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Argumentative Essay On Drinking Milk
You always hear your mom or dad say, "Drink your milk, so you can get stronger!" but is milk really
making you strong, or is it actually hurting you? Scientists say, Dairy consumption can play a role in
asthma, Parkinson's disease, and highly elevated blood pressure. Dairy is highly inflammatory,
causing issues like bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and acne. When you drink milk, you are
actually consuming far more than just milk. American dairy farmers have long been injecting cows
with a genetically engineered bovine growth hormone called rBGH to increase milk
production(MindBodyGreen), So what are you really putting in your body that according to your
parents makes you "Big and Strong"? In this paper, I tell you the truth about the three most common
dairy products that just might leave you speechless. Dairy consumption can lead to fatal diseases.
The average amount of serving you pay per gallon is 25 cents. Why are you paying that if it's so
unhealthy? Over the years, scientist and nutritionist have created lactose free, dairy free, and soy
free milk. A popular brand that we often consume is Silk. It's free of all of soy, lactose, and dairy.
Milk isn't unhealthy, in fact milk is very healthy, but the dairy in the milk isn't. As this text stated,
"Milk Intake and Risk of Mortality and Fractures in Women and Men," researchers following more
than 100,000 men and women in Sweden for about 20 years found significantly higher rates of bone
and hip fractures,
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Eng135 Position Paper
Position Paper
Jonathan Dougherty
Professor Stephen Mendonca
The objective of this study is to examine the differences between the vegan and omnivore diet and to
study the relationship of these diets to body composition, blood lipids, and the serum hormones
vitamin D and parathyroid hormone. As seen previously, those eating an omnivore diet consumed
significantly more dietary protein than those consuming a vegan diet (2; 3). The values we observed
for dietary protein in both the vegan and the omnivore groups were similar to those seen by Hadded
et al. (3) and Janelle and Barr (2). The women in our study eating an omnivore diet exceeded the
RDA for protein. In contrast to other studies of vegetarians and vegans, our ... Show more content
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We found no significant difference between the two diet groups in the serum vitamin D levels. A
study of vegan women in Finland found vegans to be deficient in vitamin D intake without
supplements or adequate sunlight exposure through vacations in sunny locations (12). The vegan
women in our study had adequate serum vitamin D levels, which may be the result of 1)
incorporating enough vitamin D in their diets possibly using fortified foods and supplements; 2)
they were exposed to adequate sunlight or 3) a combination of both.
Although reviews of the vegetarian diet (5; 13) warn that deficiencies in several micronutrients are
possible, the only marginal nutrient we found in the vegan group is calcium intake. There are several
possible reasons for this difference. Vegans may be more health conscious, physically more active,
and have a greater understanding of the role of nutrition in general health. As a result, they may also
consume more supplements. Another contributing factor may be the recent increase in commercially
available foods fortified with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that may lead to higher levels
of intake when whole diets are examined. These results may be somewhat biased compared to the
general population because we studied young adult college women primarily. Another possible
confounding factor is the
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Whether you have a chronic illness or are interested in...
Whether you have a chronic illness or are interested in eating well to prevent disease, the anti–
inflammatory diet is gaining traction as a viable way to plan your meals in order to avoid
inflammation that can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, painful joints, and other ailments.
Read on to learn about the components of an anti–inflammatory diet and what foods you should
Experts note that an anti–inflammatory diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet, a heart–
healthy way of eating that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains. One study of more
than 1.5 million healthy adults showed a marked reduction in risk of heart disease death, cancer
death, and development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. ... Show more content on ...
Replace white flour products with those made from whole grains, and look for other ways to
incorporate whole grains into your diet. Protein should be limited to fish and lean chicken, with red
meat removed or severely restricted. Instead, focus on getting protein from beans, soybeans, and
Eat low or reduced fat versions of dairy products rather than the full fat varieties, limiting dairy
consumption to high quality cheeses and yogurt made from natural ingredients. Soy also has anti–
inflammatory properties, so consuming soy milk, tofu, and edamame can be beneficial. And don't be
afraid to add spices like cinnamon, ginger, curry, and others, which can prevent inflammation and
are a good way to add flavor to foods without fat.
Healthy sweets, such as plain dark chocolate, should be enjoyed sparingly, with other types of
sugary treats limited. One to two glasses a day of red wine are fine under this diet, but other types of
alcohol should be avoided. Also, consider drinking two to four cups of white, green, or oolong tea
each day.
If you are concerned about avoiding foods that cause inflammation, you should cut saturated fats
and trans fats from your diet. These harmful fats are primarily found in processed foods and meat.
Refined carbohydrates and white flour, such as that found in pasta and rice, also cause
inflammation. Instead, switch to whole grain
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How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Legs: Natural Ways to Do It...
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Legs: Opt For The Natural Ways To Do It
Posted by Jaymee on October 6th, 2011
Have you finally found out How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Legs? If you haven't, then make sure
you make the most out of this article. You will find a lot of tips and tricks about how you can finally
get rid of the cellulites in your legs. Cellulites do not just hibernate in the epidermis or dermis of
your hips, buttocks and thighs but you will also often find them developing in the legs.
However, the problem is sufferers are clueless about how to get rid of their cellulites especially the
ones forming in their legs. If you are worried about the solutions to your cellulite problem, don't be.
You will only need to pin down the most ... Show more content on ...
Combine these with the correct exercises and you will surely stay fit and healthy sans the cellulites.
These shared tips are all natural and highly recommended so you can expect that you will be able to
banish your cellulites permanently without further ado.
Complete Exercise Regimen:
Another way of how you can get rid of those cellulites in your body especially the ones on your legs
is by enrolling yourself in an exercise program. That way, a professional trainer will be able to give
you the complete and correct kind of exercises you need. Take note that vertical jumping has been
proven very effective in wiping out cellulites not just in the legs but even in the thighs, hips and
buttocks as well. What is more, keep in mind that liposuction is unsafe since it suctions the fat
deposits underneath your skin. It should only be used when siphoning off fats deep down in the
body. Instead of liposuction, follow these tips itemized to ensure you will get rid of those cellulites
in no time.
Vertical Jumping:
Last but not least, there is also the vertical jumping that has greatly contributed to the reduction of
cellulites in the legs. If you have a trampoline, make sure you spend some time jumping on it so that
it may trigger burning of cellulites in your legs. This strength training technique has consistently
shown significant results in
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Nutritional Analysis Project
After completing this nutritional analysis project, it opened my eyes to how many positive and
negatives are present in my diet. To begin, one of the positives of my nutritional status is the fact
that I get enough protein through the foods I eat. For example, on October 1, I ate 6 ounces of
chicken–breast, which is high in protein. Furthermore, I also have a lot of vitamin B6 and B12 in my
diet. Vitamin B12 was in the 6 ounces of meatloaf I ate on September 30. This vitamin is vital for
normal brain functioning as well. In addition, I consume enough iron in my foods. Iron is extremely
important in the body as it helps red bloods cells transport oxygen. One example of when I
consumed a lot of iron was when I ate corn flakes for breakfast all three days. On the other hand,
this project also uncovered numerous ways my diet falls short. One of these is the fact that I did not
have enough ... Show more content on ...
I only consumed 11 grams of fiber on September 29 and October 1, and 12 grams on September 30.
This falls much lower than the target intake level of 38 grams. As a result, I am going to add more
fiber to my diet. One way I plan to accomplish this is by adding flaxseed to my yogurt as a snack.
This will add 2.8 grams of dietary fiber per 1 tablespoon serving. Moreover, a final negative is how
my current sodium intake is too high. For example, it was 2953 milligrams on October 1, when my
target was to have less than 2300 milligrams. Consuming too much sodium can cause hypertension,
so I need to make a change. I can accomplish this by adding less salts to my foods and by removing
sodium–rich foods in my diet. One example is in the salad dressing I have every day for lunch. In
fact, 30 grams of ranch dressing has 328 milligrams of sodium. I am going to switch to Caesar salad
dressing instead, with only 158 milligrams of
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Notes On Red Palm Oil
Red Palm Oil or Red Palm Foiled: Dr. Oz's Bold Claims Debunked
–Anonymous "Biology and Society" Contributor
Dr. Oz, the beloved host of the popular television health show The Dr. Oz Show, has a new
superfood ready to improve everyone's health: red palm oil. This oil, while containing unhealthy
saturated fats, is actually great for your health. Red palm oil is different; it "lowers bad cholesterol
by 40% in just one month" and "reduces the concentration of fatty tissue" by "igniting your
metabolism," and even has antioxidant powers. The calories from consuming red palm oil are
instantaneously used for energy, meaning no calories will be absorbed and stored in troublesome
regions like your hips and thighs. Indeed, red palm oil will help you "whittle away that frustrating
belly fat." With claims like these, it is no wonder Dr. Oz believes that red palm oil will be the "most
popular new product in America." Sound too good to be true? Unfortunately, Dr. Oz's bold claims
extolling the virtues of red palm oil do not have enough solid scientific evidence to back them and
are riddled with rhetoric designed to persuade you to buy this pseudoscientific product (Health
Benefits Of Red Organic Palm Oil For the body). To advertise red palm oil to his consumer
audience, Dr. Oz employs arguments and persuasive devices with the intent to mislead. One such
technique was the use of slanted phrases, or using language that carries emotional charge or bias to
leads the audience to take a
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Research Paper On Yummy Pumpkin Pie
Smell that yummy pumpkin pie? Mouth is getting watery. You start to salivate. That is the beginning
process of digestion getting you ready to eat that delicious pumpkin pie. That's why people say
digestion starts in your mouth. The digestive tract also known as the alimentary canal, the liver,
pancreas, and other abdominal organs make up the digestive system. The esophagus, the stomach,
and the intestines, (from the mouth to the anus) all belongs in the alimentary canal. In an adult the
whole digestive tract runs about 30 feet long. Eating food with fiber helps keep bowel movements
regular. Not enough fiber will have you constipated, more likely to get hemorrhoids. Too much fiber
can lead to diarrhea, bloating and loose stools. A person should
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Mediterranean Diet Research Paper
There are many diets out there you can choose from, but for many the Mediterranean diet will be
one of the best choices. This is a very healthy diet that can help those with heart issues, high
cholesterol, or other health problems. It is an eating plan that will help you discover how to create
great tasting meals that are also very good for your heart.
This may be the only diet that includes drinking a glass of red wine, but that has been proven to be
very good for your heart. The Mediterranean diet is based around the typical cooking styles of the
countries on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They love to use olive oil in their cooking, so you
can expect to get plenty of good meals made with the health benefits of olive oil.
When you ... Show more content on ...
This is a tradition in the Mediterranean culture and it goes along with the diet. Every component is
added because it gives the body the necessary nutrients and it is also very healthy for the heart. This
is one of the best diets for anybody with a history of heart disease or high cholesterol.
What I Think About the Mediterranean Diet
Whether you are looking for a healthier way to live and eat or you are looking for a diet to help you
lose weight, the Mediterranean Diet is a good choice. You are not going to drop 20 pounds in a
month with this diet, but it will help you get to a very healthy weight and maintain it. This is not just
a diet you start and finish, but also a way of changing the way you eat every single day for the rest
of your life.
It is nice to find a diet that does not completely cut out the things you may enjoy. You can still have
red meat, just not that often and you are even encouraged to drink wine with this diet. Most diets do
not allow any alcohol and will cut out many of the things you really need. With the Mediterranean
Diet, you can have confidence in knowing that you are eating in a hearth healthy way that support
the body
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The Balangiga Massacre: Getting Even by Victor Nebrida
by Victor Nebrida and PHGLAAll rights reserved The Philippine–American War started on
February 4, 1899 and was officially proclaimed by President Roosevelt to have ended on July 4,
1902. Although General Aguinaldo was captured on March 25, 1901, there followed no mass
surrender of other Filipino revolutionary generals. Fighting went on in Batangas, Pampanga, Tarlac,
the Ilocos, and the Visayas. In Samar, General Lukban 's control had been set and was holding firm.
Kill everyone over ten. "Kill every one over ten." – Gen. Jacob H. Smith Criminals Because They
Were Born Ten Years Before We Took the Philippines. Editorial cartoon from the New York Evening
Journal, May 5, 1902. Company C, Ninth U.S. Infantry sailed into ... Show more content on ...
Surprised and outnumbered, Company C was nearly wiped out during the first few terrible minutes.
But a small group of American soldiers, a number of them wounded, were able to secure their rifles
and fight back, killing some 250 Filipinos. Of the company 's original complement, 48 were killed
or unaccounted for, 22 were wounded, and only 4 were unharmed. The survivors managed to escape
to the American garrison in Basey. Captain Bookmiller, the commander in Basey, sailed
immediately for Balangiga with a force of volunteers in a gunboat. They quickly dispatched some
bolomen on the shore with a gattling gun and executed twenty more they found hiding in a nearby
forest. As the American soldiers were buried, Captain Bookmiller quoted from the Book of Hosea,
"They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind." Thus ended the short–lived policy of
benevolent assimilation in Balangiga. Inspection of the ruins. General Jake "Howling" Smith and his
staff inspecting the ruins of Balangiga in October 1901, a few weeks after the retaliation by Captain
Bookmiller and his troops. The U.S. Army: Krags and Schoolbooks? The American military was in
the Philippines to quell an "insurrection," a rebellion by the native Filipinos opposing American
occupation. They were not there to fight a people defending their homeland. This was the basic tenet
taught to the American soldier sent to fight in the islands. When hostilities started in 1899 and
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Omega 6 Research Paper
In the last century, changes in the Western diet have changed the intake of omega 6 fatty acids (fats
from meat and vegetable oils) compared with omega–3 fatty acids (fats from fatty marine fish).
Many studies show that the change of attitude in the entry omega 3 and omega 6 through diet
increased the propensity to inflammatory reactions that are associated with the development of
autoimmune and allergic diseases.
Omega 3 and omega 6 are types of essential fatty acids, which means that the body does not
produce, but must bring nutrition. In modern dietary sources of omega 3 fatty acids are represented
on a small scale, mainly from fatty sea fish: salmon, sardines, herring, tuna. There are two main
types of omega 3 fatty acids that are essential body eicosapentanoic – EPA and docosahexaenoic –
DHA. Vegetarian ... Show more content on ...
Fast foods, cookies, candy, snacks – all contain vegetable oils.
In the body of omega 6 fatty acids creates a type of prostaglandin – molecules that influence
inflammation, blood clotting, while types of prostaglandins formed from omega 6 fatty acids
reduces inflammation and prevents the formation of thrombi. Nutritionists believe that the use of
processed foods man disrupted the balance in the intake of omega 3 and 6. This imbalance in the
diet could be an explanation for the increase in the number of patients suffering from asthma, heart
disease, many forms of cancer, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, and all diseases that originate
of inflammatory processes.
Overall, omega 6 intake can decrease if you avoid or reduce industrial processed foods and fast
foods, polyunsaturated vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean). Try to use more extra virgin olive
oil for cooking and in salad dressings. Use more fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseed and so you best
contribute to restoring balance in the body in favor of protective
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Personal Speech: Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
Cyclical Ketogenic Diet is one of the most famous and the most effective diets used by
It's popular mainly due to its ability to burn fat while keeping a high percentage of already built
muscle mass.
Today, I'm going to tell you more about Cyclical Ketogenic Diet.
The diet that is based on the limited carbohydrates intake.
Dr. Atkins developed CKD more than 20 years ago. During his career, Atkins has tested this diet on
more than 10k patients.
At the beginning of CKD diet, Atkins reduced carbs intake of a patient to zero. It took 2–3 days to
use up all the carbohydrates stored in the body.
After all the carbs had been consumed, patient's body started to use fats as a primary energy source.
This state is called KETOSIS.
Once ketosis is reached, you can begin to add carbohydrates to your diet, but only a limited amount
–this is called boundary value (which is ~40 grams per day). ... Show more content on ...
Interesting fact: The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet traditionally has been used in cases of intractable
epilepsy. Children with epilepsy due to mutations in GLUT–1, which transports glucose across the
blood–brain barrier, suffer from seizures in infancy. If not identified and treated, they develop
microcephaly, mental retardation, spasticity, and ataxia as a consequence of relative brain
hypoglycemia. These children respond well to the ketogenic diet, as it is believed to provide an
alternative fuel source for their central nervous
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Fats Waller: A Legend Of Modern Music
A legend of the modern music was born on 21st of May, 1904 to humble and religious parents in an
uptown state of New York. Thomas Wright "Fats" Waller, or simply known as Fats Waller, mom was
a well–known instrumentalist who had influenced the boy from his early childhood. His fierce
determination for jazz overruled his father's desire for him to pursue a religious career and do
classical music instead of jazz. During his lifetime he wrote multiple classics and showed the world
that despite the bounds of society and one's race, one can achieve one's lifelong dream. He has
demonstrated through his lyrics from his songs, even though the world wasn't with him, he loved
jazz and also became an idol for modern day jazz and became very relevant ... Show more content
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This song made Waller become a famous jazz musician. Not only did this catchy tune influenced his
early career, but also paved the way for famous jazz artists including Louis Armstrong and Cab
Calloway. Billie Holiday and other recording artists did a cover of "Ain't Misbehavin" making
Waller an even bigger icon in the history of music. One of the main reasons for its popularity can
also be contributed to its simple but moving lyrics. All these factors made this melody to be one of
the five known jazz standards written by Waller that is commonly practised by stride pianists to this
very day. It's growing popularity continues to this day, and surely musicians will pay tribute to this
breath–taking artist in the
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Disadvantages Of Lubricant
In a high precision machining operation, lubricant is extensively needed to remove the heat at the
tool–workpiece interfaces. High heat is generated at the interface due to friction between the tool
and the workpiece, which can lead to a very poor workpiece surface quality and tool wear. For that
reason, report showed that approximately 320,000 tons of lubricant were used per year in the
European Union [1] proving the importance of lubricant in machining application. Lubricant is
divided into three categories that are neat oil, water–soluble fluids, and gases [2], where the most
common type of lubricant in machining application is the water–soluble fluids. This type of
lubricant is made of water mixed with oil with a certain ratio depending on the types of application
being used. ... Show more content on ...
Lawal et al. [16] has done an evaluation on the performance of vegetable oil in turning process in
comparison to mineral oil. The investigation found that the vegetable oil surpass conventional oil–
in–water performance in turning process. Likewise, Babur et al. [17] have conclude that vegetable
oil are effective in producing better surface quality and tool wear than synthetic cutting fluids during
turning process. Nevertheless, improvement on the performance of vegetable oil can be done by
utilising powder particles such as MoS2, graphite, boric acid, etc. Improvement can be seen from
using powder particle aided lubricant in terms of surface finish, coefficient of friction, wear and
cutting force [18]. This is because powder particle has lattice layered structure (Fig. 1), relatively
high load carrying capacity and low steady state coefficient of friction [19]. Moreover, powder
particle such as boric acid are environmentally friendly and do not pose threat to operational
workers according to the Environmental Protection Agency, which is desirable in creating a greener
lubrication in machining application
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Benefits Of Maple Syrup
Sauces and spices are condiments we use to add or enhance flavor to our meals. However, some of
our favorite condiments cannot be left in the pantry because, they need to be refrigerated for longer
shelf life. Maple Syrup We use maple syrup in many culinary preparations, such as whisking it into
salad dressing, sweetening the whipped cream, stirring it into oatmeal, putting it on bacon, applying
it on roast tomatoes, and drizzling it on yogurt. If you love maple syrup and you wanted to keep it
fresh, store it in the refrigerator because it is vulnerable to molds. Mayonnaise It is a thick and
creamy dressing commonly used as a condiment. Mayonnaise has oil, egg yolk, and vinegar or
lemon juice in. This condiment has been used in several recipes
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Coronary Heart Disease: A Qualitative Study
1. This study was conducted because the researchers found that there were certain ingredients
associated with protein rich foods that were associated with coronary heart disease. Some of the
nutrients already associated with this increased risk included saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, Vit
B6, E, and folate. The researchers noticed that some protein sources did not show any association
with coronary heart disease (ex. red meat), while others showed an association with decreased risk
of coronary heart disease (ex. poultry, fish).
2. The purpose of the study was to follow women for twenty–six years and see if there was any
relationship between a woman's major source of protein and their risk of developing coronary heart
disease. An underlying objective of the study was to determine if women could lower their risk of
coronary heart disease by substituting one protein source for another lower risk protein source. ...
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The participants in the study consisted of 84,136 female registered nurses from eleven different
states in the United States between the ages of 30 and 55. The participants could not have a medical
history that included cancer, diabetes mellitus, stroke, angina, myocardial infarction, or any other
type of cardiovascular disease. This study was a prospective cohort study. This was identified
because the participants in the research study were followed over long period of time, and the
participants had to be free of disease at the start of the study.
4. The independent variable in this study was the type of protein that the women were consuming.
The dependent variable was the change in the health of the participant or the development of
coronary heart disease. The researchers also had secondary outcomes that included diseases in the
pathway between dietary habits and coronary heart disease. These included diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and
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Medifast Program Analysis
The Medifast program is a scientifically backed weight loss program. This program consists of
nutrient dense meals and vitamins (Medifast Inc., 2016). Medifast's most popular meal plan is five
Medifast meals and one lean and green meal. Each Medifast meal has the same amount of calories
and nutrients, meals are 100 calories each, the lean and green meal consists of 7oz of lean protein
and endless amount of greens in the form of veggies or salad. The reason why this plan works is
individuals are only consuming less than 1000 calories a day. This helps individuals with portion
control and gives them the daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. The basic nature of the
Medifast diet it to restrict the caloric intake of obese individuals and supplement with Medifast
prepared meals, this ensures optimal weight loss, medical monitoring comes along with this diet,
individuals will need to get blood work and routine physician visits, this ensures that individuals are
following the meal plan. ... Show more content on ...
Obesity and morbidity obese individuals tend to have co– morbidity, these co– morbidity are
hypertension, high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, just to name a few. Obesity is any
individual with a body mass index of 30 and over (Lenfant, M.D., C. 1998). Obese individuals are
given a five and one meal plan, which means five Medifast meals and one lean and green meal.
Each Medifast meal is less than 150 calories per serving, the lean and green is 7oz of lean protein
and endless amount of salad and vegetables, and very little dressing (Medifast Inc., 2016). Obese
individuals are restricted from earing no more than 1000 to 1500 calories a day. According to
Lenfant, M.D., C (1998) obese individuals should be placed on a weight loss plan that has a caloric
deficit of 500 k/cal to 1000 k/cal per day in order to achieve a 10% weight loss during a six month
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Characteristics Of Saturated Fats
Saturated fats include nuts, and in a recent study not only were nuts a good source of saturated fat,
but they were also proven to improve lipid profile of inflammatory biomarkers. Participants from
cohort studies has high risk for cardiac disease, but those who had a higher consumption of nuts and
exercised consistently were more likely to have lower c–reactive protein and IL–6 concentrations
(5). They ate higher amount of nuts because they replaced red meats, processed meats, and refined
grains with nuts. This reduced their risk of getting heart disease because their overall state of
inflammation was reduced, and chronic low–grade inflammation is known for being a culprit in all
phases of atherosclerosis. The studies strengths were that ... Show more content on
There was another study that studied if a Mediterranean diet could decrease inflammation and
improve one's heart health. In this study, inflammation caused by diet and telomere length were
evaluated with those who have a high risk of heart disease. With the use of the dietary inflammatory
index, they looked to see the association between diet–related inflammation and telomere length.
Telomere length affects how our cells age, and if they shorten, then it will shorten one's life as well
as makine one more susceptible to disease. This study was a cross– sectional and longitudinal study
that resulted in a consistent beneficial effect with aging and health when consuming a anti–
inflammatory diet (7). The beneficial effects were that it changed their telomere length. Anti–
inflammatory diets they included were Mediterranean diets supplemented with olive oil, and
Mediterranean diets supplemented with mixed nuts. The control group was on a low fat diet. This
study also showed that a proinflammatory diet can affect a person telomere length by drastically
shortening it (7). More specifically, proinflammatory foods include fried foods, refined
carbohydrates, and sugar and anti–inflammatory foods include vegetables like kale/spinach, fruits
like tomatoes/blueberries, fatty fish, and nuts.
Unlike with inflammation, there are more diets proven to improve hypertension. In this specific
study 3 different diets were given to participants who had hypertension and
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Dr. Lustig's Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Is fructose toxic? This is the million–dollar question that researchers from all around the world have
been trying to determine. Many different experiments have been conducted to try and determine
whether or not this controversial hypothesis is, in fact, correct. One researcher in particular, Dr.
Robert Lustig, believes not only that fructose is a poison, but that eating processed food containing
sugar will lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, non–alcoholic
fatty liver disease, and obesity. Dr. Lustig is the Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of
Endocrinology at the University of California in San Francisco. In his video, Sugar: The Bitter
Truth, Dr. Lustig makes several different arguments as to why ... Show more content on ...
Lustig's argument comes from comparing the metabolism of glucose to that of fructose. While
fructose can only be metabolized by hepatocytes in the liver, glucose can be metabolized by all cells
in the body, as it is the essential substrate for energy production for human life (Nelson, 2013). One
of the biggest differences Dr. Lustig distinguishes in the metabolism of the two substrates is how
glucose can be stored in the liver as a polymerized form called glycogen. This is healthy for the
liver. Fructose does not have a healthy polymerized form that can be stored in the liver. While it is
true that there is not a polymer form of fructose that the liver stores, one thing Dr. Lustig isn't taking
into account is that excess glucose intake can lead to many of the same obesity related conditions of
which he argues are caused by fructose. Metabolically humans will utilize energy stored as fats
when carrying out activities at a low or normal intensity (Gropper, 2013). On the other hand,
carbohydrates, including fructose and glucose are the main substrates that will be used to supply
energy for high intensity work like exercise. If exercise is not carried out for a person who consumes
a high amount of carbohydrates, they will also be synthesized to triglycerides, regardless of whether
or not the substrate is glucose or fructose. For this reason, the argument stated that fructose is a toxin
does not hold up due to the fact that, theoretically, a person who
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El Yucateco Research Paper
The El Yucateco company was founded in 1968 in Yucatan, Mexico by Priamo J. Gamboa. The term
"Yucateco" refers to people from the Yucatan. Gamboa's company started as a small family–owned
business that specialized in habanero–based hot sauces. El Yucateco sauces have gone on to become
favorites among chile pepper fans as versatile condiments that can be used on a wide variety of
foods. El Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot Sauce (Red) Ingredients El Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot
Sauce (Red) has the following ingredients listed on the label: Water Habanero pepper Salt Acetic
acid Spices Xanthan gum Citric acid Onion powder Sodium benzoate FD & C Yellow #5 Calcium
disodium EDTA FD & C Blue #1 The Peppers in El Yucateco Chile ... Show more content on ...
Sodium benzoate is a food preservative that is used in acidic foods like hot sauce and salad
dressings. FD & C Yellow#5 is a water–soluble food coloring that is also known as tartrazine. It is
used in prepared mustard, candies and sodas along with a large number of other yellow food items.
Calcium disodium is another preservative that is used to keep air from spoiling the sauce. The final
Ingredient in the red El Yucateco Chile Habanero Sauce is FD & C Blue #1, also known as
triarylmethane dye. It is otherwise used in Blue Curacao liqueur as well as in mouthwash. About the
Preservatives in El Yucateco Sodium benzoate and calcium disodium EDTA are the only two
ingredients included solely for their preservative function; however, the acidic ingredients are
preservatives as well as flavor enhancers. The salt also has a preservative effect, as does the
capsaicin in the habaneros. All of these ingredients work together to ensure that your El Yucateco
Chile Habanero Hot Sauce can continue to taste fresh and flavorful for a long
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My Fried Baked Chicken
It was a day like any other. My husband was at work; and I was standing stagnantly in my kitchen,
gazing dreadfully at uncooked chicken wings and unbleached flour. My ideal meal arrangement
included fried chicken wings accompanied with Kraft's famous macaroni with cheese. Comparable
to any story the dilemma posed itself, when I noticed that there was no vegetable oil to fry with.
Moreover, I was still fixated on fried chicken. I customarily am the description of the term "strong–
headed", and having faith, I commenced a search for a new method of creating a chicken
masterpiece. Consequently, I began to ponder for the first time in my life, why vegetable oil (or any
oil) was essential to preparing fried chicken, and if I really needed it or not. I had been so
accustomed to the cliché preparation of fried chicken. I knew that this idea was going to cause me to
gain a new perspective, even think out side the chicken box to achieve the same results as fried
chicken from baking it instead. In my opinion, cooking oil is only a prerequisite concerning any
fried food method for two grand reasons: to prevent the food from sticking to a pan or pot, and lastly
so that the food will not burn from sticking to the pot or pan. Thus I charged myself with the intent
to redefine fried chicken. I questioned, did it need to be fried in oil to be considered fried? What did
the term "fry" even mean? After conscientiously researching why oil is needed to fry foods I
accumulated a list of pros and
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Advantages Of Mistakes Ketonos
The adjustment of the ketogenic diet and lifestyle is a process, as with any other process, there are a
number of learning curves and traffic thresholds. These curves and bumps can lead to frustration and
disappointment, but it should not. I made a list of what I see as the most common mistakes ketone
(and what you can do with them). You're obsessed with macros At first glance, it may be somewhat
contradictory some of the other items appears on this list, but hear me out for a while. The error has
no effect macros. Error is an obsession macros. The biggest advantage for the keto psychological
freedom it offers. They are no longer chained to Hangry, sad life filled with constant anxiety tract.
You are free to live. So you're not malicious and yoke obsession macros. Not eat macro eat food.
Make sure the food is keto–friendly, and you will do well. 'm Obsessed with weight I've written
about this before, but it is important enough to repeat. The number on the scale is the least important
measure you can use to evaluate success. It is another nerve PET mine, which is comparable to the
previous error. Enjoy the freedom of your life, do not worry about the number on the scale. The
scale is always a snapshot of what was ... Show more content on ...
You do not need to "fast" food in the morning. You do not, but it's noon. You do not, but it's 6:00.
They need food just avoid going to bed. You, like me, were trained by the mafia of carbohydrate–
rich foods based on what the clock says, and not what tells your body. The clock has no idea if
you're not hungry. Just because there is a certain time of the day does not mean you have to eat. If
you are not hungry, do not eat. Moreover, just because there is a certain time of the day, does not
mean you can not eat. If you are hungry, you eat. The clock has no idea what is going on in your
body. Your body does. Listen to your body and hear what he says. Eat when he says that the time has
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Integumentary System Lab Report
Several tests were conducted on the patient to test her body systems; the systems tested were the
integumentary, nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune,
urinary, and reproductive. While not all tests were directed at each system individually, the results
recorded give an indication of performance and can be looked at in more detail. The Integumentary
system was tested in the "Calories in, Calories out" module, the "my Flexibility" test, and the
"Germs" module. While evaluating this experiment, data recorded shows the patient is not taking in
enough fruits and vegetables. Insufficient intake of these food groups can play a part in the body's
largest organ which is the integumentary system, including ... Show more content on ...
The skin is composed of the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis, being superficial skin, while the
dermis is the tissue layer underneath that supports the epidermis. Collagen and elastic fibers are
contained in the dermis to give the skin strength and elasticity. Collagen fibers are very strong and
resist stretching, but can be easily bent or twisted. Elastic fibers permit stretching and then recoil to
their original length. The elastic fibers provide flexibility, and the collagen fibers limit that
flexibility to prevent damage to the tissue. Environmental factors or physical changes can affect the
skin's strength and elasticity. The distortion of the dermis that occurs over the abdomen during
pregnancy or after substantial weight gain can exceed the elastic limits of the skin. The resulting
damage to the dermis prevents recoiling to its original size after delivery or weight loss. Most of the
collagen and elastic fibers at any location are arranged in parallel bundles oriented to resist the
forces applied to the skin during normal movement. These bundles in the skin result in patterns
called cleavage lines (The Integumentary System, 2015). When the patient pushed the bar down
during the experiment to understand the patient's ability to stretch, the cleavage lines on the patient's
skin acted upon the movement to bent downwards. Although, if the patient were to have had a
physical change in the skin such as an injury, weight gain, or weight loss it could affect the patient's
ability to bend all the way to the ground. A cut parallel to a cleavage line will usually remain closed
and heal with little scaring. A cut at right angles to the cleavage line will be pulled open severed
elastic fibers recoil, resulting in greater scaring. For these reasons, surgeons choose to make small
incisions parallel to cleavage lines (The
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Gut Microbiota
Species composition of bacteria in the gut is highly personalised and mostly determined by
environment and diet. The proportion of each species changes throughout life and the elderly have a
significantly different microbiome. The introduction of antibiotics through the course of life alters
the variation and presence of bacteria via elimination, altering the species richness and evenness of
the microbiome.
Studies have identified different genera of bacteria which are present in the microbiome and their
role in nutrient intake. Gut microbiota has 3 main enterotypes Prevotella, Bacteroides and
Ruminococcus, there is a strong correlation between the concentration of each bacterial community
and the dietary constituents. A diet high in carbohydrates and simple sugars would also indicate and
reveal a greater concentration of Prevotella whereas a diet high in protein and animal fats would
present a higher concentration of Bacteroides in the gut. A long term change in the diet would
permanently shift the concentration of bacteria in the gut to accommodate the new nutrient uptake.
This would then change the bacterial barrier in the intestine which could make it more vulnerable
due to reduced species richness.
A radical ... Show more content on ...
However throughout the months via contact from relatives and outings the microbiome diversifies
and there is competition for space. The bacteria begin to specialize and differentiate to become more
adapted to their environment; the bacteria present on skin would be more suited to dry conditions
than the gut which is wet and moist. The gut microbiome would also be more specialized in
absorbing nutrients. As babies drink breast milk they would obtain bacteria from their mother and
thus they would have a different gut biome to a baby who was fed formula milk as well as the
introduction of solid foods would cause the microbiome to
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Grab You Ephedra Essay
Grab You Ephedra Products NOW!
Weight Loss Problems?
Are you tired of putting all you efforts to lose weight and see minimal or no results at all? Sad but it
is a fact that many people who desire to lose weight have failed to achieve their weight loss goals.
Perhaps, it is everyone's goal to stay healthy and maintain their ideal weight, however, it is not as
simple as most people think it is. Most of the time, diet and exercise are not enough to achieve and
maintain ideal weight. Thus, we offer you an EFFECTIVE and FAST WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION.
Boost your metabolism and lose that excess weight fast with EPHEDRA–BASED FAT BURNERS
from Iron Muscle Supplements.
Avoid Weight Fluctuations
Losing weight is not the only problem that most people face. Dealing with weight fluctuations can
be stressful. One moment, you lose weight and then the next moment, you gain it back. You are not
alone with this problem. A lot of people face it and oftentimes it is the cause why most of them give
up their weight loss goals. Who wouldn't when it is such a waste of time losing weight just to gain it
back again? ... Show more content on ...
Ephedra Diet Pills will help you speed up your metabolism as you go on your quest to lose weight,
thus, you would not worry about gaining back your weight anymore.
Lose Body Fats But Not Muscles
Losing Body fats fast is NOT A FAD. In most cases, weight loss does not involve losing body fats
alone but a large weight loss percentage comes from losing muscle tissues and water.
Different types of person have different weight loss goals and require different kinds of means to
lose weight but all have the same end point; to LOSE THAT EXCESS BODY FATS. But how can
you lose that excess body fats when water and muscles are lost
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Hormones And Its Effects On Prescription Drugs
After having their first child, many women experience hormone imbalance and struggle to get that
normal feeling again. Let 's start with what a hormone is. Hormones are a chemical substance that
voyage through your bloodstream stimulating cells and tissues into action. Hormones are produced
by the endocrine glands and are our body 's dispatchers. It only takes a minuscule amount of
hormones to make enormous changes in the body. Hormone imbalance can cause symptoms like
depression, acne, fatigue, endometriosis, and insomnia. These are just some of the symptoms I
experienced after having my son. After talking to my doctor, I had two options; I could take artificial
hormones or I could try to change my diet and take vitamins to get my body to regulate its own
hormones. After researching both treatments, I found out that each had their benefits. Artificial
Hormones perform quicker than diet and vitamins. Artificial hormones can induce a dependency on
prescription drugs and have serious side effects. Diet and vitamins can benefit other divisions of
your body. It was a tough choice because I wanted to feel better immediately, but I also wanted to
make the healthiest choice for my body. Time was a sensitive issue when it came to my choice of
treatment. Treating hormone imbalance is a time–consuming process either way. It requires many
checkups with your doctor. During each doctor visit, you will have blood tests to check your
hormone levels. At that point, your doctor will
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Diet And Paleo Diet
The term "diet" has many assumptions as to what it means or what it is or which kind is the best.
The term Diet is a "balance of energy nutrients and adequate levels of vitamins, minerals, and
water" (Mader, 2016). There are so many different types of diets that are made popular by
mainstream media such as the Atkins Diet which is a low carbohydrate diet and the Paleo Diet
which mimics a caveman approach to eating, which means eating only meats and vegetables. Not all
the diets that are being advertised nowadays are perfect or with in nutritional range of what the
human body was designed to consume.
According to, my caloric intake should be at least 3000 calories per day consisting of
meats, grains, vegetables, and fruits. My typical diet consists of high protein coming from meats and
whey protein supplements, low carbohydrates consisting of brown rice and quinoa and low saturated
fats which come from olive oil and the meats I eat. I eat around 5 to 6 servings of vegetables and 3
to 4 pieces of fruit every day. I consume approximately 1/2 a gram of protein per pound, which is
about 190 pounds which ... Show more content on ...
I am well below the required 3000 calories but I do it on purpose because I'm trying to get down to a
very low body fat percentage. "Scientists have determined that high–calorie diets increase the levels
of free radicals, thus accelerating cellular aging" (Mader, 2016). This is one reason, I prefer to eat a
low–calorie diet and I also do the occasional 24 hours fasting to detox and clean body. The fasting is
not meant for everyone but it works for me.
As I get older, I have noticed that carbohydrates are not my friend. I primarily eat meats and
vegetables and it seems to be doing the job. Although on a low–calorie diet I'm energetic and in
good spirits. Everyone is different and you have to investigate what works best for your
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Kirkland Dog Food Essay
From fresh foods, medicines, nuts and legumes, to soaps, clothes and other goods, the Kirkland
Signature brands provide fine manufactured goods at a cost less than that of most leading brands.
Aside from products for people, Kirkland Signature also takes pride in its line of products for pets.
One of which is Kirkland Dog Food, a commodity for canine companions. This dog food line brings
a variety of premium pet foods suitable for dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages.
For dogs of different ages, Kirkland Dog Food also offers the appropriate type of dog chow. For
puppies under one year old, there's Kirkland Dog Food Super Premium Puppy Chicken, Rice &
Vegetable Formula. Made with superior ingredients, this formula gives the ample amount of
proteins, ... Show more content on ...
It provides a healthy blend of lamb and eggs to satisfy dogs' protein requirements. Mixed with
whole grain brown rice, which is a featured ingredient in the line of Kirkland Dog Food, it can
easily be digested by dogs. Fruits, vegetables and certain herbs are also mixed into this package in
order to offer a complete meal for dogs.
Kirkland Dog Food is also available in a separate formula for small dogs. The Kirkland Dog Food
Super Premium Small Dog Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Formula is specially made for dogs that
weigh 25 pounds or less. It consists of the sufficient amount of chicken, vegetables, whole–grain
brown rice, fruits and herbs to ensure the proper growth and health of small dogs.
The Kirkland Dog Food line also has the Super Premium Healthy Weight Dog Formula, which is
intended for dogs that are already overweight or are very prone to weight gain. To lessen calorie
intake, the formula has been mixed with 6% fat and 13% fiber. With these ingredients, added with
the correct amount of chicken, whole–grain brown rice, vegetables, fruits and herbs, plus
antioxidants, dogs that require weight management will be sufficiently
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Nutrition Transition
Nutrition Volume 16, Numbers 7/8, 2000
24. Ferro–Luzzi A, Sette S. The Mediterranean diet: an attempt to define its present and past
composition. Eur J Clin Nutr 1989;43:1329 25. Galeno C. La dieta dimagrante. Palermo, Italy:
Flaccovio, 1989 26. de Baldach U. Theatrum sanitatis. Liber magistri. Codice Casanatense 4182.
Parma, Italy: FM Ricci, 1970 27. Curionem I. Medicina salernitana: id est conservandae bonae
valetudines praecepta. Frankfurt, Germany: Kempffer M, 1628 28. Cornaro L. L'arte di vivere a
lungo. Discorsi sulla vita sobria. Venice, Italy: Brogiollo, 1620
18. Braudel F. Civilisation materielle, economie et capitalisme (XV–XVIII siecle). Les structures du
quotidien. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1979:135 ... Show more content on ...
However, within a given country, it is still the richest people who consume the diet highest in fat.1
The sharply reduced cost of vegetable oils has been the main reason for increased fat consumption
worldwide.1 Technologic advances in high–yield oil seeds and in the refining of high–quality
vegetable oils have greatly reduced the cost of baking and frying fats, margarine and other table
spreads, and salad and cooking oils. The production and export of vegetable oils, not only in the
United States but also in Europe, South East Asia (palm oils), and South America (soybean oils) are
promoted through direct subsidies, credit guarantees, food aid, and market–development programs.
By the 1990s, soybean oil represented 70% of the production and consumption of edible oils and
fats in the United States and now accounts for one–third of vegetable–oil consumption
worldwide.1,2 At this time, at US retail prices, vegetable oil delivers approximately 5000 calories
per dollar spent. Wealth used to be associated with increased sugar consumption.2 However, sugar
has become plentiful and cheap. World sugar consumption in 1999 and 2000 is forecast at a record
130.1 million tons, almost 4% above the previous year's level. Growth trends in sugar consumption
were interrupted in the mid–1990s as financial
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Born Thomas Wright Waller On The Era Of The 20th Century
Born Thomas Wright Waller on May 21, 1904, in New York City, Fats Waller would later emerge as
one of the most prolific artists of the 20th century with an illustrious career in which he was
recognized for his accomplishments as a Jazz pianist, organist, composer, singer, actor, and
comedian. Waller's parents were Adeline Waller and Reverend Edward Waller, a Baptist preacher
who conducted religious services and resided in Harlem. However, Waller's musical roots in his
family can be found through his grandfather, who was an extremely accomplished violinist, and his
mother, who was a church organist. As one might expect, Waller was extremely interested in
instruments at a young age; he was so interested that he learned to play the piano at the age of 6.
Additionally, he became proficient in playing the organ and acquired basic musical knowledge
through the aid of his mother by the age of 10. Yet, Waller was not just limited to piano and organ in
his childhood; he developed skills in also the string bass and violin in only a few short years. By 10
years old, Waller was playing regularly at his father's church and even had the notable feat of
playing the organ at Lincoln Theater in Harlem. Waller was so entrenched in music that he, against
the wishing of his father, dropped out of school and became a full–time organist at the Lincoln
Theatre in Harlem.Waller's achievements continued to grow and in 1918, at the age of 14, he won a
talent contest that confirmed his eminence was no
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Chia Seed
When it comes to weight loss, it seems as though there is a constant quest for a magic elixir that will
aid those wishing to lose a few pounds. One such elixir that has gained favor in recent years is Chia
seed. Many people's first introductions to the Chia seed came through the novelty "Chia Pet"
television commercials that began in the early eighties. Later, runners were familiarized with the
nutritional benefits of Chia seeds via the 2009 Best–Selling book Born To Run, by Chris McDougall
in which he touts the seed's ability to slow the absorption of carbohydrates aiding the long distance
It is the proficiency of this ancient seed to absorb many times its weight in water for that inducing
satiety as a premise for the capability to promote weight loss. Studies on chickens and rats supported
the weight loss attributes of Chia seeds. However, what works for chickens and rats does not always
carry over to humans. A study funded by The Nutritional Science Research Institute conducted in
2009 by Dr. David Nieman and his staff at Appalachian State University was performed on the
hypothesis that the high fiber and the high content of a–linolenic acid (ALA) would induce a small
but significant decrease in body weight and improve disease risk ... Show more content on ...
Fourteen of the subjects dropped out before the conclusion of the study. The subjects were
randomized to Chia seed and placebo groups. The placebo was carefully constructed to resemble the
Chia seeds except for fiber and ALA content. The Chia seeds and the placebos (25 grams) were
administered twice a day, in the morning and evening, with a glass of water. The subjects were
advised not to alter their regular diets or exercise routines during the study. In addition, stature and
body mass were measured pre– mid, and post–study. Blood work and blood pressure also had pre–
and post–study
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Why Should People Pay More Attention To What They Eat
Why should people pay more attention to what they eat? What are some nutrient dense foods that
could help prevent obesity?
Eating nutrient dense foods may help you lose weight and give you a healthier lifestyle. Healthy
snacks such as celery sticks with peanut butter, whole grain crackers, and low fat cheese are good
Another tip, when preparing meals include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat–free or low–fat dairy
products, and lean protein foods. These foods provide fewer calories.
Follow the advice to, "Make half your plate fruits and vegetables." You can eat larger portions of
these foods for fewer calories. Eating nuts is a good way to prevent becoming overweight.
Some more nutrient dense foods are 1% yogurt, cottage cheese,
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Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is derived from the mesenchymal precursor cell which also seems to
give rise to muscle . BATis located mainly around the neck, paravertebral sites, kidneys and large
blood vessels of the thorax. As previously mentioned above, Marcus (1988), demonstrated that TSH
induced lipolysis in BAT from newborns and infants but this declined with age. Recent studies have
profiled different layers of BAT in adults, particularly in the neck and between the shoulder blades
(Nedergaard, 2013). BAT contains multilocular lipid droplets and a high mitochondrial content. Its
primary function is to liberate energy as heat via the consumption of stored energy. This is mediated
by the uncoupling protein–1 (Ucp–1), which embeds in the inner mitochondrial membrane and
produces heat by dissipating the proton electrochemical gradient over the inner mitochondrial
membrane space without generating ATP. The energy in BAT? is stored as perilipin coated lipid
droplets and glycogen granules. Upon temperature stimulation glucose and fatty acid uptake is
rapidly increased to replenish its supplies (reviewed in Sanchez–Gurmaches, 2013).
BRITE adipose tissue occurs within WAT tissue depots, in response to chronic cold exposure. Beige
adipose tissue has the characteristics of both white and brown adipocytes. They appear to be like
WAT in basal states but upon cold stimulation, they behave like BAT by becoming multilocular and
expressing the brown fat marker UCP1. However, they are
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Post-Op Hunger
Post–Op Hunger: What to Eat After Dental Surgery
Have you ever undergone oral surgery? Usually, those who have dental procedures done can't eat
solid food for a couple of days, sometimes even lasting for weeks because of the pain.
There are many options you can go for if we're just talking about soft food and liquids in general,
but be wary of what they contain. Some may come in those forms, but they may worsen your
condition or even infect your supposedly healing wound. Gentle Dentist, a family dentistry clinic
based in Indianapolis, shares a list of food that won't worsen the pain and will help you recover
Soft Food or Liquid Diet for Dental Patients
Depending on the severity of the procedure and the pain it entails, food intake ... Show more content
on ...
So, consider food items such as room temperature scrambled eggs, chicken, beef, fish, and nut butter
like almond and peanut. Consider the spices put into the food and the consistency, depending on
how much a person can take.
In some cases, you won't even be able to chew and swallow properly because of the swelling and the
pain. For this, you can turn to fluids to help you get better. The number one choice is water, as it
washes away particles and sugars that may lead to tooth decay. It also keeps the mouth moist and the
throat hydrated.
Other choices are 100 percent fruit or vegetable juices to provide you with the right amount of
calories and nutrients. Green tea also helps improve dental health.
Avoid sodas and caffeine because the sugar may worsen your condition and cause tooth erosion.
These are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as known for being high in calcium. But, while
there are a variety of milk and milk byproducts available in the market, there are specific products
appropriate for dental surgery patients. Skim milk, cottage cheese, and unsweetened and low–fat
yogurts work best to reduce healing time.
Hope this alleviates the frustration of not being able to eat solids. Who knows? Eating these might
turn into a habit, further improving your dental
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Aztec Food Research Paper
We believe that this is a basket with some açaí berries in it. This basket of grape–looking things,
(what seems to be açaí berries), demonstrate the idea of food. This suggests that the ancient Aztec
civilizations were able to grow or forage things to eat. We think that these things are açaí berries,
because they are purple–ish black, small and round, the way açaí berries are supposed to look. Açaí
berries are found in Mexico. We believe that the Aztecs may have had to move across a large area of
land to collect and pick these berries, because the berries are in a basket, an easy to handle container.
Moving across a big area of land requires a container to hold the berries, and in this case, a basket is
what they used. This also shows that
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Obesity Is An Abnormal Collection Of Body Fat
In recent years obesity and diabetes have become one of the major challenge to Australia. Obesity is
an abnormal collection of body fat, usually 20% or more of the total individual body weight. In
simple words obesity can be defined as the cause of energy intake being greater than energy output
(Energy Input>Energy output). Obesity is associated with increased risk of illness, disability, and
death. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that significantly affects the health of human beings.
The recent research clearly shows that 4% of total Australians are victims of diabetes. Many people
in Australia are affected by obesity. According to Australian government statistics 61% of Australian
adults are overweight or obese. The World Health ... Show more content on ...
There are 6 main nutrients present in the food such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins,
minerals and water. But according to chemistry, foods can be classified as micro nutrients (vitamins
and minerals–required in small amount) and macro nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats–
required in higher amount). Carbohydrates can be classified into two different classifications as
sugars (monosaccharides and oligosaccharides) and non–sugars or polysaccharides according to its
chemical structure. The whole classification of carbohydrates can be classified as follows.
Monosaccharides are mostly common five–carbon or six–carbon poly hydroxyl ketones and
aldehydes. Monosaccharides can be also called as simplest sugar such as glucose, galactose and
fructose. Two monosaccharides are able to join together in condensation reactions by using
glycosidic linkage to from disaccharides. Maltose, lactose and fructose are the examples of
disaccharides. The most complex form of the sugars are polysaccharides and they contain many
monosaccharides connected through glycosidic linkage. Both disaccharides and polysaccharides do
hydrolysis to produce components of monosaccharides which be absorbed by the body.
The glucose is the primary source of energy and it's the simple sugar body prefers. When glucose
enters the body, body stimulates pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is one of the hormone produced
by pancreas to regulates the carbohydrates and metabolise the body fat.
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Antoine Fats Domino Research Paper
Antoine Fats Domino, or as many of his fans called him "Fats Domino" is an African–American
singer and pianist. He mainly played music in the rhythm and blues genre, and is known as the man
who helped define the sound of New Orleans.
Domino was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1928. As a young boy he spoke the language of
creole before learning English. He was just 7–years old when his brother–in law taught him how to
play the piano. By the age of 10–years old he was being introduced to New Orleans sound of music.
He was 14–years old when he dropped out of school and began working odd jobs. However, he kept
working during the evenings for pennies playing his music. He was determined to get the exposure
needed to break in in the music industry.
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Use Of Biodiesel Over Petroleum Diesel
1.0 Thesis:
The use of biodiesel over petroleum diesel can be proven be easier to make, more energy efficient
and a greener way to run you vehicle.
2.1 Argument 1: Process
The use of biodiesel over the more common petroleum diesel has become a more frequent sight as
people strive for an easier and more environmental beneficial way to run their vehicle with only
small modifications needed. Unlike diesel which uses crude oil, biodiesel is made by converting oils
such as waste vegetable oils to bio–diesel.
Diagram 1: Waste oil
As can be seen in the comparison matrix like conventional petrol, biodiesel is also made up of long
chains of hydrogen and carbon atoms, though as can be seen in diagram 1 the oils used to create
biodiesel are slightly different in having three chains of these fatty acids being connected by a
backbone of glycerine. To be able to use these oils for fuel the glycerine backbone has to be
removed, which is done through a process called transesterification. Equation 1: transesterification
The transesterification process uses alcohols such as methanol which is seen in equation 1 to break
the bonds between the fatty acid chains and the glycerol backbone. Once the glycerol bonds have
been broken away from the fatty acid chain, they are then replaced by methoxy groups from the
methanol used in the process. According to (The Cemistry of Biodiesel, 2014) this process is best
done at a temperature of around 50°C for a complete
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Arguementive Essay About Vegan vs. Omnivore Dies
Nicole Rixen, 101B
Argument Essay
December 18, 2012
Rhetorical Situation
Purpose Sentence: The purpose is to infer that a vegan/vegetarian diet is better for the health of
Americans than an omnivorous diet using reasoning, credibility, and emotion.
Writer: Through the use of reasoning, credibility, and emotion, the comparison between a
vegan/vegetarian diet and an omnivorous diet explains why a vegan/vegetarian diet is more
beneficial for the health of Americans and the ethical treatment of animals.
Purpose: The purpose of the argumentative essay is to inform Americans about the benefits of both
diets and the treatment of animals for human consumption while arguing that a vegan/vegetarian
diet is healthier for American's ... Show more content on ...
The type of Iron the body takes in can prevent the intoxication of Iron. High levels Heme Iron,
found in animals and their by–products, can harm the body and increase the chance of chronic
diseases. Nonheme Iron, found in plant–based diets, is healthy even in overconsumption. The intake
of vitamins and nutrients in the body is absorbed through one way: fats (Truesdell). When fat is
carried into the body's digestive system, it is broken down in the small intestine into lipids that are
then broken down into amino acids. The problem that has risen in western diets is the type and
amount of fat an American consumes. The type of fat found in animal products is saturated, which
means that the fat molecule has no chemical that can break down the fat (Disabled). Because of the
body unable to breakdown these fats, saturated fats is a main culprit to the increased amount of
chronic diseases. People should not eliminate all fat from the body or else they can be as
malnourished as someone who overuses those fats. Instead, foods, like plants and grain oils, have
amounts of unsaturated fat that are good for the body's nourishment in vitamins and are easy to
break down through the digestive process (Truesdell).
The injections of chemicals in our meats and dairy have also found a positive correlation in high
amounts of fat, which is another health concern that has started to become a
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Visualizing Nutrition
Before I was able to describe the similarities and differences of the diets, I first needed to figure out
what exactly they were. The DASH eating plan as intentions to lower hypertension, USDA food
patterns were created for citizens to follow their dietary guidelines, and the Mediterranean diet is not
a diet, if is a "lifestyle" (Wiley, Visualizing Nutrition) that one will normally continue with. Some
similarities between the diets are that they all want you to intake the correct amount of food, no
more no less, and they all focus on very similar types of food. While reading our Visualizing
nutrition book, I learned that all of these eating styles they are all very nutrient dense styles of
eating, including fish, other seafoods and proteins, ... Show more content on ...
Some of these common claims say "promise of fast weight loss quantities and imitations, promotes
specific food combinations, and no need to be physically active." (WordsonWellness). You never
want to all of the sudden and dramatically lose weight, it is far better to gradually lose weight. FAD
diets that avoid eating multiple food groups take away the vitamins that the human body needs to
survive and be healthy. FAD diets that tell you to eat at certain times are also incorrect, you should
eat when you feel hungry but only eat until you are satisfied and not full. Lastly, diets that say you
do not need any physical activity may be shedding weight off of your body, but you are not gaining
muscle and becoming stronger, in the long term you may even feel weaker. Many people who
become apart of the FAD diet community think that their health will improve, in some cases this is
inaccurate. Based on what I have learned in past nutrition classes and my own personal experience
they can actually be very bad for your health,not just the inside of your body, but the outside too.
You may notice muscle and even hair loss. I had a friend who started losing her hair when starting a
very common FAD diet. You will also notice deficiencies in your nutrition especially if you cut out
carbs because they are the main source of our energy.
... Get more on ...

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Argumentative Essay On Drinking Milk

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Drinking Milk You always hear your mom or dad say, "Drink your milk, so you can get stronger!" but is milk really making you strong, or is it actually hurting you? Scientists say, Dairy consumption can play a role in asthma, Parkinson's disease, and highly elevated blood pressure. Dairy is highly inflammatory, causing issues like bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and acne. When you drink milk, you are actually consuming far more than just milk. American dairy farmers have long been injecting cows with a genetically engineered bovine growth hormone called rBGH to increase milk production(MindBodyGreen), So what are you really putting in your body that according to your parents makes you "Big and Strong"? In this paper, I tell you the truth about the three most common dairy products that just might leave you speechless. Dairy consumption can lead to fatal diseases. The average amount of serving you pay per gallon is 25 cents. Why are you paying that if it's so unhealthy? Over the years, scientist and nutritionist have created lactose free, dairy free, and soy free milk. A popular brand that we often consume is Silk. It's free of all of soy, lactose, and dairy. Milk isn't unhealthy, in fact milk is very healthy, but the dairy in the milk isn't. As this text stated, "Milk Intake and Risk of Mortality and Fractures in Women and Men," researchers following more than 100,000 men and women in Sweden for about 20 years found significantly higher rates of bone and hip fractures, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Eng135 Position Paper Position Paper ENG135 Jonathan Dougherty Professor Stephen Mendonca DISCUSSION The objective of this study is to examine the differences between the vegan and omnivore diet and to study the relationship of these diets to body composition, blood lipids, and the serum hormones vitamin D and parathyroid hormone. As seen previously, those eating an omnivore diet consumed significantly more dietary protein than those consuming a vegan diet (2; 3). The values we observed for dietary protein in both the vegan and the omnivore groups were similar to those seen by Hadded et al. (3) and Janelle and Barr (2). The women in our study eating an omnivore diet exceeded the RDA for protein. In contrast to other studies of vegetarians and vegans, our ... Show more content on ... We found no significant difference between the two diet groups in the serum vitamin D levels. A study of vegan women in Finland found vegans to be deficient in vitamin D intake without supplements or adequate sunlight exposure through vacations in sunny locations (12). The vegan women in our study had adequate serum vitamin D levels, which may be the result of 1) incorporating enough vitamin D in their diets possibly using fortified foods and supplements; 2) they were exposed to adequate sunlight or 3) a combination of both. Although reviews of the vegetarian diet (5; 13) warn that deficiencies in several micronutrients are possible, the only marginal nutrient we found in the vegan group is calcium intake. There are several possible reasons for this difference. Vegans may be more health conscious, physically more active, and have a greater understanding of the role of nutrition in general health. As a result, they may also consume more supplements. Another contributing factor may be the recent increase in commercially available foods fortified with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that may lead to higher levels of intake when whole diets are examined. These results may be somewhat biased compared to the general population because we studied young adult college women primarily. Another possible confounding factor is the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Whether you have a chronic illness or are interested in... Whether you have a chronic illness or are interested in eating well to prevent disease, the anti– inflammatory diet is gaining traction as a viable way to plan your meals in order to avoid inflammation that can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, painful joints, and other ailments. Read on to learn about the components of an anti–inflammatory diet and what foods you should avoid. Experts note that an anti–inflammatory diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet, a heart– healthy way of eating that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains. One study of more than 1.5 million healthy adults showed a marked reduction in risk of heart disease death, cancer death, and development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. ... Show more content on ... Replace white flour products with those made from whole grains, and look for other ways to incorporate whole grains into your diet. Protein should be limited to fish and lean chicken, with red meat removed or severely restricted. Instead, focus on getting protein from beans, soybeans, and nuts. Eat low or reduced fat versions of dairy products rather than the full fat varieties, limiting dairy consumption to high quality cheeses and yogurt made from natural ingredients. Soy also has anti– inflammatory properties, so consuming soy milk, tofu, and edamame can be beneficial. And don't be afraid to add spices like cinnamon, ginger, curry, and others, which can prevent inflammation and are a good way to add flavor to foods without fat. Healthy sweets, such as plain dark chocolate, should be enjoyed sparingly, with other types of sugary treats limited. One to two glasses a day of red wine are fine under this diet, but other types of alcohol should be avoided. Also, consider drinking two to four cups of white, green, or oolong tea each day. If you are concerned about avoiding foods that cause inflammation, you should cut saturated fats and trans fats from your diet. These harmful fats are primarily found in processed foods and meat. Refined carbohydrates and white flour, such as that found in pasta and rice, also cause inflammation. Instead, switch to whole grain ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Legs: Natural Ways to Do It... How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Legs: Opt For The Natural Ways To Do It Posted by Jaymee on October 6th, 2011 Have you finally found out How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Legs? If you haven't, then make sure you make the most out of this article. You will find a lot of tips and tricks about how you can finally get rid of the cellulites in your legs. Cellulites do not just hibernate in the epidermis or dermis of your hips, buttocks and thighs but you will also often find them developing in the legs. However, the problem is sufferers are clueless about how to get rid of their cellulites especially the ones forming in their legs. If you are worried about the solutions to your cellulite problem, don't be. You will only need to pin down the most ... Show more content on ... Combine these with the correct exercises and you will surely stay fit and healthy sans the cellulites. These shared tips are all natural and highly recommended so you can expect that you will be able to banish your cellulites permanently without further ado. Complete Exercise Regimen: Another way of how you can get rid of those cellulites in your body especially the ones on your legs is by enrolling yourself in an exercise program. That way, a professional trainer will be able to give you the complete and correct kind of exercises you need. Take note that vertical jumping has been proven very effective in wiping out cellulites not just in the legs but even in the thighs, hips and buttocks as well. What is more, keep in mind that liposuction is unsafe since it suctions the fat deposits underneath your skin. It should only be used when siphoning off fats deep down in the body. Instead of liposuction, follow these tips itemized to ensure you will get rid of those cellulites in no time. Vertical Jumping: Last but not least, there is also the vertical jumping that has greatly contributed to the reduction of cellulites in the legs. If you have a trampoline, make sure you spend some time jumping on it so that it may trigger burning of cellulites in your legs. This strength training technique has consistently shown significant results in ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Nutritional Analysis Project After completing this nutritional analysis project, it opened my eyes to how many positive and negatives are present in my diet. To begin, one of the positives of my nutritional status is the fact that I get enough protein through the foods I eat. For example, on October 1, I ate 6 ounces of chicken–breast, which is high in protein. Furthermore, I also have a lot of vitamin B6 and B12 in my diet. Vitamin B12 was in the 6 ounces of meatloaf I ate on September 30. This vitamin is vital for normal brain functioning as well. In addition, I consume enough iron in my foods. Iron is extremely important in the body as it helps red bloods cells transport oxygen. One example of when I consumed a lot of iron was when I ate corn flakes for breakfast all three days. On the other hand, this project also uncovered numerous ways my diet falls short. One of these is the fact that I did not have enough ... Show more content on ... I only consumed 11 grams of fiber on September 29 and October 1, and 12 grams on September 30. This falls much lower than the target intake level of 38 grams. As a result, I am going to add more fiber to my diet. One way I plan to accomplish this is by adding flaxseed to my yogurt as a snack. This will add 2.8 grams of dietary fiber per 1 tablespoon serving. Moreover, a final negative is how my current sodium intake is too high. For example, it was 2953 milligrams on October 1, when my target was to have less than 2300 milligrams. Consuming too much sodium can cause hypertension, so I need to make a change. I can accomplish this by adding less salts to my foods and by removing sodium–rich foods in my diet. One example is in the salad dressing I have every day for lunch. In fact, 30 grams of ranch dressing has 328 milligrams of sodium. I am going to switch to Caesar salad dressing instead, with only 158 milligrams of ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Notes On Red Palm Oil Red Palm Oil or Red Palm Foiled: Dr. Oz's Bold Claims Debunked –Anonymous "Biology and Society" Contributor Dr. Oz, the beloved host of the popular television health show The Dr. Oz Show, has a new superfood ready to improve everyone's health: red palm oil. This oil, while containing unhealthy saturated fats, is actually great for your health. Red palm oil is different; it "lowers bad cholesterol by 40% in just one month" and "reduces the concentration of fatty tissue" by "igniting your metabolism," and even has antioxidant powers. The calories from consuming red palm oil are instantaneously used for energy, meaning no calories will be absorbed and stored in troublesome regions like your hips and thighs. Indeed, red palm oil will help you "whittle away that frustrating belly fat." With claims like these, it is no wonder Dr. Oz believes that red palm oil will be the "most popular new product in America." Sound too good to be true? Unfortunately, Dr. Oz's bold claims extolling the virtues of red palm oil do not have enough solid scientific evidence to back them and are riddled with rhetoric designed to persuade you to buy this pseudoscientific product (Health Benefits Of Red Organic Palm Oil For the body). To advertise red palm oil to his consumer audience, Dr. Oz employs arguments and persuasive devices with the intent to mislead. One such technique was the use of slanted phrases, or using language that carries emotional charge or bias to leads the audience to take a ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Research Paper On Yummy Pumpkin Pie Smell that yummy pumpkin pie? Mouth is getting watery. You start to salivate. That is the beginning process of digestion getting you ready to eat that delicious pumpkin pie. That's why people say digestion starts in your mouth. The digestive tract also known as the alimentary canal, the liver, pancreas, and other abdominal organs make up the digestive system. The esophagus, the stomach, and the intestines, (from the mouth to the anus) all belongs in the alimentary canal. In an adult the whole digestive tract runs about 30 feet long. Eating food with fiber helps keep bowel movements regular. Not enough fiber will have you constipated, more likely to get hemorrhoids. Too much fiber can lead to diarrhea, bloating and loose stools. A person should ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Mediterranean Diet Research Paper There are many diets out there you can choose from, but for many the Mediterranean diet will be one of the best choices. This is a very healthy diet that can help those with heart issues, high cholesterol, or other health problems. It is an eating plan that will help you discover how to create great tasting meals that are also very good for your heart. This may be the only diet that includes drinking a glass of red wine, but that has been proven to be very good for your heart. The Mediterranean diet is based around the typical cooking styles of the countries on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They love to use olive oil in their cooking, so you can expect to get plenty of good meals made with the health benefits of olive oil. When you ... Show more content on ... This is a tradition in the Mediterranean culture and it goes along with the diet. Every component is added because it gives the body the necessary nutrients and it is also very healthy for the heart. This is one of the best diets for anybody with a history of heart disease or high cholesterol. What I Think About the Mediterranean Diet Whether you are looking for a healthier way to live and eat or you are looking for a diet to help you lose weight, the Mediterranean Diet is a good choice. You are not going to drop 20 pounds in a month with this diet, but it will help you get to a very healthy weight and maintain it. This is not just a diet you start and finish, but also a way of changing the way you eat every single day for the rest of your life. It is nice to find a diet that does not completely cut out the things you may enjoy. You can still have red meat, just not that often and you are even encouraged to drink wine with this diet. Most diets do not allow any alcohol and will cut out many of the things you really need. With the Mediterranean Diet, you can have confidence in knowing that you are eating in a hearth healthy way that support the body ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Balangiga Massacre: Getting Even by Victor Nebrida by Victor Nebrida and PHGLAAll rights reserved The Philippine–American War started on February 4, 1899 and was officially proclaimed by President Roosevelt to have ended on July 4, 1902. Although General Aguinaldo was captured on March 25, 1901, there followed no mass surrender of other Filipino revolutionary generals. Fighting went on in Batangas, Pampanga, Tarlac, the Ilocos, and the Visayas. In Samar, General Lukban 's control had been set and was holding firm. Kill everyone over ten. "Kill every one over ten." – Gen. Jacob H. Smith Criminals Because They Were Born Ten Years Before We Took the Philippines. Editorial cartoon from the New York Evening Journal, May 5, 1902. Company C, Ninth U.S. Infantry sailed into ... Show more content on ... Surprised and outnumbered, Company C was nearly wiped out during the first few terrible minutes. But a small group of American soldiers, a number of them wounded, were able to secure their rifles and fight back, killing some 250 Filipinos. Of the company 's original complement, 48 were killed or unaccounted for, 22 were wounded, and only 4 were unharmed. The survivors managed to escape to the American garrison in Basey. Captain Bookmiller, the commander in Basey, sailed immediately for Balangiga with a force of volunteers in a gunboat. They quickly dispatched some bolomen on the shore with a gattling gun and executed twenty more they found hiding in a nearby forest. As the American soldiers were buried, Captain Bookmiller quoted from the Book of Hosea, "They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind." Thus ended the short–lived policy of benevolent assimilation in Balangiga. Inspection of the ruins. General Jake "Howling" Smith and his staff inspecting the ruins of Balangiga in October 1901, a few weeks after the retaliation by Captain Bookmiller and his troops. The U.S. Army: Krags and Schoolbooks? The American military was in the Philippines to quell an "insurrection," a rebellion by the native Filipinos opposing American occupation. They were not there to fight a people defending their homeland. This was the basic tenet taught to the American soldier sent to fight in the islands. When hostilities started in 1899 and ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Omega 6 Research Paper In the last century, changes in the Western diet have changed the intake of omega 6 fatty acids (fats from meat and vegetable oils) compared with omega–3 fatty acids (fats from fatty marine fish). Many studies show that the change of attitude in the entry omega 3 and omega 6 through diet increased the propensity to inflammatory reactions that are associated with the development of autoimmune and allergic diseases. Omega 3 and omega 6 are types of essential fatty acids, which means that the body does not produce, but must bring nutrition. In modern dietary sources of omega 3 fatty acids are represented on a small scale, mainly from fatty sea fish: salmon, sardines, herring, tuna. There are two main types of omega 3 fatty acids that are essential body eicosapentanoic – EPA and docosahexaenoic – DHA. Vegetarian ... Show more content on ... Fast foods, cookies, candy, snacks – all contain vegetable oils. In the body of omega 6 fatty acids creates a type of prostaglandin – molecules that influence inflammation, blood clotting, while types of prostaglandins formed from omega 6 fatty acids reduces inflammation and prevents the formation of thrombi. Nutritionists believe that the use of processed foods man disrupted the balance in the intake of omega 3 and 6. This imbalance in the diet could be an explanation for the increase in the number of patients suffering from asthma, heart disease, many forms of cancer, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, and all diseases that originate of inflammatory processes. Overall, omega 6 intake can decrease if you avoid or reduce industrial processed foods and fast foods, polyunsaturated vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean). Try to use more extra virgin olive oil for cooking and in salad dressings. Use more fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseed and so you best contribute to restoring balance in the body in favor of protective ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Personal Speech: Cyclical Ketogenic Diet Cyclical Ketogenic Diet is one of the most famous and the most effective diets used by bodybuilders. It's popular mainly due to its ability to burn fat while keeping a high percentage of already built muscle mass. Today, I'm going to tell you more about Cyclical Ketogenic Diet. The diet that is based on the limited carbohydrates intake. Dr. Atkins developed CKD more than 20 years ago. During his career, Atkins has tested this diet on more than 10k patients. At the beginning of CKD diet, Atkins reduced carbs intake of a patient to zero. It took 2–3 days to use up all the carbohydrates stored in the body. After all the carbs had been consumed, patient's body started to use fats as a primary energy source. This state is called KETOSIS. Once ketosis is reached, you can begin to add carbohydrates to your diet, but only a limited amount –this is called boundary value (which is ~40 grams per day). ... Show more content on ... Interesting fact: The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet traditionally has been used in cases of intractable epilepsy. Children with epilepsy due to mutations in GLUT–1, which transports glucose across the blood–brain barrier, suffer from seizures in infancy. If not identified and treated, they develop microcephaly, mental retardation, spasticity, and ataxia as a consequence of relative brain hypoglycemia. These children respond well to the ketogenic diet, as it is believed to provide an alternative fuel source for their central nervous ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Fats Waller: A Legend Of Modern Music A legend of the modern music was born on 21st of May, 1904 to humble and religious parents in an uptown state of New York. Thomas Wright "Fats" Waller, or simply known as Fats Waller, mom was a well–known instrumentalist who had influenced the boy from his early childhood. His fierce determination for jazz overruled his father's desire for him to pursue a religious career and do classical music instead of jazz. During his lifetime he wrote multiple classics and showed the world that despite the bounds of society and one's race, one can achieve one's lifelong dream. He has demonstrated through his lyrics from his songs, even though the world wasn't with him, he loved jazz and also became an idol for modern day jazz and became very relevant ... Show more content on ... This song made Waller become a famous jazz musician. Not only did this catchy tune influenced his early career, but also paved the way for famous jazz artists including Louis Armstrong and Cab Calloway. Billie Holiday and other recording artists did a cover of "Ain't Misbehavin" making Waller an even bigger icon in the history of music. One of the main reasons for its popularity can also be contributed to its simple but moving lyrics. All these factors made this melody to be one of the five known jazz standards written by Waller that is commonly practised by stride pianists to this very day. It's growing popularity continues to this day, and surely musicians will pay tribute to this breath–taking artist in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Disadvantages Of Lubricant In a high precision machining operation, lubricant is extensively needed to remove the heat at the tool–workpiece interfaces. High heat is generated at the interface due to friction between the tool and the workpiece, which can lead to a very poor workpiece surface quality and tool wear. For that reason, report showed that approximately 320,000 tons of lubricant were used per year in the European Union [1] proving the importance of lubricant in machining application. Lubricant is divided into three categories that are neat oil, water–soluble fluids, and gases [2], where the most common type of lubricant in machining application is the water–soluble fluids. This type of lubricant is made of water mixed with oil with a certain ratio depending on the types of application being used. ... Show more content on ... Lawal et al. [16] has done an evaluation on the performance of vegetable oil in turning process in comparison to mineral oil. The investigation found that the vegetable oil surpass conventional oil– in–water performance in turning process. Likewise, Babur et al. [17] have conclude that vegetable oil are effective in producing better surface quality and tool wear than synthetic cutting fluids during turning process. Nevertheless, improvement on the performance of vegetable oil can be done by utilising powder particles such as MoS2, graphite, boric acid, etc. Improvement can be seen from using powder particle aided lubricant in terms of surface finish, coefficient of friction, wear and cutting force [18]. This is because powder particle has lattice layered structure (Fig. 1), relatively high load carrying capacity and low steady state coefficient of friction [19]. Moreover, powder particle such as boric acid are environmentally friendly and do not pose threat to operational workers according to the Environmental Protection Agency, which is desirable in creating a greener lubrication in machining application ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Benefits Of Maple Syrup Sauces and spices are condiments we use to add or enhance flavor to our meals. However, some of our favorite condiments cannot be left in the pantry because, they need to be refrigerated for longer shelf life. Maple Syrup We use maple syrup in many culinary preparations, such as whisking it into salad dressing, sweetening the whipped cream, stirring it into oatmeal, putting it on bacon, applying it on roast tomatoes, and drizzling it on yogurt. If you love maple syrup and you wanted to keep it fresh, store it in the refrigerator because it is vulnerable to molds. Mayonnaise It is a thick and creamy dressing commonly used as a condiment. Mayonnaise has oil, egg yolk, and vinegar or lemon juice in. This condiment has been used in several recipes ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Coronary Heart Disease: A Qualitative Study 1. This study was conducted because the researchers found that there were certain ingredients associated with protein rich foods that were associated with coronary heart disease. Some of the nutrients already associated with this increased risk included saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, Vit B6, E, and folate. The researchers noticed that some protein sources did not show any association with coronary heart disease (ex. red meat), while others showed an association with decreased risk of coronary heart disease (ex. poultry, fish). 2. The purpose of the study was to follow women for twenty–six years and see if there was any relationship between a woman's major source of protein and their risk of developing coronary heart disease. An underlying objective of the study was to determine if women could lower their risk of coronary heart disease by substituting one protein source for another lower risk protein source. ... Show more content on ... The participants in the study consisted of 84,136 female registered nurses from eleven different states in the United States between the ages of 30 and 55. The participants could not have a medical history that included cancer, diabetes mellitus, stroke, angina, myocardial infarction, or any other type of cardiovascular disease. This study was a prospective cohort study. This was identified because the participants in the research study were followed over long period of time, and the participants had to be free of disease at the start of the study. 4. The independent variable in this study was the type of protein that the women were consuming. The dependent variable was the change in the health of the participant or the development of coronary heart disease. The researchers also had secondary outcomes that included diseases in the pathway between dietary habits and coronary heart disease. These included diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Medifast Program Analysis The Medifast program is a scientifically backed weight loss program. This program consists of nutrient dense meals and vitamins (Medifast Inc., 2016). Medifast's most popular meal plan is five Medifast meals and one lean and green meal. Each Medifast meal has the same amount of calories and nutrients, meals are 100 calories each, the lean and green meal consists of 7oz of lean protein and endless amount of greens in the form of veggies or salad. The reason why this plan works is individuals are only consuming less than 1000 calories a day. This helps individuals with portion control and gives them the daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. The basic nature of the Medifast diet it to restrict the caloric intake of obese individuals and supplement with Medifast prepared meals, this ensures optimal weight loss, medical monitoring comes along with this diet, individuals will need to get blood work and routine physician visits, this ensures that individuals are following the meal plan. ... Show more content on ... Obesity and morbidity obese individuals tend to have co– morbidity, these co– morbidity are hypertension, high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, just to name a few. Obesity is any individual with a body mass index of 30 and over (Lenfant, M.D., C. 1998). Obese individuals are given a five and one meal plan, which means five Medifast meals and one lean and green meal. Each Medifast meal is less than 150 calories per serving, the lean and green is 7oz of lean protein and endless amount of salad and vegetables, and very little dressing (Medifast Inc., 2016). Obese individuals are restricted from earing no more than 1000 to 1500 calories a day. According to Lenfant, M.D., C (1998) obese individuals should be placed on a weight loss plan that has a caloric deficit of 500 k/cal to 1000 k/cal per day in order to achieve a 10% weight loss during a six month ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Characteristics Of Saturated Fats Saturated fats include nuts, and in a recent study not only were nuts a good source of saturated fat, but they were also proven to improve lipid profile of inflammatory biomarkers. Participants from cohort studies has high risk for cardiac disease, but those who had a higher consumption of nuts and exercised consistently were more likely to have lower c–reactive protein and IL–6 concentrations (5). They ate higher amount of nuts because they replaced red meats, processed meats, and refined grains with nuts. This reduced their risk of getting heart disease because their overall state of inflammation was reduced, and chronic low–grade inflammation is known for being a culprit in all phases of atherosclerosis. The studies strengths were that ... Show more content on ... There was another study that studied if a Mediterranean diet could decrease inflammation and improve one's heart health. In this study, inflammation caused by diet and telomere length were evaluated with those who have a high risk of heart disease. With the use of the dietary inflammatory index, they looked to see the association between diet–related inflammation and telomere length. Telomere length affects how our cells age, and if they shorten, then it will shorten one's life as well as makine one more susceptible to disease. This study was a cross– sectional and longitudinal study that resulted in a consistent beneficial effect with aging and health when consuming a anti– inflammatory diet (7). The beneficial effects were that it changed their telomere length. Anti– inflammatory diets they included were Mediterranean diets supplemented with olive oil, and Mediterranean diets supplemented with mixed nuts. The control group was on a low fat diet. This study also showed that a proinflammatory diet can affect a person telomere length by drastically shortening it (7). More specifically, proinflammatory foods include fried foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugar and anti–inflammatory foods include vegetables like kale/spinach, fruits like tomatoes/blueberries, fatty fish, and nuts. Unlike with inflammation, there are more diets proven to improve hypertension. In this specific study 3 different diets were given to participants who had hypertension and ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Dr. Lustig's Sugar: The Bitter Truth Is fructose toxic? This is the million–dollar question that researchers from all around the world have been trying to determine. Many different experiments have been conducted to try and determine whether or not this controversial hypothesis is, in fact, correct. One researcher in particular, Dr. Robert Lustig, believes not only that fructose is a poison, but that eating processed food containing sugar will lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, non–alcoholic fatty liver disease, and obesity. Dr. Lustig is the Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California in San Francisco. In his video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, Dr. Lustig makes several different arguments as to why ... Show more content on ... Lustig's argument comes from comparing the metabolism of glucose to that of fructose. While fructose can only be metabolized by hepatocytes in the liver, glucose can be metabolized by all cells in the body, as it is the essential substrate for energy production for human life (Nelson, 2013). One of the biggest differences Dr. Lustig distinguishes in the metabolism of the two substrates is how glucose can be stored in the liver as a polymerized form called glycogen. This is healthy for the liver. Fructose does not have a healthy polymerized form that can be stored in the liver. While it is true that there is not a polymer form of fructose that the liver stores, one thing Dr. Lustig isn't taking into account is that excess glucose intake can lead to many of the same obesity related conditions of which he argues are caused by fructose. Metabolically humans will utilize energy stored as fats when carrying out activities at a low or normal intensity (Gropper, 2013). On the other hand, carbohydrates, including fructose and glucose are the main substrates that will be used to supply energy for high intensity work like exercise. If exercise is not carried out for a person who consumes a high amount of carbohydrates, they will also be synthesized to triglycerides, regardless of whether or not the substrate is glucose or fructose. For this reason, the argument stated that fructose is a toxin does not hold up due to the fact that, theoretically, a person who ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. El Yucateco Research Paper The El Yucateco company was founded in 1968 in Yucatan, Mexico by Priamo J. Gamboa. The term "Yucateco" refers to people from the Yucatan. Gamboa's company started as a small family–owned business that specialized in habanero–based hot sauces. El Yucateco sauces have gone on to become favorites among chile pepper fans as versatile condiments that can be used on a wide variety of foods. El Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot Sauce (Red) Ingredients El Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot Sauce (Red) has the following ingredients listed on the label: Water Habanero pepper Salt Acetic acid Spices Xanthan gum Citric acid Onion powder Sodium benzoate FD & C Yellow #5 Calcium disodium EDTA FD & C Blue #1 The Peppers in El Yucateco Chile ... Show more content on ... Sodium benzoate is a food preservative that is used in acidic foods like hot sauce and salad dressings. FD & C Yellow#5 is a water–soluble food coloring that is also known as tartrazine. It is used in prepared mustard, candies and sodas along with a large number of other yellow food items. Calcium disodium is another preservative that is used to keep air from spoiling the sauce. The final Ingredient in the red El Yucateco Chile Habanero Sauce is FD & C Blue #1, also known as triarylmethane dye. It is otherwise used in Blue Curacao liqueur as well as in mouthwash. About the Preservatives in El Yucateco Sodium benzoate and calcium disodium EDTA are the only two ingredients included solely for their preservative function; however, the acidic ingredients are preservatives as well as flavor enhancers. The salt also has a preservative effect, as does the capsaicin in the habaneros. All of these ingredients work together to ensure that your El Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot Sauce can continue to taste fresh and flavorful for a long ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. My Fried Baked Chicken It was a day like any other. My husband was at work; and I was standing stagnantly in my kitchen, gazing dreadfully at uncooked chicken wings and unbleached flour. My ideal meal arrangement included fried chicken wings accompanied with Kraft's famous macaroni with cheese. Comparable to any story the dilemma posed itself, when I noticed that there was no vegetable oil to fry with. Moreover, I was still fixated on fried chicken. I customarily am the description of the term "strong– headed", and having faith, I commenced a search for a new method of creating a chicken masterpiece. Consequently, I began to ponder for the first time in my life, why vegetable oil (or any oil) was essential to preparing fried chicken, and if I really needed it or not. I had been so accustomed to the cliché preparation of fried chicken. I knew that this idea was going to cause me to gain a new perspective, even think out side the chicken box to achieve the same results as fried chicken from baking it instead. In my opinion, cooking oil is only a prerequisite concerning any fried food method for two grand reasons: to prevent the food from sticking to a pan or pot, and lastly so that the food will not burn from sticking to the pot or pan. Thus I charged myself with the intent to redefine fried chicken. I questioned, did it need to be fried in oil to be considered fried? What did the term "fry" even mean? After conscientiously researching why oil is needed to fry foods I accumulated a list of pros and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Advantages Of Mistakes Ketonos The adjustment of the ketogenic diet and lifestyle is a process, as with any other process, there are a number of learning curves and traffic thresholds. These curves and bumps can lead to frustration and disappointment, but it should not. I made a list of what I see as the most common mistakes ketone (and what you can do with them). You're obsessed with macros At first glance, it may be somewhat contradictory some of the other items appears on this list, but hear me out for a while. The error has no effect macros. Error is an obsession macros. The biggest advantage for the keto psychological freedom it offers. They are no longer chained to Hangry, sad life filled with constant anxiety tract. You are free to live. So you're not malicious and yoke obsession macros. Not eat macro eat food. Make sure the food is keto–friendly, and you will do well. 'm Obsessed with weight I've written about this before, but it is important enough to repeat. The number on the scale is the least important measure you can use to evaluate success. It is another nerve PET mine, which is comparable to the previous error. Enjoy the freedom of your life, do not worry about the number on the scale. The scale is always a snapshot of what was ... Show more content on ... You do not need to "fast" food in the morning. You do not, but it's noon. You do not, but it's 6:00. They need food just avoid going to bed. You, like me, were trained by the mafia of carbohydrate– rich foods based on what the clock says, and not what tells your body. The clock has no idea if you're not hungry. Just because there is a certain time of the day does not mean you have to eat. If you are not hungry, do not eat. Moreover, just because there is a certain time of the day, does not mean you can not eat. If you are hungry, you eat. The clock has no idea what is going on in your body. Your body does. Listen to your body and hear what he says. Eat when he says that the time has ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Integumentary System Lab Report Several tests were conducted on the patient to test her body systems; the systems tested were the integumentary, nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune, urinary, and reproductive. While not all tests were directed at each system individually, the results recorded give an indication of performance and can be looked at in more detail. The Integumentary system was tested in the "Calories in, Calories out" module, the "my Flexibility" test, and the "Germs" module. While evaluating this experiment, data recorded shows the patient is not taking in enough fruits and vegetables. Insufficient intake of these food groups can play a part in the body's largest organ which is the integumentary system, including ... Show more content on ... The skin is composed of the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis, being superficial skin, while the dermis is the tissue layer underneath that supports the epidermis. Collagen and elastic fibers are contained in the dermis to give the skin strength and elasticity. Collagen fibers are very strong and resist stretching, but can be easily bent or twisted. Elastic fibers permit stretching and then recoil to their original length. The elastic fibers provide flexibility, and the collagen fibers limit that flexibility to prevent damage to the tissue. Environmental factors or physical changes can affect the skin's strength and elasticity. The distortion of the dermis that occurs over the abdomen during pregnancy or after substantial weight gain can exceed the elastic limits of the skin. The resulting damage to the dermis prevents recoiling to its original size after delivery or weight loss. Most of the collagen and elastic fibers at any location are arranged in parallel bundles oriented to resist the forces applied to the skin during normal movement. These bundles in the skin result in patterns called cleavage lines (The Integumentary System, 2015). When the patient pushed the bar down during the experiment to understand the patient's ability to stretch, the cleavage lines on the patient's skin acted upon the movement to bent downwards. Although, if the patient were to have had a physical change in the skin such as an injury, weight gain, or weight loss it could affect the patient's ability to bend all the way to the ground. A cut parallel to a cleavage line will usually remain closed and heal with little scaring. A cut at right angles to the cleavage line will be pulled open severed elastic fibers recoil, resulting in greater scaring. For these reasons, surgeons choose to make small incisions parallel to cleavage lines (The ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Gut Microbiota Species composition of bacteria in the gut is highly personalised and mostly determined by environment and diet. The proportion of each species changes throughout life and the elderly have a significantly different microbiome. The introduction of antibiotics through the course of life alters the variation and presence of bacteria via elimination, altering the species richness and evenness of the microbiome. Studies have identified different genera of bacteria which are present in the microbiome and their role in nutrient intake. Gut microbiota has 3 main enterotypes Prevotella, Bacteroides and Ruminococcus, there is a strong correlation between the concentration of each bacterial community and the dietary constituents. A diet high in carbohydrates and simple sugars would also indicate and reveal a greater concentration of Prevotella whereas a diet high in protein and animal fats would present a higher concentration of Bacteroides in the gut. A long term change in the diet would permanently shift the concentration of bacteria in the gut to accommodate the new nutrient uptake. This would then change the bacterial barrier in the intestine which could make it more vulnerable due to reduced species richness. A radical ... Show more content on ... However throughout the months via contact from relatives and outings the microbiome diversifies and there is competition for space. The bacteria begin to specialize and differentiate to become more adapted to their environment; the bacteria present on skin would be more suited to dry conditions than the gut which is wet and moist. The gut microbiome would also be more specialized in absorbing nutrients. As babies drink breast milk they would obtain bacteria from their mother and thus they would have a different gut biome to a baby who was fed formula milk as well as the introduction of solid foods would cause the microbiome to ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Grab You Ephedra Essay Grab You Ephedra Products NOW! Weight Loss Problems? Are you tired of putting all you efforts to lose weight and see minimal or no results at all? Sad but it is a fact that many people who desire to lose weight have failed to achieve their weight loss goals. Perhaps, it is everyone's goal to stay healthy and maintain their ideal weight, however, it is not as simple as most people think it is. Most of the time, diet and exercise are not enough to achieve and maintain ideal weight. Thus, we offer you an EFFECTIVE and FAST WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION. Boost your metabolism and lose that excess weight fast with EPHEDRA–BASED FAT BURNERS from Iron Muscle Supplements. Avoid Weight Fluctuations Losing weight is not the only problem that most people face. Dealing with weight fluctuations can be stressful. One moment, you lose weight and then the next moment, you gain it back. You are not alone with this problem. A lot of people face it and oftentimes it is the cause why most of them give up their weight loss goals. Who wouldn't when it is such a waste of time losing weight just to gain it back again? ... Show more content on ... Ephedra Diet Pills will help you speed up your metabolism as you go on your quest to lose weight, thus, you would not worry about gaining back your weight anymore. Lose Body Fats But Not Muscles Losing Body fats fast is NOT A FAD. In most cases, weight loss does not involve losing body fats alone but a large weight loss percentage comes from losing muscle tissues and water. Different types of person have different weight loss goals and require different kinds of means to lose weight but all have the same end point; to LOSE THAT EXCESS BODY FATS. But how can you lose that excess body fats when water and muscles are lost ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Hormones And Its Effects On Prescription Drugs After having their first child, many women experience hormone imbalance and struggle to get that normal feeling again. Let 's start with what a hormone is. Hormones are a chemical substance that voyage through your bloodstream stimulating cells and tissues into action. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands and are our body 's dispatchers. It only takes a minuscule amount of hormones to make enormous changes in the body. Hormone imbalance can cause symptoms like depression, acne, fatigue, endometriosis, and insomnia. These are just some of the symptoms I experienced after having my son. After talking to my doctor, I had two options; I could take artificial hormones or I could try to change my diet and take vitamins to get my body to regulate its own hormones. After researching both treatments, I found out that each had their benefits. Artificial Hormones perform quicker than diet and vitamins. Artificial hormones can induce a dependency on prescription drugs and have serious side effects. Diet and vitamins can benefit other divisions of your body. It was a tough choice because I wanted to feel better immediately, but I also wanted to make the healthiest choice for my body. Time was a sensitive issue when it came to my choice of treatment. Treating hormone imbalance is a time–consuming process either way. It requires many checkups with your doctor. During each doctor visit, you will have blood tests to check your hormone levels. At that point, your doctor will ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Diet And Paleo Diet The term "diet" has many assumptions as to what it means or what it is or which kind is the best. The term Diet is a "balance of energy nutrients and adequate levels of vitamins, minerals, and water" (Mader, 2016). There are so many different types of diets that are made popular by mainstream media such as the Atkins Diet which is a low carbohydrate diet and the Paleo Diet which mimics a caveman approach to eating, which means eating only meats and vegetables. Not all the diets that are being advertised nowadays are perfect or with in nutritional range of what the human body was designed to consume. According to, my caloric intake should be at least 3000 calories per day consisting of meats, grains, vegetables, and fruits. My typical diet consists of high protein coming from meats and whey protein supplements, low carbohydrates consisting of brown rice and quinoa and low saturated fats which come from olive oil and the meats I eat. I eat around 5 to 6 servings of vegetables and 3 to 4 pieces of fruit every day. I consume approximately 1/2 a gram of protein per pound, which is about 190 pounds which ... Show more content on ... I am well below the required 3000 calories but I do it on purpose because I'm trying to get down to a very low body fat percentage. "Scientists have determined that high–calorie diets increase the levels of free radicals, thus accelerating cellular aging" (Mader, 2016). This is one reason, I prefer to eat a low–calorie diet and I also do the occasional 24 hours fasting to detox and clean body. The fasting is not meant for everyone but it works for me. As I get older, I have noticed that carbohydrates are not my friend. I primarily eat meats and vegetables and it seems to be doing the job. Although on a low–calorie diet I'm energetic and in good spirits. Everyone is different and you have to investigate what works best for your ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Kirkland Dog Food Essay From fresh foods, medicines, nuts and legumes, to soaps, clothes and other goods, the Kirkland Signature brands provide fine manufactured goods at a cost less than that of most leading brands. Aside from products for people, Kirkland Signature also takes pride in its line of products for pets. One of which is Kirkland Dog Food, a commodity for canine companions. This dog food line brings a variety of premium pet foods suitable for dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages. For dogs of different ages, Kirkland Dog Food also offers the appropriate type of dog chow. For puppies under one year old, there's Kirkland Dog Food Super Premium Puppy Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Formula. Made with superior ingredients, this formula gives the ample amount of proteins, ... Show more content on ... It provides a healthy blend of lamb and eggs to satisfy dogs' protein requirements. Mixed with whole grain brown rice, which is a featured ingredient in the line of Kirkland Dog Food, it can easily be digested by dogs. Fruits, vegetables and certain herbs are also mixed into this package in order to offer a complete meal for dogs. Kirkland Dog Food is also available in a separate formula for small dogs. The Kirkland Dog Food Super Premium Small Dog Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Formula is specially made for dogs that weigh 25 pounds or less. It consists of the sufficient amount of chicken, vegetables, whole–grain brown rice, fruits and herbs to ensure the proper growth and health of small dogs. The Kirkland Dog Food line also has the Super Premium Healthy Weight Dog Formula, which is intended for dogs that are already overweight or are very prone to weight gain. To lessen calorie intake, the formula has been mixed with 6% fat and 13% fiber. With these ingredients, added with the correct amount of chicken, whole–grain brown rice, vegetables, fruits and herbs, plus antioxidants, dogs that require weight management will be sufficiently ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Nutrition Transition 486 Drewnowski Nutrition Volume 16, Numbers 7/8, 2000 24. Ferro–Luzzi A, Sette S. The Mediterranean diet: an attempt to define its present and past composition. Eur J Clin Nutr 1989;43:1329 25. Galeno C. La dieta dimagrante. Palermo, Italy: Flaccovio, 1989 26. de Baldach U. Theatrum sanitatis. Liber magistri. Codice Casanatense 4182. Parma, Italy: FM Ricci, 1970 27. Curionem I. Medicina salernitana: id est conservandae bonae valetudines praecepta. Frankfurt, Germany: Kempffer M, 1628 28. Cornaro L. L'arte di vivere a lungo. Discorsi sulla vita sobria. Venice, Italy: Brogiollo, 1620 18. Braudel F. Civilisation materielle, economie et capitalisme (XV–XVIII siecle). Les structures du quotidien. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1979:135 ... Show more content on ... However, within a given country, it is still the richest people who consume the diet highest in fat.1 The sharply reduced cost of vegetable oils has been the main reason for increased fat consumption worldwide.1 Technologic advances in high–yield oil seeds and in the refining of high–quality vegetable oils have greatly reduced the cost of baking and frying fats, margarine and other table spreads, and salad and cooking oils. The production and export of vegetable oils, not only in the United States but also in Europe, South East Asia (palm oils), and South America (soybean oils) are promoted through direct subsidies, credit guarantees, food aid, and market–development programs. By the 1990s, soybean oil represented 70% of the production and consumption of edible oils and fats in the United States and now accounts for one–third of vegetable–oil consumption worldwide.1,2 At this time, at US retail prices, vegetable oil delivers approximately 5000 calories per dollar spent. Wealth used to be associated with increased sugar consumption.2 However, sugar has become plentiful and cheap. World sugar consumption in 1999 and 2000 is forecast at a record 130.1 million tons, almost 4% above the previous year's level. Growth trends in sugar consumption were interrupted in the mid–1990s as financial ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Born Thomas Wright Waller On The Era Of The 20th Century Born Thomas Wright Waller on May 21, 1904, in New York City, Fats Waller would later emerge as one of the most prolific artists of the 20th century with an illustrious career in which he was recognized for his accomplishments as a Jazz pianist, organist, composer, singer, actor, and comedian. Waller's parents were Adeline Waller and Reverend Edward Waller, a Baptist preacher who conducted religious services and resided in Harlem. However, Waller's musical roots in his family can be found through his grandfather, who was an extremely accomplished violinist, and his mother, who was a church organist. As one might expect, Waller was extremely interested in instruments at a young age; he was so interested that he learned to play the piano at the age of 6. Additionally, he became proficient in playing the organ and acquired basic musical knowledge through the aid of his mother by the age of 10. Yet, Waller was not just limited to piano and organ in his childhood; he developed skills in also the string bass and violin in only a few short years. By 10 years old, Waller was playing regularly at his father's church and even had the notable feat of playing the organ at Lincoln Theater in Harlem. Waller was so entrenched in music that he, against the wishing of his father, dropped out of school and became a full–time organist at the Lincoln Theatre in Harlem.Waller's achievements continued to grow and in 1918, at the age of 14, he won a talent contest that confirmed his eminence was no ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Chia Seed When it comes to weight loss, it seems as though there is a constant quest for a magic elixir that will aid those wishing to lose a few pounds. One such elixir that has gained favor in recent years is Chia seed. Many people's first introductions to the Chia seed came through the novelty "Chia Pet" television commercials that began in the early eighties. Later, runners were familiarized with the nutritional benefits of Chia seeds via the 2009 Best–Selling book Born To Run, by Chris McDougall in which he touts the seed's ability to slow the absorption of carbohydrates aiding the long distance runner. It is the proficiency of this ancient seed to absorb many times its weight in water for that inducing satiety as a premise for the capability to promote weight loss. Studies on chickens and rats supported the weight loss attributes of Chia seeds. However, what works for chickens and rats does not always carry over to humans. A study funded by The Nutritional Science Research Institute conducted in 2009 by Dr. David Nieman and his staff at Appalachian State University was performed on the hypothesis that the high fiber and the high content of a–linolenic acid (ALA) would induce a small but significant decrease in body weight and improve disease risk ... Show more content on ... Fourteen of the subjects dropped out before the conclusion of the study. The subjects were randomized to Chia seed and placebo groups. The placebo was carefully constructed to resemble the Chia seeds except for fiber and ALA content. The Chia seeds and the placebos (25 grams) were administered twice a day, in the morning and evening, with a glass of water. The subjects were advised not to alter their regular diets or exercise routines during the study. In addition, stature and body mass were measured pre– mid, and post–study. Blood work and blood pressure also had pre– and post–study ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Why Should People Pay More Attention To What They Eat Why should people pay more attention to what they eat? What are some nutrient dense foods that could help prevent obesity? Eating nutrient dense foods may help you lose weight and give you a healthier lifestyle. Healthy snacks such as celery sticks with peanut butter, whole grain crackers, and low fat cheese are good choices. Another tip, when preparing meals include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat–free or low–fat dairy products, and lean protein foods. These foods provide fewer calories. Follow the advice to, "Make half your plate fruits and vegetables." You can eat larger portions of these foods for fewer calories. Eating nuts is a good way to prevent becoming overweight. Some more nutrient dense foods are 1% yogurt, cottage cheese, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is derived from the mesenchymal precursor cell which also seems to give rise to muscle . BATis located mainly around the neck, paravertebral sites, kidneys and large blood vessels of the thorax. As previously mentioned above, Marcus (1988), demonstrated that TSH induced lipolysis in BAT from newborns and infants but this declined with age. Recent studies have profiled different layers of BAT in adults, particularly in the neck and between the shoulder blades (Nedergaard, 2013). BAT contains multilocular lipid droplets and a high mitochondrial content. Its primary function is to liberate energy as heat via the consumption of stored energy. This is mediated by the uncoupling protein–1 (Ucp–1), which embeds in the inner mitochondrial membrane and produces heat by dissipating the proton electrochemical gradient over the inner mitochondrial membrane space without generating ATP. The energy in BAT? is stored as perilipin coated lipid droplets and glycogen granules. Upon temperature stimulation glucose and fatty acid uptake is rapidly increased to replenish its supplies (reviewed in Sanchez–Gurmaches, 2013). BRITE adipose tissue occurs within WAT tissue depots, in response to chronic cold exposure. Beige adipose tissue has the characteristics of both white and brown adipocytes. They appear to be like WAT in basal states but upon cold stimulation, they behave like BAT by becoming multilocular and expressing the brown fat marker UCP1. However, they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Post-Op Hunger Post–Op Hunger: What to Eat After Dental Surgery Have you ever undergone oral surgery? Usually, those who have dental procedures done can't eat solid food for a couple of days, sometimes even lasting for weeks because of the pain. There are many options you can go for if we're just talking about soft food and liquids in general, but be wary of what they contain. Some may come in those forms, but they may worsen your condition or even infect your supposedly healing wound. Gentle Dentist, a family dentistry clinic based in Indianapolis, shares a list of food that won't worsen the pain and will help you recover faster. Soft Food or Liquid Diet for Dental Patients Depending on the severity of the procedure and the pain it entails, food intake ... Show more content on ... So, consider food items such as room temperature scrambled eggs, chicken, beef, fish, and nut butter like almond and peanut. Consider the spices put into the food and the consistency, depending on how much a person can take. Liquids In some cases, you won't even be able to chew and swallow properly because of the swelling and the pain. For this, you can turn to fluids to help you get better. The number one choice is water, as it washes away particles and sugars that may lead to tooth decay. It also keeps the mouth moist and the throat hydrated. Other choices are 100 percent fruit or vegetable juices to provide you with the right amount of calories and nutrients. Green tea also helps improve dental health. Avoid sodas and caffeine because the sugar may worsen your condition and cause tooth erosion. Dairy These are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as known for being high in calcium. But, while there are a variety of milk and milk byproducts available in the market, there are specific products
  • 66. appropriate for dental surgery patients. Skim milk, cottage cheese, and unsweetened and low–fat yogurts work best to reduce healing time. Hope this alleviates the frustration of not being able to eat solids. Who knows? Eating these might turn into a habit, further improving your dental ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Aztec Food Research Paper We believe that this is a basket with some açaí berries in it. This basket of grape–looking things, (what seems to be açaí berries), demonstrate the idea of food. This suggests that the ancient Aztec civilizations were able to grow or forage things to eat. We think that these things are açaí berries, because they are purple–ish black, small and round, the way açaí berries are supposed to look. Açaí berries are found in Mexico. We believe that the Aztecs may have had to move across a large area of land to collect and pick these berries, because the berries are in a basket, an easy to handle container. Moving across a big area of land requires a container to hold the berries, and in this case, a basket is what they used. This also shows that ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Obesity Is An Abnormal Collection Of Body Fat In recent years obesity and diabetes have become one of the major challenge to Australia. Obesity is an abnormal collection of body fat, usually 20% or more of the total individual body weight. In simple words obesity can be defined as the cause of energy intake being greater than energy output (Energy Input>Energy output). Obesity is associated with increased risk of illness, disability, and death. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that significantly affects the health of human beings. The recent research clearly shows that 4% of total Australians are victims of diabetes. Many people in Australia are affected by obesity. According to Australian government statistics 61% of Australian adults are overweight or obese. The World Health ... Show more content on ... There are 6 main nutrients present in the food such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. But according to chemistry, foods can be classified as micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals–required in small amount) and macro nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats– required in higher amount). Carbohydrates can be classified into two different classifications as sugars (monosaccharides and oligosaccharides) and non–sugars or polysaccharides according to its chemical structure. The whole classification of carbohydrates can be classified as follows. Monosaccharides are mostly common five–carbon or six–carbon poly hydroxyl ketones and aldehydes. Monosaccharides can be also called as simplest sugar such as glucose, galactose and fructose. Two monosaccharides are able to join together in condensation reactions by using glycosidic linkage to from disaccharides. Maltose, lactose and fructose are the examples of disaccharides. The most complex form of the sugars are polysaccharides and they contain many monosaccharides connected through glycosidic linkage. Both disaccharides and polysaccharides do hydrolysis to produce components of monosaccharides which be absorbed by the body. The glucose is the primary source of energy and it's the simple sugar body prefers. When glucose enters the body, body stimulates pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is one of the hormone produced by pancreas to regulates the carbohydrates and metabolise the body fat. ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Antoine Fats Domino Research Paper Antoine Fats Domino, or as many of his fans called him "Fats Domino" is an African–American singer and pianist. He mainly played music in the rhythm and blues genre, and is known as the man who helped define the sound of New Orleans. Domino was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1928. As a young boy he spoke the language of creole before learning English. He was just 7–years old when his brother–in law taught him how to play the piano. By the age of 10–years old he was being introduced to New Orleans sound of music. He was 14–years old when he dropped out of school and began working odd jobs. However, he kept working during the evenings for pennies playing his music. He was determined to get the exposure needed to break in in the music industry. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Use Of Biodiesel Over Petroleum Diesel 1.0 Thesis: The use of biodiesel over petroleum diesel can be proven be easier to make, more energy efficient and a greener way to run you vehicle. 2.1 Argument 1: Process The use of biodiesel over the more common petroleum diesel has become a more frequent sight as people strive for an easier and more environmental beneficial way to run their vehicle with only small modifications needed. Unlike diesel which uses crude oil, biodiesel is made by converting oils such as waste vegetable oils to bio–diesel. Diagram 1: Waste oil As can be seen in the comparison matrix like conventional petrol, biodiesel is also made up of long chains of hydrogen and carbon atoms, though as can be seen in diagram 1 the oils used to create biodiesel are slightly different in having three chains of these fatty acids being connected by a backbone of glycerine. To be able to use these oils for fuel the glycerine backbone has to be removed, which is done through a process called transesterification. Equation 1: transesterification process The transesterification process uses alcohols such as methanol which is seen in equation 1 to break the bonds between the fatty acid chains and the glycerol backbone. Once the glycerol bonds have been broken away from the fatty acid chain, they are then replaced by methoxy groups from the methanol used in the process. According to (The Cemistry of Biodiesel, 2014) this process is best done at a temperature of around 50°C for a complete ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Arguementive Essay About Vegan vs. Omnivore Dies Nicole Rixen, 101B Argument Essay December 18, 2012 Rhetorical Situation Purpose Sentence: The purpose is to infer that a vegan/vegetarian diet is better for the health of Americans than an omnivorous diet using reasoning, credibility, and emotion. Writer: Through the use of reasoning, credibility, and emotion, the comparison between a vegan/vegetarian diet and an omnivorous diet explains why a vegan/vegetarian diet is more beneficial for the health of Americans and the ethical treatment of animals. Purpose: The purpose of the argumentative essay is to inform Americans about the benefits of both diets and the treatment of animals for human consumption while arguing that a vegan/vegetarian diet is healthier for American's ... Show more content on ... The type of Iron the body takes in can prevent the intoxication of Iron. High levels Heme Iron, found in animals and their by–products, can harm the body and increase the chance of chronic diseases. Nonheme Iron, found in plant–based diets, is healthy even in overconsumption. The intake of vitamins and nutrients in the body is absorbed through one way: fats (Truesdell). When fat is carried into the body's digestive system, it is broken down in the small intestine into lipids that are then broken down into amino acids. The problem that has risen in western diets is the type and amount of fat an American consumes. The type of fat found in animal products is saturated, which means that the fat molecule has no chemical that can break down the fat (Disabled). Because of the body unable to breakdown these fats, saturated fats is a main culprit to the increased amount of chronic diseases. People should not eliminate all fat from the body or else they can be as malnourished as someone who overuses those fats. Instead, foods, like plants and grain oils, have amounts of unsaturated fat that are good for the body's nourishment in vitamins and are easy to break down through the digestive process (Truesdell). The injections of chemicals in our meats and dairy have also found a positive correlation in high amounts of fat, which is another health concern that has started to become a ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Visualizing Nutrition Before I was able to describe the similarities and differences of the diets, I first needed to figure out what exactly they were. The DASH eating plan as intentions to lower hypertension, USDA food patterns were created for citizens to follow their dietary guidelines, and the Mediterranean diet is not a diet, if is a "lifestyle" (Wiley, Visualizing Nutrition) that one will normally continue with. Some similarities between the diets are that they all want you to intake the correct amount of food, no more no less, and they all focus on very similar types of food. While reading our Visualizing nutrition book, I learned that all of these eating styles they are all very nutrient dense styles of eating, including fish, other seafoods and proteins, ... Show more content on ... Some of these common claims say "promise of fast weight loss quantities and imitations, promotes specific food combinations, and no need to be physically active." (WordsonWellness). You never want to all of the sudden and dramatically lose weight, it is far better to gradually lose weight. FAD diets that avoid eating multiple food groups take away the vitamins that the human body needs to survive and be healthy. FAD diets that tell you to eat at certain times are also incorrect, you should eat when you feel hungry but only eat until you are satisfied and not full. Lastly, diets that say you do not need any physical activity may be shedding weight off of your body, but you are not gaining muscle and becoming stronger, in the long term you may even feel weaker. Many people who become apart of the FAD diet community think that their health will improve, in some cases this is inaccurate. Based on what I have learned in past nutrition classes and my own personal experience they can actually be very bad for your health,not just the inside of your body, but the outside too. You may notice muscle and even hair loss. I had a friend who started losing her hair when starting a very common FAD diet. You will also notice deficiencies in your nutrition especially if you cut out carbs because they are the main source of our energy. ... Get more on ...