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	 The	palaces	of	rulers	past	and	present	are	truly	a	sight	to	behold.	Marvel	at	
Weiyang,	China’s	Endless	Palace,	about	11	times	the	size	of	Vatican	City.	Tour	the	
gorgeous	gardens	at	the	Palace	of	Versailles,	lined	with	bronze	statues	inspired	by	
Dionysus,	Apollo,	and	the	four	elements.	Take	a	ride	on	the	floating	palaces,	from	the	
Syracusia	of	240	B.C.,	which	stood	an	impressive	three	decks	tall	and	boasted	a	
library	and	gymnasium,	to	Cleopatra’s	perfumed	pleasure	ship	to	Caligula’s	
luxurious	bejeweled	vessels.	
	 The	Architecture	of	Power,	a	24-lecture	course	taught	by	Professor	
Stephen	L.	Tuck,	offers	an	insider’s	look	at	history’s	most	awe-inspiring	structures.	
Not	only	will	you	get	a	glimpse	into	buildings	that	are	either	inaccessible	to	the	
public	or	no	longer	exist,	but	you’ll	also	delve	into	concepts	that	were	long	kept	
secret	from	the	average	citizen.	You’ll	learn	how	rulers	impressed	the	ruled,	
intimidated	visitors,	thwarted	assassination	attempts,	and	maintained	control	over	
vast	amounts	of	resources.	
The	Perpetuation	of	Power	
	 Indeed,	these	lectures	expose	us	to	a	real	world	Game	of	Thrones,	where	
rulers	behaved	ruthlessly	toward	the	conquered	and	presided	over	their	own	
people	with	an	iron	fist.	The	huge	discrepancies	between	palace	sizes	and	the	
houses	of	ordinary	citizens	were	meant	to	evoke	a	combination	of	awe	and	fear.		
	 However,	they	also	reflected	the	rulers'	insecurities.	Everyone	from	Saddam	
Hussein	to	the	ancient	Egyptian	pharaohs	lived	under	constant	threat	of	
assassination.	Learn	how	the	palaces	offered	protection,	both	internally	and	
	 Besides	the	sheer	size	of	the	buildings,	leaders	exerted	their	authority	in	a	
variety	of	ways.	These	included:	
• Palace	location:	This	is	how	the	pharaohs	established	themselves	as	supreme	
authorities,	even	more	powerful	than	priests.	
• Materials:	Using	rare	materials	was	a	clear	display	of	status,	from	the	bronze	
doors	of	Persepolis	to	the	numerous	fountains	and	pools	lining	Saddam’s	
palaces	in	a	land	where	water	is	scarce.	
• Imported	plants/animals:	Perhaps	most	impressive	was	the	collection	of	
over	40	species	of	plants	as	well	as	domesticated	lions	and	elephants	
roaming	the	gardens	of	the	Assyrian	palace	at	Nimrud.	This	demonstrated	
the	king’s	power	over	not	only	man	but	also	nature.	
• Artwork.	This	included	paintings	and	sculptures	as	well	as	imposing	stone	
reliefs	decorated	with	vivid	battle	scenes,	depicting	the	ruler	as	the	clear	
Meet	a	Colorful	Cast	of	Characters
Equally	as	fascinating	as	the	buildings	themselves	are	the	rulers	who	
occupied	these	buildings.	You’ll	get	acquainted	with	pharaoh	Amenhotep	IV,	who	
completely	redefined	Egypt,	ushering	in	a	new	era	and	placing	himself	on	a	direct	
plane	with	the	sun	god.	Be	captivated	by	Ashurnasirpal	II,	whose	larger-than-life	
accounts	of	big-game	hunting,	banquets	serving	thousands	of	guests,	and	rousing	
military	conquests	are	enthrallingly	depicted	in	inscriptions	throughout	the	palace	
at	Nimrud.	Then	there’s	Caligula,	whose	flare	for	spectacle	and	excess	brings	to	
mind	many	current	celebrities.		
	 But	with	great	power	comes	great	responsibility.	You’ll	discover	how	public	
and	private	personas	were	deeply	intertwined	for	these	rulers.	As	with	today’s	
politicians,	the	luxurious	lifestyles	came	at	a	cost.	Their	primary	duty	was	to	serve	
the	people	in	every	way	possible.	For	instance,	Egyptian	pharaohs	were	expected	to	
maintain	order	in	the	natural	world.	Imagine	if	your	life	hinged	on	whether	or	not	
the	Nile	flooded!		
	 We	also	pay	tribute	to	the	notable	individuals	who	managed	to	excavate	
these	palaces	brick	by	brick	so	we	can	marvel	over	them	today.	Many	of	these	
excavations	occurred	two	hundred	or	more	years	ago,	without	the	convenience	of	
modern	technology.	In	some	cases,	as	with	the	efforts	involving	the	famed	floating	
vessels,	it	took	hundreds	of	years	of	failed	attempts	before	archeologists	
successfully	recovered	the	structures.	
	Discover	How	Structures	Reveal	Social	Hierarchies		
	 Hierarchies	were	reflected	in	the	dining	hall	seating,	arrangements	of	rooms,	
and	positioning	of	represented	individuals	in	sculptures.	You’ll	learn	how	one	relief	
sculpture	lining	the	staircase	leading	to	the	mighty	Gate	of	All	Nations	in	Persepolis	
was	intended	to	keep	visitors	in	their	place,	both	literally	and	figuratively.	This	
subservience	to	rank	is	also	illustrated	in	the	famed	terra	cotta	army	from	the	Qin	
	 In	palaces	ranging	from	the	ancient	Assyrian	and	Egyptian	palaces	to	the	
Endless	Palace,	courtyards,	chambers,	and	throne	rooms	were	designed	in	such	a	
way	that	only	the	highest-ranking	members	of	society	had	private	access	to	the	
	 At	the	same	time,	large	public	spaces	were	included	to	encourage	interaction	
between	the	leader	and	his	people.	As	you’ll	discover,	the	degree	of	interaction	
varied	between	regimes	and	cultures.		
	 Additionally,	rulers	held	lavish	banquets	featuring	thousands	of	servings	of	
wild	meat,	imported	vegetables,	and	exotic	spices.	This	provided	an	opportunity	for	
rulers	to	both	demonstrate	their	generosity	and	their	military	might,	as	most	of	this	
food	came	from	conquered	lands.	
Decode	the	Symbolic	Meaning	Embedded	in	Designs		
	 Palaces	are	more	than	just	the	homes	of	rulers.	Their	design	and	decoration	
reflect	the	public	images	and	political	needs	of	their	occupants.	More	than	that,
though,	you’ll	see	how	every	aesthetic	decision	is	representative	of	the	regime’s	
collective	values.	You’ll	learn:	
• How	motifs	carry	universal	significance.	Even	hundreds	of	years	ago,	you	see	
common	themes	displayed	in	architectural	design	across	continents.	
• Ways	in	which	design	evoked	not	only	power	but	also	ideals	of	order	and	
balance.	In	China’s	Weiyang	Palace,	the	architectural	alignment	was	intended	
to	create	harmony	with	the	surrounding	landscape.	Although	this	may	seem	
counterintuitive,	considering	the	vast	expenditure	of	natural	resources,	it	
exemplified	the	concept	of	Yin-Yang.	
• How	design	“makeovers”	signified	the	changing	of	guard	with	new	regimes	
Modern	Day	Palaces	
	 Palaces	are	not	just	relics	of	a	bygone	era.	Although	today’s	major	structures	
may	not	resemble	the	palaces	of	ancient	Rome	and	Egypt	on	a	surface	level,	look	
closer	and	you’ll	see	many	iconographic	similarities.	Such	similarities	can	be	found	
• Department	store	layouts	
• The	interior	and	exterior	design	of	the	White	House	
• The	Amazon	headquarters	in	Seattle	–	despite	the	company’s	commitment	to	
frugality	and	functionality,	many	elements	of	these	buildings	recall	the	
excesses	of	imperial	palaces	
	A	Visual	Feast	Presented	By	a	Passionate	Returning	Professor	
	 One	great	aspect	of	The	Architecture	of	Power	is	its	flexibility.	Because	the	
course	is	based	on	a	general	theme	rather	than	a	specific	subject,	you	don’t	have	to	
watch	the	lectures	consecutively.	It’s	a	great	course	to	dip	in	and	out	of,	picking	and	
choosing	whatever	lectures	suit	your	fancy.		
	 This	is	an	intensely	visual	course	featuring	over	700	images	including	
graphics,	maps,	floor	plans,	reconstructions,	artwork,	portraits,	artifacts,	and	
interior	and	exterior	photos.		
	 These	images,	along	with	Professor	Tuck’s	dynamic	narration,	bring	the	
material	to	life.	Tuck	is	extremely	knowledgeable	about	the	subject,	having	taught	
courses	and	written	numerous	articles	on	ancient	cities.	He’s	also	conducted	
archeological	field	research	in	Europe	and	Egypt	and	tours	in	Italy.		
	 Even	for	familiar	topics	such	as	the	Renaissance,	he	digs	deep	beneath	the	
surface,	dredging	up	unexpected	insights.	Most	importantly,	though,	his	enthusiasm	
for	the	subject	is	contagious.	You’ll	find	yourself	on	the	edge	of	your	seat,	eagerly	
anticipating	his	next	revelation.		
	 Prof.	Tuck	doesn’t	just	present	history	as	a	collection	of	facts	and	figures.	
Throughout	his	lectures,	he	reinforces	how	everything	has	contributed	to	the	big	
picture.	While	he	does	delve	into	the	intricacies	of	design,	he’s	equally	invested	in
their	profound	implications	for	society.	After	taking	this	course,	you’ll	look	at	the	
world	through	a	whole	new	set	of	eyes!	
What	You	Will	Learn	
1. Discover	how	cultural	values,	social	hierarchies,	and	political	structures	are	
embedded	in	ancient	walls	all	the	way	through	to	modern	blueprints.		
2. Learn	how	ideals	of	order	and	harmony	play	into	everything	from	ancient	
Egyptian	temples	to	China’s	Endless	Palace	in	distinct	and	fascinating	ways.		
3. Decipher	the	hidden	code	behind	myriad	design	and	decorative	decisions.	
4. Explore	how	rulers	maintain	power,	evoke	fear,	and	manage	their	public	and	
private	personas.	
5. Investigate	how	ancient	palace	iconography	continues	to	reveal	itself	in	
present	day	structures.	
Brand	Perception	Decks	
1. Gain	a	backstage	pass	to	history’s	most	opulent,	breathtaking	palaces	with	a	
passionate	tour	guide.	These	magnificent	structures,	most	built	centuries	
ago,	stand	as	testament	to	the	powers	of	teamwork	and	ingenuity.		
2. Get	acquainted	with	powerful	rulers	of	the	past	whose	outrageous	theatrics	
and	penchant	for	excess	rivals	today’s	celebrities.	Discover	how	this	power	is	
communicated	in	everything	from	toilet	seat	materials	to	plant	species	in	the	
palace	gardens.		
3. Peek	behind	the	curtain	of	world-famous	palaces,	unearthing	the	buried	
messages	in	large-scale	design	decisions	such	as	building	location	and	
symmetry	down	to	the	miniscule	details.	
1. From	Weiyang	to	the	White	House:	How	Power	Perpetuates	
2. Uncover	the	Secrets	of	History’s	Most	Formidable	Rulers		
3. The	Evolution	of	Architecture	Through	Space	and	Time	
Why	This	Great	Course	
We	are	constantly	searching	for	new	ways	to	look	at	history.	Here	we	turn	to	the	
great	structures	that	represented	power	and	hierarchy	in	the	ancient	world.	You’ll	
see	how	these	structures	function	as	a	microcosm	of	civilization	and	how	the	same	
elements	still	show	up	in	our	buildings	today.	After	this	course,	you’ll	look	closer	at	
your	surroundings	as	everything	becomes	infused	with	meaning.	From	the	
placement	of	Winston	Churchill’s	bust	in	the	White	House	to	the	winged	chariot	
flanking	the	entrance	to	Rome’s	Palace	of	Justice,	nothing	is	accidental.	You’ll	never	
look	at	a	building	the	same	way	again!
Whether	you’re	planning	your	next	big	vacation	or	armchair	traveling,	the	course	
covers	a	huge	range	of	locations.	Two	very	popular	palaces	are	Masada	and	the	
Endless	Palace	in	China.	If	you	have	any	plans	to	visit	either	of	these	locations,	watch	
the	lectures	on	them	first.	You	will	get	so	much	more	out	of	your	tour.	However,	
many	featured	palaces	have	either	been	destroyed	or	are	otherwise	inaccessible	to	
the	public.	This	course	gives	you	an	opportunity	to	explore	them	in	detail.	
Professor	Stephen	L.	Tuck	is	a	popular	returning	professor	whose	previous	courses,	
including	courses	on	Rome	and	Pompeii,	are	highly	rated.	Given	his	expertise	in	
architecture	and	ancient	urban	civilizations,	he’s	the	perfect	match	for	this	course.		
Lecture	Blurbs
Lecture	1:	Saddam	Hussein	and	the	Modern	Palace:	Inheritor	of	the	Past	
From	the	famed	gold	toilet	seats	to	artificial	lakes	to	lions	roaming	the	grounds,	
you'll	tour	Saddam	Hussein's	lavish	palaces.	Discover	how	he	called	upon	the	
ancient	Egyptians	and	Babylonians	for	inspiration	and	also	how	the	architecture	
changed	over	time	in	response	to	threats	from	Iran	and	the	U.S.	
Lecture	2:	Malkata	Palace:	Pharaoh,	Foreigners,	and	Gods
Now	we	travel	back	to	the	14th	century	B.C.,	a	time	of	peace,	prosperity,	and	
plentitude	for	Egyptians.	Learn	how	the	Malkata	Palace	represents	a	microcosm	of	
Egypt.	Architectural	details	reveal	little-known	facts	about	religious	rituals	and	
telling	insights	into	how	pharaohs	attempted	to	assert	their	domination	over	others.
Lecture	3:	Amarna:	Palace	of	the	First	Sun	King
Egypt	changes	overnight!	Amenhotep	IV	takes	on	a	new	name	--	Akhenaten	--	and	
shifts	Egypt's	capital	to	the	fascinating	city	of	Amarna.	His	worship	of	the	sun	disk	
defined	an	era	built	on	temple	crops,	sacrifices,	and	complete	subservience	to	the	
pharaoh.	Learn	how	he	wrestled	power	from	the	priests!
	Lecture		4:	Phaistos:	Palaces	between	Asia	and	Europe
Archaeology	often	involves	a	great	deal	of	detective	work,	as	is	the	case	with	the	
mysterious	Bronze	Age	Crete.	The	myth	of	Daedalus	and	his	labyrinth	symbolizes	
Crete's	location	at	the	intersection	of	multiple	cultures.	Discover	the	Phaistos	Palace,	
where	extravagant	religious	rituals	and	entertainment	spectacles	were	likely	held.
Lecture		5:		Palace	of	Nestor	at	Pylos	and	Bronze	Age	Greece
Explore	the	Palace	of	Nestor,	an	extraordinary	complex	centered	around	the	throne	
room.	We	travel	in	time	from	the	immense	treasures	discovered	in	2015	back	to	the	
ancient	styles	the	Mycenaeans	developed	to	bring	these	elaborate	structures	to	life.	
The	arrangement	of	rooms	reveals	how	royals	lived	and	maintained	control.
Lecture		6:		The	Assyrian	Palace	at	Nimrud:	Empire	in	Stone
The	Assyrian	palace	at	Nimrud,	with	its	imposing	20-foot	gates,	was	designed	by	
Ashurnasirpal	II.	An	epic	braggart,	he	loved	to	write	of	his	conquests	of	nature	and	
species	of	trees.	Clearly	an	intellectual,	he	describes	in	detail	the	glory	of	feasts	he	
threw	and	the	math	behind	them!	
Lecture		7:		Nineveh:	The	Architecture	of	Assyrian	Power
Discover	the	last	great	Assyrian	palace	and	the	largest	city	the	world	had	ever	seen	
before	the	Babylonians	took	over.	Its	designers	accomplished	incredible	civil	
engineering	feats,	diverting	entire	rivers	into	canals	that	offered	protection	and	
transportation.	Palace	entrances	were	flanked	by	magnificent	lamassu	guardians	
standing	over	12	feet	tall.
	Lecture	8:	Persepolis:	Palace	of	the	Persians
The	lore	of	Persepolis	includes	the	exploits	of	many	great	kings.	Explore	the	great	
citadel	at	Persepolis	with	its	famed	flight	of	111	steps	leading	to	the	Gate	of	All	
Nations,	a	20-foot	bronze	door.	Learn	of	the	spectacular	stone	masonry	and	
powerful	art	filled	with	lions	and	mythological	creatures.
Lecture		9:	Greek	Palaces	in	Conquered	Lands	I
While	scholars	debate	the	details,	it's	undeniable	that	Alexander	the	Great's	
conquest	of	the	Persian	Empire	profoundly	changed	the	world.	Here	we	view	his	
astonishing	palaces,	boosting	gymnasiums	and	enormous	swimming	pools	and	
home	to	elite	drinking	parties.	We	examine	the	unmistakable	Greek	style	blended	
with	Persian	and	Assyrian	influences.
Lecture		10:		Greek	Palaces	in	Conquered	Lands	II
This	is	the	tale	of	two	palaces,	one	in	Jordan	and	one	in	Libya,	in	the	wake	of	
Alexander	the	Great’s	death.	Both	were	products	of	military	expansion	and	
occupation,	but	they	displayed	distinct	identities.	Learn	how	the	palace	origins	
influenced	the	design	and	layout.	
Lecture		11:		Greek	Palaces	Come	to	Roman	Italy
Two	men,	Marcus	Claudius	Marcellus	and	Lucius	Licinius	Lucullus,	were	largely	
responsible	for	the	transformation	of	Roman	architecture.	Political	moves,	Persian	
influence,	and	sheer	determination	take	the	story	of	these	men	to	a	wonderful	
height.	Lucullus	may	be	the	most	important	yet	underrated	figure	in	the	history	of	
palace	creation.	
Lecture		12:	Masada:	Herod	the	Great	between	East	and	West
Herod	the	Great	is	a	well-studied	yet	controversial	figure.	We	examine	in	depth	his	
brilliant	methods	and	materials.	The	construction	of	Masada	involved	many	
logistical	challenges	as	giant	marble	tesserae	slabs	were	shipped	across	the	desert	
and	hoisted	up	as	walls.	Discover	Herod’s	most	startling	and	mesmerizing	
architectural	invention.
Lecture		13:	Herod	the	Great’s	Summer	and	Winter	Palaces
Herod	was	a	complex	king.	His	methods	for	expressing	his	royalty	were	full	of	
insecurity,	innovation,	and	a	need	to	reflect	his	Jewish	identity.	Starting	with	his	
heated	Roman	baths	in	each	palace,	the	king	was	a	master	of	the	land,	giving	his	
people	a	marvelous	oasis	in	the	desert.
Lecture	14:	Caligula’s	Floating	Palaces
Taking	inspiration	from	Cleopatra	as	well	as	the	ancient	Hellenistic	rulers,	Caligula's	
Floating	Palaces	included	all	the	amenities	you	would	expect	to	find	onboard	
modern	cruise	ships:	spacious	baths,	banquet	halls,	and	live	music.	Caligula	himself	
is	also	quite	fascinating,	as	is	the	story	of	the	ships'	rediscovery.
Lecture		15:	Nero’s	Domus	Transitoria	at	Rome
A	huge	fan	of	spectacle,	Nero	sponsored	grand	chariot	races	and	began	an	
architectural	revolution.	We	find	Nero’s	palaces	made	of	a	new	Roman	concrete	
where	bespoke	designs	could	finally	replace	the	utilitarian	boxes	of	stone,	thus	
making	way	for	domed	ceilings,	custom	columns,	and	any	form	he	desired.
Lecture		16:	Nero’s	Golden	House:	A	Roman	Palace	Theater
Nero	built	the	infamous	Domus	Aurea	(Golden	House),	a	124	acre	Xanadu	that	
enraged	the	rich	whose	land	he	occupied.	It	featured	a	lavish	watered	garden	with	
incredible	rotating	sculptures	that	could	spray	perfume.	Walking	distance	from	the	
Colosseum,	this	palace	was	literally	covered	in	gold.
Lecture		17:	Rome’s	Great	Imperial	Palace	of	Domitian
The	word	"palace"	comes	from	the	Palatine	Hill	in	Rome,	which	housed	Domitian’s	
200-year-old	palace.	This	impeccably	placed	and	built	structure	was	essentially	the	
White	House	for	Roman	Emperors.	Learn	why	the	humongous	palace	and	its	
innovative	design	was	mythologized	by	poets,	who	compared	Domitian	to	Jupiter.	
	Lecture		18:	Hadrian’s	Villa,	Tivoli
Hadrian	was	an	artistic	genius	who	personally	designed	the	palace	of	his	dreams	to	
reflect	his	many	passions	and	love	of	Greek	philosophy.	This	luxurious	villa,	now	a	
UNESCO	world	heritage	site,	set	the	standard	for	Roman	architecture.	A	fascinating	
individual,	Hadrian	even	redefined	the	concept	of	Virtus,	or	manliness.
Lecture	19:	Diocletian’s	Retirement	Palace,	Split
Diocletian	came	to	power	in	the	third	century	AD,	a	turbulent	time	for	the	Roman	
Empire,	which	had	seen	25	emperors	in	the	past	50	years.	Learn	how	Diocletian,	a	
visionary	and	problem-solver,	brought	stability	to	the	empire.	His	palace	
represented	a	radical	departure	from	traditional	styles.
Lecture	20:	Constantine’s	Palace,	Constantinople
Constantinople	was	a	fresh	start	for	the	then	600-year-old	Roman	Empire,	becoming	
the	greatest	European	city	of	the	Middle	Ages.	Its	founder,	Constantine,	was	
(supposedly)	a	devout	Christian.	His	palace	featured	colossal	sculptures	and	the	
famed	hippodrome,	where	chariot	races,	animal	hunts,	and	prisoner	executions	
were	held.
Lecture	21:	China’s	Endless	Palace:	Weiyang	Palace
Weiyang,	China’s	Endless	Palace,	represented	not	only	an	emperor	but	the	very	
concept	of	empire	itself	with	its	constant	expansion.	Covering	an	area	of	1,200	acres,	
it	was	the	largest	imperial	palace	ever	built.	You'll	learn	how	the	construction	of	the	
palace	reflected	Confucianism,	the	cornerstone	of	Chinese	philosophy.	
Lecture	22:	The	Palace	of	Montezuma	II	at	Tenochtitlán
The	Aztec	capital,	founded	in	a	swamp,	developed	into	the	largest	city	in	the	Pre-
Columbian	Americas.	Meet	Montezuma	II,	creator	of	Tenochtitlán,	a	staunch	believer	
in	omens,	and	father	to	hundreds.	Learn	how	a	Spanish	army	of	a	few	hundred	men	
led	by	Hernan	Cortes	conquered	an	empire	of	millions.
Lecture	23:	Renaissance	Palaces	and	the	Classical	Revival
Here	we	visit	such	highlights	of	Renaissance	architecture	as	Kensington	Palace	and	
the	Tuileries	Palace	and	discover	how	they	were	influenced	by	classical	forms.	Most	
impressive	is	the	Palace	of	Versailles,	which	boosted	Europe's	largest	orange	tree	
collection	and	today	attracts	tourists	from	all	over	the	world.
Lecture	24:	Palaces	in	a	World	of	Democracies
In	the	final	lecture,	we	reflect	on	the	timeless	themes	we've	explored	in	this	course.	
First,	we	investigate	the	White	House,	where	each	decorative	decision	reflects	
political	agenda	(and	defiance	to	the	previous	regime).	Then	you'll	discover	the	
surprising	connection	between	the	Amazon	headquarters	and	ancient	imperial	
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