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How to generate
        customer loyalty in
fixed markets

Acquisition and Retention Study,
March 2009
Global Summary Report

                                           3     Executive summary

                                           4     Objectives and methodology

                                           5     Churn damages profitability

                                           5     The threat of customer churn: low customer
                                                 lifetime value

                                           7     Most customers would consider another
                                                 service provider

                                           8     People look to a variety of sources to inform
                                                 their decisions

                                           9     Brand “stickiness” is low

                                           10 In mature markets most customers have
                                              churn experience

                                           11 Churn triggered by promotional offers

                                           12 Churn owing to dissatisfaction

                                           13 Customer relations decline most strongly
                                              between one and three years

                                           14 What makes a loyal customer?

                                           16 Internet quality, costs and customer service
                                              boost customer retention

                                           17 Service and device portfolio

                                           18 Network and service quality

                                           19 Cost and billing

                                           20 Customer care

                                           21 Challenges and opportunities for CSPs

                                           23 Customer insight holds the key

2   How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Executive summary

            As a rule of thumb, decreasing the level of churn by 10 percentage points
            increases the EBITDA margin of communications service providers (CSPs) by
            10 percentage points or more. Customer acquisition and retention is therefore
            fundamental to the profitability and ultimate survival of CSPs, especially since the
            growth of customers and subscriptions is slowing in most markets for fixed
            Internet and telephony services. The good news is that the existing provider is in
            an ideal position to influence customer loyalty by delivering an excellent

            The Nokia Siemens Networks acquisition and retention study asks two key
            questions. What kind of customer experience has to be provided to manage
            churn? And how can CSPs build a sustainable competitive advantage, apart from
            running short-term promotions?

            Customers are pragmatic. They increasingly see different CSP offers as
            interchangeable and most will churn if they see an advantage. Willingness to
            churn increases with the maturity of the market, and a CSP’s performance is
            more important for most customers than brand image.

            Recent churners say they decided to switch because of dissatisfaction with their
            existing services, promotional offers from competing providers or both. They
            are most likely to churn at between one and three years, probably at the end of
            a 12 or 24-month contract.

            CSPs therefore need to work on satisfying their customers better. The survey
            identified four key areas:
            1) Cost and billing as most critical area, with contract conditions and pricing
               structure at the top of the list of subscriber complaints. Customers want
               transparent, flexible contracts, combined with clear billing.
            2) Network and service quality which is dominated by the perception of Internet
            3) The service and device portfolio, with a fast and trouble free service activation
               being the most critical point. People also want tailored service bundles that fit
               their needs more closely.
            4) Customer care, where people are looking for a fast resolution of any problems
               and clear information about the status of any enquiries. Subscribers are
               looking for a “service champion”.

            Armed with the right customer insights, CSPs can continuously optimize the
            individual customer’s experience and successfully reduce churn to a minimum.

                                                       How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets   3
Objectives and methodology

                                                    Nokia Siemens Networks carried out the acquisition and retention study to
                                                    explore the customer experience in both the mobile and fixed telephony and
                                                    broadband markets. This document focuses on the fixed markets.

                                                    In order to get a worldwide view about the customer experience under different
                                                    market conditions, the sample consists of mature markets, which have already
                                                    experienced heavy shifts in the CSP’s market shares, as well as highly
                                                    competitive emerging markets.

                                                    The study is based on nearly 12,000 interviews and is representative for the
                                                    markets in which it was carried out, which were Brazil, China, Germany,
                                                    Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, UK and US.

Figure 1. The Acquisition and Retention study
is based on nearly 12,000 interviews, covering
nine countries.
                                                                                 United Kingdom                     Russia
                                                                                 Mobile sample                      Mobile sample
                                                                                 Fixed sample
                                                                           United States          Mobile sample
                                                                           Mobile sample          Fixed sample                          China
                                                                           Fixed sample                           Pakistan              Mobile sample
                                                                                                                  Mobile sample         Fixed sample

                                                                                  Mobile sample                        Indonesia
                                                                                  Fixed sample                          Mobile sample

                                                       Field period:                              South Africa
                                                       12/08 to 02/09                             Mobile sample
                                                       11,866 interviews

                                                    The key topics are:
                                                    • What are customers’ key reasons for selecting specific service providers?
                                                    • What does this decision-making process look like? Who (which people) and/or
                                                      what (which facts) have the biggest influence?
                                                    • How likely are customers to switch CSP and what are their reasons for
                                                    • How satisfied are consumers with their current service providers and what
                                                      influences their satisfaction?
                                                    • What can CSPs do to increase customer loyalty?

4                How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Churn damages profitability

                                                In most markets for fixed Internet and telephony services the growth of customers
                                                and subscriptions is slowing and may even be close to zero. Thus the competition
                                                for the existing customer base is becoming fierce. Retaining valuable customers
                                                is now mandatory for long-term business success. The costs of win-back in lost
                                                revenues and acquisition costs has put churn prevention and loyalty management
                                                at the top of the agenda for many CSPs.

The threat of customer churn:
low customer lifetime value
                                                There is a clear correlation between the level of churn and profitability because
                                                churn has a direct impact on the average customer lifetime value (CLTV). Put
                                                simply, it is expensive to recruit new customers and churn can prevent CSPs
                                                from recouping those costs and generating profit from subscribers. As a rule of
                                                thumb, decreasing the level of churn by 10 percentage points increases the
                                                EBITDA margin by 10 percentage points or more.

Figure 2. EBITDA margin is adversely affected
by high rates of churn.                                          60%


                                                 EBITDA margin




                                                                   0%   10%   20%      30%        40%          50%          60%
                                                                                         Blended churn rate, 2007

                                                                                           How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets   5
High subscriber acquisition costs are especially critical for CSPs in mature
                                       markets. Acquisition costs include different types of marketing costs, retailer
                                       commissions and subsidies for equipment such as modems, routers and

                                       Churn also causes indirect costs, like the costs of promotional offers that are
                                       needed to attract new customers and pull them away from their current provider.
                                       The costs of migrating and activating a large number of new customers must also
                                       be considered, as must the costs of ending the churning customers’ services.

                                       It is obvious that cancellations lead to future revenue losses, but an additional
                                       problem is that the time for up sells might be too short. For instance, the
                                       customer might take out a short contract for basic voice and broadband and then
                                       leave. The time available to sell additional value-added services such as TV and
                                       special content is probably too short if they were not included in the initial

                                       High churn rates can endanger the required economies of scale in the network.
                                       For example, based on Ovum’s modeling of UK wholesale offerings, an LLU CSP
                                       must obtain approximately 300 customers per local exchange in order for the
                                       LLU investment to pay off.

                                       The good news is that the “incumbent” provider is in an ideal position to influence
                                       customer loyalty by delivering an excellent performance. Best practice cases
                                       such as Iliad in France show that it is possible to achieve a churn rate far below
                                       1 percent per month.

6   How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Most customers would consider
another service provider
                                                      Only one in five customers on average say that their current provider is the only
                                                      one they would ever consider. This loyalty indicator is lower in mature markets
                                                      than in emerging markets. In the UK is it just 7 percent. The reasons are:
                                                      • Customers are becoming more demanding and are willing to change their
                                                         provider to suit their personal preferences and experiences. They are very
                                                      • Customers increasingly perceive the available offerings as interchangeable.

Figure 3. Customer buying behavior – most
customers consider not only their current provider.     Total                                     Brazil                                      China
Customer loyalty today – the “incumbent” CSP is         in %                                      in %                                        in %
                                                                           1                                                                                    11
in permanent competition.
                                                                       7       20                               14                                         14
                                                                                                                          28                                          27
n=4229 respondents                                                24                                       16

                                                                               49                                    42                                       58

                                                        Germany                                   United Kingdom                              United States
                                                        in %                                      in %                                        in %
                                                                           1                                   1                                                 2
                                                                       8       16                             9 7                                               4 19
                                                                32                                         34

                                                        The only provider I would ever consider                 It is my preferred provider, but not the only one I would consider

                                                        Just one of several providers I would consider          Not a provider I will stay with in the future             Don’t know

                                                                                                           How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets                           7
People look to a variety of sources
to inform their decisions
                                                     The experiences and recommendations of family members and friends is the
                                                     most important source of information, especially in Brazil where nearly 70 percent
                                                     rate it as the most important influence. This face-to-face communication is
                                                     complemented by virtual information from the Internet, and roughly 70 percent
                                                     of fixed Internet customers mention these two CSP-independent “neutral”
                                                     information sources as the most important. This means that both the good and
                                                     bad experiences of existing subscribers influence the buying behavior of potential

Figure 4. People actively inform themselves
about the best offer from a variety of sources.                              Total             Brazil             China             Germany             United           United
Most influencing information sources: Which of          in %                                                                                            Kingdom          States
the following information sources influenced
you the most with your decision for your current        Family or friends                 40                 68                39             29                    38               33
provider? Multiple answers.

n=681                                                   Internet                      31                26                27                   38                   42              26
Base: customers who chose their Internet
provider less than six months ago                       Advertisements
                                                                                     24                 25           14                  20                  20                      36

                                                        Homepage of
                                                                                     21          9                        24                       41          23              14
                                                        Internet company

                                                        TV/Radio                14                      27          12               4                    11                   14

                                                        Call centre of the
                                                                                13               8                        26          10                     16            7
                                                        Internet company
                                                        Salesperson of
                                                        the Internet            12               7                    20                 16              6                 12
                                                        company store

                                                     On the other hand, the influence of contact with the CSP should not be
                                                     neglected. Overall, 24 percent of customers perceive advertisements as one
                                                     of the most important influencers and provider homepages are mentioned by
                                                     21 percent. Other channels are less influential, but TV and radio, call centers
                                                     and the sales person all have their audience. So the quality of any and all of
                                                     these interaction points may be critical to the buying process.

8                 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Brand “stickiness” is low

                                              In mature markets, 20 to 25 percent of customers on average are satisfied with
                                              most of the core brand dimensions of their providers, such as reputation,
                                              innovation and customer care. Another 40 percent are merely “somewhat
                                              satisfied”. A quarter of customers claim that they identify with their provider’s
                                              brand more than with other CSPs and another 39 percent agree with this to some
                                              extent. So there is a hardcore of brand enthusiasts but the emotional link with
                                              the majority of the customers is rather weak, and fixed CSPs cannot rely on the
                                              strength of their brand as a key retention tool. Customers in mature markets
                                              demand real performance from their CSPs, not just a good image.

Figure 5. Brand “stickiness” is rather low.
                                                Satisfaction with brand – developed countries (% of customers)
                                                Has a good reputation                     3 6                  19                        46                               26

                                                Is very innovative                            8       6               22                      42                          23

                                                Has a very appealing advertising              8           9                25                       38                         19

                                                Is one that you like to be seen using         8           9                27                       36                     20

                                                Is an Internet provider that I identify
                                                more with than with other brands              5       9               23                      39                          24

                                                Is one that takes care of its
                                                customers                                 3       9                  22                       42                          24

                                                Cares a lot about environmental
                                                sustainability                                                  39                   6        20                 23                 12

                                                Takes initiative in social and
                                                cultural life (charity, sponsorship)                           37               7         20                    25                  11

                                                On a scale from                           0                     20              40                 60                80                  100
                                                1 = don’t agree at all to
                                                10 = totally agree                Don’t know                  Bottom (1–2)      Middle (3–5)            Middle (6–8)      Top (9–10)

                                                                                                                How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets                              9
In mature markets most customers
have churn experience
                                                    In mature and extremely competitive markets such as Germany, the UK and
                                                    the US, most customers have already churned in the past, with 12 percent
                                                    changing their provider within the previous six months. In emerging markets
                                                    such as Brazil and China, the share of churners is much lower at 1 in 10. In short,
                                                    the willingness-to-churn increases with the maturity of the market.

Figure 6. In mature markets most customers
have churn experience. Churn behavior and its          Total                                       Brazil                                   China               2
                                                       in %                            Recent      in %                       Recent        in %                             Recent
motivation – top two.
                                                                         8             switches                        37     switches                              7        switches
                                                                                                                  90                                       91

                                                       1. Dissatisfied with my former              1. Dissatisfied with my former           1. Interesting promotion offer
                                                          provider                                    provider                              2. Friends/relatives recommended
                                                       2. Interesting promotion offer              2. Interesting promotion offer              to change

                                                       Germany                                     United Kingdom                           United States
                                                       in %                            Recent      in %                       Recent        in %                             Recent
                                                                         12            switches                        12     switches                          12           switches
                                                                   32                                        35                                       37

                                                               1                                                        52                                              50
                                                                          55                                1                                        1

                                                       1. Dissatisfied with my former              1. Dissatisfied with my former           1. Dissatisfied with my former
                                                          provider                                    provider                                 provider
                                                       2. Interesting promotion offer              2. Attractive bundled offer              2. Moved into another region

                                                       Switched less than 6 months ago            Switched more than 6 months ago        Never      Don’t know

                                                    When asked why they churned, the recent switchers gave two main reasons:
                                                    • Promotional and bundled offers from other providers. In the UK in particular,
                                                      bundling led to extreme shifts in the market shares of different players
                                                      (Ovum, The Future of Fixed Broadband, 2008).
                                                    • Dissatisfaction with the previous provider’s performance.

                                                    The two reasons are sometimes linked, because dissatisfied customers will
                                                    naturally be more receptive to competing offers.

10               How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Churn triggered
by promotional offers
                                                        In mature markets such as Germany, the UK and the US, between 19 and
                                                        42 percent of recent churns were motivated by the promotions of competing
                                                        CSPs. Churn will not be significant if the competing offer is perceived to be only
                                                        5 percent cheaper, but if the perceived price difference is 10 percent or more
                                                        then the willingness-to-churn rises dramatically. This high price elasticity is a
                                                        clear indication of the increasing interchangeability of the different offerings in
                                                        the eyes of customers.

  Churn due to promotional offer from competitor (%)                     Consider churn (% of all customers)
  Germany                                                                                      Perceived price differences
  Churners*                                                       43                           of 10% or more trigger churn
  All customers                                       34                  80

  United Kingdom**
  Churners*                          19                                   60
  All customers                                                   44

  United States**
  Churners*                                  26
  All customers                                            39
  *Within last 6 months                                                   20                                                                        United Kingdom
  **Attractive bundles of competitors is a strong churn trigger                                                                                     United States

                                                                               5          10               20              30              40           50           >50
                                                                                                                Perceived cost savings (%)

Figure 7. The first half of the truth – around
40 percent of churn is triggered by promotional
offers from competitors.

                                                                                                          How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets            11
Churn owing to dissatisfaction

                                                        Dissatisfaction with a CSP’s performance is the strongest motivator for churn,
                                                        with around half of recent churners in mature markets citing it as their main
                                                        reason for switching. The reasons for dissatisfaction varied widely, but included
                                                        the costs of Internet access, customer care service, connection stability, speed
                                                        and rate packages.

     Churn due to dissatisfaction (%)                                    Reasons for dissatisfaction of recent churners (%)

                                                                         Cost of Internet                                                                                                                  59
     Germany                                                             access                                                                                                      45

     Churners*                                           44              Customer care                                                                                                                          62
     All customers                                             49        service                                                                                           41
                                                                         Stability of Internet                                                                                        46
                                                                         connection                                                                                                  45
     United Kingdom                                                      Down/upload                                                                             31
     Churners*                                                      52   speed                                                                                                  43

     All customers                                            47         Offered rate                                                                       29
                                                                         packages                                                                21
     United States                                                       Billing                                                                      25

     Churners*                                           44              Contract                                                 13
                                                                         conditions                              7
     All customers                                36
                                                                         Quality of fixed                            8
                                                                         telephony                                                13
     *Within last 6 months                                               Costs of additional                                           15
                                                                         (Internet) services                                      13
                                                                         Offered bundles                             8
                                                                                                                             11                                                                      United Kingdom
                                                                         Quality of TV               3
                                                                                                         4                                                                                           United States
                                                                         services                                        9

                                                                                                 0                   10                     20             30         40                   50             60         70

Figure 8. The second half of the truth –
customers churn due to dissatisfaction.

12                   How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Customer relations decline most strongly
between one and three years
                                                 Across all the countries in the survey, the critical period when customers churn
                                                 is between one and three years. This is largely because most Internet contracts
                                                 last 12 or 24 months, so it seems that customers typically churn at the end of their
                                                 contract period. The promise of lower costs, better customer care and superior
                                                 Internet connection performance sounds good if the customer has not been
                                                 pleased with the service they have received from their current provider.

Figure 9. Managing the customer lifecycle –
strongest decline in the customer relationship     Duration of customer relation (%)
occurs between one and three years.                100

Base: n=4229 respondents


                                                    60            Brazil
                                                    40            United Kingdom
                                                                  United States


                                                                                                    Critical time window

                                                         <= 1       <2         <3       <6      6 to 12    1 to 2     2 to 3     3 to 4      4 to 5       >= 5
                                                         month     months     months   months   months     years      years      years       years        years

                                                   Customer life-time value                                                               Positive CLTV

                                                                                                                                    Limited harvesting
                                                         Negative CLTV
                                                                                                                                          Time/customer lifecycle

                                                 CSPs can therefore defend themselves by creating specific offerings designed
                                                 to retain customers who are coming to the end of their contract period. Because
                                                 the early phase of a customer’s association with a CSP actually costs the CSP
                                                 money (the customer’s payments are still offsetting the cost of acquiring the
                                                 customer in the first place), it is a highly efficient use of resources to target
                                                 customers whose acquisition costs have already been paid off. Understanding
                                                 what drivers these customers are responding to and what their chief sources of
                                                 dissatisfaction are is critical in deciding which actions to take to retain them.

                                                                                                How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets                   13
What makes a loyal customer?

                                                        Overall satisfaction with the provider’s performance plays the dominant role in
                                                        the customer’s decision process. Other factors such as the brand image and
                                                        switching barriers play minor roles.

                                                        The following figure shows the contribution of each satisfaction area to determine
                                                        its relative contribution to overall satisfaction, expressed as a percentage.
                                                        The numbers indicate the importance of the different drivers across the entire
                                                        customer base. Of course, some specific customer groups may have different

     Customer retention drivers – impact in %

       Customer care                                                                                                                    Service & device
       • Status info about                                           Customer                          Activation                       portfolio
         inquiry                                                       care
                                                                                                                                        • Ease of installation
       • Time to solve query                                                    16                13                                    • Technical support
       • Competence of staff                                                                                       TV services            during activation
                                                                                                           2            Bundling        • Quality of hardware
                                                                                                               4                          and software
                                                   Costs of
                                                  TV services     1                  Moments
                                                     Costs of     4                   of truth                             Quality of
                                                    telephony                                                      20       Internet
       Cost and billing                                                                                                     access      Network and
       • Contract duration,                                              12                                                             service quality
         transparency &                                                                                                                 • Speed while browsing
         flexibility                                      Costs of
                                                                                                       3                                • Download and upload
                                                          Internet                                 1
       • Personal fit of rate                                                                                                             speed
         packages                                                                       16                  Quality of telephony
                                                                                                                                        • Matching the promised
       • Cost of additional                                                                                 Quality of TV services        speed
         services                                                                     Contract

Figure 10. What makes a loyal customer:
a 360° experience at all touchpoints.


14                   How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
In our analysis, we split the drivers of customer satisfaction into four key

• Service and device portfolio: From the customer perspective, ease of
  activation for services is far more important than the portfolio itself. The
  dominant drivers are the ease of installation, the quality of support provided
  by the CSP and the quality of the hardware and software of the delivered
  modems, routers and set-top-boxes. The right bundling strategy is also
  important, including the availability and quality of TV services.

• Network and service quality: Quality is dominated by the perception of the
  quality of Internet access. The most important items are the browsing speed,
  the download and upload speed and whether the promised speed is achieved
  in real life. The upload speed is just as important as the download speed,
  thanks to changing user behavior in Web2.0, where people increasingly post
  their own content such as photos. The quality of telephony is less of a
  concern, provided certain minimum requirements regarding voice quality and
  features are met. TV quality is not a strong factor as yet, partly because of low

• Cost and billing: Customers place a high importance on contract conditions.
  The contract duration, the transparency of the conditions and the ability to
  change the service bundle and rates are all important to their satisfaction.
  Furthermore the personal fit of the Internet rate package and the cost of
  additional items should be taken into account. It is not just about the offered
  price level, it is about the price structure of the provider and the ability to
  achieve a fit with the user’s personal preferences and usage pattern. On top of
  this, billing is very important, even in times of “simple” flat rates. The accuracy,
  understandability, delivery method and payment conditions of the bill, as well
  as the billing period, are all equally important.

• Customer care: Customers value the provider’s ability to solve any problems
  in a systematic and timely way. They want transparency about the status of
  their inquiry as well as a prompt solution. The perceived competence of the
  provider’s staff is monitored closely by customers, since it is also one of the
  few occasions when the customer has personal contact with the CSP.

Overall, cost and billing is the most crucial area for customer satisfaction,
followed by network and service quality. The portfolio, including the activation
process and the perceived performance in customer care are of nearly equal
importance. It can be seen clearly that customers are not solely focused on price
but on the price-performance ratio. The quality of Internet access is more
important than the cost associated with it and the quality and price of telephony
and TV are of nearly equal importance. Overall the portfolio, quality, contract
conditions and care services all massively outweigh cost alone in the customer’s

                                            How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets   15
Internet quality, costs and customer service
boost customer retention
                                                     In order to enhance customer satisfaction most effectively it makes sense to act
                                                     in areas that are the most important to customers and where there is the biggest
                                                     perceived room for improvement.

                                                     By comparing the previous results against the percentage of satisfied customers
                                                     in each area, the areas of highest relevance and lowest satisfaction are:
                                                     • Contract conditions
                                                     • Quality of Internet access
                                                     • Customer care
                                                     • Costs of Internet usage
                                                     • Activation process

                                                                                                                                                               16      19
Figure 11. Internet quality, costs and customer
service are the major levers to boost customer                  20%
retention.                                                                        Quality of Internet access                                                                24
Note: Impact of single items adds up to                                Contract
100 percent.                                                                            Customer care service

                                                                                       Costs of Internet usage       Activation process



                                                                                                               Bundled services
                                                                                                                                          Quality of fixed telephony
                                                                                                          Type of TV services
                                                                             Costs of TV services
                                                                                                                             Quality of TV services
                                                                  0%                                 40%                                   60%                                   100%
                                                                                                               % of satisfied customers

                                                     Other areas may be less urgent, but they should not be ignored. Some may
                                                     become more important in the future – TV is a good example here. In other
                                                     areas, dropping below certain performance thresholds can attract negative
                                                     attention from customers and thereby increase their impact on satisfaction,
                                                     as well as the workload on the help desk. Still others vary in importance
                                                     depending of the customer’s lifecycle phase. Bundling options might be of more
                                                     interest as contracts come up for renewal, for example. In addition, specific
                                                     customer segments have focal points that are different from those of the average

16                How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Service and device portfolio

                                                The activation process and bundling strategy call for special attention here.
                                                The service and device portfolio affects customer satisfaction at 19 percent in
                                                mature markets. Within that, the service activation process has the largest
                                                potential to enrich the customer experience. Activation is about the quality of
                                                hardware and software for customer premises equipment (CPE), installation and
                                                configuration simplicity and also about the time needed to keep everything
                                                running well. Interestingly, customers are especially dissatisfied with the technical
                                                support during activation, so providers could think about providing more personal
                                                assistance, even if this costs more. Since the impression of trouble free activation
                                                is crucial to overall satisfaction – and thus personal recommendations to potential
                                                new customers – activation support can be an effective customer touch point.
                                                Customer concerns regarding activation are understandable, since in some
                                                countries 20 percent of all phone and broadband lines are not installed correctly
                                                at the first attempt (Oliver Wyman 2007).

                                                Next come the services themselves, including the quality of the content and
                                                value-added services. TV customers want better special interest packages
                                                beside the mainstream channel packages, as well as better value-added services
                                                such as video-on-demand, games and recording functionalities. Aside from the
                                                avoidance of churn, those areas also provide good upsell opportunities and the
                                                demand is there.

                                                There is still unexploited potential in service bundling. People especially miss the
                                                value-add of a bundle beyond the price and the one-stop-shopping advantage.
                                                The fit of the bundle to their individual needs is crucial. Therefore more flexible
                                                and tailored bundling options offer possible competitive advantages for CSPs.

                                                All in all, it is more important to the majority of customers that the basic Internet
                                                and voice products are made available quickly and easily than it is getting more
                                                sophisticated services.

                                                                                                                                                      16   19
Figure 12. Service and device portfolio –
activation process and bundling strategy need             20%
special attention.                                               * Bundle customers only                                                                        24
                                                                 ** TV customers only                                                            41
Note: Impact of single items adds up to
100 percent.
                                                                        activation support                    Quality of hardware
                                                                                                                   Need fit of setup package
                                                                   Quality of special
                                                                   interest packages**                             Ease of installation
                                                                                                                   Delivery time of hard & software

                                                          10%                                                      Time until access worked
                                                                   Quality of VAS
                                                                   (VoD, games, PVR)**                             Number of channels**
                                                                                                              Need fit of services in bundle*
                                                                        Value add of the
                                                                        bundle (instead of
                                                                        separated services)*             Content quality and
                                                                                                         Value added Services

                                                            0%                                 40%                               60%                                 100%
                                                                                                     % of satisfied customers

                                                                                                      How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets                 17
Network and service quality

                                                     Perceived Internet speed is the most crucial factor in service quality, which
                                                     overall accounts for 25 percent of the customer’s quality perception in mature
                                                     markets. Many users think that there is a gap between the bandwidth that was
                                                     promised to them and the one they really get. Only 30 percent of the customers
                                                     are satisfied with the fulfillment of the promise. In addition, satisfaction with the
                                                     speed while browsing, downloading and uploading is below 40 percent. This is
                                                     a clear sign that the demand for bandwidth is not saturated, even in mature
                                                     markets with widespread ADSL and cable infrastructure.

                                                     In contrast to previous studies, changing user behavior in the context of Web2.0
                                                     is driving the demand for higher upload speeds, which calls the long-term
                                                     suitability of strongly asymmetric technologies such as ADSL into question.

                                                     Security has also become a hot topic and now has a significant impact at low
                                                     satisfaction ratings. Security solutions can therefore be an effective differentiator.

                                                     The quality of telephony is less critical, although satisfaction values below
                                                     60 percent indicate some room for improvement. One explanation for this might
                                                     be the increasing penetration of VoIP. CSPs should avoid compromising on the
                                                     voice quality and stability of calls, since voice as a basic service is not negligible
                                                     for customer satisfaction.

                                                                                                                                                                    16   19
Figure 13. Network and service quality –
perceived Internet speed is the most crucial                    20%
factor.                                                                                                                                                                       24
Note: Impact of single items adds up to                                               Download speed
100 percent.                                                                                     Browsing speed            Internet quality
                                                                             Upload speed
                                                                                      Matching the promised bandwidth
                                                                                                              Stability of the Internet connection
                                                                                         Security solutions

                                                                10%                                                                      Availability and call setup time*

                                                                                                                             Clarity and sharpness of TV**

                                                                                                                      Voice quality*          Stability of calls*

                                                                       * Bundle customers only
                                                                       ** TV customers only
                                                                  0%                                40%                                    60%                                     100%
                                                                                                              % of satisfied customers

18                How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Cost and billing

                                                  With a contribution of around 40 percent, cost and billing has the biggest impact
                                                  of all on customer satisfaction. A certain dissatisfaction with having to pay for
                                                  things is natural, so the point for the CSP is to increase satisfaction and
                                                  differentiate in the market without compromising price levels and margins.
                                                  The various relevant parameters can be grouped into contract conditions, pricing
                                                  structure and billing.

                                                  About 30 percent of customers are satisfied with contract conditions such as
                                                  duration, transparency and flexibility. Customers do not like tying themselves into
                                                  something they might not find appropriate after a while, so there is an opportunity
                                                  for more commitment-free contracts.

                                                  The pricing structure by nature is complex, but there are two key points where
                                                  providers could match their offering more closely with their customers’
                                                  preferences. First, customers complain about the cost of hardware and technical
                                                  assistance, which they rather take for granted. Second, they don’t like paying
                                                  extra for additional items, such as value-added services, additional TV services
                                                  and special content packages. As a consequence CSPs can gain competitive
                                                  advantages with a revised bundling and upselling strategy.

                                                  Billing is very important to customers, even in times of flat rates, and around half
                                                  of customers are satisfied. Therefore billing is not a critical issue, but providers
                                                  might think about improvements, especially in making their bills easier to

                                                                                                                                                        16      19
Figure 14. Cost and billing – customers value
improvements in contract conditions and pricing             20%
structures the most.                                                * Bundle customers only                                                                          24
                                                                    ** TV customers only                                                              41
Note: Impact of single items adds up to
100 percent.
                                                                                                                     Voice: Line rental
                                                                                  Contract conditions                 One time Internet activation costs
                                                                Period of contract                                       Monthly Internet costs
                                                                cancellation                   Pricing structure
                                                                                                      Contract            Voice: Rate package in general

                                                            10% Costs of technical                    duration               Personal fit of Internet rate package
                                                                                                Transparency                   Single bill
                                                                Flexibility within
                                                                contract period                 of conditions                    Understandability of bill
                                                                                              Costs of HW                            Billing
                                                                Promotional offers
                                                                                                                                        Payment conditions
                                                                  Costs of additional VAS
                                                                                                                                        Accuracy of bill
                                                                  Costs of additional
                                                                  TV services                                                          Delivery method of bill
                                                                  Costs of special                    Monthly costs for TV             Price of bundled services
                                                                  content packages                    Costs of HW (set-top box)
                                                               0%                           20%                   40%                       60%                           100%
                                                                                                        % of satisfied customers

                                                                                                          How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets                  19
Customer care

                                                     Customer care achieves low overall scores, and customers want faster problem
                                                     solving and greater transparency regarding the status of their queries. The single
                                                     most promising area for improvement is help line waiting times, which effectively
                                                     means improving call center efficiency. If providers can speed up customer care
                                                     processes by providing the necessary information and tools for their agents,
                                                     they can differentiate in competition as a service champion. Friendliness is less
                                                     important than a speedy resolution.

                                                     CSPs can also improve their Web sites, including customer self service facilities.
                                                     For one in five customers the provider’s homepage is the most important source
                                                     of information. Improving the quality of contact here and keeping customers up to
                                                     date is a promising option to lower churn and stimulate upsells.

                                                                                                                                                16   19
Figure 15. Customer care – improvements in
solving time and status transparency are key.                   20%
Note: Impact of single items adds up to                                                                                                        41
100 percent.

                                                                       Status info     Time to solve query
                                                                       about inquiry
                                                                                           Competence of staff
                                                                                                  Achieved outcome

                                                                                       self service        Friendliness of staff
                                                                      Waiting                         Managing trouble with any
                                                                      times at         Easy info      of the bundled services
                                                                      helpline         access on

                                                                       * Bundle customers only
                                                                  0%                                  40%                                60%                   100%
                                                                                                              % of satisfied customers

20                How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Challenges and opportunities
for CSPs
             Customers are in search of a better experience when they churn. Any strategy
             that aims to improve the customer experience should therefore target resources
             at those areas that are most important to subscribers.

             CSPs supply intangible products and they have low levels of personal interaction
             with their customers. Therefore the performance during the “moments of truth“
             (Booz, Allen & Hamilton) is crucial. These are the moments in which the customer
             really experiences the quality of the service, such as activation, usage, billing and
             care. These points determine the quality of the relationship with the customer.
             Providing a superior and differentiated service that is adapted to specific
             customer needs is a competitive advantage that is hard for competitors to copy.
             CSPs have lots of opportunities to reduce churn by focusing their resources on
             managing these “moments of truth“.

             1. Service and device portfolio

             Greater flexibility and tailored service bundles can better match individual
             customer needs. Additional bundling options should include options that might
             previously have been perceived as add-ons, such as special interest content,
             video-on-demand, games, convenience features for TV usage, premium support
             and security.

             Automating and simplifying the activation process, including device management,
             ensures timely and right delivery. Since trouble-free activation is of outstanding
             importance, high-quality technical assistance and proactive care is an option that
             ensures that this moment of truth does not lead to disappointment.

             2. Network and service quality

             The aim should be to improve the perceived Internet speed in a cost-efficient
             way. As the demand for bandwidth is not saturated, it is essential to bring the fiber
             closer to the curb or the building. The increasing need for upload speed calls for
             mass deployments of VDSL as symmetric technology. In addition, competitive
             access providers fuel their growth by boosting their share of unbundled lines,
             rather than just taking wholesale capacity, in order to remain in full control of the
             quality provided to their customers.

             Security solutions are key differentiators and this should be pointed out in
             marketing messages.

             In telephony, further improvements could be made in voice quality and call set up
             time, especially if VoIP services are provided.

                                                        How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets   21
3. Cost and billing

                                        CSPs have an opportunity to free up customers to enable easier migration
                                        between tariffs and bundles. One option is to let customers choose between
                                        monthly, bi-annual or annual subscriptions, for example. Despite the business
                                        risks associated with lowering the commitments placed on customers, there are
                                        already successful examples in the market, including German CSP Hansenet,
                                        which has successfully pursued this strategy.

                                        Another chance to improve customer experience is to provide personalized top
                                        up management for content and value-added functionality. The challenge for
                                        CSPs is to offer choices of chargeable items for a wide target audience on top of
                                        static, all-inclusive, flat rate bundles. Charging on a flexible à la carte basis is
                                        therefore an option. Customers can for example choose single channels they
                                        would like to subscribe to and pay per channel. The customers’ perception is that
                                        they only pay for what they are actually using.

                                        4. Customer care

                                        CSPs can adapt customer care to different target segments and query types.
                                        This includes enhanced self-care options. It also provides an excellent means to
                                        boost efficiency using seamless information flow through an integrated systems
                                        infrastructure. This will reduce waiting times and solve queries “right first time”.
                                        This requires the arming of customer support personnel with all relevant
                                        customer and network information.

                                        Care can be proactive, with end-to-end automation of customer care processes.

                                        CSPs can position themselves as a “service champion“ in marketing
                                        communications, taking into account that fast problem resolution is often more
                                        important for the relationship with the customer than zero failure.

22   How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
Customer insight holds the key

              The ultimate goal is the “mass individualization” of CSP offerings – from service
              definition to customer care – as if they are designed for each customer
              individually. This requires great insight into individual behavior and preferences.
              This approach also allows early churn prediction so that appropriate retention
              measures can be taken in good time. Successful customer-centric CSPs liberate
              their customer information from data silos and bring it together so it can be
              accessed by all systems and different organizational units. In this way the
              individual customer’s experience can be continuously optimized and they are
              unlikely to churn.

                                                         How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets   23
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  • 1. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets Acquisition and Retention Study, March 2009 Global Summary Report
  • 2. Contents 3 Executive summary 4 Objectives and methodology 5 Churn damages profitability 5 The threat of customer churn: low customer lifetime value 7 Most customers would consider another service provider 8 People look to a variety of sources to inform their decisions 9 Brand “stickiness” is low 10 In mature markets most customers have churn experience 11 Churn triggered by promotional offers 12 Churn owing to dissatisfaction 13 Customer relations decline most strongly between one and three years 14 What makes a loyal customer? 16 Internet quality, costs and customer service boost customer retention 17 Service and device portfolio 18 Network and service quality 19 Cost and billing 20 Customer care 21 Challenges and opportunities for CSPs 23 Customer insight holds the key 2 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 3. Executive summary As a rule of thumb, decreasing the level of churn by 10 percentage points increases the EBITDA margin of communications service providers (CSPs) by 10 percentage points or more. Customer acquisition and retention is therefore fundamental to the profitability and ultimate survival of CSPs, especially since the growth of customers and subscriptions is slowing in most markets for fixed Internet and telephony services. The good news is that the existing provider is in an ideal position to influence customer loyalty by delivering an excellent performance. The Nokia Siemens Networks acquisition and retention study asks two key questions. What kind of customer experience has to be provided to manage churn? And how can CSPs build a sustainable competitive advantage, apart from running short-term promotions? Customers are pragmatic. They increasingly see different CSP offers as interchangeable and most will churn if they see an advantage. Willingness to churn increases with the maturity of the market, and a CSP’s performance is more important for most customers than brand image. Recent churners say they decided to switch because of dissatisfaction with their existing services, promotional offers from competing providers or both. They are most likely to churn at between one and three years, probably at the end of a 12 or 24-month contract. CSPs therefore need to work on satisfying their customers better. The survey identified four key areas: 1) Cost and billing as most critical area, with contract conditions and pricing structure at the top of the list of subscriber complaints. Customers want transparent, flexible contracts, combined with clear billing. 2) Network and service quality which is dominated by the perception of Internet speed. 3) The service and device portfolio, with a fast and trouble free service activation being the most critical point. People also want tailored service bundles that fit their needs more closely. 4) Customer care, where people are looking for a fast resolution of any problems and clear information about the status of any enquiries. Subscribers are looking for a “service champion”. Armed with the right customer insights, CSPs can continuously optimize the individual customer’s experience and successfully reduce churn to a minimum. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 3
  • 4. Objectives and methodology Nokia Siemens Networks carried out the acquisition and retention study to explore the customer experience in both the mobile and fixed telephony and broadband markets. This document focuses on the fixed markets. In order to get a worldwide view about the customer experience under different market conditions, the sample consists of mature markets, which have already experienced heavy shifts in the CSP’s market shares, as well as highly competitive emerging markets. The study is based on nearly 12,000 interviews and is representative for the markets in which it was carried out, which were Brazil, China, Germany, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, UK and US. Figure 1. The Acquisition and Retention study is based on nearly 12,000 interviews, covering nine countries. United Kingdom Russia Mobile sample Mobile sample Fixed sample Germany United States Mobile sample Mobile sample Fixed sample China Fixed sample Pakistan Mobile sample Mobile sample Fixed sample Brazil Mobile sample Indonesia Fixed sample Mobile sample Field period: South Africa 12/08 to 02/09 Mobile sample 11,866 interviews The key topics are: • What are customers’ key reasons for selecting specific service providers? • What does this decision-making process look like? Who (which people) and/or what (which facts) have the biggest influence? • How likely are customers to switch CSP and what are their reasons for churning? • How satisfied are consumers with their current service providers and what influences their satisfaction? • What can CSPs do to increase customer loyalty? 4 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 5. Churn damages profitability In most markets for fixed Internet and telephony services the growth of customers and subscriptions is slowing and may even be close to zero. Thus the competition for the existing customer base is becoming fierce. Retaining valuable customers is now mandatory for long-term business success. The costs of win-back in lost revenues and acquisition costs has put churn prevention and loyalty management at the top of the agenda for many CSPs. The threat of customer churn: low customer lifetime value There is a clear correlation between the level of churn and profitability because churn has a direct impact on the average customer lifetime value (CLTV). Put simply, it is expensive to recruit new customers and churn can prevent CSPs from recouping those costs and generating profit from subscribers. As a rule of thumb, decreasing the level of churn by 10 percentage points increases the EBITDA margin by 10 percentage points or more. Figure 2. EBITDA margin is adversely affected by high rates of churn. 60% 50% 40% EBITDA margin 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Blended churn rate, 2007 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 5
  • 6. High subscriber acquisition costs are especially critical for CSPs in mature markets. Acquisition costs include different types of marketing costs, retailer commissions and subsidies for equipment such as modems, routers and set-top-boxes. Churn also causes indirect costs, like the costs of promotional offers that are needed to attract new customers and pull them away from their current provider. The costs of migrating and activating a large number of new customers must also be considered, as must the costs of ending the churning customers’ services. It is obvious that cancellations lead to future revenue losses, but an additional problem is that the time for up sells might be too short. For instance, the customer might take out a short contract for basic voice and broadband and then leave. The time available to sell additional value-added services such as TV and special content is probably too short if they were not included in the initial subscription. High churn rates can endanger the required economies of scale in the network. For example, based on Ovum’s modeling of UK wholesale offerings, an LLU CSP must obtain approximately 300 customers per local exchange in order for the LLU investment to pay off. The good news is that the “incumbent” provider is in an ideal position to influence customer loyalty by delivering an excellent performance. Best practice cases such as Iliad in France show that it is possible to achieve a churn rate far below 1 percent per month. 6 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 7. Most customers would consider another service provider Only one in five customers on average say that their current provider is the only one they would ever consider. This loyalty indicator is lower in mature markets than in emerging markets. In the UK is it just 7 percent. The reasons are: • Customers are becoming more demanding and are willing to change their provider to suit their personal preferences and experiences. They are very pragmatic. • Customers increasingly perceive the available offerings as interchangeable. Figure 3. Customer buying behavior – most customers consider not only their current provider. Total Brazil China Customer loyalty today – the “incumbent” CSP is in % in % in % 1 11 in permanent competition. 7 20 14 14 28 27 n=4229 respondents 24 16 49 42 58 Germany United Kingdom United States in % in % in % 1 1 2 8 16 9 7 4 19 25 32 34 50 44 50 The only provider I would ever consider It is my preferred provider, but not the only one I would consider Just one of several providers I would consider Not a provider I will stay with in the future Don’t know How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 7
  • 8. People look to a variety of sources to inform their decisions The experiences and recommendations of family members and friends is the most important source of information, especially in Brazil where nearly 70 percent rate it as the most important influence. This face-to-face communication is complemented by virtual information from the Internet, and roughly 70 percent of fixed Internet customers mention these two CSP-independent “neutral” information sources as the most important. This means that both the good and bad experiences of existing subscribers influence the buying behavior of potential customers. Figure 4. People actively inform themselves about the best offer from a variety of sources. Total Brazil China Germany United United Most influencing information sources: Which of in % Kingdom States the following information sources influenced you the most with your decision for your current Family or friends 40 68 39 29 38 33 provider? Multiple answers. n=681 Internet 31 26 27 38 42 26 Base: customers who chose their Internet provider less than six months ago Advertisements 24 25 14 20 20 36 received Homepage of 21 9 24 41 23 14 Internet company TV/Radio 14 27 12 4 11 14 Call centre of the 13 8 26 10 16 7 Internet company Salesperson of the Internet 12 7 20 16 6 12 company store On the other hand, the influence of contact with the CSP should not be neglected. Overall, 24 percent of customers perceive advertisements as one of the most important influencers and provider homepages are mentioned by 21 percent. Other channels are less influential, but TV and radio, call centers and the sales person all have their audience. So the quality of any and all of these interaction points may be critical to the buying process. 8 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 9. Brand “stickiness” is low In mature markets, 20 to 25 percent of customers on average are satisfied with most of the core brand dimensions of their providers, such as reputation, innovation and customer care. Another 40 percent are merely “somewhat satisfied”. A quarter of customers claim that they identify with their provider’s brand more than with other CSPs and another 39 percent agree with this to some extent. So there is a hardcore of brand enthusiasts but the emotional link with the majority of the customers is rather weak, and fixed CSPs cannot rely on the strength of their brand as a key retention tool. Customers in mature markets demand real performance from their CSPs, not just a good image. Figure 5. Brand “stickiness” is rather low. Satisfaction with brand – developed countries (% of customers) n=2529 Has a good reputation 3 6 19 46 26 Is very innovative 8 6 22 42 23 Has a very appealing advertising 8 9 25 38 19 Is one that you like to be seen using 8 9 27 36 20 Is an Internet provider that I identify more with than with other brands 5 9 23 39 24 Is one that takes care of its customers 3 9 22 42 24 Cares a lot about environmental sustainability 39 6 20 23 12 Takes initiative in social and cultural life (charity, sponsorship) 37 7 20 25 11 On a scale from 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 = don’t agree at all to 10 = totally agree Don’t know Bottom (1–2) Middle (3–5) Middle (6–8) Top (9–10) How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 9
  • 10. In mature markets most customers have churn experience In mature and extremely competitive markets such as Germany, the UK and the US, most customers have already churned in the past, with 12 percent changing their provider within the previous six months. In emerging markets such as Brazil and China, the share of churners is much lower at 1 in 10. In short, the willingness-to-churn increases with the maturity of the market. Figure 6. In mature markets most customers have churn experience. Churn behavior and its Total Brazil China 2 in % Recent in % Recent in % Recent motivation – top two. 8 switches 37 switches 7 switches n=4229 34 57 90 91 1 1. Dissatisfied with my former 1. Dissatisfied with my former 1. Interesting promotion offer provider provider 2. Friends/relatives recommended 2. Interesting promotion offer 2. Interesting promotion offer to change Germany United Kingdom United States in % Recent in % Recent in % Recent 12 switches 12 switches 12 switches 32 35 37 1 52 50 55 1 1 1. Dissatisfied with my former 1. Dissatisfied with my former 1. Dissatisfied with my former provider provider provider 2. Interesting promotion offer 2. Attractive bundled offer 2. Moved into another region Switched less than 6 months ago Switched more than 6 months ago Never Don’t know When asked why they churned, the recent switchers gave two main reasons: • Promotional and bundled offers from other providers. In the UK in particular, bundling led to extreme shifts in the market shares of different players (Ovum, The Future of Fixed Broadband, 2008). • Dissatisfaction with the previous provider’s performance. The two reasons are sometimes linked, because dissatisfied customers will naturally be more receptive to competing offers. 10 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 11. Churn triggered by promotional offers In mature markets such as Germany, the UK and the US, between 19 and 42 percent of recent churns were motivated by the promotions of competing CSPs. Churn will not be significant if the competing offer is perceived to be only 5 percent cheaper, but if the perceived price difference is 10 percent or more then the willingness-to-churn rises dramatically. This high price elasticity is a clear indication of the increasing interchangeability of the different offerings in the eyes of customers. Churn due to promotional offer from competitor (%) Consider churn (% of all customers) 100 Germany Perceived price differences Churners* 43 of 10% or more trigger churn All customers 34 80 United Kingdom** Churners* 19 60 All customers 44 United States** 40 Churners* 26 All customers 39 Germany *Within last 6 months 20 United Kingdom **Attractive bundles of competitors is a strong churn trigger United States 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 >50 Perceived cost savings (%) Figure 7. The first half of the truth – around 40 percent of churn is triggered by promotional offers from competitors. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 11
  • 12. Churn owing to dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction with a CSP’s performance is the strongest motivator for churn, with around half of recent churners in mature markets citing it as their main reason for switching. The reasons for dissatisfaction varied widely, but included the costs of Internet access, customer care service, connection stability, speed and rate packages. Churn due to dissatisfaction (%) Reasons for dissatisfaction of recent churners (%) Cost of Internet 59 Germany access 45 58 Churners* 44 Customer care 62 52 All customers 49 service 41 Stability of Internet 46 54 connection 45 United Kingdom Down/upload 31 46 Churners* 52 speed 43 All customers 47 Offered rate 29 39 packages 21 15 United States Billing 25 18 Churners* 44 Contract 13 28 conditions 7 All customers 36 Quality of fixed 8 21 telephony 13 *Within last 6 months Costs of additional 15 4 (Internet) services 13 5 Germany Offered bundles 8 11 United Kingdom Quality of TV 3 4 United States services 9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Figure 8. The second half of the truth – customers churn due to dissatisfaction. 12 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 13. Customer relations decline most strongly between one and three years Across all the countries in the survey, the critical period when customers churn is between one and three years. This is largely because most Internet contracts last 12 or 24 months, so it seems that customers typically churn at the end of their contract period. The promise of lower costs, better customer care and superior Internet connection performance sounds good if the customer has not been pleased with the service they have received from their current provider. Figure 9. Managing the customer lifecycle – strongest decline in the customer relationship Duration of customer relation (%) occurs between one and three years. 100 Base: n=4229 respondents 80 Total 60 Brazil China Germany 40 United Kingdom United States 20 Critical time window 0 <= 1 <2 <3 <6 6 to 12 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 >= 5 month months months months months years years years years years Customer life-time value Positive CLTV Limited harvesting Negative CLTV Time/customer lifecycle CSPs can therefore defend themselves by creating specific offerings designed to retain customers who are coming to the end of their contract period. Because the early phase of a customer’s association with a CSP actually costs the CSP money (the customer’s payments are still offsetting the cost of acquiring the customer in the first place), it is a highly efficient use of resources to target customers whose acquisition costs have already been paid off. Understanding what drivers these customers are responding to and what their chief sources of dissatisfaction are is critical in deciding which actions to take to retain them. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 13
  • 14. What makes a loyal customer? Overall satisfaction with the provider’s performance plays the dominant role in the customer’s decision process. Other factors such as the brand image and switching barriers play minor roles. The following figure shows the contribution of each satisfaction area to determine its relative contribution to overall satisfaction, expressed as a percentage. The numbers indicate the importance of the different drivers across the entire customer base. Of course, some specific customer groups may have different priorities. Customer retention drivers – impact in % Customer care Service & device • Status info about Customer Activation portfolio inquiry care • Ease of installation • Time to solve query 16 13 • Technical support • Competence of staff TV services during activation 2 Bundling • Quality of hardware 4 and software Billing 8 Costs of TV services 1 Moments Costs of 4 of truth Quality of telephony 20 Internet Cost and billing access Network and • Contract duration, 12 service quality transparency & • Speed while browsing flexibility Costs of 3 • Download and upload Internet 1 • Personal fit of rate speed packages 16 Quality of telephony • Matching the promised • Cost of additional Quality of TV services speed services Contract conditions Figure 10. What makes a loyal customer: a 360° experience at all touchpoints. n=2529 14 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 15. In our analysis, we split the drivers of customer satisfaction into four key categories: • Service and device portfolio: From the customer perspective, ease of activation for services is far more important than the portfolio itself. The dominant drivers are the ease of installation, the quality of support provided by the CSP and the quality of the hardware and software of the delivered modems, routers and set-top-boxes. The right bundling strategy is also important, including the availability and quality of TV services. • Network and service quality: Quality is dominated by the perception of the quality of Internet access. The most important items are the browsing speed, the download and upload speed and whether the promised speed is achieved in real life. The upload speed is just as important as the download speed, thanks to changing user behavior in Web2.0, where people increasingly post their own content such as photos. The quality of telephony is less of a concern, provided certain minimum requirements regarding voice quality and features are met. TV quality is not a strong factor as yet, partly because of low penetration. • Cost and billing: Customers place a high importance on contract conditions. The contract duration, the transparency of the conditions and the ability to change the service bundle and rates are all important to their satisfaction. Furthermore the personal fit of the Internet rate package and the cost of additional items should be taken into account. It is not just about the offered price level, it is about the price structure of the provider and the ability to achieve a fit with the user’s personal preferences and usage pattern. On top of this, billing is very important, even in times of “simple” flat rates. The accuracy, understandability, delivery method and payment conditions of the bill, as well as the billing period, are all equally important. • Customer care: Customers value the provider’s ability to solve any problems in a systematic and timely way. They want transparency about the status of their inquiry as well as a prompt solution. The perceived competence of the provider’s staff is monitored closely by customers, since it is also one of the few occasions when the customer has personal contact with the CSP. Overall, cost and billing is the most crucial area for customer satisfaction, followed by network and service quality. The portfolio, including the activation process and the perceived performance in customer care are of nearly equal importance. It can be seen clearly that customers are not solely focused on price but on the price-performance ratio. The quality of Internet access is more important than the cost associated with it and the quality and price of telephony and TV are of nearly equal importance. Overall the portfolio, quality, contract conditions and care services all massively outweigh cost alone in the customer’s priorities. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 15
  • 16. Internet quality, costs and customer service boost customer retention In order to enhance customer satisfaction most effectively it makes sense to act in areas that are the most important to customers and where there is the biggest perceived room for improvement. By comparing the previous results against the percentage of satisfied customers in each area, the areas of highest relevance and lowest satisfaction are: • Contract conditions • Quality of Internet access • Customer care • Costs of Internet usage • Activation process 16 19 Figure 11. Internet quality, costs and customer service are the major levers to boost customer 20% retention. Quality of Internet access 24 41 Note: Impact of single items adds up to Contract 100 percent. Customer care service Costs of Internet usage Activation process Impact 10% Billing Bundled services Quality of fixed telephony Type of TV services Costs of TV services Quality of TV services 0% 0% 40% 60% 100% Satisfaction % of satisfied customers Other areas may be less urgent, but they should not be ignored. Some may become more important in the future – TV is a good example here. In other areas, dropping below certain performance thresholds can attract negative attention from customers and thereby increase their impact on satisfaction, as well as the workload on the help desk. Still others vary in importance depending of the customer’s lifecycle phase. Bundling options might be of more interest as contracts come up for renewal, for example. In addition, specific customer segments have focal points that are different from those of the average customer. 16 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 17. Service and device portfolio The activation process and bundling strategy call for special attention here. The service and device portfolio affects customer satisfaction at 19 percent in mature markets. Within that, the service activation process has the largest potential to enrich the customer experience. Activation is about the quality of hardware and software for customer premises equipment (CPE), installation and configuration simplicity and also about the time needed to keep everything running well. Interestingly, customers are especially dissatisfied with the technical support during activation, so providers could think about providing more personal assistance, even if this costs more. Since the impression of trouble free activation is crucial to overall satisfaction – and thus personal recommendations to potential new customers – activation support can be an effective customer touch point. Customer concerns regarding activation are understandable, since in some countries 20 percent of all phone and broadband lines are not installed correctly at the first attempt (Oliver Wyman 2007). Next come the services themselves, including the quality of the content and value-added services. TV customers want better special interest packages beside the mainstream channel packages, as well as better value-added services such as video-on-demand, games and recording functionalities. Aside from the avoidance of churn, those areas also provide good upsell opportunities and the demand is there. There is still unexploited potential in service bundling. People especially miss the value-add of a bundle beyond the price and the one-stop-shopping advantage. The fit of the bundle to their individual needs is crucial. Therefore more flexible and tailored bundling options offer possible competitive advantages for CSPs. All in all, it is more important to the majority of customers that the basic Internet and voice products are made available quickly and easily than it is getting more sophisticated services. 16 19 Figure 12. Service and device portfolio – activation process and bundling strategy need 20% special attention. * Bundle customers only 24 ** TV customers only 41 Activation Note: Impact of single items adds up to 100 percent. Technical activation support Quality of hardware Need fit of setup package Quality of special interest packages** Ease of installation Delivery time of hard & software Impact 10% Time until access worked Quality of VAS (VoD, games, PVR)** Number of channels** Need fit of services in bundle* Value add of the bundle (instead of separated services)* Content quality and Value added Services 0% 0% 40% 60% 100% Satisfaction % of satisfied customers How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 17
  • 18. Network and service quality Perceived Internet speed is the most crucial factor in service quality, which overall accounts for 25 percent of the customer’s quality perception in mature markets. Many users think that there is a gap between the bandwidth that was promised to them and the one they really get. Only 30 percent of the customers are satisfied with the fulfillment of the promise. In addition, satisfaction with the speed while browsing, downloading and uploading is below 40 percent. This is a clear sign that the demand for bandwidth is not saturated, even in mature markets with widespread ADSL and cable infrastructure. In contrast to previous studies, changing user behavior in the context of Web2.0 is driving the demand for higher upload speeds, which calls the long-term suitability of strongly asymmetric technologies such as ADSL into question. Security has also become a hot topic and now has a significant impact at low satisfaction ratings. Security solutions can therefore be an effective differentiator. The quality of telephony is less critical, although satisfaction values below 60 percent indicate some room for improvement. One explanation for this might be the increasing penetration of VoIP. CSPs should avoid compromising on the voice quality and stability of calls, since voice as a basic service is not negligible for customer satisfaction. 16 19 Figure 13. Network and service quality – perceived Internet speed is the most crucial 20% factor. 24 41 Note: Impact of single items adds up to Download speed 100 percent. Browsing speed Internet quality Upload speed Matching the promised bandwidth Stability of the Internet connection Security solutions Impact 10% Availability and call setup time* Clarity and sharpness of TV** Voice quality* Stability of calls* * Bundle customers only ** TV customers only 0% 0% 40% 60% 100% Satisfaction % of satisfied customers 18 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 19. Cost and billing With a contribution of around 40 percent, cost and billing has the biggest impact of all on customer satisfaction. A certain dissatisfaction with having to pay for things is natural, so the point for the CSP is to increase satisfaction and differentiate in the market without compromising price levels and margins. The various relevant parameters can be grouped into contract conditions, pricing structure and billing. About 30 percent of customers are satisfied with contract conditions such as duration, transparency and flexibility. Customers do not like tying themselves into something they might not find appropriate after a while, so there is an opportunity for more commitment-free contracts. The pricing structure by nature is complex, but there are two key points where providers could match their offering more closely with their customers’ preferences. First, customers complain about the cost of hardware and technical assistance, which they rather take for granted. Second, they don’t like paying extra for additional items, such as value-added services, additional TV services and special content packages. As a consequence CSPs can gain competitive advantages with a revised bundling and upselling strategy. Billing is very important to customers, even in times of flat rates, and around half of customers are satisfied. Therefore billing is not a critical issue, but providers might think about improvements, especially in making their bills easier to understand. 16 19 Figure 14. Cost and billing – customers value improvements in contract conditions and pricing 20% structures the most. * Bundle customers only 24 ** TV customers only 41 Note: Impact of single items adds up to 100 percent. Voice: Line rental Contract conditions One time Internet activation costs Period of contract Monthly Internet costs cancellation Pricing structure Contract Voice: Rate package in general Impact 10% Costs of technical duration Personal fit of Internet rate package assistance Transparency Single bill Flexibility within contract period of conditions Understandability of bill Costs of HW Billing Promotional offers Payment conditions Costs of additional VAS Accuracy of bill Costs of additional TV services Delivery method of bill Costs of special Monthly costs for TV Price of bundled services content packages Costs of HW (set-top box) 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 100% Satisfaction % of satisfied customers How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 19
  • 20. Customer care Customer care achieves low overall scores, and customers want faster problem solving and greater transparency regarding the status of their queries. The single most promising area for improvement is help line waiting times, which effectively means improving call center efficiency. If providers can speed up customer care processes by providing the necessary information and tools for their agents, they can differentiate in competition as a service champion. Friendliness is less important than a speedy resolution. CSPs can also improve their Web sites, including customer self service facilities. For one in five customers the provider’s homepage is the most important source of information. Improving the quality of contact here and keeping customers up to date is a promising option to lower churn and stimulate upsells. 16 19 Figure 15. Customer care – improvements in solving time and status transparency are key. 20% 24 Note: Impact of single items adds up to 41 100 percent. Status info Time to solve query about inquiry Competence of staff Achieved outcome Customer Impact self service Friendliness of staff 10% Waiting Managing trouble with any times at Easy info of the bundled services helpline access on website * Bundle customers only 0% 0% 40% 60% 100% Satisfaction % of satisfied customers 20 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 21. Challenges and opportunities for CSPs Customers are in search of a better experience when they churn. Any strategy that aims to improve the customer experience should therefore target resources at those areas that are most important to subscribers. CSPs supply intangible products and they have low levels of personal interaction with their customers. Therefore the performance during the “moments of truth“ (Booz, Allen & Hamilton) is crucial. These are the moments in which the customer really experiences the quality of the service, such as activation, usage, billing and care. These points determine the quality of the relationship with the customer. Providing a superior and differentiated service that is adapted to specific customer needs is a competitive advantage that is hard for competitors to copy. CSPs have lots of opportunities to reduce churn by focusing their resources on managing these “moments of truth“. 1. Service and device portfolio Greater flexibility and tailored service bundles can better match individual customer needs. Additional bundling options should include options that might previously have been perceived as add-ons, such as special interest content, video-on-demand, games, convenience features for TV usage, premium support and security. Automating and simplifying the activation process, including device management, ensures timely and right delivery. Since trouble-free activation is of outstanding importance, high-quality technical assistance and proactive care is an option that ensures that this moment of truth does not lead to disappointment. 2. Network and service quality The aim should be to improve the perceived Internet speed in a cost-efficient way. As the demand for bandwidth is not saturated, it is essential to bring the fiber closer to the curb or the building. The increasing need for upload speed calls for mass deployments of VDSL as symmetric technology. In addition, competitive access providers fuel their growth by boosting their share of unbundled lines, rather than just taking wholesale capacity, in order to remain in full control of the quality provided to their customers. Security solutions are key differentiators and this should be pointed out in marketing messages. In telephony, further improvements could be made in voice quality and call set up time, especially if VoIP services are provided. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 21
  • 22. 3. Cost and billing CSPs have an opportunity to free up customers to enable easier migration between tariffs and bundles. One option is to let customers choose between monthly, bi-annual or annual subscriptions, for example. Despite the business risks associated with lowering the commitments placed on customers, there are already successful examples in the market, including German CSP Hansenet, which has successfully pursued this strategy. Another chance to improve customer experience is to provide personalized top up management for content and value-added functionality. The challenge for CSPs is to offer choices of chargeable items for a wide target audience on top of static, all-inclusive, flat rate bundles. Charging on a flexible à la carte basis is therefore an option. Customers can for example choose single channels they would like to subscribe to and pay per channel. The customers’ perception is that they only pay for what they are actually using. 4. Customer care CSPs can adapt customer care to different target segments and query types. This includes enhanced self-care options. It also provides an excellent means to boost efficiency using seamless information flow through an integrated systems infrastructure. This will reduce waiting times and solve queries “right first time”. This requires the arming of customer support personnel with all relevant customer and network information. Care can be proactive, with end-to-end automation of customer care processes. CSPs can position themselves as a “service champion“ in marketing communications, taking into account that fast problem resolution is often more important for the relationship with the customer than zero failure. 22 How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets
  • 23. Customer insight holds the key The ultimate goal is the “mass individualization” of CSP offerings – from service definition to customer care – as if they are designed for each customer individually. This requires great insight into individual behavior and preferences. This approach also allows early churn prediction so that appropriate retention measures can be taken in good time. Successful customer-centric CSPs liberate their customer information from data silos and bring it together so it can be accessed by all systems and different organizational units. In this way the individual customer’s experience can be continuously optimized and they are unlikely to churn. How to generate customer loyalty in fixed markets 23
  • 24. Nokia Siemens Networks Corporation P.O. Box 1 FI-02022 NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS Finland Visiting address: Karaportti 3, ESPOO, Finland Switchboard +358 71 400 4000 Product code B301-00420-B-200906-1-EN Indivisual Copyright © 2009 Nokia Siemens Networks. All rights reserved. A license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this document for personal use only. No other license to any other intellectual property rights is granted herein. Unless expressly permitted herein, reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia Siemens Networks is prohibited. The content of this document is provided “AS IS”, without warranties of any kind with regards its accuracy or reliability, and specifically excluding all implied warranties, for example of merchantability, fitness for purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Nokia Siemens Networks be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting form loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use of the document. Nokia Siemens Networks reserves the right to revise the document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation, Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. Other company and product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only.