG will still be able to
 at a reduced level. However,      and with significant museum        visit the MJQ free of charge.
 the fact that it is continuing    collections. BMAG will be
 is universally seen as a “good    submitting an application to be    The Staffordshire Hoard - focus
 result” and recognition by the    a Core Museum in due course.       continues to be on fundraising
 Government that Renaissance                                          for research, conservation and
 has been a success story. A       As with all local authorities      long-term display so that the
 key change, however, is that      around the country in the          full story of the Hoard can be
 the existing regional “Hub”       current economic climate,          told. I understand that the
 delivery partnership model will   Birmingham City Council has        Friends’ target of £25k has been
 cease during 2011/12 and a        to deliver major savings over      reached. This is wonderful news
 new model for the programme       the next few years. In order       and our sincere thanks go to
 will be implemented from          to provide a more sustainable      Jennifer Young and to everyone
 2012/13 onwards. The change       future for its Cultural Services   who contributed. A selection
 includes the setting up of        (Museums, Libraries and Arts),     of items from the Hoard was
 a limited number of “Core         one of the proposals being         recently taken to the Centre

14     ARTEFACTS         WINTER 2011
National De La Recherche            functions reliably as a world class   with disabilities – please refer to
Scientifique at the Louvre so       exhibition space and complies         the BMAG website for details
that analysis on the garnets and    with environmental specifications     or ring us on 0121 464 4335.
the gold could be undertaken        required by lenders. Following its
to help determine their origin.     showing at BMAG, the Poetry           Finally, it is with great sadness
The service was very generously     of Drawing exhibition will tour       that I have to inform you that
offered free of charge by           to Australia from 17 June.            Tessa Sidey, one of our Curators
the laboratories, a gesture                                               of Fine Arts, died in the New
showing the Hoard’s worldwide       I’m afraid that the BMAG              Year following a long illness.
importance. The results of these    Passenger Lift in Edmund              Tessa worked at BMAG for 27
analyses will inform much of the    Street is currently out of use        years and was a prominent and
subsequent research and again       whilst major repair works are         well respected member of the
I will let you know the outcome     being carried out. We do not          museums service. Over the years,
which should be very interesting.   anticipate it being back in           Tessa brought many artworks to
                                    action until April/May and,           the Friends Committee and was
The Poetry of Drawing: Pre-         therefore, at the moment              very successful in persuading
Raphaelite Designs, Studies and     disabled access is only via the       them to support the purchase of
Watercolours exhibition runs        Great Charles Street entrance.        the acquisition for the collection.
until 15 May. This is the first     However, for the Poetry of            We will all miss her very much.
exhibition using the upgraded       Drawing exhibition in the Gas                                 Rita McLean
air conditioning plant which will   Hall, we will need to make                           Head of Museums &
ensure that the Gas Hall now        special arrangements for visitors                        Heritage Services

                                                              WINTER 2011             ARTEFACTS             15
What's On
               Upcoming Events
 MAIN MuSEuM & ART                                    the original Brotherhood, their mentor John
 GALLERY OPENING TIMES AND                            Ruskin, and the second generation of Pre-
 TELEPHONE NuMBERS                                    Raphaelites including Edward Burne-Jones,
 Times: Mon - Thurs and Sat 10am - 5pm, Fri           Frederick Sandys and Simeon Solomon, as
 10:30 am - 5:00 pm, Sun 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm.          well as later artists influenced by the Pre-
 Telephone Numbers: Control Room 0121                 Raphaelites such as Aubrey Beardsley. There
 303 4215, Reception 0121 303 2834                    will be a rare chance to see textiles, stained
                                                      glass and ceramics by designers such as William
                                                      Morris, William de Morgan and Florence Camm
     Gas Hall                                         alongside their original working drawings, and
                                                      significant watercolours and drawings never
 THE POETRY OF DRAWING: PRE-                          seen in public before, including examples by
 RAPHAELITE DESIGNS, STuDIES                          Rossetti, Arthur Hughes and Burne-Jones.
 Until Sunday 15 May 2011                             While drawing is often seen as secondary
 The Poetry of Drawing is the most                    to painting, this exhibition will show how
 comprehensive survey of Pre-Raphaelite               for the Pre-Raphaelites it was central to
 works on paper ever staged, showcasing               the activity of making art.
 the collections of fine and applied art
 held at BMAG alongside key works                     After its showing in Birmingham, the exhibition
 from public and private collections.                 will tour to the Art Gallery of New South Wales
                                                      in Sydney, Australia.
 The exhibition explores the role of drawing
 and design in the work of the Pre-Raphaelites,       This is a paying exhibition; Friends will get in
 their associates and followers, from the earliest    free on production of their membership card.
 days of the Brotherhood to the development
 of Symbolism and Art Nouveau. It includes            A Book Launch, two Luncheon Clubs and
 watercolours and coloured drawings alongside         a Reception have been arranged in conjunction
 works in pencil and pen and ink, and stained         with this exhibition; see Forthcoming Friends’
 glass, textiles and ceramics alongside their         Events for details.
 original designs. Through the portraits and
 caricatures the artists made of one another and
 often gave as gifts, the exhibition also provides     In the Main Galleries
 an insight into the Pre-Raphaelites’ relationships
 with their fellow-artists, friends and lovers.       GALLERY 16 -
                                                      THE STAFFORDSHIRE HOARD
 The Poetry of Drawing will include works by all
 the leading figures of the movement, including       GALLERY 20 - ART NOW ExHIBITION

16     ARTEFACTS          WINTER 2011
can imagine, held in storage for BMAG.
 Public Gallery Events
 Arranged by BMAG                                  Free tours of the MCC take place on the
                                                   last Friday of every month at 11:00am and
SINGLES NIGHT                                      2:00pm. There is no charge but booking is
Friday 11 February 2011, 6:30pm - 10pm             advisable on 0121 303 2836 / 675 2579
Back by popular demand, this event is the
perfect opportunity for like-minded people         MCC PuBLIC OPEN DAY
to mingle in the opulent surroundings of our       Monday 2 May (Bank Holiday),
galleries, enjoying a glass of wine, some live     10:30am - 5:00pm.
music and (hopefully) wonderful company...         Come along to another of our popular free
Tickets cost £10.00 and include free admission     open days when visitors get a chance to explore
to our Gas Hall exhibition, 'The Poetry of         the stored collections at their leisure. There
Drawing'. Advance booking is required; to          is always a new nostalgic treat to discover,
book a ticket, please call the box office on       whether your interest is in ceramics, transport,
0121 303 1966, visit the Gas Hall reception,       science and industry, domestic objects,
or book on-line at         sculpture, natural history, and much more!
                                                   Please note there is free car parking on-site.
A number of adult workshops are taking place       If there are any Friends willing to volunteer
at BMAG in the Spring. Tickets for each            on one of these most enjoyable days please
workshop are £20.00. To book a ticket,             contact Phil Watson on 0121 303 4366 or
please call the box office on 0121 303    The main
1966, visit the Gas Hall reception, or book        duties are staffing the aisles, store rooms
on-line at Please          and other areas and helping out with the
contact Louise Taylor, Public Programmes           visitor evaluation. Only qualities required
Officer, for more information (louise.a.taylor@    are that you be ’helpful and watchful'! or 0121 675 2579)

Jewellery Making with Jolene Smith                  Community Museums
Saturday 29th January, 11am - 4pm
                                                   The Museum of the Jewellery Quarter is open
Life Drawing, with Anne Brierley (including a 10   all year, Tues - Sat & Bank Holiday Mondays
minute introduction to The Poetry of Drawing),     10:30am - 4:00pm. Aston Hall, Soho House,
Saturday 19th February, 10:30am - 4pm              Blakesley Hall and Sarehole Mill have now
                                                   closed for Winter except for some special
                                                   events, see details below or contact the venues
 The Museum                                        directly. They will re-open 9 or 10 April.

 Collections Centre
The MCC is at 25 Dollman Street, Nechells,          Museum of the
Birmingham, B7 4RQ; it is one of the biggest
museum stores in the country, a warehouse
                                                    Jewellery Quarter
crammed with every type of object you              75–79 Vyse Street, Hockley, Birmingham

                                                         WINTER 2011           ARTEFACTS           17
B18 6HA. Tel: 0121 554 3598.                         everyone plenty of opportunity to create their
                                                      own masterpiece (charge of £1 per head).
 The Museum of the Jewellery Quarter
 (open throughout the year), houses a
 perfectly preserved jewellery workshop
 offering a unique glimpse of working life in
                                                       Soho House
 Birmingham’s famous Jewellery Quarter.               Soho Avenue, Handsworth, Birmingham,
                                                      B18 5LB. Tel: 0121 554 9122

     Aston Hall                                       EASTER HALF TERM HOLIDAYS
                                                      Tuesday 12th April – Monday 25th April 2011
 Trinity Road, Aston, Birmingham, B6 6JD              ‘Once upon a time’ children’s trail. Free.
 Tel: 0121 675 4722                                   Follow the fun fairytale clues around the house.

 The staff at Aston Hall are preparing for a          DROP-IN FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITIES
 busy season of events prior to their opening         Tuesday 12 - Monday 25 April 2011, 12:30-3:30pm
 on Sunday 10 April. They will offer something        £1.00 per child
 for everyone this year, and are sure all visitors
 will enjoy the beautiful house and gardens.          SAIL AWAY Tuesday 12 April 2011
                                                      Make a box sailboat. Drop-in children’s craft activity
 On Wednesday 4 May they will be offering
 tours of Aston's cellars, giving visitors a          HOP TO IT! Friday 15 April 2011
 chance to see some of the less glamorous,            Make a lily pad frog. Drop-in children’s craft activity.
 but very essential, parts of the Hall, and
 to find out about how they were used. For            MAD HATTERS Tuesday 19 April 2011
 another insight into Aston's life behind it's four   Make an Easter hat. Drop-in children’s craft activity.
 walls, they will also be hosting one of their
 popular garden tours on Tuesday 10 May.              TEA CuP SuRPRISE! Friday 22 April 2011
                                                      Make a pop-up mouse puppet.
 For children and families, they will be bringing     Drop-in children’s craft activity.
 out a new range of activity trails, so there
 will be something new for even our most              EASTER TRAIL
 regular visitors. Children can also sign up          Good Friday 22 - Easter Monday 25 April
 for the second year of the History Detectives        2011, 12noon-4pm. Free. Complete our
 passport scheme, collecting points every time        garden Easter egg hunt and win a prize!
 they visit a museum, to win prizes. Last year's
 scheme was very successful, with hundreds of         SPECIAL EVENT DAY
 children taking part and the top 10 highest          STEAM ME uP WATTY
 scorers being invited to Blakesley Hall for a        Bank Holiday Monday 25 April 2011, 12noon-4pm
 Knight School and the chance to serve the            Free event with Traction Engine in steam, Working
 master of the House! The children's craft            steam model engines from Birmingham Society of
 activities will be restarting with Easter Basket     Model Engineers, Miniature railway Birmingham
 making on Wednesday 13 April. They are               Society of Model Engineers (50p per ride) and a
 introducing new timed slots for these, to give       children’s drop-in craft activity (50p per child).

18     ARTEFACTS           WINTER 2011
                  ADVERTISE IN ARTEFACTS
                MAGAzINE pLEASE CONTACT
                     DIANE STINTON ON:
                      01905 727903

               PW MediA & PubliShiNg

              WINTER 2011        ARTEFACTS   19
 A new costume commission at Soho House              Blakesley Hall
 has recreated one of Anne Boulton’s bonnets
                                                    Blakesley Road, Yardley, Birmingham,
 based on a shopping bill from a London
                                                    B25 8RN. Tel: 0121 464 2193.
 milliner in 1820 and fashionable designs of
 the period. A first floor room at Soho House
                                                    WINTER TOuRS
 has recently been refurbished to feature new
                                                    £3.50 per person. Refreshments available
 displays on the Boulton family and their life at
                                                    at an additional charge. On the following
 Soho. Anne Boulton, daughter of Matthew,
                                                    Tuesdays at 11:00am - February 1, 8, 15, 22.
 had a keen interest in fashion throughout
                                                    March 8, 15 & 29. Pre-booking essential.
 her life and this bespoke commission has
 brought to life the fascinating detail revealed
                                                    Fully open from Saturday 9 April.
 in her shopping bills including fancy bonnet
 designs and luxury fabrics and trimmings.
                                                    FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITIES 12:.30-3.30pm
                                                    Tuesday 12 April, Thursday 14 April,
                                                    Tuesday 19 April, Thursday 21 April,
                                                    Tuesday 31 May 2011. £1.00 per child.

                                                    SHAKESPEARE DAY
                                                    Saturday 23 April 2011, 12-4pm
                                                    Come along and meet ‘the Bard’ and help
                                                    him work on his new play. Garden tours on
                                                    a Shakespeare theme.

                                                    TuDOR TuNES
                                                    Bank Holiday Monday 2 May 2011, 12-4pm
                                                    An afternoon of Tudor and Elizabethan music
                                                    with costumed musician Richard York.

                                                    GARDEN PARTY
                                                    Bank Holiday Monday 30 May 2011, 12-4pm
                                                    A celebration of Blakesley’s wonderful
                                                    gardens. Garden tours, country dancing,
                                                    plant sales and garden games.

 The bonnet is a bespoke commission from
 the Costume Project at Ironbridge Gorge
 Museum Trust, who specialise in reconstructing      Sarehole Mill
 18th and 19th century costume. The bonnet
                                                    Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham,
 has been handmade from an ivory duchess
                                                    B13 0BD. Tel: 0121 777 6612
 satin with silk lining and is trimmed with
 silk ribbons and a fine french cotton lace.
                                                    WINTER TOuRS
 The project has been supported by private
                                                    £3.50 per person. Refeshments available at an
 donation and the Soho House Appeal Fund.

20     ARTEFACTS          WINTER 2011
additional charge. On the following Thursdays      avoiding the steep and narrow internal stairs.
at 1:00pm - February 3, 10, 17, 24. March          This new arrangement means that Sarehole Mill
- 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. Pre-booking essential.        is now accessible on the ground floor as well
                                                   as on the first floor. The first floor provides a
Sarehole Mill is fully open from Saturday 9        good view of the working water wheel, steam
April until the end of October, Tuesday to         engine, mill stones and ancillary machinery.
Sunday from 12:00 to 4:00pm. Milling takes
place on the first Sunday of the month. Closed     The platform provides entry to the mill but
on Mondays except for Bank Holidays.               also offers a lovely view over the mill pond
                                                   which is surrounded by trees and is a secluded
FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITIES                            haven for wildlife. The pond is home to a heron
Wednesday 13 April, Wednesday                      and is regularly visited by kingfishers nesting
20 April 2011, 1pm-3pm                             along the river Cole.
£1.00 per child.
                                                   The path and platform were paid for from
RAMBLERS’ GET WALKING DAY                          Birmingham City Council’s Corporate
Saturday 7 May 2011, 12-4pm                        Access Budget.
(Walk at 1pm). Join family activities or an
organised taster walk along the river Cole.
Free step counters for new walkers.                 Weoley Castle
MIDDLE EARTH WEEKEND                               Alwold Road, Weoley Castle, Birmingham,
Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 May 2011, 11-5pm           B29 5RJ. Telephone bookings via Blakesley
Entry to the mill and grounds are free. Some       Hall 0121 464 2193
activities /performances may charge.
                                                   WINTER TOuRS
NEW VIEWING PLATFORM                               £3.50 per person. Refreshments available
AT SAREHOLE MILL                                   at an additional charge. On the following
For the first time since Sarehole Mill opened as   Fridays at 2:00pm - Feb 4 and March 4.
a museum in 1969, visitors will have access to     Pre-booking essential.
the area behind the mill to view the pond that
stores the water to power the mill machinery.      FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITY
                                                   Wednesday 20 April, Friday 3 June
A newly installed gently sloping path runs from    2011, 1.30 - 3.30pm. Free
the mill yard to the pond viewing platform
at the rear of the mill. Because the mill was      GuIDED WALK
built against the earthen dam that holds back      Sunday 8th May 2011, 2pm. Free
the water of the pond, the path starts at
ground level in the yard and slowly rises to the
viewing platform which is at the same level
as the pond and the first floor of the mill.

Visitors can therefore enter the mill at first
floor level from the viewing platform, thus

                                                         WINTER 2011           ARTEFACTS           21
               Autumn Events
 Marble Hill Hall and                                the house. The “piece de resistance” is the
                                                     Long Gallery with fan vaulting in white and
 Strawberry Hill                                     gold and rich crimson damask walls 55ft long,
 On the 14 December we arrived around noon           17ft high and 13ft wide. The other beautifully
 at Marble Hill house in Twickenham. After           restored room was the Tribune with mint
 lunch at a local hostelry we had a guided           green walls and gold tracery on the ceiling.
 tour of Henrietta Howard's house, Henrietta
 was the mistress of George II. Marble Hill Hall     Perhaps another visit, please, could be
 was one of the first Palladian villas to be built   arranged to see the further restorations
 in Britain. The villa was designed by Colen         in a couple of years.
 Campbell under the direction of Lord Henry                                                Ann Crump
 Herbert, the “Earl Architect”, between 1724
 and 1729 and built by Roger Morris. We started
 the tour in the hall, the windows looking out
                                                     Stoke-on-Trent –
 over the park with views down to the Thames.        The Potteries Museum
 We then toured the reception rooms and              & Art Gallery
 bedrooms, climbing to the top of the house          Tuesday 11 January. A warm welcome from
 via a beautiful mahogany staircase. The Great       the Committee Members of their Friends
 Room, the main reception room, is a prime           greeted us on arrival at Stoke-on-Trent
 example of the symmetrical Palladian style          Potteries Museum. Deborah Klemperer
 measuring 24ft long, 24ft wide and 24ft high.       Principal Collections Officer, who has been
                                                     closely involved in all matters relating to the
 Then we travelled further along the Thames          Hoard since its discovery, generously gave us
 to Strawberry Hill House, 1743-1790,                her time to explain the follow-up work now
 the Gothic folly of Horace Walpole, the             in progress and it was particularly interesting
 third son of the Prime Minster Sir Robert           to hear of the high level detailed investigation
 Walpole. Horace Walpole was an avid art             into the source of the garnets used.
 collector and built Strawberry Hill to house
 his collection of paintings, armour, china,         We were fortunate to be able to spend our
 cameos, snuff boxes and stained glass. The          remaining time viewing the ceramics collection
 stained glass was incorporated into the             at Stoke, which is designated as one of national
 gothic windows throughout the house.                importance. After a day full of interest we
                                                     returned to Birmingham after an easy journey.
 The house has recently undergone a £9
 million restoration to restore Walpole's            This has raised £335 towards our Appeal for
 original decorations and designs. In fact the       the cleaning and conservation of the
 work is still being carried out so we had to        Staffordshire Hoard.
 avoid ladders and paint pots as we toured                                           Myra Wheeldon

22     ARTEFACTS          WINTER 2011
              Diary Dates
11       **        Guided Tour (102) – Jane Howell – Fortunes of War
22       *         80th Birthday Party Launch and Reception

8        *         Luncheon Club – Victoria Osborne – The Poetry of Drawing (1)
10       *         College of Food
11       *         Luncheon Club – Victoria Osborne – The Poetry of Drawing (2)
21       *         Luncheon Club – Martin Ellis – The Silver Collection (1)
22       *         Luncheon Club – Martin Ellis – The Silver Collection (2)
29       *         Derby – Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust, Silk Museum & Art Gallery

4        *         The Romans in Lusitania, Speaker – David Johnson
6 - 12   #         Lisbon Art & Culture Tour
15       *         Guided Tour (103) – Jane Howell - From Darkness into Light
19       *         Guided Tour (104) – Christine Moosavi - All The World’s a Stage

13       *         Tabley House & Tatton Park

26       +         Blakesley Hall – Garden Party

23 - 26 +          Bristol Weekend Away

*    Details and application forms are enclosed with this mailing
**   Fully booked, sorry
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                                                                                          in pub 11 e cts

+    Dates for your diary, no applications in this mailing
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#    Included in a previous mailing, but still some places available
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$    Event arranged by BMAG
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Artefacts Friends of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery  Winter 2011

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Artefacts Friends of Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Winter 2011

  • 2.
  • 3. CONTACTS John Pownall - Events and Artefacts Content Myra Wheeldon - Events Mary Whetnall - Events Margaret Boniface - Archivist Detail from The Hat Shop, an Oil Painting by Henry Tonks, 1892 Lynda Perrin - Membership John Nodding - Treasurer Chairman's Report 4 6 Ria van den Nieuwboer - Volunteer Co-ordinator Friends' Events Melissa Page - Administrator News from the Office 11 Friends' Office Birmingham Museum & Art Acquisitions V 13 Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham. B3 3DH Tel: 0121 303 3129 Staffordshire Hoard Events: 0121 464 3353 14 Rita McLean's Report Reg. Charity No. 528895 Designed and Produced by: PW Media & Publishing Ltd What's On 16 Graphic Design: Paul Blyth Reviews 22 Printed By: WPG Print Advertising Sales: Diane Stinton - Tel: 01905 727903 Friends' Diary 23 WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 3
  • 4. Our Chairman Deborah de Haes Happy New Year! I hope not too many The first ever meeting of the Young Persons’ Advisory Panel of you were stuck indoors over Christmas in early December was a lively and New Year because of the snow. There and enthusiastic event. Thanks to Buro Happold for hosting have been some very beautiful moments this for us. The young people but some very difficult times as well. I (aged between 20 and 30) hope that by the time you read this, your were very interested in the work of the Friends and full of personal snow scenes will all be history! ideas. They have generously Happy Birthday! This year, the Our Annual Lecture was a agreed to meet again to help Friends of Birmingham Museums real treat this year with a us work through what some of and Art Gallery is 80 years’ old. very informative talk about their questions and suggestions Our actual birthday is 1 July and current research into the might mean in practice for the we are planning a garden party Staffordshire Hoard from a very Friends. I am convinced the at Blakesley Hall on Sunday 26 knowledgeable and engaging outcome will be of interest to June in the afternoon. There will presenter, Leslie Webster. She all Friends whatever their ages. be afternoon tea with a special raised as many questions as she birthday cake, as well as a chance answered, all of which were In this our 80th birthday year, to see the Friends’ border which fascinating and underlined I am reminded of the remark was planted last year and is now the need for considerably made by the facilitator at the growing well, I am told. I hope more research to be done into Trustees’ Awayday in 2010: ‘In as many of you as possible will individual pieces, the deposits a long-standing charity like this,’ be able to come – more details left on them and the finer he said, ‘your responsibility is in the next Artefacts. We are detail that will become clearer to hand the organisation on in launching our birthday year with as the pieces are cleaned. Our good shape to your successors.’ a Friends’ private view of the Pre- fund-raising campaign is now I think back over the many Raphaelites Drawing exhibition at closed and I am delighted chairmen, committee members, 6pm on 22 February. As well as to say that we have reached administrators, Council staff an introduction to the Drawings our target of £25,000. An and volunteers who over the from Victoria Osborne, curator enormous thank you to Jennifer years have dedicated so much of the exhibition, we will also Young for coordinating this time and effort to making be having a drinks reception in campaign, which has involved the Friends what it is today. the Round Room, open to all considerable persistence and Friends and their guests (booking effort, and thank you for With every good wish for 2011 essential). Again, I hope to see your contributions large and and I hope you are able to enjoy as many of you as possible small – they all count and we at least some of the special events at this very special event. are grateful for them all. planned for our birthday year. 4 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 5. WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 5
  • 6. Forthcoming Friends' Events lunch (not included), we will visit the Silk Coach Pick-up Mill and see displays that tell the story of the industrial heritage and achievement Due to parking restrictions in Richmond of Derby and its people. There is a special Hill Road we have changed our Harborne emphasis on the development of Rolls- Pickup Point to Yateley Road. This is on Royce aero engines and the railway industry. the other side of Harborne Road and is Other displays cover local industries such slightly nearer to Harborne. The Post Code as mining, pottery and foundry work. The is B15 3JP. For the next few coach events Power Gallery covers the story of motive we will send a map with your tickets. power in industry with hands-on exhibits. Ten minutes walk away is Derby Museum Lisbon Art & Culture Tour and Art Gallery which houses a wide range of important and attractive collections, Wednesday 6 - Tuesday 12 April 2011 covering porcelain, paintings, archaeology, Please note small change of dates. Details history, local regiments, geology and wildlife. were in the last edition of Artefacts. Due Paintings by the celebrated 18th Century to cancellations there are a few places Derby artist Joseph Wright, Associate of the remaining; if you are interested please Royal Academy (1734-97) include portraits, contact the office as soon as possible. landscapes, subjects from literature and scenes of industry and scientific equipment that represent this exciting period of pioneering Derby, Rolls-Royce Heritage discovery. This is the largest collection of the artist's work in any public gallery in the world. Trust & Museums Tuesday 29 March 2011 The Archaeology Gallery contains local Our first stop will be at the Rolls-Royce Heritage material from the Stone Age to the Trust site on the south side of Derby which Middle Ages, with several fine Anglo- contains a representative selection of Rolls- Saxon crosses and a splendid sarcophagus. Royce Limited aero engines and cars, from the There are also two Egyptian mummies. formation of the Company to the present day. Engines currently included are Eagle, Hawk, The Military Gallery (now totally refurbished), Kestrel, Merlin, Griffon and gas turbines of tells the stories of local regiments such as the 9th the Welland and Derwent to the Trent. /12th Royal Lancers, the Derbyshire Yeomanry and the Sherwood Foresters, with information We will then coach to the centre of Derby available on a touch-screen computer. and park near the Silk Mill – Derby’s Museum of Industry and History. After time for Cost: £15 – Includes coach & driver’s tip 6 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 7. Pickup Points: Yateley Road @ 8:30am until the last Lord Egerton died without heirs or Chest Clinic, Gt. Charles St. @ 8:45am. in 1958. Maurice Egerton bequeathed the Please note change of Harborne pick-up. estate to the National Trust and in 1960 a lease was drawn up with Cheshire County This event is open to non-members and an Council who managed and financed the application form is included in this magazine. property on behalf of the National Trust until April 2009 when responsibility transferred to Cheshire East Council. As well as the Tabley House & Mansion there are 50 acres of award-winning historical gardens which are accessed through Tatton Park (NT) the Garden Shop, and include the famous Friday 13 May 2011 Japanese Garden, Italian and Rose gardens, After coffee on arrival at Tabley House Arboretum, Topiary, Maze and Pinery/Vinery. (included), we will have guided tours of the House. Tabley House was designed by John Cost: £25.00 to include coach, driver’s tip, Carr of York for Sir Peter Byrne Leicester, coffee and biscuits at Tabley House, tours of Bt., and completed in 1769. His son, Sir Tabley House. Tatton Park is National Trust so John Fleming Leicester, Bt., later 1st Lord please remember your Membership Cards. de Tabley, was the first great patron and collector of British paintings. He assembled Pickup Points: Depart Yateley Road 8:30am, a splendid collection at Tabley and in his Chest Clinic 8:45am. Please note change of London house during the first decade of the Harborne pick-up. 19th Century, ultimately with the intention of establishing a National Gallery of British Art. This event is open to non-members and an application form is included in this magazine. JMW Turner, Henry Thompson and James Ward were among the many painters who stayed at Tabley. Today, important works by them can be College of Food seen in the rooms for which they were created, together with fine paintings by Dobson, Thursday 10 March 2011 at 12 noon Lely, Reynolds, Cotes, Northcote, Callcott, Our 80th Year Annual Lunch has been Fuseli, Lawrence, Opie, Martin and others. arranged at the College of Food in Summer Row. As usual we have selected 2 starters We will then coach the short distance to Tatton and 2 main courses. Please ensure your Park (National Trust, entrance not included), selections are clearly indicated on your arriving in time for lunch. There is the Stables applications, also any dietary requirements. Restaurant for snacks and hot dishes, perhaps Desserts will be selected on the day. bring a picnic with you or buy something from the Housekeeper’s Store if the weather YOuR CHOICES OF STARTER: is suitable. The Park has a history dating back A. Pan fried crab cake with a fritto misto to Bronze Age farming and has been home of sea food and Tyrolienne sauce to herds of deer since the 13th century. In B. Sauté’d pork on a salad of leaves, the late Tudor period Tatton was acquired semi dried apricots, almonds, grilled by the Egerton family who owned the estate Parma ham and balsamic vinaigrette WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 7
  • 8. MAIN COuRSES: centuries CE. He will illustrate this talk with C. Delice of lemon sole with a herb farce Marguery photographs which he has taken on his visits D. Roast Gressingham duck with black cherries to sites in Portugal and South Western Spain. Because Roman history is always interesting Cost: £19.50; this includes three courses, and there is ample space in the AV Room we wine, coffee and service. have thrown the event open to all Friends. We will meet in the AV Room at 10:45am An Application form is included in this magazine. for an 11:00am start. Cost: £5.00 80th Birthday Party An Application form is included in this magazine. Launch and Reception THE POETRY OF DRAWING Tuesday 22 February 2011 Friends Guided We are launching our 80th birthday year with a Friends' reception in the Round Room at 6pm. Tours of BMAG After speeches and the presentation of the These tours are exclusive to Friends and Staffordshire Hoard fundraising cheque, you can are provided by official BMAG tour guides. make your way to the Drawings and Paintings unless otherwise stated they all start at Pre-Raphaelites exhibition in the Gas Hall and/ 11am in the Round Room and cost £6.00. or to the Staffordshire Hoard. Curators will be Please note that Lunch is not included in available to introduce the displays. Open to all these events (see Luncheon Clubs). Friends and their guests (booking is essential). We will meet in the Round Room at 6:00pm. GuIDED TOuR (103) - “FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT” BY JANE HOWELL Cost: £10 Friday 15 April 2011 The shortest day has passed and we look, An Application form is included in this magazine. with relief, to the days drawing out. This seasonal pattern has fascinated we humans from the beginning of time. How have artists The Romans in Lusitania tackled the subject? What do they show about our emotional response to the event. TALK IN THE AV ROOM SPEAKER In this tour we shall look at some works - DAVID JOHNSON in the hope of finding some answers. Monday 4 April 2011 This talk has been arranged primarily for the GuIDED TOuR (104) - “ALL THE WORLD’S Friends who are going on our Lisbon trip in A STAGE” BY CHRISTINE MOOSAVI April, Lusitania being the Roman name for that Tuesday 19 April 2011 area. In his talk, David intends to outline the way BMAG's paintings collection is rich in drama, in which the region was brought under Roman whether featuring players on a theatrical rule after the second Punic war, the nature of stage or actors caught in a moment of life in the Roman provinces of southern Spain dramatic tension the drama shouts at us. during the golden age of the late 1st and 2nd 8 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 9. Those on this tour will enjoy the drama Application forms for these Luncheon and even participate. Luvvies with pink (or Clubs are included in this magazine. green) carnations are especially welcome. Application forms for these Guided Date For Your Diary Tours are included in this magazine. GARDEN PARTY AT BLAKESLEY HALL Sunday 26 June 2011 Luncheon Clubs There will be afternoon tea with a special birthday cake, as well as a chance to see The following luncheon clubs have been the Friends’ border which was planted arranged for this next quarter. We meet at last year and is now growing well. 11:00am, the talks take about an hour and There will be more information and Booking then we go to the Edwardian Tea Room Application forms in our next mailing. for lunch. You will need to bring your ticket for the lunch, the cost is £13.50. BRISTOL WEEKEND AWAY Friday 23 - Monday 26 September 2011 THE POETRY OF DRAWING This year's weekend away will be based in Tuesday 8 & Friday 11 March 2011 Bristol, visits to the Wye Valley, Bath and Bristol Speaker Victoria Osborne, Curator (Fine will be included. More details will be published Art). The Poetry of Drawing brings in the next Artefacts. together works from Birmingham’s world class collections of Pre-Raphaelite and later 19th century art alongside key loans Event Applications from public and private lenders, some of which have never been seen before in BOOKINGS FOR EVENTS public. It is the most comprehensive and A few statistics for you. An analysis of beautiful survey of Pre-Raphaelite drawings, Events bookings for 2010 is as follows designs and watercolours ever staged. Artefacts Issue No. of No. of Friends will meet in Gas Hall Reception Members Events at 11:00am for a start at 11:15am. Applying Booked THE SILVER COLLECTION Winter 2010 151 390 Monday 21 & Tuesday 22 March 2011 Spring 2010 177 369 Speaker Martin Ellis, Curator (Applied Summer 2010 181 471 Art). Martin will lead us upstairs to the Autumn 2010 99 231 galleries above the Edwardian Tea Room where the majority of the collection is All of your bookings were initially entered onto one displayed. If time permits we will look at spread sheet which gives an analysis of cheques some of the silver in the picture galleries. received and bookings made. The majority of these bookings were received within 10 days of Friends will meet in Round Room at Artefacts being circulated. To help the booking 11:00am for a start at 11:15am. procedure to run smoothly we highlight below WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 9
  • 10. some of the areas where we frequently encounter valid for 12 months from the date of issue, problems with the application forms which delay all credit notes issued since June 2010 clearly the processing of your booking whilst we clarify state this. Any “old” credit notes should or query the information you have given. therefore be used against your bookings for either this or the next edition of Artefacts. MEMBERSHIP NuMBER Please include your membership number on SuMMING uP - PLEASE REMEMBER TO: the booking form, this is the 4 digit number • Separate the individual forms which is printed on your membership card. • Complete ALL details, don’t forget things like: It is not 528895 which is frequently quoted, Pickup Point on Coach Trips, deleting dates that is our Charity Registration Number. that you can’t come to Luncheon Clubs et cetera. LuNCHEON CLuB • Write ONE BULK Cheque made out to When booking for a Luncheon Club you will FBMAG for all the events that you are normally have a choice of dates. Please ensure applying for, but please do not include your that you indicate clearly on the booking form Membership subscriptions in this bulk cheque. which date you wish to attend. If you have no • Include a S.A.E. for EACH event date preference indicate “either date” - you will • Send the Forms, Cheque and S.A.E.s then be allocated tickets for the event which has to: The Friends' Office, Birmingham the least bookings. Please check your tickets when Museum & Art Gallery, Chamberlain you receive them to ensure that the tickets are Square, BIRMINGHAM, B3 3DH for the date you require. This is a double check in case you omitted to indicate a preferred date. Tickets for lunch are only valid for the date shown. COACH OuTINGS Please indicate on the booking form where you will be boarding the coach, if not indicated we will use your departure point from a previous event. The choice will be indicated on the tickets - please ensure it is correct. We need to know your boarding point to ensure that everybody has arrived before the coach departs. If you subsequently wish to change the boarding point please advise us. Within 24 hours of the trip if something crops up which means you cannot attend please call the mobile phone number on the ticket. The organiser will then know not to wait for you. Cancellations prior to the date of the outing should be telephoned to the office number 0121 464 3353. CREDIT NOTES Please note that credit notes are now only 10 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 11. News From the Office BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP education and started to study ACCA. I have • Free entry to special exhibitions in Gas Hall good experience working on chartered accounts • Artefacts magazine four times a year and now I work as book-keeper for the Friends • Opportunity to join the many of BMAG. Here I have met a lot of wonderful Friends’ social events and outings people, I enjoy to working with them very much. Plus discounts at the following venues (terms and conditions apply): During my stay in England I met my • BM&AG and Community Museum shops husband Martin, he is from Slovakia and • 50% entrance discount to Thinktank we have a wonderful daughter Julia Anna. at Millennium Point She will be 2 years old in March. • Shakespeare Birthplace Trust shops (excluding admission prices) I enjoy reading books, going to cinema, • Ironbridge Gorge Trust shops provided a travelling and visiting new places. I like to minimum of £5 is spent in one transaction. travel around the uK, thanks to it historical Offer excludes books, certain sales and culture heritage it is worth seeing. I also items, admission prices and café/restaurant love gardening and I enjoy working on our purchases) allotment which is close to our home. • Potteries Museums & Art Gallery shops/ cafés NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome is extended to our new INTRODuCING OuR BOOKKEEPER members: Miss KEW Blunt, Mrs H Bush, Mr P Hi, I am Anna Voscek. I am Polish and came to Harrington, Mr P & Mrs C Harris, Dr A Harris, England 7 years ago. After completing university Miss M Page, Mrs BJ Andrews, Mr AW & Mrs of Economics in Poznan (Poland) I came here to B Macrae, Mr CM Edwards, Mr & Mrs WN study English. Because I got so fascinated by this Houghton, Mr J & Mrs A Mann, Mr D & Mrs J country I have decided to stay for a bit longer. Marks, Mr P & Mrs E Baker, Mr P McLauchlan, Mr & Mrs JL Cunnington, Mrs J Chapman, Mrs L Ingram, Mr G Yardley, Ms C Hagen & Mr A Clay, Mrs EJ Blakey, Mrs J King, Ms JM Holmes, Mr N & Mrs P O'Kane, Ms J Salmons, Mr SJ Cardinal. Please remember to let us have your email address if you have not already done so. GIFT MEMBERSHIP We were very pleased that 15 members have joined I studied AAT in order to be more familiar with through Gift Membership and thank everyone who uK accountancy systems and graduated in 2008. participated. Don’t forget that Gift Membership is However I have decided to carry on with my available all year round and runs for 15 months. WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 11
  • 12. 12 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 13. Application Forms Your Pull-Out Application Forms follow Detach Application(s), complete all relevant details, send with One Cheque to “FBMAG” (unless otherwise stated) for all events & Stamped Self Addressed Envelopes for each event to: Friends’ Office, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, B3 3DH WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS I
  • 14. 1 Luncheon Club Silver Collection Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 March 2011 Speaker - Martin Ellis Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LC009 A/B When? (indicate as appropriate) I/we require ______ place(s) at £13.50 each q Monday 21 March Total = £_________________ 2 q Tuesday 22 March Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? office q Either date q Yes q No use For Luncheon Club 'The Poetry of Drawing: Pre-Raphaelite Designs, Studies and Watercolours' Tuesday 8 and Friday 11 March 2011 Speaker - Victoria Osborne Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LC008 A/B When? (indicate as appropriate) I/we require ______ place(s) at £13.50 each q Tuesday 8 March Total = £_________________ 3 q Friday 11 March Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? office use For q Either date q Yes q No Lunch at The College of Food Thursday 10 March 2011 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please indicate numbers of Starter(s) and Main Course(s) Starters: A (Crab) ______ B (Pork) ______ Mains: C (Sole) ______ D (Duck) ______ Any dietary requirements? ________________________________________________ C001 I/we require ______ place(s) at £19.50 each. Total = £_________________ Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? office use For q Yes q No
  • 15. Cultural Champions Cultural Champions from for their support of and public or business community the Birmingham Museums commitment to the Arts in who has shown outstanding and Art Gallery being given the West Midlands. Deborah support and commitment to their awards by Ed Vaizey said, ‘I am delighted and an arts or cultural organisation MP at the West Midlands greatly honoured to receive in their local community celebration event in the Water this award which I feel is on Hall on October 5th 2010. behalf of the work of ALL the A major event is held in Friends and not just myself. each English region, with a In October 2010, Deborah de It is wonderful that the work Government Minister or VIP Haes, our own Chairman of of this great organisation is as guest of honour to help Friends, Ian Reaves, Deputy being so widely recognised.’ celebrate the support and Chairman and Shirley Stirling, dedication shown by these a Friend who has worked What is a Cultural individuals and businesses for 28 years as a volunteer Champion? to the arts in communities with BMAG, all received the A Cultural Champion is an across the nation. Cultural Champion award individual from the wider WINTER 2011The Friends of BM&AG Autumn 2010 ARTEFACTS IIIIII
  • 16. 4 Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust and Derby Museums Tuesday 29 March 2011 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pick-up Points q Yateley Road - 8:30am q Chest Clinic, Great Charles Street - 8:45am EV015 I/we require ______ place(s) at £15.00 each. Total = £_________________ 5 Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? office q Yes q No use For 80th Birthday Party Launch and Reception Tuesday 22 February 2011 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/we require ______ place(s) at £10.00 each. Total = £_________________ EV014 Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? 6 q Yes q No office use For The Romans in Lusitania - A Talk in the AV Room Monday 4 April 2011 Speaker - David Johnson Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/we require ______ place(s) at £5.00 each. Total = £_________________ EV016 Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? q Yes q No office use For
  • 17. Acquisitions In the last Artefacts we featured our first Acquisition, the Indian Miniature portrait of Muntaz Mahal, in this edition we are reproducing a couple of pictures from the 40’s and 50’s. Study of Two Gondolas and Figures, an Oil Painting by Luca Carlevaris, Presented by the Friends of BMAG Acq. No. 1948P50 Cost £89 The Hat Shop, an Oil Painting by Henry Tonks in 1892 The subject, a hat shop, reflects Tonks interest in etiquette and fashion. The loose handling of the paint and the use of the effects of light reflects the influence of the French impressionists Manet (1832- 83) and Degas (1834-1917). Presented by the Friends of BMAG Acq. No. 1951P105. Cost £210 Gillian Wearing Acquisition The Friend's first purchase in our 80th year was a Limited Edition C-Type print representing the British model Lily Cole wearing a slightly damaged mask, made of her own face. The contemporary artist Gillian Wearing is Birmingham born and rose to prominence as one of the group known as the YBA's (Young British Artists). She featured in the RA's exhibition Sensation, and won the Turner Prize in 1997. The print measures 61x48cm and the cost was £791. WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS V
  • 18. 7 Guided Tour 103 From Darkness into Light Friday 15 April 2011 Tour Guide - Jane Howell Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GT103 I/we require ______ place(s) at £6.00 each. Total = £_________________ 8 Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? q Yes q No office use For Guided Tour 104 All The World's a Stage Tuesday 19 April 2011 Tour Guide - Christine Moosavi Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GT104 I/we require ______ place(s) at £6.00 each. Total = £_________________ 9 Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? office q Yes q No use For Tabley House and Tatton Park Friday 13 May 2011 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pick-up Points q Yateley Road - 8:30am q Chest Clinic, Great Charles Street - 8:45am EV017 I/we require ______ place(s) at £25.00 each. Total = £_________________ Amount included in bulk cheque to FBMAG? office q Yes q No use For
  • 19. If you are finding this magazine interesting and you are not a member of Friends of Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery Please consider joining us, or giving membership to someone as a present (Gift Membership gives 3 extra months free) A Membership Application Form is printed overleaf If giving membership as a gift please complete your details below and your recipient’s details overleaf Your Name ............................................ Address ............................................ ............................................ Post Code ............................................ Tel No ............................................ Email ............................................ Send Gift Package direct to recipient? q Yes q No To help us with our future publicity would you please tell us where you picked up your copy of Artefacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • 20. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP OF FRIENDS OF BIRMINGHAM MUSEUMS & ART GALLERY PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Title . . . . . . . . . Initials . . . . . . . . . . . Surname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. Postcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tel. No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY AND ANNUAL RATES (Please tick) SINGLE £30 [] Conc. £20 [] Student £15 [] DOUBLE (Includes children under 16) £45 [] Conc. £30 [] PATRON Burne-Jones, Southall, Cox and Boulton categories are available For further information contact our Membership Secretary LIFE (Single Payment) SINGLE £500 [] RETIRED £350 [] DOuBLE £750 [] RETIRED £550 [] I enclose a cheque for £___________ Please send this completed form, together with your cheque made payable to F.B.M.A.G to the address on page 2 of Artefacts. DATA PROTECTION ACT - For membership and accounting needs your details are held on a computerised Database for Friends' Office use ONLY Please tick here if you are NOT a uK taxpayer
  • 21. FBMAG Staffordshire Hoard Appeal Wonderful news! I am research, conservation and Myra Weldon for organising delighted to be able to tell you display of the Hoard. tickets. The biggest 'thank that the FBMAG Staffordshire you ' is of course due to Hoard Appeal has achieved its I would like to thank all of you and your friends target and raised £25, 000. everyone who helped with who attended the various the Appeal. All those who events and also the Private When asked to undertake organised coffee mornings, Views of the Hoard and the the role of Appeal organiser dinner parties and luncheons, Annual Lecture, many making I accepted with some lectures, art shows and sales, extra donations as well. trepidation as I had serious opened their gardens or held doubts whether it would be a treasure hunt. Special thanks The FBMAG Staffordshire possible to raise a significant are due to the Marriott Hotel Hoard Appeal is now closed sum due to the recession and for hosting the champagne as the target of £25,000 also, although the money reception and showing of has been raised. Again needed to purchase the Hoard the National Geographic profound thanks to everyone was raised quickly many film. FBMAG members in the and best wishes for 2011. people did not realise that office gave great assistance BMAG and the Associated especially John Nodding Jennifer A. Young Regional Museums required and Joyce Elliot for financial FBMAG Staffordshire a further £1.7 million for help and Mary Whetnall and Hoard Appeal WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 13
  • 22. Rita McLean's Autumn Report Visitor numbers continue to increase and investigated is to develop options for new governance and we had 720,000 visitors to the end of delivery arrangements. Options December 2010 – an increase of 46,000 currently being scoped include on December 2009. The Staffordshire the most appropriate/effective trust arrangements e.g. a single Hoard continues to be popular with trust for Museums/Heritage over 205,000 visitors since its return to Services and Library/Archives; or BMAG in March 2010. The Steve McCurry a separate trust for Museums and separate trust for Libraries. Retrospective was a great success with Consideration will also be given almost 50,000 visitors, and by the end of to the integration of BMAG December there had been 15,000 visitors and Thinktank operations. I will keep you informed on progress. to the New Art Now show in Gallery 20. As many of you may be aware, Museums” which will be seen As part of the need to be more we have been in receipt of as part of a national network entrepreneurial and to increase Renaissance in the Regions of museum provision. Core income generation, an admission government funding since 2003. Museums are likely to be the charge of £3.50 for adults (16yrs I am pleased to report that major museums services in and over) was introduced at the funding will be continuing England’s conurbations having the Museum of the Jewellery but, in line with many other over c400,000 visitors, a local Quarter in January 2011. Friends national programmes, it will be population over c350,000 of BMAG will still be able to at a reduced level. However, and with significant museum visit the MJQ free of charge. the fact that it is continuing collections. BMAG will be is universally seen as a “good submitting an application to be The Staffordshire Hoard - focus result” and recognition by the a Core Museum in due course. continues to be on fundraising Government that Renaissance for research, conservation and has been a success story. A As with all local authorities long-term display so that the key change, however, is that around the country in the full story of the Hoard can be the existing regional “Hub” current economic climate, told. I understand that the delivery partnership model will Birmingham City Council has Friends’ target of £25k has been cease during 2011/12 and a to deliver major savings over reached. This is wonderful news new model for the programme the next few years. In order and our sincere thanks go to will be implemented from to provide a more sustainable Jennifer Young and to everyone 2012/13 onwards. The change future for its Cultural Services who contributed. A selection includes the setting up of (Museums, Libraries and Arts), of items from the Hoard was a limited number of “Core one of the proposals being recently taken to the Centre 14 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 23. National De La Recherche functions reliably as a world class with disabilities – please refer to Scientifique at the Louvre so exhibition space and complies the BMAG website for details that analysis on the garnets and with environmental specifications or ring us on 0121 464 4335. the gold could be undertaken required by lenders. Following its to help determine their origin. showing at BMAG, the Poetry Finally, it is with great sadness The service was very generously of Drawing exhibition will tour that I have to inform you that offered free of charge by to Australia from 17 June. Tessa Sidey, one of our Curators the laboratories, a gesture of Fine Arts, died in the New showing the Hoard’s worldwide I’m afraid that the BMAG Year following a long illness. importance. The results of these Passenger Lift in Edmund Tessa worked at BMAG for 27 analyses will inform much of the Street is currently out of use years and was a prominent and subsequent research and again whilst major repair works are well respected member of the I will let you know the outcome being carried out. We do not museums service. Over the years, which should be very interesting. anticipate it being back in Tessa brought many artworks to action until April/May and, the Friends Committee and was The Poetry of Drawing: Pre- therefore, at the moment very successful in persuading Raphaelite Designs, Studies and disabled access is only via the them to support the purchase of Watercolours exhibition runs Great Charles Street entrance. the acquisition for the collection. until 15 May. This is the first However, for the Poetry of We will all miss her very much. exhibition using the upgraded Drawing exhibition in the Gas Rita McLean air conditioning plant which will Hall, we will need to make Head of Museums & ensure that the Gas Hall now special arrangements for visitors Heritage Services WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 15
  • 24. What's On Upcoming Events MAIN MuSEuM & ART the original Brotherhood, their mentor John GALLERY OPENING TIMES AND Ruskin, and the second generation of Pre- TELEPHONE NuMBERS Raphaelites including Edward Burne-Jones, Times: Mon - Thurs and Sat 10am - 5pm, Fri Frederick Sandys and Simeon Solomon, as 10:30 am - 5:00 pm, Sun 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm. well as later artists influenced by the Pre- Telephone Numbers: Control Room 0121 Raphaelites such as Aubrey Beardsley. There 303 4215, Reception 0121 303 2834 will be a rare chance to see textiles, stained glass and ceramics by designers such as William Morris, William de Morgan and Florence Camm Gas Hall alongside their original working drawings, and significant watercolours and drawings never THE POETRY OF DRAWING: PRE- seen in public before, including examples by RAPHAELITE DESIGNS, STuDIES Rossetti, Arthur Hughes and Burne-Jones. AND WATERCOLOuRS Until Sunday 15 May 2011 While drawing is often seen as secondary The Poetry of Drawing is the most to painting, this exhibition will show how comprehensive survey of Pre-Raphaelite for the Pre-Raphaelites it was central to works on paper ever staged, showcasing the activity of making art. the collections of fine and applied art held at BMAG alongside key works After its showing in Birmingham, the exhibition from public and private collections. will tour to the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. The exhibition explores the role of drawing and design in the work of the Pre-Raphaelites, This is a paying exhibition; Friends will get in their associates and followers, from the earliest free on production of their membership card. days of the Brotherhood to the development of Symbolism and Art Nouveau. It includes A Book Launch, two Luncheon Clubs and watercolours and coloured drawings alongside a Reception have been arranged in conjunction works in pencil and pen and ink, and stained with this exhibition; see Forthcoming Friends’ glass, textiles and ceramics alongside their Events for details. original designs. Through the portraits and caricatures the artists made of one another and often gave as gifts, the exhibition also provides In the Main Galleries an insight into the Pre-Raphaelites’ relationships with their fellow-artists, friends and lovers. GALLERY 16 - THE STAFFORDSHIRE HOARD The Poetry of Drawing will include works by all the leading figures of the movement, including GALLERY 20 - ART NOW ExHIBITION 16 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 25. can imagine, held in storage for BMAG. Public Gallery Events Arranged by BMAG Free tours of the MCC take place on the last Friday of every month at 11:00am and SINGLES NIGHT 2:00pm. There is no charge but booking is Friday 11 February 2011, 6:30pm - 10pm advisable on 0121 303 2836 / 675 2579 Back by popular demand, this event is the perfect opportunity for like-minded people MCC PuBLIC OPEN DAY to mingle in the opulent surroundings of our Monday 2 May (Bank Holiday), galleries, enjoying a glass of wine, some live 10:30am - 5:00pm. music and (hopefully) wonderful company... Come along to another of our popular free Tickets cost £10.00 and include free admission open days when visitors get a chance to explore to our Gas Hall exhibition, 'The Poetry of the stored collections at their leisure. There Drawing'. Advance booking is required; to is always a new nostalgic treat to discover, book a ticket, please call the box office on whether your interest is in ceramics, transport, 0121 303 1966, visit the Gas Hall reception, science and industry, domestic objects, or book on-line at sculpture, natural history, and much more! Please note there is free car parking on-site. ADuLT WORKSHOPS A number of adult workshops are taking place If there are any Friends willing to volunteer at BMAG in the Spring. Tickets for each on one of these most enjoyable days please workshop are £20.00. To book a ticket, contact Phil Watson on 0121 303 4366 or please call the box office on 0121 303 The main 1966, visit the Gas Hall reception, or book duties are staffing the aisles, store rooms on-line at Please and other areas and helping out with the contact Louise Taylor, Public Programmes visitor evaluation. Only qualities required Officer, for more information (louise.a.taylor@ are that you be ’helpful and watchful'! or 0121 675 2579) Jewellery Making with Jolene Smith Community Museums Saturday 29th January, 11am - 4pm The Museum of the Jewellery Quarter is open Life Drawing, with Anne Brierley (including a 10 all year, Tues - Sat & Bank Holiday Mondays minute introduction to The Poetry of Drawing), 10:30am - 4:00pm. Aston Hall, Soho House, Saturday 19th February, 10:30am - 4pm Blakesley Hall and Sarehole Mill have now closed for Winter except for some special events, see details below or contact the venues The Museum directly. They will re-open 9 or 10 April. Collections Centre The MCC is at 25 Dollman Street, Nechells, Museum of the Birmingham, B7 4RQ; it is one of the biggest museum stores in the country, a warehouse Jewellery Quarter crammed with every type of object you 75–79 Vyse Street, Hockley, Birmingham WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 17
  • 26. B18 6HA. Tel: 0121 554 3598. everyone plenty of opportunity to create their own masterpiece (charge of £1 per head). The Museum of the Jewellery Quarter (open throughout the year), houses a perfectly preserved jewellery workshop offering a unique glimpse of working life in Soho House Birmingham’s famous Jewellery Quarter. Soho Avenue, Handsworth, Birmingham, B18 5LB. Tel: 0121 554 9122 Aston Hall EASTER HALF TERM HOLIDAYS Tuesday 12th April – Monday 25th April 2011 Trinity Road, Aston, Birmingham, B6 6JD ‘Once upon a time’ children’s trail. Free. Tel: 0121 675 4722 Follow the fun fairytale clues around the house. The staff at Aston Hall are preparing for a DROP-IN FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITIES busy season of events prior to their opening Tuesday 12 - Monday 25 April 2011, 12:30-3:30pm on Sunday 10 April. They will offer something £1.00 per child for everyone this year, and are sure all visitors will enjoy the beautiful house and gardens. SAIL AWAY Tuesday 12 April 2011 Make a box sailboat. Drop-in children’s craft activity On Wednesday 4 May they will be offering tours of Aston's cellars, giving visitors a HOP TO IT! Friday 15 April 2011 chance to see some of the less glamorous, Make a lily pad frog. Drop-in children’s craft activity. but very essential, parts of the Hall, and to find out about how they were used. For MAD HATTERS Tuesday 19 April 2011 another insight into Aston's life behind it's four Make an Easter hat. Drop-in children’s craft activity. walls, they will also be hosting one of their popular garden tours on Tuesday 10 May. TEA CuP SuRPRISE! Friday 22 April 2011 Make a pop-up mouse puppet. For children and families, they will be bringing Drop-in children’s craft activity. out a new range of activity trails, so there will be something new for even our most EASTER TRAIL regular visitors. Children can also sign up Good Friday 22 - Easter Monday 25 April for the second year of the History Detectives 2011, 12noon-4pm. Free. Complete our passport scheme, collecting points every time garden Easter egg hunt and win a prize! they visit a museum, to win prizes. Last year's scheme was very successful, with hundreds of SPECIAL EVENT DAY children taking part and the top 10 highest STEAM ME uP WATTY scorers being invited to Blakesley Hall for a Bank Holiday Monday 25 April 2011, 12noon-4pm Knight School and the chance to serve the Free event with Traction Engine in steam, Working master of the House! The children's craft steam model engines from Birmingham Society of activities will be restarting with Easter Basket Model Engineers, Miniature railway Birmingham making on Wednesday 13 April. They are Society of Model Engineers (50p per ride) and a introducing new timed slots for these, to give children’s drop-in craft activity (50p per child). 18 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 28. A NEW BONNET FOR MISS BOuLTON A new costume commission at Soho House Blakesley Hall has recreated one of Anne Boulton’s bonnets Blakesley Road, Yardley, Birmingham, based on a shopping bill from a London B25 8RN. Tel: 0121 464 2193. milliner in 1820 and fashionable designs of the period. A first floor room at Soho House WINTER TOuRS has recently been refurbished to feature new £3.50 per person. Refreshments available displays on the Boulton family and their life at at an additional charge. On the following Soho. Anne Boulton, daughter of Matthew, Tuesdays at 11:00am - February 1, 8, 15, 22. had a keen interest in fashion throughout March 8, 15 & 29. Pre-booking essential. her life and this bespoke commission has brought to life the fascinating detail revealed Fully open from Saturday 9 April. in her shopping bills including fancy bonnet designs and luxury fabrics and trimmings. FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITIES 12:.30-3.30pm Tuesday 12 April, Thursday 14 April, Tuesday 19 April, Thursday 21 April, Tuesday 31 May 2011. £1.00 per child. SHAKESPEARE DAY Saturday 23 April 2011, 12-4pm Come along and meet ‘the Bard’ and help him work on his new play. Garden tours on a Shakespeare theme. TuDOR TuNES Bank Holiday Monday 2 May 2011, 12-4pm An afternoon of Tudor and Elizabethan music with costumed musician Richard York. GARDEN PARTY Bank Holiday Monday 30 May 2011, 12-4pm A celebration of Blakesley’s wonderful gardens. Garden tours, country dancing, plant sales and garden games. The bonnet is a bespoke commission from the Costume Project at Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, who specialise in reconstructing Sarehole Mill 18th and 19th century costume. The bonnet Cole Bank Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, has been handmade from an ivory duchess B13 0BD. Tel: 0121 777 6612 satin with silk lining and is trimmed with silk ribbons and a fine french cotton lace. WINTER TOuRS The project has been supported by private £3.50 per person. Refeshments available at an donation and the Soho House Appeal Fund. 20 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 29. additional charge. On the following Thursdays avoiding the steep and narrow internal stairs. at 1:00pm - February 3, 10, 17, 24. March This new arrangement means that Sarehole Mill - 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. Pre-booking essential. is now accessible on the ground floor as well as on the first floor. The first floor provides a Sarehole Mill is fully open from Saturday 9 good view of the working water wheel, steam April until the end of October, Tuesday to engine, mill stones and ancillary machinery. Sunday from 12:00 to 4:00pm. Milling takes place on the first Sunday of the month. Closed The platform provides entry to the mill but on Mondays except for Bank Holidays. also offers a lovely view over the mill pond which is surrounded by trees and is a secluded FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITIES haven for wildlife. The pond is home to a heron Wednesday 13 April, Wednesday and is regularly visited by kingfishers nesting 20 April 2011, 1pm-3pm along the river Cole. £1.00 per child. The path and platform were paid for from RAMBLERS’ GET WALKING DAY Birmingham City Council’s Corporate Saturday 7 May 2011, 12-4pm Access Budget. (Walk at 1pm). Join family activities or an organised taster walk along the river Cole. Free step counters for new walkers. Weoley Castle MIDDLE EARTH WEEKEND Alwold Road, Weoley Castle, Birmingham, Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 May 2011, 11-5pm B29 5RJ. Telephone bookings via Blakesley Entry to the mill and grounds are free. Some Hall 0121 464 2193 activities /performances may charge. WINTER TOuRS NEW VIEWING PLATFORM £3.50 per person. Refreshments available AT SAREHOLE MILL at an additional charge. On the following For the first time since Sarehole Mill opened as Fridays at 2:00pm - Feb 4 and March 4. a museum in 1969, visitors will have access to Pre-booking essential. the area behind the mill to view the pond that stores the water to power the mill machinery. FAMILY CRAFT ACTIVITY Wednesday 20 April, Friday 3 June A newly installed gently sloping path runs from 2011, 1.30 - 3.30pm. Free the mill yard to the pond viewing platform at the rear of the mill. Because the mill was GuIDED WALK built against the earthen dam that holds back Sunday 8th May 2011, 2pm. Free the water of the pond, the path starts at ground level in the yard and slowly rises to the viewing platform which is at the same level as the pond and the first floor of the mill. Visitors can therefore enter the mill at first floor level from the viewing platform, thus WINTER 2011 ARTEFACTS 21
  • 30. Reviews Autumn Events Marble Hill Hall and the house. The “piece de resistance” is the Long Gallery with fan vaulting in white and Strawberry Hill gold and rich crimson damask walls 55ft long, On the 14 December we arrived around noon 17ft high and 13ft wide. The other beautifully at Marble Hill house in Twickenham. After restored room was the Tribune with mint lunch at a local hostelry we had a guided green walls and gold tracery on the ceiling. tour of Henrietta Howard's house, Henrietta was the mistress of George II. Marble Hill Hall Perhaps another visit, please, could be was one of the first Palladian villas to be built arranged to see the further restorations in Britain. The villa was designed by Colen in a couple of years. Campbell under the direction of Lord Henry Ann Crump Herbert, the “Earl Architect”, between 1724 and 1729 and built by Roger Morris. We started the tour in the hall, the windows looking out Stoke-on-Trent – over the park with views down to the Thames. The Potteries Museum We then toured the reception rooms and & Art Gallery bedrooms, climbing to the top of the house Tuesday 11 January. A warm welcome from via a beautiful mahogany staircase. The Great the Committee Members of their Friends Room, the main reception room, is a prime greeted us on arrival at Stoke-on-Trent example of the symmetrical Palladian style Potteries Museum. Deborah Klemperer measuring 24ft long, 24ft wide and 24ft high. Principal Collections Officer, who has been closely involved in all matters relating to the Then we travelled further along the Thames Hoard since its discovery, generously gave us to Strawberry Hill House, 1743-1790, her time to explain the follow-up work now the Gothic folly of Horace Walpole, the in progress and it was particularly interesting third son of the Prime Minster Sir Robert to hear of the high level detailed investigation Walpole. Horace Walpole was an avid art into the source of the garnets used. collector and built Strawberry Hill to house his collection of paintings, armour, china, We were fortunate to be able to spend our cameos, snuff boxes and stained glass. The remaining time viewing the ceramics collection stained glass was incorporated into the at Stoke, which is designated as one of national gothic windows throughout the house. importance. After a day full of interest we returned to Birmingham after an easy journey. The house has recently undergone a £9 million restoration to restore Walpole's This has raised £335 towards our Appeal for original decorations and designs. In fact the the cleaning and conservation of the work is still being carried out so we had to Staffordshire Hoard. avoid ladders and paint pots as we toured Myra Wheeldon 22 ARTEFACTS WINTER 2011
  • 31. Friends' Diary Dates February 11 ** Guided Tour (102) – Jane Howell – Fortunes of War 22 * 80th Birthday Party Launch and Reception March 8 * Luncheon Club – Victoria Osborne – The Poetry of Drawing (1) 10 * College of Food 11 * Luncheon Club – Victoria Osborne – The Poetry of Drawing (2) 21 * Luncheon Club – Martin Ellis – The Silver Collection (1) 22 * Luncheon Club – Martin Ellis – The Silver Collection (2) 29 * Derby – Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust, Silk Museum & Art Gallery April 4 * The Romans in Lusitania, Speaker – David Johnson 6 - 12 # Lisbon Art & Culture Tour 15 * Guided Tour (103) – Jane Howell - From Darkness into Light 19 * Guided Tour (104) – Christine Moosavi - All The World’s a Stage May 13 * Tabley House & Tatton Park June 26 + Blakesley Hall – Garden Party September 23 - 26 + Bristol Weekend Away * Details and application forms are enclosed with this mailing ** Fully booked, sorry d n Ap lis d , in pub 11 e cts + Dates for your diary, no applications in this mailing ril he itio e 20 tefa # Included in a previous mailing, but still some places available r wi prin xt A $ Event arranged by BMAG S ne ll b g th The e